Separation is a tooth-preserving technology in orthodontic treatment. Preparation for the operation. Varieties of tooth separation

Now beautiful teeth- need. A natural smile attracts the attention of people and, to some extent, contributes to successful study and rapid career advancement.

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Biryukov Andrey Anatolievich

doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from the Crimean Medical Institute. institute in 1991. Specialization in therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry including implantology and prosthetics on implants.

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Psychologists say that dental health, nice smell from oral cavity promotes self-assertion and saves a person from possible complexes.

The advantage is that modern cosmetic dentistry is able to provide beautiful smile to each. From general list Methods distinguish between radical and simpler ones.

The right to choose suitable method is a joint task for the doctor and the patient.

Currently, the method of separation of teeth is gaining popularity. The method has received its recognition due to efficiency.

Varieties of tooth separation

The main goal of the dentist is to preserve the beauty and aesthetic integrity of the patient's dentition. Separation is a technique that allows you to save the patient's bone structures. The main goal of the process is the separation of adjacent elements.

AT modern dentistry There are 2 methods of the procedure: lateral and coronary-radicular. Lateral separation is a technique used in aesthetic dentistry, coronary-radicular - a method used in medical dentistry.

The advantage of turning methods is painless achievement of results.

Depending on the type of equipment used, manipulation can be mechanical and physiological. For mechanical grinding, the doctor uses burs, files and discs. Between the teeth, the doctor inserts wedges that remain in the interdental space for a while.

The separation process is absolutely painless, but they are often used local anesthesia. When choosing a mechanical treatment, the doctor will carry out a manual sawdust at the final stage, such an operation does not require the introduction of anesthesia.

Indications for carrying out

The main goal of the method is to change the shape and size of the teeth in order to create the free space necessary for normal movement between the teeth. This manipulation simplifies the process of dental operations.

The list of indications for separation can be presented as follows:

  • as preparatory phase before prosthetics or before installing a bridge;
  • as the final stage after the correction of the bite due to braces or orthodontic constructions;
  • with tooth retention.

The separation procedure is optimal, alternative method classical tooth extraction procedure to ensure bite correction before installing the braces.


Separation is a simple and convenient alternative to the method of tooth extraction to ensure the formation of the necessary space between the teeth. It is not always possible to use this method. The list of contraindications can be presented as follows:

  • the presence of carious foci;
  • development of pulpitis;
  • inflammatory processes covering periodontal tissues;
  • periodontal disease;
  • pathology of soft and hard tissues in the oral cavity.

In this case, before using the method, they resort to the treatment of such pathologies. Such a condition will help to avoid the rapid spread pathological process along the dentition.

Advantages and disadvantages

The list of the main advantages that distinguish the separation process from other methods of correcting the curvature of the dentition can be represented as:

  • the method allows you to save all healthy dental units;
  • the technique allows you to free up enough space for orthodontic manipulations;
  • lack of a rehabilitation period;
  • absence possible damage surrounding tissues;
  • separation is not painful, manipulation provokes only minor discomfort;
  • the possibility of the procedure under local anesthesia;
  • for required process one session is enough;
  • risk of adverse reactions and complications are minimal.

Do you get nervous before visiting the dentist?


The list of disadvantages of the method can be presented as follows:

  • in the first days after the manipulation manifests itself acute sensitivity tooth enamel;
  • possible injury to the pulp;
  • after the effect of anesthesia is eliminated, the patient feels pain associated with inflammation of the surrounding mucous membranes.

The risk of such complications is present if the patient turned to a dentist with insufficient experience in such procedures.

To minimize this risk, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor who has sufficient practice and positive reviews patients.

How is tooth separation performed?

The process of mechanical separation involves the removal of a layer of enamel at the points of contact between the tooth. For such manipulation, special dental instruments are used: saws and double-sided and single-sided discs.

Many specialists prefer the procedure carried out using an abrasive disc. Such manipulation is safer, and fixing the element due to the existing tip allows you to fix its position. When turning, the specialist must ensure the safety of the patient.

To reduce the risk of mucosal trauma, soft tissues moved aside and fixed with a mouth mirror.

After removing the enamel layer, the doctor polishes the tooth, eliminating sharp corners and irregularities. Such flaws can cause acute discomfort in the patient. Increased sensitivity of tooth enamel is eliminated by applying special composition on the tooth enamel.

Physiological separation is carried out according to a different method. The specialist inserts special wedges into the existing interdental gaps. It takes only 1 day to achieve the desired goal. The doctor will be able to accurately indicate the timing of the application of the design in each case.

Possible consequences

Complications after separation are extremely rare. The main reason for their appearance is the insufficient qualification of the dentist or his non-compliance with the rules and regulations for the procedure.

To the list of common dangerous violations include:

Before proceeding with the manipulation, the patient is given an x-ray. To exclude the possibility of existing pulpitis.

Hypersensitivity of the teeth is a complication that is extremely rare. In such cases, before carrying out such a manipulation, orthodontists prescribe a demineralization procedure to strengthen the enamel.

Sometimes the doctor will full recovery enamel structures. Only after the enamel condition improves, it is possible to correct the anomaly.

Almost every patient sooner or later needs a dentist. Often full complex treatment is impossible without the installation of a bracket system, which is designed to correct the bite and normalize the closing of the teeth. Most often, it is in this situation that the orthodontist is faced with a lack of space in order to put the tooth in the dentition. What to do if there is no indication for the removal of another tooth, and there is not enough space?

What is separation?

Separation is a broad concept used in various industries. The separation has great importance and is used everywhere in prosthetics or treatment with braces.

Separation in dentistry means a procedure in which a small layer of enamel (up to about a quarter of a millimeter) is abraded by a qualified doctor. This helps to free up the exact amount of space for the tooth or future prosthetics. The main advantage of separation is that, due to a slight lack of space, it is not necessary to remove any of the teeth, because when removing it, it is impossible to calculate how much space will be freed up. Because of this, you can get a large gap between the teeth and patient dissatisfaction.

Unfortunately, some patients refuse this method treatment due to fear or concern for tooth enamel. The enamel layer is very thick, and grinding off a quarter of a millimeter for a tooth does absolutely no harm. But the results in treatment can be enormous. Also, such consequences as hyperesthesia (hypersensitivity) or the occurrence of caries (provided that the contact surfaces are well cleaned) are completely excluded and impossible.

More about separation

Separation in dentistry is divided into 2 types:


This type of separation is carried out with special abrasive burs, nail files or separation discs (one-sided, two-sided), with which the doctor grinds convex places on the contact surface of the tooth by a quarter of a millimeter on each side. In total, you can “save” 0.5 mm of space from each tooth.


Such separation occurs without the use of burs and any abrasive devices. The orthodontist fixes special separation threads or wedges between the teeth, which remain in the interdental spaces certain time. As a rule, such a procedure does not exceed 24 hours.

Most often, this procedure is carried out mechanically with the use of burs. This helps to more accurately grind the tooth without harming it. Also, such a responsible procedure should only be carried out by a qualified doctor with experience in this field, otherwise unpleasant consequences can't be avoided.

Advantages of separation

The main advantages of this procedure over removal include:

  • speed of implementation and its simplicity;
  • painlessness;
  • free space control;
  • the possibility of freeing up to 8 millimeters of free space on one jaw;
  • no need to somehow restore the enamel;
  • the safety of the procedure.

But each patient should remember that there are situations when it is simply impossible to do without tooth extraction. Most often, one of the premolars has to be sacrificed. But which tooth will have to be removed, only a doctor can decide. In this case, it is not necessary to insist on separation, because if there is a choice between it and removal, the doctor will always prefer more gentle methods of treatment.

When is separation applied?

Most often, this procedure is necessary when normalizing the closing of teeth with bracket systems. But separation is also used in prosthetics. Often, minor defects and anomalies can be eliminated with veneers and crowns, especially if we are talking about the front teeth. It happens that there is not enough space, and it is impossible to grind teeth more strongly or reduce the thickness of crowns, otherwise the aesthetics will suffer. Then the orthopedist resorts to the separation method of freeing up space.

Separation is also used during implantation. As is known, at prolonged absence the rest of the tooth will move, and there is no place for placing an implant and a future crown. AT advanced cases you can’t do without braces, but if the process has just begun, then minimal grinding of the walls of the teeth will give the necessary place for prosthetics.


If the separation procedure is carried out correctly, then no complications arise. The enamel remains as strong and smooth, sometimes patients do not even notice the changes. By the way, the patient himself can evaluate some aspects of the work being done. During separation, the doctor must fix his hand on the patient's chin, this will allow the unnecessary area to be sanded as accurately as possible. If the hand is overhanging, then you should think about the qualifications of the doctor.

Every person wants to be beautiful and successful. External flaws(curvature of the teeth or malocclusion) significantly reduce self-esteem. The problem of crooked teeth occurs in 80% of the inhabitants of the planet, and about 1/3 of them need the intervention of dentists. Correction of the bite is an extremely important manipulation, since the load on the teeth must be uniform. Thus, a crooked smile is not only an aesthetic flaw, but also serious problem, which may develop into various pathologies without proper treatment.

Modern medicine offers many methods for straightening the dentition and correcting the bite. In most cases, they are effective and painless. Separation is no exception. With this procedure, you can get straight teeth and a beautiful smile. A good example of a successful separation is shown in the photo.

The concept of separation

Separation - a procedure that is an artificial separation adjacent teeth, their alignment, in most cases, by removing a thin layer of enamel from the side surfaces of the crowns. Not all patients of dental clinics welcome the appointment of this manipulation, however medical science It has long been proven that it is absolutely harmless to the teeth and does not increase their sensitivity.

Features of the procedure:

  1. carried out with the help special devices(nail files, discs, spacers);
  2. consists in removing a thin layer of tooth enamel;
  3. the exclusively convex part is removed - the area of ​​​​contact of the crowns;
  4. compared to other methods, this is a more gentle way to eliminate many dental problems.

Separation - best alternative surgical removal teeth when correcting the dentition. If it is carried out correctly, it is absolutely safe for the patient, and the risk of complications is extremely small.

When is the procedure indicated?

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Separation is indicated in the following cases:

  • preparation of teeth for prosthetics (installation of crowns, bridges, veneers and other types of prostheses);
  • when wearing braces and other structures that can align the dentition and correct malocclusion;
  • with a delay or incomplete eruption of teeth;
  • performing implantation.

Varieties of tooth separation

There are 2 types of separation, depending on the technique of its implementation:

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Separation, like any medical procedure, has advantages and disadvantages. To positive aspects can be attributed:

  • no pain ( discomfort may be present in individuals with sensitive enamel);
  • the procedure is quite simple and takes a little time (usually no more than an hour);
  • variability: the possibility of increasing the interdental space by the required amount (up to 8 mm in each row) depending on the goals (installation of braces, prosthetics, etc. (see also: ).d.);
  • after separation, restoration of dental tissues is not required.


  • if the method of separation is violated, complications are possible (inflammation or death of the pulp, increased sensitivity of the teeth, gum disease);
  • discomfort after the procedure can last up to 3 days.

Contraindications and negative consequences

Separation of upper and lower teeth not produced if the following problems are present:

The procedure can be carried out only if these factors are eliminated and effective treatment. Otherwise, there is a possibility of serious complications.

As a rule, such grinding of the teeth does not entail the appearance of complications. Enamel is still resistant to impact external factors, remains smooth and shiny - not every person is able to notice any changes in their mouth. A qualified doctor will not make mistakes during these manipulations, so the risk of negative consequences in the form of complications after separation directly depends on the choice of the dentist by the patient.

Separation when wearing braces

When wearing braces, it is possible to use any separation method - mechanical or physiological. An increase in the distance between the teeth is necessary for the high-quality installation of the system in order to correct the bite and align the dentition.

Separation of teeth is not prerequisite in the presence of a bracket system. Increasing the space between the teeth may not be necessary. Turning is possible to improve aesthetics (giving the same shape). Also, by means of separation, the gaps between the teeth and gums are removed, where food particles are clogged.

Tooth separation is the creation of an aesthetic contour using dental equipment. The procedure is carried out in dental office and is completely painless, with the use of a protective coating for the treated areas.

The doctor performs a cut along the contour to separate the site from the rest. This procedure is necessary for the possibility or if necessary orthodontic correction teeth. The enamel is ground down, while the maximum removal depth should be no more than 0.25 mm. This is necessary so as not to damage the sensitivity and integrity of the dentary bone. This makes it possible to correct irregularities and correct the bite without removal. Many dentists use a separation method to place a crown.

Many patients are concerned about a number of issues:

  • in what cases is it necessary to separate the teeth;
  • consequences of the procedure;
  • the effectiveness of this method.

The main advantage of separation is that this method of correction does not have negative consequences for the patient. With this method, any defects are corrected and all teeth are preserved. The procedure makes it possible to increase the space between the teeth, correct misdevelopment jaws in very difficult cases. For this, special burs, files and other dental equipment are used.

Separation and its varieties

Separation of teeth is carried out using a drill or a specially designed nail file. This type of dental intervention is carried out in several ways:

  • Physiological is the setting between adjacent teeth temporary stretch marks to create free space.
  • Mechanical is the partial removal of tooth enamel.

When is separation necessary?

The main indication and main task the separation process is the requirement to change the size or shape of the tooth, with the appearance of a free part for its displacement. This need arises in such situations:

  • Treatment during the delay in eruption of the tooth, namely during its retention.
  • Adjustment malocclusion and curvature with orthodontic instruments.
  • Performing prosthetics, namely the preparation of a tooth or dentition for the installation of a crown in the form of a bridge prosthesis.

To date, coronary radicular separation of the tooth is considered the most optimal alternative. traditional removal during bite correction.

How is the separation process carried out?

The mechanical process occurs due to the turning of protruding teeth in the areas of their contact with neighboring incisors. To perform this type of separation, various types of devices are used:

  • Double or single sided separation disc. Most dentists believe that this option is the most accurate and gentle. But in this case, much depends on the experience of the doctor himself. It is necessary to securely fasten the handpiece with a nozzle and carefully retract soft tissues with a mouth mirror to prevent injury.
  • Special file.

At the end of the process, all sharp corners must be carefully sanded. To process the turned parts, you can use a special material that, during application, will protect the tooth enamel from subsequent destruction.

During the physiological process separation in natural interdental gaps are attached wedges specially designed for this. They are set for a certain period of time, which, as a rule, is no more than one day.

The main advantage of separation

According to many dentists, tooth separation is currently the most gentle method of obtaining additional space between the teeth. This method has many advantages:

  • No damage during this process healthy teeth so there is no need to remove them.
  • The procedure takes very little time and is relatively easy to carry out.
  • You can get as much free space as you need to perform a certain manipulation.
  • After the separation is completed, it is not necessary to restore the bone
  • The process itself is painless, the person feels minor discomfort.

Disadvantages of separation

The process itself has practically no drawbacks. Separation of teeth before and after (photo) proves how effective this treatment is.

Complications can appear very rarely and only in case of incorrect actions of the doctor directly. To side effects include the following facts:

  • Local inflammation of the gum tissue.
  • Damage to the pulp with further death.
  • High sensitivity of the teeth that have been treated.

What the separation of teeth looks like before and after can be seen in the photo below. During treatment, it is imperative to observe the care and hygiene of the oral cavity. This procedure will require special brush, paste and mouthwash. While wearing braces, you must rinse your mouth thoroughly so that no food remains.

To give a uniform and beautiful colour You can use bleach. This process can be done at home.

During treatment, the enamel may change color, so it is imperative to perform an x-ray and examine the condition of the canals and the root of the teeth. Hue change may occur due to ingestion medical preparations. Special veneers perfectly protect the enamel and create a smooth surface. Tooth separation involves color correction to complete the treatment process and create a perfect smile.

You must visit the dentist at least twice a year for an examination. This is essential to keep your teeth healthy. years. Separation can be done at any dental clinic. After this procedure, a person who previously had defects becomes the owner of ideal and

Separation of teeth is one of the methods of orthodontic treatment, used when teeth are crowded and there is not enough space in the dental arch for their correct location. The procedure is the separation of adjacent teeth. This is done by removing a layer of enamel from the lateral surface of the teeth to be separated.

Separation is safe for teeth, does not contribute to their hypersensitivity. The procedure is a worthy alternative to extirpation of teeth.


There are 2 types of separations:

  • Mechanical

Mechanical removal of the enamel layer from the lateral surfaces of adjacent teeth, resulting in a change in their contours.

  • Physiological

Separation of teeth by placing temporary spacers between the contact teeth.


The main task that separation allows to solve is the separation of the teeth, which allows freeing up additional space for the teeth by changing their size and shape.

Indications for separation are:

  • Installation of a bridge prosthesis, crowns;
  • Orthodontic treatment aimed at eliminating bite anomalies, irregularities in the dentition;
  • Different width of maxillary and mandibular incisors;
  • Developmental delay or disruption of this process.


Tooth separation is by far the most effective and safe, and therefore the most popular procedure when it comes to preparing teeth for orthodontic treatment or prosthetics. The advantages of this method include:

  • The ability to control the process of releasing space in the dentition - it is possible to free up as much space as is required to install a prosthesis or bracket systems;
  • The ability to release up to 0.8 mm in each of the dentition without removing the teeth;
  • No pain during the procedure;
  • Absence of injuries of mucous and soft tissues, which cannot be avoided during extirpation;
  • The procedure is easy to perform and does not take much time.


It is believed that the separation procedure is safe - it does not harm the teeth. However, if the principles of separation are not observed, if the doctor is not qualified, complications such as:

  • Pulp death;
  • Hypersensitivity of teeth;
  • Inflammation of the gums.


Separation mechanical type is a turning of contact teeth, their most convex lateral parts. Up to 0.25 mm of the enamel layer is removed from each side.

Separation involves the use of a special file or dental bur. Separation through the latter is considered more gentle. In this case, the dentist holds the tip of the bur with an abrasive with three fingers. right hand, and the rest rests on the patient's chin or teeth. With his left hand, he holds a dental mirror, which at the same time helps to move the soft tissues away to prevent their traumatization.

After the procedure, polishing is performed sharp corners teeth, in some dental clinics protective compositions are applied to the treated teeth.

Separation by means of a nail file is a process when a nail file is placed between the teeth, which then cuts the distance between the teeth.

Separation physiological method involves the installation of special pegs or threads between the lateral surfaces of the teeth of the problem area. These devices are removed after 20-24 hours.

After separation, small gaps appear between the teeth; elastic chains are designed to eliminate them, which are fixed for a period of 1 to 4 months.

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