How to make a complete menu for every day for a raw foodist - tips for beginners and experienced. Lunch: Cucumber soup with mint. Recipes for delicious and healthy raw food dishes

How to smoothly switch to a raw food diet without harm to health, as well as types of raw food diet, basic rules for product compatibility and contraindications, recipes and menus for the week.

The transition to natural plant foods leads to a serious restructuring of the body, which reacts to changes in different ways. For some, the transition to a raw food diet is easy. Someone faces health problems, as for years not proper nutrition managed to acquire diseases. Therefore, novice raw foodists need to know as much as possible about this nutrition system, adhere to the principles correct transition for plant food.

The essence of the raw food diet

Diseases are a deviation from the norm, attempts by the body to remove toxins and, a signal of the need to change lifestyle. The norm is absolute health, the foundation of which is a raw food diet. The absence of heat treatment allows you to get rid of most health problems.

The raw food diet is not just proper nutrition, it is also an ideology healthy lifestyle life. After all, the transition to natural food changes not only the state of the body, but also thinking, perception of life and its essence. Foods used by a raw foodist are all that grow naturally:

In their raw form, these products contain all the necessary trace elements and vitamins, providing a person with good nutrition. The transition to a raw food diet allows you to:

  • cleanse the body of deposits of toxins and toxins;
  • lose weight;
  • improve the condition of the skin, as well as the whole body;
  • switch to a healthy lifestyle.

Types of raw food diet

Each organism is individual, so there can be no general scheme for all raw food diets. You need to choose the most suitable option for yourself, trying different kinds power systems.


This is the most suitable type raw food diet for beginners. It is allowed to eat plant foods without heat treatment, heating temperature up to 40 degrees is allowed. Products in the diet of a classic raw foodist:

This type of raw food diet allows you to cook many different dishes, simply replacing the usual unhealthy goodies with more healthy ones.


This type of raw food diet, founded by Douglas Graham, is usually used after the classical one. The diet is based on the principle: 80% carbohydrates, 10% fats, 10% proteins. In his opinion, excess weight is not affected by calories, but by eating non-species products with high content fats. The use of exclusively fruits and berries supplies the body with enough calories. Proper Carbohydrates give the body "clean" energy, and fiber contributes to effective elimination slag.

Semi-raw food

Fruitarianism is at the heart of this method. At the same time, once a week or once a day, it is allowed to eat dishes from rice, potatoes, baked vegetables. But you need to cook them without salt, oil, chemical additives and consumed separately from fruits. Such a system of raw food diet allows you to maintain vigor, excellent physical form, cook vegan meals and avoid dinners with friends.

Raw food

The raw-mono diet is eating one type of fruit at a time without limiting its quantity. Breakfast can only consist of bananas or watermelon. This speeds up the digestion process as much as possible, allows the body to cleanse itself of toxins. But it is quite difficult to maintain such a regime, so a dish from vegetable salad with greens.

Vegan raw food

This is the highest form of a raw food diet, balancing on the verge between nourishment with prana and complete failure from food. Many raw foodists strive to achieve this state. The vegan diet is divided into Jusorian(on juices) and Sprutorian(on sprouted grains of cereals). fruit or vegetable juices able to saturate the body, remove toxins, get rid of diseases.

Such a nutrition system is tolerated quite easily due to a surge of strength for the first two months, after which the body begins to suffer from a lack of fiber. Therefore, liquid nutrition is recommended to be alternated with other types of raw food diet.


The raw food diet in Russia is based on simplifying the diet, reducing the amount of food. But prolonged malnutrition often leads to a breakdown, loss of strength, which forces malnourished people to switch to other types of raw food diet. Russian colds also make their own adjustments, so the diet includes honey, germinated seeds, green smoothies.

How to start the transition to a raw food diet

The raw food diet begins with the understanding that a serious restructuring of the body will take place. You need a well-defined goal and a smart plan for switching to raw food. The hardest part of the transition mental attitude. You can face condemnation, attempts to return the novice raw foodist to their previous position. You need to be prepared for a change of environment, the loss of some friends who are not able to understand and accept abrupt change established traditions.

The transition to a raw food diet can be done in two ways:

  1. Cutting. This is shock therapy for the body, as you need to abruptly stop eating thermally processed food. The method is fraught with breakdowns, stress, imbalance in the body.
  2. Smooth. At the first stage, there is a gradual rejection of fried, smoked foods and coffee. At the next stage, you can begin to exclude others from the diet. familiar products. The method requires a long time, but allows the body to gently adapt to changes, protects the immune and regulatory systems from stress. it perfect way for a beginner.

Basic Rules for Product Compatibility

Due to errors in the diet, people are often disappointed in this type of nutrition, as there is no loss excess weight getting rid of diseases. Beginning raw foodists mistakenly believe that products are allowed to be consumed uncontrollably, in any combination. But it's not.

During a raw food diet, there is no usual feeling of satiety even with a full stomach. People for the first time encounter unusual sensations and begin to mix products with each other. The wrong combination of components of the raw food menu can lead to such phenomena as fermentation, putrefactive processes. Ideally, you should eat each ingredient separately or stick to strict rules raw food.

The basic rules for the compatibility of raw food menu components:

  1. Fats (nuts, avocados and coconut) must not be mixed with sugar (fruit). The same rule applies to dried fruits, they should not be consumed with fruits and fats.
  2. It is forbidden to mix various types of fats, which are heavy food for the stomach. Nuts should not be consumed mixed with avocado or coconut, as well as seasoned vegetable oil. Coconut and avocado are also incompatible with each other.
  3. Starch (boiled potatoes, bananas, bread) and acids ( sour fruit and vegetables) are incompatible. This is due to the fact that various enzymes are used for their digestion. In a mixture, they begin to neutralize each other, which leads to digestive problems. For example, tomatoes belong to the group of sour vegetables, so you should not combine them with potatoes and bread. Bananas should not be consumed with oranges.

The correct sequence of the use of products also plays an important role:

  1. Liquid - fruit juices, it is better to start with sour ones.
  2. Slightly denser - vegetables.
  3. Dense - avocado.
  4. Hard - seeds, nuts.

The basic principle of raw food nutrition is a smooth transition from liquid food to solid food. Vegetables and nuts can be combined with each other, interchanged. Recommended to avoid:

  • fruit or starch after nuts;
  • fruits (including sour ones) after starch;
  • sour fruits after bananas;
  • fruits after dried fruits.

The basic principle of nutrition is the arrangement of food in the stomach in layers in the correct sequence.

Menu for the week

Day of the week breakfast dinner dinner
Monday Green cocktail(banana, kiwi, lemon juice, sorrel, celery, mint branch) A few pieces of watermelon or persimmon fruit Orange, banana, apple puree
Tuesday 1 cup raspberries or bunch of grapes Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, lettuce and herbs + glass fresh juice Grated with honey, nuts and raisins
Wednesday Green smoothie (strawberry, banana, bunch of mint, lettuce and herbs) Cold soup from 2 glasses of carrot juice, 1 avocado, 1 spoon of ginger and rosemary, basil, green peas Pears or apricots (300–400 g)
Thursday A handful of nuts + 300 g plums Carrot and cabbage salad with greens and any vegetable oil + a glass of freshly squeezed juice 2-3 apples + 50g greens
Friday Green buckwheat(after overnight soaking in water) and tomatoes Raw pumpkin soup, avocado, lemon, lettuce, chickpea sprouts, cumin, curry, 2 cups water Banana + pomegranate
Saturday Salad of mandarin, kiwi, banana, orange juice Chinese cabbage salad, cucumber and cold-pressed vegetable oil 300 g tangerines or grapefruit
Sunday Green smoothie (2 pears, mint, water) + a handful of dried fruit Cold soup with avocado, 2 cups green peas, 1 carrot, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 cup almond milk, 1 garlic clove A couple of apples or 300 g of strawberries, cherries

The daily menu of a raw foodist may contain snacks: nuts, honey, marshmallow, dried fruits. A 24-hour fast on water is recommended, starting from 1 time per week. You can gradually move to three day fast once a month.

Popular Recipes

Soup with buckwheat and cucumbers

  • germinated buckwheat - 250 g;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 4 medium cucumbers;
  • 3 art. l. peeled pumpkin or sunflower seeds;
  • lemon juice - 4 tsp;
  • pepper, salt.

Puree the pulp of avocado and cucumber, as well as buckwheat in a blender, add lemon juice, seasonings. Pour the puree into bowls, sprinkle with seeds, add greens.

Chia coconut pudding

  • 1 glass coconut milk;
  • a third cup of chia seeds;
  • one ripe banana;
  • a couple of mangoes or peaches.

Add chia seeds to whipped with banana, then leave until thickened (you can overnight). Before use, add peeled and diced mango.

Green buckwheat, avocado and cucumber salad
It will take:

  • two thirds of a glass of green buckwheat;
  • one avocado, long cucumber, grapefruit;
  • a bunch of greens (arugula);
  • salad;
  • spices and salt.

Buckwheat is soaked for half an hour, after which it is left overnight for germination. Then it must be washed and dried. The peeled avocado is cut into pieces, grapefruit juice with spices and salt is added to it. Buckwheat is seasoned with sauce and laid out in the middle of the plate. Portioned along the edge, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcucumber, chopped lettuce and greens are laid out.

Cookies "Paradise"

  • 3 coconuts;
  • 2 bananas.

Chop the coconut, remove the pulp, peel the brown skin, cut into pieces. Peel bananas and cut. Add coconut liquid to coconut and banana pieces, bring to a homogeneous state in a blender. Coconut flakes can be coarse or finely ground. The resulting pasty mass is spread on a dehydrator sheet, dried. When done, turn the cookies over to the other side to speed up drying.

Pea paste

  • raw green peas - 450 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • water - from 50 to 100 ml;
  • salt, herbs optional.

Mix the thawed green peas with all the ingredients and beat in a blender. Add water as needed.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for switching to natural food is recovery healthy condition organism. This system is available to any person who has no contraindications.

What diseases can be cured

Nature has provided the human body with all the tools necessary to maintain health. But malnutrition leads to clogging of the body, supplying it with unnecessary substances and depriving it of necessary ones. Organs struggle to cope increased load, them defensive forces weaken. The method of raw food diet allows you to get rid of many serious diseases:

  1. A raw food diet can completely cure type 2 diabetes, reduce the dosage of insulin in the first type of disease.
  2. Obesity is cured. A person loses from 8 kg or more of excess weight per month. At the same time, the amount of food practically does not change, only its quality.
  3. Skin diseases(furunculosis, psoriasis, and others) recede after the cleansing effect of a raw food diet.
  4. Passes, which is the result of excessive consumption of fatty and salty foods.
  5. Prostatitis is able to recede after a month of practicing a raw food diet. Proper nutrition eliminates the source of inflammation and releases the reserve forces of the body.
  6. Raw food is indicated for oncological diseases. The transition to natural food restores the body, cleanses it of toxins, eliminates old inflammatory processes.
  7. There is an improvement in the functioning of the digestive organs, strengthening of the gums, preservation of tooth enamel.
  8. Normalized arterial pressure and work of the heart. Recovering normal work intestines, water exchange. retreats urolithiasis disease, neuroses, diseases of the joints are eliminated. Level returns to normal. And it's not full list therapeutic effect proper nutrition.


People with allergies should be cautious about switching to a raw food diet. Only heat treatment able to neutralize harmful proteins to which it reacts the immune system allergy sufferers.

A raw food diet is contraindicated in children, the elderly, and pregnant women. The system cannot be used serious illnesses digestive organs.

Benefit and harm

  1. The raw food diet has a lot of advantages, attracting more and more new followers. The main arguments in favor of a plant-based diet are:
  2. Due to the lack of heat treatment, all useful substances in food are preserved, raw foods contribute to a more complete absorption of vitamins and minerals. minerals.
  3. The ingress of harmful substances into the body is excluded: saturated fats, sugar, trans fats, carcinogens, harmful food additives. The body ceases to be clogged with toxins and toxins.
  4. The fiber in raw vegetables and fruits contributes to faster satiety, while the portion size does not decrease, and the calorie content remains low. This is a great opportunity to lose weight quickly and safely.
  5. Get rid of many diseases.
  6. rises general level energy, feeling better.
  7. For a week of a raw food diet, you can get rid of 3 to 6 kilograms of excess weight. This is due to the loss excess fluid and intensive removal of toxins from the first day of the new diet.

Despite all the benefits, a raw food diet cannot be recommended to all people in a row for several reasons:

  1. Imbalance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Plant foods are poor in protein, which leads to its deficiency in the body. Legumes and some cereals used as a source of protein are capable of accumulating toxic substances. Their excessive use without heat treatment harms the body.
  2. Deficiency (tryptophan, methionine, lysine), vitamins (B12, B2).
  3. The risk of developing or exacerbating allergies. Raw legumes, as well as wheat, contain allergen substances that can cause disruption of the digestive tract.
  4. For those who are used to eating industrially processed foods, it is psychologically very difficult to switch to eating raw plant foods. Such people often experience a breakdown, accompanied by a sharp overeating. Therefore, you need to start a raw food diet smoothly, spending fasting days minimizing dinner.

The transition to a raw food diet is an individual process for everyone. Don't rush and listen carefully. own body. A measure and a reasonable attitude will help to smoothly rebuild the nutrition system towards natural and healthy food.

Eating raw foods is now very popular. It should be noted that this is no longer simple food but a real way of life. If a person decides to be a raw foodist, then his life begins to change very much - sometimes even the profession of a person, the circle of his close friends and other hobbies and hobbies change.

A person lives following the rules of nature, tries to reunite with it, conducts healing procedures by swimming in an ice hole, meditates, and also brings positive to the people around him.

Most of these people affect their health through proper nutrition. Exists a large number of both supporters and opponents of the raw food theory, there is a lot of controversy and confrontation. How to call a raw food diet - new principle food or highest level life for people?

Raw food: where to start

In a raw food diet, it is strictly forbidden to consume and use products that are at least minimally affected by heat treatment.

In this case it is forbidden to use in food boiled, fatty, pickled, canned, and also smoked products.

In some methods of raw food diet from food, you need to completely exclude meat and fish products . In addition to all this, dried and dried foods are not allowed for food, which contain special additives of spices, sugar or any flavor enhancer.

This nutritional principle considered individual, but often comes into contact with veganism, vegetarianism and a large number of others various techniques associated with dietary and health-improving diets.

How to switch to a raw food diet and how to become a raw foodist

  1. The principle of this method is the statement - "Man is a part of nature." As a result, he simply cannot eat and include in his diet what cannot be found in nature, for example, fried potatoes, fried chicken and other foods that have undergone heat treatment. It is for this reason that during the transition to a raw food diet, it is necessary to exclude all food that a person has become accustomed to over the years.
  2. Raw foods, vegetables and fruits contain big number trace elements and useful substances, most of which simply dies in the process of any processing. In the raw state, all of them are stored and absorbed by the body in full. The principle of raw foodists is the phrase: "just wash and eat."
  3. Raw foodists claim that the food of the processed state is a real poison. To such food they include not only such that can be found in institutions fast food. This attitude to these products is explained by science itself. Frying, stewing and even boiling leads to the fact that all useful microelements evaporate in food, and in some cases new harmful and even dangerous ones appear.
  4. For example, the occurrence of carcinogens in it - substances that over time can cause the formation malignant tumor, free radicals and transisomers. A raw food diet must contain only raw food and no processed food. This method of nutrition should remove all the possibilities of harmful substances and elements entering the human body.
  5. In addition, only in organically pure products there are so-called enzymes - particles of living, solar energy, which help fruits and vegetables to carry out self-digestion in the body. They are full in the body of newborn children, and over time their number fades as they grow up and age. But at the same time, this level can be replenished all the time, using only raw food for this.

The basis of the diet of raw foodists for the day is refined food, or otherwise peeled or shelled products. It is in the peel and shell of cereal products that there is the largest amount of useful vitamins.

As well as all products that can be stored quite long time, contain harmful substances preservative type, flavor enhancers and coloring molecules. They should be completely excluded from a raw food diet.

The nuances of the transition to a raw food diet

especially increased attention should pay attention to the combination of several products at the same time. Most often, these products are incompatible with each other, require a long time for digestion and lead to a violation of the absorption function. healthy body person.

Compliance a certain time period between a banana eaten and then any grains leads to the fact that the body spends least amount energy. All the remaining energy in a person goes to self-healing, as well as to mental and physical activity.

Raw foodists are sure - it is bad and unbalanced diet leads to the fact that in the human body a large number of diseases occur and various problems. The body has problems with the synthesis and metabolism, cardiovascular diseases, problems with the nervous system.

It is in this way that a person can be accustomed to a new and healthy lifestyle, eliminate all ailments and diseases and move to the level of a long and comfortable life.

What are the types of raw foods

There are several types of raw foods. In this case, the opinion of experts is very different. Some people think that for a correct and healthy lifestyle, only the use of fruits and vegetables alone is enough; others are sure that milk and meat in the diet will not hurt anything.

It is for this reason that there is now a large number of varieties raw food diet:

First, you should clearly understand why you want to switch to your chosen power system. What type will your food be - temporary or long-term type. Perhaps you just want to lose weight.

A large number of people want to use raw food in order to bring something new into their lives and accomplish new experience and some just because it's trendy. If you decide to make this food the main one, then you should approach it. with special responsibility and patience- only in this case you can get a real result and the effect of food.

Two types of transition to raw food:

  1. The first is to gradually include in your diet as much as possible every day. more raw foods, over time excluding from it all negative products. With all this, on the very first day, smoked and fried foods, sweets and coffee should be completely eliminated from the diet of the future raw foodist.
  2. The second way is to abruptly stop eating thermal food. Most raw foodists claim that this method allows them to quickly get used to a change in diet. At the same time, the chances of breaking loose on such a diet are much increased.

Raw food diet - menu for beginners

The basis of the menu should include the following products:

Raw food: benefits and harms

Like other types of food, the raw food diet has its own distinctive disadvantages. If you follow a strict raw food diet (completely abandon vegetables, cereals, root crops), then the human body will simply stop receiving other types of vitamins and minerals.

This is capable disrupt the function of metabolism, synthesis substances and harm the body. Some sources claim that raw foodists have a decrease in vitamin B12 by several times.

Anyone with allergies is usually advised to eat cooked food rather than raw food. Raw vegetables and fruits can cause an exacerbation chronic pancreatitis when there is not enough hemicellulose (a special enzyme) in the pancreatic juice.

Moreover, a raw food diet can positively affect the body as a whole. There are a number of diseases in which to use only unprocessed food in your diet. Absolutely forbidden.

These diseases include the following:

The acids found in foods of raw origin can negatively influence on the mucous membrane and inflame it, and this action will continue for a very long time.

Therefore, if you decide to become a real raw foodist, then you should first think about all the pros and cons of such a diet.

A large number of red fruits bright color, nuts, pollen from flowers (it should also be eaten by raw foodists) can develop in the consumer allergic complications., or lead to an aggravation of those that are already present in the human body.

It's not just a diet or a special diet. It's a whole philosophy. It is impossible to become a raw foodist for two weeks or a month, and then return to the usual food system. Raw food comes gradually and forever. The diet of raw foodists was borrowed from our distant ancestors, when they still had no fire, no stove, no utensils, but they were able to challenge cruel world and survive. What is the meaning of the raw food diet and what are its principles?

Raw foodists also minimize and never drink food. Drinking is allowed 30 minutes before or 1 hour after a meal.

raw food diet

At your disposal are raw and pickled fruits, berries, vegetables, mushrooms, fresh and dried herbs, dried in a natural way, all kinds of nuts, algae, unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oils, seeds, germinated cereal grains, honey. Drinking - pure water(preferably structured or thawed) and freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits.

The importance of foods in a raw food diet

  1. The first place is fresh herbs- dill, parsley, all kinds of lettuce, spinach, green tops of beets, carrots, celery and turnips, sorrel, nettle and dandelion leaves. Greens should be consumed daily fresh on its own, in salads or as a smoothie (cocktails of leafy vegetables with the addition of other vegetables and fruits). Sprouted grains of cereals can also be attributed to greenery.
  2. Fruits occupy an honorable second place in the diet of raw foodists. Their number should be 40-50% of total food daily. Among all the fruits last place there are bananas - they contain a large amount of starch, so you should not abuse them.
  3. The third place is occupied by vegetables. They should be 20-30% in the diet of a raw foodist. Root vegetables (beets, carrots, turnips, and others) should make up a smaller portion of your daily serving of vegetables.
  4. Nuts, seeds and dried fruits are essential for normal digestion, therefore, should be present daily in the diet of a raw foodist in the amount of 10% in summer and 15% in winter.
  5. In addition, vegetable oils and honey should be added to the menu of raw foodists.

Positive aspects of a raw food diet

  • Raw foodists almost never get sick with viral and colds;
  • To feel full, you need significantly less food than a traditionally eating person;
  • Raw foodists are distinguished by high immunity, endurance, body resistance to complex weather conditions and unfavorable factors environment;
  • The body does not waste energy on digesting food that is difficult to digest, therefore it has high energy and excellent performance;
  • Raw foodists practically do not suffer from mental disorders and various chronic diseases, since their body is clean, and not clogged with toxins and toxins;
  • As a rule, raw foodists look 10-20 years younger than their age.

Sample raw food menu

  • After waking up: glass of water.
  • First breakfast: a handful of nuts with honey.
  • Lunch: in summer - any fresh fruits and berries (in the form of salads and on their own), in winter - dried fruits, winter varieties of fresh apples and pears, thawed berries, soaked apples.
  • Dinner: sprouted grains of cereals (separately or in salads), any salads of vegetables and fruits with vegetable oil, herbs, salt and pepper (for example, grated apple with carrots, or Jerusalem artichoke with apple, herbs and onions). It should be remembered that in winter it is better to eat "fatty" foods (for example, avocados), and in summer - watery (for example, watermelons).
  • Dinner: any vegetables in the form of salads with herbs or separately.
  • For the night: a glass of water or freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice.
  • Snacks: between meals you should drink pure structured or melted water.

Hello dear blog readers! Today I would like to discuss a topic that I am sure is of interest to most of you. It will be about raw food. To be more precise, about the menu of a raw foodist for every day.

I will not write about what a raw food diet is, what raw foodists can eat, and what not. I already wrote about this and accordingly. Today I would like to elaborate on daily menu. We are ready for change. But when it comes to concrete actions, many questions immediately arise.

Of course, raw foodists do not eat cheese. This is information for beginner raw foodists. I think we are all conscious people and understand that before switching to a new diet, it is necessary to study the information in detail. After all, it's about health first and foremost. If you decide to embark on this path only for weight loss, it is better to turn back. Raw food is a lifestyle, not a diet. You can not abruptly transfer the body from one type of food to another, and then back just for the sake of extra pounds. But if your choice is conscious, then you are welcome. A raw food guru to help you.

  • Victoria Butenko - book author " 12 steps to a raw food diet". Here you can learn everything about the transition to a new diet in nutrition.
  • Douglas Graham - book author " 80/10/10 ". There are also many here useful information, although Mr. Graham recommends fruits as the basis of the daily diet.
  • Vadim Zeland and Chad Sarno « Living kitchen. Transurfing updates" - here personal recommendations and tried and tested recipes. Vadim Zeland is known for his books on transsurfing, and Chad Sarno for restaurants where dishes are prepared without heat treatment. By the way, the chef wrote recipes with Chris Carr for her book " Insanely sexy kitchen". This woman is a worthy role model. When she was given a disappointing diagnosis and informed of her imminent death, she did not hang her nose. By completely changing her diet and lifestyle, Chris has achieved amazing results. More than 7 years have passed, and she is full of energy and was able to stop the growth of the tumor.

Let's go to the store

You have processed a lot of information on the raw food diet or are even taking the first steps in this direction. Let's talk about products that can be found in Russia and preferably within 365 days.

Allowed and approved gifts of nature include:

  • Fruit;
  • Vegetables;
  • Nuts;
  • grains;
  • Seaweed;
  • seeds;
  • Greens;
  • Dried fruits.

As you have already noticed, all the products presented in the list can be found on the shelves of domestic stores. Moreover, online resources come to the rescue. Proven and tested online store, where you can always find legumes, grains, seeds, powders, raw food sweets and much more useful for a gourmet - connoisseur of healthy food.

raw breakfast

There is an opinion - breakfast can be skipped. I do not believe that this is truly true, on the contrary, breakfast should be. In the morning you can cook fruit. By cook, I mean wash, cut and beautifully put on a dish. Everything that you love. Apples or bananas. Or maybe pears or citrus fruits. They, fortunately for raw foodists, are available all year round on the shelves of any supermarket. In summer, it can be melon, watermelon, strawberries and cherries. Focus on seasonal products. They are rich in essential trace elements, vitamins and minerals.

Another win-win breakfast option is. Based on fruits or greens, or a combination of both.

At lunchtime, soups and salads reign on the table. More vegetables and herbs. Prefer fruits, also an option. It's better to diversify though. daily diet. If fruits were for breakfast, give preference to vegetables for lunch. Dress the salad with oil. Suitable olive, sunflower, linseed, sesame or any other, most importantly unrefined. You can also make an avocado salad dressing.

For example, guacamole in the form of rolls. And what color is it! You are provided with an energy boost.

Soup lovers can make gazpacho. In addition to the tomato, it can be based on strawberries. So summery and fragrant. I described his recipe in the article "".

In the evening, it's time to please yourself with more satisfying dishes. Suitable salad with green peas, beans or beans. You can make raw zucchini spaghetti with tomatoes and chili peppers. The basis of dishes can be pre-soaked seeds or nuts.

Let's not forget the bread. Yes, raw foodists also have it. It is made from cereals and is not baked, but dried in a dehydrator. You can add nuts, dried fruits and herbs to bread.


Are you afraid of losing your favorite, but harmful cakes and pastries? Not worth it. Raw foodists have a huge variety of amazing and really delicious recipes dessert dishes.

Sugar substitutes are dried fruits, honey and stevia. Natural, healthy and very satisfying. Especially when there are nuts in the recipe. They quickly satisfy hunger and supply the body natural fats. I selected 10 delicious sweets in the article "". Watch and try.


This is where most of the above can be attributed. Eat a carrot or an apple. Washed, if necessary, peeled the fruit or vegetable from the skin, and straight into the mouth. A raw food bar, aka bread, will come to the rescue. Or you can make a delicious sandwich.

Bread is prepared ahead of time. Take 1 cup each of flax seeds, sunflower seeds, fresh corn, 1 coarsely chopped onion, 2 finely chopped tomatoes. Salt, pepper and cumin to taste. Put in a dehydrator and dry for 2-3 hours.

And vary the filling any that you like.

We take with us where we need to and do not starve. Let everyone marvel and salivate looking at your work of art

As a snack, a handful of nuts, dried fruits, dried berries is perfect - the choice is yours. Don't forget light smoothies. We load it into a blender, click on the right buttons and drink to our own health and world peace. Beautiful, bright smoothies not only raise the level of energy, but also charge with positive. Still, food should be of great interest.

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast: Fresh fruit smoothies


  • 1 banana;
  • 1 pear;
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice;
  • 2 fresh soft kiwis;
  • a bunch of parsley and spinach (stems ruthlessly tear off);
  • 1.5 cups of water (of course not boiled).


Remove the skin from the kiwi and banana. We cut fruits. Load all ingredients into a blender. Grind to a thick consistency.

Lunch: Mint Cucumber Soup


  • 800 ml of water;
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt;
  • 2 tbsp olive oil;
  • 1 lemon, also peeled
  • peeled and seeds 3 cucumbers;
  • 60 g nuts (preferably almonds or pine nuts);
  • 60g mint leaves (dried or fresh, whatever you have)


We send all the ingredients except mint to a blender, mix until a thick paste. Next, add mint and stir quickly for 1 minute.

Dinner: Green salad

We take the number of ingredients by eye. How much you can handle, so much you put in a bowl or basin, again, your choice. the main role here it is given to green leaves: romano, iceberg, spinach, etc. What do you like and what is at home.

Next, add vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers or zucchini. The combinations are very different. The third important ingredient is sprouted grains. We fill everything with unrefined oil and lemon juice. Salt and pepper to taste. Addition and decoration to the salad will be flax, chia or hemp seeds.


Each of us has an individual body. Someone easily switches to drinking raw food and for some it is difficult. Beginning raw foodists are advised not to rush. Gradually introduce more unprocessed foods into your diet. Listen to your body's reaction.

Before you switch to a completely different diet, think about why you are doing it. Many people become raw foodists for the sake of health. When traditional treatment does not help, but the future is at stake. The experience of many raw foodists proves that switching to a raw diet can really work wonders. The main thing is to do everything gradually. Remember, the raw food diet is a food system. Becoming a part of the system, you learn the rules, norms and experience of those who have achieved real results.

For competent advice, you can turn here to an experienced raw foodist Denis Terentiev. Examples of a diet, answers to questions and a lot of other information for those who are just embarking on the path of "live" food.

For today I have everything. Share the article with your friends in in social networks and updates on my blog.

See you soon 🙂

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