Frequent sweating causes. Excessive sweating. Looking for reasons. Treatment of sweaty feet with folk remedies

Sweating is a natural reaction of the body to overheating. Sweating with an increase in ambient temperature, intense physical activity, nervous tension and excitement is the norm. In this way, the body is saved from overheating, since when sweat evaporates, cooling of the skin surface and a decrease in temperature are observed. In some cases, heavy sweating is a symptom of serious diseases that require adequate drug therapy.

Types of hyperhidrosis

Abundant sweating is local (local or limited), when a person sweats only the face and head, or the lower and upper limbs sweat - palms, feet, armpits.

The generalized form is represented by severe sweating of the whole body. Usually this picture is observed in infectious and febrile pathologies. To establish the exact cause requires a deep diagnosis.

Hyperhidrosis is secondary and primary nature. In the second case, it is observed during puberty in adolescence, is diagnosed in about 1% of a percent of people; secondary hyperhidrosis is a symptom of many diseases of somatic, endocrine, neurological origin.

According to the severity of hyperhidrosis is classified:

  • Light appearancewhen sweating practically does not cause discomfort to a person, and sweat stains on clothes are no more than 10 centimeters;
  • The average view is characterized by large drops of sweat, there is a pungent odor, and the size of the spots is up to 20 centimeters;
  • Severe appearance is accompanied by a "hail" of sweat, wet spots over 20 cm.

For your information, when sweating, each person smells of different intensity. The severity of the "aroma" is influenced by toxic substances, from which the body is released through the sweat glands, as well as bacteria that penetrate from the outside and contribute to the decomposition of the protein components of sweat.

Causes of local sweating

Practice shows that the local form of hyperhidrosis is familial. There are several varieties of severe sweating, which is limited to certain areas of the skin.

Gustatory hyperhidrosis - sweating associated with meals

This type of pathological condition occurs due to the consumption of certain foods. These include hot drinks - black tea, coffee, liquid chocolate; spicy dishes, spices, sauces, etc.

Sweating in this form is concentrated on the face, in particular, in most cases, sweat accumulates on the upper lip and forehead. The etiology is due to severe viral, infectious and bacterial pathologies of the salivary glands or surgical intervention on them.

Idiopathic hyperhidrosis

A very strong sweating is associated with a high tone of the parasympathetic division of the central nervous system. In most cases, this form is diagnosed at the age of 15-30 years. Strong perspiration appears on the palms and soles. Sometimes the pathology is leveled on its own without the use of drugs.

It is noted that women are more susceptible to diseases, which is based on constant hormonal changes in the body - puberty, the time of bearing a child, labor, menopause.

Worth knowing: Men who exercise at least three times a week are advised to take supplemental magnesium supplements. Studies show that increased sweating due to training reduces the concentration of magnesium in the blood to a critical level, which leads to a decline in strength, malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

Causes of excessive sweating of the feet

Sweating feet is quite common. The problem does not threaten health, but it causes a lot of discomfort to patients, as it is accompanied by an unpleasant odor that cannot be hidden from others.

Causes of excessive sweating of the legs:

  1. Too tight shoes, thick socks made of synthetic material, as a result of which the process of evaporation of sweat is disturbed due to poor ventilation.
  2. Long walk.
  3. Some chronic diseases.

If left untreated, against the background of lack of oxygen and excessive sweating, a bacterial infection joins, which leads to complications. Wounds, cracks and blisters may appear.

Generalized increased sweating: causes and factors

Medical experts say that the causes of heavy sweating of the whole body in 85% of cases are due to a genetic predisposition. Pathologies that are family in nature include diabetes mellitus, hypertension, thyrotoxicosis.

With increased sweating, somatic diseases, nervous and mental pathologies can be suspected. Often, hyperhidrosis is a consequence of taking certain medications. After antibiotic therapy, intestinal dysbacteriosis may occur, which is manifested by profuse sweating.

Infectious diseases and poisoning

Almost all acute and chronic pathologies of a viral or bacterial type, poisoning (food or toxic) provoke an increase in body temperature, as a result, there is severe chills and sweating. Brucellosis, malaria and other diseases are accompanied by hyperhidrosis.

endocrine disorders

Diseases such as diabetes mellitus of any type, thyrotoxicosis, hypoglycemic state, in addition to the main symptoms, are manifested by profuse sweating. Women often suffer from hyperhidrosis during menopause, bearing a child. According to statistics, a generalized form is observed in 60% of patients with impaired functionality of the pituitary gland.

Other reasons

In medical practice, there are many causes of excessive sweating of the whole body, and in most cases they are a symptom of a disease, sometimes they are the only sign that allows one to suspect a malfunction of the whole organism.

Pathological conditions leading to increased sweating:

  • Sweating in oncological diseases is often accompanied by weakness and general malaise. The appearance of lymphomas, the development of Hodgkin's disease is complemented by fever, jumps in body temperature, and a high degree of fatigue. The person sweats profusely day and night;
  • In case of violation of the kidneys, a disorder in the processes of formation and natural filtration of urine is revealed, therefore the human body tries to get rid of excess fluid through the sweat glands;
  • CNS lesions. These include neurological disorders, Parkinson's disease, stroke, nerve root damage;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia is characterized by many clinical manifestations, one of which is generalized sweating;
  • Psychosomatic disorders develop as a result of chronic stress, nervous overload, depressive syndrome, and aggression. All these conditions give rise to hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system, which leads to hyperhidrosis;
  • Severe pain leads to the release of cold sweat.

Some medications provoke profuse sweating - insulin, analgesics (Morphine), Aspirin, antiemetics - in case of overdose or against the background of prolonged use.

Therapy for excessive sweating

To determine the causes of the pathological condition, you need to contact a medical specialist. After the diagnosis, the attending physician will tell you what to do, how to treat the existing problem.

Fact: heavy sweating can be a physiological feature of a person that does not pose a threat to life, but causes significant psychological discomfort. There are no uniform evaluation criteria, just as there are no devices that determine sweating in accordance with the norm or pathology. Therefore, it is necessary to talk about hyperhidrosis as a disease in the case when sweating negatively affects the quality of human life.

If hyperhidrosis is a consequence of any pathology, then the therapy is aimed at its eradication, respectively, by eliminating the primary source, it is possible to get rid of its symptom.

When hyperhidrosis appears as an independent disease, the following methods of therapy are offered to mitigate its manifestation:

  1. The use of antiperspirants. Good means are (effectiveness up to 10 days), "Dry Dry" (a bottle is enough for 6 months).
  2. Conservative treatment. Medicines with the addition of belladonna (Belloid) are used. The belladonna helps to reduce the production of sweat, does not lead to dependence. For local therapy, Formagel is used.
  3. Soothing therapy helps to normalize the emotional background, resulting in reduced sweating. Recommend tinctures based on valerian, motherwort; yoga classes, meditation.
  4. Physiotherapeutic manipulations. These include baths with the addition of medicinal herbs, electrophoresis, electrosleep, etc.
  5. The laser helps to cure excessive armpit sweating. The procedure contributes to the destruction of up to 70% of the sweat glands.
  6. Botox injections help reduce sweat production by blocking the nerve endings of the sweat glands for a long time.

Medical manipulations like laser and Botox are extreme measures, they are used only in cases where other methods have not given a positive result. These methods are actively advertised, but they have many contraindications and can lead to long-term negative consequences.

Sweating is a natural process of cleansing the entire body, which helps to eliminate toxic substances. Interfering with natural reactions may not be safe, leading to various complications in the near future.

Contrary to popular belief, the fair sex suffers from excessive sweating just as often as men. Healthy women successfully cope with sweating with the help of a daily shower and antiperspirants, but in some cases, constant excessive sweating becomes a serious psychotraumatic factor. Fortunately, today absolutely everyone can find a suitable method to effectively solve this problem.

Types of hyperhidrosis

is the scientific name for excessive sweating that is not associated with physical exertion or an increase in ambient temperature.

Increased sweating in women can be:

  • Local. If a woman has hyperhidrosis of this type, then only certain parts of the body are covered. Most often it is the axillary region, palms and feet, face and inguinal region.
  • Generalized (with this type of hyperhidrosis, the whole body is then covered).

In most cases, with excessive sweating in women, primary hyperhidrosis is detected, in which increased sweating is not associated with other diseases.

If excessive sweating occurs in the presence of any disease or when certain factors are exposed to the body, they speak of secondary hyperhidrosis.

Excessive sweating in women can occur at certain times of the year (have a seasonal character), be present constantly or be paroxysmal in nature.

By itself, increased sweating rarely causes physical discomfort, but even a mild form of hyperhidrosis is accompanied by aesthetic problems.

Since sweating is most often observed in the armpits, and sweat stains are poorly washed off, women suffering from excessive sweating try to wear dark-colored clothes and experience inconvenience if action is necessary. In addition, wet palms and shoes, a sweaty face, armpits and neck give rise to self-doubt in a woman.

According to statistics, 71% of people suffering from hyperhidrosis feel insecure, and 49% feel unhappy or depressed.

With moderate to severe sweating, an unpleasant odor of sweat is often present, so these forms of hyperhidrosis greatly affect the behavior and psyche of women, leading to social failure.

According to statistics, 81% of respondents feel awkward when communicating with strangers, 31% experience some restrictions in the sexual sphere, and 25% of respondents avoid communication even with close people.

Why does hyperhidrosis develop in women?

Excessive sweating in women can occur as a result of the impact on the body of household factors or with certain types of diseases. The most common causes of excessive sweating are:

  • Stress. In women with a highly excitable nervous system, when frightened, agitated, or depressed, the palms, nasolabial triangle, armpits, back, or feet sweat profusely.
  • Excess weight. With a well-developed body fat, the heat produced by the body accumulates in large quantities, and the only natural method of cooling is sweating. That is why obese women sweat more often and more actively than people with normal weight.
  • Change in hormonal background. If stress and increased body weight are the cause of hyperhidrosis in both men and women, then sweating with hormonal changes is usually a female feature. In the human body, the hypothalamus (part of the brain) regulates temperature and controls perspiration, the work of which is associated with the activity of the endocrine system. In the female body, many processes are regulated by female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. The imbalance of these hormones causes a malfunction of the hypothalamus, which leads to hyperhidrosis.
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis), which is observed in women 10-12 times more often than in men. Thyroid hormones speed up metabolism and thus increase heat production, and an increase in heat production requires increased heat transfer.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia. Hyperhidrosis in this disease is associated with a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which transmits impulses that cause sweating.

Excessive sweating can be caused by diabetes mellitus, infectious, malignant and cardiovascular diseases.

Severe sweating of the whole body in women is observed in some hereditary diseases (Riley-Day syndrome, etc.).

Severe sweating of the head and face in women is possible with facial injuries, polyneuropathy, etc.

Facial hyperhidrosis

Promotes increased sweating and long-term use of antibiotics, antidepressants, anticancer drugs and some other medicines. So, many women experience severe night sweats when taking contraceptives or when they are canceled (Yarina, Zhanin, etc.).

Also cause sweating in women causes of a domestic nature:

  • Out-of-season or tight-fitting clothing, as well as clothing made from poorly breathable synthetic fabrics.
  • Wrong nutrition. Increased sweating affects lovers of spicy and spicy dishes, sweethearts and women who eat fatty meats. Excessive sweating is also caused by the use of alcohol and coffee, and acidic foods, cocoa and chocolate cause bouts of night sweats.
  • Bad hygiene. Many women do not understand the mechanisms of action of deodorants and antiperspirants and are accustomed to applying these products to the skin immediately after a shower or to a slightly sweaty body right before leaving the house. If in the case of a deodorant such actions are not critical (the deodorant is designed to block the vital activity of bacteria that contribute to the appearance of a strong smell of sweat, but does not affect perspiration), then antiperspirants will not work with this method of application. An antiperspirant designed to block the sweat glands should be applied to clean, dry skin before bedtime, as that is when the sweat gland ducts are not active. If the product gets on wet skin after a shower, it is simply washed off and stains clothes, and the sweat glands continue to function actively.

Excessive sweating during PMS, pregnancy, after childbirth and menopause

Changing the balance of sex hormones in the female body is often manifested by night sweats. Such hormonal changes can be observed when:

  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). This syndrome is not observed in all women. Stress and infectious diseases contribute to the development of the syndrome, but the exact cause of its occurrence has not yet been established. Tearfulness, irritability, night sweats and other symptoms of PMS occur in a woman a few days before menstruation, and by the end of the "critical days" these symptoms disappear.
  • Pregnancy. Sweating during pregnancy is also observed mainly at night. Since increased sweating during pregnancy is associated with hormonal changes in the female body, the severity and duration of the period of sweating can be different. Excessive sweating during pregnancy is caused by a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen that regulates water-salt metabolism and increased secretion of hormones that regulate the activity of the adrenal glands. Attacks of sweating in pregnant women disappear when the hormonal balance in the body returns to normal.

Excessive sweating during pregnancy

Sweating after childbirth is the norm, because during pregnancy a woman’s body accumulates a large amount of fluid, and the hormonal background changes dramatically. After the birth of a child, the female body actively gets rid of fluid due to the increased work of the kidneys and sweat glands. A sharp decrease in estrogen is perceived by the temperature center of the brain as a signal for increased heat generation, and the body gets rid of this heat through sweating (nighttime hyperhidrosis is more often observed).

Excessive night sweats also occur during menopause (menopause). This period of extinction of the production of sex hormones usually occurs after 45 years. The lack of estrogen and progesterone in the female body causes a disruption in the work of the hypothalamus (namely, there is a temperature center), which reacts to a low level of estrogen with an increase in body temperature. A woman at such moments experiences "hot flashes", after which there is increased sweating. These "tides" may only last for a few years, but may also last for about 15 years. Late menopause and "hot flashes" are the main causes of sweating in women over 60 years of age.

How to deal with excessive sweating

Since excessive sweating can be the result of various diseases, if the cause of hyperhidrosis is not clear, a woman should visit a therapist and undergo a medical examination.

Sweating associated with various infectious diseases resolves on its own with effective treatment of the disease.

If in stressful situations there is local increased sweating in women, you should also visit a neurologist. After studying the factors that provoke sweating, these specialists will prescribe a treatment that includes:

  • psychotherapy sessions aimed at reducing anxiety;
  • taking sedatives and herbs that reduce the excitability of the nervous system.

A neurologist's consultation is also needed for women suffering from vegetovascular dystonia. Such patients are shown fitness classes and normalization of nutrition. Hypothyroidism caused by hormonal disorders is eliminated with the help of hormonal drugs.

Sweating during pregnancy does not need treatment, but it is important for expectant mothers to remember that the use of antiperspirants during this period is not recommended. Women can use deodorants for hygiene purposes (it is better to use organic deodorants), as well as prepare a solution that reduces sweating on their own. For the solution, add salt and 9% vinegar (1 tablespoon each) to 0.5 liters of boiled water. Problem areas are wiped with this solution, and the solution itself can be stored in the refrigerator.

Sweating that occurs during puberty can only be “outgrown” by carefully observing the rules of personal hygiene.

To eliminate hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet, you can use:

  • Deodorant creams designed to combat excessive sweating and bad breath. To do this, you can purchase the German SyNeo cream, the Russian Lavilin products, the “Prolonged Effect” PRO-Legs series, etc. The cream should be applied in a thin layer on clean, dry palms or feet and distributed over the surface of the problem area with massage movements. Shoes are put on only after the product is completely absorbed.
  • Talc, which is used to treat sweaty areas of the body. Powders and powders with talc absorb moisture well, so the treated surface remains dry for a long time. The acid-base balance of the skin when using these products is not disturbed, and there is no smell of sweat.
  • Antiperspirants with a high content of aluminum salts (20 - 35%). In order for the use of antiperspirant to have its effect, you should buy an antiperspirant in a pharmacy and follow the instillation of its application (apply to clean, dry underarms before going to bed), since contact of such products with water can cause a chemical burn. If the products containing aluminum chlorides did not work the first time, the procedure is repeated for several evenings in a row. Since exposure to aluminum salts gradually leads to atrophy of the sweat glands, the interval for applying antiperspirant increases over time, and sweating returns to normal.
  • take a contrast shower daily;
  • take warm baths with herbs (sage, chamomile, oak bark, pine needles) or wipe the body with herbal decoctions;
  • use matting wipes made of rice paper to eliminate sweat on the face, or use absorbent films impregnated with antibacterial substances.
  • apply natural starch-containing arrowroot and organic deodorant oils that inhibit the growth of bacteria;
  • make foot baths with potassium permanganate or herbs;
  • wipe the palms with camphor or salicylic alcohol.

In addition, with excessive sweating, you should:

  • choose bed linen and clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • exclude products that increase sweating from the diet;
  • lose weight.

Physiotherapeutic and drug treatments for excessive sweating in women

Since the cause of hyperhidrosis is not always known and cannot always be eliminated, symptomatic treatment is carried out. To do this, women are most often invited to use conservative methods:

  • Iontophoresis, which is effective for local hyperhidrosis. During the procedure, the palms or feet are immersed in water, through which a weak electric current blocking the sweat glands is passed for 20 minutes. The disadvantage of this painless technique is the short duration of the effect - the sweat glands resume active activity after a few weeks, and iontophoresis has to be carried out again.
  • Botox injections. The introduction of Botox under the skin not only has a rejuvenating effect, but also blocks the nerve endings of the sweat glands for six months.
  • Hydrotherapy, which strengthens the nervous system.
  • Electrosleep, during which a low-frequency pulsed current acting on the brain stimulates the inhibition of the nervous system and improves the activity of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Medicinal electrophoresis, during which, under the influence of direct current on the skin, the problem area is dehydrated, and ions of drugs that reduce sweating accumulate in the skin.

The disadvantage of conservative therapy is its temporary nature, so patients in severe cases resort to surgical methods.

Surgical methods for hyperhidrosis

The safest and least traumatic surgical methods are:

  • Liposuction, indicated in the presence of excess weight. During this surgical intervention, excess fat is removed and the nerve endings responsible for conducting the impulse that causes sweating are destroyed. All manipulations are carried out through a small puncture, so small scars hiding in the natural folds of the body are not visible after the operation.
  • Curettage, which is most often used for sweating in the armpits. During this operation, the nerve endings in the problem area are destroyed, and the sweat glands are removed. With moderate hyperhidrosis, only one puncture is made, and with severe hyperhidrosis, two.

The effect after these operations persists for several years.

In severe hyperhidrosis and the ineffectiveness of other methods of treatment, sympathectomy is performed - a surgical intervention that consists in a complete or partial disruption of the sympathetic trunk (the sympathetic trunk conducts impulses that cause sweating).

The sympathetic trunk can be destroyed (total sympathectomy) or blocked with a special clip (reversible sympathectomy). This method is highly effective, but due to the dryness of the skin in the area of ​​​​the palms and face that occurs after the operation, it is carried out only according to strict indications.

Surgical methods are used for severe excessive sweating in cases where conservative treatment has failed.

If a person is worried about heavy sweating during the day, while the problem gradually worsens, and the usual methods of dealing with excessive sweating do not help, you should consult a doctor and find out the causes of such a violation. Excessive sweating sometimes indicates the development of unsafe complications in the body, when excessive sweating is one that should not be ignored.

What causes can affect profuse sweating?

If a person sweats heavily in certain parts of the body, while this condition is not typical for him, this is a sign of the development of an internal pathology, in which sweating is just a symptom, but it is dangerous to ignore it. But not always strong sweating indicates a dangerous violation, often you just need to normalize your lifestyle, stop eating junk food, get rid of bad habits, and try to pay more attention to health. Then the sweat glands will begin to function normally and the person will no longer be bothered by anything.

External factors

Frequent sweating may be a consequence of the influence on the body of factors that constantly affect a person and provoke an increase in sweat production. Excessive sweating is associated with the influence of such external factors:

  • too hot and stuffy weather, due to which the production of sweat increases;
  • constant nervous strain, which is often the cause of profuse sweating of the armpits;
  • excessive physical activity, in which the body heats up and releases much more sweat;
  • malnutrition, abuse of fatty, spicy and fried foods;
  • problems with bad habits, due to the impossibility of abandoning which, a person is constantly worried about signs of excessive sweating;
  • insufficient hygiene or the use of unsuitable detergent.

In this case, severe sweating is eliminated by normalizing lifestyle and nutrition, giving up bad habits and carefully observing the rules of personal hygiene. After a short time, the unpleasant symptoms will completely disappear, but if the provoking factors again become a daily way of life, the functions of the body will be disturbed again, the person will again begin to sweat very strongly and often.

Internal factors

To find out the mechanism of occurrence of hyperhidrosis, only a specialist will help.

Very often, increased sweating is a consequence of the development of internal disorders, which are much harder and longer to deal with. If a sign of excessive sweating did not bother a person before, but recently this pathology suddenly began to annoy a lot, then before you start doing anything, you need to visit a dermatologist and try to find out the root cause of the pathology. A person sweats a lot due to such internal disorders:

  • Viral respiratory diseases. When you suffer from such a complication, the body temperature rises, and in order to cool, excess heat is removed from the inside with the help of sweat. Sweat helps not only to normalize the temperature, but also to remove pathogens and their waste products. Therefore, to speed up this process, it is important to drink as much liquid as possible.
  • endocrine disorders. A disease of the thyroid, pancreas or adrenal glands causes a disorder in the functioning of organs and systems. Often, with such pathologies, a large amount of sweat is released, which is the result of a specific reaction of the body to internal pathologies.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Severe sweating in these disorders is a common symptom. Due to the fact that pathological contractions and expansions of blood vessels occur in the body, as well as malfunctions of the heart muscle, an uncontrolled release of sweat occurs.
  • Obesity. Fat people often suffer, as their body constantly suffers from excessive stress.
  • Menopause. When women already have menopause, they often sweat because of hormonal changes, treatment is not needed in this case, it is important to just be prepared for such symptoms and be able to adequately respond to them.

The main signs of hyperhidrosis

Symptoms of increased sweat production develop as the disease progresses. There are 3 stages of hyperhidrosis:

  • Light. A person does not yet experience problems with excessive sweating, others are also unaware of the problem, since there are no pronounced signs yet.
  • Average. At this stage, mild discomfort worries, armpits often sweat, others may notice stains on clothes and feel a characteristic, unpleasant odor.
  • Heavy. A person can sweat profusely all day long, while his clothes get dirty from sweat, a persistent, fetid smell bothers, it is unpleasant for others to be in the same room with the patient.

Heavy sweating during sleep

First of all, you need to find out the cause of night sweats, as this affects the quality of life.

Everyone has at least once sweated in their sleep. Often, such a violation is a consequence of elevated ambient temperature, unsuitable weather conditions, underwear, and the habit of constantly wrapping up. To get rid of such a problem during sleep, airing the room and maintaining the optimal temperature regime for the sleeping room will help. However, if the problem persists, and other, unusual symptoms are added, it is better to visit a doctor and find out the cause of such a violation.

Heavy sweat at work

Both during physical and mental work, a person can sweat profusely, while this condition does not need to be specially treated, since it is a consequence of the natural reaction of the body. During physical work, the body temperature increases, with the help of sweat it normalizes, so that the person engaged in physical labor will not overheat and feel bad. During mental work, a person is affected by psycho-emotional stress, when an increased dose of adrenaline is released into the blood, which provokes increased excitability and severe sweating under the armpits or in other parts of the body.

Everyone has probably experienced a condition that is characterized by increased sweating. This can happen in different ways and at different times, both day and night. Sometimes a similar phenomenon, which is called hyperhidrosis, may be the result of the periodic influence of temporary factors on the body, and in some cases, increased sweating acts as evidence of pathological changes in the body. It should be noted that hyperhidrosis can be local and generalized - it is the second type of violation of the outflow of sweat that will be discussed in a specific article.

Possible Causes of Whole Body Hyperhidrosis

It is necessary to start with the fact that sweating is a natural process that allows you to regulate body temperature, as well as remove harmful substances from the body. Sometimes you can observe pathological changes, namely an increase in the amount of sweat released, which causes a lot of discomfort. It is important to note that there are a lot of reasons for this phenomenon, and in each individual case of hyperhidrosis, a person will encounter specific symptoms that determine the factor provoking increased sweating.

  • At the same time, it is necessary to understand that this problem can manifest itself as a result of functional disorders, which will be described in more detail in the next paragraph, and also occur against the background of general changes in the body of a non-pathological nature. Thus, one can notice how the intensity of sweating increases at the moment of strong excitement, fear, as well as an emotional outburst of a different nature. In a specific situation, the nature of this phenomenon is based on an increase in the rate of metabolic processes, including thermoregulation.
  • Most often, the causes of hyperhidrosis in men and women are the same, but there are also gender-specific factors that provoke the development of the problem. For example, in women after forty, increased sweating may indicate the onset of menopause, at which time the body begins to rebuild, which is accompanied by strong hormonal changes. In this case, the most provoking factor is thyrotoxicosis, that is, increased production of thyroid hormones.

Diseases that cause excessive sweating

To begin a description of diseases, against which increased sweating begins to develop, should be from ailments that disrupt the endocrine system. Hyperhidrosis, as one of the variants of systemic disorders, occurs in people with diabetes mellitus. In this situation, the phenomenon is associated with pathological disorders of the peripheral nervous system. Changes of a neurological nature can also be observed in the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems, which occurs due to a violation of the accumulation of fructose and sorbitol. If neurological changes have occurred in diabetes mellitus, resulting in hyperhidrosis, then you can also notice the accompanying symptoms in the form of heat intolerance and fatigue.

Hyperhidrosis of the generalized type is characteristic as a symptom of people with low blood sugar levels. With a specific violation, trembling of the limbs, a feeling of one's own heartbeat, dizziness, menstrual irregularities in women and, of course, increased sweating are noted. In a specific situation, a lack of glucose causes an increased production of adrenaline, which is why a general picture of the disease with characteristic features is formed.

There are also a number of various endocrine diseases, the main or indirect symptom of which is hyperhidrosis. The described phenomenon in the context of these ailments is associated with metabolic disorders. Among the most striking diseases of this type are:

  • pheochromocytoma;
  • carcinoid syndrome;
  • acromegaly etc.

It is also important to note that the phenomenon described is also often found in infectious diseases. For a particular situation, a triad of symptoms in the form of fever, chills and hyperhidrosis is characteristic.

Increased sweating, which is provoked by an increase in body temperature, is specific for all types of infectious diseases, acute or chronic. It should be noted here that it is the water that is removed from the pores that protects the body from overheating, performing a thermoregulatory function.

In this case, it is necessary to characterize the main infectious diseases in which profuse sweating is most pronounced:

  • septicemia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • malaria, etc.

There are a huge number of other various diseases in which hyperhidrosis is quite common. These are oncological diseases characterized by the development of tumors that innervate the secretion centers of the sweat glands. Often this symptom occurs when considering a variety of neurological disorders in the body. In most cases, neurological problems are characterized by damage to the functioning of the spinal cord or the peripheral nervous system - in such a situation, hyperhidrosis is local, and generalized occurs when the central nerve centers are affected. Other problems are possible, for example, of a genetic type or associated with side effects of drugs. Sometimes there is even a psychogenic factor contributing to increased sweating.

What to do and how to treat excessive sweating

Of course, every person suffering from excessive sweating, wholeheartedly wants to get rid of both heavy sweating under the armpits and the whole body. In this case, it is appropriate to analyze your own condition, and if there are no obvious causes of hyperhidrosis, then you need to consult a doctor for help. To combat the situation under consideration, a huge number of therapeutic methods have been developed, which in most cases allow you to cope with the situation. It is for this reason that the most effective methods of dealing with increased secretion of sweat glands are described below, however, it is appropriate to use them only if they do not go against the therapy prescribed by the attending physician.

Treatment with folk remedies

As part of the treatment of hyperhidrosis with folk remedies, two strategies can be used, each of which can be implemented separately or in combination. More specifically, it is possible to use external means and products for internal use.

  • Among the outdoor baths, it is necessary to single out baths with oak bark, for which a decoction should be prepared, and then mixed with water while bathing. To create a healing component, pour 100 grams of oak bark with a liter of boiling water, then boil the mixture for 20 minutes over low heat, and then strain and cool.
  • For oral administration, it is recommended to use green tea with lemon balm, which allows you to normalize the work of the sweat glands. You can also brew sage in proportions: 2 tablespoons per cup of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be infused under the lid for half an hour, then strain and drink twice a day for a third of a glass.


In some cases, pharmacological agents are used to combat excessive sweating. These drugs can be represented by medicines of three main groups. So, for example, in certain situations, sedatives may be involved, but in the event that their effect does not achieve the desired result, tranquilizers (Phenazepam, Sonapax) are included in the treatment strategy.

Another drug group is preparations such as belladonna alkaloids, the main active ingredient of which is atropine. Among these funds, Belloid, Bellataminal or Bellaspon are most often prescribed. In some cases, you can not do without calcium channel blockers, the main representative of which is Diltiazem.

Salon procedures will help get rid of the problem

If there is such a problem as local hyperhidrosis, some cosmetic methods of exposure can be applied. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups:

  • non-operative effects, for example, the introduction of Botox under the skin, which has not only a preventive, but also a pronounced therapeutic effect;
  • surgery, in which the cause of excessive sweating is removed through surgery, such as a blockage of the sympathetic nerve;
  • hardware methods, among which most often use electromagnetic effects on the subcutaneous layers in order to correct the activity of the sweat glands.

Other Ways to Combat Excessive Sweating

There are alternative approaches developed to locally manage the symptoms of hyperhidrosis. In this case, you can apply caring cosmetics that block an unpleasant symptom and help save face.

Store-bought products: deodorants, creams and gels

One of the most common types of hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating of the legs and armpits. In this case, the actual use of antiperspirants and other cosmetic products aimed at blocking excessive sweat outflow. To carry out a caring procedure, it is necessary to apply a cream, gel or spray a deodorant on clean skin.

Among the manufacturers that produce the most suitable means for solving the described problem, it is necessary to single out: Vichy, Green Pharmacy, Algel, etc.

Underarm sweat pads

Excessive sweating is an unpleasant situation for every person. It's quite difficult to control it. In such a situation, even the strongest deodorants may not help. Therefore, clothes are often saturated with sweat, acquiring a characteristic unpleasant appearance. Moreover, sweat often has an unpleasant odor, which creates some inconvenience for a person who is in a public place or communicates with other people.

Also, excessive sweating, or as this disease is also called - hyperhidrosis, can be a symptom of certain diseases and disorders in the body. This must be taken into account, since even the strongest anti-sweat agents can eliminate the problem for several hours, but they do not get rid of the cause. In this case, sweating will constantly return.

Most often, it is men who suffer from excessive sweating. It is believed that this is due to a more active lifestyle, constant physical activity and metabolic characteristics.

Excessive sweating is largely due to the activity of the sex hormone. testosterone. By acting on various structures, it speeds up the metabolism, resulting in excessive sweating. In this case, there is no need to treat or correct the hormone level (unless there is a pathological increase in testosterone levels). It is necessary to carefully follow personal hygiene procedures, use individual cosmetics (deodorants, creams) and adjust lifestyle. In particular, daily physical activity at the same time allows you to shift the period of excessive sweating.

Men, just like women, are prone to stress. However, the corresponding social roles also involve additional responsibility and fewer ways to implement stressful situations. Avoiding stress in everyday life is not possible. However, in order not to cause psychosomatic illnesses and get rid of excessive sweating, it is necessary to correctly express negative emotions. For this, communication with a psychotherapist is perfect - a man gets the opportunity to speak out and better think about his problems.

Sweating at night and during sleep

Excessive sweating causes quite a lot of inconvenience during the daytime. This may be due to physiological characteristics, some diseases. But hyperhidrosis at night can indicate serious diseases that require immediate treatment.

Profuse sweating in women

Hyperhidrosis is more common in women than in men. This is due to the activity of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. In particular, before menstruation, during pregnancy and lactation, during menopause, the activity and quantitative ratio of these hormones change.

It is during these periods that increased sweating is manifested. It can be seen especially clearly . The climacteric period is characterized by the presence of hot flashes - the occurrence of a specific condition, which manifests itself in the form of a sharp change in mood and profuse sweating. This is characterized by a decrease in estrogen activity and an increase in the amount of progesterone.

In this case, you can get rid of profuse sweating only by taking hormonal agents that normalize the functioning of the woman's body, equalizing the ratio between progesterone and estrogen. In addition to the menopause, hormonal correction is not indicated for women. During the period of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene and not resort to medications.

Causes and Treatments for Excessive Sweating

Regardless of gender and age, profuse sweating is more common in obese people. with overweight. This is due to a lack of oxygen in the body and a slow metabolism. It is quite difficult to get rid of this problem - it is necessary to constantly perform hygiene procedures. However, they will only temporarily eliminate the consequences of excessive sweating - smell, sweat. It is necessary to eliminate the very reason - to normalize metabolism, get rid of excess body weight. Only the elimination of the cause will allow you to get rid of excessive sweating.

Hypoglycemia can be the cause of profuse sticky. Hypoglycemia occurs in conditions of diabetes mellitus. In order to prevent the development of this situation, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of glucose in the blood and, together with the doctor, adjust the treatment regimen.

  • before any physical activity, you need to eat foods rich in fast carbohydrates (bars, sweets, bakery products);
  • for people using insulin, it is necessary to adjust the dose of drugs, depending on the composition of the food;
  • set timers and reminders so as not to skip meals after taking sugar-lowering drugs;
  • always have a sweet candy or bar with you in case of hypoglycemia.

Hyperthyroidism can also cause excessive sweating. This disease occurs due to excessive activity of thyroid hormones.

In addition to excessive sweating, there are also:

  1. insomnia;
  2. hand tremor;
  3. increased blood pressure and heart rate;
  4. temperature rise.

In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of hormones in the peripheral blood, as well as take the appropriate treatment prescribed by the endocrinologist.

Pheochromocytoma is a tumor of the adrenal glands that causes excessive synthesis of catecholamines - the hormones of adrenaline and norepinephrine. These substances regulate the sympathetic system. One of the signs of the occurrence of this tumor is excessive sweating. Therefore, if profuse sweating persists for a long time with normal or reduced body weight, it is imperative to do magnetic resonance imaging of the kidneys and adrenal glands to exclude neoplasms.

Disorders of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system can also manifest as excessive sweating. People suffering from this pathology are often emotionally labile, they experience severe headaches and pressure drops. With frequent changes in mood and the presence of profuse sweating, it is necessary to consult a neurologist.

Some malignancies may present as a paraneoplastic syndrome, which may present with a variety of symptoms. One of them is excessive sweating. With the exclusion of other somatic pathologies and persistent profuse sweating, it is necessary to consult an oncologist to exclude malignant neoplasms.

Cystic fibrosis is one of the most common diseases that is manifested by excessive sweating. A distinctive feature is the release of sweat with a rather unpleasant odor. The cause of this pathology are mutations and structural disorders of genes. In practice, the disease manifests itself in adolescence, more often in boys. In addition to profuse sweating with an unpleasant odor, digestive disorders and moderate pain in the abdomen can also be observed.

In any case, if excessive sweating occurs, you should consult a doctor. For starters, it can be a therapist who will prescribe the necessary tests or refer you to a specialist. A thorough examination will detect hyperhidrosis.

What is the danger of the disease

In itself, excessive sweating does not pose any danger to a person (provided that an adequate drinking regime is maintained and a sufficient amount of fluid and mineral salts enter the body). However, in most cases, hyperhidrosis is not
is an independent pathology, but serves only as a symptom of serious diseases.

That is why it is necessary to pay close attention to excessive sweating. To exclude somatic diseases, it is necessary to seek medical help from a therapist, endocrinologist, neuropathologist.

Timely detection of the problem, in most cases, increases the chances of successful treatment and allows you to get rid of (or stop) the disease. When the cause is eliminated, such a symptom as profuse sweating disappears.

We should not forget about infectious complications in case of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. The constant presence of sweat in the natural folds of the body (knees, elbows, armpits) changes the temperature and acidity of this area and can serve as an excellent breeding ground for bacteria that do not normally show their activity.

Methods for the treatment of profuse sweating

Doctors recommend that before you eliminate sweating, find the cause of its occurrence. However It takes time to diagnose and treat. And often people just can't wait. Therefore, there are practical recommendations that will help get rid of profuse sweating and not harm your health.

  1. Showering at least twice a day helps to get rid of sweat and odor.
  2. Compliance with the drinking regime - the use of a sufficient amount of mineralized water. With sweat, both water and mineral salts come out. The lack of replenishment of their reserves leads to a violation of the acid-base balance of the blood and a disruption in the work of all internal organs and systems. Therefore, every day you need to drink mineralized water - at least 1.5 liters per day.
  3. Clean linen. Clothing that has already been worn contains traces of sweat and an unpleasant odor. Make sure you change your clothes after every shower. If possible, it is also necessary to change underwear during the day.
  4. Selection of personal deodorants. Modern antiperspirants clog the outlets in the armpit. However, people suffering from hyperhidrosis secrete sweat from the entire surface of the skin. Using standard antiperspirants can lead to clogged glands and serious health problems. Therefore, it is necessary to select the right deodorant together with a dermatologist. This will reduce the intensity of sweating and prevent the development of health problems.
  5. Control of chronic diseases. Many chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation are manifested by excessive sweating. The correct intake of medicines according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor helps to prevent the development of relapses and increased sweating.
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