What to eat after gallbladder removal. Is a diet necessary? Consequences of not following the diet

Certain changes in the human body can cause surgical intervention. Operations affect metabolism and digestion. Therefore, it is always important, for the speedy recovery of the body, to follow the doctor's instructions. Nutrition after removal of the gallbladder is designed to ensure the normal functioning of the biliary function. Exist different types diets to normalize metabolism further treatment and recovery of the body, as well as immediately after surgery.

What to eat after gallbladder removal

The cause of inflammation of the organ can be irregular nutrition and eating dry food. In such cases, bile tends to accumulate in the bladder. This threatens to wear out its walls and the subsequent breakthrough into the abdominal cavity of the secret. Perhaps the formation of stones in the body. All of these points can lead to the death of the patient. To prevent this scenario, the gallbladder is removed by laparoscopy.

Bile in the body serves as an auxiliary substance to ensure the process of digestion. It is made up of compounds bile acids. Formed and collected in the liver, bile enters further into the bladder. It controls secret allocation in duodenum. When the gallbladder is removed, secretion control is lost. To normalize this process, there are a number of recipes. Since bile consists of acids, there is a risk of destructive formations in the duodenum. To avoid such problems, you should follow some rules.

Diet after surgery

An important component on the road to recovery is nutrition after gallbladder surgery. The main task is to return to a normal lifestyle after cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder). In the postoperative period, control over the amount of fluid consumed is mandatory. The first hours should only moisten the lips and herbal decoctions rinse the mouth. The first intake of water is allowed in a day. It must be without gas.

What can you eat after the operation? After three days, it is allowed to add weakly brewed unsweetened tea and low-fat kefir to the diet. Maximum allowable amount fluid during this period should not exceed 1.5 liters. The amount of food consumed is 200 grams per serving. Diet when removing the gallbladder by laparoscopy:

  • protein omelets;
  • boiled fish;
  • fruit and vegetable juices;
  • crushed potatoes;
  • light soups.

On the fifth day therapeutic diet the patient is allowed to use flour products, but not more than one hundred grams per day. It can be bread (white), diet cookies. By the eighth day of the diet after the operation, the amount of water consumed can be increased from one and a half to two liters. Diet after gallbladder surgery:

  • chopped cereals (buckwheat, oats) in milk;
  • boiled fish;
  • finely chopped boiled meat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • milk and kefir.

The next step is the transition to a sparing diet. It lasts up to a month and a half. You need to eat in small quantities. Steam cooking and simmering distinguishing feature nutrition after gallbladder removal. Fried and spicy food are not welcome. The list of dishes of a sparing diet looks like this:

  • vegetable stew;
  • fish and meat (boiled);
  • lungs vegetable soups(without frying);
  • cutlets (steamed);
  • mashed potatoes;
  • porridge with milk;
  • fruit and vegetable juices.

In 3 months

The main emphasis should be on protein food(boiled mussels, shrimps, squids). It helps to thin the bile. Consumption of alcohol, fried and spicy food Absolutely forbidden. In the normal course of treatment, when there are no pain, it is worth expanding the diet. It is appropriate to use products that improve the process of bile secretion. Among them you will find:

  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • vegetable oil.

Nutrition after a year

Subject to the rules of the diet for up to a year, by this time there will come normal functioning gastrointestinal tract. The secretion of bile into the duodenum is normalized. However, you should not forget about prohibited products. Keep eating cooked food. Uncontrolled weight gain often occurs after gallbladder removal surgery. In this interval, it normalizes, which is a positive result.

Menu 5 diets after gallbladder removal

It is necessary to adhere to the no5 diet for three months after discharge from the hospital. It is indicated for cirrhosis of the liver, cholecystitis, acute and chronic hepatitis, cholelithiasis. Diet number 5 consists of proteins and carbohydrates with limited fat. Excluded fried foods and high in cholesterol. Check out the sample diet menu number 5. It consists of two breakfasts, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner:

  1. Breakfast number one: oatmeal on milk, cottage cheese with sour cream, tea.
  2. Breakfast number two: baked apple.
  3. Lunch: vegetable soup with vegetable oil, boiled chicken in milk, rice, compote.
  4. Afternoon snack: rosehip broth.
  5. Dinner: boiled fish, mashed potatoes, curd cheesecake, tea.
  6. Before going to bed - kefir.

Video: diet for gallbladder removal for weight loss

The video below explains why it is important to pay attention fractional nutrition after removal of the gallbladder. The host and guest doctor, using a visual example, show how to distribute food intake by the hour. It also lists the consequences not proper nutrition without a gallbladder. Follow the recommendations given in the video, and you will learn how you can lose weight with a diet.

The gallbladder performs the functions of accumulation, concentration and excretion of bile. The quality of digestibility of the substances necessary for the functioning of the body, which come with food, which directly affect the performance and function, depends on this organ. general well-being person.

One of the main and inevitable questions that arise in patients after gallbladder removal is: what can I eat?

The gallbladder is a hollow organ that collects bile produced by the liver. It is secreted into the intestines through the bile ducts - this contributes to the quality digestion of food.

After surgery to remove this organ, a person must follow a diet for the rest of his life. This is due to the fact that there is no cavity for the accumulation of the secret produced by the liver, and it constantly enters the duodenum. Therefore, when using fatty foods the amount of bile is not enough for their normal digestion, and a person develops nausea, flatulence and diarrhea.

In addition, as a result of poor absorption of fats, an insufficient amount of fat enters the body. fatty acids and interfere with the absorption of some fat soluble vitamins. After the removal of this organ, there is often a decrease in the absorption of antioxidants contained in almost all vegetables, which leads to more intense oxidative processes. The result of this is early aging of the body.

Diet and its features

Compliance with proper nutrition and maintaining an active lifestyle are paramount factors in the rehabilitation period. Therefore, do not neglect the regimen and diet prescribed by the doctor, since the timely excretion of bile will depend on their implementation, which will avoid postcholecystectomy syndrome. The diet provides for five to six meals a day in small portions, as well as the rejection of foods that can provoke a rapid outflow of bile.

The food taken should be warm - it is strictly forbidden to eat very hot or cold dishes. Food should be thoroughly chewed: this way it will be easier to process with bile, and the digestion process will be easy.

In order not to harm the body and provide it essential vitamins and trace elements, can be taken as food following products and dishes:

  1. Vegetable and milk fats. They ensure the normal flow of bile from the intestines and other organs of the digestive tract. For breakfast and dinner, it is best to eat fermented milk products (ryazhenka, yogurt, kefir), cottage cheese dishes (cheesecakes, casseroles). If desired, dishes can be seasoned with sour cream, the fat content of which is 10%. You can diversify breakfast and dinner with soft-boiled eggs or omelettes.

  2. Broths. This dish is best eaten for lunch. Broths should be easy for the digestive system to digest, so they are boiled on vegetables or on lean meat. They are allowed to add a small amount of cereals and greens.

  3. Meat. It is permissible to add to the side dish of second courses meat products. Lean meats, such as turkey, rabbit or chicken, are well suited for a dietary diet.

  4. Fish. You can eat lean fish no more than twice a week. Better if it will sea ​​fish, as it contains trace elements that promote the absorption of fats.

  5. Creamy or linseed oil recommended to add to food. It will help keep the balance metabolic processes in the body, in case of failure of which a person's health worsens.

  6. Bran rich in vitamins and microelements, they are easily absorbed by the digestive system, and also contribute to the normal course of metabolic processes.

  7. White or gray bread dried in the oven or microwave.

  8. Seasonings. When cooking, it is recommended to use Bay leaf and various greens, as well as turmeric. All of these spices have medicinal properties.

  9. Kashi. If a person's gallbladder is removed, then all kinds of cereals should be added to the diet - buckwheat, pearl barley, rice or oatmeal.

  10. Vegetables, berries and fruits. Of the vegetables, carrots and pumpkins are especially useful for eating. It is worth giving preference to berries and fruits of sweet varieties. Watermelons are especially useful - this berry has a diuretic effect and helps to remove toxic substances from the body.

  11. Sweet foods(carefully). For dessert, honey, marshmallows, jam, jam, marmalade are allowed, but in limited quantities. Confectionery sweets should be replaced with dried fruits - dried apricots and prunes.

Remember! Consumed products - meat, fish and vegetables - must be subjected to heat treatment, i.e. boiled or steamed.

Prohibited Products

To avoid discomfort in the form of nausea, flatulence and diarrhea, which may occur against the background of an imbalance in the digestive system, it is worth abandoning the following products:

  1. Spicy spices, garlic and onions, as well as radishes irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, so their use is strictly prohibited.
  2. Broths. Broths cooked with mushrooms or fish are contraindicated.
  3. Pickled, salty and sour foods will also harm normal digestion.

  4. Confectionery (sweets, pastries and cakes). They adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract, and if a person's gallbladder is removed, then his condition is exacerbated at times.
  5. Sparkling water. Gas saturation leads to intestinal irritation.
  6. Products with high level coarse fiber. These include bread (from wholemeal flour), peas, beans, etc.
  7. Sauerkraut. Absolutely all dishes in which it is present are prohibited, since this product causes a fermentation process leading to the formation of gases.
  8. Salo and fatty varieties meat. They should be completely abandoned, as they contain substances that causing problems with bile circulation. When the gallbladder is removed, the amount of enzymes in the bile that help digest fats is reduced.

    Fatty meat and lard are banned

  9. Cold foods: jelly, ice cream, etc. With their use, the likelihood of spasmodic reactions of the biliary tract is high.
  10. Alcohol. It is strictly forbidden to use it, as it is an irritant for the mucous organs of the digestive system and intestines.

Diet in the postoperative period

Even if the patient feels well after the operation, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations regarding food intake, which will be given by the attending physician.

First days after surgery

In order for the rehabilitation period to be successful, it is necessary for the patient to eat properly:

  • No food should be taken on the day after the operation. It is permissible to moisten the lips, and at the end of the day to drink a few sips of water;
  • on the second day, you can drink low-fat yogurt or kefir in small quantities, no more than 100 ml per dose. Between doses there should be a break of at least two hours;
  • on the third day, meat or vegetable soufflé, vegetable broth, and low-fat dairy products are introduced into the diet. In addition, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, mineral non-carbonated water is best.

You need to take food slowly, chewing thoroughly - these actions will help the body adapt to an unfamiliar situation for it.

Recipe for the first days - vegetable soufflé


  • carrots (can be replaced with beets);
  • water;
  • milk;
  • egg white.

Vegetables are rubbed on a fine grater. Then they are laid out in a pan, a little water is poured there and stewed without oil. After the vegetables become soft, add one tablespoon of milk and beaten egg white to them. The whole mass is mixed and placed in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for twenty minutes. Ready!

First week after surgery

As a rule, on the sixth or seventh day after the operation, the person is discharged from the hospital. At home, the patient must independently adhere to diet food following the recommendations on allowed and prohibited products.

Food should be taken six or seven times a day in small portions - this distribution will continue the adaptation of the body. Still weakened digestive system It will be easier to cope with a small amount of light food. To adjust the work of the liver, it is recommended to eat at the same time - then bile will be released only during meals.

You need to drink one and a half to two liters of fluid per day. Rosehip broth, juices with pulp, mineral water- this is allowed, but it is still worth consulting with your doctor first, as there are individual characteristics course of the rehabilitation period.

During this period, it is useful to eat soup with milk, chicken roll cooked in the oven, cottage cheese casserole, steamed meat soufflé, fermented milk products (yogurts, kefirs, cheese), cereals, steamed scrambled eggs from egg whites. For dessert, you can drink a rosehip broth or herbal tea with marshmallow or marshmallow.

Recipe for the first weeks after surgery – Latvian milk soup with vegetables


  • milk;
  • water;
  • carrot;
  • crushed rice;
  • potatoes;
  • greens;
  • salt;
  • melted butter.

Pour milk into a saucepan and dilute it halfway with water. After it boils, you need to add crushed rice, carrots, herbs, potatoes and onions. Cook until cooked - this is determined by light density dishes. After that, be sure to add salt (on the tip of a knife) and a quarter teaspoon of ghee.

Two months after surgery

If the recovery process proceeds normally, there is no pain and discomfort- the patient is allowed to gradually introduce other foods into the diet.

For example, vegetable soups or low-fat broth are allowed. chicken meat. But when preparing these dishes, you can not add fried vegetables to them.

As a side dish for main courses, steamed vegetables are well suited: for example, carrots, beets, eggplants, zucchini and cabbage (it is better to take cauliflower). You can add greens.

For dinner, boiled potatoes with stewed or boiled fish are suitable. You can add greens and a little oil to the dish. Sea fish is also allowed, but you need to be careful with the concentration of the broth. If it turned out to be too thick, then it should be diluted with vegetable broth.

Low-fat cottage cheese casserole a good option for an afternoon snack.

Remember! Protein dishes are very useful, because thanks to them the bile becomes less thick.

Recipe - veal in whey


  • veal;
  • serum.

Fresh veal is put into the pan, which is poured with whey and aged for 10-12 hours. Then the meat is cut into large chunks, placed in a pan and cooked in the oven or stewed on fire under a closed lid without adding oil. The oven should be heated to only 150-160 degrees, as the meat should not form a fried crust.

Nutrition for a year after surgery

The diet should not include foods high in cholesterol, as it increases the viscosity of bile and contributes to its stagnation in the biliary tract.

The above prohibited products in most cases contain components that give a high load on the pancreas, which, after removal of the gallbladder, receives a double load. If you do not adhere to a sparing diet, then this body may fail.

Recipe - cabbage in breadcrumbs


  • cauliflower or white cabbage;
  • white crackers;
  • butter.

Chopped cabbage is stewed in a frying pan. You can also cook it in the microwave. The finished dish is sprinkled with finely crushed breadcrumbs from white bread topped with melted butter. It should be completely absorbed into the breadcrumbs. The taste will be the same as if the cabbage was fried in breadcrumbs.

Table 1. sample menu per day for the first year of the rehabilitation period

First breakfast1. Buckwheat or oatmeal. Groats should be crumbly. It is recommended to add a little vegetable or butter.
2. Weak tea.
3. 50 g of cheese.
Second breakfast (usually at eleven or twelve o'clock)Baked apple, dried fruits, jelly.
Dinner1. Borscht cooked in vegetable oil without meat.
2. Boiled meat.
3. Stewed carrots.
4. Fruit compote.
afternoon tea1. Rosehip decoction.
2. White bread crackers.
Dinner1. Boiled fish.
2. Carrots and cauliflower. Vegetables are stewed in water, vegetable oil is added to the finished dish.
3. Mint tea.
For the nightOne glass of kefir.

Video - Features of the recovery period after cholecystectomy

Consequences of not following the diet

After the operation, the functioning of the digestive tract changes significantly, which is why dieting is necessary. Otherwise, the patient may develop postcholecystectomy syndrome, accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • nausea, which practically does not leave the patient;
  • pain, the intensity of which is constantly changing;
  • feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
  • problems with the functioning of the intestines;
  • jaundice.

Postcholecystectomy syndrome is dangerous because it causes a chaotic release of bile into the intestine. Enteritis, colitis is also the result of an imbalance in the body, which can occur due to digestive failures if diet therapy is not followed.

Proper nutrition significantly reduces the risk of other diseases against the background pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the term of the diet depends on the speed of the adaptation process of the whole organism to the created conditions and the restoration of normal functioning. digestive tract. It usually takes at least a year.

Gymnastics for the abdomen

Many of those who underwent surgery to remove the gallbladder were helped to recover special exercises. They are aimed at improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthening the abdominal muscles.

If it was carried out abdominal operation, then gymnastics should be started no earlier than one and a half to two months after discharge from the hospital. With endoscopic intervention, restorative gymnastics can be started in a month.

table 2. Exercises to restore and strengthen the body after removal of the gallbladder

An exerciseNumber of times
Starting position - standing. Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Slow turns of the body are made, first to the right, and then to left side. During the exercise, you may feel mild pain in the abdomen, but this is normal. Performing this exercise, you need to try to find the optimal amplitude of rotation. When severe pain it is better to stop the exercise.5-10 times in one approach - for a start this is quite enough, especially when a person is in a weakened state. Over time, when it gets better, the number of times can be increased.
Starting position - lying on the floor. Legs should be bent at the knees. Then take a deep breath and tilt your legs in turn - first to the left, and then to the right. For more good from the exercise, you need to put a small bag of sand or salt weighing 200-300 grams on top of the abdomen. On exhalation, it must be raised with the help of muscles, on inhalation - lowered. With the help of this exercise, muscle groups damaged during surgery are strengthened.5-10 times, when the condition improves, the amount must be increased.


Removal of the gallbladder will significantly change a person's life, as more attention will have to be paid to the diet and diet, excluding from it many, perhaps favorite foods and dishes. Proper organization daily routine and diet will protect against deterioration and help you return to your usual lifestyle.

Cholecystectomy is a surgical procedure during which the gallbladder is removed. This is the most effective method treatment of polyps, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. Surgery is indicated if the diet and ultrasonic methods treatments did not work. Also, the operation has contraindications: diseases of the heart, kidneys, lungs and liver.

Cholecystectomy is performed through a large incision in the anterior abdominal wall, under general anesthesia. In this case, the gallbladder is completely removed, the vessels are tied up, the incision site is cleaned, then sutured. The operated patient is in a medical institution from 10 days to a crescent, with a good outcome, he recovers within a month.

If we talk about a more gentle method, then this is laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The operation takes place through a puncture of 1 cm in the area of ​​the abdominal wall with an appropriate instrument. The whole process can be observed through the monitor. Postoperative punctures are almost invisible. The patient is discharged after 3 or 5 days, the recovery of the body occurs within a crescent.

Do I need to remove the gallbladder

People who suffer from gallstone disease are divided into several groups: patients with manifestation biliary colic and acute cholecystitis, patients with stones that do not cause discomfort.

At the present time, surgeons are objective in the opinion that people with asymptomatic disease and the presence of a medium-sized stone should not have their gallbladder removed. The risk of complications due to 1-2 stones is very low, so regular ultrasound is recommended for patients ( ultrasound procedure) abdominal cavity. It is important to adhere to proper nutrition and lifestyle.

If the stone is in gallbladder over the years, chronic cholecystitis can form, as well as diseases of the liver, pancreas, or gallbladder cancer. In the case of asymptomatic existence of stones for more than 2 years, the presence of other diseases, an increase in the size of the stone, the surgeon directs the patient for cholecystectomy.

With rare attacks of biliary colic, doctors unconditionally perform a planned operation, since subsequent attacks can develop sharp shape cholecystitis, diseases of neighboring organs. If there is an attack acute cholecystitis- colic for 2-3 hours in the right upper abdomen, the drugs are inactive, the temperature rises, the condition is accompanied by nausea or vomiting - immediately call an ambulance.

Surgeons can make less injured and safe operation using laparoscopic access. It does not depend on how many stones are in the gallbladder - a lot of small ones or a single large one - the gallbladder is removed entirely. The operation performed in this way has contraindications, so the doctor can perform an open laparotomy access operation.

What is the diet after gallbladder removal

A person after surgery is faced with the fact that for the rest of his life he needs to follow a diet, this is due to the lack of a digestive organ in which bile had previously accumulated. The patient should try to avoid stagnation of bile in the ducts. The way out of the situation is frequent appointments food. If you start the process of stagnation, stone formation occurs. It is recommended five meals a day in small portions strictly at the same time. Food should be consumed warm and chewed well.

It is important to exclude fried foods from the diet, as they contain substances that affect the secretion of digestive juice, which serves as an irritant to the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). To avoid negative consequences food must be stewed, boiled or steamed.

Diet after surgery

AT postoperative period the patient has a question: what to eat? Let's learn more about the principles of nutrition after gallbladder removal.

Diet from the first days to 1.5 months implies:

  • A couple of hours after cholecystectomy, the patient can moisten the lips, oral cavity with a swab dipped in plain boiled or mineral water. After 4-5 hours, you need to introduce mouthwash with a decoction of chamomile (sage), do the procedure for 3 days in a row. After 12 hours or a day, they begin to drink mineral water without gas in small sips (unsweetened rosehip broth), a maximum of 1 liter during the day. As soon as two days have passed after the operation, you can start drinking jelly made from dried fruits without sugar, weakly brewed tea or kefir with low percentage fat content up to one and a half liters per day. At one time, a maximum of 150 ml of liquid is allowed every three hours.
  • Starting from 3-5 days, add to the diet natural juices without sugar: rosehip, beetroot, apple; fruit jelly, mashed potatoes and sweetened tea. The volume of fluid consumed is up to 2 liters per day.

Do not forget that meals should take place at the same time, more than 6 times a day with a serving of 200 ml. It is recommended to eat boiled fish, scrambled eggs without adding yolk, mashed soups cooked in low-fat broth, if desired, you can add sour cream or butter, but not more than one teaspoon.

  • On the 5th day, you can afford a stale piece of bread or 100 grams of crackers.
  • By the end of the first week after the operation, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal and wheat) are allowed, but they must be passed through a blender or sieve. Boil porridge in water with the addition of milk (1x1), also introduce sugar-free cottage cheese into the diet; boiled fish, meat (with the exception of pork and lamb) rolled in a meat grinder, protein omelet, mashed vegetables and any dairy products.

Drink liquid should be 150 ml per dose, up to 2 liters per day. To weaken the secretion of bile, we exclude from the diet foods containing fats and essential oils.

  • After a week, 10 days and up to a month and a half, the patient needs to follow a sparing diet. Eat boiled fish and meat, steamed cutlets, scrambled eggs without yolk, meatballs, meatballs, vegetable soups, mashed potatoes or vegetables, stewed zucchini or carrots, cottage cheese casserole, pureed cereals in milk, jelly, juice.

What to eat after gallbladder removal

Products consumed after surgery should not contain substances that will irritate and affect the excessive production of bile juice. For cooking, use products with a high content of pectins and lipotropic substances. Pectins cover the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, thereby preventing the penetration harmful substances. And also favorably affect the work of the intestines, have a healing effect. Lipotropic substances contribute to the active breakdown of cholesterol and prevent it from being deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

The therapeutic diet should contain high content fiber. It has a good effect on the work of the intestines, preventing constipation, flatulence and deposition of feces.

It is important to use fermented milk products they contain calcium, animal protein and live bacteria that positively affect the intestinal microflora.

Allowed products:

It is important to observe the measure in food and alternate the intake of permitted products. Dishes should be varied, add bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, dill, parsley and vanilla to add flavor.

From the foregoing, we already know that we cook all the food for a couple, stew or cook. Also, when preparing food, it is important:

  1. Salt, add oil to a minimum;
  2. Wash and clean the ingredients well;
  3. The products required for cooking should be finely chopped;
  4. Food should have a soft and liquid consistency;
  5. Before going to bed, you should drink a glass of kefir;
  6. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid during the day;
  7. Drink a glass of mineral water before meals;
  8. Each meal should have an interval of 3 hours;
  9. sweet, sour fruits processed and not eaten fresh.

For breakfast or dinner, it is recommended to use cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt. You can add fruits, stewed carrots or steamed pumpkin to them. At lunch, afternoon snack, it is advisable to eat cereals, fish, meat, but not more than one serving of each product during the day. Will be useful fasting days with the exclusion of meat from the diet. To cleanse the bile ducts, it is recommended to eat watermelon, melon. From vegetables, eat less fibrous ones, and also exclude the consumption of sour sauces, gravy.

We do not ignore the fact that food should be baked, boiled, stewed, and all other ways heat treatment are not allowed.

Prohibited Products:

Firstly, these are products containing essential oils, extracts that irritate the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Pepper, horseradish and mustard;
  • Sorrel, onion, garlic, radish;
  • Smoked products;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Salted, pickled foods and spicy sauces;
  • Rich broths.
  • The diet should not contain refractory animal fats (goose, lamb, duck, pork, fatty beef, sausage, lard and smoked meats);
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Products containing cocoa;
  • Sweets: cakes, pastries, chocolates and sweets;
  • Legumes, wholemeal bread;
  • Alcohol and carbonated drinks.

What vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet

As for fruits, after the operation, only processed fruits are introduced into the diet. Over time, they begin to use the most common fruits that grow in vegetable gardens, having previously peeled them. BUT Exotic fruits it is better to start eating after 3 months of rehabilitation. Berries can be frozen for the winter and cooked compotes from them.

At first, it is recommended to stew vegetables, a week after the operation, you can make salads, vegetable juices. The most useful are carrots and beets, they should be introduced into the diet daily. Tomatoes are pre-scalded and skinned. Cabbage, zucchini and cucumber have a positive effect on the work of the intestines. It is also necessary to consume fresh herbs daily.
Can alcohol

Alcohol is the main culprit normal operation gallbladder. Alcohol promotes stagnation in the bile duct. Impact this great content dyes and preservatives. Even weak alcoholic beverages in the form of beer can cause serious blow by the liver.

On holidays, it is better to limit yourself to a glass of low-alcohol drink, and then if your digestive system has returned to normal functioning. As for food, it is better to limit yourself, endure one year, and then allow yourself to gradually consume foods from the prohibited list.

Diet number 5

It implies recipes for dishes prepared from permitted products that do not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: porridge, protein omelet and tea;
  • After 3 hours, you can eat crackers, bran or cookies with juice;
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled breast or steamed cutlet, boiled carrots through a grater, compote or jelly;
  • Afternoon snack: apple;
  • Dinner: steamed fish, mashed potatoes, salad (apple, carrot), tea with milk. An hour before bedtime, drink a glass of kefir.

Questions and answers on nutrition and postoperative problems

Consider the questions of people who have undergone cholecystectomy and are learning to eat right.

Eggs, meat and fish

Is it possible to eat fish, meat cooked in foil over an open fire?

It is possible after a month and a half a little, but it is better to wait a year, since the meat cooked in this way can be called barbecue.

Dairy products and fats

After what time can butter be introduced into the diet?

Oil is allowed to be added to ready-made dishes, and in the first year it is better to refrain from it.

Vegetables and fruits

When can you start eating sauerkraut?

Everything is individual here, if after a month and a half you tried cabbage and you didn’t have bloating, then you can, if you didn’t tolerate it well, put it off for a year.


Can I have lemon water?

It is possible, but in case of pain in the abdomen - stop.


Can I have sunflower seeds?

It is possible, with the condition of reducing the consumed fats of the daily diet.


Flour, cereals and bran

Is it possible pancakes, pizza?

You can once a week if you cook from permitted products and reduce the amount of oil.

Postoperative nausea

Nausea has been tormenting me for 2 days, what should I do?

I advise you to eat fractionally, drink tea with lemon. If this does not help, you should resort to medications, after consulting with your doctor.

Stool normalization

In the morning, a glass of warm water on an empty stomach, add fiber-rich vegetables, prunes, boiled carrots and beets. Once a week, do an enema and lead active image life.

Worries liquid stool how to normalize it?

Eat 5 times a day, the obligatory presence in the diet of rice, buckwheat porridge, baked apples and fiber.

Skin problems

After the operation, rashes, acne appeared on the face, how to deal with it?

Drink more fluids, drink a complex of vitamins, use acne-drying gels, ointments, but only with the permission of the attending physician.

Questions and answers about the patient's behavior in everyday life

Is it possible to swim and sunbathe?

bathe in warm water, and sunbathe only six months after the surgery.

I want to go rollerblading and cycling, is it allowed?

When will it be possible to practice yoga, dancing and physical education?

Yoga and dancing in six months, and physical education should be daily.

I want to start doing a stomach vacuum, is it possible? It has been 3 months since the operation.

Wait for the same amount, only then introduce a vacuum.

You can learn about the rules of diet after gallbladder removal in the following video:

And in conclusion - it is important to follow the above recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle, then your body will recover much faster, due to the absence of irritants. In a year, you will be able to afford a little of the products from the prohibited list. And physical education and walks on fresh air improve general state your body.

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It is quite natural that after gallbladder removal the body needs to stimulate bile secretion, therefore diet development for feeding the patient after the removal of his gallbladder is based precisely on this principle. It is necessary to restore and normalize the metabolism disturbed due to illness and surgery. It is important to exclude or limit the use of foods that contribute to the bile ducts. Any food tends to cause bile formation, therefore, its intake must be limited to small portions, and preferably taken warm. To avoid spasms of the bile ducts and the pain they cause, it is undesirable to consume cold foods and drinks. it helps to avoid problems with bile flow.

AT eating after gallbladder removal need to get right amount proteins and carbohydrates, provide sufficient vitamin and salt composition, but limit the intake of fats, take them in small amounts of vegetable and dairy origin. Eliminate fried, spicy, hard to digest. Cooked foods should be a priority. Proteins should be ingested in the form of dairy products, eggs (preferably quail), meat and fish should only be lean.

A large amount of food increases the period of its removal from the stomach, therefore, the period of secretion and flow of bile into the intestine increases. Need to eat in small portions total food intake should be divided into five to six meals per day. But this will not happen forever. The diet is enriched, becomes similar to the usual in the course of recovery. Spicy dishes should not be present in food until complete recovery. Naturally, alcoholic beverages are excluded.

It is necessary to use products that optimize bile secretion. These are vegetable oils (including flaxseed), of course vegetables and fruits, quail eggs, and sugar should be replaced with sorbitol, xylitol or fructose.

Do not allow the patient to eat less than three hours before bedtime.

Initial recovery period after gallbladder removal

The initial recovery period after removal of the gallbladder (one and a half to two months) requires a diet containing boiled or "steamed" dishes, wiped from vegetables (including soups). Salt no more than eight grams. The amount of liquid consumed should not exceed one and a half liters. It is necessary to limit yourself to cereals (oatmeal, rice, semolina), vermicelli on vegetable broth. From flour croutons (wheat), bread, also wheat, should not be fresh, no more than two hundred grams, cookies are allowed only from non-butter dough.

The first three days the patient is probably in the hospital, so he must follow the diet prescribed by his doctor.

And on the fourth day, non-carbonated mineral water, unsweetened dried fruit jelly, unsweetened weak warm tea, low-fat kefir, drunk half a glass at a time in a volume of not more than one and a half liters per day.

On the fifth day, you can turn on fruit jellies, mashed potatoes, sweet decoctions of pumpkin, rose hips, beets, apples.

The amount of free fluid can be brought up to two liters per day. The number of meals is up to 6-8 times a day, no more than a glass per meal.

In addition, pureed soups are already allowed on a sparse meat broth, scrambled eggs without yolk, boiled fish. 100 grams of crackers are added to soups.

By the end of the first week, after removal of the gallbladder, liquid porridges, mashed with milk, cottage cheese, low-fat boiled ground meat (veal, chicken, rabbit meat), boiled fish, the same protein omelette, vegetable puree, dairy products.

From ten days to one and a half months after surgery to remove the gallbladder, The real human diet is already allowed, but still sparing. It lies in the fact that only dishes are used, steamed or boiled: meat, fish, meatballs; while still an omelet without yolk, vegetable soups, mashed potatoes and vegetables, steamed curd products, mashed milk porridges, fruit jelly, juices, stewed vegetables. Even herring is allowed, but soaked in milk.

Diet a month or two after removal of the gallbladder

After a month and a half of abstinence, you can indulge yourself with vegetarian soup, an egg (once a week), crumbly cereals, boiled chicken, sausage and meat, milk.

I would like to remind you once again that alcohol after removal of the gallbladder is strictly prohibited!

Two months later, even more fun: beef stroganoff, pilaf, meatballs (all boiled) potato casserole With boiled meat, stuffed cabbage rolls, stew with boiled vegetables, meat pies, puddings, noodles, chopped pasta with raisins, or with tomato and cheese, dumplings, cheesecakes, cottage cheese, cottage cheese soufflé with apples. Gradually, mild cheeses, fresh sour cream and cream, honey, fruits and berries and products from them are allowed. On the third tea with lemon, juices.

Oils should be added to dishes only in their natural form.

However, it happens that even strict observance diet, the patient's condition worsens. The body temperature may rise, the feces become lighter, vomiting occurs, vomiting occurs with inclusions of bile. Relief comes after vomiting, while the pain in the right hypochondrium even decreases, nausea goes away. This is due to a violation of the outflow of bile and stagnation of bile.

Of course, in this case, you need to see a doctor. Usually, this is assigned special diet(No. 5 fatty) it will help normalize bile secretion, and activates motor function intestines, and increase the bactericidal properties of bile. This is a complete diet with a normal protein content, but the amount of fat is physiologically increased. The ratio of animals and vegetable fats while being equal. The amount of sugar consumed in this case must be sharply reduced, replacing it with sorbitol or xylitol. Refractory fats should be completely excluded from the diet, eat more choleretic products, such as vegetables and fruits, whose fiber improves intestinal motility, and promotes the removal of cholesterol from the body.

The content of the article:

A diet when removing the gallbladder is a diet whose goal is to unload the bile streams as much as possible, correct bile secretion, while ensuring the absorption of useful substances by the body in sufficient volume. To prevent the recurrence of the disease, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet. Adjust quantity eating habits and cooking technology, limit the product range.

Features of the diet after removal of the gallbladder

After cholecystectomy, the body needs a restructuring. The bile secreted by the liver used to accumulate in the gallbladder and was released only when food entered the stomach. Since now there is nowhere to accumulate, it constantly drains. If you do not normalize the work of reproduction and excretion, the gastric mucosa will be constantly irritated, and congestion will appear.

The purpose of adaptation is the normalization of nutrition after removal of the gallbladder. If you follow all the recommendations, in 1.5-2 months its functions will be taken over by bile duct and you can return to normal life.

The first day the necessary fluid is administered drip. On the second day, it is allowed to drink on its own, then the return to oral nutrition begins. 5-6 days after laparoscopy and 9-10 days after open operation the patient is transferred to table No. 5, specially designed by nutritionist Pevzner for patients with cholecystitis in remission and compensation.

Principles of diet number 5 after gallbladder removal:

  • Fractional food regimen, it is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day, servings are about a handful.
  • The constant time for eating, this "disciplines" the liver, accelerates adaptation. This nature of nutrition allows you to develop a habit - bile secretion increases at certain time intervals.
  • Dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Products should be crushed as much as possible.
  • You can not eat foods and dishes that stimulate bile secretion - sour, salty, fatty, carbonated, etc.
  • Cooking technology: boiling, stewing, baking. It is advisable to stop using a microwave oven within 1.5 months after the operation.
  • Dishes are served warm. Hot or cold stimulates bile secretion.
  • It is advisable to limit the amount of salt to 8-10 mg per day.
  • Half-baked dishes in the diet for the first month and a half should not be.
It is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician. If necessary, the adaptation period is supplemented with drugs that improve digestion and accelerate the excretion of bile.

It takes about a year to adapt to a new state, but some restrictions remain for life.

Allowed foods for a diet after gallbladder removal

With recommendations for expanding the food basket, only one type of new food is added every day, and little by little. It is necessary to analyze the patient's condition, to find out exactly how this product affects the body. If the condition worsens, you need to take a “step back” and return to a more meager diet.

List of allowed products:

  1. Mineral water, alkaline, without gas;
  2. Bakery products - dried white bread, unsweetened cookies and biscuits;
  3. Soups, except mushroom;
  4. Poultry and meat: chicken, turkey, veal, beef, rabbit;
  5. Low-fat fish - trout, pike, sea bass, pollock, hake, cod;
  6. Semi-viscous cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, rice, barley;
  7. Eggs are just proteins;
  8. Oils - a small amount;
  9. Vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs - after heat treatment;
  10. Drinks - lightly brewed tea and coffee from chicory, milk and lactic acid, compotes, fruit drinks, juices;
  11. Lightly salted herring soaked in milk, vinaigrette with lightly salted cucumber;
  12. Cottage cheese, soft fresh cheeses, all reduced fat content;
  13. Desserts - kissels, jelly, jam, marshmallows, self-made marmalade, a little honey.
Recommendations are not absolute. If some type of food is not perceived by the body, it should be discarded.

The inclusion of seafood in the patient's menu should be clarified with the attending physician or nutritionist. They effectively neutralize bad cholesterol, but accumulate heavy metals and toxins from the environment in which they live. The opinions of nutritionists on products of this type differ.

Prohibited foods after gallbladder removal

The list of prohibited foods is shrinking gradually, much slower than the list of allowed foods is expanding. However, there are products whose contraindications are absolute, and they will have to be abandoned forever, regardless of the state of health.

Such food includes:

  • Catering dishes - french fries, hamburgers and other fast food;
  • Sweet products with an excess of cream - cakes, pastries, sweet pastries;
  • Fatty and fried;
  • Cooking oil in any form;
  • Salted caviar.
List of temporary food restrictions:
  1. fresh bread, sweet muffin, fried dough;
  2. Meat offal and sausages;
  3. Rich soups and broths;
  4. Mushrooms;
  5. Canned food of all kinds;
  6. Sausages other than those listed above;
  7. Oily fish - mackerel, red fish, catfish and the like;
  8. Stringy meat and lard;
  9. Spices and seasonings that stimulate fermentation;
  10. Confectionery sweets - lollipops, chocolate candies and tiles, ice cream;
  11. Strong drinks - coffee, alcohol, soda;
  12. Legumes - in beans and pods;
  13. Foods that have not been eaten before, such as fruits from the tropics.
It is possible to return to these products after rehabilitation, but consume little by little, avoiding overeating. The products included in this list are not useful. Before returning them to the menu, you should think about whether you need to do this?

If in the composition of mushrooms, legumes and vegetables useful material, then fatty and fried foods stimulate the formation of fat and the accumulation of excess weight. It is impossible to return to full-fledged training after the removal of the gallbladder. Excess weight can provoke a relapse of the disease - due to a violation of metabolic processes, stones in the bile ducts will again begin to form.

The patient's health largely depends on self-discipline and willpower. It is difficult to refrain from prohibitions, but the patient must be aware that a violation of the recommendations causes a deterioration in the condition. Symptoms of exacerbation: nausea, weakness, heartburn, vomiting and constipation are possible.

Menu for nutrition after gallbladder removal

When removing the gallbladder, they switch to the main diet from 2 weeks. Complete nutrition- several meals, separate dishes - start from 2 weeks. At this time, the patient is already moving freely, the intestines are working in full. The menu is compiled on the basis of dishes from the Pevzner diet - table No. 5 and 5a.

For breakfast or dinner, you can choose from:

  • A serving of fresh low-fat cottage cheese or a casserole.
  • Cereal dishes- any porridge, except for semolina and millet, since these cereals tend to swell in the intestines, their digestion requires increased bile secretion.
  • Potatoes other than fried. With any cooking method, the vegetable is mashed to a puree state.
  • Protein omelet. You can eat 2 omelets at one time chicken proteins or from 12 quail.
  • Meat and fish dishes minced or baked in foil until soft. The fibrous structure of the meat will immediately force you to return to a meager diet.
  • Salads from boiled vegetables - vinaigrette, "winter" without raw onion and egg yolk and the like.
  • Cottage cheese casseroles and puddings - preferably steamed.
Dishes are not combined into complexes. You can not seize meat with salad or drink food with drinks. For the first 6 weeks after the operation, it is advisable to adhere to a separate diet.

Allowed drinks:

  1. Cup warm milk or lightly brewed black tea with milk;
  2. Freshly squeezed juice from sweet berries or fruits - for the first 2 weeks after the operation, it is diluted by half with water, then the amount of water is reduced, honey can be added for taste.
Choice of dishes for lunch:
  • Vegetable soups - knead the vegetables before serving;
  • Lean borscht without frying, meat is cooked separately;
  • Soup with meatballs;
  • Milk soups with a small amount cereals;
  • Minced meat dishes - meatballs or cutlets;
  • Vegetable side dishes.
Snacks based fermented milk drinks and desserts. They are consumed 30-40 minutes after the main meal.

Approximate daily menu broken down into 6 meals:

  1. Morning - cottage cheese casserole with apples or a handful of pureed nuts, tea with milk without sugar;
  2. Snack - 2 crackers with fermented baked milk;
  3. Lunch - a plate of lean borscht with a spoonful of sour cream, chicken fillet With mashed potatoes, berry compote;
  4. Snack - a serving of jelly, biscuit cookies, yogurt;
  5. Dinner - vegetable salad with the addition of boiled beets on a side dish seasoned with a spoon sunflower oil, a piece of fish baked in parchment, tea infused with rose hips;
  6. Before going to bed, half a glass of milk or kefir.
Into a diet children food from jars do not include. Preservatives are included in all long shelf life products.

Recipes for a diet after gallbladder removal

A starvation diet has nothing to do with postoperative. The food is varied, the dishes are delicious, the products are fresh.

What foods can be included in the diet:

  • Mince for a sandwich. In a blender, grind chicken meat, 1 blanched tomato, 1 egg white, 1/3 cup yogurt, the mixture is slightly salted. Spread on a piece of dried white bread. The dish is suitable for a snack or a second dinner.
  • diet soup. 2 potatoes and one tomato are boiled until tender, dried white bread croutons are added, boiled for another 5 minutes, everything is salted. Grind in a blender, pouring in a thin stream of fat-free cream - half a glass.
  • Vegetable soup with chicken. Parsnip root, 1 carrot, a few cauliflower inflorescences and half a large potato, finely chopped. Chicken - fillet - boiled, draining the water twice. Vegetables are poured with a weak ready-made broth, boiled until tender, then chicken meat is finely chopped, approximately 150 g, added to the soup, everything is interrupted with a blender. Before serving, you can season with grated cheese and sour cream, served with white bread croutons. Cheese is poured into the soup, which has already been removed from the heat, it should not “bloom” - melted cheese will irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.
  • Fish quenelles. A piece of bread is soaked in milk or low-fat cream, raw white fish fillets are ground 2-3 times in a meat grinder so that all the bones are ground. Squeezed bread, egg white are added to the minced meat, a little salt is added, kneaded and small balls are formed. Boil the dumplings in boiling water. Can be served on its own or added to soup.
  • Meat dumplings with cottage cheese. Grind 200 g of veal with a meat grinder, add 150 g of cottage cheese, a slice of bread soaked in milk, 1 egg white, salt to taste. Form quenelles or meatballs, spread in a double boiler.
  • Garnish. Carrots, pumpkin, potatoes are boiled and mixed together in grated form. The ingredients are combined according to your taste.
  • Dessert. Ingredients: 0.5 kg of fresh apricots or peaches, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 15 g of gelatin. Gelatin is dissolved in boiled water, leave for 30 minutes. The fruits are washed, brought to a state of puree, and then the puree is heated over a fire, but not brought to a boil. Mix fruit puree with gelatin and pour into molds. You can use 50 g in portions.
  • Meat soufflé. You should prepare a foil mold in advance and grease it with butter. Boil the chicken fillet until half cooked, beat with egg white and a tablespoon of sour cream, spread in a mold and place the mold in double boilers. Prepared within 15 minutes.
  • Cheese casserole. Cottage cheese - 250 g - beat in a blender with the protein of 2 eggs, add a little sugar, semolina - 2 tablespoons, a teaspoon of butter. Everything is thoroughly mixed, laid out in silicone mold and baked in the oven at 160°C for about 40 minutes. Served with a spoonful of jam or honey.
After a month and a half, nuts can be added to the daily menu, fresh berries and fruits, vegetable salads, reduce the number of meals to 5 times a day.

You shouldn't hurry. Indigestion is caused not only by the lack of "capacity" for the accumulation of bile secretions, but also by a decrease in the concentration of specific enzymes necessary for digestion. That is why it is worth adjusting the cooking technology - it should be easily absorbed in new conditions.

How to eat after gallbladder removal - look at the video:

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