Distemper in cats: symptoms, treatment, prevention. Distemper in cats: symptoms, treatment and prevention of a dangerous disease How does cat distemper manifest itself

The same disease, which has three names, mercilessly kills an animal. To overcome the disease, you need to start treatment at lightning speed. Read about the stages of distemper, how dangerous the disease is, how to quickly diagnose and what drugs to support the life of the animal, how to cure distemper - read in this article.

For humans, the plague is not dangerous. Panleukopenia in cats affects almost all organs, causes severe diarrhea and vomiting, provoking life-threatening dehydration. Based on the experience of owners who managed to save their pet from distemper, and the advice of a veterinarian, we tell you how to treat distemper in cats.

How does a cat get distemper

The disease is transmitted from contact with a sick animal, when sniffing places where an infected cat went to the toilet or left droplets of nasal mucus. A person can bring a virus on their shoes. If you bring grass to a cat from the street, there is a big risk of rewarding her with distemper.

Symptoms of panleukopenia (distemper) in cats

The main signs of distemper in cats are yellow, with blood, trembling, high fever, and the desire to hide from the light.

This cat disease develops in three forms:

Super-sharp, or lightning fast;


lightning form

It is characteristic and dangerous for kittens up to a year.


Refusal to eat and drink;

Trembling in paws;

The kitten does not respond to the mother cat;

Hiding from the light;

Afraid of loud sounds

Hiding in a remote dark place;

The kitten is weak and inactive;

The wool is matted.

With the progression of the disease, there is a strong vomiting of yellow foam, diarrhea with blood and a pungent odor.

Acute form of distemper (panleukopenia)

It is typical for adult young animals with good immunity.


High temperature (41 degrees);

Lack of activity;

hot nose;

Vomiting of yellow foam or liquid, after 1.5-2 days blood is noticeable in the vomit;

Fetid, watery diarrhoea, with blood.

Wheezing when breathing (if the respiratory organs are affected);

Eyelids red;

Purulent wounds on the lips, nose.

The animal reaches for water, but does not drink - due to pain in the throat and abdomen.

If the temperature drops below 37 degrees, this is an alarm signal - the animal dies.

Subacute form

It is typical for animals that have received a vaccine against this infectious disease. The symptoms of distemper are smoothed out, the disease is not painful for the cat.

To make a diagnosis in the veterinary clinic, they take a blood test, a swab from the nose and feces. The highest concentration of the virus is found in the feces already on the 3rd day. A blood test during infection with distemper shows an extremely low level of red blood cells.

First day diseases effective children's enemas twice a day based on chamomile.

Distemper medications

Treatment of distemper in cats at home is possible if you follow the scheme described below. As for the treatment with vodka, opinions differ. Experienced cat lovers claim that if a cat is given 50 g of vodka on the first day of the disease, the disease recedes.

In cats, distemper is treated with general antiviral drugs and symptomatic relief. there is no medicine that kills distemper. The virus is persistent and insidious, dangerous relapses.

So, the treatment plan:

1. Antiviral serum Vitafel is introduced. Within 3 days, one serum per day is administered. Dosage - 1 ml to 10 kg of weight.

2. Immunostimulants / antiviral: Fosprenil, Cycloferon, Roncoleukin - one of three.

Fosprenil: subcutaneously. With a weight of 1 to 5 kg, the dosage is 0.5 ml. For a kitten weighing up to 1 kg - 0.2 ml. Injections are made according to the following scheme:

The first two days - 2 injections.

From the 3rd to the 10th day - 3 injections.

From the 11th to the 13th - 2 injections.

14th and 15th days - 1 injection.

3. Antiemetic: Cerucal.

4. Against dehydration: Ringer with 5% glucose or a ready-made solution already with glucose - Ringer-Locke.

5. Maintenance drugs are required due to general exhaustion: Ascorbinka, Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), B6 ​​(Pyroxine hydrochloride), Gamavit.

6. From diarrhea - Smekta. The dosage depends on the weight of the cat. On average - 1 sachet per day.

7. Ulcers on the nose and eyes wipe with chlorhexidine.

8. From anemia - Ferrodextran 1-2 ml and Ursoferran (0.3 ml).

9. From pain and spasms - No-shpa, Dibazol.

10. Katazol - to start metabolic processes.

Antibiotics are essential in preventing secondary disease in cats. Distemper devours the gastrointestinal mucosa, so the cat can very easily pick up any disease.

Treatment for a kitten 2-3 months:

1. Droppers every 8 hours:

Ringer-Locky solution - 8 ml.

5% glucose - 1 ml.

Vitamin B6 - 0.1 ml.

Vitamin B12 - 0.1 ml.

Cocarboxylase - 1/4 ampoule.

Riboxin - 0.2 ml

Axorbic acid - dosage 0.2 ml.

2. Antibiotic - Cefotaxime. 1 g of the drug is dissolved in 5 ml of Ringer-Locke. Prick with an insulin syringe 0.4 ml twice a day. Course - 7-10 days.

Disease prognosis

You can not delay the treatment. Even if you have passed the tests, the results have not yet been received, but the symptoms of distemper are evident in cats - immediately begin therapy. The most critical - 3-4 days. If the cat managed to survive - most likely, he will defeat the disease.

90% of cats don't survive. The disease is especially dangerous for kittens and old animals.

If the cat temperature dropped below 36.5 degrees- immediately warm the animal - with heating pads, bottles of warm water, a blanket, with yourself - by all means available! Lowering the temperature is the path to organ failure and death! In such cases, a dropper of heated Ringer Locke solution is also placed.

How to care for a cat during distemper and what to feed

Ventilate the room where the animal is often. Wash the floors with disinfectants, wash his bedding daily, wipe his eyes and nose from pus every 2 hours.

For the first two or three days, let's use low-fat chicken or fish broth. Then you can feed baby meat food. If the animal refuses to eat - do not force him. On day 4-5, you can give a boiled egg.

After a week, try to return the cat to normal habitual food.

Consequences of the illness

The distemper exhausts the cat. At least six months he will need vitamin therapy. Necessarily preparations for the restoration of bacteria of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important for kittens to give vitamins for bones. Often the pet does not return to normal, it requires a lifelong diet. It happens that chronic heart failure and diseases of the central nervous system develop.

From our article, you learned the symptoms and treatment of a terrible disease for cats. Keep the number of the veterinary clinic in the phone book for emergency response and treatment. Our recommendations and qualified assistance will allow your pet to enter the 10% of surviving cats.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

There are legends that cats have 9 lives, in addition, many believe that these animals land on their paws when they fall. Such statements are justified, because pets are distinguished by endurance, vitality. It is worth noting that even such animals are unable to endure some diseases - one of the most dangerous is cat distemper or panleukopenia.

What is distemper in cats

This is a highly contagious viral disease, which is also known as infectious parvovirus enteritis or panleukopenia. When infected, the number of all types of leukocytes in the bloodstream decreases sharply, the intestinal epithelium is affected, and a generalized infection affects the lymphatic system. More often, panleukopenia occurs in kittens - a still fragile organism is more susceptible to the virus. The most dangerous time is spring and summer when animals breed. Distemper in cats shows a high mortality rate, so it is important to start treatment in a timely manner - when the first signs appear.

Panleukopenia virus in animals

Cat distemper is caused by the defeat of the body of an animal by a parvovirus, whose name in Latin sounds like this - Virus panleukopenia feline (FPV). The virus retains its virulence in the external environment for up to one year, while it does not decompose when heated to 60 ° C for an hour, does not respond to changes in acidity in the range from pH 3.0 to 9.0, is not afraid of frost, withstands exposure to pepsin, trypsin , diethyl ether and chloroform - thanks to such amazing stability, the causative agent of the disease can easily infect more and more new victims.

How is it transmitted

Sources of a deadly disease are sick cats and virus carriers. Isolation of parvovirus occurs with feces (faeces, urine) or saliva. There are several ways to get panleukopenia:

Parvovirus can infect almost all members of the cat family: tigers, leopards, cheetahs. Among domestic animals, distemper is a widespread disease that is more susceptible to unvaccinated kittens under the age of one year and cats over 6-8 years old: young animals are prone to the disease due to undeveloped immunity, and older pets lose their ability to resist various viruses with age, because the immune properties of the body are getting weaker.

Pregnant cats and small kittens are still at risk of contracting panleukopenia. The chances of contracting distemper increase in babies who have reached two weeks of age. This is due to the fact that maternal immunity is weakening, and the baby’s own immune system is not enough to withstand such a dangerous virus. If we consider the breed predisposition, then parvovirus is most dangerous for British representatives, Maine Coons, Siamese and Persian cats.

Is it dangerous for humans

Panleukopenia is not dangerous to humans. They can only act as carriers of parvovirus on their outerwear, shoes and other things. Owners of several pets should be careful: if one cat has become infected with infectious enteritis, it must be isolated from a healthy individual and strictly quarantined. It is noteworthy that the virus is not terrible for dogs. Although they can get distemper, a completely different type of parvovirus can cause it.

Incubation period

Parvovirus can be in the body of an animal without any signs from 3 to 8-10 days. After this period, a viral particle that has entered the cat in one of the possible ways begins to actively multiply, infecting the brain, attacking blood cells, bone marrow, the gastrointestinal tract, or stem cells of the fetus developing in the mother cat's womb.

Forms of the disease

Distemper in cats develops subacutely, acutely or superacutely (with lightning speed). Learn more about these forms of the disease:

  • The subacute form is typical for cats with strong immunity. The incubation period can last up to several weeks. Clinical signs of distemper in subacute form are not pronounced. Full recovery is possible provided that the immune system of the animal is at a high level.
  • Acute - in this case, the incubation period is 1-2 days. Panleukopenia in this form affects mainly adult animals.
  • The lightning-fast form of the disease is typical for young fluffy pets. Distemper in a kitten develops rapidly - just a few hours after the pathogen enters the body. The hyperacute form of the course of the disease is similar in clinical manifestation to the symptoms of rabies, while the signs often do not even have time to develop, the animal dies in a very short time.

First signs

The virus manifests itself within 2-8 days from the onset of the disease. If the course of the disease is acute, the symptoms are:

  • sudden refusal to feed;
  • oppression;
  • an increase in body temperature, which rises to 40 ° C and above in 1-2 days;
  • the cat behaves as if he is constantly thirsty, but at the same time he drinks little;
  • vomiting appears with dark yellow-green mucus;
  • urine becomes dark yellow to light orange;
  • the oral mucosa dries up;
  • the blood vessels of the soft palate turn blue;
  • during examination, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and swelling of the larynx membrane are noted.


Parvovirus first affects the small intestine, then the bone marrow, the lymphatic system, after which it occupies almost the entire body. Each form of the disease is characterized by certain symptoms. Fulminant - is a course of panleukopenia, which kittens under the age of 2 weeks can become infected with. This form of distemper leads to a sharp deterioration in well-being, manifested in the refusal to suck milk, plaintive squeaking, apathy.

Even if you start timely treatment, most likely the baby will die within 2 days. There are other symptoms of feline distemper, which occurs in a hyperacute form:

  1. lethargy;
  2. lack of response to their mother;
  3. matted, tousled, unkempt, dull coat;
  4. unwillingness to move, paralysis;
  5. trembling of the limbs, convulsions;
  6. lack of appetite, thirst;
  7. vomiting blood or yellow or green foam.

In kittens aged 3 to 7 months, with a lightning-fast course of the disease, the nervous system suffers. At the same time, symptoms are added to the above signs that are very similar to those that occur with rabies: the cat is frightened of any extraneous sounds, hides in distant secret corners, he begins to be afraid of light, sunlight, he squeaks heart-rendingly when frightened, nervous overexcitation is observed. After some time, loose stools are added to the symptoms, which have a specific fetid odor. In some cases, blood appears in the excrement.

The acute form of the course of the disease occurs in adults. Symptoms differ from those that are characteristic of the fulminant form of distemper, and are as follows:

  1. interest in everything that happens disappears, the cat constantly lies, does not respond to the actions and voice of the owner;
  2. the temperature rises sharply to 41 ° C;
  3. there is heavy breathing;
  4. the animal refuses any food, even the most beloved;
  5. vomiting begins with yellow or green foam, in which, after 36–48 hours, particles of blood and mucus appear;
  6. there is rumbling in the stomach, watery diarrhea;
  7. red spots appear on the skin, which first suppurate, then disappear.

The high temperature does not last long, then drops to 37 ° C. Lower rates are harbingers of the imminent death of the animal. A sick cat is very thirsty, but due to spasms of the larynx and pain in the abdominal cavity, he cannot. When the parvovirus reaches the heart of a cat, she begins to breathe with her mouth open, and heart failure develops, tachycardia. In the case when distemper affects the respiratory organs (lungs, bronchi), the following symptoms are added:

  1. copious discharge from the nose;
  2. redness of the eyes, lacrimation;
  3. hot, dry nose;
  4. wheezing in the chest when breathing, coughing;
  5. frequent coughing;
  6. foci of inflammation on the epidermis, filled with pus.

The subacute form is the most favorable form of the disease, in which almost all the main markers of distemper are traced, but their manifestations are insignificant. In this form, the disease occurs mainly in animals with stable immunity, in vaccinated animals and in individuals who by nature have good health.


Only a veterinarian can determine if an animal has distemper. To do this, at the slightest suspicion of infection, the cat must be taken to the clinic, taking with him a passport, where vaccinations are indicated. The doctor makes the diagnosis on the basis of anamnesis, examination, laboratory and clinical tests. First of all, the veterinarian checks the stool for the presence of particles of parvovirus - such a study is performed using the polymerase chain reaction (PRC method). It should be noted that the PRC method will show a positive result only if the cat was vaccinated shortly before infection.

A characteristic sign of infection with panleukopenia is a sharp decrease in leukocytes. For this reason, a sick pet is prescribed a blood test. The veterinarian conducts a differential diagnosis, because the signs of distemper in a cat are similar to the symptoms of pathologies such as poisoning, feline immunodeficiency, leukemia, pancreatitis, or intestinal perforation.

Treatment of distemper in cats

This disease is treated comprehensively, and only a veterinarian should do this. Therapy is of two types - etiotropic and symptomatic. Etiotropic - aimed at the destruction of the virus. In the treatment, the drug Vitafel is used - an immunoglobulin that fights the viruses of rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia and calicivirus. Enterostat also helps to overcome the disease: the dose is 20 mg / kg 1 time / day for 7 days.

Excellent results can be seen after using the antiviral drug Fosprenil: the drug is administered intramuscularly in doses of 0.5 ml for cats weighing 1–5 kg and 0.2 ml for cats less than 1 kg. The duration of treatment affects the number of injections:

  • on the 1-2 day - 4 injections / day.
  • on days 3-10 - 3 injections / day;
  • on days 11-13 - 2 injections / day;
  • on the 14th-15th day - 1 injection / day.

Symptomatic therapy is aimed at minimizing the symptoms of distemper in cats as much as possible. With such treatment, it is necessary to act, taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. First, correct the acid-base and water-electrolyte balance of the body, i.e. reduce dehydration and neutralize intoxication. To do this, you need to enter a solution of sodium chloride intravenously or subcutaneously.
  2. In the absence of vomiting, Ringer's solution, Regidron can be used inside. Each of these drugs must be mixed with 5% glucose and a quarter teaspoon of soda. The daily volume of such a drink for a cat is calculated by the formula: 50 ml per 1 kg.
  3. Increase urine output in order to rid the body of toxic products. In this case, it is advisable to use herbal preparations: lingonberries, horsetail, bearberry, etc.
  4. It is mandatory to carry out antibiotic therapy in order to destroy the secondary bacterial microflora - broad-spectrum drugs are indicated.
  5. Use vitamin products in combination with iron-containing preparations. The composition of such drugs must necessarily contain folic, ascorbic acid, vitamins of groups A, B, C. Iron-containing are, for example, Ferrodextran (1-2 ml for an adult animal) and Ursoferran (0.3 ml / animal).
  6. It is necessary to stimulate the body as a whole and improve metabolism. For these purposes, Catozal is perfect - for a week the drug is administered daily at the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  7. Use antispasmodic medications to relieve spasms and reduce pain in the intestines. Suitable Dibazol, No-shpa, etc.


Plague in cats is a serious illness, so after curing the animal, it is important for the owner to take care of the appropriate nutrition of his pet. To do this, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • After the appetite returns, the cat's menu should consist exclusively of light, slightly warm, pureed food.
  • It is not recommended to feed a pet against the will - when he gets better, he will start eating himself.
  • Portions should be small, food should be given 5-6 times / day.
  • It is allowed to feed with low-fat broth, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. After 3 days, a little boiled lean beef, fish fillet can be introduced into the diet.
  • Vegetables, fruits, cereals, any raw food are prohibited foods for cats who have just had distemper - such foods can be given no earlier than 2 months later.


As already mentioned, distemper is a very dangerous and resistant to many external influences disease. In order to protect your pet and other cats on the mend as much as possible, you must follow the recommendations for disinfecting the premises:

  • Treat the room where the cat is infected with parvovirus with a UV lamp and javelin water (sodium hypochlorite solution).
  • To disinfect rooms, cat beds, toys, bowls, use soda ash mixed in water (1 part soda / 20 parts water) and formaldehyde gas.
  • Be sure to make wet cleaning (up to several times / day) of the room where the cat is suffering from distemper.
  • Do not forget about the regular ventilation of the room in which the parvovirus hovers. At this time, the pet must be moved to another room.
  • Create a comfortable air temperature.
  • Quickly remove the feces and vomit of the animal.
  • It is important to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on a cat with distemper.
  • Constantly rinse the eyes from the pus accumulating in the corners, wetting a cotton swab in the medicinal liquid.


With a timely visit to the veterinarian, providing assistance to a sick animal, the cat quickly recovers from distemper: the number of leukocytes in the blood is restored, it quickly gains weight, signs of rhinitis, conjunctivitis disappear, body temperature drops to normal. After some time, the pet returns to normal life.

It often happens that panleukopenia in cats does not go away without a trace. In this case, the fluffy pet has unpleasant consequences for life. These include chronic disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, nervous phenomena. After a successful cure, some animals are shown special care and diet for the rest of their lives.


Owners of fluffy pets should definitely know what are the ways to prevent such a terrible disease as distemper. To do this, you need to know a few rules:

  1. If several cats live in the house, an uninfected animal should be given to friends or placed in a cattery for the duration of the treatment of the sick person.
  2. If after three weeks of the incubation period, other pets do not show the disease, they must be vaccinated.
  3. It is advisable to vaccinate a cat at an early age - when the kitten is 2 months old, after which it needs to be revaccinated after 3 weeks.
  4. Adult cats from one year old need to be vaccinated annually, while pregnancy is a contraindication to vaccination.
  • Square;
  • Multifel;
  • Nobivak;
  • Phelocel.


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Distemper is a serious disease that affects wild and domestic cats. It is caused by a virus that is extremely common in the environment. Almost all domestic cats have been exposed to it at least once in their lives. A disease that develops rapidly after a virus enters the body is a mortal danger. However, if you provide your pet with help at the right time, he will be able to recover from a serious illness. Every cat owner must know what distemper is in cats. Symptoms should be recognized at the initial stage of the disease, only this will save you from losing your furry friend. Read in our article all about feline distemper, methods of its treatment and prevention. After all, if you are aware, then you are armed.

healthy cat

What is a plague?

Panleukopenia is the official name for feline distemper. The virus that causes the disease is called feline panleukopenia virus, or FPV. It belongs to the parvovirus family. The disease was officially recognized in the early 20th century, but has probably existed for hundreds of years. Feline parvovirus infects and destroys fast-growing and dividing cells: in the intestines, circulatory system, during pregnancy with the growth of the fetus. It can affect the cerebellum and even the retina. It attacks the bone marrow and lymphatic system, resulting in a deficiency of all types of white blood cells (panleukopenia) and red blood cells (anemia). Hence the name of the disease. "Leukopenia" is a low level of white blood cells, the prefix "pan" is a sharp decrease in the production of white blood cells. Aggressive parvovirus is very stable, even adverse weather conditions do not bother it - it can stay in the environment for about a year and wait for the right moment to infect your cat. The incubation period of the disease is usually less than 14 days, rapidly and painfully developing ailments sharply worsen the condition of the pet and the cat may be on the verge of death.

In most cases, distemper is contracted from an infected animal.

How and where can a cat become infected?

The infection enters the cat's body directly when communicating not only with a sick animal, but also through contact with infected blood, feces and even fleas. In addition, a person can also become a carrier of the virus - if hygiene is not observed after contact with animals or potentially infected objects and things. The virus remains in cat bowls, bedding, toys and clothing. It is quite resistant to disinfection, the summer months are especially dangerous - this is the most favorable time for the spread of the virus. During this period, cats come into contact with other animals more often than usual and go outside. Unfortunately, very small kittens are also susceptible to the disease. Even a newborn baby can be infected. It is contracted from the mother during fetal development. Already after birth, panleukopenia can enter the body to the cat and through the milk of a sick cat mother.

Cat toys can carry the distemper virus

Symptoms of distemper (panleukopenia)

The initial symptoms of distemper are usually upper respiratory tract infections: frequent prolonged sneezing, runny nose, tearing, and sore eyes. As the disease progresses, the symptoms become more severe:

  • Fever is a rapid rise in temperature.
  • Loss of orientation - as the virus affects the cerebellum, the cat may lose balance, walk swaying from side to side, or not be able to stand up at all.
  • Diarrhea - the infection spreads in the intestines.
  • Vomiting is prolonged and painful.
  • Refusal to eat.
  • Lethargy and drowsiness.
  • Aggression.
  • Reduced immunity - distemper makes the body more susceptible to other viruses and infections.
  • Tremor.
  • Damage to the retina of the eye - becomes gray.

The symptoms of feline distemper can vary and be similar to other illnesses such as salmonella infection, pancreatitis, feline immunodeficiency virus infection, or feline leukemia virus infection. It is important to correctly diagnose the disease.

Lethargy and drowsiness are some of the symptoms of feline distemper.

Appointment at the veterinarian

The cat is more likely to win the fight against distemper if treatment is started on time. You should take your pet to the veterinarian immediately after noticing deterioration in health and symptoms of the virus. This will allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and start treatment as soon as possible. The danger of feline distemper is that its symptoms are similar to less dangerous diseases. For example, poisoning. To arrive at a proper diagnosis, the veterinarian will likely do a blood chemistry test to look at the white blood cell count and a cat's feces test to look for the presence of the virus. The veterinarian, on initial examination and palpation, may also feel thickened intestines and swollen lymph nodes that fight infections and become inflamed during illness. This will help him in making a diagnosis.

Prompt visit to the veterinarian is the main condition for a speedy recovery.

False diagnosis

As with any type of laboratory testing, there are rare cases of false positive and false negative results on tests that detect feline distemper. In what cases is this possible?

  • At an early stage of the disease, tests can show false negative results.
  • Cats that have recently been vaccinated against distemper may have false positive results.

If you have any doubts about your cat's diagnosis, you can ask your veterinarian to retest or use other methods to determine the disease.

A blood test can detect a decrease in the level of leukocytes


Treatment focuses on preventing prolonged dehydration, ensuring nutrient intake, and managing secondary infection. Although antibiotics do not kill the virus, they are still needed - infected cats are at higher risk of bacterial infections. Their immune system is weakened and not fully functioning (due to a decrease in white blood cells), and bacteria from a damaged gut can enter the bloodstream and cause infection. In especially severe cases, the cat may be hospitalized. The classic treatment is:

  • Vitamin injections.
  • Supportive nutrient drips.
  • Preparations aimed at normalizing the water balance in the body.
  • Drugs that prevent nausea and restore a good appetite.

When the cat begins to eat and drink without subsequent vomiting, she is released home, where treatment continues. Bland diets and anti-nausea and vomiting drugs are usually prescribed. In addition to taking fluids and medicines, a cat needs a lot of attention during an illness. Stroking her, talking, being around - this will help the suffering pet not to lose the will to live. The goal of maintenance treatment is to make the cat feel comfortable and help the immune system fight the virus.

An important condition for recovery is comfort and warmth.


A favorable outcome depends on several factors:

  • the age of the cat;
  • the state of the immune system;
  • the amount of time between the onset of the disease and the start of treatment.

If a cat survives the first five days of illness, her chances of recovery skyrocket. Unfortunately, without supportive treatment, up to 90% of cats infected with feline distemper die. This disease is fatal in most cases for kittens, but even for adult and strong cats, this virus is very dangerous. And now about the good: if you are an attentive and responsible owner, you can easily notice something strange in the behavior of your pet, and immediately contact your veterinarian. And this greatly increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

Timely treatment increases the chances of a favorable outcome


Prevention is vital to your cat's health. Today there are vaccines that provide excellent protection against panleukopenia. How it works? An inactive or modified form of the virus is introduced into the cat's body. The immune system perceives it as a real threat and begins to produce antibodies to attack and neutralize it. These antibodies will protect the cat in the future. Vaccination is equally important for outdoor pets as for pets, as the virus can enter anywhere.

  • kittens

Most cats receive their first vaccine between six and eight weeks of age, followed by several more vaccinations until the kitten is 16 weeks old. Kittens can also get temporary immunity through colostrum, the first milk kittens get from their mother. This is called "passive immunity" and how long it protects kittens from infection depends on the level of protective antibodies produced by the mother. But protection rarely lasts more than 12 weeks.

  • adult cats

Vaccination schedules for adult pets vary depending on the age and health of the cat, as well as the risk of infection in the environment and the likelihood of contact with an already infected animal.

  • Cats that have already had the disease

Cats that survive panleukopenia have lifelong immunity to the disease and do not require subsequent vaccinations. However, vaccinations for other diseases are still necessary and important. Your healthcare provider should schedule the necessary vaccinations that are best for your pet.

Whether yours has been vaccinated or not, feline distemper can be cured. Ultimately, whether a cat survives depends on how strong their immune system is, whether they have comorbid or chronic diseases, and how well they are eating. And this once again proves that it is necessary to monitor the health of the pet constantly, and not only when the animal gets sick.

Vaccination is an excellent prevention of feline distemper

Distemper is commonly referred to as viral gastroenteritis, a very common disease among unvaccinated pets with a high lethality. Kittens get sick especially hard and acutely, moreover, they rarely survive. And adult cats that survived after the distemper are almost never able to fully restore their health.

The opinion that we are talking about the same disease is erroneous. Distemper is a viral disease that mainly affects cats. It is also called panleukopenia and gastroenteritis. But then the question arises: do cats have carnivorous distemper, which dogs get sick with? No, these are two different diseases!

Plague of carnivores is a disease that affects wolves, foxes, dogs and about 20 other species of medium and small predators. In a word, dogs. The misconception arises from the fact that distemper in dogs is also often called gastroenteritis.

What is the difference?

It is worth understanding the difference between feline distemper and canine distemper. There is a concept of species-specific diseases. These are the subjects of our dispute. Plague and distemper are, in fact, related diseases of the same series. Both are caused by viruses that have similar effects on the victim's body.

Both types of virus are very tenacious, for a long time (according to some sources, up to two years) they can persist in the external environment and wait for their prey. A sick animal already on the first day of the disease begins to release the virus into the surrounding space.

The animal is unable to heal itself. In those rare cases when recovery occurs without medication or with the help of folk remedies, one has to talk more about a miracle than about a pattern. Folk remedies like vodka with red pepper do not help in the treatment of viral diseases!

Is it possible to cure a cat from distemper on its own?

Symptoms of distemper in cats may not appear at all or, on the contrary, be very acute due to the individual characteristics of the course of the disease. Only a doctor can understand the details.

The only good news is that viruses between representatives of different species do not spread: a dog cannot get feline distemper, and a cat cannot get canine distemper. In this case, the symptoms and treatment regimens may be identical.

Plague cat misfortune

The first signs of distemper in cats appear within 7-14 days of the incubation period. After a few ... the first signs, the precursors of the disease, will begin to appear. They often go unnoticed

Route of infection

Ways of transmission of viruses are always diverse. In the case of feline distemper, it is not at all necessary to contact a sick animal. The owner can bring spores on clothes, and they can remain in the house for a long time until the time comes to attack the pet. This disease can be transmitted both by airborne droplets and fecal-oral.

Symptoms and course of the disease

The way the distemper manifests itself in cats in the first hours of the disease also depends on the strength of the immunity the virus had to face. Cats at risk are more likely to become ill immediately and in an acute form. The course of the disease can be lightning fast, and it is very difficult to save such an animal.

Three forms are characteristic of feline distemper:

  • Lightning, otherwise it is called super-sharp. Weakened and young animals are more susceptible to it than others. The sharply increasing weakness of the pet immediately catches the eye. Refusal of food, water, trembling, fever - all these are non-specific, but very serious signs of the disease. Kittens are more likely than adults to have mild seizures, a behavioral disorder very similar to the symptoms of rabies.

A sick kitten should be taken to the veterinarian as soon as such behavior or symptoms are noticed. The first few hours of illness are the most favorable time to go to the clinic. Only in this case the forecast will remain positive.

  • The acute form is slightly slower in adult cats, but symptoms persist. In addition to the signs already described, you will immediately notice the coat - a bright indicator of the cat's health. As soon as the skin seems dull, the hairs stick together, and the pet stops washing and cleaning itself - you need to hurry to the doctors.

The sick person tries to lie in a quiet corner, away from light and movement. Vomiting of yellow foam, sometimes with particles of blood, fetid - signs of the next stage of the disease. But first, the stool softens and becomes light, at the same time the temperature rises from the normal 38 degrees to elevated 40-41 degrees, or, conversely, drops to 37.

A plagued cat experiences discomfort, especially if the virus has time to get to the nervous system and muscles. In cases where complications affect the cardiovascular system, shortness of breath and cough occur. If a cat breathes like a dog, this is one of the signs of heart problems. Discharge from the eye and nose, pustules on the skin are also common signs of distemper.

As the disease progresses, the virus causes more and more symptoms. Being extremely thirsty due to dehydration and fever, the cat will not be able to push water through the spasmodic larynx. Bloody diarrhea and vomiting quickly dry out the pet's body and death can occur precisely from a lack of moisture.

  • The subacute form of panleukopenia in cats is less violent, but this does not mean that the pet will easily endure the disease.

Adult cats with strong immune systems have a chance to get sick within 1-3 weeks and survive, but complications can still develop. The body's defenses will be severely depleted, and after a few years the cat may get sick again. Panleukopenia does not apply to ailments that suffer once in a lifetime.

Professional diagnostics

Symptoms, signs and suspicions are one thing, and tests are quite another. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, the veterinarian will prescribe a study of urine, feces and blood. A fecal analysis will provide all the answers almost immediately. This is the simplest and most effective diagnostic method.

If the tests confirm distemper in a cat, the symptoms will be more predictable, so it will be easier for the doctor to predict the course of the disease and select an adequate treatment regimen.

Treatment regimen

Please note that the symptoms and treatment of distemper in cats depends on the stage and form (acuteness) of the disease. There is no specific antibiotic or antiviral drug for plague. Treatment in each individual case is symptomatic.

Due to the fact that a lot of secondary infections and related problems pile up on the pet’s weakened immunity, the doctor has to maneuver between indications and contraindications, choosing a treatment regimen strictly individually.

Self-medication, of course, can be dangerous for the cat. Dehydration, intoxication, problems of digestion, heart, nervous system - all this cannot be taken into account without special education and practical experience. The doctor will prescribe alternately various salts, glucose. Antibiotics, painkillers, antiemetics, anticonvulsants, immunomodulators and lytic mixtures. And best of all, if the case is serious, leave the cat in the hospital until the first signs of positive dynamics. This will take 7 to 14 days.

Rehabilitation and prevention

Even when the dynamics of the analyzes has become positive, and the animal clearly demonstrates an improvement in mood and well-being, it is necessary to complete the entire prescribed course of medication. All this time it is worth keeping in touch with the veterinarian. It happens that there is a sharp deterioration in the condition of the animal due to the activation of the virus.

Prevention of distemper in cats comes down to timely vaccination and avoidance of contact with sick animals and carriers of viruses. If there are several cats in the house, then it will definitely be necessary to check whether they are all vaccinated according to the schedule, and the sick animal must be isolated at least until complete recovery.

  • An ultraviolet lamp and a hypochlorite solution will help get rid of the lurking virus indoors and on surfaces.
  • In order for the recovering pet to be comfortable, the room must be warm, drafts are excluded. Wet cleaning and ventilation are always beneficial, with any infections.
  • Feeding and watering will be the main problem for the owner for the entire period of treatment. The animal's appetite is reduced. You can't force feed a cat. It is necessary to wait for the improvement of the condition. Then the animal will begin to eat and drink on its own. Food should be semi-liquid, light and high-calorie in order to quickly restore the patient's vitality.
  • It is advisable to change the feeding regimen: the number of feedings should be at least 4, and the portions should be small, easily digestible. Such products are allowed as: cottage cheese, yogurt, boneless sea fish fillet, dietary meat (rabbit, poultry, lamb). Greens and vegetables. As well as cereals and any other coarse food - this is a source of new problems, try to avoid such food.

After recovery, the cat can choose food from the hepatik or line, and specialized diets for weakened and sensitive digestion are also suitable.

Panleukopenia significantly undermines the pet's immunity. Full recovery does not occur, so there is a risk of developing other pathologies against the background of weakening health.

The best measure to prevent the disease is. Depending on the drug, you will need to give several injections during the first year of the kitten's life, and then repeat the vaccination annually. This is enough to reliably maintain the health of the pet.

At-risk groups

Clinically healthy adult animals (usually 1 to 6 years old) are not at risk. Their immunity is usually Strong enough and ready to meet such a serious adversary as the panleukopenia virus.

But kittens and aging cats, as well as pets who have undergone surgery or with reduced immunity, are automatically at risk if they do not have vaccinations.

An expired vaccination can also be a reason for classifying as a risk group. Particular attention should be paid to. It is advisable to vaccinate before mating, otherwise a sick pregnant cat will bring dead offspring.

Sharing bowls is dangerous for cats, because distemper is also transmitted through water, in which saliva is inevitably present. In a room where a sick cat lived, the virus can remain viable for more than a year. This means that you cannot bring an unvaccinated animal here.

When distemper develops in cats, the symptoms are quite clear. One fact at an elevated temperature is enough for the owner to panic and urgently consult a doctor. Do not wait for morning or evening and do not hope that it will get better soon. Distemper is a case in which it is better to be safe than to miss a symptom.

Distemper, or panleukopenia, is a very dangerous disease that, if left untreated, will spill over into very serious complications. Today we will tell you what distemper is in a cat, what are its symptoms and what will happen if it is not treated.

Distemper in cats is common in many countries where these furry meowing creatures live. For a long time, they have not been able to figure out to the end why it appears. In most veterinary encyclopedias, reference books, it is described as a strong contagious virulent disease.

As orthodox medicine tells us, this disease is accompanied by very large complications, especially the central nervous system of pets. But what is interesting, in the implementation of herbal treatment of distemper in cats at home, including the use of a starvation diet, it was found that it is still possible to defeat it. In this case, there will be no complications.

What can be the symptoms of the appearance. 12 signs that a cat has distemper:

Everything here is typical and easily recognizable. When distemper is found in cats, symptoms and treatment may include:

  1. The cat is coughing. Not too persistently, but with an enviable frequency, while her cough is dry. This symptom accompanies the pet throughout the illness. (but it is also worth noting that there are cases when it may be absent altogether).
  2. The eyes begin to fester. Pus accumulates in the corners. The eyes turn bloody.
  3. The cat has a hot and dry nose.
  4. There is discharge from the nose.
  5. It smells bad from the mouth.
  6. The pet suffers from diarrhea.
  7. There is a sharp rise in temperature.
  8. The state of the cat becomes apathetic, he is sad and not interested in anything.
  9. There is a tendency to seclusion. The pet tries to hide in some dark place.
  10. Doesn't eat anything.
  11. The cat is shaking a lot.

What to do after the onset of symptoms indicating this disease

When signs of distemper appear in cats, the first thing to do is to stop feeding them. Find a warm, quiet place and put her there. Avoid stuffy rooms. Because, fresh air is very necessary when the cat is sick with the plague. Since in its absence, pulmonary complications will occur.

The pet should be given 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening, special herbal antiseptic tablets. Such pills can be made with your own hands, for the treatment of distemper at home.

How to make such a pill? Recipe for making distemper medicine for cats:

Take the garlic. Mixed with honey. Then mixed with a very small amount of flour. Better than wheat.

How to treat distemper in cats, herbs and folk methods?

During treatment, you need to clean the mouth with the teeth of the pet in the morning and evening. To do this, dilute lemon juice (weak concentration). 1 tsp juice to 2 dessert spoons of water.

Give in the morning, a few tablespoons. Accumulated discharge from the nose and eyes are removed. swab, which should be dipped in an infusion of the following herbs:

  • rosemary plant
  • Alzina annual plant
  • Veronica plant
  • elderberry flowers
  • Balsam

When there is irritation of the nose and eyes, it is necessary to treat it with almond oil (it should be free of impurities).

Try giving your cat honey water. In the event that he wants it, let him drink the usual one, while rolling honey balls. Honey, of course, must be thick, otherwise it will not work. Push them down your pet's throat. If he does not currently have a hunger strike diet.

Honey itself does not affect digestion, as it is quickly absorbed into the blood.

The moment will come when the inflammation will disappear from the cat. After that, an internal cleansing treatment can be taken. And prescribe a natural diet.

But what if the cat's inflammation has gone, but diarrhea does not go away?

In this case, you need to pour crushed tree bark into the milk. This is done in order to soften the cat's digestive tract and provide him with light food. For each cup of wood flour made from bark, add tsp. cinnamon.

A situation may arise when, at a normalized temperature, the animal refuses to eat. In this case, inflammation may resume. And then, you need to keep without food for a long time. That is, it turns out, as it were, therapeutic starvation.

How to give honey to a cat?

You need to give 3 times a day. Accordingly, in the morning, afternoon and evening. At 8, 12 and 19 hours. If you notice that the cat has begun to recover, you can try giving apple juice. Little by little, one or two tsp. will be quite enough. Drink in the morning and evening.

Treatment at an early stage of plague

In the event that you performed the above treatment at an early stage, then there should be no consequences for the body. There will only be residual signs of the disease, such as coughing, irritation of the eyes and nose, and diarrhea. But in general, the cat should already feel fine.

There are standard rules when distemper is found in domestic cats. According to them, any symptom, whether it be excessive sleepiness, trembling, indifference or refusal to eat, must be treated by fasting. Including antiseptic herbs.

Monitor your temperature regularly and keep your pet away from other relatives and pets.

What happens if the plague is not treated?

If suddenly you ignore the first signs of the plague and do not engage in treatment, then the cat after the distemper will have the following complications:

  • Disorders of the central nervous system, with all the consequences, at least aggressive behavior and apathy.
  • Various paralysis of limbs.
  • Meningitis appears.
  • Constant diarrhea. in a chronic form.
  • Jaundice.
  • The cat can get pneumonia.
  • Pleurisy.
  • The pet will suffer from bronchitis.
  • Heart arythmy.
  • Eye keratitis.
  • The cat's eyes and mouth may develop ulcers.

Plague vaccination

A distemper vaccination is given to a cat from an early age. In most cases, the injection is given at the eighth week. Ask your veterinarian about re-vaccination at 12 weeks. The price of a distemper vaccination depends on the veterinary clinic, everywhere in different ways. Simply call your nearest veterinary office for pricing.

The most important thing is of course to recognize the symptoms from the very beginning. Therefore, remember them, because when your cat feels unwell, you can always compare her signs with those written by us. Perhaps panleukopenia in a cat is already beginning to develop and it must be defeated at an early stage.

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