Organization of meals for children in the children's camp. Organization of children's meals in the camp. What are the features? Financing meals for children in the camp

Before the start of the camp, the director of the educational institution or, by proxy, the head of the Camp establishes contacts with the canteen where children will be catering, discusses the diet (the time between meals should be no more than 4 hours), and concludes an agreement for the supply of food. If necessary, transfers to the canteen a change in the number of children in the camp (before the start and during the shift). If the Camp is located on the basis of several sites, then an order is issued to appoint those responsible for food at one or another food point. During the work of the Camp, the head of the Camp sends to the canteen a change in the number of children in the camp: children who fall ill during the camp shift are removed from food for the duration of the illness.

Timesheets, acts and statements for the write-off of materials are submitted to the accountant of the educational institution in accordance with the established procedure.

Registers of registration and issuance of vouchers with voucher stubs are stored in the accounting department of the educational institution.

Meals for children and adolescents are organized on the basis of a canteen that works on raw materials, a canteen - a pre-cooking or canteen distributing a functioning educational institution, as well as nearby catering facilities if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance with their sanitary rules, with the allocation of a separate room, inventory and utensils for children and determining the schedule of meals.

Constant control over the quality of incoming products, the period of their implementation and storage conditions is carried out by a medical worker or a person replacing him, who has completed a course of hygienic training. Periodic control is carried out by the territorial center of Rospotrebnadzor.

When catering for children, one should be guided by an exemplary menu for the Camp if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance with its sanitary rules (to obtain a conclusion, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the specified organization).

Menu - layout is compiled taking into account nutritional standards.

In order to preserve the nutritional value of products and prevent food poisoning, the correct cooking technology should be followed.

Bookmarking products is carried out by weight according to the menu layout in the presence of a medical worker. In the manufacture of piece dishes (cutlets, cheesecakes, buns, pies, etc.), they are weighed by the cook before heat treatment. Casserole, scrambled eggs, roll are cut in finished form by the weight indicated in the menu - layout. Liquid dishes are distributed by volume, and side dishes by weight.

C-vitaminization of third courses is carried out daily.

The issuance of prepared food is carried out only after the sample is taken by a medical worker. The assessment of the quality of dishes is carried out according to organoleptic indicators (the sample is taken directly from the containers in which food is cooked). In the marriage journal, it is necessary to note the bookmark of the main products, taste, readiness of the dish and permission to issue.

A daily sample of prepared food is left daily. The selection and storage of daily samples is carried out under the supervision of a medical worker. The sample should be taken in the amount of a serving in a sterile jar with a lid (garnishes are taken in a separate container) and stored in a specially designated place in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2 to +6 degrees. C. If there is a pre-cooking canteen or a raw canteen in the Camp, the health worker must keep a perishable products rejection log, which indicates the name of the incoming product, its quantity, invoice number, delivery date according to the invoice and the actual sale date of the product, the balance and its implementation.

The marriage commission is created by the order of the head of the Camp, the composition of the commission, terms and its powers are approved.

The marriage commission in its activities is guided by:

1) sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the arrangement, maintenance and organization of the working regime in health institutions with daytime stay of children during the holidays"

2) by the decision of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 19.01.2005 No. No. 3 as amended on 27.06.2008 “On approval of SanPiN “Organization of baby food”;

3) Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on November 6, 2001, with amendments and additions “On approval of SanPin 2.3.2. 1078-01 "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products",

4) by the decision of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on January 17, 2005 No. as amended on June 27, 2008 SanPiN, "Organization of baby food";

5) Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2001 No. 36 “On the Enactment of Sanitary Rules” (with amendments and additions) Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN “2.3.2. Food raw materials and food products "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products";

6) Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2001 No. 31 “On the Enactment of Sanitary Rules” Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules SP “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Public Catering Organizations, Production and Handling products and food raw materials”;

7) Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 21, 2003 No. 98, “On the Enactment of Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations “Hygienic Requirements for Expiration Dates and Storage Conditions of Food Products. SanPiN";

8) Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union dated August 16, 2011 No. 769 “On the adoption of the technical regulation of the Customs Union “On the safety of packaging”;

9) Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union dated December 9, 2011 No. 880 “On the adoption of the technical regulation of the Customs Union “On food safety”;

10) Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union dated December 9, 2011 No. 881 “On the adoption of the technical regulation of the Customs Union “Food products in terms of their labeling”;

11) Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on July 10, 2001 “On the introduction of Sanitary Rules SP 1.1.1058-01 “Organization and implementation of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures”;

12) by order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare dated May 20, 2005 No. 402 “On a personal medical book and a sanitary passport”;

13) Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 1999 No. 21 "On the rules for certification of food products and food raw materials";

14) other sanitary norms and rules, National standards, technical regulations;

15) collections of recipes, technological maps

With the onset of school holidays, parents ask themselves the question: "How to organize a child's vacation with benefit?" Send to the village to the grandmother, get some fresh air or leave in the city and organize leisure activities on the spot, or you can send the child to a children's camp. Children's camps captivate with their organization, namely: sports and recreational activities, varied, tasty and proper nutrition, wellness treatments, as well as various excursions and hikes.

Some parents are wary of children's camps, explaining this by poor nutrition, the lack of organization of various cultural events, or the oversight of the leaders. And others enthusiastically remember the children's camp from their childhood and with great pleasure send their children to such a vacation.

And indeed, now there is a large selection of children's camps. All of them promise a great vacation and a lot of positive emotions from visiting. Great demand creates great supply. And this is competition. And the competition can be defeated only by a quality product, i.e. you need to organize a children's camp in such a way that it excels others.

Catering in a children's camp: the basics

One of the most important issues in organizing a children's camp is food. The quality of his life, psychological and emotional state, development and proper functioning of all vital systems depend on how a person eats. Therefore, the food in the children's camp should be correct, healthy, balanced and tasty.

The child, being in the camp, undergoes adaptation. For its successful completion, he must eat well, receive the necessary vitamins and minerals, and also improve the functioning of the immune system to fight various diseases.

Proper nutrition is a necessary criterion for the life of every person and in particular a child. In general, eating well does not require large expenditures. The main characteristics of proper nutrition include:

  • Compliance with the diet.
  • Compliance with the correct ratio of calories consumed to energy expenditure expended.
  • The use of the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals.
  • Variety of food.
  • Proper processing of products and their correct combination.

Compliance with the diet is an integral part of catering in the children's camp. From early childhood, pediatricians recommend feeding the child by the hour, so that the body gets used to and knows when the food will be and is ready to assimilate it. In the children's camp, the diet must be strictly observed, this is especially important for health institutions. Compliance with the diet will allow you to get the necessary nutrients in time to replenish energy and increase your ability to work.

The most optimal mode is five meals a day: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. A five-time diet will saturate the body, but if you feel hungry, you should not eat it with “empty” carbohydrates in the form of butter cookies and pies, but give preference to nuts, fruits, kefir, dried fruits. For dinner, you need to eat foods that do not create discomfort and heaviness in digestion.

The diet should be based on the following criteria:

  • The optimal number of meals is 3-4 times a day.
  • The interval between meals should be 4-5 hours.
  • Eating food should be at the same time.
  • Dinner should be 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Compliance with the correct distribution of the daily ration: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35%, afternoon tea - 15%, dinner - 25%.

Compliance with the principle of consuming the required quantity and quality of food is one of the most important. It is believed that for normal physical functioning, a person must consume proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the correct ratio, namely: 1:1:4.

Protein is one of the complex and important elements of nutrition. It synthesizes energy and helps the body to be in good shape. For easier digestion, you need to use animal protein, namely:

  • Meat of turkey, beef, veal, chicken, rabbit.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Milk.
  • Eggs.

For the absorption of protein, amino acids are needed, which are not independently produced by the body. Amino acids can be obtained from the consumption of legumes, grains, and fish.

A person receives energy with the help of carbohydrates. Unfortunately, children often consume fast carbohydrates - these are various sweets, confectionery, muffins, sweet soda, and so on. Such carbohydrates will not replenish energy reserves, but will only give the effect of “depositing” calories. Complex carbohydrates are needed to increase working capacity. They are found in oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, barley, barley porridge. Vegetables and fruits also contain complex carbohydrates, as well as fiber and vitamins. However, nitrates and pesticides, which may be poisonous to the body, should be avoided.

Fats are also an essential part of a healthy diet. Thanks to them, vitamins such as A, E, K, D enter the body. In addition, they are involved in the production of hormones and in the activity of the immune system. But the amount of fat consumed must be monitored, because. in excess, they can be harmful to health. Especially dangerous are trans fats, which are formed from vegetable fats under pressure or heating. Products such as mayonnaise, semi-finished products and margarine are subject to exclusion from the diet.

Thus, the organization of proper nutrition in a children's camp should be reduced to the regular intake of carbohydrates, proteins and fats (in a small amount), the use of safe fruits and vegetables. Products must be properly processed. The most optimal are baked products, then boiled, steamed and only then fried. But frying is best avoided.

  1. Compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements of SanPiN for organization, control and standards governing the basics of catering in children's institutions, as well as in children's camps.
  2. Organization of control over the quality and safety of nutrition for children in accordance with regulatory legal acts.
  3. Timely search and conclusion of contracts with food suppliers, as well as with organizations serving the catering department.
  4. Centralization of daily food supplies by special transport.
  5. Providing a children's camp with regulatory documentation containing recipes and food processing rules.
  6. Establishment of commissions to assess the quality of manufactured products and their compliance with regulatory documents.
  7. Conclusion of contracts with trusted enterprises that manufacture ready-made meals for children.
  8. Include enriched foods in the diet of children and adolescents in order to prevent and compensate for the deficiency of vital elements.
  9. Conduct events and various festivals to promote and educate proper nutrition in children, develop a healthy addiction to balanced nutrition and tastes. And also arrange a special menu for children's birthdays.

Catering in the children's camp should also be carried out taking into account the requirements and recommendations of parents. Many children have allergic reactions to one or another product, therefore, relevant certificates of diseases are submitted to children's camps, and on the basis of them a menu is created and a possible replacement with alternative products is carried out.

The seventh point of recommendations includes organizations involved in providing high-quality nutrition in kindergartens and schools. These organizations include ours - Foodkids. We were founded in 2004 and have established ourselves as one of the reliable suppliers of high-quality, proper and balanced nutrition.

Foodkids is a food factory that has its own food production workshops that meet the basic requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the requirements of healthy and wholesome nutrition, using new technologies in catering and high-quality fresh products. Our organization is engaged in the supply of semi-finished products, raw food products, as well as ready meals and food products in thermoses.

We have a compiled menu that meets the needs of a growing organism. If necessary, it can be corrected and supplemented.
The conclusion of an agreement with the supply of ready-made meals or semi-finished products will solve many problems facing the directors and organizers of children's camps, namely: saving money, no need to hire a large number of cooks and kitchen workers, the possibility of redistributing labor between employees, and most importantly, guaranteeing a quality product and compliance with basic requirements for cooking, as well as the absence of food waste and the cost of its destruction.

Thus, catering in a children's camp must solve a lot of tasks, the easy implementation of which can be done by concluding an agreement with our food factory Foodkids.

6.1. Cooking in the camp takes place in mobile army kitchens that work on wood. During the hike, food is cooked on a fire.

6.2. Cooks prepare food in the camp, participants and instructors of the duty department are involved in cooking. Meals during the trips are organized by the instructors of the departments with the involvement of participants in cooking.

6.3. Meals are organized in the camp 4 times a day. Meals are carried out at the same hours with intervals of no more than 4.5 hours. Food is prepared for each meal and sold no later than 1 hour from the moment of its preparation. The same requirements for catering apply to groups located outside the camp (classes, hiking, etc.).

6.4. Nutrition meets the age characteristics of children and adolescents and daily energy consumption in accordance with the nutritional standards for food sets (SanPiN When compiling the camp menu, it is taken into account that in field camps, participants live in more difficult living conditions, with more physical activity, so the caloric content of food in them should be higher than in stationary recreation facilities (at least 3000-3500 kcal / day).

6.5. When compiling the camp menu, special conditions for delivery, food storage, and cooking methods are taken into account.

6.6. Products are stored in specially equipped tents with racks. Canned products (in metal, plastic cans) are stored in food tents that are in the shade and have recesses in the ground inside the tent, lined with boardwalk. In such conditions, the cool temperature necessary for the storage of such products is maintained. Vegetables and fruits are protected in a specially equipped cellar, dug in the ground, with racks. Perishable products are imported as close as possible to the moment of their use, if necessary, they are stored for a short time in equipped places or in large containers in the Taiga Badzhey River (average temperature +9).

6.7. In the camp, in most cases, canned food is used for cooking. In this regard, it is necessary to take all precautions:

storage of canned food is allowed only in specially equipped places, they are used immediately after opening the can;

Prohibited to use products that have changed their appearance, color, smell, texture;

Canned food is used immediately after opening the can. It is not allowed to use low-quality canned food with the presence of rust, swellings (bombing), dents, with smudges, in violation of tightness, with an expired shelf life on the cans;

Follow the rules for food preparation.

6.8. Every day, before starting work in the kitchen, the camp medical worker examines open surfaces of the body, pharynx for the presence of pustular diseases among employees and participants involved in cooking. Persons with pustular skin diseases, festering cuts, burns, abrasions, as well as tonsillitis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, diseases of the eyes, eyelids with purulent discharge are not allowed to cook food.

6.9. The instructor, who participates with his department in the work in the kitchen, monitors the observance of hygiene standards by the participants (clean clothes, washing hands, etc.).

6.10. An instructor participating with his department in the work in the kitchen follows all the instructions of the catering workers.

6.11. Participants are not allowed to work with boiling water, distribute hot food.

6.12. Participants involved in work with open fire (stove, fire), in the preparation and chopping of firewood must be under the supervision of an instructor and comply with all safety rules.

6.13. Meals are provided by department. Delivery of hot food to the tables of the departments, distribution of food to the participants is carried out by the instructor.

6.14. Washing of dishes is carried out centrally by the department on duty. Washing of dishes is carried out in water with the addition of approved detergents and subsequent rinsing with boiled water under the supervision of department instructors, an instructor on duty or an employee of the catering unit. It is possible to use disposable tableware, reuse of disposable tableware is not allowed.

IX. Requirements for catering9.1. The following forms of nutrition can be used to organize meals for children and adolescents of a tourist camp:

a) food of the tourist camp in a nearby (or along the route of movement) public catering organization;

b) imported hot meals;

c) cooking on a fire;

d) use of the field kitchen.

9.2. When catering for children of a tourist camp in a public catering organization, the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering for students in general educational institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, and these sanitary rules must be observed.

9.3. Delivery of food products to the tourist camp is carried out by specialized transport, which has a sanitary passport issued in accordance with the established procedure, subject to the provision of separate transportation of food raw materials and finished food products that do not require heat treatment. It is allowed to use one vehicle for the transportation of heterogeneous food products, provided that the transport is sanitized between flights with the use of disinfectants.

When delivering prepared food, thermal containers are used that are approved for use in contact with food products. Ready first and second courses can be in isothermal containers (thermoses) - for a period of time that ensures that the temperature is not lower than the serving temperature. The delivery time of ready-made meals in thermal containers from the moment of their preparation to sale should not exceed 2 hours.

9.4. Field kitchens are equipped under a canopy or in a frame tent to protect against precipitation and dust. Equipped with cutting tables, cutting boards and chef's knives with the appropriate markings.

9.5. During the camps it is possible to cook on a fire.

9.6. In non-mobile tourist camps, the kitchen is equipped with cutting tables, at least 2 for separate processing of raw and prepared products. Tables must be hygienically coated and labeled for handling raw and finished products. It is allowed to cover tables with oilcloth (it should be replaced if its integrity is violated and as it wears out).

The kitchen equipment also includes:

a) cutting boards and knives with the appropriate markings: "CM" - raw meat, "SR" - raw fish, "SO" - raw vegetables, "VM" - boiled meat, "VR" - boiled fish, "BO" - boiled vegetables, "X" - bread, "Gastronomy", "KS" - raw chickens, "Greens", "Herring". Cutting boards must be made of wood; plastic boards and pressed plywood are not allowed.

b) tanks, cisterns, buckets, (cauldrons), pots, cutlery and other items of kitchen equipment;

c) aprons, bathrobes, scarves in at least two sets for all cooks and kitchen attendants;

d) tanks and buckets with lids for collecting food waste.

For the storage of perishable products, conditions must be provided for their storage at a temperature not exceeding 6 ° C.

Wastewater is discharged from the kitchen and washing rooms into a special pit. Waste water must pass through a filter (a box with a slatted bottom filled with straw, shavings).

9.7. As tableware and cutlery (metal, enameled, faience and others), it is possible to use disposable tableware approved for use in contact with food.

Do not reuse disposable tableware.

9.8. In non-mobile tourist camps, the number of sets of tableware and tea utensils, cutlery should fully ensure the simultaneous boarding of vacationing children and staff without additional processing of dishes and utensils during a meal.

Dining tables should have a hygienic finish that is easy to clean, resistant to high temperatures and disinfectants.

The dining room is cleaned after every meal. Tables are washed with hot water with the addition of detergents, using specially allocated rags and labeled containers.

9.10. In a non-mobile tourist camp, when preparing food, it is necessary to have qualified cooks or officials responsible for food.

9.11. In a non-mobile tourist camp, conditions for separate washing of kitchen and table utensils must be provided: a place is allocated for washing kitchen utensils (boilers, pans, inventory) and a place for washing table utensils; tables for collecting dirty and clean dishes; racks for drying and storage of dishes.

For washing table and tea utensils, cutlery, marked containers are used in an amount of at least 3; for washing kitchen utensils and cutting equipment, a separate marked container is allocated.

For washing dishes, use approved detergents in accordance with the instructions for their use.

Tea utensils, cutlery are washed with hot water (45°С) using detergents in the 1st container, rinsed with hot water (65°С) in the 2nd container. Cutlery gets scalded after washing.

Tableware is processed in the following order:

a) mechanical removal of food residues;

b) washing in the 1st container in water with a temperature not lower than 45 ° C with the addition of detergents in accordance with the instructions;

c) washing in the 2nd container in water with a temperature not lower than 45 ° C and the addition of detergents in an amount 2 times less than in the 1st container;

d) rinsing dishes in the 3rd container with hot water at a temperature not lower than 65°C.

After washing, tableware and tea utensils, cutlery are dried.

Cutting boards and knives after washing must be scalded with boiling water, dried and stored on shelves.

Clean dishes and cutlery are stored on shelves (racks) covered with a clean cloth or gauze. Cutlery is stored handles up; storage in bulk is not allowed.

Rags, brushes for washing dishes after use are boiled for 15 minutes in water with the addition of detergents or soaked in a disinfectant solution approved for use, then rinsed, dried and stored in a specially marked container.

In a mobile tourist camp, in the absence of hot water, use approved detergents intended for washing tableware in cold water, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

9.12. The tourist camp organizes 4 - 5 meals a day with intervals between meals no more than 4 - 4.5 hours. At least 3 meals should be with hot dishes (breakfast, lunch, dinner); two meals (an afternoon snack, a second dinner or a second breakfast) may include juices, tea, fruit and confectionery.

The diet provides for the formation of a set of products intended for feeding children during the day, based on the physiological needs for nutrients (Table 1 of Appendix 4) and the recommended set of products, depending on the age of children (Table 2 of Appendix 4) of these sanitary rules.

9.13. To ensure healthy nutrition, an approximate 10-day menu is drawn up, in accordance with the recommended form (Appendix 5 of these sanitary rules), as well as a layout menu containing quantitative data on the recipe of dishes.

When catering for children in tourist camps (mobile and non-mobile) with a predominance of canned food, the duration of the shift should not exceed 7 days.

9.14. An approximate menu for a tourist camp is developed by the organization organizing meals and approved by the head of the tourist camp or the founder of the tourist camp.

9.15. In an exemplary menu, the requirements of these sanitary rules for the mass of servings of dishes (Table 1 of Appendix 6), their nutritional and energy value (Appendix 4) must be observed.

9.16. An exemplary menu should contain information on the quantitative composition of dishes, the energy and nutritional value of each dish. References to the recipes of the dishes and culinary products used in accordance with the collections of recipes must be provided. The names of dishes and culinary products indicated in the sample menu must correspond to their names indicated in the recipe books used.

9.17. The production of ready meals is carried out in accordance with technological maps, which should reflect the recipe and technology of prepared dishes and culinary products. Technological maps must be drawn up in accordance with the recommendations (Table 2 Appendix 6 of these sanitary rules).

Description of the technological process of cooking, incl. newly developed dishes should contain a recipe and technology that ensures the safety of prepared dishes and their nutritional value.

9.18. In the exemplary menu, the repetition of the same dishes or culinary products on the same day or the next 2-3 days is not allowed.

9.19. An exemplary menu should take into account the rational distribution of energy value for individual meals. The distribution of calories by meals as a percentage of the daily diet should be: breakfast - 20 - 25%, second breakfast - 10%; lunch - 30 - 35%, afternoon tea - 10%, dinner - 25 - 30%.

It is allowed during the day to deviate from the norms of calorie content for individual meals within ± 5%, provided that the average percentage of nutritional value for the wellness shift meets the above requirements for each meal.

9.20. In the daily diet, the optimal ratio of nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1:1:4.

9.21. The actual diet should correspond to the approved sample menu. In exceptional cases, in the absence of the necessary food products, it is allowed to replace them with other products that are equivalent in chemical composition - proteins, fats, carbohydrates (nutrition value) in accordance with the food replacement table (Appendix 7 of these sanitary rules), which must be confirmed by the necessary calculations.

9.22. To prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious and mass non-infectious diseases (poisoning), it is not allowed to use food products and prepare dishes specified in Appendix 8 of these sanitary rules.

9.23. When organizing meals in mobile tourist camps, it is necessary to be guided by the list of products in Annex 9 of these sanitary rules.

Canned meat and fish can only be used for cooking hot food.

9.24. Food products and food raw materials used in nutrition must comply with the requirements for food raw materials and food products and have documents certifying their quality and safety. The accompanying documentation must be retained until the end of the product sale.

The quality of food products and food raw materials is checked by a medical worker or responsible for nutrition, entering information into the raw product rejection log (Table 1 of Appendix 10).

Food products without accompanying documents, expired, with signs of spoilage are not allowed to be accepted.

9.25. Products should be stored in the manufacturer's container. When storing products, expiration dates, storage conditions, and commodity neighborhood rules must be strictly observed. Storing raw foods should be stored separately from cooked foods.

9.26. Vegetables harvested last year (cabbage, onions, carrots, beets) are allowed to be used only after heat treatment.

9.27. Canned products (canned meat and fish, concentrated and condensed milk, etc.) should be used for cooking hot dishes immediately after opening the can.

9.28. In a non-mobile tourist camp, daily samples are left from each batch of prepared dishes, which are stored for at least 48 hours from the end of the period for the sale of dishes in a place specially designated in refrigeration equipment at a temperature of 2 - 6 ° C. A daily sample is taken by a medical worker (or cook) in specially selected, boiled and labeled glass containers with tight-fitting lids.

9.29. Children may be allowed to wash their own dishes.

9.30. The issuance of prepared food is carried out after the sample is taken by a medical worker (responsible person). Evaluation of the quality of dishes is carried out according to organoleptic indicators (the sample is taken directly from the containers in which food is cooked). The results of the grading are recorded in the grading log of finished products of the established form (Table 2 of Appendix 10).

9.31. Food is prepared for each meal and sold no later than 1 hour from the moment of its preparation. Reheating ready meals is not allowed.

9.32. When preparing meals, it is necessary to comply with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and technology for the manufacture of culinary products, the sanitary rules for catering for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education.

9.33. Monitoring the implementation of nutritional standards is carried out by a medical worker or a responsible employee on a daily basis.


Head teacher:

on the procedure for organizing the admission of children to a health camp

1. Responsible for organizing the reception, registration of children is the head of the camp

2. The medical and economic services take part in the work on the reception, registration and registration of children.

Camp leader:

Checks the presence of children, documents, registers arrived children, draws up and accepts children from accompanying persons, completes detachments. All issues that arise during the check-in process are resolved with the principal of the school;

In case of arrival of children after the main start of the camp, conducts briefings with teachers;

Has no right to accept children without a medical examination.

Fulfills an application for transport for the transport of children;

Medical worker:

Organizes the primary medical examination, during which thermometry is carried out, physical examination, patients are identified;

Raises a question before the administration of the camp about the refusal to accept children and adults who arrived without tests, medical records, with contraindications for health reasons;

on the organization of the safe life of children in the detachment(for a teacher, counselor)

To create a safe environment for children to stay in the detachment the educator MUST:

1. Have a list of children by name, surname, necessary information about the child in your pedagogical diary.

2. Ensure complete organization, order, discipline in your detachment, do not let a single child out of sight, and ensure safety measures for the life of children.

3. Exclude unauthorized absences from the detachments; pay attention to the identification of children with deviant behavior.

4. To assist medical workers in identifying sick children by questioning in the morning, in the process of monitoring the nutrition of children. In case of detection of patients, deliver them to the first-aid post or call the health worker on duty at the scene of the incident (disease).

5. Require children to comply with the uniform, shoes for the season; observe in the first days of the shift a sparing regimen of physical and emotional stress.

6. Limit trips and exits of children outside the camp, hikes and trips, children's exposure to the sun in the summer, holding sports events that require an increased load. Strictly observe the daily routine and nutrition of children.

7. Participate in an in-depth medical examination of the children of your detachment, receive from medical workers information on the state of health of children and recommendations for the improvement of children, especially those with chronic diseases.

8. If an infectious patient appears in the detachment, provide medical workers with assistance in conducting a medical examination, examination of contact children.

9. Check for personal hygiene items.

10. In case of fire, evacuate children from the building in accordance with the evacuation plan to a safe place, immediately report the fire to the camp administration. The same measures should be taken in case of any natural disaster, if staying in the building threatens the life and health of children.

11. Children are prohibited from:

Being on the territory of objects under construction, near working mechanisms;

Being without a detachment leader outside the camp;

Without educators to visit food and manufactured goods stores;

Unorganized movement without escort of educators on the roads near the camp.

12. Children must be constantly in the field of view of educators.

13. Any health camp employee who notices a situation that threatens the life and health of children is obliged to report this to the camp administration.

on the organization of the safe transportation of children by road

1. General requirements

1.1. Persons working in the camp and who have been instructed in labor protection are allowed to transport children by road.

1.2. Dangerous factors:

Injury by passing vehicles when entering the roadway, when boarding or exiting the bus;

Bus braking injury.

Children during transportation must be accompanied by caregivers (one adult for 15-13 children).
2. Safety requirements before the start of transportation

2.1. Transportation of children is carried out only on the written order of the head of the camp or the person replacing him.

2.2. The leader appointed for the transportation of children before the trip is obliged to instruct the children on the rules of conduct with an entry in the instruction log.

2.3. Boarding and disembarking of children is carried out under the supervision of the driver and educator only when the bus stops completely and only from the sidewalk, curb or edge of the carriageway through the front door.

2.4. Children should wait for the bus only on the sidewalk, landing area or roadside.

2.5. The number of children transported over a distance of more than 50 km. should not exceed the number of seats.
3. Safety requirements during transportation

3.1. Observe discipline and follow all instructions of the head of the camp, educators or other camp workers.

3.2. While driving, it is not allowed to stand or walk around the bus, lean out of the window and put your hands out the window.

3.3. The movement of buses is carried out by a convoy accompanied by a traffic police car, an ambulance. The speed of buses should not exceed 60 km/h.

3.4. In order to avoid injuries during sudden braking of the bus, it is necessary to rest your feet on the floor of the body and hold on to the handrail of the seat located in front.
4. Safety requirements in emergency situations.

4.1. If a malfunction occurs in the operation of the engine and bus systems, require the driver to stop the bus and take the children out of the passenger compartment.

4.2. If a child is injured, immediately provide first aid to the victim, if necessary, call an ambulance and send him to the nearest medical institution, and also inform the camp administration, the parents of the victim.
5. Safety requirements at the final stop

5.1. Get off the bus only with the permission of the elder towards the sidewalk or roadside. It is forbidden to enter the carriageway and cross the road.

5.2. Check the list for all children.


on safety measures for children during walks, excursions(for the teacher)

1.1. Walks, excursions are allowed for persons who have undergone a medical examination and do not have contraindications for health reasons, as well as instructions on safe behavior during the event.

1.2. When conducting walks, excursions, hiking trips, expeditions, observe the rules of conduct, established modes of promotion and rest.

1.3. Dangerous factors:

* changing the established route of movement, unauthorized leaving the location of the group;

Bites by poisonous reptiles, animals, insects;

* Infection with gastrointestinal infections when drinking water from untested open reservoirs.

1.4. When conducting a walk, an excursion, a group of children must be accompanied by at least two adults.

1.5. In the event of an accident, the victim or eyewitness of the accident must immediately inform the leader of the hike or excursion.

1.6. During a walk, an excursion, it is imperative to have a first aid kit with a set of necessary medicines and dressings to provide first aid to the injured.

1.7. If a non-compliance or violation of the safety instructions by the participants of the hike is detected, the excursions should be conducted with all unscheduled briefings.

2. Safety requirements before walking, excursions

Before conducting a walk, excursion, the detachment educator is OBLIGED:

2.1. Get briefed by the head of the camp.

2.2. Instruct children on the rules of conduct on the bus, in the city, at places of visit.

2.3. Check the appearance of children.

2.4. Make sure the first aid kit is available and complete.

2.5. Check the list for children.

2.6. For a safe crossing of the roadway, check the presence of red flags.

2.8. Have a list of phone numbers if children have mobile phones.
3. Safety requirements during a walk, excursion.

3.1. Observe discipline, do not arbitrarily change the established route.

3.2. Do not make fires during a short rest, a halt in order to avoid burns and forest fires.

3.3. Do not touch animals, reptiles, insects, plants, mushrooms, shrubs.

3.4. When walking, do not take off your shoes and do not walk barefoot.

3.5. To avoid infection with gastrointestinal diseases, use water from a container for drinking, which must be taken with you from the camp.

3.6. The total duration of the walk is 1-4 hours.

3.7. Adults and children should observe the rules of personal hygiene, inform the head of the group or his deputy in a timely manner about the deterioration of health or injuries.

3.8. Respect local traditions and customs, take care of nature, cultural monuments, personal and group property.

Shopping visits;

Boarding the bus by unauthorized persons who are not related to the excursion of the detachment;

Be late and delay the departure of buses;

Change the route of the buses;

Acquisition of any food by children during a sightseeing walk; 3.10. The detachment educator is responsible for:

For the life and health of children during the entire excursion;

For causing material damage to the interior of the bus.
4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In case of injury, provide assistance to the victim, inform the camp administration about this, and, if necessary, send him to the nearest medical institution.

4.2. If any of the children lost sight of him and was not found within 30 minutes, you must contact the nearest police station.

5. Safety requirements at the end of the walk, excursion

5.1. Check the list for all children.

5.2. Upon returning from a hike, excursions take a shower or wash your face and hands with soap.

on child safety during sports competitions

1. General safety requirements

1.1. Persons who have passed a medical examination and briefing on labor protection are allowed to participate in sports competitions.

12. Participants in sports competitions are required to comply with the rules of their conduct.

1.3. During the conduct of sports competitions, the following hazards may affect their participants:

Injuries during sports competitions with the use of faulty sports equipment and equipment;

Fall injuries on slippery ground or hard surfaces;

Injuries during long jumps or high jumps with an unprepared jump pit;

Injuries from collisions while running or playing sports;

Conducting competitions without a warm-up.

1.4. Sports competitions must be held in sportswear and sports shoes appropriate for the type of competition, season and weather.

1.5. During sports competitions, a first-aid kit must be equipped with the necessary medicines and dressings to provide first aid to the injured.

1.6. Each accident with participants in sports competitions must be immediately reported to the head of the competition, first aid should be provided to the injured, if necessary, sent to the nearest medical institution. In case of malfunction of sports equipment and equipment, the competition should be stopped and the head of the competition should be informed about it.

1.7. During sports competitions, participants must comply with the rules for wearing sportswear and sports shoes, as well as personal hygiene rules.

1.8. Persons who have failed to comply with or violate the instructions on labor protection are subject to disciplinary liability, they are given an extraordinary briefing on the rules of labor protection and according to this instruction.

2. Safety requirements before the start of the competition

2.1. Wear sportswear and sports shoes with non-slip soles.

2.2. Check the serviceability and reliability of the installation of sports equipment and equipment.

2.3. Carefully loosen the sand in the jump pit - the landing site, check the absence of foreign objects in the sand.

2.4. Do a workout.

2.5. Apply to a physical education and sports instructor for sports competitions certified by a doctor.
3. Safety requirements during the competition

3.1. To start competitions and finish them only at the signal (command) of the judge of the competition.

3.2. Do not violate the rules of the competition, strictly follow all the commands (signals) given by the judge of the competition.

3.3. Avoid collisions with other competitors, avoid pushing and hitting their arms and legs.

3.4. When falling, it is necessary to group up to avoid injury.
4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of a malfunction of sports equipment and equipment, stop the competition and inform the judge of the competition about it. Competitions will continue only after the malfunction has been eliminated or the sports equipment and equipment have been replaced.

4.2. If the child feels unwell, stop participating in sports competitions and inform the judge of the competition about this.

4.3. If a competitor is injured, immediately inform the judge of the competition, provide first aid to the injured, if necessary, send him to the nearest medical facility.
5. Safety requirements at the end of the competition

5.1. Check the list for the presence of all participants in the competition.

5.2. Remove sports equipment and equipment to the designated place.

5.3. Take off sports clothes and sports shoes and take a shower or wash your face and hands thoroughly with soap and water.

on safety measures for children during mass events

1. In each case of holding events on a camp-wide scale, it is necessary to prepare an order for the camp, defining the whole range of affairs and tasks, including those responsible for one or another section of the camp-wide event: seating, accommodation and care of children, compliance with security measures, material and technical and medical support, security of the event. In case of inclement weather, a back-up option for indoor events is being developed.

2. The person responsible for holding a mass event is obliged to check the venue, providing for all safety measures for children. It is necessary to conduct a targeted briefing on labor protection to designated responsible persons with an entry in the briefing log at the workplace.

3. Premises where mass events are held must be provided with a first aid kit for first aid in case of injuries.

4. Windows where public events are held should not have blind bars.

5. The heads of the relevant departments and services are required to first check the readiness and safety of the venue for the celebration: seats for spectators, platforms for speakers, reliability and safety of various structures, sources and conductors of electric current, pyrotechnics, etc.

6. The arrival of children at the venue of the events and the departure from it must be carried out in an organized manner, with all precautions observed.

7. During the general camp events, holidays, the presence of medical workers and ambulances is mandatory.

8. If a participant in a mass event is injured, immediately inform the responsible duty officer and the camp administration about it, provide first aid to the victim, and, if necessary, send him to the nearest medical institution.

    Children are FORBIDDEN:

Come dressed not for the weather;

Move after seating;

To allow gross pranks, throwing various objects;

Run around the benches, leave without the permission of the detachment leader.

PROHIBITED holding fireworks, using other pyrotechnics in the immediate vicinity of children!

on child safety in the organization and

conducting hiking trips

1. General Provisions

1.1. Tourist trips are carried out in order to activate the health-improving process, unite the children's team, develop the initiative and independence of children, instill in them tourist knowledge, skills, and acquaintance with the history and territory of their native land.

1.2. Hikes, as a rule, are held no earlier than on the sixth day of the children's stay in the camp (after passing a medical examination) and no later than three days before departure from the camp.

1.3. Persons who have passed a medical examination and have no contraindications for health reasons, as well as instructions on safe behavior during the event, are allowed to hike.

1.4. When conducting tourist trips, observe the rules of conduct, established modes of movement and rest.

1.5. Dangerous factors:

Scuffs of the legs with the wrong selection of shoes;

Injury to the legs when moving without shoes, as well as without trousers, socks;

Bites by poisonous reptiles, animals and insects;

Poisoning by poisonous plants, fruits, mushrooms;

Infection with gastrointestinal infections when drinking water from untested open reservoirs.

2. Requirements for participants of a tourist trip

2.1. The age of participants in non-categorical hikes, expeditions, multi-day long-distance (outside the region, city, district) excursions is determined by the camp administration, based on pedagogical expediency, but not younger than 13 years.

2.2. To accompany groups of participants in the amount of 6-25 people, two adults (leader and deputy) are required.

2.3. The hiker is required to:

Actively participate in the preparation of the campaign;

Strictly observe discipline, as well as carry out the assignments assigned to him by the marching group;

Timely and efficiently follow the instructions of the head of the campaign and his deputy;

To know and strictly follow the safety rules on trips, including fire safety rules, rules of behavior on the water, ways to prevent injuries;

Timely inform the leader of the campaign and his deputy about the deterioration in the state of health or injury to a child or adult.

2.4. The travel participant has the right to:

Use the tourist equipment of the camp;

Participate in the selection and development of the route;

After the end of the trip, discuss the actions of any of the participants at the meeting of the marching group.

3. Requirements for the leader of the campaign and his deputy

3.1. The leader of the trip is appointed by the administration of the children's camp, which organizes the trip.

3.2. The leader (head) of the campaign may be persons from among the leaders who participated in this type of campaign. If three or more tourist groups participate in a tourist trip and their routes and traffic schedules basically coincide, then the overall management of these groups may be entrusted to a specially appointed senior leader (chief) of the trip.

3.3. The head and senior head are responsible for the life and health of children, the safety of the trip, for the implementation of the action plan, the content and organization of recreational, educational and cognitive activities, for the implementation of fire safety rules, nature protection, historical and cultural monuments.

3.4. The leader (chief) of the campaign, as well as the senior leader, bear disciplinary responsibility for violation of this instruction, unless these violations entail other liability provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.5. The leader must before the start of the trip:

Ensure the staffing of the group taking into account physical and technical readiness (together with medical workers, study the medical records of the hikers, get relevant recommendations from the doctors, a list of children in need of special attention, complete the camping first-aid kit, check the hikers for the availability and compliance with weather conditions of shoes, head headwear, clothing);

Check the availability of the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure the safety of the hikers (to study the data of the preparatory tourist classes and the data of tourist competitions);

Organize the preparation of documents (itinerary in triplicate, certified and agreed with the camp director, deputy director for educational work, doctor, camp instructor);

Ensure the selection of the necessary equipment and food (check, no later than three days in advance, setting up the group for dry rations, ordering the necessary transport).

3.6. The leader is obliged together with the participants of the campaign:

Make a map of the route of safe movement (parking places, sources of drinking water, transport entrances, historical and geographical sights). When choosing a route, it is necessary to know this route by the leader (head of the campaign) or his deputy;

Get from the instructors a plan of the necessary activities carried out on the route (set checkpoints and dates).

3.7. The leader is obliged in the campaign:

Strictly follow the approved route;

Take the necessary measures aimed at ensuring the safety of participants, up to changing the route or stopping the trip due to hazards, natural phenomena or other circumstances, as well as in cases where it is necessary to provide assistance to the victims;

Take urgent measures to deliver injured or sick hikers to the nearest medical facility;

Report the accident to the camp administration;

In case of temporary division of the group, appoint (but not more than eight hours) in each subgroup of their deputies from among the most prepared participants (subgroups must be at least four people, including one adult).

4. Responsibilities of camp officials in organizing and conducting hikes.

4.1. Camp Director:

Appoints by order of the camp leader of the campaign and his deputy;

Submits applications for de-energizing and receiving dry rations, for transport (if necessary);

4.2. Warehouse manager:

4.3. Deputy director for educational work:

Controls the preparation of meaningful, educational and recreational activities;

Controls the activities of the children who remained in the camp and were not allowed to hike;

Certifies the completed itinerary sheet.

Provides camping groups with the necessary equipment;

Controls and monitors the condition of tourist equipment.

4.4. Canteen manager:

Provides hiking groups with food at the preliminary request of the camp director (in case the group does not leave the camp, the dining room should have a supply of food for preparing food for the hike participants; the leader of the hike must hand over dry rations to the dining room).

4.5. Camp Doctor:

Organizes a thorough examination of the participants of the campaign;

Approves the lists of participants in the campaign;

Assigns a medical worker to participate in the hike (at the rate of 1 medical worker for two or more hiking groups, if the routes and schedules of the groups are the same);

Certifies the completed itinerary sheet.

4.6. Tourism Instructor:

Coordinates the opening of tourist camps with the sanitary service of the camp;

Carries out educational and training work with participants of marching groups in preparation for the hike;

Controls compliance with the requirements of TB, these instructions and compliance with the rules of nature protection;

Informs tourists on the route about emerging non-standard situations;

Conducts consultations and briefings with the head (chief) of the campaign and his deputy at the time of preparing the exits. Indicates the optimal schedules and mode of movement, halt and parking places, sources of drinking water, gives recommendations for the employment of participants in the trip on the route, in accordance with the goals and objectives of the exit.

4.7. The instructor has the right to prohibit the trip:

On a route that does not meet safety requirements;

In the event of various non-standard situations at the time of the group's passage along the route, organizing its return to the camp.

on the organization of the safe stay of children in the classroom

1. The teacher is obliged to bring the children to class in an organized manner and transfer them according to the list to the teacher of additional education. At the end of the lesson, meet the children at the detachment place, check the list for the presence of all children.

2. In the classroom, the teacher of additional education is personally responsible for the safety of children.

3. The room must be completely excluded from the possibility of electric shock, chemicals, explosives, high pressure.

5. Each classroom should have a safety instruction, according to which children are instructed before starting work. The teacher of additional education is responsible for the implementation of the instruction and compliance with it by the children.

6. During the period of being at the workplace, the teacher of additional education is obliged to strictly observe the instructions on labor protection.

7. When organizing and conducting thematic cases, tournaments and other events for a group of children consisting of representatives of different teams, the teacher of additional education is responsible for accompanying the children to the team place and handing them over to the leader according to the list.

8. The teacher of additional education is obliged to strictly observe the daily routine, the mode of ventilation of the premises, to maintain proper sanitary and hygienic order in the classrooms.

on the procedure for employees to act in case of detection of the absence of a child on the territory

1. squad leader, in which the child is missing:

During the first half hour, organizes the search for the child in the territory of the children's camp;

Collects complete information about the child, information about the parents, events preceding the absence of the child, his mood and intentions, determines the possible location;

Notifies the head of the camp about the incident if the child is not found within half an hour;

Participates in the further search for the child.

2. Head of the camp:

Within half an hour, organizes the search for the child by the educators of the health camp, including outside it;

Notifies the police, constantly keeps in touch with them;

Organizes a further search for the child, outside the camp, informs the parents of the child about what happened, about the measures taken to search for the child.


1 . Accidents under investigation:

Injuries, including those resulting from bodily injury to others

Acute poisoning and infectious disease;

Heat stroke, burn

Drowning, electric shock, lightning;

Bites by insects and reptiles;

Bodily injury caused by animals;

Damage resulting from explosions, accidents, destruction of buildings, structures and structures;

Natural disasters and other emergencies that entailed the need for outpatient or inpatient treatment of a child (children) in medical institutions or the provision of medical care at a trauma center.

2. The victim or eyewitness immediately notifies the head of the camp (another official) about each accident.

3. The head of the camp must:

Urgently organize first aid for the victim, his delivery to the first-aid post or other medical institution;

Report the incident to the management of a higher institution (if any), the parents of the victim or his legal representatives;

In case of electric shock, report to the State Energy Supervision Inspectorate;

In case of acute poisoning and infectious diseases, bites by wild, stray animals or rodents, report to the territorial center of sanitary and epidemiological supervision;

Request a conclusion from a medical institution on the nature and severity of the injury to the victim;

Appoint an accident investigation commission consisting of: a chairman - a representative of a higher institution and members of the commission

(specialist in labor protection, representative of the trade union committee, authorized representative for labor protection, representative of the health camp - not responsible for the safety of the life of the victim).

4. The Accident Investigation Commission is obliged to:

Within three days, investigate the circumstances and causes of the accident, identify and interview eyewitnesses and persons who committed violations of life safety rules, and, if possible, obtain explanations from the victim;

Draw up an accident report in 3 copies;

Develop measures to prevent and eliminate the causes of accidents
case, sign the act and submit it to the head for approval.

Explanations of eyewitnesses, the victim and other documents characterizing the state of the accident scene (presence of harmful and dangerous factors, medical report and other documents) are attached to the act. If the cause of the injury was a fire or a traffic accident, it is necessary to obtain the conclusion of the fire authorities or the traffic police.

5. The head of the camp, within three days after the end of the investigation, approves three copies of the act. Leave one copy of the act in the camp, one copy each - to a higher institution and to the victim (his parents or legal representatives).

6. About an accident involving two or more victims, regardless of the severity of bodily injury, or an accident with a fatal outcome, the head of the camp must immediately report:

The management of the higher organization;

Parents of the victim or his legal representatives;

Law enforcement agencies at the place where the accident occurred;

To the state body for managing labor protection of the constituent entity of the Federation, depending on the territorial location of the camp;

To the territorial (branch) committee of the trade union.


1. Basic rules for providing Nerpa assistance to the victim:

1.1. Eliminate the impact on the body of damaging factors that threaten the health and life of the victim.

1.2. Determine the nature and severity of the injury, the greatest threat to the life of the victim and the sequence of measures to save him.

1.3. Perform the necessary measures to save the victim in order of importance (restore airway patency, perform artificial respiration, external heart massage, restore bleeding, etc.)

1.4. Support the victim's basic life functions until the arrival of a medical worker.

1.5. Called, an ambulance or a doctor, or take steps to transport the victim to the nearest medical facility.

1.6. Save!: The ps of the victim from the action of an electric current in most cases depends on the speed and correctness of the assistance provided to him. Delay may result in the death of the victim.

1.7. In case of electric shock, death is often clinical (“imaginary”), so you should never refuse to help the victim.

1.8. Only a doctor has the right to decide on the advisability or futility of providing assistance to the victim or to make a conclusion about his death.

2. If a person remains energized:

Try to cordon off the situation, determine the location of the current source and the possibility of turning it off. Turn off the electricity;

If possible, plow the person by the clothes by wrapping your hand with any dry cloth (required with one hand) like this. so as not to fall under the influence of current;

If the person has not lost consciousness, but cannot tear himself away from the wire, shout to him to jump on the spot. Pull him sharply by his clothes, throwing him back from the wire:

When a high-voltage wire breaks and touches a person, approach with small steps, jump on one or both shifted legs together so as not to fall under the stepping movement.

3. If thunder started:

Try to hide in small hollows, ditches, avoiding open places. Walk, don't run

If a thunderstorm is over the vamp, it is best to lie down on the ground.

4. When bleeding

In case of severe arterial bleeding (blood has a bright red color), apply a tourniquet above the wound, closer to the wound site, placing a clean cloth under it, and tighten it until the bleeding stops completely;

Place a note under the tourniquet indicating the time of its application (no more than 1 - 1.5 hours). The tourniquet cannot be covered with a bandage, clothing;

In case of venous bleeding (the blood has a dark color) - to temporarily stop the bleeding, the limb is lifted up and a pressure bandage is applied to the wound.

5. For nosebleeds:

Do not tilt your head back, but tilt it forward, while keeping the body in a straight position, unfasten the collar and belt;

Blow your nose, clean the nasal cavity from mucus and coagulated blood clots, but it is better to do this under running water;

Pinch the nostrils with your fingers, thumb and forefinger for ten minutes;

Put a cold compress on the nose and back of the head;

You can put a cotton or gauze swab in your nose. If bleeding continues after 5-7 minutes, close your nostrils again and call your doctor.

6. For sunstroke:

In case of slight overheating, take the patient to a cool ventilated place, unfasten the collar, belt, remove shoes;

Moisten his face and head with cold water;

Give some mineral or lightly salted water to drink;

Lay down the patient, raising his head; give cold drink and undress;

Put a towel moistened with cold water on your head, and apply cold lotions to the neck area;

Before the arrival of the doctor, cool the body with cold lotions, let's drink only after the patient comes to his senses.

7. When stung by insects (wasps, bees, etc.):

When stinging, remove the sting with tweezers or nails along with the poisonous sac (carefully so as not to crush the sac before removing the sting);

Put a bubble of water in place of the edema;

Pain and inflammation are relieved by: an alcohol compress, lotions from grated raw potatoes, rubbing a stung place with a fresh slice of garlic;

If a wasp accidentally gets into your mouth, you need to suck on pieces of ice, drink very chilled water;

Itching from the bite of mosquitoes, bees (ambassadors of pulling out the sting) can be eliminated by rubbing the skin with ammonia, a solution of baking soda (0.5 teaspoon per glass of water), or a cut onion, a clove of garlic, slurry of table salt or dandelion milky juice.

9. When a dog bites:

Don't try to stop the bleeding immediately (bleeding will help clear the dog's saliva from the wound);

Rinse the wound with clean water;

Disinfect the skin around the bite several times with iodine, potassium permanganate solution, cologne, apply a bandage

10. In case of a fracture of the limbs:

Provide rest to the fracture site;

If the fracture is open and there is bleeding, stop it with a pressure bandage or tourniquet.

11. When fainting:

Lay the victim on his back with his head down and his legs up. Unbutton the collar and belt, spray your face with water;

Let inhale vapors of ammonia, cologne, vinegar;

In a stuffy room, open a window, provide fresh air,

12. In case of electric shock (lightning):

Release the victim from the action of electric current, using improvised means (board, stick, dry clothes, objects that do not conduct current), turn off the voltage with a knife switch;

If the victim is conscious, without visible severe burns and injuries, lay him on his back, unfasten clothing that restricts breathing;

Do not allow to move, do not give to drink (this will cause vomiting and respiratory failure);

In the absence of consciousness, but breathing is preserved, lay the victim on his side on a hard horizontal surface, provide fresh air. Spray with water, rub and warm the body;

If breathing and heartbeat are disturbed, immediately begin artificial respiration and chest compressions, do not stop them until spontaneous breathing and pupillary constriction appear or until a doctor arrives

13. For pain in the region of the heart:

The patient should be put to bed and a doctor should be called.

14. For pain in the abdomen:

After putting the patient to bed, call the doctor;

Do not take other measures on your own.

Notes. Having rendered first aid to the victim, the counselor must necessarily consult a doctor.

Day camp "Romashka" at MBOU Kalininskaya sosh

on compliance with safe behavior and stay on the territory

camps and beyond

During your stay in the recreation camp "Romashka" during the shift,

administration, teaching staff kindly ask you observe the following safety regulations:

1. Do not leave the territory of the camp without the accompaniment of counselors, other teachers, do not go on your own to the forest zone, to the reservoir, to the highway, to construction sites.

2. During the movement of the detachment outside the camp, at the head of the movement and the trailing ones are the leaders, the movement is carried out in formation.

3. Do not enter places marked with signs "Dangerous", "Entrance prohibited for unauthorized persons", "Dangerous for life", etc.

4. Do not go into ditches, trenches, do not jump over a ravine, do not climb roofs, do not sit on railings, windows, fences.

5. Go around the places where work is carried out and where materials and production waste are located.

6. Do not violate the sanitary and hygienic standards (wash your hands before eating, ventilate the living quarters, keep the premises clean, take a shower daily, etc.).

7. When bathing in showers, do not play pranks, do not throw soap and other objects on the floor - all this can lead to accidents.

8. While on duty in the dining room, do not go into the brewhouse, dishwasher, or bread slicer. Be especially careful when carrying utensils with food. Wipe up spilled food on the floor immediately to avoid falling and injury.

9. If you are the first to discover an emergency, immediately notify the counselor on duty, any adult you meet on the way.

10. In the dining room, cinema and concert hall, in the rooms in case of an emergency, do not panic, do not create a crush, do not shout, listen to the adults who are next to you. To make it easier to navigate in the building, study all the exits from the building in the first days of the shift. In the event of an immediate evacuation, follow the evacuation rules, try to stay close to the squad or adults.

11. Do not eat food brought from home or purchased on the way to the camp, they may lose quality, leading to food poisoning.

12. Meat, fish, dairy products, as well as expired products from parents and relatives are not accepted!

13. Don't drink water from untested sources.

14. Do not eat unfamiliar fruits and berries that grow around the camp and in its environs.

15. Do not buy food, souvenirs from strangers.

16. In case of illness, be sure to contact the counselors, other teachers or immediately to the medical center.

17. Do not use medicines brought from home without a doctor's instructions.

18. While being treated in the camp's isolation ward, in the city hospital, do not leave medical facilities on your own; for walks, choose safe places near the medical institution, be sure to inform the medical staff about your whereabouts.

19. Periodically inspect clothes, shoes from the outside and inside for ticks. If a tick sticks to the body, immediately contact the medical staff, never try to remove the tick yourself. Be sure to measure body temperature (morning and evening) for 10 days after the tick bites.

20. If you find people you do not know in the camp, in the buildings, immediately notify the workers, the duty leader, the director of the camp.

on safety at work

1. Before starting work:

1.1. Before starting work, go through the briefing, get the inventory.

1.2. Mandatory overalls: closed shoes with low heels.

1.3. The nature of the possible injuries:

Injuries to the legs with equipment (shovel, rake);

Injuries with sharp objects in the ground (broken glass or metal);

clogged eyes;

Stretching of the ligaments of the muscles of the legs or dislocation of the joint of the foot (if the shoes are with heels or

easy open).

2. During work.

2.1. To prevent injury, use safety measures at work:

Digging with a shovel or working with a rake is necessary only in closed shoes with low heels;

Do not place the hoe and rake in the working area with the cutting part or teeth up. Equipment must be placed away from the place of work and in such a way as to prevent the possibility of injury. The blade of the hoe and the teeth of the rake must be stuck into the ground or installed at the support with the working body up and away from the person;

Do not pick the ground with your bare hands - you can cut your finger on glass or stumble on a piece of sharp metal object;

Do not throw inventory to each other, but pass it from hand to hand. Do not swing the inventory, you can accidentally hook someone.

Do not push, as on an uneven surface of the site you can twist your leg and get injured.

3. Upon completion of work:

3.1. At the end of the work, collect the inventory and take it to a place specially designated for its storage, put it in a safe position. Wash your hands with soap and take a shower.

on safety during the trip and stays on excursions

1. Before going on an excursion:

1.1. Before leaving for the tour, you must dress appropriately for the weather and season.

1.2. Remember that the first places on the bus are occupied by those who usually feel bad in transport.

2. During the trip and stay on the excursion:

2.1. While the bus is in motion, it is forbidden to walk around the cabin, change seats, lean out of the windows.

2.2. During the trip, you must remember that the excursion program does not include visits to industrial and food stores. Remember that it is forbidden to buy food from retail stalls (ice cream, pies, hot dogs, pizza, etc.)!

2.3. While moving around the city, in the museum premises, do not leave your squad.

2.4. When crossing streets, follow the rules of traffic, use footpaths, underground passages.

2.5. Observe ethical standards of behavior (do not throw garbage, do not shout, etc.).

2.6. Do not forget that the collection for an organized departure is assigned at a certain place and at a certain time (information is given during the briefing). In case you are late to the gathering place due to unforeseen circumstances, you need to go to the gathering place, there the counselors will be waiting for you.

2.7. If you have any problems and you can’t return to the gathering place (for example, you get lost!), contact the police, people working in government institutions, and in no case turn to strangers on the city streets for help. Remember the camp phone: 2-66-51 and the police phone: 02 and 102

3. At the end of the tour:

3.1. When returning from an excursion, do not leave rubbish on the bus, do not forget your belongings.

3.2. When boarding the bus and at the end of the trip, do not forget to greet the driver and other adults accompanying you on the tour.

on safety when working with fabric

1. When working with needles and pins:

Sewing with a thimble;

Keep needles and pins in a certain place (special box, pillow, etc.), do not leave them at the workplace (it is forbidden to take needles, pins in your mouth!);

It is forbidden to sew with a rusty needle;

You can not attach patterns to the fabric with the sharp ends of the pins in the direction from the worker.

2. When working with scissors:

Store scissors in a specific place. Lay them with closed blades directed away from the worker.

3. When working with an iron:

Turning on and off the electric iron to the network without the supervision of a teacher is prohibited;

Put the iron on an asbestos, marble or special stand on an ironing board;

Monitor the normal operation of the iron, report any malfunctions to the teacher;

Make sure that the iron does not touch the cord;

In a room with concrete floors, be sure to stand on a rubber mat during ironing;

Turn off the iron by holding the plug;

on safety when working with paints, brushes, cutting tools, glue,
varnish, stain and paste

1. When working with scissors, cutters:

Keep scissors and cutters in a certain place;

Put and pass scissors with closed blades directed away from the worker, and the cutter with a closed blade;

Cut paper, straw, cardboard on special boards, observe the angle of the cutter to the ruler;

Take the utmost care.

2. When working with paints, brushes, varnish, stain and paste:

Put on overalls (aprons) before work;

When working with varnish, glue, stain, paste, make sure that these substances do not get on the skin of the hands and other parts of the body.

The room after working with varnish, stain should be thoroughly ventilated;

Working with various tools and materials (stack, brush, paint, clay, plasticine), use them for their intended purpose.

according to the rules of safety of personal and state property

1. Listen carefully to the counselor's information about the rules for storing personal property, cash.

2. Do not leave window vents, entrance and balcony doors open.

3. Do not leave the keys under the door, behind the bars, in other places. The keys should always be with the teacher or the duty officer of the detachment, he is responsible for the timely closing and opening of residential premises.

5. Don't take large sums of money.

6. Do not allow strangers to visit your rooms.

7. Valuables (cameras, camcorders, tape recorders, players, gold and silver jewelry, expensive watches, sports equipment, binoculars) should be stored in a storage room or carried with you.

8. If you find other people's things or money, display an announcement about the find and return them to the owner. It will be a noble act of you.

RULES FOR VISITING CHILDREN(reminder for parents)

1. It is necessary to observe the time allotted for visiting children, after which the child must be transferred under the responsibility of the educator.

2. It is forbidden to take other children of the detachment without the knowledge of the teacher, for example, children of relatives, acquaintances, etc.

5. Please express your wishes regarding your child to educators and doctors.

6. The legal responsibility of the health camp for the safety of the life and health of the child ceases from the moment it is transferred from the educator to the parents (persons replacing them) for the duration of the visit. The fact of the transfer and return of the child are the signatures of the parents (persons replacing them) and the educator on the application.


1. The rights and obligations of children and adolescents during their stay in health camp
1.1. Children and adolescents HAVE THE RIGHT:

The choice of activities, the implementation of creative, cognitive interests;

To participate in the management of activities in the system of self-government and co-management bodies;

To respect one's own human dignity;

To freedom of thought, conscience, religion;

To freely express one's own views and beliefs;

To search, receive and transmit information of any kind;

In the event of a conflict situation, demand from the camp administration its objective assessment in taking effective measures;

To protect their life and health, property;

To receive qualified medical care in case of illness or injury;

Ask for clarification of emerging problems on issues of life, nutrition, medical care;

To protect the rights and freedoms defined by the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

1.2. Children and adolescents MUST:

Treat health camp workers with respect;

Do not take actions that are harmful to your health and the health of others, in case of illness, immediately notify your educator, counselor or medical worker;

Fulfill sanitary and hygienic requirements for the care of oneself, one's personal property;

Do not leave the territory without the accompaniment of an educator, counselor;

Take part in self-service work (cleaning the bed and premises, territory, dining room duty);

Follow the daily routine established in the children's health camp;

Take care of nature and vegetation;

Treat property with care, in case of damage, reimburse the cost of losses.

Immediately inform the educator, counselor, camp director about the occurrence of a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people, cases of injury;

Do not allow actions, verbal expressions, deeds that offend the dignity of another person;

Wherein prohibited: smoking, drinking alcohol, walking independently outside the territory without the accompaniment of a teacher. It is strictly forbidden to encroach on the property of other people and state property.

Violation of one or more of the above rules entails expulsion from the camp and sending home at the expense of the parents

2. The rights and obligations of the camp administration in relation to children and

2.1. The administration of the camp in relation to children and adolescents HAS THE RIGHT:

Inform parents about cases of violation of these requirements, in exceptional cases - to expel the teenager and send him to the place of residence at the expense of the parents or the sending organization;

In the event of proven damage to the property of the camp, recover from the parents (persons replacing them) in a legal manner the amount of "damage caused;

Refuse to admit a teenager due to a deviation due to age or medical reasons.
2.2. The camp administration MUST:

Create sanitary and living conditions for children and adolescents in accordance with federal norms and requirements;

Ensure the protection of the life and health of the child;

Provide medical care, conditions for health promotion;

Ensure high-quality implementation of the health-improving and educational process;

Ensure the protection of the property rights of a teenager;

Do not force a teenager to join public, socio-political organizations and parties, as well as to participate in campaigns and political actions;

In case of emergencies (natural disasters, military operations, etc.), ensure the immediate evacuation and delivery of the child with an accompanying person to a permanent place of residence;

In case of a reasonable petition of a group of children about the non-compliance of the teacher, replace him with another one;

3. Rights and obligations of parents (persons replacing them)
3.3. Parents have the RIGHT:

Get acquainted with the conditions of stay in the camp, the requirements for the child, the content of the program;

Protect the legal rights and interests of the child, in case of receiving negative information from him;

Contact the camp administration or the higher organization in charge of the camp with proposals for improving its activities;

Obtain information about the well-being of the child from caregivers.

3.4. Parents (persons replacing them) are OBLIGED:

Inform the child about the requirements for him during his stay in the camp;

Teach the child basic sanitary and hygienic skills;

Protect the legal rights and interests of the child in the manner prescribed by law;

Give the child the necessary things for the trip;

Inform the accompanying children's group (educator, camp director) about the individual characteristics of the child;

In case of damage to the camp due to unruly behavior or actions of the child, reimburse the cost of the damage caused;

Contribute to the implementation of uniform pedagogical requirements and internal regulations during a visit to the camp;

Inform the director of the camp, the counselor in writing about the planned absence of the child in the camp for family reasons;

Warn the child about the possible consequences of communicating with strangers and leaving the camp without permission.

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