What to do if the dog was poisoned by raw fish. What to give and how to treat a dog with poisoning

The article focuses on the main health problems of pets that can occur in case of poisoning. The article is for informational purposes only, so you need to contact your veterinarian for treatment.

Food, intestinal, food poisoning in animal dogs, puppy symptoms, signs and treatment at home, how to treat folk remedies with vodka at home

Food poisoning is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- convulsions, trembling;
- vomiting, diarrhea;
- profuse salivation;
- rapid breathing;
- weakness or overexcitation;
- Consumption of large amounts of water.

Food poisoning is the most common dog ailment and should be treated by a veterinarian. First aid can be provided at home, for this you need to induce vomiting in the dog. A steep salt solution of 1 tbsp is poured into the pet. on a glass of water, put an enema.

After the symptoms are relieved, the dog will need a diet and a restorative diet for some time.

Vodka helps to treat poisoning. This folk remedy has been used for a long time and effectively. The dog should be given a spoonful of vodka several times a day with water.

Poisoning with rat poison in dogs and other poisons, without vomiting and diarrhea first aid, what to do and give

In case of poisoning with rat poison, symptoms appear on the 3-4th day, in the form of bleeding from the nose and mouth. The poisoned dog groans, the temperature rises, blood is present in the vomit and feces.

The dog needs to clear the stomach, for this they induce vomiting, wash the stomach with saline. A sick animal is intramuscularly injected with vitamin K (Vikasol) 1-2 ml.

Poisoning in dogs with tubazid, isoniazid, arsenic, antibiotics, tablets, clover, zoocoumarin, chemicals, milk, bone, chocolate, similar to a tick, clinical signs

With arsenic poisoning, the smell of garlic is felt. The dog is given first aid - the poisonous substance is removed from the body. Then the pet is given a solution of magnesium oxide (20g) and ferrous sulfate (100g), diluted in 500 ml of warm water.

Isoniazid tablets are specifically used to kill dogs. This medicine for tuberculosis has a strong effect on the pet and, most importantly, determine the poisoning in time. The poison acts quickly and is accompanied by convulsions, impaired coordination. The dog is intravenously injected with vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 1% solution.

If the dog was poisoned by acid or alkali, then washing is not necessary. The animal is poured up to 1 liter of water with charcoal tablets or manganese, the nose and mouth are washed with water.

Poisoning in dogs blue tongue, convulsions, gurgling in the abdomen, temperature, prognosis

In case of poisoning with quinine, convulsions begin in dogs, body temperature rises or falls, the tongue and nose turn blue, and photophobia. First you need to wash the stomach with water with activated charcoal, give a laxative and warm the dog.

The drug anabasin is used in horticulture, for processing fruits and poisoning with this chemical is dangerous for a dog. She has severe continuous vomiting, blue lips and tongue, her mind is confused. The pet does not respond to people and dies, so action must be taken immediately.

As practice shows, any dog ​​can become a victim of a flayer, both domestic and homeless. Flayers scatter poison everywhere - in parks, playgrounds, on the territory of kindergartens, on the streets, in yards.

Therefore, everyone who has pets should have the necessary medicines in their home and know the instructions for providing first aid to an animal in case of poisoning. You and your pet may simply not get to the veterinary clinic, for the reason that the dog can die within 40 minutes if it is not treated.

IF THE DOG JUST EAT SUSPICIOUS PIECE ON THE STREET- do not be too lazy to play it safe!

In no case should dogs be fed, feeding can lead to accelerated absorption of the poison.

1. Induce vomiting(for example, by drinking forcibly a large amount of boiled water (NOT saline, you can poison the animal with salt itself). With caution, you can use hydrogen peroxide with water - 1: 1 (at the rate of 1 tbsp. l of the product per 3 kg of animal weight).

Some extreme owners manage to induce vomiting mechanically by pressing their fingers on the root of the tongue - but consider the temperament of your dog, take care of your hands. (Popular ways - salt, mustard, soda - are dangerous!)

2. After vomiting or if it was not possible to induce vomiting, give adsorbents(activated charcoal - 1 tab per 1 kg of weight, grind, dilute with water and let the animal drink; enterosgel, polypefam, enterosorb, etc.),

3. Then give a glass laxative salt solution(magnesium sulfate or sodium sulfate - a tablespoon in a glass of water).

4. Carefully observe the condition of the dog. It is better to repeat the adsorbents several more times.


-ATvitamin B6 (Piridoxine)injection- in any human pharmacy, available;

- ATvitamin K1(in any human pharmacy, available, veterinary only abroad - check how in Russia with this), as a last resort K3 (Vikasol);

-Atnithiol(human, expensive, but effective antidote to several types of poisoning) - only a doctor should use;

- BUTsorbents: Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Sorbeks, Polypefam, Enterosorb, etc.;

May need BUTtropin- not freely available. Well, if you can buy it, but only a doctor should use it, THE DRUG IS DANGEROUS;

-Pdrugs that induce vomiting(Emetics) - hellebore tincture (use only after consulting a doctor!); other drugs, such as Apomorphine hydrochloride, not commercially available, DANGEROUS, should only be used by a doctor;

- FROMlaxative salts(for example, Glauber's salt);

- Mophthalmic(Furosemide);

- Antispasmodics(No-shpa);

- Wsyringes for 2, 5, 20 ml, syringe, droppers.



Drowsiness, confusion - appear after 30 minutes

The dog begins to lose coordination, her legs give way, she rolls to the sides


Profuse salivation, foaming at the mouth

- In severe poisoning, coma is possible, respiratory depression, convulsions, lactic acidosis.

Seizures are usually prolonged and are not relieved by anticonvulsants. If there are no seizures, then lactic acidosis does not occur. (Acidosis is the accumulation of negatively charged particles (anions) of acids in the blood and other tissues of the body, lactic acidosis is the accumulation of lactate).


VITAMIN B6 (Pyridoxine), sold in a human pharmacy!

If the animal tends to "vacuum", the vitamin can be given orally (moreover, in doses exceeding therapeutic ones), or administered intramuscularly (up to 10 ml per dose). If the animal is prone to allergies - you can not use it prophylactically, but at the slightest sign of poisoning - enter it! Next - get the dog to the clinic, and as soon as possible!


Enter Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) and deliver to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible!

Antidote (antidote) PYRIDOXINE (vitamin B6).

1) ENTER PYRIDOXINE intravenously at a dose equal to the amount of Isoniazid taken(if you do not know how to do intravenous injections, then in extreme cases you can also inject intramuscularly)

If this amount is not known, administer 3-5 g.

With an incomplete effect or resumption of symptoms, the administration of pyridoxine is repeated.

Vitamin B6 is non-toxic even in high doses, so even if another poison is later confirmed, it will not get worse.

The introduction of pyridoxine can lead to a rapid cessation of seizures and correction of metabolic acidosis, but consciousness is sometimes restored only after a few hours. Acidosis may require sodium bicarbonate.

Dosage in the treatment of vitamin B6:

dogs - 1-10 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight,

cats - 5-20 milligrams.

ALSO URGENTLY carry out measures to remove the toxic substance from the digestive tract:

1. induce vomiting(for example, by drinking forcibly a large amount of boiled water (NOT saline, you can poison the animal with salt itself). With caution, you can use hydrogen peroxide with water - 1: 1 (at the rate of 1 tbsp. l of the product per 3 kg of animal weight);

2. After vomiting or if it was not possible to induce vomiting - adsorbents(activated charcoal 1-3g/kg, enterosgel (dilute with water to the state of jelly, pour into the mouth with a syringe/syringe);

3. Corvalol(15 drops per 20 kg.);

4. Cleansing enema + laxative salts;

5. Give as much liquid as possible + diuretics(diuretic, such as furosemide), possible antispasmodics(no-shpa injection intramuscularly);




Bloody vomiting, bloody diarrhea, bleeding from the rectum, lethargy, lack of appetite, anemic mucous membranes, shortness of breath, tachycardia, the animal groans, temperature up to 40*C.

Rat poison - bloody vomiting, bloody diarrhea, blood from everywhere - clotting is impaired.


Rat poisons - anticoagulants, suppress the production of vitamin K, which is involved in the synthesis of coagulation factors, damage the walls of capillaries, as a result of which blood clotting is disturbed and the animal dies from bleeding from all natural openings, blood flowing into the peritoneum, hemorrhage into the brain.

After the poison enters the body, the animal's state of health remains normal for some time - until its own reserves of vitamin K are exhausted. The typical time of onset of clinical symptoms varies from 3 to 5 (sometimes more) days from ingestion of rodenticide.


Vitamin K1 ( Phytomenadione (Phytonadione ) — vital for restoring the function of blood coagulation (veterinary is not sold with us, more often it is replaced by vikasol (K3), BUT IT IS BETTER to find human K1Konakion, Konavit, Mephiton, Monodion. )

Even better is to find an opportunity to buy veterinary K1 abroad in advance: Veta-K1, Veda-K1, Mephyton, Aqua-Mephyton and injectable, and in capsules (tablets), the treatment involves the use of both.

An antidote for certain types of rat poisons, as well as poisoning with arsenic, mercury, and other thiol poisons, is UNITIOL, drug from human pharmacy.

May need Atropine.


1.Give adsorbents(activated charcoal 1 tab / kg, enterosgel, polypefam, enterosorb, etc. - but this should not be done if the animal is very lethargic, lethargic, in a coma, cannot swallow or has convulsions).

THEN URGENTLY TO THE CLINIC, DON'T LOSE! Take a sample of the poison so that antidotes and dosages can be determined.

2. If there is time before you deliver the animal to the veterinary clinic - wash the stomach and intestines with an enema with warm water.

3. Consulting with a doctor by phone, you can inject K-1 or K3 (Vikasol) at a dosage that the doctor will indicate .

The approximate dosage of K1 is 2.5 mg for large dogs; 5 mg for small dogs as a single subcutaneous or oral dose if vomiting is NOT intramuscular.

Be careful, the vitamin from your first aid kit may have a different dosage.

4. Take with you if you have Unithiol, K1 (K3-vikasol), Atropine.

For example, Unitiol is used if the animal has been poisoned by a poison containing, in addition to zoocoumarin, arsenic poisons.

5. You can give your dog water, strong cold tea.

Giving milk is risky!


Signs of poisoning in dogs:

Signs of poisoning in dogs are different. Depending on the chemical structure of the toxic substance, poisoning in a dog can manifest itself in different ways. Fulminant and acute cases of poisoning are characterized by a sudden onset and clearly expressed clinical manifestations. Chronic poisoning develops gradually in a dog, and it is rather difficult for an owner or a veterinarian to immediately recognize it.

Once in the dog's body, the poison affects the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, liver, heart, lungs, kidneys, and skin.
The main picture of fulminant or acute damage to certain organs of the dog occurs immediately after poisoning. The dog falls, his head twitches, he grinds his teeth. There are repeated vomiting, profuse salivation, body convulsions may occur. Dogs are often excited, their consciousness is darkened, they may be prone to aggression. In some cases of poisoning, on the contrary, the dogs are depressed, lethargic, do not respond to the nickname, and hide in dark corners. Within a few hours, they develop lesions of individual organs and death occurs.

General principles for providing first aid to a dog:
Helping an injured dog is a daunting task not only for dog owners or handlers, but also for experienced veterinarians, since it is usually very difficult to determine what kind of poison the animal was poisoned with. Nevertheless, first aid to the dog should be provided as soon as possible.

If poisoning is suspected or if there is a clear picture of poisoning, it is necessary first of all to find out the possible nature of the poison and the ways of its penetration into the body: through the mouth, respiratory organs, skin. This can be helped by information received from persons involved in the dog at the time of the poisoning.

Remains of food found at the site of poisoning, smells of gas, vomit with a characteristic odor and other evidence can help to quickly get an idea of ​​the nature of the poison. Only then is it possible to provide proper assistance to the injured dog.

Consider measures to provide first aid to a dog in case of poisoning with an unknown poison.

Assistance consists of the following activities:

a) to stop the flow of poison into the body of the dog;

b) if the poison has entered the stomach, quickly remove it from the body by giving an emetic;

c) reduce the concentration of poison in the gastrointestinal tract by drinking heavily and inducing vomiting, setting cleansing enemas;

d) reduce the concentration of poisons in the blood by bloodletting and at the same time introducing intravenous solutions of glucose, sodium chloride, etc. (this procedure is performed only by a veterinarian);

e) promptly restore the disturbed functions of the dog's body.

Almost all medicines are antidotes, i.e. remedies for poisoned dogs are based on the interaction of antidotes with the substances that caused the poisoning. An example is the neutralization of alkalis with acids and, conversely, acids with alkalis. A pale pink potassium permanganate raster oxidizes a poison of organic origin, i.e. makes it inactive. To absorb the poison in the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to give animals adsorbents: activated carbon - carbolene, burnt magnesia, chalk, talc, white clay, milk, strong iced tea. To reduce the absorption of poisons, enveloping agents should be used: give the dog a mucous decoction of hercules, rice, etc. to drink. preferably with the addition of fat or egg white. For the fastest release of poison from the body, the dog is forcibly fed with large amounts of water or diuretic tea.

If the poisonous substance has got on the surface of the dog's body, caused damage to the coat and affects the body by absorption through the skin, then the easiest and surest way to provide first aid is to wash the poison off with ordinary cool water, preferably with soap.
If toxic substances that are easily soluble in fats, such as chlorophos, have come into contact with the skin, and are easily absorbed through intact skin, they must be washed off only with cold water, since warm water increases the absorption of poison through the skin.
After providing first aid, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

Food poisoning in dogs is common. Therefore, the owner needs to constantly monitor what his dog eats. It is important to know how to provide first aid before the arrival of the veterinarian.

Sometimes the owner himself can give spoiled food to the dog and often the animal can suffer because of this. Food from the table is not the main food of the animal. For example, if she eats a piece of spoiled meat, this can provoke significant complications, including death.

Varieties of intoxication in animals

Specialists distinguish two types of intoxication in pupils, differing in the method of ingestion of toxic ingredients:

  1. Food - poisonous elements enter through the alimentary tract. This includes the consumption of spoiled food, chem. elements, pharmaceutical substances and others. Not only a direct hit of the element, but also licking the toxin from the paws or wool will show signs of food poisoning in the animal.
  2. Non-food - toxins enter through breathing, skin. This type of intestinal infection includes the inhalation of unsafe fumes or gases, the bites of toxic insects. To provide first aid, you need to detect signs of the disease in time. Obvious signs of intestinal infection can be observed after 3-7 hours, depending on the type of toxin. Gradual intoxication, slowly poisoning the body, can manifest itself only after a couple of weeks.

Causes of dog poisoning

The reasons may be:

It is necessary to provide first aid, consult a doctor. It is necessary to establish the cause of the disease.

Signs of food poisoning

The very first signs are:

  • General weakness. The dog does not wag its tail, does not respond to noise and does not react to food from the table;
  • She doesn't react when you even step on her tail;
  • Sudden impotence - the dog is not able to rise or move, he simply does not have enough strength for this.

After such signs of weakness, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Unexpected, severe vomiting;
  • Random twitching of the head, tail, convulsions;
  • Diarrhea with a characteristic odor;
  • If the stomach is already empty, the animal continues to vomit foam;
  • protein intoxication.

You can understand that the dog was poisoned due to eating low-quality food or meat food by the following indicators:

  • loss of hair on the back, above the tail, on the muzzle;
  • coat is dull;
  • itches regularly;
  • there is a loss of body weight;
  • urine is darker with a pungent odor.

These signs of intestinal infection occur 4 weeks after the introduction of cheap feed. Therefore, in this case, the owner must switch to another food that is more suitable in composition for the pet. And in the diet of a pet should not be a lot of meat.

What a breeder needs to know about first aid

Watching the deterioration in the state of health, any owner begins to panic and does not always understand how to help. Therefore, we will consider in more detail how to treat a dog for poisoning.

First aid for dog poisoning has a clear sequence:

  1. The first step is to remove the toxic substance from the body. You should induce vomiting by pouring saline liquid into your mouth (1 tablespoon of salt per glass of water at room temperature) or hydrogen peroxide with water (1: 1).
  2. If chemicals come into contact with the skin, they must be washed off with water, and in addition, take the animal to a ventilated place. When inhaling gasoline vapors, the dog may experience convulsions and vomiting. Therefore, the owner should give a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, and later - a laxative.
  3. After vomiting caused by a salt substance, you can pour half a glass of vegetable oil into the mouth or give 1-3 grams of activated charcoal (per 1 kilogram of animal weight).
  4. In case of chemical poisoning, the dog is injected with vitamin B6, then they give Corvalol: thirty drops per 40 kilograms.
  5. It is also necessary to actively solder the animal in order to reduce the concentration of toxins in the blood.

How to protect your dog from poisoning with liquid:

  • having found signs of poisoning in dogs, they are soldered with saline and other solutions that provoke vomiting;
  • then you can give animals strong tea, mucous decoctions, purified water.

And, of course, at the first signs of poisoning in a dog, it is urgent to call a veterinarian or go to the hospital.

If the dog is poisoned by food or low-quality food, first of all, any adsorbent (activated carbon, enterosgel, smectu or atoxil) is given inside and a semi-starvation diet is prescribed. It often happens that such actions become enough to normalize the condition. Then it is preferable to consult a veterinarian or show him the animal to make sure that the pet is not in danger.

How can a doctor help in a veterinary clinic:

  • to remove all the toxic substance, the doctor will do a gastric lavage with a probe;
  • may apply an enema with salted water;
  • introduces drip infusions of glucose solutions.

For treatment, substances for the heart, diuretic drugs are used.

Treatment of the consequences of poisoning

When the dog was poisoned, the first measures were taken, further therapy should be carried out. Treatment of a dog with food poisoning is performed in a certain sequence. The stomach should be cleansed. For this, adsorbents are used. You can use activated carbon, or burnt magnesia, egg white or kaolin. It is good to solder the dog with milk, a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Next, gastric lavage should be performed. As a rule, a probe is assigned. When a couple of hours have passed after the poisoning, in this case it is permissible to make an enema with salted water. About one tablespoon of salt is added to a glass of water. It is important that the water is not warm.

Next, you should follow the course of treatment that the doctor will prescribe. These can be antidotes, drip solutions (glucose), the use of iron, diuretics, heart drugs. Over time, the animal will return to normal.

Diet for dogs

During treatment and after it, it is necessary to restore nutrition. For a speedy recovery, the menu should be easily digestible and include all the required vitamins and microelements.

After poisoning, the mucous membrane of the intestinal tract, stomach, pancreas, kidneys, and liver should be maintained. The gastrointestinal tract is generally very sensitive after poisoning because the enzymes required to process food are not produced in the proper way.

Immediately after poisoning, it is necessary to form a diet for the affected animal. The first day the dog is obliged to eat not very fatty meat, such as beef, chicken (without bones) and cereals in broth - buckwheat, oatmeal. Later, you can supplement the menu with boiled fish, include cottage cheese, as well as chicken eggs. From fats, only a little oil can be given. You should not cook "heavy" cereals - semolina, millet.

It is important to follow the correct diet. The dog needs to be fed every two hours, the food should be warm, slightly salted. Over time, it is necessary to resume a two-time diet and restore the microflora of the intestinal tract (it is preferable to use bifidokefir, which has stood in the refrigerator for 2-3 days). You should not feed your pet with pork, bones, bread, rolls and sugar. Offal, canned foods and raw vegetables are also prohibited during the diet.

Poison prevention

It is better not to get sick than to be treated later. Based on this, it is necessary to engage in the prevention of poisoning. You should explain to the dog (and get her to understand) that it is impossible to lift food from the ground, to accept food from strangers. If the animal, after training, has not understood that it is impossible to pick up food on the street, then it is best to buy a muzzle.

The dog needs to be fed with vitamins and minerals so that he does not have a thirst to pick up something on the street or take food from strangers. When walking with an animal, keep a close eye on what it does and whether it takes inedible or toxic elements into its mouth.

To prevent poisoning in a dog, an integrated approach is needed:

  1. Follow the usefulness, balance of the dog's menu, then he will not have the desire to pick up edible pieces lying around and chew on plants.
  2. You need to train your dog to be under control. Then the owner will avoid many difficulties with street poisoning (Enterosgel will help).
  3. At home, all hazardous household chemicals, medicines must be kept out of reach.
  4. You don't need to self-medicate your pet.
  5. In no case should you give your dog chocolate as a treat, and any other food from the table can be unsafe.

Nutrition of the animal is one of the moments for a comfortable and healthy life of the dog in the house. If she is poisoned and you do not know what to do, immediately go to the veterinary clinic. The doctor will be able to provide first aid, since in many cases the life of the animal really goes to the clock. Be careful, watch the behavior of your dog, especially after walks.

In order to notice signs of poisoning in time and provide proper assistance to the dog, you need to know the clinical picture, as well as treatment methods.

Symptoms of poisoning in dogs are different and depend on the individual characteristics of the dog's body, the causes of poisoning. But some signs are of a general nature, and therefore are observed with all types of intoxication:

  • vomiting, diarrhea;
  • frequent shallow breathing or, conversely, deep, but rare;
  • strong thirst;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, prolonged lying down;
  • chills;
  • change in body temperature;
  • increased salivation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • unpleasant smell from the mouth.

Main reasons

Poisoning can be divided into 2 categories: food and non-food.

Food types of intoxication are caused by dangerous toxins entering the stomach. Poisoning in a puppy and an adult dog in this case occurs due to the use of:

  • spoiled or poisoned products;
  • household chemicals;
  • cosmetics (shampoo, perfumes, varnishes, hair dyes);
  • poisonous plants, mushrooms;
  • medicines;
  • drugs for the extermination of rodents, insects, etc.

Sometimes it is enough for an animal to lick a poisoned surface once (it can even be its own fur if poison has got on it) or to breathe deeply polluted air for intoxication to occur.

Non-food poisoning is considered to be caused by external factors. Toxins enter the body through the respiratory tract and skin. Worth the fear:

  • gasoline vapors;
  • carbon monoxide;
  • bites of poisonous reptiles, insects;
  • pesticides.

Types of poisoning and how they manifest themselves

To help your pet, you need to find out exactly the cause of the poisoning.

Poor quality food

The symptoms of food poisoning in dogs are almost always the same. The animal has:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • chills;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • bloating;
  • weakness;
  • stomach ache;
  • rapid/weak breathing;
  • profuse salivation;
  • blue mucous membranes;
  • sometimes - convulsions and loss of consciousness.

rat poison

You can recognize such a dangerous condition by the following signs:

  • blood in feces (it is often liquid), vomit and saliva (usually foamy);
  • elevated temperature;
  • anemia of the mucous membranes;
  • rapid pulse;
  • loud groan due to severe pain in the abdomen.


Poisoning with the strongest poison strychnine in dogs has severe manifestations:

  • spasms that cause contraction of the neck and spinal muscles;
  • seizures that the animal cannot control;
  • muscles become poorly mobile, and limbs become rigid;
  • vomiting opens;
  • tachycardia appears;
  • breathing becomes difficult.

Medicines and drugs

It is difficult to single out clear symptoms in this case, since all drugs are different in strength to the nature of the impact. We give you only the most common signs of intoxication of the dog's body with drugs and drugs:

  • vomit;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • blue or pale mucous membranes;
  • constriction/dilation of pupils;
  • overexcited or, conversely, unusually lethargic state;
  • inappropriate behavior of the pet;
  • convulsions;
  • deep sleep or loss of consciousness;
  • coma;
  • poor coordination.


A dangerous substance that affects the central nervous system and the brain, therefore, without timely treatment, the animal can die in a matter of hours. In order to recognize intoxication with this remedy as early as possible, it is necessary to know the symptoms characteristic of it:

  • the dog moves chaotically around the house, while there is an unsteady gait;
  • breath is barely perceptible;
  • foam flows out of the mouth with an admixture of blood;
  • there may be vomiting, also bloody;
  • convulsions;
  • high risk of coma;
  • consciousness is confused;
  • in especially severe cases, paralysis occurs or death occurs.

Carbon monoxide or exhaust gas

The clinical picture for poisoning with harmful gases looks like this:

  • mucous membranes become either blue or bright red;
  • movements are uncoordinated;
  • there is shortness of breath, cough, vomiting with blood;
  • pulse and breathing quickens;
  • tears begin to flow;
  • saliva is profusely secreted;
  • the dog is in a sleepy state.

Too much protein

This happens when the owner incorrectly makes up a diet for the pet. If a lot of proteins are included in the animal's menu, the kidneys begin to suffer.

Protein poisoning is expressed with the following symptoms:

  • baldness (most often occurs in the region of the ridge and tail);
  • the appearance of dandruff;
  • change in the smell and shade of urine;
  • in advanced cases, renal failure develops.

Remedies for ticks and fleas

In addition to the fact that the pet ceases to be active and playful, you may notice other signs of intoxication:

  • there is thirst, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea;
  • salivation increases;
  • loss of appetite;
  • breathing becomes heavier;
  • pupils become wider.


The dog breeder can notice the first alarming symptoms after half an hour. It is important to have time to provide medical assistance in time, otherwise the outcome will be fatal. Poisoning with arsenic compounds is manifested primarily by a change in the behavior of the pet:

  • the dog begins to rub its muzzle with its paws;
  • movement is difficult, so the animal lies most of the time;
  • there are cramps of the limbs;
  • barking becomes hoarse or almost silent;
  • severe vomiting opens;
  • diarrhea appears (feces may acquire the color of rice water).

Boric acid

You can recognize the ingestion of boric acid into the body of an animal by a number of signs:

  • body temperature decreases (36-37 ° C);
  • the work of the cardiovascular system worsens;
  • a red rash appears on the skin;
  • diarrhea occurs, which is often accompanied by bloody discharge, and vomiting;
  • the animal hides in a corner so that no one touches it.


This substance is a subspecies of rat poison, and therefore it is very dangerous for a pet. Treat your dog as soon as you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • mucous membranes are pale;
  • bloody discharge from the nose, gums and rectum;
  • when coughing and with urine, blood clots come out;
  • no appetite;
  • there is general weakness and shortness of breath.


If this poisonous substance enters, death will not occur instantly. However, the animal will suffer, and after 5-10 days, without providing the necessary assistance, it will die. Mercury intoxication is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • lethargy, depression;
  • diarrhea;
  • urine does not enter the bladder, respectively, there is no urination;
  • the animal refuses to eat, which leads to depletion of the body;
  • convulsions begin;
  • coordination of movements is disturbed;
  • in the chronic course of poisoning and the lack of timely assistance, paralysis occurs.

First aid rules

If the dog is poisoned, the owner will have to provide the injured animal with first aid. Until the pet falls into the hands of a veterinarian, the dog breeder will need to act quickly and correctly.

Therapy will differ depending on the type of poisoning. Let's consider all its stages in detail.

Gastric lavage with food intoxication

The first step is to cleanse the body of a poisoned pet from toxins by causing him to vomit. To do this, knead a weak solution of potassium permanganate or dilute hydrogen peroxide in boiled water (proportions - 1: 1). Giving a cleanser costs 1 tbsp. l. for every 3 kg of dog weight.

If you know for sure that the animal was poisoned by oil products, acids or alkali, do not induce vomiting! This further injures the gastrointestinal tract and burns the larynx. With such intoxication, immediately consult a doctor and do not self-medicate.

Therapy for non-food poisoning

Helping a dog in case of poisoning, when the poison has entered the body through the skin, is to bathe the animal. Water your pet with plenty of running water and wash off toxic substances from the coat with baby or laundry soap. Do not use shampoos or detergents!

In the event of a bite from a poisonous insect or snake, ice should be applied to the damaged area.

Inhalation toxicity requires that the animal be urgently removed to fresh air or allowed to stay in a well-ventilated area.


After gastric lavage, the pet should be given absorbents. The most affordable are Enterosgel, Enterosorb, Polyfepam or activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight).


The body must be allowed to recover, so the menu of a weakened dog will have to be adjusted. On the first day after vomiting and diarrhea, do not feed the pet, but leave access to clean water free.

After a day, the dog can begin to feed. Choose food that is easy to digest in the stomach. Broths and decoctions of cereals are suitable, a little later enter minced meat and liquid cereals into the diet.

You can also give easily digestible food, but it is better to soak them. Portions should initially be small. As the animal recovers, the amount of food can be increased by including additional products in the menu: boiled eggs, chicken liver, cottage cheese.

Drinking regime

A dog with intoxication should drink plenty of water in order to reduce the amount of toxic substances in the body. The first day the pet is fed mainly with solutions that provoke vomiting, after which they give a lot of clean water, strong tea or cereal decoctions.

Treatment in a veterinary clinic

When first aid is given, call your veterinarian immediately. On your own, you are unlikely to correctly diagnose and figure out what kind of poisoning your dog has. Do not waste precious time so that it is not too late later.

The specialist, having found out the cause of intoxication, may prescribe:

  • antidote;
  • diuretics, anticonvulsants;
  • enema for cleansing the intestines;
  • medicines or procedures aimed at maintaining the functioning of vital organs;
  • antibiotics;
  • droppers;
  • vitamins;
  • antispasmodics, etc.

Prevention measures

Here are some simple precautions every dog ​​owner should follow:

  1. Move medicines, household chemicals, cosmetics, pest control and rodent control products to a height where the animal cannot reach.
  2. Do not feed your pet low-quality cheap food and spoiled food leftovers.
  3. Wean your dog from digging in the ground, a trash can, or picking up something on the street.
  4. Always supervise your pet, especially when you go out for a walk or find yourself in an unfamiliar place.
  5. Be sure to keep all the necessary first aid medicines in your first aid kit at home.
  6. When outdoors, do not allow the animal to run around pesticide-treated garden areas and poisonous plants.

Compliance with the rules will help to avoid poisoning and its serious consequences.

Poisoning in dogs is a very common occurrence. Therefore, it is important for pet owners to be able to identify it in a timely manner and competently stop it.

The likelihood of intoxication in animals

To the abolition of selective cats, dogs like to try and nibble everything.

According to statistics, about 80% of these animals end up in a veterinary clinic or die from intoxication through the fault of the owner himself.

More often, such situations are underfed or malnourished pets, in the diet of which there are not enough vitamins and minerals.

Common Causes

Even if the pet's diet is balanced, the animal is not immune from poisoning. There are several reasons for this:

The cause of poisoning may be stale food or expired food.

  • eating stale food or expired food (for many animals, the smell of rotten meat is even attractive);
  • accidental ingestion of drugs left by the owner in an accessible place due to negligence;
  • eating poisoned food scattered by dog ​​hunters in animal walking areas;
  • eating household chemicals (while cleaning the premises, quenching their thirst, the animal can drink a soapy solution);
  • inhalation of chemical gases, cigarette smoke, fumes from chemicals found on the territories of industrial enterprises;
  • ingestion of toxins on the mucous membranes, hair (with careless application of drugs from fleas or ticks);
  • eating houseplants (rhododendron, tulip, as well as daffodils and azalea are toxic to them);
  • the use of the sweetener xylitol (1 tablet can provoke a hypoglycemic coma and death).

In addition, incorrectly selected food, regardless of age, also causes toxemia in puppies. There are cases when a monthly puppy was fed dry food, which is absolutely impossible to do. The puppy's diet should include natural products, raw meat and sour-milk products. Feeding is done in frequent and small portions, every 3 hours.

How to detect toxemia in time

Primary signs of intoxication may be similar to those that appear in infectious diseases.

Quite often, the owners confuse them with the initial stage of viral enteritis. He also has vomiting and lack of appetite. The owner thinks that the pet is sick because he does not eat anything. And wrong first aid actions can only aggravate the situation. What should be done in this case? How to recognize if a pet is poisoned or sick?

Viral enteritis is characterized by vomiting with white foam, which intensifies as symptoms increase. And poisoning is characterized by damage to the central nervous system.

Clinical picture

If the dog happened to be poisoned, then the signs indicating this will appear during the first day after the penetration of toxins into the body. They will depend on the source of toxemia, the ways they get inside the body.


In veterinary practice, there is a division of toxemia into 2 categories:

  • food poisoning occurs when a toxic substance enters the body from the digestive tract;
  • non-food occurs when a toxic substance penetrates the skin, mucous membranes, and respiratory tract.


This kind of toxemia can lead not only to feeding stale food and feed, but also to neglect on the street while walking.

Excessive care, manifested in feeding exclusively on meat and meat products, can provoke protein intoxication. And in the case when the owners will give the dog cat food, it is possible to provoke an overdose of taurine, which is part of it, as well as proteins.

If the dog was poisoned by food, then the characteristic signs will be:

  • visible weakness, inactivity, refusal to play;
  • weak or completely absent appetite;
  • vomiting with food debris, and later - mucus, gastric juice, and even bile;
  • profuse and frequent diarrhea, watery consistency and fetid odor;
  • excessive accumulation of gases, accompanied by colic, as indicated by the whining of the animal, gurgling sounds in the stomach.

Poisoning a dog with chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, can cause death. No less dangerous are grapes, raisins, as well as xylitol contained in chewing plates, cheap sweets, toothpastes.

Salt poisoning is quite common among food poisoning. The lethal dose for dogs is 3-4 grams. salt per 1 kg of animal weight.

The cause of salt intoxication is feeding salty food to dogs. These are salt pickles, fish and other products.

An insufficient amount of drinking in the diet also increases salt intoxication.

With toxemia with salt begins:

  • violation of the activity of the central and peripheral NS;
  • dehydration of blood cells - erythrocytes;
  • dehydration and violation of the cellular integrity of internal organs;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • hemorrhages;
  • asphyxia;
  • death.

rat poison

Zoocoumarin poisoning is a very common story. If the dog has eaten poison, then the first signs will develop after a few hours or 2-3 days. The time of their development depends on its composition.

Common characteristic symptoms are as follows:

  • the presence in the feces of blood blotches;
  • melena - black feces;
  • vomiting, and the vomit also has a black color;
  • nosebleeds;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • convulsive seizures and convulsions all over the body;
  • outflow of foam mass from the mouth;
  • disorder of consciousness.

Some of these poisons are dangerous because they contain substances that prevent blood clotting. Therefore, help is urgently needed.


There is a misconception that pesticides are pesticides to control rats. However, this group also includes means for combating rodents, weeds, insects, fungi, mollusks, and many others.

Therefore, if the dog picked up something on the street, and you did not have time to keep track, then observe its further condition. Do the same if your dog has been poisoned by drops from fleas and ticks.

Common signs of toxemia with pesticides are as follows:

  • the animal shakes its ears;
  • sits hunched over and huddled in a corner;
  • convulsions of individual muscle groups;
  • vomiting and diarrhea with streaks of blood;
  • anemic visible mucous membranes;
  • swelling of the joints;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • hematomas and hemorrhages on the skin;
  • sudden death.


This is a drug used by dog ​​hunters to exterminate dogs. Having poisoned them, the animal will begin to experience symptoms after 20-30 minutes. And death is likely after a few hours. Therefore, if animals are poisoned by such a poison, help must be provided urgently.

The lethal dose of the substance is 50 mg per kilogram of animal weight (for comparison, adult tablets contain 300 mg of the substance).

The typical manifestations will be:

With isoniazid poisoning, symptoms will appear within 20 to 30 minutes.

  • ataxia - a clear imbalance during movement, a staggering gait, falling to one side, crashing into walls;
  • convulsive seizures and phenomena in all muscle groups, accompanied by tilting the head back, stretching the paws;
  • secretion of frothy, white saliva;
  • persistent vomiting and diarrhea interspersed with blood;
  • collapse is possible.

Carbon monoxide and exhaust gas

A similar condition is likely in the presence of an animal in a very smoky room, while sleeping under vehicles with the engine running.

This condition manifests itself:

  • shortness of breath, dry cough;
  • tachycardia;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • excessive lacrimation and salivation;
  • convulsions in the body, accompanied by defecation and involuntary urination;
  • disorder of consciousness;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • profuse vomiting.

Medicines and drugs

Pets can be poisoned due to the fault of their owners, who, through negligence, left medicines in the access zone. In this case, the signs will begin to appear after half an hour, and will depend on the type of drug:

  • disorder of consciousness, drowsiness, weakness with toxemia with barbiturates, sedatives and sleeping pills;
  • violation of the activity of the cardiovascular system, characterized by a change in the rhythm of the pulse, a decrease in blood pressure, arrhythmia, heart failure with toxemia with cardiac glycosides, drugs that reduce blood pressure, barbiturates, drugs;
  • disorder of consciousness, coma due to glycemia with toxemia with drugs for diabetes;
  • LCD disorders (from excessive accumulation of gases seethes and gurgles in the abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea develop) with toxemia with laxatives, vitamins, and anthelmintic drugs.

What Not to Do

Before answering the question of what to do if the dog is poisoned by eating something, you need to understand what should not be done categorically. If she ate a poison whose composition you know, then you can determine the antidote. But it often happens that she ate something, but the owner does not know what.

In a good half of cases, the primary care for the animal is provided by the owners. Therefore, it is important to know what not to:

Do not add manganese to the gastric lavage solution

  • provoke a gag reflex and flush the gastrointestinal tract in case of acid or alkali poisoning in order to avoid internal bleeding;
  • feed with toxemia with pesticides for the same reason (in this case, fasting or a strict diet is appropriate);
  • add manganese and herbal decoctions to gastric lavage solutions to avoid mucosal burns;
  • drip peroxide with acid toxemia (a few drops of liquid can give a powerful reaction, accompanied by the formation of a large volume of gas that can break the gastric mucosa).

Assistance Rules

So, the dog was poisoned, what to do?

If she is poisoned by isoniazid, then for half an hour she needs to be injected with an antidote - vitamin B6.

If dog hunters have become active in the area where you walk your pet, carry this drug with you at all times.

First aid measures

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