The cat burps white foam and does not eat. White foam vomiting in cats

Emptying the stomach through the mouth or nose is quite common in cats. With the help of this complex physiological process, the animal is freed from substances hazardous to health or foreign objects that have entered the gastrointestinal tract. Depending on the reasons, vomiting, it can be like a normal manifestation normal operation digestive organs and alarming symptom developing pathological conditions.

Causes of vomiting in cats

With mechanical irritation of the mucous membranes of the palate or pharynx, vomiting has a reflex origin. Vomiting of nervous, or central, origin develops when toxins entering the bloodstream due to certain diseases helminthic infestation, as a result of poisoning, affect those in medulla oblongata vomiting center

Which in turn causes antiperistaltic movements of the esophagus. Thus, vomiting promotes excretion from the gastrointestinal tract foreign bodies, excess food, toxic substances and is defensive reaction body.

Fasting or overeating

The most harmless is nutritional vomiting, which is associated with the cat’s improper diet and is not a symptom of a serious pathology. Hunger vomiting occurs in cats that receive food once or twice a day. This frequency of food intake is not suitable for small predators, who are prescribed by nature to eat little by little, but often do not experience prolonged starvation.

This is interesting! Vomit in case of malnutrition is scanty, consisting mainly of mucous gastric secretion and foam. The urge goes away almost immediately after the cat manages to eat.

Vomiting also occurs due to overeating, when the animal seeks to get rid of excess food masses pressing on the diaphragm. In this case, the vomit contains undigested large pieces stern. This problem can be solved quite simply: the owner should reduce the frequency of feeding the pet and/or the amount of food in one serving.

Vomiting fur

An unappetizing “sausage” of matted wool and remnants of stomach contents, rejected by vomiting, is considered a normal physiological act if it occurs from time to time. Well-known clean cats, while grooming themselves, swallow dead hairs, which then bunch up into a lump, irritating the gastric mucosa. Therefore, animals independently get rid of such “ballast” by causing themselves to vomit.

Unsuccessful vomiting indicates that the bezoar - a hairball - is so large that the cat cannot vomit it on its own. This phenomenon can often be observed during the molting period, especially among representatives long-haired breeds. To help an animal, you need to give it Vaseline oil or a special zoo paste designed to remove hair from the gastrointestinal tract. In the future, you should groom your pet more carefully, combing out its coat.

Frequent vomiting of fur is observed in the following cases.

In domestic cats, which are often capricious in their taste preferences, poisoning from spoiled foods is very rare. The main causes of serious intoxication are harmful and toxic substances that are stored in the public domain and inadvertently got into the food or onto the animal’s fur:

  • hygiene and household chemicals;
  • medicines;
  • pesticides;
  • antifreeze;
  • poisoned rodent baits.

Important! Vomiting in case of poisoning is a response of the body that allows at least part of the toxic substance to be removed from the stomach. Therefore apply antiemetics it is forbidden!

Sometimes the cause of poisoning is cats eating leaves and stems of domestic plants that are toxic to them. The nature of the vomit depends on which particular toxin caused the poisoning.


Although official veterinary medicine considers the issue of toxicosis during pregnancy in animals controversial, many breeders and cat owners claim that the expectation of offspring in their furry pets often occurs with symptoms of intoxication. There can be many reasons for this - from the quality of the diet to the genetic characteristics of the breed.

In general, toxicosis is normal physiological phenomenon when it changes hormonal levels and does not have a negative prognosis for the health of the mother and offspring. Typically, symptoms of toxicosis are observed in the first trimester of pregnancy (second to fourth weeks), are short-term (last no more than 10 days) and do not require treatment. One such sign is morning vomiting.

In a mild, calm form of the disease, the vomit is light, without inclusions of bile or blood, and consists of undigested food and contain a small amount of foam. The owner should be concerned clinical picture when vomiting and nausea are constant, last more than two weeks and are accompanied by diarrhea, significant reduction body temperature, dehydration.

Important! This may be signs of an acutely developing pathological condition with fatal consequences for mother and offspring.

Having noticed profuse vomiting in combination with other symptoms of intoxication, the pet owner should provide immediate veterinary care without resorting to independent drug treatment. The first steps in in this case There will be detoxification measures that can only be carried out in a veterinary clinic.


Vomiting is part symptomatic complex the most life-threatening infectious and systemic diseases of the animal.

  • Panleukopenia() - a severe and acute infection requiring immediate veterinary care. An animal suffering from distemper vomits greenish liquid.
  • Coronavirus enteritis- a dangerous disease characterized by inflammation of the epithelium small intestine. Uncontrollable vomiting, often mixed with blood or bile, is one of the main signs of the disease.
  • Calcivirosis(cat flu) - especially dangerous for kittens that have not been vaccinated. Vomiting is observed in the initial stage of the disease.
  • Hyperthyroidism- pathology endocrine system associated with impaired synthesis of the hormone thyroxine. When the disease occurs in cats, there is noticeable emaciation against the background increased appetite. After almost every meal, the animal begins to vomit with further rejection of undigested food.
  • Hypocorticism- a disease of the adrenal glands in which these glands do not produce the hormone cortisone in sufficient quantity. A cat suffering from this disease usually vomits in masses with the inclusion of white foam.

Types of vomiting in cats

Often, vomiting in a cat is a direct signal to the owner that veterinary care is needed. You need to be able to determine the nature of the vomit so that the doctor, when examining the animal, can draw up the most complete symptomatic picture.

Cat vomiting bile

During a cat's gag reflex, the sphincter of the stomach through which pancreatic and other fluids enter it digestive enzymes, should normally be closed. Therefore, the bile produced by the liver does not enter the rejected stomach contents. However, there are reasons that cause yellowing of vomit:

  • animals eating artificial casings from meat products, chicken and fish bones, fragments of which remain in the stomach for a long time;
  • poisoning;
  • extensive helminthic infestations;
  • long fasting.

In all these cases it happens powerful release bile, irritating the gastric mucosa and causing profuse vomiting. Vomiting is a cause for concern thick mucus with extensive inclusions of bile, even in cases where the pet has not eaten or drunk anything before, has undergone deworming, and the entry of toxic substances into the gastrointestinal tract is excluded.

This is interesting! The danger of such a pathology is as follows. Bile is a powerful, aggressive chemical.

Getting into an empty stomach, it literally eats away unprotected mucous membranes, which leads to the development peptic ulcer and gastritis. The signal is especially alarming if concentrated bile vomiting contains abundant blood clots. Such symptoms may be signs of intestinal volvulus, gastric perforation due to an ulcer, or a tumor process in the intestinal tract.

Vomiting food

Vomiting, which is the rejection of undigested pieces of food mixed with gastric juice, most often due to too rapid absorption of food. Animal, long time when hungry, it strives to eat as much food as possible, greedily swallowing large pieces.

The solution to the problem will be standardized portions of food, the components of which are cut into medium-sized pieces. Cats living in the same house behave similarly when eating if there is competition between them. In this case, the animals need to be fed separately so that they do not feel threatened by other brothers and eat without rushing.

This is interesting! In nursing cats, like many carnivores, the gag reflex has another unique use. With its help, the mother regurgitates undigested food to feed her suckling kittens.

Thus, the gastrointestinal tract of babies gradually adapts to the consumption of meat, their future permanent food. Another reason for vomiting food may be poor quality food with low protein content. For normal food fermentation, and therefore good digestion, a cat’s diet should contain large amounts of protein.

With a lack of this nutrient, complete digestion of food does not occur, therefore, through vomiting, the animal seeks to free the gastrointestinal tract from undigested food. Rejection of recently eaten food undigested food is often individual reaction for individual feed ingredients or additives. The cause of regurgitation is determined and eliminated by carefully reviewing the animal’s diet.

Can provoke vomiting after eating whole milk. The body of adult cats limited quantities produces an enzyme that breaks down lactose contained in cow's milk. When milk sugar is not absorbed properly, the cat experiences digestive disorders, including vomiting.

Vomiting foam

Vomiting of this nature is most often observed in kittens that have recently switched to solid food . During rapid growth they constantly need to absorb large amounts of food. The gag reflex is activated by a full stomach itself. In this case, attacks of vomiting can be severe and prolonged - until the secretion of the mucous membrane (foam) mixed with gastric juice begins to come out.

The same picture is observed in cats that have abruptly switched to a new diet: changes in the feeding system often themselves cause vomiting, but can also stimulate overeating with corresponding consequences. Therefore, the transition to another food, for example, from dry to wet, must be done gradually, in small portions.

Vomiting blood

There are two types of vomiting blood (hematemesis) in cats. Brownish mass resembling coffee grounds, is a symptom of bleeding, the source of which is in the stomach or duodenum. This is evidenced by dark brown clots - red blood cells destroyed as a result of exposure to gastric juice.

Important! If the vomit contains scarlet inclusions, bleeding is suspected, the source of which is in the mouth or esophagus. Frequent causes of this phenomenon are injury to tissue or poultry.

Vomit of a uniform brown hue may indicate a tumor process in the stomach, exacerbation of gastritis, or peptic ulcer. Among the reasons that cause a cat to vomit with blood clots, includes taking medications that corrode the gastric mucosa.

If your cat is vomiting white foam, you shouldn’t panic right away. After all, such a phenomenon occurs quite often. Perhaps it's just natural process cleansing the stomach of fur. However, one should not discount other possible problems. After all, vomiting can be not only cleansing, but also pathological, that is, caused by some kind of infection, contamination or disease.

For what reasons does a cat vomit?

If a cat vomits only once, then there is no need to panic. You just need to carefully monitor him throughout the day. If the animal’s condition has returned to normal, then no measures need to be taken. Otherwise, if the cat gets worse, then you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

There are a number of reasons why a cat vomits white foam:

Attention! Inflammation of the adrenal glands is scary because the cat’s blood sugar level begins to drop sharply, muscle weakness, he vomits. In this state, leave the animal without medical care it is forbidden. The cat may die.

First aid for a cat

Regidron helps reduce the intensity of vomiting.

If you are sure that the cat does not suffer from serious illnesses, and other than vomiting there are no problems, then you can handle the situation on your own:

  1. Put your cat on a one-day fasting diet. Per day digestive system will unload, the body will begin to “come” to its senses. After this time, vomiting should stop. Now you can little by little, but often, feed your pet rice boiled in chicken broth. It is better to start with minimal portions every 2-3 hours. In subsequent days, portions increase, but the number of meals decreases.
  2. Brew mint. You can use pharmacy tea. The broth should be cooled to 37 degrees and poured into the cat’s mouth. One tablespoon of decoction is enough. You can give it either immediately after vomiting or after several hours.
  3. If your cat often swallows fur, you can give him a teaspoon of vegetable oil 3 times a week.

When to go to the vet

A visit to the veterinarian is necessary to determine the cause of vomiting.

If vomiting does not stop for a long time, there is no need to think about what to do. There is only one answer - seek help from a specialist. Especially if there are a number of related problems:

  1. The cat has lost interest in food and is vomiting foam. This may indicate the development of extremely dangerous pathology– liver lipidosis.
  2. The animal is tormenting extreme thirst. If your cat drinks constantly, there is a possibility of kidney problems that need to be treated urgently.
  3. The cat drinks a lot, but does not go to the toilet for a little while.
  4. The cat vomits almost constantly. Vomiting, which is repeated several times in an hour, should be alarming.
  5. The cat has stopped making contact; he is scared or in a clouded state. This may indicate severe intoxication of the body, as well as problems in the brain.

Attention! With such symptoms, hoping for a miracle is dangerous and pointless. Vomiting may be harmless in itself, but when coupled with the above problems, it becomes deadly. Therefore, you need to immediately take the animal to a veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home. Before his visit, you cannot self-medicate!

Diagnosis and treatment

Poor diet may cause vomiting.

To understand what actually caused the vomiting, the doctor must find out some details from the owner:

  1. When the vomiting started.
  2. What did the cat eat? Lately. Have there been any changes in his diet? How much did he eat?
  3. How often does vomiting occur?
  4. How much vomit comes out and its composition.
  5. Does the cat have any chronic or infectious diseases?
  6. How the animal eats and drinks.
  7. Cat behavior.
  8. Frequency of going to the toilet.

In addition, the doctor must examine the animal. Sometimes, to make a diagnosis, it is enough to obtain information from the pet owner and palpate the abdomen. If this is not enough, the doctor will order a urine and blood test.

Some clinics prefer to do the full range diagnostic measures, which includes x-ray of the kidneys and ultrasound abdominal cavity.

Treatment depends entirely on the diagnosis. Mainly assigned medications, as well as measures aimed at preventing dehydration.

An injection of the drug "Cerucal" helps stop persistent vomiting.

The treatment strategy is to eliminate not only the signs of pathology, but also its causes. Therefore, the cat owner must understand in what cases and how he can help the cat on his own, and when it is necessary to immediately seek help.

In the video, a veterinarian talks about the causes and methods of treating vomiting in a cat:

Many people panic when domestic cat vomits white foam. Fear is not always justified. At the same time, when certain symptoms When a cat is vomiting, you need to sound the alarm. In the article I will describe the causes of vomiting and why a cat often burps. I will name cases when it is necessary medical intervention and what to do first, and how to treat. I'll tell you about the methods of first aid.

Vary natural causes, which do not cause concern and disease, do not represent anything.

The first group includes the following.


If a cat does not eat for several days, its stomach continues to produce juice. Contained in it hydrochloric acid It is irritating to the mucous membranes and may cause the cat to vomit. A foamy substance is formed, which is pushed out by contraction of the gastric muscles.

Binge eating

Some representatives of the cat family do not know when to stop eating.

This is especially true for kittens, who get full while food is being placed in them. As a result, he may vomit excess.

In adult specimens, the process in question is provoked by an excess of consumed products when the diet is changed.

So, when dry food is introduced, the insatiable creature eats until it feels full. Swallowed food swells, increasing in volume several times. As a result, the glutton vomits what he has eaten. Typical sign overeating - unprocessed pieces in the vomit and gray shade foam.


While licking itself, the cat swallows hairs. The movement of hairballs through the gastrointestinal tract is complicated by getting stuck, even leading to constipation.

Due to irritation of the stomach walls, foam is produced, with which digestive apparatus throws away unnecessary garbage. Furs in rejected saliva - obvious reason unpleasant phenomenon.

Regular brushing and the use of products that help remove hairballs will help you avoid execution.

Foreign objects

Curious creatures, without meaning to, swallow small objects. Foreign bodies leave the body by forced emptying of the gastrointestinal tract.

Physiological processes

Pregnancy and estrus. On initial stages gestation this happens in the background hormonal changes and is considered normal. On later the uterus presses on the digestive apparatus, forcing it to release its contents. During estrus, nausea is also possible with corresponding consequences.

Taking medications

Occurs after consumption of antibiotics. Also cats vomit from anti-constipation medication -,.

Stressful situations

After experiencing shock, frustration, or a sudden change of environment nervous system crashes. The result is spasms that provoke contraction of the gastric muscles.

Surgical interventions

Vomiting after surgery under anesthesia. Considered the norm.


Foamy vomiting is a typical reaction after vaccination. It is not dangerous if it lasts no longer than 3 days.

Symptoms signaling disease

  • Viral infections such as Aujeszky's disease. Accompanied by weakness, refusal to eat, profuse salivation, elevated temperature. The erupted mass contains a yellowish tint or blood.
  • Pathologies of internal organs. Emptying of the digestive organ is complemented by diarrhea and weight loss (subject to the regime and quality of nutrition). Or, on the contrary, the cat refuses to consume food and liquid. When a cat vomits yellow foam, this indicates liver and gallbladder disease. If a cat drinks a lot but does not walk or rarely walks, the pet has kidney stones. Bloody foam is characteristic of gastrointestinal injuries (ulcers). If your pet vomits in the morning on an empty stomach, it looks like heartburn. Dark color mass indicates the presence of hydrochloric acid in the digestive organ (gastritis, enteritis). This is indicated by the greenish color. Impurities in the form of feces indicate intestinal injury.
  • Worms. Vomiting occurs against the background of hair loss, diarrhea followed by constipation, and itching of the anus. Worms and mucus can be seen in the erupted mass.
  • Sphincter weakness. Typical for kittens. Food does not pass due to underdeveloped swallowing muscles. They stabilize with age. The best way out– feeding crushed food.
  • Tumors, increased intracranial pressure, blood clots and brain pathologies. Vomits like a fountain.

What to do and how to treat foamy vomiting before the veterinarian arrives

First type of help − starvation diet for a period of 24 hours. During this period you need constant control, to determine the frequency of the ongoing process, accompanying symptoms And general condition.

After a day, if you feel better, you can gradually introduce food. It is advisable to start with boiled rice in small portions 6 times a day.

After two days, add boiled lean meat to the diet. With visible recovery, within a week the cat is transferred to its usual diet.

To avoid the nausea reflex from dry food, alternate it with natural food

For simple gastrointestinal disorders, it will help the patient Mint tea, cooled to 35-37 degrees Celsius. Poured into the mouth after the eruption of the masses.

To prevent dehydration, constant access to water is provided at simultaneous administration enterosgel or atoxylom.

At food poisoning dissolved solution is injected into the cat's mouth Activated carbon at the rate of half a tablet per 5 kilograms of weight.

Rehydron solution will make life easier for the patient with paroxysmal short-term vomiting.

Cerucal and no-shpa will eliminate pain syndrome and nausea.

When should you take your cat to the vet?

A doctor's help is necessary if vomiting does not stop for more than two days, occurs every hour, and the cat:

  1. He drinks constantly.
  2. Experiences difficulty urinating.
  3. Dehydrated ( increased salivation, eye rolling). To check, lift a piece of skin, then release. A slow return to its original place indicates a lack of fluid in the body.
  4. Licked a medicine, a chemical, a poisonous substance.

Each case of vomiting white foam is individual.

Careful observation of your pet will help determine the cause of the problem.

You can't neglect your health pet. The slightest delay is disastrous.

Vomiting is physiological process, which develops if the cat has eaten something wrong and in a number of other cases. Cats are quite clean animals that constantly wash themselves and lick their coats; because of this, not only dirt, but also hair fibers get into the stomach. In addition, in some cases animals eat grass and specifically stimulate vomiting reflex which helps cleanse the stomach. If the cat vomits white foam rarely, no more than 1-2 times a day, then there is nothing to worry about.. But if your pet has uncontrollable vomiting, you need to urgently contact a veterinarian.

Causes of vomiting in cats

Vomiting in a cat can occur due to various reasons. They can be designated as follows:

  • The cat has overeated - large portions and eating too quickly quite often lead to regurgitation of excess food.
  • Lumps of fur in the stomach, which form when licking the fur coat, lead to irritation of the mucous membrane and vomiting.
  • Poisoning with poor quality food.
  • Eating by cats indoor plants also often ends in vomiting.
  • Hitting digestive tract bones and foreign objects leads to the release of stomach contents.
  • Gastritis is an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa common reason nausea and vomiting in cats.
  • Disruption of the pancreas leads to a deterioration in enzymatic processes during the digestion of food, and vomiting is possible.
  • Volvulus or peritonitis - these pathologies are very dangerous for the animal’s life and require urgent intervention from a veterinarian.
  • Diseases of the liver and gall bladder.
  • Intoxication with medications or toxic substances.
  • Infectious diseases - these conditions are accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting, lethargy and lack of appetite. In this case, treatment should be carried out by a doctor.

Besides, a cat may not eat anything and vomit if infected with worms. In this case, worms may be observed in the vomit, which indicates severe damage to the animal’s body.

To save pet against helminthic infestation, which negatively affects the entire body and significantly reduces immunity, it is necessary to give it once every 2-3 months anthelmintics. A veterinarian will help you choose the right medication.

Why does a cat vomit white foam?

A cat vomiting white foam is normal phenomenon, but only if there are no impurities in the foam, and it occurs infrequently
. If a cat is vomiting white foam, then a malfunction of the biliary system can be suspected. When food is digested in the stomach and enters the intestines, mucus does not cease to be released, which, upon contact with air, takes the form of white bubbles. If mucus is in digestive organs too much, the body reflexively pours it out.

Cats are very sensitive to nutritional errors. If a cat has not eaten for a long time, it vomits white foam. This is explained by the fact that the digestive system produces all the secretions necessary for digesting food in the usual volume. But if food does not enter the stomach for a long time, then hydrochloric acid begins to corrode the walls of the organ, resulting in irritation and vomiting. For this reason cats shouldn't have therapeutic fasting more than one day.

It turns out that cats can also have heartburn, in this case the cat vomits foam in the morning on an empty stomach, but no other health problems are observed.

Vomiting foam in kittens

Kittens have a weak digestive system, so gagging may occur quite often.
. The main reasons for this condition look like this:

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  • Sudden change in diet. For example, a kitten was separated from its mother and transferred to adult food, while its small stomach is not yet able to digest roughage.
  • Harmful foods - fried, smoked, spicy or simply stale - can cause vomiting in the baby.
  • Persistent overeating or large pieces of food - compassionate owners try to feed their pet more satisfyingly; it seems to them that the kitten is too thin. This will not lead to anything good.
  • If the kitten licks itself often, then vomiting may be a consequence of the accumulation of hair in the ventricle. This is especially true for animals with long-haired breeds.
  • Accidental entry of foreign objects into the stomach. While playing, the kitten may swallow a candy wrapper, a bead, or a piece of tinsel.
  • Chemical poisoning – like all babies, kittens are very curious, so they may try dishwashing liquid or litter.
  • Side effects after vaccination are how the body reacts to a foreign agent entering the body.
  • Congenital diseases of the liver or pancreas.

If the baby vomits, it is necessary to find out the cause of this phenomenon and eliminate it. If this condition is rarely observed, then you can observe the kitten and try to adjust the diet. When liquid, foamy vomiting is observed frequently, you need to go to a veterinary hospital.

A healthy kitten should be active and have a good appetite. If the baby is lethargic, refuses to play and eats poorly, then this is a reason to visit the doctor.

Examination of cats

To identify the cause frequent vomiting, the veterinarian interviews the cat's owner and carefully examines the animal
. If necessary, a number of studies are carried out. This approach allows you to quickly find the cause of the illness and begin to treat your sick pet. The inspection is usually carried out in several successive stages and consists of the following points:

  1. Interview the owner to obtain information about the frequency and duration of vomiting.
  2. Clarification of the cat’s diet, as well as the possibility of foreign objects entering the digestive tract.
  3. Determining the type and thickness of vomit, finding out information when the animal began to vomit.
  4. Examination of the animal, determination of general condition and reflexes.
  5. Clarification of information about chronic diseases cat

If the cat only vomited once clear liquid with a small admixture of fur, it is worth observing the pet throughout the day. Most often, this condition stabilizes very quickly, and after a few hours the cat is playful and active. However, when vomiting becomes indomitable and the animal becomes lethargic and apathetic, dehydration sets in very quickly, which causes irreversible processes in the body. You can’t hesitate here; only a doctor can provide help. IN severe cases may be needed surgical intervention and intravenous infusions.

The owner should be wary if the animal does not allow its belly to be touched or to be picked up. This may indicate inflammatory process in the abdominal area.

Varieties of vomit

Very often, the cause of the illness can be determined by the color and consistency of the vomit:

A cat who does not eat at all for more than two days and periodically vomits may be seriously ill. In this case, you need to undergo a series of tests, as well as undergo an ultrasound of the internal organs. Such vomiting is not considered physiological and indicates illness.

Vomiting blood may be the result of an insect or reptile bite. In this case, the sick animal is urgently taken to any medical facility.

How to help a cat when vomiting

You can help the cat on your own, but only if there is no heat, diarrhea and general weakness. When such a malaise indicates poisoning, the algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  • The animal is no longer fed and provided with sufficient amounts of water to drink.. Only water can be given; dairy products are not recommended during this period.
  • The cat is given a weak solution of potassium permanganate; it can be added to drinking water or poured into the mouth from a syringe with a soft tip.

Manganese is first diluted in a small volume of water, and then added to the drink, and poured through several layers of gauze to prevent undissolved crystals from entering the stomach.

  • Every two hours the pet is given smecta, dissolved in a small volume of water.

Therapeutic fasting for cats should last about 12 hours. After this, you can gradually return the cat to its normal diet. First, they adhere to a gentle diet and give boiled chicken meat, as well as strong congee, then enter chicken bouillon or special medicinal food. After 3-4 days, the cat is transferred to standard food. Usually such actions are enough for the pet to recover and return to a full life.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

There are a number of cases when the owner does not know what to do and how to help the fluffy. First of all, you need to stop panicking, because panicking will not help the matter, and seek help from specialists. A trip to the hospital should be immediate in the following cases:

  1. The cat vomits water or foam for more than 3 hours.
  2. The vomit is white or yellowish in color, but there are bloody spots in it.
  3. The pet refuses not only food, but also drink, and continuously vomits.
  4. In addition to the main symptom, diarrhea began, the animal’s nose became dry and hot, which indicates elevated temperature. In addition, the owner should be alert to convulsions, which indicate dehydration and damage to the central nervous system.

In all these cases, you should not self-medicate, so as not to further aggravate the situation.. It is better to entrust the health and life of your pet to a qualified doctor who will correctly diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

In some cases for treatment infectious diseases cats are prescribed antibiotics. Properly selected medications can quickly get your family pet back on his feet.

How to protect a cat from poisoning

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so attention should be paid to the prevention of diseases and poisoning. To protect your cat from poisoning and digestive disorders, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Give the animal only healthy and fresh food. If dry food is used for feeding, then you should not skimp on it; you need to choose high quality products.
  • Do not overfeed fluffies and especially kittens; portions should be appropriate for age and weight.
  • Food should be lukewarm and finely chopped.
  • Periodically, cats are given anthelmintic drugs.
  • All vaccinations are given according to schedule.

If trouble happens and your beloved cat gets sick, you need to act quickly. In most cases, the health of the animal and its life depend on the coordinated actions of the owner. When your pet's condition worsens by the minute, you need to quickly go to the hospital.

When a cat vomits white foam, its owners may have well-founded concerns about its health.

The fact is that vomiting is usually a symptom of some kind of painful condition both human and animal. If you notice it in time and take appropriate measures, you can prevent the occurrence of very dangerous disease, which can end very badly for your pet.

How to determine the cause of vomiting in cats?

Only a veterinarian can correctly identify the reasons why a cat is vomiting white foam. The fact is that vomiting for cats is a kind of protective reaction to contamination of the body with both pathogenic microorganisms and toxic chemicals. Moreover, the appearance of a gag reflex may not always be associated with the manifestation of any disease. For example, cats very often regurgitate hair that gets into their stomach during licking and brushing.

If your cat periodically vomits white foam, it should definitely be seen by a doctor. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the veterinarian usually examines the cat, during which:

  1. Determines the frequency of vomiting.
  2. Finds out what the animal ate and whether it had access to any chemicals. This is done in order to completely eliminate the possibility of poisoning.
  3. The exact time the animal first vomited.
  4. Type and amount of vomit.
  5. The presence or absence of appetite in the animal.
  6. General condition of the animal.
  7. The presence or absence of chronic diseases in the animal.

If your cat is not eating and is vomiting white foam, this may be a sign of a fairly serious illness. If such a symptom is detected, the doctor may order urine and blood tests for your pet, an ultrasound of the kidneys and abdomen, and an x-ray. In the event that there is a suspicion of serious illness digestive organs, cats can perform an endoscopic examination.

When you cannot quickly get an animal to a doctor, it is worth keeping an eye on it. If vomiting does not recur periodically and the animal's condition does not worsen, the cat most likely just wants to get rid of fur or foreign objects that have entered its stomach. This is not dangerous, and such vomiting may stop on its own after a few days.

When a cat is lethargic, apathetic, constantly lies and does not play, it needs to be shown urgently veterinarian. This can be either poisoning or an exacerbation of some serious chronic illness. Only an experienced veterinarian can figure out what is happening to the animal.

Although initial appointment It can cost about 500 rubles from a veterinarian, it’s better not to save money and show your pet to a doctor. By doing this, you will not only provide him with invaluable help, but also protect yourself, as well as your loved ones, from the infection that a sick cat can transmit. This is especially important when you have children who can become infected with very unpleasant diseases from a sick animal.

Types of vomiting in cats

If you have seen a cat vomiting white foam and know what to do in such cases, this does not mean that you will be able to correctly determine whether the animal is sick or not. The success of further treatment of the animal directly depends on the correct diagnosis. So, there are the following types of vomiting in cats:

  • foam;
  • food;
  • liquid;
  • bile;
  • blood;
  • saliva.

Those cases where a cat vomits white foam are usually considered quite safe. The fact is that when eating food, the animal swallows a little air, which, when in contact with mucus, gives the effect of white foam. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it’s still worth showing your pet to a doctor, because copious discharge foam may indicate problems with bile secretion.

The second reason for the appearance of vomiting with white foam can be the consumption of stale food. In addition, animals of some breeds eat only specially selected foods, and if their diet is changed, a reaction such as vomiting is possible. If there are no other signs of illness, try changing the menu, and it is quite possible that your animal will recover fairly quickly.

A cat may also vomit due to the fact that it swallows too much fur while cleaning and licking it. This is especially true for long-haired breeds. Try to brush them more often, and also don't let them spend too much time on their toilet. By the way, excessive licking may occur on nervous soil, so try not to disturb your pets too often in this case.

Sometimes vomiting with white foam is unsafe. This happens when an animal gets sick with distemper or feline panleukopenia. In this case, in white foam may be mixed yellow, and the animal will vomit periodically. Here, in mandatory A doctor's intervention will be required, since if the cat is not treated, other pets living in the house may become infected.

If treatment measures are taken in a timely manner, vomiting with white foam will pass quickly enough, and the cat will suffer virtually no complications. So, carefully monitor your pet in order to respond in time to the symptoms of dangerous diseases.

Vomiting food and liquid

Once you know why your cat vomits white foam, you should also understand why this animal can sometimes vomit food and liquid. Typically this behavior indicates pathological change gastrointestinal tract. In addition, a cat may vomit food even in the case of banal overeating, since these animals have no sense of proportion and can eat gourmet foods in excessive quantities.

But in the case when blood appears in the vomit, it makes sense to be alarmed. The fact is that this may indicate that an infection has entered the animal’s body, or that it has worms. In this case, a visit to the veterinarian is mandatory. for preventive purposes to prevent infection of both other animals and people.

In addition, vomiting blood may also be a sign that the cat has ingested foreign object. Pets often lick and swallow various shiny and unknown objects that can be dangerous. So, very often they swallow glass or can damage their internal organs bones. As a result, internal bleeding begins, which can threaten the life of the animal. Therefore, if you notice blood in the vomit, immediately take your pet to a veterinary clinic.

Vomiting liquid alone is also a cause for concern. The fact is that vomit, consisting of a yellowish liquid, is a sign of feline distemper. At the same time, the animal does not eat, is afraid of light, and its vomiting is strong and painful. If treatment measures are not taken in time, it can die quite quickly, primarily from dehydration.

You should be especially concerned when your cat begins to refuse food. Normally, even a sick animal eats periodically. If it stopped doing this, it has a very serious condition. So, the means at hand most likely will not help him, and he will need to go to the nearest veterinary clinic.

By the way, you should never forget about such an unpleasant subject as helminths.

Attention! Many cat owners, having noticed their vomiting and poor appetite, they immediately begin to panic and completely forget that common worms can cause symptoms in animals that are similar to those of dangerous illnesses.

Therefore, be sure to periodically inspect your animals for worms, because even domestic cats can pick them up by sitting, for example, for a short time in a tray with sand taken from the street.

What to do if a cat vomits?

If your cat is vomiting white foam and you don’t know what to do, try to get advice on this topic by phone at a veterinary clinic. Typically, such consultations are given free of charge, and you will have the opportunity to provide emergency assistance to your pet. However, in any case, show it to a veterinarian later, since vomiting may only be the first symptom of a very serious disease that is beginning.

To provide emergency assistance in the case when the cat vomits white foam and diarrhea occurs, it is urgent to limit your pet’s food intake. If the situation is serious, then it is worth removing the water until new attacks of vomiting stop. The thing is that in most cases the animal is simply poisoned poor quality food. If it gets a little hungry while consuming a large number of water, the body can overcome poisoning itself. At the same time, experts advise adding a little potassium permanganate to such water.

Attention! When a cat vomits saliva with white foam, you should not give it untested drugs, especially those intended for treating humans.

Any medications can only be given after you have consulted a veterinarian on this topic, otherwise your pet’s condition may only worsen.

If you are absolutely sure that your cat has eaten turpentine, lye, or ingested solvent, do not under any circumstances provoke her to vomit. Give her a spoonful of Enterosgel before sending her to the veterinary clinic. It is also prohibited to induce vomiting in cases where there is a suspicion that the animal has swallowed a sharp object. The fact is that stomach spasms during vomiting can cause movement of such an object in it and, accordingly, damage to the wall of the stomach and esophagus. The maximum that can be done here without a doctor is to give the victim 1 tbsp. l. Vaseline oil.

In the event that specialists veterinary clinic It is advised to induce vomiting in the animal, and this happens when poisoning is suspected, you can do this by giving a glass warm water with 1 tbsp dissolved in it. l. salt. In any case, you will need to consult a doctor on the day symptoms of illness appear, since the cat can die within 2 days due to dehydration caused by vomiting.

Attention! Vomiting in cats can be a sign of very wide range diseases, so you need to be able to distinguish the signs of some diseases from others.

For example, if your furry friend diseased digestive system, you can stop him from vomiting only if you keep him on strict diet and give him only high-quality food.

Also, try to prevent your cat from licking or swallowing anything from the floor. She can swallow not only sharp objects, but also, for example, medications which could have a negative impact on her health. Even such simple preventive measures can protect your pet from very serious problems with health.

What should you do if your cat is vomiting white foam? was last modified: September 12th, 2016 by Ekaterina Efimova

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