The dog is vomiting yellow foam. Why does a dog vomit bile, and what should I do? Video: What to do if your dog is vomiting

Vomiting in a dog is a reflex involuntary eruption of the contents of the stomach (in rare cases, the duodenum). This natural reflex in dogs helps to get rid of poisonous / toxic substances and foreign bodies that have entered the stomach. Vomiting is a natural process and in many cases beneficial to the animal's body. This applies, of course, only to those cases when the dog vomited once, and after that it behaves as usual - eats / drinks normally, communicates actively, etc.

Vomiting can be an indicative symptom in a number of dangerous pathologies - infectious diseases, diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, allergic reactions, pathologies of the central nervous system. In these cases, vomiting may occur intermittently for several days. In this case, it is important for the owner to pay attention to the nature of the vomit - color, consistency, frequency. This will help to make the correct diagnosis much faster and more accurately.

When is vomiting normal?

Physiological vomiting, as a natural reflex, can be observed in a dog in such cases:

  • stressful situations - moving, new owners, unusually noisy environment, a trip to the veterinary clinic, etc .;
  • overeating - vomiting in a dog after eating happens if the owners fed the dog to the “blank”;
  • hot weather;
  • motion sickness in transport;
  • abrupt change in diet;
  • eating stale food.

We are talking about a single vomiting, when the animal feels absolutely normal and its behavior does not change. In these cases, it is not required to treat vomiting in a dog, the body will “do it all by itself”.

If diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite, extreme thirst/refusal of water, or other alarming symptoms are observed at the same time, a visit to the veterinarian should not be delayed. Vomiting in this case can be one of the clinical manifestations of a serious pathology.

Causes of Frequent Pathological Vomiting in Dogs

When an animal is sick, it behaves restlessly, cannot find a place. The main signs of nausea are profuse salivation, frequent licking, smacking.

When vomiting, the dog lowers its head down, stretching its neck. At the same time, the abdominal muscles and diaphragm contract rhythmically, pushing out the contents of the stomach. If the stomach is empty, then the dog can vomit with foam, most often yellow. Vomit may vary in color, volume, consistency, vomiting may be frequent or repeated at regular intervals. All this, with careful observation, helps to make a diagnosis faster.

The main causes of vomiting in dogs are:

Severe frequent vomiting in dogs in most cases is accompanied by diarrhea, dehydration, loss of appetite, lethargy, in severe cases - a coma.

Color, texture and content of vomit

Vomiting is not always associated with eating. It can be observed on an empty stomach, and a few hours after eating.

On an empty stomach, the dog vomits with inflammatory pathologies of the digestive tract, with renal failure. Vomiting immediately after eating may indicate a foreign body, tumors of the stomach / esophagus, diverticulum of the esophagus, reflux esophagitis. Vomiting undigested food a few hours after eating most often speaks of atony of the stomach.

If the dog vomits yellow (or green), then there are problems with the liver or the animal suffers from intestinal obstruction below the confluence of the bile duct. Vomiting of bile is often observed after the stomach has already completely emptied, and its anti-peristaltic contractions do not stop, and bile from the duodenum is thrown into the stomach. Exhausting frequent vomiting of yellow foam in a dog is one of the indicative symptoms of such a dangerous disease as viral enteritis.

Vomiting blood is an extremely dangerous condition, indicating the development of gastrointestinal bleeding, and immediate veterinary care is required.

Treatment of vomiting is the treatment of the pathology that causes it. In this case, it is important to quickly determine the cause, which will help prescribe effective therapy, on which the fastest recovery directly depends.

Sometimes even a healthy and active animal begins to feel sick and vomit. An isolated case does not cause concern. But if it is combined with constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, then we can talk about the development of a serious illness.

The provocateur of the occurrence of foamy vomiting is the penetration of food into the intestines.

The stomach remains empty. There is an accumulation of mucus secreted by the walls of the organ. Vomiting helps to stop the process of self-digestion of the intestine.

Vomiting in dogs prevents self-digestion of the intestines.

The secreted mucus contains mucopolysaccharides and proteins. Combining with air, the mixture turns into foam.

Risk group

Often symptoms of vomiting appear in Yorkshire Terriers.

This type of vomiting usually occurs in small breed dogs. Often owners of Yorkshire terriers complain about the appearance of this symptom.

What causes vomiting with white foam

The main causes of foamy vomiting include:

Poor nutrition can lead to frothy vomiting.

Vomiting can signal damage to the central nervous system. Sometimes this symptom is indicative of sunstroke or heatstroke.

Disease symptoms

Sometimes foamy vomiting signals progression:

  1. Ulcers of the stomach.
  2. Parvovirus.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Foamy vomiting can occur in a dog with distemper.

If the foamy vomit contains bloody impurities, this may indicate the development of oncology. When dark clots appear, damage to the stomach wall by a foreign object can be suspected.

But also the animal can progress or. The main sign of these dangerous diseases is long painful vomiting.

Danger signs

The most alarming sign, indicating the progression of a serious illness, is profuse salivation. The dog whines and, not finding a place for himself, constantly walks around the room. . This symptom is associated with belching.

The rapid weight loss of the dog signals an infectious disease.

  • Combination of vomiting, fever and diarrhea beeps about the development of an infectious disease . The animal is rapidly losing weight, becomes lethargic, drowsy. The temperature rises, the nose remains dry, hot. They can.
  • The development is indicated by the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the mouth. A striking sign indicating the progression of this disease is the "aroma" of ammonia.
  • If sweetish appears, this indicates that the animal suffers from diabetes . A putrid "aroma" signals problems with the intestines.
  • When it develops , the dog vomits in the first half of the day, approximately 2-3 hours after eating.

What is the danger

Prolonged vomiting of white foam leads to dehydration of the animal. In this case, the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed. In the absence of veterinary care, this leads to the death of the dog. This is especially dangerous for puppies.

Prolonged vomiting is especially unfavorable for puppies.

The constant release of foam leads to the fact that the body is unable to properly absorb nutrients. Energy reserves are gradually depleted, which negates the likelihood of a speedy recovery.

What to do?

The dog is put on a drip if the vomiting is due to an infection.

A single case usually does not require immediate veterinary attention. But if the pet reacts poorly to external stimuli, then he needs emergency medical care.

Therapy is prescribed and supervised by a veterinarian.

If an infection has become a provocateur of vomiting, then the dog droppers are prescribed . They stop the development of intoxication. When the condition of the animal stabilizes, he is prescribed the intake of vitamins and nutrients necessary for the body. If the provocateur of vomiting was a cancerous tumor, then only surgery can help the dog.

What to do first

Having found alarming symptoms, you need to take the pet for an x-ray.

While the veterinarian is preparing the examination data, it is necessary to cleanse the dog's body. This can be done with a starvation diet. The animal is allowed to give only low-fat chicken broth, cooked without salt, spices. On the 2nd day, unleavened food from turkey meat and brown rice is allowed.

You can give your dog chicken broth.

If you suspect dehydration, you need to fill a syringe without a needle with warm boiled water with a little sugar. It is necessary to introduce the liquid gradually, in small portions.

If a pet loses consciousness, you need to put it on its side, open your mouth, take out your tongue. Otherwise, the animal may choke on vomit.

Medical therapy

Papaverine is prescribed to the dog after diagnosis.

After the diagnosis is clarified, the veterinarian prescribes an appointment for the dog:

  1. Papaverine.
  2. But shpy.
  3. Omeza.
  4. Tserukapa.
  5. Smekty.

The use of Papaverine helps to relieve painful spasms from the intestines and stomach. Smecta removes poisons from the body, protects the mucous membrane of internal organs. The normalization of the contraction of the intestines and stomach contributes to the reception of Cerucal. Irritation is reduced with the help of Omez. The same drug reduces the formation of stomach acid.

Drinking regime

The amount of liquid must be limited.

You can only give boiled water. If possible, it is advisable to replace it with a bottled one. The pet should drink in small portions. The interval between them is 2-3 hours. You can also let the dog lick ice cubes.

The dog should only be given boiled water.

If vomiting continues, the animal should not be given anything at all.

Otherwise, dehydration occurs.

When the condition of the animal stabilizes, it can begin to give sparing food.

The best solution is puréed chicken fillet. It is allowed to add a small amount of fresh herbs. You need to feed your pet in small portions. Do not give food more than 6 times/24 hours.

Dogs should only be given small amounts of food.

Food and treats are prohibited during treatment. During remission, it is allowed to diversify the menu of a four-legged friend with more fatty foods.

What not to do when vomiting!

If the owner of the dog is not a veterinarian, then in no case should you give the animal human drugs to stop vomiting. This may exacerbate the situation.

Even if the animal burped on the bed or in the nursery, you can not scold him. You should not hesitate to visit the veterinarian, expecting that "it will heal like a dog." A neglected disease is treated harder and longer.

A dog can be given buckwheat porridge.

Compliance with preventive requirements can help prevent relapse. It is important to provide your pet with a regular and balanced diet. After an operation or a long, difficult treatment, the animal must be given high-quality dietary food. Abrupt power changes are not allowed.

The exception is buckwheat and rice porridge . You need to be careful with oatmeal, as a large amount of it can lead to indigestion.

From puppyhood, you need to teach your dog not to pick up garbage on the street. But she shouldn't be allowed to eat grass. Often the animal thus clears the stomach.


  • Timely deworming and vaccination is very important. At least 1 time in 3 months, you need to take your pet for a preventive examination.
  • Dog vomiting white foam video

19.06.2017 02.03.2019 by Evgeniy

Every loving owner is very attentive to the health of his own dog. Any signs of illness cause him anxiety and anxiety. There is nothing abnormal in this, because our pets are prone to various ailments to no lesser extent than people.

When a dog vomits after some time (or immediately) after eating almost undigested food, owners usually begin to look for the reasons for such a violent reaction in the fed foods. Is this symptom dangerous? We will talk about this in this article.

What causes vomiting

It is worth noting that vomiting is only an uncontrolled reflex and is generally caused by the rejection of food consumed by the stomach. There are a great many reasons for this (both physiological and pathological).

If an otherwise healthy animal vomits, then there is nothing wrong with that, provided that the condition is maintained stable. However, any signs of deterioration in well-being may indicate the pathological nature of the symptom and indicate the onset of the disease.

Whatever it was, but do not pay attention to what your dog vomited, in any case, it is impossible, so it is better to consult a doctor without delay.

The reasons

It is worth noting that most often vomiting is not dangerous and is nothing more than the result of the process of self-purification of the stomach provoked by:

  • eaten grass;
  • too big portion.

In the latter case, the contents are usually erupted immediately, especially if the dog ate hastily. In addition, it is not uncommon for lactating bitches to regurgitate some partially digested food just to feed their babies.

Do not worry too much if vomiting appears against the background of:

  • pregnancy;
  • strong emotional stress;
  • motion sickness in the car;
  • heat;
  • diet changes.

It is not considered as a problem in a situation where:

  • the general well-being of the pet does not worsen;
  • he remains active, alert and energetic.

Quite often, the eruption of food does not occur immediately, but, for example, after an hour, during an active game or under the influence of other non-dangerous external factors.

Vomiting indicates a serious problem if attacks occur repeatedly in a short time. It's worth suspecting:

  • poisoning with spoiled food or chemicals;
  • infection with any infection;
  • the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of a chronic nature;
  • worms.

Foreign bodies or neoplasms that have entered the stomach also lead to vomiting.

A number of fairly unambiguous signs indicate the presence of diseases:

  • heat;
  • diarrhea;
  • frequent paroxysmal vomiting;
  • problems with digestion;
  • loss of appetite;
  • apathy.

All these symptoms indicate the course of pathological processes in the pet's body. As a rule, they are related to the disorder of the digestive functions. Among the most common diseases found in dogs are the following:

  • enteritis;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer.

What to do

First of all, you should call the doctor. While he is driving, it is necessary to continue observing the animal and evaluate:

  • call frequency;
  • the presence of other symptoms;
  • appetite;
  • the nature of the erupted masses.

The doctor will need to talk about the dog's diet, its habits (primarily, the tendency to pick up garbage), contacts with other animals.

Since vomiting in any case leads to dehydration, it is necessary to provide the pet with the opportunity to replace the loss of fluid. If he does not want to drink, water is poured into the mouth forcibly - with a syringe. Never scold your dog for making a mess in the house.

Before the doctor arrives, it is better for the pet to starve - eating food in this situation often leads to an aggravation of the condition.

Treatment should be carried out only after an accurate diagnosis has been made, in a situation where this is not possible for any reason, it is necessary to start symptomatic therapy.

How to help

If the animal is sick from motion sickness, or you assume that such a nuisance may happen, give the dog a special remedy, Serenia, before leaving the house. This drug is sold in veterinary pharmacies.

All the drugs usually prescribed in this case are divided into two categories according to the mode of action.

The first includes agents that stimulate peristalsis. Thus, the consumed food is actively moving through the intestines, and cannot return in the form of vomiting. Such drugs are ideal for dogs prone to nausea, but are contraindicated in case of poisoning with poor-quality food or chemicals. The most effective in this group is Metoclopramide.

Another group of drugs acts directly on the brain center responsible for the gag reflex. They suppress its activity, and thus the urge is neutralized. The previously mentioned Serenia and Ondansetron also belong to this category.

If vomiting contains bile, it is necessary to start complex therapy aimed at stabilizing the biliary system. It should be understood that such an animal must necessarily undergo a diagnosis, without which it is impossible to accurately indicate the cause.

In any case, when signs of a pathological condition are detected, the dog is left without food for a day. Then, for a speedy recovery, a strict diet is prescribed.

In general, inexperienced dog breeders should know that in most cases it is possible to avoid vomiting if you do not treat your pet with the following harmful foods:

  • sausage;
  • smoked meats;
  • fried.

Such dishes primarily irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach. In fact, bones are also harmful to dogs, especially boiled ones. The latter contain zero nutrients, and at the same time, not every dog ​​is able to digest them. In addition, they often provoke constipation.

Dogs are also contraindicated in very cold dishes, and too hot.

Vomiting is the body's response to certain stimuli. As a rule, such a natural reflex reaction is not a separate disease, the origin of which can be traced, but a signal of the presence of disorders and illness in the dog's body. If you do not respond in a timely manner and do not establish the causes of the pet's vomiting reaction, you can lose it. Moreover, often the departure from life is difficult for animals physically and psychologically for humans.

The main causes of vomiting

There are many causes for vomiting in dogs. You can install some of them on your own, provided that the animal is under constant supervision. To establish a complete picture, you will have to contact a specialist. Common causes are:

Varieties of vomiting in animals

The animal does not have serious diseases if the dog vomits rarely and easily. Thus, the body is protected from excess food, excess water, frees the stomach from spoiled or harmful food before it enters the digestive system.

You should immediately consult a veterinarian with frequent and prolonged vomiting, especially with blood.

real vomit is a reaction in which the muscles of the abdomen and diaphragm (thorax) contract to expel the eruption contained in the stomach. With prolonged nausea, the body rapidly loses fluid, which can lead the dog into a state of shock.

Regurgitation or expulsion the body of pieces of food eaten recently, while the dog may try to eat everything again. This is a normal reaction when:

  • dogs compete for a piece of food, swallowing it without chewing, or succumb to the persuasion of the owners to eat another tidbit when the animal itself is full;
  • mothers regurgitate food to feed puppies transitioning to non-dairy foods.

A doctor's consultation will be required with frequent regurgitation in adults and puppies, as the cause of the reaction may be a congenital malformation of the esophagus or its blockage.

Gagging or involuntary spasm indicates difficulty in swallowing food with interference in the pharynx or oral cavity, and coughing with a wound.

When vomiting a fountain, the eaten food is erupted over a certain distance after a short period of time. Usually this reaction occurs in puppies up to 16 weeks of age, when part of the food and liquid does not move through the stomach into the intestines. It is impossible to solve this problem on your own, as surgical intervention is required.

Motion sickness or nausea on the road. As in humans, such a reaction is possible with disorders of the vestibular apparatus or stress caused by the animal getting into unusual conditions. In order for the animal not to vomit on the road, it is necessary to teach it to ride from an early age and in no case should you stuff pets with motion sickness drugs designed for people.

Attempts to vomit in a dog may be unsuccessful, but with serious consequences in the future. Vain attempts to induce vomiting in animals, accompanied by rapid abdominal distention, dangerous symptom in which veterinary care is needed as soon as possible.

Why does a dog vomit bile

In addition to the usual bouts of nausea, it is not uncommon to observe situations where a dog is sick of bile or a mass of an unattractively yellow-green hue. Such a reaction is possible in the following cases:

Do not panic if your pet vomits bile after eating greens, even if the dog does not eat for a while after that. This is a normal reaction of the canine body, in which the animal trying to clear the stomach from harmful substances that enter the body along with the grass. A gag reflex with bile indicates that the dog is quite successfully coping with the task on its own. The dog is sick to health!

There is no need to be frightened, and even more so to punish four-legged pets for a carpet spoiled by vomiting or a new car seat. Listen to the signals that the animal's body gives. In addition to removing harmful substances from the body with bile, these can be ambiguous indications of a complex disease, which is easier to cure in the early stages of development. Don't delay visit to the veterinary clinic. Remember, you are responsible for those who live in your home.

The process of digestion is complex and consists of several main and intermediate stages. Failure at a certain stage will cause problems for subsequent ones, resulting in dysfunction of the entire digestive system.

So that your pet does not suffer from all sorts of problems associated with eating, and you do not rush from article to article in search of a solution, we have collected and structured all the necessary information in one place.

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how long it takes for food to pass into the intestines and be digested. Let's break it down into subsections:


The more you eat at one time, the longer it will take to digest. This is due to the ratio of the amount of food and the volume of secretion of gastric juice, bile, digestive enzymes. Moreover, a large amount of food presses on the walls of the stomach, which leads to an increase in blood pressure.

Nutrient type and consistency

  • Carbohydrates, foods of plant origin, etc., take longer to digest, since the length of the intestines in dogs, its microflora and the composition of enzymes are more adapted to the rapid digestion of animal products.
  • Squirrels. They are digested much faster than any other nutrients. Their digestibility depends on the fat content of meat, leaner meat is digested and absorbed more easily than pork and lamb.
  • Fats. Absorbed slightly faster than proteins. The dog's body digests only animal fats, while vegetable fats are excreted in urine and feces. In other words, the more carbohydrates in the meal and the less fat and protein, the more food will be digested.

Useful video

Check out the video in which the veterinarian answered all the questions about vomiting in dogs in detail:


Digestive problems are an unpleasant thing that affects mood, overall quality of life. To prevent problems, follow the regimen, eat a minimum of junk food and products of dubious composition, feed your pet on time so that the stomach gets used to and adjusts biorhythms.

Visit the veterinary clinic once a year for a diagnosis. If necessary, make sure that your pet is protected from viruses and infections.

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