How to properly use an electric toothbrush. How to use an electric toothbrush - step by step instructions and recommendations. Contraindications to using an electric toothbrush

Maintaining a healthy state of teeth will allow their regular and high-quality cleaning. Often a regular brush is used for this. But there are also effective electrical devices. They allow you to keep your mouth clean and tidy. How to use an electric toothbrush? This is discussed in the article.

How does it work?

Compared to conventional toothbrushes that take 3-5 minutes to brush your teeth, electric products save time and effort. Their bristles vibrate with a motor built into the body. The bristles move up and down or rotate with age to remove plaque and food debris.

Usually the procedure lasts two minutes, but you can repeat it. According to the speed of adaptation are:

  1. Sound. The vibration of the bristles is audible to the human ear. Products operate at a frequency of 200-400 Hz and perform 24000-48000 movements per minute. The rotating bristles have a large span, so they have a sweeping action.
  2. Ultrasonic. Such brushes remove plaque by acoustic vibrations in the environment with a frequency beyond human hearing. They operate at a frequency of 1.6 MHz and carry out up to 192 million movements per minute.

To date, devices with sound and ultrasonic technology are being produced. The sound mode of the bristles “sweeps out” food, and the vibrations destroy plaque, which protects the gums from bacteria. Before using this product, you should be familiar with how to use an electric toothbrush.


Before purchasing an electric toothbrush, it is advisable to visit a dentist. After examining the condition of the teeth, the doctor will help determine which product to choose, how to use it.

When buying, you must rely on the following rules:

  1. It is advisable to buy devices with a bowl-shaped or round head.
  2. It is important to pay attention to the pressure indicator, this function will prevent strong pressure on the teeth and gums, which will protect against injury.
  3. When choosing this device, it is necessary to pay attention that the set includes interchangeable nozzles that need to be changed periodically.
  4. Nozzles are different - for cleaning, whitening, sensitive gums, for children, for crowns or bridges. The greater their number, the more versatile the product.
  5. The timer helps to evenly clean the upper and lower row of teeth, protects against strong or insufficient impact on a specific area.

Charging a toothbrush

How to use an electric toothbrush correctly? It is necessary to determine what type the device belongs to:

  • on batteries;
  • rechargeable.

In any situation, for the product to be used for its intended purpose, it must have sufficient charge. If the device is powered by batteries, then as necessary, you need to change it. This is easy to do if you have a spare AA battery.

The battery product must be charged in advance, and how this is done should be indicated in the instructions. The duration of charging is determined by the manufacturer and the specific model, but this procedure usually takes 12 hours. Control of the completeness of charging is carried out by the indicator on the brush.

Appliances made by well-known companies (Braun, Oral-B) can be kept on charge all the time, even when they are not in use, but it is usually inconvenient to do this in the bathroom. It is advisable to charge the device once a week. The instructions for using the Oral-B electric toothbrush are the same as for other brands.

Wetting and applying the paste

How to use an electric toothbrush if it is charged and ready to go? Moisten the villi with water and apply the required amount of toothpaste. Its amount should be moderate. A pea-sized ball (5 mm in diameter) will be enough to cleanse the oral cavity.

If you use more paste, then the device will form abundant foam, which interferes with normal cleaning. If you use the product every day, then dentists recommend choosing pastes with an abrasiveness index (RDA) of 40-50. However, many do not know how often you can use an electric toothbrush. It can be used for regular care.

Is pressing required?

The cleaning process does not require special pressure, as this is harmful to the enamel. Even low power fixtures run at 4000 rpm. You just need to turn on the required mode: maximum or gentle cleaning.

Some modern models have sensors that control the pressing force, as well as a timer that shows the time required to clean a segment of the dentition. Electronic "smart" devices are very convenient to use, but they are also expensive: the cost starts from 7-10 thousand rubles.

Cleaning the outside

This is the first step in the instruction on how to use an electric toothbrush. You can start with the upper jaw, or you can start with the lower. It's not so important. The cleaning head of the brush should be slowly moved from one tooth to another, lingering for 1-2 seconds on each.

No movement should be made as the brush head is programmed for the desired rotation method. The brush should be held at a 45 degree angle.

Cleaning the inside of the teeth

After external cleaning, the teeth should be cleaned from the inside. The process here is the same - you need to slowly move from tooth to tooth. To clean the front teeth inside, the brush is rotated vertically. When performing the procedure, it is important to ensure that the device has processed all the teeth.

chewing teeth

Chewing teeth should be especially carefully cleaned, since they are more at risk of caries and pulpitis than others. They must be cleaned thoroughly, on each side. During the procedure for cleaning chewing teeth, it is allowed to slightly press on the brush, which will clean the space between the teeth.

Brush position

When learning how to use the Oral Bi electric toothbrush, you should be aware of the position:

  • horizontal - during cleaning of external, internal, chewing parts;
  • vertical - when cleaning the central teeth.

In simpler and less expensive products, the rotation of the nozzle can only be in one direction. In expensive designs, modern 2 or 3D technologies are used. The last two types qualitatively clean the teeth inside and out, eliminate plaque, which no paste can handle.

gum cleansing

This procedure is performed in two ways:

  • the brush is used in the off state;
  • use a special nozzle to massage and clean the gums.

Nozzle cleaning

After the procedure, you need to wash the nozzle with warm water. Many companies that produce such products produce sterilizers and disinfectors for this device, which are used to perfectly clean and eliminate bacteria.

Nozzles should be changed when they are worn out. Typically, the duration of operation of one can be 3-6 months. After replacing the nozzle, the device can be used as before.


Who should not use an electric toothbrush? It should not be used for:

  • weak gums, inflammation;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • low density, increased abrasion of tooth enamel;
  • the presence of wedge-shaped defects or white spots on the enamel;
  • the presence of dentures, crowns, implants;
  • pregnancy and heart disease (in this case, care must be taken).

Before using the device, it is advisable to consult a dentist. Can children use an electric toothbrush? It is allowed to use, but you need to choose a device that is suitable for age. According to reviews, it is convenient to use for children and adults.

Even with regular use of the brush, it is necessary to periodically (at least 1-2 times a week) alternate it with the standard one. This is advised by dentists to reduce the load on the enamel. Such devices significantly simplify the cleaning procedure, save time, and proper use significantly improves the appearance of the teeth and increases their lifespan.

The first electric toothbrushes appeared in the middle of the twentieth century, but only recently have become widespread. Early models had AC power, which was not only inconvenient but unsafe. The battery models that appeared later were extremely bulky. Over time, the models have changed and come to a modern look, which has become in demand among consumers.

After electronic toothbrushes have firmly taken their place on store shelves, most manufacturers have decided to release special models for children. At the same time, consumers have a question: will they benefit children? We will try to answer this question.

Electric Toothbrush Efficiency

Among many people, the opinion has strengthened that electric brushes are more effective than ordinary ones. This statement can be considered true, since the process of brushing teeth will not depend on cleaning technique that the person uses. This is an absolute plus for children who have not yet learned how to properly brush their teeth or do not take this issue seriously enough.

There is an opinion among some dentists that using an electric toothbrush for children is a way to overcome the fear of visiting the dentist. Children get used to the sound of the electric motor, which reduces the fear of dental instruments.

Research confirms the benefits of using electric toothbrushes, with a significant reduction in plaque on the teeth and a reduction in inflammation.

For kids who find brushing their teeth to be cumbersome and boring, an electronic toothbrush is the perfect solution. Modern technological gadget attracts the attention of the younger generation and can arouse interest in an often unloved procedure.

At what age can a child use an electric toothbrush?

Despite the increased children's interest in electronics and the very process of using an innovative tool in the process of brushing their teeth, parents often have a question: can the device harm the child?

Consider the issue of brushing teeth for children of different ages:

  • It is recommended to take care of children's teeth from the moment they appear. Usually this is six months old. At this age, it is enough just to wipe the teeth with boiled water. For this procedure there are special brushes that are worn on the finger of an adult. Sometimes they are replaced with a gauze cloth, but this is not recommended, since a special brush is much softer. Already at this age, the child gets used to the ritual of brushing his teeth, and the procedure becomes a daily necessity for him;
  • when the child is one year old, you can start using toothpaste. You should select special children's toothpastes. They should not contain fluoride, as children at this age often swallow pasta. For one cleaning procedure, a pea-sized amount of paste is enough;
  • You can teach your child to brush their own teeth before they reach the age of two. It is important to set an example for your child. In the process of brushing your teeth, a child can first hold his hand, direct his movements, so he will quickly learn to reproduce them correctly on his own. Important, so that the child first learns to use a regular brush to improve cleaning skills. Giving electric to children under 2 years is not recommended;
  • dentists believe that from the age of two, a child can start using an electric toothbrush. However, this should not be done on a permanent basis. The enamel of a child's milk teeth does not have sufficient hardness, it can be easily damaged if handled with insufficient gentleness. If the child has learned how to use a conventional brush correctly, you can buy him an electric one, but you should gradually accustom him to handling it. Electric brush has a stronger effect on enamel than usual, children should not use it daily. It is important that the cleaning process always takes place under the supervision of parents;
  • You can periodically use an electric toothbrush along with a regular one until the age of six. After that, a full transition to electronic is possible. However, adult supervision is recommended not to be stopped until the child cleans completely independently and correctly;
  • from the age of 13 you can switch to an adult toothbrush.

Toothbrush: electric or conventional?

As mentioned above, the enamel of children's teeth does not have sufficient hardness, requires a careful attitude, which can only be achieved using an ordinary brush.

In addition to the medical aspect, according to which you should not use electric toothbrushes until the age of two, there are other arguments in favor of this:

What should be an electric toothbrush for children?


You should pay attention to some technical points when buying an electric toothbrush for a child:

  • the recommended age should be indicated on each package. These guidelines must be strictly adhered to;
  • depending on age, the stiffness of the bristles should be selected. You will not be mistaken if you choose soft for any age. Recently, along with soft bristles (soft), extra soft (extra soft) has appeared on sale, which is recommended for use by children under the age of five;
  • it is believed that the height of the bristles also matters. For a child, it should not exceed 10 mm. A good solution would be to choose a multi-level bristle;
  • if the child is still small, and his parents brush his teeth, you should choose a device with a sufficiently voluminous handle of optimal length;
  • for independent use by a child fit specimens with a not very long handle which fits well in the palm of a child. This point is reflected not only in ease of use, but also in the quality of cleaning;
  • to protect the gums from damage due to excessive pressure, you should buy models with a flexible shock-absorbing element.


Recently, among manufacturers of children's toothbrushes, electric models have become very colorful and have become more like toys than appliances. In addition to the fact that it arouses interest in the child and develops in him the desire to use the device, sales are growing, because children are increasingly asking their parents to buy this useful toy for them. It should be noted that in pursuit of the market such brush toys can be completely uncomfortable in operation. The child will not be able to hold it correctly and even more effectively use it.

Caring for your children's electric toothbrush

  • it is preferable to buy a model in a sealed package. Compliance with this condition guarantees the sterility of the device;
  • before the first use, thorough rinsing of the bristles with running water is required;
  • It is important to remember that in order to disinfect you can not boil the bristles, as it can simply deteriorate. Modern materials used in the manufacture of the device are not intended for exposure to high temperatures;
  • nozzles are recommended to be changed every three months or more often. This point is important for maintaining the efficiency of the device, which is especially important when used by children;
  • the traditional way to store the device is vertical;
  • do not put the brush in a case or put protective caps on it. It is necessary to dry it well to prevent the development of harmful microflora. Cases and caps may only be used in case of transport.

Varieties of electric toothbrushes

Classification according to the direction of movement of the bristles

Depending on the pattern of movement of the bristles during operation, electric brushes can be divided into two categories:

  • with reciprocating bristle movement. The brushing technique of this type of model is most similar to the brushing technique of a conventional toothbrush. The movement of the hand when using such a brush is the most familiar;
  • with reciprocating bristles. When using such brushes, it is necessary to slowly move the working surface from one tooth to another.

The choice among these options depends more on the preferences of the person than on any objective factors. Each of the methods has its own advantages.

Classification according to the speed of movement of the bristles

There are two fundamentally different technologies for cleaning teeth, depending on which electric toothbrushes are divided into the following types:

  • so-called sonic brushes. The movement of the bristles is clearly audible to the human ear. Oscillation frequency from 20 Hz to 20000 Hz. The basic principle of cleaning is the mechanical removal of plaque;
  • ultrasonic brushes. Their work is not audible, as the bristles oscillate at a high frequency of 20,000 Hz. Most ultrasonic brushes operate at a frequency of 1.6 MHz, which has been approved for more than twenty years and has undergone numerous tests not only for efficiency, but also for safety. The principle of action is based on damage to the chains of bacteria and the violation of their attachment to the surface of the teeth. Efficiency is proven even under the condition of exposure from a distance of up to 5 mm;
  • combination brushes. They combine the positive qualities of both types, ultrasound destroys bacterial chains, and the effect of sweeping movements helps to remove them from the surface of the teeth.

It is important to remember that ultrasonic brushes not recommended for gum disease or sensitive tooth enamel. In addition, exposure to ultrasound reduces the service life of seals. It is worth abandoning the use of ultrasound models by young children.

Additional options for electric toothbrushes

Depending on the model, given its cost, the electric brush can be equipped with various useful additional options:

To ensure the health of your child's teeth, you should consider the full range of tips for using both a conventional and an electric toothbrush. Armed with knowledge, you can independently choose the optimal model, but still it is better to take the advice of a pediatric dentist, who will find an individual approach to the child and give his recommendations regarding the selection of a children's electric toothbrush.

Tokareva Anna Alexandrovna

Reading time: 5 minutes


is an important hygienic procedure, which helps prevent dental disease.

To carry it out, you can use both a regular and an electric brush. The latter has its own uses.

Benefits of brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush

Electric brushes more effectively clean teeth from plaque and food debris. This device is extremely easy to use, perfect for children and people with disabilities.

To brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush, you need much less toothpaste than for manual exposure. With the help of such a product, it is easier to achieve an effect.

Note! The versatility of the device lies in the fact that the whole family can use it.

Just you need to buy an individual nozzle for each family member. Children really like these brushes, the maintenance process turns into a game. However, at the same time it is important that an adult supervise how the child brushes his teeth.

With help special sensors control the pressing force. Through this technology minimizes the risk of enamel abrasion and gum injury.

Many models have a timer that counts down the time needed for high-quality brushing.

Electric toothbrushes are more environmentally friendly. It takes the same amount of plastic to make one ordinary brush as for 14-42 replacement nozzles.

Indications for use

Anyone can use an electric brush, even with perfectly healthy teeth. Indications for use:

  • the presence of braces;
  • periodontal disease;
  • the presence of prostheses and crowns in the oral cavity.

Attention! Despite the fact that almost everyone can use such a device, you should consult with a specialist before buying it. Due to some individual characteristics, the use of such a device may be contraindicated.

How to choose?

When buying an electric toothbrush, you need to pay attention to a number of nuances.

First of all the dynamics of the movement of the nozzle is estimated. The device will only be effective if the nozzle rotates and oscillates at the same time.

Attention should be paid to the following aspects:

  • good battery;
  • the presence of a timer for brushing your teeth;
  • the presence of interchangeable nozzles.

It is important that the device has a high-quality battery A: Large capacity and light weight. If it is too heavy, it will create some discomfort when using the brush. The product must be lightweight..

It should be noted! The brushing timer is needed for better cleaning.

It can be general - 2 minutes, and such that it gives a signal every 30 seconds, indicating the need to change the zone of influence.

Modern models allow the use of several types of interchangeable nozzles.

The main thing is that they can be easily acquired. Otherwise, the device will become completely useless.

Exists several types such a device:

  • classical;
  • sound;

classical electric toothbrush is different allows you to make reciprocating movements in a circle and pulsating from top to bottom. The set can include several nozzles at once: for cleaning, polishing teeth and massaging the gums.

The sonic brush is powered by a high frequency generator. It converts electricity into sound vibrational waves. Such a device not only removes plaque and food debris, but also weakens the attachment of microbes to the teeth due to sound vibrations.

Principle of operation ultrasonic brushes is to convert electricity into ultrasonic waves.

Ultrasound allows not only destroy the attachment of microorganisms to the teeth, but also eliminate pigment plaque from the enamel.

The choice of a specific model (Oral-B, Philips, Hapica, etc.) depends on individual preferences and the purchase budget.

How to choose a paste?

It is best to use the toothpaste recommended by the doctor. People with healthy teeth can use universal hygienic toothpastes. They have an antiseptic effect, whiten and freshen the breath.

For the purpose of prevention, it is sometimes necessary to switch to pastes to prevent caries and periodontal lesions.. They contain fluorine and calcium compounds.

Children are advised to use toothpastes with a low fluoride content.. In the period from 6 to 13 years, it is necessary to give preference to products with a minimum amount of abrasive substances and a high content of calcium. Upon reaching the age of 13, you can switch to pastes for adults.


Almost all contraindications to the use of an electric toothbrush are relative or temporary. The use of the device should be abandoned in the following clinical situations:

  • after surgery in the dentoalveolar zone;
  • stomatitis;
  • tooth mobility of the 3rd degree;
  • after oncological surgery;
  • hypertrophic gingivitis.

Note! Only after such pathologies or deviations have been eliminated, you can start using an electric device for cleaning your teeth.

If during the use of the brush there are unpleasant sensations, then it is better to completely abandon them.

How to brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush?

Properly brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush follows several steps.

Initially you need check if the device is charged and recharge if necessary.

Purification algorithm oral cavity using an electrical device as follows:

  1. A small amount of toothpaste is applied to the nozzle. Don't squeeze too much, because due to abundant foaming, the procedure will need to be completed ahead of time.
  2. Brushing starts from the top row of teeth. It is recommended to stay on each tooth for 3-4 seconds. The entire oral cavity is conditionally divided into 4 zones: upper, lower, left and right. Movement must be circular.. It is necessary to clean the teeth not only from the outside, but also from the inside.
  3. The tongue must be cleaned as carefully as possible. This way you can get rid of bad breath.
  4. After cleaning is complete, rinse your mouth thoroughly and rinse the mouthpiece.

It should be noted! It is important to wash the nozzle and change it periodically. The optimal interval is once every 3 months. When the bristles are deformed, the nozzle changes more often.

How often can be used during the day?

Electric toothbrushes remove more plaque than manual toothbrushes.

Despite this, cleaning should also be carried out 2 times a day for at least 2 minutes. The exact duration of the session will be indicated by a timer or an external smart guide.

Mistakes when brushing your teeth

The first and most common mistake is wrong choice of nozzle and paste. They should be selected depending on the condition of the gums and tooth enamel.

Fast or infrequent brushing will be ineffective.

If a lot of time passes between cleaning procedures, then a large amount of plaque appears on the teeth. This, in turn, leads to the development of the inflammatory process.

Too frequent cleaning is also a mistake.. It is dangerous by irritating the gums and thinning the tooth enamel. Improper brushing technique will negatively affect their condition.

The use of a dirty nozzle leads to the reproduction of bacteria. After each use, it must be thoroughly rinsed, as some plaque may remain on the bristles.

Important! Infrequent replacement of nozzles negatively affects the quality of cleaning.

They are recommended change every 3 months, if possible, this can be done more often. During use, the bristles lose their flexibility and deform. In the shared bathroom brush heads it is recommended to keep in special cases. This is due to the fact that when the toilet is flushed, bacteria spread that can settle on the brush.

Useful video

In this video, you will learn how to brush your teeth properly with an Oral-B electric toothbrush:

An electric toothbrush is a hygienic device that can thoroughly clean your teeth from plaque without damaging the enamel. It is important to choose not only the right brush, but also the paste.. Before use, it is recommended to consult a specialist and make sure that there are no temporary contraindications to use.

To ensure the health of the oral cavity, it is necessary to clean the teeth, tongue, and the inner surface of the cheeks with high quality. Thanks to electrical devices, the cleaning process is greatly simplified. It is imperative to know how to properly brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush to ensure the effectiveness of the hygiene procedure, to minimize the likelihood of injury and damage to the enamel.

The operation of the device is carried out at the expense of the accumulator or batteries. The device performs rotational movements up and down, gradually cleaning different groups of teeth, gums, and the inner surface of the cheeks.

The need for charging

How to brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush? First of all, before using the electric brush, you need to charge it or insert batteries. Also, do not forget that the device needs to be charged. Therefore, you need to change the batteries in a timely manner or connect to the charging unit. The need for charging is indicated by the loss of power of the device.

After charging, the device will work more efficiently. If during cleaning the product is discharged, you can clean the process manually or use a regular toothbrush if available. It is recommended that you check the charge level before brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush. You need to store it close to the sink, within reach. But at the same time, the distance should be such that you do not accidentally push it, do not get an electric shock. Experienced users are advised to always have a set of batteries in stock.

Mode selection

The process of brushing your teeth does not require special pressure, systematic pressure is dangerous for tooth enamel, since even the most low-power models make about 4000 revolutions per minute. You need to choose a mode: maximum or gentle cleaning before using an electric toothbrush.

It is also imperative that before using the cleaning bristle, you need to check its condition. To clean the mouth most effectively, remove plaque, bacteria and food particles, it is recommended to choose a device with soft nylon bristles, the tips should be slightly rounded. The bristles will need to be inspected regularly to ensure the best possible oral hygiene.

How much paste to apply

Wet the brush with water, apply a pea-sized toothpaste to it. So cleansing of plaque and bacteria will be most effective. Additionally, you should evenly distribute the paste over the surface of the dentition until brushing your teeth with an electric brush begins.

To strengthen the enamel, get rid of plaque, prevent the development of dental diseases, it is recommended to use a toothpaste containing fluorine. With increased sensitivity of the teeth, you can clean it with an appropriate paste (for example, Sensodin). If more paste is taken during cleaning than it should be, the device forms a large amount of foam, and this is an obstacle to complete cleaning of the oral cavity. With daily use of this model of brushes, it is better to use toothpastes with a low abrasiveness index. Some modern models have special sensors whose task is to control the time required to clean each segment of the dentition. But such models are quite expensive.

Rules for cleaning different groups of teeth

Using the device, it is recommended to visually divide the oral cavity into four segments - upper left and right, and lower left and right. So the electric toothbrush will fully be able to clean all parts of the dentition and the oral cavity. Brushing starts from any segment, the movement of the nozzle lasts an average of 40 seconds for each area. The algorithm for performing manipulations is as follows:

  • cleaning of the front chewing units is carried out along the line up and down;
  • the upper surface of chewing molars is cleaned in the direction forward - backward, holding the villi perpendicular to the teeth;
  • cleaning of the side internal and external elements is carried out at an angle;
  • gum massage is carried out in a circular motion.

Correct brush position

The bristles must be applied to the dentition along the gum line. The device must be held at a 45 degree angle to the gum line. It is not necessary to press hard on the device, otherwise it is fraught with injury to the enamel and gums. Cleansing occurs from the outside, the inside of the teeth is cleaned last. To treat the gums, the device is turned off. It’s great if there is an additional nozzle for massaging this area, this will improve the microcirculation of the blood fluid and prevent gum problems.

Next, the surface of the tongue and soft palate are cleaned. So you can prevent not only problems with your teeth, but also the appearance of an unpleasant odor due to the accumulation of bacteria. All manipulations must be performed carefully, but carefully. The procedure takes an average of two minutes. With regular cleansing of the oral cavity in the morning and evening, you can minimize the development of carious processes, reduce the number of pathogens. To protect the enamel, you should refrain from hygienic procedures after eating acidic foods. It is allowed to perform it only an hour after taking such dishes. It is also recommended to use special tools for the full treatment of the dentition - flosses for cleaning the interdental space, irrigators, rinses. Modern electric brushes often have several nozzles that combine functions for a complete treatment.

Nozzle and handle care

At the end of the hygiene procedure, you need to rinse the nozzle of the device under a stream of warm running water, put the device in its place of storage. It should dry upright. The head is not covered. The duration of operation ranges from four months to six months. Usually instructions for using the device are attached.

Who should not use this device

  1. The presence of weak gums, the development of inflammation of a different nature.
  2. Any dental disease in the acute stage.
  3. The presence of increased abrasion of enamel.
  4. wedge defects.
  5. White spots on the surface of the enamel.
  6. If the patient wears crowns, dentures, veneers.
  7. During childbearing and in the presence of heart disease, the device is operated with extreme caution.

Before using, you should seek the advice of a qualified specialist.

The site, together with Vera Konstantinova, a dentist, Ph.D., decided to disassemble the six most popular myths about electric toothbrushes and understand whether they have at least some benefit or not. According to our expert, an electric toothbrush can greatly facilitate dental care and even reduce the risk of oral disease. Most people don't follow doctors' advice to brush their teeth for two minutes and often pay little attention to oral hygiene. Meanwhile, the electric toothbrush itself controls the brushing time, removing several times more plaque, including in hard-to-reach places, compared to a manual toothbrush.

Myth 1: A conventional toothbrush cleans as well as an electric toothbrush.

On this topic

Brushing your teeth seems like a simple task, but in fact, in order for it to bring results, several factors must be taken into account. Of course, if you can control how hard you brush your teeth and brush each one thoroughly, keep using a manual brush. Just keep in mind that, according to statistics, many Russians spend an average of 46 seconds brushing their teeth, while the norm is two minutes. In addition, instead of brushing your teeth in a sweeping motion, many do it from side to side. Electric toothbrushes, on the other hand, provide more even pressure on the surface of the teeth and gums, which reduces the risk of enamel abrasion, and the built-in timer helps to meet the required two minutes. For the wow-effect you want, choose a model whose bristles move up and down at a speed of 31,000 strokes per minute, removing plaque not only on the teeth, but also between them and along the gum line.

Myth 2: Electric toothbrushes are not suitable for those with sensitive teeth.

You will be surprised, but often such problems are associated with the wrong cleaning technique. Moving from side to side can easily injure the gums, while most of the plaque along the gum line is not cleaned properly. To prevent bleeding gums and discomfort, many modern brushes have special modes for gentle cleansing and heads with ultra-soft bristles, specially positioned for the most gentle care. At the same time, nozzles can be easily changed depending on individual preferences. Moreover, some models of brushes are equipped with a sensor that, during strong pressure on the teeth, vibrates to warn of the need for a more careful treatment of the gums. It's great, right?

You will be surprised, but there are several types of electric brushes: simple, sonic and ultrasonic. The former brush their teeth with quick rotational movements of the nozzle. Sound - not only due to mechanical action, but also due to additional sound vibrations, which weaken the adhesion of plaque to the surface of the teeth. Brushes with this technology can restore natural whiteness to teeth in a week. Good news: models that operate at a frequency of 260 Hz can be used even by those who have crowns, fillings, braces. Alas, those who have fillings and crowns will have to refuse ultrasonic brushes (the bristle frequency is more than 20,000 Hz), although they are very effective.

Myth 4: Electric brushes are dangerous for pregnant women, people with pacemakers, braces

There is only one type of electric toothbrush that should be used with care - ultrasonic. They cause fluctuations that can negatively affect the border between the enamel and the filling. Therefore, such brushes are categorically contraindicated for people with braces, crowns, veneers and implants. They can significantly reduce the life of such orthopedic and orthodontic structures. They are also not recommended for people with pacemakers and pregnant women.

Myth 6: Only one person can use one electric toothbrush

Of course it is not! One housing is suitable for different nozzles, which can be changed depending on the individual preferences of all "users". For example, Philips Sonicare can be matched with any of seven nozzles that differ in hardness: from ultra-soft to medium. Keep in mind that hard brushes are not recommended by dentists!

Text: Julia Markova

A photo: press service archives,

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