Distemper or panleukopenia. Feline panleukopenia virus

Panleukopenia of cats is also popularly called. This is an acute viral disease that is highly contagious. This is due to the high resistance of the virus to adverse conditions external environment. Outbreaks of panleukopenia most often occur in summer and autumn, since at this time the most sensitive age group cats - kittens - lose the immunity received through colostrum from the mother.

How cats are infected with panleukopenia

As already noted, most often cats become infected in early age, at the end of the action of maternal antibodies. However, older cats can get sick if not vaccinated.

The virus is released into the environment from sick cats, as well as from virus carriers, along with excrement and.

Kittens are most susceptible to panleukopenia.

Virus carrying is a common occurrence among felines. Wherein for a long time the virus may not manifest itself, and there is not even a suspicion of its presence in the body, but the cat can be a source of infection for other cats, and also get sick in case of severe stress (moving, surgery).

Preferred routes of transmissionnasal(through the anterior respiratory tract), oral(through the gastrointestinal tract). The transmission mechanism of transmission is not excluded - through blood-sucking insects.


First of all, the virus enters the mucous membranes of the anterior respiratory tract causing inflammation. Through the blood, the virus is sent to its "favorite" places - cells that are rapidly dividing. These are cells of the intestinal mucosa and cells of the immune system.

Thus, the virus "settles" in the intestines and bone marrow, provoking - inflammation of the small intestine, and leukopenia - a decrease in immunity due to a decrease in the number of leukocytes (white blood cells responsible for immunity).

Symptoms of panleukopenia

The disease is accompanied by non-specific and specific signs of infection.

To not specific features that appear first and should alert the owner of the animal include oppression, weakness, poor appetite or lack of it, (the cat may be hot to the touch).

Poor appetite is one of the signs of cat distemper

Further symptoms of upper respiratory and eye infections appear, which are characteristic of many feline viral diseases, therefore, for staging accurate diagnosis needed A complex approach. These symptoms are swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, larynx, outflow from the eyes and nose.

Specific Symptoms

This cat has panleukopenia

Appear specific symptoms- soreness of the abdomen, discoloration of urine, sometimes diarrhea. talks about serious health problems, run to the vet!

The cat is obviously thirsty, but probably because of nausea. Can sit over a bowl for a long time without having a drink. Often the animal can hide in cold dark places where it will be difficult to find.

Decrease in temperature below normal and the appearance watery diarrhea indicates a deterioration. The animal is rapidly dehydrated and needs fluid drips. Especially .

With the development of the disease, the kitten's body quickly dehydrates.

In kittens, the disease is much more severe, with symptoms of damage to the nervous system. May present with seizures and paralysis. This form is called hyperacute, and in a day or two can lead to the death of the animal.

In pregnant women

In pregnant cats, the disease can cause abortions and miscarriages, as well as stillbirths. But sometimes cats still give birth to live kittens, with normal state health, the only problem which is cerebellar hypoplasia - underdevelopment of the brain structure, which is responsible for the coordination of movements.

Infection with the distemper virus in cats can occur in utero

Such kittens can lead a normal life, but they will remain clumsy all their lives, which has little effect on the quality of life. Such kittens have a “drunk” gait, tremors, especially of the head, when the animal focuses on something (birds outside the window).

The owner of such an animal should only exclude the possibility of falling out of a balcony or window, although such cats jump quite accurately to a height, they can fall from there.

Treatment of panleukopenia

To identify the pathogen, you can use to PCR diagnostics (sending the material to the laboratory to detect virus DNA). However a clear definition of the virus is not necessary to prescribe the correct treatment. All viral infections are treated symptomatically, as neither humans nor cats have specific drugs, which would kill viruses (like antibiotics kill bacteria).

PCR diagnostics will help identify the causative agent of feline distemper

Waiting for test results can only harm the animal, and once treatment has begun, only satisfy the desire for accuracy.

Methods of treatment

Treatment is aimed at removing intoxication, restoring electrolyte balance and. All this is the result of the activity of viruses in the intestines, as well.

All this is achieved by drip injection of solutions. Due to the fact that a sick cat does not drink and, this may be the decisive moment for her recovery.

For the treatment of panleukopenia in cats, drip solutions are used.

Appointed antiemetics , can also be used immunomodulators . Antibiotics are connected to prevent the accumulation of secondary microflora, which can be activated due to a weakened state of the body. It is better to refuse, as the animals experience severe stress during the procedure., which obviously will not affect favorably the course of treatment.

Other drugs are prescribed depending on the condition of the animal as needed, which is determined by the attending physician.

Video about the symptoms of panleukopenia and the treatment of a cat

Viral panleukopenia in cats(FPV), also quite often referred to as distemper. This is a highly contagious viral disease of small and medium-sized felines, which can cause quite serious damage to their population. This virus typically infects cells capable of rapidly dividing, and this primarily applies to blood cells, cells of the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract and stem cells. developing fetus. The primary attack of the virus on the blood cells of cats can lead to a state of anemia and a gradual decrease in immunity, which in turn opens up the possibility of other viral and bacterial infections freely infect the body, infecting it more and more and complicating the condition of the animal. IN severe cases superinfection develops.

In unvaccinated cat populations panleukopenia (FPV) is one of the most common infections and one of the most clinically life-threatening animals. The virus is very resistant to environmental influences and can survive for many years in contaminated environments (dirt, dried mucus and other secretions). Vaccination is the best accessible means prevention panleukopenia in cats. Kittens between the ages of two and six months are at the peak of panleukopenia vulnerability, their symptoms of the disease manifest themselves most clearly and classically. Pregnant cats and animals with reduced immunity are also at a very serious risk of infection. In adult cats panleukopenia (FPV) usually resolves in a mild, and sometimes even asymptomatic form and may go unnoticed. Fortunately, cats that survive FPV infection or active illness acquire long-term immunity to this disease. viral infection and resistant to re-infections up to 3-5 years.

We draw your attention to the fact of some common misconceptions and unsubstantiated speculation common to unenlightened pet owners. Feline parvovirus is only related to canine parvovirus in the genus Parvoviridae, but feline parvovirus is by no means capable of infecting dogs, just as canine parvovirus is not capable of infecting cats. Also, feline distemper has nothing to do with canine distemper.

Symptoms and manifestations of panleukopenia in cats

  • Diarrhea and bloody diarrhea;
  • Vomit;
  • Dehydration;
  • weight loss, wasting (cachexia);
  • high temperature (fever);
  • Anemia (due to damage to red blood cells);
  • Change in wool quality (coarse, greasy wool, hair loss);
  • Depressive states (apathy, prolonged drowsiness, "glassy" fixed gaze);
  • Complete loss of interest in food;
  • Some cats may hide for long periods of time;
  • The animal often sits with its head hanging over a bowl of water or food, but does not drink or eat;
  • Pose - legs tucked under the body for a long time;
  • Unusual long stay on a cool floor, tile or linoleum;
  • Neurological symptoms in cats in which FPV causes virus attack brain (most often lack of coordination).

Causes and methods of infection with panleukopenia in cats

Virus panleukopenia in cats can remain on any surfaces for quite a long period of time, so it is very important to interrupt the FPV transmission path using constant processing and high-quality disinfection. However, even in the most clean conditions and the best disinfection, traces of the virus can still remain in environment if the infected animal is present there permanently. Feline parvovirus is resistant to many disinfectants and can remain in the environment for up to 24 months without losing its virulence.

Kittens can be infected panleukopenic cats during fetal development or breast milk if the cat is infected with FPV before mating or during pregnancy. As a rule, under conditions of such infection with a virus, the prognosis for young animals is unfavorable. Up to 85% of kittens can die in the first weeks of life or even during fetal development.

In the summer months, the risk of infection with panleukopenia increases. This is primarily due to the fact that cats that have been mostly indoors all winter and did not have access to the street begin to go for walks and come into contact with stray or just virus-carrying cats. And given the fact that pets have more weak immunity than those who walk on the street all the time, then their panleukopenia manifests itself in all the variety of its symptoms and is acute. Shelters, like catteries, are a kind of artificial reservoir of the virus and increase the risk of a cat becoming infected if its owner leaves the animal there for a while during a vacation or vacation. Under these conditions, the owner must demand from the overexposure of documents confirming the regular disinfection of the premises and the fact that all animals staying there, respectively, have been vaccinated in time. In practice, this is rather doubtful.

Diagnosis of Panleukopenia in Cats

The veterinarian who will examine the animal must be provided with comprehensive information about the cat's medical history, nutrition, behavior and contact with other animals in Lately. It is very important for a doctor to know how often the animal is on the street: constantly, from time to time, or vice versa, very rarely. This will allow the specialist to build a diagnostic path in the right direction.

Panleukopenia in cats(FPV) in the variety of its symptoms can be similar to many other diseases, including pancreatitis, so it is very important to make a differential diagnosis from symptomatically similar diseases. The more initial detailed information the veterinarian has, the easier and sooner he will be able to deliver correct diagnosis and start successful therapy.

One way or another, and without laboratory diagnostics in the case of panleukopenic cats it is impossible to do. It is necessary to conduct a complete detailed blood test, blood biochemistry and urinalysis. This will give some picture of the situation, making it possible to judge the nature of the inflammatory process and the degree of its impact on the body. Although very often the analyzes may not be particularly informative and show minor changes in indicators in the presence of a serious threat to the life of the animal. Feline parvovirus attacks and kills cells that divide rapidly, such as those produced in the bone marrow and intestines, so a blood test will usually show only a slight decrease in white and red blood cells, nothing more. Conversely, fecal samples may contain microscopic remnants (wall fragments) of panleukopenia parvovirus and with the help of PCR diagnostics these samples can accurately establish the disease.

Treatment of panleukopenia in cats

Sick animals need early appointment treatment. Dehydration is one of the main and most severe symptoms panleukopenia and needs to be quickly eliminated, as it represents serious danger for the life of a cat. The main goal of such therapy is to replenish fluid levels and electrolyte balance. The virus has a suppressive effect on the immune system, so the use of antibiotics is indicated. a wide range actions to reduce conditionally pathogenic microflora, which will actively multiply.

Well-prescribed comprehensive thoughtful treatment is a guarantee positive result and, ultimately, a cure for panleukopenia. The first condition is good rest animal, calmness, warmth and silence. Cats, especially in a weakened state, are quite sensitive to fuss and noise, so these factors should be kept to a minimum if possible. Provide a quiet, private area for the sick animal away from other animals and small children. The litter tray and feeder with a drinking bowl should be located next to the cat so that it does not waste extra energy on unnecessary movements around the apartment or house. Isolation from other cats during the period of illness is mandatory. Nevertheless, the owner of the animal must constantly communicate with his pet, encourage him and psychologically support him in every possible way, this will significantly speed up the healing process. Panleukopenia significantly reduces immunity and, like no other infection, has a psychological negative burden on the animal, therefore, positive emotions during the period of the disease, which can easily be provided by paying attention to the cat, can hardly be overestimated. It goes without saying that after contact with a sick animal, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands and use disinfectants in order to prevent the spread of the disease and infection of new cats.

If the owner of the animal in the first 2-3 days from the moment the first signs of panleukopenia appear seeks qualified veterinary help, then the guarantees for full recovery cats after illness and minimization side effects FPV is fully guaranteed. When cured, persistent lifelong immunity to the panleukopenia virus develops. The recovery period with properly prescribed treatment takes approximately 2-3 weeks. The animal returns to full life. We repeat, the animal’s immunity develops for life, but for several more months the cat is an active carrier dangerous virus and can infect other relatives. This must be taken into account and quarantined. However, already after 4 months, the previously ill animal is completely safe for other cats. The virus ceases to stand out and the danger is minimized.

Control and prevention measures for viral panleukopenia in cats

It is required to strictly follow the recommendations of a veterinarian regarding the dosing of prescribed drugs, the necessary household disinfection and quarantine treatment. If there are other cats in the house besides the sick animal, it is necessary to carefully monitor the appearance of the characteristic signs of panleukopenia. Despite the fact that the disease is already present in the area, it may not be too late to vaccinate healthy animals if this has not been done in advance and on time. The most common household bleach (for example, Whiteness) can be used as an effective disinfectant against this viral infection, but most effective method getting rid of a deadly pathogen is the change of all items of care and things of the animal that had direct long-term contact with it. All items must be replaced with new ones. This applies to bedding, toys, drinking and food utensils, toilet trays and other things. One way or another, but even after doing all of the above manipulations to destroy the virus and disinfect FPV, the cat owner must be aware that it is impossible to guarantee 100% getting rid of this pathogen. It's just not possible. We can only talk about this or that degree of security for a certain period of time, nothing more. It is impossible to remove all traces of the virus. While a cat that has recovered from panleukopenia and is therefore immune to it will no longer be susceptible to FPV, other susceptible animals without active immunity to the disease, may well be infected and may die from the disease with a high degree of probability.

Vaccination is the most important tool in the prevention of this disease. Before you get a new pet, you should consult with your veterinarian about proper immunization. Panleukopenia (FPV) must be part of a comprehensive standard vaccine. Remember that unvaccinated pregnant cats are the most vulnerable to FPV and are fatal. dangerous complications of this disease are dangerous specifically for this group of animals, since their the immune system and so is at a very low level due to gestation. It is also very likely that developing embryos may be born with severe developmental dysfunctions.

Every responsible cat owner must do everything possible to prevent their pet from contracting a deadly disease. Total regular vaccination and disinfection largely solves this problem.

If you buy a kitten from a cattery, you must remember that viral and infectious diseases are concentrated where he lives. the largest number animals.


Panleukopenia (plague, infectious parvo viral enteritis, typhoid, infectious agranulocytosis) - highly contagious viral cat disease, characterized by the phenomena of panleukopenia, lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, heart, general intoxication and dehydration of the body.

Pathogen - a virus (Virus panleukopenia feline) with a diameter of 20-25 nm from the group of parvoviruses, which has antigenic affinity with the causative agents of viral enteritis of minks and parvovirus enteritis dogs. The genome of the virus is represented by a single-stranded DNA molecule.

The panleukopenia virus is quite resistant to heat (at 60°C it dies after 1 hour) and to disinfectants. In rooms, in faeces, on cells and organs of sick animals with low temperatures may last up to one year.

In the body of cats, it has a selective tropism for the cells of the intestinal mucosa, lymphatic system and bone marrow.

epizootology. The disease occurs in many countries of the world, including Russia. Single cases or small outbreaks of distemper occur more often in summer and late autumn, when new generations of kittens lose colostral immunity. Many cats are latent virus carriers. Young cats get sick more, but sometimes adults too. Sick and recovered animals shed the virus in feces, saliva, urine, and discharge from the nose and eyes.

Infection occurs more frequently with direct contact, as well as through various objects contaminated with the virus (surfaces of walls, floors, furniture, dishes, fabrics, bedding, etc.), aerogenic, intrauterine is not excluded. The literature describes cases of transmission of the virus when an animal is bitten by fleas and ticks. The virus from the street into the room can get on the clothes and shoes of the owner of the cat.

Symptoms and course. Incubation period lasts from 2 to 14 days. Usually the disease is manifested by a sudden depression of the animal, an increase in body temperature up to 40-41 ° C, vomiting and liquid stool. The vomit is initially watery yellow or brownish, later becomes mucus, often with blood in it. Simultaneously or later a short time diarrhea develops. Feces are liquid, fetid, colorless, yellowish with an admixture of blood, sometimes with flakes of fibrin. These signs are the result of catarrhal or hemorrhagic inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Often inflammatory process is of a mixed nature - catarrhal-hemorrhagic or fibrinous-hemorrhagic. Postures and behavior of patients indicate severe pain in the abdomen and groin. Sick animals seek secluded dark places, cool in fever, and warm places in recovery, lie on their stomachs with their heads thrown back and limbs extended, or sit hunched over in a dark place or over a bowl of water, but do not drink. During illness, appetite completely disappears. When probing the abdomen, an increase in the lymph nodes of the mesentery is noted, the intestinal loops are inactive, painful, thickened, reminiscent of a rubber tube in structure, sometimes stretched with liquid and gases. On auscultation, the sounds of splashing, cooing or rumbling are heard. Vomiting often appears on palpation of the abdomen.

In more rare cases veterinarians register a hyperacute form of distemper in kittens up to one year old, which is manifested by clinical symptoms of damage to the nervous system. There is intense excitement increased mobility, loss of appetite, refusal of water, shyness, night vigil, the presence of frequent foamy whitish or yellowish vomit. Kittens prefer to hide in dark, cool places. Diarrhea may appear. The skin becomes less elastic, the hair becomes dull, and the coat becomes disheveled. At nervous syndrome convulsions of a clonic-tonic nature develop rapidly both in separate parts of the body and throughout the animal. Possible development of paresis and paralysis of sphincters internal organs and limbs. This form is very fleeting and without active veterinary care ends with death within 24-48 hours.

In some cases, panleukopenia in cats is manifested in the pulmonary form. With it, the upper respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs are involved in the inflammatory process. Muddy purulent overlays and films appear on the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, sometimes ulcerations and hemorrhages. The mucous membrane of the nasal and oral cavities, larynx hyperemic and edematous. In the corners of the eyes and nose accumulates and dries cloudy purulent exudate, which reduces the lumen of the nasal passages and clogs the tear ducts.

As a result of a decrease in the lumen of the nasal passages, the passage of air is complicated, breathing becomes more frequent, shortness of breath appears, and the tissues of the body begin to experience a lack of oxygen. At severe course disease, the nose becomes dry and rough, often hot. With progressive intoxication and dehydration of the body, the mucous membranes become pale, often with a bluish tinge.

Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs is accompanied by rapid breathing, shortness of breath, coughing, sneezing. During auscultation of the lungs, frequent, hard, intense breathing with dry rales, less often with wet rales, is heard, especially during recovery.

Auscultation of the heart is characterized by an increase in cardiac impulse, often palpitations, merging of the first and second tones, tachycardia and extrasystole. In the agonal stage, the heart is poorly auscultated, the cardiac impulse is weakened, the tones are weak, quiet, arrhythmia and bradycardia progress, and cardiovascular insufficiency increases.

An important indicator is a pronounced leukopenia. The number of leukocytes can be 4000.3000 and below - up to 50 in 1 mm 3 of blood. The number of neutrophils is greatly reduced, which can lead to absolute neutropenia. There is a picture of general leukopenia with relative lymphocytosis.

With timely and active treatment cats recover in 4-10 days. At misdiagnosis and not proper treatment illness lingers on long time, there are complications.

pathological changes. The corpses of dead cats are dehydrated. There are signs of cachexia. The skin is dry, the coat is dull, disheveled. Observe conjunctivitis, rhinitis, laryngitis. Characteristic is the defeat of the gastrointestinal tract (signs of gastroenteritis), its mucosa is catarrhal or hemorrhagically inflamed. In the mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, spleen and kidneys register changes characteristic of severe hemorrhagic diathesis. Pneumonia and acute pancreatitis are often established.

Histological examination diagnoses cytomorphological changes in the bone marrow and lymphoid tissue. Villi small intestines destroyed, inclusion bodies are found in the nuclei of epithelial cells.

Diagnosis put on the basis of clinical and epizootological data, pathological changes and laboratory (hematological, histological, virological) studies. IN necessary cases conduct a bioassay on healthy kittens from safe areas.

Panleukopenia of cats should be differentiated from toxoplasmosis and enteritis of viral and alimentary origin.

Treatment. The author of the book has developed and successfully tested an inexpensive and very simple circuit treatment of panleukopenia in cats.

Therapy must begin with special conditions content. To do this, the sick animal is isolated in a warm, draft-free, darkened room with an air temperature of 20-24°C. It is strictly forbidden to let cats out on the street.

Diet therapy in the first two days should not include complex and hard foods. Keep the patient warm boiled water to which you can add decoctions and infusions medicinal plants with expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. Sometimes added to water ascorbic acid. At the same time, beef, chicken or fish broths are used in feed (better than the 2nd cooking). It is impossible to give liquid to an animal by force.

On the 3rd-4th day of treatment, the cat is offered a small amount of rice or oatmeal cooked in water or meat broth. If vomiting and diarrhea do not appear after the first portion of food, the amount of porridge and the frequency of its feeding are increased. Add 1 teaspoon or a tablespoon of boiled beef, chicken or fish mince to porridge per 100-200 g. On the 4-5th day of treatment, add 1-2 raw or boiled eggs. Starting from the 5-7th day of treatment, patients are transferred to a normal diet.

good therapeutic effect on the inflamed intestines has an enema. Disinfectant liquids are injected into the rectum 3-4 times a day to cleanse the intestines of toxic contents - a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate (1: 10,000), a 0.01-0.1% solution of furacilin, furazolidone or decoctions and infusions medicinal plants in low concentration. From herbs, they use a string, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, etc. Volume cleansing enema should be 20-200 ml. After cleansing, you can put a nutritional enema from beef and chicken broth (better than the 2nd cooking), 5% glucose solution, 0.9% sodium chloride solution, Ringer's and Ringer-Locke solutions. Sometimes ascorbic acid, cyanocobalamin, or drinking soda. A nutrient enema is given 3-4 times a day with a volume of 20-200 ml until dehydration disappears and appetite appears.

Various specific and nonspecific immunoglobulins, sometimes serums, are used to increase general immunity. The most purified and tested are Vitafel, normal human immunoglobulin or anti-influenza. Usual dose is 0.2-1 ml once every 2-3 days. The course of treatment requires 2-3 injections of the drug. Of the other immunomodulators, veterinary specialists use interferon, thymogen, thymalin, timaptin, taktivin, comedon, anandin, cycloferon, etc. These drugs are used strictly according to instructions.

Complex treatment to suppress secondary microflora necessarily includes a variety of antibiotics, sulfonamides and nitrofurans. Sulfanilamide preparations- biseptol, groseptol, septrim, sulfalene, norsulfazol, sulfadimezin, sulfadimetoksin, etazol, ftalazol, sulgin, enteroseptol and others are mainly given orally 1-3 times a day. The dose and course of treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian. Due to inflammation of the stomach and vomiting, antibiotics are best administered parenterally. Of these, the most convenient and low-toxic are penicillins - sodium and potassium benzylpenicillin, oxacillin, ampicillin, ampioks, etc., and cephalosporins - kefzol, caricef, longacef, cefamezin, klaforan, fortum, etc. These substances are administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly 1- 3 times a day for 5-7 days. The dose of each antibiotic is indicated in the manual.

Much less often, veterinarians prescribe antibiotics-aminoglycosides, macrolides, streptomycin, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol and quinolones (Baytril). They are toxic, allergic and have contraindications. Nitrofurans are mainly used for the preparation of disinfectant solutions, with which the mucous membranes are treated. nasal membrane, mouth, eyes, rectum and urethra.

Before prescribing antibiotics or sulfonamides, it is desirable to administer intramuscularly diphenhydramine at a dose of 0.1-0.5 ml 2-3 times a day, tavegil, suprastin 0.2-0.5 ml 2-3 times a day, pipolfen or another antihistamine drug according to instructions.

In parallel with antibiotics or sulfonamides, patients are given orally or parenterally administered vitamins of group B (B 1, B 2, B6 , B 12), ascorbic acid, vikasol and multivitamin preparations.

To restore the functions of the heart, it is desirable to inject cardiac agents - cordiamine, sulfocamphocaine, caffeine sodium benzoate, camphor oil, cocarboxylase, cytochrome C, aminofillin, etc. The dose and course of treatment with them is determined by the attending veterinarian.

With severe dehydration, cats are administered subcutaneously (in the withers area) or intravenously isotonic solutions glucose, sodium chloride, Ringer or Ringer-Locke 2-6 times a day in an amount of 10-100 ml until recovery.

Symptomatic treatment It is aimed at eliminating intoxication, vomiting, dysbacteriosis, bleeding, dysfunction of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver and kidneys. Medicinal substances, dose and course of treatment should be determined by a veterinarian.

Prevention. A sick animal must be isolated, not allowed to come into contact with healthy cats and kittens. After the illness, the cat remains a latent virus carrier for a long time. The room in which the sick animal was located must be disinfected (use a 2% solution of sodium hydroxide or a clarified solution of bleach with 2% active chlorine, a 3% Lysol emulsion, a 2% solution of chloramine or Virkon C).

Young cats, preferably adults, should be vaccinated from 2 months of age. The vaccination schedule and frequency should be determined by a veterinarian. Currently, complex vaccines are used against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calicivir behind and other infections - domestic multifell and Dutch nobivak triket. They are administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. After vaccination and infection, immunity is maintained for high level during a year.

Gentlemen, the more we post on the Internet about happy and unfortunate cases related to the treatment of our animals, as well as about nurseries, the faster our society will develop and perhaps become more humane, and ultimately happier. Information, in our century, is of paramount importance. The more we learn, the more protected our animals and ourselves become.

In for last years, diseases of cats appear more and more. Many infectious diseases “come” to our country along with purebred kittens and “new bloods”. Due to this, catteries, exhibitions and "bird market", are the main sources of infectious diseases, which, (by the way), have not been fully studied. A huge mistake is burying animals in a yard or park. And not always, the owners of dead animals know the reasons for the death of their pets. Thus, many viral diseases are spreading, such as "

Panleukopenia, viral enteritis or distemper - deadly dangerous disease, which without treatment leads to the death of a pet in 90% of cases. The FPV virus is extremely viable, persists in the external environment for more than a year, is resistant to freezing, heat, and conventional disinfectant liquids. Therefore, it is extremely important to prevent infection, and at the slightest suspicion, immediately contact a veterinarian.

The virus is released into the environment with feces, nasal discharge and saliva of sick or recently recovered cats. A pet can become infected by sniffing feces, walking on the grass on which a sick cat walked, drinking from the same bowl with it, or “talking” with a virus carrier. Close contact is not necessary - distemper is highly contagious. In the house where the sick cat was kept, the virus persists for another year after the recovery of the pet. At intrauterine infection kittens are born dead or non-viable, miscarriages are not uncommon.

Distemper is not dangerous to humans! The FPV virus is species-specific and affects only cats. Humans and dogs cannot get panleukopenia.

How does the virus work?

Once in the body, the virus spreads to almost all systems, affecting Bone marrow, lymphoid tissues, lungs and heart, intestinal mucosa. Feline distemper usually becomes symptomatic a week after infection (in kittens, after only two days). As a result of the pathogenic action of the virus, digestive system disorders develop, general intoxication. Kittens have a disease, even if timely treatment leads to death in 80% of cases. Among adult non-immune animals, death occurs in half of the cases (with treatment).

Forms of the disease

Like most viral diseases, distemper can occur in three forms: fulminant, acute, subacute.

Hyperacute or fulminant form of the disease typical for kittens under the age of one year. The disease develops quickly, the animal is literally weakening before our eyes, trembling, not eating or drinking. The coat becomes dirty and sticky. If the nervous system is affected, the signs of the disease resemble rabies: the pet hides, does not go out into the light, is frightened of any sounds, lies near a bowl of water, but does not drink. Soon there is vomiting with yellowish foam, intolerably fetid diarrhea, sometimes bloody. In suckling kittens, it develops extremely quickly: the babies do not eat, do not move around the house, squeak weakly, and do not react to their mother.

acute form character for adult cats with good health. At the beginning of the disease, the pet loses interest in the environment, lies a lot, breathes heavily and hardly eats. Gastrointestinal symptoms: foam and. up to 41 ° C, followed by a decrease to normal or to 37 ° C and below (in the latter case, the prognosis is unfavorable). After 36-48 hours, watery vomiting is replaced by mucous vomit with splashes of blood. : dry barking cough, bluish mucous membranes, dog breathing (open mouth). Signs of defeat respiratory system: discharge from the nose and eyes, wheezing in the chest, cough, hot nose and reddened eyes. Reddish inflammations may appear on the skin, gradually filling with pus, covered with crusts. The pet is experiencing intense thirst, but cannot drink due to spasms of the larynx and pain in the abdomen. If treatment is not started at as soon as possible, the animal will die within a maximum of a week. An ill cat acquires immunity, which lasts for several years.

Ukots immune to the disease (vaccinated) proceed in subacute form. Most animals recover quickly with proper treatment. The disease is sluggish, progressing for about two weeks. The symptoms are the same as those listed above, but all manifestations are mild.

Read also: Skin diseases in cats and cats: types, symptoms, treatment

Distemper diagnosis

To make a diagnosis, the doctor takes blood, feces, and nasal discharge for analysis. In feces, the FPV virus reaches its maximum on the third day of the disease, but modern laboratory methods allow you to find the culprit as soon as the disease manifests itself symptomatically. In addition, distemper provokes a sharp decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood, which is a characteristic sign of the disease.

Distemper treatment

Due to the extreme persistence of the virus effective medicine from the plague cannot be created. The treatment is complex and painstaking, it is an individually designed scheme. The doctor, based on the symptoms, selects a number of drugs that help the cat cope with the disease:

  • saline solutions (combating dehydration and intoxication, restoring cellular balance);
  • glucose;
  • antiviral drugs.In many cases, the disease is treated with fosprenil.

In addition, your doctor may prescribe pain relievers, decongestants, heart medications, antihistamines, and immunostimulants based on your symptoms. Sometimes gastric lavage and help. The course lasts from seven to fourteen days and must be maintained completely even in case of significant improvement, since distemper is a relapsing disease. Often the scheme needs to be adjusted during treatment, so the pet must be observed by a doctor during the entire course, any changes in the condition should be reported to the veterinarian immediately.

To increase the chances of success, you must follow the recommendations for keeping a sick animal:

  • remove feces and vomiting as soon as possible, clean the eyes from accumulations of pus, clean the nose and muzzle from secretions;
  • the room in which the sick pet is kept must be ventilated daily. It is advisable to darken the room by hanging heavy curtains;
  • it is important that the room is warm and there is no draft. For the time of airing, the pet must be taken to another room;
  • force-feeding is not allowed. After the return of appetite, the diet consists of light, slightly warm grated food. Feeding - small portions five times a day. You can not give your pet cereals, herbs, any vegetables and fruits during recovery and the next two months.

Panleukopenia, or viral enteritis - the name is scientific, in everyday life it is simple - distemper. For cats, this is a very dangerous disease.

If left untreated, the animal may die. Death possible in 90% of cases.

That's why timing is so important. recognize the disease By accompanying symptoms and immediately contact a veterinarian who will prescribe an adequate treatment for the cat's condition.


FPV virus, which causes panleukopenia, is able to survive in extremely harsh conditions, even with freezing and high heat.

Even after the pet is cured, the virus itself can remain in the animal's habitat for another whole year.

Usually, healthy cat gets infected from the patient, not only with personal close contact, but also from her saliva, feces, even if she just smells them.

The place of transmission of the virus can also be grass or the pile of a carpet along which a once sick individual walked.

In no case should a healthy cat be allowed to drink from a bowl used by a virus carrier.

by the most in a dangerous way infection is intrauterine.

In this case, kittens are born dead or practically unviable and soon die. Often, miscarriages occur in cats with panleukopia.

A treated cat has immunity and a virus that has settled on whole year in the house of the inhabitant, it is no longer dangerous for her. He is also completely insensitive to humans and dogs.

Forms of panleukopenia

Symptoms of distemper infection in adult cats appear only a week later, in kittens - already on third day.

Even with timely treatment, kittens die in 80% of cases, and in adult cats the chances are 50/50 if they are not immune to this virus.

As soon as FPV enters the body of an animal, it immediately begins to act: it affects the lungs, heart, bone marrow, intestinal mucosa and lymphoid tissues.

Cat gets upset digestive system, heart failure develops, dehydration and general intoxication of the body occurs.

Distinguish some forms of the disease: panleukopenia can be lightning-fast and acute. There is also a subacute form.

Some sparing or passive form of this dangerous disease just doesn't exist.

Lightning form kittens that are not yet a year old are susceptible to diseases. They sharply weaken, refuse to eat and drink, often tremble, outwardly look unkempt, as the virus very strongly infects their fur: it sticks together and becomes, as it were, dirty.

If the kids start hide and be afraid of the light, sounds, rustles, which means the virus "absorbs" their nervous system.

Soon the kittens will start spit yellow foam , they will begin to have a strong, feces will become extremely smelly, sometimes mixed with blood.

It is easier to carry distemper by kittens that are on breastfeeding. rich in vitamins and mother's milk saturated with all kinds of antibodies gives them strength and chances to survive.

Also affected by this form of the disease are weak cats with poor health.

acute form panleukopenia develops in adults, strong and healthy individuals.

First symptoms illnesses - when a cat does not eat anything, its breathing is intermittent and heavy, it mostly lies, moves little and is not interested in anything at all, no game or favorite pastime attracts it.

A week later begin to appear obvious symptoms. The animal may open vomit green or yellow color, as well as watery, light diarrhoea.

Another sign of damage to the digestive system is a sharp temperature increase animal body - up to 41 degrees. Temperature often speaks about the forecasts of the development of the disease.

If it drops to normal, then the chances of survival are great. If only up to 37 degrees, then the cat expects a painful recovery, or a disappointing outcome.

Within two days, the cat begins to vomit bloody mucous.

If suddenly wheezing in the chest, coughing, snot appeared, and the nose itself became hot and the eyes turned red, the virus got to respiratory system.

When the lungs are affected, the cat is very thirsty. However, she does not do this, because she experiences indescribably excruciating pain in her stomach and larynx.

If a cat coughs dryly, as if barking, and breathes like a dog - with an open mouth, and also its mucous membranes suddenly turn blue, then it develops heart failure.

Treatment in this case makes sense, but if you start it quickly, otherwise the cat will die in just a week.

An animal that has once been ill with distemper acquires immunity for several years.

Subacute form panleukopenia occurs only in vaccinated cats and cats.

They have immunity to the disease, and they are successfully cured. The symptoms are identical, but passive.

The treatment takes only two weeks. The animal quickly recovers and returns to its usual active life.

Treatment of panleukopenia

Treatment comprehensive.

Usually the veterinarian selects an individual therapy regimen for the cat. There is no single drug for panleukopenia.

Usually the doctor prescribes antibiotics, antivirals, as well as vitamins and saline solutions.

Depending on the form of the disease and the condition of the cat, immunostimulating and antihistamines, as well as painkillers and cardiac.

In case of damage to the gastrointestinal tract, gastric lavages are done and enemas.

A prerequisite for treatment is the constant supervision of a doctor, since the cat's condition can change dramatically and new drugs will be required.

The course of therapy must be maintained for at least two weeks.

This is also mandatory, because panleukopenia can manifest itself in a relapse.

In no case should you resort to folk remedies.

All kinds of alcohol tinctures and drinking can lead to more greater intoxication the body of the animal and its dehydration: this is certain death.

Important continuously and t clean up thoroughly after the animal, clean the skin and mucous membranes from all expiration, secretions and accumulations of pus.

The animal will feel better if the room is curtained and dark.

Also, the room where the sick cat is kept should be ventilate, but avoid drafts, which are very dangerous for a weakened pet. The room must be warm.

You can't force a cat feeding, and after treatment, only pureed food and small portions should be given to her. Within two months, the animal must be kept under strict diet. Vegetables, fruits, cereals and herbs are excluded.

After recovery, use to restore the intestinal flora.

For prevention panleukopenia cat should be vaccinated. Just remember that vaccination is contraindicated for lactating cats, as well as for individuals weakened as a result of any other injuries, and, of course, for kittens when they have a change of teeth.

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