Canine ear disease. Otodectosis, eczema and other ear diseases in dogs. Ear infections caused by allergies

Dog owners need to be aware of such an unpleasant phenomenon as ear diseases in pets. It is very easy to notice this problem: by the behavior of the animal and specific secretions from his ears. timely veterinary care in this case, it is necessary, since the dog experiences severe torment and can comb the delicate skin to the point of blood.

The symptoms of ear diseases are quite pronounced, and it is difficult not to notice this phenomenon. main feature- severe anxiety of the animal, scratching and constant shaking of the head.

Symptoms of ear problems in dogs:

  • severe scratching of the skin, sometimes to the point of blood;
  • the auricles are inflamed, puffiness appears inside and outside the organ;
  • the dog tilts its head and shakes it during movement;
  • touching the ears causes pain and discomfort in the dog;
  • uncharacteristic discharge with an unpleasant odor appears.

Ear diseases in dogs affect the mood of a pet that does not want to play and does not make contact. An attentive owner will definitely notice that something is wrong with the pet, and this is a reason to contact the veterinarian.

According to statistics, ear diseases in dogs is quite common and dangerous phenomenon, so do not put off a visit to the doctor and hope that everything will go away on its own.


There are many pathogens and causes of ear diseases. In some cases, only a qualified specialist can determine them.

The most common causes of ear problems in dogs are:

  • allergies;
  • ear injury;
  • ticks;
  • primary infection with various microorganisms of viral, fungal and bacterial origin;
  • secondary infections;
  • the ingress of foreign objects into the auricle of the animal;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • immunological diseases;
  • oncological diseases.

Some ear diseases in dogs require heightened attention by the hosts and the first medical care, namely:

  1. Ear hematoma. Auricular hematoma occurs due to damage blood vessels in the ear of a dog due to mechanical action: scratching, shaking or being bitten by another animal. Soon after the injury occurs, a hematoma occurs, which, over time, can rot.
  2. Allergic reactions. It is the ears that often suffer from allergies, because their tissues are very delicate and sensitive. Such a problem is accompanied by redness, soreness and swelling of the tissues of these organs. If you notice these symptoms, be sure to contact a specialist for help, otherwise serious complications may occur.
  3. Infectious diseases. Often, ear problems are caused by various pathogenic microflora. The most dangerous are fungal microorganisms that are not afraid of antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents. In this case, treatment is prescribed only after the pathogen is detected by laboratory tests.
  4. Otodectosis. The presence of mites in the ears of a dog causes severe allergic reactions, itching and pain. This condition is called otodectosis. This disease is accompanied by redness and swelling of the tissues.
  5. Foreign objects. Most often, pieces penetrate into the auricles of dogs herbal ingredients: bark, twigs or grass. Such a problem can happen to an animal both in the forest and in the city park. Due to hit foreign body a wound may appear on the tissues of the ear, into which various microorganisms penetrate, causing inflammation. To prevent this from happening, the pet's ears should be examined after each walk.
  6. Injuries. Most often, injury to the dog's ears occurs as a result of a fight with another animal, so the owner is obliged to prevent such skirmishes. It is worth noting that pet can catch rabies from a bite from an affected individual, which means you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.
  7. Hormonal diseases. Hormonal problems cause dermatitis and dermatosis. Disorders of sex hormones and hormones thyroid gland Dogs are very difficult to diagnose as well as treat. That's why this situation considered very dangerous and requires immediate veterinary attention.

Diagnosis of diseases

Often the owners are lost, realizing that the dog has an earache and not knowing what to do in this case. And the vet comes to the rescue. There are many diseases associated with this organ. To prescribe treatment, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the dog's auricles, palpation, and diagnostics.

The inspection is carried out using special device- an otoscope that allows you to detect ticks, foreign bodies, swelling in the inner and middle ear, as well as in the external passage. In addition, the veterinarian pays attention to redness of the skin, the presence of discharge, swelling of the eardrum.

  • a blood test that will indicate the presence of an allergy;
  • cytological studies will help detect tumors, hyperplasia or autoimmune diseases;
  • examination of skin scrapings under a microscope to identify mites and other microorganisms;
  • radiography will reveal tumors and polyps that cause chronic otitis media;
  • CT and MRI will help to examine the mean and inner ear, as well as to identify the presence of diseases of neighboring organs.

After receiving the tests and examination results, the veterinarian makes an appropriate diagnosis and prescribes treatment.


Any ear disease requires special approach and specific treatment. The area of ​​damage to the organ significantly affects the conduct of therapy.

For otitis externa, drugs from a veterinary pharmacy are used. local application: antihistamine medicines, drugs to relieve swelling and antibiotics. In this case, you can cope with the disease at home, but it is still recommended to consult a specialist.

If the dog's ear hurts, but no problems were found in the external passage, then, most likely, the inflammatory process affected the inner or middle ear. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian who will diagnose and prescribe antibiotics.

In the presence of hematomas, they are opened, drained, and injected with steroid drugs.


In order for the dog's ears not to hurt, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations for caring for the animal:

  • clean the auricles of the animal from dirt and sulfur;
  • do not allow hypothermia of a pet;
  • do not allow your puppy to come into contact with other animals that show symptoms of ear diseases;
  • protect each ear from water getting inside;
  • Trim your dog's excess hair around the ears in a timely manner.

Although ear diseases do not pose a direct threat to the pet's life, they cause pain, discomfort as well as complications. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to immediately visit a veterinarian. It is important to remember that leading role in the treatment and prevention of ear diseases, hygiene of this organ is given.

Very often, dog owners are faced with diseases that occur in their pets. Ear diseases in dogs are quite unpleasant phenomenon, have their specific reasons appearance and methods of treatment.

It is quite simple to notice the presence of these diseases, because the dog's behavior changes: it often begins to scratch its ears, sometimes even to the point of blood, protrudes from the auricle different kind discharge, possibly even pus.

Causes of Ear Diseases in Dogs

Most causes can be easily avoided if you use by special means dog ear care. One of the inexpensive such products is with Cornflower extract and vitamin A. They have a disinfecting effect from bacteria, you can wipe tear ducts and easily fit in your pocket.


To make a correct diagnosis, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian who will conduct comprehensive examination your animal. Very often, to make a correct diagnosis, blood tests are taken, an allergy test is performed, and cytological tests are also performed.

If, with the help of these examinations, the doctor finds it difficult to make a diagnosis, then additional research pet, such as x-rays, magnetic resonance and computed tomography.

Using the images obtained at the time of this diagnosis, the specialist can determine the presence of polyp tumors and inflammatory processes. Only when a diagnosis is made can therapy begin that will bring results.

Symptoms of ear diseases

The symptoms of ear diseases are very different and depend on the specific disease that the pet has acquired. The main symptoms of ear diseases in dogs can be identified:

  1. A sharp aroma from the auricles;
  2. redness and swelling of the ears;
  3. Itching around the ear;
  4. Secretion from the auricle.

The most common diseases

  • Otitis media: the disease develops by transferring infection from the outer ear to the middle. The dog experiences pain, difficulty chewing food, the temperature often rises, interest in food disappears.
  • Otodectosis or ear scabies: a disease carried by ticks. The main symptoms are itching, fever and discharge, first serous and then purulent, loss of appetite, seizures and convulsions.
  • Allergic otitis: This disease occurs due to an allergic reaction to food. The dog's ears itch intensely, swell, redness appears, and discharge Brown color. Allergic otitis media is the main disease of dogs with a symptom of ear swelling.
  • Ear hematoma appears after mechanical damage, very often after fights. Diseases are characterized by the fact that the skin in the area of ​​damage becomes red with a slight bluish tint, the ears of dogs hang down. Hematoma is a disease accompanied by profuse swelling of the ear. The disease is very dangerous, because in the absence the right treatment causes the ear to rot, causing excruciating pain to the pet.
  • Eczema of the auricle appears as a reaction to external stimuli environment, for example, pollen, various chemical substances and water. The disease is characterized by reddening of the skin, swelling, in some cases, bubbles form in which fluid accumulates.
  • Otitis externa characterized fetid odor coming from the ears of the animal, secretions that may be serous or purulent character. This type of disease is carried by various microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi and yeast. The main danger is that the disease develops into chronic form.
  • Deafness in dogs most often develops with age, and also due to infections or stunning. This disease may be accompanied by diseases such as kidney failure and diabetes, congenital deafness is very common in some breeds (for example, Dalmatians).

Fungal diseases and their treatment

Fungal infections of the ears in dogs are not uncommon. The most basic symptom is itching, round bald patches and a specific smell also appear. To make a diagnosis, a laboratory culture is performed.

The causes of fungus in animals can be:

  • contact with another already infected animal;
  • long-term use antibiotics;
  • chronic otitis;
  • lack of proper hygiene.

If the pet is diagnosed with a fungus, then they should immediately begin treatment. Treatment fungal disease ears are prescribed by a veterinarian. Most often, it consists in taking medicinal medicines using special shampoos.

You should also immediately change the dog's food, get rid of all the old bedding, and disinfect everything that the animal has ever used, including its toys. It is recommended to limit contact with children during treatment. If the dog has long hair, it should be trimmed.

How to treat

Treatment of ear diseases in dogs depends on the form and accompanying symptoms:

  • With otitis media and external otitis, antibiotics are used, which are prescribed by a veterinarian.
  • You can get rid of ear mites at home without going to a specialist by dripping a few drops every day vegetable oil, into the pet's ear. This treatment lasts 21 days.
  • Ear hematomas are treated by opening the affected area and draining it.
  • In allergic otitis, anti-allergic drugs are used, as well as diuretics, which help to cope with swelling and swelling.
  • If deafness is caused by bacterial infections, it is recommended to start treatment for the infection, sometimes it is even possible to restore full hearing.
  • If hit foreign objects they should be removed immediately.


Effective treatment of ear diseases in dogs is possible only with the help of a veterinarian. When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor, because it is very important to put correct diagnosis and start treatment. Only with the help of a veterinarian can you carry out all the examinations and tests necessary for diagnosis.

It is better to follow the doctor's recommendations impeccably, observing the prescribed dosage of medications. If necessary, disinfect items used by the dog, observe the rules of hygiene and preventive measures to avoid future ear infections.

Each owner must be responsible for the health of the dog and, with any slightest change in her behavior and condition, provide him timely help and, if necessary, consult a doctor. After all, there are a number of diseases that carry a very severe consequences if you don't start treating them on time.

By virtue of specific structure ear, dogs are often prone to otitis media. Often, inflammation of the middle ear in dogs is diagnosed, internal and external are less common.

The disease causes discomfort to the pet and severe pain. A visit to the veterinarian will help relieve the dog of uncomfortable sensations and prevent it from developing into a chronic form. A neglected disease can develop into complete deafness and provoke the death of a pet.

The root causes of otitis media

Otitis in a dog is born for several reasons:

  • Ear mites are a common cause of ear infections in dogs. Infection, possibly from infected animals.
  • The tumor becomes an otitis media provocateur if it clogs ear canal and prevents the "ventilation" of the ear.
  • Allergies to food, treats, medicines, and shampoo can cause ear problems in dogs.
  • Foreign object in the ear. Often, plant seeds, midges or blades of grass get into the ear, thereby causing otitis media in a dog.

Often an ailment develops due to insufficient care for the pet's ears, but it also happens vice versa, excessive cleaning of the ears leads to the destruction of the protective layer, sebum and sulfur secretions.

The reason may also be weak immunity, bad teeth and hormonal imbalance.

The predisposition of individual breeds to otitis media

Some breeds are more prone to this disease. Most often - dogs with large drooping ears: Cocker Spaniel, Basset Hound, Dachshund and others. Hanging ears block the auditory opening and interfere with "airing", which creates a "paradise" for the reproduction and life of pathogenic microbes.

East European Shepherds also often suffer from this ailment. The structure of the ear does not prevent the penetration of dust and microorganisms into it.

Dogs with expressive muzzle wrinkles, active swimmers, and those who live near high humidity climate.


The owner can easily recognize the first symptoms of otitis in a dog:

  • often shakes his head, pulls his claws sore ear and reacts to touching it;
  • on examination, discharge with an uncharacteristic odor and swelling are noticeable;
  • ear hot to the touch;
  • the dog lies more, turns away from the food.

If you find such symptoms, you should consult a doctor.


During the examination, the doctor visually assesses the signs of otitis in the dog: the condition of the ears, nasopharynx, mouth and eyes. In parallel, asking questions about feeding, vaccinations and existing pathologies.

In some cases, x-rays are used. This happens if the studies are not informative enough. It shows the presence or absence of tumors and polyps in the nasopharynx. A CT scan or MRI may also be done to rule out the possibility of brain inflammation. Some manipulations can be performed under general anesthesia.

Therapy is prescribed only according to the results of the tests. A specialist should tell you how to cure otitis media in a dog. Otherwise, the treatment will not bring results, and the situation will aggravate.

Varieties of otitis media and their features

Depending on the causes of infection, otitis media transforms into different forms with dissimilar symptoms.


Purulent otitis in dogs is expressed by discharge from the ears of a yellow-green substance with a sugary-sweet odor. If treatment is not done in time, weeping ulcers form and the likelihood of a violation of the integrity of the eardrum increases, which inevitably leads to deafness.


This form of the disease is provoked by the bacteria staphylococcus and streptococcus. An animal with such a diagnosis needs careful and long-term treatment.


So, fungal otitis in dogs is called. Its development occurs for many reasons - reduced immunity, allergic reactions, various infections. Most often, this is a secondary disease that manifested itself due to improper treatment other forms. The ear becomes red and hot, observed increased excretion sulfur and unpleasant sour smell. In the absence of therapy, the fungus diverges to the entire epithelium.


The development of otitis in dogs occurs in a similar way to fungal. But spread over the entire surface of the skin is less common. Such otitis can be a complication after viral infection- distemper or enteritis. Accompanied by constant itching and discharge of pus.


Diagnose allergic otitis media in dogs "by eye" is impossible, it can have symptoms of all available forms. The culprits are often food, shampoos, even household chemicals and plant pollen.


The reason may be a blow to the head, injuries after a fight, scratches and rubbish in ear canal. When the wound becomes inflamed, pathological bacteria begin to multiply, which causes ear inflammation in the dog, treatment should begin as soon as possible.


In slushy weather, the dog's ears are observed increased content sulfur, which leads to the transformation of sulfur seals and the development of a bacterial infection against this background.

Treatment at home

If otitis media is found in dogs, how to treat at home? For the first time, you can alleviate the condition of the pet at home.

As home measures, you can apply:

  1. In the presence of strong scratches inner surface the ears are wiped with hydrogen peroxide and carefully dried with a gauze bandage. Scratches are smeared with green paint.
  2. If pus has accumulated and the ear “squishes”, it should be carefully cleaned boric alcohol, blot dry and cover with streptocide powder.
  3. Dark plaque can provoke mites. In this case, the auricle is freed from sulfur accumulations and lubricated with phenothiazine.

Manipulations should be carried out very carefully so as not to cause irritation in the affected areas.

remember, that self-treatment otitis media in dogs can lead to serious complications. Therefore, contacting a veterinarian is an important measure.

Drops from otitis media

For complex treatment fungal otitis media prescribed drugs, which are based on miconazole, clotrimazole or nystatin.

The following drops from otitis media for dogs are shown for use:

Treatment purulent otitis media in dogs is best done with ear drops for dogs with antibiotics.

For example:

  1. Otibiovet- 4-5 drops. At the beginning of the development of the disease 3-4 times a day, after 3 days 2-3 times.
  2. Otipax- 4 drops, apply 2-3 times a day for ten days.
  3. Anandin, here the dose depends on the size of the pet. Dwarfs need 3 drops, medium - 4, and large breeds you need 5 drops. The medicine is used for 3-4 days twice a day. It is required to repeat the course in a week, unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor.
  1. Leopard- 3 drops of dwarf, 4 - medium and 5 - big dogs. Processing is carried out twice with an interval of a week.
  2. Amitrazine applied once a day with an interval of 3 days. The procedure must be carried out until the symptoms disappear.

Otitis caused by trauma is treated with drugs that promote wound healing:

  1. Otopedin. Since these ear drops for dogs it is quite toxic, the ears are treated once a week for 2-3 drops. After manipulation, the ears are fixed in the open state for twenty minutes.
  2. aurican it is necessary to drip 5 drops for small dogs, 10-15 drops for medium ones, and 20 to 30 drops for large ones. During the week, the drug is used daily, then twice a week for another 25-30 days.

In order for ear drops for dogs to work more effectively, you must follow some rules:

  • before the procedure, clean the ears of the pet;
  • warm drops in the palm of your hand before use;
  • when instilled, you need to pull the ear towards the spine, then press and massage a little.

Medical treatment

Let's look at a few effective schemes for treating otitis media in a dog. Suggested life examples help you navigate and build proper treatment your pet.

Option 1

A patient: big dog, weight 40 kg, age 4 years. Complaints of the owner: does not allow petting on the head, the dog's ear hurts. Diagnosis: otitis exudative external.

Local processing:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. With a damp swab, wipe the inside of the auricle and passage. Cleansing from crusts, pus and excess sulfur.
  2. Chlorhexidine. Wipe the peroxide-treated ear for half a month twice a day.
  3. Bepanten. Lubricate the inside of the ear with ointment 2 times in 24 hours, the course is two weeks. In severe situations, it is allowed to use Fluorocort or Lorinden.
  4. Sofradex - inject 3-5 drops into both ears twice a day for 14 days.

Parallel treatment:

  1. Synulox or Klamoksil. Inject into the thigh once in the morning, 5-7 days, 4 ml.
  2. Suprastin. In the withers - we prick 1 ml in the morning and in the evening - a weekly course.
  3. Serrata. It is necessary to prick twice with an interval of 12 hours for 1 pill - 10 days.

Option 2

Patient: male, age - 7 years, weight - 12 kg. Complaints of the owner: the dog is restless, flows from the ear. Diagnosis: purulent otitis media in the chronic stage.

In a difficult situation, the following mixture of drops is acceptable:

Ceftriaxone 1 bottle + Dioxidine 10 ml + 5 ml Novocaine 0.5% + Suprastin 2 ml + Dexomethasone 3 ml + vitamin B12 2 ml + Dimexide 0.5-1 ml. This suspension should be injected 3-5 drops into both ears with a 12-hour interval. The course of treatment lasts 14 days.

At night it is necessary to impose gauze swab moistened in a mixture: 2 ml of Lincomycin, 1 ml of Dexamethasone, Suprastin 1 ml and Novocaine 2% 3 ml. Treatment should continue for 10 nights.

Blockade with novocaine at the root of the ear may also be useful. For this, novocaine 05% is used, 7 ml twice a day. The duration of treatment is 1 week.

Antibiotics for otitis in dogs should be taken with caution, for example, if the eardrum is damaged, drops with an ototoxic antibiotic in the composition are contraindicated.

Preventive measures

In order not to wonder how to treat otitis in a dog, you should carefully monitor your pet.

In order to prevent it is worth taking the following measures:

  • regular examination of the dog's ears;
  • cleaning as it gets dirty;
  • plucking wool in the auricle;
  • never wash the ears of a healthy animal, this increases the moisture in the ear;
  • in slush and frost, to pets with chronic otitis media you should wear a hat;
  • visiting the veterinary office at least 2 times a year for a preventive examination.

We wish your pet a speedy recovery.


In our video veterinarian tells and shows how to properly clean the ears of a dog.

Nowadays, many owners four-legged pets know firsthand about ear ailments in their pets. So, according to foreign statistics, ear inflammation in dogs occupies a fifth of all diseases encountered in the veterinary service. This problem becomes especially relevant in the fall, although it is quite common in the summer.

The dog is most often disturbed by inflammation of the external and A here are less common.

Dogs are caused by pathogens, bacteria and fungi. Most often these are streptococci, staphylococci, fungi, anaerobic bacteria and microscopic skin mites. Such pathogenic microflora is often found in the body of an animal in a dormant, latent form, and when certain favorable circumstances occur, it wakes up and gives impetus to the development of otitis media and other diseases. Starting hell can be allergic reaction on the malnutrition or hypothermia.

Inflammation of the ear in a dog is very painful. It turns red and swells inside. The animal is lethargic, suffers from elevated temperature, shakes his head, tries to scratch the diseased organ and tilts his head towards the diseased ear. At the beginning of the disease, a catarrhal light liquid is secreted from it, which eventually turns into purulent exudate. If not treated in time, ear disease in dogs can lead to serious complications, up to inflammation of the brain, which often leads to the death of the animal.

To cure ear disease in dogs, this must be dealt with by a veterinarian. Before contacting him four-legged friend need to provide first aid. To do this, the external auditory meatus of the dog is thoroughly cleaned with cotton swab moistened with vegetable or vaseline oil. Then powdered sore spot special powders-powders and turn into veterinary service. There, the animal is examined, a bacteriological analysis of the condition of the diseased ear is carried out. Based on the results obtained, a suitable antibiotic, ointment, painkillers and others are prescribed. medicines. Sometimes the doctor prescribes the imposition of special dressings or purulent compresses. Very good at purulent inflammations Vishnevsky's ointment helps.

If, according to the results bacteriological analysis Since the ear mite is recognized as the culprit of ear disease in dogs, the sick animal is also first thoroughly cleaned of dry scabs and crusts. Then they begin to process both the patient and healthy ear anti-scabies compound. It can be Bars, and otovedin, and amit, and decor, and other medicines. Depending on the weight of the animal, the dosage of drops is selected. Therapeutic treatment carried out twice a day for seven, ten days. Three, four weeks later treatment course can be repeated.

Dogs are infected with ear mites through fleas, flies, or directly through contact with sick four-legged individuals. However, ear disease in dogs has its own patterns and depends on the breed of the individual.

Lop-eared dogs, poodles and cockers often suffer from otitis media. In shepherd dogs, a wide open auditory canal is to blame, where dust with all kinds of bacteria easily flies. And in lop-eared pets, poor ventilation becomes the culprit canine ailments. Rarely, ear disease occurs in animals with cropped or small prick ears.

A hereditary factor is also to blame for ear inflammation in dogs. If the mother of an individual suffered from otitis media, then ailments with ears are quite possible in her puppies.

Do not forget that periodic examination of the animal in advance will save the dog from many diseases. To do this, she needs to be taught from childhood to clean her ears and to other hygiene procedures. Today, at the choice of the owners, you can use Wetzim drops and special preventive powders. The main thing is not to overdo it and not break in the dog's ear healthy microflora. And an animal that has been ill with otitis, it is advisable to show the veterinarian once a year and strictly follow his useful recommendations.

Ear problems in dogs will be discussed in today's article, cause a lot of trouble not only for pets, but also for their owners. Delayed assistance exacerbates the situation, in difficult cases it may be necessary surgical intervention or otoplasty.

Otodectosis is a disease of the ears of domestic animals, the causative agent of which is an ear mite. Characteristic features otodectosis, according to the opinions of many dog ​​breeders, is considered severe itching and an abundance of dark sulfur. The animal constantly scratches its ears, sometimes combing them to the blood. When examining the external auditory canal, it will be noticeable a large number of black-brown plaque. In difficult or advanced cases appear purulent discharge accompanied by a strong odor.

Getting rid of ear mites is easy if you choose the right methods of conservative treatment. The dog is assigned antihistamines, relieving swelling and itching, careful hygiene of the auricles and drops against ticks (Otokan, Bars, Anandin, etc.).

Video "Ear mites in dogs"

In this video, the specialist will tell you how to deal with ear mites at the dog.

Inflammation of the middle and outer ear

Inflammation of the outer ear can be caused by the presence of a foreign body in the ear canal, ear mites, as well as various bacteria and viruses. Otitis externa is accompanied by a dirty coating, accumulation of brown or black sulfur, a fetid odor, drops of pus and severe itching. The dog combs the ears to the wounds, which are covered with a scab.

Through eardrum infection from the outer ear penetrates inside and develops otitis media, which is more dangerous for the animal. If medical care is not provided, inflammation of the meninges is possible.

most big group diseases caused by various pathogens are viral and bacterial infections.

The development of the fungus is facilitated by many various factors: improper cleaning of the ears, the presence of water in the ear canal, various infections, weak immunity, stressful situations etc. The main symptoms of a bacterial or viral infection in the body of a pet include severe pain in the ears.

AT auricles going brown mud, tissues swell and may turn red, wounds and crusts appear. Sometimes the external auditory canal begins to fester. When examining and palpating this part of the body, an inadequate reaction of the animal is observed, manifested in loud barking, growling, attempts to escape and run away.

Most viral and bacterial infections curable. However, it is first necessary to take a sample of pathological material in order to identify the main pathogen. The course of treatment includes antibiotics and antifungal drugs.

Disease of the endocrine glands

A deficiency in the hormones produced by the thyroid gland leads to the development of hypothyroidism in dogs. Disease of the glands internal secretion is not only acquired, but also congenital.

Reveal this disease it is possible according to the condition of the skin and wool in pets. Partial absence hair on the head and body, the presence of dandruff, dry in appearance skin talk about thyroid disorders. Hypothyroidism is one of the most dangerous diseases for dogs. If there's nothing to do to help pet, then soon the dog will lose his hearing. Hypothyroidism is treated hormonal drugs under the strict supervision of a veterinarian.

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