Cutting the frenulum of the upper lip is harmful. How is the frenulum of the upper lip performed in children. Why do children cut the frenulum of the lower lip

Under normal conditions, any person has a special membrane on the mucous membrane in the mouth, which assists in attaching the lips to the jaw bone. It should not in any way interfere with the natural process of chewing food and speech, but sometimes deviations can occur, most often they occur in babies.

Below we will consider the nuances of when it is necessary to cut the frenulum on the child’s lip, how the procedure is carried out, at what particular age it is better to do it, and what is the difference between plastic surgery and surgery.

What is a bridle and where is it located?

It is necessary to carefully and carefully pull, and then lift the upper lip to the nose. Then it will be possible to contemplate the bridle, which resembles a triangle. Its sides are securely attached to the mouth: one is securely attached directly to the inside of the lip inside the mouth, the other is attached to the gum near the incisors.

The beauty of a person's unique smile will depend on how the latter connects to the gum. In a normal situation, the lower edge of such a connection should be located slightly above the gum papilla by a couple of millimeters. If such a mount is located lower, at the very junction of the incisors, some difficulties may arise.

The situation becomes more complicated when the bridle is very strong and weighty. This significantly reduces the motor functions of the lip: it can look very upturned or ugly to open the teeth.

Indications for cutting the bridle and contraindications

In the situation of the pathology of the structure of this mucosal fold, there are a couple of treatment options, the most famous of which today are considered standard plastic surgery, laser treatment and surgery. Only an operation can correct this kind of defect - it cannot be cured simply by diets, physiotherapy, as well as medicines or acupuncture.

  • if the baby has a short frenulum on the upper lip, you need to consult with such doctors: a neonatologist, an orthodontist, a speech therapist and a periodontist doctor. The dentist or surgeon will not be able to give completely objective evidence for the implementation of this operation;
  • a neonatologist may prescribe a procedure when a frenulum defect interferes with natural breastfeeding of the baby. Most often we are talking about the pathology of the structure of the lip, since it is most actively involved in sucking. Sometimes a neonatologist will be able to excise the membrane himself or write a referral to a special surgeon;
  • a speech therapist is able to identify a short frenulum in a baby when the speech function is upset, there is an underdevelopment in the conversational function. Most often, such a diagnosis is made when children do not clearly pronounce vowel sounds like “o, u” and others, in the pronunciation of which the child’s lips are involved. Speech therapist, unfortunately, often reveals a violation at the latest terms (schoolchildren). In this situation, ordinary pruning will not help, a real operation will be needed;
  • often the need for cutting the frenulum in babies is determined precisely by orthopedists or periodontal dentists;
  • the pathology of the attachment of the lip causes malocclusion in a person and a change in the position of the teeth in a row, tooth mobility. If the operation is not carried out at a very young age, subsequent treatment can be very long-term, unpleasant and costly. Adults are much more difficult to tolerate surgery.

There is a whole list of contraindications in order to carry out this kind of plastic surgery:

Operation description

The frenulum is always done in the hospital. For the purpose of pain relief, local anesthesia is used, during which the doctor can calmly talk with the baby. The duration of the operation is usually up to half an hour.

There are three different types of mucosal fold repair:

  1. Dissection - used when the frenulum is excessively narrow and does not connect to the edge of the alveoli in any way. The doctor, with the help of competent manipulations, can cut it across, making almost invisible longitudinal seams.
  2. Excision - in this case, there is, on the contrary, a very wide frenulum. The surgeon should make an incision that slightly affects the top of the stretched mucosa, and then excise the papilla between the teeth, and with it the tissues that are between the roots of the incisors.
  3. Ordinary frenuloplasty - this is the name of the method during which the change in the place of attachment of the mucous fold is carried out.

Such operations are most often performed when four incisors have been completely cut through. After the correction is made, sutures are carefully applied. They are made of a special material that will later resolve itself. The main feature of the operation is that the recovery process will take only a couple of hours.

If the operation was performed on a small infant, then the result will be noticeable right there - the baby will begin to babble and gurgle more clearly, it will become more correct to suckle the breast.

In recent years, the operation with suturing has become less and less relevant, because an ordinary scalpel strongly displaces a laser one. At the same time, the recovery period is also reduced, therefore, initially, this technique is shown to babies who need breast milk.

The use of innovative methods will help to bypass even minor complications, such as severe swelling. The child will only need to observe the correct rehabilitation.

Cutting the frenulum of the upper lip with a laser

Laser cutting will help to avoid hemorrhage during the operation, since the heated beams simply “solder” the vessels that are being cut. Anesthesia in this position means the application of a special gel with a strong cooling effect, which is felt instantly.

After this technique, there is no swelling, pain or scar, and the procedure itself takes from 5 to 10 minutes. In addition, laser beams under the influence of high temperature completely disinfect the wound, and this helps it to recover and heal quickly. The absence of a scar also means that there is no need for stitches.

The use of a laser will help break up a trip to the doctor into a couple of sessions, which significantly reduces the degree of stress for the baby and makes the procedure much more convenient and faster.


The recovery period after the procedure may take a couple of days. For the first couple of hours, the baby may experience disorientation, due to the fact that the anesthesia is moving away, and then quite unpleasant feelings arise.

The task of adults is to help the wound heal as soon as possible, and for this purpose it is necessary to carry out the following:

  • closely monitor the constant and quality;
  • for a couple of days to prepare special dishes for the baby (liquid, even mucous, in the form of porridge or soufflé, minced meat), and also serve the child only foods and drinks at a moderate temperature;
  • in a couple of days, be sure to see a doctor;
  • perform elementary muscle gymnastics with the child, which will help to develop the functions of chewing and facial expressions well.

Initially, the baby will still begin to feel severe disorientation due to the appearance of a completely different amplitude and strength of the motor activity of the tongue itself. The child's diction may also change, so you need to train with the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Most often, rehabilitation takes up to 7 days. For 5 days, wounds are usually healed and all kinds of discomfort during chewing movements pass.

Video: plastic surgery of the upper frenulum of the lip (personal experience).


What happens if you don't cut the bridle?

  • in small children, very short frenulums can significantly disrupt the sucking function, making it difficult to correctly take the mother's nipple. In this situation, after examination by a doctor, the bridle can be cut even in the maternity hospital itself. But if the baby quickly gains body weight well during feeding, no correction is made;
  • at an early age, the low location of the frenulum on the motor activity of the lips and the skeleton of the face affects very little. But after cutting through the incisors, the frenulum can strongly fall into the papilla of the gums between them; this can cause a gap to appear - a real nuisance that will only intensify over time;
  • extension of the incisors from above in the center, and then - a bad bite and severe deformation of the entire row of teeth;
  • a change in the general appearance of the upper lip, its strong upturn, which makes it difficult to normally cover the teeth from above;
  • too much tension of the gum mucosa, and then its strong and complete exposure of the root of the tooth. After that, frequent inflammations are possible in the area of ​​the incisors in front: periodontitis.
  • violations in the pronunciation of many sounds.

Sometimes a person's appearance is not ideal. However, today everything can be changed with the help of plastic surgery. This article will discuss such an operation as cutting the frenulum of the lip: when it needs to be done and how the procedure itself goes.

What it is?

First of all, it is necessary to understand the main concepts that will be actively used in this article. So what is a bridle? This is a special fold that is woven into the mucous membrane. It is of great importance, because it affects not only human health, but also his speech. It is worth mentioning that in everyone's mouth there are three types of bridle:

  1. Frenulum of the upper lip.
  2. Frenulum of the lower lip.

If this small crease is shortened, you need to try to deal with this problem as soon as possible. That is why most of the operations associated with plastic frenulum are performed in childhood.

frenulum of the upper lip

The most common is trimming the frenulum of the child's upper lip. It is its shortening that brings a person a lot of different problems:

  1. The appearance of a wide gap between the central upper teeth (diastema).
  2. There are many speech defects, the child cannot pronounce some sounds normally.
  3. The child's bite may change.
  4. Often this condition leads to the development of periodontitis.
  5. Very often, a shortened frenulum can lead to a variety of problems during a patient's dental treatment.

Most often, it is the cutting of the frenulum of the upper lip that is carried out in the first months of the baby's life. And all because it prevents the baby from sucking milk normally, also leads to various defects in the development of the jaw and oral cavity. If during this period the bridle was not cut, then it will lead to multiple problems during the active development of the baby's speech. It can interfere with certain sounds.

Frenulum of the lower lip

Less commonly, but still, trimming the frenulum of a person's lower lip may be necessary. It is worth saying that this is a simpler operation. But it also needs to be done as early as possible, because this problem can affect the pronunciation of some sounds. Other problems that may become indicators for surgical intervention to correct the lower frenulum:

  1. The appearance of unaesthetic gaps between the teeth of the lower row.
  2. Change in bite.
  3. Exposure of the roots of the teeth of the lower jaw.
  4. Displacement of incisors.

When to do it?

At what age can a lip frenum be trimmed? So, some doctors say that you need to cut the upper frenulum as early as possible, better - in the first months of life. However, modern plastic surgeons do not recommend doing this. After all, there are quite a few dangers. Ideal age: about 5-6 years old, when the central incisors have grown, and the side ones have just fallen out. In this case, the growth of the lateral incisors will shape the jaw so that there is no gap between the central teeth. However, other specialists will still insist on an earlier pruning, because this problem can interfere with the normal development of speech and the formation of bite.

Operation types

It is also worth mentioning that cutting the frenulum of the lip is carried out today by two main methods:

  1. Operation using a scalpel.
  2. Surgical intervention with a laser.


If cutting the upper frenulum will be done with a scalpel, how will this operation go? What do you need to know? So, it will last about 20-30 minutes. The baby will need local anesthesia. During the operation, a small incision will be made, followed by stitches. A little bleeding is also possible, this should not be feared. If the child is extremely adult, he must be prepared for the fact that the postoperative period will not be easy. At this time it is possible:

  1. Sensation of pain, albeit mild.
  2. Swelling of the operation site.
  3. Feeling of general discomfort in the area of ​​the upper lip.

After the operation itself, a small scar will remain. However, it resolves within a week. The consequences of surgical intervention to an outsider will not be visible at all.

Recommendations: until the wound is completely healed (this may take a maximum of 10 days), the person should stop eating solid food. Also, the doctor will most likely recommend rinsing your mouth with a special solution. The postoperative examination will also be important. For a certain time, you will have to visit a doctor periodically.


As an alternative, it is possible to cut the frenulum with a laser. It is an almost painless and virtually bloodless operation. However, its main difference is the cost. This surgical intervention will cost the patient much more than correcting the problem with a scalpel. But there are many benefits to this. The duration of this procedure is no more than 15 minutes. As for anesthesia, it is still needed here. However, for this, only a special anesthetic dental gel or spray will do. The operation itself is carried out with a special laser, which instantly solders the human vessels, which will lead to the fact that there is no time to even start bleeding. Also, with this type of surgical intervention, suturing is absolutely not required. The postoperative period is much easier. Within two hours after the procedure, the child can safely return to a normal lifestyle. The wound heals within a couple of days. At the same time, there is practically no swelling, pain, only slight discomfort is present.


Are complications possible if an operation such as cutting the frenulum of the upper lip was performed? Most often not. But at the same time, you need to remember that you will have to follow a couple of simple rules for at least a few days:

  1. Try not to eat solid foods.
  2. It is necessary to rinse your mouth with a special solution that has an antiseptic effect.
  3. The next day after the operation, you need to see a doctor. After that, the doctor himself will already tell you when to come for a preventive examination next time.

If these rules are followed, complications cannot arise. Otherwise, at least infection of an unhealed wound with an infection is possible.

Frenuloplasty is a surgical operation during which the frenulum is cut. Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip in children is carried out as prescribed by an orthodontist or speech therapist, who have identified indications for this operation.

The frenulum of the lip is a fold of the oral mucosa that is responsible for attaching the upper and lower lips to the jaw.

A frenulum is considered normal, which is woven into the gum 0.5-1 cm from the base of the front incisors. Its lower location leads to the fact that the frenulum can go beyond the front incisors, and the place of its attachment to the gum is not visible at all. That is, the frenulum begins in the middle of the upper lip and is attached approximately 0.4-0.6 cm above the gum, settling in the gap between the front incisors.

A short bridle is very easy to see by visual inspection. To do this, the upper or lower lip is taken aside and examined. In a normal position, it does not affect the bite and does not interfere with talking. Its low location can lead to multiple violations of not only speech, but also the aesthetics of the face. In order to prevent defects in the lips and speech of the child, an operation is performed to plastic the frenulum.

Many parents do not know what functions the frenulum of the upper lip performs, therefore they often do not pay any attention to its defect, which in due time leads to speech disorders. However, this is a health problem that also needs to be addressed on time.

The bridle allows you to pronounce words correctly, move your lips beautifully, open and close your mouth. With its improper fastening, the mobility of the lips worsens in a person, aesthetic defects develop.

A short bridle can cause the following consequences:

  • In newborns, the sucking function develops poorly. Since in babies the upper lip and tongue are actively involved in sucking the pacifier and pacifier, if its mobility is impaired, it becomes simply impossible to breastfeed.
  • Incorrect staging of speech and pronunciation of sounds and words. With a shortened frenulum, it is difficult for a child to pronounce labial sounds and vowels. It should be noted that after plastic surgery, this defect is corrected automatically.
  • In adolescents, bite and chewing functions may be disturbed, which in turn leads to digestive problems.
  • The gums can be retracted, which will cause the development of a gum pocket, the appearance of tartar and the development of inflammation in the gums.
  • Weak and incorrect fastening of the teeth and their increased sensitivity due to the exposure of the root system.
  • Accumulation of pieces of food and the formation of plaque.

The operation to correct the frenulum of the upper lip should be carried out with its incorrect location. This, in turn, will avoid problems with the development of speech and the correct development of molars.

If the lip plasty is not done in a timely manner, then the problem frenulum will not allow the teeth to form correctly, resulting in a large gap between the front incisors. It will be impossible to breastfeed the baby, because due to the undeveloped sucking function, the breast will slip out of the mouth. Also, this fold will interfere with the normal chewing of solid foods. The child will simply swallow large pieces of food, which will negatively affect the digestive system.

If the plastic is not done during the formation of milk teeth, then later the child will have an incorrect bite, the front incisors will stretch forward. To correct this defect, a long and expensive treatment will be required.

Strong lip pull always leads to speech defects. The child will not be able to correctly pronounce some sounds and will simply distort them in their own way. It will be almost impossible to retrain later. Anomaly of the frenulum leads to inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. All diseases of the teeth and mouth will be constant companions of the child.

  • For young children, surgery is recommended between the ages of 2 and 6 months, so that breastfeeding can continue.
  • Previously, at this age, the frenulum correction was not done to babies, however, modern medical equipment and new methods of surgical intervention now allow this to be done safely and effectively at such a young age.
  • Such an operation is carried out exclusively by specialists in pediatric dentistry.
  • Many dental surgeons believe that it makes no sense to perform plastic surgery in infancy, since there is always a risk during surgery.

Also, a favorable age is considered to be 6-9 years old, when there are 4 front incisors at the top and bottom. At this time, a bite is formed in the child, as the molars replace the milk teeth. It is best to choose the time for the operation when the central incisors have already erupted, but the lateral incisors have not yet.

When the lateral incisors appear, they push the central incisors closer together and the gap between them disappears. At this time, it is very important that the frenulum is already in a normal state.

The operation to correct the frenulum cannot be performed in the following diseases:

  • Problems with the oral mucosa.
  • Osteomyelitis, caries and radiation exposure of the head.
  • Cerebral diseases and dysmorphophobia.
  • Mental problems.
  • Blood diseases and all kinds of infections.
  • Chronic and oncological diseases.

Plastic surgery of the upper lip in children: types of operations and their essence

Plastic surgery of the upper lip in children does not require special preparation. Before the operation, the oral cavity is sanitized to remove all possible sources of infection. Sometimes they take general tests and do fluorography.

However, you can do without it, since the plastic of the frenulum is considered a low-traumatic surgical intervention. If the operation is done on the baby, then he needs to be fed, as he will be very naughty when he is hungry.

One of the main conditions for a quick and effective operation is the calm position of the child in the chair for a quarter of an hour. There are several types of plastic surgeries. It all depends on the features of the structure and fastening of the frenulum of the upper lip.

  • Frenotomy - cutting the frenulum. This operation is done with a narrow frenulum of the film type. The incision is made transversely and the incision is sutured.
  • Frenectomy - removal of the frenulum. Carried out to remove a massive frenulum. An incision is made throughout the bridle, excess tissue is removed.
  • Frenuloplasty is an operation to move the place of attachment of the frenulum of the upper lip. Infiltration anesthesia is done, a vertical incision is made in the middle of the frenulum. On either side of it, two more oblique incisions are made. These tissues are mobilized and fixed in such a way that the main incision is in a horizontal position. The main thing during this operation is to prepare a bed. You can’t just stitch the tissues together within the mucosa, as this will simply make the tension weaker, but you won’t be able to completely solve the problem. For the receiving bed, the submucosal tissues are peeled off from the periosteum and interrupted sutures are applied to the incision.

All operations must be performed exclusively in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia.

For suturing, absorbable threads are used, which do not need to be listened to later. The procedure lasts about a quarter of an hour and does not cause pain and discomfort.

Recently, doctors have begun to practice laser plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip, which lasts only a few minutes. For this procedure, the child is given local anesthesia with a special gel.

When the anesthesia takes effect, a laser light guide is directed to the frenulum, directing a beam of light to a specific place. This beam removes the frenulum while sterilizing and sealing the edges of the wounds.

This method has many advantages:

  • The device works silently and silently thanks to what the child feels easy.
  • The laser does not cause blood flow.
  • You don't need to stitch up the wound.
  • It is impossible to introduce an infection, since no surgical instruments are used, and the laser immediately seals the seam.
  • The operation takes several minutes.
  • Does not cause pain and does not form scars.
  • Fast recovery.

Most often, recovery after frenuloplasty is quick and without complications. Of course, some pain may be felt after the anesthesia wears off. But these pains pass quickly.

In order for the recovery to go as smoothly as possible, you must:

  • Take care of your oral hygiene every day.
  • Do not eat solid and hot food for a couple of days.
  • See a doctor in a couple of days.
  • Adult patients are recommended to do myogymnastics.

At first, it will be a little unusual how freely the lips and tongue move. Over time, this feeling will pass. Immediately after the correction, the sound pronunciation changes. But the already formed gap between the teeth will not be removed immediately, it takes time.

Rehabilitation lasts approximately 4-5 days. During this time, the child is fully restored and gets used to the new location of the frenulum in the mouth.

Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the lower lip in children: features and indications

The main problem with the incorrect location of the frenulum is inflammation. The strong tension of the gums pulls them down, as a result of which the roots of the teeth in the lower jaw become open and accessible to many bacteria. An infection instantly gets on the open roots, which can lead to their loss. In addition, due to constant tension, an ugly bite develops, and the lower jaw strongly protrudes forward. To avoid these problems, plastic surgery of the frenulum of the lower lip is performed in children.


The need for surgery should be determined by a speech therapist or orthodontist. Do not listen to neighbors and parents who think that the child has health problems. Only an experienced doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis and determine whether surgery is necessary or not.

Medical indications for the correction of the frenulum of the lower lip are very similar to the above indications. However, the main reason for such an intervention is to get rid of diseases of the gums and teeth. Short frenulum of the lower lip leads to retraction and can cause gingivitis, periodontitis, and pericoronitis. In addition, there is a risk that the child will lose all his teeth.

The frenulum of the upper and lower lips should be normal, like all other human organs. If its abnormal position or condition is detected, it is necessary to perform an operation. And it is better to do this in childhood, while the child has not yet formed an overbite. Remember that timely treatment will avoid many problems over time.

Correction of the frenulum of the upper lip and tongue is an undercutting surgical intervention performed when there are certain indications from a speech therapist or orthodontist. With the help of this connective tissue fold (strand), the upper lip and tongue are fixed. Unlike gums and teeth, this organ is usually overlooked. And in vain! The frenulum is involved in taste, pronunciation of sounds and swallowing of food. Developed aesthetic and medical defects are extremely difficult to eliminate in the future.

Who needs surgery

Normally, the frenulum extends from the necks of the anterior incisors by about 0.7 cm. It is considered short when attached low or not visible at all. This is easy to determine upon inspection. Under the tongue, the cord should reach the middle, and not be located closer to the tip.

Most often, people have a rather vague idea of ​​​​the work of this connective tissue fold in the mouth, its role in the normal functioning of the dentition. That is why, when a doctor talks about the need for plastic surgery, many underestimate the importance of it.

The existence of such a problem leads to a number of violations:

  1. In adults, as a result of the pathology of the cord of the oral cavity, a change in chewing functions and bite is possible, as a result, indigestion appears.
  2. In infants, the sucking mechanism changes, as a result of which the child may not eat up, get tired and swallow air during feeding.
  3. The frenulum of the upper lip retracts the gum and contributes to the formation of tartar and a pocket in the gum, which causes inflammation of the oral cavity (periodontitis, gingivitis).
  4. A thickened fold, located close to the interdental papilla, causes the formation of a diastema or gap - the space between the incisors.
  5. An excessively wide frenulum provokes a constant accumulation of food debris, the appearance of plaque on the teeth.
  6. Violation of the clear pronunciation of vowels and consonants, the development of lisping and burr. After plastic surgery, diction, as a rule, corrects itself.
  7. In some cases, pathological mobility or exposure of the roots of the teeth, hypersensitivity is possible.

But even the incorrect structure of the frenulum is not yet an unambiguous indication for surgery. Intervention is necessary in the following situations:

  1. The gap between the central incisors, gradually increasing due to the constant load. This contributes to further displacement of the teeth away from the center and forward, as well as the development of inflammation due to regular injury to the interdental papilla.
  2. Before installing braces or plates to correct an overbite.
  3. In preparation for removable prosthetics. Since a short cord will interfere with the fixation of prostheses.
  4. Prevention or treatment of periodontitis and periodontal disease.
  5. For the correction of sound formation and the correction of other speech therapy disorders.
  6. In some cases: snoring, excessive salivation, belching, digestive problems.

When is the best time to correct

Cutting the frenulum in the mouth is a low-traumatic intervention and has practically no contraindications and complications. It is recommended to perform it for infants in case of violation of the feeding process. For other disorders, the optimal age is 5-8 years. At this time, milk teeth fall out and permanent ones erupt, an overbite is formed. The operation helps to avoid many diseases and cosmetic defects in the future.

If there are indications, the correction of the frenulum is performed in adolescence, and in adulthood, and even in old age, for example, when installing prostheses.

Contraindications and risks

Frenuloplasty in some cases is not performed. There are both relative and absolute contraindications. As a rule, after treatment or correction of concomitant pathologies, the operation is still performed. Only a doctor can say exactly about the need and possibility of intervention.

Contraindications are:

  • recurring, untreated diseases of the oral cavity;
  • caries and other infectious pathologies;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • radiation exposure (radiotherapy) of the head and neck.

In some cases, with mental disorders, alcoholism, oncological, severe chronic, acute infectious diseases, the specialist determines the need and possibility of the procedure. In the presence of a predisposition to collagenoses (the formation of keloid scars), there is a comparison of benefits and harms.

Postoperative consequences are extremely rare, especially after laser correction:

  • fusion of the cord in its original position;
  • wound infection;
  • adhesions at the venue.

Operation methods and their essence

The intervention takes an average of 15 minutes to complete. It is carried out, as a rule, with local “freezing”. There are several methods of plastic surgery for the correction of the frenulum of the oral cavity.

Frenectomy- complete excision of the cord. Assigned when its excessive width. An incision is made along the protruding part of the stretched frenulum, and the interdental papilla and frenulum tissues are excised.

Frenotomy- this is a partial dissection of the connective tissue strand. The operation is less traumatic than a frenectomy.

Frenuloplasty- the place of attachment of the mucous fold is changed.

In the first case, the frenulum after fixation is excised with a scalpel under local anesthesia. Then a defect in the form of a rhombus is formed on the mucosa. For the purpose of attachment, the mucous membrane is sutured to the periosteum.

Frenuloplasty according to Limberg - two vertical incisions are made, on the opposite sides at an angle of 60-85 degrees. Compiled flaps in the form of a triangle are fixed so that the central incision has a horizontal location. During the operation, it is necessary to correctly prepare the receiving bed. A violation of the technique will only provoke a weakening of the tension, but not its complete elimination. This method of conducting is not popular due to the complexity of implementation and low efficiency.

All of the above interventions to change the frenulum are carried out in an outpatient setting under local infiltration anesthesia - they chip the area. In the process, absorbable suture material is used, after which the threads do not need to be removed. The whole procedure takes no more than a quarter of an hour. According to reviews, it passes without pain.

Bridle cutting in children

The cord of the upper lip from the connective tissue, attached to the mucous membrane and muscles, grows and changes along with the oral apparatus. During the period of the appearance of the first teeth (6-8 months), a common anomaly is short, thickened bridles that limit the movement of the lips and tongue. And during the period of bite formation, its incorrect fastening is also noted.

The main principle of treatment is intervention according to indications. If the cord has a non-standard structure, but the patient does not experience any inconvenience and cosmetic defects do not develop, the operation is not necessary.

Today, surgical procedures with suturing are rarely performed. Specialists and patients prefer an ordinary scalpel to a laser one. Especially when it comes to infants and young children.

Preparation and implementation of laser plastic surgery

In the modern world, the laser technique for correcting the frenulum of the upper lip and tongue has become very popular. The whole operation takes only a few minutes.

Before the procedure, the oral cavity is sanitized, since the presence of an untreated infection, for example, caries, can provoke the development of complications. Sometimes doctors recommend preliminary general tests and fluorography.

The surgery is performed under local anesthesia. It is enough to apply a special gel, then a focused source of laser light is directed to the bridle. Under his influence, the cord is dissected. At the same time, the beam, due to its properties, disinfects and seals the edges of the wounds.

The advantages of the method are manifested in the absence of:

  • bleeding;
  • vibrations and extra sounds, usually frightening children;
  • the need for suturing;
  • the likelihood of infection through surgical instruments;
  • long operation - 5-10 minutes is enough;
  • pain and postoperative scars;
  • long rehabilitation period.

Postoperative care

The rehabilitation period is quite calm. Insignificant pain sensations are possible after the termination of the action of anesthesia. Also, the doctor will recommend for some time (on average two days) to carry out thorough oral hygiene, to refuse solid and hot food. Adult patients with speech disorders may need myogymnastics - doing exercises to strengthen the facial muscles.

The rehabilitation period lasts up to 5 days. During this time, the operated surface completely heals and discomfort disappears.

If a gap has formed between the teeth, then it takes time to restore the deformation and possibly additional dental care.

Cost of the procedure

2500-5000 rubles is the approximate price for plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip and tongue. The cost usually depends on the method of execution, the city, the clinic and the qualifications of the specialist.

Answers on questions

After the correction of the upper lip frenulum with a laser, do you need to stay in the hospital or can you go home right away?

Unlike frenectomy, during laser treatment, the doctor can observe the patient for several hours and let him go home, while necessarily explaining the conditions of postoperative care.

Do I still need to see a doctor after laser correction of the frenulum of the tongue?

Yes, usually the doctor prescribes an appointment 2-3 days after the operation.

Why is laser frenulum plasty considered bloodless?

The laser, unlike the scalpel, seals the vessel by exposing it to high temperatures.

Teeth are normal Dental treatment for children Indications for plastic surgery or trimming of the frenulum of the upper lip in a child

In the oral cavity are three ligaments called frenulums. The first connects the lower lip and jaw, the second is located under the tongue, the third connects the upper lip with the gum. There are frequent cases when, due to congenital anomalies, plastic surgery of the upper frenulum is required - its cutting by a dentist.

Signs of an anomaly

The frenulum is a mucous fold of a triangular shape. One side of it is attached to the lip, the other to the gum between the incisors. The aesthetics of a smile, the clarity of pronunciation of sounds, and the convenience of eating depend on its position.

You can notice that the length of the upper frenulum is less than normal, you can do it yourself. To do this, pull the upper lip and determine where it is attached. A distance of 5-8 mm is considered normal. If it is smaller (the fold is located closer to the incisors or at their junction), they speak of an anomaly.

Consequences of pathology

The operation to correct the frenulum is not an emergency, but plastic surgery should be carried out according to the following testimony:

  1. A gap forms between the central incisors if the crease fuses with the interdental papilla and prevents the teeth from coming together. In addition, the teeth will move forward due to a small load.
  1. Due to malocclusion, chewing functions are disturbed, and digestive problems arise.
  1. The operation can be carried out at the direction of the orthodontist in preparation for the procedures to correct the bite.
  1. The indication for plastic surgery is periodontal disease, since the frenulum, pulling on the mucous membrane, provokes gum recession. Because of it, gum pockets are formed, in which plaque accumulates, turning into a source of inflammatory processes.
  1. The upper lip is involved in the process of sucking, the anomaly makes it difficult, and the child gains weight poorly, receives insufficient nutrients.
  1. A short frenulum makes it difficult, as it prevents the prosthesis from staying on the gum.
  1. Due to the roots being exposed, hypersensitivity appears, the teeth become unstable.
  1. A shortened ligament often causes speech therapy problems; Difficulty pronouncing some vowels and labial sounds.

Operation methods

Plastic surgery is performed by a dentist. The optimal age for her is 5-8 years old, when milk teeth change to permanent ones. It is believed that the ideal period is when the central incisors have erupted from a permanent bite by at least a third, and the lateral ones have not yet.

For younger children, especially those under one year old, surgery is done only if there are serious malnutrition.

The procedure does not require special preparation, with the exception of the sanitation of the oral cavity. Applied four methods:

    1. Frenotomy- transverse incision, used for a narrow fold.
    2. Frenectomy- excision along the ridge along with the papilla and interdental tissues. Recommended if you have a wide frenulum.
    3. Frenuloplasty- moving the attachment area. The fold is cut along the ridge, the lateral flaps are displaced a certain distance.
    4. Laser plastic suggests that the main instrument of the surgeon is not a scalpel, but a laser beam. It dissolves tissue while sealing wound edges and killing bacteria.

The use of a laser does not require stitching of tissues; in other cases, self-absorbable sutures are applied. After the procedure, it is necessary to monitor oral hygiene and refuse rough, spicy, hot food for several days. Often, classes with a speech therapist are required, since the amplitude of the movement of the tongue changes and it may be difficult for the child at the first stage to get used to pronouncing sounds in new conditions.


  1. Kuryakina N.V. Therapeutic dentistry of children's age. Nizhny Novgorod, 2004.
  2. Internet blog of the dentist Stanislav Vasiliev.
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