What is light food. The best food for digestion. Oatmeal and other cereals

The nature of nutrition greatly affects the health of the stomach. Many foods can contribute to mucosal damage, inflammation, and ulceration. At the same time, during an exacerbation of gastritis, a properly selected diet has a positive effect on regeneration processes and reduces the severity of clinical symptoms.

The following describes what is good for the stomach, like various products affect work digestive system, and given general recommendations on nutrition.

The importance of nutrition has long been known. Even before the advent of modern medications used various diets for the treatment of diseases digestive tract.

Beneficial foods for the stomach may have the following clinical effects:

Another important factorenough nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. Their norm is different, and depends on gender, age and degree motor activity patient. A nutritionist selects food and makes up a diet.

Healthy foods

Useful products for the stomach and intestines should contain trace elements and vitamins, necessary for quick recovery mucous membrane.

First of all we are talking about fruits (apples, pears, bananas, kiwi and others). They contain fiber, which contributes to the activation of intestinal motility. Additionally, they have a large amount of vitamins B, A, E, K.

Greens (onion, dill, radish, broccoli, beets) must be included in the diet. Salads are prepared from it, which are added to the main dishes.

Dairy products (milk, yogurt, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese, butter, sour cream) must be included in the diet for stomach pathologies. They normalize acidity, and also contain Calcium, vitamins A, B1, B2, B12.

Often the basis of the diet for gastritis or peptic ulcer is porridge (semolina, buckwheat, rice). They have a large amount of carbohydrates, potassium, magnesium. Additionally, cereals contribute to the regeneration of the mucous membrane.

One of the most beneficial foods for the stomach is whole wheat bread. It has a lot of fiber, as well as beneficial trace elements.

Heavy foods for the stomach

Heavy foods can disrupt the integrity of the mucosa and lead to the development inflammatory process. These include:

Light foods for the stomach

Light food for the stomach is especially important when chronic diseases digestive system and poisoning.

From flour products they advise baked pies (with apples), dry non-bread cookies, cheesecakes, biscuits. At the same time, it is necessary that all these products are not fresh, but at least yesterday or dried at home.

Low-fat meats (turkey, horse meat, veal, rabbit meat) are more easily absorbed in the intestines. It is advisable to serve them only after thorough cooking. Cutlets, zrazy, soufflé and meatballs are made from meat. For elderly patients, it is crushed as they often have problems with pancreatic function.

A similar principle applies to fish meat. It is taken only low-fat (perch, carp, carp, pike, pollock, flounder, mullet, cod, hake). First you need to get rid of the bones and scales, and then boil it thoroughly.

The diet includes cottage cheese and a variety of dishes with it (cheesecakes, dumplings). Other dairy products are also served for dinner - yogurt, kefir, milk. Some types of hard cheese are also allowed.

Among drinks, weak tea (sometimes milk is added to it), sweet fruit juices, rosehip broth and non-carbonated alkaline help aid digestion. mineral water. Boiled vegetables also easily pass through the digestive tract. Beets, cauliflower, pumpkins, carrots and potatoes are especially recommended.

The following products are also allowed:

  • milk soups;
  • soft-boiled eggs;
  • sour cream (in in large numbers);
  • bananas;
  • baked fruits.

Products that stimulate the gastrointestinal tract

Decreased sensitivity in older patients nervous recipes on the wall of the stomach and intestines. This leads to a decrease in motor activity, the development chronic constipation. To help them with this problem, the diet includes delicious foods that stimulate the passage of food through the digestive tract. These include:

Healthy food for the stomach and intestines must meet several criteria.

Chemical protection is the first. It is necessary to turn off all dishes and foods that can damage the gastric mucosa. At the same time, it is necessary that they do not increase the acidity in its cavity.

Also, nutrition should provide mechanical protection of the gastric mucosa. It is advisable to eat in small portions, but much more often (5-7 times a day). All solid foods must be crushed and pounded.

Next important principle- temperature protection of the digestive system. This should be monitored especially carefully during the period of exacerbation of the pathology of the stomach. Dishes and products should not be cold or hot. Their optimum temperature is 40°C.

It should not be forgotten that nutrition is not the only factor that affects health. Bad habits, emotional stress, accompanying illnesses, Helicobacter pylori infection - all of them can cause the development of gastritis or peptic ulcer.

A therapeutic diet is prescribed only in combination with adequate drug therapy. Only then is its good efficiency ensured.

Products for the stomach with gastritis and ulcers

What is useful for the stomach and intestines with gastritis? First, it is important to conduct an EGD to determine the type of acid disorder. From this result, the type of diet is selected. If the acidity has fallen, then acidic foods (kefir, citrus fruits, grapes) are carefully included in the diet. If it is, on the contrary, increased, then the patient is forbidden everything that can increase it.

In case of peptic ulcer, regardless of acidity indicators, it is necessary to reduce it in order to accelerate the processes of regeneration of the mucous membrane and healing of defects.

Vitamins and minerals for the stomach

The daily diet should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals:

Useful video

How to eat so as not to harm the digestive tract, voiced in this video.

Products for the acid patient

At hyperacidity The patient's breakfast must include:

  • cereals;
  • dairy products (except kefir);
  • meat with low fat content;
  • boiled eggs;
  • salads;
  • baked fruits;
  • mashed potatoes.

Enveloping Products

Some products contain large amounts vegetable slime, which envelops the walls of the stomach and protects them from harmful effects. They also neutralize hydrochloric acid in the organ cavity, which effectively reduces acidity. These products include:

It is important to consider the following:

  1. Diseases of the stomach occur in patients of all age categories but especially high risk in adolescents and the elderly.
  2. Irrational and regular nutrition is one of the most important reasons development of gastritis or peptic ulcer. Special meaning has alcohol abuse.
  3. If you experience pain in the upper abdomen, which intensifies after eating, you should immediately contact your local therapist or pediatrician. Self-medication often does not carry the expected positive effect.
  4. The basis for the treatment of diseases of the stomach today is drug therapy, which includes inhibitors proton pump, antacids, antibiotics.
  5. From the first days of the disease, all foods that can harm the gastric mucosa are turned off from the diet.
  6. Either a gastroenterologist or a nutritionist can choose the right composition of the diet for a particular patient. At the same time, he calculates daily allowance nutrients, trace elements, vitamins, and then makes a balanced menu.
  7. A nutritionist can also recommend foods if the patient has problems with gastrointestinal motility, or is concerned about heartburn, flatulence, occasional vomiting or a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.
  8. Do not rely on the reviews of acquaintances or friends. Proper nutrition requires an individual approach.

pledge wellness a person is proper nutrition, first of all, this factor affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Those who want to provide the body essential substances, but at the same time not harm him, the question is: what foods are good for the intestines?

List of the most useful products

Good foods for the intestines usually have vegetable origin Plus, they're easy to prepare and delicious. Nutritionists have compiled a list of products recommended for systematic use:

  • vegetables rich in fiber the largest number possess pumpkin and beets);
  • various fruits and berries, bananas and plums are especially useful;
  • natural juices;
  • cereals and bran;
  • oil with reduced amount fat;
  • chocolate containing little cocoa in its composition;
  • dairy products;
  • dried fruits, namely figs and prunes.

In addition to what a person eats, how he does it is very important. Heavy meals can only be consumed in combination with light ones, for example, meat together with vegetable salad. You should try to eat at the same time, 5 times a day in small portions. It is also recommended to chew food thoroughly, in which case it will be digested faster and will not damage the mucous membrane.

How to restore the intestinal microflora?

The intestinal microflora is a combination of useful and harmful bacteria, and under the influence of certain factors, the number pathogenic microorganisms increases, resulting in dysbacteriosis.

As the main reasons, experts consider the use of junk food or certain drugs, such as antibiotics.

The symptoms that accompany the imbalance are expressed in bloating and rumbling of the abdomen, diarrhea, etc. In order to get rid of them, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Stick to special diet and try to eat foods that are good for the intestinal microflora.
  2. Accept medical preparations, the action of which is aimed at restoring the number of beneficial bacteria.

From the whole variety, experts distinguish the following products:

  • 1 apple a day, eaten on an empty stomach;
  • garlic;
  • kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.;
  • cheeses;
  • raw vegetables and fruits.

It is not recommended to eat potatoes, flour products, sugar, biscuits, marinades, canned foods, soda and milk. Honey can be used as a sweetener instead of sugar, sausage is replaced with a piece boiled meat, and it is desirable to eat bread in a dried form.

It is also very important to drink water 30 minutes before or after meals.

Dairy products

Dairy products that are good for the intestines are best fermented on their own and made from them yogurt (using a special yogurt maker), yogurt or kefir. You can also purchase such products in the store, but in this case you should pay attention to the expiration date, the product must be fresh, and the storage time itself must be short. This indicator will indicate the absence of preservatives, in addition, the composition should not contain flavors, dyes and other chemicals.

The lactic acid contained in the products described above helps cleanse the intestines from putrefactive microorganisms. If you drink kefir and eat cottage cheese daily for a week, it will improve significantly. Another product that promotes normalization digestive process, is considered cheese. This cheese is not only tasty and healthy, but also well suited for diet food.

Very often on store shelves you can see yogurt or cottage cheese with some kind of fruit filling, unfortunately, such a product loses its properties. This is due to the fact that fruit acid neutralizes lactic acid.

Colon cleansing with diet

Products useful for cleansing the intestines are several blocks, each of which has its own effect:

  1. To remove bile from the body, it is necessary to consume daily on an empty stomach natural fats such as lard, egg yolk, sour cream or cream. You can enhance their effect with cumin, coriander or fennel. Honey has the same effect, but to get the expected result, it must be eaten for several weeks.
  2. Effectively cleanse the intestines help vegetable juices, kvass, whey and mineral water.
  3. People who want to put their bodies in order as soon as possible are advised to make their own menu, including bran, millet, various cereals, mushrooms and nuts with great content squirrel.
  4. Vegetables such as pumpkin, cabbage, beets or cucumbers are useful both raw and pickled.
  5. To speed up peristalsis, you need to include grapes, apricots, plums, melons, peaches and various dried fruits in your diet.
  6. Intestinal motility is activated by cold dishes, for example, cold drinks, ice cream, okroshka, etc.

It is interesting! There is an opinion that it is necessary to eat food as often as possible, but such actions can seriously harm the body. It is best to eat 4-5 times a day at the same time so that the undigested food does not mix with the freshly received.

What foods have a laxative effect?

Considering healthy foods for the intestines, you can not go past the various

Constipation is caused by decreased peristalsis and is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as discomfort, bloating, cutting pains. To get rid of this condition or prevent it altogether, you must regularly consume the following products:

  1. Vegetable fibers - in large quantities found in pumpkin, dried apricots and prunes. When using these products laxative effect occurs as soon as possible.
  2. Surely many have heard about the salad, which is called "Panicle". It consists of coarsely grated carrots, beets, celery and cabbage. This very quickly removes all toxins from the body.
  3. You can also get rid of constipation with unpeeled apples, peaches, plums, bananas, or dried fruits.
  4. Many experts on traditional medicine Honey is believed to act as a mild laxative.
  5. Onions are considered an excellent remedy for prolonged and recurring constipation, it can be used in absolutely any form.
  6. A glass of cucumber pickle helps a lot.

With proper nutrition, intestinal problems disappear by themselves, and taking any special means becomes unnecessary. After all, it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

High fiber foods

Fiber contributes to the rapid emptying of the intestine, as it mechanically affects the receptors and irritates the mucous membrane with bile. These actions improve colonic motility.

Useful products for the intestines, including fiber in their composition:

  • fruits, especially pears, apples, plums and bananas;
  • vegetables such as beets, cabbage, carrots and pumpkin;
  • dried fruits;
  • bran.

As stated earlier, main function fiber is a mechanical way to clear the intestines from stool. This effect is achieved due to the complex composition, which does not break down during digestion.

Doctors distinguish the following types of fiber:

  1. Pectin - very important for people suffering diabetes because it reduces the absorption of sugar. Included in strawberries, apples, green peas, potatoes and cauliflower.
  2. Gum - lowers cholesterol, found in oatmeal, beans, dry peas, etc.
  3. Lingin - helps in the process of digestion, activates bile acids. Such a substance can be found in radishes, eggplants, cereals and potatoes.
  4. Cellulose - excellent tool for the prevention of disorders in the work of the intestines. Contained in wheat flour, grains, bran, cabbage, carrots, green peas, peppers, cucumbers and apples.

What to do with constipation?

Healthy foods for the intestines can help the body cope with constipation and remove all toxins in time. Gastroenterologists have developed a scheme that must be followed when stagnation occurs in the intestines:

  1. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water a day.
  2. Eat 100 grams of prunes daily.
  3. Include bran in the menu both in raw form and as part of cereals or pastries.
  4. There are as many greens as possible, cabbage, beets and carrots.
  5. Drink fermented milk products, such as kefir or fermented baked milk.
  6. Allowed to drink coffee, chocolate or cocoa.
  7. Drinking a tablespoon of olive or castor oil on an empty stomach helps to cope with constipation.
  8. A decoction prepared on the basis of flax seeds also helps.

Stop eating while treating constipation junk food such as chips, crackers, french fries, etc.

At chronic course disease, it is best to completely abandon rice, smoked and fried foods. At proper diet you can get rid of even the most obsessive problems with the digestive system.

harmful products

If there are useful products, but at the same time not to exclude harmful ones, from proper nutrition there will be no effect. Very harmful:

  • alcohol;
  • fast food;
  • fried and smoked;
  • sweet sodas.

You can not eat a large number of flour products at a time, they greatly overload the intestines. It is also not recommended to combine meat, legumes and eggs with each other. Eaten together, these foods take a very long time to digest and can cause inflammation in the intestines. With diarrhea, milk should be excluded from the diet, fresh fruits and the vegetables described above.

Dry food can harm the body. It is also worth remembering that even the most healthy foods for the stomach and intestines can be harmful if eaten spoiled.


In conclusion, we can name the most useful products for the intestines:

  1. Yogurt, kefir and other dairy products.
  2. Apples, plums and dried fruits.
  3. Bran and various cereals.
  4. Cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, onions and herbs.

Also, useful products for the intestines need to be able to properly cook and combine:

  1. Instead of frying and smoking, it is best to resort to boiling, stewing, etc.
  2. A large amount of salt and hot spices can significantly worsen the condition of the body.
  3. You need to give up unhealthy foods.
  4. Give preference low-fat varieties meat and fish.

If you make your menu correctly every day, problems with the intestines and stomach will cease to worry absolutely any person. The absence of discomfort will help you look at life anew and make it much happier.

Our brains are very good at delicious food and distinguishes hot and cold, bitter and sweet foods thanks to special cells language - receptors. But the "gourmet" of the body - the digestive system - "knows a lot" in light and heavy food. As you understand, heavy food is not the weight of a serving on a plate, but something else.

First and main feature heavy food - high calorie content.

It should be noted that the calorie content of food depends on chemical composition and not from a recipe. For example, in 100 g walnuts contains more than 600 kilocalories, and a 100-gram donut contains about 350.

Heavy food

All animal products are considered heavy foods:

  • meat;
  • salo;
  • dairy.

The list is supplemented by:

  • sugar;
  • flour products;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • bananas;
  • potato;
  • grape.

Unfortunately, all the “goodies” invented by culinary specialists are, in most cases, heavy food.

Slow digestion in the stomach and small intestine- the second sign of heavy food.

The method of preparation matters. Imagine - ordinary chicken eggs, depending on the method of preparation, can be either heavy or light food. Heavy meal option - scrambled eggs, easy option- soft-boiled eggs.

Hard, salty, spicy and fatty foods are hard to digest.

light food

In contrast to heavy, light food contains few calories, respectively - it is easily and quickly digested. On the "easy list":

  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • cucumbers;
  • beet;
  • currant;
  • raspberry;

And besides them:

  • vegetable or meat soups;
  • boiled meat or fish;
  • steamed vegetables;
  • fish and meat;
  • vegetable purees;
  • casseroles;
  • well-boiled porridge;
  • jelly;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • mousses without sugar.

Light food promotes mental work, heavy food will provide you with energy for longer during physical exertion.

"East is a delicate matter!"
Tibetan sages believe that the skillful combination of products changes the quality of food. For example, rice light food and milk is heavy. If milk is heated with saffron, it becomes “light”, while rice boiled in milk becomes “heavy”. You should not mix light and heavy foods in one meal, very cold and very hot dishes, food left over from past meals and freshly prepared food.

Is a diet necessary?

“War, war, and dinner on schedule!” - said the King of Prussia Friedrich Welhelm the First, and he was absolutely right!

It will be easier for the digestive system to work if you start eating at the same time. By the time of the meal will be produced required amount gastric, pancreatic juice and bile.

More high-calorie foods should be eaten in the morning in order to stock up on the necessary energy, and nutritionists advise lighter meals for dinner.

The theoretical part of the article is over. It's time to move on to practice. But in practice, many of us are different. Rushing to work, we do not have time to have breakfast, we have a snack on “cookies” or a hot dog at lunchtime, and in the evening we “come off in full”. As a result - indigestion, bloating, heartburn, constipation.

And who among us is able to refuse a picnic and exchange vegetable puree soup for a fragrant barbecue? That's it! When you feel a piece of juicy, grilled meat in your mouth, by and large, you don’t care that barbecue is heavy food!

How to help the body cope with "gastronomic abundance"?

To help the digestive system, scientists have come up with pancreatic enzymes. For which a big thanks to them! Many of these drugs are your good friends. Mezim-forte, creon, festal and others similar drugs more than once they helped us out at the “holidays of life”.

We should not forget that in the process of digestion of food many harmful substances are formed. Many nutritional supplements semi-finished products, sausages, sausages, margarine, overcooked vegetable oil contain carcinogens - substances that can cause malignant tumors in the intestines and stomach.

A lot of dyes, stabilizers and other "chemistry" enter the stomach and cause allergies and other problems.

In people with cholecystitis, diseases of the liver and pancreas, the process of digesting food slows down. Food stagnates longer than usual in the stomach and small intestine, undergoes fermentation and even putrefaction processes. Get into the blood harmful substances, poisoning the body and disrupting the work of other organs.

In such situations, enterosorbents come to the rescue. Enterosgel is rightfully recognized as the best of them.

Enterosgel actively absorbs toxins that are formed in the process of digestion of heavy food. It would not be superfluous to recall that the drug binds alcohol, carcinogens and food allergens, without disturbing the movement of food through the intestines, that is, without causing constipation.

The drug will help to cope with heavy food, will provide good vacation and great mood!

Problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, according to statistics, are familiar to most of the inhabitants of the Earth: approximately 80% of people periodically experience stomach pain, suffer from heartburn, belching, bloating, and others. unpleasant symptoms caused by the most various diseases and states.

Feeling bad doesn't just happen. And in the case of the stomach, as a rule, it is explained not only by the wrong, but by a truly nightmarish way of eating, from which people do not want to give up. Eating convenience foods and fast food is convenient, and starting the day with a cup of coffee with a “buter” has become a tradition. In the evening, having finally returned home, we try to cook a “tastier” dinner so that all family members, regardless of gender and age, are full and satisfied.

By systematically eating according to a similar scheme, we destroy the health of the stomach - it always gets the “first blow”, and then we begin to think: what foods will help it recover?

Vitamins and minerals for the stomach

There are many foods that are good for the stomach in nature; people also came up with many dishes that help his work and healthy state. Let's briefly talk about the substances in which healthy foods should be rich enough.

First of all, it is a protein, animal and vegetable, that prevents and stops inflammation, restores cells and heals damage - even ulcers.

Mucosal protection from free radicals and other corrosive particles provide products rich in sulfur; pectin helps the stomach to bind toxins, quickly remove them, and generally work more actively.

Now for the important vitamins. They are all needed, but Special attention it is worth giving beta-carotene - it activates peristalsis, vitamins B6 and B1 - reduce the likelihood of developing oncological diseases, - accelerates the healing of mucous membranes, PP ( a nicotinic acid) - normalizes production gastric juice and saves from diarrhea, B9 ( folic acid) - improves the condition of all integuments of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin A is also needed, which helps fight infectious agents, and vitamin E does not allow the development of gastritis. The latter are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids - PUFAs, which increase the resistance of the mucosa and accelerate its recovery in case of damage.

Everyone also needs minerals, but, for example, manganese and potassium also effectively protect the mucous membrane, blocking the production of unwanted substances.

The most important element for the health of the stomach is zinc - a strong antioxidant that plays leading role in metabolic processes during protein synthesis. A stomach ulcer often occurs due to a severe lack of zinc, since the stresses that most people live without deprive the body of this element almost instantly: studies show that when serious pathologies stomach amount of zinc is 3-5 times lower than normal.

Foods good for the stomach

Now briefly about some products that help the stomach stay healthy, speed up recovery after many diseases and facilitate chronic problems GIT.

Most of these products are neither expensive nor exotic: you just need to introduce them into the diet forever, and the stomach will say “thank you very much”.

Ordinary potatoes - "second bread" for the "average" resident of Russia, contains many useful substances: these are enzymes that break down food components and promote its absorption; starch that protects the mucous membrane from aggressive influences; essential vitamins and minerals in considerable quantities, etc. It is enough to remember that the juice raw potatoes with great success treat gastritis and peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum 12.

Rice is a product unique and no less important than bread: it forms the basis of nutrition for billions of people on Earth. So, the Chinese and other Eastern peoples consider it healing, and it's not just a lot of complex carbohydrates, nutritional value and digestibility. Exactly rice water prescribed by doctors acute infections The gastrointestinal tract, with its help, gastritis and ulcers are treated: rice substances protect the mucous membranes from toxins, bind these toxins and gently remove them, soothing the stomach and improving the general condition.

Oatmeal works in a similar way, but it does not have astringent action, like rice, but on the contrary, it has a mild laxative effect. In the stomach, oatmeal actively “collects” and removes all “garbage”, including salt heavy metals and toxins from alcohol and chemical drugs.

Millet also has a mild laxative effect. This cereal has a very rich composition: 10 vitamins, 20 minerals, more than 11% protein, complex carbohydrates and starch, fatty acid, including unsaturated ones. Millet is high in calories - about 340 kcal, so it should not be combined with saturated fat, but as part of weight loss diets, it works great, in combination with other products that are good for the stomach - for example, different types cabbage (especially broccoli) and leafy greens. Broccoli is rich in fiber, has antioxidant and antitumor activity, and leaf salad, rich in pectin, easily fills the stomach without causing heaviness, heals existing ulcers and supplies the body with many bioactive substances.

We consider apples to be the champion in terms of pectin content. There is a little more of it in beets and currants, but if necessary, we can eat apples in kilograms, and without any harm to health: it is useful for both adults and children. The stomach is cleansed and nourished with vitamins and minerals, appetite improves, constipation disappears. Sour apples should not be abused: it is better to bake them with honey and cinnamon, add to desserts and other dishes.

Most fresh fruits, berries and vegetables cleanse and strengthen the stomach: carrots, plums, cherries, gooseberries, apricots, peaches, pears, citrus fruits, bananas, etc. Bananas can be noted separately: they soothe the stomach, enveloping the mucous membrane and protecting it from damage, contribute healing of erosions and ulcers.

Indigestion can be called differently: gas, heartburn, nausea, indigestion, bloating. All this is the inability of the gastrointestinal tract to digest food properly. Whatever you call it, digestive problems are very unpleasant and often painful.

Digestive disorders can be caused by conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), when stomach acid goes up into the esophagus (the tube that connects the throat to the stomach), gastritis, when the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed, or irritable bowel, when food doesn't pass through the digestive tract. at normal speed.

If your digestive problems persist, talk to your doctor or nutritionist to look into the matter. You may need to avoid some specific products nutrition so as not to worsen your condition.

Eamonn Quigley, MD, chief of gastroenterology at Houston Hospital, believes that indigestion can be the result of overeating, swallowing food too quickly without chewing, stress eating or eating certain types food.

Constantly eating heavy meals is bad for the stomach and can cause stomach upset over time. sharp pains in a stomach. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor and conduct tests to determine the disease. In the future, you must change your diet. In addition: eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly and listen to your feelings. You need to be careful when eating unfamiliar foods.


Humans digest animal proteins more easily than plant proteins, but meat often takes longer to digest in the stomach than other foods with which we eat it, and this leads to indigestion. Delays in digestion can lead to gas and bloating.

Fat slows down digestion, fatty meat is more difficult to digest than lean meat with low content fats. The way the meat is prepared also matters. Eating meat that has been fried in oil or dry-fried, grilled can also make it harder to digest the meat.

What to do: Grinding or cutting meat into small pieces before eating helps ease digestion.

Beans, lentils and peas

Chickpeas, beans, peas, lentils, etc. are carbohydrates with high content fiber. Carbohydrates are not digested in the stomach. They are broken down by enzymes in the small intestine.

However, the fibrous component of carbohydrates (fiber) may take some time to digest from the stomach to the intestinal tract. It consists of an indigestible sugar called raffinose. It cannot be destroyed until it reaches the large intestine at the end of the digestive tract.

It is only in the large intestine that bacteria digest raffinose, a process accompanied by gas and bloating. However, beans, with their high protein and fiber content, are valuable for digestive health.

What to do: Eat legumes in small portions.

cruciferous vegetables

Like beans, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower, also contain indigestible raffinose, which can eventually cause gas to build up in the colon, leading to uncomfortable bloating. The amount of gas you produce depends on the composition of the bacteria in your stomach. intestinal tract.

What to do: add probiotics to your daily diet. This will help reduce the amount of gas-producing bacteria in the intestines and keep the digestive system healthy. Probiotic foods: yogurt, kefir or buttermilk with live cultures, miso, fresh sauerkraut and other fermented foods.

Coffee and other caffeinated products and drinks

Caffeine stimulates the production of stomach acids, which in excess can cause stomach discomfort or heartburn. Frequent use caffeine (three or more cups of coffee or equivalent) daily may be responsible for the overproduction of stomach acid that causes digestive problems.

What to do: Try reducing your coffee intake or switching to decaffeinated coffee.

Milk and dairy products

In the intestines of infants and early age enough lactase enzyme is produced to digest lactose milk sugar. However, most children lose the ability to produce lactase once they reach adolescence and adulthood.

Without lactase, lactose remains undigested in your intestinal tract. Undigested lactose actually feeds those bacteria in the digestive tract that produce acid and gas and lead to bloating, pain, and diarrhea.

What to do: try replacing cow's milk on soy, almond or coconut milk.

Best Foods for Digestion


You have trillions of bacteria in your gut that help you absorb food, and yogurt includes some of these healthy bacteria.

Yogurt has bacteria that renew normal microflora in the intestinal tract.

Lean meat (no fat) and fish

If you're going to eat meat, choose chicken, fish, and other lean meats - they'll be much easier to digest than a juicy steak.

Regular meat tends to be more fatty. Your stomach can process lean meat, fish, or chicken much better than other types of meat.

There is a theory that eating red meat is high in fat, as opposed to eating lean meat and fish, may increase the risk of colon cancer.

Whole grains

Whole grains, such as whole grain bread, oats, and wild rice, are a great source of fiber that aids digestion.

Eating high-fiber foods can help you lower your cholesterol levels, but it can cause bloating, gas problems, and other problems, especially for people who consume large amounts at once - it's best to start with small portions. Wheat grains are not digested in people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

The list of foods that are hard on the stomach can be very long. However follow these simple advice to better absorb the food you eat.

  • Eat less food.
  • Relax while you eat.
  • Prepare food wisely: remember that meat takes longer to digest than other foods cooked with it. Legumes and cruciferous vegetables should be cooked until fully cooked. Don't overeat.
  • Chew your food slowly and completely. Digestion begins in the mouth, where the first digestive enzymes. Eat foods that are high in fiber (fiber), but add it gradually so that your gastrointestinal tract I could get used to each increase in portions.
  • Limit the amount of fat in your diet.
  • Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day to help move food through your digestive tract.
  • If you suffer from heartburn, drink fluids between meals, not with meals.
  • Get enough sleep.

Seek advice from your doctor or registered dietitian if symptoms persist for a long time.

Good luck! Have a nice weekend!

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