Coffee grounds tiger. How to guess on coffee grounds

Hello dear readers. In this article, you will learn how to use freshly brewed natural coffee to predict the turning points that can be expected in the near and far future.

Also, knowledge about the present will open to you, you will see the echoes of the past and will be able to connect them with the future. Fortune telling on coffee grounds is a special sacrament that carries a powerful informational charge. It also needs special preparation. In order for the predictions to be as accurate as possible, a number of rules must be observed. So.

For divination, prepare the following attributes:

  • Turku for brewing coffee;
  • Natural coffe. If you are using whole grains, you must first grind them with a coffee grinder. The finer the grinding, the more information can be obtained in the process of divination;
  • Cup. The inside of the cup should be light. The ideal option would be to use a white cup, because the figures that need to be interpreted will be clearly visible. This will create a contrast between the dark brown coffee and the white surface of the cup so the shapes can be easily seen. A clear glass cup would be an unfortunate option. The glass will reflect coffee particles, and the symbols will simply visually merge with each other. The shape of the cup should be rounded, there should not be any sharp corners. In other words, square, triangular, angular cups will not work;
  • Saucer. You can choose any color, since this attribute is only needed as a stand for an inverted cup;
  • Candle (one or more). You can use any candles, but it is desirable that they be made from natural wax. As for the color scheme, there are also no clear restrictions. The only caveat is that black candles should not be used. They are used for "black rituals".


If you are guessing in order to get an answer to a specific question, using the color of the candle can increase the chances of getting the most accurate answer. To do this, follow the traditional rules that are relevant not only for divination on coffee grounds, but also for many other types of predictions.

So, for fortune-telling, candles of white, blue or blue colors are suitable. To shed light on the state of affairs of the heart, use red (pink, crimson, burgundy, terracotta) candles.

For divination money and career green candles and all its shades are ideal. For divination for the future in general (without a specific question), candles of the classic mustard (yellow, orange) color are used.

General rules of divination


Make sure that no one interferes with your fortune telling. After all, the information field, concentrated in coffee grounds, is a clot of fragile information matter, which needs to be tuned in a certain way. Turn off your phone, turn off the TV and radio. In the room where the sacrament will take place, it is better to be alone. Get rid of extraneous thoughts, because any emotions that are not related to fortune-telling can interfere with the completion of the task.


During fortune-telling, it is important to concentrate your attention only on the process itself, without being distracted by extraneous noises and thoughts. Focusing as much as possible on the questions you wish to find out with the coffee grounds will produce the most accurate results.

Tranquility and relaxation

Peace of mind is also important. Nervousness is not the best assistant in divination. You need to try to bring your emotional background back to normal and relax. Then you will be able to tune in to the wave of your inner sensations, which will definitely be transferred to the coffee grounds, which will provide you with the full information available in the Universe.


Another important aspect is time, or rather, its sufficient amount. If you are in a hurry somewhere, you should not start fortune-telling on coffee grounds. You should have at least a couple of hours of free time. This sacrament is not hasty.


When preparing coffee for divination, sugar should not be used. If you are used to drinking this drink sweet, you will have to drink a cup of coffee without sugar in order to get accurate results. The proportions of the ingredients (water and coffee) are also important. Their correct combination is one of the main conditions for obtaining accurate predictions.

How to guess correctly?

Step #1 Making coffee

Grind the coffee beans. Grinding should be as fine as possible. Pour it into a Turk at the rate of 5 g (1 teaspoon with a slide) per 200 ml of cold water. It is desirable that the water be spring or distilled. But, if it does not turn out to be, you can get by with ordinary water. Brew coffee over low heat, stirring occasionally with a spoon. In the process of brewing coffee, you need to completely calm down, putting your thoughts in order.

When the coffee begins to boil (bubble), remove the cezve from the heat and pour the coffee into the prepared cup. During this, focus on your question that you want to ask the universe. Mentally speak the question. Leave the drink to cool to the optimum drinking temperature.

Stage #2 Drinking coffee

After the coffee has cooled down, start drinking it. Hold the cup exclusively in your right hand. Watch the location of the handle, which should also be on the right. You should drink slowly, in small sips, thinking about those situations in which you want to clarify.

In the process of drinking a drink, imagine your future the way you want it to be. For example, you can imagine that you win some competition, become the owner of a luxurious country house and an expensive car, receive universal recognition, respect and honor. You should not drink coffee to the very end, a little liquid should remain at the bottom (approximately a tablespoon).

Step #3 Flipping the Cup

After finishing your coffee and leaving some liquid in the cup, as well as all the coffee grounds, put the cup on the saucer. Keep thinking about burning issues and situations, the circumstances of which you want to find out in the process of divination on coffee grounds. Turn the cup around its axis clockwise three times with your left hand, then turn it over with the same hand, lowering it on the saucer.

Thus, all excess liquid will drain on the saucer, and thickening will remain on the walls of the cup, which will subsequently be transformed into certain shapes. After a minute, the cup can be removed from the saucer and placed in the same position on a napkin so that excess liquid is absorbed into the paper. Wait another 2-3 minutes for the coffee grounds to dry.

Stage 4 Evaluation of results

Gently turn the cup over and evaluate what happened. Do not rush to start interpreting the symbols. At first, it is recommended to pay attention to which parts of the cup are located certain figures. The classic scheme followed by coffee fortune-telling magicians is as follows:

  • first, the symbols located on the edges (the rim that the lips touch when drinking a drink) of the cup are evaluated;
  • then the figures seen in the central part of the cup are characterized;
  • then you need to start evaluating the symbols located closer to the bottom of the cup;
  • and only now it is necessary to characterize the images seen at the bottom of the cup;
  • the final process of interpreting the symbols is to evaluate the thumbprint of the left hand on the bottom of the cup. After the total deciphering of the figures, you need to firmly attach the indicated finger to the bottom of the cup and study the images that were imprinted on its bottom as a result of this action.

Remember that absolutely all characters, regardless of their localization, can be decoded from right to left and vice versa. It is not customary to characterize figures from top to bottom or from bottom to top.

It is undesirable to guess on the coffee grounds too often. This is evidence of a frivolous attitude to the sacrament, as well as disrespect for the entities living in the subtle world. They may become angry and offended, which will lead to false information.

Do not anger fate! Guess with coffee only in the most urgent cases, when a lot is at stake, when you need to make a fateful decision, when the question you want to find out is of great importance.

Principles to be followed in interpreting figures

Experts in the field of magic assure that the more coffee grounds left on the bottom and walls of the cup, the more difficult the situation that they are guessing at will be. There will be many obstacles and problems ahead related to the resolution of exciting issues. If, on the contrary, there is a small amount of airy translucent images on the walls and bottom of the cup, then a lot of joyful events await the person ahead, and his problems will be resolved easily and quickly.

Rarely, but still, there are situations when absolutely all the thick is poured onto a saucer. This suggests that today the Universe is not willing to reveal secrets by answering questions. In this case, fortune-telling must be repeated on another day.

Symbols that are grouped next to each other are united by a common semantic load. They should be interpreted together. When interpreting symbols, their size also matters. The larger it is, the more significant its significance for a fortuneteller. Consequently, very small figures play a less important role and carry only additional information about the symbol next to which they are located.

Characteristics of symbols depending on their localization

From the images that are near the handle of the cup, one can assess what is happening to a fortuneteller in the present tense. These symbols will tell how he lives, what he strives for, what he dreams and worries about.

The figures on the rim and the top of the cup will predict the future of the questioner, in the middle part they will reveal the secret about people and situations that interfere and / or help to cope with problems. Symbols located closer to the bottom of the cup will tell about the distant future (within a year). And the images seen on the bottom speak of the most important things that the Universe recommends that a person pay close attention to achieve the goal (resolution of the situation).

Symbol interpretation

Animals, fish, arthropods, molluscs

Cow Prosperity
Dog Devoted friend (girlfriend)
Cat Someone is plotting deceit against you
Bull A sign of perseverance
Rhinoceros Evil rumor
Rabbit) Fearful and indecisive person
Goat Good health
Porcupine Dreams don't come true
A monkey A boastful, deceitful and hypocritical person
Fox Need to be smart
a lion Sign of nobility
Tiger fair deed
A donkey Stupid man
Hippopotamus Fertility, large family
Pig Beside the traitor
Wolf Defender
Bear Wealth, satiety, multiple sources of income
Elephant joy, abundance
Sheep Relatives will help
Crocodile Beware of Enemies
Turtle Wisdom to help you overcome adversity
Whale Authority in society, fame, universal recognition
Shark Meeting a stranger who turns out to be a criminal
Sea Horse A pleasant surprise from the second half awaits ahead
Jellyfish Unclear situation, it's better to let things take their course
Starfish Limited, lack of independence
Seal Skin problems, risk of developing a dermatological disease
Fish (common) Pregnancy
sawfish Pathological (complicated, ectopic, severe) pregnancy
Dolphin Friends will not leave you in trouble
Frog Unexpected turn of events
Mouse You need to be bolder, more assertive
Rat Beware of theft
Lizard A sign of high intelligence, literacy
Squirrel Thrifty and thrifty person
Bat Risk of accident
Horse You will emerge victorious from a dangerous battle with the enemy
Ferret There are a lot of overly curious and envious people around you.
Antelope Encounter with a noble member of the opposite sex
Dinosaur You have a rare talent
Deer Quiet life, devoid of troubles and troubles
Giraffe Foresight, thoroughness
Badger Don't jump to conclusions
Marmot Do not be lazy, fight for personal happiness
Zebra Fate favors you
Raccoon Gatherings with friends, a fun feast
Buffalo Undeserved accusation
Kangaroo Love, tenderness and care of a partner
Hamster Watch your diet. Possibility of gaining extra pounds
Ram Make time for spiritual development
Snake 1. With a closed mouth - wisdom 2. With an open mouth - an insidious, smart and dexterous enemy
Scorpion Strike of fate
Camel Endurance, success in sports
Hedgehog Expensive gift
Mole Learn to see the obvious by drawing the right conclusions
Buffalo Promotion or new job
Koala Interesting journey ahead
Leopard high society
Snail Good news related to finance
Squid A loved one needs your help
spiny lobster Hard work, money comes from hard work
Shrimp minor annoyances
Crab Changing of the living place
Chipmunk frivolous person
Mussel Desired meeting with a life partner ahead
Crayfish A situation that requires a difficult decision
Octopus Fall into a trap set by the enemy
corals Like-minded people, henchmen, followers


Penguin Dream come true
Pigeon Symbol of hope, pure thoughts
Sparrow You will need financial support
Eagle Glory, honors
Heron Well deserved rest
Gull love adventure
Pelican News from afar
Crane Quarrel with a friend
Peacock Acquaintance with a polite, gallant, handsome person
Chicken unexpected profit
Rooster Enemies turn into friends
Chick Joy associated with children (younger siblings)
Turkey Proud and wayward person
Duck Take care of housework, home improvement
Swan Mutual love
Falcon Influential patron, sponsor
Stork lucky event
Canary love message
Parrot News from distant relatives
Owl (owl) Illness, deterioration of well-being
Toucan Desperate situation
Woodpecker Headache
Goose dapper boyfriend
Crow The bad news
Hawk Secret admirer
Martin Strong relationship with loved one


Grasshopper kind person
Dragonfly Troubles due to a frivolous attitude to work (study)
Beetle (common) Uninvited guests
Colorado beetle Quarrel over trifle
Ladybug carnal pleasures
stag beetle Groom (bride) who is much older
Spider Danger
Butterfly Dizzying success with the opposite sex
Worm base desires
locust High probability of robbery
Mite household chores
Louse Financial stability
Fly importunate person
Wasp (bee) Evil talk around your name
Cockroach Betrayal
Caterpillar Show mercy to your loved one
Ant Unbearable burden
Mosquito Someone is trying to live at your expense
scolopendra Unpleasant meeting

Geometric figures

A circle Lack of joy, a vicious circle from which it is difficult to get out
Square Stability
Triangle Right Decisions
Rectangle Luck in matters of the heart
Arc (arch) Opponent (rival)
Rhombus Fate will give you a choice
Oval Boring life
Parallelogram Next to a person with a distorted perception of the surrounding reality
Semicircle Lost streak, but soon everything will work out
Cylinder Diseases of the respiratory system
Cone They are trying to lead you

Dashes, dots, lines, patterns

Wavy line 1. Horizontal - there will be ups and downs 2. Vertical - an unpleasant date
Dotted line 1. Vertically - you are taking on too many problems on your shoulders 2. Horizontally - you are being closely watched, perhaps literally watched
Straight line 1. Vertical - good luck on the road 2. Horizontal - happiness, carefree existence
The dashes are short 1. Vertical - a large number of opportunities 2. Horizontal - material difficulties
dashes in the form of a comma Inconsistency in a relationship with a partner
points Minor troubles
curls There is a brilliant prospect ahead, do not miss your chance!
Zigzags Someone is trying to change your fate for the worse
intertwined lines Lying friends
oblique lines Fortune will not smile soon


Most often, letters mean the initials of people who had, have or will have a significant meaning in the life of a fortuneteller. But sometimes the letters carry a common symbolism.

"BUT" Success depends on your efforts
"B" Reliable partner
"AT" happy fate
"G" big ambitions
"D" Your house will be a "full bowl"
"E" Incomplete family
"Yo" Interference
"AND" Loss of life orientation
"Z" A strong family
"AND" Predisposition to the humanities
"Y" Lack of spiritual growth
"TO" Incompetence at work
"L" Lots of talent
"M" thoughtfulness
"N" Poor health
"O" Increased nervousness
"P" Tightness, closedness
"R" Strength of character
"FROM" Anger
"T" In life, you have to achieve everything on your own
"U" chores
"F" old grudges
"X" Insufficient blood circulation
"C" Malevolence
"H" Hearing problems
"SH" Boasting
"SCH" Physical weakness, infirmity
"b" Loser sign
"Y" Neurological diseases
"b" Psychic abilities
"E" indecisiveness
"YU" Trouble
"I" selfishness


Basically, the numbers in fortune-telling on coffee grounds indicate a time period (day, month or year) after which any significant event in life is to be expected. Which one, the figures located nearby will tell.


Face Soon you will have the opportunity to see the true face of your loved one.
Head Acquaintance with a new contender for the role of the second half
man in full growth Symbol of relationship with a life partner (see the nearest figures)
Terrifying grimace The danger comes from the person you trust
Woman Exercise caution in work matters
The male Luck
Child Protect your honor and moral values
Old man Loneliness
Old woman Quarrel with several people
A lot of children Fluke
Couple in love Joy, great love


Wood life success
Flower Date
Bush Successful career
Rose Pleasant chores
Bell flirt
Chamomile unrequited feeling
Lily of the valley Soul callousness
Fern You will be trusted with a secret
Spruce Good health
Lily unrequited love
Acorn Ingratitude
maple leaf family celebration
Oak Leaf Strength, power, longevity
reeds Platonic love
Willow shy person
Mushroom Obstacles in achieving the goal
Cactus There is a lot of negative energy in your home
fir cone monogamous man
Palm A stormy but short romance
Clover Happy share sign


Bow flirty man
Cross Rock, predestination
heart Mutual love
Balloon You are responsible for your own troubles.
Moon The secret will be revealed
Sun Happy time ahead
Star Major changes in personal life
Lattice Insidious enemies do not sleep
Palm Do you have a defender
Fist Anger
Key You will reach your goal
Lock barriers
Lock you are too dreamy
The envelope News
Cloud love adventure
Lightning bad news
Candle Everything will be as you planned
Bell Fast wedding
Horseshoe Great luck symbol
Wheel Responsible work ahead
Scull Change of world view
Horns There are many temptations around, be careful!
Scales Make decisions wisely
Eye Evil eye, damage
Lips Bliss, pleasure, romantic dates
Coach An unexpected gift of fate
Ear Listen to yourself
Anchor Stagnation in business
Steering wheel You are the head of the family
Hourglass Next to you is a deep and understanding person
Fan Idle pastime
Egg Update, pregnancy
Embryo New Perspectives
Ring An offer of marriage
Box Honor family traditions
Tower Bad luck
Flashlight Meeting with the betrothed (betrothed)
Door Good prospects
Keyhole You will be drawn into other people's relationships
Chariot Happiness
Skeleton Let go of the past, live in the present!
Saddle Take action, don't be lazy
Coffin Severe illness, death
Temple domes Liberation from something painful
Angel Strong Guardian Angel
Dagger Strike on the sly
The mountains Difficulties


Umbrella You are under reliable protection
Gloves date invitation
Table Successful business negotiations
Barrel big win
Bed Idyll in the family
Bottle You are ruining your personal happiness
Door Find a way out of a difficult situation
Chair You wouldn't mind taking a break
Window Vain expectations
Syringe Taunts
House Family happiness
Telephone Patience and wisdom will help you become successful
Knife Quarrel, fight
Fork Hit from someone you don't expect
A spoon Full life
Scissors Side affair
Armchair Your secret will be known to the public
Watch Hopes will be justified
Bucket Reckless spending of money
Yula Prostration
Harmonic Inheritance
Comb New romance
Iron A man with a difficult character
Button Symbol of a powerful biofield
Jug elation
Broom Sign minion of fate
Axe Woe
A hammer Humiliation, suffering
Nail The wrong path has been chosen, reconsider your attitude to moral aspects
Shovel wicked rock
Hat Respect, fame
Kettle Nobility
Tie confusing case
Weight Other people's problems to be solved
Saw Near energy vampire
Russian stove The older you get, the happier your destiny will be
Broom Real Estate Issues
Suitcase Forced long road
Funnel You don't finish anything, be consistent
Guitar undiscovered talents
Swing Carelessness
tassel Fun
A cup A new friend will appear
Binoculars Be careful, fraud is possible
Pistol Troubled life
A gun Mourning, sad news
Shoe Jealousy
boot Rude man
Trumpet (musical instrument) Unfortunate omen, evil magical effect
Basket Refined and vulnerable nature
Samovar stable position
Chandelier Passionate Romance
tower crane Desperate act

Means of transport

Airplane Wishes come true
Helicopter hard road
Rocket The rapid development of events
Bike Many worries
Automobile White stripe in life
trolleybus plight
Bus You are the master of your own destiny
Train Intrusive communication
Sled Sentimentality
Balloon Strong spiritual connection with a partner
boat Life full of frills
Ship Only ambition, diligence and purposefulness can guarantee your happiness.
Yacht Fan from afar
sailboat noble intentions
Boat Damage to property as a result of a natural disaster
Catamaran Life without financial stability
Raft Poverty, lack of material resources


Banana Income increase, gain
Pear Prosperity and comfort in the family
Apple Wisdom, good health
Melon Unfortunate event in the near future
Carrot Prosperity, life satisfaction
Cheese Some kind of impetus is required for the mobilization of the spirit, energy uplift
Nut You have to solve a difficult task, but everything will end well
Sausage A symbol of a simple, sweet and modest house, under the roof of which a friendly family lives
Candy Pleasure, flirting, fun
Ice cream Someone is waiting for your help
Pod (peas, beans) Improvement of the financial situation
Sausage Your position in life is unshakable, you stand firmly on your feet
Cucumber Success in business, reconciliation with the enemy, recovery
Raspberry Ahead of the "sweet" time - romantic dates, declarations of love, gifts
Corn A big turn in life for the better
Pepper Beware of insidious enemies

When drinking aromatic natural coffee, do not rush to send the used cup to the sink for washing dishes. Perhaps, looking at the bizarre figures, symbols and intricate patterns formed by coffee grounds on the walls of the cup, secret knowledge about your destiny will be revealed to you.

We hope that after reading the article, you were able to get new and useful information for yourself, as well as draw the right conclusions. Recommend the article to your friends on social networks. Goodbye, dear readers, we will be glad to see you again on our website!

When winter frosty days come, each of us tries to look into the near and distant future. From St. Andrew's Day (December 13) and right up to Holy Baptism (January 19) lasts a period that the Slavs call Christmas time. Our ancient ancestors believed that the predictions of fate at this time are as true as possible. Therefore, many mysterious rituals were performed. For example, fortune-telling on coffee grounds. The interpretation of the drawings and symbols at the bottom of the cup not only opened the veil over future events, but also often became a fun and exciting activity.

Basic Rules

If you decide to tell fortunes in this way, you should stock up on natural coffee of two varieties: fine and coarse grinding. Pour one large spoon of the first type and two of the second with hot boiling water. At the same time, the cup from which you will drink a fragrant drink should be white, without patterns.

When you treat yourself to delicious coffee, there will be thick at the bottom of the dishes. Then take a cup with your left hand and focus, mentally ask a question that interests you. At the same time, scroll the container three times around its axis clockwise. After that, with a sharp movement of the hand, turn the cup over on the saucer, count to seven, lift it and find out what happened. Carefully inspect the container, do not forget to inspect the plate. The thick, which was on the saucer, speaks of past events, the remaining in the cup - of the future.

Be as objective as possible when looking at the resulting symbols and drawings. It is better, of course, if close people help you: they will say that they see from the side and with a fresh look will determine the figures left after fortune-telling on coffee grounds. It is better to interpret the drawings from left to right, then vice versa. Then consider the bottom of the cup and the symbols that have formed in the direction from its edges to the center.

Cats and mice

The contours of these two domestic animals are often seen at the bottom of the cup by the person conducting the ritual. Usually, such drawings do not bode well if you notice them while fortune telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: the cat is a symbol of cunning, poverty and dirt. If it is closer to the top of the cup, this means that you have enemies who dominate you and lead you into a dead corner. Therefore, you need to carefully analyze the actions of people from your environment and stop such connections. Do not get involved in major disputes, do not argue and do not provoke scandals. If the cat is located at the bottom of the dishes, expect a serious quarrel with relatives. If an animal is next to a tree, there will be theft or imprisonment, with a person or person - find new opponents at work.

The mouse is also a bad sign. First of all, the animal warns of the losses that close people can inflict on you. Watch carefully for other figures when you arrange fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: the mouse is next to the circle - carefully monitor your jewelry and valuables that you may lose; if it is near a triangle, you can return the missing thing or restore the spoiled one; an animal conveniently located in the middle of the dishes - material difficulties and financial losses.

As for bats, they are more favorable to those who conduct fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: a bat is a sign of friendship and longevity. Often her outlines promise a meeting with a pleasant stranger who will help in life, become an ally. Also, the animal can warn about false comrades, conspiracies, intrigues and gossip emanating from them.

Other animals

First of all, let's talk about the dog, horse and pig. These animals are more likely than others to contact with a person, help him in hard work and even feed him. The dog is a friend. If you saw it in the remnants of coffee, higher powers warn of events related to your comrades. For example, if the animal is in the middle of a cup, you will make friends with an influential person. He will offer you a profitable interesting business, which will invariably lead to success and prosperity. The dog is at the bottom of the dishes - friends will solve your problems, an animal surrounded by clouds - there is a traitor among loved ones, near the outlines of the face - do not neglect the advice, they are quite practical and useful. A frightened animal with disheveled hair is a meeting with comrades of childhood and adolescence.

If you decide to conduct fortune-telling on coffee grounds, the interpretation of the picture of the pig that you got will be negative. This animal is a symbol of lack of freedom, dependence on circumstances and other people. If the pig is at the top of the dishes - you feed and support the freeloader, below - you yourself live at someone else's expense. The road running next to the animal means the spread of unfair rumors about you. Be careful, someone is trying to tarnish your reputation.

But the horse seen in the coffee mass promises good luck. If it is at the bottom of the tank, a secure old age awaits you, in the middle - wealth and a successful union. The bull obtained during fortune-telling means happiness, the hare - indecision and cowardice, the goat - travel and adventure, the cow - acquaintance with a pleasant person of the opposite sex, the fox - loss, the bear - danger, and the deer - intelligence.

Overseas guests

They are also often obtained during divination on coffee grounds. Interpretation: the elephant is a sign of abundance and power. You are an important person, respected and in power. If an animal has a raised trunk - luxury and money will fall on your head unexpectedly, but they will certainly be the result of your diligence and hard work. Usually, the result obtained during the ritual often depends on how correctly and competently divination was carried out on coffee grounds. The interpretation of "elephant" is unambiguous: invariably means only prosperity and success.

But the interpretation of the lion varies depending on its location and posture. This animal is usually interpreted as a symbol of dignity, arrogance and pride. If he is evil, with an open mouth and a raised tail, love torments and experiences await you; dark animal - meeting with influential authorities; with stripes on the head and body - connections with the underworld, scrapes, disputes; near another animal - danger, the collapse of a dream.

Camel is a very good sign. It means kindness, a cheerful and prosperous life. An animal located in the middle of a cup promises the favor of fortune, next to a tree - wealth, near the heart - dreaminess and naivety, in the company of clouds - a decent fortune. If there are stars around the camel, this means a quick and safe replenishment of the family. The kid will be smart and successful. If you saw a tiger in coffee, fate asks you to think about your emotions. Learn to control and manage them.

Amphibians and insects

If during the ceremony on the dishes you notice the figure of something terrible and poisonous, such as a scorpion or a spider, do not be alarmed. This does not always promise an unhappy future. True, the statement does not apply to the snake, the outlines of which speak exclusively of trouble. Be on the lookout if a figurine of this animal appears when you are doing divination on coffee grounds. Interpretation: the snake is the personification of insincerity and lies, treacherous relationships and intrigues. The reptile at the top of the cup predicts the gloating of enemies from the pain inflicted on you, in the center - expect victory over a long-standing enemy. If the viper is torn apart, you should carefully consider your health in order to avoid lingering ailments.

The frog is a sign of mutual love, good news and success. The lizard is also a good omen that promises surprise and great things. Scorpio is always an enemy waiting for you around the corner, as well as monetary losses and unsuccessful connections. The turtle makes it clear that the caution you took was not superfluous. You managed to avoid problems, so keep up the good work. As for the crocodile, it promises a successful business, sensitivity and excessive sentimentality.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds, interpretation of signs is an entertaining pastime, the mood is especially lifted when the outlines of insects appear, because they always bring happiness. A bee promises profitable cooperation, a fly - countless treasures, an ant - successful business deals, a butterfly - fresh impressions and joy from communication, a spider - an unexpected gift.


A sign of a positive and good future is a rooster. It is often obtained from those people who often perform the fortune-telling ritual on coffee grounds. Interpretation: the rooster embodies a family idyll, harmony, complete harmony. Often this is new news. If a feathered one sits on a hill, you will soon enter into a marriage union; stands near the road - expect a loss from an influential person; surrounded by trees - help from a stranger. If the rooster's beak is open, this is a sign of good news. A bird turned upside down promises a change in your position for the better.

A duckling has always been considered a good symbol. He also signaled the defenselessness and vulnerability of the person who received his image during divination on coffee grounds. Interpretation: a duck in the middle of a cup - take care of your soulmate, his or her heart may break from your actions; next to a person - you have a reliable friend; near another bird - beware of unwanted neighborhood.

Our ancestors also considered the images of a dove and a swan to be good signs. The first promised fidelity and stability in relations, the second - unexpected financial receipts, confidence in the future. As for the swan, they also paid attention to the color of the graceful bird. If it is too dark - avoid nervous breakdowns, light - get a good position in society. Two birds intertwined with their necks mean great unbreakable love.

The crow has always been the epitome of trouble and confusion. The chicken foreshadowed stupidity and material damage. The eagle promised unexpected news, and the owl - death or serious illness.

fantasy creatures

Any ritual is always shrouded in mysticism: soaking up this mysterious and slightly fabulous atmosphere, we often imagine unrealistic images for ourselves, we see dragons, mermaids, elves. Of course, this also happens during fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: the dragon is a symbol of unexpected circumstances, new meetings that can change your life. It can also portend anxiety and doubt, especially in financial matters. It is better to abandon the complicated commercial scams. Pay attention to every little thing in order to correctly conduct the ritual of divination on coffee grounds (interpretation). The dragon is a mythical creature, so its location on the dishes affects the essence of the prediction. Sometimes he promises parting with his beloved. In other cases, it promises the implementation of plans and the fulfillment of a dream.

Instead, the image of a mermaid should be a red traffic light for you. You should immediately stop, think, rethink the situation if you saw it, making fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: mermaid - instability and uncertainty, the danger of seduction, temptation and deceit. Be careful in love and business affairs, trust only yourself and finally take off your rose-colored glasses.

It is interesting that often a fortuneteller sees only the tail, without the torso and head. In this case, the symbol is called a fish, and it has a completely different meaning. The main thing is to distinguish it from a mermaid: therefore, look carefully when doing fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: fish - complete well-being. If it is at the top of the cup - expect important events, below - earn authority and respect in society. The meaning of the symbol changes very much if the number of characters changes, so correctly decipher fortune-telling on coffee grounds - interpretation. A fish, for example, if it is not alone, but is in a school, is a good sign. You will get one chance in a thousand to make huge profits and improve your well-being.


A cozy house, a funny key, an ominous coffin... Their outlines can also often be seen on the walls of dishes during the rite of divination on coffee grounds. Interpretation:

  • The key is that your dreams will come true soon, you will get everything in order to finally achieve your goal. The symbol also prophesies career advancement, a creative upsurge. Perhaps you will even write a brilliant work.
  • The ring is a sign of engagement or even marriage. If it is cracked or broken, beware of quarrels with your soul mate. Such disagreements at this stage of the relationship will provoke a breakup.
  • Wheel - get ready to discover unseen countries. Entertaining adventures and intricate routes are ahead of you. It's time to leave your familiar place and plunge headlong into travel.
  • The house, on the contrary, suggests that you need to settle down, take hold of your head. It is a symbol of stability and constancy, coziness and comfort. Put things in order in your relationships, start a family and then all problems will be solved by themselves.
  • Hammer - you need to urgently make a decision.
  • Dagger - unexpected losses. You trust people too much.
  • Angel - wait for consolation. You have good news ahead of you, peace and tranquility.
  • Coffin - illness, mental suffering, trouble.
  • Door - you are on the right track. Don't be afraid to make decisions and move forward.

There are a lot of things in our life. To interpret what happened to you, it is worth looking through a special book, which describes in detail each thing and its meaning.


Carrying out fortune-telling on coffee grounds, the interpretation of symbols is best done in a small company, where everyone, in their own way, creatively deciphers the resulting outlines on the cup. Yes, and together with friends, this process is much more fun: first, a pleasant ceremony of savoring coffee, then laughter, noise and uproar during the analysis of pictures. At the same time, people often drop out different elements of the environment, which also have their own meanings.

So, clover is a sign that soon your complicated life will stabilize. The black bar will be left far behind, and you will be able to enjoy success. Lonely people will definitely get acquainted with the betrothed. If only clover leaves have formed on the dishes - expect complete impeccable happiness, a flower - popularity and fame will overtake you.

The bush says that you have a dream, an idea, a goal. But the plan is not destined to come true, so do not waste your energy and money in vain. If there are thorns on the bush - you will be deluded for a long time, flowers - you will lose everything on the way to your dream. Bare branches - experiences, loss, suffering. Perhaps you realize that the best years are irretrievably gone.

Willow - a warning of separation, defeat, fall. For men, the sign promises trouble and difficulties, problems with the law. Willow branch - to life problems that will cleanse your soul. If the tree is near the river - pay attention to your health, take care of yourself.

Oak always signifies a winner. You will be the first, despite the intrigues behind your back. They say you walked over corpses. Let! After all, you became a leader, and that was the goal. True, during this competition I had a chance to lose valuable qualities of character, to forget about what humanity, flexibility, kindness are. You have become impenetrable to all feelings, even to love and friendship. Oak is a warning: remember that strength and determination are good only in those situations that do not affect the interests of people close to you.

Other figures

People who have not yet found their mate always dream of seeing a heart at the bottom of the cup. After all, it promises the beginning of a romantic relationship, which may develop into serious feelings. Believe that it will be so. Just for starters, take the simplest step towards love: do fortune-telling on coffee grounds, interpretation of symbols. The heart that forms on the wall of the dish during the ritual will tell you that you have already found your soul mate. You just don't notice her, you perceive her as a friend. Take a close look at your surroundings and eliminate this error. If the sign is at the bottom of the cup, you will very quickly find your chosen one. Don't give up on your dreams.

A star means liberation from painful people, events, deeds. Finally, you will breathe deeply, throw off the yoke, take a break from the current difficult situation. A big star is a sign of great happiness, a six-pointed one is a hint that it's time to go on vacation or at least take a day off.

The cross is a sign of bad events when it is dark, and a herald of a family idyll, if it is light. The arc - a warning about a traitor, an envious person, a square - promises stability and a smooth flow of affairs. If you see numbers, consider all possible combinations of them. Most likely, they add up to a date that will be a turning point in your life.

Line: broken line - to travel, straight line - to good events. If two curves intersect - you will find instability, the collapse of plans, the loss of a loved one. If you saw a dotted line, difficulties and troubles will fall on your head. You may become seriously ill.

The circle is a sign of good relations with employees, family members. You are a wonderful conversationalist, sensitive and flexible. You know how to listen, and people appreciate it in you. You get along with almost everyone.

So that you do not fall out of this, remember: when conducting a ritual of divination on coffee grounds, we perceive the interpretation of the symbols formed as a prediction of very close events. But sometimes the signs are a warning of the distant future. Therefore, if the ceremony promised you wealth, but you still didn’t hit the big jackpot, take your time. Know that everything will come true, the main thing is to believe and really want it.

You can guess by coffee any day. Often friendly parties and gatherings end with fortune-telling over coffee. For divination, the best way to brew coffee is Turkish. Well-ground coffee is mixed with sugar, poured with cold water and brought to a boil over low heat, but do not boil.

In this case, a layer of thick foam forms on top.

After drinking coffee, you slowly turn the cup away from you so that a trickle of glass thickens to the edge opposite to the one from which you drank. Then again to yourself and put upside down on a saucer. After a few minutes, when the water drains and only semi-dry thickets remain on the walls, fortune-telling can begin.

Patterns "to yourself" - this is what it was; at the bottom of the cup - today; "on my own" - what will happen. If you look closely at the pattern of abstract lines, you will see images. But keep in mind that the symbolic interpretation of the drawings is an extremely individual matter, and each adviser, fortune-telling for another, may have his own interpretation of the patterns.

The choice of cup is also important. On white - the remains of coffee are better visible. On the dark - wider scope for the imagination.

The prediction must be mentally directed to a person who is waiting for his fate. The drawing may not always be recognizable, it is enough for the sediment to hint at it. Intuition and imagination play an important role in prediction. When reading from a cup, there is no need to rush, study the whole picture, attaching more importance to those symbols that are more clearly visible.

Often the outlines in the cup are blurry and out of shape, perhaps this is the influence of the state of the person. Time is the place of sediment. If the pattern was formed close to the edge of the cup, it is given to you to see the events of the near future.

The handle of the cup is the house where you live. The proximity and distance from home depends on the position of the sediment in relation to the handle of the cup. The pattern to the left of the handle is past events or unused opportunities. To the right - the future or present, usually good, except when this side is covered with an obscure thick layer, but even in it you should try to strain your creative powers and make out some kind of picture.

In what order to look into the cup?

1. First of all, look along the edge of the cup towards the bottom towards the center.

2. Left to right horizontally.

3. Right to left horizontally.

4. Bottom and center.



This symbol seen at the bottom of the cup is interpreted unequivocally - to the road.


This is a happy symbol, portending successful changes, family well-being. The questioner is waiting for success in trading, major acquisitions.

Stork at the bottom of the cup - to the birth of a child. Children's success.

On the roof of the house - a change of apartment, the acquisition of real estate.

Stork in the nest - getting a profitable place, creating a family.

Stork in flight - change of residence.


This is a sign from above, which symbolizes that a dangerous enemy awaits you, perhaps in the form of an illness or some other misfortune.


This is an astral image, symbolizing deliverance from misfortunes and illnesses. The manifestation of will, reason and a sure sign that a person is under the protection of higher powers.


Seen at the bottom of the cup, this musical instrument symbolizes important events in life, ceremonies, receptions. Participation in collective enterprises. Vanity Satisfaction.

A woman playing the harp is a manifestation of creativity, success, achievement of honors, awards. Many friends, warm, friendly relations.

Harp next to the magician - secret meetings, connections. Craving for pleasure. Passionate love.


Usually it is a symbol of frivolity and indicates a superficial attitude to life and innocent pleasures. There will be more happy and carefree moments in your life.

The same sign in the center of the cup means: be on your guard and do not get into too much fun.

The same sign at the edge of the cup indicates pleasure, and if you are sincere and open, you will soon become a useful member of society.

The same symbol surrounded by dots portends careless extravagance and, as a result, problems.

A butterfly near a straight line is a successful change of residence. Butterfly with one wing - the occurrence of problems in personal life, possibly a betrayal in love.


Professional luck, success, stability in business await you.

Next to the long lines - a trip to an ancient city or to a country famous for its ancient traditions.

Destroyed tower - misfortunes, losses, unexpected stresses, dependence on existing circumstances.

Rooster on the dome of the tower - joyful messages, invitations, great offers.


A sign that speaks of cunning, quick wits, the desire to exalt oneself among others. However, the squirrel climbs high up the tree, so listen to the instinct of self-preservation.

A squirrel sitting on a tree indirectly says that the creative abilities you have shown will bring you a well-deserved reward in the very near future.

Dish, tray

Appearing at the bottom of the cup, this image means a surprise, an amazing discovery.

A dish in the hands of a woman means that life will soon provide you with interesting meetings, discoveries, inventions.


Ancient manuals advise that fortunetellers using drawings of coffee grounds should always look with special attention at them and at those words or numbers that the fortuneteller notices; they must be clearly visible. This is not imagination, but a fact that happened by chance when the work was done by the master.

For clarity and clarity, we will explain which letters stand for what:

letter A - the beginning of a new, interesting acquaintance; the letter B - a collision with enemies and an unpleasant conversation;

letter B - a quick date with loved ones; the letter G - a telegram with a pleasant notice, in a word, surprise;

letter D - trouble on the road with a friend;

the letter E is a loss in a commercial business; the letter Zh - a quarrel with some woman; letter 3 - a sign of reconciliation with a loved one and a new acquaintance with interesting people, as well as the expectation of meeting with the person you are thinking about; letter I - domestic trouble; the letter K is a blow;

the letter L is a false rumor about a close or sweet person;

the letter M is a rare guest or the return of one of the relatives or acquaintances from a long journey, as well as receiving good news from them; the letter H is an involuntary life and just a conclusion; the letter O is hard work and of little value, moreover, ungrateful in terms of conditions;

the letter P - means the betrayal of a loved one, as well as the inconstancy and fragility of marital life; letter P - freedom and joy; letter C - good news, joy, news; the letter T is an unpleasant rumor about a loved one; letter U - hear about someone's death; the letter F is a quick recovery and replenishment, and in frustrated affairs, a coup will soon be for the better; letter H - inadvertence and excitement; letter Ш - late return of a loved one from somewhere;

the letter Щ - to hear about the kindness and generosity of a loved one;

letter Y - winning or receiving an inheritance; the letter Yu - means a quick and pleasant journey; the letter I is a nuisance from strangers and most of all from women.


This sign is a symbol of return, repetition of life situations.

If this boomerang is near the heart, passionate feelings and love will wake up in you again.

Near the ring or mug - to remarriage.

Near a tree with a fox - there is a lost thing.

Near the donkey - you will face the betrayal of friends. Near the ship - you will have frequent travels.


A sign symbolizing illness, falling, alcoholism, trouble.

A bottle near the lion - due to addiction to alcohol, loss of authority, position. Diseases of the heart, blood vessels.

A good fat bull speaks of the imminent appearance of profit, acquaintance with the opposite sex.

An angry bull is a sign of incompatibility with a partner, petty grievances, jealousy, or an accident caused by a quarrel. Complication of relations with a person born in the year of the Ox.


An empty vase symbolizes regret, sadness. A vase of flowers - business development, joy, unexpected success.


A lone drooping mitten suggests that the old love will soon remind of itself again.


If the scales are in a normal state, you will find balance, harmony in family relationships, improvement in business, health. Restoration of justice.

The balance of the scales speaks of a decrease in moral and physical strength, monetary troubles are coming.

Superficial, frivolous attitude of others to your affairs. An imbalance in feelings, an inability to make a specific decision will harm you.

Unbalanced scales next to a shark - your enemy is a person in power. Beware of financial and legal troubles.


A sign that says that the one who is guessing will have a difficult journey.


An image that suggests that the questioner is expected to succeed in business, fame, popularity, fame. An inclined wreath means indulgence towards a fortuneteller of some noble person.


Thanks to endurance and endurance, you will overcome life's obstacles and achieve great success. You will visit many countries. Exciting and interesting journeys are waiting for you.

Camel with luggage - a successful change of residence.


Viking or some other warrior - this image is a symbol of vitality, success that comes through others. Sudden actions, unexpected changes, a person seizes the initiative, victory, fame.

The threatening figure of the Viking is a disorder of health, morbid pride, outbursts of rage. Open enemies, conflicts, quarrels, dangerous upheavals, revenge.

With a dark number 3 - the danger of accidents, the threat of violence.


A sign that portends a fortuneteller of wealth, a life of luxury.


An image symbolizing dangerous intrigues directed against you. Often means the greed of envious people in business that harms you, the danger of robbery. If several wolves are a threat, blackmail. Near the bars - the danger of prison, false accusations.


Negotiations, deals, meetings with friends, partners.

Manifestation of intellectual activity.

Successful and quick solution to many problems.

Surrounded by dark spots - there are problems in business, a disease of the gastrointestinal tract is possible.


The questioner will soon admit imprudence, rash acts, which will cause melancholy, all kinds of troubles. Perhaps illness will fall upon him.

A crow sitting near a bell or holding a bell in its beak symbolizes future troubles with the law, legal proceedings, unpleasant news. Upcoming problems due to rash conversation.

A crow sitting on a tree without leaves indicates that serious illnesses among relatives are likely. This sign at the bottom of the cup predicts the danger of litigation due to slander.

A crow with spread wings near the animal indicates that these symbols are in conflict. So, for example, near a goat, this sign indicates that the coming year does not bring prosperity to a person born under this sign of the Japanese horoscope, so we advise you to be more careful.

A crow on the roof of a house is sad news about relatives.

Flying crow - trouble due to slander.

Rider, rider

This image characterizes surprise, news, receiving a letter or some other long-awaited papers. You will encounter a happy accident.

A person riding a horse, a donkey, or some other animal means that one respectable person will provide you, that is, a fortuneteller, with a very important service, or you will receive unexpected good news about receiving something pleasant for you in the near future.

A woman riding a horse means for a fortuneteller or a fortuneteller about receiving something very pleasant soon.

A horseman holding a rod in his hand says that good health awaits you, a surge of strength. Thanks to friends, you will achieve promotion, wealth. Close travel.

A rider with a sword - daring actions, the desire for risky actions. Obstacles from others, unreliable friends, but the desire to win will help a person achieve his goals.

Rider with a gun - news of the war, hostilities, provocations.

Next to the number 3 - victory. For the military - success in military affairs, promotion.

A rider with a flag - a brilliant career, a great future, good luck.

Geometric figures

It is extremely important to correctly decipher the geometric shapes, lines and circles that appeared at the bottom of the cup, which can tell a lot about the fate of the questioner.

Triangle - unexpected luck.

An open triangle - you are safe.

Two touching triangles - your position is unstable.

Three intersecting triangles - good luck in love, success with women.

Quadrangle - unexpected luck, success in love.

A regular quadrilateral (see also Square) is the best sign. Your life will be happy and well financially secured, big profits are expected.

Star - freedom, liberation from unnecessary attachments.

The circle is a pleasant environment.

An oval is a sign foreshadowing women's marriage, and men - an attempt on their freedom. Many oval mounds - good luck in business.


The eyes seen at the bottom of the cup are a symbol of observation, research.

Be diligent in business matters before accepting an offer and research it very carefully.

If the eyes are sad, the corners of the eyes are lowered - this symbolizes an approaching depressive state, sadness, loneliness. Bad news has arrived. There is no opportunity to show their abilities, opportunities.

If the eyes are next to the triangle - even if now is the most difficult period in life - do not be discouraged: you will be lucky soon, the situation will change for the better.

Large, beautiful eyes symbolize the patronage of the strong. Good power distribution. You are inherent in ingenuity, dexterity, the ability to art.

For people born under the sign of Leo, this is close wealth, honors.

For Libra - a love affair, flirting, good luck in the field of art.

Bulging, round eyes - mean suspiciousness, cowardice, family life is a burden, treason threatens in personal life.

For Cancers - life near the water.

Sly eyes - dexterity, ingenuity, successful commerce.

For Gemini - successful trips, pleasant acquaintances.

For Virgo, this sign promises successful commercial transactions, a large cash gain.

If you see almond-shaped, elongated eyes at the bottom of the cup - a purely Asian sly look, then it is preferable for you to observe restraint, conservatism, secrecy, it is best to remain silent about your future plans.


The head of a man without a body is a young friend who has a beneficial effect on your destiny.

A woman's head with a high hairstyle - symbolizes the desire for prestige, popularity. One of the friends will help you make financial profit, introduce you to the right, useful people.

A man's head in a crown - symbolizes the ambulance of people with a high position in society. The location of the surroundings. Restoration of forces. Cheerfulness, activity, perseverance in business. Favorable changes.

A man's head with a beard and mustache in the center of the cup means the appearance of profit in the house. You will meet with friends, some joint entertainment, fun. New acquaintances. Trips with friends.

Head with long hair - the questioner has many roads.

A head bowed or lowered down is a sign that the questioner is in serious danger or some kind of disease.

Head with protruding ears - a person is given the right to choose, make a specific decision, the last word remains with him.

Next to the letter G - you will receive a profitable offer.

Two heads turned to each other - a new love.

A flower between two heads is a happy marriage.


It is a symbol of peace, harmony, a messenger of love. If it is visible at the bottom of the cup, you need foresight, loyalty to your ideals. Acquaintance with the future husband, wife. Two cooing doves - love, marriage, improvement of marital relations.


This is a symbol that carries sadness, sadness, grief. A coffin with a cross is a message of death. The coffin below near the bed - symbolizes a serious illness.


An astral sign symbolizing well-being, good news from loved ones.

Goose with open wings - good health, receiving a gift. Flirting, extramarital affairs.

A flock of geese - you feel barriers, internal limitation. Something to part with. But in the near future you will find a revival, excellent prospects, a discovery of yourself.


The court lady who appeared at the bottom of the cup portends intrigues, gossip, the struggle for a dominant position.


The image suggests that success awaits you in a new enterprise.


In general, the tree is traditionally considered a symbol of good health, prosperity, exaltation. You will be able to show the power of your creative thought and achieve public recognition and support.

A tree with branches pointing down indicates that you will experience a breakdown, headaches, and weakness. Business delay.

A tree without leaves, dry - troubles with relatives, illness, failure.

Broken tree - loss, mental suffering.

Oak - to victory over the enemy, your health will improve, vitality will appear, a surge of strength, wishes will come true.

Spruce - disposition to longevity. Knowledge and experience gained over the years. Achieving what you want.

Willow - sadness, tears, melancholy.

Bush - failure in business, unpleasant surprises, unforeseen obstacles.

The forest is a mistake on the path of life, but just leaves - good luck in business, help from others, profit.

Walnut tree - a person will enjoy authority and respect, although he will not always be loved.

Apple tree - life will be in full swing, many interesting events, adventures.

Houses, buildings

If at the bottom of the cup you dreamed of a solid house with a beautiful roof, family happiness awaits the questioner.

The house next to the circle - to purchase your own house. The house at the top is a change of affairs for the better.

A small house is a need, crampedness. Black dots around the house - to money, profit, security.

A bright moon over the house is an addition to the family.

When a clear outline of a building comes out on a plate, and a circle next to it, this means that you will soon buy or build a house or inherit it. If you notice the letter "U" or "O" near this house, then this house will be likely in the city.

A house surrounded by many circles - the acquisition of an apartment, a house, a marriage, a wedding.

If this house is surrounded by a semicircle, then it will bring happiness to the owner, and if the circle, then trouble.

If there is any plant or flower near the house, then this house is located in the province, in the village or in some estate.


This image promises the questioner compliments, surprise, a declaration of love, sincerity.

Next to the number 2 - receiving a gift.

The Dragon

This sign promises pleasant changes, promotion, improvement of affairs, rise in emotional and living standards.

At the top of the mountain - the fulfillment of desires, the achievement of goals.


A sign indicating that the questioner will have discussions, a cheerful conversation. Interesting offers that will make you change your plans.

Next to the portfolio - you will have a favorable business, study trip. New acquaintances.


Activity in business, overcoming obstacles. The ability to value yourself. Promotion, getting a rank for the military.

A woodpecker hollowing out a hollow - you will persevere in resolving life's problems. Endurance. Elevation at the cost of one's own efforts.

Woodpecker surrounded by dark spots or with poor performance - accidents, injuries or bleeding.


The horned devil seen at the bottom of the cup symbolizes temptation, attraction to the forbidden, betrayal, illness. All sorts of trouble.


When a young man thinks and if he notices the form of a woman holding a branch, then he will be deceived by a woman who will chain him to her chariot, and this connection will cost a lot in life for a young man.

If a guessing girl or lady sees a man holding a sword in a plate, then she should be wary of this person; as a rebel, he will bring her to dishonor and a beggarly state.

The woman or girl near whom you notice a flower is the true friend of life. If it looks like a rose, then for a young man it portends a good friend, and if it looks like another flower, it means an imaginary friend who cannot be relied on in any way.

The female face symbolizes that some married woman, mother, is interested in you.

If he sees a fortuneteller woman on a chair or on an armchair, soon be visiting a very important person.

A female figure in a crown, sitting in an armchair (a royal person), symbolizes the coming changes for the better, the renewal of life, the improvement of well-being, the acquisition of property, bargain purchases.

A woman in a black scarf portends grief, tears, trouble. Between two human figures - a quarrel, a quarrel.

A woman holding a vessel in her hand symbolizes the imminent achievement of a wonderful position, successful contracts and connections are coming. For people of art, creativity - success in the planned business.

If you dreamed of a woman holding a wand in her hands, this means that you will make a faithful and kind friend, behind him you will be like behind a stone wall.

If an old woman dreamed, there will be a strong and reliable love affair.


This image means the possession of natural forces, it perfectly characterizes the feminine principle, which brings peace and harmony. She is the guardian of family happiness, protecting the warmth of the family hearth.

You have a wonderful intuition, the gift of clairvoyance, an inner energy that attracts people to you, the ability to feel, influence and control them. You have to acquire power, respect. Excellent abilities, achievements in work. Healing of the soul and body. For doctors - excellent successes in medicine.

Next to the number 2 - this image portends the birth of healthy offspring.

A priestess holding a bright moon in her hand is a sign of motherhood, the birth of a child.

A priestess on a dark background, holding a dark moon - for young women - difficult childbirth; for an older age, a disease, for men - trouble with relatives.

Troubles and illnesses are coming. On a bush without leaves - news of the death of a friend, a good friend, will soon come.


From the point of view of transcendental symbolism, this image means that the person on whom fortune-telling is performed will live a long time, reach a high position, but will be alone in his soul.


Obstacles, careless, thoughtless actions.

Outside interference.

A fence near the house - due to the intervention of relatives in the family, problems will arise.


The image symbolizes bad luck, obstacles, delay in the implementation of plans, restrictions.

Zam "ok

A lock with a key means that you will have cooperation, bold combinations, secret deals.


This is an image that indicates that you are in need of support, dependence on the opposite sex. Be careful in choosing friends.

A hare with flattened ears symbolizes fear, a manifestation of cowardice, increased suspiciousness harms you. You are characterized by increased timidity, melancholy.

If the figure of the hare is near the "house" (the handle of the cup), then trouble can happen. A hare in a clean place indicates that your interlocutor must have courage, since his own modesty will soon lead him to fall.

The same sign at the bottom of the cup is a warning that your absent friend is anxious and needs help.


The stars may be different. So, if the star of David (five-pointed) is seen, then the image accompanies a favorable period, asking for good luck in business, in love, good health, longevity. A person becomes a bright, popular personality. He will be the center of attention, in front of other people.

A star near two parallel lines means that you will have a long and happy life.

A star above the bars - soon you will avoid major troubles.

Solomon's star (six-pointed) - a symbol of happiness, success, purification, rebirth, conception and birth.

A person has a new round of fate. A surge of activity, a manifestation of the freedom of human will, wisdom.


If a toad, a lizard, a snake, in general, all reptiles appear on the plate, this portends trouble, and even more so in terms of love: betrayal, disappointment, quarrel, illness, unpleasant rumors, slander, and so on. A frog means poverty, a mouse too, a cat means gossip and treason or some kind of trouble from a woman.


An image that means that you have secret enemies, deceit, vicious attacks, meanness. A coiled snake means that the questioner does not have freedom of action, dependence on people who suppress any aspirations.

Several snakes - the image means that secret enemies become apparent. Envy and hatred turn friends into enemies. You should not be frank and trust anyone. Count only on your own strength.

A snake around a human figure - nervous disorders, illness, complications.

Broken snake - getting rid of enemies, troubles.

A toy

The image symbolizes disappointment, empty promises, frivolous approaches to solving important issues.


People say that "it's good to give kalachi to a friend - if you don't like it, eat it yourself." The image symbolizes joy, luck, unexpected profit.


A symbol that you will be supported by others, self-expression, participation in joyful and pleasant events. Perhaps a new lover will appear on the horizon.

If this sign is at the edge of the cup, then the lover is very close; if in a clean place - in the near future; if at the bottom of the cup - he is sad.


The image symbolizes trouble, loss, violence. Accidents are possible, even imprisonment.


The one who sees will have a sea voyage, illness.

If at the bottom of the cup a man in a hood appeared near the boat or in it, you are in danger of a storm, a sea voyage.


The carriage with horses seen at the bottom of the cup is a successful journey, but not far; manifestation of activity, breakthrough, overcoming obstacles. A carriage without horses is a streak of bad luck, stagnation, obstacles in business, an unsuccessful journey.

A harnessed carriage is an unpleasant journey to some place not of one's own free will - to a certain government house, prison, etc.

Square and and rhombuses

Different squares and so-called rhombuses promise success with women, that is, reciprocity from a respected person. If these squares are slightly curved, then this means an obstacle in love from someone's side.

A straight, regular square symbolizes help, protection, protects against dangers, disasters, accidents.

A square near the heart - a person does not have a personal life, he is completely absorbed in some kind of production problems, which is very harmful to him spiritually.


If you saw this image at the bottom of the cup, then be careful, people from your inner circle tend to use your name for personal gain.

Kangaroo with a cub - guardianship, the desire to ensure the future of their children. This image symbolizes the need for self-sacrifice for the sake of loved ones.


Dagger - wounds and cuts.


A sign that portends us from above some bitter and cruel disappointment in something.


The image symbolizes the upcoming well-being, improvement of material life, perseverance in achieving the goal. There will be unexpected success, good luck in business.

Surrounded by small curved lines - hectic life, constant discontent, dissatisfaction.


Just as a spinning wheel describes a circle in space with each of its points, so the life of the questioner will turn around as one continuous adventure. Most often portends - a nuisance or an accidental misfortune.


This image symbolizes the coming unpleasant news, some disturbing events expected soon.

Look at other figures adjacent to this one at the bottom of the cup, and then you may get an explanation.


The baby stroller seen at the bottom of the cup symbolizes that the long-awaited pregnancy, the birth of a child, will soon happen.

But an inverted stroller means empty hopes, troubles for children.


If you dreamed of a ship at the bottom of the cup, this symbolizes that the vastness of the unknown opens up before a person, new chances, favorable circumstances will be created in his life. The image characterizes movement, change, movement. A ship with a mast - promotion, improvement, achievement of goals and receiving an award. Accompanied by bad images - symbolizes anger, disappointment, empty hopes, promises. In the life of the questioner there is no constancy, stability, obstacles are coming for reasons independent of the person.


See the basket - at a loss.


To see a scythe - the death of children or relatives.


Your conservative friends, silent about their affairs, plans, are trying to find out yours. They are cunning, envious, trying to gain trust. You should take a closer look at your surroundings, otherwise troubles will occur in the near future, big losses are possible.

Near the number 2 - the appearance of an opponent, rival. Near the Fish - the threat of losing money, profits.


A favorable image, symbolizing joy, success. Softens the effect of unfavorable and threatening images. Enhances the effect of favorable ones, giving them a certain intimacy.


This great and tragic image symbolizes fate, relationships with other people, a sign of karma, debts. The four-pointed cross means a quiet and slow death.

Big cross on the mountain - a person will engage in self-realization, self-improvement, development of abilities. He will receive satisfaction from his own work, creativity. Firm service to ideals, ideas will help him survive. In the end, the achievement of goals, exaltation.

The correct cross, similar to the Orthodox one, means that the questioner will have a happy fate, unexpected help, social exaltation.

Two winding lines parallel to each other leading to an elevation on which the correct cross stands - some obstacles in achievement await a person, but fate will not turn away from him, he will reach heights and be happy.

Cross near the face - you will meet a person with whom you will be connected all your life.

The oblique cross symbolizes defenselessness, vulnerability, restriction of freedom, a person himself is not able to come to the right decision, arrange his life the way he wants. An oblique cross near a kite - failures, dangerous enemies, a manifestation of violence, the danger of injury.

Three crosses mean success in business and in society, two crosses - the fulfillment of a desire. Four or more crosses - a long illness or some kind of great misfortune. The more squares on the plate, the more failures, troubles, quarrels, slander, and so on.


The image symbolizes danger, violence, serious illnesses. If you see a crocodile with an open mouth near a child's figure, the child is in danger.

Circles, circles and circles

If, among other figures, circles, circles predominate in their numbers, then this means receiving money or any valuables in the near future. If the circles are very rare, then this is a sure sign of a disorder in the case, etc. A circle with four very bright points means for a woman a quick release from the burden, and for a man, the denouement of a case either in court or in trade.

Large numerous mugs - betrothal is coming, children will brighten up your life.

Small circles, dots - the image promises that the questioner will have a monetary profit, he will make a successful deal.

A dark circle means that a serious illness will happen, trouble is coming.

Many circles connected to each other symbolize a large family, the birth of a child.

If one of the circles containing four points is accompanied by a sinuous, i.e. serpentine, line, this means that the child born will have a great mind.

If oval figures come out, and in large numbers, then this means complete success in the upcoming business.

When a sinuous and crooked line forms a second circle near the circle, it is a sure sign that the child to be born will have an outstanding ability in some branch.


An image that brings gossip, nervousness, conflicts into your life; there will be interference in your life from the outside.

A rat near a man in a robe - troubles with the law are expected, persecution, long unresolved court cases, loss in court.

Between the two contours of faces - the danger of divorce, evil, trouble from a loved one, possibly a marriage partner, treason.


This image symbolizes the rejection of responsibility, the desire for a carefree life, the desire to arrange things with the wrong hands.


At the bottom of the cup, this image symbolizes chores, the desire for home comfort, profit, as well as some very profitable events for the questioner.


If you see a coachman at the bottom of the cup of the questioner, it means that this person has good abilities, knowledge, he seeks to change something in his life, longs for change, travel, but their time has not yet come.


This image symbolizes perseverance, perseverance, this (asking) person will definitely prove himself in some area. A lamp with a lampshade symbolizes the overwhelmed desire of the questioner to retire, to hide from other people.


A true symbol of the fact that there will be well-being in the family, happiness in the house.

Secret desires will come true. A secure destiny awaits you.


The image of this bird symbolizes comfort, improved well-being, moving to a new apartment, favorable changes. Good luck awaits you, perhaps a new lover, do not forget to see if there are letters nearby, they can tell you a lot.

A swan with open wings means that you have good intuition, sensitivity, the ability to foresee, navigate the upcoming situation.

If this swan is near the "house" - expect an inheritance or an unexpected acquisition of some property.

For a woman - marriage with an elderly partner. The tendency to be overweight won't hurt her.

A dark swan or with other bad indicators symbolizes deceit, the danger of alcoholism, drug poisoning, illness.

Next to the rat - danger from thieves, scammers.

The questioner will have vigorous activity, he has the opportunity to rise above the vicissitudes of fate, a reasonable organization of the matter will allow him to enlist the patronage of influential and high-ranking persons.

A large lion with a proudly raised head in the middle of the cup symbolizes victory over oneself, the achievement of popularity, fame, and a high position. The questioner will have a life of comfort, material well-being.

A lion near a dark mountain means that due to the intervention of people in power, failures will arise, obstacles in work, and monetary losses are possible. Possible heart disease.

Angry lion - conflict, premature challenge, unfavorable change.

Perhaps he will incur the hostility of high-ranking officials. Danger of injury, wounds.

For a person born under the "water" sign of the Zodiac, a lion seen at the bottom of a cup means the danger of accidents, serious illnesses.


A good and kind image, meaning that the questioner has a new life ahead, all kinds of changes, global processes, the ability to transform situations, and overcome obstacles.


This image symbolizes hope and passion.


Lines large and small mean, if they stand out a little, success, wealth, a happy carefree life, calm old age, honor from others. If there are few lines, but they are bright, then this means security, a comfortable life in the future.

If there is a rather long line in the middle of the plate - two or three inches, then this portends a journey for you. If there are figures on this line or some other objects cross it, then the journey will not be entirely successful. If there are dots or bumps on the line, then there will be a trip abroad or a very long journey through a mountainous country or across the seas.

One straight long line - longevity, good health.

Two parallel straight lines on the surface of the thick mean that the questioner will have to travel for a long time.

Two parallel short lines - a trip for a short period of time.

A lot of short lines - difficulties in business, and not dependent on the person himself.

A wavy or continuous line around the circumference of the entire cup is a long trip abroad.

Broken, interrupted lines - obstacles, financial problems.

Straight lines, and between them a dot - the beginning of new affairs, there will be a choice.

Near the fish on the hook - the danger of blackmail, threats. Danger of violent death.

Near the fish and the mask - danger from secret enemies.

Near a shark with an open mouth and a distorted face - beware of fits of rage, schizophrenia threatens.


This image symbolizes loss, theft, treachery. Around you are cunning, selfish friends, lies, robbery.

A fox surrounded by human figures or faces - you are surrounded by envious, greedy people, do not trust them.

The fox next to the number 6 surrounded by dark spots - skin, allergic diseases. Disappointment in a partner, lover, upcoming disagreements in marriage.


If you saw a face with a long nose at the bottom of the cup, this means that a certain person will be interested in your affairs, life. At the same time, they will be led by black envy and a desire to mischief.

Next to the dark letter B - due to gossip, intrigues of "well-wishers" in the family, conflicts, distrust, jealousy will arise.

A face with a hunchbacked nose seems to warn - be careful, a double game is being played against you. They want to take advantage of you or somehow substitute.

A face with a snub nose - you can do frivolous things. Wrong judgments, premature conclusions will harm you, much is done to your own detriment.

A person with a damaged nose means future losses, troubles, misfortune.


The questioner will have to travel, the opportunity to break out of the usual routine circle of worries, change their place of residence, work.

Next to bad images, the boat symbolizes doom, loss of home, wandering, emigration.

A spoon

This image symbolizes gastrointestinal diseases, the danger of poisoning.


If you dreamed of a shovel at the top of the cup, the questioner will have to find what was lost. A shovel in the hands of a woman is an inheritance. A shovel near a cross or square is painful news of the loss of a loved one.


This image means that you will be engaged in work that will bring moral, intellectual satisfaction. Success in sports. financial profit.

A rider on a horse - a change in profession, work, travel, travel, unexpected news. Successful marriage.

A horse next to a straight line means that if you take good care of your health, you will live a long life.

A horse next to a rat - this image seems to say: be attentive to your health, beware of an accident. Circumstances are conducive to conflicts, quarrels.

Bow with arrow

The image portends sure success with recognition, social upsurge. Fate develops for a person in such a way that he can change his position, correct mistakes, restore health, create a family. This sign symbolizes restoration, balance, achievement of a high position, a person finds himself in life.


This image, which appeared at the bottom of the cup, means that you are being watched, followed, collecting information about your personal life.

A big dark frog should cause serious alarm - it portends a natural disaster.


The image of the Mother of God symbolizes happiness, recovery, purification, auspicious events. Do not refuse good undertakings, assistance, charity.


This image in coffee patterns symbolizes that the questioner is surrounded by false friends, around him is deceit, hypocrisy, pretense, superficial friendship.

A man in a dark mask (ninja) holding a torch in his hand - the questioner will be overtaken by the news of a serious illness or death of loved ones.


The pendulum seen on the surface of the thick symbolizes the manifestation of inconstancy, negligence. Are you looking for new adventures? Not finishing one thing, you take on another. All around you is enmity, jealousy, intrigue. A restless life will not bring the questioner to good.


This image at the bottom of the cup symbolizes affection, love for many years, worship of an idol. Family comfort.


This image symbolizes the coming positive changes. A favorable period for you is already approaching, a pleasant acquaintance is about to happen, which will change your whole life. Soon you will have an opportunity to use old connections or have to take part in a successful trade.

If on the surface of the thick you saw a bear's head or torso surrounded by jagged lines, this means that you should pay attention to health. If the bear is near the ring - perhaps there will be an opportunity to enter into a marriage with a wealthy partner, partner. Next to the straight line - a business trip to foreign countries is ahead. Near several lines - your projects are unrealistic.


An image symbolizing conflict, there will be a quarrel with friends. Discord in the family is possible. Bad publicity, slander will hurt you.

This image symbolizes the manifestation of willpower, power. You have victory ahead of you. But next to bad images, this image warns that you are in danger.


This image symbolizes prosperity, the questioner will have good luck in commerce, well-paid work. The restoration of health and strength is also expected.


This astral symbol indicates that the asker's life failures and troubles are left behind, help and support from friends are ahead. For patients, it is a return to life. The person will follow the intended path and reach the desired goal.

sage (thinker)

The questioner is overwhelmed with mental activity, the manifestation of intellectual capabilities. In the upcoming situation, a manifestation of dexterity and dexterity is necessary. You will benefit from friendship with a certain person. Big incomes from intellectual activity, success in trade are expected.

A sage on a dark background means that you are overwhelmed by the hardships of life. Don't beat yourself up too much. Life is not as hard as it seems.

The male

If at the bottom of the cup you saw a man in a dungeon, over whose head a statue hovers, this means that the questioner is in danger of temporary imprisonment, prison, but friends and influential people will help him gain freedom.

A man dressed in a mantle symbolizes justice, moral principles. The questioner will be popular. Excellent service career, material well-being. Friendship, contacts with a wealthy partner. In cases involving the law, a good lawyer will help you.

If a woman sees a man on a chair or on an armchair, then soon she will be in a good meeting, or in a theater, or in a society where something very pleasant awaits her.

The sinister figure of a man in a judge's cap warns that the questioner is in danger of trouble with the law, lawsuits, embezzlement, wastefulness, infidelity in marriage. Scandal over money, division of property.

Next to the dark number 6, this image hints that the questioner may experience a disorder of arterial circulation, accumulation of excess fluid in the body, impaired blood circulation in the kidneys, and hypertension.

With a dark obscure shadow - you are characterized by sudden surges in pressure.

A person standing next to an animal - the image suggests that someone is trying to help you.

If a young man is read in the guise at the bottom of the cup, this image is to be separated.


This is a rather ancient symbol of ingenuity, insight, diligence, thrift.

The questioner will have a long and painstaking work.

He will need a lot of strength in order to achieve the necessary goal. In a few months, the work will be rewarded.

An anthill seen at the bottom of a cup means that you will have faithful and reliable friends.


Just as in real life all sorts of microbes stick to flies, so the astral projection of this image means that the inquirer has great wealth and inheritance ahead.


This image, seen on the surface of the thick, means that the questioner will have conflicts with the law, he is in danger of imprisonment.

This symbol indicates that decisive action, enterprise are now needed, a person takes the initiative into his own hands. Applying pressure, insistent demands. Finding ways to implement plans. If this image is adjacent to bad images, the questioner is in danger, surgical intervention.

The brought knife speaks of the desire to suppress, subdue, the questioner is threatened with hidden blackmail.


This image symbolizes practicality, doing useful, necessary things. Dexterity in work, independent laying of life paths.

Next to bad images - the questioner is in store for a break in relations with a loved one, all sorts of obstacles lie in wait for him.

A monkey

If you dreamed of a big, dark monkey in the center of the cup, this means that you are in danger of deceit, boasting from your partner, friends. The threat of a major scandal.

In general, the monkey symbolizes revenge, struggle, fits of rage do not contribute to the establishment of normal relationships with people.

The monkey on the tree speaks of job dissatisfaction, careerism. You have to endure whims and resentment from the opposite sex. You will have marital problems.

The monkey next to the rooster seems to say that they can laugh at you, make you a laughingstock.

A monkey next to the bars - the questioner is characterized by excessive suspicion, suspiciousness, leading to a loss of energy. Man himself creates obstacles, illnesses.


This image suggests that the questioner is in danger during a certain meeting.


The image seen at the bottom of the cup indicates that you will be successful. You are proud, but good-natured. With the power of your generosity, you will overcome all obstacles that stand in your way. It is necessary to take care of a marriage partner, a loved one, a secure family life.


This image suggests that the questioner is characterized by good health, significant vitality. There will be an increase in its popularity. He has to acquire power and prestige.

Above or near a horse - this image symbolizes recognition of merit, meetings with influential people. Interesting, important trips. Stunning news.

A titled eagle (with a crown or halo) means that this person will live the rest of his life in prosperity and honors.

An eagle near a dove - unity, good luck through cooperation. The sympathy of an influential person is also possible. A man in an influential position will turn his favorable attention to you.

A flying eagle means that the questioner is ahead of the achievement of a high position in society. His intellect will bring him recognition in the spiritual realms. This sign at the bottom of the cup predicts the achievement of great heights, however, the questioner will have few friends.

Agricultural implements

To see a rake - to a change of life, a plow - to a harvest, a shovel - to wealth.


Any weapon at the bottom of the cup in any position is clearly seen as a quarrel, and the more effective the weapon, the more dangerous the quarrel will be. An arrow is a sudden news of a loved one, a gun is a hunt with consequences; horns - fight against enemies.

A very bad image that exacerbates all bad images and neutralizes all good images. Enmity, hostility, insult, humiliation will fall upon you.


This picture at the bottom of the cup portends a change of residence. An island with trees - there will be a favorable change in your life, accompanying material prosperity and success in business.


An image that indicates that the questioner is characterized by extreme suspicion, an increased interest in the life and affairs of other people.


This image at the bottom of the cup is a sure sign of equanimity and calmness.

Next to good signs, this sign speaks of luxury, splendor, vanity.

A peacock with an open tail in a clean place means the acquisition of significant real estate. The same sign, surrounded by dots, promises a luxurious life. If there is a ring next to him, a rich marriage awaits you soon.

The symbol of a peacock at the bottom of a cup in a blurred environment predicts that vanity will not lead you to good. You pay too much attention to ostentatious luxury, which will soon lead to trouble.

The same sign at the edge of the cup will bring happiness to the questioner, the holiday will come to his street. He has success ahead of him.

A peacock stepping on the heart portends heart disease. If a peacock stands next to the crown, then this sign speaks of balance, this person will become the master of the situation.

With poor performance, this sign speaks of losses, obstacles, and a fall.


This image, even on a cemetery tombstone, suggests that the questioner is characterized by the observance of traditions, in connection with this, he is expected to receive an inheritance.

A female statue with a wreath on her head - freedom, salvation, peace.

If this is the American Statue of Liberty - liberation from some painful circumstances is coming.

Folder with papers

This image says that the questioner has good, successful plans that require very little to come true. See what the neighboring images suggest.


In general, this image symbolizes cunning, secrecy, diplomacy, and various subterfuges. You are surrounded by intrigue, an unpleasant surprise awaits.

A spider in a clean place says that you can achieve prosperity if you are smarter. The same sign at the bottom of the cup suggests that you are too secretive, and it would be wise to ask for advice from a confidant and not listen to the promises of a subtle flatterer. The same sign near the handle of the cup - there is someone in your environment who is secretly trying to undermine the honor of your family; at the edge of the cup - a sign of the need for protection from those who are trying to set traps for careless and reckless people.

The loop

This is an extremely unfavorable sign, which does not fit in with anything good, but, on the contrary, crosses out all the good. The questioner is in danger of violent death, secret obstacles.


A sign that speaks of the ability to adapt to circumstances, the questioner will have a rich partner. Excellent opportunity to achieve personal ambitions. You have to experience family harmony, well-being, new news.

Rooster on the hill - future happiness, marriage.

A rooster collecting grains is ahead of a big win, cash profit.

Rooster with a chicken - beneficial cooperation, friendship, common interests, marriage, union are expected.

Rooster at the top of the cup - soon you will hear amazing, very good news. Rooster at the bottom of the cup - someone is trying to harm you. Rooster upside down - a sharp change for the better is expected.


This sign at the bottom of the cup symbolizes the coming promotion, victory over oneself, overcoming fears, difficulties, the questioner will find a way out of any dangerous situation.


Most often it is a sign of scandal and quarrels, bringing trouble.

Sometimes this is a sign that portends important news from afar, mediation (look at the images adjacent to it). Next to bad signs - portends deceit, gossip, an unsuccessful trip.


As the dishes suddenly beat, slipping out of the hands, so the questioner will have some kind of sudden meeting, not necessarily unfavorable.


If you notice a bird on a plate, this means that you will soon have well-being. If a bird flying is a nuisance, a beating one is also, a singing one is good.


This is a sign symbolizing diligence, ingenuity, thrift.

The questioner is waiting for an improvement in the financial situation. For the sick (remember, honey is health) - the coming recovery. If the bee is near the handle of the cup, expect unrest in the house. Social gatherings are possible, at the bottom of the cup - domestic troubles, a lot of work and confusion.

At the edge of the cup - a visit to public places of recreation or intellectual secular entertainment.

This astral image symbolizes that the questioner is characterized by an excessive, sensitive perception of surrounding events. A successful trip is ahead, but with some worries.


If this sign is clearly read at the bottom of the questioner's cup, try to give him the interpretation as delicately as possible - he is threatened not only by obstacles, but also by disasters, illnesses, and most likely, the danger of imprisonment.


Like everything in our life connected with this flower, it can mean only one thing - love, some kind of passion, however, transient, like the freshness of this flower itself.

If you dreamed of a wreath of roses, glory, honors, also fleeting, await the questioner.

This image at the bottom of the cup symbolizes modesty, diligence; on the walls of the cup - good friends; in the middle - good news.


The man with long arms that you saw at the bottom of the cup - the questioner is characterized by a reasonable, practical attitude to life. He needs to continue to show prudence, decisive action, diligence. Let him not leave faith in success. A stable position and good earnings will soon be established in his life.

Next to the number 5 - there will be an acquaintance with a person who (who) will become spiritually and physically close.

Next to the sinister figure of a lion, this is a sign that relations at work and with partners will soon worsen. The questioner is threatened with diseases caused by cold, overwork, or there will be an exacerbation of chronic diseases, cardiovascular disorders.

A man with short arms at the bottom of your cup symbolizes laziness, a careless attitude to life. The desire to live at the expense of others, an idle lifestyle will not lead to anything good. Earnings obtained dishonestly will lead to a sad outcome.


This image symbolizes significant material well-being, profit, gain. A large fish symbolizes important events; a big deal is expected in your life. See how not to miss it, otherwise it is “slippery” like a fish. If you notice a lot of fish - to the soon ball, triumph.


Astral sign, symbolizing the coming ascension. New projects will inspire you. In a clean place - and suddenly an elevation, a promotion! If the plane is visible near the handle of the cup, new projects will be successful. If at the bottom - unsuccessful projects. A broken, burning, diving plane is in trouble. The blurry outlines of the aircraft surrounded by spots indicate the danger of losing position, a lot of obstacles.

If there is a favorable sign nearby - an anchor or a horseshoe - then there is a chance to overcome obstacles with perseverance and perseverance.


This image symbolizes that you will meet a happy accident that changes your life. The questioner expects material well-being, marriage, union.


Seeing a heart is a sign of imminent love.


A complex and ambiguous image, indicating that you will have a period of struggle, disagreement. There may be trouble because of friends. As ever, you will be sensitive and irritable. Don't give in to depression. This period is short, a streak of luck will come soon.

A dark scorpion next to a tree - the questioner is in trouble with his brothers, relatives.

Next to the hedgehog - a fight with the enemy, a fight, a quarrel, an injury from sharp, cutting objects is expected.

Scorpio surrounded by snakes is a dangerous and destructive sign, it warns of the danger of catastrophes, suicidal tendencies.


This image, appearing in our coffee patterns, is interpreted in the most positive way. Unexpected happiness and success will come to you. A friend will appear on whom you can rely. You tend to be attached to your craft, profession. It seems that in the near future you will give a lot of time to your work.

Seeing the head and shape of a dog next to a human figure, you can rely on the devotion of a true friend.

If the head or shape of the dog is near the circle of the plate, then this serves as a guarantee of fidelity on the part of the wife and husband.


An image symbolizing wisdom, faith in oneself, in one's own strengths. Remember Pallas Athena, who was often depicted with an owl on her shoulder.

The questioner has a practical and prudent approach to business, a mature attitude to life. However, despite this, this sign is not always good, and most often even bad. If you have to enter into a new enterprise, then failure, big losses and problems in business await you. If you do not take precautions, an owl at the bottom of the cup means illness and poverty, at the edge of the cup - deceit in love.

A dark owl or surrounded by dark divorces - aggravation of situations, quarrels, conflicts, separation, rash, risky actions.

Next to the flawed moon, she warns that you are threatened with the loss of older relatives, widowhood.

A dark owl on the roof of the house is a danger of fire, family discord.


If you dreamed of this image at the bottom of the cup, it means that you will gain power, your personality will gain recognition, you will be rewarded for your work and long life.


The table seen at the bottom of the cup symbolizes that you have intellectual activity ahead. If he stands straight and is seen immediately, then this activity will not be unsuccessful. Expected success in writing and scientific work. Finally, the release of a long-awaited book, magazine or other similar brainchild will occur.


Even if it’s not even a throne, but a more modest seat, all the same, this sign symbolizes greatness and a certain sign of success, promotion, getting an advantageous place, inheritance.


Like almost everything stabbing, cutting, chopping, this sign indicates that the questioner is in danger, injury, illness.


This sign in the thick indicates that the questioner is characterized by a manifestation of activity, strong will, firmness of character. He is overwhelmed by the desire to create, to create. You will resist life's problems, achieve honors, power.


In general, triangles always mean very good. An oblong triangle means a quarrel with his wife or with someone close to him.

A triangle in the form of a strung rosary means that your goal will be achieved, but not soon. If a crown with a cross comes out on a plate, this means the death of a loved one, and a circle with a cross - for marriage, that is, for an imminent wedding.

The triangle means an honorable and profitable position; if these triangles are close one next to the other, this is a sure sign of imminent wealth.


An extremely vague sign that does not bode well. Most likely, the questioner will have to attend various public gathering places - rallies, some public gatherings, perhaps he will be seriously disturbed by news of hostilities and disasters. Or else - will receive news from afar.


This sign brings the questioner some good news, fleeting joy. Look at the neighboring images, maybe they will clarify the circumstances. Most often, other, much more disturbing and threatening images coexist with similar signs of short-term joy.


A window or a window leaf is theft, a table is an invitation to dinner or a ball, a pot is a profit, a bank is good, a sieve is a loss.


Finally, you have hope for a happy and favorable outcome. Soon a certain accident is expected in your life, as a result of which an improvement in material well-being will occur.

With this astral sign, the thick promises you an increase in income, trading on water will be very profitable.

If a duckling is seen, it means that your fears are groundless, your spouse is faithful to you.

If a duckling (duck) is next to a wolf, beware of envious people.


Alas, this astral symbol portends you to soon receive news of the death of some familiar or close person to you.


This charming symbol indicates that the questioner (if it is a man) will marry some very rich person.

If this image is in a cup belonging to a woman, this is a hint that she should not miss the opportunity to use her charm.


In the symbolism of images, this is a symbol of victory, the fulfillment of desire, the achievement of a goal.


This flower is a sure sign that late love will visit you soon.


The questioner will be given unexpected support, service, blessing. Do not refuse the help of an influential person, your future will depend on it.


If you saw this sign in the thick, it means that the questioner will have an improvement in family life, the creation of a family. He is going through a period of revival, a good start is expected for all things. Spiritual and material satisfaction.

This sign in the center of the cup can also mean an acquaintance with a certain spiritual person. Connection with religion will help you find purification, comfort, show you the way out of difficulties.


The numbers at the bottom of the cup are of great importance for delineating the situation in which the questioner finds himself. If, when divining on a plate, you see a number in the drawings, this means that you will get something good, and very soon. If there is a figure one of those that patronize you in life, this means: your fate will soon change for the better.

1 - they love you.

2 - failure, illness.

3 - a successful trade deal.

4 - hope for good luck.

5 - gossip, empty talk.

6 - marriage.

7 - family happiness, success in love.

8 - a quarrel with a loved one.

9 - meeting new people.

10 - luck, you're lucky.

100 - happy life.


A suitcase seen in the thick indicates that a streak of luck is expected in all matters, very soon you will receive financial profit. Have a good trip, vacation.

Near a certain face - be careful, you can be robbed on the road.


Just as the tortoise, despite all its slowness, tends to travel considerable distances both by land and by sea, this sign at the bottom of the cup also symbolizes the long journey ahead of the questioner, at the end of which he will have a long, prosperous life.


If the quadrangle is surrounded by a cross, this means the infidelity of the person they are guessing about.

If the quadrangle is crossed by a line, then treason will be prevented in time.

If there is a circle among the quadrangle - to a good married life.

Hat (hat)

To see a hat or a human head in a hat at the bottom of the cup means for the questioner to earn a great honor. More specifically, the upcoming circumstances must be determined depending on what signs, good or bad, will be in the neighborhood, since the honor received can be fraught with great difficulties, dangers and damage. Next to good signs, for example with a dog, this means that a friend will come to the rescue in time.

A sign symbolizing the receipt by the questioner of protection, getting rid of enemies - strong and hating. He will receive salvation from moral and material disasters.


This is a sign symbolizing rest after the labors of the righteous. If it is visible at the bottom of the cup - some success awaits you on the water, a cruise or other trip is possible. If he is at the edge of the cup, constant love will be your haven for the rest of your life.

In the middle of the cup, an anchor surrounded by dots is a journey with “interest”, an image that symbolizes success, successful business, commerce.

You will be able to make big money, and all thanks to water. Anchor with links at the top - a well-deserved rest, abundance. A sign in a blurry environment, incomprehensible lines around it - very dangerous enterprises are ahead, success, if any, is very remote.


An image symbolizing that you really need speed and agility in carrying out the necessary things. In this case, luck and success will accompany you. You will live the rest of your life in communion with nature, the earth.

A lizard on fire or next to a threatening crow means that you are threatened with betrayal and revenge by one of the people who claim friendship (see also Amphibians).


A quadrangular box means a letter, an oblong box means a telegram, a narrow box means unpleasant news or just news of a close deceased.

A (letter)
portends victory

If the car is clearly visible, a journey is expected; if the lines are blurred, there are some worries ahead.

Happy love

Help and protection from an unknown well-wisher. Good news, unexpected joy.

The joy of receiving money or a gift.

This is the symbol of lovers. Family harmony, for a single or unmarried - a successful solution to love affairs.

B (letter)
The power is in your hands.

Butterfly can mean a person who is younger than you and has a lot of influence on you. If a butterfly appears at the top of the cup, very interesting events may happen to you that will allow you to fully feel young and happy. Also, BUTTERFLY, when interpreted, can mean a love letter. Frivolous, innocent adventures, if with dots - the risk of wasting life.

You are traveling in a dream, but who is stopping you from turning your dreams into reality?

Success and support of friends. Any of your ideas will find supporters.

Most often, this sign appears in the cup of gifted people, and if success has not yet come to them, then everything is still ahead.

You take on several things at once. Often this leads to a waste of time and energy. Set priorities for yourself.

If the shoe is clearly visible in the cup, your position is comfortable, and both neighbors and friends love you. If the boot is poorly drawn, the opposite is true. Torn - a threat of failure and shame.

Inconstancy in relationships.
At the bottom of the cup, a tambourine means that you have abandoned some kind of love affair, but you cannot completely get this relationship out of your head. In the middle part of the cup - you really want to get caught in the net, spin in some kind of dizzying romance ...
At the top of the cup - expect some new relationship - love or friendship.


Happiness, especially if there is a triangle nearby.

Health problems, caution.

It is worth being afraid of the ill-wisher. Try to determine who he is and take retaliatory measures. Danger.
Above and clearly visible - get a large amount of money for your work; below and clear - treatment and health.

Profit, money.

Good health.

V (letter)
This letter means that you have some kind of grief.
This sign is always associated with money. If the vase stands upright, then you are a generous person! If the vase is tilted, be careful: you may lose money.
The symbol has a double meaning: if the bucket is standing - success in business, if it lies on its side - if possible, refrain from transactions.
You are on the right track and you will achieve everything you set out to do.
Success in business.
Changes in yourself and those around you.
Obstacles, difficulties and anxieties. Something is blocking your happiness. Also, the sign CAMEL can mean wealth.
The rope can be tied to something - then you have health problems; if it is folded, financial difficulties await you.
Now is the time when you have to give something and receive nothing in return.
Litigation is possible. Balanced scales - justice will prevail, unbalanced - injustice.
Success that will be achieved as a result of hard work, not talent.
Quarreling; litigation.
Rich and luxurious life.
You are full of energy. You are full of ideas and plans.
Change of residence, travel.
This symbol is often found in the cups of people who have suffered a serious illness or committed a brave act.
A secret that needs to be kept quiet.
It is always a question, a doubt. See what other symbols are next to the question mark - they will tell you what to do.
Misfortune in the house.
HORSEMAN - help from a strong person.
Passions can overwhelm you and cause harm.
Perhaps you have to solve some personal problems or defend your share in the will. All this is unpleasant, but it is better to be prepared for this.

G (letter)
Put candles in the temple of St. George.
Success and honors.
You have a unique ability to convince people of anything. You may be treated unfairly.
Wedding - yours or someone else's; happy event.
Attractiveness and charm.
Be careful and careful, especially in business.
In the middle part of the cup, the symbol shows that circumstances are favorable to you, try at this time to get from life what you have long planned.
There will be a change in life.
Do you love to travel; you have friends abroad.
The nest can also be seen in the cups of people whose professional work is connected with children. And if the person who is guessing has no children, but the nest appeared in a cup, then you have a lot of animals at home.
Reflections; memories. A thought has stuck in your head. If there are initials nearby, this person haunts you. If there are no initials, you are too fond of reflection. Digging in yourself.
Strong patron, strong protector, wants to help you
There is some danger ahead, a little danger.
A young friend who has a good effect on your life, a beneficial effect on you and your destiny.
Your protection.
False promises.
HEAD AND FIGURE OF A DOG near a circle with several faces.
Marital fidelity.
Pure, honest soul.
You are striving for the summit and will soon reach it if the mountain is clearly visible. If the contours of the mountain are fuzzy - most likely you need to think carefully about how to achieve the goal again. If you see more than one mountain, you have multiple targets.
A happy home, but things need to be put in order and lifestyle adjusted.
If the sign is at the bottom of the cup, you reap what you sow. With this in mind, it is worth making the right decision. A rake in the middle of the cup - thanks to your diligence, you are able to turn a barn into a palace. At the top of the cup - money is in your way. It is worth preparing a "rake" to get more money.
Woe, sadness.
Serious disease.
Growth, weight gain.
To the addition to the family. It does not always mean a child, it can be puppies or kittens.
Comfort and prosperity.
It's always just love.

No money.
Unexpected lottery.
Mutual love.
Soon marriage, marriage.
Quarrel, divorce, betrayal.
Close marriage, long happiness.
Success in a new venture.
You can count on a significant amount. If money appeared at the bottom of the cup, they will not arrive soon or you have a lot of debt.
Money is always money. The more coins visible in the cup, the more money.
You are a person who overcomes difficulties, a strong person. You know your worth. Plans will be fulfilled, desires will be fulfilled. Fame, glory.
The airship in the cup says that you can afford to be different. Follow the events, act on time - and soon what you want will be yours. Creativity will help you achieve the desired results.
The symbol has a complex interpretation. A strong, good house means well-being, reliability, especially in business, you can start new business. Poorly traced walls - troubles at home are possible. If the house has a crooked roof, there will be problems with the neighbors. Home is the place where you feel good, where you are at home ... The figures closest to it belong to your family.
Ahead - luck, success, family happiness.
Family happiness.
Get your own home.
Things are for the best.
Travel and adventure. The trip is about to take place.
Victory, triumph.
You have a dangerous enemy.

E (letter)
Conscience is clear.
Warning symbol. Your kindness can be harmful. You can't be good to everyone, they won't appreciate it anyway. You can be used for their own selfish purposes.

Zh (letter)
Clarification of relations between relatives, intra-family strife, discontent of the mother-in-law, expressed and unspoken.
A toad or a frog in a cup is a good sign for those who are going to start a family. But beware of flattery and flatterers.
A seduction that will bring many problems to a man who is carried away by her.
sincere friend; near a rose - a mistress for a young man; near the tulip - a dangerous girlfriend.
Big trouble on the part of the woman.
Do you love spending time in nature? this symbol can mean a person associated with conservation activities, as well as just an amateur gardener.
ANIMAL (not a dog and a horse) is an enemy.
Longevity, strength, endurance. This sign is most often found in cups of centenarians.

3 (letter)
Worries, chores, endless household chores.
You are too stubborn and it bothers you. Obstacles from all sides. You will not be free in your actions and plans.
You work too hard; It's time to take a break and pay attention to those around you. Also, this sign means a strong character, often overwhelming others.
Either you yourself are an inert person, or circumstances develop in such a way that others decide everything for you. Even if you finally decided to change something, now is not the time to break through a closed door.
An obstacle to success.
Cowardice, inability to grasp the prospect. Shyness.
Fulfillment of desires. Lucky sign in all positions. Freedom, liberation. A five-pointed star is success, but without joy, a 6-pointed star is luck, a 7-pointed star is sadness, an 8-pointed star is an accident.
You have a hard time getting along with people.
If you saw a snake in your cup, you can safely make an important decision. Maybe - treason. Someone is plotting against you.
You will meet a person with the indicated zodiac sign. Look at the sign of the zodiac and determine by the position in the cup what awaits you with a person born under this constellation.
You are protected from adversity and turmoil. If the umbrella is open - the degree of your security is higher, and you are completely isolated from trouble. If it is closed, there is protection, but weak: you will have to work hard yourself.

I (letter)
Revealing secrets.
Sadness, tears, melancholy.

K (letter)
Buy yourself a cross.
Easy money.
Jealousy leads to complications in life.
When interpreting the symbol, you should pay attention to the suit of the cards. If the card is at the bottom of the cup, money from the past will come.

If there are clubs at the bottom, this is the money that you have earned, which you should receive.
If the worms - someone will give you money.
If spades - you will win the lawsuit.
Diamonds - you can win money.
If the card appears in the middle of the cup, good luck and luck await you.
Clubs - this is the luck you have earned.
Worms - you will be lucky with the help of friends and family.
Peaks - how long have you been waiting for this good luck!
Tambourines - you owe your luck to your intellect.
If the card appears at the top of the cup - count on a grand undertaking.
Also, the appearance of cards can be interpreted as clubs - a new undertaking is associated with work; if worms, this is probably a new love affair; peaks - new adventures; diamonds - new capital investments or financial acquisitions.
If today's connection bothers you, do not worry - it will soon be interrupted. If, on the contrary, you want to maintain a relationship with someone, be prepared for the fact that you have to work on it.
A harbinger of a happy, prosperous life.
You are a true romantic, but too careless.
Enmity, loss. Passion, impulsiveness or conspiracies of enemies.
Wait for guests. If the symbol appears opposite the handle, near the rim, the mysterious guest will reveal the secret.
Small profit, some success in work.
You are talented.
In all positions, clover means the same thing - you are a happy person, you are always lucky. All problems will be solved, everything will end well.
You have enough ability to succeed. All doors are open to you. Assess the situation correctly, and new opportunities will open up.
You have to learn something new, increase your intelligence. Open - litigation in court, closed - difficult search.
You are a very hospitable person, you attract people with your warmth and sense of humor, you are loved by children and animals.
You work too hard, think about your health.
As a rule, the bell appears in the cup just before the wedding. If the bell stands straight, good news; if it rings, the news is very important.
The ring has several interpretations: the whole - a wedding, torn - difficulties in marriage or even divorce. In addition, the adjacent symbol is of great importance. How many rings - so many weddings. If the ring is solid and bright - and the wedding will be what you need; if it is weakly drawn, there are difficulties regarding the wedding.
Engagement, wedding, important union.
Two rings - the implementation of all plans.
Trouble with neighbors. Guest from afar.
You will need strength to protect yourself. Learn more about your opponents - and success is guaranteed to you.
If the spear points up, a brilliant future can be expected. If down, what you expected will happen, but it will happen a little differently.
Get ready for big changes in your life. Close luck.
Interference, obstacles. Do not try to go ahead, it is better to just bypass the obstacle. The basket symbolizes time as such. The basket can be tipped or filled. We must be extremely careful not to scatter what is in it, go more slowly.
Always a good sign that brings joy. When you see the box in your cup, you are sure to enjoy it. The gift will not disappoint you. Joy, luck, success.
You will meet an old friend or former lover. Happiness is ahead of you.
You are disappointed with your lot in life. If this symbol appeared in a cup, it means that someone is preventing you from expressing yourself, they suppress you and do not allow you to do what you would like.
Receiving an inheritance. Inheritance does not always mean receiving money. Instead, you can get some priceless gift or talent that cannot be exchanged for any good in the world.
You are a strong person, distinguished by an enviable constancy. Your inner energy attracts people.
A secret to be kept. The cat in the cup calls you to silence. As long as you remain silent, no one can harm you.
Poverty, ruin. Your false friend is spreading gossip behind your back.
You have aptitude for the occult sciences.
Sad news.
Happiness in family life.
Possibility of an accident.
Removed - you are smart, uncleaned - undisciplined.
You should be more careful in business matters. Be especially careful if there is an initial next to the symbol and it denotes a person you doubt. If the symbol is at the top of the cup, you are on the eve of making the wrong decision.
Creative start. This symbol refers not only to art, but in general to the development of creative thought, creative fertility. Fearfulness.
Changes in life, new opportunities. Wherever you see a circle in the cup, it always brings changes.
Excellent relationships with others.
New acquaintance.
Betrayal, loss. You have unreliable friends who can go into the camp of enemies.
Good health.
Thoughts about home; news from relatives. You will help some stranger.
Despite the wisdom and insight, you need to be more realistic about yourself. The case will fail.

L (letter)
Love, suddenly flashed feelings, perhaps at first sight.
You understand people well, feel their moods and desires.
An unexpected journey with a happy ending.
Unexpected or random money. Good, quiet life.
You are a good-natured but proud person. You have great inner strength, thanks to which you have achieved a lot in life. Power, nobility.
Mistake in life.
Career advancement.
Longevity; friendship. In many cases, a bat signifies the arrival of a stranger who will come into your life and help you. Beware of conspiracies and false friends.
Constancy, friendship. At the bottom of the cup is a quarrel.
You succumbed to one of the worst feelings - envy.
Illness, indecision, uncertainty, sometimes loss.
Happy carefree life, it will pass carelessly and uselessly
An intricate journey, a long one that depends on lines and surroundings
Adventure and sickness.
There is an evil enemy to beware of.
Personal difficulties, resentment, difficulties and sorrows for a loved one.
Have a nice trip.
Be attentive to your affairs - they leave much to be desired.
Lots of broken lines
material difficulties.
Health and longevity.
Close, good trip.
Auspicious sign. Your intelligence and wit draw people to you. Any of your initiatives will be accepted.
Someone wants to insult you, but he will not succeed. Deception, fraud, trickery, cunning.
If the leaf is whole - you have good health, if the leaf is torn - health problems.
Strong protection.
Romantic dreams. The search for a life path. You will find shelter in difficult times.
Success is problematic. Now is not the time to take risks.
At the top of the cup - finding the lost, where they did not hope to find. But in most cases, when the shovel is at the top, it means that the person is facing financial problems and is unnecessarily careless with his funds.
Surrounded by human faces - they envy the position and try to insult, slander at work.
In the hands of one woman is a dark shovel - you will receive an inheritance.
A new friend will appear in your life; road.
If the moon is full - you can't help but tell everyone about your feelings; if a crescent - you hide them.
At the top, the symbol means that you must prepare for changes in love relationships and feelings. Notice if there is another sign nearby. It will help to correctly interpret the current situation. Often the moon at the top of the cup signifies marital difficulties.
Dots around - marriage or marriage of convenience.
A sign of happiness, good luck, kindness and great love. Good news.
Someone who will be useful will come from afar.
Recovery from illness.

M (letter)
Rapidly changing circumstances, ups and downs.
You are a born leader and attract those around you like a beacon. Trouble threatens, but will be prevented.
Usually this symbol appears in the cups of people who have just made an important discovery or have received a promotion.
Something prevents you from finding a common language with people, you are constantly annoyed and arguing with others. A sign of a hard life; life will be in danger, but you can save everything in your hands
Avoidable danger.
Unreasonable decisions leading to problems.
Failure due to your own stupidity.
This is a warning symbol. Wherever he appears in a cup - be careful: someone is preparing a dirty trick for you. Don't let yourself ride; be more selective in your friends.
You should not be influenced by others. Be yourself.
You have your own point of view on everything. All your ideas should be put into practice. You are a talented teacher and can inspire others to develop original ideas.
Parting or separation.
You are a self-confident person, you have the strength and courage that can lead to success. But trial and error will lead you to it. A propensity for cruelty.
You should try yourself as an artist. Don't waste your talent. Sometimes this symbol appears in the cups of people who have never noticed any talents in themselves or have not yet had time to discover and develop them.
You have to make an important decision that will change your life. But luck can turn away from you when it is one step away.
Trouble, worry. Be persistent, success will come to you.
A dangerous seducer for a woman who is guessing.
Wealth, inheritance, but also troubles, problems. More flies, more problems.
At the bottom of the cup - you had losses in business. In the middle part - you need to achieve improvement in business - do not let yourself be fooled. At the top of the cup - you will have many problems with your future business partner. Keep this in mind when you make plans.
Luck in life.

H (letter)
Be worried.
Be careful, you are subject to adverse influences. This refers to any insects, except for spiders.
Help will come from the people around you.
If the threads are wound into a ball and there is a short end left, you are doing too much at once; if the end is long, don't overdo it. The thread at the top - you will soon begin long-term important work that will bring a lot of income.
If this sign appeared in your cup, then you are not subject to someone else's will.
Damage, loss, sacrifice, betrayal, deceit. Try to be less outspoken. Often this symbol can mean the betrayal of a husband or wife. Breaking up a relationship, ending a friendship.
In many cases, they indicate that you are about to move. Beware of new neighbors, they may be unrestrained in their language and tell others about your personal problems.
Fantasize, the rhinoceros will help the realization of your fantasies, even if you yourself no longer believe in them.
Wherever the symbol is seen in the cup, the notes mean that you love life and fun. If there is an instrument nearby (for example, a violin) - a person has the ability to play this instrument.

O (letter)
Everything is against you, loneliness.
false friends; fraud. Be careful in everything you do now.
Your dreams will bring you fame and fortune. You can not just soar in the clouds, but also benefit from it.
Welfare and prosperity.
You are on your way to completing a plan that you have been hatching for a long time. It's time for successful financial investments.
You are waiting for a meeting with your loved one. It also means quick temper - do not lose your head in the midst of emotions. Avoid hasty reactions and anger.
In any part of the cup, this sign means that you strive to give to everyone and everything, however, at the same time, much comes back to you. You sincerely do not understand greedy people who sit on their wealth, afraid to part with even an insignificant part of it. You will spend a lot of time helping others, and they in turn will eventually help you.
An influential person or relative.
At the bottom of the cup - you need to establish connections with the person whom the necklace symbolizes; it can be very helpful. Notice if there are any initials nearby. Torn - separation, failure in love.
Honesty, wisdom.
Victory after a hard struggle, a beautiful future.
You like to change things or have a few things that you can then resell at a profit. Now is the time to capitalize on this.
Scandal, quarrel.
The feeling of loneliness does not leave you. If the island reminds you of a particular place, you will be here soon.
No matter how you feel about it, this symbol is a call to "the madness of the brave", you need to intervene in something. You never know what others will say about you, do not pay attention and do what you must.
This symbol warns of danger. You need to pay attention to your surroundings and not sign any papers, you may regret it later.

P (letter)
As a rule, this symbol appears in the cups of people whose professions require increased attention to appearance: television announcers, models, actors.
The happiest sign. The palm says that happiness, prosperity await you, others love you and they need you. Often this symbol is found in the cups of the newlyweds.
Good luck.
Your main ally on the road to success is nature. More walks in the fresh air and natural products on the dining table.
Are you ready to take a leap into the unknown? Well, go ahead, only if the parachute is not at the bottom of the cup, otherwise you will fall into a whirlwind that drags you into the abyss.
You are distinguished by good taste and high intelligence, and in general you love everything good in life.
At the bottom of the cup, a sign indicates that a friend from afar is about to appear.
Great financial success. An unexpected gift.
The most successful is the location of the spider in the upper part of the cup, near the handle. This position guarantees you a lot of money.

If the spider is visible at the bottom of the cup, it is better to invest in long-term activities.
If it is in the middle of the cup - for financial success, you better use different investment opportunities.
If the spider is at the top, you can afford the financial risk by buying a lottery ticket.
Yours and your enemies will soon be defeated. If you have legal problems, then the appearance of a web in a cup is a very good sign: you will successfully solve them and emerge victorious.
Wit and ingenuity.
Awakening old feelings.
A sign of family harmony, prosperity, new news.
Marriage, great happiness.
Amazing, very good news.
Someone wants to harm you, a little harm from some person, after that good luck.
Big change for the better.
An extremely unfavorable sign, portending serious problems, sometimes death.
A saw in a cup is not the best sign and in any position means the same thing - problems.
Your dreams will come true. The number of pyramids determines the number of goals you are going to achieve. If two pyramids are superimposed one on top of the other, you have two main dreams, and very different ones. You can be successful in both. Any sign near the pyramid shows what the person has been working on lately. When interpreting, this will help to better understand what this person really wants in life.
You are in danger.
When you see a letter in your cup, pay attention to whether there are any initials nearby: they will help you understand who to expect news from. Inaccurate sign, bad news. Surrounded by dots - business news.
If you saw this sign in a cup, rather think about what you would like to achieve success in - it is provided for you.
If this sign appears in your cup, know that you are loved and you have friends, colleagues and neighbors are friendly to you, they are ready to please you.
Your fantasies are difficult to achieve or you intend to do the impossible.
Luck in general. Good opportunity to travel. At the top - perhaps your journey will last longer than you expected. Something will keep you away from home.
You are too lazy; your well-being is directly dependent on your laziness.
Vain dreams, hopes.
You are too talkative. A scandal and subsequent gossip is expected.
Tears, regret. Unexpected meeting.
A short friendship or acquaintance.
All birds are a symbol of good business news. Good news.
BIRD Caught in a Net
Future litigation.
Success in society, good news.
BIG SPOT - a great misfortune.

Love to drink.
A rainbow is always something good, a symbol of the fulfillment of desires, even if difficulties have to be overcome. If the rainbow is not far from the handle of the cup, it means that promising goals will soon be achieved, especially in desires that you could not even dream of fulfilling.
Decision time.
Melancholy; mood swings; disease.
Realization of great ideas.
Rocket at the top - go for it, you will soon receive an unusual offer. The presence of another sign near the rocket will help you navigate the situation and tell you what steps are best to take. If there is a straight line next to the rocket, then it is better to think over the strategy again and not take any drastic steps yet.
A good sign for creative people: they can achieve a lot in their profession.
Trouble associated with children; the appearance of a newborn. If the symbol is located at the bottom of the cup, it means a child from your past who will soon somehow enter your life again. This can be seen in the cups of people who once abandoned the child, and then he got in touch with them.
The river is the mirror of your feelings. A large number of bends near the river shows that a person is going through a very emotional time. If there are few bends, you are in a bad mood now, you are not inclined to communicate ... If there are two turns, your feelings are divided.
It's time to think about your figure. You seem to be preoccupied with thoughts of food beyond measure. Don't indulge your desires.
Wedding, engagement.
At the bottom - good news, closer to the edge - you can rely on friends.
RHOMBOS - Happiness in love.
It is very important which side the hand is turned: the palm is good luck, the back side is misfortune. The palm can be recognized by the presence of lines. Disappointment.

Beware, you are being tempted.
Dinner, party. Good news or travel.
At the bottom of the cup, a symbol means that people will come into your life who will teach you a lot. The sign in the middle of the cup shows that you are able to teach others what you yourself know and understand well. At the top of the cup, a symbol means moving forward if you use your abilities wisely.
One or more small fish - the corresponding number of invitations to visit.
Wholeness of nature.

C (letter)
An unexpected gift of fate.
Creativity, talent, creation. Sometimes this symbol may appear in the cup of a pregnant woman: the birth of a child is also creation.
A journey awaits you, or maybe you want to drop everything and go somewhere. Most often, this symbol is found in the cups of people associated with aviation. When the plane is visible at the bottom of the cup, it means that your thoughts are in the air.
Good sign: shows that you are a perceptive person, able to understand the mechanisms of events. Dream. Zeal, diligence in study.
Fulfillment of desires. Any wish will come true. Success accompanied by spiritual discord and illness.
This symbol has two meanings. Pay attention to the shape of the heart. If it is in perfect form, you are happy in love. The initials next to the heart will indicate with whom you will experience a love adventure. If the heart is irregular in shape, then you have health problems. This is true wherever the symbol is placed in the cup.
Strong passion for someone.
Someone is watching you all the time. Well, if it's just curiosity, and not someone's intrigues. You may be drawn into intrigue.
A cigar in a cup means that the time has come for investment.
The cigarette in your cup indicates that you can boldly move forward.
All barriers will be overcome. There are no unsolvable problems for you. Whatever business you undertake, it will end in success.
Poverty, bad health.
Romantic meeting with a mysterious stranger. If you are going to go abroad, get ready, you will have a love adventure there. Usually a violin means a meeting of lovers in another country or an unusual place.
It’s hard for you now, do not hesitate to turn to friends for help, and you will definitely get it. Strength, power, wealth.
A tornado in a cup advises relying on the will of fate. Do not try to change something, everything will not go the way you would like. You'll have to live through it.
You are surrounded by trustworthy friends. True friend.
Severe illness or death.
With the power of your personality, you attract people and lead them along. Usually this sign appears in the cups of political leaders and teachers.
Life is gradually changing for the better. Anxiety and difficulties melt away.
You have discovered something that you could not understand for a long time. A good sign for people involved in scientific research.
You need to keep your hands busy, idleness will not lead to good.
A strong love relationship.
Disorder in soul and deeds.
Brilliant success comes from the little things.
If the symbol is at the bottom of the cup, it means that you probably missed the chance due to your own sluggishness. In the middle part of the cup - do not look down on what you think requires a lot of effort, but the result brings modest - in the long run the result will be amazing.
The arrow gives the answer to a specific question. If it points up, the answer to your question is yes, if it points to the side - “maybe”, down - it means “no”.
Success, promotion.
This symbol refers to everything related to work. If you have a layoff at work, be calm, the steps say that it will not affect you.
Receiving a letter
If the chest is open and jewels are visible in it, this is a very strong symbol. But if the chest is closed, you are not ready to declare yourself to the world. At the bottom of the cup, the symbol shows that your past will become known. In the middle of the cup - you will finally begin to understand why life does not go the way you plan it. At the top of the cup - you are about to feel your exclusivity, and everyone will agree with you.

You will have to make a choice between two close people.
You should be gentler with those around you. Your sharpness can harm you.
It takes inner strength to succeed in life. Anger.
This symbol means a brave act that a person has done or will do.

Be prepared that your cherished desire is about to come true.
Good luck ahead. Group - money, one - strengthening of the accompanying sign.
Safety, security.
Luck, unexpected luck.
If there are letters next to the cane, you should not trust someone with such initials.
trumpet (musical instrument)
You are a noble, strong, wise person.

Updating the wardrobe, rearranging furniture, changes in personal life.

Don't worry about trifles.
At the bottom of the cup - you still have many opportunities that you have not used. In the middle part - you are slowly moving towards what you have long planned. If a snail is near the handle of a cup, it shows that you have not been looking for easy ways in life. At the top of the cup - you are doing everything right. Here, as nowhere else, the saying “Move quietly, you will continue” is appropriate. You are close to the target. If you take a snail away near the very rim of the cup, consider that everything is behind you and get ready for the holiday.
Too much work, too many responsibilities. If the iron is standing, you clearly see the goals and ways to achieve success. If the iron fell on its side - a lot of work, but much less money ...

Unexpected guests with their own problems.
Marriage to a rich man.
Attack. Don't rush.
Someone is watching you. Perhaps they want to entrust you with some responsible business and check whether you are able to cope with it. Or maybe they just admire you.
If fruits are visible at the bottom of the cup, wait for a relative to visit. Fruit in the middle of the cup - your family has a very favorable effect on you. If the fruit is visible at the top of the cup - do not expect your family to become your support, so either learn to live like relatives with friends, or choose a team that will be one big family.


Late love.

Violation of plans, everything falls out of hand, it is better to arrange a day of rest.
No matter what flowers, they are all fortunate.
FLOWER - love, your wish will come true.

H (letter)
Caring for others, petty losses.
This is not the time to ask life for more, give thanks for what you have. Be content with little and share with others. Do not demand gratitude for kindness - you will be rewarded in due time.
Upside down - well-being, down - a quarrel in the family.
Give gifts or receive guests.
Someone is taking care of you.
Travel, decision making.
Move slowly, but purposefully and with conviction.
Success in love.
Job change.
Numbers can denote a monetary amount, date, time. They are always connected to other symbols, so they give us additional information. For example, you saw a basket (a symbol of obstacles) and the number 2 in a cup, which means that two obstacles have appeared on your way that prevent you from moving towards your goal.

1 - someone loves you.
2 - illness and failure.
3 - a successful trade deal, profit.
4 - you still hope, luck lies ahead.
5 - gossip, empty talk, gossip.
6 - wedding, but there will be problems.
7 - family happiness, mutual love.
8 - quarrel with a loved one.
9 - a new acquaintance.
0 - you were born under a lucky star.
100 - happy life.

Sh (letter)
Depression, loss of strength.
Honor, glory.
If the symbol appears at the bottom of the cup, beware of the man in the hat: he will only come to get information from you. Don't say anything, it's not in your best interest.
If the hat is in the middle of the cup, make friends with its owner; you will be protected from trouble.
At the top of the cup - an unexpected guest will have a great impact on your life.

Щ (letter)
Unfinished business, a debt that needs to be repaid.
Minor annoyances will disappear.

Yu (letter)
Bad old age.
Trouble over trifles, pointless purchases.

I (letter)

Life will get better.
A very good sign, especially for creative people. The apple is a symbol of all kinds of art.
This symbol is associated with money matters. In whatever part of the cup it is, it means the same thing, it is only important whether there are cracks on it or not. If the egg is broken - the loss of money, the whole - the acquisition; if the egg is cracked, be careful with money.
A well-drawn anchor is a sign of good luck, but if its edges are blurred and the image is blurry, you will be disappointed, temporary personal difficulties. Sometimes two anchors can be seen in the cup: one is clearly visible, the other is barely visible. This means that a person cannot decide in any way whether he is happy or disappointed. Here you need to pay attention to neighboring symbols, they will help to understand what prevents him from finding happiness.
Sudden danger.
You need to rest: there are many important things ahead. An unexpected event.

Almost everyone heard about fortune-telling on coffee grounds, and some at least once in their lives tried to determine their near future using such a tasty and safe way. You can be skeptical about this method, but if you correctly interpret the symbols when guessing on coffee grounds, then the result will pleasantly surprise you. The history of this ritual goes back into the deep past - in many countries over the past seven centuries, the method has been actively applied in practice, then it has been banned.

In our country, they began to determine the future by drawing on the thick from the time of Peter the Great. To this day, people who find themselves in a difficult life situation are in a hurry to resort to this method, deciphering the drawing in thick by themselves, or with the help of specialists in this field.

The prediction will come true if you follow the basic rules and study the specifics of deciphering objects and figures that appear in the cup.

The history of fortune-telling on coffee grounds

Coffee appeared in Russia back in the days of Tsar Alexander Mikhailovich, who was prescribed a drink by a doctor as a medicine. However, coffee gained its popularity during the reign of Peter the Great, who was impressed by many things during his travels in Europe.

The tsar literally forced the boyars, who tasted like boiled soot, to drink coffee and not slander a worthy product. Over time, coffee houses began to open, the drink was served at receptions and social events.

  • Empress Catherine the Great drank coffee every day, and so strong that it took a whole pound, that is, 400 grams of grains, to make 4 cups of the drink. From the sediment in her coffee pot, the lackeys brewed more coffee for themselves.
  • The love of the Empress for the sciences and enlightenment is also known. She considered soothsayers, interpreters, healers and parapsychologists to be intelligent and enlightened people, and encouraged their activities.
  • During her reign, various reference books were published for the interpretation of predictions. Court fortune-tellers increasingly began to use the favorite drink of the Empress to read the future.

Soon, coffee began to be consumed not only by representatives of the nobility, but gradually it became available to all residents of the country. At the same time, a new method of divination began to gain popularity - with the help of thick traces remaining on the dishes. Fortune tellers were called coffee shops, they were often invited to secular receptions to entertain guests with predictions of the future.

However, among the common people, the method of divination for coffee was still a big mystery.

  1. Firstly, for a long time, coffee was simply an unaffordable luxury for the population of villages, and secondly, village rituals had, rather, an applied meaning: to speak a cow for a good milk yield, drive away a disease, make a charm.
  2. In addition, they could hardly master the scheme of interpretation of symbols, remember their meaning. The attitude towards this type of divination among the common people was very skeptical.

At the same time, they began to use the expression "fortune-telling on the coffee grounds", when they meant forecasts built from scratch, unfounded predictions.

Coffee prophecies: examples from history

Due to the fact that fortune-telling on coffee grounds appeared several centuries ago, and was quite common, legends and facts about famous predictions have also been preserved.

Pavel I

There is a legend that once a gypsy woman came to the palace of the Russian emperor and asked to report on her arrival to the sovereign. She said that she could predict to Paul I how long he would rule the country. Out of curiosity, the emperor agreed, and then the fortuneteller asked him to drink coffee, and then began to read his fate in a cup of thick. She predicted to the ruler that he would stay on the throne for another 3 years, and then his life would end.

The sovereign got angry and ordered the gypsy to be thrown into prison. Then he returned it and ordered to repeat the ritual again. Three more times the fortune-teller turned to coffee signs, but the answer did not change. Pavel's order remained unchanged, the gypsy was returned to prison.

They forgot about her for a while, but when an heir was about to appear in the royal family, the ruler again called the fortuneteller, inviting her to tell fortunes again, report on the result of childbirth, and name the sex of the child. The gypsy answered unmistakably, and when her prediction came true, the emperor released her, rewarding her with a large sum of money.

After the prediction, Paul I really ruled for another 3 years, and after that he was killed.

A friend of the poet once invited him to look at the then famous soothsayer in St. Petersburg, Charlotte Kirghoff.

She told Pushkin:

  • service talk,
  • money,
  • two links, one to the south, the other to the north.
  • And at the age of 37 she said to be afraid of a white head, a white horse and a white man. And, looking into the cup of his friend, she said that he had very little time left to live, no more than two days.

Both left the fortuneteller with mixed feelings, and the very next day it became known that in the morning his friend had been killed in the barracks by one of the soldiers.

  1. The first prediction, about money, came true almost immediately. On the same day he received an envelope with a letter from a friend at the Royal Lyceum, who returned the old debt.
  2. Talk about the service was also not long in coming, General Orlov invited the poet to join his guards regiment.
  3. Below are two links. First, Pushkin was sent to Chisinau, to the south. After - to the north, near Pskov.

Alexander Sergeevich never forgot about the words of the seer. After her words about links, fame and money came true, he began to avoid fair-haired people and in every possible way was wary of not only light hair color, but even the mention of a white head or a white horse in a person's surname.

There are many biographical moments from the life of Pushkin, confirming his caution regarding blondes. However, when a conflict arose between the poet and Dantes, a blond with long hair, Pushkin seemed to have forgotten all his caution, and met death in a duel near the Black River, at the age of 37.

Napoleon received his prediction in his youth, when he was still an artillery officer, it sounded like this:

“You will be crowned, you will receive all the blessings, glory and wealth, but by the fortieth year you will forget that your wife was sent to you by higher powers, and leave her. This is where the end begins for you. You will die in loneliness and torment, everyone will turn away from you.

It is difficult to say how the future emperor reacted to the words of the seer, however, as we know, the prediction came true, and everything happened exactly as it was said.

Another curious fact: the same fortuneteller, having deciphered the message in the thick, predicted the general’s widow, Josephine de Beauharnais, marriage to a man who would make her empress, but both spouses would be unhappy in this marriage, and everything would end in divorce. And soon after that, she will die.

Josephine took these words as a mockery, because she was a widow with two children. However, a year later she married Napoleon, who at that time was a general. After 3 years, he becomes the first consul, and after another 5, in the Notre Dame Cathedral, he and Josephine were crowned.

Soothsayer Lenormand, so the seer herself becomes an important person in the life of the empress, and one day, guessing, she reports that the Russians will defeat the French, and Napoleon himself will face shame, exile and a heavy death. Josephine, after hesitating, told her husband about everything, to which he became angry, and called the fortune teller a charlatan. However, this prophecy was destined to come true.

It is difficult to judge the veracity of these stories. However, it is also impossible to deny their existence, because after the lapse of time, they are still remembered and spoken about.

Divination procedure on coffee grounds

Despite the ubiquity of divination, its basic principles remain unchanged everywhere.

  1. It is necessary to stock up on high-quality ground coffee, because it is very important to enjoy the drink, and not think about when this disgusting liquid will finally run out.
  2. You will also need a porcelain cup and saucer. It is best if they are white, without any drawings and inscriptions. Dishes with recesses, recesses, etc. are not suitable for the procedure either.
  3. Coffee must be brewed in such a way that the grounds fall into the cup. Ideal recipe "Oriental".

You can buy coffee of the finest grinding and brew it with boiling water immediately in a cup. However, this option will not allow you to feel the whole charm of the process, to feel contact with many people from various generations who performed the same actions.

While the coffee is brewing, there is time to focus on the questions you want answered. You can’t just look “what’s there”. It is necessary to mentally turn to higher forces that can satisfy your curiosity. It is important that nothing distracts you while doing this.

  • Pour the coffee into a cup and when it has cooled down a bit, drink it slowly, savoring every sip while continuing to focus on your questions. You should not drink all the liquid to the end, the sediment should float, so leave at least a tablespoon.
  • Now you need to take the cup with your left hand and make three vigorous circular movements in a clockwise direction. Make sure that the sediment does not splash, but at the same time it should reach almost to the brim.
  • Then abruptly turn the cup on the saucer. At the same time, one of its edges should touch the side, and the other should stand on a flat surface. As a result, the cup is tilted.
  • Leave it in this position for a few seconds, and then pick it up and look inside.
    Before you, one might say, is an open book of your future. It remains only to read it.

Which coffee to choose

Natural coffee (two thirds of the composition of the coarse grinding and one third of the fine). The best option for the ritual is a mixture of three tablespoons of coffee per liter of water. The sediment from the bottom of the coffee cup will tell about the future.

The ritual of those distant times is very similar to the one carried out today by modern fortune-tellers, and its basic principles have not changed much. Everything is quite simple. For a successful ceremony divination on thick coffee, it is necessary to pour the ground grains into the coffee pot. Then, adding water, put on fire and bring to a boil.

What utensils are needed for divination on coffee grounds

In order to conduct the ritual correctly and accurately observe all the subtleties, you need:

Porcelain coffee cup. It is better if it is plain and light, and its inner walls must be completely smooth and white.

Divination technique on coffee grounds

  1. Before the start of the ceremony, you need to concentrate as much as possible, try to clearly and clearly present what is of interest and what you would like to receive by doing, future, which is possible, and pictures of the past, with which the most vivid experiences are associated.
  2. Freshly brewed coffee should be poured into a cup and allowed to stand for a few minutes. After that, offer to drink it to a person who wants to know the fate and secrets of the future. And he should drain the cup almost to the end, leaving only a little, in a volume approximately equal to a tablespoon, with liquid and thick on the bottom.
  3. Divination for coffee the fortuneteller will continue now. He must thoroughly shake and mix the remaining contents, once again focusing on the main purpose of divination. Here you need to make three circular movements, always clockwise, distributing the coffee grounds along the walls, so that the contents of the cup reach the edges.
  4. Next, the cup should be turned over and placed on a saucer, mentally count to seven. The focus on images is the most important thing in the ritual. And the ancients believed in the deep meaning of the connection that arises at this moment between the fortuneteller and higher powers. And if the predictor did everything somehow, then they believed that such a seer should not be trusted.

Previously, various magic spells were often read during fortune-telling, but modern fortune-tellers have simplified this rite a little, but this does not mean that bizarre coffee drawings cannot provide answers to the questions of curious questioners.

How to correctly interpret the location of the figures

After all the necessary requirements are exactly met, and the actions are correctly performed, you should carefully consider the patterns and spots formed on the walls of the cup, which are of great importance.

Divination for coffee gives figures, which can be clear, but also subtle. And the clearer the images, the greater the significance they can have for the fate of the questioner.

For the correct interpretation of signs, not only the meaning is important, but also the location of the figures. And the images can be depicted, both at the bottom of the cup, and from right to left and from bottom to top, telling about outgoing events in the life of the questioner. And those going clockwise, as well as down from the top, broadcast about what enters a person’s life.

For ease of understanding coffee ground patterns, you need to take the cup by hand. And then the right-hand drawings will tell about the past, and the left-hand ones will tell about the future.

The symbols at the very top of the rim speak of events to be expected, but the lower the patterns descend, the more distant the past they show. The spots at the handle of the cup tell about the fortuneteller, and on the opposite side they tell about other people.

  1. Events of the present or near future.
  2. distant future events.
  3. Obstacles and failures.
  4. Characteristics of the personality of the fortuneteller.
  5. Something that will pass away or move away becoming less significant.
  6. Something that will occupy thoughts and become part of life.

Symbol interpretation

Take into account the direction of the images, which comes from the pen in a clockwise direction.

  • If the symbols denoting certain phenomena are directed to the handle (an animal - with a head, a knife - with a blade), this means that they must enter a person's life.
  • In the case of their orientation from the handle - possible changes will pass by.
  • The closer the symbols are to the pen, the more personal they are. This is the story of events related to the family, life.
  • Signs close to the opposite side are associated with less significant, distant areas.
  • The signs on the left side of the handle tell about the upcoming affairs, which will be a continuation of the vicissitudes of bygone years. The symbols on the right are the future, which is not directly related to the past.
  • From the rim of the cup to its bottom, invisible hour lines are laid, which indicate certain life periods.
  • Placing a symbol at the rim - to the fact that the event will occur within a month and a half; spots in the middle lane - to accomplish what was predicted after 2-4 months; at the very bottom - what awaits the finale of the life path.

But if the signs near the bottom are fuzzy or are interpreted in two ways, then predicting the time of such events is a thankless task. In general, very vague symbols, vaguely resembling something in outline, are considered last.

At the same time, coffee clots, in which you can easily guess:

  1. people figures,
  2. animals,
  3. geometric patterns and letters indicate pressing issues.

The exception is the plentiful thick at the very bottom. Even if it is framed in clear images, its accumulation is a bad sign. However, the bottom covered with coffee residue may also be the result of improper brewing of the product, little experience in preparing the mixture.

The sizes of the symbols reflect the significance of events, the degree of their influence on fate in general.

  1. Large signs determine the basis of the entire prediction, its dominant line.
  2. Images of medium size and small spots are not treated separately, but they are related to large ones.
  3. If the last two or three, then the one that is surrounded by clearer additional symbols is considered dominant.

Therefore, the importance of miniature spots should not be underestimated. Often, it is the points near the vague three-dimensional symbol that make it possible to reveal the meaning of the second.

With the acquisition of experience, a cursory glance is enough to determine who has to guess.

  • The minion of fate is easy to identify by seeing a huge number of positive symbols. Even barriers in the form of betrayal, spending money and other troubles for such lucky ones are insignificant and fleeting.
  • A chronic loser is guessed by a chain of symbols directed in an "unlucky" sequence.

For example, before the symbol for marriage, there is a sign of loss, which excludes a quick wedding. Or the symbol of career growth looks impressive, but is surrounded by lines that indicate the failure of all plans. However, fate is merciful to most people, it gives joy, only interspersed with periods of difficulty.

Divination is not only the definition of events prepared for a person. Predictions can be used to stop being a doer who blindly trusted the will of heaven. The risk of getting sick, in particular, can be minimized by taking care of your health. And the probability of problems on a business trip can be eliminated by simply refusing to travel.

Interpretation examples

It is impossible to interpret a separate symbol, it is endowed with meaning only depending on those adjacent to it on the timeline.

So, the full moon, formed by coffee grounds, is for the imminent wedding. However, if there is a balloon nearby, then the marriage will probably be followed by a move. The larger the ball, the further you have to go. At the same time, the neighborhood of the number "5" is an indicator that there will be a lot of gossip around the wedding.

A spot resembling a suitcase in outline predicts a journey. But if a semblance of a person has formed nearby (a point with several lines - conditional torso, arms, legs), then guests are expected from afar. The closer the little man is to the handle, the more likely it is that a relative will come.

A branch (a long line with adjacent short ones) symbolizes treason. If this image is complemented by clouds, then betrayal will surely lead to depression. The glove seen next is a sign that the awakening of old feelings will lead out of a depressive state.

Cats and mice

The contours of these two domestic animals are often seen at the bottom of the cup by the person conducting the ritual. Usually, such drawings do not bode well if you notice them while fortune telling on coffee grounds.


Cat- a symbol of cunning, poverty and dirt. If it is closer to the top of the cup, this means that you have enemies who dominate you and lead you into a dead corner. Therefore, you need to carefully analyze the actions of people from your environment and stop such connections. Do not get involved in major disputes, do not argue and do not provoke scandals. If the cat is located at the bottom of the dishes, expect a serious quarrel with relatives. If the animal is next to a tree, there will be theft or imprisonment, with a person or person - find new opponents at work.

mouse is also a bad sign. First of all, the animal warns of the losses that close people can inflict on you. Watch carefully for other figures when you arrange fortune-telling on coffee grounds.


Mouse next to the circle - carefully monitor your jewelry and valuables that you can lose; if it is near a triangle, you can return the missing item or restore the spoiled one; an animal conveniently located in the middle of the dishes - material difficulties and financial losses.

As for bats, they are more favorable to those who conduct fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: a bat is a sign of friendship and longevity. Often her outlines promise a meeting with a pleasant stranger who will help in life, become an ally.

Also, the animal can warn about false comrades, conspiracies, intrigues and gossip emanating from them.

Other animals

First of all, let's talk about the dog, horse and pig. These animals are more likely than others to contact with a person, help him in hard work and even feed him.

Dog- It's a friend. If you saw it in the remnants of coffee, higher powers warn of events related to your comrades.

  • For example, if the animal is in the middle of a cup, you will make friends with an influential person. He will offer you a profitable interesting business, which will invariably lead to success and prosperity.
  • The dog is at the bottom of the dishes - friends will solve your problems, an animal surrounded by clouds - there is a traitor among loved ones, near the outlines of the face - do not neglect the advice, they are quite practical and useful.
  • A frightened animal with disheveled hair is a meeting with comrades of childhood and adolescence.

If you decide to conduct fortune-telling on coffee grounds, the interpretation of the picture pigs, which you get in this case, will be negative. This animal is a symbol of lack of freedom, dependence on circumstances and other people.

  1. If the pig is at the top of the dishes - you feed and support the freeloader,
  2. If the animal is below, you yourself live at someone else's expense.
  3. The road running next to the animal means the spread of unfair rumors about you. Be careful, someone is trying to tarnish your reputation.

But the horse seen in the coffee mass promises good luck. If it is at the bottom of the tank, a secure old age awaits you, in the middle - wealth and a successful union. The bull obtained during fortune-telling means happiness, the hare - indecision and cowardice, the goat - travel and adventure, the cow - acquaintance with a pleasant person of the opposite sex, the fox - loss, the bear - danger, and the deer - intelligence.

Overseas guests

They are also often obtained during divination on coffee grounds.

Interpretation: the elephant is a sign of abundance and power. You are an important person, respected and in power.

If an animal has a raised trunk - luxury and money will fall on your head unexpectedly, but will certainly be the result of your diligence and hard work. Usually, the result obtained during the ritual often depends on how correctly and competently divination was carried out on coffee grounds. The interpretation of “elephant” is unambiguous: invariably means only prosperity and success.

But the interpretation lion varies depending on its location and posture. This animal is usually interpreted as a symbol of dignity, arrogance and pride.

  • If he is evil, with an open mouth and a raised tail, love torments and experiences await you;
  • dark animal - meeting with influential authorities;
  • with stripes on the head and body - connections with the underworld, scrapes, disputes;
  • near another animal - danger, the collapse of a dream.

Camel- a very good sign. It means kindness, a cheerful and prosperous life.

  1. The animal located in the middle of the cup promises the favor of fortune,
  2. next to the tree - wealth,
  3. near the heart - dreaminess and naivety,
  4. in the company of clouds - a decent condition.

If there are stars around the camel, this means a quick and safe replenishment of the family. The kid will be smart and successful.

If you saw a tiger in coffee, fate asks you to think about your emotions. Learn to control and manage them.

Amphibians and insects

If during the ceremony on the dishes you notice the figure of something terrible and poisonous, such as a scorpion or a spider, do not be alarmed.

This does not always promise an unhappy future. True, the statement does not apply to the snake, the outlines of which speak exclusively of trouble. Be on the lookout if a figurine of this animal appears when you are doing divination on coffee grounds.

W meya- the personification of insincerity and lies, treacherous relationships and intrigues.

  • The reptile at the top of the cup predicts the gloating of enemies from the pain inflicted on you,
  • In the center - expect a victory over a longtime enemy.
  • If the viper is torn apart, you should carefully consider your health in order to avoid lingering ailments.

Frog- a sign of mutual love, good news and success. Lizard it is also a good omen that promises surprise and great things. Scorpio is always an enemy waiting for you around the corner, as well as monetary losses and unsuccessful connections. Turtle makes it clear that the caution you have taken was not superfluous. You managed to avoid problems, so keep up the good work. Concerning crocodile, then he promises a successful business, sensitivity and excessive sentimentality.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds, interpretation of signs is an entertaining pastime, the mood is especially lifted when the outlines of insects appear, because they always bring happiness. A bee promises profitable cooperation, a fly - countless treasures, an ant - successful business deals, a butterfly - fresh impressions and joy from communication, a spider - an unexpected gift.


A sign of a positive and good future is a rooster. It is often obtained from those people who often perform the fortune-telling ritual on coffee grounds. Interpretation: the rooster embodies a family idyll, harmony, complete harmony. Often this is new news.

  1. If a feathered one sits on a hill, you will soon enter into a marriage union;
  2. Standing near the road - expect a loss from an influential person; surrounded by trees - help from a stranger.
  3. If the rooster's beak is open, this is a sign of good news.
  4. A bird turned upside down promises a change in your position for the better.

A duckling has always been considered a good symbol. He also signaled the defenselessness and vulnerability of the person who received his image during divination on coffee grounds. Interpretation: a duck in the middle of a cup - take care of your soulmate, his or her heart may break from your actions; next to a person - you have a reliable friend; near another bird - beware of unwanted neighborhood.

Our ancestors also considered the images of a dove and a swan to be good signs. The first promised fidelity and stability in relations, the second - unexpected financial receipts, confidence in the future.

  • As for the swan, they also paid attention to the color of the graceful bird.
  • If it is too dark - avoid nervous breakdowns,
  • Light - get a good position in society.
  • Two birds intertwined with their necks mean great unbreakable love.

The crow has always been the epitome of trouble and confusion. The chicken foreshadowed stupidity and material damage. The eagle promised unexpected news, and the owl - death or serious illness.

fantasy creatures

Any ritual is always shrouded in mysticism: soaking up this mysterious and slightly fabulous atmosphere, we often imagine unrealistic images for ourselves, we see dragons, mermaids, elves. Of course, this also happens during fortune-telling on coffee grounds.


  1. The dragon is a symbol of unexpected circumstances, new meetings that can change your life.
  2. It can also portend anxiety and doubt, especially in financial matters.
  3. It is better to abandon the complicated commercial scams.
  4. Pay attention to every little thing in order to correctly conduct the ritual of divination on coffee grounds (interpretation).
  5. The dragon is a mythical creature, so its location on the dishes affects the essence of the prediction. Sometimes he promises parting with his beloved.
  6. In other cases, it promises the implementation of plans and the fulfillment of a dream.

Instead, the image of a mermaid should be a red traffic light for you. You should immediately stop, think, rethink the situation if you saw it, making fortune-telling on coffee grounds.

  • Interpretation: mermaid - instability and uncertainty, the danger of seduction, temptation and deceit.
  • Be careful in love and business affairs, trust only yourself and finally take off your rose-colored glasses.

It is interesting that often a fortuneteller sees only the tail, without the torso and head. In this case, the symbol is called a fish, and it has a completely different meaning. The main thing is to distinguish it from a mermaid: therefore, look carefully when doing fortune-telling on coffee grounds.

Interpretation: fish - complete well-being.

  1. If it is at the top of the cup - expect important events, below - earn authority and respect in society. The meaning of the symbol changes very much if the number of characters changes, so correctly decipher fortune-telling on coffee grounds - interpretation.
  2. A fish, for example, if it is not alone, but is in a school, is a good sign. You will get one chance in a thousand to make huge profits and improve your well-being.


A cozy house, a funny key, an ominous coffin... Their outlines can also often be seen on the walls of dishes during the rite of divination on coffee grounds. Interpretation:

  • Key- your dreams will come true soon, you will get everything in order to finally achieve your goal. The symbol also prophesies career advancement, a creative upsurge. Perhaps you will even write a brilliant work.
  • Ring- a sign of engagement or even marriage. If it is cracked or broken, beware of quarrels with your soul mate. Such disagreements at this stage of the relationship will provoke a breakup.
  • Wheel- get ready to discover unseen countries. Entertaining adventures and intricate routes are ahead of you. It's time to leave your familiar place and plunge headlong into travel.
  • House, on the contrary, it suggests that you need to settle down, take hold of your head. It is a symbol of stability and constancy, coziness and comfort. Put things in order in your relationships, start a family and then all problems will be solved by themselves.
  • A hammer You need to make an urgent decision.
  • Dagger- unexpected losses. You trust people too much.
  • Angel- wait for consolation. You have good news ahead of you, peace and tranquility.
  • Coffin- illness, mental suffering, trouble.
  • Door- you are on the right track. Don't be afraid to make decisions and move forward.

There are a lot of things in our life. To interpret what happened to you, it is worth looking through a special book, which describes in detail each thing and its meaning.


Carrying out fortune-telling on coffee grounds, the interpretation of symbols is best done in a small company, where everyone, in their own way, creatively deciphers the resulting outlines on the cup. Yes, and together with friends, this process is much more fun: first, a pleasant ceremony of savoring coffee, then laughter, noise and uproar during the analysis of pictures. At the same time, people often drop out different elements of the environment, which also have their own meanings.

  • So, clover is a sign that soon your complicated life will stabilize. The black bar will be left far behind, and you will be able to enjoy success. Lonely people will definitely get acquainted with the betrothed.
  • If only clover leaves have formed on the dishes - expect complete impeccable happiness,
  • flower - popularity and fame will overtake you.

The bush says that you have a dream, an idea, a goal. But the plan is not destined to come true, so do not waste your energy and money in vain. If there are thorns on the bush - you will be deluded for a long time, flowers - you will lose everything on the way to your dream. Bare branches - experiences, loss, suffering. Perhaps you realize that the best years are irretrievably gone.

Willow - a warning of separation, defeat, fall. For men, the sign promises trouble and difficulties, problems with the law. Willow branch - to life problems that will cleanse your soul. If the tree is located near the river - pay attention to your health, take care of yourself.

Oak always signifies a winner. You will be the first, despite the intrigues behind your back. They say you walked over corpses. Let! After all, you became a leader, and that was the goal. True, during this competition I had a chance to lose valuable qualities of character, to forget about what humanity, flexibility, kindness are. You have become impenetrable to all feelings, even to love and friendship.

Oak is a warning: remember that strength and determination are good only in those situations that do not affect the interests of people close to you.

Other figures

People who have not yet found their mate always dream of seeing a heart at the bottom of the cup. After all, it promises the beginning of a romantic relationship, which may develop into serious feelings. Believe that it will be so. Just for starters, take the simplest step towards love: do fortune-telling on coffee grounds, interpretation of symbols.

Heart, which is formed on the wall of the dishes during the ritual, will tell you that you have already found your soul mate. You just don't notice her, you perceive her as a friend. Take a close look at your surroundings and eliminate this error. If the sign is at the bottom of the cup, you will very quickly find your chosen one. Don't give up on your dreams.

Star means liberation from painful people, events, deeds. Finally, you will breathe deeply, throw off the yoke, take a break from the current difficult situation. A big star is a sign of great happiness, a six-pointed one is a hint that it's time to go on vacation or at least take a day off.

Cross- a sign of bad events when it is dark, and a herald of a family idyll, if it is light. The arc - a warning about a traitor, an envious person, a square - promises stability and a smooth flow of affairs. If you see numbers, consider all possible combinations of them. Most likely, they add up to a date that will be a turning point in your life.

Line: broken line - for travel, straight line - for good events. If two curves intersect - you will find instability, the collapse of plans, the loss of a loved one. If you saw a dotted line, difficulties and troubles will fall on your head. You may become seriously ill.

A circle- a sign of good relations with employees, family members. You are a wonderful conversationalist, sensitive and flexible. You know how to listen, and people appreciate it in you. You get along with almost everyone.

So that you do not fall out of this, remember: when conducting a ritual of divination on coffee grounds, we perceive the interpretation of the symbols formed as a prediction of very close events. But sometimes the signs are a warning of the distant future. Therefore, if the ceremony promised you wealth, but you still didn’t hit the big jackpot, take your time. Know that everything will come true, the main thing is to believe and really want it.

Numbers and letters

  • One - relax, you are loved.
  • Two - get together, failure awaits, an unpleasant event. Disease is not ruled out.
  • Three - in finance you are lucky, a successful deal, profit is possible.
  • Four - fortune turned its face, luck, success.
  • Five - do not believe empty talk, more gossip, spitefulness. Five means rumors
  • Schesterka - Mendelssohn's march is heard, the wedding. Hence marriage, marriage. Number six for marriage
  • The number seven - reciprocity is a rare fellow traveler, but you are lucky. There is harmony and peace in the family. Happiness.
  • Number eight - be more tolerant of loved ones. A spat is possible.
  • Number nine - a new sincere person, acquaintance will not interfere.
  • The value of the number 10 is your lucky star, good luck and success.

Letter characters

BUT- You will win in business;

B- You will be empowered;

AT- the arrival of grief;

G- you need to put a candle to St. George;

D- problems with finances;

E- the conscience will remain clean;

AND- conspiracies are woven around;

W- life will be full of entertainment and pleasure;

And- after rash actions, consequences are possible;

To- before the upcoming tests, you should buy a cross;

L- there will be love and great happiness;

M- life will pass in abundance;

H- will have to worry;

O- to go on a trip;

P- beware of insincerity;

R- Do you prefer drinking?

FROM- will have to argue;

T- there will be a lot of acquaintances;

At- you will quarrel;

F- hope must remain;

X- a wedding is coming soon;

C- soon career will start to grow;

H- a loved one passes away

W- after a quarrel there will be peace;

b- have to flirt;

Kommersant- you should expect guests;

E- things will be lost;

YU- the disease will be unsuccessful;

I Everything in life will get better.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is a popular and common fortune telling method that is carried out at home. Any person will be able to guess on the coffee grounds, it is enough to clearly follow all the recommendations.

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