Nail fungus (hands, feet). Mycoses of the skin. Fungal diseases of the nails of the feet and hands Types of fungal diseases of the nails and skin of the feet

There is a desire to have beautiful toenails, but not everyone knows how to get rid of fungus on toenails. Of course, it is better to go to a dermatologist, because only a doctor can quickly begin treatment for nail fungus.

Cause of fungal nail infection

Toenail fungus occurs only in humans, so the first thing to remember is prevention. It is always better to prevent than to cure. This is especially true of the so-called mycoses of the feet, when the fungus is transmitted from person to person if basic hygiene rules are not followed.

- excessive sweating of the legs with the occurrence of skin maceration;

- use of tight and narrow shoes;

- daily wearing of rubber shoes;

- leg diseases with changes in blood flow in the area of ​​​​the feet (varicose veins, changes in blood circulation in the small vessels of the toes with Raynaud's syndrome);

- Endocrine diseases such as diabetes;

- flat feet;

- use for the treatment of hormonal drugs;

- any immunodeficiency states.

Symptoms of the fungus

The first signs of damage to the nail fungus include the following manifestations:

1. Changes in the skin near the nails

It all starts with the fact that the skin is dry. This is especially true of the interdigital spaces. Where dry skin occurs, small cracks appear. A person notices increased peeling of the skin in this area. In the future, dry skin spreads to other areas (sole, back of the foot).

2. Nail changes

Various manifestations appear on the surface of the nails in the form of stripes and spots, which are initially white, and then begin to turn yellow and fade. In these places, the nail begins to change in thickness, and the edges of the nail plates begin to deform.

3. Inflammation

Often, inflammatory processes begin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of the interdigital spaces, when the infection enters the cracks, and acne and inflammatory vesicles appear. In this case, there will definitely be an itchy sensation and unpleasant pain.

The sooner a sick person notices changes in the nails, even if they are minor, the better and faster it will be possible to carry out therapeutic measures.

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How to treat for a disease

How to get rid of the fungus on the toenails, the doctor knows very well, turning to which each person can perform a set of actions to remove the fungal infection of the feet. This comprehensive treatment includes the following:

Shoe processing

Even before the start of therapeutic measures, it is necessary to process all the shoes in order to remove the spores of the fungus. If this is not done, then any treatment will be meaningless. To process shoes, use a 25% formalin solution or a 40% vinegar solution. All actions are performed in rubber gloves. Having moistened a swab or a piece of cloth with a solution, you must thoroughly wipe the inside of each pair of shoes. Leave the tampon inside, and put the shoes in a plastic bag for two days. Then you need to air three days.

Sock processing

All socks should be boiled in a solution of washing powder for about 20 minutes. If necessary, repeat this once a week.

Taking pills

A prerequisite for a cure will be long-term oral use of antifungal tablets, which will be prescribed by a doctor. Sometimes the treatment regimen reaches 3-6 months.

Topical treatment of nail fungus

The most difficult and responsible is the processing of nails. It will be necessary to perform the following procedures every day for a long time:

- with the help of a hot bath, steam out the legs and nails;

- using scissors and a file, it is necessary to gradually clean, file and cut off diseased nails day after day;

- after each treatment, it is necessary to lubricate the nail plates and the skin around them with a solution of iodine;

- on the nail plates, you can apply a special tool in the form of nail polish, which will be prescribed by a doctor;

- the skin of the feet, soles and back must be lubricated twice with antifungal ointment.

In no case should you neglect preventive measures aimed at preventing infection with a fungal infection (nail fungus):

- shoes should always be individual;

- no need to try on someone else's shoes, especially without protecting the legs with socks or footprints;

- you should use only comfortable shoes in which calluses are not rubbed and feet do not sweat;

- Be sure to dry your shoes;

- do not wear shoes in the cold season without socks;

- if someone in the family has a nail fungus, then in addition to treating this person, disinfection measures must be taken in the house;

– a prerequisite is the treatment of diseases of the vessels of the lower extremities;

- it is necessary to use all methods that contribute to the increase;

- with frequent visits to public places (saunas, baths, fitness clubs), personal hygiene must be observed, be sure to use shales and periodically use antifungal ointments for preventive purposes.

Fungal nail infections (nail fungus) have a very strong impact on life, especially in the summer when you want to walk in sandals. Timely treatment of nail fungus, and subsequently strict adherence to preventive measures, will always allow you to have beautiful and well-groomed toenails.

Foot and nail fungus is currently one of the most common dermatological infectious lesions that can be effectively treated. What you need to know about nail and foot fungus, symptoms, stages of the disease, risk areas, prevention and treatment so that the disease does not become a chronic curse and ruin your life? Let's try to answer this question.

What is foot fungus and nail fungus

Sometimes it is difficult for specialists to differentiate the disease, due to the similarity of the symptoms of the introduction of a fungal pathogen (mold, yeast-like, trichophyton) and chronic dermatosis, for example, psoriasis, which has an autoimmune pathogenesis (non-infectious nature).

To successfully treat the disease, you need to correctly diagnose it. Therefore, we cannot do without high-quality laboratory research. Taking samples for analysis is carried out from several places of possible deployment of the pathogen. This should be done by a specialist. After receiving the results, the doctor will make a conclusion about what kind of trouble struck you.

It could be:

Toenail fungus

The medical name is onychomycosis. It is classified according to the degree and localization of the lesion.

Manifestations and types

  1. The first earliest stage of the disease is marginal, it is characterized by the appearance of gray-yellow stripes along the edge of the nail.
  2. The second stage is normotrophic. It leads to changes in the color of the stratum corneum, it becomes yellow-gray, spots, stripes, brittleness, and sometimes serous discharge from under the nail plate appear. At the same time, its thickness and luster remain normal.
  3. The third degree of damage is a hypertrophic type of mycosis, which appears with a long absence of treatment. The nail thickens, loses color, shine, deforms, collapses along the edges. There is a so-called hyperkeratosis - an increased and excessive formation of epidermal cells, which literally grow by leaps and bounds. This is how the development of a pathogenic organism manifests itself.
  4. The fourth stage of the disease is the onycholytic or atrophic form, when the nail plate completely atrophies and falls out.
    Sometimes there is such a manifestation of infection when the plate is damaged not along, but across. In this case, vertical brownish-yellow furrows are formed up to the middle or along its entire length, these are “moves” that dermatophytes lay in the depths of the epidermis.

If the disease is not treated, then the sad consequences can affect not only the stratum corneum of the skin, but the whole organism. If you create additional favorable conditions for reproduction for your dermatophyte (for example, you don’t wash your feet regularly, you sweat often, keep your limbs wet and diaper rash), then he will certainly want to feast on your limbs, large abdominal folds, buttocks, neck, even your face. . Asthenia of the immune system, diabetes, thyroid pathologies and other factors of weakness, such as stress, can contribute to the infection.

Treatment of onychomycosis depends on the nature and degree of infection. It is prescribed exclusively by a doctor who has determined the type of pathogen in a laboratory way. This will most often be systemic therapy in combination with special or cosmetic cleaning, the use of special ointments, modern antifungal creams, varnishes. Varnishes are used after the patient has completed two-thirds of the course of a drug systemic antimycotic. It should be noted that when treating varnish with ciclopiroxolamine or amorolfine, the disease should not be more than a year old. The treatment is not suitable for hypertrophic lesions (the horny epidermis should not be damaged by more than a third). The correct frequency of application of the drug should be observed. For varnish with amorolfine course schedule: 1 month - twice a week, 2 months - once. Varnish with ciclopiroxolamine - 3 times a week use. In both cases, the course lasts 6 months.

Systemic therapy for hypertrophic lesions of mycosis includes drugs such as:

  1. terbinafine (for the treatment of dermatomycete onychomycosis) 250 mg daily for four months.
  2. traconazole (to fight yeast onychomycosis) 2 capsules of 200 mg twice a day. They drink it together with Nedkel juice, after 21 days the course is repeated. After undergoing therapy, in order to exclude relapses, it is necessary to re-control the pathogenic flora (optimally 1 time in three months).

When a disease is detected and during treatment, the patient should be protected from the possibility of secondary infection and its spread to others. To do this, a number of hygiene measures are observed, disinfection of premises and objects of contact is carried out.

Foot fungus

The disease is called epidemiphytosis. The main contagion that affects this part of the body is Trichophyton mentagrophytes, (Epidermophyton Kaufmann-Wolf). Initially, the fungus appears on the toes, takes root in the interdigital folds, then spreads to the entire foot. Often, infection is complicated by incidental contact with the skin of pathogenic bacteria. The fungus on the feet also has several options for development:

  • dyshidrotic form. The sole turns red, bubbles appear on it, which itch, burst. Where they opened, the skin becomes inflamed, gets wet, then a crust forms. All this is accompanied by itching. In the acute stage, this form may be accompanied by fever, weakness, swelling. Clear manifestations of allergization are visible.
  • squamous-keratotic type of epidermophytosis. This is a dry form of the course of the disease, when the foot fungus manifests itself in peeling and dry skin, which lead to cracks or horny thickening of the sole. The process is accompanied by obligatory itching of varying intensity.
  • intertriginous (interdigital) epidermophytosis (“intertrigo” - “diaper rash” in Latin). Redness and swelling, cracks, weeping erosion, nocturnal itching appear between the fingers. How to deal with the fungus between the toes? Of course, in a medical way. But "diaper rash" is not always a manifestation of a fungal infection, sometimes it is the action of pathogenic bacteria, requiring simple hygiene and bacterial protection.
  • combined form. The fungus of the skin of the feet pathogenically combines with the fungus of the interdigital spaces, ulcers, infections, and redness occur. All this is complicated by inflammation of the lymph nodes, phlebitis, weeping processes similar to eczema.

The treatment of the disease is long and complicated, especially with the advanced form, weeping, purulent manifestations of the disease. When allergization is pronounced, iodine and other drugs that help in mild forms of the disease should not be used. To achieve drying of eczematized skin, you can use sun or air baths. True, they are not always effective, since the bubbles appear in more and more new places, spread over the skin, and rise up. Sometimes they reach the inguinal region, chest, face. A dangerous form of epidermophytosis erysipelas may occur, combining the pathogenic action of fungi and streptococci.

In order not to start the disease, diagnose it in a timely manner, start treatment as soon as possible. Of course, this is under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

There are many antifungal liquids, ointments, powders that can be used after consulting a doctor on their own as a preventive measure.
For the treatment of fungal infections, external antimycotics of specific (specifically for your type of disease) and non-specific action (general) are used.

What is used most often? Iodides, products with imidazole, drugs with phenol, formaldehyde. Antimycotic powders are well known - Galmanin, Aspersept, Dustundan, Hinofungin, Tolmitsen, Iodoform, Kanesten (they are placed inside shoes, socks, stockings).

Would you like to know what is the most effective ointment for foot fungus? You can answer this question if you take into account all the features of the disease with the help of a doctor.

Often, combined ointments, pastes with antimycotics and corticosteroids "Belosalik", "Diprosalik", "Aurobin", "Betasalik-KMP", "Dactacort", "Mikozolon", "Sulfodecortem", "Lorinden A", "Travocort" are highly effective "Lotriderm.

Foot fungus is resistant to high and low temperatures, dry skin, chemicals, so getting rid of it is extremely difficult. And getting caught is very easy.

Risk areas for contracting fungal infections

Foot and nail fungus is a massive disease, it is extremely easy to get infected with it. The carrier of the infection, unwittingly, sows spores to the right and left, along with pieces of his keratinized skin, droplets of sweat, grains of dust and dirt that have been in contact with the infected areas of the epidermis. This usually happens in a bathhouse or in a pool, or in public places with high humidity. The most dangerous are places of collective use, where you can inadvertently stand with your bare foot on a wooden or metal grate, rug or floor. The most at risk are miners, athletes, soldiers, and dancers.

Showers, changing rooms, beaches, spas and massage rooms, someone else's shoes, socks, bedding, footcloths - all these are objects and objects of infectious danger that can cause infection.

If one person in the family gets sick, if the regimen of individual hygiene and disinfection is not observed, the fungus soon spreads to all family members.

The onset of the disease can be provoked by increased sweating, injuries, cracked heels, tight shoes, sand and dirt, leading to conflicting contact of the toes, the formation of scuffs between them. Remember, foot fungus appears between the toes when certain conditions are created for it.

Infection prevention

Foot and nail fungus can be prevented by following the usual rules of personal hygiene, healthy existence and caution. Get rid of the habit of walking without shoes where a whole regiment of barefoot has passed. Trample only grass, clean sea sand, the safe floor of your apartment, where healthy people like you live, with your soles.

Wear strictly individual, that is, your personal shoes always, especially when you go to the dining room of the sanatorium, the coastal cafe, use the places of general washing.

Get rid of the bad habit of wearing other people's slippers when visiting and never offer yours to guests. Firstly, it is incorrect from the point of view of hygiene and etiquette. Secondly, you put the guest in an awkward position when he has to choose between his health and your friendship.

Try to avoid sweating of the feet, narrow, uncomfortable, low-quality (artificial, rubber) shoes that contribute to this.

Strengthen your overall health, do not get carried away with antibiotics, do not use genetically modified foods, follow the principles of a healthy life. Then your immune system will easily cope with fungal and other infections.


If mycosis nevertheless overcame you, fight it in a timely manner in all possible ways. And be sure to make sure it doesn't extend to people who are in close contact with you.

Disinfect personal hygiene items, most importantly, shoes.

Rugs, rugs, floors are also treated with disinfectant solutions, most carefully - bathroom surfaces. Linens and socks are changed daily. As often as possible - bed linen.

Having received comprehensive knowledge about the disease, having learned how to prevent and fight it, you will be able to enjoy life in all its manifestations, no longer thinking about dermatophytes, ointments and itching that prevents you from falling asleep.

Mycoses- a group of skin diseases caused by various fungi. The diseases have many similarities, although there are differences in the ways of infection and the symptoms that these diseases manifest. The principles of treatment of all fungal diseases are the same.

Fungal diseases of the skin and nails belong to a class of human infectious diseases that cause pathogenic fungi. Fungal infections (mycoses) are different, but skin and nail lesions are among the most common mycoses. It is an infectious disease that is transmitted from person to person.

Fungi reproduce in a neutral or slightly alkaline environment. The most suitable pH value for them is 6 - 6.7. It should be noted that the pH of the skin of a healthy person is 5.5 (an acidic environment is not favorable for fungi), which is one of the factors protecting human skin from fungal infection. Increased sweating is just a risk factor for fungi, just in closed areas of the skin, where evaporation of sweat is very difficult, and this is where some fungal diseases develop, accompanied by a shift in the pH of the skin to the alkaline side.

Fungi easily survive low temperatures. They do not die and retain the ability to provoke the development of the disease even after freezing. Elevated temperatures, on the contrary, have a detrimental effect on fungi. Humid heat at 75 degrees after 15 minutes provokes their death. When boiled, the fungi die within 3-5 minutes. Therefore, elevated temperature can be used for fungal diseases as a method of disinfection, and therefore, in order to prevent recurrence of the disease, during and after a full-fledged antifungal treatment, doctors strongly recommend boiling and ironing the patient's underwear and clothes that come into contact with the skin with a hot iron.

Fungi require a moist environment to reproduce and grow. That is why increased sweating and wet shoes are predisposing factors for the formation of fungal diseases, and the main way of infection with foot fungi is swimming pools, baths and showers, on the wet floor of which fungi find very good conditions for their existence. Fungi, causative agents of human mycoses, survive drying well. It does not kill them, but only delays or stops their growth and development for some time. In dry hair and scales that the patient loses from the surface of lesions, fungi remain viable for years (for example, on the floor or in carpets, in clothes or shoes). Subsequently, when they get into suitable conditions (for example, on human skin), they again acquire the ability to grow and reproduce and can cause the formation of a disease.

In a 1% formalin solution, the fungi die in 15–20 minutes (it is used to disinfect shoes). In a solution of chloramine, the death of fungi comes in 30-40 minutes (used to disinfect objects).

Infection with fungi occurs by contact directly from a sick person or animal (direct route of infection in use by a sick person, or infected with scales or hairs of sick animals (indirect route). The most significant factor in the formation of fungal skin diseases is age. It has been established that microsporia, known to a wider called "ringworm" infects mainly children of preschool and primary school age and rarely develops in adults.

Another group of fungal diseases - foot fungus and nail fungus, on the contrary, infects mainly adults and is extremely rare in children, which also has its own rationale and is associated with age-related changes in skin pH, thickness and structure of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, weakness of immune defense and skin resistance against the background of diseases that develop with age. Of great importance for the formation of a fungal disease is a change in metabolism, which is associated with obesity, other endocrine disorders, and primarily with diabetes, diseases of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by changes in digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Nail fungus

Nail fungus (onychomycosis) provokes fungal infections that are easily transmitted from person to person. Often, infection with nail fungus occurs in the family - through shared shoes, but sometimes through other household items. With equal frequency, infection occurs in public places: in baths, showers, gyms and sports halls, swimming pools.

Nail fungus is an extremely viable infection, and over time it damages all parts of the nail, destroys it, and spreads to other nails or skin. Nail fungus causes infection in other parts of the body. Even if all the foci of nail fungus are cured, then re-infection will occur from one imperceptible focus of infection in the nails.

External signs of nail fungus consist of a change in the color of the nails, their compaction, and in the future - crumbling or destruction. Nail fungus stains them white, gray, yellow, brown, sometimes black or green. The nail plate becomes cloudy, as the fungi themselves are between it and the base of the nail.

Compaction with nail fungus is caused by increased keratinization of the nail bed, this is a reaction to the introduction of the fungus. Horny masses in the nail grow over time and interfere with effective treatment.

Untreated nail fungus leads over time to the introduction of the fungus into the entire thickness of the nail plate and to its delamination. The destruction of the nail plate from the free edge is observed at the same time as the thickening. External changes that are caused by nail fungus are confirmed by a mandatory laboratory examination of skin flakes or nail pieces.

foot fungus

Many people find out about a fungus on their feet when a medical certificate is needed, or aesthetic and physical torment is already beginning. But such a frivolous attitude is not justified in any way, because the fungus of the feet, like any neglected disease, threatens with more serious problems. For example, many types of foot fungus synthesize toxic substances, which means that toxins will accumulate in the body.

You can only get infected with a foot fungus from an already infected person, who is a source of infection for others, and, firstly, for your family - through pedicure and manicure supplies, towels, shoes, socks. And then already in public places - swimming pools, gyms, locker rooms, saunas, where infected scales from the floor easily stick to the wet skin of the feet.

To diagnose the presence of foot fungus, you need a specialist dermatologist. There are a lot of types of fungal damage, and only he can determine which fungus has affected the skin and nails. In addition, the diagnosis of foot fungus necessarily includes a laboratory examination of skin flakes.

Treatment of nail fungus and feet

Treatment of nail fungus not so long ago consisted only in the elimination of the nail plate. The problem was that the new nail often grew with the fungus too. Now the surgical method of treating nail fungus can be prescribed for some forms of severe onychomycosis.

Also, complex medicinal formulations for the treatment of nail fungus have long been preserved, which contained acids (salicylic, lactic), dyes (blue, brilliant green), iodine, vinegar and sulfur. All this was used in the form of various solutions, ointments, liquids, plasters, peels and varnishes. The treatment lasted a year or more.

But all of the above cannot be compared in effectiveness with modern antifungal drugs that kill the fungus, and sometimes with additional methods that help improve the condition of the nail itself. True, the effectiveness of the treatment of nail fungus varies significantly today, depending on the competence of doctors and their application of the latest achievements, as well as on the phase of the patient's visit to the doctor, adherence to the treatment regimen, sometimes quite long, and adherence to precautions after the cure has come.

The newest antifungal drugs not only actively affect the fungus, stopping the development of mycosis, but also stay in the nails for a long time, which reduces the treatment time. Modern antifungal agents are usually taken within 2-4 months (instead of 6-12), and in the most progressive schemes (pulse therapy) - several weeks.

Treatments for nail fungus come in the form of oral preparations - capsules and tablets, and topical forms - nail polishes and patches with a peeling effect.

Antifungal varnishes for local treatment of nail fungus are applied only 1-2 times a week. For severe forms, combine new external forms with capsule or tablet treatment. There were such combined preparations, where antifungal components are combined with components that soften the horny masses. This makes it possible to deal with nail hardening. Devices for hardware processing that have recently emerged are also coping with this task - modified drills with special cutters for nails. The doctor selects a specific treatment regimen individually each time.

A serious problem during and after the treatment of nail fungus is the disinfection of everything that the fungus has come into contact with - floors, walls, inventory of baths, showers, bathrooms, as well as personal items: underwear, shoes, skin and nail care items.

And yet the most effective in the fight against nail fungus is primary prevention. To avoid infection with nail fungus in the family, you must follow simple hygiene rules and use only your own shoes. In public places, you should not walk without shoes. In the same place, in order to prevent a probable disease, you can use antifungal drugs - sprays and aerosols, with which it is convenient to treat the skin of the sole and interdigital folds. But the main thing is to always monitor the health of your feet, wearing comfortable shoes that are not tight and do not provoke a lot of sweating, and regularly care for the skin of your feet and nails, at least at home.

The main thing in the treatment of foot fungus is to consult a doctor in a timely manner - in the early stages, treatment is easier and faster. Modern medicines for the treatment of foot fungus promise to get rid of it in the shortest possible time and with the most effective methods. The action of most of them is directed against several, the most common types of fungi. The side effects of the new drugs are minimal. The choice of drugs for the treatment of foot fungus is quite wide, and consists of systemic and local antifungal drugs. Topical treatments for foot fungus include creams, sprays, lotions, aerosols, and powders. They are easily applied to hard-to-reach interdigital spaces and skin folds. Often, especially in advanced cases, the treatment regimen includes the appointment of both local forms and tablets.

Actinomycosis of the skin

caused by various types of fungi-actinomycetes. In nature, fungi live mainly on cereals, their spores remain in hay for a long time, so the risk of disease is high for people working with grain and hay. Fungus spores can enter the respiratory and digestive systems with dust. Depending on how the infection penetrates the skin, primary and secondary actinomycosis differs. In primary actinomycosis, infection occurs through damaged skin, in secondary - the pathogen is introduced into the skin from other affected organs through the lymphatic system. Most often, actinomycosis affects the submandibular and sacro-gluteal regions, and can manifest itself on the face. Deep, painless seals form in the thickness of the skin, which eventually acquire a bluish-red color, after opening fistulas form. Over time, they scar, but new ones form nearby. Sometimes there are ulcers that have soft cyanotic edges and an uneven bottom with a coating. The disease is dangerous for its complications - meningitis, damage to the liver, lungs, intestines.


caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Reduced immunity, chronic diseases, long-term antibiotic treatment predispose to the disease. The fungus can affect large skin folds, especially under the mammary glands, inguinal-femoral, intergluteal, anus, navel, behind-the-ear folds, vagina, head, foreskin of the penis. In obese people, the folds of the abdomen may be affected. Interdigital erosion on the hands occurs almost exclusively in women, which is associated with working conditions. First, large areas of white appear, which quickly turn into weeping red erosions with a whitish peeling border around the edges. Painful cracks are visible in the depths of the folds, itching, burning are disturbing. Candidiasis on the mucous membranes looks like small plaques or whitish plaques.

Ringworm pityriasis

Microsporia (ringworm)

Fungal disease of the skin and hair, which affects mainly children. The main source of infection is cats (especially kittens), less often dogs. It is transmitted by contact with an animal or through objects contaminated with hair or scales containing a fungus. Infection from a sick person is rare. Spots, small nodules and vesicles appear on the skin, covered with scales and crusts. Large, rounded areas of baldness are noticeable on the head. All hair is broken off at a level of 4-8 mm, and it seems that they are cut, so this disease is called ringworm.


The most common fungal disease of the feet. Infection occurs from a sick person through direct contact and through objects of common use. May affect hands. The soles of the feet and palms become dry, rough, the skin becomes keratinized. Itching is felt. If the skin outside the feet and hands is affected, spots of rounded outlines are visible, with sharp borders, a bluish-pink color with a brownish tinge and peeling.

Favus (scab)

Fungal disease of the skin, hair and nails. The source is a sick person. The weakening of the body as a result of chronic diseases, various kinds of poisoning, malnutrition and malnutrition predisposes to the disease. Occurs at any age.

Affected hair becomes thin, dry, dull and as if dusty, but they retain their length. A peculiar crust of yellow-gray color with raised edges is formed, which makes it look like a saucer; hair grows from the center. The "mouse" ("barn") smell emanating from the patients is characteristic.


Fungal skin disease. Distinguish between inguinal epidermophytosis and epidermophytosis of the feet.

Inguinal epidermophytosis is usually transmitted through care items: bedpans, washcloths, sponges, oilcloths and others. The disease affects large folds, especially inguinal-femoral and intergluteal, other areas of the skin and nails of the feet may be affected. There are spots of rounded outlines, red-brown in color, located, as a rule, symmetrically, clearly delimited from the surrounding skin by an edematous roller covered with small bubbles, crusts and scales. Feel itching, burning, soreness, especially when walking.

Epidermophytosis of the feet affects the skin and nails of only the feet, often accompanied by allergic rashes. Adults usually get sick. The disease begins with small cracks on the skin of the interdigital folds of the feet and peeling, bubbles can form, sometimes merging into large multi-chamber blisters on the soles, especially in the area of ​​​​the arches.


A skin disease that mainly affects the legs. Most often, the source of infection is a sick person, but infection from the soil when walking barefoot is also possible. A predisposing factor is excessive sweating. It is usually observed in adults, more often in men. Usually affects large folds, especially inguinal-femoral. Large brick-red spots of rounded outlines appear, sharply demarcated from the surrounding skin. Their surface is smooth, sometimes covered with small scarce scales.

Treatment of mycoses.

The basis of the treatment of skin mycoses are antifungal drugs and antimicrobial agents. Personal hygiene is required you can not use common household items - towels, bed linen, slippers). Vitamin preparations are prescribed.

Antifungal drugs
Amphotericin B (Amphostat, Fungilin, Fundizon, Saramycitin, Vencidin) Ketoconazole (Nizoral, Oronazole) Clotrimazole Levorin Mycoheptin Nystatin (Anticandin, Fungicidin, Fungistatin, Mycostatin, Nystafungin) Fluconazole (Diflazon, Diflucan, Medoflucan, Myco-
max, Mycosist, Fluzol, Flucosan, Flucostat, For Can, Fungolon, Ciscan)
Ointments and solutions for external use
Griseofulvin Levorin ointment Mycozolon Nystatin ointment Triderm

Infection with fungi occurs either from a sick person or animal, or through objects used by patients. Skin is affected, usually feet, palms, nails, hair.

When the skin is affected by fungi, bubbles the size of a pea first appear, gradually they expand, sometimes capturing the entire surface of the foot or palm. Most patients have itching. When nails are affected by fungi, a yellow spot or strip appears at the free edge of the nail, then the nail plate thickens, acquires a gray-yellow color, and easily crumbles. With a long course of the disease, the nails can practically collapse. With the defeat of the hair on the head, scaly foci appear, the hair becomes brittle.

With mycoses, antifungal drugs are prescribed internally and externally.

Non-traditional and folk recipes for the treatment of fungal infections

Home remedies for fungal infections

    Lubricate the fungal lesions with a 20-30% alcohol solution of propolis.

    Wipe the places affected by the fungus with onion juice.

    Crush a few onions and apply this gruel to the areas affected by the fungus.

    For mycosis of the feet, mix 1 tablespoon of carrot juice and vinegar essence and lubricate the affected areas with cotton wool wound on a wooden stick moistened with this mixture.

    Mix garlic juice and 90-degree alcohol in equal parts, add distilled water. The mixture is a very strong antiseptic, it is useful to use it as an external remedy against persistent infectious and fungal skin lesions that are not sensitive to drugs.

    Garlic compresses treat fungal diseases, which are generally very difficult to treat. In addition to external treatment with garlic, garlic preparations should also be taken internally. Garlic tea, garlic decoction and garlic tincture help. The result with mycoses is in 3-4 days.

    With mycosis of the feet, wash well and immerse the feet in strong wine vinegar. Go to bed in socks soaked in vinegar.

    With fungi on the feet, corns, calluses and other skin rashes on the legs, running barefoot in the morning dew for at least 20-30 minutes is considered a very good folk remedy. After running, they do not wipe their feet, but wait until they dry themselves. Additionally, at night it is recommended to massage the affected areas with freshly prepared potato juice or at least a slice of raw potatoes. The course of treatment for mycosis is 1 month, a noticeable improvement occurs within 10 days.

Herbs and fees for the treatment of mycoses

    Pound the peppermint leaves along with salt. Put the mixture between your toes for about 1 hour. Repeat the process until the fungus disappears.

    Pour a bunch of milkweed grass (the whole plant) with 2-3 liters of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours, wrapped in a warm blanket. Keep the feet affected by the fungus in hot infused water for 30-40 minutes. Trim well-steamed nails with scissors. Repeat baths every 2 days until the complete disappearance of the fungus.

    Pour 10 g of common lilac flowers with 0.5 cups of alcohol. Insist 10-15 days. Lubricate the affected areas with the resulting tincture.

    Grind cocklebur leaves, squeeze the juice out of the slurry. Lubricate with juice the places affected by the fungus.

    Mix 3 parts of oak bark, 2 parts of medicinal verbena herb, blueberry fruits, calendula inflorescences, horsetail grass. Pour 3 tablespoons of the mixture with 1 glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, strain. Use a warm decoction for washing lotions for mycoses.

    For fungal diseases of the feet, mix equal parts blackberry leaf, calendula flowers, horsetail grass, verbena grass and oak bark. Pour 10 g of this mixture with 1 glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, stand for 2 hours and strain. Make compresses and lotions, as well as take orally 1 tablespoon 4 times a day

Vanga's recipes for the fungus of hands, feet and nails

fungus on hands

  1. Brew strong coffee (do not throw away the sediment), hold your hands in coffee several times. You can also use this recipe in the treatment of fungal diseases of the feet, as well as to remove thick flaky skin on the heels and pain in the feet and ankles.
  2. Lubricate sore spots with "milk" of any kind of milkweed. The juice of this plant is used in the treatment and removal of warts, moles, non-healing ulcers, nail fungus, lichen.
  3. Take a hot pepper, first cut off the bottom with a tail, remove the seeds and fill with strong brandy (Bulgarian vodka). Lower the sore finger there, and try so that the brandy does not spill out, then bandage the finger. The bandage is best left overnight, but since this procedure is very painful, you need to keep it as long as the patient can tolerate. Recovery comes very quickly.
  4. Onion juice: grate the onion on a fine grater or pass through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice and mix with honey in a ratio of 1:1. Store in a glass container with a stopper. Lubricate sore spots.
  5. A decoction of hairy veronica: pour 100 grams of hairy veronica grass with one liter of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes in an enamel bowl, let cool. Store no more than two days. Use for baths, compresses and lotions.
  6. Mix the grated garlic with fresh butter in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture is applied to the sore spot and changed once a day until recovery.
  7. Birch tar - 25 g, chicken egg protein - 1 pc., Sulfur - 1 teaspoon, honey - 25 g. Mix everything - apply the ointment for eczema and fungal skin lesions.

Fungus on the feet

  1. Dip well-washed feet in strong wine vinegar. At night, it is recommended to wear socks soaked in vinegar.
  2. A decoction of garden euphorbia: pour 100 grams of euphorbia herb with one liter of boiling water, cover, boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Then cool for 20 minutes, strain. Pour a warm decoction into the basin and soar the legs.
  3. Infusion of garden milkweed: put one kilogram of garden milkweed together with the roots in an enameled bucket, pour hot water, boil, wrap the bucket warmly, leave for 25 minutes. Soar legs with warm infusion.
  4. Pound mint in a mortar with salt and put this gruel between your fingers for about an hour. Repeat this procedure until the fungus disappears.
  5. Rub the sore spot with lemon juice.
  6. The juice from a few cloves of garlic must be squeezed on a manual juicer. Add an equal amount of 90% alcohol and 10 times the amount of distilled water. This is a very powerful tool.
  7. One of the best remedies is to walk barefoot in the morning dew for 10 to 14 days.
  8. It is very useful to do cool foot baths. Add one tablespoon of baking soda and salt to the water. Keep your feet in the water until it cools down completely, then rinse them with clean water.

Mycosis is a wide group of diseases of the skin and its derivatives (most often nails). Most often in the practice of dermatologists, mycosis of the feet and fungus on the nails (onychomycosis) occur, but in addition to them, a person may develop mycoses of the skin of the hands, face, and trunk. These diseases can be safely attributed to the group of infectious diseases, as they are caused by fungi. Therefore, the treatment for mycosis on the feet and nails will be based on the principle of the destruction of fungal microorganisms. Let's deal with everything in order.

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The main culprits of mycosis on the feet and nail plates, as mentioned above, are fungi. Most often, doctors have to deal with dermatophyte fungi (that is, literally “tropic to the skin”). In 90% of cases, their representative is Trichophyton rubrum (Trichophyton rubrum) and contributes to the development of the so-called "rubrophytia". Representatives of Trichophyton mentagrophytes, var. interdigitale ("interdigital trichophytons") lead to "epidermophytosis". Dermatophytes include the genera Epidermophyton and Microsporum.
In persons whose immune response forces are weakened (HIV-infected, oncological patients, patients who need constant intake of cytostatics or hormonal drugs), candidiasis mycoses can often be found. They are caused by fungi of the genus Candida. For people with an unchanged function of the immune system, such fungi are not pathogenic and are constantly on the surface of the skin without being involved in the pathogenic process. But as soon as the body cannot fully regulate their growth, Candida multiplies excessively and leads to athlete's foot.
In order to become infected with pathogenic fungal microorganisms, a number of predisposing factors are needed - infection conditions that facilitate this process. These include:

  • Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene, in particular, irregular washing of the feet. The role of this factor increases significantly in the summer, when more dust and natural fat secretions accumulate on the skin.
  • Immunodeficiency states (listed above).
  • Wearing closed shoes made of non-natural materials, in which the foot sweats especially strongly.
  • The presence of diseases that lead to impaired blood supply to the tissues of the foot due to damage to the capillary network: hypertension, diabetes mellitus (both types), Raynaud's syndrome, flat feet.
  • Dryness of the skin of the feet, the presence of cracks, abrasions, burrs.
  • Anatomically narrow spaces between the toes.
  • Rare change of soiled socks, tights, stockings, etc. to clean ones.
  • Elderly age.
  • Injury affecting the structures of the foot (often a nail injury).

The mechanism by which fungi enter the nails and skin is called contact. For its implementation, direct contact of the skin and the surface contaminated with fungi is necessary. Most often this happens in the following situations:

  • A visit to an unfamiliar beauty salon or a master at home for a pedicure. Unfortunately, mycosis is not the most serious disease that can be “found” in this way. It is much more deplorable to become infected with hepatitis or HIV infection if the master cleans and sterilizes the instruments in bad faith.
  • Neglect of the use of individual slippers or slates when visiting a bath, sauna, pool, gym.
  • Wearing someone else's shoes. This is most common in gardens and villages, and also when many people come to visit who need to urgently distribute slippers.

Those cases in which it is very easy to become infected are actually easy to avoid. Agree, you already knew that you need to have personal shoes and not go to dubious places that provide nail care services. We just do not pay attention to the risk of infection in the string of daily activities.

External manifestations of mycoses

To understand the symptoms of mycoses of the skin on the foot and the clinical manifestations of onychomycosis, you need to consider them separately from each other.

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For fungus on the nails is most characteristic:

  • Change in the thickness of the nail plate: hypertrophic type (its thickening), hypotrophic type (its thinning); atrophic type (maximum thinning). If the thickness remains unchanged, this option is called normotrophic.
  • Changing the color of the nail to white, brown, green, yellow. There are shades of the listed colors and their mixing. A change in shade may not be observed on the entire plate, but only in areas in the form of oval or round spots.
  • The appearance of brittleness, uneven edges, layering of the structure.
  • Irregularity of the surface of the nail in the form of "pits".

The classification identifies five forms of onychomycosis, which determine the location of the listed symptoms of the disease:

  1. Surface (white).
  2. Proximal subungual - the infection is localized in the upper part of the plate, in the cuticle area.
  3. Distal subungual - the infection is located closer to the free lower edge.
  4. Lateral (lateral).
  5. Total.

Mycoses of the skin of the feet

  1. Rubrophytosis of the skin
    Its classification involves the allocation of four types of clinical picture:
  • Squamous - the presence of scaly areas on the skin of the soles, in the interdigital spaces, on the lateral surfaces of the foot. Shallow cracks may also be seen.
  • Squamous-hyperkeratotic. With it, hyperkeratosis develops - a thickening of the skin that is widespread or limited to a certain area. More often it manifests itself in those areas that bear the greatest load when walking, i.e. on the soles. A slight reddening is formed, exfoliated scales are layered on the area, unexpressed itching and soreness may appear. The skin is dry, often as if "powdered".
  • Intertriginous (opril-like, interdigital). As the name implies, fungi carry out their pathogenic function in the interdigital areas. The skin turns red, swells, becomes wet. Macerations develop or even a rash in the form of small bubbles with transparent contents. When they are opened or deep penetration of macerations, painful erosions are formed. There is itching and burning sensation.
  • Dyshidrotic. With this form, the main symptom is vesicles. They are located on the arch of the feet and fingers, are able to merge into large blisters with several chambers inside. If the bubble bursts, bright painful erosions appear that become wet and itchy. A rash in the form of bubbles is clearly visible on unchanged flesh-colored skin.
  • Epidermophytosis of the skin
    This clinical form of mycoses develops much less frequently than the previous ones. In external manifestations, epidermophytosis is very similar to rubrophytosis. However, due to the fact that specific pathogens - "interdigital trichophytons" - have a stimulating effect on allergic reactions, a dyshidrotic or diaper-like form of the lesion appears more often. In severe cases, the process is accompanied by the formation of ulcers, erythema, and an increase in lymph nodes in the inguinal and femoral regions. The disease begins with the interdigital space between the third and fourth toes, and then the changes spread to the arch and sides of the entire foot.

Diagnosis of mycoses

Due to the rather vivid clinical picture of fungal infections, the process of establishing a diagnosis is not so difficult, especially for an experienced dermatologist. After examining the affected areas, the specialist prescribes a series of tests:

  • Microscopic examination of scrapings from altered skin and nails
  • Sowing the same material on nutrient media for the growth of certain fungi. An accurate determination of the genus of pathogenic fungi is carried out. You can also test the sensitivity of fungi to antifungal drugs, thus choosing the most effective for a particular case.

Of the general clinical diagnostic methods, it is advisable to prescribe a KLA (general blood test), OAM (general urinalysis), and a biochemical blood test. They will help assess the state of the body as a whole and identify concomitant diseases, if any. It is important to conduct these tests before prescribing systemic drugs.

Features of treatment

An effective therapy is one that leads to a regression of all clinical manifestations of the disease and negative results of culture and microscopy of skin preparations or nail scrapings. Usually, fungal infections can be treated in a polyclinic, i.e. outpatient. Only prolonged ineffective outpatient treatment, as well as a diffuse area of ​​​​damage by fungi, are indications for hospitalization in a hospital.
The basis of treatment is the use of antifungal drugs - antimycotics. There are local and systemic forms:

  1. The former are intended for superficial application to the skin of the feet or nail plates. In this regard, such antimycotics are produced in the form of creams, ointments, gels, sprays, solutions for external use (drops), medicinal varnishes. Local forms have fewer side effects due to the fact that they do not directly enter the bloodstream.
  2. The latter are available in the form of tablets, capsules, solutions for intravenous administration. Consequently, the basis of their metabolism in the body is the inevitable entry into the bloodstream and the effect on the person as a whole. The need for systemic treatment arises with common forms of rubro-, epidermophytosis and onychomycosis or at advanced stages of the development of pathological changes in tissues (for example, when you delay in seeking medical help). Usually in such cases, local funds no longer work.

Therapy of mycoses of the skin of the feet

For local treatment, one of the following preparations is applied to the skin:

Preventive actions

To prevent the development of mycoses of the skin and its derivatives, it is necessary to eliminate all the risk factors listed above, to avoid situations that threaten infection with fungi. Take care of your feet, not allowing scuffs, cracks, calluses, dryness or, conversely, excessive sweating to appear. If the disease has developed, be sure to disinfect your shoes with a 1% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate once a month until the final recovery.
Mycosis is a group of widespread diseases, which sometimes the patients themselves are not aware of. If you begin to notice unusual changes in your feet, do not hesitate, do not self-medicate, but immediately contact a dermatologist. After all, it is always much easier to cure the disease that has not yet become “neglected”.


This is a very common pathology that is easily transmitted from person to person and is activated when the immune system is weakened. Fungal nail disease is an infection that must be treated with topical and systemic drugs to heal the nail plate. This requires long-term therapy, which includes not only medical methods, but also a diet. In severe cases of pathology in the later stages, surgical methods of treatment can be used.

What is nail mycosis

This is a very common ailment of a fungal nature, there is a lesion of the nail plate. Spores of infection penetrate into the structure of the nail, the nearest skin and fills the intercellular space, begins the active destruction of the tissue structure. As a rule, mycosis in the early stages manifests itself in the form of a change in the color of the plate, sometimes itching appears between the fingers, peeling. Then the nails begin to crack, crumble, neighboring tissues become infected.

On foot

Onychomycosis - toenail fungus can affect the skin and nail plates. The disease can affect both the upper and lower extremities. Toenail fungus is one of the very common variants of dermatological problems around the world. According to medical data, pathology is diagnosed in 5-15 of the entire population of the planet Earth. It is noted that there is a slightly higher incidence in men, especially in older patients.

The disease on the legs is caused by different types of microorganisms, but the symptomatic manifestations of the infection are almost always the same. Onychomycosis is contagious, so the treatment is carried out by an infectious disease specialist or a dermatologist. The rapid development of pathology is obtained if a person has concomitant systemic ailments, weakened immunity, after other diseases. For a long time, pathology can be in a latent state.

Onychomycosis on fingers

An isolated form of pathology is extremely rare. Often observed in patients with a parallel fungal infection: hands and feet. Due to the absence of a threat to life, vivid symptoms, people do not immediately go to the doctor, do not conduct a thorough diagnosis or treatment. For this reason, onychomycosis is more often considered a cosmetic problem. External manifestations on the hands coincide with the defeat of the legs, but the therapy is different.

Types of mycoses

To predict treatment, further development, doctors need to determine the type of infection. Effective treatment will be with accurate diagnosis of what kind of mycosis affected the human body. This is due to the different sensitivity of groups of pathogens to specific drugs. Some microorganisms are specific to specific geographic areas, but certain species are ubiquitous.

Each such infection has typical stages of development and symptoms of onychomycosis. The most common causative agents of the disease:

  • yeast mushrooms;
  • dermatophytes;
  • moldy mushrooms.


This is a group of imperfect fungi, they are capable of causing diseases of the hair, skin, nails. As a rule, the development of microorganisms occurs with a decrease in general immunity. In healthy people who strengthen their immune defenses, onychomycosis due to dermatophytes is extremely rare. The infection is transmitted from animals, other people (carriers), but the soil is the main reservoir.

Fungal spores can be stored in the ground, sand for many years. The rapid development of the fungus occurs on dead keratinocytes - these are cells that have a high content of keratin in the composition. There are the following types of dermatophytes:

  1. Trichophyton rubrum. This species usually affects the tip of the plate, then gradually the infection spreads over the entire surface to the root. It develops, as a rule, on several fingers of different or one limb at once. In 70% of cases, the toenails are affected, they outwardly become coarsened, thickened, and may begin to exfoliate. If you carefully examine the skin, you can notice peeling, dryness, which indicates a concomitant lesion of the epithelium.
  2. Trichophyton mentagrophytes (interdigitale). This type of pathogen provokes the development of white superficial onychomycosis. The fungus loves moisture, an increased risk of getting infected in saunas, pools or baths. One of the main signs of pathology is the defeat of the focal type of the big toes and extremely rarely on the hands. As a rule, all patients develop a skin lesion between the fingers in parallel.
  3. Other dermatophytes. In addition to the types of pathogens described above, there are other representatives of this family: Epidermaphyton floccosum, Trichophyton violaceum, Trichophyton schoenleinii.

Yeast fungi of the genus candida

These are one of the most common causative agents of onychomycosis. They live on the mucous membranes, the surface of the skin, and this is considered the norm, i.e. direct contact with other patients is not necessary for the development of pathology. A provoking factor is a decrease in the overall immunity of the body, mushrooms begin to grow.

One of the features of the species is that mycelium is not formed. For this reason, the surface of the nail plate is affected. To start the development of infection, spread from the proximal end (under the skin roller from the root) is typical. With the development of a yeast fungus, peeling of the surface film occurs, this leads to a loss of gloss of the plate. Static onychomycosis, which caused candida, is more often localized on the hands (noted in 60% of cases). Main pathogens:

  • C. tropicalis;
  • C. parapsilosis;
  • C. albicans.


More than 40 pathogens of this group can provoke the development of onychomycosis. They are ubiquitous, it is difficult to isolate one source of infection, microorganisms do not have a predominant route of human infection. Infection with moldy fungi is rare, but they can cause serious difficulties in diagnosis and treatment. This is due to the fact that there are no typical symptoms. Without a specialized bacteriological analysis, only by clinical observation, it is difficult to distinguish this form from dermatophytes.

This group of microorganisms requires special treatment. This is the reason why patients with this type of onychomycosis are treated unsuccessfully and for a long time due to incorrect diagnosis. Common causative agents of this pathology are as follows:

  • Alternaria;
  • Aspergillus (various species);
  • Scopulariopsis brevicaulis;
  • Fusarium.

The reasons

A person becomes infected when fungal agents get on the surface of the skin, into the bloodstream, deep layers of the dermis when damage to the skin surface occurs. Another person becomes the main source of infection. The following probable causes of the development of fungal pathology are distinguished:

  1. Close contact with a person with onychomycosis. The general use of hygiene items, personal items (clothes and shoes) leads to the entry of the fungus into the body of a healthy person, which causes a fungal disease.
  2. Visiting public places. Most cases of infection were recorded after visiting the Sanu, swimming pools, gyms.
  3. During cosmetic procedures (manicure, pedicure), if the master violated the rules for processing tools that were used to serve a sick person.
  4. Violations of the rules of personal hygiene. In the absence of control of the condition of the feet, excessive sweating, wearing synthetic low-quality shoes, the likelihood of developing a fungus on the feet increases significantly.
  5. Additional risk factors for infection are the following conditions: eczema, dermatitis, metabolic disorders, vascular disease, alcohol abuse, obesity, old age, bacterial skin infections.

Forms of onychomycosis

The disease develops on the nails and can affect nearby skin. Most of them have similar symptoms, but depending on the pathogen group, specific signs may be observed. Depending on the stage of pathology, tissue changes will be more noticeable and destructive for the plate itself. Therapy is prescribed by a doctor, based on the severity of the disease, the type of fungus.

By type of pathological changes

Onychomycosis is provoked by different types of fungal infection, therefore, the forms of the disease differ from each other in a certain number of ways. The following variants of symptoms of a pathological change in the plate are distinguished:

  1. Normotrophic - a lightweight form, the color of the plate changes slightly, the shape, size remains the same.
  2. Hypertrophic. Nails noticeably thicken due to the active growth of the creatine layer.
  3. Atrophic. It is characterized by a significant change in the appearance of the affected area, deep yellow stripes (furrows), dark spots appear.

By process localization

There is a classification of onychomycosis, which has been adopted in foreign mycology. This division is based on the topical criterion. On this basis, the following forms of fungus are distinguished:

  1. Distal - the lesion is localized at the free edge of the nail.
  2. Lateral - on the side ridges.
  3. Proximal - the posterior roller is affected.
  4. Total - the entire nail is affected by the infection.

Symptoms of fungal infections

The general signs of the disease are similar to each other, the nail bed and nearby tissues are affected. To prescribe effective therapy, the doctor must correctly determine the form of the pathology. This can be done using laboratory tests and visual inspection. The latter method is based on specific symptoms that appear depending on the form of the disease. There are the following types of fungal infection:

  1. Normotrophic onychomycosis manifests itself in the form of a change in the color of the nail plate, gloss and thickness remain unchanged. The first symptoms will be stripes, white spots of various shapes and sizes, sometimes they are ocher in color, appear on the lateral parts. As the fungal disease progresses, these streaks and spots will increase. The color will change completely, but the gloss and thickness will be the same. With this form, there is no symptom of an ingrown nail, so it can be intentionally or accidentally removed.
  2. hypertrophic form. This type of fungal disease is determined by a change in color, the plate thickens (more than 2 mm). Nail growth occurs due to subungual hyperkeratosis - this is an increased growth of skin scales. With hypertrophic onychomycosis, the nail becomes dull, thickens, deforms and begins to crumble. The longer the disease develops, the stronger the external change occurs. In the absence of treatment for this fungal disease, onychogryphosis can develop, which makes the nail look like a bird's claw.
  3. Atrophic onychomycosis. Normal color changes to brownish gray. With the course of the disease, tissue destruction occurs, the plate decreases and completely atrophies, the nail bed is exposed, under which layers of loose skin scales are visible. The structure changes gradually, first the disease is localized at the outer end, then, as it progresses, it moves towards the growth zone, the skin roller.
  4. Distal and lateral (subungual). Both forms are accompanied by the same changes in different parts of the nail surface. Many cases are noted. When these two kinds are combined and proceed simultaneously. The affected layers become dull, dotted with transverse furrows, colored yellow. If the disease is caused by mold fungi, then the nail sometimes acquires a blue-green, black tint, crumbles, free and lateral areas become rough. Over time, crumbling continues and whole fragments of the nail fall off, the shape becomes irregular, only the nail bed with keratinized scales remains on the finger. With the lateral form, the lateral ridges become red, swollen, thickened, and painful. If a bacterial infection develops against the background of a fungal infection, then a little pus may appear with pressure.
  5. Subungual proximal. A rare form of onychomycosis, which is characterized by a lesion on the part of the skin roller in the region of the growth zone. This type often occurs when the eponychium (a special layer of skin between the plate and the posterior roller, aka the cuticle) is removed. The first sign will be the appearance of a white spot in the area adjacent to the growth zone. Then in it the fungus begins to form tunnels, passages that are filled with spores and mycelium. Further, microorganisms enter the cells of the nail bed, so the infection surrounds the nail from all sides and leads to its complete destruction.
  6. Total onychomycosis. This type of fungal disease is the final point of the proximal form, lateral or distal. Any fungus on the hands or nails begins with infection of a surface area, and then spreads to the entire area. All symptoms of the last stage of the pathology are noted: discoloration, deformation, crumbling, lack of protein.
  7. White surface. This form is characterized by the appearance of opal-white spots on the back of the ridge. They gradually spread over all surfaces of the plate. Over time, the spots merge with each other, have the form of a fine powder, which is scattered.

Diagnostic methods

The studies are based on a visual examination of the infected area, which may be the reason for the doctor to make a preliminary diagnosis. Then a scraping is taken or a small piece is cut off, which has visible damage. The material is examined under a microscope, seeded on Sabouraud's medium. If these tests show the presence of fungal mycelium or spores, this confirms onychomycosis. This becomes the basis for the appointment of treatment.

General treatment regimen

For successful therapy, several months of complex treatment will be required. This includes drugs for topical and systemic use, diet, strengthening the immune system. Treatment of fungal diseases of the toenails is carried out using the following methods:

  • systemic antifungal drugs;
  • a course of physiotherapy that improves blood flow in the feet and hands;
  • the affected areas are treated with local anti-infection agents (antifungal varnishes, ointments, gels), for prevention they capture the surrounding skin;
  • removal of affected tissues by conservative or surgical means, if a strong thickening or total lesion is confirmed;
  • the use of medications that improve blood flow to the hands, peripheral tissues of the legs.

Taking systemic antimycotics

For reliable and effective treatment of fungal diseases, it is imperative to use systemic antifungal drugs. Their action is aimed at the destruction of the pathogen. The spores of the fungus can be in the incubation period in the growth zone for a long time, while they remain viable, so it is very important to achieve their destruction.

As the plate grows, the spores rise and enter the active phase, continuing to cause a pathological process. For this reason, treatment with antifungal systemic drugs takes a long time to fully grow a healthy, new nail plate. This will indicate that the germ zone is cleared of spores. For these purposes, the following medicines are often used:

  1. Ketoconazole, Griseofelvin. For the treatment of the legs, they drink one of these drugs from 9 to 18 months, for the treatment of the hands - from 4 to 6 months. These drugs help in 40% of cases to provide a cure for onychomycosis. If, together with them, surgical removal of the plate is carried out, then the success increases to 60%.
  2. Itraconazole. It can be prescribed according to two schemes - pulse therapy and a continuous course. In the latter case, the duration of treatment is from 3 to 6 months. Pulse therapy has a scheme of 1 week of admission after 3 rests. For the treatment of hands, 2 courses are enough, for the feet - 3-4. There is a complete cure in 85% of cases, even without removal.
  3. Terbinfin is often used for the treatment of onychomycosis of the feet and hands. In the first case, a course of 3 months is required, in the second - 1.5. A positive result is observed in 90-94% of cases.
  4. Fluconazole. For hand therapy, it is used for 6 months, for the treatment of legs from 8 to 12. A positive result is observed in 80-90% of patients.

Local treatment

This is another component of complex treatment, which is carried out against the background of taking systemic drugs and does not replace it. Only local therapy will not help to achieve a complete recovery, so there is no way to avoid the need to take antifungal drugs in the form of tablets, solutions or capsules. This is due to the ability of spores to maintain a viable state for a long time in destroyed tissues. Local drugs are not able to penetrate these areas.

Treatment with this method of onychomycosis is aimed at treating the nail bed or nail with products that are available in the form of a lotion, varnish, cream, ointment or spray. Recommended at this stage. The following drugs are considered effective local agents:

  • products with clotrimazole in the composition: Candibene, Imidil, Amiclone, Kanizon;
  • preparations with miconazole: Mikozon, Daktarin;
  • medicines with bifonazole: Bifosin, Bifonazole, Bifasam, Mycospor;
  • econazole products, for example, Pevaril;
  • isoconazole preparations: Travocort, Travogen;
  • terbinafine means: Binafin, Mikonorm, Atifin, Lamisil;
  • naftifine medicines, for example, Exoderil;
  • means of amorolfine (Loceryl);
  • preparations of ciclopiroxolamine: Fongial, Batrafen.

Removal of the nail plate

There are two options for this procedure - conservative and surgical. The first method is carried out using keratolytic patches that can soften tissues. After using these tools, it is possible to painlessly and easily remove the affected area with a non-sharp scalpel or ordinary scissors. For conservative removal, the following patch options are currently used:

  • Ureaplast 20%;
  • Onychoplast 30%;
  • Mycospor set;
  • Salicylic-quinozole-dimexide patch.

These funds can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered from a prescription department. Before using the composition against a fungal disease, you should stick a regular adhesive plaster on healthy areas of the skin next to the affected ones to protect against the action of a keratolytic. Next, a mass of 2 mm is applied with a layer, and fixed with a simple plaster for 2-3 days. Then they peel it off, remove the remnants of the product and scrape off the softened tissues with a scalpel. The procedure is repeated until the entire nail surface is removed and only the bare bed remains.

The surgical method is considered more effective than the conservative one, because it removes not only the affected areas, but also allows you to clean the bed of keratinized scales, where fungal spores can continue to live and cause a recurrence of the disease. Clinical studies confirm that with surgical removal, the effectiveness of treatment is significantly higher, the procedure is performed as follows:

  1. A tourniquet is applied to the base of the finger.
  2. Treat the surface with an antiseptic (any).
  3. A local anesthetic is injected into the lateral surfaces of the finger.
  4. Under the free edge, tweezers are inserted from the left or right corner.
  5. Advance the tool to the ground.
  6. The plate is separated by an eversion movement.
  7. Clean the bed from the accumulation of horny plates.
  8. The nail bed is irrigated with a powder sorbent with an antibiotic.
  9. A sterile dressing is applied on top.


With fungal diseases of the legs and hands, one of the causes of development is circulatory disorders in the limbs. Physiotherapy is aimed at correcting this condition. Normal blood flow will ensure the access of antifungal drugs throughout the body and the destruction of the pathogen. To increase microcirculation, accelerate the growth of healthy tissues, the following procedures are shown as part of the complex therapy of the disease:

  1. UHF therapy. It is aimed at the paravertebral regions in the cervicothoracic, lumbosacral region. The duration of the course is 7-10 days.
  2. Amplipulse therapy. Aimed at the same areas and with the same duration as the procedure above.

Laser treatment

This is an additional physiotherapy technique that is aimed at improving blood circulation. The procedure is carried out as part of complex therapy along with the use of antifungal drugs. Independent use of the laser will not help to cure the disease, because it only improves blood flow in the tissues. This is necessary for the effective delivery of the antifungal agent to hard-to-reach cells. If you do not take systemic medications, then laser therapy will not bring any therapeutic result.

Folk remedies

For a complete cure of onychomycosis, agents with a strong antifungal effect are required. Some of the recipes of traditional medicine can slow down the destruction of tissues, stop the process of developing the disease for a while. Home remedies should be used only after consultation with the doctor, so as not to violate the therapy regimen. Most of the drugs are suitable for the prevention of the development of the disease:

  1. Garlic compress. It is necessary to grind the heads of garlic and mix with water, a ratio of 1: 2. Shake the mixture well, filter. Soak a bandage or cotton wool in this liquid, tie it to the affected area for 30 minutes. Make a compress should be every day.
  2. Alcoholic infusion of lilac. Take 10 g of fresh flowers of the plant, put in half a glass of medical alcohol. The remedy should be infused for 6-8 days. Treat healthy nails with medicine after a course of treatment to prevent relapse.
  3. Infusion of celandine. It will take 200 g of dry leaves of celandine, pour 2 liters of boiling water over them. Leave to infuse and cool the product, you can stir it occasionally. When the liquid is at room temperature, you need to make a hand / foot bath. The procedure should last at least 5-10 minutes.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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