What foods contain protein? Proteins: the origin of proteins. Proteins of animal and vegetable origin

Protein is an energy resource. The level of metabolism depends on the amount of muscle tissue in the body.Our body breaks down the proteins we get from food into their constituent amino acids and then builds new proteins that it uses to build the body.Amino acids that make up proteins are used to synthesize nucleic acids, cell membranes, hormones, neurotransmitter ov and plasma proteins. All amino acids, depending on the body's ability to synthesize from precursors subdivided into replaceable, irreplaceable and conditionally irreplaceable.

The National Academy of Sciences has identified 9 amino acids that are essential for all age groups and can only be obtained from food:

  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • tryptophan
  • Valine
  • Histidine

In addition to essential amino acids, there are alsoconditionally indispensable:

  • Arginine
  • Cysteine
  • Glutamine
  • Glycine
  • Proline
  • Tyrosine

During growth, intensive sports and various disease states, the synthesis of own amino acids, which are conditionally essential, cannot satisfy the metabolic needs of the body. Therefore, their deficiency must be replenished with a complete diet.

How to calculate the need for protein?

  • The greatest need for protein in children from 0 to 3 years 1.5 g - 1.1 g / kg
  • During the period of active growth and puberty (4-13 years old) - 0.95 g / kg
  • At the age of 14-18 years - 0.85 g / kg
  • During pregnancy and lactation, the need for protein increases to 1.1-1.3 g / kg
  • For healthy adults, the norm is 0.8 g / kg.

Both insufficient and excessive protein intake can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, the amount of protein for each person should be selected individually, taking into account his needs.

Protein types

animal protein

  • Fish and seafood
  • Bird
  • Dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese)

vegetable protein

  • Legumes (beans, peas, lentils, soybeans)
  • Vegetables
  • Cereal crops
  • Nuts and seeds

Many people think that protein foods are 100% protein, but this is not true at all!If you ate 100 g of meat or fish, this does not mean that you consumed 100 g of protein.

A glass of milk or kefir contains about 7 g of protein.

In 100 g of cottage cheese - 14 g

In 100 g of cheese - 27 g

In 100 g of beef - 26 g

In 2 sausages - 11 g

In 100 g of boiled chicken - 25 g

In 100 g of pike perch - 21 g

In 100 g of sea bass - 19 g

In dairy-free rice porridge 250 g - 6.2 g

In buckwheat dairy-free porridge 250 g - 14.8 g

In dairy-free oatmeal 300 g - 8.7 g

In boiled pasta 250 g - 10.3 g.

What is the practical difference between animal and plant proteins?

It turns out that not all proteins are equally useful and equivalent. Animal proteins such as chicken or beef contain all the essential amino acids, as these proteins are the most similar to those found in our body. Animal protein foods such as red meat and egg yolks are rich in zinc and heme iron, which is better absorbed than plant-based iron. In addition to protein, meat contains vitamin B12, which is not found in plant sources. This vitamin is critical for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Milk and dairy products provide our body with both protein and calcium, which are essential for people of all ages. Milk contains all 9 essential amino acids. Dairy and whey proteins are rich in leucine, which is responsible for the synthesis of muscle tissue. Research shows that consuming whey protein during and/or after exercise can improve muscle synthesis and reduce fatigue.

There is a downside to the benefits: Animal protein products are often high in cholesterol and fat, which, if consumed in excess, can cause obesity and heart disease. The most useful sources of animal protein are fish and poultry, such as chicken or turkey. These foods are high in protein and low in fat.

Recent studies show that people who eat a lot of red meat have a higher risk of colon cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. There is also scientific evidence that substituting partial red meat for fish, poultry, beans, or nuts can help prevent heart disease and diabetes.

Protein foods of plant origin do not contain saturated fats and cholesterol. The most complete amino acid composition is soy, but even it does not contain an essential amino acid - methionine. But soy has a high level of glutamine and arginine, which is important for increasing endurance during sports. Soy products can be a great alternative to red meat.

Nuts (such as walnuts, pecans, and almonds) are also not amino acid-complete sources of protein, but they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

Despite all the disputes between vegetarians and meat-eaters, no consensus has yet been found, nevertheless, evolutionarily man was created omnivorous. The diet of a healthy person should include various types of protein. You should not completely abandon animal protein and completely switch to vegetable. The more varied the diet, the more likely it is that the body will receive all the necessary amino acids.

Hello my dear readers. Did you know that our poor health is due to a lack of protein (polypeptides)? Consider how much complete protein you are getting. We snack on fast food, use semi-finished products. These foods are high in carbohydrates but very low in protein. This leads to weight gain and various diseases. We need polypeptides to stay healthy. Let's look at where the list of products contains vegetable and animal protein, its pros and cons.

Protein is responsible for proper metabolism, immunity, muscle growth. thus preventing us from recovering. This substance does not accumulate in the body. Therefore, we need to regularly receive it with food. The source of protein is plant and animal food. Polypeptides are made up of amino acids. There are nonessentials that the body can synthesize, and. The difference between plant polypeptides and animals is in the content of essential amino acids.

In vegetable proteins, the concentration of amino acids is lower, and they are absorbed worse.

I wrote more about this in an article with. The exception is soy, where the content of organic acids is much higher than in other vegetable protein products. But in our country this product is not widely used.

Protein, which contains vegetables, cereals has a number of advantages over animals. Such food contains practically no fat. Therefore, getting proteins from vegetables, we can not worry about being overweight. The gastrointestinal tract does not receive such a load as when digesting meat and dairy products. This is especially important for those who have problems with the digestive system.

Vegetables and cereals contain fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. It improves intestinal motility, promotes weight loss. Most polypeptides in soy and legumes. There is also a lot of it in nuts and seeds. Here is an example of the protein content per 100 grams of food:

  • soy - about 40 gr.;
  • peanuts and sunflower seeds about 26 gr.;
  • lentils 23 gr.;
  • peas 22 gr.;
  • white beans - about 21 gr.

Many athletes, models, and just active people use peanut butter and paste. Pasta and butter are rich not only in polypeptides. They contain such useful vitamins as, and. As well as trace elements: iodine, zinc, phosphorus, calcium. Many pediatricians advise children to consume peanut butter several times a week.

Do you love soy tofu? I like this cheese for its neutral taste. You can use seasonings and sauce to give it the relish that you like. It is made from soy milk. In addition to being high in protein, tofu is loaded with isoflavones. These compounds are responsible for the proper functioning of the muscles. They also increase blood flow, maintain the health of blood cells.

Which is better to choose

Nutritionists agreed that there is no ideal protein. Despite this, animal-derived polypeptides should make up at least 50% of all proteins. Doctors came to this conclusion, because vegetable proteins are absorbed worse. Because of this, vegetables and greens do not dull the feeling of hunger. This is the difference between plant and animal polypeptides.

When using animal protein, preference should be given to dietary types of meat, fermented milk products. Plant foods must also be present in the diet. Cereals, vegetables, fruits contain fiber, vitamins, salts. All these substances help products to be well absorbed.

Of plant polypeptides, cereals and legumes are especially useful. Soy is the only plant-based protein that contains nearly all of the essential amino acids. I believe that it is not worth abandoning some polypeptides in favor of others.

Why protein is important for weight loss

Recently, protein diets have become very popular. Perhaps the most famous of them is. So what are the benefits of protein?

  • animal polypeptides quickly saturate the body, satisfy hunger, a person eats less;
  • protein stimulates metabolism;
  • despite rapid saturation, insulin does not jump. Since polypeptides provide normal glucose content;
  • In addition to losing weight, protein allows you to get rid of carbohydrate addiction. It is very useful for losing weight sweet tooth.

Now you know what animal and vegetable protein is. As you can see, it is impossible to say unequivocally that one species is better than another. Although, as practice shows, vegetarians calmly manage only vegetables and fruits. Sufficient amount of soy: tofu, soy flour, butter, soy milk covers the need for animal protein. But, unfortunately, not everyone can take soy without harm to health. There is simply intolerance to this food. Here you already need to listen to your body, trying to achieve balance.

But for athletes, animal protein plays a huge role. Only he can fully maintain muscle mass. Despite all the advantages of soy, it is still inferior to whey protein in this regard. I hope my tips will help you balance your diet. Let's switch to healthy food together. Check out my blog and. See you soon!

I love it when words are backed up by facts and figures. So this is one of those cases who wants to know how much protein to eat per day and which protein is better, animal or vegetable? I talked about the same in one of my previous articles.

According to the recommendation of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, a healthy, normal person (here we mean leading an active lifestyle, engaged in physical activity, without excess body weight) requires protein per 1 kg of body weight - at least 30-45 g / day. The norm is 1 g / kg of body weight. Of these, in consumption, 50% should be proteins of plant origin and 50% of animal. The use of protein less than 25 g/day leads to a violation of the processes of renewal and synthesis of proteins, metabolic disorders, and complex diseases.

Again, when compiling a diet and eating protein, you need to understand what goal you want to achieve or what tasks you face! If to maintain health, then the recommendations of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences will be enough. If you want to build muscle mass, then you will have to expand your diet with protein products and sports nutrition. If you want to lose weight, then you also need to balance your diet in terms of protein, fat, carbohydrates. Everything is individual and depends on many parameters and goals. For athletes, for example, depending on the load, 2-3 g/kg of body weight is recommended.

I note that eating protein in food increases metabolism by 30%. Perhaps that is why nutritionists love to recommend it for weight loss. Plus, protein foods, such as cottage cheese, cereals, contain casein and fiber, which create a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Excess protein intake, especially if you exclude carbohydrates from the diet, as well as protein deficiency, is fraught with complications. In addition, it is unlikely that someone will be able to eat 300 grams of protein from food per day. It will most likely burst.)

What kind of protein is there: animal or vegetable?

Animal proteins have a high biological value. They are better absorbed by the body. Soy products are considered complete in protein composition: soy curd, cheese. And at the same time, oat and buckwheat proteins can replace animal proteins in their composition! Isn't this a joy for vegetarians and adherents of a raw food diet, fractional nutrition.

Differences between vegetable and animal protein:

  • Due to the deficiency of some amino acids, the quality of some plant protein sources is lower. For example, 3 essential amino acids lysine, tryptophan, threonine are absent in vegetable proteins.
  • Vegetable protein is digested and absorbed longer (the fiber shell prevents the action of enzymes that break down the peptide bond between amino acids in proteins)

So, up to 93-96% of proteins of animal origin are absorbed in the small intestine, up to 66-80% of proteins of vegetable origin, and 20-40% of the protein is absorbed from mushrooms.

Draw your own conclusions, gentlemen. There will be questions, send.

Protein (protein) is very important for our body. With its lack, nails and hair suffer, aging of the body occurs, the tone and muscle mass of a person decreases, and the state of health generally worsens.

Proteins of any origin contain a lot of amino acids (about 20 pieces). About half of them the body can synthesize on its own, but the other half we can get only from the outside.

Animal proteins are famous for having a larger set of amino acids than plant proteins. Only soy protein can compete in this indicator, for example, with chicken, veal or salmon.

However, animal protein also has disadvantages. In addition to it, unwanted fats and cholesterol always enter the body. These substances are harmful to the heart. That is why you should not abuse fatty meats in pursuit of a large amount of protein.

Animal protein: what foods contain

Meat. White meat is the most valued, as there is more protein and less fat. The most valuable in this indicator is rabbit meat and chicken meat. This section also includes all kinds of nipples, sausages, offal. All of them are rich in protein.

Dairy. The most valued cheese in this case. There is also a lot of protein in milk, yogurt, cottage cheese and cream. Preference should be given to dairy products with low fat content.

Seafood. Most protein in salmon, tuna and cod.

Eggs. They are low in fat and cholesterol, and protein, on the contrary, a lot.

As you can see, there is protein in both natural meat and sausage. However, for reasons of proper nutrition, you can not get protein from any food. So, say, sausages, sausages, fatty meat should be abandoned.

Make sure you have enough protein in your diet. It is best not to give preference to one type of protein, but to combine them. So your body will receive the most complete range of nutrients.

Protein is an integral part of the diet. It helps maintain the structure of the body. Products obtained by the body from plants and animals can provide protein, but there are some differences between them.

Protein is found throughout the body, from muscles and organs to bones, skin and hair. The body does not store protein like other macronutrients, so protein must come from food.

Proteins are made up of amino acids, and a person needs 22 types of amino acids for the normal functioning of all organs. The body cannot produce nine of these acids, called essential amino acids.

Plant and animal protein - differences

Understanding the differences between plant and animal proteins is important for those who want to ensure their healthy diet. One of the main differences between plant and animal proteins is the amino acid content.

Amino acidsare the building blocks of protein. When the body digests proteins, it breaks them down into amino acids. The body may require different amino acids at different times. The diet should include complete protein sources that contain all nine essential amino acids.

Products containing animal protein

Animal products that are complete sources of protein:

  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products such as cheese, milk and whey;
  • red meat of cows, bison and deer;
  • poultry: chickens, turkeys and quails;
  • less common meat of wild boars, hares and horses.

Vegetable Protein Products

Most plant proteins are incomplete, which means they are missing at least one of the essential amino acids.

However, some plant foods, such as quinoa and buckwheat, are complete sources of protein.

Protein-rich plant foods:

  • grains;
  • lentils;
  • nuts;
  • beans;
  • legumes;
  • avocado;
  • soy;
  • hemp;
  • rice;
  • peas.

What is better for health?

When choosing between plant and animal sources of protein, it is important to consider the nutrients that foods contain.

Some animal products may contain high levels of iron and vitamin B12, while some plant foods do not contain these nutrients.

On the other hand, plant foods contain specific nutrients called phytonutrients and some antioxidants that are not found in animal protein sources.

Animal products contain saturated fat and higher cholesterol levels than vegetable protein sources.A number of researchers claim that eating more animal protein, especially from processed red meat, may increase the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. The results of the study showed that eating more plant-based protein can help reduce this risk.

Fiberis another important factor. Only plant-based foods contain fiber, which helps balance the digestive system. Eating more plant protein can improve a person's overall health.

Athletes and others looking to increase muscle mass often increase their protein intake in their diet. Protein helps repair and build muscle after a workout. Many athletes use whey protein to build muscle. This type of protein is more easily broken down and absorbed by the body, giving whey an edge over other sources such as meat, eggs, and vegetables.

With regard to plant sources, one study shows that rice protein isolate may offer similar benefits to whey protein.

For many people, the choice between animal and plant proteins involves a number of considerations. Instead of focusing on one type of protein, it's better to focus on eating a wide variety of foods. This can ensure that a person receives a healthy balance of amino acids and other vital nutrients.

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