Where did the first toothbrush come from? Tooth brooms from the time of Ivan the Terrible. When did the electric brush appear in Russia

I want to get a direct and clear answer to everything. For example, who invented the toothbrush, first name, last name, number (more precisely), country, and how was it? It wasn't there. Even in ancient times, people used toothpicks made of wood and bone to clean food from their teeth.

Already in Ancient Egypt there were toothpick sticks pointed at one end and fluffy at the other. With this natural panicle, they rubbed their teeth, and rubbed into the gums special formulations. In Babylon, Greece, Rome, oral hygiene was also quite developed, which included cleaning the teeth, chewing fibrous plants and rubbing the gums. AT Arab countries methods of chewing plants with disinfectant properties have long been known. In India, chewing sprigs of the neem tree are still sold today. Friction on the fibers of the twig cleans the teeth, while the juice disinfects and strengthens the teeth and gums. So and chewing gum has a long history. About toothpaste written in Egyptian papyrus. It consisted of crushed and mixed salt, pepper, mint leaves and iris flowers.

But somehow the invention of the toothbrush recent times stubbornly attributed to the Chinese. Moreover, they name not only the year, but also specific number- June 28, 1497. But what exactly did the Chinese invent? Apparently a composite brush, where pig bristles were attached to a bamboo stick. In Russia in the 16th century, similar "dental panicles" were also known, consisting of wooden stick and boar bristles. These inventions were brought to Russia from Europe, where horsehair panicles, badger bristles, etc. were used with pig panicles. And when the court dentist Pierre Fauchard instilled in Louis XV a love of brushing his teeth, toothbrushes became popular.

Pierre Fauchard. Louis XV

The production of cheap toothbrushes, of course, was established by the British in 1780 - William Edis (William Addis). Again, of course, the first patent for a toothbrush was obtained by the American H. N. Wadsworth in 1850. The brush was hog bristle, and the trick of the patent was to secure the bristles well to the bone handle. By that time, they had learned to detect bacteria and it turned out that there was a cavity in the vaunted pig bristle and bacteria multiply perfectly there.

The real revolution came in 1938 when DuPont replaced animal bristles with synthetic nylon bristles and no bacteria incubator cavities. The first electric toothbrush was introduced in 1959. In the mid-1990s, it was proposed Toothbrush cleaning not only with bristles, but also with ultrasound.

In January 2003, Americans named the toothbrush the number one invention they could not live without. Car, computer, mobile phone, microwave oven - rest. This is how expensive it is to treat teeth in the USA. There is also a monument to a toothbrush six meters high. It has been standing in the German city of Krefeld since 1983.

I had toothache in the heart. This is the worst pain, and in this case, lead filling and tooth powder, invented by Berthold Schwartz, work well. The German romantic poet Heinrich Heine was by no means the only one who compared the most severe suffering and in this case we are talking about love with toothache, exhausting and sometimes unbearable.

Nowadays, even young children know that their teeth need to be carefully taken care of and treated in time, and in order for them to remain healthy for as long as possible, they should be regularly cleaned using properly selected brushes and pastes. Most of the inhabitants of the Earth follow these rules and brush their teeth at least once a day. People began to use medical and cosmetic oral care products in ancient times, but the history of modern hygiene items began relatively recently.

The first mention of dental care products refers to the civilization of Ancient Egypt. In a manuscript dating from the 4th millennium BC. e., a recipe is given according to which ingredients such as the ashes of the insides of a bull, myrrh, pounded eggshell and pumice. The method of application of the mixture, unfortunately, is not indicated, but scientists believe that it was applied to the teeth or rubbed into the gums with the fingers, since there is no reason to think that toothbrushes had already been invented at that time. And yet, the first similarities of this instrument appeared in Egypt, although later. They were sticks with a small fan on one side and a pointed tip on the other.

Great importance was attached to oral care by Gautama Buddha, who not only shared his religious and philosophical ideas with his followers, but also paid due attention to various practical aspects Everyday life. His daily hygienic ritual included the use of a kind of "dental stick" and he strongly recommended it to his students. In India and China, in addition to wooden sticks split at the ends like a brush, metal toothpicks, tongue scrapers, and powders from crushed shells, horns and hooves of animals, gypsum and crushed minerals were widely used as cleaning agents.

The ancient Greeks and Romans were well aware of what a toothache is. Evidence of this is found by archaeologists tools for removing teeth, as well as skulls with loose teeth, successfully strengthened with gold wire. Antique healers also thought about means of prevention, which suggested, for example, rubbing the ashes of burnt animals into the teeth and gums, rinsing the teeth with the blood of a turtle, or even wearing wolf bone necklaces. In addition, powdered stones, crushed glass, wool soaked in honey, and other exotic ingredients were used.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, Europe put the idea of ​​dental care out of their heads for a long time, but Arab dentists picked up the baton. Following the Qur'an's prescription to brush their teeth several times a day, Muslims used sticks made from fragrant wood with a split end and toothpicks made from stems of the umbrella tree. From time to time, the Arabs also rubbed their teeth and gums. rose oil, honey, myrrh or alum.

However, it must be said that all such products had a purpose not so much hygienic as cosmetic. It was widely believed that teeth should be white and shiny. And of course, the remains of food stuck between the teeth did not fit into the canons of beauty in any way. Much attention was paid to the freshness of breath.

AT Ancient Rome for this purpose it was recommended to use for rinsing goat milk or white wine. Eliminated unpleasant odors from the mouth with incense, rubbing them into the gums. In the Middle Ages, dental elixirs became widespread. The best of them, invented by the Benedictine monks in 1373, was sold until the beginning of the 20th century, and its composition was kept in the strictest confidence.

Of course, often the means used to whiten teeth also acted as hygiene products. Abrasives removed plaque, essential oils and others active ingredients had a certain disinfecting effect. But coarse powders, quickly whitening teeth, easily spoiled the enamel, which contributed to the development of caries, stomatitis and other dental ailments. Perhaps this explains the fact that many wealthy people had much less money with age. healthy teeth than the peasants, who did not particularly care about the whiteness of their smile. However, with a full set of teeth, very few people lived to old age.

First on the need for daily hygienic cleaning teeth thought the Dutch researcher-naturalist, inventor of the microscope Anthony van Leeuwenhoek. It is difficult to say for what purpose he once decided to put a wash from his own teeth under the glass of his device. The result unpleasantly surprised the researcher: the preparation was teeming with the smallest creatures of microbes, the honor of discovery of which also belongs to Leeuwenhoek. The scientist wiped his teeth with a cloth of salt and again prepared a flush. There were no microbes under the microscope lens. Impressed by the experience, Leeuwenhoek began to brush his teeth with salt daily and recommended this in his works. And although the taste of salt cannot be called too pleasant, the scientist could not complain about his method, because he lived for 91 years, and his teeth were preserved in excellent condition.

Gradually, the procedure for cleaning the teeth became more common, although salt as a cleaning agent did not stand up to criticism. Only at the end of the 18th century, more than a hundred years after the discovery of Leeuwenhoek, did they begin to produce tooth powder based on crushed chalk. The poor applied the powder to their teeth with a finger or cloth, while the wealthy used toothbrushes.

I. Vercollier. Portrait of A. van Leeuwenhoek. Around 1680

Toothbrush, toothpowder box and tongue scraper. 18th century

The oldest in Europe is considered to be a brush found during excavations at the site of a former hospital. German city Minden. The age of the find is estimated at 250 years. Pork bristles are fixed on the bone of an animal about 10 cm long. Several similar brushes were found in the vicinity, so the scientists suggested that a workshop for the production of brushes operated here.

The rapid spread of brushes and the popularization of the procedure for brushing your teeth was also facilitated by the fact that by the end of the 18th century. Europeans began to eat sugar. As you know, refined sugar is one of the worst enemies tooth enamel. Doctors sounded the alarm, and, not wanting to give up sweets, the inhabitants of Europe learned to carefully monitor the condition of their teeth.

In the dentist's office. Massachusetts, USA. 1917

Toothpastes similar to modern ones appeared almost simultaneously with tooth powder, but at first they were not widely used. The powder was easier to manufacture and more familiar. To make it more pleasant to use, and the breath after brushing your teeth became fresh, for example, strawberry extract or essential oils, as well as glycerin, were added to the powder. However, manufacturing companies cosmetics did not abandon the idea of ​​​​paste, as if not trusting the powders. And not in vain: in the 1920s, it was proved that chalk, being an abrasive substance, can cause stomatitis. Since that time, under the influence of dentists, powders began to be forced out of the market.

The composition of the toothpaste still included chalk, but it was crushed into powder and mixed with the base in the form of a suspension. Initially, starch paste was used as a binder on aqueous solution glycerin. Gradually he was replaced sodium salts organic acids, which stabilized the chalk suspension. The first toothpastes were not in great demand, and this was primarily due to inconvenient packaging. So, the Colgate company failed, in 1873, releasing a paste in glass jar. And only more than two decades later, when the dentist Washington Sheffield suggested filling tin tubes with paste, Colgate presented its products in a compact, convenient and safe package that immediately attracted customers. Per a short time toothpaste has become an essential item.

Colgate building.

For a long time, soap was one of the main components of toothpaste, but its use in the oral cavity has had numerous side effects. With the development of the chemical industry, modern synthetic ingredients appeared in the composition of pastes, such as lauryl sulfate or sodium ricinoleate. To freshen the breath, perfumes are added to the pastes, such as extracts of eucalyptus, mint or strawberries, and tannins are added to prevent bleeding gums and loosening of teeth. But especially important discovery 20th century in the field of oral hygiene is considered to be an introduction to the composition medicinal pastes fluorine compounds that strengthen enamel. Procter & Gamble introduced the first fluoride toothpaste with anti-caries action in 1956.

Production technologies and the composition of toothpastes are constantly being improved. Currently, there are many varieties of medicinal pastes containing calcium, antibacterial components, remineralizing and anti-inflammatory supplements. The main concern of the ancient Egyptians is “whitening” teeth. For this purpose, highly abrasive toothpastes are produced, but dentists strongly recommend not to get carried away with whitening, so as not to harm tooth enamel.

The production of toothbrushes is no less actively developing. Currently, they are made mainly from synthetic materials. Unlike many other products, a brush made from natural materials loses to a polymer one: synthetic bristles are softer and safer for teeth, and much less microbes accumulate on it. Manufacturers pay great attention improving the design of their products, introducing new changes that, according to advertising, improve the quality of cleaning teeth to an incredible degree. In the early 1960s, the first electric brushes with reciprocating motion, and in 1987 a rotating electric brush was put into production. However, dentists are reticent about these popular devices, as it is believed that they drive plaque under the gums and provoke the growth of tartar.

Oral hygiene in the XX century. acquired special meaning. The need for daily brushing of teeth has become an axiom. Beautiful smile is an indispensable element of attractiveness as it was thousands of years ago, but now people are concerned not only with the whiteness of their teeth, but first of all with their health. And if reliable remedies for love pain have not yet been invented, then we may well be saved from toothache proper care and means of prevention.

Procter & Gamble company logo.

In the 1950s, Aquafresh developed an original tube that allowed you to squeeze a wonderfully beautiful three-color paste onto your brush. Colored fillers are located in separate cavities of the tube and are fed into the neck through special holes.

A toothbrush is an indispensable thing in the daily life of every person, from babies who have just erupted their first tooth, to almost toothless old people. This is indeed a simple and important attribute, since it helps to clean the oral cavity of food debris, plaque, prevent the growth of bacteria and, consequently, many dental problems. Such a simple and uncomplicated thing does such important role In human life.

Who invented the brush? Who invented it? Finding answers is not so easy, since the issue of oral and dental hygiene was relevant in ancient times, and even then people somehow adapted to brush their teeth with improvised means. Thousands of years have passed since then, the toothbrush has evolved to the one we use, although science has moved on, and brush manufacturers do not stop modernizing and improving them.

How did you brush your teeth before the advent of brushing?

People started caring for their teeth long before our era. Initially, it was a simple bunch of grass, with which the ancient inhabitants tried to clean their teeth from the remnants of food. This device was not very convenient, and ineffective. Some peoples used wooden sticks, the end of which was chewed to make something like a brush, after which they cleaned their teeth from plaque with this device.

They tried to clean their teeth from food debris with a specially pointed end of a wooden stick (something like a modern toothpick). For this, only those tree species were used that contained essential oils, which have not only pleasant smell but also antibacterial properties. The historical fact confirmed by historians who examined the written materials of ancient Egypt.

Some African natives still use such toothbrushes, which they make themselves from Salvador branches. In some countries of America, branches of white elm were used for this purpose. Some peoples did not use such sophisticated devices for cleaning their teeth, chewed resin and beeswax, which at least a little, but removed food debris and plaque.

To increase the effectiveness of primitive toothbrushes, the Drevlyans began to invent special cleaning powders. In ancient Egypt, crushed herbs (frankincense, myrrh), eggshells, tree bark and other substances were used for this.

Such powders, although they cleaned the teeth more thoroughly, were merciless with respect to tooth enamel, because they contained too many abrasive particles. Inhabitants ancient india solved this issue in their own way - they burned the horns of a large cattle and this ash was used as a tooth cleaning powder.

When was the toothbrush invented?

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More or less remotely resembling a modern toothbrush, a device appeared only in 1498. It was invented by the Chinese, who came up with the idea of ​​making a small handle from a bamboo branch and somehow attaching the stiff bristles of a Siberian boar to it. This brush has been used without the use of paste or scouring powder. Each bristle was for selection - they were taken only from the ridge of the animal, where there was the rough and tough bristle itself. The principle of attaching the handle to the bristles also differed from the modern one - if now the brush is parallel to the handle, then it was perpendicular. Such an invention quickly became popular, and they began to export it to neighboring countries, including Russia.

In European countries, a toothbrush was not accepted at first, because at that time oral hygiene, like the whole body, was not mandatory, so the use of a brush was considered something indecent, blatant and unworthy action of an aristocrat. Closer to the middle of the seventeenth century, hygiene began to slowly take root in the circles of the aristocracy, and the toothbrush rightfully gained ground.

In European countries, the bristles were taken not from the spine of a boar, but from a horse's tail, but they were considered too soft to fully fulfill their function. Pork bristles were also not wanted to be used for brushing teeth, as they could injure the gums and teeth.

Many more years have passed since the scientists of that time came to the conclusion that the remnants of food and plaque, which are cleaned with a brush, to one degree or another remain among the bristles, where they then multiply. pathogenic bacteria. They suggested boiling the toothbrush after each use, which caused the natural bristles of this tool to wear out quickly.

Fifty years later, when this problem still managed to decide, a synthetic material called nylon was invented, which became Starting point advent of modern toothbrushes.

The appearance of the first brushes in Russia

In Russia, the first devices for brushing teeth appeared during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. The toothbrush came to the territory of Russia from China. It was the same bamboo stick with boar bristles attached, but the Russians did not much like the stiffness of natural boar bristles, and they began to use hairs from a horse's tail.

A toothbrush, or, as it was then called, a “tooth broom”, was used only by some noble nobles, while the rest did fine without this device. Poor peasants brushed their teeth with charcoal, more often from birch, which not only helped to get rid of plaque, but also whitened perfectly. tooth enamel.

When the reins of government after several generations passed to Peter I, he gave the order to stop using the “tooth broom” with natural bristles and replace it with a rag with a pinch of crushed chalk. This happened at a time when Louis Pasteur suggested that the cause of all diseases lies precisely in the toothbrush, since there is always a humid environment where microorganisms actually multiply, which provoke various diseases. Villagers and servants still used charcoal.

The evolution of the brush - dimensions and characteristics

If in ancient times people cleaned their teeth from food debris with various twigs from trees with pointed or crushed ends, and a little later - special device From a wooden stick with an attached bundle of animal bristles, in our time, a toothbrush comes in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and materials.

It is impossible to single out the best among modern brushes, since here it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics each person. For some, one brush will be the most practical and functional, but for some it will be too hard and uncomfortable. Fortunately, in our time there are plenty to choose from.

Modern toothbrushes can be divided into the following types:

  • Standard - a classic simple device for brushing teeth and oral cavity, which consists of a handle and bristles, may differ in shape (for children, the width of the bristles on a toothbrush should not exceed 18 millimeters, for adults - 30 mm). Such a brush should be chosen taking into account its main characteristic - the stiffness of the bristles, which can be soft, medium hard and hard.
  • Electric - a toothbrush that runs on batteries or an accumulator. Is different small area bristles are usually round shape, which rotates, vibrates, thanks to which it cleans even the most hidden corners of the mouth and teeth.
  • Ionic - a device for brushing teeth is similar in appearance to a conventional toothbrush, but has installed batteries, due to which the ionization function is activated during brushing. Inside the bristles is a negatively charged titanium dioxide rod, which, when interacting with water, attracts bacteria and other microorganisms found in plaque, and also activates the acidic effect on the microflora.
  • Ultrasonic - a brush that uses ultrasound to affect microorganisms in the mouth. It is a kind of electric. It perfectly removes any dirt, cleans food debris and prevents the formation of tartar.

Exists great amount different forms handles and the working part of toothbrushes, thanks to which you can choose exactly the brush that is suitable for a particular person, taking into account the characteristics of his teeth, gums and other factors.

The bundles of the working part of toothbrushes can differ in characteristics - in shape, along the length of the pile, they can be large and short, hard and soft, thin and thick. There are also toothbrushes with silicone bristles on the edges of the work surface for light massage gums Also toothbrushes can have different sizes and the shape of the handle, which is straight, even, curved, spoon-shaped, medium, large.

Have you ever wondered how long ago the toothbrush and toothpaste appeared? It turns out that these simple everyday things have a long and rich history.

The very first prototype of a toothbrush was a twig ethereal tree, pointed on one side and soaked on the other. The pointed end was used to clean the teeth from food debris, the other side was chewed - thus plaque was removed. By the way, in some remote, untouched by progress, corners of the world, such sticks are still used.

This is what the very first toothbrush in history probably looked like

In ancient Egypt, oral hygiene was also observed. In tombs dating back to about 3000 BC, sticks with loose ends have been found. In addition to tooth sticks, they began to use something similar to toothpaste. In ancient Egyptian papyri, a mixture recipe has been preserved, consisting of wine vinegar, pumice powder and ash left after burning the insides of a bull or cow.

The ancient Egyptians took the issue of oral hygiene seriously: there is not a single confirmation of this.

Later, toothbrushes appeared in China. Unlike the ancient Egyptian tips, they were made of mint, which not only cleansed the mouth, but also freshened the breath. In the 14th century, tooth sticks were noticeably modernized. They were a bone or a bamboo twig with pig bristles attached. Instead of pasta, ground eggshells, ginseng extract, pine needles and salt were used.

Toothbrushes began to gain popularity and appeared in many countries.

In Europe, toothpicks made of gold, copper, or goose feather were used, but these were soon replaced by Chinese brushes. However, Europeans preferred horsehair to pig bristles because it was softer. Later, tooth powder appeared in England. It was made from clay fragments, brick powder and porcelain ground into dust; glycerin was added to improve the taste.

Toothbrushes of the 18th century were already quite similar to modern ones both externally and constructively.

Toothbrushes have also reached Russia. During the reign of Ivan 4, the boyars, after eating, took out their "tooth brooms" - a stick with a bunch of bristles at the end. Under Peter the Great, the nobility cleaned their teeth with crushed chalk, but ordinary people used birch coals to clean and disinfect their mouths.

In 1870, the tooth stick received an improved appearance very close to modern. They were all made of the same materials: animal bones and horsehair. Toothpaste also changed, acquiring a pasty consistency and was sold in tubes.

Toothbrushes got their modern look with the invention of nylon - a flexible, moisture-resistant, durable and affordable material.

Today, the variety and functionality of oral hygiene attributes is huge - electric, soft, hard, all colors of the rainbow and any size, and it all started with a simple wooden stick.

A toothbrush is an indispensable personal hygiene accessory that everyone has, including babies in their first year of life. A toothbrush is necessary to clean the teeth of food debris and microbes, massage the gums and stimulate blood circulation in the tissues surrounding the tooth and bone alveoli. The history of the toothbrush dates back many centuries - the first mention of devices for brushing teeth dates back to primitive times. Ancient people used sprigs of bamboo and pieces of propolis to remove the remnants of meat and rough plant food from the space between the teeth. The first brush, vaguely resembling modern products, was established in China in 1498.

How did you brush your teeth before the advent of toothbrushes?

Our ancestors of Russia used to clean their teeth and freshen their breath. various means organic origin. Peasants from poor families used bundles for these purposes. meadow grasses with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Sprigs of thyme, stalks of calendula and sage were especially popular. In order for the breath to become fresh and the tooth enamel smooth, it was enough to chew these herbs for 3-5 minutes. It is noteworthy that it was used this procedure mostly only after eating - in the morning and before going to bed, it was not customary to brush your teeth.

Wealthier families used propolis, also called bee glue, to get rid of food debris. Propolis has a resinous texture, yellow, brown or marsh hue and a bitter aftertaste with a characteristic honey aroma. Bees use propolis to cover gaps in hives and disinfect cells, so the product has pronounced antimicrobial, bactericidal and antiseptic properties. The use of propolis for cleansing the oral cavity provided a pronounced therapeutic and hygienic effect, therefore this method brushing your teeth has been popular for a long time.

Properties of propolis in oral hygiene:

  • for a long time gives the breath freshness and a pleasant honey aroma;
  • stops bleeding gums, strengthens the walls of capillaries and blood vessels;
  • whitens tooth enamel, prevents deposits and plaque;
  • disinfects the oral cavity pathogenic microorganisms(fungus, microbes, bacteria);
  • provides prevention of demineralization of tooth enamel due to the content a large number calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine and other elements necessary for dental health.

Propolis and other bee products were also actively used by representatives of the royal court, courtiers, wealthy nobles. People close to the king also often used ground raisins for brushing their teeth. In those days, raisins were considered a very expensive product, and even wealthy peasants could not afford to use it for purposes other than eating. To give the teeth a pearl color and shine, it was enough to grind 20 g of light or dark raisins and rub the teeth with this mixture from all sides.

Myrrh - resin from the island of Socotra

Less popular but also effective means to remove residue food products from the surface of the teeth and gums was myrrh. This is a resin that is extracted from the parenchyma of the African or Arabian myrrh tree. It was quite expensive, so it was not very common in Russia.

Table. What other materials were used for brushing teeth before the advent of toothbrushes in Russia.

The appearance of the first toothbrush in Russia

The appearance of the first toothbrushes in Russia is associated with the reign of Ivan the Terrible (1547-1584). The product itself appeared much earlier - in June 1498. The first toothbrush was made in China on June 25, which is considered the day of the appearance of toothbrushes all over the world. The first products were made from natural materials that were subject to climatic and mechanical stress and did not have the necessary consumer characteristics to allow mass production to be launched.

The handles of the first Chinese brushes were made of stone or bamboo wood. In the manufacture of bristles, pig hair was used. This material did not take root in Russia due to severe climatic conditions. During transport and storage low temperatures pig hair became very hard and scratched the mucous membranes of the gums, causing bleeding and pain.

It is interesting! The first brushes were called "tooth panicles". 5-7 years after the first toothbrushes with pig hair bristles appeared in Russia, local craftsmen learned how to make horse bristle brushes - in terms of consumer properties, it significantly surpassed products made from pig hair, was softer and more durable.

Wealthy families could afford to buy badger bristle toothbrushes - not only did it not injure the gums, but it also massaged soft tissues, providing a healing effect.

What was the reason for the temporary ban on the use of toothbrushes?

During the reign of Peter the Great (1682-1725), dental panicles were banned. The king's court physician suggested that the moisture remaining on the surface of the bristles after using the panicle is an excellent breeding ground. pathogenic bacteria and microbes and can cause various infectious diseases. Tooth whisks were immediately declared unsafe items and their use banned by government decree. Brushing your teeth was allowed only with chalk, plaster, coal or precious metals - primarily gold. For non-compliance with the decree, very harsh penalties were introduced, providing for the arrest of existing property and imprisonment for up to 5 years.

The decree was canceled only in the 18th century, when the era of the reign of Peter the Great ended.

First manufacturer of toothbrushes

The first brush produced at a specialized production (not only in Russia, but also in the world) is a product of the Addis brand. Later, the mass production of products from various materials began in other European countries. The leaders in the years 1840-1845 in the production of toothbrushes were Germany, France and the Czech Republic. It was these countries that provided the bulk of supplies to Russia. By the way, raw materials for the production of bristles were supplied to these factories from China and Russia.

After a few decades, natural fibers were replaced by artificial materials that had large number advantage over products with natural bristles. These benefits include:

  • more long term operation;
  • resistance to temperature changes and mechanical stress;
  • hypoallergenicity (an allergic reaction often appeared on products made from natural fibers);
  • pronounced hygienic properties.

Fact! In synthetic fibers, pathogenic microorganisms practically cannot multiply (which cannot be said about natural wool), therefore, since 1938, all enterprises began to produce products with artificial pile.

When did the electric toothbrush appear in Russia?

The first electric toothbrush appeared in Switzerland around 1938-1939. It took the developers more than 20 years to improve the model and put it on sale. In 1961, electrical products became available in Russia, which were not very convenient to use, so within two years a battery-powered brush appeared on the market.

Swiss Philippe-Guy Voog, inventor of the electric toothbrush

To date, there are many varieties of such products. Particularly popular are electronic brushes of the brand with a rotating head, which allows you to ensure the absolute cleanliness of the oral cavity by penetrating into the most inaccessible places. The Japanese went even further - they created a brush with a video camera on which the entire process of brushing your teeth is recorded. A person can view the recording and track which places are poorly processed during brushing. Such brushes are not popular in Russia because of the very high cost- the price of one product can reach up to 5-7 thousand rubles.

Non-standard use of a toothbrush in Russia

When toothbrushes (or toothbrushes) only began to appear in Russia, they were not popular and many continued to brush their teeth in the old proven ways. During this period, the inhabitants of the country found many applications for an unusual adaptation, many of which were very successful. For example, girls used natural bristle brushes to comb their eyebrows and give them beautiful shape. Brushes were actively used for applying blush, exfoliating the skin of the lips, distributing nourishing medicinal formulations by hair.

During washing, products with natural pile helped to remove stubborn stains from berries, fat, grass, coffee beans. Women who belonged to the royal court used dental whisks to adjust strands and create hairstyles.

Toothbrushes have centuries of history, which began long before the official appearance of the first product resembling a modern toothbrush.

Now it is a familiar accessory for exercise. hygiene care oral cavity, but there was a time when toothbrushes were banned, and their use was punishable by a long arrest or seizure of all acquired property.

Video - How toothbrushes appeared

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