Metastases in the heart symptoms. Heart cancer is a rare disease of the organ that affects the cavities of the chambers and the myocardium. Causes, symptoms and treatment of heart cancer

Heart cancer is a rare oncological disease, which is almost impossible to diagnose during a person's lifetime. In most cases, the patient lives with this malignant neoplasm, not even knowing about his terrible diagnosis. Primary, heart cancer is very rare, mainly the appearance of a malignant neoplasm in this organ occurs due to the metastatic drift of the oncological process from the outside

Heart cancer - types

Sarcoma is the most common primary malignant neoplasm of the heart. It can appear in both sexes, mostly after 30 years. This tumor mainly occurs in the right side of the heart and spreads very quickly. Cancer cells germinate all layers and veins of the heart muscle, as well as all large arteries. There is a metastatic lesion of the brain, lymph nodes and lungs.

The next type of heart cancer is angiosarcoma (33% of cases), manifested by multiple blood-filled, communicating hollow neoplasms. In men, this tumor occurs three times more often, affecting any part of the heart, but most often the right atrium.

In addition, at almost any age (more often in men), rhabdomyosarcoma can develop in striated muscle tissue (20% of cases).

With the same probability, in both sexes, fibrosarcoma can occur (10% of cases), which is a clearly defined node.

Primary malignancies such as lymphoma and mesothelioma are very rare.

Secondary malignant tumors of the heart develop as a result of metastatic spread of the following types of cancer: lung, breast, stomach, kidney. Secondary heart cancers are almost 25 times more common than primary ones.

Heart cancer - symptoms

Symptoms this disease directly depends on the size of the obstruction of the cavities of the heart and on the location of the tumor. The most typical symptom is rapidly progressive unexplained heart failure with arrhythmias, tamponade, conduction disturbances, enlargement of the heart, pain in the area chest, obstruction of the vena cava, and sudden death. If the malignant neoplasm is limited to the myocardium and has not spread into the cavity, the cancer may be almost asymptomatic for some time, or cause minor conduction disturbances and arrhythmias.

The patient has a fairly long period of time, there is a slight increase in the general body temperature, general weakness gradually increases, joint pains appear, a decrease in body weight is noted, various rashes appear on the limbs and torso, fingers and toes become numb.

Over time, signs begin to form that indicate chronic heart failure: changes in blood tests, changes in nails like “watch glasses”, fingers become thinner, and their ends thicken ( Drumsticks).

The most common symptoms of heart cancer :

- The earliest and most common symptom is chest pain

- In the absence of cardiac tamponade, progression of the superior vena cava syndrome is observed

- The need for repeated pericardiocentesis

- In the absence of a history of trauma, the presence of hemopericardium is observed

In the case of the spread of a malignant neoplasm to the pericardial space, the formation of a hemorrhagic effusion into the pericardium is often observed, which can cause tamponade. Due to the fact that sarcoma most often affects the right side of the heart, due to obstruction of the pulmonic valve, tricuspid valve, right ventricle or right atrium, symptoms of right ventricular failure are observed. Obstruction of the superior vena cava leads to edema upper limbs and face, whereas as a result of obstruction of the inferior vena cava, stagnation occurs in the internal organs

Heart Cancer - Diagnosis

In the early stages of the course of the disease, the diagnosis of heart cancer is very difficult, since the symptoms are most often disguised as various, which are very difficult to diagnose in themselves. After a thorough assessment of all patient complaints and clinical symptoms, diagnostic procedures such as radioisotope ventriculography, angiocardiography, MRI, CT and ultrasound are indicated. Echocardiography is performed to determine the acceptable tactics of surgical intervention.

At the time of diagnosis of cardiac sarcoma, 80% of patients already have metastases

Heart cancer - treatment

The choice of treatment tactics depends on the stage of progression of the oncological process and on the type of tumor. In most cases surgical path Treatment of heart cancer, unlike most malignant neoplasms, is not applied. This is directly related to the fact that by the time the disease is detected, the tumor already affects not only the myocardium itself, but also other organs. Therefore, radiation therapy is most often chosen as a treatment method, which can be carried out both in combination with chemotherapy, and as an independent method of treatment. To relieve the patient of the symptoms associated with heart cancer, symptomatic treatment is indicated. Thanks to this treatment, it is possible to slightly stop the severity and further development of a cancerous tumor, which makes it possible to prolong the life of the patient by about five years.

In the absence of proper treatment, the prognosis for later life is extremely unfavorable - a maximum of a year after the onset of the first symptoms, a person dies.

It is assumed that cancer does not affect the heart muscle, since this organ is well supplied with blood, and that's all. metabolic processes happen quickly. Diagnosing heart cancer during life is quite difficult, since the disease may not manifest itself in any way. As a rule, malignant tumors in the heart are secondary, that is, their cause of occurrence is associated with metastasis of the oncological process from another organ or body system.

Types of heart muscle cancer and their causes

There are 2 types of tumors:

  • primary malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • secondary neoplasms.

Primary malignant neoplasms most often lead to cardiac sarcoma. They make up about 25% of the total number of cancerous tumors of the heart muscle. The average age of patients with sarcomoylitis, but the disease can develop at any age, regardless of gender. Most often, malignant neoplasms are localized in the right parts of the body. Cancer cells penetrate into all layers of the heart, its veins and arteries. The disease progresses very quickly. Metastases can spread to the lymph nodes, lungs, and brain.

The next type of cancer is angiosarcoma. This type is more common than others and makes up approximately 33% of all varieties. Like sarcoma, angiosarcoma is mainly localized in the right parts of the organ, but it can also affect any other departments. A tumor is a set of hollow neoplasms interconnected. They are made up of vascular cells filled with blood. According to statistics, men are more susceptible to this form of cancer than women.

Another type of cancer that is more commonly diagnosed in men is rhabdomyosarcoma. It occurs in the striated muscle tissue of the thickness of the myocardium. On microscopic examination, rhabdomyosarcoma is a nodule that is white or pale pink and soft consistency. Inside the node, signs of necrosis and foci of hemorrhage are found. This type of cancer accounts for 20% of all primary malignant tumors.

10% are due to fibrosarcoma. This disease has no age limits and priority in the choice of sex. Tumor cells are located in the form of intertwining bundles, and the tumor itself has a white or white-gray color with clearly defined contours.

Mesothelioma and lymphoma are also primary malignancies but are rare.

Secondary neoplastic diseases meet much more often than primary, about 25 times. As a rule, they have a metastatic nature of origin from other organs in which cancer cells are present. Metastases can spread from the lungs, breasts, kidneys, stomach, and thyroid gland. The process of their distribution can be lymphogenous or hematogenous in nature, as well as as a result of direct invasion.

Metastasis to the heart occurs in approximately 10% of cancer patients and is not usually a cause of death. Most often, metastases penetrate the pericardium, and then spread further to all chambers of the heart.

Heart cancer: symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of the disease depend on the location of the tumor and its size (how much it creates obstruction - obstruction).

Malignant tumors located outside the myocardium (not penetrating inside), for a long time may not show themselves. Occasionally, the patient may feel slight discomfort due to impaired patency and arrhythmia.

The development of the disease leads to an increase in symptoms. The patient's body temperature rises, there are pains in the joints and constant weakness. The fingers of the limbs begin to go numb, on skin a rash appears, body weight is lost. The further course of the disease leads to chronic heart failure. There are changes in the blood test.

The tumor, not limited to the myocardium, progresses much faster, so the intensity of symptoms after their first appearance increases rapidly. The patient has an arrhythmia, conduction is disturbed, there are frequent pain in the chest, the heart muscle increases in size, obstruction of the vena cava occurs, sudden death due to acute heart failure.

The reason for going to the doctor should be the presence of symptoms such as:

  • pain inside the chest;
  • swelling of the face and upper limbs;
  • dyspnea;
  • weight loss of the fingers on the hands with a thickening of their tips (“drumsticks”);
  • accumulation of fluid in the lungs;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • persistent arrhythmia.

Because of the mild symptoms, heart cancer can often be diagnosed as another disease. Approximately 80% of all patients with heart sarcoma are diagnosed already when the cancer has metastasized.

Most effective methods diagnostics is considered:

  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • CT scan;
  • radioisotope ventriculography;
  • angiocardiography;
  • echocardiography.

Treatment of malignant tumors in the heart

Forecasts for patients with heart cancer are almost always disappointing. The point is to start timely treatment not always possible due to the complexity of diagnosing the disease. Therefore, when making a diagnosis, it is most often advisable to already prescribe a treatment that serves as a temporary relief of symptoms and pain.

Surgical treatment is rarely used. It may be prescribed if heart cancer was detected at an early stage and refers to primary view malignant neoplasms. But even successful completion of the operation and complete removal of the tumor is not a guarantee of recovery. Approximately 40% of cases recur in the first 2 years after surgery.

In other circumstances, when the cancer can no longer be removed surgically, the doctor may prescribe radiation or chemotherapy. To get rid of the accompanying symptoms of the disease, it is recommended symptomatic treatment. A course of vitamins is also prescribed, which is aimed at restoring and maintaining the immune system. All drugs are prescribed individually for each patient.

Such complex therapy does not guarantee recovery, but helps to increase the patient's life expectancy by at least 5 years.

If you refuse proper treatment, then the maximum life expectancy that doctors predict in such a situation is about 1 year from the moment the first symptoms appear.

It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question of how long people with heart cancer live. Since this indicator is purely individual. It depends not only on the stage and form of this oncology, but also on the general condition of the patient and his attitude to his condition. Highly important role plays the emotional balance of the patient and his sober look. You should not fall into depression and panic, even with the worst prognosis of doctors, as this can aggravate an already hopeless situation.

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Causes, symptoms and treatment of heart cancer

The heart is an organ that is responsible for blood supply and oxygen supply to the whole body, any failure in its work has a very serious effect on the general condition of a person.


Malignant tumors in the heart are quite rare. Some scientists explain this by the fact that this organ is heavily supplied with blood and its cells are not subject to division. The heart is in a constant working rhythm, and metabolic processes in it occur quickly, but, nevertheless, sometimes a tumor is found in it.

A neoplasm in the heart can appear as a result of poor environmental conditions, the use of low-quality food by a person with the presence of carcinogens, the presence bad habits, hereditary features organism. Experts believe that factors such as atherosclerosis and a tendency to form blood clots can also cause the development of heart cancer. Quite often, malignancy occurs in the myxoma that has appeared in the heart - a benign neoplasm, the cause of which is most often a heart operation or traumatic injury chest. Most often, heart cancer develops in people of either sex between the ages of 30 and 50 years.

Types of heart cancer

There are two types of cancer that affect the heart muscle. This is primary, which develops directly from mutated heart tissues (occur in 25% of cases), and secondary, while another organ serves as the focus of the tumor, and the heart is affected by outgoing metastases.

The most common primary oncological degeneration of cells in the heart is sarcoma. It is characterized by damage to the right parts of the organ with compression large vessels. Her growth is very fast, with characteristic metastases to the brain, nearby lymph nodes, and lungs. Angiosarcoma is most often diagnosed, less often - fibrosarcoma or rhabdomyosarcoma. And it is extremely rare to find such primary tumors of the heart as lymphoma or mesothelioma.

Most often, secondary cancer occurs in the form of metastases from the lungs or mammary gland, kidneys or thyroid gland, this indicates a far advanced process in these organs and its severity. The occurrence of metastases in the heart occurs by the lymphogenous or hematogenous route, and sometimes due to direct germination from damaged neighboring organs.

Symptoms of heart cancer

Diagnosis of the disease at any stage of development can be difficult, since no particular characteristic features not found for him. In any case, with an increase in signs of heart failure (arrhythmia, shortness of breath, chest pain) and the appearance common symptoms cancer intoxication (weight loss, increasing weakness, body pain, constant temperature, liver enlargement), immediate action should be taken.

Symptoms similar disease often combined with signs of damage to the nervous system (paralysis or paresis, convulsions, loss of consciousness). However, with heart cancer, symptoms can grow so rapidly that a person does not have time to get help in a timely manner.

Clinically, the symptoms of cancerous lesions of the heart depend on the size and location of the tumor and are disguised as other diseases - myocarditis, pericarditis, ischemic disease and others.

Secondary cancer in the form of metastases in the heart occurs against the background of typical signs of the underlying disease. There are, however, cases when the first clinical sign of another tumor is a metastatic lesion of the heart muscle.

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For the correct diagnosis of oncological heart disease, the whole complex of measures is used, including the study of the history of the onset of the disease (anamnesis), the clinical picture, laboratory and instrumental methods:

Listening to heart sounds can reveal the appearance of various noises characteristic of valve damage.

In the blood test, a decrease in hemoglobin and platelets is determined, increase in ESR, C-reactive protein, leukocytes.

An ECG can show an increase in the heart, a violation of the rhythm and conduction function, and in some leads - a decrease in voltage.

EchoCG helps to determine the size of the formation, its localization and the presence of fluid in the pericardial cavity.

A more detailed study of the tumor can be obtained with an MRI or CT scan.

The study of the biopsy of the neoplasm and the composition of the fluid in the pericardium help to definitively establish the diagnosis.

Masking in the primary stages of heart cancer under other diseases makes it very difficult to detect it in time. The most common pathology - sarcoma grows so rapidly that in most cases it ends in death. Therefore, despite modern techniques, heart cancer leads to the death of a person 6-12 months after its detection.

Heart Cancer Treatment

Symptomatic treatment for a diagnosis such as heart cancer may include systemic chemotherapy using cytostatics and radiation (gamma therapy). This allows you to slow down the growth of the tumor and prevent its further spread. After carrying out such procedures, subject to the timely detection of the disease, the patient's life can be extended for up to 5 years.

At the moment, there are treatment methods in which the effect on degenerate cells is maximum, and healthy tissues are not affected. This is brachytherapy. It consists in placing radioactive particles directly into the thickness of the tumor growth. And the most accurate and in a safe way currently considered a gamma knife. This is a type of contact radiotherapy carried out using a special high-precision apparatus.

In progressive clinics of the world, when a primary tumor of the heart is detected, it is surgically removed. To do this, a heart-lung machine is connected to the patient, and the affected area is excised, followed by suturing. If the lesion affects large areas of the heart muscle and valvular apparatus, then a heart transplant is performed. Sometimes a larger operation is performed, and the heart is transplanted along with the lungs.

After removal of a malignant tumor in 40% of cases, on average after two years, a relapse may occur.

In folk medicine, there are many recommendations and recipes for the treatment of cancer, using mainly the healing qualities of plants. Plants that are used in folk medicine to treat cancer are able to inhibit the growth of neoplasms, destroy affected cells and allow healthy cells to grow.

In the structure of oncological diseases, this is one of the most common pathologies. Lung cancer is based on malignant degeneration of the epithelium lung tissue and impaired ventilation. The disease is characterized by high mortality. The main risk group is made up of older men who smoke. modern feature.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. The urgency of the disease increased in the late seventies of the last century. The disease was characterized by a predominant lesion of women over the age of fifty.

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Gastric cancer is a malignant degeneration of the cells of the gastric epithelium. In the disease, 71-95% of cases are associated with damage to the walls of the stomach by Helicobacter Pylori bacteria and are among the most common oncological diseases people aged 50 to 70 years. In men, stomach cancer is diagnosed 10-20% more often than in women of the same age.

Cervical cancer (cervical cancer) is a virus-dependent oncogynecological disease. The primary tumor is a degenerate glandular tissue (adenocarcinoma) or squamous cell carcinoma epithelium reproductive organ. Women from 15 to 70 years old are ill. Between the ages of 18 and 40, the disease is a significant cause of early death.

Skin cancer is a disease that develops from a multi-layered squamous epithelium which is a malignant tumor. Most often, it appears on open areas of the skin, a very occurrence of a tumor on the face, the nose and forehead, as well as the corners of the eyes and ears, are most susceptible. Such formations “do not like” the body and are formed.

Colon cancer is a malignant degeneration of the glandular epithelium, predominantly of the colon or rectum. In the first stages, sluggish symptoms are characteristic, distracting from the primary pathology and resembling a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. The leading radical method of treatment is surgical excision of the affected tissue.

The information on the site is intended for familiarization and does not call for self-treatment, a doctor's consultation is required!

Sarcoma of the heart

Cardiac sarcoma is a rare type of cancer that is found predominantly in young people (average age is 40 years). The prognosis for this tumor is disappointing - most patients die within a year. What is the reason for these statistics?

What is a sarcoma?

Primary heart tumors are very rare (up to 0.5% of all types of oncology). Among them, 75% are benign, and only 25% are malignant, of which most constitute sarcomas. Sarcomas are cancerous tumors that originate from connective tissue.

  • on the outer surface hearts;
  • inside the chambers (atria);
  • from muscle tissue.

Primary cardiac sarcoma develops directly from the tissues of the heart, but there are also secondary lesions heart by metastases from other organs. They appear the same.

Metastases in the heart and pericardium are 30 times more common than primary tumors. According to experts, 25% of patients who died from metastatic soft tissue sarcoma had cardiac metastases.

Primary cardiac sarcomas are aggressive tumors that usually do not cause symptoms until they have spread locally. Therefore, the success of treatment and the prognosis for the disease is very poor.

Fact! In addition to sarcoma, there is heart cancer, represented mainly by adenocarcinoma.

Causes of sarcoma of the heart

The causes of heart sarcoma are unknown, but according to scientists, the following factors may affect its occurrence:

There is no 100% evidence for these factors, so nothing can be done to prevent the disease, except for periodic visits to the doctor.

Classification: types, types, forms

According to the localization of the oncological process, 2 types of heart sarcomas are distinguished:

Sarcomas right side hearts. As a rule, they have a large size and an infiltrative type of growth. They form distant and regional metastases outside the organ earlier.

Sarcomas of the left heart (left ventricle or atrium) have a solid type of growth. They metastasize later, but are often complicated by heart failure.

Angiosarcomas are the most common of them. They originate from the cells in the walls of blood vessels. In 80% of cases, angiosarcomas occur in the right atrium, and as they grow, they completely replace the atrial wall and fill the entire heart chamber, and can also invade adjacent structures (eg, vena cava, tricuspid valve). The development of the disease and death occur very quickly.

Rhabdomyosarcoma is the second most common primary cardiac sarcoma and is the most common cardiac sarcoma in children. She does not have a favorite place of localization, she can affect any part of the heart. Occasionally, pericardial metastases are seen.

Leiomyosarcoma. Damages muscle fibers. It can occur in the vessels (superior vena cava, pulmonary artery, aorta) or in the cavities of the heart. In half of the cases they are located in the left atrium.

Mesothelioma usually originates in the visceral or parietal pericardium and can spread around the heart, compressing it. They do not invade the myocardium, but may involve the pleura or diaphragm, as mesothelioma is prone to extensive regional metastasis.

Fibrosarcoma. This tumor has an infiltrative type of growth. She has no predisposition to a particular age or heart chamber. However, valvular artery involvement was observed in 50% of cases.

Malignant schwannoma is a rare type of heart cancer that originates from peripheral nerve tissue.

Stages and degree of malignancy of cardiac sarcoma

Knowing the stage of the disease helps the doctor decide which treatment is best and give a rough prognosis for the patient's survival. To determine the stage of sarcoma, diagnostic tests are used that specify the size and prevalence of the neoplasm at the local level and throughout the body.

These data are expressed in the following terms:

  • T1 Tumor size 5 cm or less:
  1. T1a - superficial tumor;
  2. T1b - the tumor is deep.
  • T2 - the size of the neoplasm exceeds 5 cm:
  1. T2a (superficial sarcoma);
  2. T2b (deep).
  • N0 - Cancer has not spread to regional lymph nodes.
  • N1 - the tumor has spread to regional lymph nodes.
  • M0 - no metastases.
  • M1 - there are metastases in another part of the body.

After a biopsy, the degree of malignancy of the heart tumor (denoted by the letter G) is known, which also affects the stage. There are 3 grades for sarcoma: G1, G2 and G3.

They depend on such factors:

  • how different cancer cells are compared to cells of healthy tissue under a microscope;
  • what is the rate of cell division;
  • how many of them die.

The lower the combined score for these 3 factors, the lower the grade of malignancy, meaning that the tumor is less aggressive and the patient's prognosis is better.

According to the listed parameters, the following stages of sarcoma are distinguished:

  • 1 stage:
  1. IA: T1a or T1b, N0, M0, G1;
  2. IB: T2a or T2b, N0, M0, G1.
  • 2 stage:
  1. IIA: T1a or T1b, N0, M0, G2 or G3;
  2. IIB: T2a or T2b, N0, M0, G2.
  • 3 stage:
  1. IIIA: T2a or T2b, N0, M0, G3;
  2. IIIB: any T, N1, M0, any G.
  • Stage 4 heart sarcoma has the following indicators: any T, any N, M1 and any G.

Symptoms and signs of cardiac sarcoma

Symptoms of cardiac sarcoma depend on the location of the pathological focus. Most of them develop in the right atrium, preventing the inflow or outflow of blood.

This can cause symptoms such as:

Angiosarcoma of the pericardium causes an increase in the amount of fluid inside the pericardium (effusion). This can affect the functioning of the heart, which is accompanied by chest pain, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, general weakness. Ultimately, heart failure develops.

With myocardial involvement, arrhythmia and heart block often occur. The tumor can lead to angina pectoris, heart failure, heart attack.

Other symptoms of cardiac sarcoma:

  • hemoptysis;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • dysphonia;
  • superior vena cava syndrome;
  • swelling of the face;
  • fever;
  • weight loss;
  • night sweats;
  • malaise.

An embolism can become a rare manifestation of cardiac sarcoma. This happens when pieces break off from the tumor and enter the bloodstream. They can cut off blood flow to an organ or part of the body, causing dysfunction and pain. For example, emboli that enter the brain cause stroke, and those that enter the lungs cause respiratory distress.

Diagnosis of the disease

Methods for diagnosing cardiac sarcoma vary depending on the symptoms present.

In addition to a complete medical history and physical examination, the doctor may order the following procedures:

  • Echocardiogram (also known as Echo). This is a non-invasive test that uses sound waves to study the movement of the heart chambers and valves. Echocardiography is the most useful tool in the diagnosis of cardiac pathologies, it allows the doctor to determine Exact size and location of the tumor. More detailed pictures of the heart can be obtained using transesophageal echocardiography.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG). This test records the electrical activity of the heart and shows abnormal rhythms as well as damage to the heart muscle. As a rule, on the ECG there are signs such as right ventricular hypertrophy, atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia.
  • Computed tomography (CT). A diagnostic imaging procedure that uses a combination of x-rays and computer technology to produce horizontal or axial images (often called slices) of the body. A CT scan provides detailed images of any part of the body. It is used to clarify the size, location of the tumor, as well as its metastases.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This procedure uses a combination of large magnets and a computer to obtain detailed images of the organs and structures of the body. MRI can be used if you need to clarify some details that are not visible on CT and Echo.
  • Chest x-ray (used to detect heart enlargement, pleural effusion, heart failure, and other abnormalities).
  • Biopsy (removal of a small amount of tumor tissue for examination under a microscope). The biopsy is the only way find out for sure the type and malignancy of the tumor.

Treatment of cardiac sarcoma

The type of treatment for cardiac sarcoma largely depends on its location and size, as well as the degree of metastasis. If possible, the tumor is exposed surgical resection. Together with it, the affected part of the organ is removed, and then reconstruction is carried out using the pig's pericardium, synthetic materials or prostheses.

Due to the fact that oncology is often found on late stages operation is limited. Complete resection possible in 55% of cases when the neoplasm is limited to the atrial septum, a small part of the ventricle or valve.

Partial removal of the sarcoma does not cure the disease, but it is used to relieve symptoms or confirm the diagnosis (biopsy). Mortality during surgery for cardiac sarcoma is high, although acceptable - about 8.3%.

Currently, many centers use endoscopic method removal of tumors from the left atrium, which gives good results. Usually, these operations are not preceded by a biopsy and a histological assessment of malignancy, but do it after.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy

Due to the rarity of these tumors and the lack of extensive research, there is no single approach to patient management, and the benefits of adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy are unclear.

Many researchers emphasize the superiority of combination therapy, which helps to achieve twice the life expectancy (median survival was 24 months compared to 10 months). But this can only be achieved in patients with primary radical resection.

Other sources indicate that the use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy is advisable in the treatment of right heart sarcomas, since it allows to reduce the size of the neoplasm and increase the likelihood of total resection.

According to current data, chemotherapy based on anthracyclines (Adriamycin / Doxorubicin + Ifosfamide) is recommended. In case of anthracycline resistance, Sorafenib can be used, but its effectiveness is much lower. The second regimen is Gemcitabine with Docetaxel (or Paclitaxel).

Due to the fact that pathologies of the left heart often lead to heart failure, neoadjuvant chemotherapy is contraindicated for them. In such situations, it is better to perform a complete surgical resection, but this anatomical location makes the operation extremely difficult. Therefore, it should be carried out by highly qualified doctors.

The role of radiotherapy also remains unproven, although it has been used to treat residual tumor (after partial resection) and for local or distant recurrences.

In the presence of multiple metastases, chemotherapy and radiation help to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and improve the patient's quality of life.

Other treatments

The modern approach to the treatment of sarcoma involves the use of targeted (targeted) therapy. It includes anti-angiogenic drugs that can inhibit the amount of angiogenic proteins: Bevacizumab, Sunitinib, Sorafenib. Targeted therapy is particularly effective in tumors of vascular etiology, such as angiosarcoma. Targeted drugs lead to a decrease in the volume of the neoplasm and stop its growth. They can be combined with cytostatics.

For extensive lesions that cannot be completely removed, a heart transplant is suggested. After such an operation, the patient must receive immunosuppressants (drugs that help prevent the rejection of foreign tissue), and these can stimulate new growth of the sarcoma. Therefore, the technique of autotransplantation is now actively developing.

Autotransplantation is a surgical procedure in which the patient's own heart is removed, after which the tumor is cut out of it. During the operation, the patient is placed on a heart-lung machine. After removal of the sarcoma, the heart is returned to its place. This does not require the subsequent appointment of immunosuppressants.

Metastases and recurrence

Up to 80% of patients at the time of diagnosis have metastases of cardiac sarcoma (often in the lungs). New foci of the disease may appear even after radical removal neoplasms.

Because of frequent relapses observed such a low survival rate of patients. The most high danger progression of the disease was noted in the first 2 years after surgery. For the treatment of recurrences of cardiac sarcoma, radiation therapy with a total focal dose of not more than 65 g, targeted, as well as non-adjuvant chemotherapy is used.

It is noteworthy that not distant metastases, but local progression, has long been recognized as the main cause of death in patients.

How long do patients with cardiac sarcoma live?

The prognosis for cardiac sarcoma depends on the completeness of surgical resection, the location of the tumor and its histological type, and the degree of myocardial involvement.

One study found that the median survival after radical surgery was 24 months, compared with 10 months for patients after partial removal tumors.

A case has been reported of a long-term survival of 10 years after complete removal of the left atrial rhabdomyosarcoma.

Factors that improve survival are:

  • sarcoma of the left-sided type;
  • mitotic rate less than 10 in a high power field;
  • no necrosis on histology.

Most patients eventually die from metastases or heart failure.

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Heart cancer is a rare disease of the organ that affects the cavities of the chambers and the myocardium.

A rare disease that is often diagnosed after the death of a patient. We must remember that a healthy lifestyle, positive attitude will help strengthen the body's immunity - the main internal doctor, preventing failures leading to the formation of heart cancer.

Concept and statistics

Cancer of the heart can mean a tumor formation inside the chambers, it can also be a lesion of the muscle of the organ.

Myocardial cancer can go unnoticed for a long time, masquerading as other heart diseases.

Symptoms of the disease begin to cause concern to the patient when metastases are detected.

Pathology is rare. This is due to the activity, which is due to the functional purpose of the chambers and other structural components of the heart. Blood circulation and metabolism in tissues are usually at a high level.

Types of heart tumors

Pathology has different manifestations, location, based on different fabrics.

  • Primary tumors - pathology formed in the heart; It has various forms, depending on the cells of which tissues fell ill with atypia and launched the oncological process.
  • Secondary tumors - cancer damage to neighboring organs or those located more distant from the heart, has delegated its presence to its area.

Primary formations make up a fourth of all cancers of the heart. They come in different forms:

  • sarcoma is common type of tumor,
  • lymphoma - rarely occurs in the region of the heart.

Sarcoma is more common in middle-aged people. The right departments are subject to tumor processes to a greater extent than the left side.

Sarcomas also have several subspecies:

  1. Liposarcoma - occurs in adulthood and is a rare case. The tumor body is made up of lipoblasts. Liposarcoma is located in the cavity of the heart and has an outward resemblance to myxoma. The formation is able to create a massive body, the color of which is usually yellowish. The tumor has a soft texture. This type of pathology is responsive to medical procedures.
  2. Rhabdomyosarcoma - originates in muscle tissue. The tumor is soft to the touch white color. If we examine the knot in a microscope, then cells of several types of forms are found in its composition:
    • fusiform,
    • round,
    • oval
    • and others.

This type of pathology occurs infrequently. In the total number of primary tumors, rhabdomyosarcoma occurs in every fifth patient. Men have this type of heart tumor somewhat more often than women.

  • Fibrosarcoma - accounts for one tenth of primary tumors. It is a formation with clear boundaries of a grayish-white color. The node has collagen fibers and fibroblast-like cells with varying degrees of differentiation.
  • Angiosarcoma - according to statistics, this type occupies a third of all primary tumors of the heart. It affects more often men. Education has a bumpy structure of a dense constitution. This type of tumor is characterized by the presence vascular cavities in the body of education, which have different shapes and sizes.
  • Photo of heart cancer

    Tumors in the region of the heart of secondary origin are much more common. They can appear as a result of oncological processes in the following organs:

    • stomach
    • breast,
    • kidneys
    • thyroid,
    • lungs.

    The spread of cancer cells occurs through the lymph as well as through the circulatory system. Cancer tissue enters the heart, growing into the organ.


    To date, science does not know the exact causes of the appearance cancer in the region of the heart.

    Primary formations can be triggered by the following phenomena:

    • degeneration of myxoma (benign tumor), which, in turn, can occur after surgery on the organ;
    • as a result of toxic effects,
    • be the result of an infectious disease
    • due to harmful effects caused by smoking and alcohol.

    Symptoms of heart cancer

    The following signs indicate a possible cancerous lesion of the heart:

    • the appearance of pain in the chest,
    • dyspnea,
    • symptoms of oppression of the vena cava,
    • enlarged chambers of the heart
    • fever,
    • violation of rhythms in the work of the heart,
    • fast fatiguability,
    • hemorrhagic effusion is found in the pericardium,
    • swelling of the muscles of the face,
    • disturbances in the conduction system,
    • tamponade,
    • significant weight loss
    • sudden death.

    Stages of development

    The prognosis and tactics of treatment depend on the extent to which a cancerous tumor has developed.

    • The appearance of altered cells, which were the result of damage to DNA cells and their subsequent random division. Such a violation is referred to the first stage.
    • The formation of an oncological formation at the site of the appearance of atypical cells is the second stage of the disease.
    • The spread of the disease to other organs with the flow of lymph or through the blood. The germination of a cancerous tumor outside the heart - metastases are referred to as the third stage of the disease.
    • The primary focus is in a state of exacerbation. At the same time, new pathological formations in other places. The development of the oncological process to such an extent is defined as the fourth stage of the disease.


    Cancer of the heart is difficult to determine. This is due to the fact that its manifestations are similar to other heart diseases. Therefore, several methods are used to diagnose the problem.

    • An ECG is an informative test that shows if there are irregularities in the rhythms of the heartbeat. You can also get information about the state of the conduction function.
    • MRI - will show the condition of the chambers of the heart and surrounding tissues and organs. The CT will also add detailed information, including violations in hard tissue. These methods are necessary if a controversial issue occurs.
    • EchoCG is one of the main methods for clarifying:
      • location of the cancer
      • determining the size of the tumor
      • clarification of the issue of the presence of fluid in the pericardial area.
    • Laboratory research:
      • to clarify the diagnosis, a biopsy study is performed,
      • make blood sampling for clinical analysis and biochemical studies,
      • tumor markers.

    Heart Cancer Treatment

    On the initial stages heart cancer is most often not detected. By the beginning of the treatment process, the tumor may have many metastases to other organs. That's why surgical intervention in most cases they don't.

    • slow down the development of pathology,
    • reduce metastasis,
    • improve the patient's quality of life.

    How many live with him?

    If heart cancer is detected before the appearance of metastases, then it is possible to extend the life of the patient up to five full years. AT advanced cases the patient from the moment of diagnosing the pathology dies throughout the year, despite the ongoing treatment.

    What is Malignant tumors of the heart (cancer of the heart) -

    Tumors of the heart very rare disease. Perhaps this is due to the good blood supply to the heart and the rapid metabolism in the heart muscle.

    - primary (benign and malignant)
    - secondary tumors of the heart.

    Pathogenesis (what happens?) during Malignant tumors of the heart (cancer of the heart):

    From primary malignant tumors of the heart the most common is cardiac sarcoma, occasionally lymphomas occur.

    Primary malignant tumors account for 25% of the total number of primary tumor lesions of the heart. Their most common variety is sarcoma, which originates from the mesenchyme and therefore can manifest itself in a variety of morphological types and cause the complexity of histological verification. Sarcoma can occur at any age, but most often in 30 - 50 years, equally common in men and women. The tumor predominantly affects the right side of the heart, usually coming from the endocardium or pericardium. Primary cardiac sarcoma can cause occlusion of the valvular orifices and outlet sections of the ventricles, compress and sprout coronary vessels, large arteries and veins. It is characterized by rapid invasive growth, sprouts all layers of the heart and nearby organs, and quickly and extensively metastasizes to the lungs, mediastinum, tracheobronchial and retroperitoneal lymph nodes, adrenal glands, and brain.

    Angiosarcoma- most common variety, accounting for 33% of primary malignant tumors. It occurs 2-3 times more often in men than in women. The tumor can affect any part of the heart, most often the right atrium.

    Macroscopically, angiosarcoma is a dense tuberous formation infiltrating tissues. The section shows foci of necrosis and hemorrhage. Microscopically, spindle-shaped, polygonal or rounded cells are determined, forming syncytium and folding into randomly arranged strands. Characteristic is the formation of vascular cavities of various sizes and shapes, filled with blood and communicating with each other. Between the tumor cells are loose networks of argyrophilic fibers resembling a basement membrane.

    Rhabdomyosarcoma originates from cardiac striated muscle tissue, occurs at any age, somewhat more often in men, accounts for 20% of all primary malignant tumors of the heart.

    Macroscopically, rhabdomyosarcoma is defined as a soft nodule of white or pale pink color, located in the thickness of the myocardium. The incision reveals foci of hemorrhage and necrosis. Microscopically, a different ratio of small rounded or oval, spindle-shaped cells is determined. Important diagnostic value has their pronounced polymorphism: they can resemble a tennis racket, having a rounded body with a nucleus and one thick cytoplasmic process, or have a spider-like shape with a centrally located nucleus and large glycogen vacuoles along the periphery. In the cytoplasm, myofibrils with transverse striation are found. Tumor cells can be located in continuous fields or form alveolar and fascicular structures enclosed in a network of argyrophilic and collagen fibers.

    fibrosarcoma is a mesenchymal tumor accounting for 10% of all primary malignant neoplasms of the heart. Occurs in the streets of both sexes at any age.

    Macroscopically, fibrosarcoma is a clearly demarcated dense nodule of white or grayish-white color or has infiltrative growth. Microscopically, fibroblast-like cells with varying degrees differentiation and collagen fibers. Cells are arranged in interlacing bundles.

    Other primary malignancies, including mesothelioma and lymphoma, are rare. Detailed studies of their morphological and clinical features are needed.

    Secondary tumors of the heart more often there are metastases of cancer of the breast, lung, stomach, and sometimes the kidneys and thyroid gland. Secondary heart tumors occur 25 times more often than primary ones.

    Metastatic tumors of the heart are several times more common than primary tumors. Since the life expectancy of patients with various forms Since malignant tumors are increasing due to their more effective therapy, there is reason to expect that the frequency of heart metastases will increase. Although cardiac metastasis can occur in all types of tumors with a frequency of 1-20%, the probability of such metastasis is especially high in malignant melanoma, leukemia and lymphoma (in descending order). In absolute terms, heart metastases are most common in breast and lung cancers, reflecting the highest prevalence of these tumors. Metastases in the heart most often occur against the background of a detailed clinical picture of the underlying disease, usually there are primary or metastatic lesions somewhere in chest cavity. However, sometimes metastases in the heart can be the first manifestations of a tumor of a different localization.

    Metastases in the heart arise due to their hematogenous or lymphogenous distribution or due to direct invasion. Usually they are small, hard nodules, sometimes, especially with sarcomas or hematological tumors, diffuse infiltration can be observed. The pericardium is most often involved in the process, followed by the myocardium of all chambers of the heart. Less often, damage to the endocardium and heart valves is noted. Clinically, metastases in the heart appear only in 10% of patients, they rarely lead to death. In most patients, metastases do not cause existing clinical manifestations, but occur against the background of previous manifestations of a malignant tumor. Metastases in the heart can give various symptoms, most often it is shortness of breath, the appearance systolic murmur signs of acute pericarditis, cardiac tamponade, rapid increase areas of the cardiac contour during x-ray examination, newly appeared cardiac arrhythmias, atrioventricular blockade, congestive heart failure. As with primary tumors of the heart, clinical manifestations depend more on the location and size of the tumor than on its histological type. Many of these signs and symptoms can also occur with myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiomyopathies, or as a result of radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

    Symptoms of malignant tumors of the heart (cancer of the heart):

    The clinical picture depends on the localization of the tumor and the magnitude of the obstruction of the heart cavities. Typical are unexplained, rapidly progressive heart failure with enlargement of the heart, pericardial effusion (hemorrhagic), tamponade, chest pain, arrhythmias, conduction disturbances, obstruction of the vena cava, and sudden death. Tumors limited to the myocardium without spreading into the cavity may be asymptomatic for some time or cause arrhythmias and conduction disturbances.

    The patient may have a long slight increase body temperature, weight loss, gradually increasing weakness, joint pain, various rashes on the trunk and extremities, numbness of the fingers and toes. Gradually, signs of chronic heart failure can form - drumsticks (weight loss of fingers and thickening at their ends), changes in nails of the "watch glass" type. There are changes in blood tests.

    The presence of a malignant neoplasm can be suspected by following symptoms:
    pain inside the chest is early and common symptom malignant lesion;
    the presence of hemopericardium in the absence of trauma in history;
    need for repeat pericardiocentesis cytological examination evacuated liquid required);
    progression of the superior vena cava syndrome in the absence of cardiac tamponade.

    When the tumor spreads to the pericardial space, hemorrhagic effusion into the pericardium is often formed and tamponade may occur. Because it is most commonly affected right part heart, sarcoma often causes symptoms of right ventricular failure due to obstruction of the right atrium, right ventricle, tricuspid valve, or pulmonic valve. Obstruction of the superior vena cava can lead to swelling of the face and upper extremities, while obstruction of the inferior vena cava causes congestion in the internal organs.

    Diagnosis of malignant tumors of the heart (cancer of the heart):

    Instrumental studies in malignant tumors indicate predominant lesion right parts of the body, and among the rare cases of intravital diagnosis in 60-70% of patients, distant metastases are found.

    echocardiography is considered as the method of choice in the diagnosis of heart tumors, sufficient for the development of appropriate surgical tactics.

    In recent years, the method of computed tomography - different method high sensitivity and reliability, allows for topical diagnosis of the tumor and determine the place of its fixation. Other reliable method topical diagnosis of heart tumors is magnetic resonance imaging.

    Treatment of malignant tumors of the heart (cancer of the heart):

    Treatment of malignant tumors of the heart most often symptomatic. Surgery the vast majority of patients with primary malignant neoplasms of the heart is ineffective due to the fact that by the time of diagnosis there is a significant spread of the tumor both within the myocardium itself and to nearby organs and tissues. Most often, radiation therapy is performed with or without systemic chemotherapy, which makes it possible to temporarily reduce the clinical severity of the disease and, in some cases, increase life expectancy up to 5 years after the start of treatment.

    Forecast adverse. When diagnosing cardiac sarcoma, 80% of patients already have metastases. As a rule, patients die within 6-12 months after the onset of the first clinical symptoms.

    Which doctors should you see if you have Malignant tumors of the heart (cancer of the heart):

    Are you worried about something? Do you want to know more detailed information about Malignant tumors of the heart (heart cancer), its causes, symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention, the course of the disease and following a diet after it? Or do you need an inspection? You can book an appointment with a doctor– clinic Eurolaboratory always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, study the external signs and help identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide the necessary assistance and make a diagnosis. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolaboratory open for you around the clock.

    How to contact the clinic:
    Phone of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multichannel). The secretary of the clinic will select a convenient day and hour for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the services of the clinic on her.

    (+38 044) 206-20-00

    If you have previously performed any research, be sure to take their results to a consultation with a doctor. If the studies have not been completed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

    You? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- so called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain healthy mind in the body and the body as a whole.

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    A rare disease that is often diagnosed after the death of a patient. It must be remembered that a healthy lifestyle, a positive attitude will help strengthen the body's immunity - the main internal doctor that prevents failures leading to the formation of heart cancer.

    Concept and statistics

    Cancer of the heart can mean a tumor formation inside the chambers, it can also be a lesion of the muscle of the organ.

    Myocardial cancer can go unnoticed for a long time, masquerading as others.

    Symptoms of the disease begin to cause concern to the patient when metastases are detected.

    Pathology is rare. This is due to the activity, which is due to the functional purpose of the chambers and other structural components of the heart. Blood circulation and metabolism in tissues are usually at a high level.

    Types of heart tumors

    Pathology has different manifestations, locations, is based on different tissues.

    • Primary tumors- pathology formed in the heart; has a variety of forms, depending on the cells of which tissues fell ill with atypia and launched the oncological process.
    • Secondary tumors- Cancer damage to neighboring organs or those located more distant from the heart has delegated its presence to its area.

    Primary formations make up a fourth of all cancers of the heart. They come in different forms:

    • Sarcoma is a common type of tumor
    • - rare in the heart area.

    Sarcoma is more common in middle-aged people. The right departments are subject to tumor processes to a greater extent than the left side.

    Sarcoma is dangerous by the rapid growth of the tumor body. Abnormal cells can grow through the tissues of the heart and affect neighboring organs. Valves, vessels that occur along the path of pathology are damaged to varying degrees by a growing tumor.

    Sarcomas also have several subspecies:

    1. Liposarcoma - occurs in adulthood and is a rare case. The tumor body is made up of lipoblasts. Liposarcoma is located in the cavity of the heart and has an outward resemblance to myxoma. The formation is able to create a massive body, the color of which is usually yellowish. The tumor has a soft texture. This type of pathology is responsive to medical procedures.
    2. - originates in muscle tissue. The tumor is a soft to the touch formation of white color. If we examine the knot in a microscope, then cells of several types of forms are found in its composition:
      • fusiform,
      • round,
      • oval
      • and others.

      This type of pathology occurs infrequently. In the total number of primary tumors, rhabdomyosarcoma occurs in every fifth patient. Men have this type of heart tumor somewhat more often than women.

    3. - makes up one tenth of primary tumors. It is a formation with clear boundaries of a grayish-white color. The node has collagen fibers and fibroblast-like cells with varying degrees of differentiation.
    4. Angiosarcoma - according to statistics, this type occupies a third of all primary tumors of the heart. It affects more often men. Education has a bumpy structure of a dense constitution. This type of tumor is characterized by the presence of vascular cavities in the body of the formation, which have different shapes and sizes.

    Photo of heart cancer

    Tumors in the region of the heart of secondary origin are much more common. They can appear as a result of oncological processes in the following organs:

    • stomach
    • breast,
    • kidneys
    • thyroid,
    • lungs.

    The spread of cancer cells occurs through the lymph as well as through the circulatory system. Cancer tissue enters the heart, growing into the organ.


    To date, science does not know the exact causes of cancer in the heart.

    Primary formations can be triggered by the following phenomena:

    • degeneration of myxoma (benign tumor), which, in turn, can occur after surgery on the organ;
    • as a result of toxic effects,
    • be the result of an infectious disease
    • due to the harmful effects caused by and.

    Secondary oncological tumors arise as a result of the spread of oncology, which has developed in other organs, beyond them. Metastases can grow into the region of the heart from nearby organs and those located more remotely.

    Symptoms of heart cancer

    The following signs indicate a possible cancerous lesion of the heart:

    • the appearance of pain in the chest,
    • dyspnea,
    • symptoms of oppression of the vena cava,
    • enlarged chambers of the heart
    • fever,
    • violation of rhythms in the work of the heart,
    • fast fatiguability,
    • hemorrhagic effusion is found in the pericardium,
    • swelling of the muscles of the face,
    • disturbances in the conduction system,
    • tamponade,
    • significant weight loss
    • sudden death.

    Stages of development

    The prognosis and tactics of treatment depend on the extent to which a cancerous tumor has developed.

    There are four stages:

    • The appearance of altered cells, which were the result of damage to DNA cells and their subsequent random division. Such a violation is referred to the first stage.
    • The formation of an oncological formation at the site of the appearance of atypical cells is the second stage of the disease.
    • The spread of the disease to other organs with the flow of lymph or through the blood. The germination of a cancerous tumor outside the heart - metastases are referred to as the third stage of the disease.
    • The primary focus is in a state of exacerbation. At the same time, the appearance of new pathological formations in other places is observed. The development of the oncological process to such an extent is defined as the fourth stage of the disease.


    Cancer of the heart is difficult to determine. This is due to the fact that its manifestations are similar to other heart diseases. Therefore, several methods are used to diagnose the problem.

    • ECG - informative check that shows if there are irregularities in the rhythms of the heartbeat. You can also get information about the state of the conduction function.
    • MRI - will show the condition of the chambers of the heart and surrounding tissues and organs. CT will also add detailed information, including hard tissue abnormalities. These methods are necessary if a controversial issue occurs.
    • EchoCG - one of the main methods for clarification:
      • location of the cancer
      • determining the size of the tumor
      • clarification of the issue of the presence of fluid in the pericardial area.
    • Laboratory research:
      • to clarify the diagnosis, a biopsy study is performed,
      • make blood sampling for clinical analysis and biochemical studies,
      • tumor markers.

    Heart Cancer Treatment

    In the early stages, heart cancer is often not detected. By the beginning of the treatment process, the tumor may have many metastases to other organs. Therefore, surgery is not done in most cases.

    Remember Solzhenitsyn: “…tumor cordis, casus inoperabilis. ... Kostoglotov preserved that casus is a “case”, in is a negative prefix. And he knew cor, cordis from there, and if he didn’t know, then it wouldn’t be a big guess to figure out that the cardiogram is from the same root. And the word tumor met him on every page .... So without difficulty he now understood Proshka's diagnosis: a tumor of the heart, a case not amenable to surgery.

    Proshka from the Cancer Ward had exactly a heart tumor - without specifying its differentiation, that is, the doctors discovered a neoplasm in the tissues, and its nature could only be established after an operation followed by a biopsy. It is wrong to call such a tumor cancer, because cancer is a carcinoma, that is, a tumor. epithelial tissue. But since the name has taken root, in order not to confuse readers, they use terminology familiar to non-physicians.

    Heart cancer is rarely primary - that is, it appeared in the tissues of the heart. Most often, the appearance of neoplasms in this organ is a consequence of the metastatic drift of the oncoprocess. This is due to the structural features of the heart, as well as its very high metabolic and functional activity, under which neoplastic processes are casuistic.

    The reasons

    But still, the heart is not always able to resist the onslaught of cancer cells. The most common benign tumors of the heart are myxomas, polypoid tumors of connective tissue. It is believed that myxoma develops after traumatic operations on the heart, as a result of thrombosis, including atherosclerosis, and very rarely as a genetic defect.

    Of the malignant tumors, the most common are sarcomas, that is, tumors of the connective and muscle tissue, as well as carcinomas - epithelial tumors growing from the endothelium of the heart. What causes them to develop is unknown.


    malignant cancer the heart develops rapidly, proceeds almost at lightning speed, and patients often simply do not have time to complain to the doctor about the symptoms. Sarcomas often develop in the right side of the heart, complaints typical of venous congestion: edema, weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, abdominal pain on the right side, constipation.

    The favorite place of localization of the mix is ​​the left atrium. Hence the signs characteristic of defects and pathologies mitral valve leading to misdiagnosis. If the tumor develops in the left ventricle, then clinical picture similar to stenosis of the aorta or pulmonary trunk.

    Often, with myxoma, a rather typical symptom develops, which (if recognized) can be considered pathognomonic: complaints disappear or appear at a certain position of the patient's body.

    Symptoms of embolism and obstruction of blood flow, shortness of breath, fever, exhaustion, pronounced malaise without specific complaints about the source, pain in the joints, muscles, changes in the blood picture, episodic sharp pain in the heart - these signs are present in myxoma.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    Early diagnosis is difficult. First, heart cancer is not common in the practice of a general practitioner or outpatient cardiologist. Secondly, the symptoms are disguised as heart diseases, which in themselves require complex diagnostics, including differential, and often diagnostically significant, but unfamiliar signs, are missed by the doctor.

    A thorough assessment of complaints, clinical symptoms and the results of examination and auscultation is required. Ultrasound, CT, MRI, angiocardiography are necessary, radioisotope ventriculography is often performed.

    The attitude towards catheterization and biopsy of the heart is ambivalent: on the one hand, they allow you to clarify the diagnosis, on the other hand, they significantly increase the risk of myxoma detachment and thrombosis of the heart with it, or damage to the sarcoma - with stimulation of its proliferation.

    Treatment depends on the type of tumor, the stage of the process. Malignant heart cancer is usually pointless to operate - it is very active and literally penetrates the heart. benign tumors also not always available. surgical intervention Therefore, the appointment of palliative care is not uncommon.

    Treatment of heart cancer in Israel

    Israeli medicine is, of course, a phenomenon in the global system of coordinates. Heart cancer is located at the intersection of two disciplines: oncology and cardiology, and so Israel is one of the last places in the world in terms of deaths from both cancer and cardiac diseases! A significant, and perhaps decisive, contribution to the achievement of data high performance Israeli clinics have contributed to the treatment of heart cancer.

    To begin with, the diagnosis of patients with heart cancer is close to perfection here. Echocardiography combined with CT, MRI, PET-CT and cardiac catheterization allows doctors to obtain complete picture pathological process taking place in the important body person.

    Treatment of heart cancer in Israel is selected strictly individually: it can be the most complex open heart surgery, the latest techniques of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, including the use of a gamma knife. Statistics show that the survival rate of patients with heart cancer here is higher than in other clinics in Israel, not to mention Russian ones.


    Adverse. Sarcoma and heart cancer give almost 100% mortality in the first half of the year from the beginning of the process, with myxoma average term life is not more than 2 years. Relapses are frequent - more than 40% after surgical removal of the tumor.


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