Harder or softer - choose the hardness of the toothbrush. How to choose the best toothbrush

Since the beginning of dentistry, the way you brush your teeth has changed a lot. Especially this process affected the toothbrush. In the 20th century, no one attached importance to the softness of the bristles or their number, and even more so the direction.

Today there are a number of differences between a brush and a pen. Experts say that everyone who cares about oral health and the beauty of a smile should choose toothbrush taking into account their natural features. So, how to choose this simple item for the main morning and evening ritual.

How to find out the degree of rigidity: decoding the marking

You should choose from a trusted manufacturer.

It is better if it is a company with global experience.

Check the integrity of the packaging, for damage or dents on the villi.


  • sensitive translated from English - sensitive. Suitable for people with various gum diseases (gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease, hyperesthesia, etc.).
  • Soft translated from English -. Ideal for people whose gums are prone to inflammation, swelling. Usually, the owners of this quality are distinguished by thin skin, a tendency to irritation of the mucous membranes and a close arrangement of blood vessels on the face.
  • Medium translated from English - medium. If a person has good health, perfectly perceives cold, hot, and he doesn’t even know what blood is when brushing his teeth, such a brush is ideal for him.
  • Hard translated from English - hard, hard. If your condition oral cavity corresponds to the norm, a toothbrush with bristles will be optimal for you medium degree rigidity, but this toothbrush will not become traumatic.
  • extra-hard translated from English - extra-hard. In many countries, toothbrushes with this hardness have been discontinued. They are suitable for those whose health can be defined as impeccable. Often mistakenly, buyers prefer such bristles, believing that it cleans their teeth better. Unfortunately, it is not. Improve the quality of brushing your teeth aids: , . And the stiff bristles will only disturb the gums, which will definitely not add to the health of the oral cavity.

In fact, extra-hard toothbrushes are the cheapest and use the least production resources. If you add a couple more plastic fake blocks, the cost is greatly underestimated, and the buyer mistakenly takes the "fancy" model for a high-tech one.

Bristle types

Natural bristles

Toothbrushes with this are practically not produced today, as they are distinguished by two impressive minuses. The first is high wear resistance. The second is increased bacteriality, associated with a strong disposition to absorb moisture, which, in turn, creates an excellent environment for the reproduction and life of dangerous bacteria.

Natural bristles

Of the advantages, it is worth noting the most gentle action. Such brushes simply cannot be hard and extra-hard. So trauma is completely excluded. Although it is worth recognizing that experts are still arguing whether such brushes can clean their teeth at the required level in principle.

Pay attention to the line of President toothbrushes - they are as natural as possible and, unlike their counterparts, go through an additional stage of quality control.

Artificial bristles

Almost all modern brushes are made of nylon, a highly durable material that can be molded into any shape. It is dyed, strengthened, and even charcoal is added, which, according to manufacturers, gives the brush bacterial properties.

How to choose the right toothbrush?


  1. Assess the condition of your oral cavity. Pay attention to soft brushes. The fewer injuries on the gums and micro-scratches on the enamel, the longer the teeth will keep their health.
  2. If a person is allergic to nylon (which is certainly extremely rare), look for toothbrushes made from natural materials. In this case, do not forget to change this hygiene item at least once a month. Or in the last resort boil or otherwise disinfect at least once a week.
  3. Choose a handle that is comfortable for you - so that it fits comfortably in your hand, contains as little plastic as possible (a too voluminous brush can again injure your gums and cheeks). Remember that the soft parts on it are also excellent breeding grounds for bacteria that can penetrate into pores and cracks that are invisible to the eye.

Variety of brushes

For a child

So, what should you pay attention to when buying a toothbrush for a child? The bristles should be soft or very soft so as not to damage the gum mucosa during brushing and not to abrade hard tissues teeth. The bristles should also be artificial. AT natural brush most favorable conditions for the accumulation and reproduction of bacteria. When using such an extremely high risk of infection of the oral cavity, manifested in frequent stomatitis and gingivitis.

The size of the working part of the brush (head) should be small. Its size should not exceed the width of two adjacent ones (about 2 cm).

Brush types

A pen. For the first teeth (up to a year) it does not matter, since ONLY an adult brushes his teeth so far. In the future (since a year), the toothbrush handle has great importance. For convenience, it is better to choose rubberized toothbrushes, of which there are a huge number of manufacturers in the children's line.

For a pregnant woman

During pregnancy, women are prone to edema,. It is better if the toothbrush during this period is also selected accordingly. Choose copies of world manufacturers (to avoid low-quality fakes and unsanitary conditions production).

The second problem that women in position extremely often face is increased vomiting reflex. Sometimes brushing your teeth is almost impossible. In this case, you should purchase a mono-beam toothbrush (more on that below).

Fashionable ultrasonic brushes will not suit women in this special period of life.. Their effectiveness has indeed been proven, they perfectly cleanse the oral cavity of germs and bacteria, but, unfortunately, it is not known whether there is an effect on the child. For a full-fledged study, decades and decent investments are needed, so it is unlikely that positive news can be expected in the near future.

Toothbrush head

Many are attracted by toothbrushes lying on the counter with a dense rubber handle, a bunch of additional bulges and roundness.

In fact, the most expensive and high-quality is a single-beam toothbrush.

The head of such a device is only a few millimeters in diameter, and brushing your teeth with it will take twice as long, but the efficiency is several times higher than that of a standard toothbrush.

The fact is that many people are generally not able to properly clean all their teeth due to the gag reflex.

Dentists are constantly faced with the fact that caries and various injuries are far standing teeth, wisdom teeth, which, as a rule, simply cannot be reached with a regular brush. So the mono-beam brush was literally created to solve this problem.

They also come in several types of hardness.

How often do you need to change?

On average, a toothbrush is changed every three months. But, if a person prefers to brush his teeth three times a day, does it actively and strenuously, his toothbrush will be worn out noticeably faster. Thus, it is necessary to change this hygiene item as it wears out. For natural brushes, the service life is also noticeably reduced. Dentists agree that the more often the replacement occurs, the better.

The quality of brushing your teeth depends on the brush

The toothbrush is one of the most important hygiene items. How uncomfortable we feel if she is not at hand in the morning! It should not be treated with negligence. Do not neglect hygiene, wash it with bacterial soap, dry it, do not rush to the sink, do not transport it without a cover. And most importantly - change more often!

If you had to meet at least one dental problem in the oral cavity, do not save on a toothbrush. It must be remembered that both emotional and emotional depend on the health of the teeth. mental health. Everything in the body is interconnected. And teeth are an important part of it, providing us with a high comfort and standard of living.

Every self-respecting person monitors oral hygiene. His health, personal life, career depend on it. Fresh breath disposes the interlocutor to communication, therefore it is necessary to use cleaning products for the oral cavity. The most common personal hygiene item is the brush. People use it almost from infancy. Not all adults know how to choose it, how to care for it and how often to change it.

If you approach this issue through the sleeves, there is a risk of spoiling not only the enamel of the teeth, but also the gums. It is possible to bring the situation to chronic diseases which are impossible to get rid of.How to approach the purchase, what nuances to pay attention to Special attention? How to make the brush very soft and what are the scenarios?

How to choose a toothbrush?

Modern perfumery stores and pharmacies offer the buyer a variety of personal care products. Many choose a brush in appearance. This is not the main aspect. How to choose the one that suits you?

The first thing you should pay attention to is what the bristles are made of. The one who thinks that natural is best suited is mistaken. The bristles must be made from artificial materials. The fact is that in the process of using natural fibers, bacteria are born inside them, and this can lead to various diseases oral cavity. Yes, and their fibers are too soft, and the ends can destroy the surface of the teeth.

Varieties of brushes according to the degree of rigidity

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The stiffness of the bristle depends on the diameter of the fibers from which it is made. The thicker the fiber, the stiffer it is. The degree of hardness is written on the brush or on the packaging. There are very soft, soft, medium, hard toothbrushes.

Very soft is recommended for small children, people with sensitive teeth. Soft - for older children (5-12 years old) and people with oral problems: bleeding, periodontal disease, damaged enamel. Hard brushes are best suited for teenagers and adults.

Hard brushes are used after consultation with a dentist. Otherwise, you risk damaging your gums and scratching your enamel.

Ways to soften at home

Many people in practice were convinced that they do not feel the desired effect when buying soft or medium-hard brushes. When brushing your teeth, they damage the gums, causing bleeding. This can be avoided. Several folk remedies how to make your toothbrush even softer and the brushing process more enjoyable:


There are several ways to soften a brush:

  1. Turn on hot water. It does not have to be boiling water - just the temperature of the water suitable for the body. Rinse your toothbrush for 10 minutes.
  2. Then you need to draw water of the same temperature into a container and leave the brush in it overnight. Feel the bristles - it has become softer.
  3. Boil water in a kettle. Cool the boiling water to a temperature suitable for the body. Then follow the steps described above. If the water is too hot, it may warp the toothbrush.

Using mouthwash

It is necessary to pour mouthwash into a glass, but not to the brim - 100 ml is enough. The main thing is that the rinse aid completely covers the bristles. Using this method, you can soften old dried brushes that have not been used for a long time. The effectiveness of this method has long been proven - at home, softening the brush with rinse aid is real.

Hydrogen peroxide solution

The method is also effective in making the toothbrush soft. Will fit 3 percentage solution hydrogen peroxide. The advantage of using it is saving time and money, because it is very cheap, and it can be found in the medicine cabinet of any housewife. It is enough to fill the container by a third with a solution of peroxide and leave the brush in it for about 5 minutes. After this procedure, you need to rinse it thoroughly. Now she is ready to use.

The first toothbrushes appeared a very long time ago. Ancient people took twigs of plants, divided them into fibers and cleaned their teeth with such a device. Since then, there has been a colossal evolution of dental hygiene appliances, and such a brush has become the prototype of modern ones.

What is the best toothbrush? There is no single answer to this question, because all people are different, each has its own characteristics and problems of the oral cavity. But knowing the basic types and principles that a brush must comply with, it is easy to choose the right one.

Types of toothbrushes:

  1. Toothbrush standard- a classic device for oral hygiene, which consists of a handle and a head with a bristle fixed in it. They are different sizes, for adults and children. The main selection criterion is the stiffness index of the pile. In the absence of problems with teeth and gums, choose a bristle of medium hardness - it cleans the teeth well, without injuring them, but without leaving plaque behind.
  2. Electric toothbrush- such a battery-powered device has firmly settled on the shelves in the bathroom of those who love comfort and high-quality cleaning of their teeth. The main difference between such a device and a classic brush is the reduced size of the working part, usually round shape. In this case, the head performs not only reciprocating movements, but also circular, as well as vibrating. This allows you to remove dirt from all corners of the oral cavity.
  3. Ionic toothbrush- outwardly, such a device resembles an ordinary brush, however, the ionization function is activated using batteries. These can be small batteries or even batteries powered by the sun. The principle of operation lies in the titanium dioxide rod located inside the brush. It has a negative charge, and when it comes into contact with hydrogen cations, it attracts microbial plaque and inactivates the acidic effect of bacteria.
  4. Toothbrush ultrasonic- refers to a variety of electric brushes. This tool hygiene in the process generates ultrasound, which helps to eliminate not only soft deposits, but also prevents the formation of tartar. In addition, ultra sonic brush is a good prevention of periodontal disease due to its healing effect on the gums.

Which toothbrush to choose?

To choose the best toothbrush for daily use, you need to pay attention to some nuances:

  1. The bristle material is important. There are brushes with natural and artificial bristles. According to dentists, natural brushes, due to the accumulation of water in the bristles, are a breeding ground for bacteria, so choose products with artificial bristles.
  2. The size of the head of a brush that is suitable for an adult is 25-30 mm. Too small a working part does not clean the surface well enough, and bulky dimensions do not allow a good treatment of the lateral areas and the zone of chewing teeth.
  3. The handle of a good toothbrush should be comfortable. Handles that are too thin, flexible, or bulky will result in rapid fatigue muscles of the hand and fingers.
  4. Study the labels on the packaging. Look at the indication of the degree of rigidity based on the recommendations of the dentist, choose the one that is right for you. With absence serious problems in the oral cavity, purchase a brush with medium-hard bristles.
  5. The end of each bristle must be rounded so as not to damage tooth enamel and not injure soft tissues.

The best toothbrush according to dentists

The best toothbrush, according to dentists, is one that is regularly used and replaced regularly. Doctors do not have a definite favorite among individual dental appliances. It does not matter which company is indicated on the handle. The main thing is that the toothbrush meets the requirements listed above and is suitable for your particular case.

A product can be very expensive, have a big name, a well-known manufacturer and be good in all respects. But if a person suffering from loose teeth and increased bleeding gums chooses a toothbrush that is designed for a completely healthy oral cavity, then it cannot be called the best one for this particular patient, even if it occupies a leading position in the ranking.

Rating of the best toothbrushes

Dental health starts with right choice good toothbrush.

The dental market has a large number of different firms, both well-known and new. The ranking of the best toothbrushes are:

  • Ionic Splat Brush- the activation of the device occurs at the moment when wet fingers touch the handle. The brush reverses the polarity of the teeth and attracts negatively charged particles of bacterial plaque to the bristles.
  • Pro Gold Edition by R.O.C.S– manual brush, which has not only a stylish appearance, but also with a unique bristle that has smooth tips thanks to the triple polishing system.
  • Colgate Toothbrush- a well-known company has released a product, the bristles of which are impregnated with pine phytoncides, due to which the gums are healed and the effect on pathogenic microflora.
  • Lacalut White- has a unique Tynex bristle, which gently and without damaging the enamel removes pigmented plaque. Microtwister bristles are located on the sides of the head, gently brightening the surface of the teeth.

Toothbrush for those who wear braces

What kind of toothbrush is needed for a patient on whose teeth a bracket system is installed in order to better clean the surface of the enamel and the locks attached to it? At first glance, it might seem that the common remedy hygiene.

In fact, the orthodontic design greatly complicates the cleaning of the teeth, besides, it serves as a place for the accumulation of food debris and soft touch. With regular poor-quality cleansing, gradual demineralization of the enamel occurs. After removing braces, a person can expect an unpleasant surprise- all the front surfaces of the teeth are painted with white chalky spots.

For a complete cleansing when straightening your teeth, you will need:

  • mono-beam brush;
  • brush with a V-shaped recess;
  • special brushes for cleaning braces.

The recessed brush has a special arrangement of bristles on the head. When viewing it from the end, you can see that in the central part of the villi it has a shorter length and seems to be beveled in the form of the letter “V”, from which the name of this product arose. This design helps the simultaneous high-quality cleansing of both the teeth and the installed braces.

The mono-beam brush is a product with long handle, on the working part of which there is only one bristly bundle. In this case, the head is located perpendicular to the body. The brush allows you to clean the areas between the locks, and also easily penetrates under orthodontic arch and ligatures.

Brushes are most comfortable to clean the space under the metal arc. Such a device is not sold in every pharmacy, so it is better to purchase them in a specialized store.

How to properly care for your toothbrush

A big role is played not only by the quality of the toothbrush, but also by how its owner takes care of it.

Rules for using and caring for a toothbrush:

  1. Toothbrush is a personal hygiene product. This means that only one person should use the product so that it does not become a source of infection.
  2. Observe storage rules. Rinse the brush thoroughly with water after use and place the brush head upright in a glass. According to the rules, each family member must have his own, so that the microflora does not cross.
  3. Do not store your brush in a closed case, as it must be dry to prevent bacteria from multiplying. In the case, the device cannot dry completely.
  4. Change the hygiene product as it wears out, but at least every three months. This rule also applies to removable brush heads.
  5. If the villi are deformed, do not use the product - this can scratch the enamel and mucous membrane.
  6. Wash the brush with soap and water to remove the remaining paste and plaque.

When choosing individual funds To take care of your teeth and gums, it is best to consult a dentist. Based individual characteristics he will recommend suitable hygiene products. Every person who carefully monitors the health of not only the oral cavity, but the whole body needs to know which toothbrush is best for brushing their teeth.

Useful video about toothbrushes

The choice of a toothbrush is given no more than five minutes. But choosing the wrong toothbrush can be detrimental to your oral health. So what to look for when choosing a brush?

Degree of hardness

There are four levels of hardness of the toothbrush - hard, medium, soft and very soft. Typically, the marking of the degree of rigidity is noted on the packaging: for example, “sensitive” means a very soft toothbrush, “soft” - soft, “medium” - medium, “hard” - hard, “extra-hard” - special toothbrushes that are designed for people with increased plaque formation, or in the presence of orthopedic or orthodontic structures. These parameters are very important, but often, unfortunately, they are left without due attention.

Very soft toothbrushes are indicated for children and adults with diseases of the gums and hard tissues of the teeth. Such diseases include periodontitis with tooth mobility of I and II degrees, non-carious lesions of the enamel, when the enamel is not fully developed or is completely absent. It can only be advised to use a very soft toothbrush.

A soft toothbrush is indicated for bleeding gums, pregnant and lactating women, people with diabetes. It is unacceptable to use a soft toothbrush in combination with careless and improper brushing of the teeth. With bleeding gums, it is necessary to use a certain method of brushing your teeth and often with the use of specialized toothbrushes.

A medium hard toothbrush is the most popular and used. for the most part adult population. You need to use such a toothbrush with a relatively healthy oral cavity.

A hard toothbrush is recommended for smokers, coffee lovers and people with increased plaque formation of any etiology. Dentists advise using this type of brush for people with a healthy oral cavity and strong tooth enamel.

Super-hard toothbrushes are a type of specialized brush that is most often used when brushing full removable dentures, in the presence of fixed bridges and braces in the oral cavity.

Important little things

When choosing, it is necessary to pay attention to the length of the working part, ideally, it should simultaneously capture a segment of teeth (2-2.5 teeth), it is thanks to this condition that the best cleaning effect is achieved. chewing group teeth.

The working part of the toothbrush, or head, should be round shape- so there is less risk of injuring the delicate oral mucosa. The back of the head should be made of soft material, ideally with a rough surface. Due to this, microorganisms are cleaned not only from the teeth and interdental spaces, but also from the oral mucosa.

The junction of the head and handle of the toothbrush must be movable. Thanks to the springy effect, the pressure on the area of ​​hard and soft tissues in the oral cavity is adjusted and the risk of injury is reduced. For convenience, the handle should be thick and with rubberized inserts - so it will not slip in your hand when brushing your teeth.

There are brushes with natural and artificial bristles. On the this moment It has been scientifically proven that the use of natural bristle toothbrushes is harmful, as it absorbs water and creates excellent conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Dentists recommend using toothbrushes exclusively with artificial bristles.

All bristles are treated accordingly, the tips are rounded and are not capable of causing microtrauma to the enamel and mucous membrane of the teeth. The main material used for the production of bristles is nylon. All bristles are collected in bundles, and the bundles are distributed over the working surface. According to the location of these bristles and their length, the following are distinguished:

- two-level,
- three-level,
- Tiered toothbrushes The bundles of bristles can be arranged both strictly parallel to each other and at a certain angle, due to which a certain pattern is visible on the working surface of the brush.

Hygienic toothbrushes

If we consider a hygienic toothbrush, then all the bristles are located at the same level and strictly parallel to each other. AT recent times such toothbrushes are rarely used due to their low cleaning power. The only place of application of such brushes is the hygienic treatment of orthopedic structures.

Therapeutic and prophylactic toothbrushes

The bristles of these brushes are located on different levels, often bundles in such toothbrushes of varying hardness. Usually they combine hard straight beams that perfectly clean the interdental spaces, more rigid short beams perfectly remove plaque and food debris from chewing surface chewing teeth, soft and slanting bristles clean the cervical region of the teeth and massage the gums when brushing.

In addition, these brushes also have special additional devices in the form of silicone inserts, a silicone protrusion at the end of the working part of the head, or a ribbed surface on the back of the working head. All these elements are intended for additional polishing of the surface of the teeth and massage of the gums or cleaning the tongue. As you know, more than 60% of pathogens develop in the tongue.

A therapeutic toothbrush is best for people with weak gums who need an excellent cleaning effect and additional stimulation of the gums.

Special toothbrushes

Specialty brushes include mono-bundle toothbrushes, which are used for special methods brushing teeth - for example, in case of gum disease, for the care of braces, orthopedic structures or for implants.


The modern toothbrush market offers a range of accessories that make it easier to care for and use your toothbrush for its intended purpose. The bristles of some brushes are impregnated with a special solution that disappears during use and directly indicates when it is necessary to change the toothbrush. General recommendation doctors - change the toothbrush after 2-3 months of use.

Electric brushes

Initially, electric toothbrushes were invented for people with disabilities, and later migrated to the general masses.

Modern electric brushes They are battery operated, they are compact and have several removable working heads that are sold as a kit. More expensive models run on a battery that can be charged as needed.

To facilitate brushing your teeth, electric toothbrushes are equipped with a pressure sensor that protects teeth and gums from microtrauma, and a timer that notifies you when brushing is finished.

The presence of cleaning modes depends on the price, usually there are two of them. But, as practice shows, in most cases only one is used. optimal mode brushing your teeth.

The disadvantage of an electric toothbrush is its bristles, it is almost always of medium hardness, and it is very difficult to find nozzles with soft bristles, which is necessary for people with problem gums. In addition, dentists do not recommend using electric toothbrushes for people with gum problems.

As MIGnews.com.ua reported, vegetables can be no less dangerous for dental health than, for example, sweets. It all depends on how they are prepared. Scientists from the University of Dundee conducted experiments with cooking methods for various vegetables - eggplant, zucchini, peppers. It was found that when frying these healthy vegetables they significantly increase the content of acids that destroy tooth enamel.

All produced toothbrushes must necessarily have a hardness index on the packaging: this is the question of how to determine whether a toothbrush is soft or not, and which toothbrush is softer. There are two subcategories - extra soft toothbrushes (Sensitive) and soft (Soft). The remaining species have a medium or high degree of rigidity.

Indications and contraindications for the use of soft toothbrushes

  • Children under 12 with milk teeth.
  • People with sensitive enamel or have recently had a whitening procedure.
  • Bleeding gums and periodontal disease.
  • Diabetes and problems with blood clotting.
  • Tooth mobility.
  • In the absence of enamel hyperesthesia, gum disease and other restrictions.
  • In the presence of tartar and a predisposition to the rapid formation of loose plaque.
  • Crowding of teeth and narrow interdental spaces.
  • Yellow enamel and regular tobacco use.

Soft toothbrush or medium hard?

If you are not a child and you are completely healthy cavity mouth, then you hardly need super-soft toothbrushes. An ultra-soft toothbrush is extremely gentle on teeth and gums, but on the other hand, it is less effective. Soft bristles do not penetrate deep enough into narrow spaces between teeth and generally do not adhere tightly to the surface of the enamel. If you don't like the feel of using hard toothbrushes, then we advise you to choose a product labeled soft (soft) or medium (medium). The latter type is marketed by some manufacturers under the category "soft toothbrush", although this sounds like an oxymoron.

The length and shape of the setae, as well as the number of tufts, are of great importance. For example, sharp bristles are better for cleaning narrow interdental spaces, while standard or rounded bristles are more suitable for people with sensitive gums.

Electric soft toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes have their advantages and disadvantages. Due to intensive rotational movements, they effectively clean the surface of the teeth, but at the same time they can drive plaque under the gums, and also act quite aggressively on the enamel and surrounding tissues. That is why the presence of a soft nozzle in the case of an electric toothbrush is highly justified.

Today, combined options are also presented on the market, when one part of the head has bristles of medium hardness, and the other is soft. Thus, it is possible to maintain a balance of efficiency and safety. Keep in mind, however, that if you have a soft-bristled electric toothbrush, the brush heads tend to need to be replaced more frequently.

How to make a toothbrush soft?

Many people are interested in ways to make a hard toothbrush soft. Correct option- initially purchase a toothbrush with the desired stiffness index. Even if you made a mistake with the choice, it is better to go to the store and buy a new product. If you want to soften a hard toothbrush a little right here and now, you can hold it under hot water one or two minutes. More radical way- after wetting, dip the brush head in warm vinegar for half an hour. Even the hardest bristles should be visibly softer after this treatment.

Best Soft Toothbrush Manufacturers


In the kits of accessories, soft nozzles are presented by Megasonex. Toothbrushes from this brand have the most gentle effect on enamel.


A variety of nozzles is offered by the manufacturer Hapica. For example, the SonicPulsar CS-233-UV electric sonic brush is equipped with four nozzles, including those for sensitive gums and enamel.


The CURAPROX brand is represented by several models with soft and ultra-soft bristles at once. We advise you to pay attention to the models CURAPROX CS1560 Soft, CURAPROX 3960 Super Soft (the softest toothbrush in the line) and CURAPROX Sensitive young for children.

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