Products for the nursing mother of a newborn. Vegetables in the diet of a nursing mother. Flour and cereal dishes

During breastfeeding, a woman should correctly make up the diet, because food directly affects the development and well-being of the child. Together with breast milk, every element of the food that the mother consumes enters the body of the newborn. Food can be beneficial and saturate the body with vitamins, or it can cause allergies, poisoning and severe colic in the baby.

The foods you eat also affect the course of lactation. Some increase the production of milk, while others, on the contrary, reduce it. Some foods change the taste and quality of breast milk. Sometimes this leads to the fact that the child does not take the breast and refuses mother's milk.

Proper nutrition will ensure the necessary amount of breast milk, health and the child. The baby will develop and grow rapidly, and the mother will soon recover after childbirth.

Nutrition Basics

  • A reasonable approach is the main rule of nutrition for a nursing mother. Overeating leads to severe indigestion and stool disorders in both the child and the woman. Even the most useful foods in excess are harmful;
  • For the first month, follow a hypoallergenic diet that will protect your baby from allergies and stomach problems. You will find a list of allowed foods for hypoallergenic nutrition;
  • From the second month, start introducing new foods. Try each new product individually at intervals of 2-3 days to accurately determine the reaction of the baby. In the absence of negative consequences, eat the product further and gradually increase the dose. If negative, stop eating this food for four weeks. Then try again;
  • Drink more fluids. Warm drink stimulates milk production, cleanses the body and removes toxins. Nursing mothers need to consume at least two liters per day, with half of the volume coming from water. Without harm to the baby and with benefits for lactation, they drink green tea and natural juices, fruit drinks and compotes. Don't forget that broths and soups also contain liquid;

  • Carefully introduce foods containing cow protein into the diet, including eggs and cow's milk. Start trying eggs from the yolk, if necessary, switch to quail. Cow's milk is not recommended to drink in the first months of lactation.
  • It is important that the menu is rich in vitamins and nutrients. Don't follow a rigid diet. Strict food restrictions will lead to a lack of substances and vitamins, and will negatively affect health and well-being. But remember the measure and do not pass!;
  • Eat stewed and baked foods, steamed foods, avoid fried and overly spicy foods.
  • Limit your intake of flour and sweets;
  • Eliminate alcohol and carbonated drinks, canned food, food with the addition of dyes and chemicals from the diet. They cause serious illness, intoxication and developmental abnormalities;
  • When breastfeeding, you can not eat mushrooms, pickles and marinades. A large amount of salt and vinegar lead to poisoning. And mushrooms are too heavy a product for digestion;
  • In cooking, it is not recommended to use seasonings and spices, a large amount of salt and pepper. For taste and saturation, you can add parsley or dill, low-fat sour cream. Mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces are prohibited foods during breastfeeding.

List of products and consumption rate

Product groups Daily rate Allowed Forbidden
Meat and meat products 200-300 grams Beef and rabbit meat, white poultry meat (turkey and chicken), homemade ground beef or chicken Pork and smoked meat, veined meat and lard, sausage and ham, semi-finished products (sausages, purchased dumplings, cutlets, etc.), canned food
Fish 200-300 grams Low-fat varieties (pollock, cod, etc.) Fatty and salty varieties (mackerel, herring), crab sticks, shrimp and other seafood, canned food
Dairy and dairy products 0.5 l of fermented milk drinks; 100-150 g of cottage cheese; 20-30 g of cheese; 20 g of sour cream Yoghurts and cheeses, sour cream and cottage cheese without additives and fillers with a fat content of less than 5%, kefir after six months, goat's milk Salted and processed cheeses, fermented milk products with additives, drink cow's milk after 4-5 months, cream and glazed curds
Eggs One chicken or four quail In the absence of allergies, you can up to two pieces per week, in case of allergies, replace with quail (up to 8 pieces per week) Chicken eggs for bovine protein allergy
Fruit 200-300 grams Pears, apples and bananas; in the absence of allergies - lemon Fruits from exotic countries, bright colors (red, orange fruits)
Vegetables and greens 500-600 grams Cauliflower and cucumbers, potatoes and zucchini, parsley and dill; with care - carrots and beets, tomatoes and eggplants Onion and garlic (possible in a small amount for 4-6 months), radish and horseradish, white cabbage and bell pepper, radish; sage and basil impair lactation
Sweets and flour products 200 grams of bran bread Bitter chocolate and creamy ice cream without additives (if there is no allergy to cow protein); marshmallow and white marshmallow; oatmeal and biscuit cookies, homemade not too sweet pastries from unleavened dough (apple or pear pie, pita bread); bread with bran Pastries and ice cream with the addition of glaze, dyes and other chemicals, sweet chocolate and biscuits, fancy products and white bread, jams and jams from fruits or berries of bright colors.
Cereals (cereals) and pasta 100 - 150 grams Rice, buckwheat and oatmeal, corn grits, cereals on the water; milk porridge for 4-5 months, pasta without egg additives Semolina (not earlier than 6 months), egg-based pasta
Vegetable fats and sauces 15 gr vegetable oil; 30 gr butter Vegetable (sunflower, olive, sesame, etc.) and butter Ketchup and mayonnaise, sauces, margarine
Juices and drinks 2-3 liters Still water, freshly squeezed juices from apples and carrots, green and weak black tea, compotes and fruit drinks, chicory Alcohol and carbonated drinks, tomato and citrus juice, coffee (possible after 6 months), strong black tea, cocoa


Drink cow's milk with caution. In the first months, it is better to abandon this product or replace it with a goat. Kefir can be drunk 6-8 months after the birth of the baby.

Coffee should not be drunk during lactation for at least six months. It negatively affects the nervous system of the infant, disrupts sleep, increases activity and excitability. Coffee lovers can switch to chicory, which is less harmful to the baby.

Nursing mothers are prohibited from drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks. They cause irreparable harm to the child and mother, become the causes of illness and disruption in work. internal organs.

Foods and drinks to enhance lactation

So that milk does not disappear or decrease, it is necessary to maintain lactation and establish breastfeeding. This is the correct attachment and posture during feeding, breast and nipple care, suitable and comfortable underwear. The frequency of application also has an effect. With poor lactation, the baby is applied every hour. Feed your baby on demand, not on schedule. Be sure to feed at night, at least four times.

As already mentioned, drinking has a positive effect on lactation. In addition, there are approved breastfeeding foods that can improve breast milk production. Below is a list of such foods and drinks.

  • Low-fat soups and broths;
  • Meat of low-fat varieties;
  • Buckwheat, hercules and oatmeal;
  • Walnuts;
  • Parsley, lettuce and dill;
  • Herbal teas for nursing;
  • Green tea and chamomile tea;
  • Decoctions of cumin and fennel;
  • Bread with cumin and bran;
  • Cheese;
  • Carrot;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Black and white currant;
  • Ginger and ginger tea;
  • Gooseberry.

The diet of a nursing mother after childbirth requires close attention. On the one hand, it should be nutritious and provide the baby with all the substances, microelements necessary for growth and proper development, and the mother with minerals and vitamins necessary for faster recovery of the body. On the other hand, the diet should not contain foods that can cause allergic reactions, disorders of the digestive tract. What can a nursing mother eat after childbirth, how to make your diet varied and healthy?

First of all, we will immediately stipulate that the concept of “after childbirth” includes several time periods, starting from the first three days and ending with 3-6 months after the birth of a child. In each of these periods, special requirements are imposed on the mother's diet. And foods that are strictly forbidden to eat in the first days after childbirth can become quite common when the baby is 4-6 months old.

Menu for the first three days

In the first three days after childbirth, the female body recovers from the stress. Many women experience various complications, ruptures or tissue injuries, which require stitches. A number of drugs that were used during delivery cause a malfunction in the gastrointestinal system. This is especially true of anesthesia and some drugs used during caesarean section.

Therefore, the diet during this period should be supportive, temporarily excluding stools or making them soft and not plentiful.

In the first days after childbirth, you can eat:

  • cereals on the water (buckwheat, wheat);
  • diet soups;
  • baked apples;
  • a little lean boiled beef;
  • dairy products in limited quantities;
  • hard cheese;
  • crackers or biscuits.

It is undesirable to eat foods high in fiber - brown bread, fruits and vegetables.

Some women, fearful of eating solid foods, replace food with plenty of fluids. However, doctors do not advise doing this, since lactation is becoming established in the first days after childbirth.

Until the baby begins to actively suck milk from the breast, fluid intake should be limited to 1 liter per day to prevent lactostasis.

It should be noted that women after a caesarean section are generally forbidden to eat on the first day, but you can only drink a little non-carbonated mineral water, if you wish, you are allowed to suck a lemon slice. On the second day after childbirth, doctors allow you to drink low-fat kefir in small quantities to start the stomach after anesthesia. Already on the third day, they can be introduced into the diet of the products described above.

Is it possible to eat watermelon while breastfeeding: all the arguments for and against

Usually, the attending physician in the maternity hospital gives the woman recommendations regarding nutrition in the first days after delivery and draws up a list of allowed foods. Listening to the advice of a doctor, a woman will help to quickly improve the work of the digestive tract, without harming her health.

Menu for the first month

In the first month, the mother's dietary restrictions are the most severe and strict. Everything that the mother eats during this period enters the body of the newborn baby along with milk. Therefore, the products used by a woman should provide the baby with the whole complex of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins that he needs for growth, health and full development.

In addition, a new mother for postpartum recovery also needs high-quality nutrition, since the condition of the hair, skin, muscles and ligaments largely depends on it.

On the other hand, some foods can cause allergic reactions in a nursing mother, malfunctions of the gastrointestinal system, including due to violations of the intestinal barrier function, often occurring during pregnancy. Some foods that are perfectly tolerated by the mother's body can cause the problems listed above in the baby. In addition to allergies and intestinal colic, the crumbs may experience sleep disturbance, appetite, nervous overexcitability.

For this reason, all products in the mother's diet must be introduced with extreme caution. Many doctors recommend that a nursing mother keep a food diary, starting as early as the third day after childbirth. It should note the date of the introduction of a new product into the mother's diet and the reaction of the newborn baby to it. When introducing new products to the menu, the following rules must be followed:

  • a new product is introduced no more than once every three days;
  • new foods can be eaten in very small doses;
  • a nursing mother needs to eat a new product in the morning in order to observe the behavior of the child during the day, all negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract usually appear within 12 hours;
  • for three days, you should monitor the presence of rashes on the child's skin, changes in the gastrointestinal tract, sleep and behavior disorders;
  • if there are no negative reactions to a new product in a baby, then its dosage can be gradually increased;
  • in the presence of negative reactions in a child, a new product should be immediately excluded from the diet.

Corn porridge during breastfeeding is allowed if the baby does not have gluten intolerance

There are a number of products that are strictly forbidden to be eaten by a nursing mother during the first month of a child's life. The list of prohibited products includes:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • seafood, crayfish, mackerel, fish caviar;
  • strong tea, coffee, chocolate (excite the baby);
  • spicy, salty, fried, smoked dishes;
  • products with flavors, dyes, preservatives;
  • mayonnaises, ketchups, other sauces with preservatives;
  • exotic fruits, citrus fruits and juices from them;
  • red berries, which are usually strong allergens, such as strawberries, raspberries, cherries, and juices or compotes made from them;
  • honey, nuts;
  • raw vegetables: tomatoes, radishes, cabbage, cucumbers;
  • legumes, bran, (may increase gas formation in a baby);
  • fatty meats, lard;
  • raw onions, garlic, aromatic spices (they will give the milk a specific smell that the child may not like).

But the products from the following list, although considered neutral, however, require rationed consumption and gradual addition to the diet. So, what is allowed to eat a nursing mother during this period of time:

  • weak tea, decoction of wild rose, thyme, mint;
  • hard cheese;
  • fermented milk products (kefir, bifidose starters, yoghurts without fillers, cottage cheese);
  • mashed potatoes;
  • porridge cooked on water (with the exception of rice, as it can strengthen the baby);
  • vegetable stew;
  • baked apples;
  • diet soups;
  • boiled fish;
  • butter;
  • lean boiled meat, better dietary (rabbit, poultry);
  • crackers, dry biscuits.

Considering that the female body spends about 500–800 kcal per day to produce breast milk, it becomes clear how important it is for the mother's diet to be nutritious and well balanced. Although it is undesirable to eat too fatty foods at this time, an insufficient amount of fat in the diet will also negatively affect the quality of milk. If the percentage of protein in mother's milk is not related to the amount of protein consumed by the mother, then the level of fat in milk is directly dependent on the mother's diet. Therefore, the recommended fat content of cottage cheese is 5–9%, kefir is 2.5%.

Cow's milk, unlike goat's, is considered an allergen. For this reason, doctors do not recommend using it in its pure form. It is better to introduce it into the diet in a diluted form. If the baby responds to it normally, then gradually the concentration of milk can be increased.

Egg whites, especially chicken ones, can also trigger an allergy in a baby. Quail eggs are the safest, followed by goose and duck. In the first month of lactation, mom can eat no more than one egg per week.

After freezing and subsequent thawing, the amount of carcinogens in meat decreases sharply. Therefore, it is preferable for a nursing mother to eat defrosted meat, rather than fresh meat.

Menu from a month to three

It is believed that intestinal colic disturbs a newborn baby during the first 2-3 months of life.

However, if the baby does not have allergies and negative reactions from the nervous and gastrointestinal systems, then the mother can gradually expand her diet. In the second or third month after childbirth, the following products can be gradually included in the menu.

A woman with a pale greenish face is pushing a carriage. She is not sick, she just follows the recommendations on what to eat for a nursing mother too strictly. If you collect all the information from different sources, it turns out that while the baby is suckling, the mother should eat air. Put fanaticism aside, our great-grandmothers did not know the Internet and did not see TV shows, they relied only on their wisdom and experience, ate meat, vegetables, and eggs - and fed healthy, strong children. During lactation, a woman does not need any diet, she should eat well and drink enough, and you will make a list of foods that you can eat yourself, observing the reaction of the baby.

What you need to give up at the time of feeding, and better for life

Only those prepared at home shortly before consumption can be considered complete meals. Even if the mother’s stomach easily digests nails and before pregnancy she ate exclusively chips, sausages and instant noodles without harm to health, you should refrain from these foods for the duration of feeding. The recipe for dietary sausages, in which meat was the main component, has long been forgotten; in all smoked meats and sausages, flavor enhancers, flavors and other chemical components are present in large quantities.

Careless housewives love instant cereals and soups: all you have to do is pour boiling water over it and wait a few minutes. So that the dish does not need to be cooked, all products are subjected to special processing, after which nothing useful remains in them. Take pity on yourself and your baby, take ordinary cereals, vegetables, meat and cook a soup that will get the taste and aroma from natural products, and not from glutamates.

Depending on the health of the mother and the newborn, the pediatrician may recommend eliminating other foods from the diet.

Be sure to keep a food diary, note what and when you ate and what changes you noticed in the condition of the baby. Such records will help the doctor quickly figure out what to eat and drink is contraindicated, and adjust your menu without complicated and lengthy examinations. In rare cases, the mother may need a special diet.

Dairy products and eggs

Milk is one of the controversial products on the menu of a nursing mother. Some experts believe that you can drink it only in the form of kefir and yogurt, others are convinced that if the baby is not allergic to cow's protein, a mother can afford a glass of milk. You can see if your baby develops a rash after using this product, or you can get tested at the clinic.

If you drink milk while breastfeeding, buy products from the same company. Manufacturers have different technologies and raw materials, some manufacturers add dry powder and other ingredients to cow's milk. Choose a company you trust and only buy from that brand.

You can drink fermented milk products, just look at the composition so that there are no preservatives and sweeteners present. It is better to take ordinary kefir and add ground fruit to it than to eat imported yogurt with the entire periodic table in addition. It is better not to eat all kinds of desserts, curds, ice cream, even if the child tolerates milk perfectly. These delicacies also use other substitutes for the main product. If you want something tasty - eat a pear or a green apple, there will be much more benefits.

Do not buy completely fat-free products, it is better to drink regular kefir 2.5% and eat cottage cheese 5%. Butter can be consumed in very small quantities: add to porridge, anoint a sandwich with a thin layer. Avoid cheeses with a sharp taste and smell, choose low-fat varieties.

Like any product, eggs can be consumed if the baby does not have an allergy. Of course, you should not eat a huge pan of omelet at a time, but 1 boiled egg a week should not hurt. If possible, buy quail eggs, they are much healthier and almost no one causes allergies.

Dip a raw egg in water, if it remains at the bottom - the product is fresh, if it floats - the chicken laid it 3 weeks ago, it's better not to risk it.

Meat must be on the menu, but you need to know which varieties to choose and how to cook it correctly. Poultry meat is considered dietary, but this does not mean that a chicken leg the size of a young lamb will be beneficial. First of all, look at the size of the carcass: everyone knows how tall a normal rooster is; without hormones, it cannot grow the size of an ostrich. Take white meat without skin from the breast part of the chicken, boil or stew it. Fried foods are not allowed for nursing mothers, they are too hard to process by the body.

In addition to chicken, you can also eat other dietary meat: turkey, rabbit, veal. It is better to refuse foods that are too fatty and heavy for digestion.

Eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • salo;
  • fatty pork;
  • lamb;
  • duck, goose.

It is useful to eat lean fish: cod, perch. The exception is tuna, mackerel, delicacy fish - they can cause allergic reactions. And the meat of other aquatic inhabitants - crayfish, crabs - is better not to eat. Any delicacies and exotic products that rarely get on our table can give a completely unpredictable reaction.

Flour and cereal dishes

Porridge is a good breakfast for a nursing woman. With caution, you need to eat semolina, millet and corn grits, they can cause allergies. The most “healthy” cereals are buckwheat and rice, these cereals do not contain gluten, which can also cause a negative reaction of the body. Watch your baby: if rice does not cause constipation in him, eat for health.

Do not eat pastries, fresh loaves, especially cakes and pastries that contain a lot of sugar and cause fermentation in the baby's tummy. They are satisfying and high-calorie, but these calories do not go to the development of the body, but are deposited in fat. Replace white rolls and muffins with biscuits and slightly dried rye bread with bran and cumin. For dessert, you can eat some jam or honey if the baby is not allergic to it.

Can you eat pasta? In Italy they are eaten in tons, and the people there are quite elegant. The secret is simple: they choose products from durum wheat. If you can’t imagine your life without boiled horns, carefully read what they are made of. You don’t need to get carried away with pasta, they will not bring much benefit, but sometimes you can treat yourself to a small portion.

Gifts of forests, orchards and orchards

Plant food is necessary for both a nursing mother and a baby; it contains a lot of vitamins and microelements. Another question: what is possible and even necessary, what should be approached with caution, and which plant will not bring anything but harm. Be very careful with imported fruits that are brought from afar: no one can be sure how they were grown, how they were stored and how they were processed. For those who are lucky enough to live in the southern regions, it is much easier: within a radius of 100 km from their homes, you can find a complete abundance of fruits grown by summer residents and villagers. When buying plant foods, northerners will have to rely on their mind and intuition.

The following foods are considered hazardous to consume.

  • Mushrooms are categorically contraindicated for a nursing mother and children under 7 years old. They can provoke serious problems with digestion, which require long-term treatment and a special diet.
  • Cucumbers, white cabbage, zucchini, beets, radishes - a large amount of fiber can cause colic.
  • Watermelons, melons - almost all gourds are full of chemistry.
  • Nuts - can cause allergic reactions.
  • Peas and legumes, grapes and raisins cause strong gas formation.
  • Onions and garlic - your baby may not like the taste and smell of breast milk.
  • All red fruits (tomatoes, strawberries, cherries) - this pigment causes allergies.

If you have prepared a salad from a fresh cucumber grown without nitrates and other chemicals, the baby may not have colic. One baby reacts badly to cabbage, the other to carrots, the third to peas. There is no need to exclude everything, try it in small doses and you can create a fairly rich menu. It is advisable not to buy strawberries in January and watermelons in June, these products are either brought from other countries or grown using hydroponics and other technologies using chemistry.

How to quench your thirst?

Many drinks are also prohibited for nursing mothers. It is strictly forbidden to drink anything that contains alcohol, including beer. Alcohol is very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, enters breast milk and begins destructive activity in the body of a newborn.

What else is better not to drink?

  • Coffee, cocoa and chocolate are stimulating and contain a lot of sugar. Better drink a glass of weak tea.
  • Carbonated drinks and qua c - contain many chemical components and sugar. In small doses, you can drink homemade kvass of natural fermentation; all branded brands are most often prepared from concentrate and carbonated.
  • Industrial juices. This product has nothing to do with fruit juice, it is prepared from a concentrate with flavors, preservatives and synthetic additives.

Compote is perfect for quenching thirst. Just do not buy it in jars with a shelf life of 2-3 years. Although these drinks are made from natural fruits, one can only guess what the manufacturer did with them. It is not difficult to throw fresh fruits or dried fruits into the pan, add a little sugar, pour water and put on fire. Sometimes you can treat yourself to freshly squeezed juice: a blender or juicer can be found in any family.

It is useful to drink green or weak black tea, you can add herbs to it that enhance lactation: mint, oregano. Make fruit drinks from berries, they will enrich breast milk with vitamins. You can also quench your thirst with fresh drinking water without any additives. The total amount of liquid in the diet should be at least 2 liters per day.

How to determine what is harmful to the baby?

The list of prohibited and dangerous products is huge, and strawberries ripened in the dachas, the first sweet cherry appeared. A woman eagerly looks at fruits and berries: how to decide what can and cannot be eaten by a nursing mother? First of all, exclude foods that cause allergies, upset stools and other troubles in you. It is better to put aside exotic fruits. The theory that the body of each person is adapted only to the fruits of his locality still needs to be proven, and the fact that fruits are exposed to various chemicals for long-distance transportation and rapid ripening in a warehouse is beyond doubt. If you do not have your own dacha, get to know the inhabitants of the nearest village, find out who grows the most organic vegetables and fruits, and buy products from them.

Do not believe the myths that breastfeeding moms benefit from a single-food diet. You must receive the whole range of necessary substances, for this menu should be varied.

They brought you a whole basket of fresh cherries. If you eat it all, it will become bad not only for the baby, but also for the mother. Knock down a strong hunt, eat a handful of fragrant berries, and see if there are any bad consequences. If the baby is not allergic, he rarely has a negative reaction to quality products. Follow the measure, and you can feast on your pleasure.

You decided to eat dangerous foods in small doses and ate pea soup, crab meat, vegetable stew with cabbage and zucchini, fresh cucumber salad, for dessert, you ate nuts and strawberries and washed it all down with yogurt. What dishes caused colic and allergies in the baby if the portions were miniature? With such a cocktail, no doctor will answer your question. All foods and drinks must be entered into the menu separately, then you can make a list of what mom can eat and drink, and which product will cause a rash and tummy pain in the newborn.

Flipping through the pages of the Internet and listening to the advice of friends, you cross out one dish after another from the diet. With this approach, the list of products for a nursing mother will fit in a few lines. Learn two basic rules: you need to eat with appetite, and the products must be fresh and of high quality. If you don't like chicken meat - better give it up. If you begin to choke on this dish, neither you nor the baby will benefit. Buy food products only from reliable sellers and cook delicious and healthy food at home. The list of what to drink and eat is strictly forbidden is not too long, you can try everything else little by little. Each baby reacts differently to this or that food, choose what does not harm the baby, this set will definitely allow you to eat tasty and varied.

Breastfeeding is a crucial period in the life of every caring mother. The well-being and full development of the baby depends on the quality of nutrition of the parent. Modern breastfeeding experts assure that the correct diet of a nursing woman can be varied, there is no need to go to extremes: eat “for two” or eat only buckwheat and apples. The list of products allowed for breastfeeding is very extensive, from which you can cook delicious and mouth-watering dishes for every day and for a holiday.

The baby was born: why it is necessary to revise the diet

Improper nutrition of the mother can be the cause of exacerbation of colic and anxiety of the crumbs, sleep disturbances

It's no secret that with mother's milk, the baby receives valuable nutrients necessary for the formation of strong immunity and the full development of the brain, vision, vital organs and systems. Scientists have proven that even if a mother experiences a lack of micro- and macroelements, vitamins, the quality of breast milk remains at its best and today not a single milk formula for artificial feeding is able to repeat its unique composition. However, with an unbalanced diet of a nursing woman, there is a risk of a decrease in the concentration of nutrients in milk, a decrease in its volume, as well as a deterioration in the well-being of the woman herself, caused by nutritional deficiencies.
Most modern experts agree that a nursing mother does not need a strict diet, but her diet should contain only healthy, hypoallergenic foods rich in vitamins and minerals, protein, fiber and other components. Proper nutrition during lactation is necessary to solve several problems at the same time:

  • providing the baby with the nutrients necessary for its development;
  • restoration of the figure after childbirth;
  • stimulation of lactation;
  • reduction in the intensity of colic in newborns;
  • prevention of allergic reactions in an infant;
  • work stabilization digestive system mom and baby.

At the base of the food pyramid are cereals and cereals, foods rich in carbohydrates, next in importance are vegetables and fruits, then meat, dairy products and fish, at the top are oil and other types of food in small quantities

A strict diet is required for a mother in the first weeks of a baby's life, when his body is just adapting to new conditions of existence outside the womb and is especially sensitive to any changes in the diet. The reaction of the baby to each new product in the mother's menu is individual. It is recommended to choose hypoallergenic products that do not cause flatulence, constantly present in the diet of women before childbirth. From the 2nd month of a child’s life, a woman’s menu becomes more diverse, gradually its “range” expands. 3 months after childbirth, infant colic, as a rule, recede, the list of allowed foods increases significantly, however, certain nutritional rules for a nursing mother must be observed throughout the entire period of breastfeeding.

If the mother nevertheless ate or drank something from the list of prohibited foods, do not panic or refuse to feed the baby. It is not at all necessary that the child will react negatively to the product, especially if the portion was small. As a rule, food components pass into breast milk within 30-60 minutes after entering the mother's intestines. To minimize the risks, delay your next feeding by 2-3 hours if possible. During this time, the concentration of potentially hazardous substances in breast milk will decrease. If necessary, you can express the breast, but this will not affect the quality and composition of the milk.

I was lucky enough to breastfeed my two children. When the eldest daughter appeared, I did not even think about the need to adjust the diet. I remember how caring relatives brought me pomegranate juice in a glass jar to the maternity hospital, and I drank it without a twinge of conscience. Of course, my newborn baby immediately developed spots of a rash, which I mistook for sweaty. Fortunately, my children are not prone to allergies, so there were no serious problems, despite my maternal illiteracy and lack of control over nutrition. The pediatrician and the patronage nurse, who came to the house after our discharge from the hospital, tried to give me recommendations on the preparation of the diet. By the way, their advice was diametrically opposed. So, a qualified pediatrician assured that chicken broth strengthens and you can only eat vegetable soups, and the nurse recommended to lean on the same broth and avoid chicken meat, which, in her opinion, could cause allergies in a child. In fright, I almost stopped eating, sat on buckwheat and water, occasionally ate marshmallows, drinking tea, since for me to refuse sweets is tantamount to death. From here, it seems to me, there were problems with milk, the child did not eat enough, she fed the mixture. How it happens in other children, I don’t presume to judge, but both of my babies suffered from colic until exactly 3 months old, regardless of what I ate, and if there was an allergy, it passed quickly and I didn’t have time to figure out the cause. When the tummy stopped bothering my daughter, I finally began to eat normally, lactation stabilized, the mixture was no longer required. I approached the appearance of my second child already being savvy in many issues related to breastfeeding. I told my relatives that I didn’t need to carry parcels: I stocked up on apples, lean cookies in advance, and 4 meals a day in the maternity hospital. Then I tried to eat varied, ate healthy foods, did not go hungry. The son was fully breastfeeding from birth and there was no need to supplement him with a formula. Of course, I avoided allergens - chocolate, citrus fruits, fast food and other harmful things. After about 2-3 months, my diet as a whole did not differ from what I ate before giving birth. From my experience, I concluded that it is necessary to limit the consumption of certain foods only in the first months of a child’s life, so as not to provoke colic and avoid the appearance of a rash, skin problems. Of course, you don’t need to lean on semi-finished products, sausages and other unhealthy “delicacies”, but if you allow yourself a small amount of them, when you really want to, this is unlikely to negatively affect the baby. What surprises me is the menu in maternity hospitals. Women in labor in our city are offered the same food as patients in pathology or pregnant women who are in storage. Accordingly, the next day after giving birth, they brought me cabbage soup from fresh cabbage. It's good that there were caring employees of the medical staff who delivered a saucepan with chicken broth to the ward. But without a twinge of conscience, I “calmed down” two servings of cottage cheese casserole with raisins. I still remember this casserole with nostalgia, for some reason it seemed to me somehow special, probably, it was with a touch of maternal happiness!

Doctors recommend keeping a food diary, entering information about the mother's menu and possible reactions of the baby to new products - increased colic, increased gas formation, stool disorders, allergic reactions. This will allow you to track the types of food that the baby reacts negatively to and exclude their consumption for a while. Do not forget about how products affect the woman herself. For example, some types of drinks and food retain fluid in the body, which is undesirable during the formation of lactation, which can lead to a lack of breast milk.

It is also important to pay attention to the caloric content of the diet of a nursing mother. The opinion that she needs to eat for two is erroneous, but the energy value of the daily diet must be increased by about 500–600 kcal. This energy is required by the body to produce milk and recuperate after childbirth. In addition, the physical activity of a young mother, as a rule, increases compared to the prenatal period. Do not set goals for yourself to quickly lose weight gained during pregnancy - this can negatively affect the lactation process. Subject to the basic rules for the formation of the diet of a nursing mother, body weight gradually stabilizes.

List of allowed products for HB

The process of menu formation in the first months of a baby's life requires special attention. Try to eat only those foods that are easy to digest, rich in protein and do not have a bright color, reduce the consumption of sweets, salty, fatty foods. Drink plenty of fluids - this is necessary to produce enough breast milk and lactation. In general, the list of foods allowed during lactation includes types of food that do not burden the digestive system and rarely provoke unwanted reactions in infants. When compiling the menu, be guided by the individual characteristics of the child (the tendency to allergies, frequent stool disorders, the occurrence of colic, and others). Here is a list of products allowed during the GV period:

  1. Meat. It is recommended to eat low-fat, easily digestible species - rabbit, veal, turkey, chicken. Pork fillet without fat is also suitable, but you can eat it. The meat must be boiled, baked or stewed for 1.5–2 hours.
  2. Broths and soups. Meat and fish broths can be used as a base for soups. It is necessary to drain the water after boiling, pour the meat with fresh water and cook until tender. Allowed types of cereals, vegetables, pasta can be added to the soup.
  3. Fish. The product is rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and other valuable nutrients. However, it must be remembered that fish belongs to the category of products that often provoke allergies, so it must be introduced into the diet carefully. Low-fat varieties with white meat are suitable: cod, pollock, hake, pike perch.
  4. Cereals. Cereals of all kinds are allowed, but some contain gluten, a sticky substance that some children have an intolerance to. Gluten-free types of cereals - buckwheat, rice, corn. Oats and millet contain the most gluten. Cereals can be used to prepare cereals, side dishes, soups, casseroles and other dishes.
  5. Dairy. A nursing mother must eat dairy and sour-milk products, because they serve as a source of calcium. Choose pasteurized milk over fresh or ultra-pasteurized milk. Its quantity should not exceed 1 glass per day, and if the baby has lactase deficiency or an allergy to cow's milk protein, the product should not be consumed. All fermented milk products of normal fat content are allowed: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, and others. Make sure they are fresh and do not contain unnecessary additives. It is undesirable to add sweeteners in the form of sugar, jam, honey - the baby may develop diathesis. Do not abuse sour cream and butter, it is permissible to add them to cereals and other dishes in small quantities. Cheese choose unsalted and low-fat (17–35%) varieties. Sharp and moldy cheeses are banned. Cream (10%) can be added to tea.
  6. Beverages. Liquid is necessary for lactation, so mom needs to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day. In addition, weak black or green tea, kissels, compotes and fruit drinks from berries and fruits are allowed. It is acceptable to drink 1 cup of natural coffee a day, but it is better to replace it with chicory. Carbonated drinks, juices can cause digestive problems for the baby and mother.
  7. Eggs. The yolk of a chicken egg is considered allergenic, therefore, in the first months it is recommended to eat quail eggs (up to 8 pieces per week), which rarely provoke unwanted reactions. 3-4 months after giving birth, try chicken eggs, but their number should be dosed - no more than 2 pcs. in Week.
  8. Fruit. In the first month, it is allowed to eat green apples (preferably baked) and bananas - no more than 1 pc. in a day. From 2-3 months, pears, kiwi can be introduced into the diet. A little later, it is permissible to consume apricots, local berries, plums in small quantities. Common dried fruits are useful - dried apricots, prunes, in the amount of 2-3 pcs. one kind per day. Fruits of bright color (pomegranate, strawberries) often cause allergies in babies, so it is permissible to eat them in minimal quantities.
  9. Vegetables. They are rich in fiber and contain a lot of water, so they can cause flatulence when consumed fresh. It is advisable to subject vegetables to heat treatment in the first months - stew, boil, bake. Zucchini, cauliflower, potatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, and onions are considered the safest. Vegetables of bright color should be introduced into the diet gradually, observing the reaction of the child.
  10. Vegetable oil. Must be in the diet of a nursing mother. It is important to monitor the quality of the product - a little should be unrefined, direct extraction. It is allowed to add to the main dishes as a dressing or take 1 tablespoon daily of olive, sunflower, corn, pumpkin oil.
  11. Flour products and sweets. The consumption of white and black bread should be minimized - they can provoke bloating, colic. The best option is cereal bread with bran. Butter buns, confectionery products are undesirable to eat, replacing them with biscuit cookies, bread rolls. If you really want sweets, you are allowed to eat 1-2 pcs. marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows.
  12. Pasta. In reasonable quantities, they are acceptable as a side dish or a component of the first course. Choose products from durum wheat. Do not fill the dish with hot sauces.
  13. Nuts. Allowed in small amounts (20 g per day) in the absence of an allergy to the product in a child. At the same time, it is not recommended to eat peanuts - it belongs to highly allergenic products. The most suitable species are almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts.
  14. Leafy greens. Fresh salads (spinach, arugula, etc.) are rich in nutrients and can enrich the composition of breast milk. Spicy herbs (dill, parsley, onion, basil, and others) are acceptable in the diet, but in limited quantities, as they can adversely affect the taste of breast milk. As a result, the child may refuse to feed.

Photo gallery: useful products for a nursing mother

Dried fruit compote contains valuable minerals, helps to improve digestion Dairy products and chicken eggs are valuable sources of protein and calcium Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli are well digested and do not cause bloating, unlike white cabbage
Choose the meat of a young rabbit, it is more tender in taste and contains almost no fat. Lettuce is rich in folic acid, vitamins for the full development of the baby. Cereals must be present in the diet of a nursing mother. Pasta must be from durum wheat
Turkey meat belongs to the dietary types of meat and is allowed for nursing mothers. Kissel is good for mom's digestion. Sunflower oil is one of the most affordable. it is advisable for a nursing mother to eat unrefined oil of the highest quality
Chicken breast is the most dietary part of a poultry carcass. Fish fillets can be baked in the oven with sour cream and cheese sauce. Smoothies can be prepared from fruits with the addition of kefir or yogurt, but only after they are introduced into the diet as independent products.
Choose good quality nuts, preferably in the shell. Peeled kernels can be purchased in packaged packaging

Nutrition after childbirth

In the first days of the formation of lactation, it is especially important to eat right and ensure a complete drinking regime.

In the first weeks of life, the baby is especially sensitive to changes in the mother's diet. Immediately after childbirth, the body begins to produce colostrum - the first food for the crumbs. It is important to ensure a full drinking regimen and nutrition with safe foods. Milk, as a rule, begins to be produced on the 3rd day after childbirth, and stabilization of lactation is achieved only after a month. During this period, a woman is allowed to eat and drink:

  • lean broth;
  • buckwheat;
  • lean boiled meat;
  • bran bread;
  • kefir;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • porridge on the water;
  • vegetable soups;
  • hypoallergenic vegetables boiled or baked;
  • baked apples;
  • hard cheese and butter (no more than 20 g);
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

Allergenic foods can be tasted in minimal quantities no earlier than the baby is 3-4 months old

Not always products from the list of permitted are appropriate in a particular case. So, if the baby is prone to allergies, then many types of vegetables, fruits, as well as fish and some other types of food, mom should not eat. At the same time, many mothers do not limit their diet at all and do not notice negative reactions in the child. However, there is a view that they can be dangerous for the well-being and development of crumbs, are “empty”, do not carry benefits, or contain unwanted ingredients. These include:

  • alcohol;
  • fast food;
  • instant coffee;
  • canned and pickled foods;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sausages and smoked products;
  • hot spices and spices;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • Forest mushrooms;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • confectionery with chemical additives;
  • mayonnaise and shop sauces;
  • sauerkraut.

Among the products that often provoke allergies, undesirable in the first months of a baby's life, include:

  • citrus fruits and strawberries;
  • chocolate;
  • grape;
  • seafood;
  • peanut.

Allergy symptoms may include:

  • redness of the skin on the face and body;
  • rash;
  • dryness and irritation of the skin;
  • greenish and / or loose stools with mucus;
  • digestive disorders.

Some types of food cause fermentation in the intestines, are difficult to digest and cause flatulence, bloating, colic. This list includes:

  • legumes;
  • White cabbage;
  • bread and other pastries;
  • raw milk;
  • grape;
  • cucumbers.
  • The older the child becomes, the more diverse the menu of a nursing mother can be.

    Recommendations for the formation of the diet of a nursing mother are often contradictory. On the one hand, it is necessary to ensure balance and variety in the preparation of the menu. On the other hand, many healthy foods can cause colic or allergies in a baby and are undesirable to consume. It is possible to satisfy both of these requirements by observing the principles of nutrition during breastfeeding:

  1. You need to try new products in turn, at different time intervals. This will allow you to detect the negative reaction of the child to a particular type of food and henceforth exclude it from the menu. Hence the consequence - in the first month to practice separate meals, gradually switching to multi-component dishes.
  2. It is necessary to monitor the reaction to a new product for 2-3 days. For the first time, try a small amount, and if everything is in order with the baby, increase the portion every day.
  3. Eat small. In order not to overload the digestive system, increase the frequency of meals up to 5-6 times a day. Of these, there should be 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks.
  4. Follow the diet. This applies to mother's nutrition, and to the frequency of attachment to the baby's breast.
  5. Prepare food in a gentle way. It is undesirable to fry food, deep-fry. Such methods of cooking adversely affect their usefulness and complicate the process of digestion.
  6. Eat varied. No need to deny yourself the desired dishes, just find a worthy alternative to them. For example, replace mayonnaise in Olivier salad with yogurt or sour cream, and sausage with boiled chicken breast. Then your favorite snack will benefit both you and your baby.
  7. Eat permitted sweets. Many nursing mothers cannot do without sweets, the rejection of sweets and cakes becomes a real test for them. Choose treats that won't harm your baby and eat in moderation. For example, marmalade, marshmallows, dried fruits will help satisfy cravings for sweets.

Breast milk contains a harmoniously balanced set of nutrients rich in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and fatty compounds.

Everything that a child needs during feeding, he receives from mother's milk, so the nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month should be varied and balanced.

What can a nursing mother eat in the first month?

To avoid discomfort in the form of stomach cramps and allergies in a child, the menu of a nursing mother in the first month should be somewhat limited. Strong drinks and other liquids should be completely abandoned. Let's consider in more detail what you can drink to a nursing mother and what not:

1. You can not:
Black tea;
whole milk;
sparkling water;
drinks with the addition of dyes;
any kind of alcoholic beverages.

2. You can:
fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt;
dried fruits compote;
rosehip decoction;
weak green tea.

What can a nursing mother eat in the first month after the birth of a baby and what is not recommended for use:

1. Among the foods that should be excluded from the diet in the first month are:
sour cream;
meat broths;
raw vegetables and fruits;
bakery products made from the highest grades of flour;
cheeses of any kind.

What to eat for a nursing mother in the first ten days of the first month of a child's life:
lean soup;
lean boiled meat;
cereals cooked on water: barley, buckwheat, rice, corn, oatmeal, wheat;
baked apples.

After ten days, you can add the following foods to the diet of a nursing mother:
mild hard cheeses;
cottage cheese;

Boiled or baked fish, except for marine species;
stewed and / or boiled vegetables (cabbage, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, etc.);

Diet of a nursing mother in the first month

In order to keep milk in a “pure” form, that is, to exclude all kinds of impurities that contribute to the development of allergies and other diseases, including those associated with work gastro- intestinal tract baby, the nutrition of a nursing mother should be dietary, this is especially important in the initial period of lactation. It is necessary to strictly monitor what and when mom eats. It is desirable that a woman keep a daily diary. Thus, the mother will be able to track her nutrition and adequately respond to all changes in the behavior and health of her child. During the first days after childbirth, a young woman needs to eat often and drink a lot. The drinking regimen should consist of at least 2 liters of liquid. Sweet tea, compotes, herbal drinks - all this contributes to increased lactation. If, as a result of obstetrics, a caesarean section was used, then without fail the woman has traces of ruptures. For speedy healing, it is necessary to introduce weak chicken broth into the diet, which is rich in gluten, which contributes to the rapid tightening of damaged tissues.

Already on the fourth day with breastfeeding, the postpartum diet can be diversified with porridge. Oatmeal, wheat or buckwheat porridge cooked on water will be a great addition to your baby's dinner table. In the following days, vegetable products can be added to the cooked porridge. The only condition is steamed or boiled vegetables. In no case should you eat fried foods for the entire period of breastfeeding. When receiving nutritional advice upon discharge from the maternity ward, many women ask if it is possible for a nursing mother to eat dishes made from potatoes in the first month? You will not get a definite answer, but as practice shows, eating potatoes in the first days of breastfeeding is highly undesirable. The reason for this is the starch contained in this product.

In the first month of life, the entire digestive system of a child is very delicate. Therefore, in order to avoid additional stress on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract associated with the digestion of food, experts recommend refraining from eating potato dishes in any form. It is highly undesirable to eat cabbage in the first few days, which stimulates gas formation in the child, resulting in bloating. When asked whether it is possible for a nursing mother to eat mushrooms, the answer is unequivocal - no. By the way, mushrooms should not be given to a child until 6-7 years old. After a week of feeding, a woman's diet can be varied with boiled white fish and lean meats. This delicacy should be limited to 2 times a week. It is very useful for 2-3 weeks of the first month of feeding to include black bread and nuts in the diet. The third week of the breastfeeding diet month can be supplemented with chicken, fruits, eggs and mild cheeses. With each innovation, a young mother should watch the child's reaction to a new type of product. That's why it's so important to keep daily food records.

Sample diet for a breastfeeding mother

Naturally, during lactation, the female body must maintain sufficient vitality and have the necessary reserve of strength. The daily diet should be complete and have a certain calorie content. The daily intake of energy components must be maintained in the following norms:
carbohydrates - 350-500 g;
fats - 90-120 g, of which 25% should have a vegetable content;
proteins - 140-150 g, and up to 60% of animal origin.
The following daily foods will help maintain the energy value of the body:
cottage cheese - 100-200 g;
butter - 20-30 g;
lean meat and / or fish - 250 g;
vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) - 30 g;
egg - one piece;
vegetables - 500g;
pasta or cereals - 60-70 g;
fruit and berry products - 200-500 g;
fermented milk products - 300-500g.

Observing such a daily diet, the energy value will be from 2500 to 3500 kcal. An additional stimulant for a healthy body will be various vitamins for nursing mothers. It is forbidden to eat foods that contribute to causing allergic reactions, vomiting, constipation and increased gas formation. The provocateurs in this case are the following goodies:
various sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise and more;
caviar (black and red);
smoked, fried, pickled, salted foods.

In order for the baby to feel comfortable in the first month of his life, a young mother needs to sacrifice her gastronomic addictions.

What affects the lactation of a nursing mother?

In medical terminology, there is the concept of lactopoiesis and hypogalactia. The first is the process of maintaining the natural feeding of a newborn, and the second term means a violation of lactopoiesis. It is known that with artificial feeding, the child slows down its development. Children are inferior to their peers in many respects: height, weight, susceptibility to various diseases. In order for a woman to lactate smoothly, it is necessary to take care of this in advance. What factors influence this process? Hypogalactia is directly related to the problems of the physiology and psychological state of a woman.

The main factors are:

The unpreparedness of the female body for motherhood. This applies to young girls whose mammary glands are not sufficiently formed, resulting in hormonal failure. Another reason is chronic diseases and / or infectious lesions of the body.
Psychological rejection from the mother's breast. Such a neuropsychiatric manifestation may occur in the event of an unwanted pregnancy. Oddly enough, but the child feels it and, when applied to the breast, tries in every possible way to reject his mother's nipple.
Irregular feeding. Only a suckling baby can stimulate lactation in women. You should not put the baby in the time frame for eating. The best option is feeding on demand.
Poor quality and/or poor nutrition. During breastfeeding, the main task of a woman is a sufficient healthy diet. Compliance with the drinking regimen and balanced dietary standards are necessary conditions for the health of the baby.
Nervous overload and stressful situations. These concepts should not in any way relate to a nursing mother. The main task of the people around her is to provide her with peace, love and attention.
Bad habits (smoking and alcohol).
Any of the above factors contributes to the threat of lactation and calls into question the natural production of milk in a nursing mother.

Delicious cooking recipes for nursing mothers

Young mothers believe that nutrition in the first month of feeding is not original and very monotonous. To reduce skepticism, we offer several interesting culinary recipes that will bring true gastronomic pleasure to young women.

Required Ingredients:
rabbit carcass - 300 g;
carrots - 100 g;
oatmeal - 3 tablespoons;
butter - 15-20 g;
salt - 1 teaspoon;
leek, parsley - 1 stem each.
There is no traditional potato in the recipe. It can be replaced with sweet potato or celery, or you can do without them.
Cooking method:
clean the paws and thighs of the rabbit;
cut the carcass into pieces and place in a pan for further heat treatment;
everything is poured with water, salt is added, and boiled at a moderate temperature for one hour;
chopped carrots and celery are sautéed in a hot frying pan in olive oil;
after the rabbit is cooked, its bones are separated from the pulp;
the broth is filtered, and the meat pieces are sent to the pan;
passivated vegetables and oatmeal complement the contents of the pan;
all this mass is brought to a boil and removed from the stove for infusion;
after the oatmeal has swollen, onion and parsley are added to the soup.
The original, tasty and healthy rabbit soup is ready. Cooking time is no more than one and a half hours. Calorie content in 100 g of products: 177 kcal. Proteins - 10.36 g, fats - 10.71 g, carbohydrates - 8.6 g.

Required Ingredients:
beef broth - 2 liters;
green peas - 200 g;
veal - 400 g;
carrots - 200 g;
egg noodles (homemade) - 150 g;
leek, parsley - along the stem;
salt - to taste.
Cooking method:
boil veal for one hour;
chopped carrots are added to the broth;
pieces of veal cut into small cubes are sent to the broth along with green peas and egg noodles;
after fifteen minutes of cooking, salt and herbs are added to the broth.
Soup "Gentle" from veal for a nursing mother is ready. Cooking time - 30 minutes. Calorie content in 100 g: 66 kcal. Proteins - 4.55 g, carbohydrates - 5.58 g, fats - 2.82 g.

Chicken breast with bacon baked in the oven

Required Ingredients:
chicken breast - 2 pieces;
bacon - 100 g;
parsley, basil - 10 g each;
sage - 15 g;
rosemary - 5 g;
olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
zucchini - 700 g;
salt - to taste.
Cooking method:
zucchini is cut into thick slices and sent to a form previously greased with olive oil;
basil, sage, parsley and rosemary are ground in a mortar with the addition of salt and a tablespoon of olive oil;
breasts are generously smeared with a thick layer of spicy greens;
the whole thing is wrapped in thinly sliced ​​bacon, placed on top of the zucchini and sent to the oven;
such a delicious dish is prepared at a temperature of 180º C for at least 30 minutes.
Baked chicken breast with bacon is ready. Cooking time: 45 minutes. Calorie content in 100 g: 165 kcal. Carbohydrates - 1.86 g, fats - 13.02 g, proteins - 10.65 g.

Cooking Ingredients:
millet - one glass;
pumpkin puree - 200 g;
milk - 2 cups;
water - 3 glasses;
butter - 50 g;
a pinch of salt and sugar.
Cooking method:
well-washed millet is sent to salted boiling water;
after complete evaporation of the water, milk is poured in, and boiled over a minimum heat for 30-40 minutes;
pre-prepared pumpkin puree is added, which is thoroughly mixed with millet and cooked for another 10 minutes;
porridge is removed from the stove and seasoned with butter.
Delicious wheat porridge with pumpkin is ready. Cooking time - 80 minutes. Calorie content in 100 g of product: 128 kcal. Proteins - 2.15 g, carbohydrates - 10.67 g, fats - 8.48 g.

Starting Ingredients:
milk - 400 ml;
cream - 200 ml;
oatmeal and bran - 50 g each;
vanilla - one pod;
brown sugar - 4 tablespoons;
salt - to taste;
mint and lingonberries - for serving.
Cooking method:
heated cream with vanilla is brought to a boil and put aside for 20 minutes, after which the vanilla is removed;
milk, oatmeal, sugar and salt are added to the cooked cream;
constantly stirring over low heat, the porridge is cooked for 5-7 minutes;
1-2 minutes before the end of cooking, add oat bran and butter;
after mixing, let the porridge brew for 20 minutes.

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