What to do with sexual weakness. About sexual weakness. When can you talk about sexual impotence

Normally, sexual intercourse is a complex of such conditions as sexual desire, penis tension, ejaculation (ejaculation) and orgasm. If any disturbances are observed in one or more conditions, then sexual impotence is suspected. Normal sexual intercourse is impossible without a strong erection. If it is carried out with a flaccid sexual organ and rapid ejaculation, this is also a manifestation of sexual weakness.

There are no specific norms for sexual arousal, since it is individual for each individual man. But if one person has a sharp deterioration in erection compared to its previous state, then a comprehensive examination should be carried out. A full sexual life provides a regular release of sex hormones, an excess of which causes irritability, aggressiveness and psychological disorders. Therefore, impotence in any man can cause the deepest depression, leading to alcohol abuse or drug addiction.

Forms of impotence

Specialists distinguish several causal forms of sexual impotence:

  • Cerebral - develops as a result of functional or organic pathologies of the brain, usually manifested by erectile disorders;
  • Organic sexual impotence - characterized by the impossibility of sexual intercourse due to mechanical obstacles such as penis injuries, dropsy of the testicles, etc .;
  • Neuroreceptor impotence - develops as a complication in inflammatory pathologies affecting the testes, urethra or prostate gland.
  • Spinal sexual impotence - caused by primary lesions of the reproductive centers of the spinal cord, which occur with tuberculosis, syphilis, trauma or multiple sclerosis, is manifested by a lack of erection and a slowdown in ejaculation;
  • Endocrine impotence - associated with the cessation or some inhibition of the function of the testicles, accompanied by a decrease in the area of ​​the hairline, obesity and an increase in the timbre of the voice, expressed in a weak erection and lack of sexual desire.

Possible causes of sexual impotence

There can be several reasons for this condition, ranging from stress to serious health problems. Often pathologies of the cardiovascular system lead to impotence, since problems in the work of the heart or blood vessels negatively affect the blood filling of the penis. And if a man also suffers from excess weight, then he is doubly at risk of becoming impotent. Being overweight puts more stress on the heart. In addition to the load, obesity causes atrophy of many small arteries, which disrupts blood flow, including to the penis. Smoking also has a negative effect on potency, in which a lot of carcinogens enter the body, which have a narrowing effect on blood vessels. As a result, less blood passes through them, the blood supply to the penis is insufficient, and the erection is reduced.

According to experts, most often male impotence is of a psychological nature, rather than the result of health problems.

No less harm to erectile function is brought by various depressions, stressful conditions and mental disorders. Against the background of such conditions in men, there may be signs of a weakening of an erection, up to its absence. Most sexologists tend to argue that the development of impotence is promoted by nervous disorders of a congenital or acquired nature (neurosis, depression or neurotic conditions). All kinds of spinal injuries, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia (a pathologically high content of fats in the blood), pathologies of the genitourinary and nervous system can also provoke sexual impotence. Impotence can also be caused by hormonal therapy or taking drugs that adversely affect the hormonal background. These drugs can lower testosterone levels, which causes erectile dysfunction.

Masturbation (or masturbation) deserves special attention. With the abuse of such self-satisfaction, the nervous system is depleted, and the natural sexual functions are disturbed. Masturbation causes excessive irritation of the glands and seminiferous tubules, which continues even after self-satisfaction, resulting in a man spontaneous and uncontrolled release of sperm. Gradually, such a disorder leads to sexual neurasthenia, in which a man is no longer able to become sexually aroused. If, in such a situation, you start taking drugs like Sildenafil (Viagra), this can lead to the destruction of the sexual and serious disorders of the nervous system. As a result, the patient acquires a whole bunch of pathologies. Based on the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself that the abuse of masturbation can have very serious consequences.

Often, sexual failure occurs against the background of various kinds of poisoning, including alcohol intoxication, impaired material metabolism, etc.

Sexual impotence may be due to natural weakness after any illness, mental fatigue or psycho-emotional disorders. Factors that negatively affect potency are often self-doubt and fear of failure in bed. For some men, phobias are associated with venereal diseases, AIDS, etc. Frequent overwork, fatigue, lack of sleep, a tense situation in the professional field - all this can negatively affect male strength and lead to impotence.

How does sexual dysfunction manifest?

Experts say that sexual impotence never appears suddenly. Already at the initial stages, various signs begin to appear. It is worth alerting men who have lost the traditional morning erection or it is absent in the presence of sexual arousal. Such symptoms often signal the development of disorders in the sexual and sexual sphere. The signs of incipient impotence also include the presence of spontaneous spontaneous excitations of the penis, while at the time of sexual desire they are absent. Such phenomena usually occur against the background of psychological disorders.

It has been scientifically proven that sexual intimacy gives a man not only sexual satisfaction, but also provokes the release of endorphins, causes an analgesic effect, ensures the flow of estrogen, which reduces the risk of thrombosis and strengthens the vascular walls.

Usually, one of the first signs of developing impotence is manifested by various ejaculation disorders that occur along with urological pathologies. If a man ejects sperm even before the penis is inserted into the vagina or before the onset of friction, then we are talking about sexual weakness against the background of venous dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is also indicated by a decrease in the elasticity and rigidity of the penis during arousal and sexual intercourse. If a man during the day began to experience fewer excitations of the penis, then a similar phenomenon may also indicate impotence.

Solutions to the problem

Each form of impotence requires the use of separate therapeutic techniques that are individual in nature. To eliminate cortical impotence, the patient is prescribed a course of psychotherapy through hypnosis or suggestion. If impotence has an organic etiology, then the treatment becomes operational: an operation is performed to eliminate dropsy, plastic surgery of the urethra, excision of a hernia or scars, etc. If the patient has excessive excitability, then experts recommend stopping all sexual contacts altogether and not masturbate.

Treatment of impotence requires adjusting the diet of a sick man, it is recommended to eat more sugar, but sexologists are strongly advised to refuse condiments, sauces and spices.

Physiotherapy procedures are very effective for such disorders. If the patient is concerned about the weakening of the strength of erection, he is shown taking stimulants like lemongrass or ginseng, as well as tonic drugs (Pantocrine, Strychnine or phosphorus). With premature ejaculation, it is recommended to take valerian or bromine. Often in the treatment of impotence, the method of testosterone treatment is used, then the patient is prescribed the drug Methyltestosterone or injections of testosterone propionate.

Sports, outdoor activities, rational nutrition with the obligatory use of lean meat, sesame, honey, etc. have a beneficial effect on a man’s sexual power. Sexual disorders can and should be cured, since often such a condition of a man leads to conflict family situations, and in some cases ends in divorce . And from a woman in this situation, the maximum possible moral support of her partner, husband, etc. is required. The couple should overcome problems of this nature only together.

Psychotherapist Ivan Fenin names at least eight reasons for the failure of male potency.

1. "Overshoot" and "undershoot"

The potency of a man is subject to significant age and individual fluctuations. According to sexologists, the normal frequency of a man's sexual life fluctuates between three acts a day and one act a month. The average frequency in a man under 30 years old is 3 or more times a week, after 30 years old - 2-3 times, at 60 years old and older - once every 8-9 days. Andrologists consider it normal if men between the ages of 30 and 45 can have sex at least once a week.

However, if a man is stimulated to more frequent sexual activity or he himself seeks to prove something under the influence of friends' stories or as a result of watching relevant films, then exhaustion in this area is possible, which turns into impotence. No wonder the ancient Chinese believed that every man is supposed to perform a strictly defined number of sexual acts in his life, and if he spends his “limit” too quickly, then in the future he will face serious problems.

At the same time, it is known that the best medicine for maintaining potency is a regular sex life. Nature is rational, it provides energy only to those systems of the body that work, exercise. Do not load the muscles - and they will weaken, the same happens with sexual potency.

2. Everyday monotony

It is known that working in one place in the same position for more than 5-6 years leads to a decrease in creativity and even to a decrease in labor productivity. The potency and routine duties that contribute to mental overwork, dulling of feelings also affect potency. Tourist trips usually improve the situation, even for a short time. However, in everyday life, you can add variety, creativity.

3. Health problems

Sexual function is an indicator of a man's overall health and fitness. Therefore, any violations in this area - hidden or overt diseases, lack of physical activity - adversely affect potency.

4. Improper nutrition

Overeating, excess in the diet of fatty and sweet foods lead to overweight. And this leads not only to physical laziness and slowing down of reflexes, but also to early atherosclerotic changes in those vessels that bring blood to the intimate organs. The walls of the vessels thicken - the nutrition and cleansing of the organs of the reproductive system suffer, as well as their timely blood supply at certain points. After the age of 40, the abuse of high-calorie foods contributes to the development of diabetes, which is fraught with a stable decrease in potency.

5. disharmony in marriage

If there was a break in sexual life, failures in bed for a man at first are almost natural. Women often believe that this is due to adultery during separation. On the contrary, it is a consequence of prolonged abstinence. In such cases, a lot depends on the behavior of the partner. In a successful alliance, such problems are usually quickly resolved.

6. Alcohol

Some men are convinced that after drinking their sexual performance increases. Alcohol is indeed a good stimulant, but only if taken infrequently and in small doses. Most often, this rule applies to shy, too delicate and indecisive men. Alcohol makes them bolder, more relaxed, somewhat disinhibits. But frequent drinking is the shortest path to sexual disorders. Alcohol increases the activity of aromatase, an enzyme that converts testosterone into the female sex hormone estradiol, which, acting on the higher centers of hormonal regulation, reduces the production of pituitary hormones that regulate testosterone synthesis. And the lower the level of this vital hormone, the lower the sexual desire and sexual activity.

7. Frequent change of partner

Persistent sexual disturbances are often the lot of those who do not have a permanent partner, some casual relationships alternate with others. Such men not only have an increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases, but also problems of a purely psychological nature may arise.

8. Sport

Strange as it may seem, big sport usually has a negative effect on both health and potency. Any sport is associated with physical overload, with tension at the limit of human capabilities.

But there are also sports that are useful for potency: swimming, skiing and skiing, walking, tennis, as well as morning exercises, jogging, aerobics and especially aqua aerobics, kayaking.

Increase sexual performance foods rich in vitamin E: nuts, sunflower seeds, lobsters, liver, eggs, cereals (especially buckwheat and oatmeal), seeds of apples and other fruits. Most of all vitamin E in vegetable oils, especially in soybean and cottonseed. But they will benefit only when used in their natural form, and not when roasted.

Useful for potency are also seafood, fish, berries and fruits containing vitamin C, as well as plant foods rich in beta-carotene (carrots, parsley, apricots, cabbage, sweet peppers). They contain substances that prevent aging.

Probably, many have heard that experience, as well as male impotence, comes with age. However, the whole horror of this phrase becomes clear only when problems have appeared. Sexual disorders and impotence in men, as a rule, lead to serious depressive states. And this is not surprising. After all, sex is not only pleasure, but also a process necessary for the normal functioning of the body. A high-quality sex life contributes to the release of sex hormones, an excessive amount of which leads to irritability, attacks of aggression and mental disorders.

That is why, having felt the first signs of sexual impotence, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When can you talk about sexual impotence

In the absence of pathologies, sexual intercourse includes:

  • sexual arousal;
  • an increase in the reproductive organ;
  • ejaculation;
  • orgasm.

Sexual disorders are diagnosed when certain disorders are observed at one or more stages. So, for example, sexual weakness is considered coition, produced by a flaccid penis and accompanied by premature ejaculation.

Types of sexual disorders

Currently, the following types of sexual disorders are distinguished:

  • cerebral disorder that develops as a result of certain pathologies of the brain and is accompanied by erective dysfunctions;
  • organic sexual impotence, accompanied by an inability to perform coitus due to mechanical obstacles, for example, injuries to the penis;
  • neuroceptor impotence, which develops against the background of pathologies that are inflammatory in nature and affect the urethra, testicles and prostate;
  • spinal sexual impotence, caused by primary damage to the reproductive centers located in the spinal cord associated with tuberculosis, syphilis, trauma or multiple sclerosis and manifested by lack of erection and late ejaculation;
  • endocrine impotence caused by the end or blocking of testicular functions and manifested by baldness, increased voice tone, erectile weakness and the disappearance of arousal.

Moreover, depending on the severity of the course, they are divided into:

  • absolute sexual impotence, which is a pathology that is not limited by certain factors and does not go away without treatment;
  • temporary sexual impotence, which is a pathology that can pass when the causes that led to sexual dysfunctions are eliminated;
  • relative impotence, which is a pathology that appears from time to time under the influence of certain circumstances.

Causes of sexual disorders

First of all, it is worth noting that sexual impotence can be the result of many reasons, from stress to serious problems with general health.

So, sexual disorders in men can develop as a result of diseases of the cardiovascular system, leading to a decrease in penis filling with blood.

So, sexual impotence can be associated with depression, stress and mental problems. Against the background of these conditions, men develop a deterioration in erection, up to its complete disappearance.

In addition, sexual disorders in men can be triggered by:

  • spinal injury;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hyperlipidemia (high levels of fat in the blood);
  • diseases of the central nervous system and the genitourinary system.

In addition, sexual dysfunction in men may be associated with hormone treatment or the use of medications that affect the hormonal background.

The causes of sexual disorders are also found in masturbation (masturbation). Abuse of this method of self-satisfaction leads to depletion of the central nervous system and. This state of affairs is explained by the fact that masturbation leads to excessive irritation of the glands and spermatic cords, which continues even after receiving satisfaction and leads to spontaneous and uncontrolled release of sperm.

Over time, this disorder leads to the development of sexual neurasthenia, manifested by an inability to sexual arousal.

The cause of sexual disorders may be hidden in self-doubt and fear of failure in bed.

Moreover, the causes of sexual disorders may lie in:

  • poisoning;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • mental fatigue;
  • weakness associated with the disease;
  • psycho-emotional disorders;
  • self-doubt and fear of failure in bed;
  • fear of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

Manifestations of sexual disorders

Manifestations of sexual disorders can be conditionally divided into violations:

  • desires;
  • arousal;
  • orgasm and ejaculation.

In the vast majority of cases, there are the following signs of sexual impotence.

Difficulty in achieving an erection. Erection does not occur or appears for a short time.

Flaccidity of the penis. It takes a lot of time for a man to achieve an erection. In some positions, the penis loses its elasticity, which returns only after prolonged stimulation by the partner of the reproductive organ. If this does not happen, he is forced to select positions for sex that do not require a full erection.

A variation of this condition is the lack of elasticity of the penis throughout the entire sexual intercourse. Reflexes and psychogenic factors that allow a man to achieve sexual arousal disappear in this case, and therefore, he tries to maintain an erection with an effort of will. However, if it appears, it disappears almost immediately.

The disappearance or weakening of the morning erection indicates a failure in the body

Disappearance or weakening. An erection in the morning is spontaneous and logically completes a series, the number of which in a physically healthy man can reach up to 8. Thus, the disappearance or weakening of a morning erection indicates a malfunction in the body associated with hormonal disorders, inflammatory pathologies, problems of the endocrine system. In addition, the disappearance of an erection in the morning may indicate the beginning of the aging of the body.

Decreased libido. The duration of orgasms in this case is reduced, they lose their brightness, become inexpressive. Moreover, orgasms and at all can be absent.

A thorough examination is required before treatment.

  • drug treatment;
  • prostate massage;
  • surgical treatment;
  • vacuum treatment;
  • psychotherapeutic sessions;
  • therapy with folk remedies.

Medical therapy

Drug therapy for sexual impotence includes the use of drugs whose action is aimed at:

  • normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic organs, including the reproductive organ;
  • normalization of the hormonal background (increased testosterone production and blocking the production of female hormones).

Attention! Before treating a sexual examination, a thorough examination is required.

Treatment with folk remedies

The basis of the treatment of sexual disorders by folk methods is the use of herbal remedies aimed at improving potency. Let's consider the main ones.

Walnut. In the treatment of sexual impotence, they are used in crushed form, mixed with buckwheat honey. The finished product is used 10 grams per day 20 minutes after eating. If necessary, nuts with honey can be washed down with warmed milk. The duration of treatment is a month.

Motherwort. In the treatment of sexual disorders is used as follows. Ten grams of dry motherwort are poured with 400 milliliters of boiling water and left overnight. The finished product is used 150 milliliters three times a day before meals.

Eleutherococcus root. In the treatment of sexual disorders is used as follows. Two hundred grams of Eleutherococcus roots are ground, poured with a liter of vodka and left to infuse for a month. The finished product is used 2 milliliters three times a day.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment of sexual impotence involves the implantation of an implant into the penis. The implant in this case can be:

  • semi-rigid bending rod;
  • inflatable, equipped with a pump;
  • inflatable, not having a pump;
  • connecting blocks.

Surgical treatment of sexual impotence involves implanting an implant into the penis

The semi-rigid flexible rod is the simplest and most reliable implant, which consists of two rigid, flexible rods made of wire coated with polyurethane or silicone. The disadvantage of this implant is the permanently erect state of the penis.

An inflatable implant, equipped with a pump, looks more organic than a semi-rigid rod, due to the fact that it inflates and deflates when required.

An inflatable implant without a pump is a variation of the previous one and also looks natural.

Connecting blocks resemble a semi-rigid rod, however, allow you to control the process of erection.


Prevention of sexual impotence includes:

  • blood pressure control;
  • monitoring blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus;
  • measuring the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • maintaining normal body weight;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • limiting the amount of alcohol consumed and smoking cessation;
  • Seek medical attention at the slightest sign of sexual dysfunction.

These measures will prevent the development of sexual impotence.

Despite the fact that sexual impotence is a serious disease, timely measures taken to treat it allow you to cope with this problem and return a man to a full sexual life. However, only a doctor should treat sexual disorders - only in this case it is possible to talk about the effectiveness of therapy and the return of potency lost for one reason or another.

Do you have serious problems with POTENTITY?

Have you already tried many remedies and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't act radically. It is POSSIBLE to increase the potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

Sexual impotence of men is reflected in the mental state of not only men, but also women. The causes of impotence in the male half of society can be both physiological and psychological. The decrease in activity is greatly influenced by the use of alcohol and tobacco, diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Folk remedies for male impotence help to cope with this unpleasant disease. Many people believe that a decrease in sexual activity occurs with age. However, sexologists reject this opinion and argue that men can remain active until old age.

Treatment for impotence folk remedies

Many men, faced with this problem, are embarrassed to seek help from specialists. But there are non-traditional remedies that have been tested for centuries, which are aimed at increasing libido, increasing arousal, and preventing disorders of the reproductive system.

In addition to taking medicinal products, it is necessary to get rid of bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol. Excess weight and obesity also cause a decrease in testosterone in the blood, which in turn negatively affects male strength. Therefore, you will need to make a diet of dietary products, and include herbs in the menu: cilantro, celery, dill and parsley. They contribute to the prevention of prostatitis, and saturate the body with valuable trace elements.

Recipes for impotence and impotence

In folk medicine, there are many good recipes that will help to cope with the disease. Here are some of the most popular ones.

  • Calamus root 3 cm long crushed and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. We insist at least 7 days. The remedy is recommended to be taken three times a day before meals, 20 drops. The effectiveness of the recipe is confirmed by Mao Zedong, who drank it folk remedy for impotence after 50 years. He remained sexually active until his death.
  • Take 2 tbsp. l. clover, St. John's wort and mint. Pour into a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. Let stand for about an hour. Strain and take three times a day for a glass.
  • Pour 8-10 tablespoons of dry chopped calamus root with a glass of vodka. We insist during the day. It is necessary to take 1⁄2 tsp. 3 times a day before meals.
  • Mix 0.5 cups of honey and the same amount of chopped walnut kernels. Use 3 times a day according to Art. l. The result will come after 14 days, but you need to drink a month.
  • Take 2 tbsp. St. John's wort pour 0.5 boiling water and leave for about 30 minutes. It is necessary to consume 0.5 cup 3 times a day.
  • We take 2 tbsp. crushed wild rose, pour a glass of boiling water into a thermos, infuse the drink for about 4 hours. Drink 0.5 cup three times a day after meals.
  • We mix an equal amount of 500 g of honey, Cahors and aloe leaves. Aloe must first be crushed. We put in the refrigerator for 5 days. This balm should be used 3 times a day, 1 tsp. before meals for 7 days. Then 21 days, 1 tbsp. The course of treatment is a month.
  • The root of the herb spurge Pallas (or man-root) 1-2 tbsp. pour 0.5 liters of vodka. We insist 14 days in the shade. Use 15 drops diluted in water. Every day we increase the dose by 1 drop, bring it up to 30 drops, and then reduce it in the reverse order. The course of treatment is a month.
  • We mix the proportion of 1: 5 St. John's wort and vodka. After insisting, use 40 drops diluted in water three times a day.
  • One tablespoon of hop cones pour a glass of water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Take the decoction on an empty stomach.

Impotence is not a sentence, but recipes folk treatment of sexual impotence will help men gain strength and get sexual pleasure. However, it is necessary to carry out treatment in combination with physical exercises, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Every man has an idea of ​​what sexual impotence is, and unfortunately, many of the representatives of the stronger sex know firsthand about this problem. Impotence can develop not only in the elderly, but also at a relatively young age. In order to prevent the loss of sexual power and maintain sexual abilities for a long time, it is important to know what causes erectile dysfunction and how it manifests itself.


Sexual impotence is a condition in which men cannot achieve an erection in order to fully perform a sexual act.

The development of impotence is evidenced by the weakening of the excitation of the penis during sex or even before entering into intimacy. The main causes of sexual dysfunction are:

  • organic factors, namely injuries of the external organs of the reproductive system, hydrocele, bilateral hernial protrusions and other pathologies that create obstacles to having sex;
  • brain diseases that cause erectile dysfunction and ejaculation, as well as weakening libido;
  • damage to the genital spinal centers due to infection with syphilis or tuberculosis, the development of myelitis, damage;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system (vesiculitis, prostatitis, urethritis, epididymitis, etc.);
  • violation of the endocrine function of the testicles - hypogonadism.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such common causes of impotence as overweight, frequent exposure to stress, regular self-satisfaction, intoxication of the body, addiction to bad habits, physical or mental exhaustion, diseases of the cardiovascular system, a tendency to depression, disorders of the nervous system, etc. Taking certain medications that affect the hormonal background can also provoke a weakening of sexual strength.


In men, impotence manifests itself in the inability to achieve and maintain a sufficient erection of the penis necessary for penetration, friction and ejaculation.

The main sign of impotence is the flaccidity of the penis in the presence of emotional arousal and the desire to enter into intimacy. Also, a symptom of the development of pathology is the disappearance of morning erections. Spontaneous excitation of the penis, problems with ejaculation (early ejaculation), and weakening of the elasticity of the penis also indicate a violation of sexual function.


To get rid of sexual impotence, men need qualified help from specialists.

The tactics of therapy are selected in each case individually, depending on what provoked erectile dysfunction. To restore sexual strength, surgery is often required to eliminate the causes of impotence, such as varicocele, hernia, scars, etc. Patients with such a delicate problem may need to consult a psychotherapist and undergo a course of psychotherapy. Effective in the treatment of sexual dysfunction and physiotherapy.

Well established
drugs such as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra proved themselves in the fight against impotence. Pills of this kind do not get rid of the causes of the violation, but temporarily restore sexual strength and cause a persistent erection (subject to the presence of sexual desire).

To eliminate the signs of impotence, men should change their lifestyle and diet, establish a regular sex life, take vitamin complexes and other drugs prescribed by the doctor after the examination.

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