Fiber for the body. For this you will need. Foods rich in fiber

Fiber is a plant fiber that plays an important role in normal working capacity gastrointestinal tract person. The substances contained in it take an active part in the metabolic process, without supplying the body with energy.

Fiber is a combination of dietary fiber and includes:

  1. Polysaccharides (cellulose). Their main function is to change the natural contents of the gastrointestinal tract with a further change in the absorption of nutrients and chemicals.
  2. Hemicellulose (promotes water absorption).
  3. Gum (suppresses appetite, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins).
  4. Pectin (is a regulator of cholesterol and blood glucose levels).
  5. Lignin is a natural sorbent that removes various toxic substances from the body.

All alimentary fiber, representing fiber, may be soluble or insoluble. Substances such as cellulose and lignin are insoluble fiber. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, they form a lump that cleans everything from the body toxic substances.

In this case, the body will need to spend a sufficient amount of energy to digest insoluble plant fibers, soluble fiber includes hemicellulose, gums and pectin.

Such components, entering the stomach, absorb liquid and increase in volume several times. That is why, with the use of such fiber, a quick feeling of fullness comes, which persists for a long time.

Today, in stores and pharmacies, you can buy ready-made fiber and take it. A properly composed diet will help to avoid various dietary supplements, because fiber is found in many foods. plant origin.

Insoluble dietary fiber (or coarse fiber) is found in the following foods:

  • Cellulose is found in significant amounts in rye and wheat bran, apples, carrots, beets and legumes.
  • lignin is found in strawberries, radishes and cereals.

Soluble dietary fibers, namely gum, pectin and hemicellulose, contain:

  • citrus fruits, mangoes, apples, cabbage and carrots, zucchini and squash, plums and apricotsꓼ
  • oatmeal and barley groats, legumesꓼ
  • beets, bran, flax seeds.

All familiar products vegetable origin to some extent contain fiber.

Why does a person need fiber?

The benefits of fiber for the body are primarily noticeable for the gastrointestinal tract, which subsequently affects the work of many organs and systems.

If you take plant fibers in the required amount (about forty grams per day of fiber) regularly, then after a short time improve general state organism and appearance person.

It is useful to take products with high content plant fibers, as they have the following effects:

  1. Helps reduce levels bad cholesterol in blood. Numerous medical research showed that taking regular plant products, the amount bad cholesterol may decrease by more than fifty percent.
  2. Absorbing all toxic substances, fiber removes them from the body.
  3. Reduced chance of stone formation gallbladder.
  4. The work of the intestines is normalized. It is recommended to use fiber not only for people with diseases of the organ, but also in preventive purposes. Vegetable fibers help to cope with chronic constipation. The fiber found in flaxseeds, not only removes toxins, but also envelops the walls of the intestine. Thus, anti-inflammatory, wound healing effects are manifested.
  5. Decreased appetite. Cellulose indispensable assistant for people who watch their weight. Soluble plant fibers swell in the digestive tract, which leads to rapid and prolonged satiety. Even a small portion of food rich in fiber can forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time.
  6. Prevention of diabetes. Nowadays, this disease is becoming more and more common. From numerous reasons its occurrence, it is necessary to highlight not proper nutrition. At balanced diet, you can achieve a decrease and normalization of blood sugar levels. That is why doctors strongly recommend that diabetics regularly consume the daily intake of fiber.
  7. Activation in progress digestive enzymes intestines, and maintaining the necessary microflora.
  8. There is a slowdown in the process of assimilation of incoming carbohydrates.
  9. Weight is normalized due to the reduction of body fat and the cleansing of the body from the accumulation of harmful substances.

It is also important that regular fiber intake is an excellent prevention of colon cancer.

The benefit of consuming fiber (especially hemp, wheat, or flaxseed) for women is improved skin and hair condition. Vegetable fibers help to remove various pathogenic fungi and yeast from the body, which provoke the appearance of acne and pimples.

How to lose weight with fiber?

In order to lose weight, it is not necessary to take magic pills or exhaust yourself with excessive physical activity in gym. Moderate physical activity(fitness, for example) and proper nutrition will help you achieve your desired weight.

Fiber is great dietary product, due to which natural process weight loss and health improvement. One of the main functions that vegetable fibers perform is the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, metabolism is accelerated, toxins and slags are removed - the whole organism is cleansed.

The daily intake of fiber is approximately thirty to forty grams. In order to lose weight, it can be increased to sixty. A properly formulated diet should include about seventy percent of high-fiber foods. This is not only a variety of fruits and vegetables, but also various cereals, legumes. In addition, it is believed that it is better to eat fruits in the morning separately from other foods. In this case, they will bring great benefit. In addition, at heat treatment a significant part of dietary fiber is destroyed - vegetables and fruits are best consumed fresh.

Many women in the fight for harmony use ready-made fiber purchased at a pharmacy. Flaxseed, wheat and milk thistle fiber are especially popular. Such products can be consumed on their own or by adding it to other dishes, yogurt, kefir. When taking pharmacy supplements, you need to monitor the amount of fluid you drink. With a lack of water, such fiber can greatly clog the stomach. At the same time, according to numerous reviews, pharmaceutical plant fibers have high efficiency and help to get rid of excess weight, especially by combining a diet with the rejection of sweet and starchy foods.

It is best to take pharmacy fiber three times a day, diluting required amount in glass warm water(about half an hour before the main meal).

The maximum dose of a pharmaceutical product should not exceed eight tablespoons per day.

Fiber Precautions

The benefits and harms of fiber are often more pronounced when consumed. finished product purchased at pharmacy kiosks. Modern biochemistry makes it possible to achieve significant positive results if all precautions are taken.

Each type of fiber may contain different proportions of its constituents, which may Negative influence on the body.

Most often, side effects when using pharmacy dietary fiber appear in the form of:

  • bloating,
  • appearance of flatulence
  • pain in the stomach.

The use of fiber is also contraindicated for women during pregnancy and lactation, young children, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation (gastric and intestinal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, gastritis) or pancreatitis. AT rare cases, individual intolerance to one of the components of the product may occur - fiber intake must be stopped.

Exceeding the permissible dosages can lead to the washing out of not only harmful substances, but also vitamins, microelements (or worsen their digestibility). First of all, it concerns vitamins of group B.

Wheat fiber, the benefits of which are undeniable, can also be harmful if consumed in large quantities. Exceeding the permissible dosages leads to poor absorption of trace elements such as iron and zinc, vitamins A and B2.

Milk thistle fiber can appear as: side effects, how:

  1. headache,
  2. allergic rashes on the skin.

It should be borne in mind that milk thistle is contraindicated for those who have problems with the liver.

People who do not have stool problems should be careful about consuming fiber from flax seeds. Such plant fibers can lead to diarrhea.

You should also not combine the intake of pharmacy fiber with some medicines.

To minimize the risk of manifestation negative effects from the use of plant fibers, it is necessary to adhere to the recommended dosages, drink enough water and take vitamin complexes.

Fiber is one of the components of food that is not digested. human body, but at the same time it is useful for the health of the esophagus and the whole organism as a whole. Previously, it was believed that if fiber is not digested, then it is not useful for the body, so it was removed from the products. Nowadays, more and more often you can hear about such a concept as the benefits of fiber. The benefits of fiber for the body are expressed favorable influence on digestion and therefore on the health of the whole organism. There are some contraindications about taking fiber, so you need to know the benefits and harms of fiber before you start consuming it. Cellulose herbal benefits and harm must be considered in particular before including additional source fiber in food. There is an opinion that fiber, which is contained in foods, is enough for health and it is not necessary to consume it separately. At the same time, there is an opinion that most foods contain very little fiber, so it is necessary to consume it in addition to the general diet. Daily fiber intake: 25-30 g for an adult. Fiber is also known as dietary fiber or dietary fiber. What is dietary fiber? This is a class of carbohydrates, saccharides that are not digested by our esophagus. Fiber is found mainly in plant foods.

Types of fiber:

  1. Soluble fiber(lignin, pectin, gum, etc.)
  2. insoluble fiber(hemicellulose, cellulose)

Both types of fiber are useful for the body, as soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber is found in foods such as: oat bran, carrots, berries, apples, citrus fruits, oats, barley, etc. Insoluble fiber is found in wheat bran, legumes, brown rice, etc.

The benefits of fiber:

- 30 g of fiber per day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 50%.

- Prevention of cancer and diabetes.

- Improves digestion and normalizes the digestive tract.

- Promotes the onset of a feeling of satiety, which allows you to get full faster, which means it will help you lose weight and cleanse the intestines of toxins.

- Lowers blood sugar levels.

- Cleanses the body of toxins and toxic substances.

- Helps fight constipation.

- Useful for hypertension, lowers blood pressure.

- Helps cleanse the blood of bad cholesterol.

- Useful in atherosclerosis.

- Prevents obesity.

- Favorably affects the intestinal microflora.

— Prevention various diseases Gastrointestinal tract, including a decrease in the level inflammatory reactions in the body.

- Improves intestinal absorption.

Harm and contraindications of fiber:

- exacerbation of ulcers duodenum and stomach ulcers.

— Colitis

— Enteritis

- Diarrhea.

- With prolonged use in large quantities, it removes from the body not only harmful, but also useful material, as minerals and vitamins.

Fiber for weight loss it is a product that helps to throw off excess weight. We are talking about fiber, which can be bought in the form of food supplements, since Siberian fiber, etc. Whether or not to believe the miraculous effect of fiber, which is sold in pharmacies and other specialized stores, is up to everyone to decide. One thing is clear, do not neglect the benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, cereals and legumes, which contain a lot of plant natural fiber useful for the body. The use of fiber in the process of losing weight helps to lose weight and not accumulate kilograms. One important benefit of fiber is that it interferes with the absorption of fats in the intestines, which helps fight obesity effectively. It often happens that, wanting to lose weight, people start taking fiber with large doses product, which leads to a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and discomfort. AT this case fiber is not to blame, but its wrong intake. Fiber also slows down the absorption process simple carbohydrates which also contributes to weight loss.

Rules for fiber intake:

- Do not abuse foods that contain fiber, and also immediately take a lot of fiber as a food supplement. This can cause bloating, gas, and intestinal cramps. You need to start with 5 g of fiber per week and gradually increase the intake to 25-30 g per day.

– Fiber intake should be accompanied abundant reception water, which helps soften the fibers and simplify their movement through the digestive tract.

- Consume both soluble and insoluble fiber to get maximum benefit for the body.

- Abuse of fiber (excess daily rate consumption) can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, gas formation, etc.

- When taking fiber, you need to drink at least 1 liter clean water Otherwise, constipation will only get worse.

- Fiber interacts with some medications, which must be taken into account.

- Fiber cleanses the body of everything, sometimes even removes useful elements Therefore, you need to enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals when taking fiber, in particular you need to increase the amount of calcium consumed.

- Fiber is low in calories and nutrients, so you shouldn't eat it alone.

Many of our favorite foods contain fiber. What is it? The coarsest plant fibers that make up cabbage leaves, the peel of vegetables and fruits, legumes and seeds. In fact, our stomach cannot digest fiber, it is a rather complex form of carbohydrates. Why, then, nutritionists strongly recommend constantly enriching your diet with it, and what are the benefits and harms of fiber - later in the article.

Is fiber good for the body?

First of all, fiber has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, on which the general condition of the body and appearance depend. Soluble fiber is digested for a long time, thanks to this, the feeling of satiety does not leave us. long time.

Insoluble fiber facilitates the easy passage of food through the intestines, while absorbing water.

Thanks to, the process of digestion of food is accelerated at times, which contributes to rapid withdrawal it from the body, cleansing the intestines.

The benefits of fiber for the body are as follows:

  • lowering blood cholesterol levels. Scientists have proven that people who eat fiber-rich foods have 60 percent lower cholesterol levels than those who ignore these foods;
  • prevents the appearance of stones in the gallbladder;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • prevents some bowel diseases and helps fight them. For example: healing properties flax fiber, envelop the walls of the stomach with mucus that can fight inflammation and heal wounds;
  • reduces appetite. When fiber enters the stomach, it absorbs liquid and swells, thanks to which the feeling of satiety does not leave us for a long time. And if you regularly consume fiber before meals, fast satiety and a long feeling of satiety are guaranteed;
  • fiber has the ability to lower sugar levels, which prevents the development of diabetes;
  • promotes the activation of intestinal digestive enzymes;
  • prevents the development of colon cancer;
  • normalizes microflora;
  • slows down the process of digestion of carbohydrates;
  • helps in the fight against overweight;
  • cleans the intestines from toxins.

The benefits of fiber for weight loss

In most weight loss programs, fiber is an integral part. Its amazing abilities: to reduce hunger by filling the stomach, cleanse the intestines, saturate and reduce the calorie content of foods, make it an excellent tool for losing weight, without harm to the body.

Consumption of fruits and vegetables is one of the better ways to fight against the hated kilograms.

Important! Eat raw, as the fiber fibers are destroyed during heat treatment.

Another way to lose weight with fiber is pharmaceutical products: flax fiber, Siberian, wheat and milk thistle fiber.

What is the healthiest fiber?

Fiber is divided into two types, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber removes cholesterol from the body, thereby preventing its absorption into the blood. Insoluble fiber absorbs fluid, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Each species performs a specific function and is beneficial to the body in its own way. But still, the fiber that is in the composition of the product, and not isolated (pharmacy), is considered the most useful.

Fiber was considered a dietary fiber a few decades ago. Official science did not see much benefit in it and even at times recognized it as harmful to the body. Today fiber is "rehabilitated". Transfers about healthy eating, magazines and websites are full of the term "coarse fiber". How coarse is fiber for the human body, and what does it bring in itself - benefit or danger?

Fiber - only found in plant foods

Fiber is part of plant foods, the term "fiber" combines polysaccharides different structure, that is, by chemical structure this is complex carbohydrates. Such carbohydrates form the framework of plants. There is no fiber in animal organisms, do not look for it in vain in meat products or fish.

  • Fiber is not digested by digestive enzymes
  • Fiber passes through the stomach and intestines
  • Fiber stimulates work digestive tract

Fiber, or dietary fiber, is insoluble and soluble.

  • Insoluble fibers include voluminous and thick fibers that are not able to dissolve in water, participate in the formation food bolus found in vegetables and whole grain. These fibers are also called coarse fiber.
  • Soluble fibers are small fibers, they can be dissolved in water, they are responsible for normalizing blood sugar levels, lowering cholesterol. Such fibers are contained in oatmeal and barley groats, nuts and berries, legumes and fruits.

Most plant foods contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Raw herbal products- a reliable source of fiber. It is not found in dairy products and meat, in sugar.

The value of cereals as a source of fiber can vary: there is a lot of fiber in unrefined grains, but refined, that is, refined foods, lose most fiber during processing, so they become practically useless. Examples of such products are White bread, purified White rice, buns and other confectionery products.

What is useful fiber

The beneficial effect of fiber extends to most human organs and systems. Judge for yourself.

Digestive system

Fiber cleanses the intestines. Its fibers form a food bolus that is not digested, but gradually moves from the stomach through the intestines. It improves intestinal peristalsis, regulates the frequency of stools, eliminates the tendency to constipation. In order for the food bolus to pass freely through the intestines, you need to drink plenty of water. Occurs in the large intestine reverse suction water from food that came here from the higher sections of the digestive tract. With insufficient drinking regimen, all the water from the food bolus is absorbed, it lingers in the large intestine, provoking the processes of decay and fermentation.

Therefore, the use of sufficient amounts of fiber is inseparable from the daily intake of liquid. Recommended drinking regimen- 30 ml of water per kilogram of body weight per day. That is, a person with a weight of 70 kg is recommended to drink about 2100 ml of water. Important clarification: how much liquid should be drunk if not chronic diseases in which it is recommended to limit fluid intake: chronic heart failure, varicose disease veins.

Fiber serves as a source of nutrition for the microflora of the large intestine, which is involved in the synthesis of vitamins, destroys toxins.

In addition to "pushing" food masses through the intestines, the food lump formed by fiber acts as a sorbent. Micropores of plant fibers absorb toxic compounds and bring them out with feces. Activated charcoal acts similarly, which is taken with intestinal infections and poisoning for accelerated

removal of bacterial toxins and products of their metabolism, allergens from the human body.
AT laboratory conditions it was proved that the introduction of sorbents to old animals prolongs their lifespan by 35-40% compared to those individuals who did not receive sorbents. However long-term use human activated carbon leads to nausea, indigestion, constipation. Fiber has no such side effects.


Insufficient fiber in the diet can be skin diseases, in which sorbents "for cleansing the intestines" are necessarily prescribed. But first you should rationally approach your diet.
Excreted through the skin harmful substances, which do not have time to bind in the intestine when not enough dietary fiber in the diet. The lack of fiber in the diet is really "written on the face", it is visible on the condition of the skin of the face.

The cardiovascular system

Soluble fibers, such as bran, are important for improving heart function. They change the ratio of "bad" and "good" cholesterol, remove "bad" low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. A large number of fiber in the diet reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome and coronary disease heart, stroke. Fiber helps in reducing blood pressure, promotes an increase in the level of high-density lipoproteins.


Fiber mechanically fills the stomach, so the feeling of fullness occurs faster, and a person eats less other food. Fiber is not digested, so it does not burden the body in the form of additional calories. It transits through the intestines without adding "belly folds". The presence of fiber in the gastrointestinal tract slows down the absorption of fast carbohydrates, that is, sugar. Therefore, fiber protects healthy people from sudden changes blood sugar levels, and in patients with diabetes contributes to a gradual increase in blood sugar after eating.

Cancer Protection

Fiber is a reliable shield against colon cancer. Only protect your intestines should be daily, and not from time to time. Scientific research, which assessed the association of diet with the development of colon cancer, showed that colon cancer is less likely to develop in individuals who consume dietary fiber daily.

How much fiber should you eat per day

35 grams of coarse fiber per day pure form- the rate of fiber intake by a person. Is it a lot or a little? It seems that 35 grams is quite a bit. But in addition to fiber, plants contain water and other components. Therefore, to get this amount of fiber, you need to eat about 500 grams of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, for example, lettuce, parsley, celery, apples and cucumbers.

Please note that potatoes, beets and carrots contain little fiber, so eating half a kilogram fried potatoes can't dream of normal digestion and low cholesterol.

When Fiber Becomes Dangerous

There is back side medals: fiber can be dangerous. You can not eat foods rich in it, with diseases of the digestive tract in the acute stage - with a stomach or duodenal ulcer, with acute gastritis or prick. But only at the time of exacerbation, when there is pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. When the condition improves, the fiber is returned to the menu again. Without it, the intestinal wall loses its tone after a few weeks, becomes lethargic, peristalsis slows down, stool masses stagnate in the intestinal lumen for a long time. The processes of fermentation and decay are intensifying, the composition of intestinal microflora. Therefore, when the condition of patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract improves, fiber should be gradually returned to food.

The fiber becomes heavy food", if a person drinks a little. As mentioned above, an insufficient amount of fluid inhibits the movement of the food bolus from fiber through the intestines. So don't forget about water!

Eat more fiber. You've probably heard this before. But do you know what it is and what exactly fiber is good for your health? GlavRecept.Ru provides answers to these questions.

A lot of fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes - known means against constipation. But fiber may have other health benefits as well, such as reducing the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

What is fiber?

Fiber (dietary fiber, dietary fiber) is a plant fiber that your body cannot digest or absorb, unlike other food components such as fats, proteins or carbohydrates that your body absorbs and digests. Thus, they exit relatively intact through the stomach and intestines from your body. It would seem that fiber does little, however, it plays a few roles. important roles in maintaining health.

Fiber is usually divided into two categories: those that do not dissolve in water (insoluble fiber) and those that do dissolve (soluble fiber).

  • insoluble fiber. This type of fiber promotes the movement of fibers through digestive system and increases stool volume. This type of fiber can be helpful for those struggling with constipation or irregular stools. good sources insoluble fiber are whole wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts and many vegetables.
  • Soluble fibre. This type of fiber dissolves in water, forming a jelly-like substance. Helps lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels. Oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley, and psyllium contain soluble fiber.

The amount of fiber of each type varies depending on the specific type of plant food. For getting the greatest benefit for health, must be eaten wide range.

Why is fiber useful?

  • Stool normalization. Dietary fiber increases volume stool and soften them. Larger, softer stools pass more easily, reducing the risk of constipation. Fiber can help solve the problem liquid stool because it absorbs moisture and increases the volume of feces. Sometimes fiber can relieve irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Maintaining gut health. A fiber-rich diet may reduce the risk of hemorrhoids and diverticular disease.
  • Lowering blood cholesterol levels. Soluble dietary fiber found in beans, oats, flaxseeds and oat bran help reduce general level blood cholesterol by lowering low-density lipoprotein, or "bad" cholesterol. Studies have shown that an increase in fiber in daily diet nutrition can reduce blood pressure.
  • Blood sugar control. Fiber, in particular soluble fiber, helps slow down the absorption of sugar, which can help people with diabetes normalize their blood sugar levels. Diets that include insoluble fiber reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Weight control. Foods high in fiber usually take longer to chew, which helps your body recognize when you're full and reduces the chance of overeating. After eating high-fiber foods, you don't feel hungry for longer. In addition, foods high in fiber are lower in calories.
  • Reducing the risk of colon cancer. Some studies show that eating a diet high in fiber helps reduce the risk of colon cancer.

How much fiber do you need?

It is recommended that children and adults consume 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories consumed daily. This means that a person who consumes 2500 calories per day should receive at least 35 grams of fiber, a person who consumes 1700 calories needs less fiber - about 24 grams (1700 / 1000 * 14). Below are general recommendations on the use of fiber for different sex and age groups, depending on the daily calorie intake. Individuals consuming fewer or more calories should adjust their fiber intake accordingly.

daily requirement in fiber
Age (years) calories
(daily intake)
Fiber (in grams)
1-3 1404 19
4-8 1789 25
Boys and men
9-13 2265 31
14-18 2840 38
19-30 2818 38
31-50 2554 38
51-70 2162 30
70 and over 1821 30
Girls and women
9-13 1910 26
14-18 1901 26
19-30 1791 25
31-50 1694 25
51-70 1536 21
70 and over 1381 21

Sources of fiber

If you are not getting enough fiber on a daily basis, you may need to increase your intake. Sources of fiber in this case will be:

  • Grains and whole grains;
  • Fruit;
  • Vegetables;
  • Beans, peas and other legumes;
  • Nuts and seeds.

Processed food products- such as canned fruits and vegetables, white bread and pasta, and non-whole grain foods contain less fiber. During processing, the shell is removed from the grains, which reduces the fiber content. Also, removing the skin from fruits and vegetables reduces the fiber content.

Fiber is good for our body, so it is important to get enough of it every day, and, in fact, it is not difficult at all. BUT following tips will help you with this.

Change your eating habits

  • Eat whole fruits instead of fruit juice
  • Replace white rice, bread and pasta with brown rice and whole grains;
  • Choose whole grain cereals for breakfast;
  • Have a snack fresh vegetables, not chips, crackers or chocolate bars;
  • In dishes, replace meat with beans 2-3 times a week;

Increase fiber gradually

With this approach, your intestines will feel more comfortable than with sharp increase fiber in your diet, which can lead to increased gas formation and bloating.

Adults can increase the amount of fiber in their diet by about 5 grams daily, and children by 1-2 grams, until an individual daily rate. Continue experimenting with the amount and type of fiber until you reach a comfortable bowel condition.

Psyllium fiber, made from psyllium flakes, is more water absorbent than any other fiber. Therefore, excessive use of it can make the stool more viscous, which can lead to constipation, a problem that, in fact, it should fight. There are two precautions to take when consuming psyllium fiber. First, start with one teaspoon a day, and then gradually increase the amount until your stools remain soft and you don't have bloating or intestinal discomfort. And secondly, drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

Eat fiber from a variety of sources

Eating a lot different types fiber-rich foods, you increase your chances of getting soluble and insoluble fiber in the right ratio. The more soluble fiber, the more it ferments, and the more gases it produces.

Distribute your fiber intake throughout the day

Too much fiber in any of your meals can lead to bloating and gas.

Choose Natural Sources of Fiber Instead of Tablets

Fiber in tablets or capsules may not work as well as natural fiber. In order for dietary fiber to do its job well, it must be eaten in the company of other foods and large quantity liquids.

Excessive fiber intake can lead to nutrient deficiencies in the body

And although the benefits of fiber are obvious, remember that everything is fine in moderation. An “overdose” of fiber can prevent the body from absorbing valuable nutrients. Fiber can push food through the intestines so quickly that some nutrients such as calcium, zinc, vitamins, and iron cannot be fully absorbed.

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