Dark pink spots on the body. Pink spots on the body. Redness with itching and which does not itch

The appearance of pink spots on the surface of the skin cannot be ignored. The consequences of the lack of timely medical care can be very diverse.

Dermatologists identify the most common factors that cause pink spots on the skin:

  • Allergic reaction;
  • Hormonal surges in the body;
  • Diseases of internal organs;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Stress and emotional upheaval.

Skin conditions that cause pink spots

In dermatology, many diseases are characterized by the appearance of itchy, flaky pink or red spots on the skin. Consider the most common diseases:

  • - refers to skin diseases with a chronic course and is caused by malfunctions in the autoimmune system of the body. Clinically, psoriasis is manifested by the appearance of red and pink scaly patches on the skin that thicken and itch.
  • - a skin disease characterized by the appearance of pink scaly spots on its surface. Favorite places for localization of pink lichen are the hips, shoulders, lateral surface of the body and back. When combing the spots, scars remain on the surface of the skin. Treatment consists in prescribing ultraviolet irradiation of the lesions, dieting, and taking antihistamines.
  • Atopic dermatitis refers to skin diseases of an allergic nature. It occurs against the background of prolonged exposure to the body of an allergen - a food product, dust, synthetic detergents, cosmetics. The exact cause of the development of atopic dermatitis can only be named by a doctor after conducting special tests to determine the allergen. The disease is characterized by the appearance on the skin of pink scaly spots with uneven edges, which can be very itchy.
  • - a skin disease that occurs due to hormonal disorders in the body or hereditary predisposition. It can occur in acute and chronic form.
  • Ringworm is an infectious skin disease that appears as pink spots with a finely defined red rim. It is transmitted through contact with an infected person or through the patient's personal hygiene items.

Of course, each of the above skin diseases is treated differently, but there are general recommendations that allow the patient to somewhat alleviate the course of the disease and not experience discomfort:

  • Review your diet - exclude foods that can aggravate the course of the disease (citrus fruits, chocolate, honey, eggs, sugary carbonated drinks, black coffee);
  • Wear underwear only from natural fabrics (linen, cotton);
  • Wash clothes and bed linen with baby soap without perfumes and fragrances;
  • Use hypoallergenic skin care cosmetics;
  • Since stress can aggravate the course of the disease and increase itching, take herbal sedatives;

To eliminate itching, you can lubricate pink spots with antihistamine ointments.

Answers on questions

A rash on the face and body occurs due to improper skin care, infections, allergies, stress. Small or large pink spots on the skin may appear in each of these cases. It is difficult even for specialists to determine what the root cause is without a thorough examination and analysis. Your doctor will first recommend medications to reduce inflammation and itching if these symptoms are bothering you. Eliminate discomfort drops, syrups, tablets for oral administration, gels and ointments for external use.

Causes of pink spots on the body

Dermatologists will name dozens of diseases that are characterized by the appearance of dots and spots of pink or crimson color. The most common causes are immunoallergic. Usually pink spots on the skin itch, sometimes they do not bother at all. Spotted rashes that occur due to allergic reactions range from pale crimson to red in color. The shape of the spots is round, with even and uneven edges, the borders are blurred or sharply defined.

Causes of pink spots on the face and body:

  • Viral infections (roseola, rubella, measles, infectious erythema).
  • Bacterial infections (streptoderma, scarlet fever, secondary syphilis).
  • Mycoses ().
  • Allergic skin diseases (contact dermatitis, toxidermia).
  • Connective tissue diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma).
  • Psoriasis.

Spotty rashes appear on the neck, forearms and bend of the elbow, on the knees, in the armpits, in the groin as a result of immunoallergic reactions, in diseases of the digestive system and excretion. If pink spots on the skin do not itch, then the possible causes of their appearance are associated with vegetative reactions to stress, hormonal disorders, and vascular diseases. Among the external causes of patchy rashes are heat, cold and high humidity, insect bites, infectious agents, friction and pressure on the skin.

The first steps to eliminate discomfort are lubricating the affected area with an antiallergic gel, taking an antihistamine inside.

External means to eliminate the manifestations of allergies:

  1. Spray, ointment or cream "D-panthenol".
  2. Gel or emulsion "Fenistil".
  3. Ointment "Zinc".
  4. Ointment "Desitin".
  5. Cream "Cutiveit".
  6. Cream "Elocom".
  7. Cream "Elidel".

Means 5 and 6 are potent, contain glucocorticosteroids, which quickly reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process. It is recommended to use hormonal creams no more than 1-2 times a day. Otherwise, atrophic changes in the skin may appear. Elidel cream is as effective as GCS, but does not cause skin atrophy.

pink spots on skin photo

Means for oral administration

In the first days or weeks, it is recommended to adhere to a strict diet, exclude potential allergens from the diet - milk, cheese, chocolate and confectionery, white bread, strawberries, citrus fruits. Increases the effect of therapy cleansing the gastrointestinal tract from toxins with the help of sorbents. Take inside "Enterosgel", "Polifepan", activated carbon.

Antiallergic drugs quickly remove symptoms such as pink spots on the body, itching, redness of the eyes, runny nose.

Oral antihistamines (do not cause drowsiness):

  • tablets and drops "Zirtek", "Zodak";
  • tablets and drops "Parlazin";
  • tablets and syrup "Claritin";
  • tablets and syrup "Eslotin";
  • tablets and syrup "Erius";
  • tablets "Cetirizine";
  • tablets "Loratadin";
  • calcium chloride;
  • Desal tablets.

Benefit for the affected skin will bring a review of the wardrobe and the contents of the dressing table. You should wear underwear and clothes made from natural fibers, do not use perfumes and cosmetics during the acute period of illness. If after 3-4 days there is no improvement, pink spots on the skin do not disappear, then you should consult a dermatologist. It is recommended not to delay visiting a specialist’s office if the rash becomes brighter, the area of ​​​​inflammation increases, itching appears or intensifies.

The causes of pink spots are different - the treatment is similar

Pink lichen is manifested by the growth of round spots on the lateral surfaces of the back and thighs. Most researchers associate the cause of skin changes with the activation of several types of herpesviruses in the body. The "mother plaque" has a bright pink color, up to 4-6 cm in size, the "daughter" spots are smaller - 1-2 cm. Spotted rashes disappear without treatment after 2-8 weeks. If itching bothers, then the doctor prescribes antihistamine drops inside and hormonal ointments externally.

Infectious erythema is also caused by herpes viruses, to which children are more susceptible. The pathogen is transmitted by airborne droplets. Symptoms of infectious erythema, like most other viral infections, resemble the onset of colds (fever, runny nose, sore throat, general weakness). A few days after the respiratory symptoms, round pink and red spots appear on the face, then on the trunk.

The principles of treatment of viral infections are very similar: bed rest, antipyretics, antihistamines, antivirals - as prescribed by a doctor.

Weeping pink spots on the body with streptoderma reach a diameter of 0.5–4 cm. Treatment includes oral antibiotics (Azithromycin, Amoxiclav). Antihistamines are also taken orally. For the treatment of spots and bubbles, brilliant green is used, antibacterial ointments are applied with corticosteroids (Gioksizon, Lorinden S).

The reason for the appearance of spots of multi-colored lichen is microscopic fungi. First, within the patchy rashes, the skin becomes pink, yellow, brown, then discolored, scaly foci appear. Treatment is carried out with oral antihistamines, antifungal ointments.

It is important to maintain good personal hygiene. Many home remedies are famous for their good disinfectant and emollient qualities. Boiled homemade wine vinegar, infusion of celandine, mint, calendula can be used to wipe the affected skin. Oils - olive, almond, peach - soften and nourish the skin. After herbal baths with infusion of string, hop seedlings, oak bark, you should not rub the body with a towel, but blot the skin or let it dry. Folk remedies and methods alleviate the symptoms of infectious and allergic diseases.

Pityriasis rosea of ​​Gibert is a disease of unknown cause, manifested by pink rounded rashes on the skin of the trunk, arms and legs.
The disease is not contagious, that is, it is not transmitted from person to person. There is no specific treatment. Passes on its own. Examination by a dermatologist.

ICD code 10: L42 - Pityriasis rosea. According to the classification, lichen Zhibera refers to.

It looks like pink lichen in humans

The reasons

The etiology (cause) of pink lichen in humans is still unknown!

There are hypotheses of the occurrence of this skin pathology in humans:

  • viral nature (herpes virus, SARS),
  • infectious-allergic nature (allergic processes launched after infectious diseases).

Predisposing factors:

  • reduced immunity is the main factor in the development of the disease,
  • infectious diseases,
  • avitaminosis,
  • starvation, malnutrition,
  • stress,
  • hypothermia,
  • frequent use of scrubs, hard washcloths for the body.

The incidence of pink lichen occurs mainly in the cold season.

Symptoms and clinic

1) Maternal plaque (see photo) is an important sign of the initial stage of the disease.

  • A rounded redness appears on the skin in the form of a spot 3-5 cm in size. Usually, a few days before the appearance of the maternal spot, patients notice fever, malaise, joint pain, enlarged cervical lymph nodes - all symptoms, as with SARS.
  • The maternal plaque is slightly elevated above the skin.
  • After a few days, the maternal spot begins to peel off over its entire surface.

2) Daughter spots - the main symptom of pink lichen in humans.

  • After 7-10 days from the appearance of the maternal spot, multiple pink spots appear in size from 5 mm to 2 cm on the skin of the chest, abdomen, back, arms and legs.
  • The spots are round or oval, do not merge into conglomerates, raised above the surrounding skin. After a few days, the skin in the center of such a spot becomes pale yellow and begins to peel off. After a few more days, the central part of the spot peels off and the skin becomes like “tissue paper”.
  • On the periphery, the stain does not peel off, remains pink.
  • A rim of peeling remains between the central and peripheral parts of the spot (a symptom of a "collar" or "medallion").
  • On the body, spots are located along the folds and lines of skin tension (Langer lines). This sign is considered diagnostic - it helps to establish the diagnosis.
  • The maternal plaque during this period begins to turn pale and gradually disappears.
  • The rash almost never appears on the palms and soles of the feet. Very rarely - on the face, on the lips, on the neck, and also in the groin.
  • Rashes on human skin can appear in waves, with a frequency of 7-10 days. Therefore, a polymorphic picture can be observed: some spots have just appeared, pink, small, without peeling. Other spots are old, ring-shaped, with "collar" peeling and a red border around.
  • Usually, before new rashes, a person notes a deterioration in well-being - weakness, malaise, subfebrile body temperature (up to 37.2 degrees).

3) Skin itching.

The spots are accompanied by mild itching. This is not the main symptom of the disease, occurs only in half of the patients. Most often, the skin itches in children and young people with an emotional psyche, as well as with skin irritation.

Usually, the patches of pink lichen do not bleed. But with severe itching, patients, especially children, can comb the spots to the blood.

4) The course of the disease

  • After 3-6 weeks, the patches of rosacea begin to fade in the center. The spots become ring-shaped. Then the peripheral part of the spot also disappears.
  • For some time after the disappearance of the spot, an area of ​​​​increased (or vice versa - reduced) skin pigmentation remains. These age spots go away on their own within 1-2 weeks. There are no consequences in the form of scars or scars with an uncomplicated form of the disease.
  • With a favorable course, recovery is not delayed for a long time, and relapses do not occur.
  • The disease recurs in immunocompromised individuals. These are HIV patients and patients with low immunity with blood cancer on the background of heavy chemotherapy.
  • Pink lichen can be complicated by inflammatory phenomena on the skin: pustules, acne, the addition of fungal flora (mycosis). In rare cases, eczematization with weeping may join in children. To avoid this, follow these recommendations.

What not to do to the patient

  1. Do not injure or comb the spots (so that the spots do not increase in size).
  2. You can not rub the skin with a washcloth or even a sponge when washing in the bath, in the bathroom.
  3. You can't take antibiotics yourself.
  4. You can not sunbathe, visit the solarium.
  5. You can not lubricate the skin with alcohol and alcohol tinctures of iodine, brilliant green, ointments containing sulfur and tar, tar soap, salicylic ointment, apply cosmetics to the affected skin.
  6. Do not wear synthetic and woolen items (only cotton!).
  7. You can not wear things that injure the skin (a hard bra provokes the growth of spots under the breast).

Diet for pink lichen

1) Eliminate allergenic and irritating foods from the diet:

  1. sweet, honey, chips, soda,
  2. chocolate, coffee and strong tea,
  3. citrus,
  4. artificial food additives and flavors,
  5. alcohol,
  6. smoked meats,
  7. pepper and other spices
  8. fatty food,
  9. pickles and marinades,
  10. eggs.

2) You can and should include in the diet:

  1. Cereals from natural cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, 5 cereals, 7 cereals, etc.
  2. Bread Borodinsky, Suvorovsky, Harvest, from wholemeal flour.
  3. Boiled meat.
  4. Potatoes, carrots and other vegetables.
Can you wash?

Yes, you can, but not every day and only in the shower. Do not wash under hot water - only warm. Do not use a washcloth. Do not use soap. Pat the skin with a towel (do not rub!).

How long will pink lichen go away?

The standard course of the disease is 10-15 days.

What to do if the rash does not go away for more than 2 months?

You should consult a dermatologist for additional examination for the presence of another skin disease masquerading as Gibert's lichen. Most often, it is necessary to exclude - this will require a skin biopsy.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis (medical history), clinical symptoms and by exclusion of other diseases.
Laboratory diagnostics does not give characteristic signs of pink lichen (recall that the cause of the disease has not been established).

Pink deprive Zhibera should be differentiated from a number of skin diseases:

  1. Pityriasis (varicolored) lichen. The main difference is that with pityriasis versicolor, microscopic examination finds the mycelium of fungi.
  2. Secondary syphilis. All patients with suspected pink lichen should be examined for syphilis!
  3. Eczema.
  4. Psoriasis. Unlike psoriasis, rosacea does not have a psoriatic triad.
  5. Measles and rubella
  6. Trichophytosis
  7. Urticaria - in the initial stage with the urticarial form of the disease.

Treatment and prevention

In 90% of cases, no treatment is required. The patient is not contagious.
Pink lichen goes away on its own 4-6-8 weeks after the appearance of the first spot.

Remember: if you want to quickly get rid of Gibert's lichen, you will not succeed. It takes time for the human immune system to independently begin to fight the disease. And for this, it is necessary to remove all provoking factors so that the immune system copes with the disease faster.

Drug treatment is prescribed for severe skin itching and complications.

  1. Antihistamines in tablets: loratadine, suprastin, claritin, etc. Take according to the instructions (1-2 tablets per day). These drugs help reduce allergic reactions in the body as a whole, which relieves itchy skin. Patients stop itching.
  2. Calcium gluconate tablets: also for antiallergic purposes (1 tablet 2 times a day).
  3. Ointments and creams with hydrocortisone: Flucinar ointment, Lorinden ointment, Akriderm ointment, Beloderm cream, Lokoid cream, Celestoderm ointment.
    Lubricate the affected area of ​​the skin 2 times a day. Mechanism of action - reduction of allergic reactions in the skin, swelling, reduction of skin itching, anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Ointments and creams with Naftalan oil: . The mechanism of action is the same: reduction of pruritus and inflammation in the skin. Compared to hormonal ointments, there are no such side effects.
  5. Antibiotics. They are prescribed only for complications in the form of pustular inflammation of the skin. In case of recurrence of the disease, antibiotics of the Erythromycin group in tablets are also connected (in severe cases, injectable forms in injections and treatment in a hospital). Previously, antibiotics were used at the onset of the disease, but this is no longer recommended.
  6. Suspension Zindol (zinc oxide) - dries the skin and reduces inflammation. For many patients, it helps to relieve skin itching and skin irritation. Apply Zindol to the affected areas of the skin with a cotton swab 2-3 times a day. Do not rub!

Prevention is needed to prevent the spread of the rash to other parts of the body, to prevent complications (see what the patient should not do).

Attention: Acyclovir does not help with pink lichen. Aciclovir is a medicine for the treatment of shingles (caused by the herpes virus).

Folk remedies

At home, pink lichen can and should be treated with traditional medicines. Given the unclear cause of the disease, folk remedies for pink lichen have little effect. The same methods help someone quickly, someone does not help at all, and someone leads to deterioration.

For the treatment of pink lichen, the people use the following herbs (according to the reviews of the patients themselves): celandine, succession, aloe, nettle, chamomile.

  1. Decoctions of celandine, succession, chamomile, burdock, etc. Water the decoction (do not rub or rub, but only water) the affected areas of the skin. Do not blot with a cloth - let it dry on its own.
  2. You can not treat the skin with pink lichen with alcohol tinctures to avoid the spread of spots on the skin.
  3. Do not rub wheat flour and dough.
  4. Do not lubricate with vinegar, sea buckthorn oil, tar, sulfuric ointment, iodine.
  5. You can not rub newspaper ashes.
  6. Do not apply plants as compresses.

Inside - to strengthen immunity:

  1. Herbal infusions (echinacea, rosehip, ginger).
  2. Plant juice (aloe, kalanchoe).
  3. Multivitamin complexes (complivit, selmevit).
  4. Immunomodulators of plant origin - immunal, immunorm.

Pink lichen during pregnancy and lactation

Pink deprive Zhibera does not affect the fetus and the labor activity of a woman. Therefore, in pregnant women, this disease can not be treated with medication, but only follow a diet and a sparing regimen for the skin.

When breastfeeding, the baby will not get pink lichen.

How and what to treat?

Treatment of pink lichen in pregnant women is carried out only with severe itching and severe inflammation of the skin.
Of the local preparations, only Tsindol or talker (zinc + talc + glycerin) is used. Corticosteroid ointments - only under strict indications in extremely rare cases. When prescribing such ointments, breastfeeding should be discontinued.
Preparations for oral administration and injections are used extremely rarely and should be prescribed by a doctor according to strict indications when the life of the mother is threatened.

Pink lichen in a child

Children get sick from about 4 years of age, but most often - teenagers (hormonal changes in the body, decreased immunity). The child is not contagious to others.
In children, pink lichen spots should be carefully differentiated from infectious diseases - measles, rubella.

How and what to treat?

Treatment in 90% of cases is not required. The most important thing in the treatment of children is the observance of a low-allergenic diet and the prevention of the spread of spots on the child's skin, since children often scratch and injure the affected areas.
With severe itching, Tsindol and antihistamines (Claritin in syrup) are prescribed. If the symptoms are accompanied by eczematous phenomena, in rare cases, corticosteroid ointments and creams are prescribed in a short course (Beloderm cream, etc.).

Do they provide sick leave?

With an uncomplicated form - do not give. If there are symptoms of intoxication after the end of ARVI, with a generalized form, with a complicated form of the disease, a sick leave is issued for the entire period of treatment.

Do they join the army?

For the period of treatment - a delay. After the end of treatment, they are called.

Attention: if the doctor did not answer your question, then the answer is already on the pages of the site. Use the search on the site.

Rashes on the body can have many reasons: this is an allergy, and a manifestation of internal disorders, and infectious diseases.

Red spots can appear anywhere on the skin in both adults and children. They often disturb a person, itch and peel off.

To prescribe the right treatment, you need to understand what caused the rash. Photos and descriptions of possible pathologies are presented in this article.

Causes of pathologies

Red spots on the body can be physiological and pathological. The latter will not go away on their own and require therapy. But physiological spots do not need to be treated. They are caused by natural causes:

  1. Sports or strenuous exercise. Everyone has noticed that after intense exercise, the skin turns red. This is due to increased blood flow. Vessels in the skin expand to give off excess heat. Thus, the body is protected from overheating;
  2. Stressful situation. During stress, a large amount of adrenaline is released into the bloodstream. It dilates blood vessels and causes redness of the skin;
  3. Physical factors: exposure to wind, cold, sun, etc. For example, in the cold, bare hands are easily covered with red spots, because a spasm of small vessels occurs.

Physiological red spots on the human body do not bother in any way: they do not itch or peel. If there are such symptoms, then the rash needs to be treated.

Types of rashes on the body

In order for the therapy to be correct, you need to understand what disease the red rash belongs to. According to the symptoms, it can be divided into several groups:

  • flaky and itchy;
  • flaky, but not itchy;
  • does not flake and itches;
  • does not peel and does not itch.

Let's consider each of them.

Rash on the body and itches and flakes

First of all, you should think about lichen. This is a fungal skin disease that can be acquired after contact with a sick animal or person.

When infected, red spots with a clear border appear on the skin. In the middle of the spot, the skin is pink, covered with scales of various shapes, the hairs are often broken off.

It is important to remember that not all types of lichen itch. If the rash is bothering you, then this:

  • - Zhiber's disease;
  • pityriasis or multi-colored lichen.

Shingles is not a fungal disease because it is caused by herpes virus. The rash has a certain localization - on the back in the form of a semicircle. It is represented by multiple small bubbles. Such a disease is treated with antiviral drugs and immunomodulators (Acyclovir, Valaciclovir).

Pityriasis rosea Pityriasis versicolor Shingles

The rash is flaky but not itchy. What's this?

The most common disease in this group is psoriasis(scaly lichen). It affects at least 3% of the world's population. The disease is non-infectious.

Psoriasis is manifested by a multiple rash that is slightly raised above the surface of the skin. The skin at the site of the rash is very dry, easily flaky. That is why the red spots are covered as if with a silvery coating.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease and requires long-term treatment, which includes immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory therapy, as well as psychotherapeutic assistance.

In the same way, some types of lichen appear. For example, or trichophytosis(ringworm). These types of diseases differ in pathogen.

The focus is always located on the area of ​​​​the body covered with hair. The hairs break off, and small gray stumps remain. Spots depriving pink-red color with a border in the form of a roller (it consists of vesicles and papules). The skin in the center is peeling off. Microsporia and trichophytosis proceed without itching.

Microsporia Trichophytosis

If the rash does not peel off, but itches

This group is the most common. It includes an allergic rash and insect bites, eczema, and a rash in infectious diseases.


An allergic reaction occurs after contact with a substance. The rash with it is polymorphic, always comes with itching. The foci are located on any part of the body: on the legs, arms, buttocks, back. They have fuzzy, blurry borders.

Known allergic diseases:

  • - the most common, often found in children;
  • urticaria is an acute contact allergic reaction, manifested by a multiple thick rash along with blisters. The skin in the affected area burns strongly;
  • drug dermatitis - occurs after taking medications;
  • food allergy - can manifest itself not only in the form of red spots on the body, but also as swelling of the respiratory and digestive tract.

Atopic dermatitis Urticaria Urticaria blisters Drug and food allergies have a similar presentation

Allergy treatment

To get rid of the rash, you must, first of all, limit contact with the allergen. With small rashes, this is enough. If there are many spots, you need to add drug therapy:

  • oral antihistamines in the form of tablets: Loratadin, Claritin. For emergency action, use Suprastin. Remember that it causes drowsiness! Duration of treatment - 5-7 days;
  • antiallergic gels at the site of the lesion - Fenistil. Used twice a day;
  • in severe cases, hormonal preparations are added either orally or topically in the form of an ointment: Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone.

If the rash rapidly increases in size, itches unbearably, and there is difficulty in breathing, call an ambulance immediately! Such a state is life-threatening.

Insect bites

Often rashes on the skin in the form of red spots are caused by insect bites. Their appearance is preceded by a walk in the evening park or a trip to the country. Bites of midges and mosquitoes are usually small in diameter, red, and do not have a clear border. The rashes itch, but itching is easy to remove with any anti-allergic ointment.

Unfortunately, sometimes more dangerous insects attack. For example, wasps, bees and gadflies. Their bites are more dangerous, and multiple bites easily cause anaphylactic shock. The spots are bright red, very sore, have a clear border and a red corolla around. In the center is a dot - a bite.

If there is only one stain, try to pull the sting out of it with tweezers. Then wipe the skin with an antiseptic (alcohol, Septocide). Then you can apply Fenistil-gel or drink 1 tablet of Suprastin. If you feel worse, go to the hospital immediately.

Mosquito sting Bee sting Hornet sting

The bite of a hornet is extremely painful. It feels like you've been hit with an axe. The damaged area immediately swells and turns red.

If you are stung by a hornet, it is better to seek medical help immediately. It's safest to call an ambulance. Before she arrives, drink any antiallergic remedy that you have on hand.

Children's infections

Childhood viral infections often show up as red spots on the body. For each disease, the rash has its own character.

With chickenpox, spots are represented by small multiple vesicles that do not merge with each other. They can be found anywhere: on the body, limbs and face.

Comparison of rash in viral infections

With measles, the rash consists of small papules with a focus of inflammation around. They often merge with each other.

Rubella rash is represented by spots that do not rise above the surface of the body and almost never itch. Also, the foci do not merge with each other.


Eczema is a non-contagious inflammatory skin disease. It occurs either due to external damage, or due to poor functioning of internal organs.

At the beginning of the disease, multiple vesicles are formed, which open up and expose wet pink-red erosions.

The lesion has no clear boundaries. The rash is very itchy, especially at night, which can even provoke insomnia.

The treatment of eczema is complex: it is necessary to treat and dry the foci, as well as to find and eliminate the root cause of the disease.

The rash does not itch or peel


These symptoms are typical for erysipelas. Erysipelas often appears on the leg or arm.

It is represented by one large spot that burns strongly. The limb often swells and increases in size, there is a feeling of fullness.

The rash is represented by small subcutaneous hemorrhages, has uneven borders.

Erysipelas always proceeds with severe general symptoms: weakness, high fever, swollen lymph nodes, etc.

What is the result?

If you have incomprehensible spots, and itchy legs or arms, it is better to seek advice from the clinic. The doctor knows best what kind of disease it is and how to treat it.

1 comment

    Hello! Itching, redness in different parts of the skin. The dermatologist said that it was an allergy, prescribed treatment with suprastin in injections and claritin. The treatment didn't help. Two months have passed since the onset of the disease.

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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

Human skin is very sensitive and reflects changes occurring in the body. It is impossible to ignore any signals, even seemingly as insignificant as a red spot on the arm.

Hands covered with red spots that can itch

Red spots appeared on the arm that itch: causes

If you immediately contact a dermatologist and take action, you can not only eliminate the visual defect, but also help the body overcome a serious illness, because the reasons can be different.

Skin diseases

Skin diseases are a serious problem that is often difficult to manage. The main reason for their development is usually nervous exhaustion and stress. They can also “grow up” with a neglected state of minor symptoms indicating poor hygiene, exposure to allergens on the body.

The most common diseases in which redness on the hands may appear are the following:

  • Dermatitis. Symptoms begin with small blisters, then hands itch, and red spots appear.
  • Eczema. Normal redness causes severe itching, pimples appear. Their combing provokes the formation of wounds that are difficult to heal.
  • Psoriasis. There are pink convex spots on the back of the palms, in the area of ​​the elbow joint, on the wrist. They gradually increase in size, then they cover almost the entire body. Redness accompanies mild itching, or the affected area does not itch at all.
  • scleroderma. A disease in which, due to a violation of the immune system, cells are replaced by fibrous tissue. The causes may be past infectious diseases, organ transplantation, hereditary predisposition, blood transfusion, the introduction of low-quality serum or vaccine. It appears in two clinical forms:
    1. Focal. Symptoms are expressed locally. First, the affected area swells, then thickens, then the cells atrophy, a white, brown or red spot (sometimes several) is formed, which has a smooth surface. The disease can go away on its own.
    2. Systemic. A severe form in which the disease disrupts the functioning of internal organs. It is manifested by the appearance of compacted red spots on the hands and neck. Then they spread throughout the body.
  • Lichen. The disease varies in forms and is usually localized on the hands, abdomen, between the fingers. You can get infected from infected people and animals. Symptoms are dark or light, irregularly shaped, scaly patches that itch severely.
  • Scabies. An infectious disease that occurs through contact with a sick person. The causative agent is the scabies mite, which is activated in the evening. In an infected person, severe itching begins, the skin on the hands turns red, when combed, it is supplemented with pustular formations.

Diseases of the internal organs

If the hands are covered with red spots, and the area around them itches, this may be a manifestation of a disease that is hidden inside the body.

  • Diabetes. The skin on the hands dries and cracks. This is especially noticeable in the areas between the fingers, where it is most thin and vulnerable. In no case should the affected skin be combed, because instead of red spots, painful sores form on the hands. Be sure to protect your skin from the sun, do not go to the solarium. To eliminate itching, you can make lotions of their decoction of chamomile, string, oak bark.
  • Diseases of the liver, stomach and pancreas. A rash of a different nature may indicate a violation of the digestive system. They appear on the arms, legs, back, stomach. In chronic liver diseases, red compacted plaques form on the skin. They feel the elevation of the edge and whitish middle. Periodically, red spots disappear, but then reappear. You can completely get rid of them only by eliminating the root cause.


Allergens (sensitizing agents) can be both external and internal. The first type includes artificial clothing fabric, washing powder, cleaning products, caring cosmetics, animal hair. Usually there are red spots on the hands, wrists. Getting rid of the symptoms is quite simple if you identify the allergen and do not contact it anymore.

It is more difficult to eliminate the body's predisposition to the "internal hit" of agents with sensitizing properties. Some products can cause red spots and itching on the hands. In most cases, these are: citrus fruits, milk and eggs. But each organism is individual, so an allergy can appear on products that are considered completely harmless and did not cause any discomfort before. They are determined by examination or gradual exclusion from the diet for one product. But the last option is quite lengthy and not always effective.

The next allergen may be the components of the medication being taken. Sensitivity to the drug quickly makes itself felt. On the second day after the start of the reception, the red spots that appear on the hands itch and peel off, so it is not difficult to determine the pathogen. In this case, the doctor must choose an analogue of the drug or prescribe a course of treatment consisting of other procedures.

sun spots

With prolonged exposure to the bright sun, redness appears on the body, especially the hands and face suffer. It could be a burn or photodermatosis. In any case, the symptom is a signal for more scrupulous skin care and protection from direct sunlight. Before going outside, apply sunscreen to your face, hands, and other exposed areas of your body.

In case of severe irritation, which manifests itself in the form of a rash, itching and burning, you need to consult a doctor.

Other reasons

  • Hormonal changes. Often, red itchy spots appear on the hands during puberty in adolescents, during pregnancy, and in menopausal conditions. It is impossible to wait for the spots and itching to disappear by themselves. Inaction can provoke the development of serious skin diseases.
  • Decrease in air temperature. It negatively affects the condition of the skin. When being in the cold, even not for a long time, the face and hands suffer. The skin becomes dry, reddens, later severe itching appears. Especially when a person comes from the street into a heated room.
  • Stress. This is another cause of skin problems, from which it is difficult to insure. It acts unexpectedly and instantly, but the condition does not pass so quickly. The problem is aggravated by the unwillingness to understand and accept the problem and begin treatment. As a result, the skin reacts to internal nervous exhaustion, it turns red, peeling appears. These symptoms can be the beginning of psoriasis, eczema.
  • Insect bites. They provoke swelling, redness and itching of the damaged area. The condition depends on the sensitivity of the skin and the body's ability to resist damage. Spots from a bite can disappear without a trace or, conversely, cause a complication that requires immediate hospitalization.


If the spot that appears on the hand itches and peels off, this is an occasion to think about your health. Going to see a dermatologist is a must. Especially if the problem concerns a child. The children's body is more sensitive and susceptible to pathogens, and it is equally difficult to cure them, large and small.

First, the doctor conducts an examination, is interested in the lifestyle a few days before the visit: what he ate, what environment he was in, what drugs he took. After that, he appoints a laboratory study and diagnostics using medical equipment:

  • blood sampling for general examination and biochemistry;
  • immunological study;
  • allergen test;
  • scraping from the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs.

If the doctor finds it difficult to make a correct diagnosis, and he still has unanswered questions, the patient is sent for an additional examination in a hospital setting. The doctor will prescribe treatment only after the diagnosis is made.

If the patient is taking any medications to relieve symptoms at this time, it is imperative to notify the doctor about this.

Treatment of itchy red spots on the arm

Treatment often includes drugs that target the disease and symptoms. Antihistamines help relieve irritation: Suprastin, Gistan, Fenistil.

Also, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, heating, ultraviolet exposure. To defeat skin diseases, you need to tune in to long-term treatment and follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Allergies from external irritants can be eliminated on their own. It is necessary to choose hypoallergenic cosmetics, clothes made from natural fabrics, use household gloves during cleaning. In winter, you should apply a protective cream on your hands. It should be well absorbed, then you can wear mittens.

Redness and rash cannot be ignored. Timely diagnosis and early treatment of the disease are the "key" to a full recovery.

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