Colitis on the right side? Hepatic (biliary) colic - causes, symptoms, treatment, emergency care and prevention. Pricks in the lower abdomen on the right: causes and treatment

Colic in the abdomen, if they are located in the lower parts of the abdominal space, may be a sign of intestinal disorders or inflammatory processes in various organs located in the right lower quadrant. These are certain sections of the large and small intestines, as well as the mesentery, which connects the small intestine to the back of the peritoneal space. In women, a similar symptom may indicate sluggish inflammatory processes in the right appendage, which includes the ovary and fallopian tube, located on the right side of the body of the uterus. Sometimes stabbing sensations can be a sign of urinary tract obstruction and diseases of the bladder, kidneys and ureters (cystitis, glomerulonephritis).

To determine what exactly caused the pain, you need to contact the local therapist. The doctor will collect a complete medical history, find out the nature of the pain, its localization, intensity, conduct an initial examination, based on the results of which the patient will be assigned a further examination. If the pain is of high intensity and is accompanied by other pathological symptoms (fever, vomiting, spotting), you need to call an ambulance, since such symptoms can occur with inflammation of the appendix, rupture and torsion of the cystic formation of the ovary and other diseases in which the patient urgent surgical care is needed.

Stitching pain, which has a right-sided localization, in women may be associated with inflammation of the right appendage. With this pathology, a woman complains of severe pain on the right side, which appear in the lower back, sacrococcygeal region and lower abdomen. In acute infectious inflammation, the pain syndrome can be so intense that it completely limits the patient's mobility.

Other clinical manifestations of salpingoophoritis (as well as its isolated forms - salpingitis and oophoritis), which together allow diagnosing disorders in the functioning of the appendages, are:

  • painful sensations of an acute or stabbing nature from the side of the abdominal zone;
  • fever (usually within subfebrile condition);
  • nausea (very rarely - vomiting);
  • weakness;
  • severe headaches, similar in intensity to a migraine attack;
  • signs of general intoxication (headache, chills).

Treatment of salpingo-oophoritis is carried out in a hospital. A woman is prescribed antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs in injectable form, physiotherapy, pain medications. The duration of treatment is usually 7-10 days, but in severe cases, hospitalization can be delayed for up to three weeks.

Hydronephrosis and kidney problems

Painful sensations of a stabbing nature can be a symptom of hydronephrosis - a pathological expansion of the pelvis and calyces of the renal system, which develops against the background of obstruction of the urinary tract and poor blood supply to the organ. With this pathology, patients may complain of unpleasant sensations of a stabbing nature in the lower part of the abdominal space, lumbar region, less often in the thighs and buttocks.

The pain syndrome in hydronephrosis always has a pronounced intensity, and the clinical picture is supplemented by other characteristic symptoms, including:

  • tension of the muscles of the peritoneum;
  • sharp sharp pain at the beginning of urination;
  • frequent urge to empty the bladder, accompanied by pressure and bursting;
  • painful and infrequent bowel movements (constipation).

The temperature with hydronephrosis remains within the normal range, in rare cases, a woman may experience a single, mild vomiting.

Stitching pain on the right side can also indicate inflammation of the renal glomeruli (glomerulonephritis), pyelonephritis, obstruction of the ureters.

Treatment for these diseases includes taking antibacterial agents, diuretics to remove excess fluid and eliminate swelling, diuretic fees to improve urine outflow and herbal supplements, anti-inflammatory drugs.

PathologyImageHow is it manifested?How and what to treat?
Painful colic in the lower part of the abdominal area from the side, fever (in the acute period), symptoms of intoxication, pain during bladder emptyingPenicillin antibiotics and macrolides (Flemoxin, Sumamed, Ampicillin), diuretic drugs (Furosemide), immunotropics (Viferon, Interferon), anti-relapse drugs (Biseptol)
Renal colic from inflammation, nausea, pain during urination, false urge to empty the bladderAntibacterial agents ("Nitroxoline", "Amoxicillin", "Metronidazole"), herbal preparations ("Canephron"), anti-inflammatory drugs ("Ibuklin", "Diclofenac")
Obstruction of the ureters (hydronephrosis) Pain in the lower abdomen after drinking large amounts of liquid, blood in the urine, renal colic radiating to the backSurgical treatment (pyeloplasty)

Inflammation of the appendage of the caecum

To recognize an appendicitis attack, it is important to know its typical symptoms. These include:

  • profuse vomiting (usually single) without admixture of bile acids and putrid odor;
  • an increase in temperature to the upper limits of subfebrile condition (38 °);
  • relief of pain when lying on the right side;
  • increased pain during any movements associated with tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • fever;
  • loose stool.

Important! Appendicitis is not always accompanied by fever, so you need to see a doctor for any pain in the lower abdomen, especially if they have right-sided localization.

Treatment for appendicitis

The only treatment for an inflamed appendix is ​​to remove it. The operation is performed immediately after the patient is taken to the surgical hospital. Before the doctors arrive, you should not eat or drink water, as this can cause complications during surgery if it is performed under general anesthesia. It is also forbidden to take analgesic drugs - they can dull the pain for a while, and the doctor will not be able to make a correct diagnosis, which will lead to a deterioration in well-being.

After the operation, the patient will be prescribed a sparing diet and prophylactic administration of antibacterial drugs, for example, Metronidazole.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Disorders in the work of the intestines, inflammatory processes of the intestinal walls are the most common causes of intestinal colic on the right side. In order for the doctor to make a correct diagnosis, the patient must accurately describe the nature of the pain and its localization. Acute colic on the right side, recurring regularly, may be a sign of serious illness requiring urgent hospitalization: Crohn's disease and diverticulitis. No less dangerous causes of such a pain syndrome are intestinal infections, colitis and duodenitis.

Food poisoning and poisoning

Intestinal infections, food poisoning are usually accompanied by cramping or pulling pains in the lower abdomen, but with a moderate lesion, the pain syndrome may resemble intestinal colic. Bacteria (Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Haemophilus influenzae) and viruses can cause intestinal infections. The most common viral infection is the intestinal flu, caused by rotaviruses.

Infections of any type are always accompanied by pronounced symptoms, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • severe intoxication;
  • refusal to eat;
  • heat;
  • chills;
  • frequent, copious loose stools;
  • change in the consistency of feces (they become liquid and foamy);
  • vomit.

Only an experienced doctor can suspect an intestinal infection with a stabbing pain, so you should not delay going to the hospital - this threatens with severe dehydration and deterioration of well-being.

For the treatment of most infectious diseases of the intestine, a standard treatment regimen is used, presented in the table below.

Drug groupWhat medicines are included?Image
Antibiotics and antibacterial agents (for bacterial infections)"Clarithromycin", "Enterofuril", "Amoxicillin", "Flemoxin", "Zinnat", "Hemomycin"
Antiviral medicines (for viral infections)Anaferon, Interferon, Arbidol, Tiloron, Ergoferon, Amiksin
Rehydration products
Digestive enzymes"Pancreatin", "Creon"
Histamine blockers"Suprastin", "Diazolin", "Zodak"
Products with probiotics and prebiotics"Linex", "Bifiform", "Acipol", "Normobakt", "Yogulakt"
Sorbents"Neosmectin", "Activated carbon", "Enterosgel"

Important! In some cases, food poisoning and intestinal infections need to be treated in a hospital, so you should not refuse hospitalization if your doctor insists on it.

Granulomatous colitis

This is a severe systemic pathology of the ileum, which usually develops over a long time (up to several years). An exacerbation attack in this disease is very similar in symptoms to inflammation of the appendix, but there are signs that allow it to be differentiated from acute appendicitis, so anamnesis is of great importance for diagnosis.

What is the difference between granulomatous colitis (enteritis) and appendicitis?

clinical symptomWith inflammation of the appendage of the caecumWith regional enteritis
diarrheal syndromeAppears after pain, usually mildStool disorders (diarrhea) occur long before an attack and may recur periodically over several months or years
Pain localizationOccurs around the navel with subsequent displacement to the right lower abdomen and possible irradiationHas a clear localization in the right iliac region
VomitCharacterized by a single discharge of vomitVomiting is not usually observed

Important! If the attack is not stopped on time, perforation of the ileum may occur - a deadly pathology that requires emergency surgical care. Treatment of Crohn's disease in most cases is also surgical.

Video - Why does the right side of the lower abdomen hurt?


In about 8-9% of cases, acute stabbing pain in the lower abdomen on the right is a sign of mesadenitis. Pathology is an inflammation of the lymphoid tissue located in the fold of the peritoneum that connects the small intestine and the back wall of the abdominal space (mesentery). The disease belongs to chronic pathologies and can proceed without pronounced symptoms.

A patient with mesadenitis feels constant weakness, loses weight. He periodically has mood swings, disturbing thoughts arise. A general blood test in this pathology always reveals an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The temperature can periodically rise to 37.3°-37.6°.

Important! About 80% of mesadenitis develop against the background of tuberculous lesions of the intestine, so it is important to identify the disease at an early stage. Such symptoms may also indicate the growth of tumors in the large or small intestine, therefore, with symptoms of mesadenitis, the patient is required to consult an oncologist.

Video - Why does it hurt in the right lower abdomen?

Pathologies of the bile ducts

With hepatic colic, pain first occurs in the right hypochondrium, gradually descending into the lower abdomen. Pathology is characteristic of cholelithiasis and appears at the time of passage of stones through the bile ducts. In some cases, this symptom indicates atresia of the biliary tract - a severe pathology in which the outflow of bile is disturbed due to obstruction of the ducts, and concentrated bile accumulates in the liver. Signs of atresia of the biliary tract are:

  • constantly high temperature;
  • increase in the volume of the abdomen;
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • periodic vomiting;
  • yellowing of the eye sclera;
  • hardening and soreness of the liver;
  • lack of appetite.

Important! Obstruction of the bile ducts and cholelithiasis are diseases in which the patient requires surgical treatment, followed by supportive therapy and observation in a hospital setting. 1 0

Pain under the ribs in the right side can appear for absolutely different reasons. Painful manifestations are often accompanied by diseases of the internal organs, improper nutrition, heavy physical exertion, accelerated walking or long running.

Causes of pain in the right side

On the right side in the hypochondrium there are important human organs: the liver, part of the intestine, diaphragm, gallbladder. Stitching periodic pains under the right hypochondrium, which occur quite often, indicate health problems. If issues with nutrition and physical activity can be solved independently, then diseases of the internal organs should be eliminated by medication or surgery.

The following diseases, accompanied by characteristic symptoms, can cause pain in the lower abdomen in the right side:

  • acute and chronic

The pain is constant and aching. It may be accompanied by a violation of taste and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. When feeling the abdomen from the right side, pain is felt in the lower part of the liver.

Characteristic pain is sometimes accompanied by nausea, an unpleasant sensation after the end of a meal. The pain subsides when sitting and tilting the torso forward.

Acute hypochondrium pain responds with back pain, which often appears when eating spicy fatty foods.

The pain appears in the right side and on the right side of the back. May be accompanied by fever.

  • Polycystic kidney right

The kidney capsule is stretched and squeezed by neighboring organs, causing acute pain on the right. There may be profuse urination.

  • Inflammation of the pancreas

Acute and constantly increasing pain in the hypochondrium is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever.

  • Inflammation of the small intestine

Acute pains and cramps are accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, lack of appetite.

  • Inflammation of the appendages in women

There are pains in the lower abdomen and when urinating. Often there are discharges of a different nature.

  • Pneumonia

Pain in the hypochondrium is felt with a deep breath or cough. There may be fever, chills.

  • Inflammation of the duodenum

Severe pain under the sternum occurs most often before or after eating. Attacks of pain usually occur at night or after physical exertion.

  • Inflammation of the caecum (appendicitis)

The appearance of acute sharp pain in the right side should alert, since the rupture of the inflamed appendix can lead to complex consequences and carries a real danger to human health and life.

Pain in the hypochondrium can appear with, vertebral hernia, arthrosis, after injuries and strokes.

If stabbing pains under the ribs occur frequently and are systemic in nature, it is necessary to seek medical help and undergo a diagnosis. After conducting special studies, comparing the symptoms, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

How to behave with pain in the side

If the pain under the ribs overtook suddenly, and there is no possibility of providing quick medical assistance, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. In no case do not warm up the sore spot. Under thermal influence, pathogenic processes may intensify;
  2. Do not take painkillers that can affect the change in blood composition and the result of the analysis will not be entirely accurate. Acute pain can be relieved with antispasmodic drugs;
  3. If possible, refuse to eat before the doctor's examination and diagnosis;
  4. Do not take choleretic drugs that increase the production of bile, stretch the wall of the gallbladder, which can provoke its rupture;
  5. Do not overload the body with physical activities. Under stress, an exacerbation can begin, which will significantly worsen well-being.

During severe pain in the side, the patient should be in the supine position, at rest. You should relieve the pain with antispasmodics and wait for the arrival of the doctor on duty.

Treatment for pain in the hypochondrium

Treatment should be under the supervision of the attending physician, who determines the necessary drugs and their dosage.

In addition to medications, folk remedies are also used:

  • corn stigmas - with cholecystitis;
  • immortelle - to strengthen the gallbladder;
  • berries - in chronic cholecystitis and acute hepatitis;
  • plantain large - with cholecystitis, stomach ulcers and inflammation of the intestines;
  • anise fruits - with pancreatitis, inflammation of the intestine.

For a decoction, you can use herbs individually, or as a mixture. Take medicinal decoctions for 12-14 days with a break of 2-3 months.

Pain in the right side under the ribs can have a serious cause. With the wrong actions, acute inflammation, internal hemorrhage, or even death can be provoked.

If the right side pricks under the ribs, this is a symptom of one of the many diseases of the internal organs of a person.

In the abdomen, as in other parts of the human body, there are many tissues and cells, but in the abdomen they are more sensitive.

That is why a malfunction of any tissues or organs can lead to this symptom.

When a person notices that he has colic in his right side under the ribs, then do not hesitate. In such a situation, you should immediately call an ambulance. With such a symptom, the consequences can be dire.

Part of the organs located in the abdomen are hollow: the gallbladder, intestines, stomach. If any organ ceases to function, it will immediately burst or clog, and a person’s life is in danger. If surgical intervention is necessary, this will save the patient's life.

Diseases in which it hurts in the right side.

The pain may be concentrated in the upper part of the right side. Here are the following organs: part of the diaphragm, pancreas, part of the intestine, gallbladder and liver.

Any pathology of one of these organs or their injury will be expressed by pain in the right side. However, the nature of the sensations and their strength can be different, depending on what exactly caused the pain. If pain is felt on the right under the rib, then the cause may be the liver, or rather, its defeat by viruses - viral hepatitis.

If the right side is colitis, then you should think about diseases of the gallbladder. This organ produces bile, a substance that is very important for the process of digestion of food. Bile is produced in the liver, if an excess of its volume has formed, then it accumulates in the gallbladder.

Bile is designed to break down large amounts of fat, so the contents of the gallbladder pass into the intestines after a person has eaten too much fat. The gallbladder can become infected, stones form in it, all this causes pain in the right upper abdomen.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen can be triggered by diseases of the pancreas. This organ is located in the abdominal cavity, its function is to produce enzymes for digestion, insulin and juices.

Pancreas, as the pancreas is also called, has an elongated shape, its head is on the right, and the tail is on the left, the body is located between them. In some cases, when the patient has pain in the right side, we are talking about pancreatic pain caused by inflammation of the pancreas.

Excruciating pain in the right hypochondrium? This means that some of the systems in the body failed: the kidney function, liver, gastrointestinal tract, or something else suffered. So why is it colitis in the right side under the ribs? Let's find out the cause of painful spasms and how you can help yourself.

Remember, incessant spasms are the basis for going to the clinic.

Cause of colic under the right rib

The basis for the characteristic sensations can serve as a harmful diet, intense exercise, brisk walking, or the development of any disease. Under the right rib are the following organs: liver, part of the intestine, adrenal gland, right kidney, biliary tract, diaphragm. To accurately determine the location of the organs, you should go through the topography of the anatomy. Remember that frequent stabbing spasms may indicate an unhealthy body, so medical or surgical intervention may be required.

Causes associated with malnutrition and exercise can be corrected on their own, but only a specialist will help to cope with diseases of the body. What diseases can cause stabbing pains in the right side under the ribs, how do the symptoms manifest themselves?

We list diseases with characteristic signs:

In addition to these major diseases, discomfort occurs due to vertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, arthrosis. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by the attending physician after passing special tests and studies.

What should be done?

If stabbing spasms appear during exercise, it's okay. Experts recommend slowing down, relaxing, breathing deeply, and relief will come after a while.

Remember, before playing sports, do warm-up exercises.

If the pain occurs after a rich and fatty meal, you need to lie down, wait until it is digested, after which the discomfort will pass.

If, for unknown reasons, constantly colitis in the right side under the ribs, immediately consult a doctor.

  • spasms began suddenly, characterized by a sharp tingling;
  • when a person cannot endure aching pains that last more than an hour;
  • painful spasms that occur during movement for more than half an hour;
  • when he colitises on the right under the ribs, he feels sick and vomits.

Do not self-medicate. Without identifying the true cause, this will not lead to anything good, but will only worsen the general condition.

Type of pain

Discomfort may occur in the right side in front or behind. To understand the causes of the disease, we will analyze in detail the characteristic diseases.

  1. Spasms in the right side in front

They arise from diseases of adjacent and neighboring organs, either periodically, or they are constantly disturbed.

  1. Pain in the back of the right side

Discomfort appeared under the shoulder blade on the right side. Causes: rib injuries, neuralgia, impaired kidney function.

  • When the genitourinary system is destroyed, a burning, severe pain occurs. If there are sand and stones in the kidney, then when moving, they begin to scratch the inner pelvis of the organ, then go to the ureter. Painful attacks can be given throughout the reproductive system, manifested by gag reflexes, urine with blood.
  • Pyelonephritis. It is manifested by an infectious inflammatory process in the renal system, the patient has swelling on his face, the temperature rises, and frequent urge to urinate appears.
  • The death of the renal papillae develops from clogging of blood vessels, as a result of which the kidney cells do not receive oxygen in the right amount and begin to die.

The patient may die due to septic shock!

  • Paranephritis occurs from infection of the fatty layer of the kidneys in the upper part, usually after inflammation of the tonsils, affected gums. A cancerous tumor of the kidneys manifests itself in the last stages, growing and interfering with urination, pain is felt under the right rib.
  • Intercostal neuralgia is manifested by numbness of the right side. Begins to pull in the back, up to immobility, as the movement increases the malaise. When the muscle tissue becomes inflamed, colic can suddenly appear under the skin, the nerve begins to twitch.

During a bruised rib, you can hear a characteristic crunch, feel a sharp, severe pain, especially when bending over and coughing.

  • Osteochondrosis of the lumbar is characterized by immobile muscles that limit movement, shooting pain from top to bottom.
  • Thrombus in the vena cava. The plaque closes the trunk of the vein, as a result, the stomach swells and intense pain appears on the right side of the abdominal cavity.

The nature of the spasms affects the definition of the disease. Acute discomfort is manifested by severe pain, warning the body of damage that may require surgical intervention. Dull pain is characterized by the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

What medications to take if colitis in the right hypochondrium

You should know what to do and how to remove unpleasant spasms. Experts recommend using antispasmodics that relax smooth muscles. The dose for taking medications is determined by the frequency of spasms and the suspected disease. Doctors recommend taking No-shpa, Duspatalin tablets with a dosage of 1-2 pieces for moderate pain.

Discomfort due to the bile ducts can be relieved by taking nitroglycerin, half or 1 tablet under the tongue.

With very severe pain, it is better to administer medications through injections or a system. The following drugs are offered: Drotaverine, Papaverine, Platifillin. They lower the tone of muscle tissue, soothe the internal organs.

You can take combined products containing analgesic and antispasmodic ingredients: I took Spazgan 1-2 tablets.

If antispasmodics do not help with intolerable spasms, you can additionally take strong painkillers of a non-narcotic analgesic composition: Tramadol, Ketorolac.

The listed pills do not cure diseases, but only alleviate the symptoms until the ambulance arrives. For a complete clinical picture, you should contact a specialist.

General prevention for the whole body

Start with an appointment with a specialist to check your overall health. On the recommendation of a doctor, take tests, undergo an ultrasound scan of the internal organs in order to timely detect the presence of stones, tumors, fluid blisters and other pathologies. Complete the entire course of treatment. Maintain your body and stay healthy by observing the following rules:

  • switch to proper nutrition, periodically follow a diet;
  • exclude alcohol, cigarettes;
  • give up junk food: carbonated drinks, fried, smoked and fatty foods, muffins, strong coffee;
  • avoid psycho-emotional and physical overwork;
  • add physical activity to your schedule;
  • actively take vitamins, trace elements.

Tune in to positive and health, restore your state of mind, take active rest. Introduce foods containing magnesium into the diet: buckwheat, wheat bran, oatmeal, which help to relax muscle tissue.

Seek help from specialists.​​

On right. These symptoms may indicate:

Most often, discomfort in the right hypochondrium indirectly indicates problems with and biliary tract.

Pain in the right hypochondrium is most often associated with liver problems.

Given the presence of pain that has a certain localization, it is necessary to analyze other factors:

  1. The beginning of the appearance of sensations;
  2. Migration of unpleasant manifestations;
  3. duration;
  4. The degree of severity;
  5. Dependence on external causes and circumstances.

The classic picture looks like this: patients are worried about aching pain under the right rib, a feeling of heaviness is added to these sensations. How do specialists act when they have complaints of this nature from patients? First, the patient is examined for injuries: a fracture or contusion of the chest can give similar sensations.

It is not always that unpleasant sensations make themselves felt immediately after an injury or a fall. Slow development of pain symptoms can be caused by the appearance of a hematoma and subsequent destruction of the formation. Aching pains may be due. At the first stage, tissue rupture occurs, and then the blood breaks the formed capsule and the clinic of an acute abdomen begins to appear.

It is important to correctly localize discomfort: the definition of a segment on the body where discomfort is present and painful palpation can clarify a lot.

Pain in the hypochondrium in front

Gallstone disease can lead to pain in the right side.

This localization of discomfort may indicate problems with. Bile is synthesized by the liver and then transported to the gallbladder. Bile substances are released at a certain moment, in response to the request of the intestine, signaling the intake of food.

When the cystic duct is narrowed, the intake of spicy, fatty or fried foods makes itself felt with debilitating aching pains. needs increased help of bile acids to process heavy food. Pain in the right hypochondrium with anterior localization is inherent in the following conditions:

  • Cholelithiasis;
  • (the inflammatory process affects the walls of the gallbladder);
  • Changes in the composition of bile;
  • Inflammatory process in the intestines, provoking spasm or swelling of the common bile duct (bile duct).

Cholecystitis, like other inflammatory diseases, reminds of itself with aching pains. The stones that have appeared interfere with normal work and the patient begins to feel pain. Small stones move along the ducts and irritate the receptors, large formations cause the appearance of bedsores. The patient begins to be disturbed by constant pain, aggravated by movement.

Similar symptoms to the doctor are observed in various diseases that contribute to a change in the size of the liver. With hepatitis and oncology, the area up to the armpits is painful.

The causes of pain in the right hypochondrium, learn from the video:

Pain in the right hypochondrium at the back

Pain in the right hypochondrium at the back is most often associated with gallbladder problems.

With such complaints, a specialist may suspect pulmonary pathology and problems with the gallbladder. Right-sided pneumonia can give aching pains, and problems with the gallbladder cause an increase in unpleasant conditions on inspiration. Inflammatory lung diseases are not characterized by an increase in symptoms after a meal.

Pain under the rib on the right may indicate right-sided inflammation of the appendages (more often if the disease is of a venereal nature). Gonococci and chlamydia are dangerous: they provoke sluggish inflammation, causing the appearance of adhesions that spread to the omentum and hepatic capsule. The fusion of these elements provokes aching sensations.

Often aching pains in the hypochondrium at the back annoy patients with a history of pyelonephritis or kidney stones. Damage to the right kidney may be characterized by soreness of the specified zone.

More rare cases

In addition to helminthic infestations, the described sensations can cause inflammation of the appendix or chronic appendicular infiltrate.

Sharp pain in the right hypochondrium

Athletes and people doing physical work may experience sharp pain in this area. There is a term "hepatic pain syndrome". First, the described condition appears after a single load, then the person is faced with a sharp pain again.

Athletes are faced with the rapid burning of glycogen located in the liver cells. The processes of "second wind" are launched. An unprepared person with a prolonged load feels pain on the other hand. For left-sided symptoms, the ejection of blood from.

Stitching pains in women

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