Center for veterinary care "Elitvet. Brain edema in a dog. tumor

Despite the fact that brain cancer in a dog occupies a small percentage of the total number of neoplasms, this pathology is characterized by extreme severity, frequent relapses, even after therapy. Oncological diseases, regardless of their etiology, pathogenesis, which lead to serious damage to the central nervous system, pose a threat to the life of pets. Unfortunately, most brain tumors (BT) often go undiagnosed.

Brain tumors are formed from mutated cell structures brain tissues, membranes. In this case, neoplasms can be metastases from other internal organs or body structures.

The exact causes of brain cancer in animals are not known. Various unfavorable exogenous and endogenous factors contribute to the development of cancer.

Important! Brain tumors are diagnosed in dogs at any age, regardless of gender, breed. At the same time, most often this pathology noted in animals after five to seven years.

Causes of OGM:

Primary brain tumors in dogs develop when normal cellular structures encounter mutations in DNA and cannot perform their natural functions. Intensive division of mutated cells leads to the destruction, displacement of healthy ones, the development of pathological neoplasms (tumors), and the appearance of metastases.

It is also worth noting that brain cancer, primary pituitary tumors, gliomas, astrocytomas are most often noted in dolichocephals (collies, shelties, shepherd dogs), brachycephalic breeds (Dogue de Bordeaux, Pekingese, mastiffs), that is, in dogs with flattened, shortened muzzles.

Golden Retrievers, Labradors, Pekingese, Scotch Terriers, Dobermans, Great Danes, Boxers, Belgian, Old English Sheepdogs, Rottweilers.


Brain tumors in dogs can be malignant or benign in nature.

Depending on the origin of neoplasms, they are classified into:

  • Primary (glioma, neuroblastoma). They are formed from the cellular structures of the brain tissues and membranes.
  • Secondary. Are metastases or invade the brain tissue from nearby adjacent tissues. May appear initially in other parts of the central nervous system. Secondary include pituitary neoplasms, tumors formed from cranial nerves.

Benign neoplasms have a clear localization. do not go beyond the zone affected by mutated cells. Characterized by slow growth. They do not metastasize. Responds well to treatment initial stage development of the onological process.

Malignant. They do not have a clear boundary between healthy and affected tissue, they grow rapidly. In all cases, they give metastases and can cause death. pet.

According to histological structure, depending on the tissue from which the cancer was formed, BT is classified into:

  • glial (astrocytoma, oligoastrocytoma);
  • tumors of neurons, neuronal-glial (gangliocytomas, gangliomas);
  • embryonic (medulloblastoma, neuroblastoma);
  • meningeal tumors (meningiomas);
  • lymphomas (histiocytic sarcoma);
  • germatomas, cysts (teratoma, chordoma);
  • epidermoid.

Oligodendrogliomas affect the frontal lobes of the brain, astrocytomas - the cerebellum. Develop from supporting cells. Often found in brachycephalic breeds.

ependiomas formed from ventricular epithelial cells. They are highly invasive malignant tumors. Pathology is noted in brachycephalic, elderly animals.

gangliocytomas, ganglioma affect the cerebellum, medulla oblongata. Characterized by slow growth, have a benign course. Most often diagnosed in young dogs.

Medulloblastoma, neuroblastoma squeeze brain stem, midbrain, can grow into the fourth cerebral ventricle. Metastasize to the cerebrospinal fluid.

Meningiomas is the most common type of slow-growing CNS tumor in animals. The hemispheres of the brain are affected. It is noted mainly in dolichocephals. It responds well to treatment.

Clinical manifestations

Neurological manifestations in brain cancer in dogs depend on location, size pathological education, intensity of development of the oncoprocess (growth rate). The early stage of cancer is asymptomatic.

As the neoplasms grow, the tumor compresses the tissues, nerve roots. Due to a violation of innervation, destruction of neurons, the main symptoms of OGM are manifested nervous disorders varying degrees gravity.

In dogs at the initial stage, you can notice behavior that is uncharacteristic for a pet, uncertain, wobbly gait sudden onset convulsions muscle spasms, weakness, apathy.

Signs of brain cancer in dogs:

  • disorientation, impaired coordination;
  • "pendulum" walking;
  • "glazed" look, bulging eyes, defocused vision;
  • convulsions, paresis, paralysis;
  • rapid shallow breathing, arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • increase or vice versa lack of appetite;
  • increased thirst;
  • endocrinological disorders;
  • gradual loss of touch;
  • hearing impairment;
  • apathy, oppression, inadequate behavior.

Dogs with brain cancer suffer from debilitating vomiting and nausea. Animals can eat inedible objects, react inadequately to stimuli, refuse to follow commands. Apathy, oppression is replaced by anxiety. Dogs show aggression, may not recognize their owner.

With damage to the cerebellum, cerebral hemispheres, animals walk in circles, lose balance, take unnatural postures. They note ataxia, tremor, aggravated by movement, muscle weakness, hypermetry, decreased tactile sensitivity.

If violated visual function, most likely that the tumor squeezed the optic nerve. Lack of smell indicates that the neoplasm is located on inner surface temporal lobes.

Pituitary tumor provokes endocrine disorders, adrenal atrophy. In dogs, the condition of the coat worsens, polydipsia, polyuria, and obesity.

If the tumor compresses the brain stem, the heart rhythm and respiratory function are disturbed in animals. Develops ataxia, coma. Sensory disturbances, visual deficits are noted.

A feature of HMOs, regardless of their location, morphology, character, is that growth of neoplasms enhances intracranial hypertension , and this leads to a deterioration in the neurological status of four-toed patients.


To put reliable diagnosis, veterinarians conduct a number of laboratory, neurological, physical studies. It is necessary to determine the localization, size, nature of the neoplasm.

Important! If brain cancer is suspected in animals, given the similarity of symptoms, nervous manifestations with other diseases, differential diagnosis is prescribed. OMG is differentiated from rabies, the nervous form of canine distemper, Aujeszky's disease, meningoencephalitis.

When making a diagnosis, the results of radiography, ultrasound, CT, MRI, stereotactic needle biopsy. If you suspect the presence of secondary tumors in the brain, diagnostic procedures are performed that will determine the location of the cancer.


If a brain tumor is diagnosed in a dog, treatment should be carried out at the initial stages of the development of the oncological process.

In the treatment of OGM in veterinary medicine, the following are used:

Additional techniques (ChT, radiation therapy) are used in addition to the main treatment.

Important! There is no medical treatment for brain cancer. No "miracle drugs", including dexamethasone, will dissolve the tumor. Chemotherapeutic methods slow down the development of the oncological process, destroy cancer cells and give a good result only in the early stages of the disease.

The most positive effect with OGM is noted after application. radical operation which is carried out under the control of an ultrasound scanner. The operation involves the removal of tumor foci. Provides intracranial decompression, eliminates perifocal edema.

Often used in OMG palliative operations and ( incomplete removal tumors), the main purpose of which is to alleviate the condition of animals and cytoreductive surgery to reduce cancer cells in the body.

Sick animals can be prescribed symptomatic treatment. After removal cancers of the glial series, a course of chemotherapy is indicated.

Dog owners need to understand that any brain surgery comes with risks. Even if the tumor is removed, the possibility of recurrence should not be ruled out. So, when blood vessels, nerve trunks are damaged, irreversible changes occur in the nerve tissues, functional areas of the organ.

Animals are prescribed osmotic diuretics, hormones. To relieve generalized seizures, anticonvulsants (bromide, phenobarbital) are prescribed. Mannitol will help normalize intracranial pressure.

After the operation, you need to take the dogs to the veterinary clinic for neurological examinations, control examinations every three to five months.

The prognosis for brain cancer depends on the location, nature pathological process choice of treatment methods. The chances of recovery increase if the pet is shown to the veterinarian in time, noticing the first symptoms of neurological manifestations.

The nervous system is extremely complex, and not all of its secrets have been revealed even today. Naturally, almost any pathology that somehow threatens the central nervous system is extremely dangerous for the life and health of a person or a pet. Is no exception and cerebral edema in dogs.

As you might guess, this is a pathology in which nervous tissue transudate begins to accumulate. The origin of the latter may be different. The outcomes of cerebral edema are extremely severe. In particular, a high percentage deaths, the animal may develop various neurological diseases.

To explain the consequences of cerebral edema in the simplest terms, it is best to seek the help of the Monroe-Kely hypothesis. It states that the total mass of the three elements (in the skull) must always be constant. Since the skull is like a rigid box that cannot be stretched, an increase in the mass of one of the components will automatically cause a decrease in the volume of the other components. The result is an increase in intracranial pressure. What are the consequences? In the most severe cases it threatens with ischemia and sudden death.

Read also: Dermatosis in dogs: features of the disease, diagnosis and treatment

Main varieties

There are three main types of cerebral edema in dogs:

  • Vasogenic.
  • Cytotoxic.
  • Interstitial (osmotic, hydrostatic).

Vasogenic cerebral edema occurs when the blood-brain barrier fails, and the flow of fluids and various components that can be dissolved in them sharply increases to the brain. As a rule, this suffers white matter(under bark). "Failures" in the blood-brain barrier make possible movement proteins from blood vessels to the extracellular space.

Cellular (cytotoxic) cerebral edema can be characterized as "swelling" of cells. This phenomenon is often recorded in traumatic brain injuries and severe hypoxia (after unsuccessful anesthesia). In addition, a similar situation can occur with a severe bacterial or viral infection, when toxins or the pathogens themselves begin to pass through the blood-brain barrier. Cytotoxic edema develops with swelling of glia, neurons, endothelial cells, and begins within a few minutes after injury. In the vast majority of cases, the gray matter is affected.

Interstitial edema is very common in hydrocephalus, when intraventricular pressure is sharply increased. The result is the penetration of sodium and water through the ventricular wall into the paraventricular space.

The main causes of occurrence

"Out of nowhere" such a pathology can never arise. As a rule, severe functional disorders already existing in the animal contribute to it:

Read also: Brain tumor in a dog - signs and symptoms of the disease

Clinical picture

Manifestations of this pathology are dangerous because they almost always overlap with the signs of those diseases, due to which cerebral edema itself has developed. The greatest danger is the fact that for a long time Symptoms of cerebral edema in dogs may not appear at all. When the depth of neurological disorders is "sufficient", it may be too late to save the animal. Is it possible to see at least some signs characteristic of this particular pathology? Yes, but you need to be very careful.

Firstly, the dog is clearly behaving abnormally, cerebral edema in the dog provokes severe violations behavioral reactions, conditioned reflexes may change or be perverted (or disappear altogether). The pet may lie down in response to the “Sit” command, or it may not perceive the voice and smell of its owner at all. But not only the behavior of the dog should alert you: there is bradycardia, an increase in blood pressure, shortness of breath increases, the pupil alternately expands and narrows, but more often becomes gigantic, as a result of which the animal goes blind. Body temperature may rise (bacterial etiology) or fall to a critically low value (trauma). All these signs together should lead you to think about a possible cerebral edema.

Accordingly, spinal cord edema in dogs is so severe manifestations does not give ... if the process does not move higher, to the cerebellum and medulla oblongata. In any case, signs of paralysis or paraplegia can be seen. The dog can suddenly "de-leg", animals often have problems with the involuntary separation of urine and feces.

Skull fractures are the result of traffic accidents, very strong blows, or a dog falling from a considerable height. They can be open or closed, recessed or linear. Fractures result in various types of brain damage. There are also such brain injuries that are not associated with skull fractures - these are bruises, concussions and swelling of the brain.

A bruise is a slight injury that is not accompanied by loss of consciousness and any manifestations that pose a threat to the life of the dog. Normal health is restored relatively quickly.

Concussion is characterized by a higher degree of severity. It is the result of a strong blow and may be accompanied by loss of consciousness.

Edema and hematoma formation in the brain tissues are great danger for the life of a dog. They arise as a result of damage to the vessels of the brain and are characterized by an extremely serious condition of the animal. The dog not only loses consciousness, but can also fall into a coma.

With swelling, the skull bones compress the brain, which can lead to sudden death of the dog. With the formation of a hematoma, paralysis of one side of the body can occur, one pupil stops responding to light.

With craniocerebral injuries, symptoms of increased intracranial pressure may appear. different degrees The severity of the animal's condition is characterized by various signs.

Within 1 day after the dog was injured, it is necessary to carefully monitor its well-being. The dog may develop unusual drowsiness, lack of reaction to surrounding objects and people, including the owner, unhealthy excitement may be observed. To monitor the general condition of the body, the animal must be woken up every 2 hours for 1 day.

At mild degree squeezing the brain, the dog's breathing remains normal, however, there is weakness and lethargy of one side of the body and constriction of one pupil, but the reaction to light remains. The animal may be in a slightly agitated state.

With an average degree of compression of the brain, the animal breathes heavily, there is general weakness and difficulty in movement. Pupillary response to light remains normal.

A severe degree of compression of the brain is characterized by the dog falling into a coma. Cardiac and respiratory rhythms are disturbed, breathing is very difficult, the reaction of the pupils to light is absent. This degree of compression is especially dangerous, and it is imperative to see a doctor, as damage to the brain can lead to severe complications and the death of a dog.

With traumatic brain injuries, it is important to properly transport the dog to the nearest veterinary clinic. The animal can be wrapped in a blanket and carried in such a way that the dog's head is slightly lower than the body. Animals should not be fed or watered.

In case of serious damage to the bones of the skull, as well as in the presence of hematomas, surgical intervention may be required. With cerebral edema, diuretics are prescribed and steroid drugs and use antibiotics to prevent infection.

The success of treatment depends on the severity of the injury and on how timely and qualified the assistance was. With a coma duration of more than 1 day, there is little chance of recovery, but with a persistent and constant improvement in the condition, the animal can be cured. However, in the future it is possible various complications- such as partial loss of vision, changes in head position and recurrent seizures.

Spinal cord injuries occur for the same reasons as craniocerebral injuries - as a result of falls and traffic accidents. The most common spinal cord injuries are associated with various fractures of the spine, displacement of the vertebrae and rupture of the intervertebral discs.

Symptoms of spinal cord injury are loss of sensation or even paralysis of the limbs, accompanied by general weakness.

Spinal cord injuries are very dangerous, and if they are suspected, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian immediately. For mild bruises, a course is usually sufficient. drug treatment aimed at removing edema. For more serious injuries, surgical treatment may be required, but not in all cases it completely eliminates all the negative changes that have occurred in the dog's body. Effects severe injuries often persist for life. Very severe injuries can lead to the death of the animal.

Severe injuries often result in the dog falling into a coma. Coma is such a deep loss of consciousness that the animal stops responding to external stimuli. The dog may go into a coma suddenly (for example, when strong blow on the head), but a gradual transition from simple fainting to deeper and deeper states of complete insensibility, even to the point of coma.

In addition to injury, the cause of a coma can be heat or sunstroke, severe hypothermia, some diseases, as well as carbon monoxide poisoning or other potent poisons.

When a dog falls into a coma, the first thing to check is key indicators vital activity of the body - the frequency of the pulse and respiration. Need to clear oral cavity from the mucus and pull the tongue out. The animal must be laid on a hard surface so that the head is slightly lower than the hind limbs. If there are no signs of life, it is necessary to do a heart massage and artificial respiration. Be sure to call your veterinarian.

With head injuries, as well as with such a disease of the central nervous system as epilepsy, there is convulsive syndrome. It includes a whole range of symptoms, including involuntary twitches limbs, chewing movements, champing, foaming from the mouth, uncontrolled urination and defecation, as well as loss of consciousness.

An atypical manifestation of this syndrome can also be observed, which is expressed in increased activity and inexplicable aggression. The animal may bark for no reason, lick and bite its own body parts, or lunge at the owner and other people, or the dog may begin hysterical fit and convulsions.

Seizures are usually caused increased activity certain groups of brain cells, often as a result of injury.

Convulsive syndrome is observed in dogs with a low content of sugar or calcium in the blood, with poisoning by various potent toxins, with kidney or liver failure, as well as in puppies with helminth infections. There are also a number of conditions similar to convulsive syndrome.

They develop when bitten by some insects (for example, bees), when they enter the throat foreign body and also in cardiac arrhythmias. In addition, extreme anxiety and stress can cause muscle twitches in dogs. In the latter case, sedatives are given - Diazepam, Seduxen, Relanium, but the veterinarian should prescribe these drugs.


This disease manifests itself in recurrent convulsive seizures. The reason may be either a congenital predisposition to the disease, or its later development, for example, after a traumatic brain injury.

Since similar symptoms are observed in many diseases, it is necessary to know that epileptic seizures are characterized by the fact that they all proceed in the same way.

An epileptic seizure consists of 3 phases. The first phase (aura) is a sign of an approaching seizure. At this stage, the animal has an increase in the level of anxiety, the dog becomes restless, shakes its head, it has involuntary chewing movements, foam from the mouth, eyes run around.

The next phase (rigid) is characterized by profuse salivation and convulsions. The animal has dilated pupils, may occur involuntary urination or defecation. After the completion of this phase, the dog has an unsteady gait, and in the presence of irritating factors, the attack may recur.

These irritants can be loud noise, rough handling, fatigue and overexcited state of the dog, bright lighting and even estrus in bitches.

These two phases pass quite quickly (within 3 min), but the subsequent phase gives the impression that the animal is still convulsing, although in fact the actual epileptic seizure does not last longer than 5 min. pattern of seizures different dogs can vary greatly, therefore, at the appointment with the veterinarian, it is necessary to describe everything as precisely as possible characteristic symptoms diseases of the animal, the frequency and similarity of seizures.

During an epileptic seizure, in no case should you try to put your fingers into the dog's mouth, as the animal, being in an uncontrolled state, can bite you.

Some owners' concerns that a dog might swallow its own tongue are unfounded.

The attack passes quickly, but it is necessary to call a veterinarian to examine the animal and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Of the drugs used "Phenobarbital" and "Primidon", and also intravenous injections Relanium. It is noticed that a significant deterioration in the state of health against the background of epileptic seizures those dogs that develop the disease in adulthood. Treatment does not always give the desired effect, and this is due not only to the characteristics of the disease, but also to the lack of necessary skills among dog owners, therefore, consultations of an experienced doctor are necessary.


Paralysis, that is, damage to the motor nerves, as a result of which the animal completely or partially loses the ability to move, can cause not only injuries, but also some diseases.

One of the causes of paralysis in dogs may be the poison contained in salivary glands female wood ticks. The symptoms that develop in a dog in this case are very similar to the symptoms of a helminth infection, so it is difficult for a non-professional to understand the cause of the diseased condition of the animal. At first, within a few days, the dog observed great weakness followed by paralysis. It is necessary to contact the veterinarian as soon as possible, since the animal can not only lose the ability to move, but even die due to respiratory arrest.

Another reason for the development of paralysis can be bacteria - the causative agents of botulism. The source of infection with this infection is carrion, as well as spoiled food. The symptoms are the same as above. This disease is often fatal, so it is important to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Doctors usually use the drug "Anatoxin".

In addition to paralysis, in a number of diseases there is an increased weakness of the whole organism or the limbs of the animal.

With myasthenia, there is a violation of biochemical processes in nerve cells, which leads to a weakening of the dog's hind limbs. The movement of a sick animal is difficult, unsteadiness of gait is observed. Treatment is carried out with the help of special preparations under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Diseases of the brain

Encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain, can be caused various reasons. Often encephalitis is one of the symptoms of an infectious disease.

Inflammation of the brain is provoked by plague, rabies and parvovirus viruses, as well as some others. In addition, encephalitis can develop as a result of a bacterial or fungal infection.

The symptoms of encephalitis are increased drowsiness or unreasonable aggression, impaired coordination of movements, inadequacy of reactions to external stimuli, fever, convulsions, fainting and coma.

Bacterial infection can also cause another severe brain injury - meningitis, that is, inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal canal.

Treatment of these diseases should be carried out by a veterinarian. It is aimed at identifying the causes of health disorders in dogs and their elimination. For this purpose, antibiotics and corticosteroid drugs are used.

The cause of granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis in dogs has not yet been clearly established. It is assumed that this is not an infection known to science. Symptoms of the disease are loss of coordination of movements, paralysis, convulsions and coma. This disease can manifest itself in different forms. Sometimes the picture of the disease resembles the symptoms observed with the appearance of brain tumors. AT rare cases complete or partial blindness occurs.

Not developed for this disease effective treatment. The use of certain drugs can temporarily alleviate the condition of a sick dog, but complete recovery does not occur.

Brain tumors occur predominantly in dogs with a large volume of the skull. At benign neoplasms applied surgical method treatment, as well as radiation and chemotherapy. With the formation of malignant brain tumors, treatment is ineffective.

Diseases of the spinal cord

These diseases are usually caused various injuries, as well as age-related changes in the dog and genetic predisposition some breeds to certain diseases.

Herniated disc

Symptoms of this disease are pain, weakness, unsteady gait and incoordination, as well as fainting. Damage to the intervertebral disc can lead to the development of paralysis of the hind limbs, along with which, there is often a violation of the act of urination.

The causes of this disease are various, it can develop gradually, or damage occurs unexpectedly as a result of sudden movement animal. Some breeds of dogs have been found to be more prone to this disease than others. This primarily applies to Beagles and Pekingese.

Distinguish damage to the discs of the lumbar and cervical spine. The latter are less common, and in this case, paralysis of the limbs usually does not develop. When a disk is damaged cervical the dog tries not to move his head, as it hurts him. Because of this, the neck of the animal seems shorter than in the normal state.

Surgical intervention for damage to the intervertebral disc is usually not required. However, it is imperative to show the dog to the veterinarian, as the doctor will be able to determine the nature of the damage and prescribe treatment. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used. During the recovery period, the load on the spine and spinal cord of the dog should be limited.

In no case should you try to set the intervertebral disc yourself.

Fragile Vertebral Syndrome

The disease develops as a result of degeneration of the cervical vertebrae and their displacement as a result of a sharp movement of the head. Symptoms are worsening hindquarter coordination and a wobbling gait. There may also be a violation of the coordination of the forelimbs, as well as partial paralysis.

This syndrome most commonly affects dogs with long necks (such as Doberman Pinschers and Great Danes). It is not exactly established what factors influence the development of the disease, but there is an assumption that it is provoked by excessive nutrition of puppies.

Treatment must be carried out by a veterinarian. It is mainly aimed at eliminating edema and inflammation of the spinal cord, for which special preparations are used. If the dog's condition does not improve, surgical intervention is possible.

Cauda equina syndrome

This disease has the following symptoms hind limb lameness and gait disturbance, tail paralysis, urinary incontinence and uncontrolled defecation (which are caused by paralysis Bladder and rectum). The animal may bite and gnaw on the area anus because the sensitivity is lost.

The disease is caused by damage to the nerves located at the tail end of the spine.

Therapeutic methods of treatment are successful if the symptoms are mild. In severe cases, it is surgery. With paralysis of the bladder and rectum, the tangible effect of the treatment, as a rule, does not occur.

Other diseases of the nervous system

Stress, a long stay alone, as well as a violation of the conditions of detention can cause a dog to mental disorders manifested in a change in the behavior of the animal.


Neuroses in dogs develop according to different reasons. The most common is severe stress, in addition, the cause of neurosis can be the inattentive attitude of the owner and poor-quality nutrition of the animal, infectious diseases.

Neurosis can manifest itself in an inhibited or excited type. In the first case, the dog's activity decreases sharply, the animal does not react (or reacts very slowly) to external stimuli, and ceases to follow the owner's commands.

In the second case, on the contrary, the animal becomes extremely susceptible to even minor influences of external factors, the dog's activity increases and at the same time it either becomes extremely shy or aggressive.

Neurosis can become a provoking factor in the development of many serious illnesses internal organs, therefore, when the described symptoms appear, it is necessary to take measures to cure the dog.

At mild form neurosis is often enough preventive measures general for the animal to recover. First, you should not physically and emotionally overload the dog. Temporarily give up active training. It is better to walk in quiet places, away from highways and crowded streets. You need to treat the animal calmly, avoid rude shouting and punishment - all this will only aggravate the neurotic state of the animal.

The food you give your dog must contain enough essential vitamins and micronutrients. It is recommended to include more dairy and meat products in the diet. Of course, all of them must be fresh and of high quality.

If a dog has developed a severe form of neurosis, a veterinarian should be consulted regarding the use of medications. It is not worth giving an animal tranquilizers yourself. You can try the tools traditional medicine- decoctions of valerian roots, motherwort herbs as a sedative, and to raise vitality - tinctures of Eleutherococcus senticosus, safflower-like leuzea, Rhodiola rosea, Chinese magnolia vine or ginseng. But we should not forget that both during and after treatment you need to be attentive to your pet, try to protect the dog from strong feelings, which can cause not only neurosis, but also other diseases.

obsessive states

The result of severe stress can also be the so-called obsessive states, when the animal regularly repeats the same actions, devoid of practical significance, and sometimes harmful to the dog itself. The animal can lick the fur and bite its own parts of the body, which leads to the development of skin diseases and the appearance of wounds and ulcers on the skin. Also dogs with the syndrome obsessive states may try to catch their own tail, chasing it, bark at food, swallow stones and dirt. Often seen increased salivation. In addition to these symptoms, dogs may experience visual hallucinations- in this case, the animals behave as if they were hunting imaginary prey.

It has been established that such behavior of dogs is an unconscious desire to protect themselves from negative impact stress. However, the actions performed by dogs with obsessive-compulsive disorder syndrome do not reduce the influence of stress factors on the animal's body.

To overcome the syndrome, it is necessary to pay more attention to the animal. You should walk with your pet more often, train the dog, and also play with it. Obsessive states often appear in those animals that are left alone for a long time and walk little, so you need to try to make the dog's life more interesting and varied. At the same time, anything that causes stress in the animal should be avoided.

When symptoms of obsessive states appear (imaginary hunting, licking, etc.), it is not necessary to show the dog your concern about its behavior, since the owner's anxiety is quickly transmitted to the animal.

For achievement maximum effect treatment, you should consult your doctor. A number of effective antidepressants have been developed that will speed up the dog's recovery process, but their intake should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.


This disease is characterized excessive activity dogs. Along with it, other symptoms associated with impaired activity of the nervous system appear: increased arousal, involuntary movements of the limbs, increased breathing and heart rate, dilated pupils and redness of the eyes.

Veterinarians usually prescribe drugs "Amphetamine" and "Ritalin". Apart from therapeutic treatment, an animal with this disease needs significant physical activity Therefore, you need to walk the dog as much as possible and train it.

Dr. vet. Sciences Kozlov N.A.

Kryshkina S. E.

On the this moment, many cases of brain tumors in animals have been recorded (Simon R. Platt., Natasha J. Olby., 2004). However, despite this, information about this disease is insufficient and inaccurate. In the Russian-language literature, such reports are rare. Often, in the early stages of the disease, the tumor has an asymptomatic process, which complicates its diagnosis, despite the availability of such diagnostic methods as CT scan(CT) and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI). In this regard, the problems of diagnosis and treatment of neoplasia of the brain are relevant.

Neoplasia of the brain is more common in dogs than in cats. The frequency of its occurrence in dogs is 14.5 per 100,000 animals. (Withrow S.J., MacEwen E.G. 2007) Brain tumors can occur in all breeds, at any age and regardless of gender. Despite this, some features of the manifestation of this disease were revealed. It is known that brachycephals are most predisposed to pituitary glial tumors, and dolichocephals to meningiomas. Breeds such as Boxer, Golden retriever, Doberman, Scottish Terrier have a greater risk of neoplasia. Most often, the tumor occurs in dogs older than 5 years.

The incidence of neoplasia in cats is 3.5 per 100,000 animals. (Withrow S.J., MacEwen E.G. 2007) No breed predisposition has been identified.

Brain tumors originate either: from the tissues of the brain itself or from its membranes. Also, the tumor can penetrate into the brain from adjacent tissues (for example, from the bones of the skull) or be metastases from other organs. The causes of brain tumors in dogs and cats are not currently known, although dietary, environmental, genetic, chemical, viral, traumatic, and immunological factors may be considered.

Classification of tumors

Depending on the growth rate and clinical and morphological features benign A benign tumor is characterized by slow, expansive growth, the absence of metastases. Its cells are easily differentiated from healthy tissue cells.
Malignant Cells of a malignant tumor are poorly differentiated. It is characterized by rapid, infiltrating growth, metastasis.
Biological malignancy With biological malignancy, the probability of death of an animal from a tumor is determined. Cytological malignancy With cytological malignancy, the likelihood of anaplasia, necrosis and invasiveness is assessed.
By localization Intraaxial Intracerebral tumors develop from cellular elements that form the stroma of the brain
Extraaxial Extracerebral develop from the membranes of the brain, cranial nerves and the pituitary gland.
Origin Primary Occur in brain tissue. These are meningioma, glioma, ependymoma, medulloblastoma, neuroblastoma.
Secondary They arise as a result of invasion of nearby tissues that are not nervous (bone tissue), or metastases of tumors of distant organs (skin, lungs, mammary glands). These are lymphoma, histiacytic sarcoma, adenocarcinoma, macrocarcinoma.

The most common primary tumors in dogs and cats are gliomas and meningiomas. Cats also often have ependymoma, papilloma choroid plexus, medulloblastoma, plasma cell tumor, lymphoma, neuroblastoma. The most common secondary tumors in dogs are locally invaded nasal adenocarcinoma; metastases from the mammary glands, prostate, or pulmonary adenocarcinoma, metastases from angiosarcoma; and germination of pituitary adenoma or cancer. In cats, pituitary macroadenoma and macrocarcinoma. (Withrow S.J., MacEwen E.G. 2007) Data are presented in the summary table below.

Brain tumors in dogs and cats

Tumor source Type of tumor Note
Glial cells Astrocytoma More common in brachycephalic breeds. Tumors arise from supporting cells in the brain. Oligodendroglioma affects the frontal lobes of the brain, astrocytoma - the cerebellum.
Ependyma and choroid plexus ependymoma Malignant and highly invasive tumor. Found in brachycephals. It develops from the epithelium lining the ventricles and the central canal of the spinal cord.
Papilloma of the choroid plexus
Neurons Gangliocytoma Rare, more common in older animals. The cerebellum is affected. it benign tumors. The ganglion grows slowly, is well separated from healthy tissues.
Embryonic neoplasms Medulloblastoma Malignant, rare tumor. More common in young people. Often grows into the fourth cerebral ventricle, replaces part of the cerebellar vermis, compresses the midbrain and brain stem. Able to metastasize to the cerebrospinal fluid.
Meningeal cells meningioma It is the most common primary tumor in dogs and cats. In cats, it accounts for approximately 56% of all CNS tumors. In dogs, the incidence of early meningioma is 30-45%. It is more common in dolichocephals. Localized in the cerebral hemispheres. Arises from the arachnoid. In cats, the tumor is firm and isolated from the brain by a pseudocapsule. In dogs, it is infiltrated into the brain tissue. It grows slowly and is treatable. Cats can have multiple meningioma.
Lymphoid cells Lymphoma (T- and B-types) Found in dogs and cats. it malignant tumor primarily affecting the lymphatic system. For treatment, drugs that overcome the blood-brain barrier are used.
Histiocytes Histiocytic sarcoma A rare disease with an aggressive course of the course. Occurs in young animals. Difficult to treat. The prognosis is unfavorable.

Clinical signs

Neurological signs occur when the tumor compresses the brain. In this regard, they are not specific to the tumor itself and other diseases that can cause the same signs cannot be excluded. Many dogs and cats with brain tumors may not show serious clinical signs for a long time, but subtle symptoms may be seen, such as behavioral changes, unwillingness to sit on the owner's arms, decreased purring, decreased activity. This is because the tumor can grow slowly and the surrounding tissues adapt to the increase in pressure without causing serious signs of impaired brain function. Neurological symptoms, mainly depend on the location, size and growth rate of the tumor. (Withrow S.J., MacEwen E.G., 2007)

Clinical signs depending on the location of the tumor.

forebrain The cerebral cortex Circular (manezhnaya) movements (usually in the direction of damage), behavioral changes, depression, lowering of the head, decrease or increase in appetite and thirst, disorientation, convulsions, changes in postural reactions contralaterally (on the opposite side).
Hypothalamus Change of mental status, defeat optic nerve(II pair).
vestibular apparatus Head tilt, ataxia, circus movement, loss of appetite and vomiting, strabismus, nystagmus.
Cerebellum head tilt; hypermetry (dysmetria); ataxia; tremor, which increases with some kind of movement, and decreases when the animal is at rest; not natural posture(with widely spaced limbs).
brain stem Paralysis (hemi-, tetraparesis), weakness on one side, ataxia, impaired respiratory and cardiovascular systems, cranial nerve deficiency (V, VI, VII, IX, X), coma.

Weakness and sensory disturbances mean a lesion in the fronto-parietal zone of the cerebral cortex. Visual deficit means defeat visual pathways optic nerve in occipital lobe terminal brain. Loss of smell is associated with damage to the olfactory brain.


The first step of the veterinarian should be a complete physical and neurological examination, which can determine the diagnosis and approximate location of the tumor. Once again, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that these clinical signs are not specific for neoplasia. The same symptoms are caused by congenital disorders, infections, immunological and metabolic disorders, trauma, vascular disorders, and other diseases. Therefore, it is important to exclude these diseases before making a definitive diagnosis. To do this, use such diagnostic methods as:

    Hematological and biochemical studies. This is done to rule out non-brain diseases and to assess anesthetic risk.

    Radiography. Plain radiography of the thoracic and abdominal regions allows to exclude the primary tumor in other parts of the body and metastasis to the lungs. X-ray of the skull provides scarce data, but it can be used to detect a tumor of the skull or nasal cavity, lysis or hyperostosis of the skull.

    ultrasound abdominal cavity it is also carried out to exclude extracranial causes of signs of brain dysfunction.

    CSF analysis is recommended as an aid in the diagnosis of a brain tumor. Changes in the cerebrospinal fluid are not determined in all types of tumors. Used to rule out inflammatory causes of brain dysfunction. Cannot be performed with increased intracranial pressure.

    CT and MRI are the main diagnostic methods. Allow to determine the presence, size, localization of the tumor. Held under general anesthesia. MRI is considered to be superior to CT. CT can detect bone changes (cranial fractures). With the help of MRI, a clearer visualization of soft tissues is achieved and the detection of cerebral edema, cysts, hemorrhage and necrosis is achieved. An MRI image of the brainstem or cerebellum is superior in quality to that of a CT image.

    Biopsy. Veterinarian, for the diagnosis of intracranial lesions, usually relies on CT or MRI. However, although they can provide information about the nature of the lesion (size, location, and relationship to other structures), these diagnostic methods cannot provide evidence of underlying pathology (Simon R. Platt., Natasha J. Olby., 2004). Some lesions caused by infection (fungal granuloma) may look like a tumor (occupy a large space) but are not. Therefore, a biopsy is the only method of definitive diagnosis of a brain tumor. It allows you to identify the type of tumor and its malignancy. Tumors well suited for intracranial biopsy: meningioma, astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, ependymoma, metastatic adenocarcinoma, some lymphoid tumors. Tumors located in deep areas brain tumors such as medulloblastoma of the cerebellum, tumors of the brainstem, thalamus and hypothalamus are poorly suited for biopsy (Simon R. Platt., Natasha J. Olby., 2004). The most well-known biopsy methods are ultrasound-guided biopsy and CT-guided biopsy.


There is currently a large number of treatments – palliative treatment of symptoms, surgical removal, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, boron-neutron capture therapy (one of the founders of this method in veterinary medicine was Prof. Mitin V.N.), immunotherapy, gene therapy, etc.

    Chemotherapy. Plays a minor role (Withrow S.J., MacEwen E.G., 2007) in the treatment of tumors. Factors limiting the use of this method:

    Radiation therapy is the most common method of treatment. The goal is to destroy the tumor while minimizing harm to surrounding, healthy tissues. Irradiation can be used alone or in combination with other methods. When selecting the radiation dose, attention should be paid to the type of tumor, its localization, and the tolerance of surrounding, healthy tissues. Radiation therapy is also prescribed to reduce recurrence after surgery.

    Surgical removal. The goal is to cure the disease complete removal tumors (it is quite rare to do this), or reduce symptoms by reducing pressure on the brain tissue. This method treatment is not always possible. In order to carry out surgical treatment, you need to know exact location location, size and extent of tumor invasion. Also, the possibility of carrying out the operation depends on general condition patient and tumor accessibility.

    Palliative treatment of symptoms is aimed at reducing intracranial pressure, edema, and slowing tumor growth. With such therapy, glucocorticosteroids are used. Also includes antiepileptic therapy, in which phenobarbital is prescribed.

    The blood-brain barrier prevents many chemicals from passing through.

    Heterogeneity of tumor cells. As a result, only certain tumor cells are sensitive to the drug.

    The tumor may only be sensitive to high doses, which may be toxic to normal tissue brain and other organs.

5. Immunotherapy. The method that activates cellular immunity against brain tumors by culturing and stimulating lymphocytes has been tested in dogs. Five dogs with cerebral glioma showed tumor size reduction and clinical improvement. Immunotherapy is currently under investigation. (Withrow S.J., MacEwen E.G., 2007)

6. Gene therapy is a treatment method in which DNA or RNA is transferred to target cells in order to change their genotype for therapeutic purposes. Although gene therapy was conceived as a treatment for genetic diseases, its potential for treating tumors was quickly recognized. This method is currently being researched. (Withrow S.J., MacEwen E.G. 2007)


The prognosis for brain tumors depends on many factors. These are the type of tumor and its location, the degree of secondary action of the tumors, and the neurological status of the patient. For animals with brain herniations, the prognosis is very unfavorable, and for animals with easily accessible tumors and a slight neurological deficit, it is very favorable. (Richard A.S. White, 2003)

Unfortunately, most tumors cannot be completely cured, so the main goal of treatment is to provide as long as possible good quality animal life.

There are few data on life expectancy with palliative care alone. The results of one study show that the average life expectancy with this treatment is 56 days. (Withrow S.J., MacEwen E.G., 2007) The prognosis can be significantly improved by surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or immunotherapy, used alone or in combination.

General principles that are used when considering the forecast:

    How larger size tumors, the worse the result.

    The stronger the expression clinical signs the worse the prognosis.

    Supratentorial tumors (tumors of the forebrain) have a better prognosis than infratentorial tumors (tumors of the brainstem and cerebellum). (Withrow S.J., MacEwen E.G., 2007)

    The later the disease is diagnosed, the worse the result.

case from practice

In December 2010, at the Department of Veterinary Surgery at the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. KI Skryabina was admitted cat Peach at the age of 7 years, male, breed British Shorthair, neutered. (Fig. 1.) The owners complained about the poor support of the pelvic limbs.

During the diagnostics, proprioceptive ataxia of the pelvic limbs was revealed, manifested by a violation of postural reactions, an increase in the panniculitis reflex, and pain in sacral region. All cranial reflexes were normal. The animal underwent a survey radiography of the lumbar and sacral region - no changes were found. As a result, to diagnose the causes of ataxia, the cat underwent a CT scan of the skull (Fig. 2.) and myelography, the contrast was injected through the lumbar approach. On myelographic examination pathological changes the spinal cord was not found. CT revealed a primary intracranial tumor of the brain. The owners were advised surgical treatment of the animal.

Stages of surgery

Atropine 0.04 mg/kg IM, cefazolin 5-10 mg/kg IM, dicynone 10 mg/kg IM, intravenous methylprednisolone 20 mg/kg, then mannitol 1 g/kg were used as premedication. During surgery, neuroleptanalgesia was performed with xylazine 2 mg/kg and Zoletil. We also performed infusion with Ringer's solution 20 ml/h, plasma substitutes (voluven) and saline. Before the operation, the animal was placed urinary catheter and tracheal intubation was performed.

Based on the CT data, a right-sided rostrotentorial approach was chosen at the location of the tumor. An arcuate skin incision was made from the frontal to awns to the interparietal bone. (Fig. 3.) The temporal muscle was severed by acute preparation, and then the bones of the skull were skeletonized. The area of ​​bone to be removed was identified and marked. For this purpose, a high-speed pneumatic drill with a 3 mm carbide bur was used, and the grooves were drilled along the marked lines (Fig. 4). Then they bit out with Kerrison's wire cutters. Thus from bone tissue the 4-gon was removed. The branches of the middle meningeal artery were coagulated with a bipolar coagulator. Initially, the incision of the dura mater was carried out by lifting the membrane with Adson's tweezers and a pointed scalpel, later, under hard shell a dental scraper was brought in and an incision was made with a No.11 scalpel to the size of a craniotomy. Hemorrhages of the arachnoid and soft membranes, parenchyma were controlled by bipolar cauterization and homeostatic sponge. The location of the tumor was determined, it was separated from the adjacent tissues and enucleated. Complete excision of the neoplasm was determined by intraoperative ultrasound data. A drain was placed to prevent hematoma formation. Each tissue layer was sutured with a non-absorbable monofilament suture (Prolene 4-0). meninges, on which was laid on top hemostatic sponge. Immediately after the operation, Kvamatel 2 mg was administered intravenously (hereinafter - IV), Gordox 2000 units. IV, furosemide at a dose of 4 mg IV.

Histological examination of the pathological material.

The tumor was sent to histological examination. The diagnosis is meningioma. Histological picture: the tumor consists of voluminous spindle-shaped cells forming intertwining, twisting or palisade bundles. The cells are permeated with a moderate amount of dense, sometimes edematous, fibrous stroma, unevenly expressed in different areas. Multiple small foci of hemorrhage were noted in the tumor tissue. Tumor cells have a large, oval nucleus with thin strands of chromatin, 1-2 pronounced nucleoli and weakly expressed eosinophilic cytoplasm. The degree of anisocytosis is moderate, mitoses are rare.


After the operation, a positive trend of recovery was observed. One day after the operation, the animal's ataxia disappeared. During the rehabilitation period after the operation, there were no manifestations of neurological syndromes. Conducted clinical and neurological examination of the animal - a week after surgery, 2, a month, 2 months Neurological changes were not detected. At the moment, the animal has fully recovered.

Bibliographic list

    Richard A.S. White. Oncological diseases small pets.// Aquarium, Moscow, 2003, - 350 pages.

    Kuleshova O.A., Yagnikov S.A., Kemelman E.L., Leonova T.A., Mitrokhina N.V., Trubnikova E.A. Clinical case surgical treatment of intracranial meningioma in a cat.// Russian veterinary journal. Small domestic and wild animals, 2010; 3:29-34.

    BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Neurology. Third edition., Editors: Simon R. Platt., Natasha J. Olby., 2004, 432 pp

    Withrow S.J., MacEwen E.G. Small animal clinical oncology.// Saunders Elsevier, US, 2007, - 846 p.

    Jaggy A. Small Animal Neurology - Hannover . Schlutersche 2010 - 580p

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