The cat licked her belly to the bald spot. Overgrooming (excessive grooming). Spray stop itching: reviews

Excessive licking (Over-grooming, overgrooming) of wool is considered such behavior of a cat when it is licked more often than it is necessary to keep the coat clean and give it the right smell.

Signs of overgrooming are areas of broken or sparse hair on the cat's body, and in more severe cases, areas of complete absence of hair, sometimes even with damage to the lower layers of the skin. In extreme cases, the cat may even chew or bite the skin, usually on the paws or tail, injuring itself to such an extent that (in the case of the tail) it may even lead to the need for a partial amputation. An overgroomed cat may lick, chew, bite, or pinch their hair or skin, and this behavior can be difficult to correct.

Is overgrooming related to stress?

The main cause of excessive hair-licking in cats is skin disease or pain. However, it is believed that a significant proportion of cases are caused by the cat getting into a stressful situation.

In difficult situations, cats often change their behavior, including resorting to overgrooming to calm down or relieve anxiety. If stress occurs frequently, a stereotype of behavior may develop in which the cat licks the coat so often that the process of changing hair is disrupted. Some oriental cat breeds are thought to be more prone to developing stress-related overgrooming, but no conclusive research has been published on how often and why this occurs.

What parts of the body are most commonly affected by overgrooming?

In principle, any areas of the skin that a cat can reach with its tongue can be damaged. The most common cases are injuries on the abdomen, inside of the hind legs, front legs, front and rear sides of the body. The lesions are often located symmetrically on both sides of the cat's body.

Overgrooming should be distinguished from true alopecia (partial or complete absence of hair on the area of ​​the body where hair usually grows). The difference lies in the fact that the broken hair left after licking is felt to the touch as prickly and sharp, while with alopecia (baldness), the remaining hair remains soft.

Is overgrooming a sign of illness?

There are many diseases that lead to excessive licking, often due to itching or soreness of the skin. Probably the most common cause is flea bite hypersensitivity. Skin irritation in cats can also be the result of a reaction to certain substances in their diet or in the environment.

In addition to those listed, there are many other reasons that may require special analyzes and tests.

What to do if the cat began to lick excessively?

As with other cases of behavioral problems in cats or the appearance of signs of disease, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian without delay. The cat needs to be treated for the underlying disease, but it may be necessary to identify and address the causes that stress the cat, causing or exacerbating the problem.

We consider the main reasons why a cat can bite, gnaw or scratch itself.

Most cats take good care of themselves. But what happens when they do it excessively? For a number of reasons, licking, scratching, and nibbling becomes compulsive, which can irritate you and harm your pet's coat and skin.

If your cat compulsively scratches, licks, or chews on itself, you probably see it doing this on a regular basis. But if you don't notice it, the first sign may be the loss of hair, often along the cat's back and belly. Cats with this behavior can also develop red, irritated areas called foci, but this is less likely than dogs.

Although any animal can develop compulsive scratching, licking, or nibbling, the most common behavior is seen in Siamese cats and other Oriental breeds. Females are more likely to lick, gnaw, and pull out hair than males.

Since there are a number of medical conditions that lead to excessive scratching and licking, be sure to consult with your veterinarian to help determine the cause and the best course of action.

Why do cats compulsively scratch, lick and chew themselves?

Allergies. Just like humans who develop skin irritations in response to certain foods or environmental factors, cats can develop itchy, irritated skin if they are allergic to something in their environment.

Dry skin. Dry winter air or malnourishment can cause the skin to become dry and flaky, causing the cat to lick or scratch to relieve their condition.

Pain. If you notice your cat licking itself over and over again or biting itself in the same spot, it may be experiencing pain or discomfort in that area.

Boredom, anxiety and compulsive disorder. Obsessive nibbling, scratching, and licking often develop in cats that are bored, depressed, or anxious. These mental disorders are more likely to occur in indoor cats, which may be because they are less active and less emotional than outdoor cats. Compulsive disorders often begin when changes occur in the cat's environment, including the introduction of a new pet or child into the home, or a move to a new location. Also, behavior that occurs in response to an illness sometimes becomes obsessive after recovery.

Treatment of obsessive scratching, licking and nibbling

Product replacement. Putting a cat that exhibits compulsive behavior on a six-week elimination diet is a good way to find out if a food allergy is the cause. You may need to try several options before you find an effective diet. Veterinarians may also prescribe certain fatty acid supplements or other nutritional supplements if dry skin is the cause of the cat's endless scratching and licking.

Use of medical preparations. Depending on the degree of skin damage caused by licking, gnawing, or scratching, your veterinarian may prescribe the use of steroids, antihistamines, and antibiotics. In addition, some feline compulsive behaviors caused by psychological factors can be treated with clomipramine (an antidepressant) or amitriptyline, which helps fight anxiety and also acts as an antihistamine.

Fight anxiety or boredom. If you and your veterinarian have determined that there is no physical reason for your cat's behavior, there are things you can do to improve your cat's mental state. It is important to make sure your cat feels safe, comfortable and loved in your home as this provides enough stimulation and exercise. You may find that desensitizing a cat by slowly and gently exposing her to what she fears can be helpful. Do this gradually so as not to overload the cat and aggravate the compulsive licking, scratching, and biting. Anticonditioning, by teaching your cat to associate something pleasant, like a treat, with something she fears, can also help reduce stress and anxiety. Often, boredom-induced licking (also known as psychogenic alopecia) is relieved by the presence of another cat or other pet. But there is always a risk that the second cat will cause new stress for your pet, which can aggravate hair loss.

Every cat, at least sometimes, but itches. The most natural. And if the pet does not have fleas, but, nevertheless, it itches all the time, and sometimes even combs the skin to the point of blood?! What should the owner do in this case? Let's try to figure it out.

The cat itches to the blood, why? What causes severe itching?

If the cat is domestic, she does not go out for a walk and does not come into contact with other pets, she has never suffered from fleas, then there may be several reasons for itching:

And now about each of the reasons in order.

Worms (helminths)

It is enough to drink from a puddle once, and helminthic invasion will be provided for the whole family.

  • Itching in cats in the buttocks . The cat rubs its back against the carpet and often licks itself there.
  • Indigestion , changes in the tastes for food in an animal.
  • Wool loses its natural sheen and the skin begins to peel off.
  • AT inflammation and soreness of the eyes .
  • The cat's behavior changes . If she was active, she becomes indifferent and apathetic, and vice versa ..

Worms are contagious for all cats. Even a small kitten can become infected with them, for example, from its mother. In order to avoid such suffering for your pet, regularly prevent the animal with special preparations.

Inflammation due to bacteria

Inflammation of the eyes.

This kind of inflammation has practically no symptoms. The most basic sign of this problem will be constant itching in the cat in all parts of the body.


Pyoderma can make a cat itch until it bleeds.

This is a bacterial infection of the skin of a cat. Most susceptible to this disease are pets with weak immunity, and animals that consume low-quality cat food, which contains few vitamins and minerals.

Pyoderma can be calculated by the following signs:

  • Sudden hair loss in a cat.
  • Acute and pronounced itching.
  • Peeling of the skin.
  • Small abscesses with cloudy liquid inside. If you do not pay attention to them, they will spread very quickly throughout the body.
  • Scabs on the skin.

Most often, this disease penetrates the superficial layer of the skin, but in small-haired or hairless cats, it can get deeper into the skin. This disease requires immediate treatment, otherwise death is possible.

Otitis (inflammation of the ear)

Most often, otitis media appears as a result of the accumulation of sulfur in the ear, in which microbes begin to multiply.

Ringworm which, due to itching, the cat combed to the blood. Ringworm is very dangerous!!!

If an animal has picked up ringworm, then its skin has a number of changes:

  • The appearance of bald patches of skin on the ears, paws and back
  • Ulcers appear on bald areas
  • Ulcers are covered with scabs
  • The cat's mood changes, and she constantly combs the skin with foci of the disease to the point of blood.

Lichen can be cured both at home and in the clinic. But read about it in another article. the main thing is not to delay with lichen, otherwise the cat may become completely bald.

Lice cause severe itching.


Often, severe itching becomes a symptom of an allergy. The cat combs its muzzle and ears, sometimes even to the point of blood. In addition, the pet can lick and bite its own limbs. If you notice such symptoms in an animal, do not rush to think that he has gone crazy, but rather contact your veterinarian with him.

In order to isolate the cat from scratching in the place of itching, you can put on a medical collar.

Regardless of the cause of the tooth, in the first place, it is necessary to make the cat scratch as little as possible, or even stop doing it. This can help special cap () for pets. It is sold in pet stores and is inexpensive.

If you have already visited a doctor, and he has prescribed treatment for you, then you must strictly follow all the instructions of the veterinarian.

Spray stop itching: reviews

Suspension STOP-ITCH.

If you want to help your pet on your own, then you can make his life easier with the help of STOP-ZUD.

It is produced in the form of a spray or suspension and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Veterinarians speak well of this medicine, because it contains vitamins of group B, methionine and succinic acid. These components help to quickly recover damaged skin.

STOP-ZUD is intended for the treatment of diseases such as dermatitis, eczema, allergies, fungal and bacterial infections. You can find out the dosage and course of treatment from a veterinarian or read from the instructions. Kittens or pregnant cats should only be given this medicine after consulting a veterinarian.

It is important to know that STOP-ZUD is contraindicated in diabetic cats with viral infections.

Complex treatment

If the tooth is caused by other diseases, then it should not be treated as a single symptom. It is necessary to begin a comprehensive treatment of the disease that causes such characteristic signs. Trying to treat just the itch without eradicating the underlying problem can be dangerous for your pet's health.


When a cat has severe itching, it is necessary to find out the root cause of its appearance. This will help to improve the condition of your pet as soon as possible and relieve his pain with severe itching.

To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to take care of the cleanliness of the animal's coat, treat the slightest wounds after fights or other accidents, vaccinate the animal and give it annual preparations for worms. If you follow all these measures, you can save your pet from diseases that cause itching. No cat owner will be pleased to see the suffering of his animal. In order for your pet to continue to please you with his presence, give him due attention and care.

Licking in cats is normal. The animal licks itself in order to be clean. This process takes up 30% of his time during the day. But sometimes excessive hygiene can lead to the formation of wounds, scratches, bald patches and rashes. This is a clear sign that the cat has health problems. There are many reasons for this compulsive licking. The main thing is to notice them in time and diagnose the pathology.

Why does a cat lick the fur to the skin, what should I do?

Every cat by nature tries to keep itself clean. Therefore, she licks herself daily and often. With the help of the tongue, she cleans: wool, paws, tail, genitals and body. The natural process sometimes develops into an obsession. Then the animal licks the fur to the skin, wounds, scratches. There are reasons for this phenomenon.

If the cat cleans its tail excessively, after which an ichor appears, this signals the occurrence of pathologies.

During licking, the pet spits up hairballs - this is a clear sign that the usual hygiene procedure has become too frequent and diligent.

The reasons for this behavior may be:

The varied behavior of the pet, including the frequent urge to lick, indicates the presence of psychogenic causes of the pathology.

The animal is under stress - as a result, it itches furiously and cleans the coat. This leads to baldness. Having eliminated all possible external factors that affect the behavior of the cat, you need to urgently contact the veterinarian.

Other causes of excessive licking:

  1. 1. Often a cat licks under the tail, which most often indicates the beginning of estrus in cats. In this case, the only way out of the situation is mating. Sedatives, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, will help calm the female.
  2. 2. After sterilization, the animal may often lick.
  3. 3. At the slightest damage to the skin, the cat licks the fur down to the skin. This may be due to an injury at the place of sterilization or a wound that the pet received while walking on the street.

Reasons for excessive licking

On the tongue of the animal there are spikes that allow you to effectively clean the coat and skin. After the cat has taken food, it always licks its face and ears. But in the event that the pet did not eat, did not sleep, but licks itself more and more each time, this indicates that the animal has health problems:

The owner must control the behavior and condition of the animal. Excessive licking develops into a habit that persists even after the cause of this phenomenon is eliminated. With timely treatment of the disease, this habit disappears on its own in about 20 days.

What is overgrooming in cats?

Overgrooming is excessive licking of the coat. Signs of this disease are the formation on the body of the animal of areas of wool with broken or sparse hair. In severe cases, these may be areas with a complete lack of hairline (baldness). Skin problems are the main cause of this disease. Overgrooming is directly related to the stressful situations that pets have experienced.

In the article I will describe in detail the reasons why a cat licks itself to bald patches, why it licks human skin. I'll tell you what it is fraught with. I will clarify the treatment of overgrooming in cats. I will dwell in detail on why cats lick their owner and whether it is dangerous for humans.

Hair licking is normal for a cat. But everything should happen in moderation. If a pet licks its fur excessively to a bald head, you need to think about it. More often than not, this is a sign of a problem. Consider the most common of them.


Unusual and even inadequate behavior of a cat is not always a consequence of a deterioration in the physical health of the animal. Sometimes the reason is emotional.

A variety of situations can cause stress in a pet:

  • relocation of one of the family members;
  • rearrangement of furniture;
  • loss of a pet's favorite toy;
  • the appearance of another animal in the house and much more.

The life of a cat is predictable and orderly, and everything that brings change is not always good for a pet.

Owners often try to impose rules on the cat.

Licking that causes increased skin baldness is abnormal

But a freedom-loving animal may have its own thoughts on this matter. Here it is impossible to act impudently, so nothing can be achieved. Can cause emotional stress. It is better to find contact with the pet, some kind of mutual solution.

Compromise is the only true way out of the situation.


If the pet feels itchy, he begins to actively lick these places. Moreover, there is a pattern: the cat licks wounds more accurately than itching. If the licking area is large, then the cat itches there. Moreover, attentive owners have noticed that during itching, animals most often lick their back, stomach and other parts of the body.


For cats, for the most part, it is characteristic. For example, for dry food, which in nature the animal cannot eat, or for its individual components. Sometimes, of course, medications cause side effects. But this happens less frequently. You can try changing your diet. You need to see a specialist, you may need to take antihistamines.

Skin lesions

Animals have no other way to restore health than to do it themselves. And licking wounds is proof of that. The pet instinctively tries to help itself. But if you have already applied the ointment, it is better to exclude this possibility. Make a dressing or otherwise limit the animal's access to the wound. You can wear a special collar.

Movement restrictions

Cats by nature do not like closed doors. They will constantly be tormented by the question of what is happening in a closed area. Imagine that a person was imprisoned in an apartment and forbidden to leave. Over time, he will begin to tear his hair out. Especially if you used to like to walk on the street for a long time. And the animal is no exception.

Although a cat can get by with a small space to exist, too little space is also bad. It is recommended to take into account the interests of the pet. This is a living being, which also has its own needs.

What is dangerous such licking

In the process of licking, the cat can harm itself.

Most affected:

  • front legs;
  • front or back of the body;
  • the abdomen, where wounds most often appear;
  • the inside of the hind legs.

Treatment of overgrooming in cats

Overgrooming is excessive licking of an animal that results in patches of broken or sparse hair. Sometimes real bald patches appear, where the villi are completely absent.

After an external examination and, if necessary, laboratory tests, it is important to identify the true reason why he is ready to lick. And from this to consider the direction of therapeutic treatment.

If the essence of the problem lies in the transferred stress, it is important to exclude such situations. You may even need to contact a zoopsychologist.

When an allergic reaction occurs, the allergen is excluded. In especially difficult cases, antihistamines are taken.

In any case, you can not do without qualified help. Only the care of the owner and the professionalism of the veterinarian will heal the animal and return it to its former life.

It is not worth delaying the treatment so that the pet does not get into the habit of actively licking itself.

Reasons why a cat licks a person's hand and face

Animals express emotions and feelings in their own way. Often, feeling affection, they lick people and can be gently licked. Although there may be other reasons for what is happening. Let's consider them in detail.

Many cats consider licking their owners an obligatory ritual.

Expression of affection

Expressing their affection, cats rarely lick a person. This is most often the prerogative of dogs. But sometimes they can lick the owner's face or hand. And it will be a short act.

To express tender feelings for a person, cats use other methods:

  • they purr softly;
  • caressing the hands of the owner, so that he stroked them.

maternal care

It is typical for cats during the period of motherhood to take care and show tender feelings for offspring.

When a female reaches puberty and her body becomes ready for reproduction, hormonal failure can occur.

The pet, not having received the desired, feels discomfort. And against the background of what is happening, he tries to express emotions in any way possible.

If this is attachment to the owner, then it is he who will become the object of her courtship and care. There is a false manifestation of parental instincts.


If a pet licks a person's hands, especially the palms, this indicates begging. Practice shows that a kitten, which was raised by artificial feeding, will definitely lick the back of the owner's hand if you want to have a tasty snack.


If a pet is not given enough attention, he may lick himself out of boredom. Most cats, of course, resort to gluttony. But active licking also occupies a special place in this rating.

If the problem is not eliminated in time, the pet will cause significant damage to its health. Because the wounds will not have time to heal.

And from the point of view of the physical state of health, this will be regarded as a pathology.

Strong smell

In nature, a strong smell for animals is a significant problem. Since predators have more chances to catch such a smelly one. If a person came after a run or just from work, and the cat began to actively lick him. This indicates that it does not smell very good.

The poor animal, trying to protect him, is trying to wash the owner and hide him from enemies.

Self assertion

For hierarchical reasons, the elders in the pack may express their indulgence by licking other relatives. In this case, this is not a manifestation of tender feelings, but a favor. The same applies to the human situation. There is no difference when it comes to a dominant pet.

It is not worth being afraid and afraid of such licking, unless aggressive attacks occur.

Is it dangerous to lick the owners

If the animal is healthy, then there is no danger in its licking for a person. Moreover, zoopsychologists do not advise rejecting a pet at this moment, even if it is unpleasant for you.

Licking serves as a basic means of communication

Some even believe that cats feel the owner's sore spots and treat them with their energy, licking him.

The behavior of pets can be studied over a long period of time. Some lick themselves right up to their bald patches, causing damage to their health. Others may lick people to show their feelings.

In any case, it is worth understanding that licking itself is a problem.

She needs to be fought. Whereas such a procedure will not bring danger to a person. This is provided that the pet is absolutely healthy.

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