Why does a person need carbohydrates. What are carbohydrates and why are they needed? The difference between simple and complex carbohydrates

Each of us wants to be in good physical shape and maintain our health. By developing the right habits, we try to instill them in children as well. However, modern living conditions and stringent requirements for appearance make it necessary to make sacrifices and abandon some components that are important for the body, for example, from.

Now not only adults tend to eat as little carbohydrate-rich food as possible, but they also make up a children's menu, completely excluding bread, pasta and even sweets from it. Is this approach to nutrition justified, and most importantly, is it necessary to be afraid of carbohydrates? Let's study the issue.

Major Myths About Carbohydrates

Those who seek quick results will tell you that there is nothing more effective than protein diets, from which extra pounds literally disappear before our eyes, while carbohydrates in the diet contribute to weight gain. If you are not afraid of health problems, you can try this option, but remember that carbohydrates are the most important nutrient that the body needs to function properly, as well as the main source of energy.

Most often it happens not because of a specific element, but because of banal overeating and unbalanced nutrition. And here the so-called simple carbohydrates play an important role, which not only increase blood sugar levels, but also quickly cause a feeling of hunger. In order to control this process, you need not give up carbohydrates, but eat the right foods containing fiber and complex carbohydrates.

It is a mistake to believe that fast carbohydrates are unhealthy and contribute to weight gain, because this is where fiber comes to the fore, which prevents food from being instantly digested and increased in the blood. If we consider a specific example, then choosing between a bun and a pear, give preference to the second option. Despite the fact that both products contain fast carbohydrates, the pear also contains fiber, which means it will not hurt your waistline.

Why do we need carbohydrates

We have already said that carbohydrates are the main source of energy, for which there is no full replacement. It is important for us to provide the body with this valuable nutrient, because energy is needed for all biochemical processes occurring in our body. So be sure to think about this before limiting yourself or your children to food containing carbohydrates.

Instead of severe restrictions, we advise you to eat the right carbohydrate foods, the absorption of which will be controlled by insulin, without causing blood sugar spikes. And do not rely on protein diets, because proteins contain as many calories as carbohydrates, which means that all the extra calories from both a piece of meat and a bowl of porridge will be deposited in the form of subcutaneous fat. So it is better to calculate your daily calorie intake and increase physical activity so as not to gain excess weight.

What carbohydrates to give up

While we're not advising you to eliminate carbs from your diet, there are a number of foods that are best avoided. First of all, we are talking about "liquid calories", that is, about those simple carbohydrates, or, more simply, sugar, which are contained in carbonated drinks and fruit juices, even freshly squeezed ones. If everything is clear with sweet sodas, then why is freshly squeezed juice bad?

The fact is that by squeezing juice from fruits, we throw away fiber, leaving only fructose, which means that the mechanism for controlling blood sugar levels goes astray. In addition, you are unlikely to eat 5-6 apples at once, but in the form of juice it will turn out to be only one glass, so you are provided with extra calories that tend to be deposited in subcutaneous fat.

Another category is sweets. Please note that we are not talking about sweet products, but about sweets, that is, candies and chocolate bars of industrial production. If you have a real sweet tooth, prepare yourself healthy desserts with honey or agave syrup, and use whole grain flour instead of refined flour for baking. These simple tips will allow you to eat sweet foods without compromising your figure.

Carbohydrates in food are the main source of energy, so they are a very important element in the human diet and make up a large part of the latter.

Carbohydrates are multifunctional, and they themselves have a complex structure. They are divided into simple and complex. To simple, that is, monosaccharides and disaccharides include such simple carbohydrates as glucose and fructose. Monosaccharides have a sweet taste and dissolve easily in water. Sweetness is considered the main taste property of carbohydrates.

Sugar is one of the sources of energy that a person needs. Therefore, you should not exclude simple carbohydrates from your diet - you just do not need to abuse them. So, carbohydrates are necessary for active intellectual work. But in this case, it is better to eat some dark, dark chocolate, although milk chocolate is much tastier. It is necessary to consume about one hundred grams of sugar per day.

Disaccharides are also important. These include sucrose, lactose and maltose. These carbohydrates are more complex in structure, but they are still classified as simple types. Sucrose includes both fructose and glucose - this is the usual sugar. Lactose is found in milk and includes galactose and fructose. Maltose is a malt sugar found in sprouted cereals such as barley, rice, wheat and others.

Disaccharides are absorbed a little longer than monosaccharides.

More attention and respect from nutritionists is occupied by complex carbohydrates - polysaccharides. They can be absorbed and not absorbed by the human body, but both types are useful and necessary for the life process.

Complex carbohydrates include starch and glycogen. And to those that are not absorbed by the human body - pectin, fiber and others.

Most carbohydrates are found in foods that are of plant origin. For example, fruits, berries and greens contain a large part of simple carbohydrates. But grains, legumes and potatoes contain complex carbohydrates.

Pectins, that is, dietary fiber, are found in cereal grains, as well as fruits and vegetables.

Many people ask the question: why does the body need carbohydrates? Moreover, recipes and recommendations for carbohydrate-free diets are constantly being heard. This can lead to the misconception that carbohydrates are not needed. Feelings of fatigue, irritability, passivity and loss of interest are the consequences of a lack of carbohydrates in the body. After all, they contribute to the active mental and physical activity of a person.

Carbohydrates as the main source of energy are completely burned by the body, leaving no waste.

Participating in the digestive process, carbohydrates are oxidized. Then they are broken down to glucose, which is sent to the liver. In the liver, a small part of glucose is stored, making a kind of "reserve", turning into glycogen, but the rest enters the bloodstream.

Further conversion of carbohydrates depends on the body weight of a person, or rather, on the amount of fat reserves.

If a person does not suffer from excess weight, then carbohydrates act as the main source of energy. When their supply runs out, the body switches to the consumption of fats. The transition process is most often carried out at night, since during the day a person eats regularly. Once glucose enters the body, insulin converts it into energy. If there is an excess of carbohydrates in the body, with the help of insulin it turns into fat.

In overweight people, carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed - it slows down. The reason for this process is the presence of fatty acids in the body of obese people, regardless of the time of day. Due to the high fat content, glucose is not burned quickly, but is converted into fat. When fat reserves are depleted, the reverse process occurs, and fat is converted into glucose.

The rate of carbohydrates per day for each person is different. It is formed depending on the energy consumption. If a person is engaged in physical or mental labor, the rate of carbohydrates can be up to 700 grams per day. The usual average rate of carbohydrates is 300 - 500 grams per day.

You can't stop taking carbohydrates. This can lead to disturbances in the metabolic process, so even in diets carbohydrates should be present, but in minimal quantities.

Lack of glucose in the body is just as harmful as its excess presence. Carbohydrates that are not converted to glucose or glycogen lead to obesity. Excess weight also disrupts the metabolic process and can lead to more serious diseases.

Thus, carbohydrates are not just needed, but necessary, but their use must be balanced, based on the energy needs of a person.

The most common type of organic compounds that ensure the vital activity of all organisms are carbohydrates. These nutrients are actively involved in the processes of nutrient metabolism. Carbohydrates look like organic compounds made up of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.

Along with fats and proteins, carbohydrates are one of the main food groups. They are readily available substances and are quickly absorbed; they are considered to be the main energy sources of our body.

And yet, why do we need carbohydrates in the body, which of them are the most important and where to replenish them?

Carbohydrates are pure energy, their most important function in the body is energy. Without carbohydrates, human life on our planet would be impossible; they provide most of the energy needs of the human body. Without their active participation, not a single muscle will be able to move, the respiratory system, the brain will not work, the heartbeat is impossible.

Participating in all vital processes of the human body, carbohydrates are part of cell membranes, respectively, under their influence, the formation of bricks that make up a person occurs. Since carbohydrates are part of all human mucous membranes and components of the immune system, they perform a protective function of the body against bacteria, fungi, various viruses, and even mechanical influences.

Our intestines should not only perform the function of absorbing nutrients from food, but also remove toxins. Cleansing is one of the important functions of carbohydrates in the body.

Carbohydrates, as one of the important sources of energy, are completely consumed by the body, leaving no waste. They are part of DNA, RNA and ATP, actively performing in the body also a building function.

Types of carbohydrates and their functions

According to the chemical structure, carbohydrates are conditionally divided into complex (polysaccharides) and simple (disaccharides and monosaccharides.)

Polysaccharides are complex carbohydrates that are made up of many monosaccharides. Among them are such important ones as fiber, starch, glycogen.

Monosaccharides- the simplest carbohydrates that are not broken down under the influence of digestive enzymes. These include fructose and glucose.

disaccharides, consisting of two monosaccharide residues, these include lactose (milk sugar), maltose (malt sugar) and sucrose (regular sugar).

A small part of carbohydrates is synthesized by the body. They accumulate in the form of glycogen in liver cells, muscles and other tissues, forming a powerful energy reserve of the body. However, most of it enters the human body with food.

Our health depends on the quality of nutrients entering the body. The important role of carbohydrates in the human body has been proven by numerous studies conducted over several decades. At the household level, they are divided into two types: harmful and useful.

So, where are the useful ones, and where are the harmful ones?

bad carbs. They enter the body from sweets: cakes, pastries, rolls, ice cream, refined sugar, refined and quickly digestible foods. Since they are quickly absorbed, they are also called fast, if they are abused, they settle on the waist and hips.

Useful carbohydrates. Their suppliers to the body are pasta from durum wheat, berries, fruits, dried fruits, honey, vegetables, milk, sprouted grains, bran bread, cereals.

Why fast carbohydrates are needed?

Fast carbohydrates in limited doses can only benefit the body. For example, 20 g of dark chocolate will put the nervous system in order, help relieve stress and give pleasure. And in large doses, they are deposited in fat and can become the main cause of obesity and related consequences.

Glycemic index

To determine the rate of breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates, an indicator called the glycemic index has been proposed. Glucose was taken as the reference point. When a product with a high glycemic index enters the body, the level of sugar in the blood rises rapidly, the pancreas releases insulin, it lowers the level of sugar in the blood and the excess sugar is converted into fat. This leads to overweight, there is a risk of diabetes and hypertension.

When we eat foods that contain a low glycemic index, they are digested slowly and broken down into glucose also slowly, without causing an increase in blood sugar levels. The pancreas regularly produces insulin, because it does not process excess sugar and the feeling of fullness is longer.

From this we can conclude: the correct carbohydrate diet should be composed mainly of carbohydrates with a low glycemic index.


We have already understood what carbohydrates give the body, but what happens if we reduce their amount in the diet to a minimum?

Lack of carbohydrates (hypoglycemia) can harm the body. With an insufficient amount of carbohydrates in the body, a person’s mental and physical activity decreases, weakness, trembling in the arms and legs, periodic headache, and the amount of sugar in the blood may decrease. In this case, it is enough to eat a small piece of chocolate, and everything is quickly restored.

With a long-term protein diet, the lack of carbohydrates becomes pronounced chronic, there is a gradual depletion of glycogen stores in the liver and fat is deposited in its cells instead. Often this causes degeneration of the liver. Thus, the body does not just need carbohydrates, but is necessary, but their use must be balanced, based on a person's need for energy.

The role of carbohydrates in the human body is great, these important nutrients provide our body with 60 percent of the necessary energy, and proteins and fats make up for the rest.

To provide your body with the necessary amount of carbohydrates, you should take care of a balanced, wholesome diet.

The human body and its internal organs and systems can be compared with the most complex mechanism, the work of which occurs clearly and smoothly when we are healthy. But, in order for our body to function, and for you and me to live, this entire system needs energy. Just as no engine can work without fuel, so the human body cannot exist without the energy it needs. But where does a person get energy from? It turns out that carbohydrates, which enter our body along with food and food, are responsible for the function of energy supply in our body. It is about carbohydrates, their functions and methods of classification that we will talk with you today ...

Scientists have been able to prove that

Carbohydrates are responsible for providing energy to our entire body. In addition, these substances are actively involved in all processes of nutrient metabolism. Carbohydrates look like organic compounds that are made up of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. In view of the fact that carbohydrates are quickly absorbed and are readily available substances, it is they who are considered to be the energy sources of our body.

Foods are sources of carbohydrates

In turn, these substances are conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • simple carbohydrates- this group includes glucose(the main energy supplier for our brains, the leaders in glucose content are berries and fruits), fructose(in order to be absorbed by the human body - does not need the hormone insulin, suitable for people with diabetes), galactose(it is not found in pure form in products, it is obtained as a result of the breakdown of lactose), sucrose(this substance is found in excess in sweets, getting into the human body sucrose is broken down into fructose and glucose), maltose(a product of the processes of starch breakdown by enzymes of the digestive tract, in a free form it can be found in the composition of honey, malt and ... beer) and lactose(contained in dairy products, with the existence of an allergy to dairy products, the phenomenon of violations of the processes of splitting lactose in the intestine is observed).
  • complex carbohydrates– this category includes carbohydrates that are digested by the human body – glycogen and starch, as well as pectin, hemicellulose.
    • Glycogen- known as "animal starch - a polysaccharide in which branched chains of glucose molecules can be found. It can be found in small amounts in animal products.
    • Starch- it is he who in our diet provides us with eighty percent of all the carbohydrates we need. Contained in bread, bakery products, cereals, legumes, rice, potatoes. Differs in a long process of digestion and complete breakdown to glucose.
    • Cellulose- Another of the complex carbohydrates, which is part of the shell of plant cells. Fiber is not digested by the human body, only its minor components, under the influence of intestinal microorganisms, can disintegrate. It is generally accepted that, along with substances such as pectins, lignins, hemicellulose, fiber is a ballast substance that not only improves the functioning of the digestive system as a whole, but also prevents various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

As for pectins and hemicellulose, these substances have hygroscopic features, and are natural sorbents that help us get rid of cholesterol, toxins and harmful substances in our body. The undoubted advantage of the above dietary fibers is that they are an excellent prophylactic against obesity. A large amount of dietary fiber, which is found in vegetables and fruits, guarantees us a quick feeling of satiety. Also, in excess of such dietary fiber is found in wholemeal bread and bran.

Well, with what carbohydrates are and what they are for, we figured it out. Now we will consider another concept that is very closely related to our topic of discussion today.

The effectiveness and efficiency of training directly depends on the balance of the diet. Against the background of a lack of complex carbohydrates, the tone of the body and strength indicators are sharply reduced. This is especially negative in training with weights, as the athlete experiences a constant lack of energy.

Organic compounds related in their chemical structure to polysaccharides are called complex and slow carbohydrates. Their molecule contains a variety of monosaccharides, a lot of glucose and fructose.

Many vital processes in the body occur with the participation of monosaccharides. They promote the processing of fats and proteins, have a positive effect on the liver. Food containing a large concentration of slow carbohydrates is best consumed before lunch, when carbohydrate metabolism has not yet slowed down.

The body metabolizes saccharides in the form of glucose. The speed at which saccharides are converted to glucose divides carbohydrates into simple, that is, fast, and complex, that is, slow. Its indicator is reflected in the glycemic index of the product. In slow people, it is quite low, and, therefore, blood glucose saturation does not occur in jumps, but slowly.

Foods with a low glycemic index are absorbed by the body even during chewing. The process is triggered by the action of an enzyme contained in saliva on food.

Slow carbohydrates show the greatest value in the winter period. Thanks to saccharides, the production of such a special hormone as serotonin is stimulated. It has a positive effect on the mood of a person, and also helps to keep the body warm.

A low glycemic index means complex carbohydrates take longer to digest. A low digestion rate eliminates insulin surges, which provoke the processing of excess carbohydrates into adipose tissues, and, consequently, leading to obesity.

After a workout, the body needs a quick replenishment of the expended energy. Complex carbohydrates take a long time to digest. This is the main reason that eating slow polysaccharides after training is not recommended.

Foods rich in slow carbohydrates are best consumed in the morning. After waking up, the body actively produces glycogen.

Types of slow carbohydrates

The structure of a complex carbohydrate includes several molecular chains that contain many monosaccharides. A similar composition is characteristic of starch, glucomannan, dextrin, glycogen, cellulose, chitin. Each of these slow carbohydrates contains thousands and thousands of monosaccharides, which ensures a long digestion process, during which energy is released slowly.

Carbohydrates should account for at least 50% of the total daily calories consumed. Difficult recommended to use before strength training. One dose includes at least 40 grams. Slowly assimilated, it gradually and evenly provides the level of glucose in the blood necessary for the athlete.

Thanks to complex carbohydrates, according to medical research, endurance indicators increase, and the fat burning process accelerates. They keep the energy at a consistently stable level. Eating a portion of carbohydrates, a person does not feel hungry for a long time, which is the main key to success in reducing the daily calorie intake.

There are many sources for obtaining this compound. The most common is starch. Its slow breakdown in the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by conversion to glucose, does not allow monosaccharides in the blood to fall below the mark. A large amount of starch is found in legumes and cereals.

The breakdown of glycogen into glucose occurs in the liver. No additional enzymes are involved in this process. The largest amount of glycogen contains pork and beef liver, a little less - yeast cells, seafood, crayfish.

Fiber is not completely absorbed, but plays an important role. It, passing through the digestive tract, helps to cleanse the body and remove cholesterol, toxins and metal salts from the intestines, and also prevents the development of putrefactive processes. By stimulating increased secretion of bile, it increases the feeling of satiety.

As a result of the breakdown of fructose, a by-product polysaccharide called inulin is formed. It is used as a sugar substitute for diabetics, found in artichoke and chicory.

All slow carbohydrates are rich in fiber, which makes these compounds beneficial for digestion. Gradually breaking down, they turn into glucose, which evenly enters the bloodstream, gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety and maintains the energy balance in the body.

Slow carbohydrates for weight loss (porridge diet)

The key to losing weight is the use of foods that do not cause sharp jumps in blood glucose, saturate for a long time. Structurally complex carbohydrates satisfy both conditions and are present in many diets, including losing weight on cereals. They are prepared from various cereals, but not from semolina, they may contain natural honey, cheese, fruits and berries, nuts.

Porridges are useful for weight loss both due to the content of complex carbohydrates and fiber, which helps to cleanse the intestines. Based on this dish, two types of diets have been developed that differ not only in duration, but also in some other features:

Six porridges

Calculated for a week. A seven-day diet involves eating porridge from certain cereals from Monday to Friday in the following order: wheat, oatmeal, millet, barley, pearl barley, rice.

And if every day corresponds to a certain type of porridge listed above, then Sunday is a free day. On the seventh day, you can cook any of the listed cereals or all at once. Porridge is prepared without salt and only on water.

In order for the diet to have the desired effect, a few days before the start of the diet, they refuse alcoholic beverages, fast food, fried and spicy foods. The amount of porridge eaten in this case has no restrictions.


It involves a complete rejection of potatoes, butter, white and red meat, fish, dairy products, sugar, bread. You can eat absolutely any cereal, except for semolina. Porridges are cooked without salt, butter, sugar, not with milk. Be sure to drink a glass of water before eating.

It is allowed to add a small amount of nuts, honey or fruits to the porridge. Grains choose at your own discretion. A week and a half is a rather impressive period for which the body can begin to experience a deficiency of vitamins. This can be avoided by taking vitamin complexes.

Any diet, including porridge, based on eating food rich in slow carbohydrates, can be kept a maximum of once every six months. More frequent frequency of holding can undermine health. You need to leave the diet as delicately as possible, gradually enriching the diet with additional products.

The highest concentration of slowly digestible organic compounds with the chemical structure of polysaccharides is present in bread and pasta, cereals and various cereals. These foods are high in starch. Its breakdown into monosaccharides, including glucose, occurs as a result of hydrolysis. Starch is digested for a long time, because they have a special molecular structure.

Bread products should be used with caution. They are not all harmless to the figure. White bread contains compounds with a high glycemic index, and, therefore, the product is quickly absorbed and provokes the accumulation of body fat. Only those pasta and bread are considered useful, the dough for which was made from coarse grains, in other words, that underwent minimal processing.

Corn and potatoes also contain a large amount of starch, but are foods with a high glycemic index. Their use is recommended to be limited, especially for those who are losing weight. Among natural sources of starch, preference should be given to cereals and cereals. Barley, oatmeal, and buckwheat are especially valuable.

These cereals have the lowest GI. One serving of buckwheat, oatmeal or barley porridge allows a person to feel full for a long time, as well as full of energy and strength, which is a direct consequence of the action of slow carbohydrates.

Nuts and legumes contain much less starch but are rich in fiber. The latter is required to maintain the normal function of the digestive system and cleanse the body of harmful toxins and toxins.

They represent a fairly large group, which mainly contains starch. A characteristic feature of such products is an unsweetened and neutral taste, which is very different from what is typical for foods with fast carbohydrates.

To replenish your energy supply, you should eat the following foods rich in complex carbohydrates:

  • Coarse wheat pasta.
  • Wholemeal bread.
  • Cookies without sugar.
  • Kashi (buckwheat, rice, corn, oatmeal, etc.).
  • Legumes.
  • brown rice
  • White and red beans.
  • Lentils.
  • Turkish peas.
  • Hulled barley.
  • Pearl barley.
  • Dried apricots.
  • Apples.
  • Grapefruits.
  • Peaches.
  • oranges.
  • Cherry.
  • Pears.
  • Avocado.
  • Spinach.
  • Zucchini.
  • String beans.
  • Onion.
  • Pepper.
  • Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, cauliflower.
  • Broccoli.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Greens.
  • Tomatoes.

Complex carbohydrates are practically the only way to replenish the expended energy without the formation of fatty tissues. They can be consumed throughout the day, but the optimal time is in the first half or 60 minutes before strength training. After training, it is recommended to eat already fast (simple) carbohydrates.

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