Cutaneous epidermophytosis. Inguinal epidermophytosis in men

Inguinal epidermophytosisfungal pathology, characterized by the appearance of specific spots in the area of ​​​​large folds, which cause discomfort to a person, because they itch and grow up to 10 cm in diameter. Men are more likely to suffer from the disease, and such a disease practically does not occur in children and adolescents. In women, the disease can also occur, but much less frequently than in men, and they have spots characteristic of inguinal epidermophytosis in this case, they can be located in the area of ​​the labia, on the inside of the thighs, and also in the folds under the breasts.

The reasons

Scientists have found out which microorganism causes such diseases as inguinal epidermophytosis. It is a fungus Epidermophyton floccosum, but also this pathology can cause some other types of fungi, which can be contracted through personal contact with a sick person, or through contaminated household items, that is, through household contact.

The main reason is non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, including the use of other people's personal items (towels, soap, etc.). At the same time, predisposing factors to the development of the disease can be:

  • , as a result of which it is quite difficult to maintain the proper level of hygiene in the area of ​​​​large folds;
  • increased sweating causing favorable environment for the reproduction of the fungus;
  • heat and high humidity are also predisposing factors for infection, since such conditions are most favorable for the growth and reproduction of the fungus.

A person can become infected in the pool, public bath, and even on the beach. Therefore, experts advise wearing your own shoes in public places so that the fungus does not get on the surface of the feet and spread throughout the body.

Sometimes inguinal epidermophytosis has nonspecific symptoms, in which characteristic itchy rashes are formed not in the area of ​​​​large folds, but on the soles of the feet, where the fungus initially enters.

It should be noted that the more rapid development of the fungus contributes to a long stay in a sitting position, which makes it difficult for air exchange in the groin area, and leads to increased sweating, which creates a favorable microclimate for the fungus. Therefore, this pathology is often called occupational disease truckers, train drivers and even programmers, in a word, people long time working in one place.


Inguinal epidermophytosis has similar symptoms with diseases such as Hebra's eczema, and. Therefore, patients with this pathology require differential diagnosis, allowing to identify the causative agent of the disease and exclude the possibility of other pathologies.

The disease begins with the fact that men or women have symptoms such as:

  • itching in the groin area (scrotum area, on the inner surface of the thighs, buttocks, in the folds on the abdomen in people with excess overweight, in the folds under the breasts in women);
  • in places of itching, rashes appear, which are pink spots with erythematous edges;
  • pustules and vesicles may form along the edges of the spots;
  • general state remains unchanged in most cases.

Such symptoms are characteristic of the first stage of the disease, but if the pathology is not treated at this stage, the symptoms progress.

The second stage is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • merging of spots into a single colony;
  • the formation of weeping surfaces inside each individual spot;
  • severe itching and inflammation.

The third stage is characterized by the transition of the disease to chronic form, in which the symptoms are exacerbated, then disappear. She expresses herself:

  • the disappearance of inflammation inside each spot with darkening of the skin;
  • preservation of inflammation around the circumference of the spots;
  • itching and discomfort when walking.

The disease can also be neglected - this happens in those extreme cases when a person does not apply the treatment prescribed by a doctor or does not seek treatment at all medical assistance. In this case, the course of the disease is complicated - the areas become inflamed, get wet, join secondary infection, which contributes to the occurrence of blisters with serous or purulent contents, which have to be opened in a hospital.


As mentioned above, the diagnosis of the disease in men and women is usually not difficult, it is only necessary to differentiate the disease from Hebr's eczema, rubomycosis, candidiasis and some other diseases. Therefore, despite the fact that the diagnosis is made on the basis of the patient's complaints and examination, it is also important to prescribe laboratory research scraping from the lesion, which will reveal the fungus.

In women, scrapings are taken from the inner surface of the thighs and the area under the breasts, where fungal colonies are most often located. In men - from the inner surface of the thighs, buttocks, scrotum, the area between the toes.

Also, in order to make sure that the patient does not have any other skin disease, Wood's lamp is diagnosed. With a pathology such as inguinal epidermophytosis, the lesions will glow with a greenish light. In the same cases, if the patient has eczema or other skin diseases having similar symptoms, the glow will be different, for example, red-coral.

Features of treatment

Treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis in men and women is identical. It includes taking medications inside and local treatment of lesions. The main means by which you can treat this diseaseantifungal drugs. For this purpose, an antifungal ointment is prescribed, which needs to be treated with lesions. In particular, you can use such an effective ointment as Clotrimazole, Nizoral, Miconazole and others.

In addition, with inguinal epidermophytosis, it is possible to treat the affected areas with other therapeutic compounds:

  • 1% resorcinol solution;
  • sulfur-tar ointment;
  • 0.2% silver nitrate solution, etc.

Good therapeutic effect directly against this pathology has Triderm ointment, but this does not mean at all that the disease can be treated only with the help of this drug. The approach to treatment should be comprehensive and include:

  • application local ointments;
  • reception antihistamines reducing itching;
  • taking antifungal drugs inside (according to the doctor's indications);
  • treatment with disinfectants, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents of lesions;
  • application of methods traditional medicine to relieve irritation and inflammation.

In particular, the treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis can be supplemented by taking baths with oak bark, chamomile or other anti-inflammatory herbs. Also, decoctions of such herbs should be washed regularly, which has a drying, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing local effect. The prognosis is favorable in most cases. Subject to medical recommendations, recovery occurs in a period of 3 to 6 months.

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Let's talk about the modern treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis in men. It is known that this infection more common in men. Inguinal and intergluteal folds are affected, causing itching, discomfort.

Epidermophytosis in men - effective treatment

If the diagnosis is established and the correct medicines are prescribed, then the disease can be cured in a few weeks.

Therapy of inguinal epidermophytosis is carried out medicines local action.

In some cases, antihistamines are prescribed. Medication is taken orally. The most effective means include: "Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Zodak".

With the onset of the acute phase of exacerbation (with the appearance of bubbles), lotions are used: a solution of silver nitrate (25%) or a solution of resorcinol (1%). Ointment compositions are applied in a complex way: "Triderm", "Mikozolon".

When skin covering cleansed, sulfur-tar ointment is applied or wounds are lubricated alcohol tincture iodine (2%). Applying an iodine solution, the skin should be without visible damage. Any scratches or abrasions can cause burns.

Antifungal external formulations are used, such as: Lamisil, Nizoral, Mikoseptin. These funds actively fight fungal infection, reduce itching and burning.

It is worth remembering: glucocorticosteroid drugs can damage the skin, contribute to the spread of inflammatory processes!

Causes of pathology

If one person in a family has contracted epidermophytosis, there is a huge possibility of infection for all family members.

The main cause of the disease is in contact of a healthy person with the skin of the patient. Fungal spores of the infection are quite tenacious.

Therefore, infection can be transmitted through bedding or underwear, joint personal hygiene items, with the help of towels, detergent components, medical instruments, pedicure and manicure sets.

The source of infection is often rooms where there is high humidity, for example, baths, swimming pools, saunas.

Obese men who have failures are more likely to get sick normal exchange substances. They sweat profusely or get sick diabetes.

Epidermophytosis can occur in people suffering from:

  • overweight;
  • weak immune system;
  • oncology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • violation of the dermis in the groin area, it can be cuts, cracks, diaper rash.

If timely therapeutic actions are not performed, the fungus can affect other parts of the skin layers, including anal passage and scrotum.

Symptoms of this disease

If not produced timely treatment diseases, over time epidermophytosis can turn into chronic stage which will greatly complicate the life of the patient.

Symptomatic manifestations of the disease will flare up constantly, especially in summer.

The main signs of epidermophytosis include intolerable itching. The fungus affects the folds of the groin, thighs and pubis.

The foci of inflammation appear as pink spots, one centimeter in diameter. After some time has passed small spots begin to grow, affecting a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, peeling is observed. With these symptoms, the slightest walking causes discomfort.

Pain is observed when squatting or while swimming. Conducting inadequate hygiene or wearing tight clothes, itching and burning in inguinal zones intensifies.

Symptoms of epidermophytosis include:

  • swelling of the affected areas;
  • redness;
  • the appearance of blisters with a clear or gray liquid.

The presented symptomatic manifestations are similar to other diagnoses, for example, candidiasis, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, pemphigus. Therefore, the exact conclusion can be determined by a specialist after the examinations.

Is this pathology contagious?

A dermatologist is able to determine the exact diagnosis of epidermophytosis. If there is a severe course of the disease, a mycologist or specialist in fungal diseases will help.

Before starting treatment, the patient is examined by an infectious disease specialist. Sometimes you need to consult a venereologist or immunologist.

For exact definition diagnosis, a blood and urine test is taken, a scraping of scales is taken from the affected groin area. The type of fungus is determined in the laboratory by a specialist mycologist.

This skin infection causes fungus. Its habitat is warm, moist human skin: genitals, thighs and buttocks. Epidermophytosis is a contagious disease that is transmitted by contact with the patient, his personal belongings, where there are scales of the infected epithelium.


Diagnosis of this disease

Dermatologist and mycologist are engaged in diagnostic measures and therapy. When the history of the disease has been collected, the doctor examines the lesions.

Produced laboratory methods of examination. To confirm or refute the diagnostic conclusion, a microscopic examination is performed. A scraping is taken from the damaged areas of the body.

To do this, a smear for microscopy is prepared, and the particles under study are seeded on Sabouraud's selective medium.

Incubation of crops is carried out in cooling thermostats for five days..

Wood's lamp is able to exclude other pathologies with similar clinical pictures.

For the treatment of mycoses of the inguinal region, a huge range of different effective drugs. Among them are ointment compositions. If the drugs are used without a doctor's prescription, then you need to follow the instructions.

Instructions will help to avoid complications, will lead to the expected result. An important condition therapy is personal hygiene.

Consider the most effective ointments:

  1. Antibacterial, antifungal ointment composition "Mikozolon". Consists of hydrochloride, miconazole, mazipredone. The composition is able to eliminate itching, burning, inflammation. The agent is applied in the morning and in the evening on the affected clean skin cover (dried). The course of therapy is no more than 35 days. You can not use "Mikozolon" for tuberculosis of the skin layers, smallpox, herpes, pregnant, lactating women.
  2. Ointment "Triderm" has an antifungal, bactericidal effect. The components of the composition can disrupt the synthesis of ergosterol (an integral part of the fungus). The composition is applied to the infected and adjacent areas of the skin, no more than twice a day. The course of treatment is one month. Ointment is not used for acute forms manifestations of psoriasis, skin tuberculosis, syphilis. Side effects are observed in rare cases, sometimes itching, burning, skin pigmentation may appear.
  3. Ointment "Clotrimazole" is used externally to treat skin and mucous membranes that are affected by a fungal infection. Before applying the product, the affected areas of the skin are thoroughly washed and dried. The composition is applied in a thick layer on the red spot. Wrapping is not allowed. The course of treatment is thirty days. The ointment is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women.
  4. The antifungal ointment preparation "Kanespor" contains a lot of active substances, including bifanazole. It inhibits the ergosterol synthesis reaction. Has the property of fast absorption. Therapeutic effect occurs five hours after applying the ointment. The ointment composition is applied to the affected areas of the body at bedtime. Bandages are allowed. To prevent damage to healthy areas of the body, they should be treated with anti-inflammatory creams.
  5. An effective remedy against epidermophytosis is an ointment that consists of the Terbinafine allylamine group. The drug is recommended for use in children over twelve years of age. The medication is applied to previously washed and dried damaged areas of the skin, no more than twice a day. The duration of therapy is two weeks. If there is no improvement after seven days, seek medical attention. medical institution to determine an accurate diagnosis.

Getting rid of at home

Drug therapy of inguinal fungal lesions can be combined with folk therapeutic mixtures. For the treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis in men, ointments, decoctions, and infusions are prepared at home, which effectively eliminate the infection. Therapy traditional medicine represents the use natural ingredients and mass medicinal herbs.

They are able not only to cure the disease, but to eliminate symptomatic manifestations, inflammation, reduce itching, burning.

Consider the most effective folk recipes against epidermophytosis:

  1. Take dried leaves lingonberries (30 grams), add St. John's wort (20 grams), chamomile inflorescences (10 grams) and eucalyptus (40 grams). Pour hot herbs boiled water, let it brew for 3-4 hours. Strain the mixture. The drug is taken at least three times a day for 125 grams. The course of therapeutic measures is one month. It is advisable to consult with your doctor before taking the medicinal tincture.
  2. With epidermophytosis, therapeutic lotions are often used. To prepare the medicine you will need: oak bark, flax-seed, yarrow leaves one hundred grams. All herbs are poured with two liters of boiling water and infused for six hours. After the time has elapsed, strain the mixture, apply for lotions. Initially treat the affected skin with a paste (zinc), then lower cotton swab into the prepared decoction, apply to the growing spot.
  3. The disease will disappear faster if you use a medicinal birch tincture. To do this, you need to collect fresh green birch leaves, rinse them under running water, cold water. Fold the sheet collection into a container, pour alcohol, the sheet should be completely covered with liquid. The medicine is infused for at least six days. After the time has elapsed, the unique tincture is ready for use. Using a cotton pad soaked in alcohol wounds are rubbed.
  4. Effectively fight the disease of radish grains (black). To do this, the seed is poured with hot, boiled water. The consistency should resemble thick sour cream. The remedy is infused for at least five hours. Apply the medicine to the affected areas of the body in the morning and evening.
  5. Purchase wild garlic. Grind it so that you get a juicy gruel. Spread the mixture on the gauze. Apply a compress to the groin area. Before applying the ointment, treat the affected skin with garlic juice.
  6. Place in a deep container: succession, eucalyptus, yarrow, cranberries, St. John's wort, chamomile, oak bark 25 grams. Pour all the ingredients with boiled water, let it brew for at least an hour, strain. Soak a linen cloth in the mixture and apply to affected areas of the body, 5-6 times a day.
  7. Celandine is considered one of the best home healers of epidermophytosis. To prepare the mixture, you need to mix celandine juice with olive oil. So that the weed plant does not leave burns on the skin, adhere to the correct proportions: 1: 3. Treat the skin with the prepared medicine several times a day.
  8. Get rid of inflammation, redness, itching and burning will help linseed oil. The ointment is very easy to prepare. Pour 50 grams of oil (linseed) into the container, add a drop of fir, eucalyptus, fig, geranium, clove oil. Mix all components thoroughly, rub into the skin affected by a fungal infection, in a circular motion. The procedure is carried out daily, before going to bed.

It is not at all difficult to get rid of the fungal pathogens that led to the formation of epidermophytosis on your own. It is very important to promptly seek help from a medical institution, where an accurate diagnosis will be established and treatment recommended.

Consequences and complications

Dangerous consequences of inguinal epidermophytosis can occur as a result of untimely, inadequate treatment. Then the red spots begin to grow very quickly, uniting with each other, thereby forming one whole huge spot.

Over time, the center of the spot is cleared, and the circumferential part takes the form of an inflamed edge. If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic.

Subsequently, constant exacerbations will be observed, especially in summer.

Effects wrong therapy lead to the prolongation of the disease for many years. Spots caused by a fungal infection will regularly be accompanied by severe itching, burning and flaking.

The complications of the disease include:

  • atrophy of the skin;
  • puffiness;
  • regular pain during intercourse;
  • migraine;
  • frequent occurrence of new relapses;
  • lymphangitis;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • accession of a secondary fungal infection.

Preventive measures

One of the most basic measures aimed at preventing infection with epidermophytosis is to stop contact with the patient. To do this, disinfect all everyday objects and surfaces, bed sheets, towels, manicure accessories.

If the house has a bath, shower or pool, it is necessary to regularly disinfect the premises. To prevent the appearance of inguinal epidermophytosis, carefully follow all the rules of personal hygiene of the body.

The skin must be kept clean and dry. Body washing is done with antibacterial detergents. Pay special attention to the inguinal areas of the body.

Wear loose clothing. It prevents increased sweating, respectively, and the flourishing of a fungal infection.

For sports, purchase special sports items (shorts, T-shirts, trousers). quality material is able to thoroughly absorb sweat, which will significantly reduce the occurrence of inguinal epidermophytosis.

At frequent use A sports bandage should be washed daily.

Epidermophytosis inguinal disease in men

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Treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis in women on early stage gives positive result. Inguinal epidermophytosis is fungal disease skin in the pubic area. In women, characteristic symptoms appear in the groin, armpits, gluteal folds.

Inguinal epidermophytosis in women - modern treatment

How to treat inguinal epidermophytosis in women?

For this, several simple rules:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to identify the disease and make sure the diagnosis is correct. It is best to consult a doctor. He will study the symptoms, conduct a series of studies.
  2. Maintain cleanliness in the affected areas of the skin. To do this, wash them a couple of times a day with a special antifungal soap or shampoo, which include ketoconazole, selenium sulfide.
  3. Avoid excessive moisture in the affected areas. It is necessary to wipe dry after a shower, apply anti-perspiration agents (antiperspirants, powders, talcs, and others).
  4. On the affected skin, it is necessary to apply a cream or ointment from the fungus after each wash. They are available in any pharmacy in the free sale. The best tools are active ingredients which are terbinafine, miconazole.
  5. Remember to wash your hands after applying them to prevent the spread of infection.
  6. Avoid additional irritation due to contact of the affected skin with allergens. It can be detergents, bleaches or softeners that remain on the fabric of clothes and linen after washing.

Compliance with these rules in most cases gives a positive result. But if this does not happen within 2-3 weeks, you need to seek qualified help.

Causes of the disease

They cannot exist on their own, because organic substances are necessary for their vital activity.

  1. By contact. The transmission of the infection occurs directly through touch, when mucus, skin flakes of an infected person gets on the skin of a healthy person. The disease can be caught in in public places(baths, saunas, pools and others).
  2. When using personal hygiene items and things of the patient. Often someone else's towel, soap, clothes and shoes can become a source of infection.

The fungus can live on the skin without showing itself. But under certain circumstances, it is activated.

There are factors that can lead to the development of pathology. Among them are:

  • excessive sweating;
  • obesity;
  • the presence of skin lesions;
  • the presence of diaper rash;
  • endocrine diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus);
  • high humidity and ambient temperature;
  • tuberculosis;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • decrease in the protective functions of the immune system.

Most often, inguinal epidermophytosis men become infected, less often - women. For children, this disease is not typical.

Typical symptoms of pathology

All skin diseases caused by dermatophytes have similar symptoms(rash, itching).

To distinguish athlete's groin from other fungal infections, you should pay attention to such characteristics among women:

  1. Localization of rashes. They appear primarily in the groin area. Also affects the skin of the armpits, buttocks and breast folds. Sometimes the rash spreads to the feet, hands, and nails.
  2. The nature of the rash. Initially, it appears as pink spots that are covered with scales. Soon they form bubbles filled with a cloudy liquid. If left untreated, pustules appear, which, after opening, form erosive lesions of skin areas. In the future, these places are covered with a dense crust.
  3. Clear outlines of rashes. These are pink in the beginning and reddish-brown spots then have clear boundaries.
  4. The tendency to increase and merge spots. At first they are small (about 1 cm), but soon they grow, merge with each other and spread throughout the body.
  5. Only the skin suffers from this disease, the fungus does not affect the hair.

Such rashes are often accompanied by severe itching and burning in the affected areas of the skin.

Depending on the severity of the disease, the following stages are distinguished:

  1. Typical. This is not a severe form. It is characterized by the appearance of small foci of a rash in the form of pink spots surrounded by bubbles with liquid.
  2. Complicated. The skin lesion increases, pustules appear, the color of the spots becomes inflamed red.
  3. Lichenoid. last stage considered to be running. The affected areas are compacted and covered with a crust.

Most often, epidermophytosis inguinal develops in summer period when sweating increases. After all, high temperature and humidity contribute to the reproduction of fungal infection.

Is this pathology contagious?

Using any drug without consulting a doctor, there is a risk of harm - the disease can not only remain, but also go into running stage and cause a number of complications.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary in the presence of any rashes on the skin, severe itching and burning in the affected areas, contact a specialist as soon as possible.

It can be:

  1. A dermatologist is a doctor who treats any skin conditions.
  2. Mycologist. This is a doctor who specializes in fungal infections of the skin.
  3. Podiatrist - a specialist with higher education who treats foot fungus. Often it can be found in beauty salons.

Depending on the symptoms and the extent of the spread of the disease, it is necessary to contact one of them or each in turn. They will help you quickly and effectively deal with the problem.

Athlete's groin is considered a highly contagious disease, since the ways of its transmission are associated with household contact of people.

It is transmitted from an infected person to another person in the following ways:

  • through touch (handshakes, kisses, hugs);
  • by sharing household items (dishes, cutlery) and personal hygiene (towel, soap, washcloth);
  • from wearing someone else's clothes and shoes.

You can pick up the disease in public places associated with direct contact between people. The most dangerous in this regard are common baths, saunas, swimming pools.


How to distinguish it from bordered eczema

The causes of bordered eczema are different:

  • violation of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • increased sweating;
  • various diseases of the endocrine or immune system;
  • the presence of tumors in organs and tissues;
  • tuberculosis;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • long-term stay in a room with high humidity and high air temperature.

In a hot period, the possibility of infection increases significantly, since increased sweating leads to the activation and reproduction of a fungal infection. Athletes often suffer from this pathology.

How to treat a disease with ointments

The approach to the treatment of the disease is complex. The use of only ointment against the fungus is ineffective.

Depending on the severity of the course of the disease and the severity of symptoms, therapy consists of the following procedures:

  1. Treatment of affected areas with special antifungal shampoos in order to prevent the spread of infection. They are sold in pharmacies and dispensed without a prescription. It can be Nizoral or Selsun Blue.
  2. Applying antifungal ointments and creams to infected skin. First of all, you should use those funds, which include the active substances terbinafine, miconazole. These are drugs Lamisil, Mikatin, Lotrimin and others. They are gentle, but at the same time effective action. Zinc ointment will help from irritation and excessive moisture.
  3. Treatment of blisters and pustules. They need to be dried to get rid of discomfort and continue treatment. Medical compresses from medicinal herbs or Burov's liquid are suitable for this purpose. After removal of fluid or pus from the vesicles, skin areas should be treated with iodine or fucarcin.
  4. The use of anti-inflammatory and antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs. They will help relieve severe itching and burning. These are Loratadin, Tavegil, Zirtek.
  5. Sometimes external or internal application antibiotics.

If a conventional means from the fungus do not help, the doctor prescribes potent drugs.

Among the most effective ointments, treating inguinal epidermophytosis, emit:

  1. external means, active substances which are oxyconazole, econazole, sulconazole, naftifine. These include potent ointments Nystatin, Mikoseptin, Cyclopirox, Oxystat, Spektazol, Exelderm, Lopraks. You should be aware that such funds are not used to treat children, pregnant and lactating women, allergy sufferers. Possible occurrence side effects: severe itching, excessive redness and irritation of the skin.
  2. External topical antibiotics. If it is established that the disease is provoked by a bacterial infection, the following ointments are used: Erythromycin, Metronidazole. They are applied 2 times a day until complete recovery.

If the ointments did not bring the desired effect and did not relieve the symptoms of the disease, the specialist may prescribe stronger antifungal drugs that are taken orally.

They can only be accepted special indications(for example, the presence of HIV infection). Among them, the most effective are Terbinafine, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole. The course of treatment with such drugs lasts from 7 days to 2 months.

Help folk remedies at home

Is the treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis carried out at home with folk remedies? Folk remedies do not always give a positive result, especially when the form is running.

They are not able to destroy the fungal infection. But they are often used to remove unpleasant symptoms(abnormal rashes, itching, burning).

Here are a few folk methods that will help relieve unpleasant phenomena:

  1. Infusion from medicinal herbs which is taken orally. To prepare it, you should mix eucalyptus, yarrow, chamomile flowers and St. John's wort in equal parts and pour hot water. It should be infused for about an hour. Take half a glass 2-3 times a day for a month.
  2. Lotions from oak bark, flax seeds and string will relieve inflammation and irritation. They must be applied to the affected areas of the skin.
  3. It will also help the usual drinking soda. She should be bred warm water until a slurry is formed and apply to the sore spot. After it dries, rinse off the mixture. large quantity water.
  4. Essential oils are also used as a bactericidal agent, lubricating the affected skin. Fig oil works well for this.
  5. Celandine has a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It has a negative effect on fungi, contributing to their destruction. It is used in the form of lotions, and also taken orally.
  6. White vinegar compresses are also used to relieve irritation and treat rashes.
  7. Garlic extract products have proven themselves well.

Folk remedies must be used in combination with the use of medications. By themselves, they will not cure the disease.

Consequences and complications

Fungal infection of the skin rarely leads to dangerous complications.

Their occurrence is associated with such phenomena:

  • untimely treatment of the disease, when it goes into an advanced stage;
  • lack of any treatment;
  • self-treatment;
  • the use of agents that are ineffective against this type of fungus.

Among possible complications inguinal eczema is isolated:

  • damage to large areas of the body;
  • the inability to cope with the infection with conventional antifungal agents(requires antibiotics)
  • the transition of the disease to a chronic form;
  • attachment to itching and burning persistent pain.

The neglected form of fungal skin lesions is difficult to treat. That's why timely appeal to the doctor - pledge successful treatment and complete recovery.

Necessary prevention of the problem

Prevention is always better than any cure.

Women should follow a few simple rules to prevent the occurrence of pathology.

First of all, these are:

  1. Compliance basic hygiene. It is necessary to keep your body (especially the vulva, feet and hands) clean and dry.
  2. Usage antimicrobial agents(soap, shampoo) to protect against fungi.
  3. Be careful in public places (do not sit on the toilet, use slippers in the pool or sauna, wash your hands).
  4. Avoid contact with strangers.
  5. Do not use someone else's dishes and hygiene items.
  6. Do not wear someone else's clothes (especially underwear) and shoes.

It should also be remembered that if any symptoms of skin damage by a fungus appear, it is necessary to seek the advice of a specialist as soon as possible. Do not ignore the disease or self-medicate. This can cause a number of complications and unpleasant consequences.

Inguinal epidermophytosis in women - home treatment

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skin, or dermatomycosis), affecting the skin and its appendages (hair and nails). Infection is caused by fungi epidermophytons or trichophytons. Epidermophytosis has a chronic long course, and is transmitted by contact exclusively from person to person. Fungal treatment infections conducted by various medicines that have antifungal activity.

General characteristics of the disease

Under the term "epidermophytia" (epidermophytia) modern doctors and scientists mean a group of fungal infections of the smooth skin of the body, feet, hands or, in rare cases, nails. The scalp is not affected by epidermophytosis. In general, the term "epidermophytosis" consists of two words - "epidermis" and "phytia". The epidermis is the uppermost, outer layer of the skin, and phytia is the collective name for pathogenic fungi that can affect the epidermis, causing a long and sluggish chronic inflammatory process. In this way, common sense, embedded in the term "epidermophytosis" is fungal infection that affects the outer layer of the skin (epidermis).

The fungi that cause epidermophytosis are contagious and widespread in the environment. Therefore, this infectious disease is also recorded very often in all parts of the world and countries of the world. Men are more susceptible to infection with epidermophytosis compared to women, as a result of which this infectious disease often develops in the stronger sex. In addition, there is evidence that urban residents are more likely to suffer from epidermophytosis than the rural population. Children under the age of 15 very rarely get epidermophytosis, and adolescents aged 15-18 suffer from this infection more often than children, but less often than adults.

The most susceptible to epidermophytosis are people who are long and often in conditions of high temperature and high humidity environment, as well as those individuals whose skin is constantly sweating, damaged or macerated. This means that epidermophytosis most often affects people who constantly visit pools, saunas and beaches (including employees of baths, saunas, pools, beaches, swimmers, etc.), and neglect the rules of personal hygiene (for example, walking without personal slippers, use of shared washcloths, towels in showers, etc.). In addition, professional athletes, workers in hot shops and coal mines often suffer from epidermophytosis, as their skin constantly sweats. Among professional athletes, swimmers, employees of baths, showers, pools, saunas, hot shops and coal mines, the incidence of epidermophytosis, according to a number of researchers, reaches 60 - 80%.

Epidermophytosis can occur in two main clinical forms - it is epidermophytosis of the feet and inguinal athlete. Athlete's groin is a form of infection in which smooth skin is affected mainly in large folds, such as inguinal, femoral, axillary, intergluteal folds, inner thighs, folds under the mammary glands in women, folds on the abdomen and waist in obese people, as well as interdigital spaces on the hands and feet. The nails of the hands and feet with inguinal epidermophytosis are extremely rarely affected. Since the most common foci of fungal infection are located in the inguinal folds and on the inner surface of the thighs, this form epidermophytosis is called "inguinal".

Epidermophytosis of the feet is a form of infection in which the skin of the arch and interdigital spaces of the feet is affected. In addition, with epidermophytosis of the feet in infection quite often also nails are involved. Due to the fact that with this form of infection the skin and / or nails of the foot are affected, it is called athlete's foot. Infection can occur in various clinical forms.

Epidermophytosis inguinal and stop is caused various types pathogenic fungi. So, inguinal epidermophytosis is caused by the fungus Epidermophyton floccosum (flaky epidermophyton), which is also called Epidermophyton inguinale Sabourand (pictured right). And athlete's foot is caused by the fungus Trichophyton mentagrophytes, a variant of interdigitale. However, both fungi have similar properties, affecting primarily the epidermis, as a result of which the infections caused by them are combined into one large nosological group (disease) called "epidermophytosis".

At inguinal epidermophytosis Lesions are usually located in the area armpits, on the inner surfaces of the thighs, pubis, in the folds of the mammary glands or in the interdigital spaces of the feet or hands. First, small, scaly, inflamed spots appear on the skin, painted red, the size of a lentil grain. Gradually, the spots increase in size, forming rather large oval lesions, the surface of which is red, macerated, covered with vesicles and crusts. The edge of the lesions is elevated above the surface of the surrounding skin due to edema. With the ongoing course of infection, the foci merge with each other, forming fields the size of a palm. In the central part, the foci turn pale and sink, and along the edges there is a roller of exfoliating epidermis. Lesions itch. As a rule, epidermophytosis inguinal develops abruptly, with the simultaneous appearance of several small red spots at once. After that, the disease becomes chronic and can run for years. After the transition to the chronic stage, epidermophytosis inguinal proceeds with alternating periods of exacerbations and remissions. Remissions are more or less quiet periods during which the lesions do not increase in size, do not itch and practically do not disturb the person. And during periods of exacerbations that occur after profuse sweating, the foci begin to rapidly increase in size, redden and itch.

At athlete's foot the skin of the foot is affected, and sometimes the nails. Nails are not always involved in the pathological process. Depending on how the disease proceeds and which areas of the skin of the foot are affected, there are five clinical varieties of epidermophytosis of the feet: erased, squamous-hyperkeratotic, intertriginous, dyshidrotic and nail. The listed varieties of epidermophytosis of the feet are rather arbitrary, since the disease often occurs in the form of a combination clinical signs two, three or four varieties.

Erased form epidermophytosis of the feet is characterized by the appearance of mild peeling in the area of ​​​​the arch of the foot. The focus of peeling is usually located in the area of ​​​​slightly reddened skin. Peeling areas can be both small and impressive in size, but are always limited to the foot. In some cases, a slight itch is fixed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bflaking, which either appears or disappears. Due to the low intensity and small degree discomfort clinical manifestations the erased form of epidermophytosis of the feet very often goes unnoticed. That is, a person simply does not attach importance to the peeling and slight itching that appeared on the skin of the foot, considering it to be some kind of temporary phenomenon provoked by irritation, abrasion or heavy sweating feet in shoes. However distinctive feature The erased form of epidermophytosis is that the disease begins with skin lesions of only one foot, and over time it always affects the second leg. The erased form of epidermophytosis of the feet can turn into dyshidrotic, and dyshidrotic, on the contrary, often ends with erased.

Squamous-hyperkeratotic form epidermophytosis of the feet is characterized by the development of dry flat papules and plaques with thickened skin, painted in a bluish-red color. Usually plaques and papules are located on the arches of the foot. On the surface of papules and plaques (especially in their central parts) there are scaly layers of grayish-white scales. The formations are clearly delimited from the surrounding skin, and along their perimeter there is a roller of exfoliating epidermis. Such formations can merge with each other over time, forming large foci covering the entire sole and lateral surfaces of the foot. If plaques and papules initially formed in the interdigital spaces, then over time they can spread to the lateral and flexor surfaces of the fingers, as a result of which the latter acquire a whitish-gray color. In addition to papules and plaques, calluses can form with epidermophytosis. yellow color with cracks on their surface. Itching, soreness and dryness of the skin develop in the area of ​​​​the formations.

Intertriginous form epidermophytosis of the feet is characterized by the appearance of lesions in the interdigital folds. Most often, fungal lesions appear in the folds between the fourth and fifth toes and, somewhat less frequently, between the third and fourth toes. In rare cases fungal infection extends to other interdigital spaces, to the back of the foot, or to the flexor surfaces of the toes. Lesions are cracks in the skin, surrounded by a whitish exfoliating epidermis. In addition, weeping (liquid is released) and itching appear in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cracks. With large cracks, pain occurs. As a rule, the intertriginous form of epidermophytosis of the feet develops from the squamous form, but in some cases it can appear on its own.

Dyshidrotic form epidermophytosis is characterized by the formation of a lesion in the arch of the foot. The lesion is a group of vesicles different size, varying from the size of a pinhead to a pea. The bubbles are covered with a tight lid. Over time, the bubbles merge with each other, forming big bubbles consisting of individual chambers. In place of such blisters, eroded surfaces (areas of red, inflamed skin resembling a fresh abrasion) are formed, bounded by a raised roller of macerated (swollen and edematous) skin. The pathological process from the arch of the foot can spread to its outer and lateral surfaces. In the area of ​​the lesion, there is always itching and soreness. Usually the contents of the vesicles and multi-chambered vesicles are transparent, but when attached bacterial infection it becomes cloudy. In this case, when the blisters open, pus is released. After the opening of the bubbles and the formation of erosion inflammatory response gradually subsides, the damaged skin epithelizes (heals), and new vesicles do not form, resulting in a period of remission. During the period of exacerbation, bubbles reappear in a person, merging into large multi-chamber bubbles, which eventually burst, and eroded surfaces form in their place. After healing of erosions, a period of remission begins again. The dyshidrotic form of epidermophytosis of the feet can flow for years, when relapses alternate with remissions. Relapses are most often observed in spring and summer, when the skin of the legs sweats more. As a rule, the skin of only one foot is affected, the infectious process rarely passes to the second leg.

nail shape epidermophytosis of the feet (epidermophytosis of the nails) is characterized by damage to the nail plates. First, at the free edge of the nail appear yellow spots and stripes, then the entire nail plate thickens, turns yellow, breaks and crumbles, and loose horny masses accumulate under it. Sometimes the nail plate becomes thinner and falls away from the nail bed, that is, onycholysis (melting of the nail) occurs. The nails of the first and second toes are most often affected. But the nails on the hands with epidermophytosis are never affected.
Cause of epidermophytosis(both inguinal and stop) is a pathogenic fungus that settles on the skin. However, just getting the fungus on the skin is not enough for the development of the disease. In order for epidermophytosis to appear, in addition to getting the fungus on the skin, it is also necessary to have predisposing factors that make the skin vulnerable to pathogenic microbe. If there are no predisposing factors, then epidermophytosis does not develop, even if the fungus enters the skin in in large numbers, since its protective properties do not allow the pathogenic microorganism to infiltrate the tissues and provoke an infectious-inflammatory process. If the skin is damaged under the influence of predisposing factors, then the fungus entering the skin will lead to the development of epidermophytosis.

For epidermophytosis of the feet, predisposing factors are sweating of the feet, flat feet, compression of the foot tight shoes, abrasions, diaper rash on the skin of the legs. In addition, doctors identify a number of diseases as predisposing factors for epidermophytosis of the feet, such as angiopathy, acrocyanosis, ichthyosiform skin lesions, as well as a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements.

Both clinical forms epidermophytosis (both inguinal and feet) are transmitted only from sick people to healthy people when using common objects that may contain pathogenic fungi. That is, a patient with epidermophytosis uses an object on which pathogenic fungi remain. And if the same subject through short span take advantage of time healthy man, then he will transfer fungi to his own skin, as a result of which he can become infected with epidermophytosis. Thus, infection with inguinal epidermophytosis most often occurs when using common washcloths, towels, linen, oilcloth, bedpans, sponges, thermometers, etc. And infection with epidermophytosis of the feet most often occurs when using common rugs, bedding, flooring, basins, benches, as well as when wearing shoes, socks, tights, stockings, etc. together. Since all the objects through which epidermophytosis infection most often occurs are usually used in public baths, saunas, pools or beaches, then infection with the disease, as a rule, occurs when visiting these places.

Inguinal epidermophytosis is a fungal skin disease. The disease got its name because of the fungi Epidermophyton floccosum (they most often cause pathology) and their localization ( groin area). The pathology of the inguinal folds can also be described in more familiar terms - "fungus", "mycosis". In men, the disease is recorded much more often than in women, which is explained by the peculiarity of the onset of the disease.

Who is at risk: causes of the disease

The optimal conditions for the development of spores are warm and humid. Male professions(driver, military) oblige a person to wear warm, unventilated clothes for long hours, day by day creating an optimal habitat for the causative agent of the disease.

A weakened body, the presence of mycosis in other areas of the skin, contact with people who carry mycoses, metabolic disorders are factors that increase the risk of epidermophytosis.

Knowing the causes of the onset of the disease, we can distinguish the main categories of men who are at risk:

  • elderly people;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus and (or) obesity (treated and advised by an endocrinologist);
  • men with hyperhidrosis (so called profuse, uncontrolled sweating);
  • immunocompromised people;
  • drivers, military, police, rescuers, etc.

Symptoms: cord, burning and itching

Inguinal epidermophytosis in men has pronounced clinical symptoms. In the inguinal folds or on inside hips appear. In the center, they are almost indistinguishable from healthy skin, but at the edges they have a red or reddish-pink color. This is how it manifests First stage illness.

Gradually, the number of spots increases, they merge with each other. The place where the spots meet is called the focus. It is in the foci that scales are localized (which, falling off, are visualized as peeling), vesicles and pustules. All this causes burning and itching.

The epidermophytosis contour is characterized by wavy edges (in dermatology they are called beautiful word"scalloped") and elevation above healthy skin. In appearance, the roller-shaped contour resembles a red worm, curled up in a ring at the site of the pathology. In medicine, this symptom is called a more euphonious phrase - “cord symptom”.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers its own vision of solving the problem - lotions from the available ingredients.

Suitable for this purpose:

  • crushed garlic mixed with water;
  • gruel from black radish seeds, filled with boiling water;
  • brewed collection of equal parts of oak bark, flax seeds and yarrow.

But is it worth messing with garlic, radish and different herbs if the price drug treatment does not reach 500 rubles?

Inguinal epidermophytosis is not a reason for frustration. It is easy to diagnose and just as easy to treat. why the treatment takes place at home.

To get back on track faster healthy men, do not self-medicate. So, taking anti-inflammatory drugs (instead of antimycotics) with inguinal epidermophytosis relieves itching and some other obvious symptoms. At the same time, the causative agents of the fungal infection are not destroyed, but lead a secretive lifestyle in order to flaunt themselves at the most inopportune moment for this.

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