Curd diet: reviews, menus, results. Curd diet and its varieties: optimal weight loss

One of the most popular, quite effective, but at the same time comfortable for your body is the curd diet. It is recommended not only for people who seek to get rid of extra pounds, but even with some diseases, fasting days using cottage cheese will be very useful.

Calculation of the calorie content of products

Products in alphabetical order

Curd and its beneficial properties

Cottage cheese is a product that, due to its beneficial composition, is recommended for use every day by both adults and children from a very early age, pregnant women and people with bone diseases, heart disease, and even allergy sufferers. It contains a whole list of useful and, most importantly, substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body:

  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Vitamin PP
  • Vitamin A
  • B vitamins

In addition, cottage cheese is valued for its sufficiently high protein content, due to which, during a curd diet, a person very rarely experiences a severe feeling of hunger. The constant use of such a useful product strengthens bone tissue, has a good effect on the functioning of the heart muscles, improves eyesight, hair, and strengthens nails.

Curd diet and its types

The cottage cheese diet for weight loss makes it possible to lose from 1 to 10 kilograms, depending on how long you stick to the diet menu.

So, depending on the state of your health and endurance of the body, there is a large selection of different variations of the diet, where cottage cheese is the main product. These days you can eat exclusively cottage cheese, and the duration of such a regimen usually does not exceed 2-3 days without negative consequences for the body. It is thanks to this that the Six Petals diet has a cottage cheese day.

creative diet. Up to MINUS 5 kg in 5 days! Options and MENU of the curd diet

Cottage cheese diet Maggi - 82% of WOMEN ALREADY LOSE WEIGHT on this diet


If you combine the main product with others, you can last from 7 to 14 days on a diet menu and, as a result, get rid of more unnecessary kilograms. You can choose any diet option from products that are comfortable for your body or alternate between different types of curd diets. The most popular are the following:

  • Curd apple
  • Curd-banana
  • Diet on eggs and cottage cheese
  • Curd-kefir
  • Curd fruit

If you decide to improve the body and your plans do not include weight loss, it is advisable to choose homemade cottage cheese. It has a higher fat content and will replenish your body with the necessary elements.

But in order to lose excess weight, but at the same time not harm your health, you need to choose medium-fat cottage cheese. In this case, you will receive the optimal amount of protein and fat for the normal functioning of the internal organs, but at the same time you will be able to reduce your weight.

Diet on cottage cheese for 3 days

If you opted for the duration of the curd diet for only 3 days, your diet will consist of 5 main meals. During the day you are allowed to eat from 300 to 800 g of cottage cheese, depending on your weight and lifestyle. If you devote your time to physical activity, you can increase the serving to a maximum of 1 kg.

This amount must be divided equally among the main meals. You can also add kefir to your diet, at least 2 glasses per day, but not more than 1 liter. Remember that sugar and salt are contraindicated for all days, and in order not to burden the kidneys, it is worth controlling the amount of fluid you drink. It can be water, mineral water without gas, herbal tea or rosehip broth.

Curd diet for 7 days

Do you have a very ambitious goal? Well, in order to lose 10 kg in a week, you will have to follow clear recommendations, but there is nothing impossible in this. A cottage cheese diet lasting a week or more will differ from the three-day option in that your menu needs to be slightly diversified.

Chicken or fish should appear in your diet, you can also supplement it with fruits.

Fish and meat must be boiled or baked. But fruits can be combined with cottage cheese or make freshly squeezed juices. But do not forget that if your goal is to lose weight, then you should choose unsweetened fruits.

You also have the opportunity to experiment with dishes. You can use ordinary cottage cheese, cottage cheese mass with the addition of a small amount of dried fruit, cottage cheese casserole is allowed. In the morning and in the evening it is worth drinking kefir, it has a good effect on the entire digestive system.

As for the liquid, its amount should be at least 1.5 liters per day, and what kind of drink you prefer is up to you. But remember that if it is tea, then sugar should not be added to it, and when preparing compote or rosehip broth, it is allowed to add a little honey to them or replace it with a small handful of raisins.

cottage cheese banana diet

If you chose this cottage cheese diet for weight loss, you have to eat cottage cheese and, of course, bananas.

Its duration is usually about 3-7 days. You have two options for planning these days. You can alternate banana days with cottage cheese days or split the daily allowance and eat cottage cheese and bananas every day.

The norm of cottage cheese is 800 g. And since bananas are very high in calories, you should not eat more than 2 pieces per day, although if it is very difficult for you to tolerate diets, bananas will help to cope with hunger. And this option can become your favorite diet. By the end of the week, you can lose 4 to 5 kilograms of excess weight.

Results and reviews of the curd diet

In all forums dedicated to proper nutrition and weight loss, reviews of the curd diet are mostly the most positive. Many people like cottage cheese and egg more than banana, due to the fact that more weight is lost on it. The peculiarity of this diet food is that it is practically not accompanied by a feeling of hunger or, if it occurs, it is quite tolerable.

Therefore, the curd diet is recommended to many who are just starting to lose weight. Also, this diet is not accompanied by a large breakdown. Some losing weight share their menu options for the cottage cheese diet or successful recipes, thanks to which they were able to lose weight. They replace kefir with fermented baked milk or yogurt.

For the preparation of casseroles, many advise using low-fat cottage cheese, but at the same time they allow themselves to add a little sugar. You can also alternate cheese of different fat content during a weekly diet. But remember, before you start losing weight with a diet, you should consult your doctor.

Many women would like to get rid of extra pounds without harming their health. The cottage cheese diet is ideal for this - it is healthy and gives noticeable results.

Rules and features of weight loss

Cottage cheese (usually fat-free) is an integral part of many weight loss programs, as it is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Moreover, women's health and beauty are very dependent on calcium and vitamins A, D and B2, which are contained in it in sufficient quantities. This product is perfectly absorbed and has a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, hair, skin and bone tissue. In addition, it helps with emotional breakdowns and promotes the restoration of nerve fibers.

The essence of the cottage cheese mono-diet lies in the fact that for several days you can only eat cottage cheese. In such a rather extreme mode, a kilogram is lost per day, so it is very undesirable to maintain such a diet for longer than 5 days. However, you can diversify the diet with dried fruits, muesli, nut mixtures and kefir. There are fasting options with the addition of vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits. Prohibitions for this period are standard: sugar, salt, alcohol, spices, strong tea and coffee.

What options for cottage cheese diets exist

Such a nutrition system can be designed for 3 days, 1 week and 4 weeks. In the first case, the regime is considered the most sparing and, rather, can be called an extended unloading day. A four-week diet cannot be carried out in a strict regimen, because in this case it is dangerous for health, and is usually made up of several weekly menus so that nutrition throughout this time is balanced and healthy.

Cheese Diet Options:

  • - boiled meat, vegetable salads, fruits are added for lunch.
  • Hamdiya program - consists of cottage cheese, boiled meat and fruits in any quantities.
  • Curd-kefir - kefir is added to each meal.
  • Cottage cheese and fruit - any sweet and sour fruits are acceptable.
  • Egg, apple and yoghurt-curd.

Curd diet for 7 days is the most democratic. Such a diet does not require long-term trials and, at the same time, is not considered a hard express weight loss.

Cottage cheese diet for a week: sample menu

Breakfast in such a weekly menu is the same - 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, grapefruit or orange, green tea without sugar. As an option, you can use cottage cheese casseroles or other dishes made from it, prepared according to diet recipes and without oil.

The first day:

  • Dinner: 100 g of boiled meat, fresh vegetable salad, rosehip broth.

Second day:

  • Lunch: 100 gr. cottage cheese and 100 gr. boiled meat.
  • Dinner: one small baked fish fillet, fresh grated carrot salad, herbal decoction.

Day three:

  • Lunch: 100 g of cottage cheese and 2 boiled eggs.
  • Dinner: baked chicken breast, tomato salad, rosehip broth.

Day four:

  • Lunch: 100 g of cottage cheese and one baked fish fillet.
  • Dinner: cabbage salad, green tea.

Day five:

  • Lunch: 100 g of cottage cheese and boiled squid.
  • Dinner: a portion of vegetable soup, rosehip broth.

Day six:

  • Lunch: 100 g of cottage cheese and 2 boiled eggs.
  • Dinner: baked fish fillet, lettuce, green tea.

Day seven:

  • Lunch: 100 g of cottage cheese and 100 g of baked meat.
  • Dinner: cucumber and herb salad, green tea.

Do not forget to drink during the diet from 1.5 liters per day of pure (preferably mineral) water, such a drinking regimen improves metabolic processes in the body.

The right way out of the diet

In order for the weight to be preserved after losing kilograms, it is necessary to correctly switch to the usual diet, gradually changing the amount of fruits and vegetables on the menu upwards; the same should be done with the amount of protein products - meat, fish. For two weeks, you need to carefully return complex carbohydrates to the diet: whole grain bread, durum pasta, etc. At this time, it is important to drink plenty of water, herbal teas, and also not to overload yourself with physical activity.

Advantages and medical contraindications

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of cottage cheese, it is not for nothing that this product is the first thing that mothers give to small children. A growing and adult organism definitely needs a complex of microelements contained in curd dishes.

The main advantages of the diet include:

  • Replenishment of protein deficiency and useful trace elements.
  • Strengthening hair, teeth, nails and bones.
  • Prevention of osteoporosis and many other diseases.
  • Improving the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Acceleration of metabolism.
  • Removal of excess fluid due to the diuretic effect of cottage cheese.

Despite the obvious advantages, the program has a certain number of contraindications that cannot be ignored. So, in the presence of any chronic diseases, the diet must be agreed with the attending physician. In addition, this system is completely contraindicated for adolescents, although it may seem that it will benefit the growing body.

This diet has its downsides:

  • Eating one cottage cheese for 3-5 days is stressful for the body.
  • Long-term dieting can harm the kidneys.
  • Feelings of weakness and nausea are possible.
  • Prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.

Also, cottage cheese itself is a concentrated product, which can lead to allergic reactions. You can not adhere to this diet for chronic diseases of the digestive system and in case of individual intolerance to dairy products as such.

As women's reviews prove, a curd diet for weight loss gives excellent results in just 2-3 days, and if you decide to go on a curd-kefir or curd-fruit diet, you won't recognize your reflection in a week. Check out the different variations of the diet menu, find out how to help the body get rid of unwanted pounds with the help of protein-rich foods.

What is a cottage cheese diet

The cottage cheese diet is one of the simplest but most effective methods to help remove excess fat folds, because this protein-rich component is the basis of a healthy diet, many mixed weight loss programs have been built with it. Given the capabilities of your body, you can eat only cottage cheese for 2-3 days, dividing a portion of 500 grams into 5 doses, or choose a longer diet for weight loss, supplementing the menu with fruits, cereals or vegetables.

For 3 days

If you want to lose weight quickly, then give up unhealthy foods and choose the toughest methods. For example, a 3-day diet is suitable, which can be in two versions:

  1. Daily use 800 grams of the product, dividing the volume into several doses. It is necessary to eat with such a diet every 2-3 hours - only in this way calcium is fully absorbed in the body. In this diet, you can drink natural coffee, water with lemon or green tea.
  2. Daily use 1 kg of the product, supplementing it with some other products. Switching to such a diet is recommended for people who are engaged in fitness or strength exercises.

For 7 days

One of the most gentle methods for the body is a 7-day diet, because here, in addition to cottage cheese, other foods are allowed. Cottage cheese is rich in protein, so with it you will not starve, and after serving the menu, you will get not only a minus on the scales, but also strong teeth. In the curd diet for 7 days for breakfast, the set of products is the same: 200 g of fermented milk product, grapefruit, green tea or coffee. For lunch, you need to add 100 g of cottage cheese daily. The main product in raw form can be alternated with casseroles or other dietary dishes.

The menu for 7 days looks something like this:

  • lunch - 2 eggs;
  • dinner - 100 g of steam beef, vegetable salad, rosehip infusion;
  • lunch - 100 g of chicken breast;
  • dinner - baked fish fillet, herbal decoction, carrot salad.
  • lunch - 2 eggs;
  • dinner - grilled chicken fillet, sweet pepper and tomato salad, rosehip infusion.
  • lunch - baked pike perch fillet;
  • dinner - cauliflower salad, green tea.
  • lunch - boiled squid;
  • dinner - rosehip broth, soup with vegetables.
  • lunch - 2 soft-boiled eggs;
  • dinner - baked fish, lettuce, a cup of green tea.
  • lunch - 100 g of baked chicken breast;
  • dinner - salad with herbs and cucumbers, unsweetened tea.

mono diet

There are many diets based on this fermented milk product, and they are all based on the minimum amount of permitted products. The mono-diet is strict, but with the help of it you can achieve rapid weight loss. Switching to cottage cheese, you need to give up other food, and distribute the daily norm of the product (about 500 grams) into 5-6 servings. When losing weight, it is recommended to drink a lot of non-carbonated water, unsweetened tea. The total amount of liquid should be about 2 liters, and it is advisable to drink half an hour before a meal and 2.5 hours after.

The daily rate depends on the fat content of the product: for example, fat-free can be eaten at 500-600 g / day, and medium or high-fat cottage cheese should not be eaten more than 200-250 grams. It is worth noting that the higher the fat content, the higher the calorie content, but the calcium content is even lower, so if you want to use a product for weight loss, then it is better to stop at a fat-free one.

Cottage cheese for weight loss

This fermented milk product contributes to the production of serotonin - the "hormone of happiness", helps the body to establish all vital processes. However, few associate cottage cheese and weight loss. Adhering to the curd diet, you will start the process of burning fat. Eating as the main food, in addition to losing weight, will also lead to such changes in the body:

  • The level of calcium is normalized. When this element is low in a person, digestion is disturbed, fats are not digested correctly, which leads to obesity.
  • Metabolic processes will improve.
  • Increased urination.

Is it possible to lose weight on cottage cheese

Nutritionists say that the use of this product is important for every person. The main advantages include its easy digestibility, relatively low calorie content per serving (70-250 kcal per 100 grams), the content of many useful trace elements, vitamins and amino acids that every person needs. The portion contains a minimum of fat, so even its excessive use will not provoke weight gain.

What can you eat cottage cheese with

A fermented milk product has a minimum of contraindications for use, however, in order to lose weight and improve well-being, cottage cheese during a diet must be properly combined with other components. By switching to a diet food, you will not be very hungry or feel the need for familiar dishes if you mix it with:

  • bran;
  • honey;
  • oatmeal;
  • prunes;
  • greenery;
  • garlic;
  • kefir.

What cottage cheese is better for weight loss

Experts recommend making homemade dietary cottage cheese for weight loss, but if you don’t want to look for a suitable recipe, you can also use the store option. The product can be with different fat content, grainy, soft, sold in packages or by weight. It is better to take the classic granular 9% without additives, dyes and preservatives - in this form it is more useful.


This weight loss diet will not only help you lose weight easily and without hunger strikes, but will also benefit the body. The use of kefir improves the functioning of the intestines, speeds up metabolic processes, due to which weight loss occurs. The curd-kefir diet has a three-day unloading menu, and if it was easy for you and you don’t feel a breakdown, you can stick to such a diet for longer.

The menu for the day includes 1.5 liters of low-fat or 1% kefir and 300-400 g of cottage cheese. Food must be divided into several equal portions, and you need to start and end the day with kefir. Dill or cinnamon can be added to food for a variety of flavors. In the intervals between meals, be sure to add plenty of fluids - herbal or green tea, compote without sugar, clean water.

Curd fruit

For those who are going to correct the figure in the summer, a fruit-curd diet is suitable. Thanks to the combination of cottage cheese with healthy and tasty seasonal berries and fruits, you will not only start losing weight, but also enjoy diet food. You need to remove grapes and bananas from the menu of the curd-fruit diet, because they are too high in calories, but blackberries, strawberries, raspberries or blueberries can be consumed, and in unlimited quantities. People who have increased stomach acidity are advised to mix a fermented milk product with sweet fruits.

The menu includes 3 servings of soft cheese with fruits or berries (1:1) and snacks in the form of 300 grams of any fruit. For a week on a curd-fruit diet, you can lose 2-5 kilograms, and even cleanse the body well, because all fruits contain a lot of fiber, which helps to remove toxins. The use of berries will contribute to the enrichment of the body with minerals, the necessary amino acids and vitamins.


A diet based on eggs and cottage cheese is considered by nutritionists to be beneficial to health. The egg-curd diet, like the famous Maggi, is rich in proteins, due to which weight loss occurs due to fat, not muscle. The diet, though nutritious, is low in calories. If you want to lose weight well, distribute the allowed food into 5 meals, scheduling so that meals are at the same time on all days of the diet.

In the menu of the egg-curd diet, in addition to 300 grams of cottage cheese, 5 eggs and plenty of drink in the form of unsweetened tea, compote or water, there may be fruits and vegetables (except starchy ones). You can follow the dietary regimen for a maximum of 4 weeks, and make up the diet based on permitted foods. For example, the menu for the day might look like this:

1st option:

  • immediately after sleep - a glass of warm water (you can add ginger or cinnamon);
  • breakfast - a baked omelette of 2 eggs with parsley without oil, green tea with a spoonful of honey;
  • lunch - boiled eggs, a slice of hard cheese, tea with lemon, honey;
  • afternoon snack - eggs, 200 grams of curd product, juice;
  • dinner - light vegetable soup with herbs, eggs and bran, a piece of dried rye bread.

2nd option:

  • immediately after sleep - a glass of warm water with ginger or lemon juice;
  • breakfast - a cocktail of a couple of raw eggs with honey, cereal, juice or tea;
  • lunch - vegetable stew, 100 g of the main product, an apple;
  • afternoon snack - 150 g of curd mass with raisins, fruit juice;
  • dinner - low-fat boiled fish, salad with fresh cabbage and carrots, vegetable juice or kefir.

Cottage cheese and oatmeal

This diet option is a bit monotonous, but you will not starve and you can lose weight well. In the diet of the curd-oatmeal diet, flakes need to be cooked only on water, because even Hercules boiled in milk will turn out to be very high-calorie, and you will only get fat from eating such porridge. The diet of a 4- or 5-day diet on cottage cheese and oatmeal looks like this:

  • breakfast - cereal on the water, 2 apples;
  • lunch - oatmeal on the water with 1 small spoon of honey, three apples, 100 g of chicken breast, 100 g of fermented milk product;
  • dinner - a portion of the main product, 2 apples.

Curd and vegetable

Among those who lose weight, a diet with cottage cheese and vegetables is also popular. Her diet can include both raw vegetables and baked or steamed vegetables, and they can be larger in volume than the main component, but a maximum of 500 grams. The menu of the cottage cheese and vegetable diet is classic - 3 main meals with cottage cheese (serving 150-200 grams) and 2-3 intermediate ones, where only vegetables are included in the serving. Starchy potatoes should be excluded from the diet for a while. To improve the taste of dishes, you can add chopped parsley, celery, cilantro and other herbs.


This type of diet is protein. Its effectiveness for weight loss lies in a special diet, and not in limiting the amount of food. In just 3-7 days on a buckwheat-curd diet, you can not only significantly reduce the volume of the figure, but also improve metabolism. However, nutritionists do not advise getting too carried away with such a diet: the optimal duration of eating buckwheat porridge with a fermented milk product is 3-7 days.

The menu of the curd-buckwheat diet is simple: every day you can eat buckwheat in any volume, breaking the total mass into several small portions. For lunch, you need to add another 100-150 grams of curd product to the porridge. Dinner and breakfast should include only steamed buckwheat and a cup of unsweetened herbal tea. A fermented milk drink should not be completely fat-free - it is better to take it with a fat content of 5%.

Video: a week on cottage cheese

There is no girl who would be completely satisfied with her appearance, namely her figure. Exhausting workouts and strict dietary restrictions do not always bring the desired result. One of the most popular weight loss methods is the cottage cheese diet for weight loss by 10 kg. Diet cottage cheese is an affordable natural product that allows you to lose weight quickly and easily.

Cottage cheese is the basis of many diet options, as it has the ability to be easily absorbed by the body, while saturating it with a variety of vitamins and minerals. Such a diet is a mono-diet, which is low in carbohydrates and high in protein. The diet involves the use of 0.5 kg of cottage cheese throughout the day, evenly distributing it into 5 parts. There are options where the diet includes other dairy products, fruits, vegetables. There should be a lot of fluids in the body, it is better if green tea and rosehip infusion are added to the diet.

The menu can include a variety of recipes from such a product. If you follow all the rules, you can easily lose extra pounds, while the body will not suffer from a lack of proteins and essential minerals, unlike other mono-diets.

Pros and cons of the cottage cheese diet

Among the advantages of cottage cheese nutrition are:

  • Cottage cheese contains methionine, which is indispensable for the health of the body. Methionine is an amino acid that performs a building function.
  • The presence of a large amount of calcium;
  • The presence of vitamins A, B2 and D.

Due to its beneficial properties, cottage cheese can improve the condition of hair, skin, nail plates, as well as strengthen bone tissue.

Important! Cottage cheese with regular use improves the condition of pregnant women, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, arthrosis, gallbladder disease. It is also important that the product is able to reduce blood sugar in people who suffer from diabetes.

Despite all the useful properties, this product has a rather unpleasant drawback. Compared to other dairy products, it spoils quickly, and therefore, E. coli can appear and develop in it. It is imperative to be sure that the product has been prepared under the proper conditions. It is also better not to buy cottage cheese in stores, as unscrupulous manufacturers enrich it with vegetable fats, which excludes the possibility of using it during a curd diet.

Diet Rules

A diet on cottage cheese for weight loss of 10 kg is possible only if you fully follow the rules and recommendations. For the most effective weight loss, a diet based only on cottage cheese is intended.

In addition to it, it is allowed to use:

  • Bran;
  • egg mixtures;
  • Hercules;

This option is extreme, so it is often forbidden to use it for a long time. The maximum period of such a curd diet is 3 days. Lighter and healthier curd diets are considered 3-day and 7-day, which also allow you to quickly get rid of extra pounds.

3 day cottage cheese diet

The 3-day system has two options. The first of them involves the use of 0.8 kg of fat-free cottage cheese, which should be divided into 5 equal parts and consumed every 2-3 hours.

Important! This option has a significant advantage, which is manifested in the complete absorption of calcium by the human body.

During the diet, the use of sugar and any products that contain it is prohibited. It is allowed to drink liquids, including:

  • Water with the addition of lemon juice;
  • Coffee;
  • Tea (preferably green).

The second method of the 3-day curd diet involves the use of 1 kg of cottage cheese per day in combination with other products. This option allows you to play sports during weight loss.

An exemplary cottage cheese diet menu is as follows:

7 day cottage cheese diet

A curd diet designed for a week is more sparing, since it is allowed to use not only cottage cheese. Such a diet allows you to get a beautiful figure, strengthen your teeth, and also improve skin condition, while the feeling of hunger will not manifest itself as much as with other dietary restrictions.

During weight loss, it is allowed to use not only raw cottage cheese, but also a variety of dishes with it. Various curds, cheesecakes or casseroles perfectly diversify the menu. Stores are enriched with various curds, but, most often, they contain unhealthy substances, so it is better to refuse them. Each breakfast should contain 200 grams of cottage cheese in any form, and lunch - 100 grams of cottage cheese.

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Grapefruit - 1 pc. Egg - 2 pcs. Beef boiled or steamed - 100 grams

Vegetable salad (it is allowed to season with vegetable or olive oil)

Infusion based on wild rose

Tuesday Grapefruit - 1 pc.

Green tea, coffee or herbal tea

Boiled chicken fillet - 100 grams Fish fillet baked or boiled

Carrot salad (it is allowed to season with vegetable or olive oil)

Decoction of herbs

Wednesday Grapefruit - 1 pc.

Green tea, coffee or herbal tea

Egg - 2 pcs. Chicken fillet boiled or baked

Tomato and bell pepper salad (it is allowed to season with vegetable or olive oil)

Decoction based on wild rose

Thursday Grapefruit - 1 pc.

Green tea, coffee or herbal tea

Fillet of low-fat fish baked Cauliflower salad (it is allowed to season with vegetable or olive oil)

Tea (preferably green)

Friday Grapefruit - 1 pc.

Green tea, coffee or herbal tea

Boiled squids Soup based on vegetables

Rosehip decoction

Saturday Grapefruit - 1 pc.

Green tea, coffee or herbal tea

Hard boiled egg - 2 pcs. Low-fat baked fish

Lettuce salad (it is allowed to season with vegetable or olive oil)

Tea (preferably green)

Sunday Grapefruit - 1 pc.

Green tea, coffee or herbal tea

Chicken fillet baked or boiled - 100 grams Salad of cucumber and various greens (it is allowed to season with vegetable or olive oil)

Tea (preferably green)

A variety of diet options for cottage cheese

The diet has many different options. The most popular of them are the cottage cheese diet based on cottage cheese and kefir, cottage cheese and fruits, or cottage cheese and vegetables.

Curd-kefir diet

A cottage cheese diet combined with kefir is a rather tough diet, but it allows you to get rid of 5-6 kg in 7 days. In addition, the body will be saturated with calcium, which speeds up metabolic processes, prebiotics, which will improve the digestive process in the body.

Important! The diet is very strict, so sports should be excluded. But you can do Pilates or yoga.

The diet menu includes:

  • Fat-free kefir - 1000 ml;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 0.4 kg;
  • Fruits (no more than two). Better unsweetened apples, strawberries, grapefruit or orange.

Cottage cheese and fruit diet

The most delicious type of curd diet is the curd-fruit diet. It is less rigid in comparison with the previous version.

Every day you should use:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 400 grams;
  • Any fruit - 1 kg.

This method can be either a fasting day, or it can be used for a long time. The diet is pretty easy to follow.

Cottage cheese and vegetable diet

A cottage cheese diet combined with vegetables is a good option for healthy people. During weight loss, only fat-free cottage cheese and vegetables are allowed (without heat treatment). Dinner must be no later than 6 pm. The use of salt and sugar is prohibited in any form.

A sample menu for each day looks like this:

  • Fat-free cottage cheese - 0.2 kg;
  • Fresh vegetables - 1 kg;
  • Meat boiled or baked - 40 grams;
  • A small amount of oil;
  • 1.5 liters of juices or decoctions, tinctures.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 3 minutes


Cottage cheese diets are one of the most useful diets and can rightly be called a salvation for those who have long dreamed of a slim figure. Cottage cheese is very often one of the main components of many diets, and this is no accident, because cottage cheese contains a very impressive amount of nutrients needed by the body, so that during a curd diet your body will not lack useful elements.

Pros and contraindications of the cottage cheese diet

For a diet, cottage cheese of 9% fat content and below is well suited, such cottage cheese is considered low-calorie and in terms of useful properties it is not inferior even to rustic cottage cheese.

The composition of cottage cheese includes calcium, which is rightfully considered the secret of female beauty. Regular consumption of cottage cheese in food has a positive effect on hair health and bone tissue strengthening. And cottage cheese also contains protein, so cottage cheese perfectly saturates the body during a diet and satisfies the feeling of hunger. Cottage cheese contains vitamins A and B2, which improve visual acuity, and vitamin D has a positive effect on the body's metabolic processes.

But it should be remembered that a diet with the inclusion of a large amount of cottage cheese is contraindicated in those who suffer from bowel disease. Allergy sufferers should also not get involved in cottage cheese diets. For allergy sufferers, the amount of cottage cheese consumed per day should not exceed 250g and it should be consumed no more than 3 times a week.

It is also worth remembering that cottage cheese should be stored correctly. Spoiled and improperly stored cottage cheese can cause food poisoning.

The cottage cheese diet belongs to short-term diets, so it is not worth prolonging the diet for more than 5-7 days.

Curd diet options

mono diet

This diet is suitable for those who want in the shortest possible time. The term of this diet is 5 days, 0.5-1 kg is dropped every day.

For one day of the diet, you need to consume no more than 300 g of cottage cheese, and various additives in the form of sugar, salt, honey, fruits are excluded. The total amount of cottage cheese should be divided into 5-6 parts that you will consume during the day.

During the diet, you should also drink more water. Up to 2 liters during the day. Plain water, mineral water without gas and unsweetened green tea will do.

Such a diet is considered quite difficult, and not everyone can withstand it. But having parted with unwanted kilograms, you will strengthen your willpower and the seas will be nothing to you.

But if you still doubt that you can last all five days, you can limit yourself to three, while the diet should be the same.

Curd-kefir diet

With such a diet, your daily diet is 300 g of cottage cheese, as in a mono-diet, and 1.5 liters of 1% or low-fat kefir. There should be no more than six meals per day, and kefir and cottage cheese should alternate.

This diet can be followed for 5 to 7 days. During the diet, you can lose 5-8 kilograms. This diet allows you to get enough protein, so you will not feel dizzy or drowsy during it. Athletes often like to follow such a diet.

Cottage cheese and fruit diet

This diet is very good to use in the warm season, when there are a lot of different fruits on sale. Moreover, absolutely any berries and fruits are suitable for a diet: apples, grapes, blueberries, bananas, oranges, grapefruits and others.

Three times a day you need to eat a serving of cottage cheese (a portion of no more than 150 g), and cottage cheese can be flavored with fruits (no more than 100 g) and two more times a day, eat a separate portion of fruit no more than 300 g, and if it is high-calorie fruits like banana or grapes , then 200g.

Such a diet is designed for 5-7 days, during which you can lose up to 10 kg. Fresh fruits contribute to the fact that toxins are removed from the body, and therefore weight loss is much more intense.

Cottage cheese and vegetable diet

Cottage cheese can be quite successfully combined with any vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, which in itself is not a dietary product. During the diet, it is best to eat raw vegetables or stewed, but without the addition of salt and spices, the best option would be to flavor the stewed vegetables with lemon juice and fresh herbs.

On the day you need to eat 300g of cottage cheese and 500g of fresh vegetables. It is best to alternate meals. So, lunch, dinner, you can eat cottage cheese, and for an afternoon snack and brunch - vegetables.

Such a diet is very effective in reducing weight and saturates the body with vitamins.

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