Open lesson on the world around. Theme: "Health on a plate." General parent meeting "Health on a plate". Nutrition culture as the basis of a healthy lifestyle for children

During a school day lasting 5-6 hours, a student spends about 600 kcal, i.e. more than a quarter of energy consumption per day. Providing hot meals during the school day has an active impact on improving the educational process and improving academic performance. Food is the basis of human life. How a person eats depends on his health, mood, and ability to work.

Studying at school significantly increases the physical and emotional stress on the body, which has to expend a lot of energy, and the only source energy is food. Therefore, how a person eats, whether he observes a diet, his health largely depends.

REMEMBER! Wash my hands before eating. When eating, follow the rules: eat slowly, do not talk. Follow the diet. Include healthy foods in your diet: bread, cereals and pasta, lean meat, fish, butter and vegetable oil, cottage cheese, milk, kefir, sour cream, cheese, various vegetables and fruits. Eat less sweets, exclude "chips", "kirieshki", cola, pepsi, etc. "Your health is in your hands."

Goals, tasks: learn about the structure and functions digestive system person; Learn to be mindful of your diet.

Material: diagram of the human digestive system; granulated sugar, refined sugar; two glasses of water, a glass of water for each child, a phonendoscope.

Description : Educator: Guys, I will name the words, but do you think that this is one word? Porridge, fruit, chocolate, soup, chips.

Children: Food, food.

Educator: Do you think the foods we eat affect our health?

Children: Yes, they do.

Educator: Who knows what foods the body needs for a person to be healthy, grow and develop.

Children: Useful (fruits, vegetables, cereals, soup).

Educator: Now, please specify what we are going to talk about today?

Children : About useful products; about the foods you need to eat to be healthy.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

Everything that we put in our mouth goes to us in ... (Stomach)

Children: Belly

Educator: That's right, let's repeat how the digestive system of our body works. What do you think our stomach does?

Children: digest food

Teacher: yes , it processes all the food we eat. For the human body to work well, everyone must eat. Every day a person eats food. Pay attention to the diagram of the human digestive system. Let's remember how the bull's-eye travels within us. So the journey begins! (Working with an illustration of a person with the depicted digestive organs and an apple - a large magnet) They bit off an apple, but what happens to it in the mouth?

Children: It is chewed by teeth, the tongue is moistened with saliva and turned over.

Educator: They ground an apple with their teeth, swallowed it, and it fell into a tube called ... tell me how?

Children: esophagus (in case of difficulty in children - repeat with them and individually).

Educator: What do you think it is for?

Children: It carries food down to the stomach.

Educator: That's right, he "leads" the food that we have swallowed, independently, regardless of our will. Even if we stood on our heads and managed to swallow a piece of something, it would still “go” through the esophagus in the right direction. And in this direction is the stomach. (Individual repetition of the word stomach and show on yourself with your palm). What happens to food in the stomach?

Children: Food is digested in the stomach.

Educator: The stomach produces a special fluid - gastric juice(individual repetition), which impregnates the food that enters the stomach and dissolves it. And this means that the food we eat will be quickly digested and turn into a transparent solution that absorbs blood and spreads throughout the body. Further, everything that is not digested in the stomach passes into a long winding intestine and goes out. What a long journey food makes in our body! (Figure 45)

Let's check whether it is necessary to chew food (invite two children to perform the experiment).

Sugar experience. In which glass did the sugar dissolve faster? (where small). And in which one does it dissolve for a long time? (with pieces). It also happens in the stomach. If we swallow food in pieces, it is difficult for the stomach to digest it. And if you chew thoroughly, then it is easier for the stomach to digest food. Conclusion: before swallowing food - it must be thoroughly chewed!

Next, the teacher invites the children to slowly, sip, drink water from a glass, draw attention to the sensations after swallowing: “Feel where the liquid is moving inside you.” right in the stomach, it works, moves, makes sounds. Offer to listen to the stomach with a phonendoscope.

Nutrition experts at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), along with colleagues from Harvard Health Publications, in a press release distributed on September 14, presented a visual guide to healthy eating - "Plate healthy eating". Like the U.S. government's My Plate, the Healthy Eating Plate is light and easy to understand.

Unfortunately, like the previously developed by the Ministry Agriculture The US food pyramid, My Plate mixes science with powerful agricultural interests, and is not a recipe for healthy eating, says Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition and chairman of the Department of Nutrition at HSPH. The Healthy Eating Plate is based on the best available science and provides consumers with the information they need to make choices that can have a major impact on our health and well-being.

USDA's "My Plate" has the following disadvantages compared to Harvard's "Healthy Eating Plate": "My Plate" does not tell the consumer that foods from whole grain better for health than purified; its protein section doesn't say that protein-rich foods like fish, poultry, legumes, and nuts are a healthier choice than red or processed meats; it says nothing about healthy fats; it does not distinguish between potatoes and other vegetables; "My plate" recommends daily use dairy products, although there is currently no strong evidence that high consumption dairy products protect against osteoporosis, but there is substantial evidence that it can be harmful; it says nothing about drinks with high content Sahara.

The Healthy Eating Plate is based on the latest scientific evidence indicating that the diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and healthy proteins reduces the risk of weight gain and the development of chronic diseases.

We want people to use this as a model for their "healthy plate," and their children, every time they eat at home or in a restaurant, said Eric Rimm, assistant professor of epidemiology and nutrition at HSPH, in 2010 a member of the Advisory US Dietary Regulations Committee.

Healthy food plates sections include:

  • Vegetables. Eat a variety, the more the better. Limited consumption of potatoes is recommended as they are rich in rapidly digesting starch, which causes short-term spikes in blood sugar levels, as are refined grains and sweets. In the short term, these spikes can lead to increased hunger and overeating, and in the long term, weight gain, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions.
  • Fruit. Eat different fruits everyday.
  • Whole grains. Choose whole grain foods such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread and brown rice. Refined grain products such as White bread or White rice act like sugar in the human body. Eating large amounts of refined grains may increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
  • Healthy proteins. Choose fish, poultry, legumes, or nuts that contain healthy nutrients. Limit your intake of red meat and avoid processed foods, as eating even small amounts regularly can lead to weight gain and increase your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer.
  • Healthy oils. Use olive oil, canola oil or others vegetable oils when cooking, in salads and at the table, since these healthy fats reduce the level bad cholesterol and good for the heart. Limit your intake butter and avoid trans fats.
  • Water. Drink water, tea or coffee (with a small amount sugar or no sugar). Limit milk and dairy products to one to two servings a day and juice to one small glass a day, and avoid sugary drinks.

Section sizes suggest the approximate relative proportions of each of the groups food products in the diet. They are not calorie-based and are not intended to be used for a particular purpose. daily amount calories, as these numbers vary for different people.

One of the most important areas in medicine over the past 50 years has been the study of how our health depends on what we eat. Knowing what foods to eat and in what proportions is critical to health. The Healthy Eating Plate shows this in an evidence-based way in an easy-to-understand way, said Anthony Komarof, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and Chief Editor Harvard Health Publications.

Educator: Shoshina E.V.

Topic: Health on a plate.

Target: Create conditions for the formation of initial ideas about healthy way life.


Continue to acquaint children with the structural features and functions of the digestive system.

Develop the desire to comply with the diet.

Cultivate a desire to take care of your health.

Integration of cognitive areas:

cognitive development- develop logical thinking, memory, attention, ability to work in a team.

Speech development- develop coherent, expressive speech, enrich the vocabulary of children.

Physical development- develop an initial idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle.

Conduct form: gaming journey.

Preliminary work: talking with children about the structure of the human body.

Methods and techniques: visual, verbal, practical, otytno-experimental.

Equipment: diagram of the human digestive system. Cards: (teeth, clock, apple, candy, cubes, tree, trash can, soup, chips, croutons, carrots, chocolate,). Two banks with warm water, granulated sugar, refined sugar, red and blue card for each child.

Directly educational activities:

I. Organizational moment.

Hello guys. And you know, you didn’t just say hello, you gave each other a piece of health. "Hello" - I wish you health.

Guys, do you want to be healthy?

What does it look like healthy man?

Do foods affect our health?

Who knows what foods a person needs to be healthy?

(fruits, vegetables, cereals, soup).

II. Cognitive activity.

Mystery: Everything we put in our mouth. It's called (belly)

We eat food every day. Let's see how the apple travels within us. And so the journey begins.

Bitten off an apple. What happens to him in his mouth?

Grinded teeth. Swallowed. Anywhere? (esophagus, stomach)

The stomach produces a special liquid - gastric juice. Thanks to this, food is quickly digested and turns into a solution that absorbs blood and spreads throughout the body. Everything that is not digested passes into the intestines and goes out. This is the long journey our apple has made.

Phys. minute.

Guys, I have prepared cards for you, with the help of which we will find out what food is best for us to eat.

Teeth. Let's check if you need to chew food or not.

Sugar experience. (dissolve refined sugar in one jar, granulated sugar in another).

Conclusion: Before you swallow food, you need to chew it thoroughly.

Candy and apple. Food may or may not be harmful. The yes-no game. If the product is useful red card and place it on a plate. Harmful blue card, product in the trash can. (apple, chocolate, chips, crackers, soda water, soup…..). Do you want your stomach to be a trash can?

Conclusion: You need to eat only healthy foods.

Watch. Why is it good to eat at certain hours?

What is the name of the first meal?

Conclusion: You need to eat food at a certain time.

Cubes. Is it good to eat the same foods?

Cube experience. Build a pyramid.

Conclusion: Nutrition should be varied.

III. Final part.

We learned a lot today. Interesting things about your health. Let's remember and repeat how we should eat right in order to be healthy and strong .. Chart cards will help you.

chew food

not in a hurry

Eat at the same time

Diverse food.

This article is not only for those who want to lose weight. This article is for everyone who wants to be as healthy and young as possible. for a long time. And this article is not for the lazy and weak-willed. Believe me, in this life there is nothing worthwhile that comes without effort. It is impossible to lose weight, bursting in three throats. Out of the world miracle cures, drinking which, you will become slim and healthy. Our health is work. Everyday, every minute work. Overcoming weaknesses and bad habits, will training.

So this is not a diet. This is a way of life.

Principles of healthy eating required for normal human body are the same for almost all people. It does not matter what gender and age you are, what type of blood you have, where you live, what you believe in, what you love, how much and how you move. The main thing is that you are healthy. Well, or basically healthy. Diets for certain groups of citizens suffering from severe chronic diseases, for pregnant and lactating women are developed by medicine in accordance with their changed physiology and are not considered here.

The first principle of healthy eating: You can and should eat often. You need to give your body confidence that it will not be hungry and will definitely get its portion of energy in 4-5 hours. Otherwise, he will put aside everything that you gave him in reserve. Guess where? Getting up in the morning, you need to have breakfast no later than 2 hours after waking up. Snacking at least 2 hours before bedtime is also essential. (If you don't eat after six, get into the habit of going to bed at eight. Otherwise, your body will feel like you're starving and it's time to stock up.)

Principle Two A: no to vegetarianism. Man is a predator, he needs to normal functioning 8 amino acids not found in herbal products, as well as solid animal fats rich in saturated fatty acids. And cholesterol. Yes, we need cholesterol. The focus is on moderation. Even the most useful products cannot be abused. In addition to hypovitaminosis, there are also hypervitaminosis. Any food can give you health, but if you take too much, it can take it away. If beliefs prevent you from eating living beings, eat milk and dairy products.

Principle Three: the evil of our diet is coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks (we are not talking about natural mineral waters), products of a complex canning cycle, stuffed with additives for long-term storage. With all these blessings of civilization, we litter our inner world and he doesn't forgive us.

Fourth principle: water is life. The person must use enough water daily. It removes from our body all the muck that we pushed there with our uncontrolled consumption. We all need a regular internal shower, so you should not spare water on it. And remember: water is not juice, not compote, not milk, not coffee and not broth. This is just water. Maybe mineral. Maximum - tea without sugar. Think for yourself, will you wash yourself with compote?

Principle Five: food should be voluminous. It should fill the stomach and create a feeling of satiety. Eating less than a kilogram of food a day, you upset the body. But at the same time high-calorie foods should be the minimum used. Garnish was invented for a reason. Look in the reference book for the calorie content of 100 grams of boiled potatoes or pasta and be surprised.

And finally sixth, essential principle – calories. Every day a person needs no more than 3000 kcal, and this is with a very active lifestyle. The average inhabitant of a metropolis, burdened with all the benefits of a lazy civilization, will be enough for 2000. Try to figure out how many calories you ate at dinner? You consider how many rubles a day you spent, why not calculate how many calories you ate per day.

Here are the main principles that should be followed by a person who wants to enjoy this world longer. And finally several practical advice for a balanced diet.

Every day, eat porridge from any cereal, hot (soup or broth) - these are low-calorie, high-volume dishes that are very useful for digestion; vegetables (they are preferable to fruits) or fruits grown in your area; dairy products and 100-150 grams of meat or fish. Avoid a large number fats (vegetable oil, margarine, lard) in cooking, refuse to fill food with mayonnaise, believe me, it is already quite tasty, train your taste buds.

You don't have to cut out alcohol entirely, but choose good wines. Red - normalize your blood circulation, white - spur the kidneys. Just remember - after 2 glasses, the medicine turns into poison.

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