Pharmacy and homemade choleretic tea: how to take it, and what herbs are included in it? What plants can be included in the composition of choleretic tea

Today, digestive disorders are one of the most common pathologies among the population. A special place is occupied by diseases of the liver and gallbladder, which can lead to a violation of the outflow of bile. There are remedies that can improve the outflow of this fluid.

These include choleretic collection. It is prepared on the basis of various herbs. The most popular decoction is based on mint, watch, coriander and immortelle. Such a collection is prepared and accepted using a special technology. Firstly, after mixing 1 tablespoon of raw materials with hot water and subsequent infusion, the broth must be filtered.

Secondly, it is recommended to use the collection for 2-3 weeks every day. Take it 3 times a day in a volume of 300 ml. It is very important that the intake is carried out before meals, and not after or during it. This will ensure optimal outflow of bile and preparation for the digestion of food.

It is advisable to drink the decoction always fresh, because after two days it loses its healing properties. Before drinking a collection based on herbs, you will need to shake it thoroughly so that the active substances that have settled at the bottom are evenly distributed in the container.

The use of a collection based on mint, coriander and immortelle

In from the previous one, it is recommended to drink this collection in a volume of no more than one and a half glasses per day. The number of receptions per day - 3.

It is very important to observe the interval between taking a choleretic decoction and eating food, it should be about 30 minutes.
These figures are optimal for people, but everything is somewhat different. In this case, the daily dose is reduced to 150 ml, the number of doses remains the same. It is necessary to drink a healing and healthy drink until the impaired functions are restored and only under the supervision of a doctor. It is important that the decoction must be cooled before use, you do not need to drink it hot.

It is recommended to store the choleretic collection in the refrigerator at a low temperature, otherwise it can quickly become unusable and become useless. It is forbidden to drink such a collection for people who have stones in, as well as with individual intolerance. Thus, based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that it is necessary to drink a healing herbal collection according to certain instructions, observing the storage rules, portion sizes and frequency. You need to drink until complete recovery and restoration of bile discharge.

The main function of the gallbladder is to secrete bile. However, when it is produced in insufficient quantities or cannot be excreted by the digestive system, choleretic herbs should be taken. An experienced doctor should make the appointment, because different herbal preparations are selected for each disease.

What herbs are choleretic

Many medicinal herbs have the corresponding effect. There is no exact list, but for convenience they are grouped according to the principle of action on the body:

  1. Increase in tone. The muscles of the gallbladder and liver under the influence of the herbal collection are reduced, the bile is evacuated into the intestines. Such formulations are not suitable for patients with gallstones - there is a risk of blockage.
  2. Liquefaction. Herbs contribute to the accumulation of water in the body, can dilute bile, help it to come out naturally.
  3. Improvement of the composition of bile. Such a collection simultaneously improves the composition of bile and ensures the production and timely outflow. It contains useful acids, flavonoids, tannins, vitamins. As a result, the gallbladder and liver begin to fully function.
  4. Antispasmodic property. A decoction of herbs has an analgesic effect, the muscles of the body relax, the volume of bile excreted through the intestines increases.

For each group, there are choleretic herbal preparations that help produce bile. Some of the drugs have contraindications for use, so it is recommended to undergo an examination before taking them. This will help the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis, decide on additional methods of therapy and choose the collection of choleretic herbs to treat the disease.

Cholagogue herbs - list

Many herbs used as folk cholagogues are well known to everyone. They grow in all regions of our country. Here is a list of choleretic herbs:

  • mountain arnica;
  • immortelle sandy;
  • elecampane high;
  • calamus root;
  • goose cinquefoil;
  • stinging nettle;
  • corn silk;
  • common dandelion;
  • milk thistle;
  • common tansy;
  • large celandine;
  • sagebrush;
  • peppermint;
  • yarrow.

A similar effect is exerted by leaves, fruits of some trees and shrubs - birch, barberry, dog rose. The availability of plants allows you to buy choleretic fees at a pharmacy or make them at home. Each has its own period, but basically they can be collected from the beginning of June to the end of August. Dry on a flat surface in the shade, avoiding direct sunlight.

Cholagogue fees

Plants are used for treatment individually, but more often cholekinetic formulations of several components are used. They are selected based on years of research. Popular choleretic collections (or phytohepatols) include:

  • No. 1. Contains: immortelle - 4 parts, peppermint, coriander seeds, three-leaf watch - 2 parts each. Suitable for the treatment of cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis.
  • No. 2. Contains: immortelle - 40%, mint, yarrow, dandelion - 20% each. It is used to stimulate the outflow of bile, after operations on the gallbladder.
  • No. 3. As part of the preparation: common tansy - 8%, calendula, mint, yarrow - 23% each. It is prescribed for chronic cholangitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia.

Apply 2-3 times / day for ½ cup of infusion 20-30 minutes before meals. The advantage of pharmaceutical preparations is that they are inexpensive, sold in bags, have instructions with a detailed description of the composition and contraindications. At home, herbs are measured by eye. For cooking, pour 2 tbsp. l. collection of 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for an hour.

Cholagogue herbs for stagnant bile

With a poor outflow of bile, it cannot enter the ducts, a person feels pain in the right side near the ribs, a bitter taste in the mouth. If treatment is not started on time, gallstones form. Choleretic herbs are known, which are excellent for stagnation of bile:

  1. Dandelion common. It has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. Use a decoction of the roots. Contraindicated in: large gallstones, colitis, gastritis and hemorrhoids.
  2. Corn silk. Help prevent stagnation of bile at the very beginning of the disease. Do not use in the presence of stones, varicose veins, pregnancy, thrombosis.
  3. Birch leaves. Contribute to the gentle removal of spasms, inflammation, relaxation of the bile ducts. Use with extreme caution during pregnancy.

Cholagogue herbs for gallstones

Once calculi or stones are found, treatment should be chosen more carefully. You can not take diuretic compounds that will provoke the movement of formations along the biliary tract and damage them. What collections of choleretic herbs for stones in the gallbladder are suitable, the doctor will tell you. More effective than other infusions:

  1. Calamus marsh. Combines with immortelle and St. John's wort. Contraindicated in pregnant women suffering from nosebleeds.
  2. Wormwood bitter. Suitable decoction and alcohol tincture of wormwood. Can be used with field horsetail. It is forbidden to apply to patients with thrombophlebitis, stomach ulcers, overweight.
  3. Peppermint. Helps reduce the size of the stone or dissolve it. It is added to collections with lemon balm, chamomile. Contraindications: hypertension, breastfeeding, plant allergy.

Cholagogue herbs after gallbladder removal

Surgery to remove the gallbladder, or cholecystectomy, is done when the organ is not responding to medication. The patient after the procedure must follow a diet number 5. To prevent stagnation of bile in the ducts, it is recommended to take the following choleretic herbs with a removed gallbladder:

  1. Corn silk.
  2. Knotweed or bird knotweed. Prevents re-stone formation, acts as a strong antiseptic. Do not use during pregnancy, thrombophlebitis, diseases of the bladder and kidneys.
  3. Milk thistle improves liver function. Diseases in which it is impossible to apply: hepatic, renal colic, diarrhea, pancreatitis, individual intolerance.

Cholagogue herbs for cholecystitis

Suitable infusions of the same plants that are used for stagnation of bile and pharmacy fees number one and three. In addition, other choleretic herbs will help with cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder): immortelle, calendula, sage, wormwood, chamomile, oats. The main condition when choosing plants for medicinal composition is their antispasmodic and antiseptic effect.

Cholagogue herbs for biliary dyskinesia

During this disease, the motor function of the gallbladder and ducts is impaired. The doctor prescribes choleretic herbs for biliary dyskinesia:

  1. Horseradish. Use alcohol tincture of fresh leaves.
  2. Angelica medicinal. Brings quick results along with mint leaves, sage, cumin fruits.
  3. Choleretic tea. Take 1 part of lemon balm, 2 parts of mint, buckthorn bark, immortelle flowers, 5-6 parts of rose hips. Take along with 1 tsp. honey.

Cholagogue herbs for inflection of the gallbladder

The inflection of the gallbladder occurs as a result of inflammation. The bile can no longer flow, as before. Therefore, you need to take the following choleretic herbs with an inflection of the gallbladder:

  • fennel;
  • chamomile;
  • gentian;
  • Phytohepatol No. 3.

Cholagogue for children

In diseases associated with the excretion of bile in a child, a different strategy is used. The children's body reacts more sharply to improper treatment, so you need to select the drug together with the pediatrician. Contraindication for admission is the age of 12 years. The dosage is chosen half as much as an adult. Recommended choleretic herbs for children:

  • knotweed;
  • dandelion;
  • juniper fruits;
  • pharmaceutical camomile.

Herbal choleretic tablets

All types of herbal choleretic tablets combine the combined action of a choleretic, which helps stimulate the formation of bile, and a cholekinetic, which promotes its excretion. More often than others, doctors prescribe natural remedies:

  • Allochol;
  • Flamin;
  • Tanacehol;
  • Choleritin.

Video: herbs for the liver and gallbladder

Maxim Scriabin, 4914

  • Cholagogue properties of Ivan tea
  • Herbs for gallbladder
  • Contraindications
  • Reviews
    • 1. (audio) Daria's review of 3 years of treatment for gallbladder dysfunction
    • 2. (audio) Anastasia's review of the removal of stones from the gallbladder and liver
    • 3. (audio) Tatyana Ivanovna's review of the treatment of cholelithiasis

There is such an organ in the human liver - the gallbladder. This oval sac (no larger than a chicken egg) accumulates one of the main secrets of liver cells - bile.

Bile is a colloid (non-crystallizing and water-insoluble compound), which contains in strict harmony bile acids, phospholipids, bilirubin, various salts, mucus, proteins and a number of metals.

Through the bile ducts from the bladder, bile enters the duodenum, performing a serious auxiliary role in digestion, in particular:

  • Emulsifies fats (by forming micelles) for better absorption
  • Neutralizes the negative effects of gastric juice
  • Stimulates protein digestion
  • Prevents proteins and bacteria from sticking together
  • Stimulates the synthesis of intestinal hormones and polysaccharides
  • Stimulates the general motility of the gastrointestinal tract

The main function of bile is to transfer digestion from the stomach to the intestines due to a change in acidity. , gallbladder, with a change in the composition of bile, various diseases can develop, some vitamins and microelements are no longer absorbed. With reduced secretion of bile, impaired intestinal motility, density of bile, stagnation of bile in the bladder and ducts, as well as some other dysfunctions of the body, a doctor may prescribe choleretic drugs.

However, many people are opponents of artificially synthesized drugs, and then natural remedies can come to the rescue, one of which is Ivan tea.

Cholagogue properties of Ivan tea

The composition of Koporye tea includes bioflavonoids (including kaempferol and quercetin), which, in conjunction with magnesium and organic acids, which are also part of fireweed, have a choleretic effect.

In addition, fireweed herbal tea has a mild enveloping, wound healing, anti-inflammatory and, undoubtedly, due to tannins, chlorophyll, a complex of vitamins, micro and macro elements, carotenoids and triterpenoids.

Herbs for gallbladder

However, Ivan tea is not the most powerful choleretic agent, so it should be used in a mixture With others medicinal plants for the best effect. So, choleretic and enveloping properties have:

We turned to traditional medicine, and on the Internet my mother read about the alcohol tincture of garlic. And in general, we decided to apply such a tincture.

There, garlic is infused with alcohol for about a month, and diluted with milk, i.e. in a small amount - about 100 ml - I drank on an empty stomach every morning. And then we made it so that I drank before each meal, i.e. about 3 times a day I drank this tincture in order to remove these Giardia and fight them.

As a result, somewhere I was treated with this tincture for three weeks, and I already noticed improvements in myself that I didn’t feel sick after eating. Those. this was very important for me, because I was already school age, even at school I could not eat normally - I was very much afraid that I would feel sick again, that there would be an attack.

My mother gave me this tincture for 3-4 months. Plus, along with this treatment, I drank Hilak forte after each meal, 30 drops, also about 150 ml of water, to improve food digestion.

And yes, I have already started noticing improvements. I drank Khilak more than tincture. I continued to drink it for about a year. And what can I say later, in conclusion - I was already 11-12 years old, the completion of this treatment. I underwent an ultrasound scan, passed tests for Giardia, and they were not found in me. Those. The treatment really helped me.

Now, when I remember all this, it's hard for me to believe that it could help, but indeed in my case there was such a treatment. Now I don't have such problems, ie. In principle, I eat almost any food that I want, but what can I say to everyone who is faced with such a disease - probably, now there are much more extensive methods of treatment, but at that time this alcohol tincture on garlic helped me a lot.


Therefore, if someone really has encountered such a disease, I think that it is not worth delaying. You need at least an ultrasound. see a specialist to understand what hurts. Because I couldn't pinpoint the exact pain. I understood that I was hurting somewhere in my right side, but specifically it was very false to find some kind of point. Those. we were already thinking about the stomach, swallowing a light bulb, we thought something from the pancreas - that is, it's not clear where. But it turned out that this is all provoked by lamblia, in the end.

Therefore, yes, in my case it was an alcohol tincture on garlic and Hilak forte, as a strengthening of the digestive system, and after every meal I drank it. It helped me.

(audio) Anastasia's review on the removal of stones from the gallbladder and liver

Hello. My name is Anastasia, I am 25 years old. Now I will tell you how I drove stones from the liver and gallbladder. I must say right away that I had no indications for this, I did not do an ultrasound before this and so on. I just had a diagnosis of chronic biliary dyskinesia. The liver, in general, did not bother me, but after reading the works of some doctors and learning from there that we are all prone to the formation of stones in the liver - even healthy people - I decided to conduct a series of liver cleanses. How I did it, I'll tell you now.

Epsom salt liver cleanse

Liver cleansing is also called tubage. It can be done in many ways, I used two. Now I'll tell you. The first time I cleansed the liver with magnesium sulfate - this is such a powder, Epsom salt is called differently, it is sold in a pharmacy. At one time I took one bag, there are 20 or 50g, I don’t remember exactly.

In general, on the day when I planned the cleansing, I dined not with heavy food and after that I didn’t eat anything, I just drank water, and you can drink herbal tea more. At 6-7 pm, dilute magnesium sulfate in about half a glass of water and drink. After that, you need to lie on your left side, put a heating pad on your right side and lie like that for an hour.

You need to lie so that the head is higher than the liver, at about a 30-degree angle, you need to lie down and lie down. At this time, you can drink hot herbal tea, you can brew choleretic herbs for yourself in advance and at this hour you can drink a few glasses, the effect will be higher from this. At this time, it may begin to gurgle - this means that the bile ducts have expanded, and the active removal of bile is now taking place, there is no need to be afraid of this.

You need to lie down like this for an hour, and then, if possible, go out into the fresh air for an hour for a walk and go to bed. You need to go to bed early. You need to be within walking distance of the toilet, because at any time there may be an urge to go to the toilet. There may be several such urges, it all depends on you, on how you ate. You may want to go to the toilet several times, and it is with the contents of the intestine that the pebbles come out, they may not always be visible. Some have small ones, some have bigger ones. When several or once went to the toilet, you can do an enema. I usually do an enema a couple of times to speed things up and clean up more. And that's all, after that in the morning it is advisable to eat a light meal, which will not strain the liver too much, because it worked hard, was cleansed.

To properly clean the liver, you need to carry out such procedures at least 5 with an interval of 1-2 weeks. Then it will definitely clean up well. I want to say that the first time, perhaps, the stones will not come out, it happens to many. And for the second, third or 4 times, a lot is enough.

So, I told you about magnesium sulfate. I also did the cleaning a little differently.

Cleansing with lemon juice and oil

It was necessary to take half a glass of lemon juice and half a glass of vegetable oil, and drink it all. And so do everything the same, just drink oil with lemon juice along with magnesium sulfate. This cleansing was hard for me, because the oil is still hard to drink, I felt quite strong heartburn. But on this cleansing with oil and lemon juice, I got the most stones. But I did this only once, and I did the cleaning with magnesium sulfate many more times.

This is how you can cleanse the liver, I did it very well. After a series of such procedures - after 5-6 - a very great lightness is felt, the complexion improves, the circles under the eyes practically disappear, the whites of the eyes become white. And what is interesting and very pleasant - ceases to want harmful products. The desire to eat sweets or eat pastries leaves - something harmful. Those. I want good healthy products, which is very inflated.

Stone cleaning for children

And with my son and mine, it turned out to be an interesting story. I have a three-year-old son, I didn’t plan to cleanse his liver, but I gave him oil on an empty stomach - it’s just useful - a spoonful of vegetable oil every day. I gave him radish seed oil. And after 2 weeks, I saw bright green pebbles in my stool.

I was in shock, to be honest, because the child is 3 years old, and I already have stones coming out of the liver. Although my child is healthy, immunity is normal, nutrition is normal, we practically do not use any of the drugs, i.e. there was nothing to get dirty with, but such a story turned out. And then several times over the course of two weeks, pebbles came out of him.

What I want to say with this. This should make us, adults, think about the fact that we are not as clean and clean as we think, since already three-year-old children form stones in the liver and gallbladder, then in our adults they will form all the more. To avoid this, you just need to take care of the liver every day.

I recommend. Of course, I’m not a doctor, I don’t pretend to be something, but I recommend a spoonful of a teaspoon, a tablespoonful of any good, vegetable oil to drink, or drink some water with lemon juice. These products stimulate the release of bile, and along with the bile, various garbage will come out of the liver, all unnecessary. In general, everything about the stones.

(audio) Tatyana Ivanovna's review of the treatment of cholelithiasis

Hello, my name is Tatyana Ivanovna, I am 62 years old. About 5 years ago I had an attack. I was returning from my friend's birthday party, and on the bus I had a very bad stomach ache - not the stomach, but the top, where the stomach, pancreas and liver are located. Then I didn’t know what all this was called, but in general, it hurt a lot below the ribs.

Attempts to cure

I decided that I overate at the birthday party - everything was delicious - and ate a lot of herring. The attack passed, but a month later it recurred, and was even stronger and more painful. Then I went to the doctor and found out that I had cholelithiasis, and I was offered an operation. But at that time we were building a house, and I considered it impossible to leave and waste time and money on myself. Then I sinned that I would follow a diet, drink herbs, kidney and liver teas. And that way, maybe everything will work out. They began to tell me that the stones can be dissolved, that if you take the appropriate Evalar tablets, it all goes away. And I tried to heal.

This went on for about 3 years, the condition either improved or worsened, sometimes there were attacks, sometimes they weren’t. But the general weakness of the body increased. I attributed this to fatigue, because I worked a lot at a construction site. So we moved into a house that needed some more repairs - it was already late autumn, and began to live in a new house.

By spring, i.e. we lived for 4 months in the house, I had such an attack at night that I could neither lie down, walk, fall asleep, or do anything else. By morning, an ambulance was called, we arrived at the hospital, had an ultrasound, and it turned out that I already have a gangrenous gallbladder and I need an operation urgently.


All this pain that was - it was a stone coming out. The stones were already quite large, about 2 cm in diameter or less. Those. there was a whole handful of them, as the doctor later gave me. The operation itself was laparoscopic, ie. gentle enough, she passed quietly. I was under general anesthesia, only my throat hurt - that is. the artificial respiration apparatus that was used on me, it was inserted into the throat and then when it was taken out, the throat hurt.


After discharge, and I lay there for only 5 days, I was recommended to drink Phosphogliv. I drank it for a month, as they said, but the liver continued to hurt. Adhering to a diet, a fairly strict diet, and a fairly measured lifestyle, I came to my senses in a year. Those. I thought that everything would pass quickly after the operation, I got up, began to walk, came home, began to work, but after two years and 2.5, I realized that this year was restorative, that everything does not pass quickly, and the body needs time to to come to your senses. Those. I was weak, I didn't want to go anywhere. I often went to the river in the summer, it is not so far from us, and so this summer I have never been to the river. Those. I understand that it was a weakness and I did not want anything.

2 years have passed, my health, in general, has improved, but my liver began to hurt. I have no time to go to the doctor, as always, and I returned to the pills that were prescribed - Phosphogliv. And then they began to advertise on television, and I remembered that the doctor prescribed them to me after the operation. I read in the annotations - they need to be taken for 4 months. Those. The month that was recommended to me after the operation was clearly not enough for the body to get in order.

And now I have been taking pills for almost 4 months now. I feel better, my liver does not hurt, I even allow myself to eat pancakes, which I love very much, I cook them deliciously. And I drink more herbs, ie. I brew teas, make herbal preparations, I make them myself.

I use for this plantain, shepherd's purse, oregano and add mint. You can also add thyme. Thyme is generally like a good sedative and, in my opinion, it is just so restorative and improves immunity.

“Here, using herbal teas and phosphogliv, in principle, I began to feel much better. And one more conclusion from all this is that you need to go to the doctors, and herbs and folk methods - they are sparing and preventive, I would say, it is preventive, but not curative.

If you want to learn from the lips of Elena Malysheva how to take care of the gallbladder, then watch this 13-minute video.


Stagnation of bile is a sign of a malfunction in the hepatobiliary system and can lead to the development of serious health problems. When signs of bile stagnation appear, the doctor prescribes drug therapy, which is often supplemented with herbal remedies. A popular and effective remedy that improves the outflow of bile is choleretic tea, its composition is selected in such a way as to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, reduce the likelihood of developing gallstone disease and cholecystitis, and, if present, speed up recovery. How to drink choleretic tea, what composition it has and what effect it has, read the article.

What are choleretic teas for?

Bile plays an important role in the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients from food. Stagnation of bile may be the result of a malfunction of the liver, which produces it, the gallbladder, which is a kind of reservoir for its storage, or the bile ducts, through which it enters the duodenum. With these pathologies, bile is not produced in the right amount or stagnates and does not enter the intestine in the required volume, the process of splitting fats in the body is disrupted, and fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin A, E, K, D) are not absorbed efficiently. Not completely broken down fats enter the bloodstream, prevent the transformation of glucose into glycogen, which may cause diabetes. In addition, bile contains cholesterol, which accumulates in the body, which can lead to atherosclerosis.

With stagnation of bile in the gallbladder, inflammation of the organ and gallstone disease can develop. If congestion occurs in the ducts, sclerosing cholangitis may occur. Due to the inefficient absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, various health problems arise: blood clotting is disrupted, vision deteriorates, and bone density decreases. Stagnation of bile leads to a violation of the acid-base balance in the gastrointestinal tract, disruption of the intestines. In addition, pathology can lead to hormonal disruptions, since for the body to synthesize hormones, lipids are needed, the breakdown of which in the body is impaired.

The use of choleretic teas will improve the process of bile production by the liver, activate its outflow into the duodenum, and relieve unpleasant symptoms that have appeared against the background of stagnant processes.

The principle of action of choleretic teas

Choleretic teas, depending on their composition, have several effects:

  • relax the walls of the bile ducts, due to which the outflow of bile improves;
  • change the composition of bile, attracting water to the place of its accumulation, after which it becomes less viscous and more easily enters the duodenum;
  • improve the tone and stimulate the muscles of the gallbladder to contract, so that bile is more efficiently thrown into the ducts;
  • relieve painful spasms of the gallbladder;
  • activate the synthesis of bile by the liver.

Pharmacy choleretic tea can simultaneously have several effects. In addition to the above properties, herbal teas can improve the functioning of the digestive tract by improving gastric motility, enhancing intestinal motility, and secretory activity of the pancreas. When taken, there is an improvement in appetite.

What can be the composition of herbal tea?

Choleretic herbal teas can contain both one and several types of medicinal plants. Plants that enhance the production of bile include:

  • immortelle;
  • oregano;
  • stigmas of corn;
  • mint;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • buckthorn.

Influence on the contractility of the muscles of the gallbladder can:

  • sagebrush;
  • dandelion;
  • yarrow;
  • lingonberry leaves.

To reduce the tone of the walls of the gallbladder and bile ducts can:

  • marigold;
  • mint;
  • Melissa;
  • St. John's wort.

In addition, the composition of choleretic fees may include such medicinal plants: milk thistle, elecampane, arnica, celandine, nettle, coriander, barberry.

Effective herbal teas

Among the choleretic teas prescribed for bile stasis, the most effective are:

  • choleretic collection No. 1;
  • collection No. 2;
  • collection No. 3;
  • tea Zerde;
  • People's doctor.

Collections No. 1, 2 and 3 differ in composition and, accordingly, in action.

Collection #1 includes:

  • mint, the bitterness of which stimulates the gallbladder and prevents the appearance of stones in it;
  • three-leaf watch improves digestion, relieves inflammation;
  • coriander reduces pain;
  • immortelle lowers blood cholesterol levels, regulates the viscosity of bile.

Collection number 2 contains:

  • yarrow, which relieves spasms and accelerates the process of excretion of bile;
  • mint;
  • coriander;
  • immortelle.

The three components in the fees are the same. In assembly No. 2, instead of a watch, yarrow is used, due to its presence, an antidiarrheal effect is provided from taking the herbal remedy.

Collection No. 3 contains:

  • tansy, which relieves swelling, accelerates the process of bile excretion;
  • chamomile, which has a calming property;
  • calendula, which has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • mint;
  • yarrow.

Collection No. 3 has a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, in comparison with fees No. 1 and No. 2.

Note: collections No. 1, 2 and 3 and herbal tea Phytogepatol No. 1, 2 and 3 are analogues with an identical composition and principle of action.

Zerde choleretic tea has good reviews from patients. It is available in disposable filter bags and contains St. John's wort, mint, corn stigmas, wild rose, yarrow.

How to drink choleretic tea?

Herbal teas can be packaged in filter bags or loose. If the tea looks like crushed dried herbs, it is brewed like this: a tablespoon of raw materials is poured into a mug, poured with 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for about an hour, then filtered and drink half of the resulting volume at a time. Three such portions of tea are drunk per day.

Herbal teas packaged in disposable filter bags must be brewed before use by pouring 200 milliliters of boiling water over one bag and insisting for 5-6 minutes. One-time drink half of the resulting volume of tea (100 ml). During the day, make 3-4 doses of herbal tea.

stasis of bile ( cholestasis ) - a pathological condition in which the secretion of bile or its movement along the biliary tract is impaired. Cholestasis occurs for various reasons: malnutrition (abuse of fatty, high-calorie foods), frequent use of alcoholic beverages, a sedentary lifestyle, etc. If left untreated, problems arise in the liver, its insufficiency develops. Osteoporosis, bone fragility and frequent bleeding may develop.

Treatment of cholestasis with herbal remedies can be directed to four main actions:

  1. Relaxation of the muscles of the biliary tract;
  2. Changes in the composition of bile;
  3. Toning the muscles of the gallbladder;
  4. Increased fluid intake in the intestines.

All plants for decoction of choleretic tea can be either purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently. It should be understood that choleretic tea cannot be the main treatment, but is used only as an adjuvant to the main therapy.

Popular Choleretic Herbs

Sandy immortelle

The plant contains a large amount of vitamins, essential oils, fatty acids, mineral salts and flavonoid glycosides.

Sand immortelle is a natural remedy for any inflammation.

Cooking: Pour 15 grams of raw materials with water (250 ml). Bring to a boil, simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally, 20-40 minutes. Close the lid and leave for half an hour. Take 2 times a day before the first meal and the last.

Barberry common

Cooking: 15 gr. Pour dry leaves with cold water (200 ml), bring to a boil and simmer for 20-30 minutes. Leave for about one hour, then pass through a sieve. Apply 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.


In folk medicine, corn stigmas are used. Their composition is rich in essential oil, saponins, chlorophylls, vitamins and ascorbic acid. The decoction is used for urolithiasis, hepatitis. For the treatment of bile stasis, corn is the best herbal medicine.
Cooking: pour 20 grams of raw materials with water, bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour. Then strain the broth and cool. Take 1/4 cup 3 hours before meals.

Birch buds

Cooking: Pour boiling water over 1 tsp of dry kidneys (a glass), leave for 1 - 2 hours, strain. The resulting decoction is divided into 3 equal parts and consumed one at a time before meals during the day. The course lasts 1.5 months.


  • Lingonberry leaf - 1 tablespoon.
  • Chamomile - 1 tablespoon.
  • Immortelle - 2 tablespoons.
  • Knotweed - 2 tablespoons.

Mix all the ingredients, pour boiling water (0.5 l.), Leave for a couple of hours and consume ½ cup 2 times a day before breakfast and dinner.

Symptoms of bile stasis:

  • Skin itching.
  • Discoloration of feces.
  • Urine becomes dark.
  • Intestinal dysfunction (constipation, diarrhea).
  • Pain in right ribs.
  • Heartburn, dry mouth.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Frequent nausea and vomiting.
  • Dizziness and general weakness.
  • Bitter taste in the mouth in the morning.

With bile stasis, phytotherapy is a safe natural method of treatment. Application can significantly speed up the healing process.

Before using any herbal medicines, it is strongly recommended to visit your doctor, undergo an ultrasound examination and make sure that there are no stones in the gallbladder!

Pharmaceutical ready-made choleretic agents

Phytogepatol- herbal tea in filter bags. It is used in the treatment of the digestive system (diseases of the liver and gallbladder). Phytogepatol No 2 and No 3 slightly different in composition, but the effect on the body is almost the same. It is anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, stimulates the immune system and prevents gallbladder disease. It is recommended by specialists for slagging of the body, promotes the excretion of bile, acts as an antispasmodic, has a beneficial effect on digestion and normalizes appetite. The active ingredients of phytohepatol are absolutely natural, it consists exclusively of natural components. Apply in accordance with the instructions.

Phytocollection 2

The collection is collected from coriander, yarrow, mint and immortelle. Tones the muscles of the biliary tract, relieves inflammation.

Phytocollection 3

The composition includes chamomile, tansy, peppermint leaves and calendula. The action is similar to the previous ones.


  • Pancreatitis.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Individual intolerance to certain herbs.
  • Pregnancy (only on the advice of a specialist).

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