Because of which there is no menstruation for a long time. Delay of menstruation. Why doesn't my period start? What threatens frequent delays in menstruation

Faced with a delay in menstruation, every woman begins to worry: is she pregnant. Naturally, the first thing she does in this case is run to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test. Let's say the test came back negative. First, the woman will calm down: there is no pregnancy. And then? Then, for sure, she will wonder what are the reasons for the delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy.

Before proceeding to the study of the possible causes of the delay, it is worth considering the very mechanism of the occurrence of menstruation, as well as finding out what the menstrual cycle is. Unfortunately, many girls and women do not know the structure of their own body well enough. Let's eliminate illiteracy.

The menstrual cycle is a continuous process in a woman's body that provides reproductive functions. This process starts, oddly enough, in the head. The cerebral cortex is responsible for menstruation. Unfortunately, scientists have not yet been able to find out which part of it controls the process. However, for us now it is not so important. It is important that the cerebral cortex transmits information to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Both produce important hormones that regulate the functioning of the uterus and ovaries. In addition, it is the pituitary and hypothalamus that are responsible for the work of many other secretion glands, which are also involved in the menstrual cycle.

The cycle traditionally begins to count from the first day of menstruation. Its average duration is 28 days, although, as you know, each organism is individual, and it is considered the norm cycle time from 21 to 35 days. The most important factor in this matter is, however, cycle regularity, not its duration. The first half of the cycle is reserved for the maturation of the next egg and the preparation of the body for conception: the bursting follicle forms the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone. Together with tarragon, progesterone prepares the uterus for the implantation of a fertilized egg: there is a thickening of the endometrium - the mucous layer of the uterus.

If fertilization occurs and the fetal egg is implanted in the mucous layer, there is a complete natural delay in menstruation, which continues until the end of pregnancy, and if a woman is breastfeeding, then a little longer. And if the egg is not fertilized, then the corpus luteum stops producing progesterone and begins to gradually decrease, the mucous layer of the uterus is rejected and comes out in the form of menstruation. Exfoliation of excess mucus inevitably damages the blood vessels, which causes bleeding.

Causes of delayed menstruation other than pregnancy

The first menstruation - menarche - begins in a girl at about 12-14 years old. Since the hormonal background has not yet been established in adolescents, in the first 1-2 years, the girl’s cycle is usually not regular. However, in 2 years it should settle down, and later, delays in menstruation other than pregnancy should cause anxiety in the girl. A delay is considered a situation when the monthly delay is more than 5 days. 1-2 times a year, such delays are quite normal, but if they bother you more often, then you should consult a doctor and find out what is their cause.

Ovarian dysfunction

When a woman comes to the doctor with a complaint about an irregular cycle, many doctors diagnose her with ovarian dysfunction .. However, it should be understood that ovarian dysfunction is an irregular cycle and a constant delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy. That is, with this diagnosis, the doctor only states the current situation. And the causes of dysfunction can be very different, and it is very important to determine the specific cause of the delays.

Stress and physical activity

The most common causes of delayed menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, are a variety of nervous tension, stress, and the like. Difficult work environment, exams, family problems - all this can cause a delay. A woman's body perceives stress as a difficult life situation in which a woman should not give birth yet. It is worth taking care of changing the situation: contact a family psychologist, change jobs or learn to relate to the situation easier, and the like. Keep in mind that overwork and lack of sleep is also a great stress for the body.

Excessive physical activity also does not contribute to the regularity of the menstrual cycle. It is known that professional athletes often experience problems with a delay in menstruation and even with childbearing. The same problems haunt women who have swung at physically demanding work. It is better to leave it to men.

But do not think that moderate fitness or morning jogging can affect the situation. An active lifestyle has not interfered with anyone yet. We are talking about excessive loads under which the body works for wear and tear.

climate change

Often, women who spend holidays away from home experience a delay in menstruation. A sharp change in climate is also a stressful situation for the body. In addition, the cause of the delay may be excessive exposure to the sun or the abuse of the solarium. By the way, an excessive amount of ultraviolet radiation in a woman's life can cause much more unpleasant consequences, up to skin cancer.

Weight problems

Scientists have long found out that adipose tissue is directly involved in all hormonal processes. In this regard, it is easy to understand that the reasons for the delay in menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, can also be covered in problems with weight. Moreover, both excess and lack of weight can provoke a delay.

The fat layer, in case of excess weight, will accumulate estrogen, which negatively affects the regularity of the cycle. With insufficient weight, everything is much more difficult. Prolonged fasting, as well as weight loss below 45 kg, is perceived by the body as an extreme situation. The survival mode is turned on, and in this state, pregnancy is highly undesirable. In this case, not only a delay in menstruation is possible, but also its complete absence - amenorrhea. Naturally, problems with menstruation disappear with the normalization of weight.

That is, plump women need to lose weight, skinny women need to gain weight. The main thing is to do this very carefully. A woman's nutrition should be balanced: food should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and trace elements. Any diet should be moderate, not debilitating. It is better to combine them with moderate physical activity.


Acute intoxication of the body also provokes a delay in menstruation. Alcohol, tobacco, drug addiction - all this has an extremely negative effect on the state of the reproductive system. The same reaction of the body can cause long-term work in hazardous chemical industries.

If the doctor names intoxication as the reason for the delay in menstruation, then you will need to refuse stimulants, or think about changing jobs.


It makes sense to check with mom and grandmother if they had similar problems. If they were, then perhaps the whole thing is in heredity. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to establish the exact cause of hereditary problems with the menstrual cycle.

Gynecological causes of delayed menstruation

Often the causes of delayed menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, lie in various gynecological diseases.

So, a delay in menstruation is caused by various tumor formations: uterine fibroids, cysts, cervical cancer. In addition, various enametriosis and endometritis, adenomyosis, infectious and inflammatory processes in the urinary-genital system. An incorrectly installed spiral can cause a delay.

It is especially important to diagnose tumors in time, both benign and cancerous, as they need urgent examination and treatment. Otherwise, the outcome can even be fatal. However, inflammatory processes need timely treatment, as they can also have the most deplorable consequences. including infertility.

Miscarriages and abortions

Miscarriages and abortions also affect the menstrual cycle. Firstly, termination of pregnancy causes a rapid and abrupt restructuring in the body, especially in the hormonal background. In addition, curettage inevitably damages the lining of the uterus. Both of these cause a delay in menstruation. Within a few months after an abortion or miscarriage, the menstrual cycle returns to normal. If any strange discharge appears or the cycle does not set over time, it makes sense to consult a doctor again.

Taking hormonal contraceptives

Another factor that affects the menstrual cycle is hormonal contraceptives. Due to the hormones they contain, they regulate the menstrual cycle, subordinating it to the rhythm of taking pills. After a woman refuses pills, some cycle disturbances may occur for several months due to changes in hormonal levels.

Emergency hormonal contraceptives are usually a forced measure. However, it should not be abused either. After all, we are again talking about a sharp change in hormonal levels, which never goes unnoticed.

polycystic ovary syndrome

In some cases, a pathology such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can cause a delay in menstruation, in addition to pregnancy. Under this name, serious hormonal disorders associated with disruption of the ovaries are hidden, the production of tarragon and androgens increases. In addition, the disease is characterized by a violation of the pancreas and adrenal cortex.

Often this diagnosis can be made simply by the appearance of a woman. Due to the increased production of androgens, she is often overweight, she has male pattern hair, that is, on the upper lip, on her legs, excessive hair growth in the groin area, and so on. However, the appearance is, after all, not a 100% indicator. So, in Eastern women, facial hair is a consequence of their national characteristics, and not of any violations. So, in any case, it is necessary to do tests.

Of course, PCOS can lead to infertility, but there is no need to worry, because this condition is quite easily treated with hormonal drugs. As a result of taking medications, not only the work of the ovaries is restored, but also the appearance of the patient improves. Most often, women with polycystic ovary syndrome are prescribed a course of hormonal contraceptives. They restore the normal amount of female sex hormones in the body, which leads to the normalization of the cycle and the disappearance of other symptoms.

Non-gynecological causes of delayed menstruation

The reasons for the delay in menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, may not lie in gynecological diseases. As you remember, the cerebral cortex, pituitary gland and hypothalamus are responsible for regulating the cycle. Thus, disruption of the brain can also affect the menstrual cycle.

In addition, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands and other diseases of the endocrine system. As a rule, in this case, a woman also encounters other unpleasant symptoms, from weight problems to a deterioration in well-being.


Many drugs, especially anabolics, antidepressants, diuretics, anti-tuberculosis and other drugs. Therefore, if a delay in the menstrual cycle occurs while taking new drugs from the above or any others, it makes sense to consult a doctor. If possible, it is worth replacing the drug with another one that will not cause such consequences.


Older women may suspect menopause as the cause of delayed menstruation, except for pregnancy. On average, around the age of 50, women begin to feel changes in their body: periods become irregular, their intensity changes, and much more. All this suggests that the fertile (reproductive) period in a woman's life is coming to an end. The production of progesterone and other female hormones decreases, which causes all the changes listed above.

Over time, a woman's periods completely stop. I would like to warn women who assume the onset of menopause: do not immediately abandon contraception, because before menstruation disappears completely, there is a certain period when the cycle in women is irregular. Sometimes the body misses 1-2 months, after which menstruation resumes. There is a risk of unwanted pregnancy. At this age, it is rare that a woman is ready to give birth, and even now it can be dangerous for both the mother and the child.

Among other things, due to the fact that menopause is associated with serious changes for women, they often do not recognize the onset of pregnancy, associating all the symptoms with a new period in their life. There were cases when women found out about their pregnancy directly during childbirth. In order to avoid such situations, it must be remembered that even after a woman begins menopause, she still remains a woman, which means she must be attentive to her body and monitor everything that happens in it.

What are the dangers of constant delays in menstruation

By itself, a delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy, is not dangerous, the causes that cause this symptom are much more dangerous. It is very important to track in the early stages many of the diseases of which a delay can be a symptom. In addition, the woman herself is much more comfortable when her cycle is regular. This allows you to more reliably plan your own life, and even diagnose pregnancy at an earlier date. And in some cases it is very, very important.

As you can see, there can be a huge number of reasons for delaying menstruation, other than pregnancy, and you yourself are unlikely to be able to determine what the actual reason is. It is better to consult a doctor so that he can conduct all the necessary tests and studies and make a diagnosis.

After that, the gynecologist will prescribe the treatment that best suits you or refer you to the appropriate specialist, depending on the causes of the disease: endocrinologist, oncologist, and so on. The main thing is not to worry ahead of time. In most cases, the situation is not so serious.

Common causes and gynecological. What causes a delay in menstruation in mature women. The maximum periods of delay in different life periods of a woman.

The normal duration of the menstrual cycle falls within the range of 21 - 35 days. If menstruation regularly comes on time, but there are occasional delays of 5 days, you should not worry. Short breaks can be the result of stress, illness, climate change, and other factors.

Long delays in the onset of bleeding signal physiological changes or functional failures of the body. If you do not take into account menarche, pregnancy and menopause, the causes of menstrual irregularities can be quite serious.

Why do women have a delay in menstruation: all reasons except pregnancy and menopause

If a patient complains to a gynecologist about irregular MC, she may be diagnosed with ovarian dysfunction. But this term is generalized and under it are hidden all the reasons for the constant delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy.

The current situation requires correction, so the doctor needs to figure out why a particular woman’s menstruation does not start on time.


When menstruation is irregular, it is first necessary to study the genetic factor. To do this, the girl should ask the women of her family how their periods are going. If a mother, sister or grandmother shares her problems with the female part, the guilty factor will be revealed in the form of heredity.


If a woman took a pregnancy test, and it showed a negative answer, you should remember if there were stresses and nervous tension in life. Problems at work, family worries, anxiety before an exam or an important event - all this leads to delays.

Acutely reacting to stress, the body begins to work so that the woman could not become pregnant. Preparations for the correction of MC in this case are useless. A job change, a conversation with a psychologist, a positive attitude and the ability to look at life easier will help to improve the situation.

Physical exercise

Wear and tear, overwork, chronic overwork and lack of sleep harm not only the reproductive system, but the entire body. Sports activities also make the onset of menstruation problematic.

But if a woman runs in the morning, periodically visits the pool, does morning exercises, dances, such activity will benefit her. Only excessive loads that take away all forces are unacceptable.

Climatic conditions

Staying in a different time or climate zone creates stress for the body, even if it is a pleasant vacation in an exotic country.

Prolonged exposure to the scorching sun, as well as frequent visits to the solarium, is dangerous for the body. Receiving an excess of ultraviolet radiation, it begins to work incorrectly in all directions, affecting the gynecological sphere.


Drug addiction, abuse of alcohol and smoking, work in hazardous chemical production and taking certain medications negatively affect reproductive functions.

If the doctor confirms that the causes (or more) were various forms of poisoning, it is necessary to review the lifestyle and course of treatment and consider the option of a new job with gentle conditions.

Being overweight or thin

Weight problems, like other internal factors, disrupt the stability of the MC. Excessive thinness or excessive fullness leads to delays in menstruation, for the reason that adipose tissue is actively involved in hormonal processes. Its excess contributes to the accumulation of estrogen, which makes menstruation irregular.

With a low weight (below 45 kg), the body works in extreme conditions, showing concern for survival. Pregnancy in an exhausted body is an undesirable phenomenon. The body tries to protect itself from it through a delay or complete absence of menstruation.

Thus, if a thin girl or a lady with too curvaceous forms reflects on why I have a delay in menstruation if I am not pregnant, she can be advised to adjust the weight. A thin woman should recover at least up to 50 kg, a fat woman should lose those extra pounds. The nutrition scheme should be designed so that vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, and proteins are present in the daily diet. A moderate diet is recommended to be combined with light physical activity.

A delay in menstruation can be provoked by diseases such as chronic gastritis, pyelonephritis, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, duodenitis. Pathologies of the adrenal glands also affect the duration of the menstrual cycle.

Gynecological causes of delayed menstruation

When studying the question of why there is a delay in menstruation (all reasons except pregnancy and menopause), it is necessary to pay attention to gynecological diseases. Bleeding may begin later with the development of an oncological tumor or cyst.

The menstrual cycle loses its regularity for other reasons:

  • Adenomyosis.
  • Endometritis.
  • Polycystic.
  • Vaginitis.
  • Adnexitis.
  • Cervicitis.
  • Salpingoophoritis.
  • Polyps.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Hyperplasia or hypoplasia of the endometrium.
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

uterine fibroids

A tumor of a benign nature is formed in the uterus as a single or multinodular. Oncological elements are located inside the organ and on its surface. After a short bleeding, the next menstruation may be delayed by 2 to 3 weeks or a month.


The tissue of the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus) grows so much that it passes to the tubes, ovaries and captures the organs of the peritoneum.

Periods are delayed due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes clogged with abnormal tissue. However, endometriosis does not interfere with an ectopic pregnancy that develops in one of the fallopian tubes. On menstrual days, a woman has false periods, which are a bloody daub.

Additional symptoms in endometriosis and ectopic pregnancy include nausea, vomiting, pain on the side of the abdomen where the fertilized egg stopped.

Polycystic ovaries

The presence of multiple cysts on the surface or inside the ovaries is diagnosed as polycystic. Pathology may be asymptomatic. It is discovered by chance when the patient comes for examination with complaints of a prolonged absence of menstruation (more than 30 days).


Inflamed uterine mucosa causes hypomenstrual syndrome. Regular menstruation with endometritis is not. Critical days come spontaneously with an interval of 5 to 8 weeks. With a complex form of the disease, menstruation occurs no more than 4 times a year.

endometrial hyperplasia

Due to hormonal disorders and diseases of the endocrine glands, the mucous layer of the uterus thickens abnormally. Patients note long delays, after which heavy periods begin.


Pathological growths on the legs are formed in the endometrium or on the cervix. The presence of polyps can be suspected by delays in monthly bleeding followed by profuse discharge. Without timely removal, polyps turn into malignant tumors.

Hypoplasia of the endometrium

The underdeveloped uterine mucosa is too thin to hold the egg, which is trying to fix itself on the wall of the reproductive organ. As a result, the pregnancy is terminated at the very beginning, without having time to manifest itself with characteristic signs. But at the same time, the critical days are late, and before them, the genital tract expires.

The development of hypoplasia has its own reasons:

  1. Hormonal disorders.
  2. Operations on the reproductive organs.
  3. Inflammatory processes of the small pelvis.


The disease is characterized by inflammatory processes that affect the uterus, ovaries, tubes. Causes ovarian dysfunction and delayed menstrual bleeding.


This is an inflammation of the cervix. It spreads to the uterus and appendages. Causes menstrual dysfunction.

It is impossible not to treat inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. They are dangerous for infertility and the development of tumors. Oncological changes can occur in the mammary glands. In addition to the delay in menstruation, it is necessary to pay attention to symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, malaise, and unusual vaginal discharge.

Delayed periods in women over 40

Let's figure out what happens after 40 years of delayed menstruation in mature women. Closer to 45 years, the body begins to prepare for the onset of menopause. The ovaries produce fewer hormones, ovulation occurs less frequently, and menopause eventually occurs. It is preceded by a delay in menstruation and a change in the usual duration of critical days. Menstruation goes longer or vice versa, it becomes very.

If there is a pregnancy, a woman should consult a doctor and tell her how long the problem of delayed menstruation has been bothering her and ask what to do. First of all, the gynecologist will offer the patient to undergo a complete examination to determine if there is a tumor in the body or an endocrine or gynecological disease.

If a woman is 43 years of age or older, she may be recommended a home test to determine the level of follicle-stimulating hormone. The principle of working with it does not differ from tests designed to diagnose pregnancy and establish the date of ovulation. An outpatient FSH test will help determine premenopause.

At the age of 44, if a woman does not know why there may be a delay in menstruation other than pregnancy and the extinction of reproductive function, it is necessary to remember which pills were taken, whether there were episodes of a long-term illness, whether there were problems with the respiratory system. Menstruation is destabilized by antibacterial agents and Aspirin. To restore the body, the doctor will prescribe vitamin therapy. But this is the case when there are no symptoms of a real menopause.

Hormonal disorders associated with the extinction of childbearing function are corrected with the help of hormonal drugs, physiotherapy procedures and ultraphonophoresis. Special gynecological massage for patients with delayed menstruation is done for diseases such as:

  • Spikes.
  • Bend / displacement of the uterus.
  • Stagnation in the pelvis.
  • Painful menses.
  • Pathologies of an inflammatory nature that have passed into the stage of chronicity.

The purpose of gynecological massage is to return the uterus to its normal position, improve blood supply to that part of the abdominal cavity where the internal genital organs are located, soften scars, restore tissue metabolism and lymph flow. Patients undergo at least 10 procedures. The duration of each session is 10-15 minutes.

The biggest delay in menstruation is how much?

Consider such a question as the maximum delay in menstruation without pregnancy (it is clear that during the development of the fetus there are no physiological bleeding for 9 months).

In young girls who do not have sex, delays are usually associated with hormonal changes in the body. Critical days come on time or are late for one and a half to two years. Further, the cycle should be rhythmic. After menarche, delays can be anything, but the main thing is that after 2 years the situation will improve.

The next stage is the postpartum period. The cycle resumes after 1.5 - 2 months. Those discharges that women see after the birth of a child are not menstrual. They are called lochia. But even if there is no menstruation after childbirth for 2-3 months, this is not considered a pathology. To make sure that everything is in order inside, and the body is not yet ready for monthly bleeding, a consultation with a gynecologist will help.

During lactation, menstruation does not go. The hormone prolactin is responsible for the production of breast milk. It also delays ovulation, without which the onset of menstruation becomes impossible. While mommy is breastfeeding the baby only and practices frequent attachment, prolactin is produced a lot. Usually periods are delayed by 3 to 6 months. However, there are also cases when there is no bleeding for 2-3 years. It is normal if a woman continues to feed her growing baby with her own milk.

The shortest delay of 1 - 3 or 5 days occurs in the anovulatory cycle. This means that in a particular month, the egg did not mature.

If it so happened that conception occurred, but the child was unwanted, the woman goes for an abortion. The uterus gets rid of the embryo and the question arises, how long can there be a delay in menstruation without pregnancy after an abortion (or spontaneous miscarriage if the embryo has not taken root).

Both situations provoke a powerful hormonal failure and a delay in menstruation for 10 to 14 days. If the critical days do not come longer, you need to consult a doctor and exclude complications.

At the age of 40 - 50 years, the lack of timely menstruation is due to a decrease in the production of sex hormones. The lack of estrogen and progesterone starts the mechanism of the extinction of the reproductive function. Delays in menstruation in women over 40 years of age are spasmodic, i.e. no bleeding for 2-4 months. or gradually increasing. The withering period lasts about 6 years.

Why there is no menstruation is a question that should be sorted out. Delay is a dysfunction of the body. The absence of menstruation even for a few days leads to great stress for the body. Some associate it with pregnancy, while others experience less joyful emotions and even fear.

Menstruation is a natural process in the female body, which provides reproductive functions. The cerebral cortex transports information to the pituitary and hypothalamus, after which hormones are produced that are responsible for the functioning of the uterus. They are also responsible for the work of other organs involved in menstruation.

The cycle is counted from the beginning of the first day of menstruation. It lasts for 28 days. But the cycle of 21-35 days is also considered the norm. An important factor is the regularity, not the duration.

The first menstruation begins in adolescents at the age of 11-15. Due to the fact that in young girls the hormonal background has not yet been established, at first the cycle may be irregular. At the end of this period, there should be no monthly failures. If they do, then it should worry the girl.

  • change of taste;
  • sensitivity to smells;
  • the occurrence of nausea, vomiting;
  • great drowsiness;

It is impossible to reject pregnancy even if there was an interrupted sexual intercourse, contact on “dangerous” days using a condom or other contraceptives. None of the options provide 100% protection.

You can determine pregnancy using. They can be carried out immediately on the first day of the delay. If there are two lines on the test within the first 10 minutes, the result is positive. If the second strip occurs over time, then such an answer is not true. To make sure you are pregnant, you should do the test again after 3 days or take a blood test for hCG.

Other reasons

Gynecology divides all causes into the following groups: physiological and pathological. Sometimes the delay can be caused by various factors and does not exceed 7 days. But some conditions can be considered signs of diseases.


Pathological causes of delay include diseases of the reproductive system:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. Additionally, there may be pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Hormonal disorders.
  3. ovaries.

Reasons for delay for physiological reasons:

  1. Stressful situations (dismissal, financial difficulties, quarrels, depression, heavy workload).
  2. A sharp change in the usual way of life (active sports, moving, climate change).
  3. Abrupt withdrawal of contraceptives.
  4. Taking medicines of emergency concentration ("Escapel" and "") can lead to a failure.
  5. postpartum period. During lactation, menstruation can not go up to 6 months. But if they do not come after the end of breastfeeding, you should consult a doctor.
  6. The onset of menopause. After 45 years, there is a natural extinction of the reproductive function. Menstruation becomes irregular.

In all cases, the delay should last no more than 7 days, otherwise it may indicate the development of various diseases.

Not gynecological

The reason for the delay in menstruation may be caused by non-gynecological diseases. Since the cerebral cortex is responsible for regulating the cycle, its violation can manifest itself in the work of menstruation.

This may include:

  • diabetes;
  • thyroid disease;
  • weight problems;
  • colds.

The cause of the failure may be taking any medications.

Is there a danger?

The allowable period for delaying menstruation is ten days. But on condition that the woman is not expecting a child. If the reason is different, then exceeding this period may be a reason to consult a doctor.

To determine the cause, an examination of a woman on a gynecological chair, testing and a complete examination are necessary.

? Read about the causes of prolonged periods, diseases that cause this problem, ways to stop bleeding and the need to see a doctor.

  • Why do blood clots come out during menstruation? Details in .

What to do?

If this situation in a woman is single, you need:

  • proper nutrition;
  • observance of the regime of work and rest;
  • full sleep;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • walks in the open air;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • avoidance of stress.

If the delays are regular, you should consult a doctor.


To correctly establish the cause of the delay in critical days, examinations and examinations may be required:

  • blood donation;
  • measurement of basal temperature.

For diagnosis, sometimes it is necessary to consult other specialists - a nutritionist, an endocrinologist.

The delay in menstruation should not be ignored. Failure in the body can be caused not only by stress and sudden changes in the weather, but also by pregnancy, serious illnesses.

Video on possible causes

When menstruation does not come on time, every second young lady suspects that she is pregnant. But what to do when she has a significant delay in menstruation, and meanwhile the test is negative? And when sexual contacts were absent for a long time, even without medical tests, the likelihood of an “immaculate conception” can be ruled out right off the bat.

The menstrual cycle is a complex physiological process that appears in a woman's life from the onset of puberty and accompanies it until the onset of menopause. At reproductive age, menstruation may be absent only during the bearing of the baby and his breastfeeding. In other circumstances, when there is a delay in menstruation, reasons other than pregnancy can be diverse. Some of them do not require medical support, others become a cause for serious concern. In any case, a consultation with a gynecologist will never be superfluous for a woman who cares about the health and proper functioning of her own reproductive system.

What can be considered a delay in menstruation

Typically, the cycle is set a couple of years after the onset of menarche. Most ladies keep a calendar of menstruation, so they know in advance when to expect their next arrival. A cycle is considered normal, the duration of which ranges from 21-35 days. Its first day is considered the beginning of menstrual bleeding.

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A delay is usually called a violation in the work of the cycle, in which menstruation does not come on the expected date. Twice a year, a similar phenomenon can be observed in every woman, which is the norm. In addition, it is not considered a pathology if bleeding is delayed for less than a week. But when menstruation is late for 10 days or more, this happens with enviable regularity, and there are no signs of pregnancy, except for a delay, you should immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist. The female hormonal background is very vulnerable, highly dependent on the effects of physiological and psychological factors, so only a comprehensive study will determine the exact causes of the delay in menstruation. Timely diagnosis will establish the nature of the anomaly, will make it possible to avoid its further growth, the development of complications.

Major delay factors other than pregnancy

It is important to schedule a visit to the doctor at the first sign of a delay. In addition to pregnancy, the basic reasons that the critical days did not begin in the 10-day period allotted to them may be the following:

The most natural reasons for the absence of menstruation are the hormonal transformation of the body during the period of reaching biological maturity, an increase in the level of prolactin during breastfeeding.

After 40-45 years, menstruation may disappear due to the approach of menopause.

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If a delay in menstruation occurs against the background of drug therapy, a doctor's consultation is required and subsequent adjustment of the prescribed dose of the drug or its replacement with another drug.

Stress stresses

The most common causes of delayed menstruation (if pregnancy is excluded) are stressful loads, psychoemotional imbalances.

The following factors can provoke them:

  • overwork, constant lack of sleep;
  • family conflicts;
  • job change/promotion;
  • exams;
  • excessive physical activity, etc.

Such situations can easily lead to a short-term (and sometimes permanent) failure of the cycle, since the pituitary gland and hypothalamus weakly synthesize sex hormones, and the brain begins to direct all its efforts to suppress stress.

Compulsive states become a colossal stress for the body: fear of an unwanted pregnancy or, conversely, a passionate desire to conceive a baby as soon as possible. It happens that they are supplemented by neuroses, against which the lady develops symptoms characteristic of an “interesting situation”: toxicosis, lack of menstruation, dizziness, etc. Psychotherapeutic consultations and taking sedatives should normalize the woman’s condition and stabilize the menstrual cycle.

Pathological factors

In addition to pregnancy and the reasons described above, a delay in menstruation occurs against the background of health problems associated with:

  • diseases of the reproductive and endocrine systems;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • hormonal pathologies;
  • genetic characteristics of the female body.

Problems of the reproductive organs of the body

The consequence of inflammation of the uterus and ovaries are failures in the production of hormones responsible for the formation of eggs, follicles, endometrium. As a result, in women of reproductive age, it is often inflammatory processes that are the main reasons for the delay. Among other things, they change the characteristics of blood secretions, provoke painful sensations in the lower back and lower abdomen, become provocateurs of infertility, the formation of tumor formations, etc. Similar diseases occur against the background of infection getting inside during unprotected intercourse, uterine injuries during labor , during abortions, with improper hygiene of the genitals.

The most common diseases of the reproductive system:

  • endometritis;
  • endometriosis;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • salpingoophoritis;
  • cervicitis;
  • myoma/polyps of the uterus;
  • polycystic ovaries, etc.

Hormonal disbalance

Disturbances in the production of hormones that are so important for the development of a stable cycle include malfunctions in the functioning of the ovaries, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, and adrenal glands. The deplorable result of such phenomena is irregular menstruation, which is not a sign of menopause, as well as amenorrhea, the cause of which is not pregnancy. The main hormone-dependent diseases that can provoke a delay:

  1. PCOS is a condition where the body is overgrown with cysts formed from glandular cells.
  2. Hyperprolactinemia is an excess of the hormone prolactin.
  3. Hypothyroidism - lack of triiodothyronine and thyroxine (thyroid hormones).
  4. Endometrial pathologies: endometriosis, hypoplasia.
  5. Neoplasms in the uterus: polyposis, fibroids.
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