How is epidermophytosis inguinal transmitted. Epidermophytosis of large folds

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Let's talk about modern treatment inguinal epidermophytosis in men. It is known that this infection more common in men. The inguinal and intergluteal folds are affected, causing itching, discomfort.

Epidermophytosis in men - effective treatment

If the diagnosis is established and the correct medicines are prescribed, then the disease can be cured in a few weeks.

Therapy of inguinal epidermophytosis is carried out with topical drugs.

In some cases, antihistamines are prescribed. Medication is taken orally. To the most effective means refers to: "Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Zodak".

With the onset of the acute phase of exacerbation (with the appearance of bubbles), lotions are used: a solution of silver nitrate (25%) or a solution of resorcinol (1%). Ointment compositions are applied in a complex way: "Triderm", "Mikozolon".

When the skin is cleansed, sulfur-tar ointment is applied or the wounds are lubricated alcohol tincture iodine (2%). Applying an iodine solution, the skin should be without visible damage. Any scratches or abrasions can cause burns.

Antifungal external formulations are used, such as: Lamisil, Nizoral, Mikoseptin. These funds actively fight fungal infection, reduce itching and burning.

It is worth remembering: glucocorticosteroid drugs can damage the skin, contribute to the spread of inflammatory processes!

Causes of pathology

If one person in a family has contracted epidermophytosis, there is a huge possibility of infection for all family members.

The main cause of the disease is in contact of a healthy person with the skin of the patient. Fungal spores of the infection are quite tenacious.

Therefore, infection can be transmitted through bedding or underwear, joint personal hygiene items, with the help of towels, detergent components, medical instruments, pedicure and manicure sets.

The source of infection is often rooms where there is high humidity, for example, baths, swimming pools, saunas.

Obese men who have failures are more likely to get sick normal exchange substances. They sweat profusely or suffer from diabetes.

Epidermophytosis can occur in people suffering from:

  • overweight;
  • weak immune system;
  • oncology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • violation of the dermis in the groin area, it can be cuts, cracks, diaper rash.

If you do not produce timely therapeutic actions, the fungus can affect other parts of the skin layers, including anal passage and scrotum.

Symptoms of this disease

If timely treatment of the disease is not carried out, over time epidermophytosis can turn into chronic stage which will greatly complicate the life of the patient.

Symptomatic manifestations of the disease will flare up constantly, especially in summer.

The main signs of epidermophytosis include intolerable itching. The fungus affects the folds of the groin, thighs and pubis.

The foci of inflammation appear in the form of pink spots, one centimeter in diameter. After some time has passed small spots begin to grow, affecting a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, peeling is observed. With these symptoms, the slightest walking causes discomfort.

Pain is observed when squatting or while swimming. Conducting inadequate hygiene or wearing tight clothes, itching and burning in the groin areas increases.

Symptoms of epidermophytosis include:

  • swelling of the affected areas;
  • redness;
  • the appearance of blisters with a clear or gray liquid.

Represented symptomatic manifestations similar to other diagnoses, such as candidiasis, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, pemphigus. Therefore, the exact conclusion can be determined by a specialist after the examinations.

Is this pathology contagious?

Define accurate diagnosis epidermophytosis is capable of a dermatologist. If there is a severe course of the disease, a mycologist or specialist in fungal diseases will help.

Before starting treatment, the patient is examined by an infectious disease specialist. Sometimes you need to consult a venereologist or immunologist.

For exact definition diagnosis, a blood and urine test is taken, a scraping of scales is taken from the affected groin area. The type of fungus is determined in the laboratory by a specialist mycologist.

This skin infection causes fungus. Its habitat is warm, moist human skin: genitals, thighs and buttocks. Epidermophytosis - contagious disease, which is transmitted by contact with the patient, his personal belongings, where there are scales of the infected epithelium.


Diagnosis of this disease

Dermatologist and mycologist are engaged in diagnostic measures and therapy. When the history of the disease has been collected, the doctor examines the lesions.

Produced laboratory methods of examination. To confirm or refute the diagnostic conclusion is carried out microscopic examination. A scraping is taken from the damaged areas of the body.

To do this, a smear for microscopy is prepared, and the particles under study are seeded on Sabouraud's selective medium.

Incubation of crops is carried out in cooling thermostats for five days..

Wood's lamp is able to exclude other pathologies with similar clinical pictures.

For the treatment of mycoses of the inguinal region, a huge range of different effective drugs. Among them are ointment compositions. If the drugs are used without a doctor's prescription, then you need to follow the instructions.

Instructions will help to avoid complications, will lead to the expected result. An important condition for therapy is personal hygiene.

Consider the most effective ointments:

  1. Antibacterial, antifungal ointment composition "Mikozolon". Consists of hydrochloride, miconazole, mazipredone. The composition is able to eliminate itching, burning, inflammation. The agent is applied in the morning and in the evening on the affected clean skin cover (dried). The course of therapy is no more than 35 days. You can not use "Mikozolon" for tuberculosis of the skin layers, smallpox, herpes, pregnant, lactating women.
  2. Ointment "Triderm" has an antifungal, bactericidal effect. The components of the composition can disrupt the synthesis of ergosterol (an integral part of the fungus). The composition is applied to the infected and adjacent areas of the skin, no more than twice a day. The course of treatment is one month. Ointment is not used for acute forms manifestations of psoriasis, skin tuberculosis, syphilis. Side effects seen in rare cases, sometimes itching, burning, skin pigmentation may appear.
  3. Ointment "Clotrimazole" is used externally to treat skin and mucous membranes that are affected by a fungal infection. Before applying the product, the affected areas of the skin are thoroughly washed and dried. The composition is applied in a thick layer on the red spot. Wrapping is not allowed. The course of treatment is thirty days. The ointment is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women.
  4. The antifungal ointment preparation "Kanespor" contains a lot of active substances, including bifanazole. It inhibits the ergosterol synthesis reaction. Has the property of fast absorption. Therapeutic effect occurs five hours after applying the ointment. The ointment composition is applied to the affected areas of the body at bedtime. Bandages are allowed. To prevent damage to healthy areas of the body, they should be treated with anti-inflammatory creams.
  5. An effective remedy against epidermophytosis is an ointment that consists of the Terbinafine allylamine group. The drug is recommended for use in children over twelve years of age. The medication is applied to previously washed and dried damaged areas of the skin, no more than twice a day. The duration of therapy is two weeks. If there is no improvement after seven days, seek medical attention. medical institution to determine an accurate diagnosis.

Getting rid of at home

Drug therapy of inguinal fungal lesions can be combined with folk therapeutic mixtures. For the treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis in men, ointments, decoctions, and infusions are prepared at home, which effectively eliminate the infection. Therapy traditional medicine represents the use natural ingredients and lots of medicinal herbs.

They are able not only to cure the disease, but to eliminate symptomatic manifestations, inflammation, reduce itching, burning.

Consider the most effective folk recipes against epidermophytosis:

  1. Take dried leaves lingonberries (30 grams), add St. John's wort (20 grams), chamomile inflorescences (10 grams) and eucalyptus (40 grams). Pour the herbs with hot, boiled water, let it brew for 3-4 hours. Strain the mixture. The drug is taken at least three times a day for 125 grams. Well medical measures is one month. Preferably before taking medicinal tincture consult with your doctor.
  2. With epidermophytosis, therapeutic lotions are often used. To prepare the medicine you will need: oak bark, flax-seed, yarrow leaves one hundred grams. All herbs are poured with two liters of boiling water and infused for six hours. After the time has elapsed, strain the mixture, apply for lotions. Initially treat the affected skin with a paste (zinc), then lower cotton swab into the prepared decoction, apply to the growing spot.
  3. The disease will disappear faster if you use the healing birch tincture. To do this, you need to collect fresh green birch leaves, rinse them under running water, cold water. Fold the sheet collection into a container, pour alcohol, the sheet should be completely covered with liquid. The medicine is infused for at least six days. After the time has elapsed, the unique tincture is ready for use. Using a cotton pad soaked in alcohol wounds are rubbed.
  4. Effectively fight the disease of radish grains (black). To do this, the seed is poured with hot, boiled water. The consistency should resemble thick sour cream. The remedy is infused for at least five hours. Apply the medicine to the affected areas of the body in the morning and evening.
  5. Purchase wild garlic. Grind it so that you get a juicy gruel. Spread the mixture on the gauze. Apply a compress to the groin area. Before applying the ointment, treat the affected skin with garlic juice.
  6. Place in a deep container: string, eucalyptus, yarrow, cranberries, St. John's wort, chamomile, oak bark, 25 grams each. Pour all the ingredients with boiled water, let it brew for at least an hour, strain. moisten linen fabric in a mixture and apply to diseased areas of the body, 5-6 times a day.
  7. Celandine is considered one of the best home healers of epidermophytosis. To prepare the mixture, you will need to mix the celandine juice with olive oil. So that the weed plant does not leave burns on skin, stick to the correct proportions: 1:3. Treat the skin with the prepared medicine several times a day.
  8. Get rid of inflammation, redness, itching and burning will help linseed oil. The ointment is very easy to prepare. Pour 50 grams of oil (linseed) into the container, add a drop of fir, eucalyptus, fig, geranium, clove oil. Mix all components thoroughly, rub into the skin affected by a fungal infection, in a circular motion. The procedure is carried out daily, before going to bed.

It is not at all difficult to get rid of the fungal pathogens that led to the formation of epidermophytosis on your own. It is very important to promptly seek help from a medical institution, where an accurate diagnosis will be established and treatment recommended.

Consequences and complications

Dangerous consequences of inguinal epidermophytosis can occur as a result of untimely, inadequate treatment. Then the red spots begin to grow very quickly, uniting with each other, thereby forming one whole huge spot.

Over time, the center of the spot is cleared, and the circumferential part takes the form of an inflamed edge. If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic.

Subsequently, constant exacerbations will be observed, especially in summer.

The consequences of improper therapy will lead to a prolongation of the disease for many years. Spots caused by a fungal infection will regularly be accompanied by severe itching, burning and flaking.

The complications of the disease include:

  • atrophy skin;
  • puffiness;
  • regular pain during sexual intercourse;
  • migraine;
  • frequent occurrence of new relapses;
  • lymphangitis;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • accession of a secondary fungal infection.

Preventive measures

One of the most basic measures aimed at preventing infection with epidermophytosis is to stop contact with the patient. To do this, disinfect all everyday objects and surfaces, bed sheets, towels, manicure accessories.

If the house has a bath, shower or pool, it is necessary to regularly disinfect the premises. To prevent the appearance of inguinal epidermophytosis, carefully follow all the rules of personal hygiene of the body.

The skin must be kept clean and dry. Body wash is antibacterial detergents. Pay special attention to the inguinal areas of the body.

Wear loose clothing. She hinders increased sweating, respectively, and the flourishing of the fungal infection.

For sports, purchase special sports items (shorts, T-shirts, trousers). quality material is able to thoroughly absorb sweat, which will significantly reduce the occurrence of inguinal epidermophytosis.

At frequent use A sports bandage should be washed daily.

Epidermophytosis inguinal disease in men

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Skin lesions in the groin serious problem for both sexes. External signs athlete's groin have a repulsive appearance and require professional treatment. The selection of the drug that needs to treat the disease occurs after determining the type of fungus.

What it is?

Infectious lesions of the skin are often found in men and women. Usually the pathology is caused by a fungus, disease-causing, or being one of the initiating factors. Such diseases are called dermamycosis, in this article we will consider the principles of treatment of one ailment from this group called epidermophytosis.

Statistics claim that isolated skin infection with a fungus occurs in more than 10% of the population. The development of inguinal epidermophytosis is more typical for adult men, as this is facilitated by the presence of large skin folds in the groin area. In women, due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the perineum, inguinal folds smaller and they are not so large, so their disease is less common and easier to treat.

Signs that distinguish inguinal epidermophytosis are the appearance of a pustular rash with ulcers, foci of peeling and itching, pustular pyoderma and patches of erythema. These symptoms are localized:

  • Inguinal and intergluteal folds
  • From the inner thigh
  • On the soft tissues perineal area
  • Around the anus

Photo 1. Inguinal epidermophytosis symptoms

On the early stage the development of the disease in a man, only isolated manifestations are observed in these places, however, the lack of treatment ends with the transfer of infection to other, very unexpected, parts of the body, for example, in axillary region, under the knees, in the elbow bend zone, under the chest and even on the scalp in its scalp.

The reasons

The likelihood of infection increases when there are certain conditions that give the fungus the opportunity to multiply rapidly. As a result of penetration into the surface of the skin a large number microorganisms, the immune system does not have time to fight them, and the symptoms begin to progress rapidly.

We list the main reasons why inguinal epidermophytosis appears in men and women:

  1. The introduction of a pathogen with great pathogenic power.
  2. Loose skin and microtrauma on it.
  3. slow metabolism and weak immunity when the affected tissues do not have time to be updated and rejected.
  4. Regular stay in unsanitary conditions with the introduction of dirt into groin.
  5. Constant high humidity environment.
  6. Sudden changes in the pH of the skin surface.
If at least some of the above reasons exist, when they hit the surface of the epidermis, the fungi "enter fertile ground", where there are all the substances and conditions they need - elements of fatty tissue, sweat, particles of the epithelium.

When treating people with athlete's groin, it is necessary to reconsider their hygiene and other habits in order to prevent a relapse in the future. This is especially true for men, traditionally less serious about personal hygiene. Correction of these factors occurs at home and does not require serious efforts, but allows you to avoid unpleasant manifestations on the skin and prolonged treatment.

If a pathology is detected in a woman, the following possible causes should be analyzed:

  • Vegetative-vascular disorders
  • Metabolic problems caused by thyroid disease in women and a general decline in the endocrine system
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals
  • Presence excessive sweating and her reasons

Predisposing factors leading to the disease are living in hot and humid climatic conditions and weak protective function organism.

Symptoms and signs

Early clinical picture with inguinal epidermophytosis in women and men, it is not much different, but in the case of men, due to the structural features of the inguinal folds, the progress of symptoms is faster.

Generally initial signs largely depends on the type of fungus. For example, when an infection Trichophyton mentagrophytes symptoms increase rapidly and actively, while with other types of pathogen, the signs are blurred, the general dynamics is sluggish, resembling the chronic course of dermatitis, with periodic exacerbations.

At the beginning of the disease, the skin in the groin is covered with small scaly spots, up to 10 mm. They itch and increase in size, gradually merging with neighboring ones. Localization of plaques - in the pubic region, in the lower part of the abdomen, perineum, between the buttocks, in the popliteal fossae.

Photo 2. The process of stain development

As the disease grows and no measures are taken to treat the disease, the size of the spots can grow by almost an order of magnitude - up to 10 cm. In its own way appearance plaques have different shape, but with a clear distinction from healthy epidermis. Along their edge is an inflamed, rising above the skin plane, roller, consisting of many blisters and pustules, inside of which is a cloudy liquid. At the same time, a sinking part is observed in its center, as if slightly depressed.

Photo 3. Signs in a man's groin

The peak of inguinal epidermophytosis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Burning of the affected areas
  • Pain on contact with clothing and movement

After a while, the inflammatory process fades away, due to skin lightening, the spot looks like a reddened circle.

If the disease is not treated, then despite the gradual disappearance of symptoms, there is a high probability that dermatitis will pass into the chronic stage, which means sudden appearance new lesions at any time during later life. This situation leads to serious cosmetic discomfort, especially in women.


In addition to the chronic course, inguinal epidermophytosis, which has not been treated, leads to complications and negative consequences:

  1. Problems with the lymphatic vessels
  2. Secondary infections

To prevent this, having noticed the first symptoms presented in the photo in this article, you should immediately seek the advice of a dermatologist who will examine, diagnose and tell you how and how to treat epidermophytosis.

Treatment for men and women

The start of therapy is necessarily preceded by a diagnosis based on location. skin manifestation inguinal epidermophytosis and other symptoms. The treatment is carried out by a dermatologist who, to clarify the type of fungal agent, takes scrapings from the pathological focus, which are then analyzed.

The basis of treatment is taking pills with active substance calling acute sensitivity mushrooms, and application local fundsointments and creams. Treatment in case of infection for both men and women is the same. Thanks to local processing, it is ensured:

  • Broad antifungal effect
  • Anti-inflammatory effect due to antibiotic therapy
  • Quick care for signs of skin damage

Consider the standard complex treatment of a patient diagnosed with inguinal epidermophytosis, carried out at home:

  1. Application of ointment and cream with antifungal action, prescribe Lamisil, Mikoseptin, Oxiconazole, Econazole, Clotrimazole etc.
  2. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs during acute period. Usually, hormone-based agents are used, for example, glucocorticosteroids. The application goes until the complete suppression of the inflammatory reaction.
  3. Antihistamine treatment is indicated for severe itching, medications are prescribed Tavegil, Suprastin and others.

With epidermophytosis in initial phase useful and efficient folk remedies, for example, lotions based on boiled string or oak bark. Compresses are also recommended clove oil, fir, fig. Quick action folk treatment able to quickly suppress inguinal dermatitis and avoid further therapy.

ICD-10 code

Inguinal epidermophytosis is not singled out separately in the classification, it belongs to several classes of diseases that have the following ICD-10 codes: B35-B49 "Mycosis".


The main thing preventive measure This is daily personal hygiene. Be sure to wipe dry after washing. inguinal zone and all the folds in it.

If epidermophytosis in the groin has occurred, then after treatment it is important to completely disinfect all things and objects with which there was contact during the illness. After the patient has been treated, two next weeks, it is necessary to wipe with a two percent solution of iodine places on the body where there were signs of mycosis, this will prevent a possible relapse.

Athlete's groin is a skin disease caused by a fungus. It most often affects the folds of the skin and adjacent areas. If inguinal epidermophytosis is detected in men, treatment requires an integrated approach for a speedy recovery.


The disease affects both men and women. However large quantity cases are found in men.

The causes of the disease can be conditionally divided into two types:

  • direct infection;
  • secondary transmission of the fungus.

Infection with the fungus occurs both by direct contact of the body with a sick person, as well as with objects that are in use by the commission (towels, linen, washcloths or shoes). At risk of infection are people who are prone to the appearance allergic rashes and the development of skin diseases.

Poor hygiene is the second most common cause of illness.

Symptoms of the disease begin with the appearance of pink spots on the skin.

They can peel off and grow. Over time, the spots grow so large that they merge, forming spots of 10 cm or more in size. Such formations can be obvious signs inflammation, and with him. The color of the spots can vary from red to brown. How to treat, only a doctor can determine, since many diseases have similar symptoms.

The next symptom, which joins the main manifestation of the disease, is severe itching. It must be dealt with, as an innocent symptom can lead to other problems.

Pustules may appear on the surfaces of the spots. They have thin walls and are filled with liquid. Sometimes they burst and purulent discharge comes out. In their place, wet spots form, which can be dangerous to others in close contact. To prevent this from happening, after the rupture of the pustule, the place must be processed.

Dermatologists with experience in appearance can determine the specifics of the disease. However, for the completeness of the data necessary to establish a diagnosis, it is necessary to take a scraping from the skin. This procedure involves taking a small flake of skin, which is then placed in a solution and sent to a special solution, which is an ideal environment for the reproduction of the fungus. One week after scraping laboratory conditions specialists determine the type of microorganism and select the optimal therapy for the treatment of the identified type of pathogen.

In order for the results to be as accurate as possible, you need to prepare for the analysis:

  • do not use antibacterial shower gel, which can lubricate the result;
  • exclude alcohol the day before the procedure, as it can complicate the definition of the fungus;
  • a week before the expected date, stop taking any drugs, as many of them can change the symptoms.

The elementary treatment of the disease is the use of sulfur-tar ointments, for example Wilkinson.

To forget about inguinal epidermophytosis in men, you need to act in a complex way. This requires the following drugs:

To eliminate the fungus, the following ointments are suitable:

  • the cream effectively affects the fungus that provokes the appearance of epidermophytosis;
  • Mycoseptin;
  • Lamisil;
  • Oxyconazole;
  • Cyclopirox.

Ointments are applied until the inflammatory process is completely eliminated.

Places of bursting papules should be treated with Fukortsin or iodine (tincture).

For removal allergic manifestations antihistamines are used: Tavegil, Loratadin or Suprastin.

For those who do not like medications or have their intolerance, suitable folk methods treatment. Eczema in the groin in men is associated with the development of a fungus.

Antifungal therapy can be carried out using natural remedies:

  • eucalyptus leaves;
  • fir needles;
  • poplar buds.

If these fresh ingredients are not available, they can be replaced with essential oils. For use, they are diluted with water and lubricated with lesions from the edges to the center. However, when applying essential oils you need to first try them on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin to prevent allergic reactions.

Suitable for healing lotions:

  • tincture of calendula;
  • tincture of birch buds and poplar.

Almond essence has a strong antifungal effect, which dries a little and disinfects the site of inflammation.

Birch tar can be used to lubricate the affected areas.

In many cases, they have a strong effect herbal preparations. From them, you can prepare decoctions that affect the body from the inside. The following plants are recommended for this:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • juniper;
  • sage;
  • yarrow;
  • Birch buds;
  • eucalyptus;
  • calendula.

They will help relieve itching lotions with a decoction of oak bark or string.

To cope with the manifestations of the disease will help the juice of celandine, which must be mixed with vegetable oil and apply to the affected area of ​​the skin.

Alternative treatment can be combined with taking antihistamines.

Prevention measures

To avoid the disease, you need to follow certain rules that are effective prevention of infection:

  1. Upon contact with patients, care items should be disinfected, linen should be boiled and ironed with a hot iron to eliminate germs.
  2. When visiting swimming pools, saunas and other public places use only your own bath accessories.

Such simple recipes can seriously alleviate the course of the disease, improve the patient's condition and cope with the disease.

  • Epidermophytosis in children and pregnant women: symptoms and treatment of the fungus (drugs, ointments) - video
  • Treatment
  • Treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis: antifungal agents, antimycotics, antihistamines, ointments, etc. Traditional medicine - video
  • Epidermophytosis of the feet: treatment and care of the feet (recommendations from a dermatologist) - video

  • Diagnosis of epidermophytosis

    Diagnosis and inguinal epidermophytosis, and epidermophytosis of the feet is established by the doctor on the basis of examination and study of the nature and location of the rashes. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may ask how the disease proceeded before applying for medical care to establish the characteristic stages and signs mycosis.

    In addition, to confirm the diagnosis, the doctor takes scrapings from the lesions, after which laboratory specialists examine them under a microscope. With epidermophytosis, threads are found in scrapings fungi, which makes it possible to clarify the diagnosis. However, scrapings can be uninformative if taken from damp, weeping skin. Any other diagnostic manipulations, with the exception of scrapings and external examination, are not carried out to confirm epidermophytosis.

    Epidermophytosis - treatment

    Since with epidermophytosis the source infections are various objects and things used by a sick person, then at the same time as the start of therapy, a thorough disinfection and cleaning of the house should be carried out. To do this, carry out wet cleaning of all objects and surfaces with water and vinegar (a tablespoon of vinegar essence per liter of water). Hard-to-reach places are washed especially carefully. Washcloths, pumice and other items that cannot be disinfected are thrown away. All soft junk (towels, linen, clothes, etc.) are washed in hot water at a temperature of 90 o C or boil. Shoes are disinfected as follows - a crumpled newspaper is moistened with 40% formalin or vinegar essence, and lay it inside the boot. Then each shoe is wrapped in newspaper and placed in unventilated boxes. After two days, the shoes are taken out and well ventilated for 24 hours.

    Principles of treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis

    Treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis is carried out in stages. At the first stage of therapy, stop inflammatory phenomena, dry the skin and soothe itching . Further, after the blisters are removed, weeping is eliminated, and the skin becomes dry, etiotropic antifungal therapy is carried out, which is the main complex treatment. If there are no inflammatory elements, weeping and blisters on the skin, then it is possible, bypassing the first stage of anti-inflammatory therapy, to proceed immediately to the second - antifungal treatment. The main treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis is local, that is, a wide range of drugs with anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects are used, which are applied externally to the lesions. In very rare cases, when the process is severe, antifungal drugs are prescribed orally. In general, only drugs that relieve itching or antibiotics are taken orally (if there is a pustular skin lesion due to the addition of a secondary bacterial infection).

    So, at the first stage therapy to stop inflammation and eliminate wetting, lotions are used with a 1 - 2% solution of resorcinol, 0.1% solution of ethacridine lactate, 0.1% solution of chlorhexidine, 0.25% solution of silver or Mycosolone. If the inflammation is very strong (so much so that a person cannot perform normal household chores or go to work), then ointments and creams with glucocorticoid hormones, such as Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone, etc., are used to quickly stop it. Such hormonal agents are used in short courses lasting 2 to 7 days. After completion of hormonal therapy, lotions with the above anti-inflammatory drugs begin to be made. If there are bubbles, then they are pre-pierced with a sterile needle and the liquid is released. Lotions are changed twice a day. For setting lotions, pieces of cotton wool are moistened in any indicated solution and applied to the lesions, fixing with a bandage. When, under the influence of lotions, inflammatory phenomena (redness, swelling, pain, itching) pass, they proceed to the main stage of therapy - the use of antifungal agents.

    At the second stage you can use different antifungals applied externally. Thus, Fukortsin solution, sulfur-tar ointment, sulfur-salicylic ointment, zinc ointment, Wilkinson ointment, tincture of iodine 2% effectively destroy epidermophyton fungi. Also effective for antifungal therapy are modern finished preparations containing antimycotic active substances (ointments, gels, lotions and aerosols containing terbinafine, naftifine, oxiconazole, ketoconazole or bifonazole). The choice of a specific antifungal agent for external use is made by the doctor or the patient himself based on ease of use and personal ideas about the effectiveness of the drugs. Any antifungal drugs are applied to the lesions twice a day, and continue therapy until the symptoms of the infection disappear completely - that is, until the skin acquires a completely healthy and normal appearance (on average from 3 to 6 weeks).

    At the first anti-inflammatory stage of therapy, you can additionally take any antihistamines (for example, Erius, Telfast, Cetrin, Zodak, Parlazin, Suprastin, etc.) to relieve itching, reduce swelling and eliminate allergic manifestations of a fungal infection. If epidermophytosis is complicated bacterial infection with purulent skin lesions initial stage therapy in conjunction with anti-inflammatory lotions necessarily conduct a short course of antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics are used for this. a wide range actions such as Cefalexin, Imipenem, etc.

    Principles of treatment of epidermophytosis of the feet

    Treatment of squamous-hyperkeratotic, intertriginous and dyshidrotic forms carried out in two stages.

    At the first stage with a squamous-hyperkeratotic form, scales and horny layers are removed from the surface of the lesions in order to free the skin from dead tissues. For this, apply various methods detachments, among which detachment according to Arisvich is quite effective. For such a detachment, a composition is prepared containing 12 g of dry powder of salicylic acid, 6 g of lactic acid powder and 82 g of medical white vaseline. The composition is applied to the lesions, closed with a compress and left for two days, after which all exfoliated skin is removed with scraping movements. In addition, for the detachment of scales and horny elements, lactic salicylic collodion can be used, which is prepared at the rate of 10 g of lactic acid powder, 10 g of powder salicylic acid and 80 g of collodion. The lesions are lubricated with ready-made collodion twice a day (morning and evening) for a week, after which 5% salicylic vaseline is applied under a compress at night. In the morning, the compress is removed, the legs soar in a soapy-soda solution, removing the exfoliating epidermis with pumice. If necessary, detachment of scales and horn elements is carried out again.

    After removal of the horny scales, the second (main) stage of treatment of the squamous-hyperkeratotic form of epidermophytosis is started. At the second stage treatment consists in the external application of antifungal ointments, creams, lotions and sprays containing terbinafine, naftifine, oxiconazole, ketoconazole or bifonazole as active substances. These antifungal agents are used until complete disappearance clinical manifestations infections, that is, until the condition of the skin is completely normalized.

    With intertriginous and dyshidrotic forms of epidermophytosis of the feet, anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out at the first stage in order to eliminate inflammatory elements, stop edema and stop weeping. Anti-inflammatory therapy of the first stage is carried out by applying twice a day to the affected areas of the skin lotions with 1 - 2% solution of resorcinol, 0.1% solution of ethacridine lactate, 0.1% solution of chlorhexidine, 0.25% solution of silver or Mycosolone. If the inflammatory elements are strongly pronounced, then you can use a short course hormonal ointments with glucocorticoids (Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone, etc.). Hormonal remedies they are used in short courses lasting 2 to 7 days, and after the end of the period of their use, they begin to make lotions with the above anti-inflammatory drugs. If there are bubbles, then they are pre-pierced with a sterile needle and the liquid is released. When redness, swelling, pain, itching and weeping pass, they proceed to the main stage of therapy - the use of antifungal agents. At the second stage, with intertriginous and dyshidrotic forms of epidermophytosis of the feet, antifungal drugs for external use are used, containing terbinafine, naftifine, oxiconazole, ketoconazole, bifonazole, etc. as active substances. Antifungal therapy is carried out until complete normalization of the skin condition on the feet.

    With advanced infections and very serious condition skin with squamous-hyperkeratotic, dyshidrotic and intertriginous forms of epidermophytosis of the feet, antifungal agents are prescribed for oral administration. However, this is very rare, and oral antifungal drugs should be used only when external agents are ineffective.

    With an erased form of epidermophytosis stop treatment is carried out in one stage, which consists in the use of external antifungal drugs until the disappearance of pathological symptoms.

    With nail epidermophytosis treatment is also carried out in one stage, which consists in taking antifungal drugs inside and applying them externally to the nail. Only local treatment(application of medicines to the nail) will not cure athlete's foot, so if the nails are affected, you should always take antifungal drugs by mouth. With the localization of the fungus on the nails of the fingers, antifungal drugs are taken for 6 to 12 weeks, and for the fungus of the nails of the toes - for 12 to 30 weeks. For treatment, preparations containing griseofulvin, nystatin, itraconazole, ketoconazole, fluconazole, terbinafine as active substances are used. In addition, with nail epidermophytosis, the affected nails should be removed by a surgeon before starting therapy. If this is not possible for any reason, then during the entire period of taking antifungal drugs inside, the damaged nail should be filed daily and soaked with fungicidal liquids, such as salicylic acid solution, iodine, Loceryl or Batrafen varnishes.

    Preparations for the treatment of epidermophytosis

    Currently, the following antifungal agents are used to treat epidermophytosis (the main stage of therapy): medications:

    1. Iodine solutions (for external use).

    2. Antifungal antibiotics for oral administration:

    • Griseofulvin;
    • Amphoglucamine;
    • Levorin (Levoridon);
    • Nystatin;

    3. Antifungal drugs for oral administration:
    • Fluconazole (Diflazol, Diflucan, Medoflucan, Mikomax, Mikosist, Fluconazole, Flucostat, Ciscan, etc.);
    • Itraconazole (Irunin, Itrazol, Itraconazole, Canditral, Orungal, Orunit, Rumikoz, Teknazol);
    • Ketoconazole (Ketoconazole, Mycozoral, Nizoral, Oronazole, Funginok, Fungistab, Fungavis);
    • Terbinafine (Atifin, Binafin, Bramisil, Lamisil, Terbizil, Terbinafine, Terbinox, Terbifin, Tigal-Sanovel, Fungoterbin, Exiter, Exifin).
    4. Antifungal drugs for external use:
    • Isoconazole (Travogen);
    • Clotrimazole (Amyclone, Imidil, Candibene, Candide, Candizol, Kanesten, Kanizon, Clotrimazole, Funginal, Fungitsip);
    • Miconazole (Daktarin, Mikozon);
    • Oxiconazole (Mifungar);
    • Econazole (Ifenek);
    • Naftifin (Mikoderil, Exoderil);
    • Sertaconazole (Zalain, Sertaconazole, Sertamikol);
    • Loceryl;
    • Batrafen;
    • Octicyl;
    • Anmarin;
    • Decamine;
    • Nitrofungin;
    • Fukortsin.
    5. Combined antifungal drugs for external use with anti-inflammatory action:
    • Mycozolon;
    • Mycospor;
    • Pimafukort.

    Ointments for the treatment of epidermophytosis

    Currently, in forms for external use (ointments, solutions, lotions, gels), the following antifungal drugs are produced that are used to treat epidermophytosis:
    • Isoconazole (Travogen);
    • Clotrimazole (Amyclone, Imidil, Candibene, Candide, Candizol, Kanesten, Kanizon, Clotrimazole, Funginal, Fungitsip);
    • Miconazole (Daktarin, Mikozon);
    • Oxiconazole (Mifungar);
    • Econazole (Ifenek);
    • Naftifin (Mikoderil, Exoderil);
    • Sertaconazole (Zalain, Sertaconazole, Sertamikol);
    • Ketoconazole (Ketoconazole, Mycozoral, Nizoral, Oronazole, Funginok, Fungistab, Fungavis);
    • Terbinafine (Atifin, Binafin, Bramisil, Lamisil, Terbizil, Terbinafine, Terbinox, Terbifin, Tigal-Sanovel, Fungoterbin, Exiter, Exifin);
    • Loceryl;
    • Batrafen;
    • Undecylenic acid (Undecin, Zinkundan);
    • Octicyl;
    • Anmarin;
    • Decamine;
    • Nitrofungin;
    • Fukortsin;
    • Mycozolon;
    • Mycospor;
    • Travocort;
    • Triderm;
    • Pimafukort.

    Treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis: antifungal agents, antimycotics, antihistamines, ointments, etc. Traditional medicine - video

    Epidermophytosis of the feet: treatment and care of the feet (recommendations from a dermatologist) - video

    Treatment of epidermophytosis in men and women

    The principles of therapy for epidermophytosis and the drugs used are exactly the same for both men and women.

    Treatment of epidermophytosis at home

    All stages of the treatment of epidermophytosis can be carried out at home, with the exception of removing the nail, if the process affects the nail plates. In all other cases, epidermophytosis can be treated at home, following the stages of therapy.

    Disease prevention

    Prevention of epidermophytosis consists, first of all, in observing the rules of personal

    Inguinal epidermophytosis - common fungal infection skin covers. Places of localization of foci - skin folds. For this reason, the disease has a second name - epidermophytosis of large folds.

    Many men show signs of a fungal infection, but do not know what kind of itchy spots appeared in the inguinal folds. Peeling and weeping skin, vesicles, pustules along the edges of the inflamed areas cause inconvenience. Pathology often flows into a chronic form.


    The majority of patients diagnosed with epidermophytosis groin are men. Women get sick less often. Among children, adolescents, cases of the disease are rare.

    Pathology belongs to the type of dermatomycosis or fungal diseases. The pathogens are transmitted from carriers of the virus to healthy people household contact.

    "Pick up" fungal infection can:

    • in the bath, swimming pool, shower room, gym;
    • when using shared towels, personal hygiene products, washcloths, other people's things, underwear.

    Note! Walking barefoot in a public shower, bath leads to rare form ringworm with inflamed areas on the feet and nails.

    Provoking factors:

    • high humidity;
    • heat;
    • increased sweating;
    • overweight;
    • microtrauma of the epidermis.

    Take note:

    • the development of the fungus contributes to a long stay in a sitting position. Inguinal epidermophytosis often develops in diesel locomotive drivers, drivers of auto and electric transport;
    • high air temperature, accumulation of sweat, secretions sebaceous glands encourages fungal growth. In people of these professions, weeping, flaky areas in the inguinal folds without competent treatment and the preservation of provoking factors can be observed for several years.

    Symptoms and locations

    Characteristic signs of a viral disease:

    • rounded pink spots up to 1 cm in diameter;
    • gradually the formations increase, reach a size of 10 cm;
    • inflamed areas itch, peel off;
    • reddening of the epidermis, small vesicles and pustules are noticeable along the edges;
    • after a while, in the central part of the spot, the inflammatory process weakens, the skin acquires a dark flesh color;
    • infected lesions resemble rings with red edges;
    • when walking there are unpleasant sensations;
    • high humidity, heat provoke severe itching.


    • inguinal folds;
    • inner surface of the thighs;
    • armpits;
    • intergluteal folds.

    AT severe cases inflammation spreads:

    • on the anus;
    • interdigital spaces on the feet.

    Rare cases:

    • in men, a fungal infection of the scrotum was noted;
    • in women, epidermophytosis occurs under the mammary glands. Provoking factors - obesity, high temperature, humidity;
    • epidermophytosis of large folds on the nails is very rare.

    Stages of the disease

    Pathology develops quite quickly. Modern dermatology distinguishes several stages in the course of inguinal epidermophytosis.

    Initial stage:

    • after settling in the epidermis, fungal colonies begin to multiply intensively;
    • the location of the focus of the fungal infection is pink spots with erythematous edges, papules, vesicles.

    Acute stage:

    • the process of formation of a new colony of fungi develops rapidly;
    • the growth of spots on the skin is accompanied by itching. There are weeping areas;
    • gradually in the central part of the spot, inflammation decreases, the skin brightens, pink color turns brown;
    • lesions in the form of rings with red edges itch, cause inconvenience when walking.

    Chronic stage:

    • many patients do not immediately turn to a dermatologist, self-medicate;
    • the disease takes on a protracted character;
    • spots on the skin persist;
    • formations either brighten, then inflame again under the influence high temperature, high humidity, heavy sweating, with frequent stress;
    • periods of exacerbations and remissions depend on the condition immune system presence or absence of provoking factors.

    Running stage:

    • lack of treatment poor hygiene, dust, dirt, sweat complicate the course of the disease;
    • large blisters appear on the skin;
    • accidental damage to the blisters is fraught with infection; such patients undergo an autopsy of blisters in a medical facility;
    • the specialist removes pieces of dead epidermis, treats wounds.

    Treatment of the disease

    The characteristic signs of epidermophytosis of large folds are not a reason to refuse analyzes. A dermatologist or mycologist will prescribe:

    • examination of scrapings from the focus of infection to identify a variety of pathogenic fungi;
    • examination of the affected skin using a Wood's lamp;
    • inoculation of material taken from specific spots on Sabouraud's nutrient medium.

    Treatment fungal disease men and women are almost the same. The weaker sex is advised to shave the groin area to eliminate a suitable environment that provokes the growth of fungi.

    Get rid of pathogenic microflora help special ointments, creams, solutions. Recommended combination drug therapy with the use of folk remedies.

    Note! Treatment will be unsuccessful if hygiene rules are not followed. Wash the affected skin daily, rinse with decoctions of medicinal herbs.


    • apply ointment from the inguinal epidermophytosis "Triderm" to the foci of inflammation;
    • a good effect is given by lotions with a 0.25% solution of silver nitrate, 1% solution of resorcinol;
    • antifungal ointments, creams are required - Zalain, Clotrimazole, Lamisil, Miconazole, Nizoral;
    • sulfur-tar ointments with an active substance of a concentration of 5–10% are effective;
    • many dermatologists speak positively about the combination of formulations with zinc oxide and Wilkinson ointment;
    • completely cure epidermophytosis inguinal will help effective drug Griseofulvin;
    • excellent results with the use complex preparations with antipruritic, fungicidal, drying, antiseptic action. One of the best is Terbinafine spray and the cheaper Termikon. Both agents have proven to be highly effective;
    • use autohemotherapy, calcium chloride;
    • after subsidence inflammatory processes treat the epidermis with Fukortsin or iodine;
    • help reduce itching antihistamines- Loratidin, Suprastin, Zirtek, Tavegil.

    Take note:

    • during therapy, wear loose underwear made from natural fabrics. Not fashionable, not very beautiful, but this condition is indispensable;
    • tight-fitting synthetic underwear provokes overheating, increased sweating, further inflammation of the affected areas;
    • friction against the tissue of the foci viral infection irritates inflamed skin.

    Folk methods and recipes

    Medicinal herbs are indispensable for relieving inflammation, strengthening defensive forces organism. Ask your doctor how he relates to traditional medicine recipes. Most doctors recommend trusted remedies in addition to medications.

    Treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis at home. Effective Recipes:

    • lotions. Buy lingonberries, oak bark, chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, eucalyptus leaves, string. Take each component 1 tbsp. l., pour a liter of boiling water. Strain the concentrated infusion after an hour. For procedures, impregnate linen fabric with the composition. Make lotions several times a day;
    • healing decoction. Take the same ingredients, brew as in the previous recipe. Use internally after diluting boiled water. Proportions - 1: 1;
    • celandine + olive oil. Do not use the juice of the plant without adding an oil composition - you can burn the affected areas. Mix celandine juice and olive oil. The proportions are 1:3. Treat the affected skin several times a day. If this is not possible, lubricate the stains in the evening;
    • ointment with essential oils. A proven remedy that reduces inflammation, reduces itching, has a negative effect on fungal infection. The base is linseed oil (1 tsp). Add 1 drop each of eucalyptus, fir, clove, geranium, fig oils. Carefully rub the composition into the foci, starting from the edges, spiraling towards the center. Carry out the procedure daily.

    Have you noticed the first signs of ringworm? Before a diagnosis is made, take the following precautions:

    • separate towels, bed linen;
    • disinfect the toilet seat after each visit;
    • also treat the bath with any special disinfectant. Suitable regular soapy soda solution, necessarily hot;
    • wash your hands well after treating the inguinal folds, genital area;
    • carefully wipe the skin under the mammary glands, especially with obesity;
    • be sure to rinse the inflamed skin and healthy areas located nearby with decoctions of medicinal herbs;
    • as soon as possible visit a dermatologist, mycologist.

    How to avoid relapse:

    • follow the rules of hygiene;
    • in hot weather, wear underwear made from natural fabrics;
    • daily wash the folds in the groin, under the mammary glands, in the genital area;
    • do not use other people's hygiene products, washcloths, towels while exercising in the pool, gym, in the bath;
    • do not walk without special shoes in public showers and baths;
    • be less nervous. Stress provokes an exacerbation of any infection, including fungal.
    • do not wear other people's things;
    • fight with excessive sweating- wipe the desired areas of the skin with a decoction of oak bark;
    • strengthen immunity;
    • do not expect the spots to gradually disappear without treatment;
    • the chronic form delivers a lot discomfort;
    • symptoms are annoying, make you nervous due to severe itching;
    • remember - the fungus can spread to neighboring areas.

    At the first symptoms of inguinal epidermophytosis, contact a dermatologist or mycologist. Colonies of pathogenic fungi grow rapidly. Do not allow the transition of the disease to the chronic stage. Timely treatment relieve the unpleasant manifestations of dermatomycosis.

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