What are dystonias. Classifications and types of VSD, methods of treatment. What is the autonomic nervous system

The diagnosis of vegetative vascular dystonia(VSD) is perceived by many as something insignificant - complaints of weakness and dizziness are misleading. And the result is ignoring these symptoms and the lack of qualified medical care. Meanwhile, doctors insist that vegetative-vascular dystonia is a serious disorder in the body, it is a failure in the work of all body systems. Suffer primarily vegetative nervous system- it is she who is responsible for the regulation of indicators blood pressure, work respiratory tract, hormone production, activity genitourinary system, and indeed the normal rhythm of human life depends on the work of the autonomic nervous system. It is necessary not only to know what vegetative-vascular dystonia is, but also to diagnose it in time, to receive adequate treatment.

Types of VSD

All the characteristic symptoms for vegetative-vascular dystonia are associated primarily with pathological changes in the vessels. It is on what tone they are in that the classification of the disease in question will depend.

VVD - hypertensive type

This type is characterized by high vascular tone, high blood pressure, and patients complain of heart palpitations, hot flashes, and fatigue.

VSD - hypotonic type

In this case, manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia will be associated with low vascular tone - patients are diagnosed with low blood pressure. Characteristic for vegetative-vascular dystonia according to hypotonic type general weakness, darkening of the eyes, fainting, sudden drops in blood pressure, lower / upper extremities are almost always cold.

VSD - mixed type

This development of the disease under consideration is characterized by instability, variability of vascular tone. And the blood pressure readings will not have a clear designation - they either become too high, or suddenly decrease to a possible minimum. Doctors say that if a patient is diagnosed with VSD according to mixed type, then you need to be prepared for the appearance of symptoms characteristic of both the hypotonic type of the disease and the hypertensive one.

VSD - cardiac type

This type of disease in question can be diagnosed in patients who complain of severe. They don't wear any certain character, can be aching and throbbing, often there is a feeling of disturbances in the heartbeat. Moreover, such periodically occurring pain in the region of the heart do not worsen general state human health, and a full examination excludes the development of heart pathology.

VSD - vagotonic type

Always accompanied by malfunctions respiratory system. Against the background of difficulty breathing, the inability to take a full breath, the patient begins to lower blood pressure.

The true causes of the appearance of the disease in question have not yet been clarified, but doctors identify several factors that may well be provoking. These include:

  • heredity - vegetative-vascular dystonia in this case will develop in early childhood, but it remains at an older age;
  • some somatic diseases chronic nature- for example, pathologies of the endocrine, digestive, cardiovascular systems;
  • diseases of the peripheral and / or central nervous system;
  • chronic;
  • susceptibility and .

According to statistics, most often vegetative-vascular dystonia develops against the background, and the only manifestation can be symptoms (of a classic acute respiratory viral infection). If we consider the mechanism of development of the disease in question against the background of neurosis, then we can meet several points:

  1. Man is going through severe stress, this condition is especially dangerous against the background of psychological exhaustion or overstrain.
  2. The body (in particular, the brain) is not able to cope with this situation and the psyche simply “hides” the problem.
  3. But after all, the signal to the brain about the pathology has already arrived, and it begins to show the problem, acting specifically on internal organs- a person may suddenly begin pain in the stomach or heart, and the like.

Doctors say that regular stress, the inability / inability to express one's feelings in words, a person's isolation, deep feelings alone can lead to such a state. Condition worsens with use alcoholic beverages, smoking, emotional instability.

The disease in question can manifest itself in different ways - medicine has identified and described several syndromes, which are considered signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Hyperventilation syndrome

This syndrome is intense and is characterized by rapid breathing, breath holding and air insufficiency. Patients will experience a feeling of shortness of breath, on inspiration occurs false spasm larynx - a person thinks that he is starting to choke. And such a state necessarily leads to a panic attack - absolutely everyone is afraid of death. In hyperventilation syndrome, pathological changes even in the blood - it loses too much oxygen, which leads to respiratory depression. The result is:

  • sensory disturbance around the mouth and near the nose;
  • decreased sensitivity in the feet and hands;
  • muscle spasms without specific localization;
  • dizziness.

Sweating disorder

With vegetative-vascular dystonia most of patients (up to 89%) complain of increased sweating. This syndrome manifests itself during attacks - the palms sweat, sweat drops appear on the forehead and all over the face, during periods of absence of attacks, the sweating process is not disturbed.

Cardiovascular syndrome (cardiovascular)

This syndrome in the disease under consideration manifests itself in different ways - it can be intense and weak. But in any case, patients will complain about the violation heart rate(fast or slow heartbeat) sharp drops in terms of blood pressure. Often with cardiovascular syndrome there are chilliness of the bones and feet, pronounced pallor skin(“marbling”), hot flashes (they mimic menopause in women). In some cases, vegetative-vascular dystonia is manifested by a cardialgic syndrome - for it there will be characters:

  • pain in the region of the heart of a different nature - aching, sharp, throbbing;
  • discomfort in the anatomical location of the heart - they are difficult to describe from the patient himself.

such symptoms are also characteristic of angina pectoris, but it is easy to differentiate two such different diseases - the cardialgic syndrome with angina pectoris occurs exclusively after exercise, and when taking nitroglycerin, everything goes away within a few minutes. With vegetative-vascular dystonia, the same syndrome occurs in absolute rest, and nitroglycerin does not give the expected effect.


Manifested by frequent urination. Moreover, patients do not associate this condition with the use of too much a large number liquids, and doctors do not reveal any disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can also make itself felt in the abdomen (aching, spastic discomfort), and a violation of the chair, and false calls to defecation. But in some patients, against the background of the progression of the disease in question, several other signs of the disorder may appear. digestive system.These include:

  • loss of appetite - interest in food may either disappear altogether, or, conversely, gluttony may begin;
  • and vomiting that occurs immediately after eating;
  • the act of swallowing is impaired - it is difficult for the patient to take even a sip of water;
  • non-intense pain in the epigastric region or "under the pit of the stomach."

Note:with such manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia, somatic diseases should be excluded in the patient gastrointestinal tract- for example, ulcerative /.

Syndrome of violation of thermoregulation

It's about about unstable body temperature - the patient periodically experiences chilliness, he is cold even in a warm room. Some patients, on the contrary, note a spontaneous increase in temperature - this condition is well tolerated, characteristic weakness / drowsiness / headaches for respiratory viral or inflammatory diseases missing. Note:sometimes doctors record different body temperatures in the left and right armpits. This condition is more common in the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia in childhood.

Sexual Disorders

In men, there is a violation of potency, women complain about the lack of orgasms and a decrease in sexual activity. But against this background sex drive to the opposite sex doesn't disappear. In general, all of the listed symptoms characteristic of vegetative-vascular dystonia cannot manifest simultaneously and in any type of disease. To know what type of IRR corresponds to specific symptoms, we recommend that you read the table:

VSD type

Characteristic symptoms

IRR for hypertensive type Nausea and vomiting are noted, regardless of food intake. Decreased appetite up to total loss interest in food. Periodically occurring headaches of a non-intensive nature. Sweating is increased, during the period of exacerbation of the VVD, it is the palms that sweat heavily. There is a feeling of fear that defies logical explanation. "Flies" periodically appear before the eyes.
VSD by cardiac type Cardiopalmus. Periodically appearing pain in the region of the heart of a variable nature. . Slow heartbeat. excessive sweating.
VSD by hypotonic type Lowering blood pressure. General weakness. Paleness of the skin. Violation of respiratory activity - patients can not take a full breath. Nausea and/or heartburn. Stool disorders - diarrhea or constipation.
VSD of mixed type Arrhythmia, tachycardia. Attack of fear imminent death due to heart problems. Violation of respiratory activity - the patient does not have enough air. Pain syndrome with localization in the region of the heart. Pre-fainting - sudden dizziness, blackout in the eyes. Increased sweating of the lower / upper extremities.
VSD by vagotonic type The heartbeat is slow. Salivation is increased. Disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Lowering blood pressure. Breathing is difficult.

This is another syndrome that will characteristic symptom manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia. A person experiences a strong fear, a feeling of approaching anxiety, a wave of fear covers him. At the same time, the body sends signals of danger, but it does not provide options for solving the problem. Therefore, the patient experiences a strong fear of death, it seems to him that his heart stops, his breath catches. It is noteworthy that literally after 10-15 minutes a panic attack against the background of VVD passes, the person's condition returns to normal.

When a person applies for medical care with complaints about the above conditions, then the specialist should exclude any somatic disease- this is done first. This means that the patient has to undergo full examination organism - from / / feces to. The next step- a visit to a neuropsychiatrist. Only such a narrow specialist can work with the patient qualitatively and highlight the reasons that provoked the development of the condition in question. And in this case do not be shy, ashamed and ignore a visit to a neuropsychiatrist. Firstly, this is far from a psychiatrist and he does not treat exclusively mental patients. And secondly, without finding out the causes of this condition, it will not be possible to conduct adequate, effective therapy.

Any specific drug treatment the disease in question does not exist - everything is selected exclusively on an individual basis. Psychoneurologists will help the patient deal with their internal problems, correct the body's response to the release of adrenaline or insulin, and the inadequate behavior of all organs and systems. But apart from that, the following recommendations will be given:

Note:especially severe cases the doctor may prescribe some medications to stabilize the condition - these may be antidepressants,. But such appointments should only be made by a specialist on the basis of an examination of the patient, confirmation of the diagnosis - even the simplest drugs, for example, valerian, cannot be used on their own.

Features of the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

The disease in question is treated for a very long time - you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to attend physiotherapy for years, support absolutely healthy lifestyle life, periodically undergo drug therapy. But it cannot be said that such a rule is suitable for absolutely all patients with vegetative vascular dystonia- someone even after several sessions with a psychoneurologist returns to normal, and someone is forced to constantly struggle with the manifestations of the disease.

Vegeto vascular dystonia is usually called a whole group clinical manifestations indicating the development of functional pathologies of the autonomic nervous system. In medicine, hypotonic and hypertonic forms of the disorder are known, and vegetative vascular dystonia of a mixed type is also common.

The vegetative subsection of the nervous system in the human body functions independently, controlling the work and interaction of all vital systems of the body: cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine. It consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, violation of the well-coordinated work of which causes neurocircular dystonia.

In cases where violations of one of the subsections are clearly manifested, one can easily determine either the hypertonic form of vegetative vascular dystonia. If it is impossible to single out the predominant symptoms or they appear alternately, vegetative vascular dystonia of a mixed type is diagnosed.

Interesting! Most European experts do not consider mixed type VVD to be a disease, denoting functional failures as a transitive state that does not need to be treated. special treatment. For this reason, the disorder is not listed in the International Classification of Diseases.

AT domestic medicine such a diagnosis is taken seriously. However, the inability to confirm it with laboratory research leads to the fact that patients themselves deny the presence of the disease and do not consider it necessary to treat it.


Greater percentage occurrence of VVD the mixed type occurs in women and can occur at any age. The process of development of the disorder from the onset to the onset of symptoms takes about seven years.

Mixed-type provocateurs of vegetovascular dystonia include factors such as:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • Availability birth trauma, violations intrauterine development body, including maternal stress during pregnancy;
  • difficult living conditions frequent stress, emotional stress;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • hormonal disruptions (puberty, menopause);
  • pathologies of a chronic nature in the spine;
  • brain failure;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • reduced immunity;
  • the presence of allergies;
  • having bad habits.

Also at risk are women who have given birth in the first years of a baby's life - due to constant fatigue, lack of sleep, nervous tension and increased anxiety mothers.

Often VVD of a mixed type is preceded by various types of neuralgia, disturbances in endocrine system, gynecological diseases.

Symptoms of pathology

Mixed-type vegetovascular dystonia combines the symptoms of both varieties - hypotonic and hypertensive - and has up to a hundred different clinical manifestations.

Important! In people with this disorder, momentary pressure drops can be observed up to critical conditions: called sharp rise hypertensive crisis can be replaced by an equally rapid decline leading to fainting.

In this regard, the pathology is complicated due to the need to simultaneously deal with opposite conditions. In this case, standard drugs that are used only for high (low) blood pressure are not considered suitable due to the possible provocation of an equally sharp jump in pressure in the opposite direction.

Vivid symptoms indicating the development of a mixed type of VVD in a patient are:

  • sharp jumps in blood pressure that occur during the day;
  • pain in the region of the heart - not sharp, rather, pulling, a feeling of "heaviness" in the heart that appears after stress;
  • a headache that appears without obvious reason may occur as a result of emotional or physical overstrain;
  • arrhythmia;
  • intestinal disorders, the occurrence of pain without the possibility of determining the clinical picture;
  • disorders of vasomotor functions - may manifest as pallor or redness, chills without objective reasons;
  • the occurrence of anxiety attacks, the appearance of flashing dots before the eyes;
  • changes in body temperature without good reason, indicating a deterioration in thermoregulation;
  • increased sweating;
  • the occurrence of disorders in the sexual sphere (anorgasmia, problems with potency);
  • emotional instability - mood swings, hypersensitivity, prolonged excitement due to what is happening;
  • asthenia syndrome - fatigue, weakness, sleep disturbances, increased pain threshold.

VSD mixed type can manifest itself - sudden deterioration general well-being. The crisis is accompanied by a feeling of weakness, profuse sweating, drowsiness, problems with coordination of movement, trembling hands, nausea, decreased visual acuity and hearing. In most cases, this condition is provoked by emotional overload caused by a stressful situation.

People with this disorder constantly experience a feeling of apathy, the performance of ordinary work duties becomes an impossible task. With sudden changes weather conditions and when it rains, they feel much worse.

Diagnosis and treatment of VVD mixed type

Due to the fact that provoke the development of vegetovascular dystonia of a mixed type can various diseases, examination of a patient with similar symptoms includes the involvement of doctors narrow specializations- a neuropathologist, a gynecologist, a gastroenterologist, etc. Also, if necessary, such studies can be carried out as:

  • encephalograms;
  • CT scan;
  • vascular dopplerography, etc.

When a disease is found that causes autonomic disorder required therapy. In addition to taking medications, mixed-type VSD therapy requires the creation of favorable conditions for rehabilitation and normal functioning all systems in the patient's body.

Depending on the prevailing clinical manifestations, the following drugs may be prescribed to the patient:

Non-drug directions for the treatment of mixed neurocircular dystonia include:

  • optimization of the ratio of work and rest, elimination of the causes of overload;
  • refusal of bad habits, as well as harmful and junk food;
  • regular exercise;
  • elimination of stress factors,

Various problems with cardiovascular system- This is not only the lot of people of age. Each of us can face them, even at a fairly young age. So one of the most common pathological conditions this type is considered to be vegetovascular dystonia. It is often diagnosed even in infants, and the treatment of such a disease can take quite for a long time and require serious effort. When diagnosing vegetovascular dystonia, the question is raised about what type of disease the identified disease belongs to. Let's consider the main ones.

What is vegetative vascular dystonia? Types

Doctors distinguish many types of vegetovascular dystonia, but in general they can all be divided into three different types- cardiac, hypertensive, and also hypotensive.

If we talk about the cardiac type of the disease, then the patient in this case notes an excessive heartbeat, he has interruptions in the activity of the heart. Classic symptoms this type of disease is also considered to be a feeling of lack of air and disruptions in the heart rhythm, which manifests itself in sinus tachycardia, severe respiratory arrhythmia, as well as supraventricular extrasystole.

Hypertensive type

If the doctor raised the question of whether a patient has a hypertensive type of vegetative-vascular dystonia, then this type of disease makes itself felt by an increase in blood pressure. At the same time, the indicators of the "upper" systolic pressure exceed 140 mm Hg.

However, after an increase in blood pressure, it quickly returns to normal level, almost without affecting the patient's well-being. However, in some cases, patients complain of headaches, palpitations, and excessive fatigue. A common symptomatology is also a feeling of excessive anxiety, depression, as well as tension and anxiety. Patients may complain of a feeling of lack of air, they may have trouble remembering information. Sleep problems often develop, both in the form of insomnia and excessive sleepiness. Vegetovascular dystonia of the hypertonic type leads to disturbances in appetite and even to its complete absence. The patient may have a partial violation in the coordination of movements. He is also worried about trembling of the limbs and excessive sweating.

The conclusion about the presence of vegetovascular dystonia is made if the only pathology detected during the examination was periodically increasing blood pressure. At the same time, taking tranquilizers or ordinary valerian quickly leads to a decrease in performance. Also, the patient's pressure can stabilize not due to drugs, but only because of good relaxation or sleep.

It should be borne in mind that this type of vegetovascular dystonia can provoke the development of hypertension in pure.

Hypotensive type

The hypotensive type of vegetovascular dystionia makes itself felt most often by a decrease in systolic index blood pressure. At the same time, a person is faced with excessive fatigue, he feels muscle weakness. Enough common symptom there are also headaches that can develop against the background of hunger. The patient's skin is painted in pale tones, he is worried about chilliness. In the hypotensive type of the disease, patients usually note that their feet and hands are especially cold. The patient may lose consciousness from time to time.

Most people with this diagnosis are prone to excessive sweating in certain areas of the body, for example, in armpits, on the face and feet. They have a bluish coloration of the palms, as well as fingers and toes due to insufficient blood supply limbs. In addition to chilliness and coldness of the extremities, the patient may also complain about their constant moisture. All patients with hypotonic type of vegetovascular dystonia are pale, rather lethargic and thin. They are apathetic and adynamic.

Psycho-emotional problems are considered to be the most unpleasant symptoms of this type of disease. We are talking about anxiety and fears, low performance and severe fatigue. Also, such manifestations include the disturbed quality of night rest, and the lack of a normal appetite.

mixed type

It is worth considering that in its pure form, all these types of vegetovascular dystonia are extremely rare. Mixed varieties usually appear, for example, cardio-hypertensive, or cardio-hypotensive.

Most often, doctors cannot say exactly what symptoms indicate a mixed type of disease. But most often, patients complain about the instability of blood pressure indicators, pain in the region of the heart, arrhythmia - an increase or slowdown in the heartbeat. Also common complaints include headaches, dizziness, the appearance of flies before the eyes, as well as nervousness and problems with psychological balance.

Treatment of all types of vegetovascular dysionia can be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. In this case, the most different methods effects - medicinal formulations, methods of physiotherapy, lifestyle changes, as well as the use of traditional medicine.

How does it work human body

Of course, it would be pointless to talk about everything at once. First, there is not enough time. Second, you can't remember everything. Therefore, with regard to vegetative-vascular dystonia, we will try to highlight, walking along the heights of normal physiology. The autonomic nervous system is a part of the nervous system that ensures the coordinated work of the internal organs, glands and smooth muscle. Its activity is practically not amenable to the will of man. Our internal organs provide all the important functions necessary to maintain human life.

cardiac activity, respiratory function, digestion, endocrine function etc. The to-do list is big enough to list from start to finish. The autonomic nervous system has sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system supports the body in active state necessary to carry out certain loads. The parasympathetic nervous system provides a state of "rest" for the body.

The central part of the autonomic nervous system is represented by various anatomical structures located in various parts head and spinal cord. The peripheral department innervates the internal organs and does not have a clear division into departments. Of course, medulla adrenal and sweat glands do not have parasympathetic innervation. In other organs, the influence of these two departments is balanced. The influence of one department or another may prevail, but this is within reason.

2 reasons

What leads to manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia? Such a functional disorder as vegetovascular dystonia is provoked various factors. Sleep deprivation, severe mental and exercise stress, upset emotional background, bad habits, hormonal changes, chronic diseases, including chronic infections nasopharynx, can cause the patient to begin to feel unwell. In turn, the specialist does not find any organic pathology. Therefore, when all organics are excluded, diagnostic search directed to vegetovascular dystonia.

3 Types of dystonia

The following types of VSD are distinguished: cardiac type, respiratory, disorders in the digestive system, vegetative type, asthenic and psycho-emotional. Let's talk in more detail about the cardiac type: hypotonic, hypertonic and its mixed types.

The first type is vagotonic. This means that the action in the body is weakened. sympathetic department, and parasympathetic predominates. Vagotonic type disorder has a set unpleasant symptoms which can reduce the quality of life of any patient. Dizziness, pain in the heart, sweating, low blood pressure may disturb the patient with the predominance of parasympathetic influences on the cardiovascular system.

The group of disorders of the vagotonic type also includes other symptoms: "marble" color of the skin, low blood pressure, lack of air, frequent urination, pain in the lower extremities at night. Disorders of the vagotonic type are more general concept indicating the predominance of parasympathetic influences.

4 VSD by hypotonic type

Within the framework of the vagotonic type, there is a disorder at work of cardio-vascular system when low systolic blood pressure comes to the fore. In this situation, we are talking about VSD of the hypotonic type. However, as a rule, the hypotonic type is not manifested only by low blood pressure figures. Patients present a number of other complaints that are characteristic of the hypotonic type. We can say that they are repeated with those that are observed with the predominance of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Patients with VSD of the hypotonic type may complain of pallor and coldness of the skin. lower extremities, aching pains in the region of the heart, heart rhythm disturbance, lack of air, "impossibility to breathe", irritability, tearfulness. Symptoms may appear together, or one of the listed symptoms may predominate in combination with low blood pressure. Deviations in the work of the digestive system can also be connected to disorders of the hypotonic type, which indicate a clear predominance of the influence of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Similar symptoms can periodically remind of themselves, at times patients feel better. In other situations, the state of health can deteriorate so much that the clinic is very pronounced, and this condition occurs suddenly. In this situation, they speak of a hypotonic type, characterized by a crisis course. Distinctive features is the normalization of blood pressure independently.

5 Hypertonic type VSD

In the work of the autonomic nervous system, the influence of its sympathetic divisions may prevail. In such situations, a picture emerges that is opposite to the hypotonic type of dystonia. We are talking about the hypertonic type of VSD. An increase in blood pressure is the main manifestation of dystonia. During periods when blood pressure figures are within the normal range, general well-being the patient is not affected.

Symptoms at the time of high blood pressure do not differ from arterial hypertension Therefore, this situation requires a thorough examination of the patient. The main distinguishing points that testify in favor of vegetative-vascular dystonia is the independent normalization of blood pressure.

At the time of the examination, there is no change in target organs, which can be observed in arterial hypertension. Diastolic blood pressure does not exceed normal indicators. In addition to increased systolic blood pressure, patients may complain of palpitations and irregularities in the work of the heart, "flies" before the eyes, trembling limbs, headaches, insomnia, etc.

6 Mixed type of vegetative-vascular dystonia

There is also a mixed type of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is spoken of when the patient notes jumps in blood pressure. But, this applies to those who measure the pressure on their own. VSD of a mixed type, may be characterized by the presence of manifestations characteristic of the hypotonic type, or observed with a predominance of sympathetic influences.

Fading or interruptions in the region of the heart, general weakness and dizziness in morning time, alternating with palpitations and trembling of the fingers in the evening, suggest a mixed type of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Of course, the doctor begins to draw such conclusions after examining and examining the patient. Starting to collect anamnesis in detail, in some patients with VSD of a mixed type, patterns in changes in the level of blood pressure can be noticed. Low blood pressure numbers in the morning are replaced increased rates in evening time.

For the mixed type of VSD, as well as for the previously listed other types, the presence of changes in the psycho-emotional state of the patient is characteristic. Constant fatigue, feeling overwhelmed, irritability and incontinence can significantly reduce the patient's quality of life. A mixed type of vegetative-vascular dystonia can combine other symptoms corresponding to the hypertonic and hypotonic types. Patients with a mixed type are sensitive to changes in weather conditions, heat.

7 Treat or go away on its own

If only everything was limited bad mood, constant fatigue and strained relationships with loved ones, one would think. Constant fears and unrest, leading to manifestations of the disorder, can cause the development somatic pathology. Therefore, while there is an opportunity, we will put things in order at the beginning. And then the success will be obvious. Be healthy!

The appearance of vegetovascular dystonia in any of its forms (VVD types) indicates a certain psycho-emotional or physical overstrain. Not every person has such functional changes, however, they are a common phenomenon. In the medical literature, VVD is often identified with neurosis, the treatment of which is aimed primarily at improving psycho-emotional state person.

Approaches to the classification of vegetovascular dystonia

When diagnosing vegetovascular dystonia, most doctors still continue to use the classification of V.I. Makolkin, proposed in the work "Bible of the VVD" back in 1985. According to etymology (that is, the cause of occurrence), the following types of VVD are distinguished:

  • infectious-toxic - occurs due to poisoning with poisons of various origins, occurs with some viral and bacterial diseases, burns, injuries;
  • investigative-constitutional - associated with a genetic predisposition;
  • psychogenic (or in other words neurotic) - is the result of nervous strain, stress;
  • dishormonal - occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance;
  • post-traumatic - a consequence of head injuries;
  • professional - associated with a certain kind activities;
  • mixed.

By the nature of the course, the following types of vegetovascular dystonia are distinguished:

  • permanent - characterized by a slow flow, without clear jumps;
  • paroxysmal - manifests itself in the form of crises, but between them all signs of VVD are almost completely absent;
  • latent - characterized total absence symptoms before the appearance of a certain provoking factor;
  • mixed - has manifestations of the first two types (permanent and paroxysmal).

According to the suggestion of Dr. V.I. Makolkin, there are 3 stages of the severity of the disease:

  1. Easy (first). Symptoms of the disease, including pain in the heart, are relatively mild, more often occur after a certain physical or emotional overstrain. The course of the disease is mostly undulating, and the vegetative-vascular crises themselves are a rarity in this case.
  2. Medium (second). The disease is distinguished by its duration and variety of manifestations. The periods of exacerbation are longer than the remissions themselves.
  3. Heavy (third). Characterized by its very long duration. Symptoms are usually severe and persistent. Violation of the heart rhythm is quite frequent, the patient has a fear of stopping the heartbeat.

VSD by hypotonic type

If we talk about the hypotonic type of VVD, then they are called disorders of the autonomic nervous system, which are accompanied by poor blood supply to some organs, low blood pressure and vascular tone, severe violations from the cardiovascular system. Such a problem arises in the event that the body cannot independently cope with some changes, successfully adapt to the external environment, and adequately respond to a stressful situation.

Young people, mostly women, are most often at risk of such a disease. Also vegetovascular dystonia hypotonic type suffer those who lead sedentary image life. The first signs of the disease appear more often in childhood. Over time, the symptoms may progress or, conversely, disappear (in this case, they say that the child has outgrown the disease). In addition, it may be the case when the signs of the disease disappear, but eventually return again after a few years.

Highlight specific VVD symptoms according to the hypotonic type is quite difficult, because most of them can signal other diseases that are weakly connected with the work of the nervous system and the brain itself. However, if such signs are manifested in a complex way or their appearance was preceded by certain psycho-traumatic events, then we can already talk about VVD.

Symptoms that indicate such a disease are:

  • pain in the region of the heart - it does not have a clear localization and can be removed with the help of sedatives and antidepressants;
  • heart rhythm disturbances - tachycardia, accompanied by a flush of heat, dizziness;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • respiratory disorders - rapid breathing, air retention on inspiration;
  • dyspeptic disorders - abdominal pain, dysphagia, digestive disorders;
  • slightly elevated temperature;
  • increased sweating;
  • bladder dysfunction;
  • lethargy;
  • constant fatigue;
  • decrease in concentration.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia of hypertensive type

Quite often mistakenly confused with hypertension, since the main manifestation of both conditions is a frequent increase in blood pressure. In both cases, pressure surges can occur, or it can be consistently high. But unlike hypertension, with vegetative-vascular dysnonia, it is not at all necessary to use drugs to normalize blood circulation (for example, adreno-blockers, ACE inhibitors, diuretics, etc.), just lie down and rest for a while.

Another sign that allows you to put accurate diagnosis, is that when VSD increases systolic pressure and diastolic remains normal. A sharp release of a large amount of adrenaline is one of the main causes of hypertensive crises associated with vegetative-vascular dystonia. At the same time, the attack ends as quickly and suddenly as it began.

In most people, pressure surges occur due to certain psycho-emotional stress. This type of VSD may be accompanied by various disorders nervous system, in particular: panic attacks, depression, anxiety, social maladaptation. Other symptoms that this type of disease manifests include:

  • nausea;
  • hand trembling;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weather sensitivity;
  • restless sleep;
  • lack of coordination;
  • excessive excitability;
  • "goosebumps" before the eyes;
  • increased sweating;
  • memory impairment;
  • bouts of frequent heartbeat;
  • noise in ears;
  • severe headache;
  • compression in the chest.

If any of these symptoms continue for 2 months or longer, then vegetative-vascular dystonia may be suspected.

Mixed type VSD

It combines the following types of VVD: hypotensive and hypertensive. At the same time, blood pressure can either increase sharply or decrease sharply excessively. In this case, the diagnosis of the disease becomes more complicated, the use of many drugs that are traditionally used for hypertension is excluded. In some people, such changes in the systolic type occur quite suddenly, while in others patterns can be noticed. For example, some patients report low blood pressure in the morning and high in the evening.

The same applies to stressful situations, severe physical overwork: the pressure can reach critical levels, but in which direction, the patient himself cannot predict. It depends on a lot of factors that are still not fully understood.

In the scientific medical literature, the concept of "mixed-type vegetative-vascular dystonia" does not actually occur, because it does not indicate a disease or changes in a particular system or organs. That is why it can only be called a disease conditionally. it functional impairment, at which physical state hearts and blood vessels remain normal, but the symptoms of their dysfunction are clearly expressed.

The symptoms that are observed with a mixed type of VVD are especially diverse. May appear:

  • headache, which is more “squeezing” or pulsating and intensifies after emotional stress;
  • difficulty breathing - inability to breathe full chest, shortness of breath;
  • increased response to weather changes;
  • a change in heart rate, which is accompanied by a fear of stopping the heartbeat, heart attack;
  • moderate pain in the region of the heart;
  • dizziness, a feeling of "unreality" of everything around, spots before the eyes.

normotensive view

With normotensive, and in other words cardiac, type of complaints about significant fluctuations in blood pressure are virtually absent. The main manifestations relate to changes in the work of the heart. It can be:

  • bradycardia;
  • tachycardia;
  • severe arrhythmia.

At the same time, palms often sweat, appear:

  • dizziness;
  • spots before the eyes;
  • fear of death;
  • tremor of the limbs or trembling of the whole body;
  • noise in ears;
  • chills;
  • heartache;
  • veil before the eyes.

Sometimes a person's condition worsens to the point of loss of consciousness. Although all these manifestations are especially unpleasant for a person, however, real threat they do not represent life. The duration of such functional disorders can be different and directly depends on the emotional state of the person.

Against the background of not fully understood feelings, often a person begins to worry about some terrible undiagnosed disease. Such thoughts lead to panic attacks, and thus provoke more pronounced manifestations of VSD.

Because this type is called psychosomatic factor, then the use of cardiac drugs does not bring relief. Neither a cardiologist nor a neurologist can help a person in this case. The best option treatment - psychotherapy. In addition, the use of sedatives is recommended. Help: sports, massages, interesting hobbies that make it possible to switch attention.

Varieties depending on clinical manifestations

A separate classification concerns the clinical manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia. According to her, the following options are distinguished:

  • asthenic - in the first place among the symptoms comes severe fatigue, loss of stamina;
  • respiratory - characterized by shortness of breath, dry cough, a feeling of "lump in the throat", the inability to take air into the lungs;
  • dystonic - manifests itself stably high pressure or crises with a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • hyperkinetic - increased blood pressure, tinnitus, tremor, dizziness, bad feeling, incapacity for work, deterioration of memory and concentration - characteristic manifestations in this case;
  • astheno-neurotic - panic attacks, irritability, phobias, unstable emotional condition- the main symptoms of this type;
  • tachycardial - rapid heartbeat with a characteristic increased sweating, "constriction" in the chest and shortness of breath;
  • visceral - most often accompanied by digestive problems, a person may experience sharp pains in the abdomen, diarrhea, bloating;
  • cardialgic - accompanied prolonged pain in the heart, rhythm disturbance, chills, fear.

Such a classification can be called conditional, because in most cases, patients complain of a number of symptoms that, in their opinion, are associated with the functioning of the heart, digestive, nervous, and respiratory systems.

Feeling attacks of heat, tachycardia, dizziness, changes in blood pressure or panic attacks, you should not immediately attribute everything to the work of the heart or blood vessels and take drugs for hypertension on your own. In this case, it is worth asking a neurologist what vegetative-vascular dystonia is, the types and manifestations of such disorders. The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the person himself and his ability to switch his attention, "pull himself together."

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