Inflamed and sore gums. How to treat inflamed gums? The negative impact of wisdom teeth

Almost everyone is familiar with such an unpleasant situation, when suddenly, for no apparent reason, the gums become inflamed. Unfortunately, it is more typical for our fellow citizens to self-medicate in this case than to rush to a specialist for recommendations. It is believed that folk remedies have some kind of miraculous power, and therefore it is quite possible to do without a visit to the dentist. Indeed, for some time, rinsing with herbal decoctions can muffle the symptoms, but this will not change the essence of the problem, since the disease, if you ignore the need for medical procedures, leads to sad consequences in the logic of its development.

Inflammation of the gums can occur for various reasons, which must be established so that the doctor can prescribe adequate treatment. First of all, it should be understood that the gums are the foundation that holds the entire dental apparatus, so the health of the teeth depends on their condition. Careless attitude to swelling, bleeding, painful sensations can lead to the fact that time will be lost, and a small problem will develop into a serious disease that will be very difficult to cope with.

Thus, if inflammation of the gums is present, the causes of it are mainly as follows:

  • development of gingivitis or periodontitis;
  • a traumatic factor as a local effect (violations during restoration that irritate the gums);
  • development of inflammation due to periodontitis;
  • malocclusion;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • hormonal system disorders;
  • improper oral care;
  • avitaminosis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • exacerbation of various chronic diseases.

If diseases such as periodontitis and gingivitis are diagnosed, then inflammation of the gums can take on a generalized character, i.e. the inflammatory process will spread to a large number of segments of the dentition. In case of inflammation of the gums, the cause may be a cyst formed in the area of ​​​​the apex of the tooth root, and injury to the gingival surface can also occur due to an unsuccessfully installed crown that catches it with its edges. Such variants suggest a localized nature of the inflammation, which is limited to the region of 1-2 teeth. The most common inflammation of the gums, the causes of which are provoked by an abundance of dental deposits. Bacteria penetrate into deeper tissues and exacerbate the development of the inflammatory process.

It should be remembered that a neglected disease is much more difficult to treat, therefore, at the first signs of an inflammatory process, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Inflammation of the gums causes the following symptoms:

  • the gums turn red, swell, when touched they feel excessive softness of the tissues;
  • inflamed gums are characterized by weakness of blood vessels, therefore, bleeding is manifested even with ordinary brushing of teeth;
  • the development of hypersensitivity, since when the gums are lowered, the neck of the teeth is exposed;
  • painful reaction to hot/cold and sour/sweet;
  • looseness of the gingival surface and heterogeneity of its contours;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

Types of gum disease

  1. Catarrhal, in which there is an unpleasant itching in the gum area, bleeding phenomena are recorded, soreness and swelling of the gums are less common.
  2. Ulcerative inflammation is the next link in the pathological process. Experts attribute its causes to general hypothermia, beriberi, weakening of the body after an infection. Initially, the gums itch, hurt, then cyanosis and swelling of the tissues occur. If you press your finger on the gums, then bleeding occurs.
  3. Atrophic inflammation of the gums, the signs of which are more smoothed compared to other forms. The level of the gum drops due to tissue atrophy, exposing the tooth root. Acute reaction to cold/hot.
  4. Hypertrophic inflammation, in which the gingival papillae, increasing in size, partially cover the teeth. Painful sensations and bleeding appear in the later stages of the disease, and at the initial stage, the inflammatory process develops without any symptoms. Most of the anterior sections of the lower and upper jaws are affected.

The manifestation of all the listed signs of the inflammatory process indicate the development of periodontitis and gingivitis. If this symptomatology is accompanied by looseness of teeth, the formation of periodontal pockets, exposure of tooth roots, then these are alarming signals about the development of the next, more complex, stage of the disease.

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Inflammation of the gums: diagnosis

In order to correctly diagnose gum inflammation, identify its causes and prescribe adequate treatment for gum disease, you should pay attention to the following aspects during a visit to the dentist.

  • Initial visit to the doctor (examination, questioning with clarification of the state of health, current complaints).
  • Conducting research: determining the depth of periodontal pockets using a probe, tooth mobility is determined by dental tweezers, the state of the pulp is tested using electroodontometry.
  • Special research methods include X-ray control (panoramic radiography and orthopantomography).

During a thorough examination of the oral cavity, based on clinical indications and examination results, a diagnosis is made, indicating the need for subsequent anti-inflammatory measures. Effective treatment of gum disease is carried out in accordance with the plan of treatment procedures aimed at eliminating the disease.

A complex of therapeutic measures for periodontitis and gingivitis

In case of inflammation of the gums caused by the accumulation of dental deposits, first of all, it is necessary to remove tartar and soft plaque using ultrasound. A cycle of anti-inflammatory measures will consolidate the effect obtained, subject to subsequent compliance with all the recommendations of the dentist.

How to treat inflammation of the gums in the presence of gingivitis, if the inflammation is in the initial stage and has covered only the marginal superficial part of the gums:

  • an axiom is the obligatory professional cleaning (treatment of the gums with the Vector apparatus);
  • if such inflammation of the gums is detected, treatment can be carried out at home (for more details, see the article "").

If inflammation of the gums is caused by periodontitis, then the disease is complicated by the fragility of the teeth, the exposure of the tooth roots, as well as the release of pus from the periodontal pockets. In this case, the inflamed gums will require not only traditional therapeutic measures, but, in addition to removing dental deposits, antibiotic therapy will be needed, splinting to strengthen the dentition, you may have to apply surgical techniques (read about how to treat inflammation of the gums with periodontitis in the article "" ).

Quite often, a technique such as laser gum treatment is recommended, which helps to eliminate infection in the gum pockets. Despite the popularity of this method, do not forget that for all its effectiveness, laser gum treatment is only an auxiliary tool in the treatment of periodontitis.

If the gums become inflamed with traumatic factors

Among the negative factors that provoke inflammation of the gums, experts call the edges of the crown. If the prosthesis was carried out in bad faith, and the crown does not fit tightly to the turned segment, then there is a high probability that its edges will constantly irritate the soft tissues, causing swelling and redness. Decubitus ulcers can also occur under the pontic bridge if it is too tight against the mucosa and presses on it. How to relieve inflammation of the gums in these situations depends entirely on the degree of manifestation of the complication. If the soft tissue injury is not significant, then antiseptic agents, rinsing with healing infusions of chamomile, calendula, and sage will be effective. But if the symptoms point to a more serious inflammation of the gums, gargling with home-made decoctions will not help much. It is more reasonable to choose Miromistin or chlorhexilin bigluconate for use, which are highly effective. In any case, poorly installed crowns will have to be replaced, as inflamed gums will disturb the recurring symptoms.

In some cases, the cause of inflamed gums may be the development of prosthetic stomatitis due to poor oral hygiene. In such a situation, the medicine for inflammation of the gums can relieve acute inflammation (Metrogil-dent ointment), and if ulcers or erosions occur on the mucous membrane, it is recommended to use Solcoseryl.

To avoid unwanted complications, you should visit a dentist and get professional advice.

How to relieve inflammation of the gums and alleviate your condition before visiting a doctor.

  • tempalgin;
  • analgin;
  • nimesil, which as a temporary measure will relieve acute pain.

Inflammation of the gums: treatment for periodontitis

If the cause of the inflammatory process is periodontitis, and this is established on the basis of diagnostic studies, then the x-ray will show exactly which particular segment of the dentition caused the inflammation. The reason may lie in a poor-quality filling or in a carious process, which means that a course of medical procedures and, possibly, a replacement of the filling will be needed.

In difficult clinical situations, surgical intervention is allowed: laser treatment of the gums to remove the root apex, where the granuloma has formed.

If inflammation of the gums treatment is necessary when diagnosing periodontitis, then only a specialist can solve the problem of removing purulent exudate from the inflamed focus.

Before a visit to the dentist, you can relieve pain by using the following drugs:

  • Holisal (gel);
  • Polyminerol (as a solution);
  • Maraslavin (solution);
  • Parodontocide (spray, solution);
  • Komistad;
  • Dental.

All of these remedies provide a good analgesic effect.

Inflammation of the gums: treatment at home.

If there are no signs of a strong inflammatory process, but minor inflammation of the gums worries, home treatment can be carried out using both medication and folk remedies.

Pharmaceutical (drug) preparations can be prescribed for local use:

  • anti-inflammatory gels and sprays;
  • medical applications;
  • special toothpastes;
  • rinses based on finished drugs.

Modern pharmacology offers an extensive list of medicines based on plants and natural ingredients:

  • Furacilin (a proven reliable method of rinsing with a solution);
  • Hydrogen peroxide (solution 1 tablespoon per 100 ml of water);
  • Miramistin (3-4 times during the day);
  • Chlorhexidine (in the form of a spray, applied after meals);
  • Malavit (in the form of rinsing up to 7 days);
  • Chlorophilippt (as a solution 2-3 times a day);
  • Rotokan (until the symptoms disappear);
  • "Forest balm" (after eating, until recovery);
  • Asepta (balm with propolis to stop bleeding).

If necessary, remove inflammation of the gums, rinsing with the listed solutions, herbal decoctions and infusions, of course, will produce the desired effect. But if the question is how to relieve inflammation of the gums urgently, then it must be borne in mind that applications and gels give a faster result than rinsing. A simple scheme will help to achieve the greatest effect: the use of rinse solutions, then compresses and applications of therapeutic gels and ointments. The protective film, which is formed by gels and pastes, allows you to maximize the effect of the drug on the inflamed areas of the gums.

If the gums are inflamed, there are many effective pharmaceutical preparations, such as:

  • Holisal-gel (instant action);
  • Asepta (balm to stop bleeding);
  • Stomatofit A (pain reliever);
  • Gengigel (based on hyaluronic acid for tissue regeneration);
  • Parodontocyte (spray, paste, gel);
  • Metrogyl denta (paste for use 2 times a day).

Medicinal pastes, which contain anti-inflammatory components, are popular:

  • Parodontax;
  • Lakalut (a series of therapeutic toothpastes of diverse action);
  • The president;
  • Mexidol dent phyto.

It would seem that toothpastes are only a harmless addition to an extensive list of remedies for treating gum inflammation, but even the body gets used to them and stops responding to the medicinal components that make up their composition. If there is inflammation of the gums, treatment at home using the simplest, and sometimes even primitive methods, requires a break in the application. The body must rest, connect the natural resources of regeneration and avoid getting used to one or another ingredient. Thus, without exception, all medicines, regardless of their composition, have a limited period of use.

Inflammation of the gums: treatment with folk remedies with the most effective result.

If you are concerned about gum inflammation, folk remedies are still considered the most popular option. Most people are very conservative by nature: despite the abundance of modern effective drugs available in the pharmacy network, they first of all turn to traditional medicine recipes. Indeed, the centuries-old folk experience is very rich and is able to offer an effective cure for gum disease.
A variety of decoctions and herbal infusions relieve pain and swelling, reduce bleeding if there is inflammation of the gums. Treatment is carried out with herbal preparations, which include plants that are natural antiseptics:

  • Chamomile,
  • yarrow,
  • Sage,
  • Oak bark,
  • Eucalyptus,
  • Calendula,
  • alder cones,
  • Linden blossom,
  • St. John's wort.

Inflamed gums require an integrated approach to therapeutic measures. Of course, drug anti-inflammatory drugs (gels, ointments, solutions, balms) have an incomparably stronger effect than rinsing with herbal decoctions. If the question is how to treat inflammation of the gums and how to deal with this problem with the greatest effect, then the most reasonable option would be to combine medications with traditional medicine recipes as ancillary measures. This is an integrated approach to choosing the most rational treatment method, which can only be prescribed by a specialist.

With all the variety of treatment options, there should be a clear setting: if there is a slight inflammation of the gums, treatment with folk remedies may well eliminate the symptoms and relieve painful and unpleasant sensations, but it is hardly possible to achieve a complete recovery effect with their help, especially when the issue concerns such serious inflammatory processes, as the initial stage of periodontitis and periodontal disease. You should not console yourself with the fact that phytotherapy will become a panacea for all destructive changes in the periodontal system. By self-medicating, you can miss the moment when the inflammation goes into a more dangerous stage, so the most reasonable decision would be a timely visit to the dentist. Only professionals can determine the source of the pathological process and conduct adequate treatment based on the results of diagnostic studies.

If you have inflamed gums and you doubt which dental clinic to contact?

  • Bleeding gums.
  • Pain when brushing teeth and eating.
  • Gum augmentation.
  • Noticeable redness.
  • The formation of swelling of the gums.
  • Swollen lips and cheeks.
  • Loosening of teeth.
  • Bad breath.
  • In case of complication - the presence of a hole in the gum, from which purulent fluid is released.
  • An increase in temperature, a noticeable deterioration in well-being.
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules.
  • Bacteria that accumulate in dental plaque.
  • Tartar as a consequence of the second cause.
  • Incorrectly selected toothpaste and brush.
  • Careless and irregular brushing of teeth.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Unbalanced nutrition. Avitaminosis.
  • Thyroid problems, leukemia, leukemia.
  • Endocrinological diseases.
  • Upper respiratory tract infections.
  • Disease of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).
  • Heredity.
  • Smoking.
  • Hormonal disruptions.
  • Poor quality of the dental procedure.
  • Various drug side effects.

This disease is the most problematic to treat. It all starts with redness of the gums, and then the inflammation goes very deep into the tissues and penetrates to the very roots of the teeth. In certain cases, surgery may be required to eliminate the causes of inflammation. The doctor makes an incision in the gums to remove infectious deposits, after which cleaning is performed. In the case when it comes to loosening of the teeth, it is necessary to strengthen them. The doctor also prescribes a course of antibiotics.

The inflammatory process in the gums is associated with various reasons:

  1. Gingivitis is a superficial inflammation of the gums affecting the mucous membrane and interdental papillae. The disease is provoked by insufficient oral hygiene, which leads to the accumulation of plaque and tartar. Hard tartar often accumulates around the necks of the teeth at the point of contact with the gums and causes an inflammatory process. Less commonly, gingivitis occurs due to hypovitaminosis, hormonal failure, and blood pathologies. The disease can proceed in a catarrhal, ulcerative-necrotic and hypertrophic form. The catarrhal form of gingivitis has an acute and chronic course. Ulcerative necrotic gingivitis develops with a sharp decrease in immunity and concomitant chronic pathology. The hypertrophic form of the disease is diagnosed with an endocrine disorder and is characterized by an increase in the volume of gingival tissues due to chronic edema and fibrous growths.
  2. Periodontitis is a continuation of gingivitis, in which the inflammatory process from the surface tissues of the gums passes into the deep layers of the periodontium. Formed tartar displaces the gums, roots are exposed. Periodontal pockets are formed with pathogenic microbes, whose enzymes and toxins increase inflammation and destroy the supporting apparatus of the tooth. Bleeding and reddening of the gums is accompanied by a putrid smell from the mouth, the gum moves away from the tooth and exposes the root.
  3. Inflammation of the gums can be caused by periodontitis of the tooth, a dental disease caused by inflammation of the apex of the tooth root and peri-root tissues. The inflammatory process is provoked by long-term caries, pulpitis, trauma to the jaw or teeth. Periodontitis is classified according to the location of inflammation and the nature of the course of the disease.
  4. The inflammatory process of the gums can be caused illiterate dental actions. When filling, the overhanging edges of the filling left in the interdental spaces will injure the gums and develop inflammation. A poorly installed crown, bridge or removable prosthesis leads to the same injury.
  5. Wisdom tooth eruption can also cause inflammation of the gums.

The choice of a treatment plan is directly related to what triggered the onset of the disease process, as well as to the stage of its course.

So, if inflammation of the gums is present, its causes may be as follows:

  • occurrence of periodontitis or gingivitis;
  • a traumatic factor due to crowns and fillings that irritate the gingival margin (this situation proves an incorrectly performed restoration);
  • development of periodontitis as a source of the inflammatory process;
  • malocclusion;
  • genetic problems;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
    allergic reactions;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease (gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, etc.).

In the presence of gingivitis and periodontitis, the pathogenic process takes on the character of a generalized one, i.e. the area of ​​inflammation covers a large number of teeth. If the gum is inflamed due to the formation of a cyst at the root apex, or the overhanging edge of the crown, injuring the gingival surface, is the cause, then the nature of the inflammation will be local, limited to the region of 1-2 segments.

Soft microbial plaque on the teeth, accumulating due to poor oral hygiene, mineralizes and turns into a hard form of dental plaque. Pathogenic microorganisms in their composition not only provoke, but start a chain of pathogenic reactions in the gums.

The beginning of such an inflammatory process is indicated by signs of bleeding, swelling, pain and is diagnosed as the occurrence of gingivitis. But a more serious stage of the disease with progressive inflammation turns into periodontitis - with the formation of periodontal pockets, exposure of the necks of the teeth and their subsequent mobility.

Since inflammation of the gums, the causes of which initially lie in the presence of dental deposits, arose precisely as a result of this factor, the first step towards recovery will be the elimination of plaque and tartar with the help of ultrasound.

Subsequent anti-inflammatory therapeutic measures will consolidate the effect while guaranteeing a constant high-quality oral hygiene.

Schematically, gum treatment will correspond to the plan developed for these diseases.

  • In the presence of gingivitis, only the edge of the gingival surface is prone to inflammation, so the cycle of treatment procedures consists in professional cleaning and therapy methods that can be carried out in the comfort of home.
  • In the presence of periodontitis, if suppuration from periodontal pockets has opened, tooth instability is noted, and the disease has approached its final phase, then in addition to the main set of therapeutic measures, it may be necessary to take antibiotics and splinting groups of unstable segments, as well as surgical intervention. In this case, inflamed gums are treated taking into account the existing algorithm of treatment procedures intended for these diseases (see periodontitis).

Usually distinguish between internal and external causes of inflammation of the gums. External causes as a result of impact include:

  • poor oral hygiene or its complete absence or improper care of it;
  • the presence of tartar;
  • incorrect installation of fillings, dental crowns, braces prostheses;
  • malocclusion;
  • smoking.

The internal reasons are:

  • diseases of internal systems and organs (gastrointestinal tract, cardiac, hematological, diabetes mellitus, etc.);
  • immunodeficiency;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • medications taken;
  • genetic problems;
  • sometimes pregnancy.

That is, most often inflammation of the gums is associated with infection of the teeth or other pathology of the human body. It can lead to serious complications and disorders in the body.

The soft tissues of the gums are very sensitive to the effects of negative factors, and when the immune system is weakened, they can become inflamed for a variety of reasons. These include:

  • irregular or inadequate oral hygiene (accumulation of plaque and harmful microorganisms);
  • infectious lesions of the mucous membranes;
  • caries or pulpitis;
  • microdamages of tissues and mucous membranes;
  • malnutrition with a low content of vitamins and minerals;
  • injuries after dental procedures (for example, tooth extraction);
  • diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction;
  • smoking;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • allergic reactions to filling materials and prostheses;
  • uncontrolled use of a number of medications that reduce salivation (nasal drops, antidepressants, etc.).


In addition, the wrong choice of toothbrush and toothpaste, frequent contact with chemicals or allergens, as well as hormonal changes that occur in the body during pregnancy can provoke gingivitis.

Why is gum disease dangerous? In addition to the unpleasant symptoms that gingivitis brings with it, it is a constant focus of infection and inflammation in the body. One of the most dangerous complications of the disease is periodontitis, characterized by damage and destruction of deep gum tissues. This can cause a number of problems and troubles, starting with tooth loss and the development of pathological processes in the ligaments and nerves, and ending with septic lesions of the body.


The main symptoms of the disease are swelling and redness of the gums (they become red and shiny), and, depending on the stage, the pathological process affects the tissues located in the interdental spaces or distant areas. Most of the time, a person does not feel discomfort, but when you press on the gum, while brushing your teeth or eating, pain and bleeding may occur.

Subsequently, the tissues begin to bleed even with a light touch, become sensitive, an unpleasant odor appears, as well as necrotic areas that look like an abundant white coating. If untreated, the disease can turn into a chronic, purulent or hypertrophic form, which are more difficult to treat.

Symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis

Most often, the disease is triggered by the following problems or factors:

  • the development of gingivitis, with which the edges of the gums become very sensitive, they can bleed and swell;
  • periodontitis, the second stage of gingivitis, in which purulent pockets form on the gum near the teeth, the roots can quickly begin to become exposed;
  • periodontal disease, which occurs due to an uneven load on the dentition, as a result of which nearby gum tissues are damaged, which provokes their inflammation and bleeding;
  • insufficient care of the teeth, as a result of which a large amount of plaque, stone accumulates, caries appears, food remains remain between the teeth and at the root part adjacent to the mucous membrane;
  • errors in the restoration of teeth with fillings and crowns;
  • problems with the installation and selection of implants, braces and prostheses;
  • pregnancy and lack of vitamins, including in the elderly and childhood;
  • injury to the gums by teeth, external objects and food;
  • frequent consumption of very hot and cold foods;
  • the formation of malocclusion and nicotine addiction;
  • infections that can also quickly penetrate the tooth itself and reach the periosteum.

Causes of gum inflammation and methods of elimination


Gel Periodontocide

Inflammation of the gums is a treatment indicated for traumatic factors.

Gum disease can be treated in a variety of ways. In any case, in order not to harm your health and prevent the development of more serious diseases, before starting treatment, you must consult a dentist to determine the diagnosis.

In serious cases, the doctor will prescribe a treatment that, in combination with additional home remedies, will provide a good effect.

In simpler cases, it is enough to use home remedies that provide anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, decongestant and analgesic effects.

Speaking about the methods of treating gums at home, there are pharmaceutical (drug) and folk remedies.

Pharmacy funds

Pharmaceutical products include rinses, sprays, applications, toothpastes and gels. All pharmaceutical preparations are supplied with instructions for use, which must be followed and followed by the prescription in order to obtain the desired result.

Modern pharmacology has created natural, safe and effective preparations based on healing natural remedies and medicinal plants.

With bleeding and inflammation of the gums, various pharmaceutical products are used that stop inflammation, anesthetize, eliminate bleeding, itching and burning, relieve swelling and disinfect the mucous membrane from microorganisms and bacteria.

Antiseptic rinses include:

  1. Listerine (2 times a day for 30 seconds) is one of the most effective rinses.
  2. Stomatofit (3-4 times a day for 10-15 days).
  3. Furacilin (2-3 times a day).
  4. Chlorhexidine (spray 0.2% for periodontal disease and 0.05% for childhood gingivitis - after each meal until recovery).
  5. Miramistin (3-4 times a day).
  6. Chlorophyllipt (3 times a day with a diluted solution).
  7. Rotokan (until the inflammation is eliminated).
  8. Hydrogen peroxide (solution of 1 tablespoon in 100 ml of water 2 times a day).
  9. Malavit (10 drops / glass of water for rinsing 1 week daily).
  10. "Forest balm" (after each meal until the symptoms disappear).

The effect of rinsing treatment can be enhanced by using compresses and applications with therapeutic pastes, gels and ointments in parallel.

Therapeutic gels and ointments form a protective film on the mucosa. They are applied to the gums several times a day, after rinsing. The most effective means:

  • Periodontocyte, including mint, clove, sage and oregano (a series of solution for rinsing or spray, toothpaste and gel).
  • Gengigel with hyaluronic acid for tissue regeneration. Tissue healing occurs twice as fast, inflammation decreases, and tissue blood supply improves.
  • Stomatofit A - as an anesthetic for long-term therapeutic effects.
  • Holisal is an instant gel for rubbing into the gums 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days, acting for several hours.
  • Asepta is a balm with propolis that provides tissue repair and eliminates bleeding.
  • Metrogil denta - paste (applied 2 times a day, after cleaning the mouth).
  • Solcoseryl - gel or ointment (applied 2-3 times a day) for the speedy recovery of the mucosa and anesthesia.
  • Dental (applied by massaging, 3-4 times a day). Relieves pain and heals.

Special toothpastes have also proven effective in treating and preventing bleeding and inflammation of the gums. They contain herbal extracts and anti-inflammatory ingredients. For inflammation of the gums, it is recommended to use toothpastes:

  • "Parodontax";
  • "Lakalut" (the series also includes rinsing);
  • "The president";
  • "Mexidol dent phyto";
  • Tea tree oil toothpaste.

In order to get a really positive therapeutic effect and the disease has not progressed, before deciding how to treat inflammation of the gums at home, it is recommended to consult a specialist not only to establish a diagnosis, but also, if necessary, to clean, remove tartar and get basic appointments .

As a rule, the use of folk remedies has centuries of experience. Medicinal plants, both in pure form and in combination with other plants, are increasingly used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of various etymologies. An important advantage of medicinal plants is their low toxicity and the absence of side effects in most cases.

As a rule, you will need to prepare an infusion, decoction or alcoholic tincture based on medicinal plants for rinsing the mouth, preparing compresses or therapeutic applications.

Medicinal herbs have antibacterial (calendula, chamomile), anti-inflammatory and analgesic (sage, yarrow), astringent and strengthening (oak bark, St. John's wort) properties.

With simple inflammation, rinsing with a decoction or infusion may be enough. But herbal infusions are not stored for long, it is advisable to prepare them daily. The most effective and safe are sage, burnet, yarrow, chamomile, calamus, oak bark, sorrel, St. John's wort, lime blossom, calendula, eucalyptus and many others.

Below are some of the simplest gum treatment recipes at home.

  1. Aloe. Wash the aloe leaf well, cut off the thorns, cut lengthwise and apply 5-7 times / day on the gums.
  2. Sea salt. Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. in a glass of water and rinse your mouth periodically.
  3. Oak bark. Two st. l. boil oak bark for 10 minutes. in 0.5 l of water, leave for 10 minutes. Under the lid, strain, cool and rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day for 0.5 cups of decoction. It is not recommended to use it for a long time, as the teeth begin to darken.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide 6%. In 1 glass of boiled water, dilute 1 tbsp. l. 6% hydrogen peroxide and rinse mouth with solution for 5 days several times during the day.
  5. Calendula. Infuse one spoonful of calendula flowers in 200 ml of boiling water for 30 minutes. and rinse your mouth.
  6. Chamomile. Two spoons of flowers brew in 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. And rinse your mouth.
  7. Sage. One spoon of flowers pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, cool and rinse your mouth after eating.
  8. St. John's wort. One spoonful of St. John's wort to insist in 1 tbsp. boiling water for 30-40 minutes or dilute alcohol tincture in water and rinse your mouth.
  9. Yarrow. Boil for 15 minutes 2 tablespoons of flowers in 0.5 liters of water, strain the broth and take baths in the mouth during the day.
  10. Plantain. In the summer, after washing the leaves well, you can chew them, rub the gums with juice or rinse your mouth with infusion. The gums stop bleeding after 3 days, and their condition improves. In winter, an infusion is prepared from dry leaves for rinsing.

Symptoms of gingivitis:

  1. Redness of the gums around the tooth, swelling, painful reaction to the touch of a toothbrush.
  2. The teeth react very painfully to sweet, sour, cold and hot foods.
  3. Bleeding begins - first after brushing your teeth or using dental floss, and then with a normal touch.
  4. The structure of the gums becomes loose, and the contours become heterogeneous.
  5. Sensitivity increases, gum drops, the neck of the tooth is exposed.
  6. There is an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Types of inflammation:

  1. catarrhal- the gums itch, bleed, but practically do not swell, they do not cause other inconveniences.
  2. Ulcerative - the next stage in the development of the inflammatory process. It is provoked by hypothermia, beriberi, weakened immunity. This stage is characterized by severe swelling, bluish tinge of soft tissues.
  3. Atrophic - the gum drops, the tooth root is exposed, an acute reaction to cold and hot foods develops.
  4. Hypertrophic- with this type of inflammation, papillae appear on the gums, which constantly increase in size and begin to cover the teeth.

Please note that there are no pronounced painful sensations in the initial stages of the hairstyle, which makes it difficult to diagnose. Most often, inflammation affects the anterior sections of the upper and lower jaws.

The main directions in the treatment of gum inflammation are the relief of the inflammatory process and the elimination of traumatic mechanical factors.

The main anti-inflammatory drugs used for gum disease are:

One of the main reasons for the development of gingivitis is soft plaque and tartar - accordingly, for a complete cure, it will be necessary to remove them and prevent active formation in the future. Dental deposits are removed using professional pastes, ultrasonic instruments, abrasive tips.

If there are not very many deposits, one visit will be enough, in other cases, long-term therapy may be required.

With severe inflammation, dental deposits are removed with a manual dental instrument and polishing pastes. During the second visit, the final treatment of the surface of the teeth is performed with a special ultrasound instrument. It is also recommended to use antimicrobial solutions and anti-inflammatory applications, most likely, doctors will recommend you a paste for swelling and bleeding, physiotherapy may be prescribed.

If inflammation of the gums occurred due to trauma to their surface with a filling or crown installed with violations, then the inflammation process will occur precisely at the site of the traumatic factor.

Simply put, the area that is exposed to the painful effects of a crown or filling hanging over the gum will be endlessly injured and hurt. There is one way to deal with such a nuisance - if the gum near the tooth is inflamed, and the overhanging edge of the filling is the cause, then it must be ground down or the filling completely replaced.

If inflammation of the gums under the crown occurs, then the cause may be a poorly made structure, which will have to be changed in any case. Drug therapy will only temporarily relieve inflammation of the gums around the tooth, but without eliminating the cause, the inflammatory process will resume.


The drug Chlorophyllipt in the form of a solution


There are many different healing herbs that can easily deal with inflammation. In the first place - thyme.


  • Pour two or three tablespoons of thyme with one glass of boiling water.
  • Let it brew for 25-30 minutes.
  • It is necessary to rinse the mouth at least four times a day.

Oak bark with sage

Effective in the fight against inflammation and a decoction of oak bark with sage.


  • For cooking, you need to take three teaspoons to pour 200 ml of boiled water.
  • Let it brew. But it is better to boil the oak bark for about 20-30 minutes under the lid.
  • After the infusion has cooled slightly, rinse twice a day.

Chamomile decoction

A decoction of chamomile will help with inflammation.


  • You need to take four tablespoons of flowers.
  • Fill with two glasses of hot water, leave for 25-30 minutes in a cool place.
  • After straining, rinse about five times a day.

Hypericum infusion

St. John's wort is great for soothing gum disease.


  • Prepare at the rate of 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water.
  • It is enough to brew for 15-20 minutes, but it is better in a water bath.
  • Strain the finished infusion through cheesecloth or strainer. You can rinse with this solution up to ten times a day.

Reasons why gum disease occurs

Periodontitis is an inflammatory process in the tissues between the tooth and the bone bed. Symptoms of periodontitis:

  • strong toothache when pressing on the gum;
  • swelling of the lips, cheeks;
  • severe swelling of the gums;
  • loosening of the tooth;
  • possibly - the formation of a fistula (gingival opening through which pus comes out).

In chronic periodontitis, pain is not very pronounced, patients usually complain of discomfort when chewing and strong clenching of the teeth. Therefore, they rarely go to the doctor, and the disease progresses in the meantime. The main reason for the development of periodontitis is infectious. Pathology develops as a result of osteomyelitis, sinusitis, untreated or improperly treated pulpitis.

Warning symptoms of periodontitis are as follows:

  • disturbing from time to time swelling of the gums and swelling of the cheek;
  • the appearance of an abscess on the gum;
  • the formation of a fistula on the gums with the release of pus.

Inflammation of the gums in this case is limited and is located next to a specific tooth. Such a periodontitis tooth may develop a cyst at the top of the root. The cyst is a bag with purulent contents, as a result of which swelling of the gums occurs.

As factors, due to which the gum near the tooth has become inflamed, the following are noted:

  • caries and pulpitis of the tooth;
  • improper filling of root canals.

If the inflammatory process progresses due to periodontitis, then, first of all, it is necessary to conduct an accurate diagnosis to make sure of this. An x-ray image will definitely determine the tooth that caused inflammation due to caries or poor-quality filling.

It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease (treatment of caries, replacement of fillings) and treat with antibacterial solutions. In complex clinical cases, surgical intervention is performed using a laser to remove the root apex where the granuloma has arisen.

Influence of wisdom teeth

Often the gums become inflamed near the figure eights - that is, the wisdom teeth. The reasons:

  1. teething- the gums itch, become inflamed, the general body temperature may rise.
  2. Caries in advanced form- it is difficult to clean the eights, so caries often appears in them.

If you need to alleviate the condition, rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, calendula 5-6 times a day or soda solution every 30 minutes until improvement. You can add a drop of iodine to the soda solution.

Prosthetics and installation of crowns

The gums can also become inflamed as a result of improper prosthetics. For example, if the crown or bridge is inaccurately fitted, food debris will get into the gap between the gum and the tooth, which is the main cause of painful sensations and a putrid odor. Probably, the reason is poor-quality canal treatment before prosthetics.

Consult a doctor, he will examine and accurately determine the problem. With severe pain, you can take tempalgin, paracetamol, analgin or ketanov. Remember that pills provide only temporary relief.

inflammation during pregnancy

Pregnant women often complain of gum disease. Lack of vitamins, the work of the body for wear and tear "for two", constant fluctuations in hormonal levels have a negative impact on the immunity of the expectant mother. Even with careful hygiene in the oral cavity, a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms is formed.

The craving of pregnant women for sweet, salty foods also plays a role. Be sure to carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity and regularly visit a doctor - he will carry out the necessary manipulations and give recommendations on improving the health of teeth and gums. Particular caution should be exercised in pregnant women who have a history of periodontal disease.

Inflamed gums: what to do, how to treat?

Treatment, first of all, depends both on the degree and on the type of disease, the presence of complications. In the event that severe pain is felt, you can begin to treat inflammation of the gums before seeing a doctor.

It is advisable to immediately rinse the mouth with a solution of furacilin, chlorhexidine 0.05%, potassium permanganate, miramistin 0.01%, or drinking soda. For treatment, you can use painkillers such as: paracetamol, tempalgin and analgin. In addition, ointment will help to quickly anesthetize the affected area.

To eliminate inflammation, it is most effective to undergo complex treatment, which includes the following steps:

  • Thorough removal of plaque.
  • Removal of tartar.
  • Elimination of the inflammatory process.
  • Preventive measures:
    • Changing the diet - the inclusion of foods that contain vitamin C, calcium. Regular consumption of vegetables and fruits, fish, dairy products and nuts.
    • gum massage.
    • Use of silk thread.
    • If possible, give up bad habits.

If the gums are inflamed, then you need to know which drugs can alleviate the symptoms and protect against further infection.

Of course, these measures do not cancel a trip to the dentist, but they can be temporarily used to reduce inflammation:

  1. maraslavin (solution);
  2. parodontocide (solution, spray);
  3. polyminerol (solution);
  4. holisal (gel).

To reduce bleeding and pain relief, you can also use: Komistad, Dental, Asepta, etc., which are used if it is necessary to urgently treat inflamed gums.


The main measure for the prevention of inflammation of the gums is the prevention of stone formation, the improvement of general oral hygiene, good immunity, and the maintenance of healthy microflora. Be sure to visit the dentist regularly, undergo extraordinary examinations as needed. If diseases of the oral cavity or other systemic pathologies are diagnosed, treat them in a timely manner.

Include more fibrous vegetables and fruits in your diet, eat them only raw. The most affordable options are carrots, apples, celery.

Gum disease is a common problem for people of all ages. This disease is not to be trifled with needs to be treated immediately Otherwise, it can lead to very disastrous consequences, as well as cause a number of other diseases.

Causes of inflammation

Doctors still cannot give a definite answer to the question of why inflammation of the gums occurs near the tooth. The cause of inflammation of the gums can lurk in both external and internal processes occurring in the human body.

External factors that provoke problems with teeth include:

  • Insufficient care of the oral cavity.
  • Neglect of the procedure for removing tartar and timely treatment of diseased teeth.
  • Smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee, black tea.
  • Mechanical damage to the gums (violation of the procedure for prosthetics or dental treatment, injections into the gums, improper use of dental floss or a too hard toothbrush, burns in the oral cavity).
  • Eruption of the wisdom tooth.

The cause of gingival inflammation can also lurk in the following internal processes:

  • Effects of drugs and other chemicals on the body.
  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Lack of vitamins and other nutrients in the body.
  • Hormonal disruptions (pregnancy, taking hormonal contraceptives).
  • Hormonal diseases (diabetes).
  • Problems with the digestive tract.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Heredity.
  • Diseases of infectious origin.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of gum disease include the following:

  • Redness of the gums - not only the gums near the diseased tooth can turn red, but also the tissues adjacent to the adjacent teeth.
  • Bleeding gums - red saliva.
  • Swelling.
  • Pain when brushing.
  • Bad breath.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Shaky teeth.
  • Formation of ulcers in the mouth.

Here is a photo of diseased teeth, clearly illustrating inflamed gums:

Varieties of the disease

Before treating inflammation of the gums, a good dentist must make a correct diagnosis. Establishing the cause of the inflammatory process will further influence the tactics of treatment and the choice of necessary drugs.

In dental practice, there are three types of disease:

  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontitis.
Such a gradation of diseases was chosen for a reason. The fact is that gingivitis is the least dangerous, the initial stage of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Periodontitis has an average level of danger. Periodontal disease is already the most complex, neglected form of the disease. When diagnosing gingivitis, it is necessary to be treated, but delay will not give such serious complications. But with periodontal disease, it is necessary to immediately take the most radical measures.

In the photo you can see how inflamed gums look with each of the diseases:

Crown problems

In the case when the gum is inflamed near the tooth under the crown, you should not try to correct this situation on your own. The most correct decision would be to contact a specialist, he will appoint its removal.

The fact is that inflammation of the gums under the crown as a result of its incorrect installation or violation of the procedure for pre-cleaning the canals cannot be eliminated with any rinses or medications. In this case, it would be more correct to do this - remove the crown from the diseased tooth, carefully clean everything under it and install it correctly.

Treatment of the disease

It should be said right away that only a doctor can prescribe an adequate, effective gum treatment. So in no case should you self-medicate.

Traditional means

Traditional medicine has its own answer to the question of how to treat inflammation of the gums. Over the years of development of dentistry, doctors have developed a certain tactic for treating gums:

  1. diagnose a disease
  2. identify the causes;
  3. sanitize the oral cavity;
  4. relieve inflammation;
  5. eliminate accompanying symptoms;
  6. treat the underlying disease.

Treatment regimen

Treatment of gum inflammation of any form and stage is carried out according to a certain scheme:

  • Rinsing the mouth.
  • Using a special anti-inflammatory gel or ointment.
  • The use of injection therapy.
  • Surgical intervention (if necessary).
  • Splinting of teeth (this procedure is not carried out in all dental clinics).


Rinsing your mouth during the treatment of gum disease is necessary in order to cleanse it of food debris and pathogenic bacteria that contribute to the development of infection. Although this procedure is not able to cure the disease entirely, it helps to relieve inflammation and redness.

In order to quickly and effectively eliminate inflammation of the gums around the tooth, you must follow one golden rule - it is recommended to rinse your mouth after each brushing your teeth (2-3 times a day) for at least a minute.

Gels and ointments

The use of special dental gels and ointments in the treatment of inflammation of the gums at home allows you to quickly remove pain, cure inflammation, prevent the spread of infection and change the red color of the gums to white.

Using this method involves applying applications to the gums. It is necessary to make such applications by rubbing the product around the tooth in order to further penetrate it into the periodontal pocket. The longer the drug will be in contact with the gum, the stronger the effect will be.

The most popular and proven dental gels and ointments include:

  • Holisal;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Malavit;
  • Metrogyl denta;
  • Dental;
  • Kamistad.

If everything is clear with drugs for an adult patient, then for many mothers the question remains how to relieve inflammation of the gums in their babies. For such a specific category of patients, special tools were created:


Treatment of gum disease at home cannot be imagined without the appointment of a special therapeutic toothpaste. Such pastes are able to relieve irritation, provide an accelerated process of tissue regeneration and antibacterial protection. But it is strictly forbidden to use this type of paste regularly, because due to the constant antibacterial effect in the oral cavity, the microflora will be disturbed.

One course of application of medical paste should be no more than 21 days. After therapy, it is recommended to take a break for six months.

The most famous medicinal pastes are:

  • Forest balm;
  • Lacalut;
  • Sensodent;
  • Paradontax;
  • President exclusive;
  • Silk.


In addition to reddening and inflaming, the gums can still hurt unbearably. Sometimes even an adult is not able to cope with such pain on their own. You can quickly remove the pain syndrome with the help of the following analgesics:

  • Paracetamol;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Analgin;
  • Ketanov;
  • Tempalgin;
  • Spazmalgon;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Solpadein.

In the case of the first two tablets, you don’t have to worry too much, but with regard to the rest of the drugs, you need to be careful. They provide a fairly strong effect, but they are used a lot and often prohibited.

Antibacterial therapy

Before treating gum disease at home with antibiotics, you should first try all of the above antiseptics. Only after it was not possible to remove the inflammation with their help, can heavy artillery be used. Also, antibiotic therapy can be used in the initial stages of treatment in the case when the course of the disease is too intense or there is its neglect.

The most commonly prescribed antibiotics in dentistry are:

Treatment with folk remedies

With a similar problem, traditional medicine can give an infinite amount of advice.

The most effective folk remedies with a quick effect are:

Very good for gums chamomile. It is able to remove inflammation around the tooth and restore its white color. Due to these properties, chamomile is often included in the composition of medical and conventional toothpastes.

Making an infusion of chamomile or any other plant is not difficult at all. It is enough just to pour a few tablespoons of herbs into a glass of boiling water and let it boil a little. Further, it is recommended to strain the infusion, cool and rinse your mouth with it.

You can not boil chamomile at all, but simply pour boiling water over its flowers - that's why they love it so much.

But the infusion of oak bark is done a little differently - it is advisable to boil the bark in water for about half an hour, and then let it cool.

It is necessary to rinse the mouth only with infusions at room temperature 3-4 times a day. It is recommended to keep the mouthwash in your mouth for at least a minute. If you rinse your mouth with hot infusion, the gums can hurt even more and start to ache. The fact is that bacteria love heat and with an increase in temperature, the process of their reproduction only intensifies.

If the gums are inflamed, and there are no medicinal herbs and plants at hand, ordinary soda and salt. It is recommended to rinse the mouth with their solution. Some people also prefer to brush their teeth with baking soda. The fact is that soda not only relieves inflammation near the tooth, but also allows you to remove the upper, contaminated layer that has accumulated on the teeth - the so-called plaque. As a result of the formation of plaque and tartar, the gums can become both inflamed and painful.


People are most often interested in the problem of what to do if the gums are inflamed. But few people think about why she became inflamed, and what needs to be done to ensure that this does not happen at all. As you know, the best way to get rid of the disease is its prevention:

  • Regular, thorough brushing of teeth (at least twice a day).
  • Replace brush every three months.
  • Refusal of bad habits (smoking, alcohol).
  • Installation of a crown only by a trusted dentist.
  • Timely removal of the upper, damaged layer of enamel (plaque, stones).
  • Regular visits to the dentist for dental treatment.
  • Complete, healthy nutrition.
  • Enriching your daily diet with plenty of foods containing vitamin C.
  • Eating hard fruits and vegetables daily to provide additional cleaning of the teeth.
  • Use of dental floss.

Inflammation of the gums of the tooth is not just an unpleasant phenomenon. With such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. The fact is that inflammation of the gums can cause inflammation throughout the body.

Having a beautiful smile depends not only on the condition of the teeth, but also on the health of the gums. Inflammatory processes that develop in the oral cavity can have a detrimental effect on the soft tissues of the mucosa. In addition, the absence of normal microflora leads to a deterioration in general well-being, and can provoke dangerous pathologies. Therefore, if there are adverse signs indicating the development of a disease, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic examination as soon as possible and begin treatment.

Usually provocateurs of inflammatory processes of the gum tissue are periodontitis. Lack of proper treatment in this case can cause the loss of healthy bone tissue of the dentition. In addition, injury to the mucosa often becomes the reason why. Gingivitis generates a violation of the integrity of the marginal area of ​​the gums around the tooth and intergingival papillae. When diagnosing periodontitis, the adjacent marginal zone of soft tissues, the alveolar processes, are affected, which ensure the stable position of the teeth in their natural position. With frequent injury to the gums, the mucous membrane wears out, loses its healthy appearance. The presence of scratches, wounds on soft tissues provokes infection of the mucous membrane, the development of concomitant diseases of the oral cavity.

The main causes of gum disease can be provoked by both external and internal factors. In addition, they differ in the scale of pathological processes.

The main external factors of inflammation of the gum tissue are:

  • the presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • lack of minerals, vitamins in the body;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart problems;
  • development of diabetes;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • damage to the body by infectious pathogens;
  • long-term use of certain medications (antidepressants, contraceptives, vasoconstrictor nasal drops);
  • reduced functioning of the immune system.

Internal provocateurs of inflammation of the gum tissue include:

  • the formation of bone tissue of the dentition in an infant (teething);
  • injury to soft tissues, chemical or thermal effects on the mucous membrane;
  • growth on enamel;
  • insufficient compliance with oral hygiene standards, leading to the development of pathogenic microflora on the mucous membrane;
  • illiterately performed prosthetics procedure, leading to soft tissue injury by the installed crown, filling.

If there are wounds on the gums resulting from incorrect prosthetics, gingivitis and periodontitis develop. This can lead to quite serious complications of a generalized nature, manifested by the defeat of a large area or the entire oral cavity.

photo: A wound on the gum - gingivitis

Inflammation of the gums can develop due to the use of the wrong toothbrush or toothpaste. Depending on the condition of the tooth enamel, the sensitivity of the teeth, it is necessary to select a brush of optimal stiffness; before buying a toothpaste, carefully study the components that make up its composition. To prevent the development of inflammation, the best solution when choosing hygiene accessories is a preliminary consultation with an experienced dentist.

During pregnancy, the female body experiences hormonal changes, which can also provoke inflammation of the gums. Frequent contact with chemicals, eating allergenic foods is the direct cause of mucosal inflammation. You should be attentive to your health, choosing only products that are useful for the body, saturate it with a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins.

General symptoms

In addition to the fact that inflammation of the gums is characterized by unpleasant symptoms, a constant source of infection present in the oral cavity provokes the development of pathological processes in other internal organs, which causes damage to the whole organism. Periodontitis is one of the dangerous complications of gingivitis, manifested by damage to deep gum tissues. A progressive infection can cause the development of concomitant complications, starting with the loss of the molar row, ending with damage to the ligaments, nerve endings, and general sepsis of the body.

The main symptomatology of gingivitis is manifested in the form of redness, swelling of the oral mucosa. The gums become shiny, blood red. Depending on the stage of development of the pathology, the interdental tissue space, separate areas of neighboring tissues are affected.

At the beginning of the inflammatory process, the patient does not have soft tissue discomfort in a calm state. However, when pressing on the gums during meals or hygiene procedures, pain may occur,. With the development of the disease, interdental bleeding can be observed even with a light touch of the mucosa. In addition, the sensitivity of the teeth increases, the reaction to temperature changes increases, an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth, and the mucous membrane becomes covered with a white coating.

The main symptoms of gingivitis are:

  • change in the healthy shade of soft tissues;
  • the appearance of swelling of the gums;
  • whitish or yellowish coating on the incisors;
  • increased sensitivity of the dentition;
  • hyperthermia.

Additional signs of gingivitis are enlarged lymph nodes and intergingival papillae, the formation of wounds on the gums, exposure of the necks of the teeth, visualization of periodontal pockets. If timely treatment is not started, gingivitis turns into a chronic purulent form, as a result of which effective therapy is difficult. In addition, since the advanced form is characterized by infection of the whole body, the patient may develop sepsis, which leads to death.

Possible complications of the disease

In the absence of timely treatment, gingivitis is dangerous for the development of serious complications. Untreated inflammation of the gums leads to suppuration of the mucous membrane, further necrosis of tissue structures. If the disease has taken an ulcerative form, this leads to a gradual loosening of the teeth, further loss.

With catarrhal gingivitis, the inflammatory process can lead to the following complications:

  • development, periodontitis;
  • jaw bone loss.

The development of gingivitis in children is a particular danger. If timely treatment is not started, there is a possibility of improper development of the bone tissue of the oral cavity. In the case of necrotizing gingivitis, other internal organs of the patient are affected.

With well-chosen drug therapy or surgical treatment, any complications can be avoided. Timely treatment leads to the complete elimination of inflammatory processes. If you do not see a doctor in time, treatment can be significantly delayed and become more expensive. In addition, the wrong tactics used to eliminate inflammation of the gums can provoke the re-development of gingivitis. Therefore, in order to correctly eliminate the problem, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, clearly follow the therapeutic scheme prescribed by the doctor.


If symptoms of gingivitis develop, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Before prescribing therapy, the doctor conducts a comprehensive examination, including the following measures:

  • examination of the oral cavity;
  • general blood analysis;
  • x-ray examination of tissues.

These methods of diagnostic research are necessary to determine the degree of damage to the integument of soft tissues. The patient also undergoes professional cleaning of plaque, removal of calculus. This is a necessary procedure that prevents the further spread of harmful microorganisms. The most effective, safest methods of professional cleaning of the oral cavity are procedures using laser and ultrasound. Their implementation virtually eliminates the risk of injury to the mucous membranes.

With the development of the inflammatory process under the crown affected by caries, an appropriate treatment of the disease is carried out. For this purpose, the nerve processes are removed, the dental canals are cleaned, the hole is sealed. To exclude the recurrence of infection during the procedure, the oral cavity is carefully treated with antiseptic agents.

If inflammation of the gums develops due to an incorrectly selected, installed crown during prosthetics, it is removed, adjusted to the desired size, after which the prosthesis is repeated. In case of a serious discrepancy between the parameters, a new prosthesis is made.

With the development of a purulent process, it is eliminated with special tools with preliminary, subsequent hygienic treatment of the oral cavity.

Medical treatment

For the effective treatment of periodontal disease, various medications are used to relieve inflammation, disinfection, and anesthesia of the problem area.

Chlorhexidine solution photo

Solutions for rinsing:

  • Listerine (an antibacterial agent that should be used to rinse the mouth 2 times a day after hygienic treatment of the teeth);
  • Stomatofit (a concentrated drug that reduces inflammation, the relative price of which in pharmacies is quite affordable. Rinsing is carried out 3-4 times a day, previously 10 mg of the drug is diluted in 100-150 ml of warm water);
  • (a disinfectant used to rinse the mouth after each meal);
  • (antibacterial solution that effectively eliminates pathogenic microflora. Apply up to 4 times a day);
  • Rotokan (an anti-inflammatory agent that relieves symptoms of bleeding. Rinses are carried out for 6 to 7 days. For this, 250 ml of the product is diluted in a glass of warm water);
  • (has an antibacterial effect, 10 drops of the product must first be diluted in a glass of warm water);
  • (antimicrobial solution used for rinsing after each meal).

For effective treatment, complex therapy is often prescribed, in which gels and ointments are used together with rinse solutions. Due to this, the symptoms of inflammation of the gums are removed, and a protective film is formed on the mucosa, which prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Gels and ointments:

  • Paradontocide (anti-inflammatory disinfecting gel, which should be applied to the gums 2-3 times a day for ten days);
  • Gengigel (effectively eliminates the inflammatory process, accelerates tissue regeneration. The agent is applied to the gums 3-4 times a day until the symptoms are eliminated);
  • (relieves pain, eliminates bacterial microflora, applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day for a week;
  • Asepta (due to the propolis extract that is part of the preparation, inflammation and bleeding of the gums are relieved. They will be applied 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks);
  • (has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, applied up to 4 times a day for a week).

It should be remembered that many drugs have some contraindications (pregnancy, early childhood, a tendency to allergic reactions). Therefore, you should not independently make a decision on the use of a particular drug without first consulting a dentist.

Treatment with folk remedies

The remedies used in traditional medicine also effectively eliminate inflammation of the gums, as well as pharmaceutical preparations. However, one should take into account the possible occurrence of allergic reactions, the development of complications. Therefore, before using them, you should consult your doctor.


  • dilute in a glass of warm water 1 tbsp. spoon of baking soda, add half a teaspoon of salt, mix thoroughly. Use the solution to rinse your mouth several times a day;
  • for 250 ml of water, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide. Rinse is carried out 3 - 4 times a day;
  • add 10 drops of iodine to a glass of boiled water, mix thoroughly, rinse the mouth 2-3 times a day;
  • dilute 1 tablet of furacilin in 250 ml of water, rinse several times a day.

Compliance with medical recommendations for the care of the oral cavity will help to avoid the development of inflammatory processes. It is also recommended to give up bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle, visit the dentist in a timely manner. When you visit a doctor at least once every six months, you can timely detect the development of serious diseases, which will significantly speed up the treatment of gums.

It should also be understood that the article describes the general methods of treatment of periodontal disease. Only a doctor can correctly describe a gum treatment regimen. Therefore, you should not rely entirely on the information offered on the Internet; it is better to go to the dentist if you find the listed signs of gum inflammation. Only he will be able to identify the true causes of the development of the disease, prescribe adequate treatment.

Proper Treatment (VIDEO)

Inflammation of the gum tissue is a rather painful condition, which is accompanied by significant lesions of the mucosa. The inflammatory process can proceed locally or grow to a generalized one, which greatly interferes with chewing and speech.

The process of inflammation of the gums without breaking the stability of the teeth is called gingivitis. Deep damage affecting the ligamentous and bone tissues in the gums is periodontitis. How to relieve symptoms, eliminate soreness and cure the very cause of gum inflammation, we will consider below.

Why do gums get inflamed?

Why does the tissue of the oral mucosa hurt and become inflamed? There are many factors that can lead to periodontal disease, because the mucosa is constantly subject to trauma when in contact with solid food. So, the use of hot drinks and foods can cause a burn of the mucous membrane, and cold foods cause its hypothermia.

In addition, a large number of microorganisms, including opportunistic pathogens, live on the surface of the oral mucosa in an adult and a child, which, even with a slight change in external conditions, begin to develop rapidly with a complex lesion of the epithelium. Bacteria enter the tissues even through a small puncture, and, if the patient is inactive, the inflammation affects the deep tissues of the gums.

Another cause of inflammation is the presence of serious carious foci in the mouth, advanced caries with periodontal damage. Vitamin deficiency, hormonal changes, malnutrition, and poisoning can also lead to gum problems.

Diseases that can lead to inflammation

Based on dental practice, we can present the following list of diseases leading to damage and inflammation of the gums:

Other reasons

Other causes of inflammation include mechanical tissue trauma due to prosthetics. Before installing bridge-like crowns, it is necessary to grind the enamel of adjacent teeth, while it is impossible to avoid cutting soft tissues. After installing the prosthesis, they hurt very much, since in this case the gum is scalped over a large area and from several sides (more details in the article:). In addition, trauma can be caused by accidental biting of the gums, piercing, cutting the epithelium when eating.

Other causes of the inflammatory process may be:


Signs of gum irritation and inflammation depend on the current stage of the disease. With gingivitis and periodontitis, the catarrhal stage first occurs, which is characterized by reddening of the gum surface, slight swelling and an increase in local temperature. Inflammation of the gingival papilla is externally manifested as local hyperemia and swelling of the mucosa.

This is followed by a purulent stage with an abundant influx of lymphocytes into the focus and their mass death. Sometimes in the gums you can see interstitial cavities filled with pus, they are gray-green in color and protrude through the epithelium. When pressed, a loose intragingival formation is clearly felt. Inflammation of the interdental gingival papillae is visually accompanied by their enlargement, swelling, deposition of white-yellow plaque on the surface. How different types and stages of inflammation look like, you can see in the photo.

Treatment of inflammation in the dental clinic

Treatment of severe gingival inflammation is recommended to be carried out in a dental clinic by a periodontist. For the appointment of the entire complex of procedures, it is necessary to conduct an accurate diagnosis. Determine the depth of the lesion of the gums using radiography, cone beam tomography. Based on these data, a computer program builds a three-dimensional model, which can accurately see the internal inflammatory process and determine the depth of periodontal pockets (the space between the root of the tooth and the gum) in the lower and upper jaws.

The first stage of treatment is cleaning the enamel from plaque and calculus using ultrasound or mechanically. Gingivitis and periodontitis affect the soft tissue of the gums, so the doctor prescribes local injections of vitamins and anti-inflammatory drugs. At the purulent stage, antibiotic therapy is used, the affected gingival papillae are chipped with Ceftriaxone, Cefitaxime, Amikacin 1-2 times a day for a week.

After the main symptoms have been eliminated, if necessary, surgical restoration of the gum volume and raising of the lowered periodontal pockets are performed: curettage and patchwork operations.

How to treat at home?

When the gums hurt, you can treat them at home with herbal rinses and the application of antiseptic gels. It is forbidden to take antiallergic, antibacterial drugs uncontrollably, as they are addictive. If the mucosa is inflamed, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is not recommended. They reduce blood clotting and increase the risk of bleeding, especially from damaged gums.


Rinsing the mouth with infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants helps to remove inflammation of the gums. For the preparation of solutions, herbs with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties are taken, namely, calendula flowers, chamomile, string grass; with increased bleeding, rinse your mouth with hemostatic, astringent decoctions of yarrow herb, nettle leaves, oak bark.

The recipe for preparing the infusion is as follows: a portion of raw materials 1-2 tablespoons is poured with 250-500 milliliters of boiling water, insisted for 5-10 minutes in a water bath, then left in a sealed container at room temperature for up to half an hour, after which you can strain and use the resulting infusion. The decoction is prepared from solid raw materials (for example, bark), which is poured with boiling water and insisted in a water bath under a lid for up to half an hour. Herbal treatments are often very effective in eliminating all signs of gum disease.

Solutions of medical antiseptics have an anti-inflammatory effect: 0.05% Chlorhexidine bigluconate, 3% Hydrogen peroxide, 1% Potassium permanganate, 1% Furacillin. Hydrogen peroxide is diluted before rinsing in a ratio of 1:10. Chlorhexidine is used undiluted. Treat gums by rinsing with solutions of soda and salt, dilutions of alcohol tinctures of Propolis, Calendula, Rotokan, Stomatofit, Malavit.

Anti-inflammatory ointments

Local treatment of diseased gums is also carried out with the help of dental pastes and gels (we recommend reading:). The composition of most gels includes two components: Lidocaine and an extract of chamomile flowers, such a composition in Kamistad, Kalgel, Dentinox. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that can effectively relieve pain within ten minutes after application.

Dry extract of chamomile has an antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. The gels are applied to the inflamed interdental papillae in strips 2-3 cm long, every 2-3 hours.

The following drugs are the most popular and effective:

  1. Dental adhesive paste Solcoseryl has a thick consistency and consists of gelatin, pectin, calf blood dialysate, therefore, it not only relieves symptoms, but also heals. The surface of the gingival interdental swollen papillae is covered with a thin layer of paste and moistened with water, the product is completely absorbed after 10-15 minutes, the procedure is repeated 3-5 times a day.
  2. Holisal is a medical gel that has the most complex effect of all gels in dentistry. It provides disinfection and antiseptic treatment, removal of swelling of the oral mucosa, anesthetizes, suitable for the treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis of infectious etiology.
  3. Metrogil-denta is an antiseptic dental gel based on chlorhexidine, used as an antimicrobial agent, as well as to restore weakened gum pockets.

Medicated toothpastes

Gum treatment at home is supplemented by cleaning the dentition with therapeutic pastes of the Sensodin, Asepta, Parodontax series. They contain antiseptic and antimicrobial components. The action of pastes and conditioners of the Forest Balsam series is based on extracts of medicinal herbs: yarrow, oak, sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, plantain.

How to quickly eliminate inflammation with the help of folk remedies?

What to do if the gum aches and turns red (we recommend reading:)? In this case, you can rinse your mouth with a solution of soda and salt. Soda solution is prepared in the ratio of 1-2 teaspoons per glass of water. The soda is quenched with boiling water, after which the solution is allowed to cool. Rinsing is carried out 3-5 times a day, holding the mixture in the mouth for 2-3 minutes. Salt baths are diluted based on the same ratios, but not with hot, but with warm water. Massage of the mucosa also has a good effect: smooth circular movements with pressure massage the outer and inner sides of the inflamed area.


The main preventive measure is the timely and complete maintenance of the cleanliness and hygiene of the oral cavity. Be sure to conduct a quality daily cleaning of the teeth. On average, once every six months, it is required to undergo a professional removal of tartar on the apparatus in the dental office.

Measures to prevent gum disease depend on its cause. In the presence of frequent, recurrent diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the likelihood of secondary lesions in the oral cavity is high. It is necessary to treat sore throats, colds, pharyngitis, laryngitis in a timely manner, as well as strengthen the immune system. For local antimicrobial action, lozenges based on the saliva enzyme - lysozyme are used: Lyzobact, Lysoprim.

At the initial stages of periodontitis, it is appropriate to carry out antiseptic rinses and dissolve Strepsils-intensive lozenges or Tantum-Verde tablets with an anti-inflammatory component. Local antibacterial agents: sprays - Octinisept, Geksoral, tablets - Grammicidin C, Grammidin. To restore the immune status of the body, it is recommended to drink herbal preparations: tinctures of Ginseng, Propolis, Echinacea, Immunal (tablets and tincture). Interferon agents are also used: Cycloferon tablets, candles - Kipferon, Genferon, Viferon.

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