Why does hangover anxiety occur? How to overcome depression, fear and anxiety with a hangover


After a lot of fun and with the intake of a large amount of alcohol, the next day comes the retribution in the form of a hangover. A symptom of which is often panic, an attack of fear and anxiety. If alcohol is taken regularly, then the emotional sphere suffers, which ends in a depressive state. Panic attacks after alcohol can be observed in almost anyone who is a lover of alcohol. The consequences of this can be completely unpredictable.

What is a panic attack?

Psychiatrists call a panic attack anxiety that suddenly appeared and deprives a person of peace and sleep. During an attack, the hormone adrenaline is released into the bloodstream. This provokes not only a jump up in blood pressure, heart palpitations, but also other manifestations.

At the initial stage of the development of alcohol addiction, panic attacks with a hangover can develop a couple of days after drinking alcohol, but in chronic alcoholics, mental disorders can appear almost constantly.

If you do not treat mental disorders that develop against the background of alcohol intake, then irreversible consequences occur.

Fusel oils are the most dangerous for humans, because they provoke the appearance of necrotic areas in the nervous system.

Symptoms and signs of a panic attack

A panic attack begins after a stress hormone enters the bloodstream. It causes vasospasm, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate. During an attack, the concentration of oxygen in the blood increases, which causes fear and panic.

The duration of the panic can be a few minutes, but for some it can take up to an hour.

Symptoms of panic attacks

Signs of a panic state can be divided into two groups: somatic and mental. The first group of manifestations includes:

  • The appearance of dryness in the oral cavity.
  • Increased perspiration.
  • The appearance of discomfort in the chest.
  • Rapid breathing.
  • Throws it in the heat, then in the cold.
  • Rolls up a lump in the throat.
  • Frequent urination.
  • A tingling sensation is felt in the arms and legs.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Mental manifestations after drinking are as follows:

  • There is a sense of danger.
  • The person is afraid to die.
  • Restless movements.
  • The fear of going crazy.
  • The head is spinning.
  • Pre-fainting state.

There may be a panic state without panic itself, then patients note blurred vision and hearing, weakness, convulsions, cold or fever, and speech impairment appear throughout the body. There may be pain in the heart muscle, in the abdomen, headache.

Hangover panic starts suddenly, and ends the same way, but in a short duration it causes a lot of inconvenience.

What triggers panic?

The state of fear and panic can develop immediately after drinking alcohol or against the background of a hangover syndrome. Why does a hangover develop into a panic attack? The reasons for the appearance of fear and anxiety after drinking alcohol are the following:

  1. Ethanol after ingestion quickly appears in the blood.
  2. Being a psychotropic substance, it has a detrimental effect on the state of the nervous system, disrupting its work.
  3. If a small amount of ethanol enters, then the release of the hormone dopamine is provoked, which causes a feeling of euphoria, excitement.
  4. With a large amount of alcohol consumed, the opposite effect is observed, since ethanol has a depressing effect on the nervous system. Euphoria is replaced by anxiety, panic and fear.

Alcohol causes not only physiological effects, manifested by gloominess, depression, but also oxidative reactions lead to a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood. It causes:

  • Feeling tired.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Yearning.
  • Decreased concentration.
  • Irritability.

Panic attacks develop immediately after drinking alcohol or on the background of a hangover.

After drinking alcohol, there is a lack of magnesium, which leads to blockage of calcium channels. This provokes an increase in nervousness, the heart begins to beat faster, chills appear.

It should be noted that hereditary predisposition plays an important role in the development of panic attacks. Some can take huge doses of alcohol and not experience panic, fear.

Danger of panic attacks

If you let the occurrence of panic, fear on the background of taking alcohol, then each time the symptoms will become more complicated. The consequences of this condition may be:

  • The appearance of thoughts of suicide.
  • Attempts to commit suicide.
  • Injuries sustained through negligence.
  • A person in this state may well commit socially dangerous actions.
  • Since a person tries to suppress fear, panic with a new portion of alcohol, the likelihood of developing a chronic stage of the disease is high.
  • There is a degradation of personality.
  • Encephalopathy develops against the background of taking alcoholic beverages.
  • The risk of developing epileptic psychosis is great.
  • Delirium tremens.
  • Strong hallucinations appear.
  • Uncontrolled aggression.

It is possible to suppress the developing symptoms only in a specialized institution. If this is not done, the consequences will be severe and irreversible.

Actions during an attack

How to deal with a panic attack that appeared with a hangover? Recommendations are as follows:

  1. Lie down in a horizontal position.
  2. Try to calm down.
  3. Drink a sedative drug or regular mint tea.
  4. To speed up the elimination of toxic substances after alcohol abuse, you can take diuretics.
  5. Turn on music that relaxes you, close your eyes.
  6. If you have a favorite thing to do, then you can try to get distracted.
  7. A simple conversation with a loved one will help you come to your senses.

The right breathing system will help put the nerves in order.

You can use a special breathing system that will help put the nerves in order. The breathing technique can be used as follows:

  • Belly breathing. Squat down and lean your back against the wall. Close your eyes and take a slow breath, and then the same unhurried exhalation.
  • Breathing into folded palms. Fold your palms and press to your face. We take a slow breath in and out.
  • Breath in a paper bag. The execution technique is the same as in the previous exercises.

If panic and fear appear, then you can not do without taking medications. You can start by taking valerian tincture. Take 10 drops in a glass of water. You can use "Valocordin", "Motherwort".

For serious therapy, you will need to take drugs in a course:

  • Antidepressants from the group of selective inhibitors are prescribed, for example: Fevarin, Cipralex, Paroxetine.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants: "Anafranil".

Treatment lasts for several months, and the effect of taking medications can be observed no earlier than a week after the start of therapy.


The abuse of alcohol does not pass without a trace for the body. Sooner or later, the nervous system will begin to malfunction, which will manifest itself in the form of attacks of fear, panic, nervousness and other manifestations. In the absence of appropriate medical care, you can soon end up in a psychiatric dispensary.


Fear and irritability for no apparent reason sometimes occur in different people due to fatigue or regular exposure to stressful situations. In this case, an inexplicable feeling of danger arises, but the person is not able to explain what is the cause of this condition. Often, such phenomena also occur after a fairly strong drunkenness, when anxiety is felt in a state of a hangover, and a person does not know how to deal with it.

Why does a hangover feel like fear?

After alcohol, with its large consumption, the body psychologically and physically reacts to its condition. This leads to a number of reasons that provoke not only poor health, but also the fear of a hangover. Psychological problems can be triggered by physiological effects on the body:

  • the influence of alcoholic beverages on the liver, which leads to the accumulation of acetaldehyde in the blood and poisoning with this toxin;
  • influence on the nervous system during the distribution of alcoholic elements throughout the body and the defeat of many different nerve connections.

When exposed to the liver, trembling of the hands and pressure drops, as well as a knocked down heart rhythm, are manifested. Damage to the nervous system leads to inhibition or a sharp excitation of certain physiological functions. All this ultimately contributes to the emergence of anxiety and fear of death, it would seem, for no apparent obvious reasons.

Among the psychological reasons for the appearance of this phenomenon with a hangover can be identified:

  • the impossibility of solving the problem with the help of alcohol - despite the expectations of a person, alcohol does not allow you to completely get away from the problem, and with a hangover comes the realization that everything has remained the same or worsened;
  • memory lapses, which happens quite often, and a person cannot remember what exactly he did while intoxicated - such amnesia and the inability to restore the chronology of events also depresses and frightens;
  • inappropriate actions that a person has committed while intoxicated - the memories or stories of other people about inappropriate actions that were made the day before under the influence of alcohol provoke feelings of shame and anxiety.

Hangover anxiety is a completely normal condition, and there are plenty of options for dealing with it effectively.

How to remove the feeling of fear

It is very important to create the right conditions for a person in a hangover state, which allow you to easily and without consequences get out of this rather dangerous state. In addition to mandatory detoxification, it is required to switch attention to more positive things as much as possible. At the same time, strong physical exertion should be avoided, but you can take a walk along the street.

The best option would be to spend time with loved ones who will support and help in a difficult situation. If alcohol was a way to get away from the problem, then it is necessary to think over an action plan and gradually begin to implement it in order to solve the problem, because it is already clear that alcohol does not help and will not help.


The main problem that becomes scary during a hangover is intoxication of the body, so it is very important to get rid of toxins in the body. Detoxification allows the use of certain drugs:

  • a number of vitamins in combination with Unitol or Piracetam intravenously;
  • glucose solutions, sodium bicarbonate or Ringer's solution;
  • blood purification substances like Reogluman or Rondex;
  • antispasmodics Papaverine, No-shpa or other analogues;
  • psychotropic drugs like Relanium or Flormidal.

These drugs will help relieve anxiety after alcohol, but it is very important to consult a doctor before taking them. Particular attention should be paid to taking psychotropic medications, which have a wide range of side effects and are prescribed only in fairly serious cases.

Folk methods

What to do at home if you are tormented by a feeling of guilt with a hangover or inexplicable fears? Of all the methods available at home to relieve this condition, the most effective ones can be distinguished:

  • a lot of liquid (3-4 liters per day), decoctions of chamomile and mint or green tea;
  • vitamin C or lemon (if there are no problems with the digestive tract);
  • shower with room temperature water for relaxation;
  • activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of human weight);
  • 7-10 drops of ammonia, diluted in half a glass of water.

Then it remains only to gain strength in order to survive this difficult condition, and these methods allow you to relax. The feeling of fear and anxiety will gradually go away as the toxins are removed from the body, and you should not start drinking alcohol again, as this will only temporarily help get rid of this condition, and then the fear of death and anxiety will return with a new hangover.

Panic attacks after alcohol do not necessarily occur against the background of the malicious use of alcoholic beverages. It all depends on the initial point at which the person is at a given time. PA is not excluded with minimal (less than 30 g days) alcohol consumption, which, on the one hand, is a recognized antidepressant due to its ability to block adrenaline (the hormone of fear). On the other hand, it is a carcinogenic substance, a poison that provokes disagreements between the personal "I" and the human subconscious.

The only true reason is the consumption of alcohol-containing liquids! From an early age, a stereotype about the role of alcohol as an antidepressant is psychologically laid. The idea of ​​“saving alcohol” as a means of stimulating positive emotions is strengthened in the human subconscious. As a result, the installation provokes an imbalance between the autonomic and symptomatic nervous systems, the development of alcoholic delirium and panic attacks.

In fact, the mechanism for the development of the negative effects of narcotic drugs, which include ethanol along with heroin, hashish, ecstasy, etc., is simple. Alcohol-containing drinks “saturate” the body with dopamine, but its production by the endocrine system stops. It takes about 5 to 14 days to restore the natural level of the hormone of joy. If the intake of alcohol is systematic, the level of dopamine drops to a critical one, prerequisites for the development of panic attacks arise.

It is a mistake to perceive as a positive moment the blocking of dopamine antagonists by alcohol. A one-time jump in the hormone of joy temporarily brings euphoria, stops the feeling of fear. In the absence of this, a complex of reactions is launched, which ends with a panic attack.

For reference: a panic attack is an attack of inexplicable, severe anxiety. Accompanied by excruciating fear, horror, signs of vegetative disorders with somatic symptoms.

Particularly severe are PAs with a hangover, which are the result of poisoning of the body with the decay products of ethanol (acetaldehyde) and are accompanied by experiences of the drunk. The severity of hangover symptoms provokes fear, adrenaline rush, increased anxiety. The psychological connection of PA is due to the desire of the alcoholic to stop drinking and the excuse that nothing worked out for him.

In fact, the disagreement between the conscious intake of alcohol-containing drinks by an alcoholic and the work of his subconscious, “saying” that ethanol is a poison, is to blame for the development of panic attacks after alcohol. In a person with an anxious and suspicious character, the symptoms acquire a characteristic emotional coloring, subconsciously causing fear.


Outwardly, a person who has a panic attack after drinking alcohol looks natural. The storm is raging inside, the severity of getting rid of attacks is that "you can't run away from yourself." If with physical pain you can concentrate, take painkillers, then there are no pills for panic attacks.

PA is more common in certain types of people:

  • hypochondriacs, those who are afraid of infections, wounds, any physical ailments;
  • prone to tantrums and crazy ideas;
  • with a diagnosis of epilepsy.

The likelihood of symptoms is higher with congenital or alcohol-acquired pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Alcohol only increases the fear of death, a vicious circle arises: fear, catecholamines are released into the blood, a panic attack. The systematic intake of alcohol provokes pathologies of the endocrine system. Against the background of tumors of the adrenal glands, thyrotoxicosis and the intake of alcohol-containing liquids, the release of adrenaline increases, the feeling of constant anxiety increases.

After taking alcohol, physiological abnormalities in the work of organs, phobias, mental illness and depression become apparent. Short-term euphoria is replaced by deep apathy, the person withdraws into himself, convulsively listening to anxiety, fearing the appearance of vegetative symptoms.

Physical manifestations of a panic attack:

  1. Dry mouth.
  2. Lump in throat.
  3. Feeling short of breath.
  4. Chills, sweating, fever.
  5. Numbness of limbs (paralyzing fear).
  6. Frequent urge to go to the toilet.

The extent of the symptoms is different, they are joined by the fear of death, going crazy, severe internal anxiety, being in constant tension, increased blood pressure. Loss of consciousness is not excluded, a person is constantly in expectation that something will happen to him.

Panic attacks after drinking alcoholic beverages are not excluded with reduced immunity. Ethanol (C2H5OH) acts as a carcinogen, toxic substance, poison, provokes physical ailments and unbalance of the SNS and ANS.

There are two obvious components in the signs of post-alcoholic panic attacks: symptoms of alcohol intoxication and vegetative-vascular disorders. The latter are expressed in extensive symptoms, often non-specific, including signs of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory, genitourinary, cardiovascular systems, etc. Moreover, no obvious diseases are diagnosed during the examination. This is explained by an increased level of anxiety, it is against this background that symptoms appear.

How to get rid of anxiety

Eliminating a panic attack that has already begun on your own is a difficult but possible process. It is important to understand that there is no magic pill that relieves the symptoms of PA. Antidepressants, exercise, massage and others like that are just part of the iceberg. The most important thing is to work on yourself, your thinking.

First, avoid alcohol! If panic attacks occur after each intake of alcohol-containing liquids, then they are prohibited, in any quantity and percentage of strength.

It is noteworthy that the more an alcoholic wants to get rid of a panic attack, the more it covers him. There is a vicious circle: "drank, symptoms, fear (adrenaline rush), drank to calm down, PA."

What is available as auxiliary actions:

  1. Taking vitamins. Wine alcohol destroys vit. gr. B, C (ascorbic acid injections, B1, B6, B12).
  2. Elimination of intoxication (water, juices, fruit drinks, kissels).
  3. Breathing exercises.
  4. Cold and hot shower. Water procedures, baths with sea salt tone up.
  5. Meditation, relaxing music.

The list can be supplemented with everything that causes a surge of positive emotions in a person, euphoria, and reduces the level of anxiety. It is wrong to fight anxiety attacks with a new portion of alcohol. Panic attacks will only get worse.


There is no medicine that eliminates a panic attack after alcohol. Permitted drugs cannot be identified with painkillers, antiviral and other drugs that act on the "X point". The paradox is that PA is not a disease, there is no point on which, as in the case of a pain syndrome, you can act, and it will stop. There are remedies that can stop general anxiety, thereby reducing the symptoms of a panic attack. Suitable folk remedies, tinctures, decoctions with sedative herbs.

Medications are taken under the supervision of a psychotherapist, a neurologist. Released by prescription.

List of possible drugs:

  • Sedatives (vegetable based on valerian, mint, motherwort, peony, lily of the valley).
  • Tranquilizers, anxiolytics, synthetic drugs of extensive action (Nozepam, Phenazepam, Seduxen, Afobazole, Amizil). A significant disadvantage is a quick addiction.
  • Adrenoblockers (Anaprilin).

The last two groups of drugs cannot be considered a panacea. They do not always stop a panic attack, they are designed to more isolate "healthy" people from possible aggression on the part of those who are prescribed funds. In fact, a person is either in a dream or in a highly relaxed state. At the same time, consciousness does not fade away, and the horror of the impossibility of subjugating the members only intensifies the panic attack.

A prerequisite for taking funds from all three groups is the absence of alcohol intoxication. In combination with ethanol, they act unpredictably, up to the development of a coma.


Sport is a great opportunity to get rid of alcohol cravings and stop panic attacks. All types of physical activity available to a person are welcome: swimming, yoga, cycling, running, Nordic walking, skating, skiing. Physical education gives psychological relaxation, relieves stress, removes anxiety. Loads contribute to the improvement of the endocrine system, increase the level of dopamine, enhance positive emotions.

At home, with a panic attack that has already begun after drinking alcohol, breathing regulation will help. The essence of the exercises is to stabilize the state, relieve stress, adjust the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood.

Do not breathe often and deeply, hyperventilation of the lungs and excessive oxygen supply will only increase the panic. A paper bag or cupped palms at the mouth will help to bounce back. The inhale (on a count of 4) is shorter than the exhale (on a count of 6). An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood will start the work of the parasympathetic nervous system, the person will relax.


It is difficult to force one to meditate under the influence of alcohol vapors, and during a panic attack it is almost impossible. If the alarmist himself does not understand the importance and necessity of this process. There are no special meditation techniques for panic attacks on the background of alcoholism; any method that helps reduce anxiety and relaxation will do.

It can be a selection of music for relaxation (the sound of rain, waves, sounds of the forest, birdsong). It is not bad to meditate in nature, listening to natural sounds, not to concentrate on unpleasant symptoms, to accept them. Develop and strengthen positive feelings within yourself, remember the moments that bring joy, positive emotions. The main thing in meditation is systematic, regular execution. The habit of thinking positively and feeling only pleasant things is fixed on the subconscious, forming a different, healthy thinking in a person.

Water procedures

Washing, bathing, contrast showers, baths with sea salt, herbal decoctions - any of these options are suitable in the fight against panic attacks the next day from a hangover. If possible, spend more time on the river, the sea. The sun's rays contribute to the production of vitamin D, the lack of which leads to prolonged depression.

Help from relatives

The first thing others can do is to discourage a panic attack sufferer from alcohol. With chronic consumption of alcohol-containing liquids, all methods of treating a person from alcoholism are used. With a single consumption of alcohol, it is necessary to explain the pattern of development of the syndrome, the mechanism for the development of panic attacks. If you do not want to part with a glass, forced therapy within the walls of a drug treatment clinic will help.

Emergency First Aid

It is noteworthy that calling an ambulance will not give the desired effect, although the sufferer will insist on this, he is really scared. You can not dismiss his requests, he feels horror, it seems that the symptoms of PA are signs of fatal diseases. During an attack, breathing quickens, blood pressure rises, a person thinks he is suffocating. A jump in blood pressure can provoke a hypertensive crisis if the alcoholic has a history of stable hypertension. The ambulance doctors will inject or advise you to give a sedative and refuse to take alcohol.

Psychological support

An invaluable help in eliminating panic attacks when drinking alcohol will be provided by a good psychologist. The key word is good, which specializes specifically in the elimination of PA, understanding the principle of their development and the possibility of stopping. Unfortunately, a psychotherapist who practices pill treatment and is little interested in the emotional coloring of the problem is more often involved in a person with alcohol addiction.

A good effect in PA gives a “vow of silence”, its essence is the absence of alarmist complaints, discussion of symptoms with family members, in search of the same “poor fellows”. Against the background of severe depression, alcohol addiction, it is possible to eliminate panic attacks with the simultaneous work of a narcologist who stops the addiction and detoxifies the body. The second stage is a psychologist (neurologist), who will be able to instill in the alarmist the absence of danger. It is important that death from a panic attack was never recorded.


Massage does not cure PA against the background of alcohol; there are no methods that would help an alarmist in a course performance. Tactile touch, general relaxation are just points in the extensive actions that help reduce the overall level of anxiety. Massage reduces tension, relieves muscle spasm, soothes, heals the body as a whole.


Panic attacks are not a disease, they are the result of a wrong way of life and thinking. Through PA, the body shows that a person is going the wrong way, in the case of alcohol intake, it means that you need to stop drinking. It is possible to exclude PA after taking alcohol-containing drinks - it is enough to refuse any alcohol-containing liquids. The ban includes wine, beer, fortified and non-alcoholic drinks. Without a refusal condition, the panic will return constantly, the anxiety will intensify. If you try to stop PA with new portions of alcohol, this will lead to alcohol dependence, physiological changes and a complete imbalance of the central nervous system.

Panic attacks after alcohol occur both when alcohol is abused, and when a minimum dose of ethanol enters the body. Alcohol, on the one hand, is an antidepressant that blocks the production of adrenaline (the hormone of fear), on the other hand, it is the cause of internal disagreements between a person’s personality and his subconscious, “saying” that alcohol is poison.

Causes of the condition

Alcohol for a person is a friend, a company, a psychologist, a family. There is a thought in the mind about its role as an antidepressant. But this statement is twofold! The use of ethanol provokes alcoholic delirium, deviations in the work of the central nervous system and panic attacks.

The positive effect of libations is perceived due to the blocking of dopamine antagonists by alcohol. The concentration of the hormone of joy increases, euphoria occurs, there is no feeling of fear. If this is not the case, a complex of reactions is launched in the body of the drinking person, which ends with a panic attack.

Panic attacks occur in:

  • a person with a constant fear of getting sick;
  • having crazy ideas;
  • prone to tantrums;
  • diagnosed with epilepsy.

Symptoms of attacks occur in diseases of the cardiovascular system. The next day after taking (from a hangover), alcohol only exacerbates the fear of death, because of fear, catecholamines are released into the blood. Pathologies of the endocrine system (thyrotoxicosis, tumors of the adrenal glands) provoke the release of adrenaline, noradrenaline, increase the feeling of constant anxiety.

At risk are people who have phobias, mental illness, are prone to depression, take steroid drugs, live in megacities, have managerial (nervous) positions, and are in constant stress. The risk increases with physical inactivity, fatigue and lack of sleep.

A hangover is a rehearsal for death! The head is splitting, nauseous, there is sand in the eyes, and men are drawn to sex. The natural reaction of a living (still) organism is to leave offspring before death.

The drinker is to blame for the development of a panic attack. The classic panic attacks are not identical to hangover PAs. The latter are provoked by the poisoning of the body by the decay products of ethanol and the mental experiences of an alcoholic. The connection of mental abnormalities that are not based on pathologies of the central nervous system is laid when you want to stop drinking and justify the fact that nothing happened.

What's happening:

  • A promise (to oneself) not to drink after experiencing severe hangover symptoms. Often the phrases “let my hands wither if I drink” sound.
  • The hands remain in place, but the subconscious mind takes everything literally and gives out a response in the form of fear, panic, horror.

The mechanism of PA development is simple. These are internal disagreements between one part of the consciousness, which seeks alcohol, wanting to achieve euphoria, and the other, which protests, perceives ethanol as a poison. There is a characteristic emotional coloring, the subconscious provokes fear. Adrenaline levels rise. PA after drinking alcohol is not surprising.

Symptoms and external signs

The average age of the “patients” is 25 years. Panic attacks accompany VVD. The predisposition to panic attacks can be inherited, this is due to a certain way of life, thinking within the family. Symptoms of PA with a hangover, as well as the classic signs of panic attacks, occur in 20% of people on earth. Women are diagnosed with symptoms 3 times more often.

Relieve symptoms of anxiety, a hangover drinker tries with the help of alcohol. The hangover process looks like taking a bottle of beer, 100 ml of wine, 30 ml of vodka. The dose is small, after it it becomes easier. But the body gets used to “handouts” and PA return.

The main mistake is to increase the dose in the hope of restoring good health. As a result, there are:

  • unmotivated fear;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • tachycardia.

Symptoms of a panic attack may be accompanied by derealization, heart pain, feeling short of breath. The reason is a vegetative crisis, the shaking of the National Assembly against the background of a hangover, which is perceived by the body as a pathology. Nonspecific physiological manifestations are not uncommon, depending on the individual reaction of the body to ethanol. Constant "treatment" with alcohol exacerbates the severity and frequency of recurrence of symptoms.

Physical symptoms:

  1. Increased sweating.
  2. Dryness in the mouth.
  3. Lump in throat, chest.
  4. Fever or chills.
  5. Numbness of limbs.
  6. Feeling of tightness in the head.
  7. Frequent urge to urinate.

Mental symptoms after drinking alcohol: severe anxiety, fear of death, go crazy, dizziness, loss of consciousness, depression. Often, hangover panic has only physical manifestations without emotional overtones. There are vegetative disorders.

More often, PA after a hangover occurs with a decrease in immunity. Signs of damage to the ANS join the inherent physical ailments. The condition persists for several days until the body is freed from the effects of alcohol intake.

How to deal with an attack yourself

You can prevent a panic attack in advance - do not drink! Elimination of unpleasant symptoms is in the hands of the alcoholic himself. It is enough only if you want to drink to resurrect the most vivid manifestations of a panic attack in your memory.

It is difficult to stop an attack, but it is possible. It is enough to calm down, then the second release of the hormone of fear will not occur. The emergence of a series of PAs consists in the constant maintenance of a vicious circle: "drank, hangover (symptoms), fear, adrenaline rush, drank, symptom."

List of possible actions:

  1. The supply of vitamins. Ethanol destroys vit. C, B, injections can be given to replenish them (B1, B6, B12).
  2. Removal of intoxication. Drink any (non-burning) liquid: water, juices, fruit drinks, decoctions of herbs.
  3. Cold and hot shower. Well tones the body with a hangover, a change in water temperature, tolerable for human skin.
  4. Meditation to relaxing music, actions that give a feeling of joy.
  5. Breathing exercises. It consists in stopping the supersaturation of the blood with O2. Abdominal breathing, inhale through the nose for a count of 4, exhale through the mouth for a count of 6.

Fighting an attack through repeated alcohol intake is the wrong path. It leads to binge drinking and an increase in the symptoms of a panic attack with a hangover.


Taking medication is possible only under the supervision of a doctor. The combination of alcohol and certain drugs can cause side effects "worse" than a panic attack.

Assign funds:

  • psycholeptics;
  • anxiolytics;
  • adrenoblockers (Anaprilin).

The drugs are available by prescription. They stop excessive anxiety, fear. Adrenoblockers reduce the production of adrenaline.

As folk remedies for panic attacks, they use: valerian, eleutherococcus, peony, motherwort. Tinctures are dropped into the water in 10-12 drops, stirred, drunk.

Well relieves anxiety infusion of: 100 g of tea rose berries (yellow), 100 g of chamomile flowers, 50 g of lemon balm, yarrow, St. John's wort, angelica root. Add 20 g of mint, hops, valerian. Pour the mixture into a thermos (3 liters of boiling water), insist and drink twice a day (0.5–1 tablespoon).


Regulation of breathing, the use of breathing exercises will help to stabilize the condition during a panic attack due to alcohol intake and a hangover. Proper breathing will give relaxation, relieve tension, and correct the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.

Types of exercises:

  1. Belly breathing. I. P. squatting, back to the wall. Inhale (on a count of 4), hold your breath for 3 seconds, exhale on a count of 6.
  2. Breath in the palm of your hand, package. The principle is the same, only the nose and mouth are covered with palms, a paper bag. The goal is to increase the concentration of CO2 in the blood.

Sports are a great way to get rid of alcohol addiction and panic attacks. Suitable for any type of physical activity - running, swimming, cycling, skiing, skating.


There are no complex techniques in getting rid of panic attacks with the development of alcoholism. It is enough to sit down, close your eyes, turn on relaxing music or try to calm down to the sound of the wind, birdsong. Don't worry about health issues. Focus on positive emotions within yourself. Develop them, strengthen them, consolidate them. Systematic meditation will give a habit to feel positive emotions, reduce the level of stress, anxiety, fear.

Water procedures

Any contact with water will do: washing, bathing, contrast showers. The alternation of cool and hot, comfortable water for the body is welcome. The pool, swimming in the river and sunbathing will give an additional effect. The sun's rays improve mood, promote the production of vitamin D.

Third Party Help

It consists in supporting relatives, friends, when it is scary, or in advanced cases, work is carried out with a specialist. The very desire of the alcoholic to accept this help and tune in to recovery is important here, otherwise there will be no effect from the treatment.

Emergency help

There is no magic pill for panic attacks! Even a bucket of sedatives will not help get rid of hangover attacks. The result will be only if you give up alcohol and work on yourself. Some sedatives can reduce the severity of the symptoms of a panic attack.

Psychological support

The paradox is that the less the sufferer complains, the faster the recovery comes. "Vow of Silence" is one of the important components of successful treatment of panic attacks. It consists in the absence of a constant (emotional) discussion of symptoms with a neurologist, in the search for the same sufferers and grinding with them signs of malaise.

In severe cases and against the background of alcoholism, the patient is placed at the disposal of a narcologist and a psychologist (not to be confused with a psychotherapist). The first removes addiction, cleanses the body of traces of ethanol. The latter suggests that there is no danger, death from PA has never been recorded.


It acts as a point in a series of general wellness procedures. From panic attacks of any origin, massage does not help. The tactile touches of a loved one have a positive effect, relieve tension, give a feeling of protection, relaxation. Stroking, rubbing the whole body relieve muscle spasm, relax.

Prevention of psychological changes

There is one way to eliminate the occurrence of panic attacks that develop with a hangover - to completely refuse to take any alcohol-containing drinks. Without this condition, the panic returns again, the symptoms intensify, they are superimposed by signs of alcohol dependence and physiological changes.

You can not relieve the symptoms of panic attacks with alcohol. In this case, dose after dose, alcoholism develops against the background of panic attacks, and not PA against the background of alcoholism. Panic attacks are not a reason to consider a person mentally unstable, this is not a disease, but an imbalance of the central nervous system.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medication with alcohol

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The malaise is sometimes exacerbated by panic attacks, anxiety, anxiety, fear of death. After all, alcohol abuse does not go unnoticed either for the physical condition of a person or for his psyche. The result is the suffering of all parts of the body: internal organs, brain, nervous system, etc.

When you wake up in the morning, you find yourself disoriented. You cannot understand what is happening to you now, where you are, you cannot remember something important that happened to you the day before. The state, as in a heavy dream, the mind and sensations are dulled. It seems that everything is not happening to you. An oppressive feeling of incomprehensible and unreasonable anxiety rolls over. The inability to concentrate and realize what is happening causes growing internal tension. It looks like something bad is about to happen. Your head is buzzing, your hands are trembling, it becomes harder to breathe, your heart is already pounding somewhere in your throat... Panic envelops you entirely in a dense cocoon.

Psychological problems caused by the state of alcohol intoxication do not always accompany a hangover. Some people, as a rule, those who rarely drink and have a strong psyche, may never encounter such a phenomenon at all. But if this happened to you after abusing alcohol, be extremely careful, this is a bad sign. It is better to avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Your psychological problems with further use of ethyl alcohol may progress.

A hangover syndrome is nothing more than a consequence of poisoning by the decay products of alcohol. In the human body, alcohol is converted into a toxic substance - acetaldehyde. If alcohol is drunk slowly and in small quantities with a suitable snack, then the liver, the organ responsible for converting acetaldehyde into safe acetic acid, has time to cope with its task. Otherwise, the poison enters the bloodstream and poisons all human organs and systems. The liver, heart, kidneys, brain, nervous system, etc. suffer. This intoxication is the hangover syndrome.

The harm of ethyl alcohol to internal organs is manifested by characteristic symptoms: a headache, a person feels dry mouth, increased sweating, nausea, vomiting, weakness and trembling of the limbs, changes in blood pressure, etc.

At the same time, physical malaise is supplemented by a mentally uncomfortable condition caused by:

  • Increased load on the liver. The body is exhausted, as it works at the limit of its capabilities. If a massive attack of alcohol is not uncommon for the body, then the liver may already be damaged. She can't handle the amount of alcohol she takes. The body sends alarm signals to the nervous system, causing tremors in the limbs, irregular heartbeats, and pressure drops. There are signs of a psychological attack: anxiety, panic, fear of imminent death.
  • Violation of the function of the nervous system. Alcohol is a psychotropic substance. It affects the work of the central nervous system, is able to change the mental state. In extreme cases, it can change the very consciousness of a person. Under the influence of alcohol, a person who has drunk at first, as a rule, experiences a period of upsurge, excitement, joy, becomes talkative, inhibition of restraining factors occurs (stiffness, awkwardness, shyness disappear, etc.). Sometimes an active cheerful state turns into swagger, awakens base instincts, easily transforms into aggression. The next morning after overexcitation, the nervous system is depleted, a state of heaviness, depression, depression appears, which aggravates the feeling of guilt, remorse, shame for yesterday's excesses.

Psychological aspects of anxiety

Psychological discomfort after alcohol abuse: a feeling of anxiety, a panic attack is a consequence, the tip of the iceberg. The causes of this condition are not only the result of physical suffering, they are more complex and deep, pushing a person to consume alcohol.

Researchers cite the positioning of alcohol as a means of avoiding problems as the main reason. Indeed, after drinking alcohol, a feeling of relief, relaxation appears, troubles and unresolved issues become secondary, not so acute. In fact, alcohol only makes things worse. With the advent of a new day, problems simply return, but there is much less strength left to solve them. A lot of energy has to be spent on fighting intoxication, restoring health. Panic attack and anxiety in this context is a logical reaction of the body

The state of alcohol intoxication is often accompanied by memory lapses, which are also associated with the effects of toxins on brain cells. Feelings of anxiety, panic, fear from a hangover can be associated both with worries about their state of health (amnesia), and with suspicions - whether a person did something yesterday, for which he can be very ashamed.

Alcoholic drinks in an excessive dose for a particular person can change his behavior to the completely opposite, unusual for him, incorrect. Remembering the events of the "heroic" past or hearing about it from the people present there, the drunkard experiences burning shame, pangs of conscience. If past actions are connected with a particularly significant area of ​​his vital interests, such as work colleagues, competitors, relatives, a person experiences particularly strong anxiety and concern about how to correct the situation. And in combination with an unstable, painful state of the psyche, a panic attack is formed.

Some psychologists argue that the appearance of feelings of anxiety and panic in a state of alcohol intoxication is observed in people who are characterized by accentuation. That is, the presence of a certain individual characteristic in a person (suspicion, fear of illness, playing in public, alternation of good and bad mood, etc.), the degree of severity of which is on the verge of normal. But with the development of an unfavorable scenario, it passes into a pathological state. Alcohol poisoning is such an impetus. Accentuated individuals should use alcohol with great care, and if at least one panic attack in a hangover has already taken place, it is better to completely refuse alcohol.

Tips and tricks for relieving a hangover

Remember that alcohol is a psychoactive substance. Therefore, picking up a glass or a glass, a person must understand that he voluntarily leaves the real state of affairs.

Everything that will happen in your head in the morning, a feeling of anxiety, guilt, fear, a panic attack, a premonition of something irreparable - these are all illusory games of alcohol with consciousness. In such an inadequate state, no serious decisions need to be made. And what you really should do until the final recovery is to try the condition of the body.

Take care of the elimination of toxins. If you feel sick - your liver could not cope with alcohol generously poured into the stomach. You shouldn't force her. Use the old simple method to empty your stomach. In this way, you can get rid of some of the toxins that were just about to enter your bloodstream. Take absorbent substances (Activated carbon, Smektu, Enterosgel, etc.), they will take on some of the poisons. If pressure allows, wash away toxins from your skin with a contrast shower. After that, you will feel like a different person. Your psychological state will improve, you will look at the anxieties and fears that tormented you with a more sober look.

Alcohol has the ability to displace and redistribute fluid in the body, so a person feels intense thirst, his blood thickens, the brain suffers, and swelling of the tissues is observed. The main thing to do is to drink all the time and a little clean water with lemon, it is also useful to use diluted fruit juices. A glass of cabbage brine will help restore the salt balance, replenish the supply of acids and vitamins. Lactic acid products (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, etc.) will gently help to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Refrain from black tea and coffee today, they destabilize blood pressure. Replace them with green tea, herbal decoctions.

Now it would be nice to speed up the metabolism and eat something. Eat a hearty meat dish, Ukrainian jelly, Russian jelly, Caucasian khash are ideal. At worst, look in the refrigerator for soup with meat broth or a good snack.

Movement is not just life, it is your salvation from a hangover and disturbing thoughts. Of course, you can do a general cleaning of the house, work on a personal plot, run around. But in your case, sex will be the best therapeutic agent. It will not overload the cardiovascular system, improve metabolism, and accelerate the elimination of alkotoxins. And most importantly, you will become a manufactory for the production of hormones of joy and pleasure - endorphins. And these peppy warriors will drive away all your fears, anxieties, and other attacks of the enemy.

Medicine to help

If the above tips have not eliminated all the painful symptoms, use modern pharmacology: headache remedies (Aspirin, Pantogam, Mexidol, Picamilon, etc.), drugs that will have a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system (Novo-Passit, Panangin, Glycine , Negrustin, Persen, Magnesia, etc.). Complex specialized hangover remedies (Zorex, Alka-Seltzer, Antipohmelin, Corrda, Medichronal, etc.) will relieve the symptoms of intoxication and improve the psychological state.

Call an ambulance if you have symptoms that you do not understand. Professionals will determine for you the best way to get rid of the breakdown products of alcohol. Timely medical examination and urgent detoxification measures will prevent the occurrence of possible complications.

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