What not to eat with constipation in adults. Tasty and healthy diets for constipation in adults. Diet for pregnant women and during lactation

Under understand full or almost complete absence bowel movements within 48 hours on the background normal nutrition. Some gastroenterologists believe that you can talk about a problem if there is no stool for 72 hours. Normally, a person has a bowel movement every day, at about the same time.

Why does constipation occur, and why are they dangerous?

The leading cause of constipation is a decrease in the functional activity (poor motility) of the intestine. One of the most important predisposing factors is considered, that is, a sedentary lifestyle. Great importance also has a nutritional character. Irregular meals (“snacks” on the go), the abuse of fast food, the consumption of foods with “fixing” properties - all this often leads to constipation.

Note:disruptions in the work of the intestines may well be due to non-compliance with the drinking regime, i.e., a small intake of fluid into the body. It is believed that during the day an adult needs to drink at least 1.5 liters of water.

Constipation is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen. The patient feels heaviness, and often pain. But this is not the worst. When toxins are not removed from the body naturally for several days, decay products begin to be absorbed through the walls of the intestine into the blood. This leads to intoxication of the body, manifested general malaise. A person develops weakness, and. In some cases, rashes on the skin are noted. For a patient suffering regular delays stool is characteristic Bad mood and increased irritability.

Note:Constipation is one of the most common manifestations of irritable bowel syndrome.

What to do with constipation?

Regardless of the causes of constipation, adequate measures must be taken to eliminate it. Don't be afraid to visit a doctor. Qualified specialist will help you choose the best diet for each case. With difficult defecation, pharmacological agents are often prescribed. Their reception helps to empty the intestines, but this measure does not eliminate the cause that caused the disorder.

The majority of patients who consulted a gastroenterologist complaining of frequent delays stool, it is recommended, if possible, to change the lifestyle, make adjustments to the diet and drink more fluids (preferably clean water).

It is not recommended to self-medicate with. Abuse of such drugs often leads to addiction. As a result, intestinal motility worsens even more, and emptying without taking pharmacological agents does not occur.

Note:such a well-known folk remedy as a decoction of flaxseed helps to improve intestinal motility.

One of the safest laxatives is senna leaf extract. Available in pharmacies effective drug Senade. At night, it is recommended to take one tablet, and in the morning, with difficult bowel movements - 1-2 pieces. The agent begins to act, on average, after 5-6 hours .

Constipation nutrition rules

It is important to consume the products recommended by the doctor at clearly defined hours, i.e. strictly observe the regimen. shown fractional nutrition, i.e., in relatively small portions 5-6 times a day.

Since the main goal of a therapeutic diet is to normalize the functional activity of the intestine, nutrition should be as balanced as possible. By limiting the consumption of certain foods, the body at the same time cannot be deprived of vital substances.

The minimum number of essential compounds necessary for an adult:

  • proteins (proteins) - 60-100 g;
  • fats - 60-100 g;
  • carbohydrates - 400-450 g.

It is important for a person to get a sufficient amount of vitamin and mineral compounds with food.

Important: total weight products (including drinks) should not exceed 3 kg per day - you should not “overload” the intestines. Maximum Recommended Energy Value daily ration- 3000 kilocalories.

Foods to help relieve constipation

Food with a mild laxative effect:

  • dairy products;
  • vegetables and fruits (almost any);
  • bread from rye flour(or wheat, but coarse grinding);
  • vegetable oil (unrefined);
  • cereals (from buckwheat or millet groats);
  • natural juices (especially freshly squeezed).

notecan have a fixing effect, therefore, with constipation, it is recommended to reduce their consumption. It is also advisable to temporarily abandon the usual for many strong tea.

You should not neglect the first dishes. A variety of soups are very useful for difficult bowel movements.

picking up optimal diet it is important to consider the cause of development and the nature of constipation.

If it is due to atony, i.e., a pronounced weakening of the motility of the intestinal wall, the patient must definitely include more foods high in fiber and indigestible fibers in the diet. These include bakery products made from wholemeal flour, as well as all vegetables and fruits. Natural prebiotics that help with constipation caused by atony are lactic acid fermentation products. The diet is recommended to be enriched with fats (mainly of vegetable origin) and carbohydrate compounds.

Spastic constipation develops as a result of pathological contractions of the smooth muscle elements of the intestinal walls. In such a situation, it is important to refuse roughage. You need to drink as much as possible. Carbohydrate-rich foods such as honey, jam and marmalade are recommended.

Important:question about allowable amount eggs on the menu in each case is decided individually. Your doctor will probably recommend that you stop eating them temporarily, or reduce your intake to 1-2 eggs per week.

Diet for atonic constipation

In the morning, it is advisable to drink 200-400 ml of the following drinks:

  • water with honey (1-2 tsp per glass);
  • freshly squeezed vegetable juices;
  • a decoction of or (1 tablespoon per 200 ml);
  • dried fruits compote.

If constipation bothers you regularly, during the day it is advisable to consume a salad of apples and cabbage, previously chopped on a grater. Other solid foods should be discarded for 2-3 days. It is important to remember that this fruit and vegetable mixture can provoke increased gas formation in the intestines and increase the secretory activity of the stomach (with chronic gastritis, heartburn is not excluded).

An alternative product is a mixture that includes the following ingredients:

  • (1 tbsp.);
  • 2 grated medium-sized apples (preferably green varieties);
  • oatmeal or flakes (2 tablespoons);
  • crushed kernels (1 tablespoon);
  • honey (1 tablespoon);
  • juice of half a lemon.

This tasty and nutritious dish is allowed to be consumed without any volume restrictions, but you should not overeat.

An effective natural remedy for strengthening the intestinal wall is spinach and carrots.. With severe atony, the amount of carrot juice is somewhat reduced, and that of beet juice is proportionally increased.

spa constipation dietWithtic origin

With this form of disorder, it is necessary for a certain time to refuse food that can irritate the intestinal wall. Fiber-rich foods are shown, which should be consumed in pureed or even semi-liquid form ( vegetable puree or fruit mousses). Cramps will help reduce fats, which are abundant in unrefined vegetable and butter, as well as cream and sour cream. Fruits and vegetables are best boiled or cooked in a double boiler, freeing them from the peel. In the process of cooking, it is advisable to add more sugar, because "fast" carbohydrates are very useful in this situation.

What can you eat with constipation, and what can not?

Important:with constipation, you need to temporarily abandon cherries, quince, dogwood, persimmons, cranberries, blueberries and lemons, but on the contrary, it is useful to eat apricots as much as possible.

Foods that should not be consumed with difficult bowel movements:

  • fatty meat and fish;
  • bread made from flour premium;
  • muffin;
  • canned food (both meat and fish);
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • spicy sauces and seasonings;
  • semolina (allowed in small quantities);
  • turnip;
  • desserts with cream;
  • chocolate;
  • strong black tea;
  • coffee;
  • products with synthetic preservatives, sweeteners, colors and flavors (including sweet soda).

Important:people suffering from constipation of any type are strictly forbidden to consume alcohol, including low-alcohol drinks. Although beer is a product of fermentation, the ethanol present in it can impair intestinal motility.

For the elderly, it is important to exclude from the diet foods that cause increased gas formation - peas, beans, beans, as well as cauliflower and white cabbage.. An increase in pressure in the intestine against the background of difficulty in emptying it often becomes the cause of the development of pain.

Fruits and vegetables should be up to 40-50% daily menu. Instead of whole milk it is better to consume kefir (preferably one-day, home cooking), as well as whey (buttermilk).

Improve the condition of the mucous membrane lower divisions The digestive tract is helped by pectins, which are present in large quantities in apples. They are better absorbed after heat treatment, so it is advisable to bake apples before eating.

Plisov Vladimir, medical commentator

Constipation is a sign of our time, which is not customary to talk about. But it turns out that by following certain nutritional rules, you can forget about the delicate problem with the stool forever. You should know how to eat with constipation.

If a bowel movement (defecation) occurs less than once a week, one speaks of constipation. Considering that the rate of defecation acts is different for each person, with constipation, stool occurs much less frequently than it was before. Fecal masses are in the intestines for a long time, their movement is difficult due to the sluggish work of the intestinal muscles and the imbalance in the activity of the nervous system. As a result, water is sucked out of the faeces. They harden. Hard stools cannot leave the intestines normally. The usual soft stool with constipation is impossible. An objective criterion for constipation is a small mass of feces per day (less than 35 g).

If stool retention is temporary and disappears when a person returns to a normal lifestyle, this is not a pathology. Particular attention should be paid to chronic or persistent constipation. In this case, problems with defecation occur constantly, become commonplace for a person and require examination and treatment by a proctologist. Regular constipation not as harmless as it seems.

Problems with bowel movements are more common in children, pregnant women (57%) and the elderly. In the elderly, constipation occurs 2.4 times more often than in young people. Men are 3 times less likely to suffer from them than women.

Causes and symptoms of constipation:

Constipation occurs for the following reasons:

  • lack of fiber in the diet;
  • regular overeating;
  • abuse of coffee and alcohol, which provoke dehydration;
  • stress and prolonged depression;
  • "Sedentary" habitual lifestyle (physical inactivity slows down the bowel);
  • postoperative period;
  • diseases of the large intestine (adhesions, tumors, Crohn's disease);
  • strict regimen of protein diets;
  • a change in the usual environment, for example, travel;
  • complication of certain medications (antidepressants, iron, calcium, psychotropic, anticonvulsant, diuretic, cardiovascular agents, antacids that reduce acidity in the stomach);
  • frequent suppression of the desire to go to the toilet, for example, due to a sense of false shame, emergency work at work, unsanitary conditions in the toilet.
Symptoms of patients with constipation:
  • lack of sensation of complete emptying of the intestines after going to the toilet;
  • abdominal discomfort and bloating;
  • taxation of the tongue;
  • belching with air;
  • bad breath;
  • poor appetite;
  • pale, yellowish, flabby skin;
  • dizziness;
  • irritability.

You can not let the disease take its course. If constipation has become habitual and prolonged, the consequences can be life-threatening. Self-medication, advice and recommendations of "experienced" about what is possible with constipation are unacceptable.

Life-threatening complications of constipation:
  • bleeding from hemorrhoids;
  • paraproctitis;
  • intestinal diverticulosis;
  • fecal stones and intestinal obstruction;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • bowel cancer.

The first step to solve the problem with regular bowel movements is right organized meals with constipation.

Basic rules of nutrition for constipation

If you make some adjustments to your usual life, you can forget about constipation. Here they are:

  • Drink at least two liters of plain water a day. It must be remembered that alcohol, coffee and soda provoke constipation.
  • Strictly follow the diet. You need to eat in small portions at the same time of the day. Chew your food thoroughly, as large pieces foods are poorly digested and cause constipation. You also need to know what foods are best to eat (more on that below).
  • Vegetables, fruits and whole grains must be present in the daily diet.
  • You can not ignore the desire to empty the intestines. Don't be patient!
  • Needs to be practiced regularly exercise which improves intestinal motility. Half an hour of daily walks on the street are an excellent prevention of constipation.

Diet for constipation: products

There are products for constipation that contribute to the systematic emptying of the intestines. What can you eat with constipation everyone should know:

  • fresh fermented milk products (cottage cheese, sour cream, 1- and 2-day kefir);
  • wholemeal bread, dry biscuits and lean pastries;
  • lean meats (turkey or chicken);
  • low-fat varieties of fish and seafood;
  • low fat vegetable soups meat broth(including cabbage soup from fresh cabbage, borscht and beetroot soup);
  • dried fruits and compotes from them;
  • beer, kvass;
  • seaweed;
  • vegetables and greens: beets, carrots, pumpkins, cucumbers, tomatoes, sauerkraut;
  • fruits and berries: kiwi, apples, pears, oranges, watermelon, melon, cherries, plums, gooseberries;
  • buckwheat, barley and oatmeal (in a crumbly or semi-viscous form);
  • mineral water and juices (except apple and grape), lemonade;
  • decoctions of wild rose and wheat bran;
  • white grape wines.

Foods prohibited for constipation contain tannin or tannic acid. These include tea, persimmon, pomegranate and some berries (cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, grapes), nuts (pistachios, peanuts, pecans, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts), beans. If there is a problem with the stool, their use is undesirable.

Food that causes fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines should also be limited in the diet. You should limit:

  • bakery products made from premium flour, rich or puff pastry;
  • fatty meat and products from it (sausages, smoked meats);
  • fatty fish, canned food and smoked meats from them;
  • soups on fatty and rich broth;
  • some vegetables: radishes, onions, radishes, turnips, garlic, potatoes;
  • some fruits and berries: pears, blueberries, quince, grapes, bananas, dogwood;
  • semolina and rice porridge;
  • mushrooms;
  • hard-boiled or fried eggs;
  • strong black tea, black coffee, cocoa;
  • marmalade, honey, caramel, marshmallow, chocolate;
  • red wine;
  • pureed food;
  • pickles, marinades and smoked meats;
  • horseradish, pere, mustard and other hot spices.

In the treatment of constipation, you can turn to "folk" methods of dealing with constipation, the effectiveness of which has been proven.

  • Rinse and pit 250 g of prunes, dried apricots and figs. Pass all this through a meat grinder and add 250 g of any honey to the mixture. Be sure to include 10 g of crushed senna leaves in it (it is sold in a pharmacy). Take 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture at bedtime with 100 ml of warm water.
  • Our grandmothers took an infusion of dandelion roots as a laxative. You need 2 tsp. roots of this plant pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 8 hours. Drink before meals 4 times a day for a quarter cup of infusion.
  • Flax seed will relieve intestinal problems. Recommended 1 tsp. seeds pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos for five hours. Drink before bed.
  • One tablespoon of gooseberries should be boiled in 250 ml of water for 10 minutes. Add sugar. Drink 50 ml per day.

Diet number 3 for constipation

Dietary table No. 3 was developed by M.I. Pevzner for those who suffer chronic diseases intestines. Most often we are talking about constipation.

The purpose of the diet- stimulate intestinal peristalsis. This is achieved by including food in the diet that provides its thermal and mechanical irritation. Diet #3 explains in detail how to eat with constipation.

Daily calorie content- 2500 - 2900 kcal.

A diet for constipation includes daily 100 g of proteins (45% vegetable and 55% animal) and fats (70% animal and 30% vegetable), and carbohydrates - 450 g.

The maximum amount of salt is 10-15 g per day. The temperature of the food consumed should be in the range of 15-62°C. Food should not be crushed too much. Products are baked, boiled or steamed.

Menu for a diet for constipation for 7 days

Be sure to drink a glass of water every morning after waking up.

Daily breakfast consists of one yogurt with flax seeds, one kiwi, tea or coffee with milk.

A couple of hours before bed it is good to drink a glass of one-day kefir or fresh fruit compote.

Days of the weekmealDishes and products for a diet with constipation
Day 1DinnerNatural yogurt, low-fat fish, baked in the oven with herbs and vegetables;
DinnerVegetable ragout
Day 2DinnerA plate of lean borscht; Buckwheat with a piece chicken breast(boiled or baked)
DinnerSalad of lettuce, tomato, cucumber and mozzarella cheese, dressed olive oil. Any fruit of your choice
Day 3DinnerCottage cheese casserole with raisins. A glass of kefir or natural yogurt(without additives)
DinnerChopped chicken cutlets with vegetable salad or porridge (from allowed)
Day 4DinnerBeetroot with sour cream. sandwich from whole grain bread with cheese and a piece of tomato
DinnerCheesecakes with raisins. 1-2 fruits of your choice
Day 5DinnerPasta with a piece of steamed fish.
DinnerVegetable soup with a slice of whole grain bread
Day 6DinnerBuckwheat porridge with sour cream. Salad of tomatoes and cucumbers.
DinnerBaked eggplant with cheese in the oven. Smoothies from fruits and milk.
Day 7DinnerSeaweed salad, 1 egg, corn, crab sticks and low-fat mayonnaise.
DinnerLentil soup with chicken breast pieces.

These "tricks" will help to quickly cope with the problems of regular bowel movements:

  1. Not every kefir "weakens". This only applies to fresh drinks. Remember: if kefir is stored for more than two days, on the contrary, it “strengthens”.
  2. Having mastered the simple technique of abdominal massage, you can learn to relax the muscles, which helps to move feces through the intestinal loops and empty it regularly. Up to 500 times a day, it is recommended to retract and protrude the stomach, as well as the anus ( anus). It is useful to massage the stomach in a clockwise direction and perform circular motions pelvis.
  3. Systematic enemas and taking laxatives make the intestines "lazy". Without them, it will work even worse.
  4. Attention should be paid to the regular use of bran. Two tablespoons oat bran a day are an excellent prevention of constipation.
  5. Olive and sunflower oils are proven laxatives. It is enough to regularly take one tablespoon of oil in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before going to bed.
  6. If you make it a rule to drink a glass of cool water with a slice of lemon every morning after waking up, the intestines will work like clockwork.

Don't be embarrassed to tell your doctor about chronic constipation! Embarrassment is out of place here. And you need to start with the simplest - proper nutrition.

According to most doctors, the main culprits for almost everyone are a sedentary lifestyle, constant stressful situations and malnutrition. With constipation, especially in conditions close to chronic, it is first necessary to establish a diet and adhere to special diets.

The food we eat

By and large, the food that we eat daily is divided into plant and animal. Substances included in its composition are divided into proteins, fats, carbohydrates, useful material, fiber and coarse Insoluble fiber is not digested in the body. She goes through all digestive system and removes with it all unnecessary decay products and toxins. That is why it is recommended in all diets for constipation in adults and children. In the absence of fiber in the body, disturbances occur in the formation of feces, which leads to difficulties in emptying the intestines.

Difficulties with defecation

The process of natural bowel cleansing can be daily, but difficult. In this case, special diets will help normalize bowel movements. However, the concept of "constipation" is applicable only to the frequency of processes. If you reconsider the principles of catering for constipation, then in most cases this phenomenon can be successfully dealt with. The purpose of such diets is to improve the motility of the digestive tract and soften the stool. Normalization of natural processes requires a complete and balanced diet enriched with nutrients and essential trace elements.

The result of proper nutrition for constipation becomes noticeable after a few days, but this does not mean at all that the treatment can be considered completed. People who once faced such problems will have to adhere to the basic rules of nutrition. With eating disorders, constipation can be caused by any, even minor changes, whether it be stressful situations or climate change.

The reasons

Constipation can be caused by a lack of plant foods in the daily diet, especially raw vegetables and fruits. The lack of pectins and coarse fiber also deprives the digestive tract of natural peristalsis. Easily digestible foods, animal fats and proteins, lack of first courses and snacks on the run - all this is an unhealthy diet that provokes constipation.

The basis of nutrition for constipation is regular, fractional food intake and rational. Food should be taken slowly, chewing thoroughly, in a relaxed atmosphere. The daily diet should include first courses and foods containing coarse dietary fiber and fiber.

Stool retention may be due to sedentary image life and lack of fluid intake. For optimal digestive processes, it is necessary to consume at least 50-100 ml of liquid every hour, and the average daily amount of water should be 1.5-2.5 liters per day.

Stressful situations, wrong way of life, postponing going to the toilet for later provokes a weakening of the general physical tone of the body and intestines. The cause of constipation may be the consequences surgical intervention, general anesthesia and trauma to the digestive system.

Chronic constipation is most susceptible to elderly people. This happens due to age-related changes in the large intestine and difficulty in moving unprocessed food through it. Physiological weakening and a decrease in the sensitivity of the sphincter contribute to the fact that a person feels little urge. This leads to the appearance of senile constipation.

The right diet for constipation: what is useful to know

The daily diet should consist of a sufficient amount of calories, fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Calories are needed to restore the body, while you can not be afraid of gaining extra pounds. As the regularity of bowel movements is restored, the energy value of the consumed products can be adjusted.

Proper nutrition for constipation is the regular use of fruits and vegetables that have a slight laxative effect and contain the necessary trace elements. Soaked dried fruits used for cooking can be an excellent assistant in the fight against irregular bowel movements. dessert dishes and compotes.

Nutrition for constipation in adults and children involves the use of fermented milk products, which cause a small laxative effect. However, it is worth considering that some types of cheeses and feta cheese retain fluid in the body, which affects the functioning of the digestive tract. But kefir, especially fresh, gives the most beneficial effect.

Regular intake of unrefined vegetable oils (flaxseed, pumpkin or olive) - effective method elimination of constipation.

In addition to laxative foods for constipation, it is recommended to regularly eat lean meats and fish. Very useful are dishes from them, steamed or in the oven, in a boiled version or in the form of a soufflé.

A good result is the use of bakery products rich in fiber: products with bran and pasta from durum wheat. In addition, dishes from cereals should be present in the daily diet.

Sweets and confectionery are better to replace natural products: honey, homemade jams or preserves, dried fruits.

The choice of certain products will help to cope with the manifestations of defecation disorders, however, when such an ailment appears, it is more expedient to completely revise the diet for constipation in adults and children. At the same time, it is extremely important to organize the diet in such a way that food intake occurs every 2.5-3.5 hours in small portions.

What to drink for constipation

Effective disposal from problems with regular cleansing is impossible without observing the drinking regimen. However, from the use strong coffee, tea, carbonated drinks and alcohol is better to abstain. AT this case it is desirable to use non-carbonated or structured water, fruit drinks and homemade compotes. Freshly squeezed juices will be a good support for the body.

Any therapeutic diet for constipation involves the use a large number liquids. If there are no restrictions on the part of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, you must consume at least 2.5 liters of water. The use of just such a volume provides a complete cleansing of the body.

Hot tea and coffee can be temporarily replaced with warm rosehip infusion, chamomile or warm water with a rose hip. Fits great and not strong green tea. However, such techniques should be used with caution, since not all of these products can be equally useful and, if used inadequately, can harm the body and increase discomfort.

Diet for constipation: what not to eat

What is undesirable to use in the fight against irregular stools? This is first of all:

  • fresh pastries and bakery products that can cause fermentation in the intestines, as well as bloating and flatulence;
  • lactic acid products with high fat content;
  • fruits with astringent properties (quince, pomegranate, pear, etc.);
  • rice and semolina dishes;
  • legumes (beans, lentils, peas, etc.);
  • fatty foods, including fatty and rich broths;
  • smoked meats and hot spices;
  • confectionery, sweets, chocolate;
  • jelly;
  • mushrooms in all cooking options;
  • fried and hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • mayonnaise and sauces.

You can get rid of discomfort if you exclude these products from your diet for the duration of treatment.

Diet for constipation in children

It is known that the main part of the diet in the diet for constipation in adults is laxative foods. But what can be done to help a child in such situations? After all children's body is particularly sensitive, and children are much more likely than adults to suffer from constipation.

A common cause of such phenomena in children, according to pediatricians, is:

However, the true cause of problems with regular stools is malnutrition. In most cases, parents allow their child to snack or eat a lot of sweets without thinking about the dangers of unhealthy eating. Although in fact, such a diet is a direct path to the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

Therefore, for a child, nutrition for constipation (advice, recommendations and instructions from most pediatricians talk about this) should be balanced and rational. The daily menu should contain plant foods (fresh fruits and vegetables), lean meats, fish and poultry, cereals and soups. Compotes, still water and freshly squeezed juices are recommended for children as drinks.

In the event of manifestations of irregular stools, it is necessary to contact the pediatrician in order to exclude dangerous diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract child. If necessary, the doctor will recommend special diet, safe laxatives or gentle drug therapy.

Nutrition rules for defecation disorders in children

If constipation occurs in a child, any dishes that have an enveloping effect are excluded from his diet. This is primarily semolina and rice porridge, kissels, cocoa and chocolate. There should not be any dishes related to fast food.

Foods that stimulate digestion are introduced into the daily menu. These are fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, oatmeal and muesli.

In the question of what should be the diet for constipation, how to eat right and what features or restrictions of the diet can be by age, one should be guided by the schemes developed by nutritionists. To organize the right full menu, it is important to consider the features of the so-called laxative products. There are three categories of food ingredients:

  • stimulating digestion by mechanical action on the intestinal walls when the stomach is full (dried or fresh fruits and berries, seaweed);
  • stimulating the movement of food through the digestive tract (vegetable oils and fish fat);
  • irritating intestinal walls and stimulating its cleansing (rhubarb, gooseberry, aloe).

If the reason childhood constipation became a weak peristalsis of the intestinal tract of the baby, then in the daily menu of the child in without fail products of the 1st and 3rd category must be present. If the cause of stool retention is spastic in nature, then it is desirable to include in the diet products belonging to the 1st and 2nd categories.

Relaxing diet for children

Nutrition for constipation in children should quickly and comfortably eliminate both the cause of the difficulties and its consequences, i.e. in this case, the full inclusion of all groups of laxative products is provided. If such an effect does not bring results within 1-2 weeks, you should consult a doctor and take an analysis for dysbacteriosis.

A common cause of development similar pathologies in children of all ages, dysbacteriosis becomes precisely. In this case, treatment involves the use of a large amount of dairy products and the use of special drugs (lacto- and bifidobacteria). It is imperative to increase fluid intake.

When compiling daily menu the age of the child is taken into account. In this case, products that slow down the peristalsis of the intestinal tract are excluded as much as possible. Products that promote bowel movement should be present in maximum quantities. It is imperative to take into account the nutritional value products and their vitamin and mineral composition.

Treatment of childhood constipation should begin with simple methods of exposure and the implementation of basic recommendations for the selection of products and diet rules for constipation. It is possible that to obtain the desired effect, it will be quite sufficient to supplement the diet. fresh fruit or juices from them.

It has a wonderful laxative effect. In this case, 10-12 dried fruits are brewed in a small amount boiling water and insist overnight. In the morning, the soaked fruits are ground and given to the child on an empty stomach along with fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, bifidin, etc.).

by the most in a simple way The fight against childhood constipation is water. It is necessary to teach a child suffering from constipation to drink 100 ml of clean, unboiled water on an empty stomach. room temperature. With absence allergic manifestations you can add a little honey and a few drops of lemon juice to the water. After that, you need to do charging, giving Special attention abdominal muscles.

Useful cereals included in the daily breakfast for constipation should be oatmeal or buckwheat. For lunch and dinner, it is advisable to give the child a salad of boiled and fresh vegetables chopped with a blender or a fine grater, with the addition of vegetable oil or sour cream. There should not be any sauces or mayonnaise in it.

What will help you quickly get rid of constipation

An adult can handle this delicate issue much easier than little child. However, you can draw up a specific program to combat constipation. correct separate meals, which includes products that have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, an active lifestyle and a positive psycho-emotional mood, most often give a tangible result in a few days. Well, if there is no result, then you can resort to laxatives.

To medicines that have a laxative effect include:

  • drugs that provide chemical exposure on intestinal receptors, as well as stimulating its work (bisacodyl, Castor oil, root and bark of buckthorn, senna, etc.);
  • means that provoke an increase in fecal masses (lactulose, kelp, saline laxatives, etc.);
  • oils that soften the consistency of feces (olive, pumpkin, linseed, almond, etc.).

In cases where the release does not occur within 2-3 days and the use of a laxative diet and laxatives does not give the expected results, it is necessary to make a cleansing enema. You can add a few tablespoons of any vegetable oil to the water used - this will improve the effect and protect the intestinal mucosa from possible injuries when moving processed food and decay products. The volume of the enema is usually about one liter at a temperature of 20-36 ˚C.


Problems with regular stools can be prevented if you know how to eat when constipated. Preventive measures for the prevention of constipation in adults, children and the elderly require compliance with certain rules nutrition. If there is a tendency to develop persistent or chronic constipation, it is necessary to remove from daily menu all products that have the property of "fixing".

Be sure to eat foods rich in fiber, fresh fruits and raw vegetables. Food will become much healthier if it is steamed or consumed boiled. Since it is much more difficult for the intestines to process fried, canned and pickled foods, it is these dishes that contribute to the development of various digestive pathologies, including constipation.

Should be eliminated from the diet White bread, confectionery, candy, cocoa, coffee and chocolate. It is highly undesirable to eat fatty meat and chicken eggs boiled or fried. An exception in this case may be chicken and fatty fish.

Coarse dietary fiber, which is part of the dishes of the daily menu, allows not only to painlessly remove stool but also remove toxins from the body. Thanks to the regular use of fiber, the defecation process becomes short and painless.

You can't overeat. It is advisable for adults to periodically carry out fasting days and therapeutic fasting. It is extremely important for children to follow a diet. Absolutely all people are advised to drink more fluids and use antibiotic therapy only in cases of need on the advice of a doctor.

Diet for constipation

Practically healthy people with a tendency to slow or incomplete emptying intestines are prescribed diet number 15. To restore normal operation intestines you need to know how to eat properly with constipation:

  • Limit fatty and fried foods.
  • Proteins from low-fat meat, fish, dairy products.
  • Decrease simple carbohydrates(flour and confectionery products) and a sufficient amount complex carbohydrates from cereals and fruits, dried fruits, honey.
  • abundance dietary fiber from vegetables and bran.
  • Food is consumed unground without lengthy cooking.
  • Five meals a day at the same time.
  • Drinking clean water at least two liters during the day.

Meat and fish products for constipation

Meat, eat with constipation, low-fat is recommended: turkey, chicken, rabbit, beef without fat and veal. Cutlets, meatballs, casseroles are prepared from meat, boiled or stewed. Frying is prohibited. In the first courses, a secondary broth is used - after boiling, pour out the water in which the meat was cooked and pour it again with clean hot water. You can cook soup with meatballs. It is advisable to cook main dishes with vegetables for better protein absorption. Fish should be eaten lean. Suitable for diet number 15 pike perch, cod, pollock, pike and flounder. Fried, smoked and dried fish should not be consumed. Not recommended and any canned fish. Fish dishes are prepared from minced meat - meatballs, casseroles or meatballs, stewed or boiled in pieces, prepared aspic fish. Examples of what you can eat with constipation from meat and fish dishes:

  • Chicken stewed with pumpkin.
  • Turkey with prunes.
  • Veal with carrots and mushrooms.
  • Chicken breast casserole with green peas and tomatoes.
  • Fish stew with beets and carrots.
  • Fish baked with tomatoes and cheese.
  • Salad of boiled fish, beets, potatoes and carrots with sour cream.

Dairy products for constipation

All dairy products are included in the diet with a tendency to constipation. It is better to cook them at home on your own from milk with 1 or 2.5% fat and starter cultures. Kefir, curdled milk, yogurt and fermented baked milk have a laxative effect. All products must be fresh and without dyes, flavors and sugar. To enhance the effect in drinks, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil, honey, steamed bran or flax seeds. A variety of cottage cheese casseroles, cottage cheese with sour cream and dried fruits are also used in the menu. As a rule, the fat content of cottage cheese is from 5 to 9%. Whey has a good laxative effect, it can be drunk as an independent drink, mixed with juices. Milk can also be used for cooking, but up to a glass a day.

Vegetables and fruits for constipation

Vegetables in the diet for constipation are a source of vitamins, carbohydrates and dietary fiber. Therefore, it is recommended, with good tolerance, as many fresh vegetable salads with sunflower oil as possible. In order to get rid of constipation, vegetables should make up at least half of the entire diet. In addition to salads, vegetable stews, casseroles and first courses (soup, soup-puree, borscht, beetroot) are prepared. Be sure the menu should include pumpkin, beets, carrots, cauliflower. Sea and sauerkraut can be used for salads and vinaigrette. Examples of vegetable dishes for constipation:

  • Carrot salad with nuts and sour cream.
  • Pumpkin stewed with prunes.
    • Vegetable stew from broccoli, carrots and potatoes.
    • Boiled beets with raisins and prunes.
    • The vinaigrette.
    • Salad "Brush" of grated raw beets, carrots and cabbage with olive oil and lemon juice.
    • Seaweed salad with celery and carrots.

Fruits with a laxative effect: plums, apricots, apples are included in the menu in fresh, prepare juices and compote, add to cereals and casseroles. You can eat any ripe and sweet fruits, except for persimmons, blueberries and pomegranates. It is recommended to eat five pieces of prunes in the morning on an empty stomach.

Bakery products and cereals for constipation

Bread for constipation is recommended whole grain, rye or bran. Butter and puff pastry products should be limited, cakes and pastries with buttercream are not allowed. You can eat biscuit cookies and bread, croutons from permitted types of bread. Porridges serve as a source of complex carbohydrates and fiber. It is best to cook buckwheat, barley, millet and oatmeal. Rice, semolina and premium pasta made from soft wheat flour contribute to constipation and are excluded from the diet. Dried fruits, bran, nuts or seeds can be added to cereals to enhance the laxative effect. Prepare porridge with water or milk. Add when serving butter about 20 g. For example, what can be prepared from cereals:

  • Oatmeal with flax seeds and prunes.
  • Millet porridge with pumpkin.
  • Buckwheat porridge with bran and apples.
  • Barley porridge with pumpkin and raisins.
  • Oatmeal with apples and walnuts.

Drinks for constipation

Improper drinking regimen causes a delay in the evacuation of intestinal contents. Water for such patients is the most essential drink. It is recommended to drink about two liters during the day. In the morning, you can add a spoonful of honey to a glass of cool water. Weaken juices from pumpkin, oranges, carrots, plum and apricot. You can brew a tablespoon of flax seeds or bran with a glass of boiling water and drink 100 ml twice a day. Recommended and herbal teas from constipation:

  • 20 g senna leaf.
  • 20 g of yarrow herb.
  • 20 g of dill fruit.
  • 20 g nettle leaves.

Brew a tablespoon with boiling water - 200 ml. Drink a quarter cup three times a day.

Even ancient healers believed that food can heal. It has remained so to this day - the diet is considered the number one remedy in the treatment of chronic and other types of constipation.

It is important to understand that constipation itself is the first sign of malnutrition. And if fecal retention is observed systematically, the patient first of all needs to reconsider his diet.

Main Feature diet for chronic constipation is to increase the proportion of fiber, or dietary fiber in the patient's diet.

It's the insoluble rough part herbal products, which promotes the promotion of intestinal contents to the "exit". Fiber evens out the regularity of the stool, stimulates peristalsis, softens the feces and thus prevents the occurrence of constipation.

Vegetables, fruits and cereals are the main sources of dietary fiber. To normalize digestion and prevent constipation, the body needs at least 50 g of coarse fibers.

A diet for prolonged constipation helps to restore the proper functioning of the intestines, improves stool and prevents constipation.

Features of the diet for chronic constipation

  1. Consumption maximum number foods rich in fiber - this stimulates the movement of intestinal contents to the "exit".
  2. Reducing the intake of animal protein foods, which provoke intestinal stagnation.
  3. Saturation of the body enough liquid, with a lack of water, solid excrement is formed, which contributes to stagnation in the large intestine.

So if you're complaining about chronic constipation, review your diet, eat more plant foods.

Constipation Diet Rules

To ensure the rhythmic work of the intestines, strictly follow the rules of the diet:

  • Eat according to the schedule, at certain hours. Eating disorder exacerbates the problem.
  • Eat often - 5-6 times a day with an interval of 3 hours.
  • Eat food in moderate portions.
  • Chew food slowly and thoroughly.
  • Alternate between warm and cold foods.
  • Steam dishes, bake in the oven, or boil. Fried foods should be avoided.
  • Try not to grind food, cook whole.
  • Avoid alcohol while on a diet.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables with the skin on if possible.

At prolonged constipation it is very important to drink enough fluids, preferably clean water, daily rate for an adult - 3 liters.

Food for constipation: what is better to eat?

A diet for constipation in adults should consist exclusively of healthy dishes and foods that improve the functioning of the digestive tract:

  • Fruits and berries: apples, plums, grapes, raspberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries.
  • Vegetables with a laxative effect (raw and cooked): cucumber, tomato, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, potatoes.
  • Whole-grain cereals of gray, dark color: buckwheat, oatmeal, barley.
  • Dried fruits - prunes, raisins, dried apricots, figs.
  • Vegetable soups, dietary broths.
  • Lean meat - beef, chicken, turkey.
  • River and sea fish (non-fat) - steam, baked, lightly salted.
  • Bread grain, rye, wheat from wholemeal flour.
  • Lactic acid products: kefir (1-2 days), cottage cheese, live yogurt, curdled milk, acidophilus, sour cream.
  • Cheeses - diet mild.
  • Raw, processed vegetable salads, non-sour sauerkraut.
  • Vegetable oils: olive, sunflower, sesame.
  • Natural juices with pulp.
  • Fruit salads.
  • Compotes, decoctions.
  • Baking (not rich), dry, grain cookies.
  • Whole grains, seeds and nuts.

Bran will help increase the amount of fiber, you can consume up to 75 g per day.

What not to eat with chronic constipation

For anyone who complains of chronic constipation, a therapeutic diet is a must. In addition, be sure to know the list junk food, which is removed from the diet menu. From the diet you need to exclude:

  • Fatty meat: pork, goose, duck.
  • Rich broths: meat, fish.
  • oily fish: mackerel, pangasius, flounder.
  • Hard boiled eggs".
  • Pastries: puff and rich, white bread.
  • Animal and cooking fat (lard, margarine).
  • Cocoa, instant coffee, strong tea, kissels.
  • Cereals: semolina, rice.
  • Pasta.
  • Horseradish, mustard, hot pepper.
  • Vegetables: radishes, mushrooms, radishes, raw garlic and onions.
  • Fruits: dogwood, blueberries, pears, quince.

Menu for constipation for a week

We present to your attention an approximate menu for constipation for a week.

Diet Day 1 (Mon)

Breakfast - Fresh Juice, semi-liquid oatmeal with almonds.

Snack - meat sandwich (grain bread, lean meat, lettuce and tomato).

Lunch - soup with vegetables in turkey broth, boiled turkey breast, cucumber, berry compote.

Lunch - cereal cookies with plum juice.

Dinner - stewed vegetables, steam cutlets, carrot salad with sunflower seeds and olive oil, tea.

Diet Day 2 (Tue)

Breakfast - juice, barley porridge, a handful of prunes.

Snack - low-fat cottage cheese seasoned with sour cream.

Lunch - vegetable soup, steamed pollock, garnish from fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, tea.

Lunch - dried apricots, figs, compote.

Dinner - kefir, lean vegetable cabbage rolls.

Diet Day 3 (Wed)

Breakfast - apple juice, oatmeal with walnuts.

Snack - fresh berries.

Lunch - pumpkin soup, stewed potatoes, baked fish, tea.

Lunch - low-fat yogurt, cereals.

Dinner - boiled beef with a piece of fresh tomato.

Diet Day 4 (Thu)

Breakfast - a salad of cottage cheese, tomatoes, seasoned with herbs and sunflower oil.

Snack - lettuce leaves, soft-boiled egg, a slice of black bread.

Lunch - lean borscht, boiled potatoes with steamed fish cakes, tea.

Lunch - juice with dry cookies.

Dinner - potato casserole with turkey meat, fresh vegetables.

Diet Day 5 (Fri)

Breakfast - butter sandwich rye bread, Brewed coffee.

Snack - kefir with fresh fruit.

Lunch - beetroot, baked fish, cucumber salad with sesame seed and olive oil, tea.

Lunch - seeds or nuts, dried prunes compote.

Dinner - cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots, yogurt.

Diet Day 6 (Sat)

Breakfast - a sandwich with cheese from grain bread, fruit salad with yogurt.

Snack - fruit.

Lunch - whey okroshka, beef goulash, buckwheat, compote.

Lunch - kefir and dried apricots.

Dinner - chicken meat stewed with potatoes, juice.

Diet Day 7 (Sun)

Breakfast is an apple herbal tea, oatmeal in milk.

Snack - cottage cheese with a spoonful of honey and nuts.

Dinner - chicken bouillon, stewed zucchini, beef meatballs.

Lunch - baked apples.

Dinner - fresh salad(tomato, cucumber, parsley) with bran and linseed oil, kefir.

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