Treatment with tincture of birch buds reviews. We consider the healing properties of birch buds. To whom birch buds are contraindicated

The healing properties of birch buds have long been used not only in folk medicine. Medicine based on them can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself. It is known that they are used for weight loss and in diseases. respiratory tract. When to collect and how to save beneficial features? Are there any contraindications for this medicine? We have prepared answers to these questions, as well as photos and videos for you.

As we have already said, birch buds (buds) are very useful, however, in order to effectively use all of them at home medicinal qualities, it is important to remember a few rules, and especially when to collect them. This can be done several times, as they are collected from January to the end of April. However, we will only need swollen ones, when they have not yet opened up and detached the scales. Blooming buds no longer have such useful properties. It is not recommended to tear birch on a rainy day, it is best to prepare the drug in sunny weather. You can cut young branches with buds, which also have useful properties, or you can collect them yourself separately.

If the kidneys are collected and dried correctly, then this medicine for another two years it retains all its useful properties. You can store them both in a glass jar and in a cloth bag. So, in order to properly prepare the drug, it is important:

  • collect only swollen early spring buds;
  • harvest in dry weather;
  • dry gradually at room temperature;
  • store for a year in a suitable container.

What is it used for?

The beneficial properties of birch buds are simply unique, so they found a very big circle applications. Of course, first of all, it is medicine. Harvested rudiments at home are used for many ailments. First of all, their infusion is taken as a tonic and immunity booster. Recommended during colds and flu, as well as for the treatment of throat. Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, young kidneys are quickly excreted from the body harmful substances. birch tea, as in the photo, speeds up recovery.

In addition, treatment with a decoction of birch cobs is effective in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, for example, in bronchitis, with closed forms tuberculosis, laryngitis. For this, it is most often used alcohol solution, which thus retain all useful properties. This medicine is also used for ailments gastrointestinal tract. For ulcers and gastritis, the infusion is diluted with water. good remedy and in the treatment of joints, for the speedy healing of bruises and abrasions. For example, today in a pharmacy you can often find birch ointment for the treatment of joints. But you can cook it at home and yourself from the kidneys based on butter. Enhances the beneficial properties of this drug and camphor oil.

Do not forget that the treatment with the kidneys of this tree also includes the use of herbal baths and teas. For example, for this it is good to use the collected young twigs with young cobs. That is why we have a tradition from ancient times to bathe in a bathhouse with birch brooms. They perfectly warmed up the body and helped fight many ailments. The vapors inhaled in the bath, saturated with birch antioxidants, quickly penetrated the lungs, eliminated inflammation and cleansed the body's blood. It is a pity that today this procedure is a little forgotten.

Birch in combination with a bath is a wonderful tool for losing weight. Why not remember a good tradition? To lose weight, you need to visit the steam room once a week, and it is advisable to do this regularly. And if after the bath you brew tea from birch buds, leaves, then the effect of losing weight will only increase. Please note that the procedure may have contraindications: if you experience heart problems, then it is better to refuse the steam room and choose another way to lose weight.

Why is birch good for weight loss? Substances that contain birch buds remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body. So, the body is cleansed, and it improves metabolic processes. And this is the basis of successful weight loss and health in general.

Another area of ​​​​application of birch buds is cosmetology. No wonder this tree is considered a symbol of girlish beauty. Manufacturers of care products use a decoction of birch buds and leaves to create natural cosmetics. In the photo - one of the examples of such products. But you can prepare the remedy yourself.

From young cobs, an oil infusion is prepared for aging and withering skin, a decoction for wiping the face and cleansing the pores. Based on the kidneys, an excellent mask is made for restoring and strengthening hair. After several times of using it, the hair becomes thicker and noticeably healthier. If there is no time to prepare a mask, just brew the kidneys with a glass of boiling water, and rinse your hair after washing.

The beneficial properties of this natural storehouse of vitamins are also used by many cosmetic companies. For example, according to unique ancient recipes, natural masks and face creams are being created today.


As you know, medicinal properties kidneys are just limitless. You can talk about their benefits for a very long time. Once again, I would like to note that they contain a large amount of flavonoids and phytoncides, which destroy and destroy pathogenic flora. In addition, the kidneys have saponin. This is a specific substance that helps to remove bile and urine from the body in a timely manner. We list all the healing properties of the kidneys:

  • anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent;
  • diuretic and diaphoretic drug;
  • heals blood vessels and heals wounds;
  • anthelmintic;
  • helps treat gastrointestinal disorders;
  • prolongs youth and beauty of the skin;
  • strengthens and restores hair.

One of the main advantages is their unique composition - they contain almost all known vitamins.


Like any other medicinal plant, birch cobs have some of their contraindications. So, for example, experts do not recommend the use of tinctures and decoctions for pregnant women. Also, despite all the useful medicinal properties, their use should be extremely careful in diseases urinary system. Contraindications in this case are justified by the fact that this medicine increases the burden on the kidneys.

If you have a number of ailments, before taking birch preparation inside, consult your doctor. They can be painlessly used only for the treatment of upper external ailments, for example, with bruises, wounds, and also with pain in the joints. AT this case It is advised to give preference to the use of alcohol tincture. Contraindications to alcohol tincture of the kidneys will be for those who cannot take alcohol.

Video "Tincture of birch buds"

Video "Use of birch rudiments"

Hello dear readers. Recently, in again while talking with a familiar herbalist who sells herbs, tinctures and ointments every weekend in our market, I came across a bag of dried birch buds. Paying attention to the birch buds, we started talking about it unique gift nature. To be honest, I learned a lot of new and interesting things about how to use birch buds to treat many diseases that were previously unknown to me. The herbalist very intelligibly explains and explains everything to each buyer, which is why many people turn to him. As he himself notes, treatment with folk remedies takes a little longer than with drugs, but it is safer and more effective.

Medicines are one of the greatest "inventions" of mankind, bringing billions of dollars of income every month to the owners of the pharmaceutical business. Yes, it is for them, and not for your health, that it works in the first place. Naturally, one cannot completely deny the need for periodic intake of certain medicines, but what can be observed today is already too much: they are prescribed by doctors with slightest symptom diseases, antibiotics are used in tons, and even more - everyone has long been accustomed (not without the help of marketers) to self-diagnose themselves and “prescribe” medicines.

In fact, this is a colossal blow to health and even to the wallet! But this can be easily avoided. How? With the help of recipes that Nature herself gives us. Birch is our symbol and our pride, one of the most unique and effective folk remedies known to our ancestors. And its most useful part is birch buds. Treatment with this gift of nature can be carried out quite successfully at home.

Birch buds - useful properties and contraindications

They are truly amazing. This is due to the composition of the kidneys: essential balsamic oil, betulinic acid, resinous substances, flavonoids, fatty acids, alkaloids, carotene, many vitamins and minerals.

The beneficial properties of birch buds are widely used not only in alternative medicine. modern science also confirms their unique effect on the body, using the kidneys themselves, or their individual components, in the production of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

The following properties of birch buds, which are used for therapeutic purposes, are especially pronounced:

Diuretic. Within 10-15 minutes after ingestion, they begin to appear.

Sweatshops. It helps to reset overweight associated with violation water-salt balance, remove toxins from the body and so on.

Cholagogue. They work very well with stagnation of bile, diluting it and helping natural removal (with caution should be used for gallstones).

Wound healing. Under the influence of birch bud components, wounds heal faster, and soft tissue regeneration processes are more intense.

Blood purifiers. Significantly improve the composition of blood and lymph. Also, they contribute to its more active circulation through the bloodstream, which facilitates the work of the heart.

Antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial. Birch buds can be used very effectively in the treatment of any ailments associated with most of the pathogens assigned to these kingdoms.

Painkillers. Very good help with pain of various etiologies. They can significantly reduce their level, or eliminate them altogether, depending on the intensity.

Birch buds - treatment

Their application is quite wide. Let's look at the main ways in this direction.

as a diuretic

So, birch buds, useful properties and contraindications as a diuretic. For these purposes, the infusion is the best fit.

Cooking it is simple: pour 2 teaspoons of dry kidneys with boiling water (250 milliliters), leave for half an hour, strain. Take 50 milliliters before meals (2-4 times). This decoction will help with swelling lower extremities, hypertension, intoxication of the body. Can also be applied in complex therapy in order to normalize body weight.

As an expectorant

Birch buds as an expectorant. Helps with wet and dry coughs. They act quickly, and there are practically no contraindications and side effects. They can be brewed, or poured with boiling water and infused for about 5-7 minutes. Then, add honey. All ingredients are by eye. If approximately, then you need to take water - 1 glass, kidneys - 1 teaspoon, honey - the same amount. Drink during the day 50 milliliters.

For colds and coughs, inhalations prepared from are also used. Such inhalations provide good effect with diseases of the nasopharynx and throat.

As a diuretic

With bile stagnation, birch buds are a powerful choleretic agent. This is its advantage, but in some cases it is a contraindication. If there is a penchant for stones in gallbladder, that is - if they are already found in it, then this remedy is contraindicated.

But him choleretic properties can be of great help to those who simply have stagnation. Cooking and drinking - just like a diuretic, only the frequency of doses should be increased up to 6 times a day, and the concentration of the main ingredient, kidneys, up to 2.5-3 tablespoons.

To reduce sugar

At diabetes this gift of nature can be used for its treatment, as well as in preventive measures. Recipe: pour a teaspoon of dry, or one and a half tablespoons of fresh, kidneys with 1 cup of boiling water, simmer on a gas stove for about 25 minutes (under the lid so that all the liquid does not evaporate), leave for 5 hours, strain through sterile gauze or a sieve.

How to take: after a meal 3 times a day, 3 tablespoons, or in one go for half a cup in the morning on an empty stomach.

As a remedy for joints

Birch buds are used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. The joints will begin to recover, the pain will subside, and the inflammation will fade. All this is not the result of taking some powerful expensive pharmaceuticals, a positive consequences taking birch buds.

We prepare the remedy: pour boiling water (1 cup) birch buds (1 teaspoon), put on gas stove, “torment” 10 minutes, insist 50-60 minutes, wrapped with a natural cloth, filtered.

For ankylosis, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, gout and other joint problems, take 40-50 milliliters after meals after 1 hour. Multiplicity of reception per day - 2-4 times.

For dermatological ailments

Birch buds are a very effective natural and safe remedy in case of: eczema, dermatitis, furunculosis, burns, frostbite, acne and so on.

To get rid of them, it is enough to prepare a strong infusion and take baths with it every day before going to bed for at least 1 week, if necessary, the course can be continued for another 10 days.

An ointment is also prepared from birch buds, which is also very effective in this regard. Its preparation method will be discussed below.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

An infusion from the kidneys (the method of obtaining it will also be discussed later) has a healing effect in various diseases of the stomach (including gastritis and ulcers) and all digestive tract. And it's not the only indications to their application. There are hundreds various diseases, and a huge part of them can be cured completely, or partially (the remission period is also taken into account).

Healing properties of birch buds

Researchers, scientists, and the patients themselves, who have experienced and received a result that even exceeded the wildest expectations, do not stop talking about them.

Physicians themselves speak of folk methods more carefully, but in many cases birch buds are also prescribed, as an additional remedy for ulcers, sore throats and oral cavity, with problems with skin and hair, to cleanse the body of toxic substances and its strengthening, improvement of metabolic processes and so on.

Birch buds are not consumed in the form in which they are collected or sold in a pharmacy, that is, raw or dried. They must be properly prepared, after which they receive the right remedy, which can be applied or consumed, externally or internally.

It can be: decoction, infusion (including alcohol), ointment. How to cook them correctly for most known cases and various ways applications - this will be discussed now.

How to prepare a healing infusion of birch buds

For the treatment of specific diseases, the ratio of ingredients can be slightly adjusted in one direction or another.

Components: crushed birch buds (1 teaspoon), boiling water (clean drinking water, about 125 milliliters, which is about half a glass).

Cooking method: Pour boiling water over the kidneys (in an enamel bowl), cover with a lid on top, leave in a boiling water bath for at least 10 minutes. Remove from the stove, insist for 50 minutes, no more than 1 hour. Strain. The tool is ready. Store the infusion in a dark and cold place (refrigerator - perfect option) no more than 30 hours.

This method of preparation allows you to save as much as possible healing properties birch trees, passing them to the water. healing effect, at proper cooking and storage, guaranteed.

Decoction of birch buds

Cooking: the broth is prepared very simply: 250 milliliters of pure drinking water, 10 pre-prepared kidneys, they are filled with water, all this is brought to a boil and is not removed from the stove for another 8-10 minutes.

Alcohol tincture of birch buds - how to cook

Components: Birch buds, ethanol 70%. Ratio: approximately 1:8.

Cooking: pour alcohol (vodka) and insist in a cool, but not cold, dark place for about 55 days. Periodic shaking (1 time in 5-7 days) is required.

Alcohol tincture can be taken both internally and externally. It treats stomach ulcers, myositis and arthritis, abrasions, eczema and many other diseases. It can even be dripped into the ears with otitis and other problems with them.

Ointment based on birch buds

Problem skin? Worried about the joints? No problem. This ointment should help!

Cooking: mix butter and birch buds in equal proportions, put the dishes with the mixture on the battery or in place in direct sunlight for 1 day, then mix thoroughly and squeeze through gauze. All that has departed is the ointment. It is already ready for use. Store it in a glass container in the refrigerator.

How and when to collect birch buds?

The ideal time to collect is from January to April. At this time, the concentration of valuable substances in them is maximum. But you need to collect only "swollen" buds, if the buds "blossomed", then they should not be collected.

The buds are collected by hand, you can break them off with small twigs, then tie them into brooms, dry, thresh. There is nothing complicated in the collection, but the lesson itself is long, because the kidneys are very small. But for personal use, you don't need a lot of them.

How to store birch buds?

If you properly collect and dry birch buds, they will be usable for 3-4 years. Store them in natural fabric bags, paper bags for food products, glass container, in a dark place at room temperature.


1. Stones in the gallbladder.

2. Individual intolerance.

3. Pregnancy and lactation.

4. Acute renal failure.

Any self-medication is not only a potential benefit, but also a certain risk. Before you start it, weigh the beneficial properties of birch buds and contraindications. Especially if we are talking about children. After all, birch buds - powerful remedy, and its effect on the body may be different in each specific situation. Be careful and don't get sick!

From time immemorial, birch has been considered a medicinal plant.

Our ancestors used birch buds in the fight against numerous diseases long before the advent of antibiotics and other chemicals.

Medicinal compositions from birch buds have antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and tonic properties.

White birch is a fast-growing deciduous tree with white bark smooth to the touch and characteristic black fragments. Reaches 25 m in height. The leaves are diamond-shaped. The flowering period falls on April-May. The flowers are of different sexes, are an inflorescence in the form of earrings. The fruit reaches maturity by mid-winter. The plant can reproduce both vegetatively and from seed. Birch buds are straight with a smooth, delicate surface.

Birch is a representative of the most common trees in the world. It can be found in hot tropical countries, and in the frozen forests of the north. Life cycle The plant is on average 200 years old.

All types of birches are valuable spring honey plants.

Per chemical composition tree pollen is one of the valuable food products for bees, because it contains high percentage fats.

Procurement of raw materials - important points

Kidney harvesting is carried out in early spring.

Opened kidneys do not have medicinal properties. Drying of raw materials is carried out in air or using special dryers.

Store harvested birch buds in a dry, well-ventilated area.

There are several tricks when harvesting raw materials.

In winter and early spring, birch buds are small, because of this, collect them in in large numbers difficult.

To simplify the collection process, birch branches are brought into a warm room and wait 1-2 days. During this time, the kidneys will swell and increase in volume. The main thing is not to allow the kidneys to open, otherwise all useful properties will be lost.

With proper preparation and storage, the kidneys are usable for two years.

Birch buds - photo

The chemical composition of birch buds

The composition of the plant is very diverse, due to which the raw material has such valuable medicinal properties.

Particularly valuable component 0 essential oil- during distillation with water vapor, up to 8% is released. It is a thick liquid yellow color with balsamic aroma. Comprises chemical substances betulen, betulenic acid, betulol;

Birch buds contain:

  • vitamin C;
  • saponins;
  • flavonoids;
  • grape sugar;
  • carotene
  • resins;
  • fatty acid.

Useful properties of birch buds

Birch buds have a therapeutic effect.

They help to establish metabolism and the synthesis of female sex hormones.

They are prescribed for hypo- and avitaminosis, atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer, chronic diseases kidneys, inflammation genitourinary system, urolithiasis.

Essential oils extracted from birch buds are used in cosmetology.

Preparations made from the kidneys have the following effects:

  • Infusion of birch buds

Most often, as a medicine, a decoction of birch buds is used. To obtain it, you need to pour 2 teaspoons of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and, when the mixture has cooled, strain.

The resulting decoction contains many vitamins that help strengthen the immune system, so it is useful during an exacerbation colds and flu.

With acute and chronic tonsillitis their throats are gargled. Thanks to him antiseptic properties eliminates the influence of pathogenic microorganisms, causing inflammation mucous membrane of the tonsils.

For skin diseases that cause unbearable itching, baths with decoction are taken. It has a calming effect and relieves the suffering of the patient.

  • Decoction of birch buds

To prepare a decoction of birch buds, pour 2 teaspoons of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and insist in a water bath for 15 minutes, then when the mixture has cooled, strain.

For ulcers, burns and wounds on the body, apply a compress moistened with decoction

With stomatitis, inflammation and bleeding of the gums, I use the decoction to rinse the mouth. This helps to relieve inflammation and heal ulcers.

A decoction is used to rinse hair, because birch buds can help stop baldness.

  • Birch bud tincture

Half a glass of raw materials is poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and the mixture is sent to a dark, warm place for 2 weeks. After this time, the tincture is filtered through several layers of gauze and taken in a teaspoon before eating, after diluting the drug with water.

Vodka tincture helps in the treatment festering wounds, bedsores, ulcers, abrasions, eczema. Injured areas of the skin are regularly lubricated with the medicine received.

With a stomach ulcer, the drug is taken orally 10-15 drops, mixed with water.

Treats this simple drug and otitis media. 2-3 drops of the drug are instilled into each ear of the patient and give him rest.

For arthritis painful part bodies are rubbed with tincture of birch buds.

Alcohol can be used instead of vodka. For alcohol tincture birch buds must be crushed in a mortar and pour alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. Insist in a dark place for 3 days. Use three times a day for a teaspoon.

With a cold, tincture should be rubbed into the body. To enhance the effect, you can make tea from birch buds.

To do this, 1 glass of kidneys is poured into 600 ml of vegetable oil and sent to infuse in a dark place for 40 days. Then add to the workpiece 50 gr. chamomile, 50 gr. St. John's wort and leave for another 21 days.

It is required to periodically shake the mixture to mix. After that, the tincture is boiled for half an hour on low heat and left for another 3 days.

it remedy will come help with hemorrhoids. For achievement therapeutic effect 2 times a day do microclysters with the addition of the resulting oil infusion. External hemorrhoids are lubricated with tincture twice a day.

  • Ointment from birch buds

It will take 0.5 kg of butter or pork lard and 250 ml. plant component. A layer of fat (2 cm) is placed in enameled dishes, then a layer of kidneys (2 cm) and so on until all the raw materials are used.

Then the container is covered with a lid and placed overnight in an oven or oven heated to 100 ° C. In the morning, strain the warm mixture and leave to set.

The ointment is used for rheumatism and eczema, every evening, rubbing into the affected part of the body.

  • Hair strengthening tincture

Birch buds will come to the rescue with hair loss. For the exhausted damaged hair there is a great recipe natural mask tincture based. In addition to healing and treatment, the mask is suitable for lightening and gives the hair a lively shine.

The tincture is prepared as follows.

Pour a teaspoon of raw materials with 100 ml of alcohol and leave for 10 days. To prepare the mask, mix 2 tbsp. spoons olive oil, a teaspoon of tincture and a few drops of essential oil (lavender, rosemary, fir).

Rub the product into the roots, wrap the head with a film and wrap it with a towel. Leave on for 3 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

  • Tibetan elixir with birch buds

The collection is prepared by mixing the kidneys, St. John's wort, immortelle and chamomile. To prepare the mixture, each herb is taken 100 g each, everything is thoroughly crushed and mixed.

Brew 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and filter.

The remedy is taken at bedtime, adding 250 ml of honey in a teaspoon and in the morning half an hour before a meal until the mixture is over. Course 1 time in five years.

It is used for:

  • removing toxins from the body;
  • regulation of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • improve the functioning of the stomach, kidneys and liver.

For storage, a glass container with an airtight lid is suitable.

All about the beneficial properties of birch buds - video

Contraindications for use

Without the permission of a doctor, the use of the product on birch buds is prohibited:

Nature has not left man alone with his problems. Almost every disease can be prevented or cured with the use of herbal preparations.

An experienced doctor will draw up treatment instructions and competently introduce these funds into medical complex on a par with pharmaceutical drugs, which will help reduce bad influence synthetic chemicals on the body.

Our ancestors used to treat various diseases many medicinal herbs, including birch buds collected in spring. And all because they contain healing birch sap and unique essential oils. The healing properties of birch buds are known to herbalists today. Therefore, we can replace the use of giving side effects chemical tablets for a natural, safe and effective tonic medicine from birch buds.

Birch buds medicinal properties and contraindications of the plant

Biochemical composition birch buds - unique, which gives wide opportunities to use this tool. Scientists have found that birch buds contain balsamic essential oil. This oil is composed of betulenic acid, fatty acids, resinous substances, vitamins PP and C, flavonoids, alkaloids, carotene, calcium, magnesium, iron, tannins, saponins, betulen and betulol. All these components that he knows well official medicine, have a simply unique effect on a person.

In particular, the use of birch buds has the following beneficial medicinal properties:

  • antibacterial result - they kill many microbes of the typhoid-intestinal series and cope with 144 strains of staphylococci;
  • anti-inflammatory effect, especially if the disease has dragged on for long time;
  • general strengthening effect in a weakened body;
  • diuretic effect to eliminate edema;
  • blood-purifying and disinfecting action, if the infection spreads throughout the body;
  • wound healing - with blood loss;
  • diaphoretic, choleretic and analgesic effect.

In a word, birch buds have unique beneficial medicinal properties. And their use makes it possible to cure almost any disease.

But, unfortunately, not everyone can use this folk way treatment. Because there are contraindications. In particular, such funds are not recommended for women during lactation and pregnancy. Yes, and people with kidney failure and diseases of the urinary system in acute form can not use the remedy without consulting a doctor.

Instructions for use

The recipe for the use of birch buds most often involves the use of a tincture prepared with alcohol, but a natural decoction is also often made, and sometimes healing ointment.

So, these funds can be used for:

  • respiratory diseases, gingivitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease, tonsillitis - most often the treatment is carried out in the form of rinses or applications of infusion and decoction;
  • skin diseases, eczema, joint pain, rheumatism, gout - apply compresses from decoctions of birch buds;
  • edema, non-healing trophic ulcers, arthritis, tincture of vodka or an equally effective decoction of birch buds is also used.

When is the best time to collect

Moreover, the collection is good to produce outside the city in a clean area: the farther from the polluted roads, the better. And it is advisable not just to pluck some buds, but to cut them off with a branch on which the leaf is held. And only after the branch dries up, and the sap flow in it stops, you can cut off the brown-brown rudiments with a greenish base.

It is important to properly dry this well-known among herbalists drug collection. Birch buds are left for outdoors, laid out in one layer, or left in special dryers, the temperature in which should not be higher than 30 degrees.

After the collection is well dried, it should be poured into glass jars, in linen or paper bags. But plastic or any other similar dishes for storage are not suitable.

Decoction, tea, tincture - benefits

Unique composition and rich beneficial properties of birch buds allow them to be used to treat almost any disease. So, a decoction, tincture or tea are indispensable for beriberi - vitamins and carotene in the composition of the collection will give strength, remove drowsiness, weakness, irritability.

If the metabolism is disturbed, then the balance of the body can be restored. The use of a decoction or tincture in this case will help normalize metabolic processes. And all thanks to the vitamins PP and flavonoids contained in the product.

There is an instruction for use for older people who suffer from atherosclerosis and who are at high risk of developing a heart attack or stroke. It is especially important for such people to use decoctions from birch buds - the saponins and flavonoids contained in them prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

birch buds application

You can use birch buds in various ways- in the form of infusion, decoction or tea. Yes, and the purpose of the appointment can be almost anything - from the treatment of serious diseases in the form of deposition of sclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels to the desire of women to lose weight and improve their appearance. The main thing is to stick to the recipe and not to abuse decoctions and tinctures. Because an overdose can lead to extremely undesirable consequences.

Collection of 4 herbs: chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle, birch buds

There is a collection of longevity, which some herbalists call the Tibetan infusion:

  • in its preparation are used: birch buds, chamomile, immortelle and birch buds.

This collection has truly unique healing properties. What is it used for? To activate metabolic processes, improve the functions of the stomach and other internal organs, suppress pathogenic bacteria remove harmful accumulations from the body. It is also suitable for those who want to lose weight, you just need to want to lose weight. And this therapeutic and prophylactic collection of herbs is used to rejuvenate and improve the body.

And he prepares simply: a collection of herbs is used - chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle, birch buds - only 100 grams of each plant. All herbs are crushed and stacked in a tightly closed glass container. When it becomes necessary to make an infusion, you need to take a tablespoon of the mixture without a top and pour half a liter of just boiled water. After half an hour of infusion, you can apply a decoction.

True, there are several schemes for its use:

  • there is an opinion that half of the infusion should be used at bedtime with honey, and the remaining half - about half an hour before breakfast, preheating the infusion in a water bath;
  • other herbalists recommend drinking cold herbal collection only at night for a glass - after its use, it is no longer possible to eat other food;
  • there are those who recommend drinking a decoction three times a day for a third of a glass - and only an hour after a meal, that is, do not use it on an empty stomach.

Everyone will choose the best option for using the collection for himself - depending on the usual way of life. In any case, herbalists have tried all the schemes, and they really bring a noticeable healing effect. Moreover, the remedy has such a strong immunostimulating result that it should be used no more than once in a couple of years.

Tincture on birch buds: how to cook it yourself

It is important to know how to properly prepare a vodka tincture from birch buds. After all, such an infusion received very good feedback due to its medicinal properties.

For internal and external use, the product is made in different ways:

1. For internal use you should take dry birch buds, measure out 20 grams (this is about 10-12 pieces) and fill them with 100 milliliters of 70% alcohol, or you can use high-quality vodka. All this is placed in a bottle with opaque glass and left for 3 weeks in a cool dark place. Shake the contents of the bottle periodically. And when the tincture is ready, it should be filtered and applied 15-20 minutes before meals. In a tablespoon of drinking water, you need to measure 20-30 drops - this is the dosage for an adult weighing about 80 kilograms.

2. For external use, the collection is first ground in a wooden mortar almost to a powder state, and then poured with alcohol. For 1 part of the plant, the use of 5 parts is calculated pure alcohol, but it can be replaced with vodka. And after a week, the tincture is available for use as rubbing for joint pain.

Slimming for women on birch buds at home

The benefit of birch buds also lies in the fact that women can achieve their ideal weight with their help. For weight loss, it is possible to use tea (this article contains its exact recipe), and you can also do body wraps using tinctures. With regular use of tea, the diaphoretic and diuretic effect is activated - toxins and other harmful substances will leave the body. And the wraps problem areas bodies will improve the condition of the skin on the abdomen and thighs.

It is also important to try to normalize your diet, to have endurance in order to refuse the so-called "food garbage" - semi-finished products, chips and the like. And still need to find time for physical exercise and walk as much as possible.

Birch bud treatment recipes

Depending on the problem, it can be used various schemes treatment with birch buds:

1. For flu, colds, sore throats or periodontal disease, you can prepare a decoction of 10 grams of birch buds (5 large buds are taken), which are poured into a glass in an enamel bowl hot water. Then, for 15 minutes, the broth should be boiled, and after that, strain, cool and drink half a glass daily between meals.

2. To improve the condition of the hair, it is possible to use a decoction, which includes chamomile and birch buds. Boil a tablespoon of a mixture of herbs in a liter of water and rinse your hair after washing - you will be able to get rid of excess fat scalp, as well as to achieve greater silkiness and softness.

3. In diseases of the joints or psoriasis, the use of ointment from birch buds helps. To prepare it, you will need to buy lanolin, that is, wax obtained by boiling sheep wool. Lanolin should be melted, and then mixed with an equal amount of infusion - birch buds steamed with boiling water. As soon as the mass hardens, excess liquid you need to drain, and with a creamy paste you can rub sore joints or, for example, eczema.

How to make herbal tea

The use of tea from birch buds allows you to achieve a diuretic, diaphoretic, as well as a bactericidal effect. To prepare the drink, a couple of crushed teaspoons and kidneys are used - this mixture must be poured with a glass of boiling water. Keep it in a teapot for 4 hours, then strain. During the day, such tea with a spoonful of honey can be drunk four times. And such a simple recipe for the use of birch buds and leaves helps to get rid of edema and many other problems.

The medicinal properties of birch buds have been known for a long time: anti-inflammatory, diuretic, analgesic - and this is not the whole list. Birch itself is a unique plant:

in medicine and cosmetology, its leaves (young, early), buds, bark, juice, tar are used. A useful and proven remedy is propolis, a product of the processing of secretions from birch buds by bees.

Collection and harvesting of birch buds

For medical and cosmetic purposes, somewhat white, ribbed and drooping are used. From this, the healing properties of birch buds do not change. It is necessary to collect raw materials at the moment of the onset of heat, when the juice begins to circulate through the tree. Depending on the region, this is the period from the beginning - mid-February to April. At the time of harvest, the buds should not be too swollen, and the branches should not be covered with leaves. It was then that the raw materials are rich in useful trace elements. For you need to cut the branches and lay them out thin layer in a ventilated area. It can be an attic or a shed. After a while, the kidneys are stripped by running a hand along the branch. Raw materials sifted through a sieve should be stored in paper bags.

Healing properties of birch buds

Birch buds - folk recipes

  • In diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis, ankylosis), gout and rheumatism, a decoction of birch buds is effective. 1 tsp raw materials are poured with 200 ml of boiling water, boiled over low heat for 10 minutes, after which the broth is wrapped and infused for an hour. You need to take it after filtering 50 ml three to five times a day.
  • A tincture with anti-inflammatory and strong analgesic properties is prepared from the buds of drooping birch and (speck). Incredibly effective for non-healing infected wounds and infectious prostatitis. The method of preparation is quite simple: equal parts of crushed poplar and birch buds (total volume 1 cup) are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and infused for 21 days. Inside, 20 drops diluted in water are taken. For external use, compresses are used on the perineal area. The course of treatment is 21 days, 7 days off.
  • Ointment from birch buds is used for inflammation and pain in the joints, in the lower back, with non-healing wounds. Preparing it is troublesome, but as a result you will get a large amount of an excellent painkiller and bactericidal agent that will last for a long time. For cooking, you need 1 glass of kidneys and 0.5 kg of pork internal fat or butter. The raw materials are folded into a heat-resistant dish in layers of 2 cm, tightly closed with a lid and left overnight in the oven at 100 degrees. In the morning, the mass should be slightly cooled and filtered. The ointment is ready.

Other medicinal properties of birch

  • Cleansing the body of toxins can be done with the help of wraps from young birch leaves, which are crushed to extract juice and laid out on a sheet. You can put them in cloth bags. Then the body is wrapped in a sheet or lined with filled bags. The procedure is accompanied profuse sweating, runny nose, lacrimation.
  • With dermatitis in the groin and under the arms, accompanied by itching and bad smell, a mixture of birch bark powder (bark) and lemon juice. Almost a week later daily use the smell problem will be solved.
  • And, of course, you should pay attention to the removal of toxins and the activation of metabolism in the body. An indispensable tool for this is birch sap or kvass prepared on its basis. Birch juice is a natural natural antioxidant.
  • And for weight loss and the fight against cellulite, a bath with a birch broom is excellent. These procedures are general health and strengthening for the body.

Treatment with birch buds: contraindications

Recommendations of doctors - that's what you need to be guided by before self-medicating. Even such harmless remedies as folk recipes have side effects. For example, an infusion or decoction of birch buds can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and kidneys, so their long-term use is not recommended. It is strictly forbidden to use kidneys in any form for pregnant and lactating women.

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