Fish bone in the throat what to do. What to do if a fish bone gets in your throat

One of the almost indispensable products in our diet is fish. It contains many minerals and vitamins, so necessary for our body. But there is one negative feature in it - these are small bones. Sometimes we are in a hurry, paying little attention to the process of eating, and we may well skip one of them. The bone gets stuck in the larynx, causing a lot of inconvenience and pain. Almost every person has experienced these unpleasant tingling, and even the feeling of suffocation, caused by a stuck bone in the throat.

In such situations, most people, and especially children, give in to panic. And that is exactly what should not be done. Deep breaths lead to the fact that the bone enters even deeper into the tissues, and it becomes more and more problematic to extract it. So, first of all, don't panic. You can try to remove the bone in the throat yourself, and if this fails, you should seek help from the nearest medical facility.

If the bone is visible, it can be quickly and accurately removed using an effective ancient method. To do this, you need a thin wax candle, the tip of which must be melted over the flame. As soon as it becomes soft, carefully insert it into the throat and press it against the protruding part of the bone. We wait until the wax hardens, and pull out the bone.

If it is felt in the throat, but absolutely not visible, you will need to use other methods to extract it. Many successfully use a piece of bread crust. It should be chewed a little, but not completely, and try to swallow. If the bone does not catch on it the first time, repeat the procedure.

If a bone is stuck in the throat, you can eat a large spoonful of liquid honey. It has enveloping properties and will help the bone to slip into the esophagus, and then the stomach. Eat honey slowly, while moving the muscles of the larynx as intensively as possible. As a rule, relief comes very quickly, the feeling of suffocation disappears, and honey additionally heals a scratched throat.

If the fish bone in the throat is at least slightly visible, use tweezers. Its length must be at least fifteen centimeters. Extraction in this case can be carried out independently, using a mirror. You may need a flashlight and a spoon. Open your mouth, press your tongue with a spoon and light your throat with a flashlight. Grasp the bone in your throat with tweezers and gently pull it towards you. This procedure is quite effective, but only if the bone is clearly visible.

If the situation is more severe, the victim needs to take a deep breath and then forcefully exhale the air out. The airflow will help push the bone out. Press on your upper abdomen, bend over and try to cough as hard as you can. Such manipulations are recommended to be repeated for three to five minutes. In extremely difficult circumstances, they induce vomiting by tickling the root of the tongue with two fingers.

If a bone is stuck in the throat, and all of the above methods have not brought the proper result, you should go to a specialist - ENT. Before visiting, you can use anesthetic aerosols. These are Ledocaine, Ingalipt and Kameton. The doctor will quickly remove the bone and prescribe soothing herbal rinses. And in order to prevent such a situation from happening again, eat properly and carefully, and also teach your children to eat properly.

Fish is a healthy and satisfying food product, rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and ... bones. Unfortunately, this component is the biggest disadvantage of live fish, especially some of its species. Therefore, it is simply necessary to be careful when eating such fish. But this is not always possible. And the result can be a bone stuck in the throat.

What happens when a bone gets stuck?

First of all, we note that this happens when a person forgets the old Russian proverb: "When I eat ...". Talking and laughing while eating leads to the fact that the foreign body enters the soft part of the palate, pharynx and causes at least severe discomfort, which is characterized by stabbing pains when swallowing. A person himself cannot always determine the location of a stuck bone. It can be located in the zone of the lateral ridges and tonsils, palate and tongue, penetrate between the tonsil and the palatine arch.

Painful sensations will only intensify, since the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is irritated. Fish bone sometimes causes swelling, inability to breathe normally, and even suffocation. If the fish bone enters the esophagus, then this can result in esophagitis.

A bone stuck in the throat is characterized by increased secretion of saliva, vomiting with blood impurities, pain when swallowing and behind the sternum, and a possible increase in temperature. In this case, it is necessary to seek help from an otolaryngologist as soon as possible. With the help of tools, he will be able to detect and remove a foreign body.

How to remove a stuck bone

From ancient times, the advice of ancestors to eliminate the problem has come to us. Their use allows you to independently get rid of a bone accidentally stuck in your throat. Here are the ways:

  1. Mashed potatoes or juice with pulp. It is not a liquid that can push the bone further into the esophagus, but a medium-consistency medium, such as thin mashed potatoes or thick juice. This method works if the bone is not very deep.
  2. Bread. This is perhaps the easiest and most affordable way to eliminate the bone. It is better to take rye and stale bread, chew it slightly. In this case, the bread will serve as a pushing agent. But you should be prepared for the fact that this will cause a fracture of the bone or its deeper penetration into soft tissues.
  3. Liquid honey. Its use is the lowering of a foreign body into the digestive system.
  4. Violent sneezing. It must be called from the injured person. To do this, he is given to sniff black pepper or snuff, if there is one in the house. This method is a protective reflex that helps to get rid of a foreign object.
  5. Vomit. This is also a protective reflex that needs to be evoked in a person. You can press on the root of the tongue for this purpose. The vomit will push the stuck bone out.
  6. Tweezers. If the bone from the fish is clearly visible, then you can try to remove it with tweezers. The instrument is pre-disinfected in an antiseptic. It is better if the procedure is done to the victim by another person. To do this, hold the tongue with a spoon, and gently hook the edge of the bone with tweezers and remove it with a strong jerk. It will be more difficult to do this yourself in front of a mirror. If you have done this, try to be more careful when eating fish from now on. And to be completely sure that there is no piece of bone left in the throat, it is better to go to an appointment with an ENT.
  7. What to do after removing the bone?

    If you managed to extract the bone, then immediately after that you need to rinse your throat with infusion of chamomile or calendula. It can be any remedy that has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect. This manipulation is necessary to prevent soft tissue infection. After all, the wound in any case is formed after the extraction of the bone. She will still make itself felt with pain and discomfort for some time. That is why it is recommended not to eat rough, hot, spicy food for a day or two. It should be soft and warm. It is also necessary to exclude the use of carbonated drinks that irritate the mucous membrane of the throat.

When I eat, I am deaf and dumb ... Why do we remember this folk wisdom only when trouble happens? This expression is very relevant when we eat fish. After all, during the conversation you can not notice the smallest bone. And she can create big trouble for us!

It would seem, what is so terrible? Well, think, bone. I thought so too, when I accidentally noticed a slight tingling in my throat after I ate fried crucian carp. Since the sensation was not very pleasant, I started reading tips on the Internet on how to get the bone out of my throat.

What have I not read! The most harmless was the method of removing a fish bone from the throat with bread crumb or crust. Everyone knows about this since childhood, and I decided to try it. Having swallowed “through I don’t want” from half a loaf of bread (it was after a hearty festive dinner), I realized that I couldn’t achieve anything in this way, and went to look for other recipes for how to pull a fish bone out of my throat. Moreover, the second half of the bread would simply not fit into me anyway.

The following methods seemed rather strange to me: the bone itself will dissolve by morning in an acidic environment (by the way, it did not dissolve), and take it out with tweezers (how to find it?), And rinse your throat with an antiseptic, under the action of muscle contraction, it will jump out by itself (rinsed, not jumped out). As an option, it was proposed to induce vomiting, but somehow I did not like this method.

Netizens also advised eating mashed potatoes mixed with bananas and plenty of vegetable oil. And eat without chewing, so that the bone, along with food, is pushed into the esophagus. This is where I got my doubts. Firstly, it may not have a very good effect on the liver and pancreas (this is oil, albeit vegetable). Secondly, which was later confirmed, the bone can get stuck in the esophagus and then only the Sklifosovsky Institute can help. By the way, this is exactly what the emergency doctor told me later. And literally, she said the following: "If the bone is not found in the throat, then it is removed from the esophagus only in Sklifa." I don't know if she's right or not, but I believed her.

I considered the following advice to be the most dangerous: melt the candle, stick a bone into it, wait until it hardens and pull it out. I don't think you should do that! Imagine what can happen if this melted paraffin gets into the larynx! Horror, and only. I think this advice was written by our enemies in order to exterminate us as a nation.

In short, having tried the method of rinsing and pushing the bone with bread, shining a flashlight in my throat and not finding the bone, I fell asleep with the thought that perhaps it was not a bone, but a scratch. Feelings are similar. But the next morning, the tingling was felt in a slightly different place. And I realized that this is still a bone.

I went to look for a working paid ENT specialist, especially since I read on the forum that this is the only way to remove a fish bone from my throat on a day off. As luck would have it, all the ENTs I called will either work tomorrow or in a week, because they are on vacation ... My husband suggested contacting an ambulance, which, of course, I immediately dismissed. There people deal with serious problems, why divert away for nothing

After a while, I realized that I was having difficulty breathing. Apparently, there was some kind of reaction and the tonsils began to swell. At this point, I got scared and called the emergency room. There they explained to me that even because of the smallest bone in the throat, there can be not at all tiny problems. And that you need to call an ambulance, and without delay. That was confirmed in the control room of the ambulance, and after 5 minutes the doctors arrived. I was injected with an antihistamine and taken to the hospital. There they removed a fish bone (it was behind the tonsils, and the doctor looked for it there for quite a long time, I would never have done it myself). And then I was told a lot of creepy stories about fish bones in my throat and the consequences of pulling them out of my throat myself.

This story taught me this: if you can't see the bone yourself, don't experiment, don't look for ways to get a fish bone out of your throat. It turns out you need call an ambulance. And the ambulance doctors, if they cannot detect the bone without special mirrors, will take you to where they will help you.

Don't joke with your health!

Every lover of fish and dishes from it faced the problem of a stuck bone in the throat. Such an injury causes unpleasant and painful sensations, shortness of breath. Do not panic. Immediately proceed to methods for removing a foreign object. Or go to the hospital.

Accidental ingestion of fishbone is common. Bones, especially small ones, can be easily missed during cooking and chewing. Since they are sharp, the risk of getting stuck in the throat, esophagus is possible.

Many types of fish are crammed with small bones that are difficult to remove before cooking.

Mainly in freshwater fish such as:

River trout;

silver carp

And others.

A stuck fish bone causes:

Tingling in the throat;

Difficult and painful swallowing;


How to get a fish bone out of your throat

The first reaction to a stuck bone is a cough. It can also be the first way to pull it out.

A heavy, violent cough for several minutes will force a lot of air into her to dislodge.

A piece of dried black bread, a crust. After chewing it a little, try to swallow it. This method does not always help the first time. Repeat procedure.

Instead of a piece of bread, you can take marshmallows. It is sticky and can "grab" the bone and pull it out.

You can try to eat:

Bread with water or vegetable oil;

Get it with tweezers. Take long tweezers, at least 15-20 centimeters. In poor lighting, turn on the lamp, table lamp.

It will be more convenient to ask loved ones to help you. You need to open your mouth and, highlighting with a mirror, try to hook and get the bone.

Honey. When swallowed, it will touch the bone and, if it sits shallowly, will lower it into the esophagus. Take a spoonful of honey in your mouth and swallow it slowly, while intensively working the muscles of the larynx.

Olive or other vegetable oil works similarly. In addition, the oil is an excellent lubricant, making the bones slippery and easier to swallow.

There are several other ways to get the bone from the fish out of the throat. True, they belong to the category of risky and dangerous.

Drink a highly carbonated drink. As stated, when the drink enters the stomach, gas is released. It helps push out the bone. Small children, people with diseases of the stomach is unlikely to suit.

Drink some diluted vinegar. It will increase the production of acid in the stomach and dissolve the bone. How safe this method is is unknown. Whether the vinegar will burn the esophagus along with the dissolved bone is not clear. It's best to skip this one though.

You can find this advice. You need to pull out in good light. It is better to highlight with a mirror.

Take a wax candle and melt the end a little. Quickly insert this end into the throat and press the bone so that when the wax hardens, pull it out.

This is said to be a very ancient method. Maybe. At that time there were no tweezers and trauma centers. Now there is.

Sniffing snuff is another old method. It will cause a sneeze, during which the stuck bone may pop out.

The method is theoretically justified. But not many people have snuff. Yes, it's for adults only.

After trying several methods and not getting relief, leave it as it is. Often people think they still have a bone in their throat. In fact, there is nothing there. They are sharp and painful sensations can persist for some time.

Sometimes it does not get stuck, but simply scratches the back of the mucosa.

When it is not difficult to breathe, wait a while. If symptoms persist, contact the nearest clinic.

When to See a Doctor

Sometimes it is simply impossible to get a fish bone on your own. In this case, you must consult a doctor.

If it is stuck in the esophagus or elsewhere in the digestive tract, it can be a real danger. Cause injury to the esophagus, abscess and, in rare cases, life-threatening complications.

Be sure to visit a doctor:

Sore throat does not go away within a few days;

Feeling pain in the chest;

There was swelling or swelling;

There is excessive salivation;

There are blood clots in the saliva;

Have difficulty swallowing and drinking;

Prevention Tips

Some people are at higher risk for such an injury. This category includes:

People with dentures;

Small children;

In a state of intoxication.

Cooking boneless fillets can reduce the risk.

Give children, people with cognitive impairments small pieces. Make sure they eat the fish slowly.

Remember that any rough foods can push the bone out of the throat. For example, cereals, potatoes. Drink plenty of water, drinks. If all else fails, it is best to seek immediate medical attention.

Fish is an essential food product containing essential nutrients that the human body needs for growth and development. It contains a lot of protein, vitamins and minerals. The only negative feature of the fish is the many small bones. A bone in the throat causes stabbing pain and a lot of discomfort. Every person at least once in his life experienced a tingling sensation that provokes even attacks of suffocation. Most people start to panic. The more often and deeper they begin to breathe, the more the bone enters the tissues. The throat constantly tickles and hurts, swallowing is difficult, a lot of saliva is released.

So why do some people get stuck in the throat especially often? This usually happens when:

  • The rapid process of absorption of food,
  • Poor chewing of fish
  • The presence of nervous diseases and diseases of the esophagus that disrupt the process of swallowing,
  • Alcohol abuse.

Babies can only be given boneless fish or processed fillets. A stuck bone in the throat causes the development of local inflammation, which eventually spreads beyond the laryngopharynx, affects the digestive organs and often ends in tissue abscess and damage to internal organs.

A bone in the throat is not a simple ailment, but a serious problem that poses a real danger to human health and life.


Individuals with a bone stuck in their throat complain of:

  1. Pain that gets worse when swallowing
  2. Hypersalivation with blood streaks
  3. coughing,
  4. Shortness of breath or asthma attacks
  5. Panic state.

If a small bone gets into the throat and stays there for a long time, it begins to cause the development of local inflammation. In this case, the pain becomes very intense, fever, weakness, lymphadenitis occur, speech is disturbed. In advanced cases, an ulcer forms in the wall of the esophagus, and the mucous around it turns red and swells.

A bone in the throat is an unpleasant phenomenon that needs to be urgently eliminated. Improper extraction leads to negative consequences: often recurring attacks of suffocation, pain behind the sternum, the appearance of blood in the vomit. When the bone from the fish affects the mucous membrane of the esophagus, its inflammation develops - esophagitis.

If the bone is stuck very deep, bleeding has begun and there is a sharp pain, it is urgent to visit a medical facility. These signs are symptoms of damage to the blood vessels. If you do not immediately perform an operation and do not stop the bleeding, a fatal outcome will occur.


So what can you do to get rid of this problem? If the bone is located superficially, then it will quickly come out on its own with the help of a gag reflex. You can pull the bone out of your throat on your own or with the help of a person nearby. He needs a flashlight and tweezers to illuminate the mucous membrane of the throat and extract the irritant.

To prevent infection of the lesion, it is necessary to disinfect it. Affected persons are advised to gargle with a decoction of chamomile or calendula, which has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and healing effects. "Hydrogen Peroxide" and "Furacilin" have a good antiseptic effect, "Strepsils" has wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. So that the resulting wound does not hurt, the food in the first days after the extraction of the bone should be gentle: warm and well chewed. Experts recommend excluding bitter, sour, salty foods, water with gases and other products that irritate the mucous membrane from the diet.

With a deep location of the bone, it will not be possible to extract it on its own. To do this, you should visit a doctor who will quickly and correctly remove the bone. Sprays "Ledocaine", "Ingalipt", "Kameton" will help relieve discomfort and sore throat before medical assistance is provided.

Large bones with thin edges and sharp corners cut the wall of the esophagus, which leads to severe bleeding. In this case, only an emergency doctor can help. Any attempt to extract such a bone outside of a medical facility is prohibited.

Small flexible bones from fish are one of the most popular complaints made by ENT patients. The doctor, after a thorough examination of the larynx, carefully removes the foreign object with tweezers or a clamp, and then treats the wound with an antiseptic. This procedure is quite fast. If necessary, local application anesthesia is performed, which is especially necessary for people with a pronounced gag reflex.

In most cases, it is difficult to determine the location of the bone. If it is stuck between the oropharynx and laryngopharynx, then there are not local, but diffuse pain sensations. An endoscopic examination is necessary to detect bone in the esophagus.

Prohibited actions

  1. If the victim begins to cough strongly and strain the muscles of the throat, the stuck bone descends into the esophagus. This digestive organ is very delicate. Perforation of the wall of the digestive tract often leads to deadly consequences.
  2. Independent use of handy materials for bone removal is strictly prohibited. Toothbrushes, spoons, forks, matches injure the mucous membrane of the throat even more.
  3. External massage of the injury site is also undesirable. It will lead to a deeper entry of the bone into the mucous membrane.
  4. If the bone is not removed, but left in the throat for a long time, infection of the lesion will occur. The throat will develop inflammation and suppuration of the bone.
  5. Swelling of the airways and suffocation is a reason to visit a medical facility or call an ambulance to your home.
  6. It is forbidden to independently remove the bone from the throat for patients with chronic processes in the oral cavity: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. This can lead to the formation of deep wounds that quickly become infected and complicated by the formation of abscesses. These are serious diseases that are difficult and long to treat. Often, antibiotic therapy does not help to cope with the pathology. In such cases, resort to surgical intervention.
  7. It is also undesirable to extract the bone from the throat in patients with impaired functioning of the heart and lungs. Such manipulations in the throat, which contains many nerve endings, lead to reflex disorders of the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  8. It is extremely forbidden to remove a bone from a child's throat at home.

Folk ways

The most common ways to extract a bone from the throat are the following folk methods:

It often happens that the bone goes down and can damage the walls of the digestive tract, especially the esophagus and stomach. Measures to protect these organs include the use of enveloping products: liquid and solid honey, bananas, marshmallows, butter, chocolate paste. Citrus juices or diluted vinegar will help to disinfect the mucous membrane of the throat.

In order for the fish bone to never get stuck in the throat, it is necessary to chew food thoroughly. From childhood, children should be taught that they should not put large pieces in their mouths, chat and play at the table. It is forbidden to eat in a hurry, in front of the TV, during a conversation. It is better for children not to give fish with small bones, but to replace it with fish cakes.

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