Miniature Pomeranian how to care. Spitz puppy care - All about spitz - German, Pomeranian - catalog of articles - "Exotic Star". Feeding your furry friends

The Pomeranian is a dwarf dog breed. From birth, the baby is endowed with cheerfulness, curiosity, affection and playfulness. This breed is suitable for those who, for various reasons, often or constantly, are or work at home. Since the Pomeranian categorically does not tolerate long loneliness, it is not recommended for workaholics to start it. They fit a cat.

However, if it has already been decided that no one but the Pomeranian is needed, you should know that a pet of this breed needs regular and thorough, absolutely uncomplicated care. Care here means: getting used to the place, food, bathing the Pomeranian, cleaning his ears, teeth, fur, cutting his claws, vaccinating against various diseases, and, of course, walking a puppy with various games and toys.

Arrangement of the personal space of an orange

Even before a new tenant appears in the house, he needs to equip his personal living area. Of course, it’s not a fact that the baby will immediately understand that he should rest there, but the puppy should have his own place. The bed should be comfortable, with soft sides to make the dog comfortable.

places, not suitable for sleeping accommodation:

  • areas with drafts;
  • space in close proximity to heating appliances.

It is contraindicated for the dog to sleep in the owner's bed. Due to her small stature, there is a risk of damage to the "shaggy".

Features of care

Proper feeding is of paramount importance for a puppy's growth. So that the orange does not have interruptions in the digestion of food, it does not lose mobility, the coat remains well-groomed and thick, you need to take care of a proper, balanced diet. This is very important!

If preference is still given to dry food, you should read the recommendations on the box, in which the norms are painted, taking into account the weight of the puppy. From the age of 1, you can start feeding your dog food for mature dogs. And when they reach 7-8 years old, they need to be fed like an elderly one.

If the dry food contains less than 30% protein, it will be a poor choice for a pet. Protein or protein, substances that are the basis of the normal development of the body of an orange. Moreover, both types of proteins should be present in the feed: vegetable and animal proteins contained in meat, fish, liver, offal. Dry food should also be rich vitamins A and B.

Proponents of feeding natural food should heed the following advice given by experienced dog handlers:

When feeding a puppy, you need to constantly monitor how the Spitz behaves and what physical condition it is in. If the puppy remains active and alert, then everything is in order with the amount of food. If, after feeding, the pet licks the bowl for a long time, it means that he remained hungry and the amount of food should be slightly increased. And if it remains in the bowl, on the contrary, reduce it.

The owner of the crumbs- Spitz should always remember about the inadmissibility of overfeeding the dog!

An approximate feeding schedule for a Spitz is as follows:

  • at the age of up to 8 weeks - feeding is carried out 6 times;
  • at the age of up to 4 months - feed 4 times;
  • upon reaching 8 months - 3 feedings per day;
  • An adult dog is fed 1-2 times a day.

To diversify the diet, you can cook an omelet for your pet or pamper him with dried apricots and prunes in a small amount.

Those intending to have, or happy owners of a Spitz, should know that replacing natural food with ready-made feed mixtures is much easier than switching a dog from food to natural food. Puppies that have been fed dry food, as adults, often refuse natural products.

To prevent this from happening, it is best to leave dry food in the pet’s bowl when leaving home, and upon returning, removing it from the bowl, treat the pet with meat (boiled and raw frozen), cottage cheese, vegetables, a variety of boiled offal, fruits.

It is worth knowing when a food is selected and a dry or natural food is preferred, it should not then be changed to another, unnecessarily.

And it is also worth remembering the undesirability of an overabundance of vitamins or mineral supplements in the puppy's diet, unless it is prescribed by a veterinarian. The presence of an excess amount of biologically active substances in food can provoke the occurrence of various diseases.

Vitamins and vaccinations as a way to care for a Pomeranian

If the dog's diet consists of high-quality complex feeds, this will have a beneficial effect on the appearance of the dog, the condition of the teeth and coat. In this case, food supplements are not required.

However, in the life of a dog, one day there comes a period when he needs to support the body with the help of various vitamin complexes. These periods are usually are pregnancy, the time of molting or changing teeth, as well as the recovery postoperative period or illness. However, even in this case, the choice of vitamins for the dog at the discretion of the owner is contraindicated. It is imperative to consult with a veterinarian, otherwise the result of an incorrect choice may be the onset of even more serious consequences.

Like any other animal, the Spitz needs to be vaccinated periodically. It is recommended to vaccinate the animal at the same frequency. Reason for transfer procedures can only serve as an indisposition of the animal.

Pomeranian should be vaccinated with polyvalent vaccines that prevent plague, rabies, hepatitis and other misfortunes. Vaccinate an animal should only be in a veterinary clinic.

In that case, if there is no time, it is frosty outside the window, or maybe too lazy to walk an orange, you need to accustom him to the tray from childhood. This process is long and requires patience. In the first days of the appearance of a puppy in the house, he should be the primary goal of the owner.

Start litter box training You can even before moving the puppy. To do this, you need to ask the breeder, who still lives with the dog, to “mark” disposable diapers with the puppy’s urine. When the puppy moves, you do not need to let him in to inspect the entire apartment, but should be released into that room, with the “marked” diapers laid out. For several days you will have to endure inconvenience due to the large number of diapers, however, it's worth it.

When removing diapers one at a time, you need to lightly mark the clean one so that the smell remains. The goal is the gradual reduction of dirty diapers. As a result, it should remain alone, in the place of permanent placement of the tray. After the review of the puppy the whole apartment will become open, you should notice the places where he is located most often and lay out the diapers there. It may happen that a puppy who has been playing will completely forget about the tray or will not have time to run.

You need to praise the puppy for coping with the diaper.

Spitz males often have a problem - "raised paw". Owners whose boy stubbornly refuses to go to the tray or is engaged in marking sofas or chairs will have to limit the boundaries of the space, along with attaching the diaper to the wall.

If you are going to get a puppy, you need to free up a few of your days to learn how to care for a Pomeranian, accustom him to the tray and help him adapt. You should not shift this responsibility to another family member, unless, of course, you want to live in a clean apartment.

Spitz coat care

Watching the Spitz, you can see pattern: the better the coat, the thicker and longer the undercoat becomes. However, in order for the dog's coat to be delightful, it must be properly cared for. The skin of Spitz is dry, so frequent bathing is contraindicated for her. In addition, it is the combing that gives the dog grooming, and not the frequency of water procedures.

Bathe an orange should not be more than 1 time per month. It is optimal to bathe once every 2 or 3 months. Bathing during molting is strictly contraindicated, so as not to turn the Spitz's coat into wavy and too soft.

Bathing a pet should take place in stages:

  • Before bathing, the coat of the Spitz should be combed to get rid of tangled shreds. Before washing, a long walk is required so that he stands quietly in the bathroom. Ears should be protected with cotton swabs.
  • After pouring a little water into the bucket, it should be mixed with a small amount of shampoo. Wet the coat with water. After wetting the sponge with soapy water, start washing your pet with it in the direction of hair growth. Then wash off the soap. Then treat the coat with a balm, a conditioner is also suitable, which should also be washed off after a while.
  • For drying, you can resort to both a special one and use a regular hair dryer. You need to dry it strands. Drying should start from the paws, then the sides, and then the back.

For drying spitz the use of a hair dryer is mandatory, since the undercoat will naturally dry completely only after a day. This is enough time for a wet puppy to catch a cold. In addition, bacteria and fungus quickly develop on a wet undercoat.

Pomeranian ears need to be cleaned frequently. The procedure is not complicated and will take very little time. However, thanks to it, serious illnesses and complications can be avoided. Pomeranian ears very tender and most often they are the first to suffer from various infectious pathogens, so regular hygiene is so important.

If the ears are clean, have a pink color, then once a week it will be enough to clean them from the accumulated secret with a cotton swab or napkin. When carrying out manipulations, increased caution is required.

Along the way, if necessary, you can do the removal of hairs in the auricles. This simple procedure, carried out by the hands of the owner, is absolutely painless for the pet. In the event that an increased need for the dog to scratch is noticed, accompanied by swelling or redness of the ears and the secretion of a secret that is unusual in color and consistency, you should contact your veterinarian, which, after examination prescribe appropriate medication. These symptoms may indicate an infection or mite infestation.

Pomeranian Eye Care

Spitz, like most dogs, is characterized by lacrimation, leading to the appearance of tear ducts, which is especially noticeable in dogs with a light coat. Cause of lacrimation maybe wool, all the time striving to get into the eyes, or dust, because the growth of Spitz is small.

Both malnutrition and genetic data can cause tears, or the season can affect. If you do not monitor the condition of the Spitz's eyes, the discharge can easily turn into conjunctivitis.

Spitz teeth care

Puppies' teeth, like all other dogs, need regular grooming. Otherwise, while still young, the dog may lose all its teeth. To avoid this, at least 3-4 times a week, using a special paste for dogs, brush your pet's teeth. The toothpaste poses no danger if swallowed. After brushing her dog's teeth rinsing is not required.

Often the pasta has a meaty flavor that dogs like so much. For cleaning it is convenient to use a brush for small breeds. During brushing, the brush should go over both the teeth and the gums. Once a year, a visit to the clinic is recommended for a complete hygienic cleaning of the teeth using ultrasound.

Remember! The use of various kinds of stones, tablets and sprays will not replace brushing.

Spitz care - nail clipping

Pomeranian, both a puppy and an adult, needs claw care and trimming. This hygienic operation can be performed with special nippers. The procedure is simple, however, requiring skills and knowledge about the structure of the claw.

Trimming the claws of light Spitz breeds does not present any difficulties. To exercise, you need to sit comfortably, providing the area in front of you with good lighting. The paw must be held in front of the light source in such a way as to see the pulp inside the claw. When biting off a claw along the edges, one should try not to damage the soft tissues.

In dark-colored Spitz, the pulp is easier to see by turning the dog on its back and looking at the underside of the nail. From here you will see the horn from the tip of the claw and the pulp, somewhat not reaching the edge of the claw. This piece, where the pulp has not reached, should be removed.

If for some reason the pulp was still affected, the wound should be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide and sprinkled with crushed streptocide. So that the nails do not exfoliate, after cutting, their edges should be trimmed, using a nail file.

So that the foot does not deform excessive length of the claw should not be allowed. Significant nail growth can also cause the dog to have difficulty moving, and increase the risk of injury to the claw and finger.

Understand, that the dog was infected with worms, hard enough. Therefore, in order not to guess, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis every six months for both the dog and everyone living in the house. To determine the exact dose of the drug for a puppy, you should know how much the pet weighs and, based on this, calculate the dose of the drug.

The first time, at the age of a puppy 1-2 months, antihelminthic measures are carried out by the breeder. At home, this event in relation to households and a pet is enough to be carried out once every six months.

A small Pomeranian should not be taken for a walk until they have received all due vaccinations and have completed a 10-day quarantine.

The first walks should not differ in duration, it is contraindicated for the puppy to get tired. Over time, the walk can be made longer. To get to know the area you should choose a quiet place where nothing will frighten the puppy. The horizon can be gradually expanded.

For walking a Spitz, you need to purchase a thin leash with a collar. The collar must be soft. Tighten it, in order to avoid the formation of tangles, should not be strong. It is not allowed to independently descend and climb the stairs of a puppy under 6 months of age. This can cause deformation of the ligaments and joints of the dog.

By taking your pet outside, you can further provide him with complete freedom. When meeting with more large breeds of dogs, crossing the road and when visiting crowded places, it is better to take a dog in your arms for her and your peace of mind.

The duration of walking a grown puppy should be from 1 to 1.5 hours 3 times a day.

Latex toys are preferred for Spitz. Nothing that can break, split, tear. Nothing small so that the puppy does not choke.

Do not buy a puppy a lot of toys at once. Like any other child, they can soon get bored with them. Those toys that are tired can be hidden, and please the baby with them in a few weeks. They will interest him no less than new ones.

If the puppy is carried away by a bone from the veins, you need to make sure that he does not leave a small stub from it, swallowing which he can suffocate. It's best to throw it away!

Raising an older dog

The matured Spitz is already well acquainted with the basic commands that the breeder taught him, and then fixed the owner. However, the upbringing of the pet does not stop there, otherwise it will cease to obey. Commands must be repeated regularly, without raising your voice. Shouting will do nothing in this case. Moreover, the dog may refuse to follow orders.

If the dog does not have enough communication with affection, its character may deteriorate, turning into grumpy or vicious.

If the dog's behavior is obsessive, you can ignore the pet. There should be no visual contact. . All other behaviors the owner of the pet will take for the game.

For good deeds, the Spitz must be praised, encouraged by the fact that he loves. Over time, the smart little Pomeranian will figure out what is required of him, but how not to do it.

If the problem is not solved on your own, you need to contact an experienced dog handler or go to a special “obedience school”, where they teach the proper upbringing of a pet.

The pointed muzzle of the Pomeranian resembles a fox, and the body is small and short. Kids need constant communication with a person, which makes them ideal "residents" of metropolitan apartments, and completely unsuitable for keeping in an aviary. Spitz care is not very difficult. The main thing is to keep the pet clean, love him, and make sure that he does not jump from high furniture to the floor, otherwise the paws will suffer.

Business card

The head of the dogs of this breed is round, the ears are small, close set, and the nose is small and rounded. The following colors are standard:

  • black;
  • black and tan;
  • cream;
  • white;
  • blue;
  • dark brown;
  • blue and tan;
  • chocolate;
  • ginger;
  • black-red.

The following indicators are fixed by the international standard for the breed:

  • height - 19-30 cm;
  • withers - 19-22 cm;
  • weight - 1-4 kg;
  • life expectancy - 12-15 years.

Pets have a groovy and cheerful disposition, which does not change at all with age. Spitz will actively jump around you and bark loudly both in puppyhood and in retirement.

With proper upbringing, the baby will be friendly with both family members and guests. But most of all, furry friends adore children - they can play with them all day long.

Spitz make good neighbors for other pets, whether they are cats or dogs. "Fox muzzle" easily gets along with everyone.

Such a dog is not suitable for people prone to a passive lifestyle. It is better for lazy or very busy people to have fish. Despite their small size, the Spitz is a bubbling ocean of energy. And if your family is not ready to support his activity, then you should think about a calmer breed. You should not make a “shaggy electric broom” a companion for a child under seven years old. At this age, the baby can accidentally injure the pet.

The peculiarity of the character of the Spitz is that they are not aware of their "dimensions". Therefore, on a walk, he can bully animals many times his size. But this does not mean that small pets have an evil character. On the contrary, they are friendly, cheerful and loyal. It's just that nature "rewarded" them with quite a human complex of Napoleon. But despite their diminutiveness, they always protect their owners.

Apartment preparation

Before the appearance of the puppy, you need to think about the comfort and safety of the future pet.

Hide live wires out of reach. Keep in mind that young Pomeranians love to try everything they can get their hands on.

The little "adventurer" will be interested in exploring all the hidden corners of your apartment. Therefore, eliminate dangerous gaps. Move the refrigerator and sofa closer to the wall, make sure the puppy can't hide behind the cabinet.

Take care of the safety of the balcony. A curious puppy can slip through an unreliable fence and fall. You need to think about flooring. If it is slippery, then cover it with a blanket or cover it with a mat, otherwise the baby's hind legs will remain underdeveloped.

The following items must be hidden from your pet:

  • all chemicals;
  • small items;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • slop bucket.

Do not forget to eliminate drafts, pets are prone to colds.

Arrangement of the place

You can not place the baby near the battery or, on the contrary, in places of constant coolness, as well as in drafts. A comfortable place for a puppy will be a portable plastic box from a pet store or a basket with diapers. Put a "couch" in the bedroom so that the pet does not feel lonely at night. But in no case do not take him to bed. Firstly, you can inadvertently injure your pet, and secondly, it will no longer be possible to wean the Spitz from co-sleeping.

A thoroughbred friend may oppose the place you have designated for him. Be patient and keep pushing your way. The place for the pet is determined by the owner - this is the basic rule of dog breeders. To make it easier for your baby to get used to his couch, from time to time put toys and treats there. So this place will evoke pleasant associations in him and in the end he will get used to it.

The more variety of toys you get for your shaggy family member, the more likely your furniture will remain intact.

Children's squeakers and plush animals with plastic or metal elements are not suitable - there is a high risk of damaging your teeth. Therefore, buy toys at the pet store.

In addition to preparing a personal “home”, do not forget to provide your pet with dishes for eating and drinking, a tray, personal hygiene products from a veterinary pharmacy, as well as special brushes for combing, among which there must be a slicker brush.

Walking Features

Only after the dog has been given all the necessary vaccinations, you can take full walks with it and take it with you to visit. Up to this point, on the street, he can appear exclusively in your hands.

After receiving all the vaccines, the Pomeranian begins to accustom to short walks. For starters, a “promenade” for 20-25 minutes twice a day is enough so that the puppy does not overwork. Gradually increase the duration of the walk.

The scorching sun is unacceptable for a tender orange - there is a risk of "earning" a heat stroke. During rain and windy weather, put on a dog overalls for your pet - you will save them from colds.

It is advisable to walk in places where it will be easy for the pet to socialize: in parks, squares. The kid must get used to people and other dogs from a young age, so as not to grow up as a downtrodden "home" coward. But before you "go to the people" learn the basic commands. The main thing is that the dog obeys unquestioningly when he is called.

Always keep the baby on a leash - this is necessary for his own safety. Get used to the collar gradually. First, periodically wear at home. When the dog stops noticing him, fasten the leash.


The natural menu includes products such as:

  • lean beef meat;
  • chicken meat without bones;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • boiled eggs;
  • "sour milk" with reduced fat content;
  • a small amount of vegetables and fruits;
  • unsalted crackers and biscuits;
  • cereals without sugar and oil.

You cannot give:

  • pasta and bakery products;
  • legumes;
  • potato;
  • any sweets from the human table;
  • sausages;
  • small bones.

In no case do not follow the cute little face that will try to beg for food from the table. You are responsible for the health of your shaggy friend. Junk food is prohibited, period. You will have to cook for the dog every day so that the food is fresh.

Veterinarians have nothing against dry food as a permanent diet. The only condition is that the food must be premium. Such food is more expensive than economy, but it contains only high quality products and is balanced with all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the baby.

A mixed diet is also suitable. But dry food and natural products are not allowed to be mixed in the same meal.

If you started with “drying” and subsequently decided that you would cook for your pet yourself, then you should not immediately give up factory food. First, switch to a mixed type of food.

Pay close attention to your dog's well-being. The appearance of loose stools signals that your friend's body is not ready to accept a new type of food, which means that it is necessary to return exclusively to dry food. If everything is fine with the health of the pet, gradually switch to the “natural”.

Ration monthly

From three weeks, minced meat is mixed with mother's milk and given to the baby. If a month-old puppy is weaned from a female, then the number of feedings is five to six times a day. The diet of the baby consists of:

  • liquid milk porridge;
  • cottage cheese;
  • minced meat mixed with grated vegetables.

After reaching two months, the Spitz continues to be fed the same products. The only change is that the number of "meals" is no more than five. Remember that the puppy is small and the portions should also be small.

Starting from three months, the oranges can already be given meat in pieces. Add them to rice or buckwheat porridge so that your friend gradually gets used to solid food. During this period, the need for dairy products decreases, so instead of milk, give porridge in meat broth. The number of feedings is reduced to four. Dry food must be soaked in aphids and replaced with canned food to protect the baby's teeth.

Upon reaching six months, the diet changes again. Now the puppy should be fed no more than three times a day. The main component in the diet of an almost adult Spitz is meat in pieces. Auxiliary products:

  • rice or buckwheat porridge;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • broccoli;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • curdled milk.

Boiled eggs can be given only 2 times a week, mixing them with cottage cheese or porridge.

Starting from eight months, the orange is transferred to the adult feeding regimen - twice a day. It is important that the dog always has access to clean, fresh water.

Vitamin complexes

In the matter of choosing vitamins, you should consult with your veterinarian. The specialist will assess the condition of the coat and teeth of the spitz, and you will tell in detail about the diet of your pet. Based on this, the doctor will conclude which nutrients the dog lacks. If you are feeding your dog premium food and above, then you should not worry about the lack of vitamins. However, in the following periods, even with the highest quality nutrition, the Pomeranian needs additional body support:

  • pregnancy;
  • recovery after illness or surgery;
  • molting period;
  • change of teeth.

Features of care

The main treasure of these pets is their delightful, fluffy coat. Therefore, the care of the Pomeranian is designed primarily to preserve their magnificent "fur coat". However, do not forget about the hygiene of the eyes, teeth, ears and claws.

Brushing and bathing

Pets need daily brushing. The minimum allowed is twice a week. During molting, it is necessary to carry out procedures twice a day to avoid the formation of tangles. The Spitz is combed against the coat. To do this, use a soft brush.

Bathe the dog once a month. During molting, it is better to refrain from water procedures - the coat will begin to curl and lose its well-groomed appearance.

After bathing, the baby must be dried with a hairdryer, but not with a hot air stream. Leaving the Pomeranian to dry on its own will encourage mold and mildew to grow in the undercoat.


You will need a cotton sponge and boiled water at room temperature. You need to wash your eyes every day. If wool gets into them, then nearby hairs must be cut off.


Special toys and bones help keep teeth in good condition, but even they do not fully cope with this task. Veterinarians recommend purchasing dog toothpastes that do not require rinsing. If you treat your pet's teeth with this remedy twice a week, this will save him from diseases of the oral cavity.


They also need to be looked after regularly. Healthy pet ears are pink and clean. To keep them the same, twice a week they are gently cleaned with a cotton swab. If the ears of an orange are reddened or swollen, it is better not to delay a visit to the doctor.


Spitz's nails need to be trimmed regularly. They do not grind themselves, as in some breeds. It is wiser to entrust this to a specialist, because there is a high risk of damaging the vascular deep inside the nail. But if you decide to carry out the procedure yourself, then get nail clippers and, just in case, hemostatic agents.


The standard does not imply a global pet haircut. The “fur coat” is slightly equalized, the excess around the anus is cut off. There are a few tips for doing this at home:

  • buy thinning scissors;
  • in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears and tail, be especially careful;
  • use several combs with different tooth lengths;
  • cut the paws in a circle;
  • for the summer, make a more thorough haircut;
  • do not touch the collar zone;
  • do not shave the spitz;


Pomeranians have good health and are not prone to hereditary diseases. Common problems include:

  • dental diseases;
  • malocclusion;
  • dislocations;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • eye diseases.

The genitourinary system and respiratory tract are at risk.


It is necessary to train the Pomeranian "dog etiquette" from the moment they appear in your home. Even a very small puppy should not be allowed to beg at the table and sleep with you in bed. Show him - if something is forbidden, then from the first day and forever.

Often decorative breeds are easy to accustom to the tray, and Spitz is no exception. The scheme is simple: as soon as the baby begins to excitedly circle the apartment and whimper, pick him up and carry him to the toilet. It usually takes two months to develop a habit. It happens, and twice as much, but this is a special case.

Potty training does not replace the need for walks and light physical activity in the fresh air.

In order to get a well-mannered pet, it is enough to fix the basic commands with him:

  • to me;
  • beside;
  • place;
  • fetch;
  • sit.

During training, reward correct actions with praise and affection. You can treat your child to their favorite treat. Pomeranians are loyal and smart, so they can be trained by both an experienced dog breeder and a novice lover. They are one of those dogs for which "study" is another way to bring joy to the owner.

The Miniature Pomeranian is a small dog that is ideal for keeping in an apartment. However, in order for the life of the pet to be as comfortable as possible, he needs special care.

Preliminary preparation

How to properly care for a Spitz? To begin with, even before the puppy appeared in the apartment, it is necessary to prepare the house for his arrival.

  • First of all, it is necessary to remove all electrical wires from the reach of a small beast. Best of all - somewhere upstairs.
  • It is also worth taking care that the Pomeranian cannot reach books and other valuable things that he can gnaw. In addition, it is better to rearrange fragile objects (vases, dishes) on higher shelves.
  • All items that the dog can jump on (chairs, stools, bedside tables) must be stable.
  • If the floors in the house are slippery, care must be taken to eliminate this drawback, for example, by covering them with carpets or bedspreads. But preferably old ones, which will not be a pity in case of biting or going to the toilet in the wrong place.
  • Household chemicals and building materials, if any, should also be kept away from the Spitz.
  • The trash can must be securely isolated from the dog. It is worth considering that just a container with a closing lid may not help - pets quickly learn to open such things.
  • Although Spitz are cold-resistant, they do not tolerate drafts well. Therefore, you need to take care in advance that it does not blow from anywhere.

Puppy care

Grooming for a Spitz puppy should be even more thorough than for an adult dog. After all, this miniature ball of wool is very fragile and vulnerable. In addition, even less than an adult Pomeranian is able to assess the potential danger to his life and health.

A few tips on how to care for a Pomeranian puppy:

  • It is important to handle your puppy correctly. This is done with two hands at the same time: the Spitz should sit on one, and the second gently holds it under the chest. You need to take it gently, do not press hard, while holding it firmly enough so that the pet does not fall.
  • If the puppy falls asleep, do not wake him up and wake him up. A small animal needs a lot of sleep, like a human child.
  • Don't leave your dog alone for long periods of time. If you need to go somewhere in the dark, you need to leave the light on at least in one room.


First of all, you need to choose a place for the pet. The main condition for him is that the puppy feels safe, can calmly lie down to sleep or just relax. From this, several criteria for determining a good place for a Pomeranian can be distinguished:

  • It should not be located on the aisle.
  • At any time of the day there should not be too bright lighting.
  • No drafts! At the same time, too hot places should also be avoided. In no case should you arrange an animal near the battery.

An ideal sleeping place for a puppy would be a corner in the master bedroom. It is not recommended to let the Spitz into your bed - he can damage his paws when he jumps off it. In addition, if a puppy is allowed to sleep next to the owner, it will be impossible to wean an adult dog from this.

As bedding, you can use special beds sold in pet stores, or, for example, old blankets.

litter box training

A small Pomeranian should not be taken out for walks before all the necessary vaccinations have been given to him, and for about a month after. And it will be more convenient for an adult dog to go to the toilet at home when he wants to, and not wait to go outside.

In this regard, it will be necessary to like a cat. To fill the container, you can use special disposable diapers or just old newspapers.

Before going to the toilet, the dog will spin in one place, sniff, look for a place. As soon as this behavior is noticed, you need to take the puppy and take it to the tray. It is also worth wearing it there immediately after sleeping or eating.

If the Spitz has done his business in the right place, it is necessary to praise him, to show that he is doing everything right. If he "missed" - do not scold him. But when he only sits down in the wrong place, you must immediately take him to the tray.


- an important part of the care of the Pomeranian. A puppy should be fed more often than an adult dog, but in small portions. Give out food at approximately equal intervals, each time in the same place.

  • Up to three months, the cub is fed five times a day;
  • up to six months - four;
  • from six to eight months - three;
  • further as an adult dog - two.

They feed Spitz with boiled sea fish, meat, turkey or chicken breast, and offal. At the same time, everything except meat is given boiled. The meat should be raw, but well frozen. Cereals are added to this - rice, buckwheat or oatmeal. They also give vegetables, low-fat kefir or cottage cheese, eggs.

You can also feed ready-made dry food directly for Spitz, for small breeds of dogs or for long-haired dogs.

You need to carefully monitor the amount of food - do not overfeed. Don't forget about vitamin and mineral supplements. For actively growing puppies, calcium is especially relevant.

Adult Spitz Care

Pomeranian is not the easiest dog breed. These funny fluffy lumps have a tendency to consider themselves "big dogs", bark, and sometimes rush at everyone in a row. In addition, care for the pet's long hair will be some difficulty.

Also, these animals are demanding of attention, it takes a lot of time to take care of them. Pomeranians are not recommended for families with small children.


It is worth starting classes from a very early age - two to three months, as soon as the beast got into the house. Training must be thorough and consistent. It is necessary to show firmness, but not rigidity and not cruelty, seeking from the Spitz the ideal execution of this command.

You can not put pressure on the dog, scream, beat her. It is important to remember: if the animal cannot remember something in any way, then the problem is not in him, but in the owner.

Particular attention in the learning process should be paid to the constant barking of the Spitz - it is quite possible (and necessary) to wean the dog from this habit. Also, the knowledge of the basic commands for all dogs will not interfere with the orange: “Sit”, “To me”, “Nearby” and “Place”.

If desired, you can additionally teach your pet various funny tricks.


On the street, you need to carefully monitor the dog. Stop all attempts to bark or rush at others, run after cats. In crowded places it is better to keep the Pomeranian on a leash. Also, do not let him go near the roadway.

Pomeranians love to walk, they are very active and need constant physical activity. However, it is better to reduce the puppy’s first “outings” to fifteen minutes per walk, but at the same time take him out several times a day.

Hair care

Taking care of a Pomeranian first of all means taking care of its coat. To do this, you will need to purchase several combs:

  • a massage brush with metal teeth - a slicker brush;
  • two metal combs - with frequent teeth and with rare ones;

The slicker should be used regularly, at least once a day, carefully combing the pet's fur to the hair roots. It is better to comb slightly damp wool.

The two remaining combs are useful for combing and styling the dog after washing, which must be carried out as the coat gets dirty. It is better to dry the Spitz after bathing with a hairdryer, otherwise he may catch a cold.

Proper care, feeding and maintenance will help you keep your Pomeranian healthy and happy! The Pomeranian is a small decorative breed, very energetic, agile, certainly intelligent breed. Pomeranians are very popular all over the world, parents often buy this breed for their children. Before, you need to understand, the puppy requires vigilant care and accuracy in behavior with him (until the puppy is formed into an adult, 6 - 8 months). As a puppy, it is important to avoid falls from beds, sofas, and other high surfaces to avoid injury to the Pomeranian puppy.

If you have a Pomeranian as a pet in your home, keep in mind that you have made a lifelong commitment to provide the puppy with the necessary care and attention. You will definitely make sure that the Pomeranian will fully reward him with his devotion, love and affection for the attention shown to him.

Pomeranian feeding

A Pomeranian puppy getting into a new home requires adaptation not only to the room, but also to food and water. Do not be alarmed if the puppy has diarrhea, often it is the body's reaction to a change in food (food, water ...). The puppy’s adaptation period in a new home is 1 week, maximum 2. Since the body of each Spitz puppy is individual, therefore each has its own adaptation period, some babies like everything from the first minute and they don’t experience a feeling of stress, some babies need a couple of days, some a week.

Pomeranian diet

Possible options for feeding the Pomeranian:

1. Feed.

2. Mixed nutrition (natural products + feed).

3.Natural products.

Do not mix natural food and feed in one serving. The essence of the mixed feeding of the Pomeranian is as follows:

    1st feeding - a portion of dry food;

    2nd feeding - porridge (alternate rice and buckwheat) + boiled meat (alternate veal, turkey, chicken) + vegetables (alternate raw, boiled);

    3rd feeding - cottage cheese or kefir;

    4th feeding - grated apple or carrot with a teaspoon of olive oil;

    5th feeding - pour boiling water over raw meat (turkey, chicken, veal), finely chop and mix with chopped boiled vegetables;

    6 - feeding - porridge + seafood + vegetables.

Depending on the age of your Pomeranian, use dry food and natural food alternately in his diet, while achieving a balanced diet (2/3 protein diet + 1/3 cereal and vegetables diet).

Recommended by veterinarians for Pomeranian only super-premium food for decorative breeds. Super-premium food is fully balanced, contains high quality fats, vitamin A, D, C (to improve immunity), omega - 6 fatty acids and vitamin E (for healthy coat and skin), B vitamins, sodium chloride, potassium chloride , calcium phosphate, fiber and other beneficial trace elements. Therefore, such feeds are suitable for the daily nutrition of the Pomeranian. Manufacturers recommend switching from one type of food to another within 7 days.

Some types of super-premium dry food:

    Dry food Pro Plan (Pro Plan). Designed for puppies of small decorative breeds (from 1 month to 11 months) and for adults weighing 1 - 10 kg. There are enough varieties of food, chicken and rice based, salmon and rice based, lamb and rice based, beef and rice based, for puppies with sensitive skin, for aging dogs (over 7 years old), for adult dogs with sensitive digestion .

    Dry food Royal Canin (Royal Canin). For the Pomeranian, you need to use food for dogs of small sizes, weighing up to 10 kg. There are also enough varieties of Royal Canin food: for puppies up to 2 months - mini starter (suitable for pregnant and lactating), for puppies aged 2 - 10 months - mini junior, for puppies older than 10 months, for aging dogs (over 8 years), for dogs with sensitive skin, for dogs living indoors.

Currently, there are super-premium feeds for sale of a new generation of class - Holistic (holistic). The composition of such feeds includes protein of animal origin. Source of protein in feed grown without the use of antibiotics and hormones. The vegetable components which are a part of a forage are not exposed to processing by pesticides and chemicals. The feed does not contain vegetable proteins and GMOs, as close as possible in composition to the natural diet of the animal. Some brands of holistic food are: Acana, Eagle Pack Holistic Select, Evo, Canidae, Felidae.

A lot of unhealthy foods lead to excess weight and poor health of the Pomeranian.

Harmful to eat Pomeranian:

    Pork for orange is very fatty meat, it is fat that disrupts the liver and can cause urinary tract diseases. Pork contains the causative agent of trichinosis, which is very dangerous for dogs.

    Sweets - lead to imbalance and obesity, spoil teeth. Sweet eyes flow.

    Salinity, smoked, fried, fatty.

    Milk (lactose cow's milk is not digested by dogs because they lack the enzyme lactose, and as a result, the Spitz has an upset stomach).

    Bones - can injure the larynx, clog the intestines.


    Legumes - reduce the level of absorption of B vitamins.

    Crude protein - worsens the condition of the coat.

    Fresh bread, pasta...

    Raw fish.

    Citrus fruits - can cause allergies.

    Barley, millet - are poorly digested and absorbed by the body.

It is useful to eat a Pomeranian:

The correct diet of the Pomeranian should consist of 1/3 meat + 1/3 vegetables + 1/3 porridge. These three ingredients are prepared separately: boil meat separately, boil porridge separately, vegetables can be steamed. During feeding, the products are mixed.

Meat: beef, veal, lamb, chicken or turkey fillet, beef heart, chicken, veal liver, chicken.

Tripe - give once a week, bring to a boil.

Eggs (quail, chicken) boiled, they are a source of protein and vitamins A, D, E, B2, B6, B12, calcium, magnesium, iron and other trace elements. In raw form, only the yolk can be given. In the weekly diet of an orange, no more than two eggs are allowed.

Porridge: rice, buckwheat, wheat, millet, oatmeal. It will not be superfluous to boil several types of cereals at the same time.

Vegetables: carrots, cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), beets, spinach, zucchini, pumpkin, vegetables can be seasoned with olive oil (1 tablespoon per day).

Fruit: apples, bananas, melon, watermelon, persimmon, apricot.

Seafood: tuna, flounder, herring. Sea fish serves in the diet of orange not only as a source of protein, but also contains a large number of trace elements: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, fluorine, iodine, iron ... Seafood is rich in vitamins: D, A, E, B6, B12.

Dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir - are a source of calcium and protein, vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C, H, E, PP and minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, copper, cobalt, selenium, molybdenum. The fat content of cottage cheese should not exceed 10%.

Cottage cheese is very useful for Pomeranians both in puppyhood (necessary for the full growth of the puppy's body), and throughout the life of the dog. Cottage cheese replaces animal protein, strengthens the nervous system, bones.

Raw greens: parsley, dill, green onions - in the diet of the Pomeranian serve as a source of vitamins: C, B1, B2, PP, P, A, E and minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron (in the form of salts). Raw greens also contain folic acid and beta-carotene (improves vision). Greens increase the immunity of the Pomeranian and improve the quality of the coat.

In the video, my Pomeranian girl loves to eat corn:

Pomeranian Feeding Frequency

The number of meals depends on the age of the Pomeranian. It is very important to observe equal intervals of time between feedings, as well as the time and amount of food intake, developing a regimen. Do not forget that the health of your pet primarily depends on the diet and food intake.

    The age of the Pomeranian is 1 - 2 months - the number of meals is 6 times a day.

    The age of the Pomeranian is 2 - 3 months - the number of meals is 5 times a day.

    The age of the Pomeranian is 3-6 months - the number of meals is 3-4 times a day.

    The age of the Pomeranian is 6 - 8 months - the number of meals is 2 - 3 times a day.

    The age of the Pomeranian is more than 8 months - feed 1 - 2 times a day.

If your puppy is inactive and eats a lot, he can gain weight quickly. The above meal plan is suitable for Pomeranians who lead an active lifestyle (regular walks, active games).

Important but for the health of the orange: Every morning change the water to fresh. The water bowl must be filled around the clock.

The serving size for each Pomeranian puppy should be selected individually.

If food remains after a meal, then you poured a lot and the leftovers must be removed, and at the next meal the portion should be reduced. If after feeding the Pomeranian licks the plate for a long time, then the portion of food was not enough and in the next feeding you increase the portion.

Hair care (combing) Pomeranian

The coat of the Pomeranian is very thick and long, so it requires careful care. The main problem with Pomeranian hair is matting and tangles. Regular brushing will help prevent matting and tangles. It is necessary to comb the orange with a slicker, preferably once a week, but very carefully, in the direction from tail to head. During the molting period, the Pomeranian must be combed daily, since the hair is combed out in clumps and in large quantities:

Bathing Pomeranian

It is necessary to bathe the Pomeranian as it gets dirty, preferably no more than once a month. An alternative to bathing is dry shampoo, which neutralizes dirt and oil on the surface of the coat. After walking with a damp cloth, you can wipe the paws and contaminated areas of wool.

Before bathing, the Spitz must be well combed against the coat. Bathing shampoo is best used for long-haired dogs. To make the coat easy to comb after bathing, apply a balm or antistatic agent. Avoid getting shampoo in your dog's eyes. Frequent bathing is contraindicated for Pomeranians, since water provokes the process of molting. It is undesirable to bathe the Pomeranian during the shedding period, because during this period the coat is strongly tangled and creates big problems with combing.

After bathing, let the orange shake off the water well, then wipe the coat with a terry towel.

Drying Pomeranian you can use a hair dryer, preferably not with a hot stream of air. It is necessary to dry well not only the long axial hair, but also the short and thick undercoat. During drying, the wool must be combed against the wool, as shown in the pictures below:

Pomeranian nail trimming at home

Trim your Pomeranian's nails need regular special claw cutter. If your pet walks daily on the street, then he grinds his claws on hard surfaces, but this does not exempt you from caring for them. If the pomeranchik lives in an apartment, his nails must be trimmed often (once a week, but at least twice a month). Long claws interfere with the movement of the dog, can disturb the gait and cause temples. In a very advanced form, the nails are rounded and may pierce or grow into the paw pad. Long claws change the direction of the Pomeranian's fingers, which leads to stress on the joints and, as a result, leads to their dislocations.

It is necessary to cut off the hollow part of the claw, at an angle of 45 degrees, so as not to damage the blood vessel:

In order not to hurt the dog, the claws must be cut off gradually, in layers. If you break a blood vessel, treat the cut with peroxide to stop the bleeding. The cut edge of the claws is best sanded with a nail file.

A small, perky and cheerful little fox is a decorative breed of dogs called Pomeranian. Having got acquainted with the animal, it is difficult to remain indifferent, but many dog ​​lovers are disturbed by fluffy hair. There really is nothing to worry about. Pomeranian spitz, the care and maintenance of which does not take much time and effort, will bring great joy to the house.

The very first thing you need to ask the breeder when buying a puppy is what he was fed all this time. It is undesirable to change the diet drastically, it is worth introducing new products carefully, observing the condition of the Spitz. Preference is given to dry food enriched with minerals and animal protein.

The content of vitamins A and B in the feed is very important, so premium and super premium classes are better suited. If a decision is made to feed with natural products, then the diet must necessarily include meat and offal, cottage cheese, kefir, fish, whole grains. The Spitz dog breed does not need fruits and vegetables, but if your pet asks for a carrot or an apple, then you do not need to refuse a treat. Meals should take place at a certain time, additional vitamins or supplements should not be administered independently. They are selected by a veterinarian.

  • food should be at room temperature;
  • purified, high-quality drinking water is required;
  • unacceptable in the diet: fatty meats, milk, smoked meats, sausages;
  • cabbage and legumes are introduced in limited quantities.


Pomeranian care at home necessarily includes the process of bathing. This should be done once every 2 months, some veterinarians are convinced that you can bathe less often. If there is a need to wash the dog after a walk, then do it boldly, this does not bear any consequences. The main thing to remember is that it is forbidden to wash the dog during molting, otherwise the coat will lose its normal appearance.

Bathing a spitz takes place in several stages:

  1. We carefully comb the dog so that there are no lumps and tangled hair. At this point, it is better to gently close the ears with cotton swabs. To facilitate the process, you can slightly moisten the coat.
  2. Bathing directly. Spitz are great lovers of water procedures, so they will frolic and play even at this moment. Do not forget that the ears must be covered, otherwise the ingress of water can provoke infectious diseases. Dilute a small amount of shampoo in a bowl of warm water, place the dog in the solution and wash the whole body well with a sponge. Next, rinse off the foam from the shower, and apply conditioner to the coat.
  3. Drying of wool is made by the special hair dryer for dogs which strictly regulates temperature. You should start from the legs, moving to the sides and back, carefully separating the strands with a comb. After drying, wipe the ears with cotton pads. Never leave the dog to dry on its own in the house - the top six will dry out and the undercoat will remain wet.

Hair care

For these dogs, grooming is considered essential. It is recommended to comb out daily, and if this is not possible, then at least twice a week. If you neglect this rule, then tangles may appear behind the ears, on the paws, in the groin area. It is necessary to accustom to combing from an early age and try not to cause discomfort. The undercoat cannot be pulled out, because it is thanks to it that the dog has an attractive appearance. There is no need to trim the coat, but this procedure is not prohibited.

Nail clipping

Long claws cause pain to the Spitz. If walks on the street last a long time, then the claw plate usually wears off on the ground, but in any case, the dog must be observed. Check the paws every 2-3 weeks and trim the nails. To this procedure, accustom a Spitz puppy from a very young age, so that in the future there will be no problems with circumcision. Many dog ​​breeders are afraid and do not know how to cut their nails correctly so as not to harm the baby.

This issue requires decisiveness. Get a nail clipper for small breed dogs and start the procedure in bright light. You can cut only the keratinized part of the claw, it is clearly visible and differs in color from living tissues. The tip is cut off approximately 1 mm long. If by chance the cut turned out to be larger, and blood appeared on the trimmed place, then take disinfectant measures.

Ears and teeth

How to properly care for the auricles of a Spitz? This question is relevant for any owner. In fact, care is simple and does not take much time. Healthy ears are pink, and sulfuric secretions are removed with a cotton swab once a week. It is recommended to pull out excess hairs from the auricle with tweezers; this does not cause discomfort to the pet.

If the ears are swollen, have redness, the dog tries to scratch them in any way, then you do not need to make a diagnosis yourself. The veterinarian will determine the ear disease and prescribe the correct treatment. Do not forget that you need to periodically brush your pet's teeth.

To make this procedure as easy as possible, there are special pastes for dogs that do not require washing the mouth. How to brush your teeth is indicated on the package. Most often, the paste is simply applied 2 times a week on the teeth.

Walks in the open air

Caring for a Spitz puppy involves short walks, the first time is enough for 10 minutes in the fresh air. It is important for a puppy to have all the necessary vaccinations. Then increase the time by observing the dog's desire to be outside. For your dog's safety, it's best to take him out on a leash, wear appropriate clothing in cold weather, and stay out of direct sunlight during the summer.

Necessary toys

Toys play an important role in the life of the breed. The main thing is to choose them correctly. Soft or rubber toys that are no larger than the dog itself are ideal. Well, if the dog can fit with her in his house. Thanks to them, he will grind his teeth and splash out energy. Be sure to check toys for small parts that can lead to unforeseen consequences.

The first vaccination of the dog is carried out at 12 weeks. To understand how to care for a puppy after vaccination, you need to consult a veterinarian. Further, the animal is vaccinated after the change of teeth, and after that - every year.

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