What to do with tooth sensitivity at home: folk remedies, how to reduce and remove discomfort. How to relieve acute tooth sensitivity at home

Hyperesthesia, which is what medicine calls hypersensitivity of teeth, is not such a rare occurrence: about 40% of the population suffers from it. If your teeth are irritated besides the touch of a toothbrush, almost everything: sour, sweet, salty, cold air and hot drinks, and literally immediately there is a sharp toothache - this indicates an increased sensitivity of tooth enamel.

But you can’t constantly deny yourself everything and eat only warm unleavened porridge, so the problem must be somehow solved. Is it possible to do it yourself, and if so, how?

Before answering this question, you should understand the structure of the tooth. From above, it is covered with enamel, under which there is tissue (dentin), resembling bone, inside it are thin tubules containing liquid.

These threads form a kind of system that connects the enamel with nerve cells located in the pulp of the tooth. Inside the dentinal tubules, in addition to fluid, there are nerve endings that produce a painful reaction on all kinds of irritants: sweets, cold and sour drinks, a hard toothbrush, etc.

Tooth sensitivity can be caused by a variety of reasons. Hyperesthesia requires immediate treatment otherwise there is a high risk of developing other oral diseases.

The causes of hyperesthesia can be as follows:

  • thinning of dentin or enamel;
  • violation of the integrity of the nerve processes;
  • erosion;
  • mechanical damage to teeth.

Quite often, the development of hyperesthesia occurs against the background of dental diseases carious and non-carious origin, as well as mechanical injuries and periodontal pathologies.

Hyperesthesia due to dental caries

Non-carious lesions are of the following types:

Enamel whitening at home or in the dentist's office, carried out unprofessionally, can lead to the loss of important trace elements from the enamel, which causes its increased permeability and sensitivity of the dentin.

And if we add to this congenital weakness hard dental tissues, then very soon you run the risk of encountering such a problem as very sensitive teeth.

Professional cleaning of the oral cavity should only be performed by a highly qualified specialist, since tooth sensitivity can be caused by unprofessional actions of the dentist.

Violation of the integrity of the enamel layer when using dental instruments, as well as excessive efforts when polishing teeth in the neck area also contributes to increased sensitivity and destruction of the structure of dental tissues.

Carious lesions of the tooth by themselves do not cause hyperesthesia. With caries, pain is not associated with increased sensitivity of the teeth caused by the loss of minerals.

The nature of the pain syndrome in this case is determined by the gradual destruction of the enamel layer cariogenic microbes. However, violation of the rules of etching and the technique of filling holes can provoke an increased reaction of the tooth to external stimuli.

Hyperesthesia is also caused by various damage to dental tissues that have appeared as a result of injury: cracks, splits, chips and breaks of pieces of the crown.

What to do if your teeth become sensitive: home treatments

You can reduce the sensitivity of the teeth with the help of medical manipulations or on your own at home, using traditional medicine.

common chamomile, which can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk, has strong antimicrobial and soothing properties. It is enough just to brew the grass with boiling water and insist for a while. For the procedure, you will need 1 sachet.

Oak bark. It is an excellent tool for reducing tooth sensitivity. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. oak bark, pour boiling water and evaporate over low heat until the amount of water is reduced by half. You will get a thick and rich decoction that can be used to treat hyperesthesia.

These decoctions are used as mouth rinse. They should be used immediately after oral hygiene procedures 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. After some time, you will feel that the sensitivity of the teeth has decreased, and they have become stronger by themselves.

snake mountaineer. A decoction based on this plant helps to get rid of pain, and also helps to eliminate bad breath. To do this, you need to take 5 gr. crushed mountaineer root and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes.

Melissa and Chamomile. Pour the collection of dry herbs into a thermos and pour boiled water, leave for 1 hour. Can be used as a mouthwash after brushing your teeth.

Decoction of eggplant skin will help strengthen tooth enamel. It is necessary to take a freshly peeled fruit peel, brew with boiling water and leave in a dark place.

Sesame oil relieve you of pain, regardless of the nature of its origin. A few drops of this remedy are applied to a gauze swab and applied to the diseased tooth.

And also to reduce the sensitivity of the teeth, you can use the following tips:

And, of course, any healing therapy, the purpose of which is to reduce tooth sensitivity, necessarily involves the use of preventive measures.

Prevention of hyperesthesia

Prevention of the development of hyperesthesia is largely determined by the organization of the person himself and his desire to maintain healthy teeth. Frequent use of whitening toothpaste is not recommended, as the harmful chemicals it contains negatively affect the tooth shell and cause it to thin.

For oral hygiene, it is necessary to use a paste, which includes fluorine. You can also apply special rinses especially those containing calcium. However, it must be said that the effectiveness of these toothpastes is much lower than professional products that are used in a dental office.

This is especially important if you want to remove the symptoms of hyperesthesia, and complete restoration of weakened tooth enamel that has lost a large amount of minerals. After all, the thinned layer of enamel opens the way to the development of caries.

There are several types of semi-professional and fairly effective products that can be purchased commercially. Drugs that make teeth less sensitive: Elmex-gel and mineral-rich R.O.C.S. Medical Minerals. You can learn more about the use of these drugs by reading the instructions attached to them.

Avoid foods and drinks that contain harsh substances such as acids. Their regular exposure to the oral cavity can cause rapid thinning of tooth enamel, which, in turn, will lead to pain.

Not worth it chew hard foods and objects, endangering the health of their teeth. In addition, following some rules will help to avoid the development of hyperesthesia:

  • do not use aggressive methods of influencing dental tissues, such as using lemon juice, as well as cleaning with soda or salt to whiten enamel;
  • do not forget about daily hygiene procedures of the oral cavity;
  • eat more foods containing fluorine and calcium, this will help reduce the risk of hyperesthesia;
  • for brushing your teeth, use only high-quality toothpaste and a toothbrush, which must be replaced when looseness appears;
  • after eating food containing acid, do not forget to rinse your mouth with warm water;
  • visit your dentist regularly for preventive check-ups.

Preventing tooth sensitivity is much easier than getting rid of it.

Dental Treatments for Tooth Sensitivity

A visit to the doctor will help you get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as hyperesthesia. In the arsenal of dentists there are a large number of various means and methods for preventing tooth hypersensitivity:

To prevent and treat the possible consequences of neglected hyperesthesia, it is recommended at the first sensations of discomfort in the oral cavity. contact a specialist.

With exacerbation of tooth sensitivity, the microflora of the oral cavity changes, which can lead to the appearance of pathogenic plaque and the development of caries, followed by increased hyperesthesia, the occurrence of hyperplasia or recession of the gums, as well as the onset of other diseases.

Many people often wonder how to relieve tooth sensitivity at home. Unpleasant sensations that occur in the oral cavity when drinking hot or cold drinks, sour fruits and sweets interfere with the enjoyment of eating.

About 40% of the world's population faces this problem, but not everyone will go to the doctor to help him cope with dental irritation. Meanwhile, only a qualified specialist can accurately determine the cause of the appearance of excessive sensitivity and answer the question of how to treat this problem.

In addition to procedures that can only be performed in a medical institution, there are home-made ways to reduce tooth sensitivity.

Dentists call excessive sensitivity hyperesthesia. It occurs most often when the hard dental tissue of the dentin is exposed, which is a consequence of the lowering of the gums or the thinning of the tooth covering - enamel. When hard dental tissue is exposed, it becomes unprotected from external stimuli, they begin to act on it, which leads to short-term pain.

If you brush your teeth incorrectly and use toothbrushes with hard bristles, you will definitely damage the enamel. If you have hyperesthesia, use to brush your teeth. Enamel can also be destroyed after bleaching, carried out with the use of aggressive chemicals. Therefore, it is better to do this procedure with a gentle ultrasonic method.

Why is it so important to see a doctor if you feel unpleasant pain while drinking or eating? The thing is that increased tooth sensitivity can also be caused by other serious diseases, such as periodontitis or caries. In this case, only a dentist will help get rid of it, after curing the underlying disease.

The video shows why there is an increased sensitivity of the teeth:

Where to start treatment

If your doctor reveals dentin exposure when examining your mouth, he or she can help you deal with the problem. You need to start treating tooth sensitivity in the dentist's office. In dentistry, there are several professional ways to save from hyperesthesia, the essence of which is to cover the teeth with special compounds that protect the enamel and make it healthy. Here are the most common procedures:

  1. The exposed areas of dentin are covered with a fluorine-containing varnish, which protects the hard tissue from external irritants.
  2. A special composite material seals the open tooth surface.
  3. The tray is filled with a gel containing fluorine. You will need to hold the tray in your mouth for about 5 minutes, during which time the fluoride will saturate your teeth and strengthen them.

Fluoridation is an important part of treatment

These procedures, performed by a professional, perfectly reduce hyperesthesia, but for its prevention, you need to continue to monitor the condition of the oral cavity. Therefore, the dentist will recommend you simple steps that can reduce tooth sensitivity at home. We are talking about therapeutic rinses, gels and pastes, special films, traditional medicine.

Healing pastes

Since not every person who turns to him wants to reduce the sensitivity of the teeth in the dentist's office, the simplest action to solve a dental problem will be the purchase of medical pastes. They contain in their composition an increased amount of calcium, fluorine and potassium. Unlike conventional products and teeth, they are designed specifically for sensitive gums and teeth. For example, potassium chloride, which is part of them, makes the nerve endings less susceptible to external stimuli, and sodium fluoride is added to the pastes.

The most useful pastes in the fight against excessive sensitivity are Sensodyne F, LACALUT Extra Sensitive, Blendamed Pro-Expert, SILCA Complete Sensitive. It is better to buy them in pharmacies, as there is a risk of running into a fake.

Sensodyne F LACALUT Extra Sensitive Blend-a-med Pro-Expert SILCA Complete Sensitive

Oksana Shiyka


Medicinal pastes should be used for 4-5 weeks 2 times a day, alternating them with conventional means that clean teeth from food debris. Only whitening paste is prohibited, as it can make the enamel thin and even break its integrity, which will lead to increased tooth susceptibility.

Special toothpastes have 1 drawback: since their composition is gentle, it does not contain aggressive abrasive particles, and these remedies do not remove plaque from the surface of the enamel as well as other pastes.

Gels, ointments and dental films

If you have sensitive teeth, then remedies such as ointments, gels, and even dental film will help you remove hyperesthesia.

To prevent acids from destroying tooth enamel, you can use GS tooth mousse at home. It should be applied to the surface of the teeth in an even thin layer with a cotton swab in the morning and late in the evening. After the procedure, it is not recommended to drink and eat for 30 minutes. Ointments, like toothpastes, contain a lot of phosphorus and calcium. Due to the presence of these elements, the drug creates a protective film on the teeth, which is a barrier to acids, and closes the exposed dentin channels. Unpleasant symptoms of hyperesthesia disappear fairly quickly.

Fluocal gel is a good remedy for a high degree of susceptibility to cold, acid and hot drinks. It is so effective that it only needs to be used twice a year. The gel is able to form a mineral layer on the surface of the enamel, resistant to external irritants and caries. To treat the problem, the drug is applied to a cotton swab, which is used to treat clean teeth. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the gel does not get on the gums. After 4 minutes, spit out the remnants of the drug into the sink and do not eat for 1 hour.


Gel PRESIDENT Sensitive plus is also capable of curing hyperesthesia. Acting in conjunction with the toothpaste of the same name, he perfectly solves the problem of dentin susceptibility to external stimuli. After brushing your teeth with paste, apply a layer of the preparation on them, paying attention to the basal part. Do this for a month twice a day, and soon you will forget about the discomfort.


It is also possible to carry out treatment at home with the help of dental film Diplen Denta F. This two-layer remedy is able to nullify the possibility of the problem developing again. The first outer layer of the film protects the teeth from food acids, and the second, sticky, fills them with fluoride. The film is fixed on the teeth with an adhesive side and left for 7-8 hours, and then removed. Due to prolonged exposure to fluorine compounds, the enamel becomes dense.

Film Diplen Denta F

Rinses and infusions

In pharmacies, you can buy bottles of solutions and rinses Colgate Plax, Desensin plus, Parodontol PROF, which can reduce irritation from hot and cold food and drinks. The substances that make up these products strengthen the enamel, eliminate inflammation of the gums, destroy bacteria that affect the appearance of plaque on the teeth. After eating or brushing your teeth with toothpaste, rinse your mouth with solutions and rinses that will heal not only your teeth, but also your gums.

Colgate Plax Desensin Parodontol PROF

You don't have gels or ointments on hand, but you do have sensitive teeth. What can be done at home in this case? Medicinal plants will come to the rescue. Infusions and decoctions prepared from herbs help to remove the increased susceptibility of dentin to cold and hot.

Oksana Shiyka


Among the most popular herbs are chamomile and lemon balm. They are considered antiseptics and relieve the pain that comes with eating. To prepare the infusion, you need 1 tbsp. l. flowers of these plants and 1 cup boiling water. The grass is poured with hot water and infused for 30 minutes. Then warm infusion rinse the mouth after eating.

If you live in a rural area, you are probably familiar with burdock herb. How to treat hyperesthesia with it? An infusion is also prepared from burdock. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs 200 ml of hot water and boil for 2-3 minutes. In the same way, you can make an infusion of oak bark, only it should be boiled longer - 5–6 minutes. After the medicines have been infused for 1 hour, they can be used as mouth rinses after each meal. These homemade infusions will relieve pain.

Essential oils also have calming properties. For example, a few drops of tea tree oil can be added to a glass of warm water and stirred thoroughly. With severe toothache, you can increase the concentration of this oil: take 5 drops and add the same number of drops of eucalyptus oil to them. It is necessary to dissolve everything in 100 ml of liquid and rinse your mouth several times a day. Essential oils will help you get rid of plaque and freshen your breath.

Knowing how to reduce tooth sensitivity with the help of improvised means, you can improve your health in the comfort of your own home. Herbs, pastes and ointments can improve the condition of your oral cavity and relieve irritation and pain, but only on condition that the problem of hyperesthesia is associated with the condition of the dentin.

Teeth can disturb you for more serious reasons, which cannot be eliminated on your own. Do not be too lazy to go to the dentist at the first sign of discomfort. After all, only a doctor will give you the correct diagnosis and suggest methods of treatment, some of which you can carry out on your own at home.

According to medical statistics, increased tooth sensitivity is characteristic of every eighth inhabitant of the planet. The scientific name for this phenomenon is hyperesthesia. Its main symptom is a sharp and sudden toothache that occurs at the moment of contact of tooth enamel with a toothbrush, sour, sweet and salty foods, hot and cold drinks, and also upon contact with frosty air.

In order to choose the best way to treat sensitive teeth, you should understand the features of their structure and the causes of such a reaction. In any case, hyperesthesia requires immediate medical intervention, since this pathology can become a provoking factor for the development of other diseases that affect the oral cavity.

Features of the structure of the teeth

In order to find out why teeth become very sensitive to certain types of food and drinks, hygiene items and weather conditions, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with their structure. The top of the tooth is made up of enamel. Directly below it is dentin - a special tissue that has a similar structure to bone tissue. In the inner space of the dentin there are the thinnest and liquid-filled thread-like canals, the main function of which is to connect the tooth enamel with the nerve cells located in the dental pulp. In addition to fluid, each dentinal canal contains nerve endings - it is they that provoke a significant painful reaction to a variety of stimuli.

Why do teeth become sensitive?

There are several reasons for high tooth sensitivity. The most widely used of them are considered to be the following.

  1. Violations of the original physiological structure of the tooth. In the case of partial destruction of tooth enamel, any irritating factors are inevitably transferred to the dentin. This results in sudden and severe pain.

    Destruction of tooth enamel before and after treatment - photo

  2. The presence of periodontitis, which led to the exposure of the tooth root.

  3. Loss of valuable minerals from tooth enamel.
  4. The appearance of white spots on the surface of the tooth.

  5. Defects resulting from carious lesions.
  6. Damage to the neck of the tooth, having a wedge-shaped shape.

  7. Gradual erasure of tooth enamel as a result of bruxism - uncontrolled grinding of teeth.
  8. Consumption of excessive amounts of foods rich in acids. This causes calcium to be washed out of the enamel, causing it to become porous.

  9. Frequent professional teeth cleanings and regular use of whitening products.
  10. Improper diet with a predominance of too hard, sweet and sour foods, as well as carbonated drinks.
  11. The use of toothbrushes of increased rigidity.

  12. genetic predisposition.
  13. Abuse of tobacco products.

  14. Hormonal imbalance.
  15. Pregnancy - during this period, most of the calcium from the body is spent on the development of the fetus.

How to reduce tooth sensitivity with simple methods

In order to reduce the degree of sensitivity of the teeth, you must regularly follow simple rules.

  1. For morning and evening daily oral hygiene, it is recommended to use a brush with bristles of medium hardness - too soft will not provide the desired effect, and too hard causes microtrauma to the enamel and gums.

  2. The constant use of pastes containing aggressive whitening granules should be avoided, as they make the enamel thin, weak and brittle.

  3. After each meal, the teeth need to be rinsed with a special solution or homemade herbal decoction.

  4. Develop a proper diet, avoid eating too hot and too cold food.

  5. Enrich your diet with foods enriched with valuable minerals and vitamins - in particular, high-quality hard cheeses, carrots, apples, sea fish, animal liver, as well as various varieties of nuts.

  6. Clinical Treatments for Hyperesthesia

    In order to completely get rid of the problems associated with increased sensitivity of the teeth, it is necessary to visit a highly qualified dentist. After a thorough examination of the oral cavity and assessment of its condition, an experienced doctor will prescribe the most appropriate and effective method of therapy.

    The method of treatment in each individual case is inextricably linked with the initial cause of the development of hyperesthesia, as well as with the severity of this pathology.

    The main causes of hypersensitivityMethods for the treatment of hypersensitivity
    Tooth enamel injuriesThe use of a high-quality composite with reflective properties for the complete restoration of chips and cracks
    carious lesionsStandard therapeutic treatment with additional oral hygiene
    Diseases of other organsTreatment aimed at restoring the organ that caused the appearance of hyperesthesia

    The most common procedures for hyperesthesia

    The complex of the most common and effective clinical procedures performed to get rid of hyperesthesia includes:

  • bruxism therapy;
  • remineralization of tooth enamel;
  • iontophoresis procedure;
  • exposure to special dental gels and varnishes.

The treatment of bruxism in its complexity exceeds the restoration of teeth with signs of integrity damage. Not only an orthodontist takes part in therapeutic procedures, but also a psychologist, whose task is to find out the cause of this phenomenon. The orthodontist, in turn, imposes special mouth guards on the teeth, designed to protect them from involuntary grinding. The next stage of treatment is the restoration of tooth enamel.

Video - Causes of bruxism, treatment

Remineralization is the best way to restore damaged tooth enamel. This procedure is carried out in several stages.

The modern method of iontophoresis is the introduction of medicines into dental tissues by exposure to galvanic current charges. Then protective mouth guards are put on the teeth, which significantly reduce the degree of sensitivity.

Home Treatments for Hyperesthesia

Folk remedies are not able to completely eliminate hyperesthesia, however, with their help, its painful manifestations can be significantly reduced.

For regular rinsing of the mouth, decoctions of chamomile, sage and lemon balm are ideal. A small amount of dried grass should be poured with boiling water and infused for half an hour. The next step is to use it for its intended purpose.

Essential oils of sesame and tea tree can be used in two ways - add a few drops to water to rinse the mouth, and soak a small piece of sterile bandage with fragrant oil and apply to the most sensitive teeth.

As a preventive measure for excessive tooth sensitivity, it is necessary to eat exclusively healthy and safe foods, as well as take a responsible approach to the choice of toothpaste and brush - they must be effective, but not have an aggressive effect on the enamel.

Video - Increased tooth sensitivity

Toothache is always unpleasant and frightening. It is clear that if a tooth hurts, then a strong inflammatory process is going on inside. But it happens that with their external health. A person feels a sharp toothache when taking hot, cold, sour or salty foods. It is usually said that the patient has an increased sensitivity of the teeth. People eat daily and a similar factor can greatly poison their lives. What to do in this case, we will discuss below.

Let's talk more about the symptoms of the disease. Teeth can react with severe pain to the following factors:

  • For foods with a high acid content.
  • On food hot and cold temperatures.
  • For alcoholic products.
  • For other drinks with a high acid content.
  • In a very cold wind.
  • In icy air.
  • When cleaning the mouth.
  • When rinsing teeth with special solutions.

It happens that a person feels the sensitivity of the teeth even with a slight squeeze.

What do patients usually say when visiting a dentist? Some say they can't drink cold. Others say they "feel bad" when brushing their teeth. However, one point in patients always converges: soreness disappears after the elimination of the irritating factor.

Symptoms can also constantly disturb, or they can suddenly disappear. This is a state of remission. In this case, the patient may be disturbed by any one tooth, or the entire oral cavity may ache. Often, patients cannot tell which tooth hurts, as the pain radiates to neighboring non-diseased teeth.

Teeth as an organ

This sensitivity of the teeth in science is called hyperesthesia. Her teeth suffer because of her special structure, which we’ll talk about now. The tooth consists of the following main elements:

  • Pulp (in other words, nerve).
  • Dental cement or dentin.
  • root canal.
  • Enamel.

The base of the tooth is dentin. The crown of the tooth is built from this substance. On top of the dentin is covered with enamel, which protects the dentin from irritating factors. The pulp or nerve is located in the dentin. Due to it, the tooth is saturated and nourished. If , then the nutrition of the tooth stops. Such a tooth is considered to be dead.

The reasons

Teeth can be sensitive for the following reasons:

  1. Violation of the physiological structure. If the tooth enamel is destroyed, then irritating factors will fall on the dentin. And this, of course, will lead to sharp pain.
  2. Enamel demineralization or white spots on the tooth.
  3. Periodontitis, which resulted in the exposure of the root of the tooth.
  4. carious defects.
  5. Wedge-shaped damage to the neck of the tooth.
  6. Bruxism. This is a special habit. As a result of this action, the tooth enamel is erased.

In addition, tooth sensitivity can be caused by some side causes:

  • Eating foods that contain a high acid content. Such food leaches calcium from the enamel. As a result, the main protection of the tooth suffers, pores appear on the enamel.
  • Eating solid food.
  • Excessive use of whitening toothpastes, which include special abrasive fillers and other chemicals that, in addition to cleaning, damage the enamel.
  • Professional cleaning. Under hard deposits there is always thinned enamel. Professional equipment and tools remove this plaque and leave weak necks of the teeth open. As a result, due to the slightest stimuli, sensitivity increases.
  • Wrong nutrition. A poor diet does not allow the body to get the required amount of trace elements. As a result, calcium is drawn out of the teeth. The use of carbonated, sweet and sour drinks especially destroys the hardened layer of teeth.
  • Use of hard toothbrushes.
  • Smoking. Tobacco smoke contains a huge amount of poison, which negatively affects the condition of the teeth.
  • Hereditary, genetic factor.
  • Pregnancy, which takes away the missing calcium for the development of the fetus.
  • Violation of the hormonal background.

If the sensitivity of the teeth began to bother after a visit to the dental clinic and the treatment, then most likely, poor-quality work was carried out with the patient.

Sensitivity classification

Hyperesthesia has the following classification:


  1. Due to the loss of hard tissues.
    It occurs as a result of the preparation of teeth for the installation of crowns or other dental inlays. Appears mainly at the site of the carious cavity. It may be the result of numerous. Such sensitivity often accompanies increased abrasion of dental tissue.
  2. Not associated with loss of cementum, enamel or dentine.
    Basically, this sensitivity occurs due to the exposure of the roots during periodontal disease. Often appears in the neck area. In addition, pain may occur due to other functional failures in the body.

According to the degree of feeling

  • First degree. The tooth reacts to temperature stimuli. According to the instruments, the electrical excitability of dentin is 8 microamperes.
  • Second degree. The tooth reacts to temperature and chemical factors. Electrical excitability: 5 microamps.
  • Third degree. The tooth reacts to almost any stimulus. Electrical excitability threshold: 3.5 microamps.

By prevalence

  • Sensitivity in the area of ​​​​one tooth or a small group. The teeth in this case are affected by one carious cavity. They may have wedge-shaped defects. This sensitivity usually appears after preparation.
  • Sensitivity in the area of ​​a significant number of teeth. Hyperesthesia can capture both the teeth of one jaw, and two jaws at once. Occurs after periodontal disease, multiple caries, progressive erosion and abnormal abrasion of dental tissue.

How to treat tooth sensitivity

Complete recovery is impossible without a dentist. The doctor will carefully examine the oral cavity and assess its condition. The scheme of further recovery will depend on the severity of the disease.

If the cause of the sensitivity is trauma, then one therapeutic treatment will suffice. Chips and cracks are restored using a special light-curing composite. Such materials give a good result, and completely restore the crown.

In the case of caries, therapeutic treatment is also used. Only the dentist prescribes additional oral hygiene.

If tooth sensitivity is due to diseases of other organs, then another specialist treats this disease. The dentist will find that there are no problems in his part in the oral cavity, and will redirect him to another doctor. If hyperesthesia is a consequence of a detected disease, then after treatment, sensitivity will cease to bother.

bruxism treatment

It is much more difficult to cure than a violation of the integrity of the crown. The same applies to the wrong bite.

An orthodontist and a psychologist are involved in the treatment of bruxism. The last doctor finds out the cause of the bruxism that has appeared, and the orthodontist installs special mouthguards that will protect the teeth from grinding at night. In addition, treatment is carried out to restore the structure of the enamel.


Enamel is well restored by the method. It is carried out in this way:

  1. Laying cotton swabs to isolate teeth from the flow of saliva.
  2. Bringing the surface to a dry state.
  3. Application of calcium gluconate solution or remodent to the surface for 7-8 minutes. This is done 3 times.
  4. Next, a solution of sodium fluoride is applied to the teeth.

Remineralization preparations block the tubules of the dentin, clog the dentinal tubules. As a result, the settled trace elements strengthen the dentin tissue.

Remineralization is also carried out from the inside. For these purposes, the patient is prescribed a daily intake of calcium gluconate.

To maximize the effect, a person with sensitivity is forbidden to consume fruit juices, acidic foods, cold and hot foods. Improvement usually occurs after seven treatments. You can completely get rid of painful sensitivity after 15 procedures.

The therapeutic effect remains for a year. After this time, the procedure can be repeated.

Iontophoresis and gels

Another method is iontophoresis. Its essence is as follows: special drugs are injected into the dental tissue with the help of galvanic current charges. Then they put on mouthguards, which not only protect the teeth and significantly reduce their sensitivity.

Tooth sensitivity is also reduced with the help of special dental gels and varnishes. They really stick to the surface and thus protect the teeth from sensitivity.

Also in clinics, they use the Diplen film, which is glued to the surface of the teeth. The film contains medicinal ingredients that reduce sensitivity well.

Also, with hyperesthesia, therapeutic and prophylactic pastes, which include bischofite, help. The component inhibits and stops the growth of microorganisms. A similar paste is applied to medical dressings for periodontal disease. Bischofite also acts on dentinal tubules. As a result, the paste clogs them, and tooth irritation does not occur.

Often, tooth sensitivity occurs after whitening. How to make life easier, now we will tell.

  • The first days are the hardest. Under a strict ban at this time there should be sweets, sour foods, hot and cold.
  • Use only a soft brush to clean food residue.
  • Use only pastes with calcium and fluoride. Fluorine closes the formed pores and regenerates the enamel.

How to reduce tooth sensitivity at home

Folk recipes will help to slightly reduce the sensitivity of the teeth:

  1. Sesame oil. The agent is applied to a piece of gauze and applied to a painful tooth.
  2. A decoction of chamomile and lemon balm. Means rinse the oral cavity.
  3. Decoction of eggplant peel. Used for rinsing. The decoction has a firming effect on the surface of the enamel.
  4. Tea tree oil. Rinsing reduces tooth sensitivity.
  5. Sage. Helps in many dental diseases. Boil a tablespoon of herbs and a glass of water. Then leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Next, rinse your mouth with a decoction.

Now you know how to reduce tooth sensitivity at home.

During pregnancy

During 9 months of joyful expectation, a woman's body undergoes significant changes and endures a colossal load. Teeth also suffer from this. Even those women who have not previously experienced sensitivity begin to feel their teeth. This is due to ongoing hormonal disorders. As a result, periodontal infection begins and, consequently, tooth pain.

The blood flow during pregnancy becomes much stronger. As a result, the gums become swollen and become very sensitive when touched. If a woman does not take care of maintaining dental health during this period, then in the future she will suffer from more complex problems. For pregnant women it is recommended:

  • Completely eliminate irritating factors.
  • Apply traditional methods.
  • Don't go for sweets.
  • Plan to visit the dentist.

It must be remembered that during this period the doctor will not be able to do a full range of recreational activities, since not all drugs can be used on pregnant women. The only thing left for a woman is hope for the help of harmless folk recipes.


In order not to spoil your life with increased tooth sensitivity, you should follow the tips below:

  • Eat right. In addition to a large number of trace elements, the body needs a high content of calcium. It must be scooped from cheese, milk or cottage cheese. If you cannot regularly consume calcium-containing foods, then take preparations with this trace element. After drinking juices with a high content of acid and paint, rinse your mouth with water or rinse. Do not drink or eat cold and hot food at the same time. Sudden changes in temperature only worsen the condition of the enamel.
  • Brush your teeth properly. Do not brush your teeth with strong pressure movements. You need to move the brush from the base to the top. The chewing surface must be cleaned in a circular motion. Don't forget to floss and toothpicks while brushing.
  • Be sure to choose a good toothpaste and the right toothbrush. Her bristles should be of medium hardness. If there are already problems, then it is better to use soft bristles. You can not constantly use strong whitening pastes. If there is slight sensitivity, brush your teeth with a toothpaste labeled "for sensitive teeth."

Visit doctor

Many people think that tooth sensitivity is not a reason to go to the dentist. These are wrong thoughts. Home remedies will ease the condition, but you still need to see a doctor. The dentist will see you under the following circumstances:

  • Teeth strongly feel any pressure.
  • One tooth has strong sensitivity.
  • Many teeth are sensitive.
  • After applying the desensitizing paste, the sensitivity does not go away.
  • If you look at the oral cavity, you can see the destruction of the tooth.
  • A sensitive tooth is surrounded by gums, the color of which differs from a healthy one.

It is clear that tooth sensitivity is not just an unpleasant phenomenon. He needs to be treated. Do not overshadow your existence with a aching toothache.

Increased sensitivity of teeth (hyperesthesia) to hot and cold occurs as a result of thinning of the enamel. When exposed to irritants, acute pain appears, which disappears on its own after a short time.

The main causes of increased tooth sensitivity:

Risk factors include whitening procedures and professional cleaning of enamel from bacterial deposits.

Treatment of hyperesthesia

How to relieve tooth sensitivity and remove severe pain? With the development of the carious process, the presence of wedge-shaped defects, it is necessary to visit the dentist and carry out treatment. The hole is cleaned with a drill and filled with composite materials.

At the initial stage of caries, which looks like a chalky spot, enamel is remineralized and thinned tissues are restored. Therapeutic procedures can stop the destructive process, prevent the appearance of a carious cavity.

How can tooth sensitivity be reduced in periodontal disease? Treatment begins with the removal of hard tartar. Then the periodontal pockets are washed and anti-inflammatory drugs are placed in them. At home, patients are prescribed antiseptic rinses, applications of therapeutic gels, ointments, a sparing diet, gum massage. After the therapy, the depth of periodontal pockets decreases and hyperesthesia decreases. In severe stages of the disease, atrophy of the bone tissues of the alveolar process occurs. To restore the gingival contour, the method of surgical extension of the mucous membranes is used.

What to do if there is a strong sensitivity of healthy teeth to cold and hot, how to treat the pathology? When there are no visible reasons for the development of hyperesthesia, the cause may be a deficiency of calcium and fluorine in the body.

To obtain these trace elements, they drink a vitamin-mineral complex, add dairy, meat products, fish, legumes, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits to the diet. If such treatment does not give results, enamel fluoridation is carried out at the dentist.

Often, a violation of the microflora in the oral cavity, the appearance of plaque, thinning and destruction of teeth cause chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, before starting the restoration of thinned enamel, it is necessary to undergo treatment with a gastroenterologist.

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Enamel fluoridation procedure

How to relieve tooth sensitivity at the doctor? For treatment, a deep remineralization of the enamel is carried out with a fluorine-containing gel. The procedure is recommended to be done with the development of hyperesthesia.

Fluoridation is simple and deep. In a simple method, fluoride gel is applied to the outer surface of the teeth or silicone caps are put on. Repeat 10-15 times. Fluorine forms a protective film, reducing sensitivity.

With the deep method, a special sealing liquid is used, which penetrates deep into the pores of the teeth and restores the structure of the tissues from the inside.

The procedure of fluoridation of teeth helps not only to reduce sensitivity, but also protects against the development of caries and tooth decay.

hygiene products

How can you remove, reduce hypersensitivity, discomfort of teeth at home, what kind of treatment can be used? Medicinal preparations containing fluorine, calcium, and other useful microelements will help.

The drug forms a film on the surface of the teeth, which increases the duration of the active components. Apply the gel in the form of applications, put it on silicone caps or a toothbrush. Treatment is contraindicated for people under 18 years of age.

  • What can you do at home if your teeth have become very sensitive? Elmex-gel helps to saturate the enamel with fluorine, calcium, promotes remineralization of hard tissues, and protects against the development of caries. The preparation contains hydrogenated silicon, titanium dioxide, aminofluoride. The gel is flavored with various flavors for a more comfortable treatment.

The drug is used once a week, the remedy is applied to the brush and the teeth are brushed instead of the usual paste. How often it is necessary to carry out the procedure is prescribed by the doctor.

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A series of preparations is approved for daily use during hygiene procedures and for treatment, prevention of hyperesthesia, as it does not contain aggressive antibacterial components, abrasive substances.

What to do with hyperesthesia, how to reduce tooth sensitivity, how to treat thinned tissues? At home, for regular use, toothpastes are recommended that help restore thinned tissues.

  • ROCS Sensitive Repair & Whitening paste penetrates into deep pores and microcracks of enamel, forms a protective mineral layer on its surface. During the use of the drug, hypersensitivity quickly disappears and at the same time there is a gentle lightening of the enamel by several tones.

Rocks paste is allowed for daily use, as it does not contain abrasive particles, it normalizes the microflora in the oral cavity. Melissa extract in the composition of the drug helps freshen your breath.

  • How to get rid of tooth sensitivity? To reduce tooth sensitivity, you can use Miradent Mirafluor toothpaste. It contains aminofluoride compounds that prevent the formation of tartar, increase the content of active fluorine in saliva, and inhibit the growth of carious bacteria. On the surface of the teeth
    an invisible protective film is created that is resistant to saliva washout. Use the paste during regular hygiene procedures.
  • What to do if there is an increased sensitivity of tooth enamel? To strengthen tissues, you can use Splat Sensitive paste. The drug contains hydroxyapatite, vitamins C, PP, E, extracts of papaya, blue chamomile, Spanish lemon. Hydroxyapatite penetrates the enamel microcracks and seals them tightly, reducing pain and sensitivity. The antiseptic biosolol reduces the inflammatory process. Plant components are natural antioxidants, reduce gum bleeding.

Proper nutrition

What to do if the enamel of the teeth has become very sensitive? To strengthen the enamel, it is necessary to ensure the saturation of the body with calcium and fluorine. To do this, in the daily diet should present dairy products, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits. It is useful to add sesame seeds to salads.

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