Yes, there can be many fluorine compounds, but .... White teeth = healthy teeth

Oral health affects general state organism, since this is exactly the place where food consumed by a person begins its journey. Also, many people know how unpleasant, and sometimes painful toothache which directly affects mood and mental condition person. In addition, simple activities such as biting and chewing become difficult, and in some cases, there may be problems with the throat due to the fact that oral health is impaired.


  • From 60% to 90% of schoolchildren have such a problem as dental caries. And among adults, it is found in almost 100%.
  • One of the components of preventing the appearance of caries is to reduce the amount of fluoride in the oral cavity.
  • 15-20% of people who have reached middle age suffer from a gum problem, namely a disease such as severe periodontitis, which can cause teeth to fall out.
  • A third of all people over the age of 65 are missing their teeth.
  • As statistics show, diseases associated with teeth and gums are most often found in the poorer segments of the population.
  • The main causes that can compromise oral health are unhealthy diet, tobacco, poor hygiene and excessive alcohol consumption.


Almost every adult has a history of dental caries. He is also the most common problem with which patients turn to dentists. Caries is the destruction of enamel and entails damage to hard tissues. If you do not start taking measures in time and do not carry out preventive procedures, then the disease can significantly aggravate the problem, in especially bad cases leading to tooth loss.

Caries is caused by bacteria that are present in the human mouth. great amount. Irregular brushing of teeth reduced immunity, diseases gastrointestinal tract provide even more active reproduction of bacteria.

To notice the appearance of caries is quite simple, as significant changes occur. appearance tooth. At the very initial stage disease appears on the surface of the tooth dark spot. At a more advanced stage, it penetrates deeper, forming carious cavity. deep caries penetrates beyond the dentin, bringing with it complications.


These are the tissues that surround the tooth and provide its fixation. The main cause of periodontitis is plaque, which becomes harder over time, forming tartar. Also, this disease can appear due to a lack of vitamins, and in particular calcium.

Taking care of your oral health is exactly what will help you prevent most problems with your teeth and gums. If it was not possible to avoid the appearance of periodontitis, then its treatment should begin with the elimination of plaque and tartar. Further, after a thorough cleaning, it will most likely be necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs. If the case is completely neglected and there is a deepening of the periodontal pocket, then you will have to resort to surgical intervention.

oral cancer

This disease is malignancy, which appears most frequently on lower lip, affecting the cavity mouth, back wall pharynx, salivary glands and almonds. Oral cancer is more common in men than women and is more common in people over 40 years of age. The main reason for its occurrence is active smoking and alcohol abuse. It is extremely important to start treatment when the first symptoms are detected, since this disease often leads to death.

Recognizing oral cancer is not difficult, since a bleeding wound forms on the lip, gum or mucous membrane, a certain part of the mouth may become numb, sensitivity decreases, the voice changes, the jaw swells, causeless pain appears, it becomes more difficult to swallow and chew food, white or red appear spots. Oral health in many cases depends on the presence of bad habits in a person. So smoking and chewing tobacco greatly increases the likelihood of oral cancer and many other diseases.

Cleft lip and cleft palate

These diseases are congenital, as they develop in the early stages of pregnancy. They occur due to deformation in case of lack of tissue in the mouth area and improper connection. hare lip is a gap in the area upper lip. - This is a cleft in the palate, which is formed between the bone and soft tissue.

It is hard to say exact reason occurrence of these diseases. Most likely, the cleft appears due to the influence environmental factors and genetics. It is hardly possible to somehow prevent its occurrence, especially if this anomaly can be traced in one of the relatives, since there is a high probability of a cleft in the unborn child. Besides, how possible cause It is customary to consider the effect of drugs used by the mother during pregnancy.


Dental health depends on many factors. Particular importance should be given regular cleaning. But it is not limited to brushing twice a day and using dental floss. Also an important role is played by mouthwash, which is most often neglected. It not only freshens breath, but also acts as an antibacterial agent.

But dental care doesn't end there. Many are accustomed to visiting the dentist when a problem has already appeared and it needs to be fixed. But in fact, a visit to the dentist should become obligatory event Twice a year. This will help to identify the appearance of possible diseases in advance.

Nutrition is also one of important factors. The diet should not only be rich in vitamins and useful trace elements. Hard varieties of apples, carrots and other vegetables and fruits with coarse plant fibers are very useful for teeth. Thanks to them, peeling is performed, which cleans the teeth from plaque.

Most effective remedy against the appearance of caries is fluoride. Every day our tooth enamel is exposed various factors which destroy it over time. So it is extremely important to provide protection, which will help fluoride.

Dental floss is a great helper that will remove plaque and food debris between the teeth. Its main advantage is that it can get into the most inaccessible places.

health day

For many years, March 22 has been celebrated around the world as Oral Health Day, and in 2015 Russia joined the celebration of this holiday. This step played a big role in the dental field and influenced its development. Each of us knows that healthy teeth- this is extremely important, and in order to do this, careful care and hygiene are necessary.

Dental oral health is one of the most important signs general health human body. There is no escape from regular visits to the dentist, so this holiday will only emphasize the importance and role of dentistry in modern world. But, unfortunately, not all of us care about oral health, which is why the appearance of this holiday is so important.

Dental elements of a person are not capable of self-healing, therefore, throughout life, they require careful care in order to maintain a healthy beautiful smile. The main rule that everyone should remember is thorough oral hygiene and a scheduled visit to the dentist. Additionally, to maintain healthy teeth, you should pay attention to a number of useful facts.

15 facts about dental health

Fact 1. Whitening damages tooth enamel

In fact, medical indication does not exist for this procedure. Whitening is recommended only for smokers and lovers of coffee drinks. AT this case the resulting plaque is removed with minimal impact on the structure of the enamel. If you use regularly whitening pastes or carry out a professional procedure, then the enamel becomes thinner, and the teeth become hypersensitive. On the external stimuli dentin begins to react. Thanks to him, the teeth look white with transparent enamel. However, as you age, your teeth will naturally take on a yellowish tint. To minimize this manifestation you can use toothpaste.

Fact 2. Exposure to food acids

To keep healthy and strong teeth, you should minimize the consumption of certain products or use them correctly. The most striking example is the use of wines, citrus juices and carbonated drinks. If a person slowly drinks these drinks (so to speak, enjoying the taste), then an acid is formed in the oral cavity, which negatively affects the enamel. As a result, there is hypersensitivity, and after the teeth are exposed destructive processes. To minimize the effect of acids throughout the day, you should drink a large number of water.

Fact 3. Oral hygiene more than twice

It is a common practice to brush your teeth in the morning and before bed. However, dentists recommend hygiene procedures every time after eating. Thus, it is possible to avoid the accumulation of microbes in the oral cavity, which adversely affect the condition of the teeth. In order to eliminate food residues between the teeth (for example, after taking meat dishes) you must use dental floss (it is not capable of damaging the gums, unlike toothpicks).

Why brushing your teeth is important, the video will tell.

Video - Teeth cleaning and health

It is also important to choose the right toothpaste and mouthwash (it is best to consult a dentist, who will be able to advise the means according to the state of health of the dental cavity). A person may not notice that he has inflamed gums or dental tissues are subjected to destructive processes, therefore, in each case, individual remedy. These can be toothpastes, foams, gels, varnishes, rinses, which have a beneficial effect on the gums and restore tooth enamel. At the same time, movements with a toothbrush are very important - only vertical ones, thus, the enamel layer is cleaned, but the enamel layer is not damaged.

Fact 4: Fluoride is essential for dental health

To restore and strengthen teeth, dentists use a special substance - fluoride. However, you can replenish the body with fluoride on your own using certain products nutrition. To do this, it is recommended to introduce fluoridated salt, fish and seafood into the daily diet, green tea. Thanks to them, the body will be replenished with substances necessary for the teeth.

Fact 5. It is better to use only white toothpastes.

We are talking about gel toothpastes, these toothpastes bring a minimum of benefit, so they should be discarded. It is recommended to give preference to toothpastes containing medicinal herbs or other additives, for example, phosphates, calcium salts. These trace elements contribute to the mineralization of tooth enamel, which means they prevent caries formation. You need to supplement these dental products with brushes with soft bristles or bristles of medium hardness.

Attention! Toothbrushes need to be changed every two months!

Fact 6. Rinse protects teeth

Every time, even after a minimal snack, you should use a mouthwash. If there is no such remedy at hand, then cleansing the oral cavity from unnecessary food debris can be handled ordinary water. The need for this procedure is explained by the fact that not all people with the function of cleansing cope with saliva. Therefore, every time after a snack with sweets or other products, it is necessary to rinse your mouth.

Fact 7. Tea is a remedy for teeth

If we consider the application folk recipes, then black tea without sugar can save you from bleeding gums. To do this, you should brew a tea bag in a cup of boiling water, let it cool to an acceptable temperature, and rinse your mouth twice a day. Green tea has no less benefit, which can be used as a prophylaxis against caries formations (the method of preparation is similar to black tea).

Fact 8. Even, but with caries

Very often, people resort to the use of braces to align the dentition. However, they forget main point that when braces are installed, more thorough dental hygiene is needed, since caries can develop. This is explained by the fact that the remnants of food stuck between the parts of the braces create favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria, resulting in a short wait for the formation of caries. In this case, constant brushing of the teeth and the use of mouthwashes are required.

Fact 9. Beware of solid foods

People very often do not attach importance to those products that can damage the enamel. These include nuts, seeds, popcorn. Oddly enough, but these products contribute to the formation of microcracks on the surface of the teeth.

Another problem for teeth is piercing. Ornament on the lip or tongue adversely affects the condition of the teeth.

It is important! Piercing enthusiasts are 40% more likely to suffer from brittle teeth. In addition, the metal from which the jewelry is made can easily react with saliva and contribute to the spread of bacteria. Also, teeth can be deformed, which will eventually lead to their loss.

Fact 10. Professional cleaning of the oral cavity every six months

Planned trips to the dentist are essential to keep your teeth healthy. Through professional hygiene, the oral cavity is cleaned as much as possible from harmful microorganisms, and the formation of caries is also prevented. In addition, fillings may need to be replaced. Under obsolete fillings can easily develop secondary caries. It is worth noting that some fillings can be made from cements that have a toxic effect on dental tissue.

Attention! Prolonged wearing old filling can lead to subsequent inflammation of the pulp.

Fact 11. Chewing gum is not only healthy, but also harmful

In spite of positive sides chewing gum (eliminates food debris and mouth odor), it actively produces gastric juice. In addition, a large amount of saliva is produced, which can lead to exhaustion. salivary glands, and further to dryness of the mucosa, followed by the likelihood of injury. are violated protective functions saliva.

Fact 12. Cheese and cottage cheese are good for teeth

As you know, one of the most necessary elements for dental health is calcium. To compensate daily dose for the body, one hundred grams of Dutch cheese should be consumed daily. However, this is not the only benefit of it. Regular use this cheese able to create a protective shell on the dental elements, thus neutralizing the effects of acids. Therefore, it is very important to eat a slice of cheese after eating sweets or foods with high content citric acid. Another source of calcium is cottage cheese. It must be included in the diet as one of the most necessary products.

Fact 13. The influence of aromatherapy

As strange as it may sound, the smells of lavender and rosemary can affect the composition of saliva. Therefore, in saliva are activated antibacterial components preventing the rapid destruction of the enamel coating. This theory was proved by Japanese scientists.

Fact 14. Regular change of hygiene products

As it turned out, every two to three months you should change not only your toothbrush, but also your toothpaste. Bacteria of the oral cavity easily adapt to the usual dental remedy, and after a few months there will be practically no result from brushing your teeth.

Fact 15. Teeth grinding destroys enamel

Very often, for one reason or another, a person grinds his teeth in his sleep. Such friction contributes to the erasure of the enamel layer. Therefore, all factors that provoke this phenomenon should be eliminated.

Dental health can only be guaranteed by proper oral hygiene. If you treat it inattentively, problems will arise over time: caries, periodontal disease, loss of bone units. obvious symptom poor hygiene - an odor that is especially noticeable during a conversation. Diseases can develop due to ignorance of the rules of care.

The concept of oral hygiene

If we talk about the definition of the concept of hygiene, then it includes measures for the care and removal of plaque from the teeth, which help prevent diseases of the oral cavity. The procedure must be carried out correctly, including superficial removal of deposits and deep cleaning of the interdental space and gingival sulcus.

Proper hygiene includes:

A visit to the dentist should be scheduled every six months. Without cleaning with special tools, hygiene will be insufficient, which can provoke the occurrence of foci of inflammation and disease.

Types of hygiene

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Good home oral hygiene can reduce the impact pathogenic bacteria on the body. The essence of individual dental hygiene is the care with the use of basic means:

  • brushes and pastes;
  • floss (dental floss) (we recommend reading:);
  • rinse liquids.

Also, the list of home oral hygiene measures includes an independent examination, which allows you to identify inflammation, plaque and caries. We will talk more about hygiene products below.


correct professional hygiene oral cavity is carried out by a hygienist using special devices and materials:

Removal of plaque on teeth great method prevention of periodontal disease. The specialist determines the level of hygiene, after cleaning the crowns become visible carious lesions, the natural color of the enamel, which is important for the restoration of the bite. As a rule, the procedure is performed according to the algorithm:

Method for assessing the hygienic state of the oral cavity

  1. Tear off about 30-40 cm and wrap around your fingers.
  2. After leading it into the interdental gap, press the floss against the tooth and move it up and down 3-5 times.
  3. To clean the next gap, rewind the thread on your fingers to use the clean section of the thread.
  4. It is important not to touch the gums - soft fabric easily injured.

Morning and evening oral hygiene ends with the use of a rinse. You should take 2 teaspoons of the product into your mouth and roll it for a minute.

All hygiene procedure takes no more than 10 minutes. Compliance with the timing will help maintain the condition of the teeth for high level. Careful care avoids most periodontal diseases and loss of bone units.

Consequences of poor hygiene

The oral cavity is an ideal environment for the development of microorganisms. It's warm and humid, so poor hygiene oral cavity leads to serious consequences:

Appearing in the mouth, the infection spreads throughout the body, penetrating into internal organs. Toxic waste products of bacteria increase the burden on the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and heart. Infection in the oral cavity can in the future provoke the development of arthritis, hearing, smell and vision disorders.

Interesting facts about maintaining dental health

Conscientious care oral cavity includes daily brushing of teeth. However, a person practically does not think about other points:

  • Enamel is exposed to stress in the process of eating. Acids are especially dangerous for her, as well as the waste products of bacteria - this is a fact (we recommend reading:). Fluorine does an excellent job with caries - it “solders” microcracks, restoring damaged areas. It is important to use a fluoride toothpaste at least once a day (preferably after breakfast).
  • The frequency of meals has a stronger effect on enamel than the diet. Snacks just destroy hard tissues, since a person usually consumes foods and drinks containing starch and sugar during lunch. This provokes the multiplication of microbes that produce toxic acids. They destroy the enamel.
  • Sweets on the children's menu provoke the development of caries. A good option fighting the disease - limiting the use of sweets, cakes, sweet soda and replacing them with fruits, homemade yogurts and pancakes.

Our expert is the head of the department therapeutic dentistry Faculty of Dentistry, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimova, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Dr. medical sciences, Professor Lyudmila Maksimovskaya.

Payback for civilization

The number of cases of oral cancer is increasing year by year. After all, cancer is a kind of retribution of mankind for civilization: chemical additives to food, harmful radiation from electrical appliances, automobile exhaust and unfavorable environmental conditions - all this leads to an increase in the incidence. That is why technologies that will help identify the disease at an early stage are vital today.

In the past, oral cancer could only be diagnosed by visual inspection and through stomatoscopy, when the doctor examines a suspicious area of ​​​​the mucous membrane under high magnification. However, many dentists have problems diagnosing oncological and precancerous diseases of the oral mucosa. In addition, doctors do not always have enough time for a thorough examination of the patient, because in most cases dentists work with already complicated diseases - advanced caries or pulpitis, not paying attention to changes in the oral mucosa. That is why patients often get an appointment with an oncologist already at advanced stages illness. At the same time, oral cancer in 70% of cases is preceded by precancerous diseases, which at timely detection respond well to treatment.

What color is health

The autofluorescent stomatoscopy method is a technology for early diagnosis cancer and precancerous diseases of the oral mucosa, developed Russian specialists Institute of General Physics. A. M. Prokhorov RAS. The device is a LED device with a certain wavelength of light. Normally, the oral mucosa has a green glow. In the foci of precancer and cancer, the intensity of the luminescence of the oral mucosa is significantly reduced - and the pathological areas are visualized in the form of foci of inhomogeneous darkening (effect dark spot). The advantage of the method is that it is able to detect not only oncology, but also precancerous diseases. In these cases, the structure of the oral mucosa undergoes morphological and biochemical changes, consequently, the intensity of its glow also changes. To find out what kind of problem a particular patient has, after oncoscreening, it is necessary to do cytological examination suspicious area of ​​the oral mucosa and refer the patient to an oncologist.

The duration of the screening examination is only five minutes, the procedure is completely safe and painless for the patient, because the device affects only light and does not create harmful radiation. No preparation for the study is required.

The size of the device for autofluorescent stomatoscopy can be compared with a conventional flashlight. And its price is affordable for any clinic. A set that consists of a device, a charger and glasses for a doctor and a patient is 7-10 times cheaper foreign analogues. In clinics that have already purchased this device, the examination is available under compulsory medical insurance.

Protect yourself!

Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to suspect cancer of the oral mucosa on your own - on early stages tumor does not cause pain and discomfort. That's why The best way prevent development dangerous disease- follow preventive measures.

Visit the dentist every six months, even if nothing bothers you. An unsanitized oral cavity and the presence of plaque create favorable environment for the development of inflammation of the oral mucosa.

With partial or total loss carry out prosthetics in a timely manner, since in the absence of teeth, the mucous membrane of the mouth is easily injured.

Do not smoke. Nicotine resins contain carcinogens, so smokers are the main risk group for oral cancer. Besides, tobacco smoke often causes the development of leukoplakia - a disease characterized by increased keratinization of the oral mucosa, which acquires a gray-white hue. Leukoplakia is treatable, but in its absence it can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Don't get carried away too hot and spicy food. Any damage to the mucosa, especially if they are worn chronic, can give impetus to the development of the oncological process.


Risk group for oral cancer:

  • smokers;
  • patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • elderly people;
  • immunocompromised patients.

Is it enough healthy person only toothpastes and brushes for caring for teeth, is it really useful to chew gum after eating, sweets really spoil teeth - we collected the most common myths about dental health and asked the dentist which of them are true and which are not.

Alexey Zakharov,
orthopedic dentist, clinic surgeon
GMS Dental

Sweets are bad for teeth
Truth. And not only sweet

It all depends on the frequency of consumption of sweets and how long it is in the mouth. If we quickly swallow one candy, then no disaster will happen - only extra calories will be added. But if we take some toffee, nougat or caramel and chew for a long time, then this is where the risk of caries appears. When we eat something sweet, the PH environment in the mouth changes - it becomes more acidic, this worsens the condition of the teeth, they weaken and deteriorate faster. But, unfortunately, even complete failure from sweet does not guarantee the absence of problems with the teeth. Almost any food adversely affects the teeth. Therefore, ideally, you should brush your teeth after every meal.

Apples can clean your teeth

Apples just belong to that small category of foods that are good for teeth. They clean and strengthen your teeth really well, but they cannot replace a full brushing.

Chewing gum is good for teeth
Truth. But with reservations

Chewing gum works like an apple - it cleans your teeth. But you can eat an apple, but you can’t chew gum. In addition, it is important here when you chew gum and how long you do it. If gum does not contain sugar and you chew it two or three minutes after eating, then yes - it is rather useful, it will clean your teeth and help digestion. If you chew gum often, for a long time, or instead of eating, you can apply great harm stomach, the benefit to the teeth in this case is in doubt.

If the teeth outwardly look healthy and do not bother, then you can not go to the doctor
Not true

This is our mentality: as long as nothing hurts, few people go to the doctor. And this applies not only to dentistry. In part, this behavior is connected with Soviet medicine, which is used to scare everyone. In part, people simply do not know where to go, do not trust the doctor, are afraid to find out something unpleasant, do not want to spend money. But, of course, it is better to check regularly. You need to go to the dentist every six months hygienic cleaning during which the doctor special device will remove the plaque that you can’t remove at home in any way and spend preventive examination teeth and oral cavity. This will allow any possible problems notice and cure early stage and thus save money and time. After all, the longer you go with the problem, the longer and more expensive it will be to treat it.

In order to take care of the oral cavity, a healthy person needs only one toothbrush.
Not true

No, not enough. But if you add dental floss or special brushes, it will be enough. It is better to brush your teeth with sweeping movements. That is, from the gum to the cutting edge. In one direction. When you move the brush horizontally back and forth, you only drive plaque into the interdental space. Not everyone needs special rinses either, they should be bought only on the recommendation of a doctor.

The harder the brush, the better it cleans your teeth
Not true

There are companies that do not produce hard brushes at all. Because hard brushes, especially with the wrong brushing technique, can ruin the enamel. Here the defining moment is actually not the stiffness or softness of the brush, but the number and density of the bristles. Well, if there are a lot of them and the bundles are dense.

Electrical Toothbrush cleans better than normal
Not true

I call these brushes lazy brushes. If you have electric brush with a spinning head, I advise you to throw it away. She is not able to clean the plaque. Not enough power to turn the head enough once. The trajectory of movement of such brushes only contributes to the fact that plaque is in the interdental space. If your electric brush the head looks like a normal one, you can safely use it. But still, it cannot be argued that it cleans better than usual. They work the same way.

mint toothpaste brushes teeth better
Not true

It's more of a myth. Yes, this paste gives a feeling of freshness, especially if a person suffers from halitosis (bad breath), but it cannot be argued that it cleans better or worse than any other - the taste does not affect in any way.

Whitening pastes damage teeth
Not true

Globally whitening pastes do not spoil the teeth. Of course, it all depends on the composition of the paste, on the number and size of abrasive particles, as well as on the initial state of the teeth. But some real harm ordinary whitening pastes cannot be applied, however, you will not get a noticeable effect either. It gives only professional whitening.

Professional whitening is bad for your teeth
Not true

There are contraindications to such bleaching. For example, pregnancy, but this procedure is rather safe. Often, patients worry that whitening will ruin their teeth, but for some reason they are not afraid that they drink sweet soda or snack on harmful snacks. In general, everything is relative. But I can say for sure that I don’t know of cases when teeth deteriorated and fell out after whitening.

Overbite can only be corrected in childhood
Not true

An overbite can be corrected at any age. The only thing you need to understand is that people younger age all processes for moving teeth and correcting the bite will be faster and easier. The older the person, the longer and more difficult it will all be.

There are no people with perfect correct bite Therefore, all people need the help of an orthodontist
Rather true

Most people really need an orthodontist. Of course, there are lucky people who are doing well: their teeth are even and correct relative to each other, none of them are overloaded. But there are only a few of them, so most people really need orthodontic treatment. Some less, some more serious. So it is best to start seeing an orthodontist with the appearance of the first molars.

Milk teeth do not need to be treated
Not true

Good pediatric dentist can always weigh the situation and determine whether the tooth needs to be treated or it is more expedient to remove it. For example, if baby tooth in bad condition, but before changing to a permanent one, he has a few months left, it is better to remove it. If a we are talking about years, then you need to treat. Otherwise new tooth may grow unevenly, and the remaining teeth will begin to move. Then without the help of an orthodontist it will definitely not be enough.

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