The benefits and harms of vegetable fats. The benefits of vegetable fats

Fats, carbohydrates and proteins are indispensable components of our diet. But fats have become slaves to many prejudices and conjectures. They scare those who want to lose weight and those who have recently decided to become a supporter of a healthy diet.

But is it worth being afraid of fats in food, and if so, which ones? Let's figure it out!

What are fats and what functions do they perform in the body?

Fats (triglycerides, lipids) are organic substances that are found in living organisms. They form the basis of the cell membrane and play a very important role in the body along with carbohydrates and proteins. Their main functions:

Saturate the body with energy and improve well-being;

By creating shells around the internal organs, they protect them from damage;

They prevent hypothermia, as they contribute to the preservation of heat in the body, which they do not pass well;

Improve the effects of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K;

Stimulate the activity of the intestines and pancreas;

In addition, the brain cannot function without fat.

Types of fats

Fats are of vegetable and animal origin. Animal fats (fats of birds and animals) called saturated fat, whereas unsaturated fatty acids contained in most vegetable oils.

Saturated fats. They are solid components and are found mainly in animal food. Such fats are digested rather quickly without bile substances, so they are nutritious. If you include a large amount of saturated fat in the diet with little physical activity, they will be deposited in the body, which will cause weight gain and deterioration in physical fitness.

Saturated fats are classified as stearic, myristic and palmitic. Products with their presence are delicious and contain lecithin, vitamins A and D, and, of course, cholesterol. The latter is part of the important cells of the body and is actively involved in the production of hormones. But if cholesterol is in excess in the body, the risk of diabetes, obesity and heart problems increases. The maximum amount of cholesterol is 300 mg per day.

Animal fats should be consumed at any age for energy and the full development of the body. However, we must not forget that excessive intake of saturated fats in the body can lead to the development of such diseases: obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc.

Foods containing saturated fats:

Meat (including heart and liver);


Chocolate products.

unsaturated fats. Such lipids are found mainly in plant foods and in fish. They are quite easy to oxidize and may lose their properties after heat treatment. Experts recommend eating raw foods with unsaturated fats. This group is subdivided into polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. The first type includes components that are involved in metabolism and the formation of healthy cells. Polyunsaturated fats contained in nuts and vegetable oils. monounsaturated substances reduce the level of cholesterol in the body. Most of them are found in fish oil, olive and sesame oils.

Foods containing unsaturated fats:

- (olive, sunflower, corn, linseed, etc.);

Nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, pistachios);

- (mackerel, herring, salmon, tuna, herring, trout, etc.);


poppy seeds;

Soya beans;

Fish fat;

Mustard seeds.

How to distinguish high-quality natural vegetable oil from a fake with harmful impurities?

In the case when the main component of the fat is saturated acids, then the fat will be solid in its state of aggregation. And if unsaturated acids - the fat will be liquid. It turns out if you have oil in front of you that remains liquid even in the refrigerator you can cast aside doubts - it has the highest concentration of unsaturated fatty acids.

Trans fats. In everyday life, it is customary to take trans fats as "bad" fats. They are a type of unsaturated fat, but we decided to talk about them separately. Trans fats are modified components. In fact, these are artificially synthesized oils. Scientists have proven that regular consumption of foods containing trans fats can increase the risk of obesity, heart and vascular disease, and metabolic deterioration. It is not recommended to use them!

Products containing trans fats:

Fast food;

Frozen semi-finished products (cutlets, pizza, etc.);




Microwave popcorn (if hydrogenated fats are included)


Daily intake of fat

Experts say that the body needs 35 - 50% of calories daily, consisting of healthy fats.

Athletes may have more daily fat intake, especially if the training is intense and systematic. On average, an adult needs to consume 50 g of animal fats and 30 g of vegetable fats, which will be 540 kcal.

When does the need for saturated fat increase?

The body needs saturated fats the most in the following cases:

It is necessary to increase the elasticity of blood vessels;

Systematic sports training;

Intelligent loads;

The period of the SARS epidemic (to strengthen the immune system);

Hormonal disbalance.

When does the need for unsaturated fats increase?

Unsaturated fats are very necessary for the body in such cases:

In the cold season, when the body began to receive less nutrients;

During intense physical work;

Active growth during adolescence;

Exacerbation of diabetes;


What is the best oil for frying?

Sunflower and corn oils are the most unsuitable oils for heat treatment, as they release carcinogens when frying. It is preferable to fry in olive oil - despite the fact that it loses its beneficial properties when heated, but does not become dangerous.

Sunflower and corn oils can only be used if they are not cooked like frying or boiling. It is a simple chemical fact that something that is considered good for us turns into something not at all useful at standard frying temperatures.

Cold-pressed olive and coconut oils produce much less aldehydes, just like butter. The reason is that these oils are rich in monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids, and they remain more stable when heated. In fact, saturated fatty acids hardly ever go through an oxidative reaction. Therefore, it is better to use olive oil for frying and other heat treatment - it is considered the most "compromise", since it contains about 76% monounsaturated fats, 14% saturated and only 10% polyunsaturated - monounsaturated and saturated fats are more resistant to oxidation than polyunsaturated .

Fats are an essential element for the full existence of the body. For them to be useful, you need to use them, taking into account your goals and lifestyle. Only dangerous trans fats should be excluded from your diet.

Vegetable fat is a multifaceted concept and many people get confused in it. Everyone knows that, for example, olive oil is useful. But is palm oil added to ice cream healthy? Are vegetable fat spreads healthy? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

What is vegetable fat?

The category of vegetable fats includes both healthy oils and harmful ones. Because classification according to the principle of origin (vegetable fat or animal fat) does not always indicate the benefits of the product.

So, for example, vegetable fats include useful olive, peanut oil and harmful ones - palm and coconut. And animal fats include useful and harmful animal fat (internal fat, lard, etc.).

The thing is that you need to classify fats in terms of benefits into three categories - saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Saturated fats are fats of a dense structure that are not digested, but often settle in the body, slagging it and clogging the blood vessels with cholesterol plaques. This category includes palm, coconut and cocoa butter, as well as all types of animal fats - whether margarine, lard, fatty meats, butter or other high-fat dairy products. They should be excluded from the diet!

Monounsaturated fats or oleic acid (omega-9) is the most useful component for the human body, which allows you to fight diabetes, oncology, decreased immunity, weakness and other ailments. You can get them from olive and peanut butter, poultry, avocados and olives. These are healthy fats and should be included in your diet.

Polyunsaturated fats (omega-3 and omega-6) are fats that the body does not produce and must be obtained from food, as they are involved in all metabolic processes and increase vitality. This category includes rapeseed and flaxseed oils, walnut and wheat germ oils, as well as fish and fish oils - these are sources of omega-3. And sources of omega-6 are nuts, seeds, cottonseed, sunflower and corn oils.

Thus, part of vegetable fats and oils is useful, part is harmful. It is very important to remember this difference and avoid common mistakes.

Vegetable fat in food

If you see “vegetable fat” in the composition of any product, you should know that these are the very harmful saturated fats - palm or coconut oil. Their influence on the human body is very negative, but due to them it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of production, so they are added to a lot of different products.

Let's take a closer look at the dangers of these cheap vegetable fats:

  • disrupt the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • they are almost not digested, which sharply increases the level of harmful in the blood;
  • such fats provoke the development of atherosclerosis;
  • due to the frequent use of this type of fat, obesity develops;
  • eating foods with such fats is a strong blow to the cardiovascular system;
  • in this fat, useful linoleic acid is almost absent, which means that the harm done is not compensated for at all.

That is why, when you see the mysterious "vegetable fats" in the list of ingredients of the product, you should understand that these are not valuable and healthy oils, but cheap and harmful fat.

Products containing vegetable fats

Palm oil is incredibly popular: products to which it is added are stored longer, do not require special storage conditions, keep their shape perfectly and do not lose their marketable appearance even after long-term storage. As a rule, harmful vegetable fats can be found in such products:

When choosing something from this list, at least take the time to read the label to select products that won't harm you and your family.

Types of oils

Vegetable oils, derived primarily from the fruits and seeds of plants, are usually a mixture of fatty acid triglycerides (see fats). Most of them are liquid at ordinary temperature. with a few exceptions (cocoa seed oil, coconut oil, etc.). Unrefined oils, to a certain extent, retain the taste and aroma of the seeds and fruits from which they are extracted.

Obtaining oils

The main methods for obtaining vegetable oils are spin(pressing) and extraction(organic solvents or liquefied carbon dioxide).


Pressing is a traditional method for obtaining vegetable oils.

As a raw material, previously peeled, crushed seeds are used - pulp. The raw material is subjected to pressure in a screw press, resulting in oil and a solid residue - cake. Roasted seeds are used more often - roasting increases the yield of oil and gives it a pleasant aroma.


More modern than spinning is a cheap and fast method based on the property of certain substances to dissolve fats in themselves.

When extracting, previously peeled, crushed and dried seeds are treated with organic solvents (most often, extraction gasolines (hexane)) in special apparatuses - extractors. The defatted solid residue (meal) and the dissolved oil (miscella) need to be distilled off the solvent, for which the meal is fed into the screw evaporator, and the miscella - into the distiller.

The disadvantages of the method include the likelihood of chemical compounds used in oil production technology getting into the final product. The use of liquid carbon dioxide in a supercritical state as a solvent makes it possible to solve this problem.


Oil purification occurs in several successive stages:

  • removal of mechanical impurities;
  • alkaline refining;
  • bleaching (bleaching);

Applications of oils

All vegetable oils can be conditionally divided according to their main areas of application, into technical and food oils. Assignment to one or another category depends on the purpose of production, and determines the technical conditions for the production of a particular oil.

The main use of vegetable oils is food, although significant amounts of some oils (rapeseed, tung, coconut, etc.) are used for technical needs.

Edible oils

To the so-called canteen vegetable oils include: vegetable oil, olive (Provencal), soybean oil, linseed, poppy, beech, rapeseed, walnut, mustard, sesame, peanut oil (from Arachis hypogea).

Some vegetable oils are of regional importance, for example, walnut oil is widely used in the Mediterranean diet.

The nutritional value

Edible vegetable oils contain a number of substances that are important for the life of the human body, and the body is not able to synthesize these substances on its own. These substances include, in particular:

The first two substances are unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the body to build cell membranes (including nerve cells). Phospholipids regulate cholesterol metabolism.

Technical oils

Vegetable oils are used in the perfumery and cosmetics industry, for the production of biofuels (biodiesel), various varnishes, paints and impregnations.


see also


  • Vegetable oils- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • Sokolsky I., Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences. You won't spoil the porridge with butter. Science and Life, No. 12 (2008), pp. 114-121.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Vegetable fats" are in other dictionaries:

    FATS Together with proteins and carbohydrates, they make up the bulk of the food. Fats contribute to a better and more complete assimilation of other products consumed with them; they are the most high-calorie part of the diet: when “burning” 1 g of fat is released into ... ... The Concise Encyclopedia of the Household

    The same as fatty vegetable oils. * * * VEGETABLE FATS VEGETABLE FATS, the same as vegetable oils (see VEGETABLE OILS) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Organic compounds, mainly esters of glycerol and monobasic fatty acids (triglycerides); belong to lipids. One of the main components of cells and tissues of living organisms. Source of energy in the body; calorie content of pure fat ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Fatty, vegetable fats obtained from the seeds or fruits of plants by pressing or extraction. There are vegetable oils: solid and (more often) liquid; drying (linseed vegetable oil, hemp), semi-drying (sunflower, cottonseed) ... Modern Encyclopedia

    Vegetable fats- Vegetable fats - products obtained from vegetable raw materials: soybeans, sunflowers, peanuts, cotton, palm trees, rapeseed, olives, flax, castor beans, as well as oil-containing food waste: bran, cereal germ, fruit pits ... Official terminology

    This term has other meanings, see Fat. Ball model of triglyceride. Oxygen is highlighted in red, carbon is highlighted in black, hydrogen is highlighted in white ... Wikipedia

    Olive oil Vegetable oils, vegetable fats fats extracted from fruits, seeds, roots and other parts of plants. Vegetable oils are mainly (95-97%) composed of triglycerides, the rest are waxes and phosphatides, ... ... Wikipedia

    Before talking about my attitude to fats and their use in my own nutrition, as well as in the culinary preparation of dishes that I use, it is necessary to talk about the very concept of "fats" and about the relationship that ... ... The Great Encyclopedia of Culinary Arts

    fats- A group of substances that, along with carbohydrates and proteins, are part of all animal and plant organisms. The main components of fats are triglycerides (full esters of glycerol and higher fatty acids, mainly oleic, linoleic, ... ... Textile glossary

Vegetable oils (vegetable fats)- these are fats extracted from various parts of plants and consisting mainly (95-97%) of triglycerides of higher fatty acids.

The main source of vegetable oils are various oilseeds. The most common vegetable oils are sunflower, olive, cocoa butter, rapeseed, linseed, etc. Palm oil has recently become popular, the harm and benefits of which are discussed on this page below, under the appropriate heading.

Like animals, plants store fat in order to store some energy for future purposes. The difference is that the animal usually does this for itself (anticipating a period of malnutrition), while the plant does it for future generations. Those. in order for the future generation to survive, the parent plant accumulates and transfers energy to the embryo, including in the form of fat. Based on this, it is not difficult to assume that the main amount of fat in plant material will be found mainly in seeds or fruits.

Oils are obtained from plant material by pressing(under pressure, the liquid part of the plant material flows out, after which it is collected) or by extraction with organic solvents or liquefied carbon dioxide (after extraction, the extractant is distilled off, and the remaining vegetable oil is collected). After that, the vegetable oil is subjected to purification, or, in other words, refining.

An important aspect of the production of vegetable oils for the consumer is such a stage as deodorization (literally means odor removal: des - "removal", odor - "smell"). During this stage, vegetable oils are purified from substances that give it flavor.

Thus, if you see the inscription “refined, deodorized, cold pressed” on the label of vegetable oil, this means that the oil was extracted by pressing at a low temperature (done to separate it from the vegetable fat fraction with a high melting point), after which it subjected to cleaning, as a result of which it became transparent (without suspended solids) and practically odorless.

Fatty acid composition of vegetable fats differs depending on the type of plant.

The main difference between vegetable fat and animal fat is the higher content of unsaturated fatty acids (primarily oleic and linoleic). So, in sunflower oil, the content is more than 70%. Among the unsaturated fatty acids, the most important ones are separately distinguished, such as linoleic (omega-6) and linolenic (omega-3) acids (now omega-9 acids, for example, oleic acid, are also isolated).

These fatty acids, unlike, cannot be formed in the human body as a result of certain chemical reactions of metabolism, but are essential for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as for the regulation of inflammation processes in the body. Thus, these acids must be ingested with food. All vegetable oils are rich in them to one degree or another. However, the most valuable sources of these acids are vegetable fats such as wheat germ oil, linseed, camelina, mustard and soybean oils, and walnut oil.

Another positive aspect of vegetable oils is the almost complete absence (this is true for any vegetable oil, not just the one that says “0% cholesterol!” on the label). So the replacement of animal fats with vegetable oils to some extent helps to reduce cholesterol in human blood, thereby providing an additional preventive effect for the cardiovascular system.

Harm of palm oil

It should be noted that non-traditional fats, such as palm oil, which are often used in the food industry, have recently become the subject of sharp criticism due to its “danger” to human health. This is not true. The harm of palm oil is often exaggerated. The whole problem with palm oil is that it contains more saturated fatty acids than other vegetable oils and is therefore not an important source of unsaturated fatty acids. That is, palm oil is not harmful in the truest sense of the word, it is only biologically less valuable than, for example, olive oil. But it also has positive qualities - for example, the oil becomes rancid as a result of the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids by atmospheric oxygen. If there are no or few of them in fat, then there is practically nothing to be oxidized. This property is often used in the confectionery industry to increase shelf life. Relatively speaking, palm oil is a natural analogue of margarine. As you know, it is a hydrogenated vegetable fat (from unsaturated made saturated), and palm oil is naturally saturated. It resembles margarine and outwardly.

On the other hand, there are problems with the quality of the palm oil itself. Thus, there is often a situation when non-edible (technical) palm oil is imported into the country. This allows you to save on customs payments, in addition, it is cheaper in itself. It is assumed that this oil will be further processed and brought to the level of food. But some unscrupulous manufacturers don't bother with it and use it as is. What harm will be from such palm oil, one can only guess. On the label of food products with such oil, most often they simply write “vegetable fat” or “confectionery fat”, without an exact indication of the source plant.

It cannot be said that this is typical not only for palm oil - the culture of food production in our country is still quite low, and such phenomena are typical for many.

Harmful. Every second "nutrition guru" builds on this their own nutrition programs, which are sold quite well on the market. But times are changing, and not every pseudo business can withstand competition and the influence of science. Humanity is at the stage of debunking myths, especially in the food industry. The craze for healthy eating and a rational way of life will prolong the life of our generation and greatly simplify it for our followers. Let's figure it out: what is fat, how is it related to the reproductive system, weight loss and all human life?

What is fat

Fat (triglyceride) is an organic substance. It is formed after the reaction of the formation of esters in the course of interaction with alcohols and acids. The substance is necessary for every living organism to provide structural and energy functions. Fatty acids are one of the most important structural components of the cell membrane. Without fat and membrane protection, any living cell will die, because it will not be able to withstand the external environment and feed on its own. Moreover, directly in fat cells contains the most important element - energy. We extract fat from food of animal or vegetable origin. The resulting fat is clogged in special cells and there it is synthesized into energy using ATP (a special component that synthesizes energy potential). Energy is gradually released as needed - during sleep, waking up, active interval training or general house cleaning. Complete rejection of fat leads to a decrease in energy reserves. A person feels apathy, fatigue and often pain - that is why the rejection of fatty acids is dangerous.

The concept of vegetable fat is not entirely correct. In science, it is customary to classify the group as "vegetable oils".

Plant foods contain less fat than animal foods, but this does not diminish their benefits to the human body. In some natural food, up to 50% of fats (in the form of oil) can be concentrated, which is a colossally high figure.

Varieties of the component

There are 3 types of fat:, and trans fats. Let's analyze each of them in more detail.

Saturated fats. The substance is found in products of animal origin:, meat, cheese,. Nutritionists claim that excessive consumption of saturated fatty acids leads to obesity, heart problems and memory problems.

unsaturated fats. This variety can be divided into two subgroups: and. Saturated fats are considered the most beneficial: they fight internal inflammation, protect the heart and blood vessels, improve memory and vision, stabilize hormones and have a beneficial effect on skin condition. The component is found in fish, seeds, vegetable oils and nuts.

Trans fats. They have an extremely negative effect on the human body. A diet based on trans fats leads to an increase in harmful levels, the formation of fatty deposits inside the bones and blood vessels. Consumption of trans fats is dangerous not only for the figure, but also for life. Artificially synthesized trans fats are considered especially harmful. They are found in most processed foods. Before heading to the checkout with your grocery basket, carefully reread the ingredients and make a choice in favor of health, not temporary gastronomic pleasures.

What is useful fat

The most important nutritional components of vegetable fat: mono- and polyunsaturated acids, vitamins,. Let's analyze each element in more detail. Fat is the most concentrated source of energy. It is fat that forms 80% of a person’s energy reserve, which is why it is vital to make up for its shortage and constantly introduce new fat combinations into the diet. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are responsible for:

  • formation of a strong structure of the cell membrane, their stability and high-quality functioning;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • removal of cholesterol from the body;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity and reducing permeability.

Phytosterols help to cope with bad cholesterol - reduce concentration, speed up metabolism and remove it from the body. Phospholipids take part in fat metabolism, make it efficient and less energy-consuming. The component is responsible for the integrity and density of cell membranes, promotes high-quality, rapid cell growth. Phospholipids are one of the building blocks of nervous tissue, brain and liver cells. The plant component is also responsible for reducing the level of formation of oxidation products in the blood.

Vegetable oils contain, and provitamin A. They have the following properties:

  • protection of the body from radiation exposure;
  • prevention of the development of cancerous neoplasms;
  • activation of synthesis;
  • protection against diabetes and a number of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • increase the degree of digestibility of useful vitamins and nutrients.

The lack of vegetable fats in the body leads to serious health problems. Energy metabolism worsens, the level of immune protection decreases. A person feels apathy, fatigue and inability to engage in routine duties. Lack of fat causes hormonal imbalance and can lead to irreversible consequences.

Can you eat high fat foods

We are used to being wary of fats and. As soon as the need to lose weight or get in shape appears on the horizon, we will certainly give up fats or carbohydrates (or two components at once). Why is this bad and completely unreasonable?

According to the research “The effects of a low-carbohydrate diet on appetite: A randomized controlled trial”, cutting down on carbohydrates (but not giving them up!) will be enough for weight loss. Thanks to periodic changes in KBZhU, due to carbohydrates, it will be possible to lose / gain weight, reduce the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases. A complete rejection of fat will cause hormonal and energy disruptions, after which you can easily end up in a hospital ward.

Is there a link between fat and weight gain?

The fear of extra pounds is based on a pure fact: 1 gram of fat is 2 times more caloric than 1 gram of carbohydrates or proteins. But many people forget that the human body is a carefully thought-out machine in which complex biochemical processes take place every second. Simple mathematics does not always fit the process of forming and burning fat. Why?

Calories that come from different foods (protein, carbohydrate, fat) have an unequal effect on the body. This uneven impact extends to metabolic processes, hormonal levels, the immune system, brain function, internal microflora and even genes. Nutritionists have done a lot of research and have proven that natural healthy weight loss is possible only with normal fat intake and a reduced concentration of carbohydrates. The opposite is a myth that large companies and inept nutritionists make money on.

What kind of fats can you eat?

Vegetable fat is considered the most useful and safe. It is generated for humans by nature itself and enters the body almost in its original form. The first thing you need to pay attention to is nuts and oils. In defense of unsaturated vegetable fats, PROMED stood up with the publication Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease with a Mediterranean Diet. Scientists say that olives are capable of:

  • regulate blood cholesterol levels;
  • prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels, improve their functionality;
  • enrich the body with vital vitamins and nutrients;
  • promote natural weight loss;
  • beneficially influence the female and male hormonal levels;
  • improve external data - the condition of hair, skin, nails.

Also, nutritionists advocate the addition of various seeds (pumpkin, flax, hemp, and others) to the diet. They protect cells from the oxidative process, thereby maintaining their integrity and functionality. Also, useful seeds regulate blood levels and protect the body from diabetes.

Remember, the difference between a handful of nuts and deep-fried ice cream is huge. Quality oils are found only in products of plant origin. It is desirable that the product undergoes minimal processing or enters the body in its pure form. Raw plant products retain their integrity and have a beneficial effect on the body.

How to regulate the intake of fat in the body

We found out that a complete rejection of fat is not an option, but what if its intake significantly exceeds the allowable rate? Don't forget that 1 gram of fat contains 9 kcal, so going over your daily dosage is much easier than you might think. To regulate the intake of healthy fats, use a few simple tips.

The daily dosage of fats should be determined individually, based on weight, height, age, gender, body characteristics and goals.

Nutritionists say that the concentration of fat in the diet should be at least 30% of the individual KBZhU. The ratio of saturated fats to unsaturated fats should be 1:2, respectively. Also, don't forget your cholesterol levels. For an adult healthy person, the daily intake of the component should not exceed 300 milligrams (for patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system, this figure is reduced).

Introduce snacks into your diet

Between the three main meals, a person will inevitably get hungry. It is the feeling of hunger that leads to uncontrolled overeating, unnecessary purchases and, as a result, health problems. Make your snacks healthy - prepare sandwiches from, vegetable or fruit salads, vegan snacks (hummus / guacamole). Avocado, then the need for oily dressing disappears automatically. You will get the necessary healthy fat from the components of the salad themselves.

Change the way you cook food

Stop frying in oil and start using your steamer, oven, or microwave more often. Baking or steaming does not require oil at all, and the products are tender and juicy. What's more, you'll retain most of the beneficial nutrients and vitamins in your food. Start using your blender more often. With it, you can prepare soups, vegetable purees and smoothies without a single drop of fat.

Cook with liquids more often

Replace the butter with plain broth, vegetable broth, red/white wine, or vinegar. Based on these liquids, you can prepare excellent first courses (for example, risotto) and cream soups.

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