Ear surgery is one of the safest surgeries. How ear correction is performed - options for correcting the shape How ear otoplasty is done

In plastic surgery, the operation to change the shape, correction, reconstruction of the auricles is one of the easiest and safest. Such an operation in medicine is called “otoplasty”, and, if indicated by a doctor, it can be performed both for adults and children. In total, there are about 150 varieties of otoplasty, but up to 5 types are the most common.

Otoplasty is a surgical intervention to correct the shape, reconstruction of the auricles, the deformation of which may be congenital or resulting from injury.

The operation does not affect the degree and quality of a person's hearing, as it is aesthetic. It's important to know! Popular types of otoplasty are among the safest procedures.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Defects of the auricles, which are indications for surgical intervention:

  • Asymmetric position of the ears;
  • protruding ears;
  • earlobe defects;
  • scars on the ears;
  • absence of the auricle;
  • congenital defects (changes) of the auricles.

The causes of congenital deformity of the ear can be different. The most common include:

  • wrong location;
  • excess cartilage;
  • ear damage.

The main reason is heredity, a defect in the formation of the ear can appear even after a generation.

There are some restrictions for otoplasty:

  • the presence of cancer;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • infection, ear disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • poor blood clotting.

Otoplasty 1st degree of complexity

The operation to correct the auricle can be of varying degrees of complexity, the technique of execution and its cost depend on it. Technique is of great importance.

For example, surgery to correct protruding ears has 3 degrees of complexity, which depend on the angle of the auricle in relation to the head.

The price for laser otoplasty of the 1st degree of complexity in Moscow or St. Petersburg starts from 20,000 rubles. Such an operation is considered simple, the surgeon removes excess cartilage tissue, the total duration of the procedure is from 30 to 50 minutes.

Otoplasty 2 degrees of complexity

In the second stage of the ear shell defect, in addition to standard actions, the surgeon needs to re-form the antihelix fold. The duration of this operation is up to one hour. The cost of an operation of increased complexity starts from 25,000 rubles.

Methods and types of otoplasty

There are such main types of otoplasty:

  1. Aesthetic - involves the elimination of external defects: changing the shape, location of the auricles;
  2. Reconstructive - used to restore a lost ear or part of it.

There are several methods for correcting a defect in the auricle:

  • Traditional (mechanical surgery) - all incisions are made with a scalpel. The procedure is long, the rehabilitation period takes a long time. Scars may remain after the operation;
  • Laser is a modern method by which incisions are made with a special laser. The process is faster than with the traditional method, healing is also faster with less chance of complications.

According to the technique of performing otoplasty, it is divided into:

  • Seamless way- involves the correction of an ear defect due to the elasticity of the cartilage tissue, which makes it easy to bend. The surgeon performs excision of cartilage and skin, performs correction, sutures are not applied. Another method involves the application of notches on the outer part of the cartilage to correct the defect.
  • Suture method- is divided into two types: Furnas - this is the removal of part of the skin on the back of the ear, the cartilage tissue is sutured to the temporal part of the head. Mustarde: an incision is made along the inner side of the ear, sutures are placed on the cartilage tissue and thus the shape of the ear is corrected.
  • Correction without cartilage removal. Used for deafness. Part of the skin behind the ear is cut off, the cartilage is folded back and fixed with non-removable sutures. Thus, the shape of the auricle changes;
  • Closed otoplasty method- is considered less traumatic than the rest. Several punctures are made on the back of the ear to access the cartilage.

The method of carrying out the otoplasty procedure is chosen by the doctor, based on the tests and the consent of the patient.

Ear surgery - elven ears

In recent years, young people, fascinated by the world of fantasy, are trying to make their appearance look like the heroes of John Tolkien. Among the types of aesthetic otoplasty in this area, plastic surgery of the ears is especially popular, aimed at changing the shape of the auricles like elven ones.

The phenomenon of changing ears to the form of elven ones became widespread in Hungary and China.

It's important to know! In Russia, a patient for plastic and aesthetic surgery can be a person who has reached the age of 18 years. He must confirm his intentions in writing by signing documents on the desire to conduct a specific surgical intervention.

This is especially important in the case of otoplasty to change the shape of the auricles to unusual ones - elven in young people, who are often influenced by fashion trends of our time.

Before such an otoplasty, the patient is explained the features of the change in appearance, the possible consequences of the operation.

The following factors are traditionally considered negative phenomena of aesthetic otoplasty "elven ears":

  • it will be difficult to return the auricle to its normal shape;
  • This type of otoplasty is performed under local anesthesia. After the end of the procedure, the pain does not go away for several weeks;
  • for a long time after the operation, you can not sleep on your side, so as not to infect the infection.

Otoplasty - elven ears

Before the start of the operation, the auricle is modeled on a computer. The shape is agreed with the patient, the incision lines are outlined. The surgeon must foresee all postoperative consequences.

The main thing is to take into account the cartilage tension so that the tissues do not return to their original position after surgery.

To fix the resulting shape, the cartilage tissue is connected from the inside with suture material, which dissolves over time, and from the outside - non-absorbable. Clamps are applied from above, it is possible to use adhesive plaster.

Rehabilitation can last up to 3 months, as cartilage does not grow together as quickly as soft tissue. During this period, the patient will have to temporarily change their usual lifestyle: stop drinking alcohol, caffeinated drinks.

After the operation, it is necessary to carry out regular restorative procedures, as prescribed by the surgeon. The first dressings are done by a specialist, and then it will need to be done independently.

Ear lobe otoplasty

An important place in the aesthetics of the face is played by the shape and location of the earlobe. The most popular plastic surgery on the ear is the repair of a torn earlobe. Injury can occur for various reasons: wearing heavy earrings, piercings.

Plastic surgery is possible if the lobe is too large. Piercing can also cause keloid scars. Lobe otoplasty is applicable to change its size.

The operation to correct the earlobe takes place in the hospital. The duration and type of anesthesia depends on the complexity of the reconstruction of the lobe. Under local anesthesia, surgery is usually performed with a torn earlobe. New incisions are made on the inside, excess skin is removed and fresh edges are sutured. The duration of the operation is up to half an hour. The stitches are removed after 4-5 days.

During the operation to reduce the lobe, the excess is removed, a new lobe is formed. This operation takes about 20 minutes. Keloid scars can form on the lobe, they are also removed using otoplasty. During the procedure, the scars are excised, and healthy tissue is moved to restore the lobe.

Otoplasty for protruding ears

Congenital protruding ears are also corrected by surgery to correct the shape of the ears. The defect does not affect the functionality of the auditory organ in any way, it changes the appearance of a person.

The purpose of the procedure is to give a normal shape and the correct position of the upper part of the ears relative to the head. Normal is the location of the auricle at an angle of 30 ° to the head and the line of the ear should run parallel to the cheek.

There should be a distance of no more than 2 cm between the ear and the head. Otoplasty aimed at correcting protruding ears is an aesthetic operation. In most modern clinics, it is performed under local anesthesia using the Furnas suture method.

For children, general anesthesia is used. Depending on the complexity, the operation lasts from half an hour to 1 hour. For the correct outcome of the operation, before starting, a photograph of the ears is taken from the front, side, and back.

Incisions are made on the back of the ear and the auricle is approached behind the ear and fixed. After the operation, the incisions are almost invisible. After 2-3 hours the patient is allowed to go home.

Ear surgery after tunnels

One of the most popular types of otoplasty is the restoration of auricles after tunnels. When the earlobe is stretched up to 4-5 cm, the skin is unable to restore its original size and shape on its own.

This requires reconstruction of the lobe. Plastic after tunnels is considered a complex operation. It is necessary to close the tunnel and remove excess skin.

The effectiveness of the operation can be ensured by a qualified specialist who has experience in performing this type of otoplasty.

First, the material used to form the lobe in shape and size, which is ideally suited to the patient, is prepared. The duration of the operation is from half an hour to 1 hour. After 5-6 days, the stitches are removed, and this place is sealed with medical glue, which even allows you to wash your hair.

Advantages of laser otoplasty over traditional

Correction of the defect of the auricle with a laser is considered an advanced and safer method in modern aesthetic surgery.

The traditional scalpel procedure is inferior to the laser one in several ways.

So with laser otoplasty:

  • there is a non-contact method of exposure to ear tissues;
  • the laser connects the vessels without blood loss;
  • cartilage tissue, when heated, becomes more plastic, which makes it easy to give the desired shape;
  • the action of the laser has a disinfecting property - this minimizes the risk of infection during the operation;
  • swelling and bruising is much less;
  • the procedure is carried out with perfect precision, the incisions are barely noticeable;
  • no scars, as after a scalpel;
  • pain is much less;
  • healing and rehabilitation is much faster;
  • laser exposure stimulates tissue regeneration.

How is the operation carried out?

Tests before otoplasty

Before the operation, the patient undergoes the necessary examination, a consultation with a general practitioner and an otolaryngologist is needed. You also need to pass the following tests:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • tests for viral hepatitis, HIV infection, RW (syphilis), Australian HBS antigen;
  • coagulogram;
  • cardiogram;
  • fluorography.

Women should note that otoplasty is not recommended during menstruation and 4 days before and after. Otoplasty should not be done during an acute respiratory illness. You can't go to surgery hungry.


The main stages of a standard operation for aesthetic correction of the shape of the ear are as follows:

  • an incision is made on the desired side of the auricle (usually the back);
  • the skin is separated from the cartilage tissue;
  • the defect is corrected, the incision is fixed with sutures.

During the reconstructive operation, the cartilaginous base is recreated. The patient's costal cartilage is used as the material. Next, a "pocket" is formed to create the ear. At the last stage, the ear itself is formed and inserted. After the operation, over time, the sutures dissolve, and there are almost no traces of incisions.

rehabilitation period

After otoplasty, the recovery process is fast. There is almost no pain syndrome, the sutures heal quickly. Some patients complain of headaches and ear numbness. These symptoms pass quickly.

To relieve pain, in the early days, the doctor prescribes analgesics. If otoplasty was done in the traditional way, then the stitches will be removed on the 10th day, with laser surgery - in a week. After a few days, you can return to the usual rhythm of life.

Results before and after otoplasty

Features of otoplasty for children. At what age can you do

At the 3rd month of pregnancy, the child's ear is formed, by six months - the auricle. Lop-earedness can be noticed immediately after birth. At this time, such a defect can be corrected without surgery, since the cartilage at this time is soft and can be corrected.

If protruding ears are not corrected “manually” during the first six months of life, then the cartilage becomes denser and correction is possible only with the help of otoplasty.

By the age of 8, the auricle is fully formed, but still quite flexible. The technique and duration of otoplasty depends on several factors:

  • on the degree of deviation of the auricle from the head;
  • if an injury, then on the degree of its severity;
  • child's readiness.

Aesthetic otoplasty (protruding ears) takes no more than 2 hours. Children are recommended to have surgery under general anesthesia, as it is not easy for a child to be motionless for a long time. Local anesthesia is used during surgery for adolescents.

For anesthesia, light sedatives are used, so the child will not feel pain after the action of anesthesia. After the operation, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor for another day, the adult is released after 2-3 hours.

Up to 2 weeks you need to wear a bandage, then for another 1 month, put it on at night (so as not to injure the seams). You can't wash your hair for a few days. For 1-2 weeks the child is released from physical education.

The cost of otoplasty in Moscow clinics. What does the price depend on

There are more than 80 plastic surgery clinics in Moscow where otoplasty can be performed. The price depends on the volume, complexity and technology of otoplasty. The laser method is more expensive.

The anesthesia used affects the cost. General anesthesia is more expensive than local anesthesia. The average cost starts from 15,000 rubles. There is a separate fee for the consultation. Price table for otoplasty in Moscow clinics

Among the Moscow clinics, one can single out: the Diagnostic and Treatment Center of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the network of medical centers SM-Clinic, ON-Clinic - a network of multidisciplinary medical centers, the Nixor Clinic Family Medical Center in Khimki.

The best clinics and surgeons. What to look for when choosing

Usually, when choosing a place for otoplasty, most have two goals: high quality and low price. To achieve the optimal balance, you need to know what the cost of the operation is made up of.

  • Clinic status is of great importance. A medical center with many years of experience guarantees quality work. The price will rightly be higher. Young clinics can also provide quality service, but this is somewhat risky;
  • Surgeon Qualification. The services of an experienced, well-known specialist will cost more;
  • Otoplasty method. Laser will cost more;
  • The cost of anesthesia and the severity of the operation also affects the final price

When choosing a well-known clinic, it is assumed that the main part of the cost of the operation is a "luxury" service. Otoplasty is considered the most demanded plastic surgery in the world.

Prices in Russia are lower than European and world prices. Prices for otoplasty depend on each specific case. They are determined after consultation with the surgeon.

Answers to popular questions

Dressing after otoplasty. How much to wear

For a month, it is necessary to wear a bandage at night to protect the seams from accidental damage.

Also, for 4 weeks you can not visit the pool, sauna, limit sports. Finally, the auricles heal within 6 months. It is recommended to sleep on a high pillow to avoid swelling.

Failed otoplasty. Consequences, possible complications and why they happen

Otoplasty is considered a safe operation, there are almost no complications. Negative consequences can occur if you do not follow the doctor's recommendations. Complications due to surgeon error are possible.

Otoplasty - does it hurt, is anesthesia done?

The operation to correct the auricle is performed mainly under local anesthesia. Children under 14 are recommended to use general anesthesia. Pain is usually not bothersome. You can go home after 2-3 hours after the operation.

Is otoplasty possible without surgery?

Congenital protruding ears can be corrected without surgery only at the age of up to six months. The cartilage is then still very soft, which can be corrected "manually".

An adult can hide his protruding ears under a haircut or headdress. For example, the famous Julia Roberts is not at all shy about her protruding ears. If there is no complex, then you can do without plastic surgery.

Are there stitches after otoplasty?

After otoplasty, the sutures dissolve in about 1 year. The incisions are made on the back of the ear, so no marks are visible. If the lobe is sutured, then the sutures gradually dissolve and disappear.

Swelling after otoplasty

Can otoplasty be done for free or with a promotion?

Many clinics hold promotions, according to which otoplasty can be done at a big discount (up to 60%) or even partially paid for the service. Information about such events can be found on the websites of medical clinics.

On a free basis, the operation is carried out exclusively in public clinics for patients who need to restore the auricle due to deformation as a result of an injury.

Stars before and after otoplasty

There are many famous people in the world who have done otoplasty. Among them is Hollywood actor Brad Pitt.. Despite the fact that he denies the correction of the ears, his fans say that this fact is easy to trace by examining photos of the star at the very beginning of his career and several years later.

Russian actress Evgenia Kryukova on the contrary, she does not hide the fact that for a long time she experienced inconvenience due to protruding ears. Before the operation, I tried to hide the defect with adhesive tape and special glue.

Famous singer Beyoncé For a long time I had a complex about big ears. Having made plastic, she was pleased with the result, and does not hide it from the fans.

The young singer Rihanna has repeatedly turned to the services of a plastic surgeon. She underwent otoplasty at a young age, but from time to time she still uses the services of aesthetic surgeons.

Video clips about what is otoplasty, types of surgery

Do you know the feeling when you want to hide your ears under your hair or headdress? But is it worth it to complex all your life about this? Recently, people often resort to plastic surgery of the ears. This operation has become very popular among all segments of the population. Besides, the relative simplicity of the method makes it very accessible and effective for most people.

Ear surgery was first performed in 1881 by the American surgeon E. Eli. Since then, the technique of the operation has improved significantly, new methods of otoplasty using a laser scalpel have become available.

In what cases is plastic surgery of the auricles required?

  • Protrusion of the auricle, or protruding ears. Normally, the angle between the auricle and the surface of the head should be 20-30°. An increase in this angle leads to lop-earedness. Protruding ears are a birth defect.
  • Ear shape defects(large auricle, change in the shape of the curl, antihelix or lobe).
  • Acquired post-traumatic ear disorders.

At what age is it better to perform otoplasty?

It is believed that the operation is ideal precisely in childhood, about 6 years.. At this time, the child does not go to school yet and does not suffer from peer ridicule. In addition, after the operation, there will be no increased attention of others about the changed shape of the ears. After all, at this age the child does not yet lead an active social life.

photo: left - before surgery, right - after surgery

It is not recommended to change the shape of the ears in a younger child, since it is by the age of 6 that the formation of the shape of the auricle ends. But this does not mean that it is impossible to carry out plastic surgery of the ears later. At any age, this operation is relevant, because it saves a person from unnecessary complexes.

Preparing for the operation

Before carrying out surgery, it is necessary to undergo the necessary examination course, which includes:

What kind of anesthesia is preferable to use?

In children, general anesthesia is more commonly used. For adult patients and children over 10-12 years of age, intravenous or local infiltration anesthesia is preferable. The introduction of an anesthetic solution under the skin (Lidocaine, Ultracaine) helps to eliminate pain. This method is very simple and effective. However, in particularly sensitive patients and young children, this method should not be used.

Operation technique for protruding ears

The following types of methods are used:

Video: animation of otoplasty with protruding ears

Earlobe plastic surgery

  1. The most common anomalies of the lobe, in which its hypertrophy is expressed (the presence of excess tissue). In this situation, the so-called curly resection, during which excess tissue is simply excised and the necessary shape is formed.
  2. Effective for ingrown pimples Proskuryakov's method, thanks to which the free edge of the earlobe is formed quite easily.
  3. A rarer option is the absence of urine or its underdevelopment. With this type of defect, successfully applied techniques using the skin of the cervical region and cutting out flaps from adjacent tissues.

earlobe plasty, on the left - before the operation, on the right - after the operation

Ear plastic surgery for rare developmental anomalies

In rare cases, there are such anomalies as severe underdevelopment (microtia), or the absence of the auricle (anotia), a folded, ingrown ear, etc. Considering that these malformations in most cases are combined with a violation of the anatomical structure of the middle and inner ear, such operations are more serious than cosmetic. Such surgical interventions should be performed by doctors of a high category in highly specialized centers.

Prognosis after surgery

Otoplasty is an operation that in most cases brings satisfaction to both the patient and the surgeon. Most people note the effectiveness of this technique.

Comparison of the results before and after the operation can please the patient so much that he will forever forget about the problem that bothered him. Ears after otoplasty look natural and do not attract attention due to the location of postoperative scars behind the ear.

What complications can occur in the postoperative period?

  • The most common complication is hematoma formation.. An alarming signal for the development of a hematoma is pain in the ear cartilage (in rare cases, in both). The pressure exerted by the accumulated blood in the area of ​​the wound can lead to necrosis and destruction of the cartilage, as well as cause the sutures to open. The incidence of this complication generally does not exceed 1% of the total number of surgical interventions. The most effective method of preventing hematomas is to carefully stop bleeding during surgery. In patients who have a tendency to tissue bleeding (in violation of blood clotting, some hereditary diseases), it is necessary to leave drainage in the area of ​​the postoperative wound. Due to the drainage of the wound, the likelihood of developing a hematoma will be minimal.
  • The development of infectious complications typical for 3-4 days after surgery. This condition is manifested by the discharge of pus from the wound, the appearance of deep pulsating, bursting pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sutures. The most common causative agents of infection are Pseudomonas aeruginosa and. These microorganisms are resistant to many antibiotics. For this reason, it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs that act directly on these pathogens: protected penicillins (Amoxiclav, Flemoklav, III and IV generation cephalosporins). In addition, it is necessary to carry out daily treatments of the postoperative wound with antiseptic solutions, as well as drainage to improve the outflow of purulent discharge. With the development of infectious complications, treatment should be started immediately, the development of chondritis (inflammation of the cartilage of the auricle) should not be allowed. Chondritis is dangerous by further destruction of the cartilage and the formation of a permanent deformation of the auricle, which will significantly worsen the results of the operation.

  • Teething seams may be the result of creating excess tension between tissues when knots are tied. Treatment of this complication consists in the removal of failed sutures and, if necessary, the imposition of secondary sutures.
  • Damage to the skin when applying too tight a bandage after surgery. Excessive pressing of the auricle to the head can be complicated by maceration (damage) of the epithelium of the skin of the ears. If this complication occurs, it is necessary to apply dressings impregnated with drugs with regenerative effects during dressings. For example, "Bepanten", sea buckthorn oil, vitamin A solution. Usually, after 6-7 days, the skin is restored.
  • Formation of a rough postoperative scar. The tendency to form excess scar tissue in the area of ​​the postoperative wound depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. For example, keloid scars are more likely to develop in patients with dark skin. On average, the incidence of this complication does not exceed 2%. Treatment consists in the use in the postoperative period of the drugs "Longidase", "Lidase" in injectable form, or in the form of suppositories. Topical application of Contractubex ointment is also effective, which helps to improve the cosmetic effect. A good result in the treatment of colloidal scars is achieved with the use of Epiderm silicone plates. The course of treatment is 2-3 months. In rare cases, it is necessary to perform a second operation with excision of the old scar. In such situations, the postoperative period is shown to be carried out with the use of corticosteroid hormones that prevent excessive formation of scar tissue.
  • Inadequate correction of the auricles. After the operation, the formation of an asymmetric shape of the ears is possible (for example, the correction was performed more effectively on one side than on the other). Most often, this complication is associated with a violation of surgical technique. With pronounced asymmetry, repeated correction is necessary.

The rehabilitation period lasts for a month. It is after this period that it is possible to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the operation. Therefore, after 1 month, a consultation with a surgeon is indicated.

Laser otoplasty

In modern surgery, powerful lasers are used, the energy of which is sufficient to carry out the following actions:

  • Cutting the fabric.
  • Vascular coagulation.
  • Connection (welding) of fabrics.

However, the use of laser technique does not exclude the use of other surgical instruments. For example, dissection of the skin above the cartilage of the auricle is not recommended to be performed with a laser, since marginal thermal damage to the skin structures occurs. Therefore, the incision is often performed with a scalpel, and other stages of the operation are performed with a laser.

otoplasty, left - before surgery, right - after surgery

In general, the use of laser surgery for otoplasty improved the prognosis after surgery, and also reduced the risk of postoperative complications.

For example, due to thermal effects on tissues, denaturation of plasma component proteins occurs, which leads to coagulation (soldering) of blood vessels and a decrease in the risk of bleeding during surgery. Thanks to this action of the laser, optimal conditions are created for the surgeon, because he works on a “dry” surgical field, which contributes to a more thorough examination of the tissues. In addition, due to the local thermal effect of the laser on the tissue, the likelihood of developing purulent complications decreases, so in this case the bactericidal properties of the laser beam appear.

The processes of tissue healing after laser otoplasty practically do not differ from those when using the classical surgical technique.

What is the price of the operation?

The cost of surgery depends on many factors.: the severity of the defect of the auricles, the qualifications of the doctor, the technique of the operation, the status of the clinic, the city.

For example, operations to eliminate protruding ears are much cheaper than a complete reconstruction of the auricle with complex developmental anomalies.

It should be taken into account that the average price of the operation also depends on the city. In Moscow, the price of otoplasty starts from 30-40 thousand rubles, while in cities far from the capital, the price can be from 12 thousand.

A very important factor: the method of surgical intervention. The classical surgical method is cheaper than laser-assisted otoplasty. The price for ear correction with laser energy starts at an average of 40 thousand.

It must be taken into account that the operation by a doctor of a high category will cost more than by a novice specialist. However, it is still better to look for a specialist not by categories, titles and regalia, but by reviews (although filtering them should be approached with reasonable distrust).

Is otoplasty possible at home?

It is believed that infants under 6 months of age have very malleable cartilage. Some parents, in order to avoid protruding ears, put tight hats on the child, which press the auricle to the baby's head. However, the effectiveness of this technique is very doubtful, but the discomfort for the child is quite obvious.

Also absolutely useless way to fix the auricle on your own to the head with various stickers. The shape of the ear will not change in any way, but the aggressive use of these methods can lead to deformation of the cartilage, which will only aggravate the situation.

Given the level of development of medicine in our days, changing the shape of the ears has ceased to be a luxury. Moreover, aesthetic surgery can help a person stop feeling discomfort from their appearance. After all, dissatisfaction with one's appearance can lead to a violation of the construction of interpersonal relationships and even to social isolation. Thus, the operation can help not only correct an external defect, but also achieve harmony and tranquility.

Video: otoplasty in the Doctors program

Laser otoplasty is an operation in which the auricle is corrected using a laser beam. This method is used in cases where the problem cannot be solved with a scalpel. The use of a laser avoids severe blood loss. The advantages of such medical manipulation include the absence of scars after surgery and a short recovery period.

Otoplasty performed using a laser beam helps to solve many problems associated with defects in the ears and earlobe. After this method of correction, inflammatory processes and suppuration do not occur due to the pronounced antimicrobial effect of the laser.

In addition, such an operation is carried out practically without incisions and sutures, due to which rough postoperative scars are rarely formed. Laser otoplasty is performed by a closed method, that is, the incision is made behind the ear.

The laser beam gently works on the cartilage without injuring it unnecessarily. The edges are smooth and rounded, thanks to which the surgeon changes the shape of the ear as accurately as possible.

Such plastic helps to solve the following problems:

  • increases or decreases the size of the auricles;
  • eliminates congenital ear defects;
  • restores the relief of the auricles after surgery or injuries;
  • contributes to the elimination of lop-earedness;
  • partially or completely restores the shape of the auricles.

Often, laser otoplasty is used to eliminate the consequences of unsuccessful operations performed in the traditional way.


An individual approach is required for each patient who has applied to the doctor for correction. Depending on the problem to be eliminated with the help of surgical intervention, the following types of laser otoplasty are distinguished:

  • reconstructive;
  • aesthetic.


Such an operative method is aimed at restoring the shape of the auricles, which are congenitally or as a result of injury missing the lower part. During the operation, tissues from the skin and costal cartilage are implanted. An experienced doctor is required to perform the operation.


In this case, the operation is performed to change the shape and size of the auricles, placing them in the correct position. Thanks to aesthetic plasticity, the asymmetry of the ears is eliminated. During its implementation, cartilage and skin are completely removed.


Although such surgery does not belong to the severe category, it is necessary to properly prepare before it is carried out. 2 weeks before plastic surgery, it is necessary to stop using blood thinners. These are preparations based on acetylsalicylic acid - Aspirin, Citramon, Antigrippin, Sedalgin. Do not eat or drink anything 6 hours before the operation.

Collection of analyzes

The doctor directs the patient to take the necessary tests. This is required in order to avoid possible complications.

You will need to pass the following tests:

  • blood - general, biochemical - for sugar, bilirubin, creatinine, liver tests and protein;
  • urine;
  • blood clotting, AIDS, hepatitis B and C virus;
  • blood for syphilis, Rh factor and group.

Also, the doctor can refer the patient to other tests, if necessary.

Patient examination

Before preparing for otoplasty, the patient should consult with a general practitioner and surgeon, and if there are chronic diseases, with an appropriate specialist. You need to tell your doctor about any allergic reactions to medications.

The doctor also directs the patient to an electrocardiographic, fluorographic and laboratory examination.

Before the operation, it is necessary to determine the distance between the curl and the mastoid process at the levels of the upper point, the lobe and the external auditory canal. In some cases, additional measurements are used. Often, computer simulations of optimal results are performed with the direct participation of the patient.

Operation rules

Before plastic surgery, the doctor chooses which anesthesia to apply, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body and the existing allergic reactions to drugs. General anesthesia is provided for children, and local anesthesia for adults.

The operation takes place as follows: with a laser, which is a scalpel and a device for changing the cartilage of the ear, an incision is made behind the auricle 4 cm wide. Through it, the surgeon sees the cartilage tissue, the excess of which is removed. When correcting the shape of the lobe, the doctor removes adipose tissue from its inner side, and a small area of ​​skin from the outer side.

The incision is closed in various ways, the main thing is that the ear shell looks natural. At the end of the operation, a disinfecting bandage is applied along the oval of the face and strengthened with an elastic band. Otoplasty lasts 30-40 minutes.

Peculiarities of pediatric otoplasty

Ear surgery, in particular reconstructive otoplasty, can be performed on children from the age of 2, when cartilage is just being formed. Aesthetic correction is recommended at the age of 5-7 years, after the final formation of cartilage. At the same time, it is still elastic, which helps during otoplasty.

It is advisable to carry out such an operation before the child goes to school in order to avoid possible ridicule due to a defect in the organ of hearing.

The danger of pediatric otoplasty is that the child's nervous system is strongly affected. If he is not psychologically prepared for temporary difficulties, then severe stress may develop after the operation.

Ear care after surgery

After otoplasty, the bandage should be worn for a week. It protects the ears from mechanical stress and fixes them in the correct position. In addition, the bandage does not allow germs and water to enter the ear canal. The seams are treated 2 times a day with alcohol solutions.

During the recovery period, after the removal of the bandage, it is important to protect the ears from wind and exposure to sunlight. Before going outside, they can be lubricated with sunscreen with SPF 50.

Many patients are interested in the question of how quickly ear tissue heals after laser otoplasty. The final result is observed after six months.

When to remove stitches

If a non-absorbable suture material was used during the operation, then the doctor removes the sutures on the 5th-7th day with sufficient healing. The ability of tissues to recover affects the speed of healing. Before removing the stitches, the surgeon evaluates their condition.

Recovery period

The rehabilitation period after laser otoplasty is divided into 2:

  • early;
  • late.

The early postoperative period lasts 7-10 days. All this time you should wear a special compression bandage. It covers the entire circumference of the head and fixes the ears. Thanks to her, the hearing organs are in the correct position and do not move until the tissues are completely healed. In addition, such a bandage protects the ears from accidental injury and inhibits the spread of edema. Many are interested in the question of how much to wear a bandage. The bandage should remain on the head for a week.

During this period, dressings are regularly done. To do this, gauze swabs impregnated with agents that accelerate wound healing are applied to the seams. This may be a solution of "Chlorhexidine", hydrogen peroxide, "Furacilin". If severe pain occurs in the ear area after surgery, then painkillers are taken - Nurofen, Nalgezin, Drotaverin.

In order not to accidentally damage the cartilage or soft tissues of the ears during sleep, it is recommended to sleep only on your back without removing the brace. To reduce swelling and prevent its spread, raise the head of the bed so that the person sleeps half-sitting. Any physical activity is prohibited, otherwise the seams may open, and scars will form in the future. During this period, you should stop wearing glasses.

The main task of the late postoperative period is to create the necessary conditions for the rapid healing of the hearing organs.

For this you need:

  • follow a diet;
  • limit water procedures and physical activity;
  • create comfortable temperature conditions.

During this period, the auricles may still swell a little and have a slight loss of sensitivity.

It is important to follow the postoperative diet:

  • you should eat foods containing a large amount of proteins, trace elements and vitamins;
  • food should be easily digestible;
  • spicy, salty, pickled, smoked, fatty dishes must be excluded from the diet;
  • recommended foods: fruits, vegetables, cereals, lean meats.

It is forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol in the late postoperative period, otherwise the processes of tissue regeneration will proceed much more slowly. Increased physical activity should be limited so that the tissues do not move and the seams do not open.

The head can be washed only with warm water using baby shampoo. Other products may contain substances that can adversely affect the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe emerging scar. It is forbidden to visit a bath or sauna, because the high temperature and humidity in such rooms can cause the seams to diverge.

What to do if the operation was unsuccessful

Laser ear correction may fail in the following cases:

  • the method of surgical intervention was incorrectly chosen, while the doctor did not take into account the condition of the tissues in the area of ​​the surgical field;
  • the marking of the future section was inaccurate;
  • insufficient experience of a plastic surgeon.

Such factors lead to the fact that after the correction of the ears during the rehabilitation period, various complications may occur. In some cases, repeated surgery is required. Failed otoplasty is corrected by various methods:

  • the doctor re-sutures if they have dispersed;
  • use hematoma drainage, stop bleeding, conduct decongestant treatment and antibiotic therapy;
  • perform corrective otoplasty to eliminate small defects after surgery;
  • repeated otoplasty is performed after a long period of time, while the incisions are made in the area of ​​old scars.

The choice of method for correcting the consequences after an unsuccessful operation depends on the cause and severity of the deformity of the ears.

Complications and negative consequences

After laser correction of the ears, various complications rarely occur. This happens in one case per 200 operations. The exception is situations when the patient did not follow the recommendations of the doctors, or the surgeon made a gross mistake during the correction of the ears.

If the patient violates the rules for caring for the ears during rehabilitation, the sutures may get wet, an inflammatory process or suppuration may develop. If he does not wear a bandage, then there is a high probability of divergence of the seams.

If the surgeon does not follow the rules of sterility during the operation, infection of the patient may occur. An incorrectly made incision leads to the appearance of hematomas. In rare cases, tissue necrosis is observed.

The formation of a keloid scar is also considered a complication. This happens if the patient has a predisposition to tissue scarring. Often there is a decrease in sensitivity in the area where the incision was made. This phenomenon is temporary and disappears after the restoration of blood circulation and nerve connections.

Laser otoplasty has contraindications. It is not carried out in the following cases:

  • the presence of cancerous tumors;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • inflammation of the skin in the immediate vicinity of the ears;
  • exacerbation of chronic viral diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • blood diseases;
  • menstruation;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • hypertension.

Pediatric otoplasty also has contraindications, some of which are temporary:

  • inflammation of the jaw;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • chronic ear diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • diabetes;
  • acute inflammatory diseases.

The operation is carried out after the elimination of obstacles.

The shape, size and position of the ears significantly affect the overall image. Some defects can visually spoil even a very beautiful face and make it comical. Modern surgical manipulations help to correct such shortcomings, with their help it is possible to give the desired parameters to the ears in just one session.

Otoplasty - indications

The surgeries considered are divided into aesthetic and reconstructive procedures. The first group of manipulations is designed to correct the shape and location of the shells. Ear plasty of the second indicated type is a complex surgical intervention that allows you to reconstruct a completely or partially damaged (or missing) hearing organ.

Indications for the procedure:

  • smoothed surface (in front) of the antihelix and auricle;
  • protruding ears;
  • increased angle between the back of the head and the shell;
  • irregular shape of the ears;
  • asymmetry;
  • deformations;
  • the absence (acquired or congenital) of individual sections or the entire auditory organ.

Otoplasty methods

In modern medicine, two surgical techniques are used - laser and classical (scalpel). Ear correction in the first way is considered a minimally invasive manipulation, therefore it is most popular among patients. Standard otoplasty is inferior to laser otoplasty in terms of aesthetics, but in some situations it is more appropriate to perform it. The scalpel technique is indispensable for serious ear defects, the absence of a part or a whole shell.

Otoplasty with laser

The presented version of the operation is carried out by means of directed beam radiation. Laser otoplasty is the most accurate, safe and effective way to correct the shape of the ears. The incisions are thinner and smaller than with classical surgery, so there will be no noticeable scars. Due to the high temperature of the laser beam, damaged vessels in the skin are immediately coagulated (soldered). This ensures the minimum amount of blood released during manipulation and prevents infection of wounds, subsequent inflammation and suppuration.

The standard procedure is performed with a scalpel under general or local (more often) anesthesia. Classical otoplasty of the ears is recommended for significant deformities of the shells, severe damage or lack of cartilage. Some patients prefer the scalpel technique even for minor defects due to its low cost. Surgical otoplasty produces a similar effect to laser, but after it remains more noticeable. With the described manipulation, a long rehabilitation period in the hospital is required.

Preparation for otoplasty

On the eve of the operation, it is important to have a substantive conversation with the doctor and tell him in as much detail as possible about your own expectations and the desired results of the procedure. In order for the correction of the ears to be successful, you should undergo a thorough examination, which includes a list of tests:

  • urine, blood (general);
  • blood for syphilis, immunodeficiency and hepatitis.

Additionally, instrumental and hardware studies are carried out - fluorography, electrocardiography. If there are no contraindications to the manipulation, the surgeon finds out the patient's tendency to various anesthetic drugs and checks the skin's predisposition to formation and enlargement.

When the date of the operation is chosen, the basic preparation begins:

  1. For 14 days, stop taking medications that directly or indirectly change the ability of blood to coagulate.
  2. Give up alcohol and cigarettes (temporarily).
  3. Do not eat or drink before the actual procedure (4 hours or earlier).
  4. Wash ears and hair thoroughly.

In the case of a successful manipulation and the complete satisfaction of the patient with the results obtained, the doctor gives additional recommendations and writes out the owner of the "new" ears. Sometimes it is not possible to immediately achieve the desired aesthetic effect. In such situations, a second otoplasty will be required. The final correction is prescribed only after the complete healing of the treated tissues and the fusion of cartilage.

How is otoplasty done?

There are more than 150 types of the described operation, the specific type of incision, its width and length is selected by the surgeon individually. The only unpleasant moment that accompanies otoplasty is the stitches. Wounds that provide access to the cartilage have to be pulled together with medical thread, which often causes scarring. Sometimes laser resurfacing is required to smooth or completely eliminate them.

Wearing massive earrings or tunnels leads to stretching, sagging or other deformations of the skin. Correction of the earlobe is also required in case of its mechanical damage, especially ruptures. Such otoplasty is carried out in 2 stages:

  1. Excision of excess skin. At this stage, old scars and keloid growths are additionally removed.
  2. Stitching. The doctor forms the correct shape and size of the lobe, the edges of the incisions are carefully fastened with a surgical thread.

Ear plasty

The manipulation under consideration involves working with both skin and cartilage tissue. Depending on the complexity of the diagnosis, otoplasty of the auricles takes from 30 to 120 minutes and is performed under local or general anesthesia. During the procedure, the surgeon makes an incision in the back crease of the ear (where it attaches to the head) and gains access to the cartilage. The specialist partially removes or deforms it in order to give the shell the correct dimensions, adjust its position and angle relative to the skull. The incision is carefully sutured, and the corrected ear is pressed with a fixing tight bandage.

Otoplasty - postoperative period

At the end of the manipulation, the doctor treats all damaged areas with antiseptic solutions and applies sterile wipes. A swab impregnated with a special oil composition with disinfecting properties is even inserted into the ear canal to prevent infection and inflammation of the tissues. The bandage after otoplasty helps not only to fix the ears in the correct position, but also to fix devices with therapeutic solutions.

With very simple operations, the patient can go home after a few hours. If the procedure was difficult, and the person has severe ear pain after otoplasty, they are left in the hospital for 1-7 days. During this period, doctors control the healing of tissues, regularly make dressings and change sterile napkins, and prescribe effective symptomatic therapy.

Otoplasty - rehabilitation period

Recovery lasts about 3 weeks, and the complete disappearance of the traces of the operation occurs after 4-6 months. Ears after otoplasty can hurt and throb. To stop the discomfort, the patient is prescribed non-narcotic analgesics, which should be taken up to 2 times a day. Edema after otoplasty disappears on its own within 4-6 weeks.

Tips for a quick recovery:

  1. Wear a pressure bandage at all times for at least a week. It is removed only when changing sterile wipes and medical tampons (1 time in 2-3 days).
  2. Do not wash your hair for 10-14 days.
  3. Give up physical activity for 3 weeks.
  4. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
  5. Do not go to the pool and sauna for 1.5 months.
  6. Be sure to visit the surgeon after removing the sutures (7-9 days) and six months after the manipulation.

Consequences of otoplasty

The quality of the operation, its results and aesthetics completely depend on the professionalism and experience of the doctor. Thanks to the correct otoplasty, many people got rid of complexes about an unattractive appearance and stabilized their psychological state, raised their self-esteem. If the surgical intervention was performed by an unqualified doctor, the consequences can be not only visually unsatisfactory, but also dangerous.

In childhood, not everyone pays attention to too small or large auricles, or even their absence. But in adulthood, this cosmetic defect becomes a real problem. The ridicule of others, psychological discomfort and difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex create complexes and prevent you from enjoying life. Only plastic surgery of the ears can save in such a situation. The procedure is able to transform the appearance, restore attractiveness and get rid of many complexes.

With what deviations of the ears resort to the help of plastic surgeons

Otoplasty is a surgery to correct the appearance of the ears. The main objective of the intervention is to restore the natural position, size and anatomical orientation of the hearing organ.

The normal length of an adult ear from the lobe to the curl reaches 6 cm, the width is 3–3.5 cm. The angle between the plane of the cartilage and the head is about 30%.

The operation is especially in demand among people with congenital defects of the outer part of the ear:

  • protrusion of elastic cartilage or protrusion;
  • asymmetry;
  • too big and small auricle;
  • curl deformation.

In this case, the disadvantage can be both unilateral and bilateral.

The aesthetic procedure is carried out with a visible defect of the earlobe, which has arisen due to the wearing of massive earrings, stretch marks for piercings, all kinds of plugs and "tunnels". In this case, only soft tissues are excised, without the involvement of cartilaginous structures.

In addition to purely cosmetic problems, otoplasty also solves more serious medical problems, up to the complete reconstruction of a missing or severed ear. With such a correction, an extender is used, followed by the formation of a frame and covering it with skin. The technique allows you to very accurately reproduce the contours of a normal shell.

In some cases, the patient needs to change the location of the ears relative to the face or restore the missing part after an injury.

Classification of plastic surgeries

Otoplasty is usually divided into aesthetic and reconstructive. The first intervention option is performed at the request of the patient. This also includes such an ambiguous procedure as the creation of "elven ears".

Reconstructive plastic surgery is performed only for medical reasons and helps to restore a partially or completely lost auricle. This is a more complex and radical type of intervention.

The operation to correct the shape of the ears can be of different categories of complexity. In plastic surgery, it is customary to distinguish three stages of deformation, on which the level of intervention depends:

  • I degree is manifested by subtle violations of the relief of the ears. For correction, it is enough to remove excess cartilage tissue;
  • II degree is expressed by a visually noticeable smoothing of the curl and a deep separation of the auricle from the head. Provides for the formation of an antihelix fold.

Grade III is characterized by a complete violation of the anatomical structure of the organ of hearing. The operation requires a serious correction of cartilage tissue.

Varieties of plastic surgery of the ears according to the method of intervention

There are several types of otoplasty. An old and fairly common method of correction is a surgical operation performed with a scalpel.

More modern varieties include laser otoplasty - incisions are made with a CO2 laser, which significantly reduces the trauma of the procedure and reduces the risk of complications.

It is impossible not to mention one more type of correction - endoscopic otoplasty. The only drawback of the procedure is the high price - the intervention costs about 100 thousand rubles. Why so expensive? The fact is that the manipulation requires not only jewelry complex work, but also the use of special equipment - an endoscope.


The scalpel type of intervention has been practiced for a very long time and is considered not only traditional, but also the cheapest way to correct the ears. Intervention of medium complexity takes 1.5 hours, is performed only under general anesthesia and requires postoperative hospitalization during the day.


Surgical plastic has many advantages. Let's name the main ones:

  • with the help of a scalpel, you can not only correct the shape, but also restore the auricle in its complete absence;
  • the result of manipulation in most cases persists for life;
  • the procedure radically changes the appearance for the better.

Scalpel otoplasty equally easily copes with the correction of children's, women's and men's ears.

Moreover, for the representatives of the stronger sex, a surgical knife is sometimes the only possible way to correct serious deformities of the ears.


Some have a negative attitude towards the procedure, believing that the doctor during the operation sews the cartilage of the auricle to the head. Nothing of the sort is being done. However, surgical otoplasty has other, very real disadvantages:

  • soreness of the operation;
  • bleeding during and sometimes after plastic surgery;
  • increased risk of complications;
  • long and rigorous rehabilitation period.

With a tendency to scarring after scalpel intervention, ugly scars may remain.

Laser correction

Less traumatic type of ear plastic surgery. The operation is performed with a laser beam, which has a bactericidal effect.


The positive aspects of laser otoplasty are quite significant:

  • the light beam leaves a thin incision that heals quickly;
  • the procedure does not cause bleeding, since cauterization of the vessels occurs at the same time;
  • less common are infectious complications and the formation of keloid scars;
  • short recovery period.

These advantages make laser correction of the ears the best type of intervention, but in some cases its possibilities are significantly limited.


A low-traumatic procedure allows you to correct the irregular shape of the auricles, i.e. solve an aesthetic problem. But in clinical practice, it may not always be useful - with the help of a laser beam it is impossible to restore an organ or return its missing part.

Ways to change the shape of the ears without surgery

The non-surgical method most often gets rid of protruding ears. Such a correction of the auricles is possible only for newborns and infants at the age of 12 months, while the cartilage is soft and easily takes a given position. The technique is also applicable to babies from 1 to 5 years old, but it does not always give the proper result.

To eliminate the protrusion of the auricle in a child, special correctors are used. The device is a soft silicone plate connected by a jumper. The sticky side pads are attached strictly parallel to the scalp and cartilage surface.

Adolescents and adults with I degree of protruding ears can use Otostik correctors or visually hide protruding auricles with properly styled hair.

True, for men, this option is unacceptable, so in their case, the only way to look presentable is otoplasty.

Ear correction methods according to the correction technique

Modern plastic surgery has more than 200 different techniques for correcting the auricles, but in practice, only three methods are most often used.

According to Furnas

The technique is commonly used to correct protruding ears. During the operation, a dissection and removal of a part of the cartilage is performed with further fixation of the auricle with an interrupted suture.

The D. Furnas method is most effective for children, adolescents and women with soft, pliable cartilage tissues.

By Mustard

The J. Mustarde technique is also used to eliminate protruding ears. With its help, an anatomically normal antihelix is ​​formed. The cartilage is excised through the behind-the-ear access, and by applying several sutures, the flat part of the ear is given a natural shape.

According to Etenstrom-Stenstrom

The technique is similar to the Mustarde technique. The correct contour of the antihelix is ​​formed by applying several notches on its outer surface. The incisions are then closed with sutures to hold the cartilage in position.

Features of otoplasty

Any plastic surgery is a complex and multi-stage process, where each stage has its own characteristics. An important distinguishing feature of otoplasty is the ability to perform intervention at any age.

Indications for surgery

Ear correction, both medical and aesthetic, allows you to save the patient from imperfections and many complexes, increase self-esteem and improve communication with others.

Indications for otoplasty:

  • protruding ears (protruding ears);
  • auricle disproportions, hypoplasia;
  • injuries, scars and scars;
  • microtil (absence or underdevelopment of the outer part of the hearing organ);
  • urinary defects.

In practice, people with pronounced protruding ears most often resort to surgery on the ears.

When is the best time to correct?

Plastic surgeons believe that the most optimal time for aesthetic correction is 6-7 years. It is at this age that the formation of cartilage ends. In addition, small children are much easier to tolerate both the procedure itself and the postoperative period. Soft ears heal faster and take on a given shape.

Reconstructive plastic surgery is indicated at any age. If necessary, correction can be carried out even for infants up to a year old, for example, to eliminate a rudimentary shell.

Testing and other preparatory activities

Before the operation, it is necessary to visit a plastic surgeon who will visually assess the defect and suggest solutions. To do this, the doctor will model new auricles in 3d format and hand the result to the patient for approval.

What tests should be taken before otoplasty:

  • testing for HIV, hepatitis (HCV), syphilis (RW);
  • blood type and Rh factor test;
  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • coagulogram.

Also, the patient should undergo an ECG and fluorography. To obtain a written medical opinion on the state of health, you must contact an otolaryngologist and a general practitioner.

Anesthesia and its types

When performing otoplasty, two types of anesthesia are used: local and general.

In the first case, the patient is given an injection with a 0.5-1% Lidocaine solution. For sedation, Midazolam is used orally or Stadol intramuscularly. Anesthesia is administered intravenously or with a mask.

When working with young children and adolescents, the use of general anesthesia, usually inhalation, is mandatory. For adults, the requirements are different - modern surgeons are increasingly insisting on local anesthesia when performing minimally invasive procedures.

How is ear correction surgery performed?

Today, plastic surgeons use both the suture method and the seamless method.

In the classic, scalpel version, a behind-the-ear incision is made, through which part of the cartilage is removed, followed by internal fixation sutures. If a non-absorbable material is used for this, over time the body can reject the threads, and they will begin to crawl out.

At the end of the operation, a fixing bandage is applied to the ear and the patient is taken to the ward.

When using the closed method, all manipulations are carried out without cutting the skin. The surgeon, under local anesthesia, performs small punctures on the back of the ears, through which, using a sickle-shaped knife, he makes numerous incisions in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future antihelix.

There is no need for hospitalization in this case. After 2 hours, the patient is allowed to go home, fixing the shells with a bandage tape.

Relapses after otoplasty are extremely rare. But if this still happens, the client needs a second correction.

Rehabilitation and recovery

The first two days after the operation, the patient may feel discomfort and pain, which are tolerated quite easily. During the week, you need to walk in a bandage and visit the clinic to treat the wound. All the time of rehabilitation, you should protect your ears from any influences that can injure or displace still weak cartilage.

  • for two weeks you can not wash your hair and wet your ears;
  • for the same period it is necessary to exclude physical activity, weight lifting;
  • for 2 months you can not travel to countries with a hot climate;
  • refuse to visit the pool, bath and sauna for 30 days.

How to take care of your ears? The patient is forbidden to remove the bandage or rub the wound himself. If you suffer from severe itching, you can gently scratch your ears through a bandage.

Full recovery after otoplasty occurs in 5-6 months.

Contraindications for surgery

Like any surgical intervention, the correction of the auricles has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • oncology or undergoing a course of chemotherapy;
  • hepatitis and HIV infection;
  • hemophilia;
  • endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus);
  • some psychosomatic disorders.

It is undesirable for women to have otoplasty during menstruation. Menstruation increases the pain threshold and increases the risk of adverse reactions.

Complications and adverse effects after otoplasty

Ear plastic surgery can be accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms, some of which are completely normal for the postoperative period. Other consequences arise due to the mistakes of the surgeon or non-compliance with the rules of rehabilitation.

All complications are divided into early ones, which appear within a month after plastic surgery, and late ones.

The first ones include:

  • saturation of the ear tissues with organic fluids due to a tightly applied bandage;
  • soreness;
  • edema;
  • hematomas and bruises;
  • infection;
  • allergic reaction to medical substances.

After poor-quality reconstructive plastics, a discharge of the auricles can be observed. This condition requires urgent surgical intervention.

Late effects include:

  • cutting seams;
  • suppuration of tissues;
  • distortion of the auricle;
  • asymmetry;
  • keloid scars.

With improper suturing, narrowing of the auditory canal, impaired blood supply, followed by detachment of the skin from the auricles, may occur.

What else you need to know about ear correction

Otoplasty is a complex and responsible procedure that requires a lot of experience from the surgeon. In addition, the manipulation has many nuances that you should be aware of and take into account when preparing for the intervention.

Is otoplasty allowed during pregnancy?

No way. During this period, any stress is contraindicated for a woman, and an operation is the strongest stress. The procedure can affect the health of both the mother and the unborn baby. Even more problems will arise with the development of severe complications requiring antibiotics.

Leave the operation for later - all the shortcomings can be eliminated after the end of lactation.

Does otoplasty affect hearing?

Manipulation does not affect the ability to hear in any way. The correction affects only the outer part of the organ, not reaching the middle ear and the tympanic membrane. In plastic surgery, otoplasty is considered one of the safest procedures.

When is reoperation allowed?

Secondary ear correction can only be performed 12 months after the failed operation. Such a long period is necessary in order for the auricles to heal well and take their final shape.

Where to go if you need to do plastic surgery of the ears

Otoplasty cannot be performed in an ordinary hospital under the MHI policy, since the operation often solves only aesthetic problems and has no absolute medical grounds.

The Moscow Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology is distinguished by excellent service and quality of services provided. This is a clinic of multifunctional medicine, which today is rightfully considered the best. Moreover, the institution often provides discounts for its services, and sometimes it does operations for free.

How much does ear correction cost

Otoplasty is not considered an expensive procedure. The average price of scalpel intervention is 50-75 thousand rubles. Laser plastic will cost more - 60-80 thousand rubles for two ears.

Lobe correction (unilateral intervention) costs from 3 to 40 thousand rubles. Reconstruction of the auricle will cost 200 thousand rubles.

Summing up

Today, aesthetic medicine has reached such heights that otoplasty has ceased to be a luxury. The operation can be done by anyone at a very affordable price. In addition to improving your appearance, this safe and effective procedure will restore self-confidence and help you find personal happiness.

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