Is it necessary to treat milk teeth at 5 years old. Is it necessary to treat milk teeth - recommendations of pediatric dentists

Text: Nikita Taub

The moment when the baby's first teeth are cut brings not only joy, but also a lot of questions. One of them - is it necessary to treat milk teeth in a child?

Not all teeth are equally important

At first glance, the question of whether to treat milk teeth may seem silly: after all, it is a waste of time and effort to try to save a child's teeth, which will soon fall out anyway. In addition, none Small child- and not every adult - does not want to once again see an uncle in a white coat, with a roaring drill peeking out from behind.

The fact is that the answer to the question of whether to treat milk teeth will sound different for different milk teeth. Because not all of them are equally important. Some parents, for example, believe that the most important teeth in their child's mouth are the front teeth. But the dentist will fight just for the back. And not at all because he does not like smiling children, but because the doctor thinks first of all about the long-term health benefits of the child.

Don't let your teeth decide

Children's rear milk teeth should be left "in service" as long as possible. One of the most unpleasant and difficult clinical situations is when a child loses his “baby molars” (molars are usually called molars). One of the functions of these teeth is that they hold the adult molars (which erupt when the child is 6-7 years old) so that all subsequent molars fall into their proper place. When baby molars are lost, the adult molars pop out before the rest and prevent the premolar teeth (which usually appear in a child between the ages of 10 and 12) from growing normally.

Thus, while mom and dad are considering whether to treat their child's milk teeth, these same teeth can decide everything on their own. And such a development of events - who knows what decisions are made by children's teeth left unattended - may well lead to problems with adult teeth. Any tooth will either not take a normal position in relation to its neighbors, and then the child will need to correct the bite, or it will be damaged so much that it will need to be removed.

So the answer to the question “whether milk teeth should be treated” should not be parents, but a dentist. And it is better if it is a doctor who specializes in children's teeth.

Caries of milk teeth is a problem in children, which is now well known to many parents. Practicing dentists are concerned about the trend of "rejuvenation" of caries. Increasingly, in very young children, dark spots can be found, and subsequently holes in the teeth. There are plenty of reasons for this these days:

  • short breastfeeding;
  • an abundance of sweets and juices in food;
  • bottle feeding at night
  • general decrease in immunity (frequent colds, manifestations of allergies);
  • lack of good oral hygiene;
  • heredity.

Milk teeth due to poor enamel mineralization (compared to adult teeth) can be called a “weak link” in a child’s body. hard tissues teeth mature gradually, within two years after eruption, and during this period are extremely susceptible to caries.

Caries of milk teeth - is it worth treating?

To the question: "Is it possible to treat milk teeth?" a competent dentist will answer unequivocally: "Not just possible, but necessary."

1. The period of "life" of milk teeth is not so short. It takes 11-12 years from eruption to a complete change, and this, you see, is a long time. Therefore, it is not worth delaying treatment.

2. Caries of a milk tooth develops very quickly, literally in 2-3 weeks, and a child without timely treatment will feel pain.

3. The infection can spread to adjacent teeth nearby and damage the rudiments permanent teeth located in the gum.

4. A tooth affected by caries is a focus of infection, which, if it enters the body, can provoke general intoxication and also call chronic diseases throat, liver, heart and kidneys.

5. Tooth loss leads to disruption gastrointestinal tract and the displacement of other teeth, "seeking" to take its place. The result will be a violation of the bite and, possibly, diction.

6. Ugly, black, missing teeth can cause ridicule from other children, and this is a direct path to complexes in the baby.

7. Understanding that a bad tooth needs to be treated forms a general culture of care and attention to one's own teeth in a child.

How to treat caries of milk teeth?

Two main methods of caries treatment in children are commonly used:

one . Silver plating is used to stop the process of reproduction of bacteria in the area of ​​the tooth affected by caries. A sick tooth is covered with a special solution containing silver ions. It blocks the access of oxygen to the treated area. But the effect of such a procedure is temporary, it must be repeated every six months.

2. Filling more reliable way caries treatment. Fillings that bond well with tooth enamel last a long time and even prevent re-development caries. For children, there are even multi-colored fillings. The treatment procedure takes from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the severity of caries.

Remove or treat a milk tooth?

Remove milk teeth last resort, which is used in exceptional cases. After the extraction of a neglected tooth, there is a free space, and adjacent teeth can move to fill it. For correct formation maxillofacial apparatus after forced removal baby tooth a crown or prosthesis is placed instead. Such a measure will prevent violations of bite and diction in the future.

Last news

From birth, the child is faced with outside world With huge amount a variety of viruses, which in turn affect health in general in different ways. Some of them, such as cytomegalovirus, remain in the body for life. Almost half of the world's population is familiar with this virus. It is especially dangerous for young children with weakened immune systems.

No organ in the body can be called unnecessary. So, since milk teeth appear in a person and function in the first years of life, they are necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor and care for them in the same way as for permanent ones.

The baby's immunity is quite weak and unstable to many infections, because he had not met them before. Therefore, a bad tooth is not only an excellent environment for the development of bacteria, but also a direct threat to the health of the child. The fact is that toxins produced by microbes are very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, cause intoxication of the body and lead to diseases. internal organs.

In addition, many adults who have experienced toothache are well aware of the discomfort that enamel damage, inflammation, or hypersensitivity dental nerve. Therefore, another argument in favor of the treatment of milk teeth is a way to protect the baby from unpleasant painful sensations.

It should be noted that dental treatment early stage damage is fairly painless and does not take much time. If the baby is not afraid from childhood dental office, this will prevent many problems in the future, since he will not experience inexplicable fear sitting down in the doctor's chair.

If a long time an undamaged milk tooth, this may lead to the fact that it will need to be removed. As a result, the pronunciation of sounds may be disturbed in the child, milk teeth may move to the place of the fallen one, which will lead to incorrect positioning of permanent teeth in the future.

How to prevent damage to milk teeth

Most important rule to which it is necessary to accustom a child from childhood - daily brushing of teeth. It is necessary to brush your teeth twice a day, with a special children's and soft toothbrush. Start using toothpaste from the moment the first one appears in the crumbs. And as soon as the baby is able to hold the brush himself, teach him to brush his teeth on his own.

Explain to your child that after eating it is necessary to rinse the mouth thoroughly, getting rid of food debris. Avoid snacking between meals and excess sweets.

Make sure your child's diet includes enough hard fruits and vegetables. When chewing such food, mechanical cleaning of the surface of the teeth occurs.

Show the baby to the dentist at least once every six months, even if you do not see any lesions on the teeth, and the child does not complain of pain. It is better to prevent tooth decay than to treat it later.

Exists misconception what to treat teeth in early age as long as they are dairy, it doesn't matter. Many parents pay more attention to permanent teeth, not knowing that diseases of milk teeth can greatly worsen the condition of molars. In addition, such diseases develop very quickly and can proceed painlessly, often causing complications.

Should milk teeth be treated?

Treatment of diseases of milk teeth is important because of such reasons:

  1. Too early destruction of a milk tooth, which resulted in its removal or loss, threatens improper development of the bite and a change in the location of permanent teeth. Because of this, at an older age, the child will have to wear braces or suffer from psychological complexes.
  2. Due to caries, a child may develop complications such as periodontitis, pulpitis, or cysts. Besides, infection from the affected milk tooth can get to the rudiment of the molar. In some cases, bacteria spread to the bone tissue of the jaws, which is even more dangerous for the health of the crumbs.
  3. Also, due to problems with the teeth, the gastrointestinal tract of the child will suffer. Due to the lack of teeth, the food will not be processed enough, which will worsen digestion.

However, there are situations when the treatment of milk teeth is not indicated, but they are determined only by the dentist after examining the child. For example, if the affected tooth falls out on its own within 6 months, and the disease is sluggish (chronic), it can be left without treatment.

Common problems and treatments

This is the most common dental problem found in 70% of children under 6 years of age. Most often, the disease affects milk molars, which is associated with the nutritional conditions of children and with the relief structure of these teeth. Due to the accumulation of plaque, microorganisms quickly develop there, the result of their vital activity is caries.

It can be quite difficult to notice how it begins in a child, because at first white spots form on the teeth affected by caries, which do not bring any discomfort to the baby. If the disease develops further, the spots become dark, and when the child eats salty, sour or sweet, the teeth may react painful sensations. And then the baby needs to start treatment.

If time is missed, the lesion will spread to the internal tissues, the teeth will become sensitive to cold and hot food. In the worst cases, when the caries penetrates very deeply, the affected tooth will have to be extracted.


This is a serious complication of caries caused by the spread of bacteria that has affected the root of the tooth to the surrounding tissues. The disease manifests itself in constant aching pains, which over time become pulsating and intense. The child also complains of pain when biting with an aching tooth, and his general state may worsen (headaches appear, temperature rises).

This is the name of an abscess that appeared as a result of diseases of the teeth, in which the child's cheek swells. The disease is quite serious, because its cause is purulent inflammation. It is manifested by pain in the tooth and jaw, reddening of the gums and the appearance of "bumps" on it. As a rule, the child's body temperature rises, and the general condition worsens.

Flux is treated only in dental clinic, while treatment should be as quick as possible to prevent the spread of infection and the entry of bacteria into the blood.

Stages of treatment

If caries is detected in a child at an early stage, he will be advised to do fluoridation. Apply to teeth special composition which will protect them from further destruction. In children younger than 1-2 years old, silvering is used, but this causes darkening of the teeth and requires frequent repetition of the procedure.

More advanced stages caries require filling, as well as pulpitis and periodontitis. The affected tissues of the tooth are removed and fillings are placed in their place. If several teeth are affected, they are treated gradually - so that the child does not get tired, one visit should not last more than 30 minutes. Besides, many clinics offer fillings different color to keep the child interested.

When filling the roots of milk teeth, a special material is used that can be absorbed in the future. Removal is resorted to only in cases where the tooth tissue is almost completely affected or the tooth is very mobile, which indicates its readiness for loss.

How is anesthesia given to children?

Pain relief is not required in all cases of dental treatment in children. As a rule, it is resorted to with severe caries (deep or medium). For anesthesia, a spray or injection is used, that is, in most cases, anesthesia will be local. At the same time, the concentration active ingredient in medicines used in children is low.

General anesthesia at the age of less than 6 years is resorted to only with serious indications. Most parents are afraid of such pain relief, but in reality it is enough. safe method used in many countries. Modern drugs effectively affect the child, and the frequency of complications is very low.

Komarovsky's opinion

A well-known doctor names among the main causes of the destruction of milk teeth genetic factor, and considers other factors provoking caries sweets (especially sweet drinks) and drying up of saliva in a child. If the child's teeth have already begun to collapse, a popular doctor advises not to wait, but to consult a dentist.

At the same time, Komarovsky complains about the low quality dental care children in our country and emphasizes that it is better to prevent the need for dental treatment proper prevention(restriction of sweets and moisturizing mucous membranes).

Most parents think about whether their child's milk teeth need to be treated? Naturally, they are concerned about the health of the oral cavity, but, on the other hand, you need to think about the nerves of the child. For this reason alone, many parents do not want to lead their child to pediatric dentist and postpone it to a later date.

Meanwhile, experts assure that if milk teeth are neglected, this will cause problems with permanent teeth.

Why Treat Baby Teeth in Children?

Milk teeth are the main shaper of the child's jaw, and the future depends on them. permanent molars. If a tooth falls out prematurely, this will lead to curvature of future. While the baby is still small and is on breastfeeding, his teeth are protected and will not be touched by caries.

From the moment when complementary foods are included in the child's diet and he switches to a common table, each time he is more and more susceptible to this disease. And all due to the fact that milk molars are poorly mineralized, therefore have poor protective properties, and this is an excellent provoking factor for various problems.

Mineralization occurs gradually and children's oral cavity is less prone to caries when the tooth tissue is fully hardened. Worth giving to children's teeth close attention at 5–6 years of age, it is at this time that the change of dairy to permanent begins to occur.

If at this time the hygiene and care of the oral cavity is carried out poorly, then the child may develop malocclusion which will affect it physical health. Therefore, at this age, it is necessary take your child to the dentist and an orthodontist.

But still, is it necessary to treat milk teeth? There are two reasons for the treatment of milk molars:

  1. Treatment can stop the spread of infection in the mouth.
  2. Treatment prevents the formation of bite problems.

If parents accidentally notice stains on the enamel, then this is an occasion to immediately contact the dentist. In the formation of caries, initial stage, the specialist will seal or silver the enamel.

Children's caries and the causes of its development

The reason for this is that caries is able to develop rapidly and destroys the walls of the entire tooth, and then moves on to the next, so the infection can even penetrate into the internal cavity.

One of common causes caries formation is wrong intake of carbohydrates. Often parents allow their children to eat sweets at night, this includes not only chocolate and cakes, but it is also harmful to consume sugary juices and soda before bedtime. At night, saliva, which is supposed to neutralize acids, does not do so, so natural oral defenses do not occur.

Most adults are mistaken when they think that milk molars should not be treated, and they will eventually fall out on their own. If you don't notice acute period of this disease, the infection can settle in the oral cavity of the child and lead to a chronic form.

For this reason, the child often begins to get sick colds and he loses his appetite. Then there is a decrease in immunity, allergies appear, which creates anxiety for adults.

With caries, partially or enamel is completely destroyed, while the neighboring teeth begin to shift, which leads to an incorrect bite, and as a result, the permanent tooth, which should grow in this place, simply does not have room for it. But the worst thing is that the infection can sit deep in the gums and permanent tooth may also be corrupted.


Is it possible to just silver them instead of treating milk teeth? In fact, coating caries-damaged teeth with silver ions stops the process of its spread.

This method is well suited at superficial caries , but if the infection has penetrated the gums, then there will be no benefit from such a procedure. Caries will also continue to destroy other teeth.

In order to prevent the formation of caries and its spread, teeth can be sealed. grooves in the enamel chewing surface treated with a special solution. But sealing teeth should only be prescribed by a doctor and usually the effect lasts for several years.

Is it possible to simply remove a damaged tooth?

When a child is worried about pain in a tooth, then at that moment parents think about removing it. For treatment, you need to come to the dentist several times, and only a few minutes are enough for removal.

But this decision must be taken by a dentist after examining the oral cavity of the child. If the nearby teeth have already changed and the turn has come for the patient, then the doctor will remove it. Because in this case it will not affect the displacement of the teeth and the formation of the bite. But if the change of milk teeth did not occur, then the dentist will advise treatment.

An interesting fact: usually parents are worried about the front teeth of the baby, because they are visible when smiling, but dentists most often pay attention to back teeth, because they think, first of all, not about beauty, but about their health and benefits.

Under any circumstances best if not removed. If premature loss of deciduous molars occurs, the permanent molars will not be supported and grow prematurely, which can affect the growth of the premolars.

You should not postpone a visit to the dentist, because premature loss of teeth entails their curvature and malocclusion, and in the future, correcting this defect will bring a lot of inconvenience not only to parents, but also to the children themselves.

Methods of treatment

After reading the above, it is probably no longer necessary to answer the question of whether it is worth treating milk teeth, so it is best to know how to do it correctly. To do this, you need to remember a few rules:

Pros and cons of filling and silvering

As noted above, for the treatment of teeth, many choose silvering. The advantages of this procedure are that the enamel is covered with a solution with silver ions in order to stop the caries process. Silvering is painless and does not require a drill, which is so afraid of not only children, but also adults.

The downside is that the procedures should be repeated every six months, and the already destroyed tooth tissue won't be able to recover. And also after the procedure, the baby's enamel becomes black. For children, of course, this will not play a role, but parents consider this side effect to be the main drawback of the procedure.

When sealing, a part is removed, and a seal is placed instead. In some private clinics with modern equipment for filling milk molars, they use not drills, but a special chemical-mechanical method.

A special gel is smeared on a tooth destroyed by caries, after 30 seconds it is removed along with carious tissue. And then a filling is applied to this place. The advantage of filling is that damaged tissues are replaced with new ones.

To date, the fillings have a durable character, so it is not necessary to re-fill the tooth. You can also choose a filling with fluorine ions, and this is considered an excellent prevention of caries. But the minus of the procedure is that it lasts about 20 minutes, and for a child it is too long. You have to sit in one place and open mouth, sometimes need to endure anesthesia in the form of an injection.

Each method of treating milk teeth has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, all the nuances should be discussed in advance with the attending dentist. But best from early childhood protect your child's mouth.

Parents need to force their baby to keep their teeth in order and clean. If caries does not affect the child, and the enamel is healthy and well-groomed, then following the baby will become a habit in the future.

Constant oral hygiene, proper nutrition, prevention early development caries and its timely treatment are the main measures that all parents should know and then the child will not have problems with teeth in the future.

Therefore, when the question arises whether it is necessary to treat the baby's teeth, then the parents should not have any doubts. Because healthy primary molars are basis for strong permanent teeth, correct bite and a beautiful smile.

Caries of milk teeth in children and its treatment: what is important for parents to know

Milk teeth with caries in children must be cured. The approach of some parents “They will fall out anyway, there is nothing to torment the child and spend money” is a crime against the health of the baby.

Timely treatment of caries of milk teeth is even more important than the treatment of permanent teeth. And that's why:

From the practice of a dentist

Often parents do not treat even serious forms of complications of caries, and periodontitis in a child can turn into periostitis, osteomyelitis, abscess or phlegmon. Moreover, the level of deaths among children from complications of caries is higher than in adults, since under certain factors that weaken the immune system, the process from pulpitis to abscess and phlegmon in a child can take a few days and even occur within a day.

Therefore, the first thing to do when detecting caries of milk teeth in a child is to contact a pediatric dentist. After the examination, the doctor will tell you how and which teeth will need to be treated, what methods and means should be used for this, and how to make the treatment as comfortable as possible for the child.

Only in very rare cases caries on milk teeth can really not be treated. Usually, the doctor makes such a decision if the change of teeth in the child has already begun, caries is found on the tooth, which highly likely will fall out within six months, and the disease itself has a sluggish, chronic. In this case, caries simply does not have time to lead to serious consequences. However, we repeat: such a decision can only be made professional dentist based on examination of the child.

Specific features of milk teeth therapy

Treatment of caries of milk teeth in children is carried out taking into account the specifics of the structure and life cycle the teeth themselves.

So, for example, milk teeth are quickly erased. it normal process which must be taken into account when selecting the filling material. If the material is harder than the tooth itself, then through certain time the filling will begin to protrude beyond the surrounding tissues and prevent the child from chewing.

Usually glass ionomer cements are used in the treatment of caries in milk teeth. In this case, in addition to the abrasion of the seal, which occurs naturally simultaneously with the walls of the tooth adjacent to it, fluorides infiltrate into the tissues surrounding the filling, which, in turn, contributes to their additional mineralization and strengthening.

In addition, bottle and bloom caries often develop in children, which develop very quickly. While parents have time to notice the disease and bring the child to the doctor, pathological process can spread to most of the teeth and damage some of them especially badly. As a result, almost all teeth will have to be treated, and this will need to be done over several sessions, and the therapy itself will be very tiring for the child.

Methods of treatment of caries at different stages of the development of the disease

In the early stages of caries development, when only the tooth enamel is damaged, it is usually possible to manage with conservative remineralizing therapy. It does not use a drill: the demineralized areas of the teeth are first cleaned and then treated with special preparations that allow you to restore damaged enamel.

Today for treatment initial caries ICON technology (Ikon) is also widely used: a special composite material is applied to the damaged area of ​​the tooth, filling all the pores resulting from carious lesion. This material hardens and provides reliable and long-term protection of the treated area from further destruction.

Thanks to the ICON caries treatment technology, regular check-ups of the child at the dentist become even more relevant. Treat caries in milk teeth early stages without a drill and fillings, it is much more effective and easier than subsequently tormenting the baby in the event of far-reaching destruction of enamel and dentin.

However, it should be taken into account that for cervical defects located close to the edge of the gums, ICON method limited to use due to too thin and poorly mineralized enamel (dentin cannot be infiltrated by the preparations used). Children under 3 years old should not use the technique.

Regular examinations of the child's teeth allow not only to reveal hidden carious processes and determine the cariogenic situation in the oral cavity, but also to designate a complex for parents. necessary rules, allowing to preserve the surfaces of the teeth not affected by caries. It is important to start cleaning already with the appearance of the first milk tooth. In this case, it is enough to wipe the tooth with special napkins or use a finger-toothbrush for this purpose.

First real Toothbrush bought for a child must be:

  • With very soft bristles;
  • With a small and non-traumatic rounded head;
  • With comfortable grip handle.

Learning to brush your teeth should take place in the form of a game. It is worth starting from 1-1.5 years. Control of the cleaning of all surfaces accessible to the brush and assistance to the child in this is carried out by adults. The combination of brushes with children's toothpastes is recommended not earlier than 2 years, when the child learns to spit.

Today, another method is increasingly recognized as morally obsolete. conservative treatment caries of milk teeth without a drill - silvering. With it, silver salts are applied to carious areas, which leads to the death of bacteria here (silver has bactericidal properties) and, in the future, to the protection of these areas from repeated carious lesions.

From silver salts on the surface of the treated area, fine metallic silver is restored, which has a dark gray color. It spoils a lot appearance teeth, and with them the child's mouth looks no better than with caries. In addition, silvering must be repeated once a month, which can be quite problematic.

In general, the effectiveness of the teeth silvering procedure, as a way to prevent the development of caries, is rather low.

With the penetration of caries under the enamel and the defeat of the dentin, the infected cavity is excised, disinfected and filled filling material. Cleansing in selected clinics carious lesions performed without a drill using a jet of abrasive material or special substances that dissolve the affected tissue. In addition, in some clinics, a laser is used to remove affected tissues, but to prescribe it, the doctor needs to take into account the age of the child and the specifics of a particular clinical situation.

In rare cases, for example, when severe forms bottle caries long before the change of teeth, crowns are installed for children according to a special technology (in this case, the tooth is not turned). For chewing teeth such crowns are usually made of metal, and for incisors - from composite materials. The installation of the crown in this case is carried out in one visit to the dentist, and the crowns on the front teeth are installed in just 20-25 minutes.

Narcosis, local anesthesia and pain-free treatment: psychological aspects of therapy in children

No less difficult than the actual caries therapy is the control of the patient during the treatment procedure. Children themselves are restless, and it is incredibly difficult to keep them motionless in a chair for at least half an hour.

The problem is exacerbated if the child is frankly afraid of the dentist or drill and expects that it will hurt. He may just not open his mouth. And than younger child the more acute this problem is. It is solved in several ways:

It is anesthesia that parents usually fear the most. This is wrong: most of the drugs used today for general anesthesia are safe. Moreover, before the treatment itself, the child is tested and carried out. necessary examination to make sure he doesn't individual contraindications to the use of anesthesia. And the doctor uses anesthesia itself only if other means and methods do not allow manipulation.

Many parents are afraid that anesthesia can affect the mental development of the child, impair his memory, and lead to a delay in the development of speech. Theoretically, such situations are possible, but they are extremely rare. Statistics show that such complications of anesthesia in children are extremely rare, and in many cases the cause of developmental disorders is not the anesthesia itself, but a strong fright in the hospital or the consequences of the disease for which treatment was carried out under anesthesia.

“In Sweden, apart from anesthesia, there are no options. My daughter is three years old, she trusts the doctor, sits in a chair, does not cry, but simply says no. She said - the doctor does not. You can’t force her, as this is child abuse, and she refuses. I had to do anesthesia. She got out of it for a very long time, but there were no consequences.

In cases with running bottle caries in children under 3 years of age, anesthesia is the only possibility carry out manipulations. Treatment may take at least 2-3 hours, and it is impossible to force the baby to sit motionless all this time in an unfamiliar environment.

In any case, the final decision is always made by the parents. The doctor himself will not administer anesthesia and perform the operation if he has concerns about the consequences of using anesthesia for the child.

Practice shows that in the overwhelming majority of cases, common sense wins and parents agree to anesthesia instead of risking the health and beauty of the child in the future.

“My son is 4.5, my daughter is 2 years old. We went for an examination, our son found two small holes, and my daughter had caries on 5 teeth, there is plaque and one tooth is already without a top. The doctor immediately offered us anesthesia. Although the clinic is good, I was somehow scared. At home I read about Sevoran, it seems that there is nothing terrible in it, but still anesthesia for 2.5 hours is more than they do appendicitis! We decided to refuse, we coped with our son. And they showed him cartoons, and promised everything in the world, and read fairy tales, but healed his teeth, one for each visit. And Sasha didn't even open her mouth. She said no, that's all. What to do here? I had to do anesthesia, but everything is in order, nothing happened. ”

Why treat milk teeth if they fall out anyway? Note to parents

Interesting nuances regarding the treatment of milk teeth under anesthesia

Many parents neglect the condition of their children and apply for medical assistance only in severe cases- when the tooth is almost impossible to save. And by this they make a huge mistake, calling into question whether it is necessary to treat milk teeth, which will certainly manifest itself in the future. After all, strong milk teeth are the key to the health of nascent molars and proper development maxillofacial area.

Is it necessary to treat milk teeth in children?

And the presence of healthy milk teeth is very important for these processes and the state of the body as a whole.

Small and seemingly harmless white spot on tooth enamel indicates the beginning destructive process, and it is dangerous to ignore it, as it is a harbinger of significant problems:

  1. - a constant source of infection in the mouth, which can affect the internal organs.
  2. - the reason is very painful. Through the destroyed enamel, bacteria penetrate into the pulp, it becomes inflamed, which causes severe pain and fever. Children are susceptible, which complicates the treatment and threatens to damage the tissues of the permanent tooth.
  3. - inflammation of the root of the tooth and surrounding tissues. It occurs due to untreated pulpitis and may end up spreading to neighboring areas, purulent complications, cyst and tooth loss.
  4. , or- this is inflammation of the periosteum, which is very dangerous for children, as it rapidly turns into purulent form and carries serious complications, up to.
  5. If the child also has milk teeth, and indigenous, then the infection from dairy will necessarily spread to all the rest.
  6. Caries destroys the tooth, thereby making it difficult to chew food. Unchewed food is poorly digested, which is fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. ENT complications. Pathogenic bacteria, due to which caries develops, reduce the immunity of the baby.

In 70% of cases, several lesions are detected, and it is advisable to consult a doctor before the teeth start to hurt - it will be easier for both the child and the parents.

Why deletion is not the best solution

Early extraction of a milk tooth is undesirable, and is carried out only in extreme cases, as it can provoke a number of serious violations:

  1. Bias healthy teeth. The place of the remote one is occupied by neighbors, and the permanent tooth erupts in the wrong place, and this is a violation of diction, that is, a long expensive orthodontic treatment and visiting a speech pathologist.
  2. Absence of milk teeth leads to wrong development chewing muscles because the child cannot chew food properly.
  3. After premature extraction of a milk tooth, bone the jaw does not receive the necessary load, which slows down the rate of its growth and development. This will definitely affect the molars, which will not have enough space - they will begin to grow crookedly and go behind each other.
  4. After removal of chewing milk teeth most of the load falls on the front incisors, which leads to their rapid grinding.

How is tooth decay treated?

The method of treating caries depends on, of which there are only four:

  1. . Visually looks like a white, chalky spot on the tooth. Reason is loss minerals such as calcium and fluorine. This loss is called demineralization and can be easily stopped.
  2. . Upper layer enamel is seriously damaged, irreversible changes occur in its structure, and the carious stain becomes more noticeable. There is a noticeable pain response to cold and hot food as well as sweet, sour or salty.
  3. . Caries has already destroyed the enamel and penetrated into the bone tissue of the tooth - dentin. The stain has turned into a carious cavity, where food particles fall, which causes severe pain.
  4. . At this stage, a "hollow" is formed in the tooth. The deep layers of the peripulpal dentin are affected, and between the pulp and the carious cavity there is only thin layer bone tissue. Immediate is required, as inflammation of the dental nerve may begin.


This method of treatment is applied at the initial stage.

Absolutely painless, inexpensive, safe and fast procedure.

Due to its antibacterial properties, silver stops the development of caries and also reduces the formation of plaque.

  1. Simple. Held in preventive purposes- a special fluorine-containing gel or varnish is applied to the enamel, which does not penetrate deep into the tooth.
  2. Deep. It is carried out both at the initial and at the superficial stage of caries. An enamel-sealing liquid is applied to the tooth with a brush, which saturates with fluoride deep tissue. After fluoridation, the dentin is strengthened by 10 times, and milk teeth are preserved until they are replaced by permanent ones. This procedure is also carried out with deep stage caries, before filling.


This method is used to treat the middle and deep stages of caries, when the enamel and bone tissue are already destroyed and the above methods are powerless.

For filling milk teeth recent times often use colored materials that children love and make a visit to the dentist's office a game.

The seal is placed under, and at small degree lesions, cleaning procedure carious cavity carried out manually or chemical-mechanically, without a drill.

Children's caries develops rapidly - only 2-3 months pass from the initial to the deep stage, since milk teeth are very loose.

When is anesthesia indicated?

In some cases, a child's teeth can be cured only under general anesthesia.

Modern anesthesia techniques are practically devoid of side effects and quite safe for small organism, but still doctors try to use them only in emergency situations:

  • traumatic and painful surgery;
  • a large amount of treatment in one visit;
  • panic fear of a small patient;
  • children's cerebral paralysis, autism, epilepsy, blood diseases, polyvalent allergies;
  • vomiting reflex.

Validity general anesthesia determines the anesthesiologist-resuscitator, taking into account the state of health of the child, the volume and complexity of the required treatment.

Doctor Komarovsky's advice on the prevention of dental problems in babies

The famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky advises to start preventing caries in children already at the stage of breastfeeding:

  1. Complementary foods should be introduced at the sixth month of a baby's life, not earlier.
  2. Observe intra-family hygiene - do not eat from one spoon, do not lick the nipple, etc.
  3. Regularly after the appearance of the first tooth, and especially after eating.
  4. To teach hygiene by personal example - try to brush your teeth as much as possible so that the child sees this procedure.
  5. At night, give the baby only water to drink or breastfeed, and juices and compotes are prohibited.
  6. Feed sweets as little as possible, and only those that are quickly eaten, and do not dissolve for a long time in the oral cavity.
  7. The diet should be varied and include natural sugar and a large number of whole foods.

Dental diseases often occur unnoticed, so regular check-ups by a dentist are a must. Two visits a year is enough to detect the disease at an early stage and get rid of it, thereby avoiding serious complications and subsequent treatment, which can be expensive.

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