Silicone breast form. Breast implants: types, advantages of silicone breasts. What does breast implant look like?

Some modern girls, in pursuit of beauty and a change in appearance, resort to more radical methods of solving this issue, and mammoplasty (silicone breasts) is among the most common plastic surgeries. Speaking without medical terms, this is a correction of the mammary glands with the help of surgery. Most often, women increase their breasts, not reduce them.

When considering this issue, from an aesthetic and physiological point of view, such operations no longer cause any surprise. However, there are questions about the admissibility of using this method during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. So, let's take a closer look at this topic and find out what the breast looks like before and after the operation and whether it is possible to get pregnant with implants inside the mammary glands.

What does a silicone breast look like after surgery?

For women who want to acquire beautiful breasts, the market has long offered an alternative method for solving this problem - a silicone implant. This product is environmentally friendly and does not cause harm to health. Therefore, every year there are more and more girls doing mammoplasty.

What prompts the female sex to resort to such radical methods? Someone is not satisfied with the shape of the breast, someone does not like its size. Some girls lose their former beauty of the mammary glands after rapid weight loss, pregnancy and lactation, while others have a pronounced breast asymmetry. It is with such problems that women come to see a plastic surgeon, hoping to get answers to their question.

After clarifying some data and conducting a diagnosis, the doctor sets the date of the operation and performs a surgical intervention with the introduction of a silicone implant, based on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. So, mammoplasty has been performed, how does the happy owner's breasts look now?

First of all, it is an aesthetic appeal. A woman achieves the desired size and shape, can wear an open neckline and catch the admiring glances of men. Her breasts are elastic and with a high-quality operation, they practically do not differ from the real one. However, silicone breasts also have their drawbacks, but more on that below.

It is worth noting in this case, and contraindications, in which the operation for breast augmentation is unacceptable:

  • the presence of allergic reactions to implant fillers;
  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • general weakened state of the body;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms.

Is it possible to wear implants during pregnancy?

Usually, girls who resort to plastic surgery for breast augmentation do not plan to become pregnant after this. However, there are some unforeseen circumstances and the question arises, is it permissible to wear endoprostheses during pregnancy?

Silicone implants of the new generation do not have a negative impact on the development of nascent life.

Numerous studies and practical activities have come to this conclusion. However, even at this point there are certain nuances.

After the operation and further conception of the child, certain physiological factors that arise in the body due to changes in the hormonal background and preparing it for the lactation period are forgotten. During the 9 months of pregnancy, the breasts increase in size, thereby presenting their own adjustments. Due to the growing glandular tissue, the load on the implants increases, and after its decrease, ptosis may occur - prolapse of the mammary glands. In this case, from the form of "apple" it goes into the category of "pear". However, this is fixable, again with the help of plastic surgery, but is it worth it, you decide.

  • find a specialized obstetrician-gynecologist who knows all the features of pregnancy with endoprostheses inside;
  • it is imperative to monitor your weight and prevent its increase (this does not mean diets, but only proper rational nutrition);
  • wear a special bra aimed at maintaining shape;
  • in the event of a cosmetic defect, consult a doctor for advice.

Does mammoplasty affect the feeding of a child?

If we consider the possibility of feeding a child after a breast augmentation operation performed in the past, then medical practice does not deny such a possibility. Many studies have been conducted, the results of which showed that there are silicone molecules in the breast milk of women with endoprostheses.

If we consider this opinion from the other side, we can find out that some silicone is also contained in artificial mixtures, and the risk of implant rupture is minimized and is only 1.5 percent of the probability.

But what will happen if the endoprosthesis ruptures during breastfeeding? In this case, it is unlikely that the silicone will spread into the milk-producing cells. This is due to the fact that the implant filler contains a high molecular weight, which does not allow it to dissolve in water.

And again, what will happen if the silicone still seeps into the alveoli and mixes with breast milk? Will it be harmful to the child? The answer is simple, silicone implants for plastic surgery contain the same formula as, for example, imported drops used to treat colic in a baby.

However, the possibility of breastfeeding after breast augmentation surgery may have its limitations. They depend on how the incision was made and at what anatomical point the implant was inserted. If it is located above or below the pectoral muscle, this significantly reduces the amount of milk produced. The safest access point is the area below the breast.

Cons of mammoplasty

If we talk about the possible disadvantages and consequences after the operation, then we can highlight several points, the occurrence of which is quite possible after surgery:

  • unnatural shape of the breast in relation to the proportions of the body;
  • due to the installation of dense implants, the breast becomes too elastic;
  • with poor-quality operation, the nipples may be asymmetrical;
  • sometimes there are stretch marks;
  • postoperative complications develop.

In addition, it is worth considering the fact that pressure drops in the first month after surgery are not recommended. Therefore, if a woman who has undergone mammoplasty is going to fly immediately by plane, it is best to abandon this idea. After the breasts have healed, you can continue to lead an active lifestyle and go about your daily activities.

It is also worth remembering that any surgical intervention has its own risks, especially when it comes to pregnancy or breastfeeding.

At this time, it is best to contact a qualified specialist who can suggest individual breast care, this also applies to the lactation period. The doctor will determine whether enough breast milk is being produced, suggest the necessary position for feeding the child, and teach how to express the mammary glands correctly, since such actions with silicone breasts have their own peculiarities.

In general, girls who are thinking about pregnancy in the near future should consider whether these actions are justified. Maybe we should wait a little with this idea and give the child a chance for full breastfeeding, without any possible problems. It is also worth understanding that not all men like silicone breasts in girls. Their opinion is built on the basis of decorative flowers - yes, it's beautiful and delightful, but what's the point if it's unnatural. Be that as it may, it is up to you to decide on the decision to carry out mammoplasty, if you really need and want it, then you can safely make an appointment with a plastic surgeon.

Since the dawn of aesthetic medicine, breast arthroplasty has been the most requested plastic surgery to this day. Breast implants are medical products made of high quality biocompatible material that are placed under the skin or muscle to simulate the female breast and increase its size.

Advantages and disadvantages of breast endoprostheses

Advantages and disadvantages of breast implants are usually distinguished according to their technical classifications, filler, shape and installation methods. However, there are generally accepted factors that are relevant for any type of endoprosthesis. Breast implants offer the following benefits:

  • Sterility and biocompatibility. Modern fillers for implants guarantee a minimal risk of rejection of the product and do not cause inflammation inside the breast;
  • Imitation of a natural breast. Most accurately imitate the natural female breast both visually and tactilely;
  • Low frequency of breaks. Ruptures of breast implants occur mechanically, due to a strong blow or injury. The factories carefully check the tension before they are released to the market, which reduces the risk of damage to the endoprostheses. In the event of a rupture, the manufacturer undertakes to replace the prosthesis free of charge, as stated in the lifetime warranty document;
  • Filler safety. Salt fillers are absolutely harmless to the body, and the highly cohesive gel does not have the ability to transport even if the product is damaged.

The disadvantages of implants include rather unforeseen cases, however, they still occur:

  • Implant contouring. Most often, the contours appear in the prone position and provided that the prosthesis was installed under the gland. The axillary installation almost never causes a contouring effect;
  • Tactile sensations. Breast implants can be noticeable to the touch, especially if the installation took place under the gland;
  • Wrong sizing. The dimensions of the prostheses must strictly correspond to the natural size of the female breast;
  • The threat of fibro-capsular contracture- for implants with a smooth shell.

Types of breast implants and their general characteristics

Classification by internal filler

Salt Implants. The oldest type of prosthesis, invented in 1961. Endoprostheses are round bags of silicone material (elastomer) filled with saline. Implants can be pre-filled with a substance, or filled through the hole directly during the operation. When installing the latter, the surgeon makes a much smaller incision. Some saline implants allow manual correction after mammoplasty.

The main disadvantages are the softness of the product, its tendency to damage, the ability to tactilely determine the presence of fluid in the mammary gland, loss of breast shape when the prosthesis breaks, and the need for re-correction. Some patients also complain about the characteristic sound of the movement of fluid in the chest. The main advantage of saline implants is the complete biological compatibility of physiological saline, if the product breaks and the filler enters the tissues. Saline is directly identical to human plasma.

Silicone filler. The product first appeared on the market in 1992. They are characterized as an elastomer (silicone bag) filled with a hydrogel filler, cohesive silicone gel (dense gel of marmalade consistency with the ability to remember the shape of the implant) or SOFT TOUCH gel. The elastomer itself can be smooth and have a textured, rough surface. In case of violation of the integrity of the implant, the filler remains motionless and does not move into the breast tissue. Therefore, silicone implants are also completely safe. In modern aesthetic medicine, they are mainly used.

Now about each filler in more detail:

  • Hydrogel filler (bioimplants) available as an alternative to silicone prostheses. The natural polymer carboxymethyl cellulose is used as a filler. The substance is harmless, in case of rupture and penetration into tissues it biodegrades.
  • Highly cohesive filler- the most dense material, to the touch reminiscent of marmalade. Anatomical implants are produced from a highly cohesive gel. Due to the high density, the prostheses practically do not deform during wear and do not leak out when damaged. The disadvantage of such a filler is the unnatural hardness of the consistency and the unnatural appearance of the breast due to the rather pronounced property of the material to remember the shape.
  • SOFT TOUCH Gel- similar in parameters to the previous filler. The difference lies in the lower density (consistency of jelly) and reduced negative characteristics.

Silicone prostheses are sterile, most accurately imitate the female breast, almost never contour or change their original shape. In addition, they are practically not identified by touch.

  • the need for an MRI every 2 years to detect damage;
  • the invasiveness of the operation associated with the need for a larger incision to install the implant.

Highly cohesive gel properties


Smooth. Modern plastic surgery classifies implants with a smooth surface as a relic of the past, but some surgeons still offer this option to their patients. After the implants are placed, the body forms a connective tissue capsule around them. Since the smooth surface has no pores, the active growth of tissue in the mammary gland can lead to breast compaction around the prosthesis, and the implant itself to deformation. This process is called the development of fibrous capsular contracture. The disadvantage of endoprostheses with a smooth surface is also the risk of its movement after installation, which leads to breast deformity.

The advantages include a thinner shell of the implant, which makes them softer than textured ones, lengthens the service life and reduces the cost.

textured. Such a surface, unlike the first type, has the smallest pores. Penetrating into them, the connective tissue does not grow around the prosthesis and does not lead to complicated consequences. That is why most surgeons of the current generation prefer implants with a textured porous surface. Another positive point of operation is that the textured implant securely adheres to the surrounding tissues, thereby reducing the risk of its movement.

Varieties of forms of implants

Round. Most suitable for breast augmentation and correction with severe ptosis or asymmetry. Round implants are suitable for women who want to make their breasts as voluminous and raised as possible. There are several forms of round implants: low-profile and high-profile. They do not provide visual naturalness and tend to flip over. However, these prostheses are easier to install, so many doctors prefer to work with them. In addition, round implants have a relatively low price.

Anatomical (drop-shaped). They are widely used to increase flat breasts, as well as in cases where a woman wants to maintain maximum naturalness and smoothness of the outlines of the breast. Anatomical implants are somewhat more expensive than round ones; it is more difficult for a surgeon to work with them. Some doctors are of the opinion that due to the growth of the capsule, drop-shaped implants become round over time. In addition, the anatomical prosthesis can be displaced, causing the breast to acquire deformed features. To avoid such nuances, when choosing anatomical implants, preference should be given to their textured surface.

Due to the high density, anatomical endoprostheses keep the shape of the breast even in the supine position, which is unnatural. It will also be difficult if you want to lift or correct your breasts with a bra.


The size of breast implants is calculated in the physical volume of their filler - milliliters. There is a theory that 150 ml of gel or solution is proportional to one full breast size. When mammoplasty, the original size is also taken into account. Thus, by installing implants with a volume of 300 ml, the owner of the first size receives the third as a result of the operation. There are also terms such as:

  • Fixed volume- Implants of the finished size;
  • Adjustable volume- filling and correction occurs during the operation through a special hole in the elastomer.

Choosing the right volume

The choice of the volume and shape of endoprostheses occurs at a preparatory consultation with the surgeon. Usually the doctor and the patient come to a consensus, but it is advisable to leave the final word to the specialist. He will take into account all the anatomical features of the woman's body and select the shape and size that will create the most beautiful and natural breasts for the patient. Access (an incision for the installation of endoprostheses) is also agreed with the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the characteristics of the implant.

The main factors for the correct selection of implants:

  1. Primary breast size;
  2. chest volume;
  3. skin condition;
  4. The density of the mammary glands (including after childbirth);
  5. Height and body proportions.

Service life of breast endoprostheses and their replacement

Modern firms that produce implants guarantee a lifetime of products without health risks. Therefore, theoretically, the implant does not need to be replaced, except for extraordinary cases associated with a violation of their integrity (in this case, the manufacturer undertakes to provide a replacement free of charge). In addition, augmentation mammoplasty does not interfere with the lactation process. However, there are other factors that may force the patient to undergo the operation again:

  • Sudden changes in weight;
  • Breast deformity due to pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • The resulting defects in the shell of the product.

Leading implant manufacturers

  1. Mentor (USA). Manufacturer of round and anatomical implants with a textured surface. The internal filler is a highly cohesive gel. Salt implants are also available with the possibility of correction during the operation and after it. Mentor prostheses are considered one of the most resilient.
  2. Nagor (Great Britain). The company's products are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. The results of clinical studies have shown 0% implant rupture over 5 years. Endoprostheses mainly have a gel filler and a textured shell.
  3. Allergan/McGhan (USA). They are characterized by a special pore size of the textured shell, which allows the connective tissue to be distributed deep in the implant. Securely fixed in the chest. Filled with a soft gel that perfectly mimics natural breasts. The products also contain saline-filled implants.
  4. Arion (France). Round and anatomical implants, filler - hydrogel and silicone gel. They differ in a six-layer shell and a monoblock (glueless) connection of the valve with the implant shell. The product comes with a lifetime warranty.
  5. Polytech (Germany). The implants are filled with a highly cohesive soft gel, have a "memory effect" (they do not deform during any manipulations), the elastic shell consists of several layers. The shell is smooth, textured, coated with MPS (micro polyurethane foam).

In this article, we will do without digressions into history. The only thing that matters is the generation of implants used. Modern third-generation implants are significantly different from those implants that were used 7-10 years ago. They differ both in the materials used and in a number of characteristics that determine the service life and comfort of using products.

The main differences between third generation implants

  • The use of a fundamentally new silicone gel.

It is also called cohesive gel or paragel. Such a gel adheres to the implant shell and, if the integrity of the prosthesis wall is damaged, remains in the prosthesis cavity. Silicone gel from implants of previous generations could freely migrate from a ruptured prosthesis and spread along the intermuscular spaces to the arm, back, and along the anterior abdominal wall with the formation of silica. Silicomas can only be removed surgically.

  • The use of a new type of silicone shell implants.

Ever since the implants of the first and second generations were installed, there has been an opinion that breast prostheses should be changed every five years. In early prostheses, the silicone wall was worn out due to constant flexion and extension during respiratory movements of the chest. Modern silicone shells also wear out, but this happens much more slowly.

So much so that it is enough for one and a half human lives. That is why the question “How often should implants be changed?” now we can safely answer that a planned replacement is not provided, this is no longer necessary. An exception may be a serious chest injury, in which the prosthesis capsule may crack or rupture.

  • Absolute impermeability of the shell.

Modern silicone implants do not decrease in size due to the penetration of silicone gel through the shell. This is the merit of the shell, which has three or more layers and the so-called barrier layer and the gel itself, which does not have fluidity.

  • High elasticity of implants.

To install even a very voluminous implant of the third generation, a skin incision of only 3-4 cm is enough.

  • The lineup.

There are so many shapes and sizes of implants that you can choose the optimal prosthesis for any woman and at the same time honor the features of her physique.

Video: Implants for breast augmentation

Types of breast implants

According to the filler, prostheses are divided into:

  • salt prostheses;
  • silicone breast implants;
  • breast prostheses with biocompatible hydrogel;
  • prostheses filled with silica gel balls;
  • complex prostheses.

Salt Implants

Salt prostheses are cheaper than silicone ones, therefore they are still in demand on the market, despite their shortcomings. The disadvantages include the fact that when transfusing the liquid in the implant, splashing and gurgling can be heard at a distance. Such a long presence on the market of saline implants, with all their shortcomings, can be explained by a large number of press reports about the consequences of breast augmentation with silicone and about the dangers of silicone for the human body.

In the States, a moratorium has even been introduced on the use of silicone implants for cosmetic purposes until such time as their harmfulness is proven or refuted.

Already by 2006, the absolute safety of silicone endoprostheses was proven and the moratorium was lifted. But rumors are still being reprinted from one yellow edition to another.


The hydrogel is a substance based on a natural polymer - carboxymethylcellulose. Breast implants based on hydrogel are not inferior in elasticity to silicone prostheses, they are more expensive, but they have their drawbacks:

  • the hydrogel flows out of the implant cavity when the wall is damaged;
  • Gradually, such implants "dry out" - they lose their volume due to the seepage of fluid through the shell.

Silicone gel implants have been developed to reduce the weight of the prosthesis and thus stop breast drooping (mastoptosis). The weight of the new implants is almost a third less than conventional silicone prostheses of a similar volume.

Complicated in structure, prostheses are a two-chamber structure. The outer chamber contains silicone gel and the inner chamber contains a saline solution. Complex prostheses are valve and valveless. Valve prostheses are most often used to enter them through a skin incision in the navel. After the implants are in place, they are filled with sterile saline. Their convenience is that during the operation, due to the ability to dose the introduction of liquid, it is possible to change the volume of prostheses in order to obtain a symmetrical breast of a beautiful shape.

This is the disadvantage: if more fluid is injected, the prosthesis will feel too tight to the touch and will not create the illusion of a completely natural breast.

According to the quality, there are two types of silicone gel: standard cohesive and high cohesive. Highly cohesive gel does not have the ability to flow, but at the same time fully retains the elasticity inherent in the tissues of the natural breast. It is also called a shape memory gel, since after curing the gel always restores the shape that was once given to it. The gel retains its shape even when the implant shell is damaged. The highly cohesive gel is only used in anatomical McGan implants. Produced according to the form:

  • round implants;
  • anatomical implants;
  • high profile anatomical implants.

Drop-shaped anatomically shaped implants. If you put a conventional anatomical implant and a high-profile implant next to each other, it turns out that the second one has a much greater thickness. Accordingly, the increase in the volume of an implant with a high profile will be more noticeable visually. By the nature of the surface, implants are:

  • smooth;
  • textured;
  • with a spongy surface structure.

Textured implants have bumps or villi on their surface. They are needed so that the connective tissue capsule, which in any case develops around foreign bodies of the body (and the implant is a foreign body), when compressed, presses the villi of the implant, but does not deform the implant itself.

Photo: smooth and textured implants

The use of implants with a spongy surface structure reduces the likelihood of rotation or displacement of the implant. The connective tissue grows into the spongy structure of the shell and perfectly fixes the implant in one place. By size, breast implants are:

  • fixed;
  • adjustable.

Fixed are non-valve prostheses, the volume of which cannot be changed during surgery. Regulated have a valve through which saline can be injected into them.

How to determine which volume to choose

  • Breast implants are measured in cubic milliliters.
  • One size is approximately 150 cubic milliliters.
  • To determine the size of the breast after surgery, do not forget about the size that you have now. This means that if you chose 150 ml implants, and your own breast is the second size, then after the operation you will get a strong C grade.
  • There are implants of various volumes, which can differ from each other by 10 ml. In order to choose the optimal size for their patient, plastic surgeons often use special computer programs that accurately simulate the results of breast augmentation depending on the shape and volume of implants used.

Best before date

Manufacturers provide a lifetime warranty on their products. In order to protect yourself, you need to overcome the desire to save money on implants. Currently, among the clients of plastic surgeons, there is a vicious practice when, in order to save money, implants are bought not in a clinic or from an official representative of manufacturing companies, but in firms with a dubious reputation and breast prostheses from unknown manufacturers. Unfortunately, breast implants are not the case when you can save on a well-known name or brand.

You don't have to look far for examples. Peep's implant scandal has been unabated for several years now. In short, the implants were filled with technical silicone, and their shell did not provide complete tightness. Such implants turned out to be dangerous for those women to whom they were installed.

Now in all those countries where Pip implants were sold, clinics are looking for women who received them and are replacing prostheses. The exact number of such women is unknown.

Video: About the types of breast implants

The prostheses are so dangerous that a number of countries finance the replacement of implants for their citizens. This is done by France, Venezuela, Israel.

As it turned out quite recently, the number of dangerous implants may be much larger than expected. And they could be installed even after a ban on their sale and use was issued. It so happened that intermediary firms sold Pip implants under their own name M-implants.

In order for the new breast to bring only positive emotions in the future and not to care about the consequences of installing low-quality prostheses, it is better to choose a manufacturer with a worldwide reputation, which does not benefit from losing sales markets for the sake of one scandal.

What are the contraindications for hormonal breast augmentation? Details in the article -. How is breast augmentation performed with own fat? How many stages does the procedure go through? Read all about it. Do you think it is possible to enlarge breasts at home? Details at the link.


We will dwell on the manufacturers of breast prostheses and the main characteristics of their products in more detail.


McGan Medical is part of the Inamed transnational holding and is the world leader in the production and sale of thoracic endoprostheses. The company's factories are located in the USA and Ireland. In 2007 McGan merged with Allergan Inc. The company formed after the merger became Allergan, and McGann remained as a product trademark. McGan's breast implants are high-end products. This is due to a large number of prostheses of various sizes and shapes, as well as to the properties of the implant shell, which prevents the rotation and displacement of prostheses after surgery.

Photo: McGahn Breast Implants

Implants McGan have International quality certificates ISO 9001 and ISO 9002, Certificates of the European Community EN 46002 and CE 0459. In Russia, implants are certified by the State Standard and registered with the Ministry of Health. The official distributor of McGann in Russia is Medical Test.


Mentor manufactures implants in factories in the US and the Netherlands. One of the advantages of Mentor breast prostheses is the low risk of developing capsular contracture, which develops in only 1.1% of cases.

Photo: Mentor breast implants

Breast endoprostheses Mentor have European and International quality certificates, in Russia they are registered with the Ministry of Health. The official representative of Mentor in Russia is the Clovermed company.

Polytech Silimed

Polytech is the largest European company producing soft tissue implants for reconstructive and aesthetic medicine. On the European and Russian market, the company presents saline, silicone and double-lumen implants, implants with a smooth and textured surface, as well as with a polyurethane foam surface. The official representative of the Polytechnic University in Russia is the Bonamed company.

How to choose an implant

In principle, the woman herself does not need to thoroughly understand the shapes and sizes of breast prostheses. It will be enough to choose high-quality implants, the manufacturer of which has a good reputation. To get the result closest to the natural shape of the bust, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • the height of the chest may slightly exceed its width, but the difference should not be significant;
  • the chest begins at the level of the 3rd rib and slopes down, increasing the thickness;
  • the lower pole is a well-filled oval;
  • the nipple is the most prominent area of ​​the breast when viewed from the side;
  • breast thickness (the distance from the chest to the nipple) should be approximately one third of the full height of the breast (from the level of the 3rd rib to the lower pole of the gland).

It is very difficult to independently select implants in such a way as to comply with all or at least most of the above parameters, correlate them with the structural features of the body, such as the width of the chest and others.

Video: Breast plastic surgery, types of accesses and implants

It is better to trust the plastic surgeon, who needs to clearly convey what kind of result you want to get after the operation. And he himself will decide which implants are the best in order to make your dream come true.


The price range for breast endoprostheses is $570 to $2,200 each. In Russia, the average price of implants ranges from 20 to 45 thousand per piece. Manufacturers and distributors often do not advertise the prices of their products. Therefore, a number of clinics also make their own additional margin.

Here is an opportunity to save money. If the price of an implant in the clinic seems high to you, then you can contact the official representative of the implant manufacturer in Russia and purchase a pair for yourself at the price of a representative office.

Not always the cost of implants by plastic surgeons is overestimated. Some surgeons sincerely recommend this or that company, since it is their products that provide this surgeon with the best effect of the operation and delight clients with excellent results.

One of the most popular plastic surgeries today is breast arthroplasty or mammoplasty, which brought a real dawn to cosmetic medicine.

Statistics show that plastic surgeons perform more than 100,000 operations per year related to changing and correcting the size of the mammary glands.

What are implants?

These are endoprostheses made of high quality biocompatible material that give the breast a larger size or change its shape.

Advantages and disadvantages of breast prostheses


The advantages of using any endoprostheses include:

It is important to know that there are cases when, due to mechanical impact, the implant still breaks, then it can be replaced at the expense of the manufacturer of this prosthesis. As a rule, this item is specified in the product document in the warranty section.


Deficiencies mainly occur when unforeseen cases occur, for example:

Implant classifications

Of course, the advantages and disadvantages can make up a long list when viewed by filler, installation options, form or technical characteristics. The information above refers to generally accepted factors.

By filler


The world met them in 1991. They look like a silicone bag with a multi-layered elastomer shell and a gel inside. The filler can be:

Why are silicone implants better than others?

The most natural and best breast implants are silicone ones. They perfectly imitate the female breast, have a wide range of models, and look natural. Installation over the pectoral muscle is possible, as there is no wrinkling effect.

If the prosthesis is damaged, the internal filling will not enter the mammary gland, but will remain in place. It is this factor that recognizes silicone implants as completely safe. Therefore, they have gained the greatest popularity in cosmetology medicine.

The disadvantages include a large incision during the installation of the prosthesis and regular (1 time in 2 years) passage of magnetic resonance imaging to exclude the presence of an implant defect, since the problem cannot be detected by touch.



Working with anatomical forms is more labor-intensive and they are more expensive than round ones. This implant can move and deform the contours of the breast. However, this can be avoided by opting for a textured surface of the prosthesis. It should also be noted that anatomical implants are quite dense in structure, and even in the supine position, the chest keeps its shape, which looks unnatural.

Yes, and you have to forget about corrective and breast-lifting bras. Even the best teardrop shaped breast implants often deform into round shapes!

Both forms are available with different profiles: low, medium, high and extra high. The height is selected by the plastic surgeon after analyzing the client's physique.

According to the size of endoprostheses

In addition, the anatomical features of the patient should be taken into account:

  • natural breast size;
  • skin condition and tissue elasticity;
  • chest size (asthenic, normosthenic or hypersthenic);
  • body proportions;
  • breast density.

After analyzing all the data, the plastic surgeon advises the patient on the shape and volume of the implant, which will look as natural and beautiful as possible.

Even if the patient has a flat chest, an increase will help to acquire beautiful forms. Special measurements are taken to determine the exact size and volume of the prosthesis. For this, indicators are determined not only of the volume of the chest, but also the thickness of the chest, the location of the nipples, the distance between the mammary glands.

The nuances associated with the incision for the implant are also discussed. In modern clinics, you can simulate the result on a computer. Of course, the wishes of the patient are always taken into account, but the decisive word remains with the doctor.

Lifespan of a breast implant

Theoretically, the implant does not require replacement, except in unforeseen cases. Re-operation may be required only if the breast is deformed after pregnancy and breastfeeding, after a significant change in weight and if a defect in the prosthesis is detected.

The manufacturer of endoprostheses gives a lifetime guarantee without harm to human health, and if an implant needs to be replaced, it is made at the expense of the manufacturer!

Implant companies

is a French company that produces anatomical and round implants with hydrogel and silicone filling.

Allergan— an American manufacturer offers implants with a special pore size of a textured surface. This allows the connective tissue to dissolve deep into the prosthesis. They sit in the chest like a glove. Filled with a soft gel that allows you to look natural breasts. The company also offers saline-filled implants.

According to the reviews of plastic surgeons, the implants of this company have a very small percentage of cases with complications, only 1-4%.

Nagor- British implants with a huge selection of shapes and sizes. Producing prostheses since the 1970s. Within 5 years, the percentage of gaps was 0%! Products are textured and filled with gel content. The product has a special casing.

Polytech— implants with memory effect from Germany. A product with a highly cohesive gel does not change shape at all, and the shell consists of many layers. May be smooth or textured.

Mentor- An American manufacturer has been producing one of the elastic prostheses in both anatomical and round shapes since 1992. The shell is strong and textured and filled with a highly cohesive material. This company also offers saline implants that can be adjusted during the operation.

A professional plastic surgeon in a good modern clinic will always help you choose the right implant and tell you which breast implants are the best for today.

Breast implants, why are they dangerous? Despite claims that breast implants are completely safe for a woman's health, new research suggests the opposite, they say, silicone from breast implants is distributed throughout the body. Like it or not, now we will tell.

What do we know about breast implants and why are they dangerous?

Anna (this is not the real name of the woman) decided that her death would not be in vain. Before Anna contracted the breast cancer that eventually overcame her, this Dutch woman suffered from pain and countless strange symptoms for years. In 2008, shortly before her death at the age of 56, Anna made the decision to donate her breasts to medical science in order to understand why she got cancer. The team of pathologists who examined Anna's body in the Netherlands was led by plastic and reconstructive surgeon Ruta Capella.

With the help of a special instrument of light and electron microscopes, as well as X-rays to analyze the tissue of internal organs and the nervous system, the cause of Anna's suffering was discovered. 17 years ago, implants were inserted into her breasts, and the silicone spread throughout the body to the ovaries, bladder and spinal cord. In fact, silicone was in every fabric sample, and in unusually large quantities. Thanks to celebrities such as and who openly talk about figure-improving operations on social networks, breast augmentation is still the most popular type of plastic surgery. Of the 14 million cosmetic surgeries that Americans perform every year, approximately 300,000 are related to. In the UK, after 2014, the popularity of breast implants has fallen slightly. After some celebrities, for example, told the press that they decided to remove the implants in order to restore the natural look, the number of operations decreased by 20%.

Breast augmentation before and afterVictoria Beckham.

But despite this, mammoplasty operations are still the most popular form of plastic surgery - every year almost 9,000 Britons have their breasts enlarged. In medicine, they have been experimenting with breast augmentation for over 100 years. At first, paraffin and animal fats were inserted into the breasts, and after World War II, to make Japanese women look like the American ideal, the idea was to fill the breasts with silicone.

In fact, the first silicone implant was invented only in 1962, and after having tried it on just one dog, it was implanted in a woman from South America, who, by the way, just wanted to remove the tattoo.

Incredibly, no long-term, objectively safe studies have been conducted on the procedure, which is performed annually on 5-10 million women worldwide, to this day:

  • neither in relation to implants, nor the surgical operation itself. And it is still claimed that this procedure is completely safe. Only two scandals related to breast implants are known. The first occurred in the late 90s when three US silicone manufacturers - DowCorntngCorporation, Bfistoi-MyersSqwbbCo and HealthcareCorporaton
  • agreed to pay $3.7 billion to women who blamed breast implants for their health problems.

The second scandal came in 2010, when it became known that the French company PotyimpiantProihese filled its products with industrial silicone, which is commonly used in the manufacture of mattresses, and sold them throughout Europe. In eight women, these implants ruptured and caused a rare form of lymphoma from which they died.

Despite the deaths, the most important issue was ignored - How safe are implants? Maybe it's a slow-acting poison? What is the likelihood of a leak?

On this issue, Capella and her colleagues from the Nijmegen Medical Center of the Radboud University in the Netherlands are categorical. The question is, when this happens, the leak retardation layer in the new models slows down the spread of the silicone, but does not stop the process itself.

There are currently two types of implants. New types of implants with a leak-tight layer have a silicone layer, or shell, filled with a silicone mass similar to gummy bears. Saline fluid implants have a silicone shell. Implants of this type are inserted or filled with physiological fluid or salt water, and are also empty, and are filled through a valve during surgery.

Before breast augmentation, it is worth knowing what is known about it today. Complications are very common.

The Mayo Clinic has done significant research. It involved 749 Minnesota women who received implants between 1964 and 1991. Complications occurred in 178 women, or 24%, and 19% were associated with implants. One of the problems is capsular contracture (when the formation of scar tissue around the implants hardens the breast and causes it to shrink, causing it to become stiff and painful), hematoma fissures, and wound infections.

Most breast implants burst

The disadvantages of silicone gel implants are the formation of contractures, cracks, leakage, obvious holes and complete bursting. Scientists at the University of Maryland conducted a study in which they found that 64%, or almost 2/3 of implants that are in the breast from 1 to 25 years, burst or leak, despite the fact that manufacturers give a lifetime warranty on their breast implants.

Almost all women think that the implants will be intact even after eight years, but after 12 years the number of these women will decrease by half, and after 20 years, implants will remain intact only in 5% of women. Scientists from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) even advise removing implants within eight years, but they do not add that important breast tissue is often excised during the removal of scar tissue. In one study of 100 women who were asked to remove silicone implants, 57% of the implants already had holes or tears. In the UK, implant ruptures even have a name - Jordan's syndrome. Plastic surgeon Douglas McGeorge admits that implant ruptures have become five times more common, with cases rising to over 1,500 in 2012 and 2013.

Silicone has long been linked to autoimmune diseases.

For example, with systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, progressive systemic sclerosis and vasculitis. However, due to the FDA's continued silence on the risks, women who respond to breast implants in this way are being diagnosed with "silicone implant mismatch syndrome," or "autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome."

In one study of 32 women, all were found to have mismatch syndrome, 17 of them had a systemic autoimmune disease, and 15 women had disorders that could be attributed to immune-related antibodies, proteins, and antimicrobial molecules."

And that's not all - three of the sisters had silicone implants and all suffered from arthralgia, myalgia and sleep problems, but all complaints decreased when the breast implants were replaced with ones that do not contain silicone gel.

Breast implants often suppress sexual sensitivity

In a study of 100 women, 75% of them reported that after breast implant augmentation, they lost nipple sensation. In a third of these women, the sensitivity of the nipples disappeared completely.

Bacteria and mold can grow in the bodily fluid of breast implants

Since the silicone shell is partially permeable, research suggests that bodily fluid-filled implants, especially those with a valve through which saline fluid is injected, can be a place where dangerous bacteria and fungi can grow that are detrimental to health.

Breast implants sometimes interfere with breastfeeding

although it depends on how the operation was performed. In one Texas study, scientists found that 64% of women with breast implants did not have enough milk for their baby, compared to only 7% of women who did not have implants. Incisions around the nipples can be the main culprits for this problem, although other incisions can make breastfeeding difficult.

Breast implants can harm babies

The study, which was conducted at the Schneider Children's Hospital in New York, suggests that the children of mothers with silicone breasts may also suffer because they are also at risk of developing autoimmune disorders. Of 11 children aged 18 months to 13 years who suffered from long-term abdominal pain, six mothers were breastfed with silicone implants. These children also had other symptoms, such as repeated vomiting, swallowing problems, and irritable bowel syndrome. Some had joint pains and occasional rashes, all had impaired esophageal function.

Breast implants increase the risk of developing cancer

The French National Cancer Institute raised concerns about breast implants when they discovered their association with anaplastic large cell lymphoma, a type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that typically affects the lymph nodes in the soft tissues and liver. This was confirmed in a study that found that 71 cases of this rare condition were associated with breast implants. The FDA acknowledges that the risk is very low, but it is rising.

Breast implants may increase suicidal tendencies

One review of all available research found that women were 12 times more likely to commit suicide after having implants. If implants are inserted after a mastectomy, women have a 10-fold risk of suicide compared to those who did not undergo reconstructive surgery. None of the women in the studies had mental health problems prior to the silicone injection.

The scandalous truth is that silicone breast implants have been used by millions of women over the past 50 years, but there is still no long-term study that confirms their safety.

Years go by - there are no rules!

  • 1967 The first models of implants were invented, whose silicone shell is filled with physiological fluid or salt water, and the silicone material for the first time becomes the choice of plastic surgeons.
  • 1976 FDA gains regulatory authority over breast implants. Since they have been used by thousands of women without rules for nine years already. The FDA allows implants to be inserted without the usual safety checks.
  • 1992 There are thousands of complaints about similar autoimmune diseases, and the FDA restricts the use of breast implants - they can be used by women who need breast reconstruction, and those who, if they want to increase their breasts, agree to participate in clinical trials.
  • 1998 DowCorrwg, Bristol-MyersSquibb and BaxterHeatthcare agree to pay $3.7 billion to meet the claims of more than 170,000 women whose implants have harmed their health. Dow repaid 3.2 billion.
  • 1999 The American Institute of Medicine reports that there is not enough evidence to suggest that silicone and bodily fluid implants create "systemic health problems."
  • 2003 The FDA recognizes Inamed (now Allergan) bodily fluid breast implants, suggesting them as safer than silicone based on one year's data, but does not allow the company's silicone breast implants to be approved.
  • 2005 The FDA advisory committee advises approval of MENTOR silicone breast implants, but not inamed, however this recommendation was rejected - both products are approved.
  • 2010 When eight women fell ill with cancer and died due to cracked implants, the French company PolyimplantProthese admitted that they filled their products with industrial, not medical silicone.

Comments 29

Girls, silicone implants from Polytech (Silimed) caused an autoimmune disease in me - ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis in other words. Now I will take them out. I hope for a recovery.

I have had silicones for 13 years and the other day I felt a bump near the nipple. I decided to do a mammogram and an ecograph. Made yesterday. Silicone burst in one and therefore I groped for this bump, and a crack also started in the second breast. They said it had to be removed. Made an appointment with a surgeon. That's it. Nothing is eternal, although they promised that it was forever.

And I removed the implants. Almost all my hair fell out and huge pimples all over my body and my chest was constantly hurting, I was very tired of the pain.

what a mess, girls! you pay a lot of money, and then you need to either correct it or delete it altogether ... they said correctly, nothing is eternal ...

I had an implant flipped in my left breast. The surgeon didn't say anything about turning him back. He said that he would remove excess skin as it stretched out (for half a year) and reduce nipple halos. I said it would be done under anesthesia Irest not under general anesthesia ... some kind of wildness ... I don’t know how I can bear it! And yes, under the nipple of the right breast, I see and whisper some kind of unevenness ... like a bulge ... God forbid it burst there ... now it's scary. Implants have a guarantee ... they can do an MRI and if the implant ruptures they should change me for new ones ... a lot of terrible thoughts ...

In 2015, after the removal of "Eurosilicons" - a contracture formed, the doctor of the Duna clinic (Novosibirsk) recommended POLYTECH implants, which, according to the doctor, have a shell that does not allow capsular contracture to appear. After 6 months after installation, the edge of the implant began to sag clearly at the bottom of the right breast To which the doctor said - you will get better, you will not stick around. After three years, pulling pains appeared, the implants stood out from under the chest, were held by the skin. The chief physician of the Dune Ego clinic suggested removing the implants. The moment was interesting, the doctor said " although you did not perform this operation with us, we will not leave you in trouble." Although I did the operation to install these prostheses in his Duna clinic. But over the past time, the legal entity has been reorganized. Thank you very much, Mr. Egorov, that they did not leave with the problem and removed for free, the implants installed by the doctor of your former-new clinic.The pains were from pulling to burning. so that it was impossible to fall asleep without painkillers. But the doctor who installed these implants told me that everything was normal, there should be no pain and advised me to take Corvalol. Finally, waiting for the operation to remove these implants, I never received an explanation why there were pains. As a result of the installation of POLYTECH implants, having lost 220,000 rubles, I received a lot of negative consequences. The chest is in a sorry state. There are no answers to my questions from doctors. During the three years of wearing these implants, the POLYTECH distributor changed, and the Dune clinic was also renamed Medicine LLC (aka Dune Ego). This is how the story ended.

Alina Mar 13 2019

What a nightmare! 😮😮😮

Natalia Mar 17 2019

Girls, aren't you afraid of the consequences! Everything is beautiful, which is natural!

Lena Mar 19 2019

Some stupid women who do not accept themselves ... Why?

Fools! Fools! And after all, 99% of their men do not need it. Own ego and brainlessness. And who will need your children when you start quacking from your useless boobs. fools

Lena and Victoria, what brought you to this site)) would like to get breasts themselves, but apparently there is no money))) go with spaniel ears or with pimples instead of breasts))

better with spaniel ear, but healthy! Just count how much money manufacturers, clinics, surgeons earn on silly people! 10,000,000 operations per year, on average, 200,000 tr. This is madness!! and so many risks! for what?

Modern breast implants are not dangerous! They used to be poor quality, yes! Now medicine is on a completely different level! It is much more important to think about the hands that will operate on you! Believe me, the most important thing is to find your surgeon) I searched for a long time, and found Alexander Markushin! and thank you very much!!! I have no regrets! And it's been over 3 years! and the implants are in place and intact;)

Oh girls. In 2016, she underwent surgery to install implants in her buttocks. There wasn't a day that I didn't regret it. Complications immediately began: first, a seroma - a liquid that flowed out of the seam for 4 months, after that my eyes began to water, I watered for a year, which drops I didn’t use, nothing helped, and my eyes still water from time to time. Then there was another song: herpes on the face began to spread one after another, without ceasing, although earlier it popped up once a year. How much I have suffered during this time is beyond words, constantly feeling unwell, weakness, a rash all over my body, the seam became inflamed every now and then, moles began to appear all over my body very quickly, although this had not happened before. I began to feel like a sick old woman. The kidneys and liver began to hurt, although they had never hurt before. At first I didn’t connect it with the implants, but gradually it finally dawned on me that I needed to urgently remove them, until I completely fell ill. I made an appointment with a surgeon, I will urgently remove them, keep your fists for me so that everything goes well 👌

I inserted a Mentor in Uvildy in Chelyabinsk, everything went well (pah-pah-pah)))) there are good surgeons! But ... you always have to rely on your health, everyone's body is different. The only thing that worries me is that my hair falls out: I think I need to get checked, maybe this is not because of them

Poor girls! All recovery! something I no longer want beautiful boobs ... not a single moron is worth my health! Thanks to everyone who shared!!! Get well girls!!!

Girls, I just changed my mind about making boobs, health is more important, I will develop spiritual beauty, open my heart and attract a man who will need me, not boobs.

Girls, but I had a fibroadenoma removed, and now one breast does not look good. But then I read everything ... And if you pump in your own fat, will it raise your chest?

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