Why do people get sick so often? Hardening and bath to increase immunity. If you often get sick, there is a way out - natural preparations

Why do I often get colds? This question arises in many adults. The norm is one to two viral diseases per year. if they take place during the season of increased activity of ailment-causing microorganisms. More frequent colds in adults is an occasion to think about the state of your own body, its defenses and their strengthening.

A small child can catch viral infections quite often, when he enters a kindergarten or a high school, if he was not in a preschool, he gets sick about 6 times a year, sometimes more, and this is considered the norm. With age, the number of colds decreases. This is about strengthening the immune system.

What is immunity?

The immune system has, as it were, several lines of defense.

  • When an antigen penetrates, that is, cells hostile to the body, phagocytes begin to be intensively produced, which are able to capture and extinguish the activity of enemies of health.
  • The next line is humoral immunity. Special blood proteins (immunoglobulins) block the active molecules of the harmful virus.
  • Nonspecific immunity is the epidermis, a special structure of the mucous membranes. All this is designed to prevent hostile cells from entering the body.
  • If it so happened that the virus nevertheless penetrated the cell membrane, the interferon protein begins to be produced. It is at this moment that a person's temperature rises.

Why is immunity reduced?

Constant colds are a sign that the body's defenses have failed. Today, this process occurs due to a number of factors:

  • Insufficient activity. The human body is imprisoned for movement. A modern comfortable lifestyle, especially in the city, involves hours and days spent in a lying and sitting position, labor automation. In such conditions .
  • Little time spent outdoors. This is the lack of oxygen, and the lack of hardening, which adversely affects health.
  • Fatty, heavy, processed and refined foods that enter the body in abundance.
  • Stress associated with many activities, urban rhythm of life.
  • Various kinds of electromagnetic radiation, unrelenting noise, the inability to sleep through the night in the dark (street advertising, lanterns).
  • Alcohol, nicotine and other bad habits.
  • Recently, scientists have argued that the higher the sterility, the more a person uses antibacterial soap and wipes, tidies up, the more often he gets colds.
  • An imbalance in the microflora in the intestine leads to a general weakening of the body.

How to determine the fact of reduced immunity?

Frequent colds are a serious signal to take care of your health. However, there are other signs by which this problem can be identified.

First, a person constantly feels tired and sleepy. Many complain that, having risen in the morning, "as if they had not gone to bed." All the time there is a persistent desire to lie down, close your eyes, you don’t want to do anything.

The second sign is disturbances in the work of the digestive organs. It can be regular constipation or, conversely, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, bloating, heartburn.

Allergy is a powerful factor in reducing the body's defenses and, at the same time, its consequence. This phenomenon is a malfunction of the immune system, when it begins to work against itself.

You should pay attention to the condition of hair, skin, nails. Dryness, brittleness, dull color - all this indicates violations that can lead to such phenomena as frequent SARS.

Rashes on the skin also indicate malfunctions in the immune system.

If any of the chronic pathologies begin to worsen, this also speaks of problems and weakness of the body.

Methods for strengthening the immune system

The fact that an adult is often sick is an unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon. It is important to find the causes that have weakened the body, begin to eliminate them, and most importantly, figure out how to increase immunity. There are a number of natural ways to strengthen it to protect the body, however, they require patience, consistency and a certain amount of self-discipline.

  • Changing the food system. As you know, a person is what he eats. You will be less likely to catch a cold if you exclude junk food from your diet or at least reduce the amount of fatty, fried, processed foods and fast food. The most conducive to how to stop getting sick is a plant-based diet. Vegetables and fruits are not only a storehouse of vitamins that help resist colds. It is also fiber, which improves the functioning of the intestines, trace elements necessary for beautiful and healthy skin and hair.

Pay attention to the inclusion of complex carbohydrates in the menu. Very often people believe that there is no difference between porridge, which is diluted with boiling water, and one that has to be boiled. This is not true. Real cereals, especially for breakfast, provide a supply of energy for a long time, provide the body with the necessary substances and help increase its protection.

  • Acute respiratory diseases, including rhinitis, always begin with a disruption of the nasal mucosa. The goblet cells that cover its surface dry out due to central or stove heating during the cold period, so viruses penetrate into the body. What to do in order not to get sick? It is important to protect your home from harmful microorganisms. Buy a humidifier, do not be lazy to hang wet sheets on the radiators, regularly ventilate the living space, and once a day you need to arrange a draft.
  • Why do people often get colds? Sometimes it is enough to freeze a little while standing at a bus stop or walking with a dog - and the disease is already there. The problem is the lack of hardening. Of course, such a procedure requires consistency, daily performance, but the result is worth it. Hardening should begin with rubdowns, then proceed to dousing the legs and hands with cool water, gradually increasing the area and lowering the temperature. A big role will be played by sleep with an open window, at least in the next room.
  • People with high immunity do not neglect regular walks. It is not for nothing that parents and kindergarten teachers try to take young children outside every day. Residents of cities are used to thinking that the short period when they leave the premises and get into a car, public transport, or vice versa is enough for them to walk. To boost immunity, it is necessary to be on the street, try to do it daily. And physical activity, combined with a walk, will bring double benefits to your body.

Preventive measures

In the season of cold and illness, when a runny nose in an adult is a common thing, you can help yourself with natural remedies. Often they are much cheaper and more effective than purchased vitamins.

Why do many suffer from frequent runny nose? The point is overdrying of the mucosa and disruption of the villi that do not allow viruses to enter. To restore their function, regularly moisten the nasal passages by irrigating them with saline or sea salt sprays.

Drink plenty of clean, raw non-carbonated water. Its deficiency provokes a drop in immunity, weakness of the whole organism. The norm for a healthy person who does not have kidney problems is from one and a half to two liters per day. This is about 8 glasses.

A good preventive measure is the habit of adding a slice of lemon, a spoonful of honey or a little fresh ginger to the water in the morning.. This drink will be a real vitamin blow to viruses, and in addition, it will improve the functioning of the intestines and make the skin and hair more beautiful.

It is good to drink rosehip broth, which will give the body a charge of vitamin C and the strength to fight diseases. You can brew berries overnight with boiling water in a thermos and drink instead of tea throughout the day.

Instead of synthetic vitamins, you should use a mixture that is popularly called "Five Hares". In a meat grinder or in a food processor, 200 grams of dried apricots, walnuts, prunes, one whole lemon with peel and three tablespoons of honey are ground until smooth. This fragrant and tasty medicine can be eaten one teaspoon per day for each family member. It is important not to overdo it, because the mixture can give an allergic reaction and a considerable load on the heart muscle.

Don't forget essential oils. If there are no babies in the house, and none of the relatives have a reaction, start an aroma lamp or simply apply a few drops to home textiles - curtains, bed linen. It is good to use tea tree, eucalyptus or fir oil.

Replacing ordinary teas and coffee with herbal decoctions and natural fruit drinks will strengthen the body's defenses, allowing it to resist various kinds of acute respiratory diseases.

Without strong immunity, an active full life is impossible. Only taking care of it and regular strengthening will allow you to do what you love, and not lie in bed many times a year. If we are talking about really frequent colds in adults and the causes, then how to increase immunity is the question that you definitely need to figure out!

The common cold is a common name for diseases of the upper respiratory tract of an infectious origin. It often manifests itself as a consequence of hypothermia and seasonal immunodeficiencies. Viruses cause fever, sore throat, nasal congestion, cough, and other characteristic symptoms. However, they are constantly present in the inhaled air. The body copes with them due to the production of specific immune cells, and a decrease in their number causes another exacerbation.

Frequent colds are dangerous to health. If you do not immediately treat and get rid of the infection completely, it will periodically cause new attacks of the disease. Microorganisms can also migrate to the mucous membrane of the lower respiratory tract, causing chronic bronchitis or even pneumonia. The correct decision is to drink a course of drugs after the first symptoms appear, observing bed rest.

Infectious diseases are characterized by a high degree of contagiousness. Viruses are transmitted by airborne droplets and contact, and bacteria can also remain on environmental objects. Their variety can only be determined by the results of laboratory tests of blood and other material (nasal discharge).

The clinical picture of the disease does not develop in everyone and differs in the level of severity. This is due to the work of the immune system and its ability to inactivate pathogenic microflora.

Infection can occur during the incubation period (the first 2 days after infection, sometimes more). Even if the patient has not yet shown the first signs of a cold, he is a danger to others.

The role of immunity

There are several levels of infection control. The first of these are phagocytes - blood cells that capture and then mechanically destroy microscopic pathogens. Further included humoral factors - immunoglobulins (antibodies). They react with microbial antigens, rendering them harmless. If pathogenic bacteria or viruses enter healthy cells, another immunity factor begins to be produced - interferons (they are part of some medicines).

Why does the body weaken its protective functions?

Normally, an infection, even if it penetrates the skin or mucous membranes, does not cause a cold. The immune system successfully distinguishes microorganisms, fights them with all available methods. An acute course with severe symptoms can be provoked by the following factors:

  • weather conditions: low air temperature combined with high humidity;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • malnutrition, deficiency of vitamins, minerals;
  • comorbidities, including chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stressful situations: some experts believe that it is the psychological state that is responsible for protective mechanisms.

With a decrease in immunity, a person will often get sick. Autumn and winter are the most favorable period for the development of a pathogenic infection. At this time, cases of infection with SARS, influenza, tonsillitis and other contagious diseases are becoming more frequent, which are rapidly spreading among the population.

Possible Complications

With untimely treatment, a common cold can flow into dangerous forms. Most often, its cause is a viral infection, which causes inflammatory reactions on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. However, over time, bacteria can join it - their presence is accompanied by the release of purulent exudate from the nose, and you can only get rid of them with antibiotics.

Dangerous complications of a cold are chronic bronchitis or pneumonia (pneumonia). These diseases occur when the infection spreads to the lower respiratory tract. The constant tension of the body's defense systems can cause autoimmune or allergic diseases. These include bronchial asthma, sclerosis, Crohn's enteritis, systemic lupus erythematosus.

Signs of reduced immunity

The first symptoms can be detected independently. A person becomes less active, sleep problems appear, the condition of the skin and hair worsens. All chronic diseases are exacerbated, including fungus or herpes. When these signs appear, it is worth contacting for a more detailed examination.

The doctor draws attention to the following complaints:

  • constant subfebrile body temperature - it keeps at the level of 37 degrees;
  • frequent cases of colds (for adults - more than 4 times a year);
  • infectious diseases last longer than 2 weeks, often recur;
  • insomnia.

The patient suffers simultaneously from many manifestations of immunodeficiency. Even if you are completely treated for another acute respiratory disease, it quickly develops anew. The only way to prevent infection is to strengthen the body's defense mechanisms.

What tests should be taken and which doctor should I contact?

If you have a cold, you need to visit a local therapist. After the initial examination, he can give a referral for a consultation with an otolaryngologist (ENT), immunologist or other doctors. During the diagnosis, it is important to determine which factor provoked the clinical picture of the disease. To do this, do sowing exudate of the nasal passages to detect bacteria. Viruses can be detected by characteristic blood tests.

Expert opinion

Valery Sinelnikov

Leading specialist in the field of psychosomatics.

“Any disease is a consequence of the lack of harmony with the inner world. A runny nose indicates low self-esteem, anxiety, disappointment. To get rid of it, it is enough to establish relationships with loved ones, to decide on life goals.

Ways to strengthen immunity

Instead of regularly catching colds or constantly drinking pills in the cold season, it is better to prepare the body for stress. So his fight against infection will be more productive, the risk of infection with viruses will disappear during any contact with them. For this, it is not necessary to take expensive medicines. Sometimes it is enough to pay attention to your lifestyle, normalize nutrition, adjust sleep and wakefulness. Immunomodulation is a set of procedures that consist of simple rules that are performed regularly. Any therapist can advise on methods for preventing colds.


Dousing with cold water, getting used to low air temperatures - these exercises are best started in the summer. They are useful for weak immunity and frequent colds. In order to understand the importance of hardening, it is worth understanding the mechanism of its action. Cold irritates areas of the skin and helps to activate blood circulation (to warm these areas).

  • at first, do not strive to show record results - a slight temperature difference is enough;
  • perform procedures daily - a missed session may affect the indicators already achieved;
  • the effect must be fixed by rubbing with a towel or in other ways to keep warm.

If an unprepared person pours ice water on himself, it will end with a cold. For the result to be the opposite, do not rush to lower the temperature of the liquid and increase the time of the procedure.

To keep the body in good shape means to increase the respiratory volume of the lungs, strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation and activate the immune defense. However, exercise should also be treated wisely. So, frequent walks and jogs are good for health, and daily strength training quickly depletes the body's reserves. It is also worth considering age and individual characteristics: the regime for pensioners and pregnant women will be different.

As a prevention of colds, cardio loads are more useful. These include running, swimming, cycling and other activities that involve constant movement. They improve blood circulation and lymph flow, so that all tissues have a sufficient amount of oxygen, vitamins and trace elements.

Proper nutrition

With food, a person receives the substances necessary for the body to work at the cellular level. In the gastrointestinal tract, they are ground down to simple compounds and used for chemical reactions with the release of energy. It's not the quantity that matters, but the quality of the food. Fried foods and animal fats are a major source of bad cholesterol. It is deposited in the vessels and causes a noticeable deterioration in health. The basis of the diet should be cereals, plant foods, meat and fish, dairy products. This food is recommended to be taken raw or boiled, at least 4-5 times a day in small portions.

In cold weather, it is difficult to eat right. There are no seasonal fruits and vegetables, so getting the right amount of nutrients is almost impossible. For this, special vitamin complexes are sold in pharmacies. They are created taking into account the needs of the body in patients of different sex and age, as well as many diseases.

Medicines to prevent common colds

The drug method is used only in extreme cases, when strengthening the immune system by simple methods is ineffective. Medicines are available in the form of tablets and are intended to be taken as a course. They include active ingredients in low concentrations. When it enters the bloodstream, the immune system is activated and the production of protective cells is intensive.

The composition of drugs to increase immunity for adults with frequent colds may include:

  • interferons: Arbidol, Cycloferon, Amiksin;
  • herbal ingredients: ginseng root, eleutherococcus, rhodiola rosea, echinacea;
  • components of animal origin: thymalin, T-activin, immunofan;
  • microbial products: Pyrogenal, Imudon, Bronchomunal and others.

Do not try to find a medicine on your own. For different diseases, different options are suitable. So, with a mild cold, the lightest herbal tablets are optimal, and with advanced forms, you will have to take interferons.

Traditional medicine

Treatment according to old recipes does not lose popularity even with an abundance of capsules and powders. However, their naturalness does not always mean safety and effectiveness. The action of medicinal herbs directly depends on immunity, the presence of allergic reactions, chronic kidney and liver failure. There are drugs that can be advised at any age and condition. It is useful to add lemon, ginger, fresh or frozen raspberries, viburnum or mountain ash to a hot drink. There is also a way to boil ginger root, mix it with honey and lemon and take it every day. Onions and garlic are no less useful - they are considered one of the first natural antibiotics.

Frequent manifestations of a cold infection is a disease that can be fought. To do this, it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, harden and play sports.

It slipped through.., my feet froze.., they dressed badly.., they warmed up a lot.., there were solid microbes all around.., weak bronchial tubes.., weak ears... But you never know other reasons. For a person who often suffers from colds, no matter how careful he is, there is always and everywhere a reason for another acute respiratory disease, bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. And so endlessly from month to month, from year to year, and, as it turns out, neither hardening (and how to harden if you are always in a state of cold), nor various rinses, nor drinking special herbal preparations, nor various measures to improve immunity. This is not an empty statement. I myself at one time, when I was quite seriously ill and had many different complaints and diagnoses, was constantly in a state of a cold for about two years. In addition, I have many patients, and especially children, who had various colds 10 to 20 times a year and were convinced of the ineffectiveness or low and only temporary effectiveness of the usually proposed preventive measures on themselves. There is another group of unfortunate people - they do not necessarily get sick with a cold often, but they get out of it for a long or very long time, they all cough and blow their noses, sweat and never gain strength.

The generally accepted idea of ​​low immunity or weakness of the mucous membranes as the cause of the problem in such cases is erroneous. This is confirmed by many of my patients - children and adults who got rid of frequent colds of a different nature.

The combination of methods from ancient and modern medicine in the diagnosis - an integral approach, the identification of many disorders in the body, not only equal to the disease, but also lesser changes, understanding the body as an integral system - a systematic approach, allow me in each case to identify the individual root cause of any ailments, including frequent colds. Many years of practice of the integral systemic approach allowed me to establish that the main cause of frequent colds is allergy, that is, not reduced immunity, but increased reactivity of the body and, first of all, of the lymphoid tissue of the respiratory tract. I can say even more categorically - without allergies, chronic or frequent rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, otitis simply does not happen. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that allergy does not necessarily have to be manifested by urticaria, or intolerance to any product, or in some other obvious external way. Chronic edema of the lymphoid apparatus of the mucosa with impaired blood flow, lymph flow, metabolism, easy accession of infection is one of the options for obvious allergicity along with classic urticaria.

Nevertheless, such a fundamentally important statement is only the first step towards effective treatment of patients with this problem. Naturally, the question arises, what is the cause of allergy in each specific person? Those who have any obvious allergy naively say that the cause of their allergy is either plant pollen, or cold, or chocolate, or eggs, or strawberries, or washing powder ... However, all this is never the cause of allergy - it is only provoking factors, and the cause is a violation of the function of certain organs, designed to provide an adequate response to various allergens. Those who have such organs do not function well (and not necessarily clearly sick), just suffer from increased allergies. The too frequent helplessness of doctors in cases of frequent colds is explained by the fact that in such cases there is either a struggle to increase immunity, or to strengthen "weak" mucous membranes, and the "culprit" organs remain outside of attention. Firstly, this happens because a person is not considered as a single system in which the mucous membranes and the immune system do not exist separately from all other organs and tissues, and secondly, because changes in organs, even when thinking about them are evaluated from the position: they are sick or not sick, while they may be neither sick nor healthy, that is, changes in them may have the character of dysfunction. Unfortunately, hospitals and polyclinics do not really deal with such diagnostics (as I have repeatedly said, we are not talking about healers at all, since not being professionals in the field of diseases and health, they do not do any significant diagnostics at all) .

A systematic approach, of course, implies that despite the priority contribution of allergy to frequent colds, a certain role belongs to other disorders in the body that negatively affect metabolism, blood circulation, detoxification, and regulation.

So what is the cause of the allergy itself? The fact is that despite the typological disorders in the body of all such people, the reason is always not only complex, but also individual. This is where one of the fundamental methodological principles of medicine comes into play: treatment should be preceded by individual diagnostics in direct contact with the patient. It is in this case that both the main link and all the accompanying or aggravating moments in this patient can be established.

I would like to note that I could describe here in sufficient detail the key typological causes of allergies and frequent colds, however, for a popular publication, this would be too complicated a description, and besides, this is my know-how. In medicine, know-how exists not only and not so much as a commercial category, but as a way to avoid discrediting a method or approach by incorrect or unscrupulous use. It is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of a method or approach only if it is used by the author or his students approved by him.

Despite the above, I will nevertheless give recommendations in this article for dealing with various common colds. I have no doubt that with careful implementation of them, many will achieve remarkable results, although maximum efficiency is possible only after direct work with the patient.

So, the first thing to observe: the restriction of obvious allergens. This refers not only to what causes you a clear allergy, but also to what increases the general allergic background in all people: chocolate, citrus fruits, white sugar, a lot of fish, a lot of eggs, a lot of white chicken meat, strawberries, a lot of honey.

Next, alternate between days before bedtime taking either 1 teaspoon of castor oil, or 1-2 tablets of allochol, or 2-3 tablets of activated charcoal (for children, respectively, 1 coffee spoon of oil, 1 tablet of allochol, 1-2 tablets of activated charcoal) .

Every day after lunch or dinner, apply a warm heating pad to the liver area for 10-20 minutes (right costal arch area).

Massage the back of the head and neck 1-2 times daily with your hands or a soft massage brush, as well as massage the top of the lower back (above the waist) with your hands or any massager or towel. In the evening, apply a warm heating pad to the top of the lower back for 10-20 minutes. Take a warm thyme bath 1-2 times a week. For a bath, you can use a decoction (a handful), or thyme essential oil (3-5 drops), or you can simply rinse after washing with thyme decoction from a jug. Children should take 2-3 drops of oil for a bath, depending on their age.

Regularly carry out a special acupressure - acupressure. The acupressure prescribed by me based on the results of the diagnosis is very effective, but you can use the one recommended in various cold aids. There are two principles here: you should massage the points until it hurts from 20 seconds to 1.5 minutes, and the more often, the better, that is, you can up to two times a day. However, a good effect will be if you perform acupressure at least 3-4 times a week. With young children, acupressure can be difficult, but you should still do it the way you do it. Naturally, small ones should not massage the points too much.

Regularly practice the performance of special exercises from hatha yoga - asanas, primarily inverted asanas and postures of a snake and a grasshopper. There are also two principles here: frequency - the more often, the better, but not bad at least 3 - 4 times a week; and the second principle is non-violence, that is, perform asanas in such a way that there are no unpleasant or painful sensations. Even if at first you perform asanas clumsily and for a very short time, or even just imitate them. For young children, it is desirable to turn classes into a game, and since they are unlikely to be able to do everything right, at least imitate asanas.

Finally, regularly practice contrast procedures (showers, douches, rubdowns). Here are the most important principles: non-violence and the more often, the better, although two to four times a week is enough. Do not perform feats, it is not necessary to douse yourself for a long time, many times and with very cold water. You can do two or three contrast douches with cool or even slightly cool and hot water. The point here is not hardening, in the sense as it is usually understood, but the training of those complex mechanisms that, among other things, are involved in the formation of adequate responses to allergens.

And so, you have received a clear, simple and harmless program of work on your problem. Of course, after direct diagnosis, this program would be more accurate individually and somewhat more extensive (I cannot give some recommendations without direct diagnosis). However, the above will be enough for many of you to radically solve your problem, since these recommendations, no matter how simple and far from the respiratory tract, nevertheless affect the key, causal mechanisms for the formation of frequent colds.

I will add that at the same time homeopathic treatment, any physical education, regular use of fortifying herbal teas can be useful.

Finally, one last important note. Be patient! Although most of my similar patients show good results fairly quickly, it may take a little longer with remote treatment. Be punctual and patient and your colds will get easier and easier, and come less and less.

Frequent colds can unsettle anyone. If a person is constantly sick, his life turns into solid pills, drops and mustard plasters, and endless sick leave does not add to him the love of his superiors, nor, of course, any hopes for career growth. What could be the cause of frequent colds and how can it be dealt with?

People who suffer from 6 or more colds a year are often considered sick, and the cause of colds is almost always a viral infection. Babies are especially annoyed by viruses; at present, pediatricians include such children in a special group of “CHBD” (often ill children) and conduct special monitoring of them. As a rule, as children grow and mature, they get sick less and less, while in adulthood, a healthy person should ideally not get sick more than twice a year, and the causes of these diseases should lie in the plane of seasonal epidemics of influenza and SARS.

Alas, unfortunately, few of us today can boast of such good health - according to statistics, the average Russian suffers 3-4 colds a year, and residents of big cities, in particular Muscovites, get sick even more often. And above all, this is due to the weakening of the immune system, which is facilitated by a number of factors.

What is immunity

Any intrusion of foreign material (we call it an antigen) immediately causes a so-called. cellular immune response, expressed in the production of special phagocyte cells that capture and neutralize the antigen. But this is not the only line of defense. There is also humoral immunity, according to which the antigen is neutralized by special chemically active molecules - antibodies. These antibodies are special serum proteins called immunoglobulins.

The third strategy for protecting the body is the so-called non-specific immunity. This is the barrier formed by our skin and, as well as the presence of special microorganism-destroying enzymes in the body's fluid media. If the virus has entered the cell, this does not mean that it has won - in a person with strong immunity, a special cellular protein interferon is produced in response to this, which is accompanied by a high temperature.

As you can see, nature provides many opportunities to protect itself from the aggression of viruses and bacteria. But it was not by chance that we mentioned that our contemporary, and especially a resident of a metropolis, as a rule, cannot boast of strong immunity. And there are reasons for this.

Why immunity decreases

The most global reason for a decrease in immunity is our notorious wrong lifestyle.

Signs of decreased immunity

  • Of course, frequent colds
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • Increased fatigue and weakness
  • Nervousness, aggressiveness,
  • Gastrointestinal disorders: flatulence, constipation, loose stools
  • Unsatisfactory skin condition: dryness, peeling, acne, inflammation, etc.

One of these signs or all of them together should make you take preventive measures and help your immunity. There are numerous methods and ways to boost your body's immune defenses. And all of them are divided into physiological and pharmacological.

Physiological methods of raising immunity.

  • must necessarily contain animal and vegetable proteins (without them, the cells of the immune system do not work well), and the whole range of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins C, A, E and B vitamins.

Proteins are found in meat, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts. B vitamins are also found in meat and liver, raw yolks, dairy products, wholemeal bread and bran, seeds and nuts. Sprouted grains of wheat, vegetable oil and avocados contain a lot of vitamin E. Vitamin A is found in any brightly colored vegetables and fruits: carrots, tomatoes, apricots, pumpkin, paprika, there is also a lot of it in butter, eggs, and liver.

Contained in citrus fruits, kiwi, sauerkraut, cranberries, rose hips. A sufficient amount of these vitamins is the key to a good condition of the cells of the immune system.

It is equally important to regularly drink fermented milk drinks to maintain intestinal microflora.

  • Daily routine and physical activity. The body needs at least 8 hours a day, a sane work schedule without overwork after midnight, sports are required (winter views and swimming are especially good), long walks in any weather. The apartment should be ventilated often, and sleep - with the window open.
  • hardening. There are a lot of hardening methods. These are cool foot baths, and dousing with cool water, and walking barefoot on the grass. The most important thing is to start in the warm season, so that by the winter cold you can give up your favorite woolen scarf, which is so hot, but without it you are afraid of “catching a cold”.

Pharmacological methods of raising immunity

  • Preventive intake 2-3 times a year natural: eleutherococcus, golden root, ginseng, echinacea, aloe. According to the dosage indicated on the package, take these tinctures in the morning and evening. In the evening, brew lemon balm or motherwort to reduce the effect of stress on your immune system.
  • Prophylactically, and especially during massive seasonal epidemics, you can take homeopathic remedies to increase immunity, of which there are now enough.
  • 2-3 times a year drink a course (4-6 weeks) of probiotics (linex, bifidumbacterin, etc.)
  • The question of the use of serious immunomodulators, such as bronchomunal, ribomunil, etc. be sure to decide only with an immunologist!

Runny nose, scratchy throat, continuous sneezing are typical symptoms of a cold. But the causes of frequent colds in adults often remain shrouded in mystery. Why does the disease occur several times a year? The main factor is reduced immunity.

Immunity is the body's ability to resist external and internal influences (diseases, various substances, stress). It is divided into congenital and acquired. As the names suggest, innate immunity is present during the development of the organism. Acquired develops during a person's life.

Why does the body weaken its protective functions?

Seasonal illness is a nasty thing, but it can be dealt with. But the constant colds that bring a person to the doctor several times a year make it feel like a series of health problems will never end, that there are no medicines that would help. Frequent colds are a signal of a violation of the body's defenses! The immune system is not working properly.

The most common global cause of an insufficient immune response is malnutrition, mainly associated with developing countries, where insufficient intake of essential nutrients prevents the immune system from developing and functioning properly.

In our conditions, the most common causes are secondary immune disorders acquired during life. These disorders include, in particular, insufficient or incorrect treatment of the infection. Each current infection stimulates the immune system, activates it, creates effective protection and immune memory. This provides a quick response, more efficient and less physically demanding elimination of the pathogen upon re-infection. This process can be adversely affected by untimely or excessive (for example, in viral infections without bacterial signs) use of antibiotics.

The wrong composition of food and a short recovery time after an illness, which is necessary for the regeneration of damaged infections of the mucous membranes, other tissues, and the immune system, negatively affect the state of the body's defenses. Insufficiently restored immunity becomes vulnerable. If it is attacked by another infection, it can gradually lead to exhaustion, a weakening of the ability to resist infections.

The next reason for the secondary disorder of the immune system is an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, constant stress, bad habits and other “side effects” of civilization that cause improper development and functioning of the immune system, thereby reducing resistance to infections. Consequently, a person often suffers from colds, flu.

Less often, primary or congenital disorders are involved in the decrease in immunity, in most cases occurring in early childhood. These problems are dealt with by experts. Treatment consists of providing the body with the missing components of the immune system that the body cannot create on its own.

All of the above disorders of the immune system cause recurring or long-term infections, states of fatigue.

In most cases, the infection comes from another person infected with the virus. This is usually seen when touching a surface that contains germs (keyboards, doorknobs, spoons) and then touching the nose or mouth. Infection also occurs when you are near a sick person who does not cover his mouth while sneezing.

The onset of the development of a cold occurs when the virus settles on the mucous membrane of the nose or throat. The immune system - protection against microbes - sends white blood cells into battle with the "invader". If a person has not previously encountered a completely identical strain of the virus, the initial struggle fails, cold symptoms occur. The nose and throat become inflamed and produce much mucus. because of a large number energy spent on fighting the virus, a person who has a cold, gets tired, feels weak.

Important! Hypothermia or getting wet does not necessarily mean a cold.

There are reasons why a cold occurs more often than 1-2 times a year. Factors that increase susceptibility to disease, other than reduced immunity, include:

  • increased tendency to disease;
  • prolonged fatigue (chronic fatigue syndrome);
  • emotional overstrain;
  • allergy, manifested by irritation in the throat and nasal cavity.

How to increase immunity?

The protective capacity of the immune system is to some extent determined by genetic dispositions. But it is also influenced by lifestyle, the impact of the external environment. Therefore, the daily care of the integrity and functioning of the skin and mucous membranes, which are the first defense line of immunity to prevent the penetration of viruses or bacteria, should not be neglected.

The main cause of the disease is not cold, but, above all, a decrease in the resistance of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract to various types of viruses and bacteria. Being outdoors supports the circulation of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract, which increases their resistance. A healthy dose of sunlight is also a good way to boost your defenses.

Mandatory factors: regular movement, physical activity, which significantly increases the number and activity of cells responsible for strong immunity. In the absence of movement, protection decreases. A person who is resistant to cold, to sudden changes in the weather, is resistant to colds.

Hardening of the body

Of course, without any preparation, gritting your teeth, you can’t swim in the hole in the winter! Proper hardening has its own principles. A good way to boost immunity, improve blood circulation, prepare the body for temperature changes, transitions from heated rooms to the street is a contrast shower. A sauna has a positive effect on the body, removing harmful substances from it that burden the immune system, preventing it from effectively fighting microbes.

Proper ventilation and heating of the room is also worth attention. The ideal temperature in the apartment is about 20ºС. The optimal temperature regime suitable for sleep is approximately 17-19ºС.

Important! Don't forget to humidify the air!

A person should sleep about 6-8 hours a day. But not only the amount of sleep is important, but, above all, its quality. When you sleep soundly, the defense system works much less, which gives it time to recover. Lack of sleep does the opposite - weakens the immune system, reduces productivity.

healthy eating

A properly formulated diet is the basis of strong body defense. With a prolonged absence of important minerals, vitamins, the ability of the immune system decreases, and susceptibility to infections increases.

Eat a varied diet, keep drinking, use fermented dairy products (they have a beneficial effect on the intestines, which is the center of immunity), pumpkin seeds (increased protection due to the high content of zinc), brazil nuts (containing selenium), drink green tea.


Probiotics (beneficial bacteria) are found in fermented milk products that enrich the body with calcium and, unlike fresh milk, do not weigh it down. For milk intolerance, try fermented vegetables like cabbage, carrots, radishes.

Most of the cells of the immune system are located in the intestinal mucosa. Probiotic bacteria have a beneficial effect on the state of the intestinal microflora, inhibit the action of unwanted organisms. Probiotics maintain an optimal pH, contributing to the good condition of immune cells, hence strengthening the immune system.

Beta-glucans are natural substances that support the immune system and regenerate the body's defense system. Sources of beta-glucans: mushrooms, barley, oats, yeast.

Protects against infections echinacea, which strengthens the immune system, has a pronounced antibacterial effect, accelerates recovery from diseases.

The nasturtium plant has a similar effect. Some herbalists even claim that it is more suitable for the organisms of Central Europeans.

Recently, ginger (in particular, ginger tea) has become a popular remedy for increasing protective forces. The healing root effectively prevents infections, warms the body, destroys bacteria, restores vitality, and alleviates febrile illnesses.


In addition to the above supportive measures, it is important not to forget about the sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals, especially in the winter months, when the risk of catching a cold is increased.

The adult requirement for this vitamin is 75-100 mg/day. However, if the organism is already infected, the required amount is increased up to 10 times. Sufficient intake of vitamin C shortens the period of treatment of the current infection.

A popular form of ascorbic acid is tablets, but it is better to give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables. Its main sources are citrus fruits, which is not entirely true. For example, sauerkraut will provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamin C, K, potassium, β-carotene, fiber, thiamine, folic acid. In addition, it contains virtually no calories. A good option is beets, which in addition to vitamin C contain magnesium, potassium and a natural red dye that supplies energy.

Rich sources:

  • rose hip;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • citrus fruits (lime, lemon, orange, grapefruit);
  • potato;
  • tomatoes;
  • pepper;
  • papaya;
  • broccoli;
  • black currant;
  • Strawberry;
  • cauliflower;
  • spinach;
  • kiwi;
  • cranberry.

Vitamin A

Similar to ascorbic acid, vitamin A (carotene) also has a positive effect on the immune system, increases resistance to infections.

Important! Vitamin A can be overdosed, which is manifested by headaches, bone pain, fatigue, double vision, drowsiness, loss of appetite.

Sources of carotene:

  • fish fat;
  • liver;
  • carrot;
  • green and yellow leaves;
  • spinach;
  • cabbage;
  • parsley;
  • kohlrabi;
  • melon;
  • apricots;
  • broccoli;
  • corn;
  • pumpkin;
  • butter;
  • egg yolk;
  • in smaller quantities - milk;
  • oily fish;
  • cherry, cherry.

The B-complex supports the proper functioning of the body as a whole. Natural sources include yeast, legumes, nuts, fish.

B1 (thiamine):

  • cereal crops;
  • legumes;
  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • wheat germ;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • meat (poultry, pork);
  • offal (liver, kidney, heart).

B2 (riboflavin):

  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • yeast;
  • legumes;
  • spinach;
  • cabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • nuts.

B3 (niacin):

  • meat;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • leafy vegetables.

B5 (pantothenic acid):

  • meat;
  • offal;
  • cereals;
  • legumes.

B6 (pyridoxine):

  • pork;
  • fish;
  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • legumes;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • nuts;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • cauliflower.

B7 (biotin):

  • beef liver;
  • milk;
  • yolk;
  • rice (unpolished);
  • Brewer's yeast.

B9 (folic acid):

  • liver;
  • yeast;
  • leafy vegetables.

B12 (cobalamin):

  • lamb;
  • veal;
  • tuna;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • eggs.

Are there vitamins B4 and B8? Substance B4, or adenine, does exist, but is not called a vitamin. It is important for human health, especially for a healthy heart, the proper development of the fetus during pregnancy. B8 is also not part of the vitamins. However, it is an important antioxidant that acts as a preventive measure against cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

Vitamin D affects the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, due to which it is involved in the formation of bone and dental tissue. Its importance to the immune system is represented by the "armament" of cells to fight infection. Therefore, long-term vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased susceptibility to colds and the flu.

Sources of Vitamin D:

  • sunlight;
  • cod liver oil;
  • lard;
  • bacon;
  • salmon;
  • oysters;
  • sardines;
  • caviar;
  • shrimps;
  • egg yolks.

To increase immunity, first of all, it is necessary to adjust the lifestyle. Make dietary changes, reduce stress, get enough sleep. Do not forget about vitamins and minerals (vitamin C, zinc, selenium), probiotics. It is necessary to start strengthening the defense forces before the onset of the risky winter months, and continue for a long time. Such measures will reduce the likelihood of a sore throat, cough, runny nose, especially during dangerous periods.

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