Vitamin B3 - for the normal functioning of the body. What foods contain vitamin B3, why does the body need it

The functions of vitamin B3 include positive impact to the nervous system: his work can be compared with the work of a faithful guard, guarding its stability. Its usefulness in the treatment of schizophrenia has been proven, as well as the fact that vitamin PP:

  • controls many oxidative processes;
  • lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol and raises the level of good, which improves heart health;
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • improves tissue respiration;
  • helps to reduce pain in arthritis and arthrosis;
  • catalyzes carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

Niacin is also used in the treatment of diabetes: patients who regularly take vitamin B3 need much less insulin, moreover, it prevents destruction of the pancreas.

Where is vitamin B3 (PP) found?

Of course, you can buy it at a pharmacy: preparations called "Nicotinic acid" are available in ampoules and tablets of various dosages, in powder and injectable solution.

The price of the issue is about 15 rubles (this is if you look for vitamin B3 (PP) in tablets, in ampoules it will cost more - about 45 rubles).

However, the benefits of tablets are incomparable to the benefits of a vitamin in food.

What foods contain the most vitamin B3?

Firstly, in fish, for example, in tuna, pink salmon and salmon. Secondly, this meat and poultry, for example, turkey, and offal: the liver and kidneys are in the lead. What foods still contain vitamin B3? pay attention to eggs, cheese and milk.

There are also plant products containing vitamin PP, and there are many of them: especially a lot of it in cereals(for example, in buckwheat) and in wheat germ. Not much less vitamin RR in mushrooms, including yeast (especially beer), as well as in nuts. Vitamin B3 is also found in tomatoes, broccoli, potatoes, cornmeal and beans. Vitamin PP contained in cereals is more difficult to digest than the same vitamin in beans.

Among herbs and spices - sources of vitamin PP - the leaders are:

  • sage;
  • oregano;
  • marjoram;
  • caraway;
  • alfalfa;
  • sorrel;
  • parsley.

Vitamin B3 almost does not react to heat treatment products, so you can safely conduct culinary experiments - it will not collapse.
About the presence of vitamin PP in finished products you can find out by examining their list food additives: there it is marked with the number E375.

This vitamin, unlike many others, can be produced in the human body on its own. But for this, you need to consume foods rich in tryptophan in sufficient quantities: this is an amino acid that is abundant in bananas, oatmeal, sesame and pine nuts.

Daily intake of vitamin PP

How much vitamin B3 per day should we consume? It depends on who we are. So, children and teenagers depending on age 6 to 21 mg nicotinic acid per day.

Pregnant women need 25 mg. The same amount is needed for athletes, nursing mothers and people who experience serious psychological stress or perform heavy physical work. Adults healthy men and women not busy with heavy physical labor, to meet the daily requirement of vitamin PP will be enough 15 mg per day.

An increased dose of vitamin B3 is required for people who drink alcohol and eat a lot of sweets. These products prevent the body from absorbing nicotinic acid.

Lack of vitamin PP in the body and its symptoms

Deficiency of vitamin PP leads to pellagra from which he got his middle name. This disease is common where starchy foods and corn are the basis of the diet. Such a diet is typical not only for backward countries, but also for quite prosperous Italy and the United States.

Pellagra affects the skin and mucous membranes, begins severe diarrhea leading to dehydration of the body nervously- mental disorders. The most noticeable symptom of the development of this disease is a bright red tongue..

Vitamin PP is no less important for the brain than calcium is for bones, so its lack leads to:

  • insomnia;
  • fears;
  • irritability;
  • aggression;
  • distraction of attention;
  • decrease in the productivity of mental activity.

Lack (hypovitaminosis) of vitamin B3 also leads to weight gain, weakness, headache, insomnia, depression, nausea and indigestion, loss of appetite and decreased ability to work.

Excess (hypervitaminosis) of vitamin B3 and contraindications

Such good vitamin there is never too much, so dangerous consequences no overdose, but there may still be mild dizziness, muscle numbness and tingling, and skin problems such as redness and flushing. At intravenous administration the drug may drop pressure, and prolonged overdose is fraught with fatty degeneration of the liver.

Contraindications to the use of vitamin B3 are:

  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • complex liver damage;
  • gout;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • hypotension;
  • excess uric acid.

B vitamins also help fight early baldness. If your hair is thinning day by day, check out full list recipes and cosmetics With .

You do not know what vitamins the embryo needs for early dates pregnancy? Read all about useful for him and future mother vitamins, micro and macro elements.

Vitamin B3 and beauty

This element is actively used in cosmetology. Yes, there is home mask for lips with nicotinic acid(in tablets).

Grind ten tablets, mix them with vaseline and aromatic oil. If there is no allergy and the skin is not too sensitive, you can add a few grains of red pepper. Keep the mask on your lips for several minutes.

Result: lips increase in volume without any surgical intervention and get brighter.

The effect, however, lasts only a few hours, but if you leave the ball before midnight ...

Nicotinic acid is also used, only now in ampoules, for hair. More precisely, to accelerate their growth: simply rubbed into the scalp liquid vitamin B3 (PP) or mix it with a mask / shampoo. The action is also based on the irritating properties of nicotinic acid:

Blood rushes to the scalp, and the hair roots are stimulated for increased growth.

Remember, do not experiment with nicotinic acid if you have sensitive skin.

Interaction of vitamin PP with other elements

Without vitamin B3, it is impossible to fully assimilate the rest of the vitamins from group B. But B3 itself gets along much better “in company” with copper and vitamin B6.

What do we end up with? Reliable assistant and friend of all nervous system- nicotinic acid. Needless to say, it is the nervous system that largely affects the health of the whole organism: what a well-coordinated work of the heart and the whole digestive system with diseased nerves? So we drink vitamins and save our nerves.

What is vitamin B6? Do you know about its features and role in the body? Why it is impossible to allow its deficiency and where is it contained? Find out.

And finally, learn more about the next vitamin of this group - biotin, which is called.

The human body constantly needs various vitamins and minerals. If a necessary substances come in insufficient quantities, the appearance of failures in functioning is noted various organs and systems and the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms of deficiency of missing elements. Most of useful substances, including vitamin B3, comes with food.

Vitamin B3, it is also called niacin, PP and nicotinic acid, is very important, as it takes an active part in oxidative reactions. In addition, it is often used as medicinal product. From this article you will learn what are the functions of the substance, in which products B3 is found in the highest concentration, and also what is the deficiency or excess of the vitamin.

Vitamin B3 is water-soluble and easily digestible. After entering the body, it takes part in the processes of energy production. When exposed to nicotinic acid, special enzymes are produced that affect the conversion of carbohydrates into energy.

Water-soluble substances are combined into one group called B, and all vitamins that are included in this group have the letter B in their name. These substances are not fat-soluble. They are not able to accumulate in the body, with the exception of B12, therefore their deficiency must be constantly replenished. Substances of this group, including niacin, after entering the body are quickly broken down and absorbed.

Many people often ask the question: "What determines the name of the vitamin?". Niacin is an obsolete name for the substance. Nicotinic acid and nicotine are far from the same substance, as many people are used to believing. Nicotine is the strongest poison, and nicotinic acid is useful substance beneficial effect on the functioning of organs and systems.

For the first time, PP was obtained back in 1867, in the process of oxidation of nicotine with chromic acid. PP stands for anti-allergic. This substance helps to cure a very serious disease - pellagra (a type of beriberi). Pathology is characterized by such symptoms:

  • downgrade cognitive abilities at an elementary level or dementia;
  • depression and mental disorders;
  • diarrhea
  • peeling and redness skin open to sunlight;
  • painful sensations in oral cavity and esophagus.

This ailment is inherent in people with a monotonous diet - the presence in the menu of products with a low concentration of tryptophan, which is necessary for the synthesis of niacin in the body of a substance. In order to prevent the development of pathology, experts advise competently compiling a diet so that all vital elements are present in it.

There are two forms of vitamin B3: nicotinic acid and nicotinamide. The first element is found exclusively in plant products, the second - only in products of animal origin.

Table of Foods High in B3

Vitamin B3 is found in both plant foods and animal products. AT most PP is found in beef liver, dried Shiitake mushrooms, chicken breast, wheat bran, tuna, veal, salmon, buckwheat, bulgur. See the table for details:

The product's name Content
per 100g
Dried white mushrooms 69.1 mg 346%
Peanut 18.9 mg 95%
Sunflower seeds (seeds) 15.7 mg 79%
Tuna 15.5 mg 78%
Wheat bran 13.5 mg 68%
Meat (turkey) 13.3 mg 67%
Egg powder 13.2 mg 66%
beef liver 13 mg 65%
Meat (chicken) 12.5 mg 63%
Braunschweig sausage 11.6 mg 58%
Meat (rabbit) 11.6 mg 58%
Mackerel 11.6 mg 58%
Tea (dry brew) 11.3 mg 57%
Sesame 11.1 mg 56%
Meat (broiler chickens) 11.1 mg 56%
honey mushrooms 10.7 mg 54%
Horse mackerel 10.7 mg 54%
Sausage servelat 10.1 mg 51%
boletus mushrooms 9.8 mg 49%
Mackerel in oil (canned) 9.8 mg 49%
Soy (grain) 9.7 mg 49%
Atlantic salmon (salmon) 9.4 mg 47%
Beef kidneys 9.3 mg 47%
Moscow sausage (smoked) 9.2 mg 46%
Hunting sausages 8.8 mg 44%
Stew (canned) 8.6 mg 43%
white mushrooms 8.5 mg 43%
Keta 8.5 mg 43%
Pink salmon natural (canned) 8.3 mg 42%
Meat (beef) 8.2 mg 41%
Low fat herring 8.2 mg 41%
Pink salmon 8.1 mg 41%
Red granular caviar 7.8 mg 39%
Whole wheat flour 7.8 mg 39%
Wheat (grain, soft variety) 7.8 mg 39%
Fatty herring 7.8 mg 39%
Squid 7.6 mg 38%
Caspian sprat 7.5 mg 38%
Milk powder non-fat 7.5 mg 38%
Wheat (grain, durum) 7.3 mg 37%
Peas (shelled) 7.2 mg 36%
Buckwheat (kernel) 7.2 mg 36%
Milk powder 15% 7.1 mg 36%
Meat (lamb) 7.1 mg 36%
Cashew nuts 6.9 mg 35%
cocoa powder 6.8 mg 34%
boletus mushrooms 6.7 mg 34%
Russula mushrooms 6.7 mg 34%
Wheat flour 2 grades 6.7 mg 34%
Cheese "Poshekhonsky" 45% 6.7 mg 34%
Vobla 6.6 mg 33%
Pike 6.6 mg 33%
Barley (grain) 6.5 mg 33%
Beef sausage (boiled) 6.4 mg 32%
Beans (grain) 6.4 mg 32%
Sunflower halva 6.4 mg 32%
Buckwheat (grain) 6.2 mg 31%
Bream 6.2 mg 31%
Almond 6.2 mg 31%
Buckwheat flour 6.2 mg 31%
Carp 6.2 mg 31%
Buckwheat (prodel) 6 mg 30%

Role and functions in the human body

Vitamin not only helps in the treatment of pellagra. He takes an active part in many processes. If B3 enters the body in required quantity, it promotes:

  • maintenance of genetic processes in cells;
  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • regulation of blood sugar levels;
  • normalization of the central nervous system;
  • elimination of migraines;
  • the formation of the nervous system of the child;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • improvement of vision;
  • prevention of the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization and maintenance of hormonal levels;
  • increased selection gastric juice;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • therapy of gastric and duodenal ulcers, liver pathologies, enterocolitis;
  • the formation of red blood cells;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improving the functioning of the heart muscle.

The vitamin is vital as it performs many functions. Knowing which products contain the element, you can avoid many health problems: inflammatory processes, malaise, sleep disorders, dizziness and headaches, as well as stool disorders.

Table of vitamin PP content in dairy and egg products

Product name Content
per 100g
Acidophilus 1% 0.9 mg 5%
Acidophilus 3.2% 0.8 mg 4%
Cheese (from cow's milk) 5 mg 25%
Chicken egg yolk 4 mg 20%
Yoghurt 1.5% 1.2 mg 6%
Yoghurt 3.2% 1.4 mg 7%
Yoghurt 6% 1.4 mg 7%
Kefir 1% 0.9 mg 5%
Kefir 2.5% 0.8 mg 4%
Kefir 3.2% 0.8 mg 4%
Kefir low fat 0.9 mg 5%
Kumis (from mare's milk) 0.6 mg 3%
Koumiss low-fat (from cow's milk) 0.9 mg 5%
Sweet butter, unsalted 0.2 mg 1%
Butter 0.2 mg 1%
Curd weight 16.5% fat 2.2 mg 11%
Milk 1.5% 0.8 mg 4%
Milk 2.5% 0.8 mg 4%
Milk 3.2% 0.8 mg 4%
goat milk 0.3 mg 2%
Non-fat milk 0.9 mg 5%
Condensed milk 1.7 mg 9%
Omelette 2.2 mg 11%
Buttermilk 1 mg 5%
Curdled milk 1% 0.9 mg 5%
Curdled milk 2.5% 0.8 mg 4%
Curdled milk 3.2% 0.8 mg 4%
Curdled milk low-fat 0.9 mg 5%
Ryazhenka 1% 0.9 mg 5%
Ryazhenka 6% 0.9 mg 5%
Cream 10% 0.9 mg 5%
Cream 20% 0.6 mg 3%
Cream 35% 0.5 mg 3%
Cream 8% 0.9 mg 5%
Condensed cream with sugar 19% 1.9 mg 10%
Cream powder 42% 5.3 mg 27%
Sour cream 10% 0.8 mg 4%
Sour cream 15% 0.6 mg 3%
Sour cream 20% 0.6 mg 3%
Sour cream 25% 0.6 mg 3%
Sour cream 30% 0.5 mg 3%
Cheese "Adyghe" 5.7 mg 29%
Cheese "Dutch" 45% 6.8 mg 34%
Cheese "Parmesan" 5.6 mg 28%
Cheese "Poshekhonsky" 45% 6.7 mg 34%
Cheese "Russian" 50% 6.1 mg 31%
Sulguni cheese" 5.5 mg 28%
Chees Feta" 5.7 mg 29%
Cheese "Cheddar" 50% 6.1 mg 31%
Gouda cheese 5.1 mg 26%
Processed cheese "Sausage" 6 mg 30%
Processed cheese "Russian" 5.7 mg 29%
Curd 11% 3.8 mg 19%
Curd 18% 3.8 mg 19%
Curd 9% (bold) 3.9 mg 20%
Low-fat cottage cheese 4 mg 20%
Fried eggs 3.6 mg 18%
Chicken egg 3.6 mg 18%
quail egg 3.1 mg 16%

How to save PP in products

In order to preserve nicotinic acid in products, several recommendations should be followed. Niacin, considered to be a water-soluble substance resistant to low temperatures, drying to UV radiation and acid-base environment The gastrointestinal tract is still afraid of heat treatment. At heat treatment from 10 to 40% of the substance is lost.

Therefore, care should be taken to include foods with high content niacin. The approximate ratio of products of plant and animal origin is 2:1. At the same time, it is important to eat rich in fiber to help cleanse the intestines.

daily requirement for niacin

The need for PP depends on age and gender. The older a person is, the more his body needs niacin. At the same time, as an addition, a reception is often prescribed. dosage form: tablets, capsules or injections. Doctors advise taking nicotinic acid in combination with other B vitamins.

Up to six months, 2 mg of the substance should enter the body of a child, up to a year - 4 mg, up to three years - 6 mg, eight - 8 mg, 13 years - 12 mg.

Male adolescents should consume up to 14 mg of the vitamin, over 19 years of age -14 mg. Women, unlike representatives of the stronger sex, need more quantity RR. The body of a teenage girl should receive up to 16 mg, adult woman- 16 mg. Pregnant women should use 18 mg PP, and during the period breastfeeding- up to 17 mg.

There are also cases where there is a significant increase in the need for nicotinic acid. These include:

  • the predominance of plant products in the diet;
  • work in conditions elevated temperatures: hot shops, regions with a hot climate;
  • accommodation in the Far North;
  • excessive physical exercise, hard labour;
  • overstrain of the central nervous system (typical for professions where increased responsibility is required).

Nicotinic acid deficiency: causes and manifestations

The lack of an element accumulates gradually and, first of all, the central nervous system suffers from the disease. The appearance is noted causeless fear, anxiety, irritability, sleep disturbances, anger and chronic fatigue. most dangerous pathology caused by niacin deficiency is pellagra. To a greater extent, people whose diet is dominated by food containing starch and abusing alcohol are at risk of developing the disease.

The lack of nicotinic acid is observed with a decrease in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, as well as with violations of the processing of fats and carbohydrates, which in turn is fraught with failures in metabolic processes and lack of energy. Lack of nicotinamine is fraught with impaired insulin production and neuro-emotional disorders.

To compensate for the lack of nicotinamide, it is recommended to enrich the diet with red fish, chicken eggs, chicken meat, beef liver and beef.

Element deficiency may be due to:

  • gestation and breastfeeding;
  • frequent use of diets (unbalanced diet);
  • alcohol abuse and drug use;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • chronic illnesses and congenital disorder metabolic processes.

The disease is accompanied by the following manifestations: frequent headaches, depression, indigestion and upset stools, corrosive ulcers, fatigue, chronic fatigue, malaise, dizziness and faintness, inflammatory processes and cracks in the dermis, insomnia and loss of appetite.

In order to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and improve the general condition and well-being, it is necessary to review your diet and enrich it with B3 source products. If necessary, you can take vitamin-mineral complexes and preparations with niacin, but only after prior consultation with a specialist and clarification of the required dosage.

How does excess manifest itself?

An overdose of nicotinic acid coming from their products is impossible. An excess of a vitamin can only be due to the abuse of drugs and vitamin complexes, excess of prescribed doses and prolonged use. It is not difficult to understand that the body is suffering from an overdose. The disease is accompanied by such manifestations:

  • headaches;
  • darkening of urine;
  • yellowing of proteins;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • skin rashes and itching;
  • pre-fainting and fainting states;
  • dyspeptic disorders.

In order to eliminate symptoms, you should consult a doctor if you have been prescribed medication with PP.

Vitamin B3 is vital and important. He takes an active part in many processes, helps to normalize metabolism, improve the functioning of the central nervous system and energy production. Knowing the role and benefits of the element, what products it contains and the necessary daily requirement, you can prevent the appearance of symptoms of deficiency and excess, as well as many other health problems.

Vitamin B3 (niacin, vitamin PP) - water soluble vitamin, which is easily synthesized by the intestinal microflora; tolerates high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation; does not break down under the influence of acid and alkaline environment digestive tract.

The first name of vitamin PP stands for "anti-pellagric" (pellagra preventing), i.e. intended for the treatment of pellagra (a disease that occurs in the absence of this vitamin in the body).

The name of vitamin PP is outdated, gradually falling into disuse, while the names “niacin” and “vitamin B3” are modern. Niacin exists in two forms - nicotinic acid (found in foods plant origin) and nicotinamide (found in animal products). Both of them satisfy the body's needs for vitamin B3, however, their medicinal properties different. Nicotinamide helps with osteoarthritis and may prevent diabetes, while nicotinic acid helps lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides.

Nicotinic acid was first obtained in 1867 as a derivative of nicotine, but then no one revealed the importance of this substance for the body. And only in 1937 its biological significance was established.

The vitamin B3 molecule containing nitrogen is very simple in its chemical structure and extremely mobile. She plays in cages human body very important role. Simple chemical structure helps niacin very quickly pass the way to them, avoiding encounters with free radicals. Such amazing properties of vitamin B3 make it especially valuable. Like all other water-soluble vitamins, niacin cannot be stored in the body, as it is washed out with the blood and excreted in the urine.

Vitamin B3 can be synthesized in human body beneficial bacteria living in the large intestine. But, for this they need the amino acid tryptophan in sufficient quantities: from 60 mg of tryptophan, only 1 mg of nicotinic acid is formed. As well as the presence of other B vitamins - pyridoxine and riboflavin.


Niacin is very important for the normal functioning of the body and maintaining health. His beneficial features are extensive, it is part of more than 300 enzymes, an active participant in metabolism, with its deficiency, the most unpleasant symptoms. In the human body, vitamin B3 performs the following functions:
1. Participates in energy production. With its help, special enzymes are formed that affect the processes of obtaining energy from carbohydrates. Niacin also helps control blood glucose levels. This allows the body to expend the energy received in a measured manner.
2. Reduces the level of "bad" LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, while raising the level of "good" HDL cholesterol, which significantly reduces the risk heart attack.
3. Niacin is essential for amino acid metabolism.
4. Normalizes the work of the heart, dilates blood vessels, thereby eliminating circulatory delays, participates in the formation of hemoglobin.
5. Vitamin B3 stimulates the production of gastric juice and helps the production digestive enzymes in the liver and pancreas, is involved in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates.
6. Participates in the synthesis of the most important hormones: cortisone, thyroxine, insulin, estrogens, progesterone and testosterone. With their help, niacin has a regulatory effect on body functions.
7. Vitamin B3 promotes the absorption of protein from plant foods.
8. Provides normal functioning nervous system.
9. According to some scientists, niacin plays an important role in the fight against the development of cancer, preventing healthy cells turn into cancer.
10. Participates in ensuring normal vision.
11. Vitamin B3 supports healthy condition skin, intestinal mucosa and oral cavity.
12. Without neocin, the brain cannot function normally, a person loses the ability to associate, loses memory, and cannot sleep.

All these and many other functions make vitamin B3 very useful and allow it to be used in medicine for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

daily requirement

Each healthy man needs a daily intake of niacin with food, as it belongs to the group of water-soluble and is not able to accumulate in the body. daily requirement in vitamin B3 is 12 - 25 mg, the norm varies depending on age, diseases and physical activity:
- children from 0.6 to 1 year - 6 mg;
- children from 1 to 1.5 years old - 9 mg;
- children from 1.5 to 2 years - 10 mg;
- children from 3 to 4 years old - 12 mg;
- children from 5 to 6 years old - 13 mg;
- children from 7 to 10 years old - 15 mg;
- children from 11 to 13 years old - 19 mg;
- boys from 14 to 17 years old - 21 mg;
- girls from 14 to 17 years old -18 mg;
- men over 19 years old - 14 mg;
- women over 19 years old - 16 mg.

Women of any age should take 21 mg of niacin per day during pregnancy and 20 mg per day while breastfeeding. It must be borne in mind that the recommended dosages of vitamin B3 described above are minimal.

The need for vitamin B3 increases with:
- heavy physical exertion;
- intense neuro-psychic activity (pilots, air traffic controllers);
- living in the conditions of the Far North;
- work in hot climates or in hot shops;
- low-protein nutrition and the predominance vegetable proteins over animals (vegetarianism, fasting).

We do not know how much of the niacin that enters the body will be absorbed, and how much will be destroyed. One of the main enemies of vitamin B3 is sugar and drinks and foods containing it. They are what make us steadily lose niacin. Therefore, sweet tooth needs an increased dose of it.

An increased dose of vitamin B3 is required for people who drink alcohol, as well as while taking antibiotics and various chemotherapy drugs.

The list of foods that contain niacin is very diverse. It includes both animal products and vegetable products. In addition, vitamin B3 can be produced by bacteria in our intestines, but only in certain conditions- in the presence of the essential amino acid tryptophan and a sufficient amount of vitamins B2 and B6.

It should be borne in mind that niacin, which is in different products, are absorbed differently. For example, from legumes it is absorbed much better than from corn and cereals.

Detailed information on the amount of vitamin B3 in the products is presented in the table.

mg per 100 g
Dried boletus 93
Dried brewer's yeast 36
Peanut 16
turkey meat 8.0
Chicken 8.0
Salmon (canned) 7.2
Beef kidneys 7.2
beef heart 7.0
Mutton 6.6
Veal 6.6
Pork liver 5.8
beef tongue 5.0
Almond 4.6
Beef 4,5
Sunflower halva 4,5
Buckwheat 4.2
baked potatoes 3.3
Dry apricots 3.3
Porcini 2.7
Champignons 2.1
Green pea 2.0
wheat bread 1.6
Hazelnut 1.1
pistachios 1.1
Cereals 0,9
Walnut 0,8
Rye bread 0,7
Cabbage 0,4
Cherry 0,4

Like other water-soluble vitamins, niacin is not stored in the body and must be constantly supplied with food. Absorption of vitamin B3 occurs in lower section stomach and duodenum. Therefore, in diseases of these organs, its deficiency is observed.

Niacin is quite stable in the external environment - withstands long-term storage, freezing, drying, action sunlight, alkaline and acidic solutions. Vitamin B3 is one of the most stable vitamins in terms of cooking and storage.

Vitamin B3 deficiency

Niacin deficiency accumulates over the years, masquerading as various nervous diseases. Therefore, if you feel fears, anxiety, anger, you have insomnia and irritability, or you suddenly begin to gain weight unreasonably, most likely you do not have enough vitamin B3.

To moderate symptoms niacin deficiency include: loss of appetite, fast fatiguability, frequent dizziness and headaches, muscle weakness and pain in the limbs, insomnia, decreased sexual desire, depression and low blood sugar.

To heavy featured vitamin B3 deficiency include: memory lapses, burning sensation in the limbs, inflammation and cracks in the skin, diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, anemia.

At proper nutrition our food will provide you enough vitamin B3, as well as other B vitamins and essential trace elements. If the diet has a lot of fiber and little sugar, sweets, then it can not be supplemented with vitamin B3. But for those who love sweets, drink alcohol, niacin is required 2-3 times more than normal.

Vitamin B3 deficiency is much more common in older people. The reason is a slowdown in metabolic processes and a weakening of the body's ability to absorb nutrients from his usual food. Therefore, supplementation with niacin is recommended for people over 55 years of age.

Too much vitamin B3

With uncontrolled intake in large doses medicines containing niacin, it is possible to develop hypervitaminosis, i.e., its excess, which is manifested by the following symptoms: redness of the skin of the face; dizziness; feeling that all the blood has collected in the head; numbness. It is not recommended to take vitamin B3 on an empty stomach. In this case, you are guaranteed the symptoms described above.

But with a long-term excess of niacin, more major changes: the work of the digestive system is disturbed (appetite decreases, nausea, vomiting and pain in the stomach appear), develops fatty degeneration liver (it can be recognized by yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes).

If any of these reactions occur, seek medical attention immediately.


Vitamin B3 is involved in many oxidative processes and body reactions. Its deficiency is often associated with a monotonous diet, the lack of herbs, greens, vegetables and "live" foods in the diet. Niacin is used to treat the following pathologies:
1. In diabetes, it prevents the destruction of the pancreas, which produces insulin. Diabetic patients who regularly take vitamin B3 require injections with less insulin.
2. Pellagra is a skin disease accompanied by various dermatitis, inflammatory lesions of the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue, atrophy of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Vitamin B3 prevents the development of this disease.
3. Intestinal problems (chronic diarrhea, inflammatory diseases intestines).
4. Osteoarthritis - Niacin reduces pain and also reduces joint mobility during illness.
5. Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.
6. A variety of neuropsychiatric disorders - the drug has a calming effect, is used to treat depression, decreased attention and schizophrenia.
7. Tryptophan deficiency ( essential amino acid, which is found in mushrooms, oats, bananas, peanuts, sesame, pine nuts).
8. Application oral contraceptives.
9. The presence of physical injuries.

Niacin is actively used in cosmetology. To accelerate hair growth, liquid vitamin B3 is rubbed into the scalp, and mixed with a mask or shampoo. Blood rushes to the scalp, and the hair roots are stimulated for increased growth.

Large doses niacin, necessary for the treatment of schizophrenia or lipid disorders, act like a medicine, so they should be taken under medical supervision.

Vitamin B3 is very popular. It also has its other names - vitamin PP, niacin (obsolete name), nicotinic acid. By its nature, it is a water-soluble vitamin that is involved in the oxidation reactions of living cells of the body. If we review the entire table of active vitamins of the B group, then only vitamin B3 is registered as a drug.

People also call it the vitamin of calmness., and experts equate it with vitamin C.

What is this super vitamin? Let's try to find out more about him. We will study all its properties, characteristics, functions. Let's name the sources of origin and methods of use. This will allow you to use this substance to your advantage.

Vitamin B3 does not accumulate in the body, but is quickly absorbed and broken down into small particles. It will be useful to learn about the second names of this vitamin, their meanings and origin.

Speaking of the name "nicotinic acid", one cannot equate a vitamin with nicotine. These are two completely different substances.

Nicotine is a deadly poison, and nicotinic acid is a beneficial and the right vitamin. This name was given to him because the substance was obtained by oxidizing nicotine with chromic acid.

Another of the names of vitamin PP (more common) means its primary purpose. The fact is that for the first time its medicinal properties were used for such a disease as pellagra (avitaminosis). So it turns out that it is antipellargenic - two RRs.

Signs of vitamin B3 deficiency

The lack of this vitamin in the body leads to beriberi. When this happens, a person has the following problems:

  • Deviations in the work of the nervous system - mental disorders and depression.
  • Brain disorders.
  • Digestive problems - diarrhea.
  • Pain in the mouth and throat when swallowing something.
  • Rash, redness and peeling of skin areas that are more exposed to the influence of the sun.

In the human body, vitamin B3 performs a considerable number of functions. Among them there are both universal and specialized in each organ or system separately.

Functions of Vitamin B3

Regarding universal functions, the following should be noted here:

1. Normalizes the level of sugar in human blood.

2. Helps get rid of bad cholesterol.

3. Supports genetic processes in cells.

4. Is an important source of energy necessary for life.

5. Takes part in the metabolism of fats, amino acids, proteins.

6. Involved in the reproduction of red blood cells.

7. Known as a sedative.

8. Helps keep skin healthy and fresh.

9. Able to reduce the craving for alcohol.

10. Brings back to normal general state the entire human body.

Vitamin PP performs its functions directly in each of the systems. For the nervous system, nicotinic acid is useful in that it helps to regulate all its work. This vitamin helps with headaches, in the work of the brain.

In addition to all this, niacin is a source of strength and energy. Vitamin B3 also plays an important role in the formation of the children's nervous system.

Vitamin B3 helps the cardiovascular system to improve blood circulation and stabilize the speed of blood flow. Niacin acts as a cleanser for blood vessels, saving them from excessive savings. It also dilates small vessels.

People who suffer from frequent increase pressure, this vitamin will also come in handy. Generally nicotinic acid prevents various diseases blood vessels, heart. Therefore, it is necessary for the functioning of this system of the body.

vitamin regulates hormonal balance organism. It synthesizes thyroid, adrenal, pancreatic and sex hormones.

Consumption of vitamin B3 has a positive effect on the digestive system. Nicotinic acid can increase the secretion of gastric juice. As a result, the process of digestion and assimilation of food is accelerated, and appetite improves.

In addition, this vitamin speeds up the process of moving food throughout the tract. Doctors may prescribe niacin as medicinal product with liver disease, stomach ulcers or enterocolitis.

Due to the anti-inflammatory effect, vitamin B3 is prescribed for inflammation of the mucous membranes and problems with the pancreas.

The musculoskeletal system also benefits from vitamin PP. This vitamin is especially good for joints. It helps to reduce pain and increases joint mobility in osteoarthritis.

What foods contain vitamin B3 (vitamin PP)

Now you know how much vitamin B3 brings to the human body. Therefore, you need to know in which products it is present.

Among meat products vitamin PP is found in lamb, beef, white poultry meat. Of offal, preference should be given to the tongue, heart, liver and kidneys.

You should also eat fish and seafood. Rich in vitamin B3 are eggs, potatoes, cheese, cereals, tomatoes, legumes, nuts, seeds, bran.

The following foods are richest in vitamin PP:

  • Beef liver.
  • Dried shiitake mushrooms.
  • Chicken breast.
  • Wheat bran.
  • Tuna.
  • Halibut.
  • Salmon
  • Veal.
  • Bulgur.
  • Buckwheat.

The fact that vitamin PP is practically not destroyed under the influence external factors . Therefore, without problems, you can fry, boil, stew, succumb high temperatures everything that contains it.

The main thing is to have as many niacin-containing foods on your menu as possible. It is also worth making sure that there is twice as much food of plant origin as animal.

Vitamin B3 deficiency is bad for human health. It is very important for pregnant women, young mothers, people who work hard mentally, athletes.

Also, this substance will not interfere with those who work very hard physically, during chronic diseases and with poor and poor daily nutrition.

People who smoke a lot, drink alcohol or are dependent on something, the niacin rate should be increased several times.

On the deficiency of vitamin PP in the body in primary form signals the nervous system. The person becomes irritable, timid, nervous, worried, twitchy, embittered.

Moreover, he does not sleep well, he suffers from insomnia and he often and quickly gets tired. In addition to the nervous system, the digestive system also suffers. Heaviness is felt in the stomach, a person is tormented by nausea, heartburn and poor appetite.

Deficiency of this vitamin affects physical health. A person feels pain in the limbs and muscles. acute form Vitamin B3 deficiency causes pellagra disease.

Also, the list of deficiency should be replenished with such symptoms: anemia, absence or very weak sex drive, burning in the feet and hands and loss of memory .

If you overdo it with the drugs of this substance, then you can even harm yourself. In this case, arrhythmia, nausea, vomiting, headache, skin defects - rash, peeling and redness on the cheeks. Dizziness, indigestion, nausea, vomiting are also possible.

Anyway, vitamin B3 must be consumed. It is best that it enters the body with food. Then the overdose is not terrible.

Relatively medications, it is better to take them as prescribed by the attending physician. You don't have to deal with these issues on your own. After all, this drug is prescribed in specific cases.

Initially vitamin B3 had a different name - RR, due to its ability to prevent the occurrence of satisfied dangerous disease- pellagra. Over time, more modern name- niacin. In plants, this vitamin exists in the form of nicotinic acid and has properties that are different from its animal counterpart, nicotinamide.

Vitamin B3 was synthesized for the first time back in 1867, during experiments with nicotinic acid, but the biological significance of this discovery was realized only in 1937.

Useful properties of vitamin B3

Numerous beneficial properties of niacin are explained by the presence of nitrogen in its molecule - it provides extreme mobility and the ability to penetrate into any cells of the body, bypassing free radicals. Vitamin B3 is water-soluble, and therefore is not able to accumulate, being excreted with various body fluids and spreading with the blood. It can also be synthesized (in trace amounts) by intestinal bacteria, but only in the presence of vitamins and.

One of the main functions of niacin is the regulation of energy metabolism in the body. It normalizes blood glucose levels and is responsible for controlling its use. Also, vitamin B3 is necessary for work. of cardio-vascular system- taking care of increasing the content of "good" cholesterol, it not only reduces the level of "bad", but also participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin, dilates blood vessels and reduces the risk of heart attacks.

Need niacin for normal operation Gastrointestinal tract - it stimulates the production of enzymes of the liver, pancreas and gastric juice, promotes the absorption of vegetable proteins and supports the functioning of the intestinal mucosa and oral cavity.

Significant benefits of vitamin B3 and in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. Its therapeutic effect can not only stimulate the work of memory and associative thinking, but also get rid of schizophrenia. Being, in fact, a tranquilizer, it can have a relaxing effect and is excellent for anxiety and bulimia.

What foods contain vitamin B3

Minimum daily rate vitamin B3 is quite large - 14mg for men and 16mg for women. However, getting it is quite simple - you need to use it in daily diet whole grains and unrefined grains, as well as mushrooms and nuts. Especially a lot of niamine in peanuts (16mg) and dried boletus (93mg), and dry brewer's yeast (36mg) is rightfully considered its most accessible source.

It must be taken into account that of various products Nutritional vitamin B3 is absorbed in different ways. So, for example, legumes will be a better source than cereals.

An excellent property of niamine is resistance to different ways processing, and therefore it is perfectly preserved in products during freezing, and during drying, cooking, and even interaction with salt.

Lack of vitamin B3

Small vitamin B3 deficiency it is extremely difficult to notice immediately, because its symptoms - insomnia, irritability, headaches, fatigue - can always be attributed to fatigue. Niamine deficiency can cause sharp increase weight, or, conversely, lack of appetite, as well as slight increase blood sugar.

Signs of serious beriberi are memory lapses, diarrhea, the appearance of cracks and inflammation on the skin, and burning in the limbs. The risk zone includes people whose diet is characterized by an excess of sugar or the regular presence of alcohol, as well as older people (over 55 years old).

Vitamin B3 overdose

By eating plant foods containing vitamin B3, it is impossible to get an overdose, because. surpluses are quickly withdrawn by their own excretory systems organism. However, with excessive use of niamine in the form of drugs, the following symptoms: dizziness, numbness and redness of the scalp. They are especially likely after taking the drug on an empty stomach.

A significant excess of vitamin B3 in the human body threatens to disrupt the gastrointestinal tract and fatty degeneration of the liver, accompanied by vomiting, stomach pain and yellowing. eye proteins. Therefore, we advise against synthetic vitamins and take everything in its natural form, getting the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals from fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains and nuts.

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