Barite message. Barite stone. Properties of barite. Application of barite. Physical research methods

Heavy - this is how the name of the mineral is translated from Greek barite. His character is not difficult.

The stone is easy to process and easy to find, since it is not rare. Barite is heavy in the truest sense of the word.

The density of the mineral is 4.5 grams per cubic centimeter. This is a high indicator that affects the weight of the stone.

So barium sulfate, and this is what barite is according to its chemical formula, is not an easy material.

Physical properties of barite

Barite is heavy, but fragile. the stone does not even reach 4 points. The mineral is not far removed from the same one that is used in the production of pencils.

Baryte is colorless in most cases. Less commonly, stone, even more rarely, slightly colored. Color is given by impurities.

Brown, blue, and light blue variations of the mineral are known. Blue barite was discovered literally two decades ago.

Sky-colored found in Brazil.Depending on its color, barite is either glassy or pearlescent.

The cleavage is always perfect. When splitting, absolutely smooth edges are obtained.

Barite crystals tabular. They are rectangular and flat. There are exceptions - feather-like formations.

They consist of shaped prisms and needles. Their accumulation resembles feathers, hence the name mineral aggregates.

Features of barite formation

Barite of exogenous origin. Greek concept. “Zkzo” means “external”, and “genos” means “birth”.

That is, barite is formed near the surface, in the areas of iron hats. This is the name given to the upper layers of metal deposits that have undergone oxidation.

The interaction of barium salts with ores, especially, leads to the appearance of barite.

In the ore veins, barite is accompanied by cinnabar. Having found satellite minerals, you can count on the quick discovery of barite.

Barite deposits

75 million tons of barite belong to the United States. These are the estimates of stone reserves in the deposits of the States. India has 10 million tons of the mineral.

7 million tons are hidden in the countries of Germany. Morocco, Algeria and Mexico boast a figure of 6 million tons. Slightly less in Italy and.

Total world barite reserves estimated by geologists at 185 million tons. Where are the remaining 70 of them? The answer is in Russia.

The Belorechenskoye field is being developed in the Republic of Adygea. In the Kemerovo region there is a “quartzite hill”.

In the Chelyabinsk region industrial barite deposits called the “youth field”.

Applications of barite

The use of barite is due to its name. The mineral is used to obtain products containing it.

The stone is used for barium, glaze and white. Barite can be found in oilcloth. Linoleum also belongs to the “oilcloth” type. Barite is also used in its production.

Heaviness comes in handy when shaping drilling fluids. Barite makes them heavier, which makes it easier for the mass to pass through.

But the mineral blocks the passage of X-rays. That's why, barite is used when insulating premises intended for chemical production, including nuclear reactors.

Barite has also found application in optics. The transparency of the stone came into place here. Its plates are used in optical instruments.

Medicinal properties of barite

Doctors use barite porridge. It is used for X-ray diagnostics. This is the only official purpose of the stone in medicine.

The remaining points relate to traditional healing. Lithotherapists believe that barite speeds up the healing process of a person. The stone eases psychological distress after injury.

The beneficial effect on the nervous system is associated with the calming properties of barium sulfide.

The magical properties of barite

Home psychologist. This is what esotericists called barite. With the help of a stone, people become wiser. No rash actions or stupid things are committed, and a way out of a difficult situation is easily discovered.

The stone especially favors people of art. A professional affiliation is not required; it is enough to simply value creativity and be a creative person yourself.

Talismans and amulets with barite

Barite will become an amulet for people born under the sign of fire. The mineral helps overcome deficiencies.

People are prone to bad habits, outbursts of anger, and rash actions. By removing these inhibitory factors, barite develops in Aries, Sagittarius and Leo people self-confidence, which they sometimes lack.

are not aimed at quick results.

Barite, like , is not placed on the body, in plain sight. The stone is put into a pocket, or another secret place is found for it.

Esotericists note that barite feels especially comfortable in the right pocket.

The owner is advised to touch the amulet at least twice a day. Otherwise, the magical influence of the stone on the life of the owner will weaken.

Baryte has been studied since the 17th century. At least this is what written evidence indicates. The first mentions of it date back to 1640.

Then Liceti, a scientist from Italy, wrote about the mineral. He named the barite "Bolognese stone", after the area in Italy where the mineral was found.

The name barite was given to it already at the beginning of the 19th century. The Greek name was given by the German mineralogist Karsten, and not by native speakers of the ancient language.


Syngony: Rhombic

Composition (formula): BaSO4


The color of barite is mainly white or colorless; it can be gray, yellow, light brown, brown, or red.

Trait color (powder color): White

Transparency: Transparent, Translucent, Opaque

Cleavage: Perfect

Fracture: Uneven

Gloss: Pearlescent, Glassy

Hardness: 3-3.5

Specific gravity, g/cm 3: 4,3-4,7

Special properties:

Barite colors the flame of a blowpipe the yellow-green color characteristic of barium.
In powdered form, barite slowly dissolves in concentrated sulfuric acid; when water is added, the solution becomes cloudy due to the precipitation of barium sulfate.
Baryte is thermoluminescent; under the influence of ultraviolet light it can exhibit fluorescent and phosphorescent properties.

Selection form

Barite crystals are mostly lamellar and tabular, less often prismatic and needle-shaped.
Barite aggregates are granular, radial, and fine-fiber; There are kidney-shaped-spherulite, kidney-shaped-lamellar and dense solid masses.

Main diagnostic signs

Barite is heavy, has a glassy luster, and is easily scratched with a knife. It is characterized by perfect parallelepiped cleavage and absence of boiling upon contact with acids.


Barite is mainly of hydrothermal origin, sometimes forming independent ore veins several meters thick. Barite often fills almond-shaped voids in a number of mafic volcanics.
Barite is of sedimentary-chemogenic origin. In sedimentary rocks, barite forms radial nodules and secretions with crystals in the internal cavity (geodes).


Russia. The barite deposits Kvartsitovaya Sopka (Kemerovo region), Molodeznoye (Chelyabinsk region) and Tolcheinskoye (Khakassia) are under industrial development. The Belorechenskoe ore occurrence (North Caucasus), which supplies beautiful barite samples for collectors, is unprofitable for industrial mining.
India,Kazakhstan,China And USA are the world's main producers of barite.


Barite is the main source of raw materials for the production of barium. Used for the production of barium salts, barium white, enamel, glaze. It is used as a filler in the manufacture of paper, oilcloth, linoleum, and rubber. Barite is used as a substance that increases the specific gravity of drilling fluids. Transparent barite crystals are used in optical instruments. Barite is also used for X-ray protection; for coatings and insulation in chemical industries. In medicine, barite is used as a diagnostic tool for X-ray examination of the digestive tract.

Synonyms: Baritine, Barytic earth

Anhydrite - barite group

The large specific gravity of this mineral is easily felt in the hand. Among the very few barium minerals, barite is the main one, and among anhydrous sulfates it is the most common after anhydrite.

origin of name

It is of Greek origin and means “baris” - heavy. It is easily distinguished from minerals similar in appearance (calcite, dolomite) due to its high density


Chemical composition

Barium oxide (BaO) 65.70%, sulfur oxide (SO3) 34.30%.

Strontium, lead and calcium can replace barium to some extent, and there is probably complete isomorphic miscibility between Ba and Sr; the intermediate members are called barytocelestine. Angleso-barite, or hokutolite, is a leaded barite containing approximately 18% PbO. Foreign impurities are sometimes identified as Fe 2 O 3 , clayey, organic and other substances.


Barite cockscomb = a type of barite

Barytopisolith, redundant name = a type of barite

Barite Ba 2– in sea waters forms practically insoluble barium sulfate. Barite nodules are found among muds and in modern seas.

In weathering zones rocks and ore deposits in areas with a dry climate, upon careful study, small crystals of barite, often columnar in appearance, are often found in association with gypsum and iron hydroxides.

Barite is a chemically stable mineral, therefore it is found in eluvium, often in large fragments, as well as in concentrates obtained by washing placers. However, like all minerals that have good cleavage and low hardness, as they move into the placer they quickly become crushed and gradually disappear.

Barite deposits

Of the numerous barite deposits in Russia, we will mention only the hydrothermal deposits Belorechenskoye (Krasnodar Territory) and Dzhalankol (Karachaevo-Cherkessia).

In Western Georgia there are a number of vein barite deposits in Kutaisi, Bolnisi and other regions, among tuffs and effusive rocks (porphyrites). Solid barite masses with a symmetrically banded or colloform structure contain impurities in the form of calcite, a very small amount of quartz, and occasionally pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena.

On the Mangyshlak Peninsula (Western Kazakhstan), in the Aurtash deposit, which is large in terms of reserves, barite of sedimentary origin forms a layer in limestone up to 0.5 m thick, distributed over a huge area at a depth of up to 3 m.

The deposits of the Karakalinsky region in Turkmenistan (in the Kopetdag mountains) are also represented by a whole series of veins in sedimentary rocks (sandstones, shales, etc.). In a number of veins (Arpaklen) barite is in association with witherite - Ba[CO 3 ], which in some places develops pseudomorphically along the barite.

Among the largest foreign barite deposits is Meggen on the river. Lenne in Westphalia (Germany). Here, a plateau-like deposit of enormous length (up to 7 km), in places accompanied by a deposit of sulfides, mainly pyrite, is located on the border between the Middle and Upper Devonian sediments. The origin of this deposit is not exactly clear. In addition, Freiberg, Saxony, and Clausthal are known in Germany.

Together with limonite and pyrolusite in the Ore Mountains, Stolberg, Kyffhäuser (Harz), Schmalkalden, Ilmenau (Thuringian Forest).

England (Westmoreland, Cumberland.

USA - Cheshire in Connecticut, Missouri, Wisconsin, central Oklahoma. Beautiful barite crystals and roses are known at Stoneham in Colorado.

Canada (Hants County in Nova Scotia, Madoc in Ontario).

Practical use

Barite is widely used in various industries. It is used in pure form and in the form of barium preparations.

  1. In the form of a finely ground powder, it is added as a weighting agent to the composition of “clay solutions” used for cementation of loose rocks when drilling oil deposits in order to combat gas emissions and strengthen the walls of wells.
  2. In the chemical industry it is a raw material for the production of various salts and preparations used in pyrotechnics, tanning (to remove wool), sugar production, in the manufacture of photographic paper, in ceramics for the production of enamels, for the smelting of special glasses with a high refractive index, in medicine and etc.
  3. In the rubber and paper industries it is used as a filler and weighting agent (wallpaper, oilcloth, linoleum.
  4. In the paint and varnish industry it is used for the production of high-grade white (mixed with ZnO and ZnS) (lithopone), colored paints, etc.
  5. As the main component of plaster for the walls of X-ray laboratories, it is used to protect workers from the harmful effects of X-rays.
  6. Barium metal is used to make some radio tubes.

Barium salts are used in medicine and agriculture (insecticides).

Physical research methods

Differential thermal analysis

The main lines on the radiograph: 3.456(6) - 3.058(7) - 2.106(10) - 1.526(6) - 1.259(6) - 1.093(6).

hundredrin methods. Under the blowpipe it cracks and fuses only in thin fragments along the edges, and the flame turns yellow-green (characteristic of barium). It is fused with soda on a platinum plate into a transparent mass, which upon cooling becomes cloudy (when fused on charcoal, this mass spreads and is absorbed inside). Unlike celestine, barium sulphide, obtained in a reducing flame of a p.p.t., after wetting with HCl, colors the flame not carmine red, but yellow-green.

Crystal optical properties in thin preparations (sections)

np = 1.636, nm = 1.637, ng = 1.648; Np = c, Nm = b, Ng = a; (+)2V = 37°, weak dispersion r > v.

Barite– natural barium sulfate(BaSO4). The main technological properties that determine a wide range of industrial uses of barite are high density (4.2 g/cm3), chemical inertness, low hardness (low abrasiveness), the ability to absorb X-rays, high barium content, and whiteness. Barite is used mainly as a weighting agent for drilling fluids (70% of world consumption); serves as the best basis in the production of color paints; special cements that are resistant to aggressive environments; “heavy” concrete used in the foundations of heavy structures when laying pipelines in wetlands and under water; in road construction; to provide a durable and flexible surface layer for airport walkways. The chemical industry uses barite in the production of barium salts used in various industries. In addition, barite serves as the cheapest protective material in the construction of “burial grounds” and reactors in nuclear energy (Akhmanov et al., 1995).

  • Formula - BaSO4
  • The name – (from the Greek “baris” - heavy) is easily distinguished from minerals similar in appearance (calcite, dolomite) due to its high density
  • Chemical composition: Barium oxide (BaO) 65.7%, sulfur oxide (SO3) 34.3%.
  • Color: White, grey, red, yellow, brown, light brown.
  • Gloss: Glassy, ​​pearlescent.
  • Transparency: Translucent and transparent in thin chips.
  • Hardness: 3.
  • Density: 4.3-4.7.
  • Syngony: Rhombic.
  • Crystal Shape: Beautiful multi-faceted crystals are often found; mostly tabular, less often prismatic crystals.
  • Crystal structure: Anionic complex 2-c Ba.
  • Symmetry class: Rhombo-bipyramidal - mmm.
  • Axle ratio: 1.627:1:1.310
  • Cleavage: Perfect (it differs from the cleavage of calcite by the right angle between the planes); the mineral forms cleavages along the rhombic prism Aggregates. Granular, radiant, dense, kidney-shaped, plate-like, solid. P. tr. It cracks and melts only at the edges of thin fragments, turning the flame yellow-green (characteristic of barium).
  • Behavior in acids: In powder form, dissolves slowly in concentrated sulfuric acid; When water is added, the solution becomes cloudy due to the precipitation of BaSO4.
  • Associated minerals: Calcite, fluorite, siderite, pyrite, galena, etc.
  • Similar minerals: Celestine, aragonite, calcite, feldspars, anhydrite.
  • Practical value: First of all, it is used as a weighting agent for drilling clay solutions, as protection against radiation in X-ray technology, for producing white paint and for other purposes.


  • Oil and gas industry and geological exploration - a weighting agent for drilling fluids for deep and ultra-deep drilling.
  • Cement industry – production of highly sulfate-resistant, heat-resistant and weighted oil well cements.
  • Chemical industry – production of all barium-containing compounds, salts and preparations of barium.
  • Glass industry – production of special glasses. Barite glasses are very clean, transparent, shiny and have good optical properties.
  • Metallurgy - an intensifier of the process of obtaining ferroalloys, an additive for the smelting of barium-containing alloys, as a flux in the smelting of yellow copper and in the aluminum industry in the production of pure alumina oxide.
  • Road construction - filler. Ground barite is used in a mixture with latex (6%) and hot asphalt (47%) as overlays for runways and general roads to provide a durable and flexible layer.
  • Paint and varnish industry - production of white pigment (lithopone), high-grade zinc (mixed with ZnO and ZnS) and lead white and other paints, white-burning products, tiles, etc., in high-grade enamels used in reactors for anti-corrosion protection.
  • Rubber - an inert or weakly active filler.
  • Asbestos industry - production of friction materials.
  • Nuclear industry - radiation protection shields: concrete material containing 80% barite and 10% iron oxides is a good protective material against gamma radiation. Being an integral part of plaster for the walls of X-ray laboratories, it acts as protection against the harmful effects of X-rays.

Diagnostic card.

Syngony rhombic
Specific gravity 4.48
Cleavage perfect
Conchoidal fracture
Colour: colorless, multi-colored
Powder color is white
Luster from glassy to pearlescent

Barite is rarely found in isolated crystals. Frequently occurring barite crystals, very rich in facets, have a prismatic appearance with a characteristic “cutter” ending. They are usually transparent and colorless, but can also be white or a variety of colors (honey yellow, pink and sky blue are typical). Independent crystals are rare; much more often they are combined into druses, sometimes truly magnificent.

Barium main ore; filler in the rubber and paper industries; weighting material for drilling, etc. Shape of crystals. Beautiful multifaceted crystals are often found; mostly tabular, less often prismatic crystals. Crystal structure. Anionic complex 2 - with Ba. Symmetry class. Rhombic bipyramidal - mmm. Cleavage. Perfect (different from the cleavage of calcite by the right angle between the planes); the mineral forms cleavages along a rhombic prism. Aggregates. Granular, radiant, dense, kidney-shaped, plate-shaped, solid.

Diagnostic signs.
Perfect cleavage along the parallelepiped, insolubility and lack of boiling upon contact with acids, most importantly, large weight allow you to quickly recognize barite. It has a vitreous luster with a tendency to pearlescent and is easily scratched with a knife. It cracks and melts only at the edges of thin fragments, turning the flame yellow-green (characteristic of barium). In powder form, it dissolves slowly in concentrated sulfuric acid; When water is added, the solution becomes cloudy due to the precipitation of BaSO4.

Barite is found mainly in hydrothermal deposits, either barite itself or containing barite in the vein mass, in which it forms an association with ore sulfates. This mineral may also be present in veins and voids among limestones and dolomites. Typically, barite forms large, dense or granular, white, opaque accumulations.

Place of Birth.
The main deposits within Italy, where industrial production of barite occurs, are located in the regions of Trentino-Alto Adige (Darso mine) and Sardinia. In the past, barite was mined on an industrial scale in Valsasina (Cortabbio, province of Como), in the foothills of the Alps in the provinces of Bergamo, Brescia and Venice. Druses and magnificent crystals have been found in the Brosso and Traversella mines in the Piedmont region and in the Pergine-Vetriolo area in Trentino. Large yellow crystals came from the Barega mine near Nixus (Sardinia). Elsewhere on the island, graceful druses of crystals, sometimes slightly bluish, have been discovered and are highly prized by collectors. Barite reserves are contained in deposits of vein, stratiform and residual types. About 55% of proven reserves abroad are concentrated in vein deposits. The world's leading producers of barite are China, the USA, India and Kazakhstan.

Barite is the main mineral raw material for the production of barium. Ground barite is used as a pigment in the paper industry and for making paints, and as a weighting agent in clay drilling fluids used in oil well drilling. Barium sulfate is used in medicine as a diagnostic tool for x-ray examination of the digestive tract. The main technological properties that determine a wide range of industrial uses of barite are high density, chemical inertness, low hardness (low abrasiveness), the ability to absorb x-rays, high barium content, and whiteness.

Barium is an element of the main subgroup of the second group, the sixth period of the periodic table of chemical elements, with atomic number 56. It is designated by the symbol Ba (lat. Barium). The simple substance barium is a soft, malleable alkaline earth metal of a silvery-white color. Has high chemical activity. It is almost never found in nature in its native form.

Barite, or heavy spar - barium sulfate. The luster is pearlescent to glassy. Transparent to translucent. Colors: grayish white, yellow, pink; less often it is colorless and water-transparent. The line is white. The fracture is uneven, stepped. Fragile. The cleavage is perfect. Colors the flame green. Formed in hydrothermal ore veins. Crystals (rhombic system) can be tabular, columnar, or leafy (in this case they often grow together into rosettes - “barite roses”).

Along with this, solid masses are typical - granular, dense, continuous. It is used as a weighting agent for drilling fluids, in medicine, as well as for radiation protection, as a filler and as a polishing agent. Places of distribution: North Rhine-Westphalia, Harz, Black Forest, Odenwald (Germany), Harz (Germany), Carinthia (Austria), Switzerland, England, USA, CIS.

Barite, calcium rhodochrosite in shell, in limonite. Quarry "E", Kerch deposit. Sink 7x5 cm. Photo: A.A. Evseev.

Barite. Spherulite (2.5 cm) in shell (Ca-rhodochrosite). Kerch. 1980s. Photo: V.A. Meetings

Barite, vivianite. Kerch deposit, Crimea, Ukraine. Photo: A.A. Evseev.

Barit, Seversk, Donbass, south-east of Ukraine, CIS. Photo album (September 23, 2012, 09:51).

Baryte (light), flurite (violet). Berbes, Asturias, Spain

Barium is necessary: ​​for coronary heart disease, chronic coronary insufficiency, diseases of the digestive system. Produces a compacting effect on tissue, and this action is used to treat hypertrophied glands. Homeopaths recommend taking barium carbonate for elderly people who are obese, when there are symptoms of cerebral vascular sclerosis, as well as for cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, aortitis, aneurysms), diseases of the respiratory tract (adenoids, chronic tonsillitis, bronchitis, recurrent tonsillitis) and digestive tract (gastritis, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation).

Food sources of barium: marine life is capable of accumulating barium from the surrounding water, and in concentrations 7–100 (and for some marine plants - up to 1000) times higher than its content in sea water (kelp). It has been established that with coronary heart disease, chronic coronary insufficiency, and diseases of the digestive system, the barium content in tissues decreases. The barium content in the human body is about 20 mg.

The symptoms of barium poisoning are similar. Hypertension, premature ventricular contractions, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation and asystole. There is discharge from the eyes, mydriasis, salivation, nausea, vomiting. Pain in the abdominal wall, diarrhea, impaired swallowing. Muscle fibrillations, rapid breathing, pulmonary edema, tonic, clonic convulsions and paralysis. Hypokalemia and hypophosphatemia, metabolic acidosis and hypoglycemia. Barium is classified as a toxic trace element, but is not considered mutagenic or carcinogenic.

The main manifestations of excess barium: muscle spasms, disorders of coordination of movements and brain activity; excessive salivation, nausea, vomiting, colic, diarrhea, dizziness, tinnitus, pale skin, profuse cold sweat; weak pulse, bradycardia, extrasystole. Even in negligible concentrations, barium has a pronounced effect on smooth muscles (in small concentrations it relaxes them, causes contraction in large concentrations). Barium compounds reduce the permeability of potassium channels.

ADR 4.3
Substances, which highlight flammable gases in contact with water
Risk of fire and explosion upon contact with water.
Loads that have spilled must be covered and kept dry.
Blue diamond, ADR number, black or white flame

ADR 5.1
Substances that oxidize
Risk of violent reaction, fire or explosion from contact with flammable or flammable substances
Do not allow the formation of a mixture of cargo with flammable or combustible substances (for example, sawdust)
Yellow diamond, ADR number, black flame above the circle

ADR 6.1
Toxic substances (poison)
Risk of poisoning through inhalation, skin contact or ingestion. Hazardous to the aquatic environment or sewerage system
Use a mask when leaving a vehicle in an emergency
White diamond, ADR number, black skull and crossbones

Corrosive (caustic) substances
Risk of burns due to skin corrosion. May react violently with each other (components), with water and other substances. Spilled/scattered material may release corrosive fumes.
Hazardous to the aquatic environment or sewerage system
White upper half of the rhombus, black - lower, equal-sized, ADR number, test tubes, hands

Bomb that explodes
They can be characterized by a number of properties and effects, such as: critical mass; scattering of fragments; intense fire/heat flow; bright flash; loud noise or smoke.
Sensitivity to shocks and/or shocks and/or heat
Use shelter while keeping a safe distance from windows
Orange sign, image of a bomb exploding

ADR 4.2
Substances capable of spontaneous combustion
Risk of fire due to spontaneous combustion if packages are damaged or contents leak.
May react violently with water
White upper half of the rhombus, red - lower, equal in size, ADR number, black flame

Name of particularly dangerous cargo during transportation Number
BARIUM1400 4.3
Barium nitrate BARIUM NITRATE1446 5.1
Barium bromide Barium bromide1564 6.1
Barium bromine BARIUM BROMATE2719 5.1
Barium carbonate Barium carbonate1564 6.1
Barium dichromate Barium dichromate3087 5.1
Barium permanganate BARIUM PERMANGANATE1448 5.1
Barium sulphide Barium sulfide1564 6.1
Barium chloride Barium chloride1564 6.1
BARIUM AZIDE WETTED with a mass fraction of water of at least 50%1571 4.1
BARIUM AZIDE dry or moistened with less than 50% water mass fraction0224 1
Barium bromate monohydrate BARIUM BROMATE2719 5.1
Barium bromide1564 6.1
Barium hydratekis Barium hydroxide2923 8
Barium hydride3134 4.3
Barium hydroxide2923 8
BARIUM HYPOCHLORITE, which contains more than 22% active chlorine2741 5.1
Barium dichromate3087 5.1
Barium carbonate1564 6.1
BARIUM PEROXIDE (peroxide)1449 5.1
Barium alloys are non-pyrophoric, solid, toxic, which react dangerously with water3134 4.3
Barium sulfide1564 6.1
Barium chloride1564 6.1
Barium chloride1564 6.1
Barium chloride, solution3287 6.1
Barium chromate1564 6.1

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